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cometblaster2070 · 2 months ago
madame morrible has the worst fucking luck ever and I CAN'T because first of all after decades and decades of waiting she finally gets her most promising student yet right; she finally gets someone who actually has magic and who might actually be able to read the grimmerie and help further her and the wizard's plans and COINCIDENTALLY this student (bless her heart) is shunned and ostracized by literally EVERYONE including her own family and is desperately craving some form of parental love and affection and validation and acceptance and so madame morrible is like 'ooh this is fucking PERFECT this girl is going to be SO easy to manipulate into doing what I want what could possibly go wrong wow.'
and in comes the fucking pink lesbian.
because elphaba is shunned and hated and all of her peers avoid and detest her because she's weird and green BUT then all of a sudden?? out of nowhere??? she and her pink roommate who, mind you, had a choreographed song and dance routine which involved the entire student body in which they detailed how much they really really hate each other, got really fucking close??? now they go everywhere and do everything together??? they are attached at the hip and looking longingly into each other's eyes WHAT IS HAPPENING????
you are madame morrible and you think galinda upland is in love with your student and what is worse is that your student might be in love with galinda upland and that fucking SUCKS because how the fuck are you supposed to properly emotionally manipulate her now. and it makes absolutely zero sense to you because WHY is galinda upland, the most popular girl at shiz taking an interest in your student??? WHY IS SHE HERE, WHY IS THE FRUITY BITCH RUINING YOUR PLANS???
glinda's very EXISTENCE is a thorn in your side; her simply being herself and interacting with elphaba is probably the reason why you feel a headache coming every time you see them together and is perhaps the reason why you scream into your pillow at night because this absolute loser lesbian just being there might upend a huge fucking chunk of what you've been planning for years.
and then the fucking cherry on top of all of this your student decides to play vigilante and flies off into the sunset and then that leaves you stuck WITH her situationship who you hate more than anyone in the world and you're forced to sort of team up with her for a bit except she doesn't really know magic and she's just being sad and gay and moping about missing her girlfriend and you're sitting there FUMING thinking about how all these fucking witches are fruitier than fuck and all of them are useless to you at this point.
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like this is just madame morrible at shiz after elphaba asks her to include glinda in their study sessions just realizing 'dear god I am going to be ping-ponging between these lesbians for the rest of my fucking life aren't I.'
ik she needed elphaba for the plot and for her dastardly plans but in all honesty if I was her and elphaba came up to me at 1am and was like yes please I need you to include my roommate with whom I have a homoerotic relationship in our study sessions or else I will quit right now. also, you have to go down to our party this very instant and tell her in person yourself bye and thanks, I would've just handed in my resignation letter right then and there and cut my losses.
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roseofcards90 · 3 months ago
Completely unrelated thought but I've always loved just how ironic Wicked's opening is. "No one mourns the wicked" SAYS THE WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN MOURNING HER DEATH EVER SINCE
Like just the complete irony of the song where Glinda keeps trying to emphasize to the people that no one cares about the wicked witch of the west while simultaneously being the sole person to continue to tell her best friend's story, not only to the world of oz but also to herself because she realizes she is the only one who is mourning this loss. She is the only one who knows most of the truth beneath the various amount of lies people have made for Elphaba for years and years. But alas, she must play this part to the very end and live a lie, unlike Elphaba who embraced and accepted herself a long time ago
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gonkaccino · 4 months ago
hey hey another thing. Everyone noticed how subdued movie Elphaba is relative to book/musical Elphaba, right? Book Elphaba's whole thing is being loudly independent and making her own bold choices (then getting [metaphorically] pushed down 5 flights of stairs for having the gall to exist). Musical Elphaba is less of a reddit atheist than her book counterpart, but still plenty abrasive and, ultimately, forges her own path (with its own relatively less tragic consequences).
Movie Elphaba? She doesn't choose to go to Shiz. Her father's planning on keeping her tucked away in their family home until the day she dies, where she can't hurt anyone or further embarrass the Thropp name. Morrible's the one who gets her enrolled, fully aware that Elphaba has no choice if she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life stuck at home, only ever leaving to accompany Nessa. This Elphaba doesn't choose to go to school, she doesn't choose to go to the Emerald City, and, really, she doesn't even choose to defy gravity -- there is no alternative, she can't live if she stays with the Wizard, especially not after Morrible's preemptive announcement of her wickedness. Movie Elphaba's trapped by her destiny, walking the path laid out for her. With one crucial exception, of course: Glinda, baby, that's right, the only thing this Elphie's ever chosen for herself, the only thing she's been allowed to choose, is to have Glinda at her side!
This softer, more noticeably scared Elphaba creates the extremely juicy dynamic of visibly relying on Glinda for support. As soon as they become pals, Elphaba's latched onto her, the only person who isn't scared of her magic, the first person to care for Elphaba's well-being. She chooses to befriend Glinda, she chooses to bring Glinda to the Emerald City, she chooses to ask Glinda to defy gravity with her. This is what makes this version of Defying Gravity so delicious: Elphaba's never truly believed in herself! The only reason she ever started was because Glinda was there to encourage her, and now, at this crucial moment, this Elphaba, who has lived her life so terrified of the harm she could cause others, has the confidence to not only risk her own life with a spell she's never tried, but the life of her one and only friend!
And Glinda refuses! And it's totally understandable now! Of course this Glinda would say no -- she's not scared of what could happen to her, she's scared of what will happen to Elphie, and standing there, she gets it. She understands the role she's played in Elphaba's life. Glinda knows Elphaba wouldn't be there, ready to declare war on the Wizard, if Glinda hadn't been by her side the entire time, and she has to refuse. She has to. Elphaba's request isn't come with me, we're stronger together, it's I can't do this without you, I'm not strong enough, and Glinda KNOWS that's not true. The only way she can express this is by sending Elphie off on her own, to straighten her hat and wish her luck. It's the only way Elphie will take flight and finally realize that she's got the power to do anything she wants, if she just tries.
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moghedien · 3 months ago
their friendship in the book is so… like, Elphaba is the one who considers herself Galinda’s friend first before Galinda returns the sentiment. That’s why Caprice-in-the-Pines hurts her (and me) so much. Platonically at least, Elphaba fell first but Glinda fell much, much harder. TBH, reading the later books I sometimes wanna go “girl, get up!” when Glinda is horrendously down bad for someone she literally only knew for less than 2 years
you gotta remember that book Galinda like never left her hometown until she came to Shiz and is putting on airs to make herself seem better off socially than she actually is. like girl was trying SO HARD to make connections and friends of the proper sort right off the bat to elevate her situation, right?
but then she gets stuck with a scrangly green girl who is either ignoring her entirely or who just plops herself into Galinda's lap and is like "we're hanging out now." Like very vulgar, very frustrating, very much not what Galinda wants. Plus she's green and weird and tries to make Galinda talk about philosophy and religion and rhetoric and have like actual deep conversations with her that require her to actually think and not just say what she thinks is proper.
then this weird vulgar girl is the Thropp Third Descending and heir apparent to about a fourth of Oz. Some of the proper, well titled girls that Galinda is trying to befriend are the future subjects of this girl, actually. This girl has also been all over Oz and has lived in three of the four provinces and she's the exact same age as Galinda, who hasn't been farther than a carriage ride from where she was born and has never seen a city before she came to Shiz.
So that alone is a mind fuck to Galinda who is trying so hard to better her social standing and the actual best way to do that might actually be to befriend her weird roommate who's going to inherit all of fucking Munchkinland but doing that actually goes counter to all of the presumed ways she's supposed to elevate herself.
and then her weird roommate also looks weirdly compelling in Galinda's hats to the point where it makes Galinda feel uncomfortable to think about for too long or bring up with her friends
like Elphaba just existing around her fucked up all of Galinda's very sheltered views on how things work and what she should be doing and that's BEFORE they get wrapped up in conspiracies and murders
And flashforward to when Elphaba left her, which is weirdly the moment when Glinda seems maybe the happiest and maybe like she's reflecting on how she's grown and how Elphaba made her grow and changed the way she thought about things. Like her proper friends didn't make Glinda think about the nature of evil or religion or Animal rights, but Elphaba did. Elphaba MADE her talk about it and made her realize that she could and was leaning her in directions to at least be sympathetic toward the people affected by the Wizard's rule. Elphaba is the first person to make Glinda feel like she could do things and that her actual thoughts and actions mattered.
and then Elphaba left her
The one person that changed everything about how she thought about the world and who was like "we can do this shit" and dragged her to the fucking Emerald City in the middle of the night so that they could do some shit together turned around and was like "Actually, I can't do this with you here" and sent her home.
maybe Elphaba was protecting her. maybe Elphaba didn't trust that she could take the risks she needed to take if Glinda was there. We don't know. And Glinda doesn't know. She just knows that the person who affected everything about her worldview and who made her think that she could do better things than just social climb just told her that she can't do what needs to be done and then abandoned her. Abandoned her right when Glinda was accepting just how much Elphaba changed her and right when Glinda was accepted how much Elphaba meant to her and maybe right after she was extremely intimate with Elphaba and understanding what that actually meant
and the only thing Glinda knows about why is that somehow she wasn't enough for Elphaba to take along with her or for Elphaba to stay with.
Of course that fucked her up for the rest of her life and of course she never got over Elphie.
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tunemyart · 3 months ago
my brain is super stuck right now on the dance scene in the Wicked movie again
not only because it was so incredibly beautifully done, and truly benefited from the ability to linger in closeups on expressions and show just what each character was thinking and feeling and the journeys they were on in a way the stageplay simply isn't able to do with the tools it's got
but also because of a shot I'd missed initially - a closeup on Fiyero.
historically I've always been very "yeah and Fiyero's there too" about the musical, and part of that's been that I've never really emotionally felt his attachment to either Galinda/Glinda or Elphaba.
but this shot I'm talking about - god I wish I had it to include here - is of Fiyero watching Galinda submit herself to potential humiliation to try to fix something she'd done to humiliate someone else. She's defiant of the crowd and her "friends" and surer of herself by the moment. She's becoming someone different right before his eyes. She's not the same girl he met even earlier that day. She's earnest. She's stripped herself of artifice. She's acting, probably for the first time in her life, in spite of what people are thinking or saying about her.
And he's breathless watching her.
I always laugh at the "you're perfect", "you're perfect!" "so we're perfect together!" because omg, they are. the worst. but more importantly, in that moment they're the same: genuinely self-absorbed, deeply shallow. Fiyero went along easily with Galinda pursuing him because he understood her.
But now Galinda, someone very similar to him, is modeling something new for him for the first time - something he's actually (surprise!) very attracted to. And watching his reaction to watching her, transfixed, it's obvious that this is the moment that he actually catches real feelings for her.
And with regards to the Galinda/Elphaba/Fiyero love triangle throuple relationship, I love that the movie gives us this small beat that actually blows everything else about their character development individually and in relation to each other wide open. That Galinda was actually the one to nudge Fiyero off of his "dancing through life" attitude? in this moment? and the implications that has for the entire rest of the play?
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bunnysnuff · 3 months ago
Pairing: Elphaba Thropp x Reader.
Trigger warnings: vulnerability, kinda sad.
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The two of you had managed to find refuge in a small, abandoned garden tucked away in a corner of the Emerald City, far from the chaos of the palace. The cool night air was heavy with the scent of flowers, their vibrant colors muted in the dim light. Elphaba paced restlessly, her boots crunching against the gravel path.
She hadn’t spoken much since you escaped, and you could feel the storm of emotions swirling inside her—anger, sadness, betrayal, fear.
“Elphaba,” you said softly, standing in her path. “You need to rest.”
She stopped, her sharp green eyes locking onto yours. “How can I rest?” she snapped, though her voice wavered. “Glinda abandoned me. The Wizard wants me silenced. And now, I’ve dragged you into this mess—”
“You didn’t drag me into anything,” you interrupted, stepping closer. “I chose this. I chose you.”
Her lips parted, but no words came. Her defenses were crumbling, and it hurt to see her struggling so much with her own worth.
“I’m not like Glinda,” you continued, your voice steady. “I’m not going to leave you. No matter how hard it gets, no matter what they throw at us, I’m staying.”
Her breath hitched, and she looked away. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Don’t I?” You reached out, cupping her face gently and guiding her gaze back to yours. “Elphaba, I’m here. I’m with you. And nothing—not the Wizard, not the city, not anyone—will change that.”
For a moment, she just stared at you, her expression raw and vulnerable. Then, before you could say another word, she closed the space between you, her lips crashing against yours in a desperate, almost frantic kiss.
The world seemed to fall away. Her lips were soft but insistent, her hands clutching at your jacket like you were her lifeline. You kissed her back just as fiercely, your fingers threading through her dark hair.
When she finally pulled away, her forehead rested against yours, her breathing uneven. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, her voice trembling. “I shouldn’t have—”
“Don’t apologize,” you interrupted, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
She hesitated, her fingers still gripping your jacket. “I’m not good at this. I don’t know how to let someone—”
“You don’t have to be good at it,” you said, your voice soft. “Just let me in. That’s all I need.”
Something in her eyes shifted—hope, fragile but undeniable. She leaned in again, this time slower, more deliberate. Her lips moved against yours with a tenderness that made your heart ache.
The kiss deepened, and the tension in her body began to melt. Her hands slid from your jacket to your waist, pulling you closer. You lost yourself in her—her warmth, her strength, her quiet vulnerability.
When you finally broke apart, you rested your hands on her shoulders, keeping her close. She looked at you, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glistening. “I don’t deserve you,” she whispered.
You smiled, brushing your thumb across her cheek. “You deserve everything, Elphaba. And I’ll remind you of that every day, if I have to.”
She let out a shaky laugh, the corner of her mouth lifting into a small, genuine smile. “You’re insufferable,” she teased, though her tone was soft.
“And yet, you’re stuck with me,” you replied, earning another laugh.
For the first time that night, Elphaba seemed lighter. She kissed you again, slower this time, savoring every moment. And as you held her in the quiet garden, the weight of the world felt a little less heavy.
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amazing-spiderlad · 2 months ago
The whole story of Wicked is really funny if you look at it from boq's point of view-
Like, this guy was down so bad for glinda that he basically got peer pressured into asking a different girl out on a pity date, and then said girl ended up falling completely in love with him so now he's stuck because presumably he doesn't wanna upset her, then her sister goes off to meet the wizard and the next thing he hears is that she suddenly turned evil and now she's terrorising the public for no discernable reason, meanwhile he has now missed his chance to break up with nessa because she's become the governor and taken all rights away from his whole race for the specific purpose of not letting him leave her, then one day her sister randomly comes back, gives her the ability to walk, turns him into a tin man for no apparent reason, doesn't elaborate further and leaves, then nessa gets crushed by a house, which a child walks out of and now he's going with her to murder someone.
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thegaissilent · 2 months ago
for: @halfofozsfavouriteteam
Being Glinda, the Good is, above everything else, tiring.
She can't even pinpoint what is the most tiring part of it. If it's the fact she has to perform way more than she did her entire life, if it's the fact the work never ends and she barely has time to stop and relax. Or if it's simply because she feels stuck in a loop and there is no way out.
Her entire life is made out of lies now. Having to listen to those rumors about her best friend and not being able to say anything against them, smiling and waving to the crowd while they stare at her like she's some sort of savior.
Getting married to Fiyero so she can finally stop thinking about her.
She is tired. She is so tired. And yet she can't stop it. She doesn't know how to. Because despite it all, despite the fact that this is wrong and repulsive, she can't help herself. She can't help the small amount of satisfaction that she gets when people are praising her. When she's celebrated, applauded.
It doesn't compare to real love, of course. It never will.
But it fills her up somehow. It's all that she's had for the last years and if she keeps trying, she knows she can pretend that they truly love her.
Plus, she's still trying to make moves to actually take down the Wizard. To destroy this awful, terrible system from inside. So maybe, one day, she will be able to clean Elphaba's name. And have her friend back beside her.
(Does she actually believe she can do that still, though? Or did that naiveté die with Galinda?)
Either way, her entire life is absurdly tiring and as soon as she reaches the Emerald Palace in her bubble, exhausted from a very long day, she only wants to soak in her bathtub, and then lie on her bed.
But instead, she's called by the Wizard and grunts at that as she makes her way to the room where he keeps the goddamn machine. Everyday, Glinda wishes she could set that thing on fire.
As soon as she walks past the door, she freezes, though.
Green skin. Black clothes. Dark hair with microbraids.
"Elphie!" She exclaims, throwing herself on her friend to hug her tight. "What... What are you doing here?"
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pixeltwix · 3 months ago
’Oh, if he only had a brain-‘
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So I had early access to see Wicked with a bestie ages ago now and I’ve sorta just been marinating with au ideas that I could never quite put together since then
But I finally stopped thinking so hard about it and stuck with the basic Oz plot with a little twists here and there to fit a more Gravity Falls esque character narrative
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Considering the Dixon family is most likely from Kansas anyway this felt like a perfect Emma May au plug if there was any. Plus girl can rock blue and red (it’s like the only colors I ever draw her in anyway riP)
But I envision Emma May’s ver of Dorothy as less sweet and naive and more so just?? Driven by the feeling of adventure as a whole. This is the first time she’s ever felt like she’s gotten freedom and she literally had to be swept up into another world to obtain that
She wants to go home, but not to the home she left behind, but a home where she can actually be happy
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Oh Fiddleford McGucket, the man that you are
So I know it can be debated that he should be the lion and Stan should be the scarecrow instead, but realistically the aesthetics fit different this way and idk? It feels justified (I’ll elaborate more on my reasons for Stan whenever I draw his design for this au, but I digress)
Fiddleford is a genius guy, but he never feels validated or truly confident in his abilities because he’s either looked down upon or because he’s just that anxious
I mean we learn in the end anyway that the scarecrow is a genius in his own way, and that’s kinda how I see Fidds too. Like yes, he IS a genius even if he doesn’t think it, he just needed to be reaffirmed of that
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But anywhoooo, I have all the character roles figured out except for the wicked witch??
Like I have Carla as Glinda and Bill as Oz, but am otherwise blanking so hard for the wicked witch ahhhh I’ll figure it out eventually
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yeetfanficccc · 3 months ago
No-one mourns the Wicked Boq x Reader
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Summery- (Y/N), Boq, Glinda, Fiyero, Elphaba, and Nessa Rose were all one big friend group at Shiz. After the events of act 1, Elphaba is gone, Glinda/Fiyero heartbroken, and Nessa is reeling with the death of her father. Boq and (Y/N) are all who remain at the solum Shiz. 
Nessa doesn’t like Boq and Boq doesn’t like Glinda because plot connivence. Also, Fiyero is just friends with Glinda because I want LESBIANS
Reader is gender neutral, Elphie X Glinda referenced in passing as canon
TW-characters going through feelings of abandonment, a bit of a sad tone compared to my other stuff, characters believe Wizard’s propaganda about Elphie 
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Elphaba was gone.  She was really gone. 
The news reached Shiz like a firework, within moments the whole campus turned against the so-called Wicked Witch of the West. 
“I knew she was evil the whole time!”
“To think, Glinda trusted her….”
“Looks like we were right before the Oz dust! She’s a monster”
The words circled my brain plucking at what was left of my sanity. I was her friend. We were all her friend.  How could I have not known the truth? She was evil- wicked. The word rang in my head. Wicked. Wicked. Wicked. That was the truth. Madame Morrible and the Wizard himself said so. I traced my hand against the grass I sat in. Elphaba had first shown me this spot. A rare calm in the chaos of Shiz. Wicked, to be born vile and without remorse. 
I covered my face, the memories haunting me. 
We would sneak around Shiz and laugh in the library. Dr Dillamond would always tell us to be quiet, well Fiyero mostly, and we would apologize on his behalf. He would say how rare it is to have such good friends; how grateful we should be. Oz, I didn’t listen. Then, he was gone. That was the first warning. Still, we all celebrated when Elphie got the note from the wizard telling her to go to the famous Emerald City. We hugged and cheered until our throats burned. It had taken a while, but I felt like I belonged, like we all belonged. I was happy- was it really all a lie?
I turned around. Boq stood with an awkward tilt and sheepish grin.  I tried to match it the best I could. 
“I don’t see you out here much Boq.”
“I was looking for you,” he admitted, “you’ve made yourself very hard to find lately.”
“Have I?” I chuckled dryly,” It looks like we’re the only ones left.” 
“You don’t think they’re coming back?” his eyes grew. 
“Well, Elphie isn’t that’s for sure…” I laughed, “I can’t see Fiyero coming back here after running off. Nessa has the stuff with her father and Glinda- “
It had been mere weeks before Glinda nervously confessed to me at a sleepover of her feelings for the green girl. She was jumping up and down, kicking her feet, singing the praises of her newfound muse. Life was so much lighter, free. Oz, what I would give to go back. “-Glinda won’t return without Elphie.”
“You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?” he reached for my cheek before blushing and forcing his hand away. 
He sat next to me. Around us the tall, yellow grasses swaying in the wind. It was peaceful, nearly lovely. 
“I’m fine.” It was a lie; we both knew it. 
“And you’ve been avoiding me,” he sighed, “though I can’t blame you.”
“I’m sorry. It’s not you, really, it’s everyone except you. I just don’t have any social battery right now, so I’ve been avoiding everyone. I’ve missed you, a lot.”
That was true. Even before this all, Boq was the one person, even out of all our friends, I felt safest around. He was awkward and charming, with an adorable smile. I had a crush on him for a while that I was way too nervous to address so I did nothing. Except now we were both stuck together in this mess.
“I understand.”
Of course he understands, he is the only other person who was left behind. And by avoiding everyone I basically abandoned him too. My mouth filled with bitter acid. I snapped, 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I just miss everyone and you’re here still and I’ve been a terrible friend.”
“No, no no…” he panicked, “I don’t think that at all.”
“You’ve heard what they’re saying about her. I can’t listen. It makes me sick. But they’re right… it’s just I don’t- “I leaned into his chest, he tensed turning a bit red, “I don’t know what to think”
I was sobbing and didn’t know how I was going to stop the tears from coming.
“Cry all you want. I’m here. I’m always here for you.”
“Thank you…”
“When I walk around,” he spoke, with me still sobbing into his sweater, “people look at me strange because they know I was friends with her. Have you experienced that too?”
“Sort of, but I made you bear the brunt of this because I’ve been hiding so much.”
“I just- Elphie was so kind. I don’t understand how we could have never noticed.”
“She must have been a great liar,” I guessed.
“(Y/N). This is going to be hard. If they really aren’t coming back. But- “
I looked up, Boq very red and sweating? 
“Are you ok? Do you feel sick?”
“WE MAKE A GREAT TEAM!” he yelped, “And- and we can do this together!”
“Yeah!” I cheered.
“(Y/N) this is terrible timing but- I like you like in a romantic way, and I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to make things awkward in the friend group. But now apparently one of my closet friendships was a lie and my other friends are gone and you’re here and you’re incredible, but I can’t go on without telling you! And I’m so sorry for ruining things more than they already are!”
“You- like me?” I stammered.
“A lot.” He nodded fervently. 
“I like you too. A lot.” 
“I DON’T KNOW!” I matched his chaos laughing until I was laying down, “WE JUST HATE HAVING STABLE RELATIONSHIPS!”
“I GUESS SO!” he cackled laying with me, “if we do this, be together, it isn’t going to be easy.”
“I know. I don’t think anything is easy now.”
“Are you ok with that? If you just need a stable friendship right now, I understand.”
“No. Our whole lives have been turned on their heads. We deserve to find a little happiness Boq.”
“You do make me so happy…” 
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confused-reading-ink-rat · 21 days ago
Blast My Way Into Your Heart
A Gelphie Oneshot
Elphaba Thropp enters a local block blast competition with Glinda Upland, both pushed into it due to their alleged 'block blast addiction'. The pair make it into the district, forced to tolerate each other until the finals.
I'm forced to write this because of my block blast addiction
Elphaba can’t believe she’s doing this.
Then again, what could she do? She already said yes, and it wasn’t like there was anything particularly terrible about participating.
Well, there are two blondes she would like to strangle, and one of them wasn’t here yet even though she should be.
It all started a week ago after she let Crope and Tibbett borrow her phone because they were getting bored while in the waiting room for their friend group’s check-up. Nessa had suggested they take them together after she found out that Boq had not been to one since he was eight years old.
So they were in the waiting room, and the couple was dramatically bored. Boq was nervous about his check-up, so Nessa came with him, and in turn, he’d be with her for hers. 
So Elphaba had been stuck with the disasters, with her nose buried in a book she had bought on the way. She gave up her phone and opened her Block Blast app. After screaming about the score she never paid attention to, they urged her to sign up for the local Block Blast Competition downtown.
So now she was sitting at one of the tables while staff ran across the room, yelling orders, getting yelled at, bringing tables, organizing the various boxes they were unpacking, and making calls. All because her unfortunately late teammate was stuck in traffic and could cost them the damn district competition.
She could still remember the day she met the insufferable blonde.
. . . 
“This is a horrible idea, Crope,” She grumbled as the blonde dragged her along.
“It is not!" He replied adamantly. "Besides, it’ll be fun!”
“Fun because you’re not the one competing,” she huffed,
“It’s for money! We all like money!"
“It’s just a couple of dollars, we don’t even know if I’ll win this,”
He crossed his arms and sighed, “Okay fine, if you lose I’ll pay you a quarter of the prize.”
“That’s already seventy-five dollars, don’t push me.”
“You make it sound like it's a favor,” she smirked, "But fine, I'll play."
And Elphaba won.
Just after a blonde girl with pink, rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her hand with a pout, she was ahead by fifteen points.
Now she and that blonde were going to the district, and further.
. . .
Glinda couldn’t believe she was still stuck in traffic!
She had been here and an hour had already passed, she was about to lose it. Oh, Oz, she’d be strangled by Elphie, for sure.
With nothing to do but wait, she could only reminiscence.
“You have to believe me!” She had vaguely heard Shenshen whisper to Pfanne, lost in her phone, she had started playing Block Blast a week ago. It seemed like a fun way to pass the time, and it was. And that was what landed her in this mess in the first place.
“You’ve got to be joking!” Pfanne retorted, Shenshen snatched Glinda’s phone out of her hands.
“Hey! I was playing!” Her complaints fell on deaf ears as Pfanne’s jaw dropped, she took her phone back and kept playing.
“I’m sorry, what is her high score?”
“Nine hundred twenty-three thousand, five hundred forty-two,” Glinda answered absentmindedly. She blinked and turned to them. "That’s my highest score?!”
“See?” Shenshen squealed, “I don’t lie, Pfanne,”
“Sure you don’t,” He scoffed.
Then, a familiar figure approached, carefree as always, he greeted them with a smile and a hug.
“So, what’s this I hear about high scores?” He whistled when he looked at Glinda’s phone and gave her a look.
She huffed and crossed her arms, “I don’t need an intervention.”
He smirked, “I didn’t say anything about that,”
“You were about to,” She narrowed her eyes at him, “You think it’s an addiction,”
“Is it?” He pulled his head back, tilting it to the side.
“This is a skill, Fiyero,” She replied adamantly.
“A useless one at that,” Pfanne remarked, Shenshen giggled.
Glinda threw up her hands in exasperation. “Why is everyone ganging up on me today?”
He shrugged, sliding onto the bench next to her. “Well, what if I tell you there is a use for that ‘useless’ skill of yours?”
“Ooh,” She leaned towards him. “Tell me.”
And now she’s lost to Elphaba Thropp, some green girl who would make for a great model if she just knew how to dress herself. Well, she was second anyway, and they apparently needed two players for the district competition.
. . .
“Place it here,”
“I didn’t ask for your help,”
“Well, you needed it anyhow,”
“No, no! You should’ve used the heart method! Oh, Oz!”
“The what method?”
“The heart method!”
“What even is that?”
“Elphaba you look horrible in that,”
“I thought we were only criticizing each other’s block blast techniques, not fashion sense.”
“I wouldn’t criticize you if you had any.”
“For someone who claims to be smart, you never know when to shut up,” 
“You never talk, I’m compensating for you.”
“Oh, my favorite block!” Glinda squealed.
Elphaba raised an eyebrow, “You have a favorite block?”
“Don’t you?”
“If I have to choose, the 3×3 block.”
“You just chose the one I hate the most, didn’t you?”
“I was literally on 999, 936! I could’ve gotten to a million! But no , a stupid 3×3 just had to show up—”
“What is she talking about?”
“Give her a minute or an hour.”
"Roommates." Elphaba deadpanned as they both stopped at the same door.
"Oh my goodness," Glinda gasped, covering her mouth with her hand in surprise, "We are roommates!"
"Since we'll be rooming with each other for a while-"
"It will only be a few weeks,"
"Oh hush, I'm trying to be nice," The blonde rolled her eyes, "I hardly know you, and we're going to be working together."
The green girl sighed and finally turned to her, "Fine, what do you want?"
"Tell me a secret!"
“You got me a water bottle to drink?” Glinda's eyes widened and she preened. "Your kindness knows no bounds, Miss Elphaba."
“Take it before I lose my patience and give you an impromptu bath."
“Oh, Oz, there’s been a miracle!”
“You’re not a walking fashion disaster today!”
“Thank Oz, maybe there is a god!”
"I'm sorry, are you reading?"
Glinda looks up from her book, "Yes, I got it from the library."
"You know what it's called!" She threw her hands up in the air, "Next thing you'll tell me what a thesaurus is!"
"A what?"
“Will she be—”
“Please give her a minute, Elphaba needs everything completely perfect in place for her,”
“It’s just a chair—”
“And you’re just an employee. Let the girl adjust her chair,”
“Elphie, I need-”
“What did you just call me?”
“Elphie, anyways, do you have a stapler I could borrow?”
“Excuse me, Elphie?”
“I need a stapler!”
“Oh, so you respond to it now?”
“What - I-”
“No need for words, Elphie, that is who you are now.”
“I heard cupcakes~!”
“Yes, we do indeed have cupcakes, my sweet,”
“My sweet? That’s new,”
“What can I say? You’re the personification of candy,”
“And you’re a sour patch kid packed into a person,”
"You're reading,"
"We've been over this, I can read just fine Elphaba-"
"You took my recommendation,"
"Yes I did- why are you on the verge of tears?"
“Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No, why?”
“You didn’t call me Elphie,”
“Aw, you’re used to it!”
"My sweet,"
"Yes, Elphie?"
Fiyero held up his hand, "Hold up, rewind, what did you two just say?"
"I want coffee, Elphie. Let's go get coffee."
"I'm driving, Glinda, and how did you get my number?"
"I have my ways, come to Three Queens, I'm at table two."
“To this day, I have not used the heart method,”
“She does not listen to me, I’ve tried teaching her on three separate occasions.”
“I hate these 3×3 pieces so much, do you need that much space?!?”
“I could say the same about you," she gestured to the piles of luggage the blonde brought with her.
“That’s not the same. I’m adorable Elphie, I deserve it.”
. . .
Elphaba pulled out her phone and dialed a number she had memorized since the first time she and Glinda went out for coffee.
“Where are you?!” She whispered as the staff members huddled together, no doubt wondering where that infuriating blonde was.
“Running down the street on my heels,”
“Excuse me—?”
“I found a bike, Elphie! Oh yes, can I borrow— here’s a hundred, have a nice day!”
“I’m on the way Elphie, I love you, bye!”
Elphaba paused as the girl on the other end of the line hung up. She blinked at her screen, then she muttered, “I love you?”
. . .
Elphaba placed the blocks on her screen, her mind occupied with what the blonde sitting next to her said before hanging up. Glinda had arrived, running on heels for a mile and on a bike for the other two. Thankfully, she arrived thirty minutes before the event started.
Wrong block placement.
She saw Glinda lean over and point to the 2×2, “Here. " Then, she moved the block, clearing part of the board, just enough for the other pieces.
“Thank you,” she muttered. She couldn’t help but smile as the blonde effortlessly cleared her own board, placing block after block without a care in the world.
Maybe she should at least try to enjoy the damn thing instead of having a breakdown over not getting the right blocks.
. . .
"And in third place, Elphaba Thropp and Galinda Upland!”
The blonde shot up from her chair, squealing, wrapping her arms around the older girl’s neck as she laughed. She giggled, burying her face into the crook of her neck as Elphaba took their medals. They put their medals on each other, giggling incessantly as they came down from the stage to the audience, where Crope and Tibett brought party poppers while Pfanne and Shenshen squealed so high they nearly shattered a glass.
“We won,” Glinda whispered as they got in Elphaba's car, with the green girl in the driver’s seat and her in the passenger's seat. Glinda wondered how Fiyero was, looking for the car she abandoned in the midst of traffic.
“Yes, we did my sweet.” Elphaba nodded, adjusting the back view mirror.
“We should celebrate!” She squealed, buckling herself and Elphaba up.
“Aren’t we already having dinner with everyone?”
“I meant, just us,” She looked out the window. “You and me, we should celebrate together, Elphie.”
“Oh,” She blinked. “I see,”
Elphaba grinned, “Of course, my sweet,”
. . .
It’s been a few months since the first competition. And Glinda met up with a very familiar green girl in a café one quiet afternoon.
“Elphie!” she waved, upon seeing her tucked away, Elphaba walked over, sitting across from her.
“I haven’t seen you since last week,” she smiled. “How are Popsie and Momsicle?” 
“Oh, they’re fine, they absolutely adore the names you’ve made up for them,” Sne smiled, leaning forward. “How has my emerald been?”
Elphaba scoffed at the new-found nickname, “Every day there’s a new pet name,” she chuckled, “I’ve been fine. Though I missed you terribly.”
Glinda giggled, a familiar warmth creeping up her neck to her cheeks. “Oh, you’re such a flirt, Miss Elphaba.” she pulled out her phone and smirked.
“Whoever loses pays the bill,” She challenged, the green girl’s grin widened.
“You're on, my sweet.”
This work can be found on Ao3 here
Mentions for those interested in the OG post; @mulder-its-me-223 @godofmurder @sevenofninehouseofmusiker @swiftholic-13 @spork2065 @skelloptis @thisismyhalfroomcutie @rulesdontapply56 @jordanbackupsoc
and my regulars; @nether2010 @kekescalope @spinelesscacti @filofandomfrenzy @thestorytellingfool @mulder-its-me-223 @soundofcomets @rainbow-tomato-draws @polyarmy @moonpheus @gemasivi
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lollytea · 3 months ago
The fate Glinda tailored for herself that she is now sentenced to for the rest of her unhappy days makes me so crazy. Her past was full of pink, glittery emptiness, her present is all pink, glittery emptiness, and her future will never be anything more than pink, glittery emptiness.
But!! But!! There was a thin sliver of time in her life when Glinda felt real. She met a girl who was the antithesis of pink, glittery emptiness and Glinda fell so painfully in love with her. But ultimately, Glinda was too cowardly to step outside her bubble and follow her down the path of deviancy. She was too pink and glittery and empty for that. And it cost her everything. Everything that mattered, at least.
And now her beautiful antithesis is dead and Glinda has been forbidden from begging the world to mourn with her, to shed tears for the brilliant, courageous real girl that Oz has lost. And to rub salt in the wound, she has to publicly condemn her. She has to put on her most sugary smile and call the love of her life the wicked witch of the west.
She can never breathe a word of how desperately she loved her. How desperately she still loves her. Because if they knew she mourned the wicked, they would turn against her too. And of course Glinda doesn't care about that anymore.
But Elphaba did.
And if Oz turned against Glinda, she would end up just like Elphaba. A public enemy and then eventually dead.
And then she would never be able to get anything done. She promised Elphaba that she would do the things she couldn't. And it's awful convenient that through her cowardice and sugary smiles, she has wormed her way into a position of power. It would be an insult to the legacy of Elphaba that existed solely in Glinda's heart if she didn't take advantage of all this power that she didn't even deserve. From her vantage point atop her cushy, pink throne, she would do the good deeds that Elphaba had died trying to accomplish.
The price to pay for maintaining that power is reinforcing the history of Elphaba Thropp as irredeemably wicked.
The consequences of Glinda's actions is not a jail cell or torture. At least not in a physical sense. It's not even death. Her punishment is so much more creative than that.
She has spent her whole life obsessively designing this pristine persona of Glinda the Good. And now it's become the cage that she can never be free from. Stuck in this stupid pink, glittery, empty bubble until the day she dies.
She can never make an honest, genuine connection with another person because Glinda nurses a secret that will never allow her to be honest again. She can never speak fondly about the love that she knew. She can never speak wistfully about the love that she lost. Never allowed to reminisce or grieve. Never allowed to preserve the memory of the girl who mattered most in all of Oz. Forever emotionally isolated even when she's flocked by those who idolize her.
Her pink, glittery, empty bubble will never pop.
Glinda the Good will never feel real again.
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kathlare · 1 month ago
fast times
Lando Norris x Amelie Dayman
Summary: In the middle of a busy day at the McLaren motorhome, Lando Norris stumbles upon Amelie Dayman’s latest music video release. What starts as a casual watch quickly turns into something else entirely as he realizes just how much has changed—and how much hasn’t.
Wordcount: 1.6 k
Warnings: kinda mature content
full masterlist // request over here!
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February 25th, 2022 - Barcelona, Spain
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liked by schecoperez, emiliamernes, and others
ameliedayman: fast times song/video are out now ❤️‍🔥
i’m always told how fast life goes and to make sure i really live it to the absolute fullest and appreciate the moment I’m presently in, cause we don’t get any rewrites- so i wrote this to remind myself of that and hopefully this song makes you feel that way too.
too many people to thank that help my silly little visions come to life!! so i put them in this scroll
go stream go watch go go go fast fast fast
View all 1,382 comments
madisonbeer: fast fast fast but why does time slow down when I’m staring at u? 🤨 → ameliedayman: @madisonbeer girl be so serious rn 😭
fan1: BLONDE AMELIE SUPREMACY IS BACKKK 🔥🔥🔥 → fan2: @fan1 we won but at what cost 😭 brunetties stay losing
fan3: "fast times" ?? nah cause i’ve been stuck on this post for 3 hours 😭
shawnmendes: this song is actually insane. proud of u always 🤍 → fan13: @shawnmendes SHAWN??? OH WE REALLY IN THE 2014 TIMELINE HUH
stelladayman: so this is what ur hair actually looks like huh?? wild. → ameliedayman: @stelladayman i KNOW u didn’t just expose me like that 😭
jackdayman: i’ve only ever known brunette amelie. who is this stranger. → ameliedayman: @jackdayman don’t be dramatic omg 😩
fan14: the fact that this is just the beginning of the wicked era… we’re so not ready 😭 → fan15: @fan14 nope. we’re DONE. i already feel overwhelmed 😵‍💫
fan5: brunettes just took a major L… but I’m lowkey okay with it 😩 → fan6: @fan5 she didn’t just go blonde, she returned home 🫡
fan7: nah cause she just casually changed her whole identity and dropped a BANGER?? 😭🔥 → fan8: @fan7 glinda era is gonna be dangerous i fear 😳
taylorswift: my pop princess era queen!!! this is a BANGER 👑🔥 → ameliedayman: @taylorswift ur the reason i write songs so. crying now.
florencepugh: the song? the video? the hair? the serve is too strong 😵‍💫 → ameliedayman: @florencepugh ur approval is all i ever needed 😭
The McLaren motorhome in Barcelona was buzzing with activity as the team prepared for another round of testing. Engineers were going over data, mechanics were discussing car setup, and drivers were in and out of briefings. Lando had just finished a long debrief with his engineers, his body still thrumming with adrenaline from his last stint in the car.
He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head before grabbing his phone. His group chat with Max and a few other friends had been popping off for the last ten minutes, all of them sending the same link over and over again.
Bro, have you seen this??? No fucking way she did that Holy shit, blonde suits her TOO much
Lando furrowed his brows, clicking on the link. It redirected him to YouTube. The thumbnail alone was enough to knock the air out of his lungs.
Amelie Dayman - "Fast Times" (Official Music Video)
He felt his stomach flip. This was her debut music video. He knew she had been working on her music for years, but he hadn’t actually paid attention to when her first song would drop.
And fuck. She looked stunning. Even in just the thumbnail, she looked unfairly good. Her big green eyes, her lips slightly parted, that undeniable presence she always had on screen. Lando swallowed and tapped play.
The video started with Amelie as a brunette—her hair just the way he remembered it, cascading over her shoulders, looking effortlessly beautiful. The opening shot was cinematic, her sitting in the driver's seat of a car, sunglasses perched on her nose. The song kicked in, upbeat and confident, her voice dripping with charm.
Lando barely registered the lyrics, too caught up in the visuals. And then—
His grip on the phone tightened as Amelie appeared again, but this time her hair was golden, flowing in loose waves, framing her face like she had stepped straight out of a dream. His jaw slackened, heart stuttering in his chest.
What the fuck.
She looked insane. Like, painfully, achingly beautiful. His brain short-circuited trying to process it.
Lando felt heat creep up his neck, his pulse pounding in his ears. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, pressing his lips together as the music video continued. Every shot of her blonde, confident, untouchable—it did something to him.
His mouth felt dry. His palms were clammy against his phone.
She had always been beautiful—he knew that. He had been obsessed with her back when she was brunette, back when she was his. But this?
This was something else entirely.
She looked unreal. Ethereal. And so fucking hot.
Lando sucked in a sharp breath, shifting in his seat. His racing suit suddenly felt way too tight, the fabric pressing against his body in all the wrong ways. He had to blink a few times, drag a hand down his face to try and snap himself out of it.
But the video just kept going.
There was a scene where Amelie was leaning against a car, twirling a lollipop between her fingers, lips slightly pursed in a way that made his mind spiral. Another where she walked through a hallway, her hips swaying, her confidence radiating off the screen. And the final shot? She tilted her head, staring straight into the camera, lips curling into the smallest, cockiest smirk—like she knew exactly what she was doing to him.
—Fucking hell,— he muttered under his breath, adjusting himself in his seat.
This was bad.
Lando didn’t know how long he sat there, phone still in his hand, screen frozen on the last frame of the video. His heart was beating way too fast. His head was spinning. His lower stomach felt tight, hot, needy in a way that he really didn’t need right now.
He swallowed, clearing his throat, trying to will the feeling away. But it wasn’t going anywhere.
He needed to do something about it.
With one last glance around the motorhome, making sure no one was paying him any attention, he pushed himself up from his chair and made his way to his driver's room. His legs felt heavy, stiff, as he walked down the hallway. He barely registered the greetings from the team members he passed, only nodding in response before slipping inside and locking the door behind him.
His chest rose and fell in deep breaths as he leaned against the door for a second, squeezing his eyes shut.
This was insane. He shouldn’t be reacting like this.
Amelie wasn’t his anymore.
But fuck, she had to know what she was doing. She had to know how good she looked.
With a low groan, he pushed off the door and ran a hand through his hair, exhaling sharply.
Yeah. He was gonna need a few minutes.
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love2write2626 · 2 months ago
Forever in The Shadows of Oz: Chapter 2
Read Chapter 1 HERE
“Fiyero” His name was the first thing that escaped me when my eyes opened. Disoriented, I quickly realized that I was in bed – but not Our bed. This bed was different and familiar all at once. How is that even possible. Blinking a few times I let my vision adjust to the light coming in through the windows.
This isn’t our cottage
I bolted up, my heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to leap from my chest. I scanned my surroundings. It didn’t take long to realize where I was. My small bed tucked away in the corner of a room. Hidden behind nothing but pink frilly dresses, and piles and piles of pink boxes. I stood up and walked around and saw another bed on the other side of the room. With a pink comforter. A chest of drawers with nothing but makeup and other accessories that I would never use… but I know who would.
“This is… Shiz” I whispered. But how?
I continued to look around the room, I started walking around running my hand over the furniture. I stopped in front of the balcony door that still had the shatter in it from day one in our shared dorm room. I am swept with memories of this place. Glinda, Nessa, Fiyero…
“Fiyero” I whispered again. Where was he? Was he here? He had to be… I mean there’s no way only I came back. Right? No that’s not possible, we were holding hands when I did the spell he had to of transported too. Deep breaths.
“Think Elphaba” Ok, I guess the first thing to figure out is the date. I scanned the room slowly looking for a calendar. My eyes went wide. This was only my 3rd day at Shiz… Fiyero isn’t meant to be here for another week… assuming he is here – stop that of course he is he has to be.
I sat on the ground trying to wrap my head around everything. Ok, so I cast a spell to turn Yero back into a human… and I sent us back in time.
“He’s Human” I mumbled since I sent us back, that means he is human. I smiled brightly He is alive again, whole, the way he is meant to be. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes, from the joy running through me. He will be so happy, I mean…. Suddenly I am hit with a horrible feeling.
What if he doesn’t remember me. The joy suddenly left my body, what if since I cast the spell I was able to keep my memories. I want to throw up, and I am suddenly glad I am already sitting down because the room starts to spin.
What if I am a total stranger to him? What if, to him, none of it ever happened – our love, our life, our sacrifices? What if I am stuck here alone and doomed to face this strange, familiar past without him?
“I can’t” I whispered, my voice cracking under the weight of the fear. “I can’t go through this again, at least not without him.” I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I decided to think of some positives of this happening 1. Fiyero is human 2. Nessa is alive 3. Doctor Dillamond 4. We get the chance to re-do everything. How does that even work.
Is it even possible to change anything in the past? Or are we doomed to just repeat. No, I am going to fix everything, but first I need to wait for him
“Yero please get here as soon as you can, I need you”
"Elphaba” I groan, as I wake up. Oz my head is pounding. What happened? I opened my eyes and shoot up when I quickly realize I am not in our comfy cottage that we have called home for the past year. No, I am in my old bedroom at the Vinkus.
I groan again when the pounding in my head continues. I went to put my hand on my forehead when I stopped. I noticed my hand. I brought it to my face gasped, before getting out of bed and running over to the mirror.
“She did it” I mumbled looking over at my now human self. Then a thought hit me If I’m here where is she? Is she here, then I am hit with a horrible thought. What if she transported me back in order for me to be human again and she was left alone. The pounding in my head I had forgotten quickly returned, and I felt like I was going to be sick.
I promised I would never leave her alone again. I can’t, I don’t think I can go on without her. She had to of come back with me. I just have to find her, that’s all. I jumped when I heard the door swing open. I stand in shock when I see my mother standing there. My mouth drops
“Good you’re awake, you need to get dressed if…” I cut her off by hugging her tightly. My parents and I always had a very complicated relationship. I never wanted to take life seriously, I honestly didn’t care to be king but I unfortunately did not have a choice in the matter as I was their only child. We had many many fights. Most of the time I said horrible things, things I definitely didn’t mean. “Fiyero are you feeling ok?”
“Better than ever” I mumbled
“Son, I thought you were mad at me” She had pulled away from me searching my face as if something was wrong.
“No, not at all” I said quickly stepping back
“Well if I remember correctly, you told me last night if I made you go to Shiz University you would never speak to me again” My heart started racing
“Shiz?” I whispered my heart skipped a beat
“Yes, remember the school you start next week… since you got kicked out of another one” She’s there she has to be. A surge of hope runs through my body.
“Fae” I said, the thought of seeing her again as me… the real me. I will be able to hold her and kiss her and… My face breaks out into a wide grin  and started running around the room getting dressed.
“What is a Fae? Fiyero are you sure you are feeling, ok?” she asked with concern
“Yes, I um” I have to come up with something quickly “I thought about what you said, you are right I do need to take school more seriously. I want to start school this week.” She looked shocked
“I guess, I can tell the guards to get the carriage ready but”
“No” I said suddenly
“I want to take Feldspur” I said. I know for a fact that I can get there in half the time.
“Fiyero, that’s not very safe…” I walked over to her now dressed and ready to leave
“I’ll be fine, Mother,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster. Fully dressed now, I walked over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
Before she could protest, I bolted down the hall and made my way to the stables, where my horse awaited.
“Feldspur, I missed you, buddy,” I said, patting his sleek neck.
The horse turned his head toward me, his sharp, intelligent eyes glinting in the dim light of the stable. “Your Highness,” he replied in a mocking tone bowing his head a little
I grinned. Feldspur had always been a smartass. No wonder we got along so well.
“You up for a run?” I asked, already fitting him with his saddle.
“Anywhere, as long as it’s far from this stuffy stable.”
“It’s a bit far—two days’ ride,” I said cautiously, gauging his reaction.
He snorted and stomped a hoof, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Two days? We can be there tonight.”
A laugh bubbled out of me, the tension in my chest easing for the first time in ages. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
With the last buckle secured, I swung myself up into the saddle. Feldspur shifted under me, his muscles coiling with anticipation. As we charged out of the stables and into the open, cool wind rushed against my face. The familiar rhythm of Feldspur’s gallop reverberated beneath me, steady and strong.
“I’m on my way, Fae,” I whispered into the night, a promise carried on the wind as we disappeared into the horizon.
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lunaswritingcafe · 3 months ago
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FEATURING Elphaba & Fiyero (glinda for a small moment!) GENRE angst but some fluff as well. after saving the lion cub, Fiyero and Elphaba share an unexpected romantic moment that leaves him feeling happy but Elphie confused and guilty.
Series list here !!
warnings: small mention of blood, also has dialogue from the movie so it has some spoilers. Also pls do not steal or copy my work, reblogs are v appreciated tho 🫶🏻
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“Well someone’s got to do something!” A moment of disbelief and anger is all it was, Elphaba couldn’t believe how obedient and close minded her classmates were. Although she was not friends with the majority of them, Elphie never intended to put them all to sleep with the freshly picked poppies she had gathered that afternoon before class had started. She knew they were her teacher’s, Dr. Dillamond, favorite. He had truly been her one of only friend since her arrival at Shiz. The polen began to take effect as everyone including the staff were fast asleep. She assumed to be the only one awake, giving her the perfect opportunity to free the poor lion cub trapped in the cage, “What is happening?” A voice questioned, making Elphie slightly jump and look to her right. Prince Fiyero, shiz’s new student as well as Glinda’s boyfriend. He was charming, but also self-centered, shallow and slightly irritating. He caught Glinda before her head slammed on the table, “I don’t know, I-I just got mad an-” Elphie cut herself off as he approached the caged lion cub, “Fiyero what are you doing?” She questioned with anger, ready to use her powers again if needed. The prince, carefully as he could, scooped the cub into his uniform blazer, to hide and keep him warm, “Well, are you coming?” He questioned before running out of the lecture room, leaving Elphaba surprised for a few moments before following behind.
The two rushed out to the woods just outside the school grounds, going in far enough to not be noticed by administration, “Here” Elphaba offered, scooping the lion from the prince, “I don’t mean to scare you” She spoke softly, placing him on the ground near a pond, petting him softly with a small yet worried smile, “Why is it you are always causing some sort of commotion?” The prince breaks her away from the cub, fixing his cuff buttons after just taking off his uniform blazer, “I don’t cause commotions, I am one” Elphie replied, still facing the pond, “Yeah, well that’s for sure” He adds. Elphaba narrowed her eyes, yes maybe here at Shiz she hadn’t made a great impression on everyone, but she would not let anyone, especially some stuck up prince, tell her she’s wrong. Elphaba has always stood up for what she believed in, even if the whole world was against her, “So you think I should just keep my mouth shut, is that what you’re saying?” “What? no, no I’m saying-” “You think I want to be this way? You think I want to care this much?” The prince tried to find a moment to speak but she wouldn’t allow it, “I know my life would be much easier if I didn’t care about-” “You ever let anyone else talk?” Fiyero chuckles in disbelief, the two now fully facing each other, “Sorry” She apologizes, used to being so defensive. The two bickered for a few more moments before sitting by the pond, facing their attention back to the lion cub. The small animal was much more calm now, breathing in the forest air and refreshing water, he purred softly when Elphaba drew the back of her finger softly across his fur, becoming more comfortable with her by the minute.
“What did you mean to do back there? And why was I the only one you didn’t do it too?” The prince broke the comforting silence of the forest ambience with the question she feared he asked, because although she wasn’t entirely sure herself, a small sliver of her knew she felt something for him ever since they first met, in the forest after leaving Dr. Dillamond’s quarters, and thought perhaps that's why her magic did not affect him.
“Whoa there!” A male voice spoke, riding at high speed through the dark trees, making elphaba fall on the cold ground covered in leaves and dirt, “I did not see her” spoke the man’s horse, standing still as the man jumped off his horse to help, “Neither did I” He agreed with the mammal. The handsome male adjusted his suit before approaching, reassuring his horse that everything was fine, “So sorry miss, we didn’t see you there you must of . . . “ Elphaba, looking up and facing the man for the first time caught him a bit off guard, but she kept a straight face despite the fear of being trampled on still running through her veins, “. . . Blended with the foliage” “Is this how you go through life?” She is quick to respond “Just running a muck and trampling anyone in your path?” Her voice firm, but not loud.
The man was still stunned by her complexion but was still able to respond, “No” his eyes widened from the situation, taking a glance back at his horse before repeating himself, “Sometimes I’m asleep” A smug look on his face, having a lining of satire in his response. The two stare at each other for a moment, Elphaba clearly not finding joy in his words, “All right, here we go” She finally speaks, setting down her bag “No, I am not seasick” “Neither am I” “No, I did not eat grass as a child” “You didn’t? I did” “And yes, I have always been green” “And the defensiveness, is that a recent development?” His responses were lighthearted but to her cocky, it was interesting though, because no one has ever responded to her questions before, “Hm” was the last he heard from her before Elphaba turned to gather her belongings.
The man’s horse giggles at the situation, which the man can’t help but return a chuckle as well, but quickly cut himself off once he felt her eyes on him again. The man had this charming smolder on, feeling for a moment he be trying to seduce her, she laughed to herself on the inside knowing it was not true. No one has ever or will ever look at her that way, she is not the girl who gains a loving attention from anyone. In this case though she was completely wrong, his gaze was not judgmental but fascinated instead. After looking back one more time, she continued on her original path back to the school grounds, “I’m off for some more trampling, may we offer you a ride?” He asks but she keeps walking to no avail, “No thanks, get stuffed” Her response cold. “Wow” The guy says to himself. In his past whenever he’s ran into a maiden they usually woo over him, he was so used to gaining attention from the female eyes that he never thought there’d every be a day when on rejects him, “Fesville, we have just been spared by a girl” “Indeed” the horse replies.
Elphaba wasn’t sure what this feeling was, it was different, something she had never felt before which was intriguing but terrifying “You’re bleeding” she finally responds, deflecting from his question in order not to let her true feelings slip out, “I’m not” as his eyes trained on the stream of water before meeting hers, Elphie's hand comes up ever so delicately making Fiyero slightly flinch, not in fear of disgust, but because he secretly deep down felt the same thing for Elphaba and knew feeling her touch who just feed more into his temptation, “There” Her fingers lightly grazes the freshly cut scab, trying not to make him wince as his eyes met her, confusion on his face but his heart burning from the inside out, “I must of scratched you” Her hand resting on his cheek, the feeling so nice and loving that he hesitated to pull it away.
It was wrong, he realized that, but he couldn’t deny this feeling any longer, he couldn't deny the somersaults his stomach did whenever she was near him. Certainly at first glance it was shocking to see a green-colored woman as they are not very common, but then he noticed the soft glint in her eyes, how her beautiful braided hair laid upon her shoulder, and damn he’d be lying if he didn't find her stubbornness hot. From the moment they met he knew how defensive she was, it was attractive to say the least but made him sad, angry, that someone could be treated so foul their whole life that every new interaction is started with an explanation for her complexion.
But no longer, no longer would he hold himself back from letting her know how special she truly was, the restraints placed upon his heart by society were becoming undone. “You're beautiful” The prince spoke softly before closing the space between them, his hand now cupping her cheek and the other her waist, dipping her body over the pond, but held her firmly enough so that she wouldn't fall in, and before she could resist, his lips were already on her’s. He was so gentle, so sweet, she hated how he acted so shallow and self-centered because she knew that deep down he was more than just a prince, he had a heart and feelings too, and perhaps he wasn't book smart but nonetheless he still cared deeply for others and apparently the animals too, just like her. It pains her to realize the people in his life treated him more as a trophy than just a human. Her mind became cleared from her thoughts as Fiyero deepened the kiss, his tongue asking for permission. Elphaba hesitated at first but soon allowed herself to give into temptation. So soft, his lips, they were so soft she only hoped he thought the same of her’s. Elphaba wanted him, she wanted more, but instead she opened her eyes and pushed him away.
Glinda was her friend, her new best friend, and although they had a rough start, she was the only person who has ever saw Elphaba for her true self, she was kind, loving and perhaps a bit ditzy but overall more caring than others may realize, she couldn’t betray her like this, how could she after all Glinda has done, “Oh Miss Elphaba, you’re beautiful” the wholesome memory playing through her mind of the two looking in Glinda’s vanity mirror, the blonde bombshell placing light pink rose behind Elphie’s ear, her words mimicking Fiyero’s statement from before “Stop!” Elphaba shouted unintentionally, trying to shut out the thoughts running through her mind. After snapping, she realized that the motion made her push Fiyero forcefully with her magic, “I-I” Her voice lost as her throat became dry, struggling to find the words, “I-I’m sorry” She gasped out of breath before running off back to the courtyard.
Why? When she had just gained a true authentic friendship, why must she go mess it up. She shouldn’t have touched him, maybe if she explains to Glinda what happened maybe she’ll understand, “Elphie!” A sweet familiar voice called out from the fountain located in the middle of the courtyard, “Elphie wait!” Glinda rushes to her friend, “What happened? In the lecture room? Where’s Fiyero?” The questions making Elphaba’s head reel as the guilt began to rush over her again, “I have to go, s-sorry” Her words quick and short before running off. It made Glinda worry, for Fiyero of course but mostly for her friend, she looked pale if even possible and practically sick to her stomach. She looked back towards the direction of her friend but was pulled from her thoughts by Fiyero, “There you are darling, finally decided to wake and bless us with your beauty huh?” Adjusting the buttons on his blazer, acting casual as if nothing had happened.
All well Elphaba never stopped running. She was uncertain of where to go, her bed wasn't an option as her and Glinda shared a room, and the library and diner were usually crowded by this hour. The only other place she could think of was the garden located in the back of the school, where she had met with Madame Morrible on her first day, there she would be able to sort out her thoughts and process the previous events that occurred just moments ago. There was no way Prince Fiyero felt the same right? He couldn't, he'd be blind to choose an outcast over the most popular girl at Shiz. Elphaba sat by the water thinking it was a mistake, a heat of the moment kind of thing and nothing more, after all she is not the kind of girl that ever gets the boy.
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lonelylittledot · 3 months ago
~ a Wicked scholar's thoughts on the movie
Okay. I had detached myself from any feelings about the movie truly years ago, and so I walked into the movie theatre with really low expectations.
My overall opinion: it was not a bad adaptation. I'd expected to give it 3/10, it turned out as a solid 6.5/10.
Here are just a few things that stuck out to me:
The landscapes - didn't hate them but didn't like them.
The costumes - amazing. Pretty much every outfit slayed. I feel like they could have been even a bit more extravagant, but they were great as they were. - As for Elphaba, I think my favorite outfit was the first Shiz dress and the post-Popular outfit. - Glinda's bubble dress was exquisite, and I really liked her Emerald City ensemble, although I do miss the yellow dress, I feel like it doesn't get enough love
I liked Ariana's G(a)linda surprisingly a lot. Maybe it's because I know she's a huge Wicked fan, but I felt like her love for the source material really showed.
I wasn't really sold on Cynthia. Don't get me wrong, she has a truly fabulous voice, and she absolutely did shine in the big, loud parts - but overall, I wasn't a fan of her versions of the songs. She looked and acted great, though.
Michelle Yeoh, the woman you are. Fantastic casting, no notes.
Jonathan. Oh, dear, Johnathan Bailey. Looks? Hot. Vocals? Gorgeous. Vibes? Flawless. I wish he'd played the role a decade ago, because he does look forty and not college-age, but I think everything else about him truly makes up for it.
Speaking of - I liked that Fiyero got just a few tiny little additional scenes/lines, really helped to flesh out his character more.
Grammar-nazi Elphaba, my beloved.
Listen, I have shipped Fiyero and Elphaba since I was 14. And I'm not going to stop now. I stan them, I loved their chemistry in the movie, I will ship them until the day I die.
The direction on G(a)linda/Elphaba - hella gay. But I didn't quite feel their chemistry, neither friendly nor romantic. It was okay, but didn't blow me away.
IDINA AND KRISTEN???? love love love love my og queens
The movie dragged on. A lot. This is my only really big criticism, unfortunately it's a really important one. I think they could easily have made the whole musical into one 3h long movie, and it would have been much better for the pacing. - there weren't even that many added scenes; and a lot of the additions were pretty good, actually - some were totally unnecessary though. like the guards chasing Elphaba and Glinda and the whole balloon shenanigans? - similarly, many scenes were just unnecessarily stretched out; with the camera staying too long in one place or one moment being dragged out way too long - some of the songs just had slightly longer (like 2 bars?) breakes between the choruses added for no reason
Defying Gravity. This is the same thing as one of the previous comments, but I feel like it deserves its separate mention. The pacing in that scene (or, here, more like a collection of scenes) was extremely off, the song losing all of its momentum by being chopped up into pieces. And the way they made us wait for the iconic vocalization at the end; I honestly thought I'd die of boredom.
Sometimes I felt like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be more stage-y and theatrical, and lean into the whole campy vibe, or more cinematic and "naturally" acted; and sometimes it switched weirdly between the two.
There was one single thing that looked way better onscreen than onstage. The Lion cub. In the movie, he looked extremely cute, tiny little adorable darling baby kitten. Way better than the creepy-ass puppet they use in the show.
There were many more tasty little details that I simply couldn't remember/write down, or else I wouldn't have been able to pay any attention to the movie. Once it's available, maybe I'll rewatch and dissect it in more detail (I should also finally watch the 1939 Wizard of Oz, it's a CRIME that I still haven't! I'm sure people who know it well could also see many references in the new Wicked - even I noticed the ruby slippers in Popular, for example!).
Summing up this unnecessarily long rant:
It was not a bad adaptation; although I doubt it will make many people into Wicked fans. At the end of the day, it's clearly a story made for the stage, and even though it was transferred to the big screen fairly well, I think it still belongs in the regular theatre, not the movie one.
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