fox-bee926 · 2 years
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sokoe · 2 years
I watched s4 of tdp and I really liked it!
I have many random thoughts but I don't really have the time to turn it all into a serious post, so I'll just ramble a bit in the tags. Spoiler warning!
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meganwasbored · 1 year
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 4 Episode 7
-unless it’s been 20 years, no
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also rayla looks horrified at the skeleton and callum is almost completely unfazed
-first time seeing each other in over two years and this is the conversation, typical sibling interaction
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-i gotta feeling that bag that got caught on the branch is gonna be important
-it was so refreshing watching them have fun for the first time in a while
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-how was half this scene pitch black and still the most chaotic thirty seconds in the episode so far
-girl you literally have an elf boyfriend what’s all this about them thinking of humans like animals
-“i don’t think we have the same bone feelings”
-girl you lost your needy girlfriend privileges two years ago like fine you can go back out to the lava then
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-the way he said that as if she actually would’ve done it right now
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because after days of icing her out he decides sit her down and tells her about this very real fear he has showing that even though he’s mad about what she did he still trusts her more than anyone and instead of being understanding she acts like it’s the silliest thing she’s ever heard??? if callum never gets an apology for this and for everything else she did i’m actually gonna be mad
-i don’t want him to destroy the cube because it’s 100% gonna be important later but at the same time him not destroying it is a very bad sign
-viren: “i can excuse murder but i draw the line at transphobia”
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via-rant · 2 years
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dragonnguard · 2 years
I know I always love reading everyone’s first thoughts with no filter after a season, so here are mine!
Claudia maybe don’t take your newly exhausted dad up the entire spire?
Pls Zym not eating his veggies with Ibis was adorable
Viren is like kill me now i DoNt want to hang out with my daughter and her bf any more after all the fart jokes
Pls Terry 🥺🥺🥺🥺
@hoothalcyon GET YOUR GAY during the whole janaya scene
Stella you are evil don’t take that cube
Noooooo his face looks so sad when he sees rayla 😭
Pain and love I’m our hearts at the same time 🥺😭 ezzzzzz (out here giving a full therapy session haha)
The overlay of Ezran talking about pain and love when terry kills and the implications of doing and undoing happening at the same time was so good
Bait being so excited like he was going to get food from Barius 🥺🥺🥺
FLEXIO (love you Soren)
I’m so angry about the human putting out the flame. Interesting Native American parallels
MMMMM CALLUM - strong mind, strong heart, fascination with magic. gotta love more dark Callum foreshadowing
I dunno how I feel about rayla being gone two years and finding nothing. Why did it take her so long to come back. I hope they answer this when her and Callum finally talk. I guess it plays in well to the whole “she needs to figure this out” because she is literally isolating herself for no good reason and hurting herself and others in the process. (Ah ha ha actually this mirrors my own life in some trauma responses in ways that are way too telling)
Lol Soren is the court jester according to Zubeia (one of my fave quips)
I would die for the gate guardians
Love the parallels between ezran and janai in choosing peace and doing things differently than history
Oh no Soren is alone
Soren is going to lose his shit when he sees Viren is alive
SOREN IS SO CUTE - PJs under armor
Geesh is one of the siblings going to die eventually? I feel like it may be setting this up
YIP YIP of course they had to do that
OMG rayla are you high why are you doing cartwheels
Wow they went straight angst. No messing around. Rayla kill me if i mess up
I legit thought Callum was about to fling himself into the lava
OMG pls Is ez going to give Rex igneous jelly tarts 🥺🥺🥺🥺
IM GOING TO DIE PLS. I can’t watch. This is how rayla is going to be in danger 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
we did get a coin reveal
I could not control myself after this point haha
Terry is the GOAT tho
Also for fun, here’s my bingo card before and after based on what kinda happened and didn’t!
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shinyturtlelady · 2 years
The scream I scrumt when Soren said yip yip and the dragon actually did the thing. 😤😤
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agent-tempest · 2 years
I really lost my shit when Soren said Yip-Yip, like what? how? wh-
I paused and just stared the the screen. Did I hear that right?
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
Thoughts on Mystery of Aaravos Part 3 Episodes 6-7
- Do the hand touch, Soren!
- Ups.
- Don’t try to be cute, monkey, you haven’t done anything useful yet.
- Spider-Ezran, Spider-Ezran...
- Right, let them keep their traditions. It’s all they have left.
- Amaya, I know you’re better than this.
- Whoa, but the only punishment being death is a bit harsh. Just lecture her about Elvish traditions.
- Zym’s here! And... now he’s gone.
- That’s not Six Horns, that’s like... Twelve.
- That’s... a weird way to end a discussion.
- We got a Horngazel, everyone!
- When did this turn into How to train your dragon?
- What’s he wearing? This is great. Some sort of flowery gym clothes?
- When did this turn into Trollhunters?
- Come on, they’re in Trollmarket.
- And Rayla, you don’t know Soren at all. 
- Oh, he’s wearing his pajamas.
- Soren: Yip, yip. 
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- Great, the monkey can make portals, now they can use the power of gemstones... if they find a hammer, I’m out.
- When did this turn into Fraggle Rock?
- Please, Rayla, trying to be funny in that situation is just sad.
- Really cool perspective from that creature’s eyes.
- Gandalf voice: Fly, you fools!
- Wait, it was a joke. Don’t worry, he’ll be back as Zym the White.
- Okay, THAT was funny. “What are we looking at?”
- The butterfly has blessed Soren.
- Elves and dragons just didn’t want to get involved, Claudia. You were too busy fighting each other. And yeah, I know that’s Aaravos telling her lies, but come on.
- Love seeing Callum using more spells.
- Rayla: Now I’m cold. 
Me: 🙄
- Huh? What’s this, The Promise? Haven’t read that comic yet, it’s next on my list, but I know what it’s about.
- Just don’t let him possess you again! Fight it! Outmage the mage! You did it in the dream, you can do it again!
- Nah, Terry, you’re a doe. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
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v1ren · 5 years
@seaglass-sunsets - Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Belated New Year, friend! I filled in for your Secret Santa and wrote you a little special something~! As it turns out, I, too, quite enjoy the found family trope so I kinda hope to play into that a bit. Hope it’s to your liking!! ^u^ 
/// \\\
Sitting up against the wall, lilac orbs admiring the moving bodies in front of her, Rayla frowned softly.
With the fighting over, their main enemy killed, and the sudden awakening of Queen Zubeia, they were thriving in a time of peace. It was meant to be a joyous occasion, a moment of calm after all that they endured. Everyone (on their side, at least) was safe. They were together. Elves and humans. The more she looked at it all, sat within it and absorbed it, the more surreal it all felt. Looking at Callum now, laughing and playing with both Ezran and Zym, it was hard for her to believe that just days ago, they were falling from the Storm Spire. One of them already content with the thought of dying, accepting the death that would come for her, while the other defied it. Fell with her and saved her. 
He sprouted wings, and looked so happy about it too.
The thought pulled a small laugh from her, a finger gliding across the stone floor in awkward circles. She dropped her eyes to her feet, pulling her knees closer against her chest. 
They were safe here and yet...something felt wrong. Like she was dressed in someone else’s skin or wearing someone else’s boots. Did she really belong here? With them? With Callum?
She looks up at the voice, unfamiliar to her ears for the briefest of moments, but as soon as her eyes fall upon the blonde man in front of her, she sighs with recognition. She rolls her eyes and turns her gaze back to the boys several feet in front of her.
“Yeah, what?”
Soren had done his fair share of aiding the Xadians, despite the distrust Rayla still felt for him. Who knew when he might turn on them. Maybe this was all some ruse. Some sick, twisted plan to ease into their trust before ripping it out from under them.
Leave it behind you, Rayla. 
Right. This was different. He was different. Despite their ‘history,’ he’d proven himself a worthy ally. Proven that he could be trusted.
“Sorry,” she murmurs. “Didn’t mean ta snap at ya.”
The blonde returns the words with a soft, wholesome laugh. He takes a step toward her and crosses his arms over his chest, shoulders rising and falling in a nonchalant shrug.
“Nah, man-- er...uhm...well, just, don’t worry about it. I get it.”
She raises a single brow, shifting her gaze over to him.
“...Ya do?”
He keeps his eyes on the young princes, shifting onto his heels.
“I mean, yeah. I’m tired too. Beating up baddies and partying with elves and dragons is a lot of work.”
She snorts with laughter, following his gaze and watching the way Callum lights up whenever Ezran calls out to him. The soft cries of joy springing from Zym fill the room, small zaps of excited electricity dancing along his tail. She supposed it was a lot of work; meeting and introducing yourself to everyone, celebrating in their newfound peace.
“You should join ‘em, y’know?” 
Soren’s speaking again but this time, she keeps her gaze focused. Eyes unwavering in their current position. 
“I mean, Callum would probably melt into a puddle of gushy, oozy embarrassment, but it’d be so worth it.”
She opened her mouth to protest, but the boys were moving toward them now - both pairs of eyes locked on her. A giggle came from Ezran, a sound so remarkably soft and warm that she couldn’t help smiling. Couldn’t help the calm that came over her, reassured her that things were okay.
But when Callum looked at her, with eyes so loving, shining with both ease and comfort, Rayla felt safe. She felt welcomed and serene; like returning home for the first time in ages. It was a feeling she only ever found in him. The boy that was brave enough to fight for what he believed in and kind enough to accept for all that she was, and all she had ever been.
“Hey guys. We’re going to get some food. Maybe you want to come with us?”
Ezran is the first to talk, Zym cradled against his chest. They’re both looking from their elf friend, to the guard standing beside her; both of which are giving the young prince an awkward stare. It seemed Rayla wasn’t the only one struggling to decide whether or not she belonged. Thoughts asking, ‘Should I?’ were a bit too loud in each of their heads; their hesitation recognized by those staring back at them.
“C’mon, Rayla. You haven’t eaten anything since like...what? Last night?”
She blushes at the blunt comment, shooting an immediate glare over to her prince.
“No, I had...berries for breakfast.”
Now it was Callum’s turn to react; a brow raised as he stares her down. She was always so unbelievably stubborn. Eager to hide her own pain or needs in an effort to appear strong. Appear brave and infallible. It never worked. Not on him.
“So like, what? Six berries?”
“Eight, actually.”
“Oh, wow. Nearly a handful.”
The response is layered in sarcasm, both of the lovers staring each head-on and attempting to break the other. Truth be told, Callum was just as stubborn as the Moonshadow. As infuriating as she was to him at times, he had the same effect. More so when he was putting his life in danger for something stupid.
“Awe, c’mon. Food is great!”
It was Soren’s turn to speak up now, shifting away from the wall and focusing his attention on the elf. He gives her a soft smile, nudging his chin toward the boys.
“And they really want you to go. Go have a good time.”
“You too, Soren,” Ezran pipes in almost immediately, earning everyone’s gaze. “We’re all going to eat now. Because...we’re a family.”
A silence lulls over them, everyone’s eyes pulling away from the young prince as they absorb the phrase. Run it through their head repeatedly and allow it to sink it. Find a place within their heart and mind and call it a home. Settle in comfortably as a reminder that things were different now, but they didn’t have to be feared.
“Yeah...” Soren is the first to speak, stretching a hand out toward Rayla. She looks to him, eyes wide and heart skipping a beat. It’s a remarkably kind gesture and she hears the words even before he finishes with:
“We’re a totally cool, totally hungry family.”
Callum stretches out his own hand, eyes softening ever-so-slightly, just for Rayla. For the love of his dreams and the reason his smile shines just a bit brighter these days.
“All of us.”
Ezran nods proudly, Zym yipping with glee.
She feels the sudden warmth of tears behind her eyes, but swallows down the emotions that swell in her chest. Ignores the beating in her chest and the relief that pumps through her veins. 
She takes both hands, pulling herself up and stepping beside all of them; carrying herself beside them. With them. 
Her hand slips into Callum’s, the boy giving it a tight squeeze as he offers her a gentle smile. She leans against him, finding an extra bout of strength in his warmth. In the way he leans back against her. She feels the vibrations of his laugh as Soren rattles off a joke, Ezran adding on to it and eliciting laughs from all four of them. 
This was where they belonged. Right here. Right now.
For the rest of their lives.
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dork-empress · 5 years
Dark Callum 3 pt 2
part of my ‘another 100 dragon prince aus’ oneshot collection
Read on Ao3
Rayla reaches Callum and tries to stop him from destroying the world.
This will make no sense if you haven't read part 1
Callum screamed at Rayla, dark shadows crackling with lightning pouring out of his mouth at her. With a flick of her wrist she raised her swords like a cross, dividing the shadows. She stood her ground, not letting herself get pushed back. “Not happy to see me, huh?”
In Callum’s arms, Zym perked his head. His eyes were sunken. His mane, once snow white, was a tired grey. He yipped at her, trying to greet her, but his voice cracked in his throat. “Hi little one,” Rayla said, “It’s going to be ok.”
Rayla stepped forward and Callum flinched away. “I know you’re still in there,” She said, “You’re strong, Callum. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. And you’re a mage, you can control this.”
He screamed again, this time it sounded pained. The shadows were easy to push aside this time. “This isn’t you,” She said, “You like drawing. You cried so hard when you found out your step father died. You did the jerkface dance for your little brother to make him feel better! You don’t want to destroy this land, you wanted to learn from it.”
Rayla reached out her hand, the hand that nearly fell off with her binding, trying to grab Callum’s shoulder. The shadows were like wind around him, icy cold and pushing her away. She pushed right back. “Come on, Callum,” She said, “Come on!”
She touched him, and then it was her turn to scream in pain. The cracks of lightning ran up her arm, and she felt her magic draining from her directly into her old friend.
It had an effect, though. The black around his eyes faded until it just rimmed them still falling from his eyes like tears. “Ruh,” made it out of his throat, deep and demonic. “Rayla.”
She smiled, gritting her teeth through the pain. “Yes, yes it’s me! Callum, come on.”
“Get away!” He yelled. He released Zym, who fell in a heap on the ground as he summoned enough energy to physically push her until she fell.
She was prone on the ground and steeled herself, ready for whatever attacks he would throw at her. But he didn’t. “Rayla,” He said, “Run.”
“You don’t scare me, Callum!” She said, standing.
“You have to run!” He said, “All of you, I can’t...I can’t hold this any longer.”
Rayla frowned, “Hold…”
She looked around. It occurred to her that these shadows weren’t attacking, not really, just keeping people back, maybe as far back as Callum could get them. She looked down at Zym who was hurt….who Callum had been cradling and trying to care for, but couldn’t get rid of.
Callum was still there, but the Dark Magic was piling and piling into his body, using Zym as a conduit. The Magic had no conscience, no motivation but to grow and grow like a cancer, turning Callum into a human bomb.
Rayla jumped forward, scooping Zym off the ground, feeling his bones through his scaly skin. “Callum, you need to direct it,” She said, “You need to release the energy!”
“How?” He said, his voice still demonic.
Rayla took his hand, pointing his finger for him. “You connected to the wind arcanum. I know you did. Remember that feeling, that freedom, that breath.” She directed his finger, turning it into the wind rune, “Come on, you have primal magic, you can do it! It’s stronger than the dark! Use it!”
Callum took strained breaths, The shadows turning to try and choke him. “Aaa-” He screamed out in pain, struggling, “Aspiro!”
The black shadows coming from his mouth turned to white. He tilted his head back, air gushing out of him into a whirlwind straight into the sky.
Rayla smiled watching it. The shadow figures surrounding them disapparated, Soren and Claudia stopping to look at the spectacle along with all the surrounding elves and dragons.
“You did it!” Rayla shouted, “You did it, Callum, you--” as the wind and his breath left him, Callum fell to the ground. “CALLUM!”
Rayla kneeled at his side. He looked human again, just pale and sickly….and he wasn’t breathing. She checked for his pulse, but there was nothing. “Callum, no.”
Zym crawled up to him, licking at his face. “He made a mistake,” Rayla said, “But he was trying to protect you...he didn’t know how…”
Zym purred. He understood, he didn’t blame blame Callum.
Then he was wretching. He looked like a cat trying to cough up a hairball. “Zym?” Rayla asked.
A bolt of lightning shot out of his mouth, hitting Callum square in the chest.
Callum sat upright, taking a sudden breath. His hair was wild and his eyes lined in red. He blinked once. Twice. “What just happened?”
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