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critdeeznuts · 2 years ago
i absolutely LOVE oakworthy speedrunning every trope a method acting theatre kid and a self-insert fanfiction writer could come up with
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pikslasrce · 6 months ago
TOO LATE! i have already drawn you as the seething human and myself as the stoic vulcan
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satuurnos · 9 months ago
I think its so funny when ppl have this attachment and loyalty to this one person in their life where they kind of just like them better and therefore listen to whatever they say like it's not only a little strange
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otterloreart · 5 months ago
Steps of creating a 3D model replica from scratch
trace photos of character from available and cleanest angles. attempt to get a 90 degree*, front and back, side profile and straight on of the face. save additional reference photos such as bottom of body, back, and various extra angles without tracing which may help reference later on.
*more on angles later, but trying to get a 90 degree from each side is the most realistic and practical option if you dont actually have the character you're copying
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2. block out the body and head
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and by block i mean, yeah, its made out of elaborate rectangles
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4 aha, you thought I would hand sculpt those? no. no. I used the curve tool to add these swirls. And yes i exactly traced them over the drawings to match the original as best as possible. The end of the curve tool is flat by default so I added a few spheres to make the ends nice and round. (there is absolutely a way to make the ends of curves rounded but I did not feel like looking it up or messing with the settings)
this wasn't mirrored to the other side- I traced both sides of the body and the front from photos and sculpted the swirls for each side. I couldn't get a single photo of the swirls at the butt area so I just winged it.
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6 I am struggling to not make Cha Cha look angry.
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I feel like the eyes are basically traced off the original and yet she looks so much grumpier. maybe it just needs to be smoothed out?
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I added a little definition to the area around the eyes and I do think it looks a little better. The more definition I add in this stage the better, because I prefer this to sculpting. However, if you're more adept at sculpting you would probably not make this as detailed.
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7 Here she is after smoothing everything out in sculpt after remeshing, in both Eevee (left) and Cycles (middle/right). still trying to figure out how best to render things. For some reason her nose ended up lighter in cycles but i cant be bothered to fix that rn
On the previous step I made the elements of her face + ears mirrored but once I start sculpting I'm not using the mirror tool. In fact nothing ends up mirrored, even the back right foot is slightly shifted in position.
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this is probably not even the final version, I think i might redo the smooth/sculpt part and fiddle with the underlying shapes (basically go back a step)
Cha Cha's face. is one of the most difficult things to sculpt. It is extremely difficult to understand the shape of the underlying sculpt because there aren't any photos of her with the eye paint removed. There are so few of her out there I don't think anyone would willingly remove the paint to make a custom or anything unless it was in truly awful condition, and I dont think that has ever happened.
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I have saved dozens of references from a number of different sites- these pics here are from etsy, the above was from the wiki. Her eyes are different from every single other pony and pony and friends- they're so bulging, so round, the eyelashes are longer. It's wild.
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I can only see all the things that are wrong with it.
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It's basically impossible to get something like this 100% perfect unless you have like, a set of turnaround photos all from the same angle that you can match up to the camera. You can basically overlap references with the camera view but you will never know the exact angle so if you make edits from multiple angles like this you'll inevitably not match each angle and then have to go back and adjust the angles and then you're fiddling with it infinitely. That's why I usually go for the "trace 4 angles and make the rest up as you go along" method.
I don't want to spend _too_ long on every model I make- the Takara pony which took 6 months really shows how far down the rabbit hole I will go with something like this, and it's just not practical. But I think with a slight amount of fiddling I can match the reference a little better.
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months ago
ive been hit w the seasonal sick i think. yall got any sick hcs?? cant remember if someone already asked this
idk if u mean just for papercut or like in general so ur just gettin both!!!mostly papercut tho
•when ur sick in the curtis house, that sickness doesnt go away till EVERYONE ELSE gets sick, its like a torch that only gets passed around when the last person gets it
•darry has a “sick shirt” just a shirt he always wears when he sick bc he doesnt gaf about it at all
•if either pony or curly is sick but the other isnt and they RLLLYYYY dont wanna go somewhere, they get the other to get them sick as a way to get out of it, yes this would go on into adult hood, they have no shame
•tim is lowkey like a bother who says “if ur sick enough to not ____ u cant ____” but to b fair, curly and angela do overplay their sickness to get out of things
•pony and curly cannootttt make out while sick, they can barely just kiss, they cant breath properly and turn into mouth breathers when sick
•everytime i think about tim getting sick, i think of that one cutaway gag from family guy where peters like “i CANNOT get sick rn” and yea, thats pretty accurate for him
•if curly has a fever hes not passing up on the opportunity to tell pony “its bc hes so hot”, mind u ponys looking at the thermometer and his fever is at 103 fahrenheit, this is NOT the time to say this
•two it was that kid in elementary/kindergarten who just threw up for literally no reason, no reason at all just threw up
•speaking of, as a kid sometimes johnny puked when he was too nervous and ppl called him a squid for it, some of the gang did it but they stopped
•curlys never thrown up before, like ever, he has a strong ass stomach
•pony and curly both make shit tea, they will never finish the others tea they made, but in a way its cute bc they try making it the way their brothers taught em how to make it, they just add too much of one ingredient and argue about which was is better
•curly gets like super cranky when hes hungry, and once he decided to cook meat, but he aint cook it all the way and pony trieedddd telling him and helping but curly got mad at him. curly ate what he made and got food poisoning, i want u to just imagine the amount of told u so’s pony said the next day
•when angelas sick, u could not get her to leave her room, she locks herself in there till shes better
•pony and curly have gotten multiple concussions from rumbles and once someone left a concussed pony and curly in the same room cause “nothing would happen” and they were right, but also got into a lotttt of trouble
•pony and curly both being sick together would tire each other out, they r bedridden and cant do much but talk and lord knows theyre too good at that, so they bicker, pass out, bicker, pass out, etc etc
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years ago
꒰win it all !꒱
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to build hype around the new season, your arrival to the games was kept a secret up until it went live, and some legends had more notable reactions than others.
character x legend!reader
includes crypto, octane, and mirage !
a/n : im sorry ive been gone but look i made you some contenttttt daddy made you your favorite open wide 🥳. im noticing a severe lack of apex fanfics rn so here is my contribution 🤲.
warnings : mentions of stalking (average crypto behavior), drugs (average octane behavior), & mentions of hooking up (you guessed it, average mirage behavior).
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crypto doesnt like surprises, period. its one thing if its mediocre like a birthday party, but a whole person was hidden under his nose and he had no idea? unacceptable.
in summary, youve shattered his ego simply from your presence. not cool.
hes not really known for looking approachable either, so unless youve got the balls or stupidity to talk to him, hell keep to himself and sulk. this sets back any plans he had in the back of his mind by a whole season.
when you introduce yourself to him on the dropship he practically ignores you, acting as if anything else is more interesting than this small talk.
"hi im y/n, ive heard a lot about you from mirage. nice to meet you!" he rolls his eyes, witt is always one to blabber about others.
you scoff at his response, "dont expect me to be as open and idiotic as elliott." he almost adds you to that list, but holds back on it. if anything lifeline has told him holds weight, you could be useful to get information from the syndicate.
"im crypto by the way." he continues, if he plays his cards right you could almost be worth his time.
getting paired with you and mirage was almost comical, its as if the games were trying to make his life as hard as possible.
you got along annoyingly well with mirage, but you seemed more hesitant when it came to crypto, which was truly bothered him. (it was not jealousy at all. he was not jealous whatsoever. nope, definitely not.)
hes struggling to interact with you, like he does with most of the other legends, but youre a different case due to how useful you could be to him. thats usually the reasoning he uses when he racks his brain for ideas to come across less mean without irreparably ruining his reputation.
as if his prayers had been answered, a few hours after your first game you appear in the doorway to his room with a piece of high tech equipment in your hand. but your expression is different from how it was before. you appear upset, how can you be angry with him already? youve barely interacted!
if you want to be pissy, so can he. "can i help you? he asks, annoyance in his voice. "im almost sure you can, brilliant hacker." you drop the equipment in front of him on his desk, distracting him from his current project. he scowls. "what exactly am i looking at here?" you roll your eyes. "you tell me, this is clearly yours right? found it in my room." 
he examines the object, looks like a hidden camera. "ive never seen this before, if you want me to fix it call someone else, im not tech support." he pushes it to the side, but youre not having it. "nuh-uh, you cant brush this off. i know youve created the cameras used to record the games, this has to be your tech!"
so you think hes stalking you? thats a good idea honestly, he wish he had thought of it first. "just because i created those doesnt mean i also designed this. looks like someone else wants to keep an eye on you. got anyone in mind?" you pause for a moment, letting his words sink in. why cant it just be an open and shut case?
"i have no idea, i just got here! is anyone else even knowledgeable enough to design something like this?" he shrugs. "looks can be deceiving." "will you at least help me figure out whos stalking me?" he wants to say no. he knows its bad news, especially for someone like him to get involved in. but its a great opportunity to get closer to you. closer to his end goal, and despite it truly not being the only reason, he decides its good enough for him. "i guess i can make time, tell me about your interactions since youve joined." 
from this point on, you and crypto get much closer, it feels like he knows everything about you. (maybe he does honestly 💀.)
but you can tell hes getting frustrated when it comes to the hidden camera, and you cant help but feel like a nuisance. 
on the surface, crypto looks like you are whats stressing him out. why hes angrier than usual, why hes drowning himself in his work. and in a way thats true, but not exactly.
in reality, hes more worried for your safety. your arrival was an entire surprise, so how could someone have infiltrated your room to begin with? he cant figure it out, and almost entirely forgets the original reason he wanted to get to know you. 
its no longer a matter of getting information, that can wait. he has all season after all. but someone else trying to watch you? he wont tolerate it, and wants it to be the first thing thats fixed, he likes you much better when youre not paranoid, not like him.
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HYPED!!! another legend is always exciting to octane, even more so when he gets lucky enough to be paired with them.
octavio can be a bit much at times, but you match his energy almost perfectly! 
dedication to the apex games, and genuinely having a great time, not finding him annoying??? he should ask if youre into hard drugs too at this point.
anyone who goes up against the two of you on a team together should fear for their lives. octane swears hes never had so much fun in a match before. (almost as much fun as id have if kings canyon was in the map rotation this season ☹.)
theres a voice in the back of his head that he cant shake, telling him youre someone sent from the syndicate to mess with him, or maybe something worse.
he doesnt want to risk making you upset with him (like some other legends) so he reluctantly keeps these thoughts to himself, but due to his online personality being so similar to his real self, you almost immediately notice a change.
you decide to confront octane after the match, and originally he completely disregards your questions.
"what are you on about, compadre? im fine, really!" but youre not having it, and octane knows youre not going to drop this so easily.
"i just cant help but think this isnt how you usually act outside of games." you shrug when he asks for your reasoning of pressing on. "well how would you know? you just got here." he chuckles. "which i think is exactly why youre hiding things from me. i understand though, its hard to trust someone you just met. i only had an outsiders perspective up until a few hours ago."
"thats exactly whats so scary about you amigo. you seem like youre some fuckin syndicate spy!" "why? because we get along?" octane sighs. maybe having a legend who understands him is a bad thing. its easier to justify someone who hates him, theres plenty reason to. but like him? enjoy his company? hes confused, to say the least.
hes frantically reaching for one of his stims, if his mind is going to be racing so frantically, the rest of his body might as well do the same. "lets leave this here for now, yeah? ive got some videos to film!" he gets up quickly, but stops dead in his tracks when you offer to help him with his stunts. he whips around back over to you. "you sure?" you nod with a smile that might make him more energetic than any stim could. "alright cmon cmon cmon! i hope you known how to hold a camera, if you miss any good shots im gonna be pissed!"
rumors start about octanes elusive camera operator, all kinds of misinformation spreads too, some of it crazier than others. 
you personally find it funny, sometimes tempting the viewers by almost flipping it around to show your face, but youre stopped by octane and his ridiculously fast reflexes everytime.
"hey hey amigo no need to ruin the mystery! plus you totally just didnt film that awesome stunt i just did! what am i paying you for!?" 
you try your best to stop yourself from laughing, but at this point youre sure it must be obvious its you behind the camera, youre just going along with the "mystery" because octane asked you to by whispering in your ear that it "increases his interaction" or whatever influencer bullshit. (you were more focused on his voice than what he was saying tbh 🧍.)
the other legends are sick of you two at this point, and are just about ready to expose the "secret" to get octane to shut up 😭. when i say you guys are always together doing stupid shit i mean ALWAYS!!
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a flirt wbk. expect to be invited to lots of yacht parties.
mirage is known to have a very welcoming aura, and you noticed this the second you first interacted on the dropship. (anyone wanna take me out? come find me 🤭.)
you guys are on the same team for tdm, and he is almost constantly by your side.
someone sneaks up behind you? hes already sending a decoy their way so you can get the upper hand.
in case you miss? no worries, hes right behind you with pinpoint accuracy. (talk about a great first impression.)
you guys absolutely crushed the opposite team 50-15, and mirage hurriedly rushes over to you the second the match is concluded to invite you to his celebration party that night.
youre more surprised he has the energy to still keep going after such an intensive match, and you barely get the chance to say maybe before hes walking away excitedly.
uh, actually i might sit this one out-" "cool, cool, cool. ill see you tonight!"
lets just say things get… interesting on the mirage a trois 😀.)
you hooked up on the boat okay, youre not the first (and might not be the last either.)
parties werent necessarily your thing, but after elliott had practically won the game for you today, you figured showing up was the least you could do to return the favor. you were honestly just hoping the yacht didnt blow up like youd heard about his other ones doing…
you arrive way later than everyone else in hopes that you arent the first person there, but your current situation is almost just as awkward as everyone assumes you managed to get lost on your way here. (as if you could miss mirages yacht if you tried…) however, you probably did look just as lost as everyone assumed you were while trying to find mirage in the sea of decoys and other party guests.
when you finally stop getting bamboozled and find the real mirage, you try to explain you were only stopping by out of politeness, but hes not having any of it. "what do you mean youre leaving already? weve gotta make up for all the partying time lost while you werent here!" he hands you a drink and leads you to a table with crypto and wattson, who seem to have just had an… important conversation interrupted with your presence.
"if theres anyone you wanna get to know in the games, other than me of course, these are the legends!" youre almost amazed at how mirage chooses to ignore the awkward atmosphere hes created, and manages to smooth it over in record time as well. crypto looks as annoyed as ever, meanwhile wattson attempts her best at a conversation with the group, and you almost wish you never showed up in the first place.
‘almost’ is the key word here, you knew deep down you didnt really have anywhere else to be, and going along with whatever such an attractive legend says was surely better than staying in your dorm room and missing out on a night of fun. which is exactly why when elliott leaned closer to your ear and said something that definitely wasnt pg-friendly, you downed your drink and made quick goodbyes to his friends before leaving to a secluded area of the yacht with the party host himself. 
i think by now the other legends are just waiting for you two to finally announce theres something between you. 
everyone, and i mean everyone seems to know, and i swear rampart is one more flirtatious comment away from exposing your corny asses during the next match.
however, youre hesitant. youre still incredibly new to the games, isnt it odd for things to be moving so fast?
sure, elliott is great, but you cant help but have an anxious feeling in your stomach, and making the mistake of looking at comments online surely isnt helping either.
mirage noticed your shift in behavior immediately, hes been around you more than any of the other legends, and he expects to be the first to hear of whats troubling you (if youre okay with it, of course).
he might not seem like it at first glance, but mirage really is a great listener. despite your first impressions of him making him out to be well… a party-loving flirt, he has so many more layers to him than whats on the surface level.
when he gets serious, hes not cracking his usual jokes, although hes still got his awkward charm. 
"i just… feel like were moving too fast. its only been a month since ive joined the game after all…"
he thinks for a moment before responding calmly, "well i mean, if you wanna take things slower, all you had to do was ask. besides we have all the time in the world! as long as you dont have some secret plan to leave the games or something, than were fine!" you smile at him.
okay, maybe he does still joke a little bit, put i promise its fine in context 😭😭.
can you tell i like crypto (especially jealous crypto) a totally normal amount 😦 totally not inspired by the mcc song by derivakat 🫶
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rosetyphooon · 10 months ago
hey guys ramble time bc i needto ramble and i am very very afraid of bothering others also maybe spoilers idk so here we go yippee but ohhh my god arcane i am freaking out i am quaking in my boots i am shaking with joy i am in a fucking state of pure bliss i am so excited for season 2 omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg obviously theres going to war n shit like no duh but i cant eait for the super epic cool battle between jinx and vi like thats gonna be epic and all the etasers arggg i love picking them apart idc if im reading into them toomuch i love them anyways for starters i love the way its all connecting like i am a sucker for the way everything is coming to tgoether n shit like in the teaser where we see vi and cait together preparing for war you can notice all these small little details that are actually from their leagues skin (caitlyn wearing a skirt n the collar thing or wtvr and vi having the big ass jacket collar and random ass pink ruffle on her waist) so thats super duper amazing cool epic yes also in the teaser trailer theres a small snippet where i think theres viktor and hes using hextech (i might be wrong it might not be viktor but who cares) to start his lil revolution thingy majigy so YIPPEE also in the teaser trailer vi is wearing claggors goggles such a cte detail to me starst sobbing teehee anywas i love ambessas part in this and even tho i dont have much to say abt her rn i hope she has a big part in the whole war thing!! also theres gonna be so much war ik s1 was gonna getting us prepared for all the war like theres a bunch of things in s1 that all signal war is abt to happen and yippe fictionalwar my favoruite slash joke ALSO SEVIKA oh my god sevika in the trailer she fired jinxs gun???? whaaaat?????? plus theres a shot where you can kinda see her arm (robotic one) and its brand new and looks to be designed and graffitied on by jinx which is super interesting like perhaps some jinx and sevika stuff??? do they get along??? so excited so so so very excited for that i love sevika guys also the painted mural of jinx is super interetsing to me especially since its shown right after we see ekko andohhh mygod vander is warwicklike ik we knew that months ago but oohhh my goodddddd big werewolf gonna fuck his daughter upfor kinda switching to piltover over zaun (pls warwick and vi fightscene i'll do anything) okay enough rambling for me i'll probably reblog and add more whenever i feel more need to ramble abt how much i love arcane YIPPEEE forgot to mention it but the fucking poster image wtvr of the rverse jinx holding vi is super cool to me bc unlike the first one where vi was looking away while powder was looking directly at the camera now they both face the camera and vi has this terrified look on her face and ughewsdjfejsdf GUYS!!!!!! i have so much to say!!!!!!!!! most of this was just me rambling abt all the teasrer but get ready for theories and analyings soon /hj
also heres a link to the arcane twitter account fi you would like to see all these teasers urself -> arcanes twt
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cosmicdream222 · 1 year ago
sorry to be morbid again but do you think we can manifest passing away early? im honestly past the point of wanting to exist and just want to get over this thing that im supposed to be a successful person but im not so idrc if i do or dont live
so many ppl on tarot related blogs ask about their fs but if we dont meet them does it matter and would they just move on with their life? like i think u have to have ur life put together but its genuinely so hard to do these days so i hope my fs wont be sad at all when i die cause i wouldnt be able to make tnem truly happy anyway cause im not happy myself with how things have been
ideally i wouldve done something in a sport or music but that ship sailed long ago and now im so stuck but id hate to be reliant on someone else and i shouldve moved out into my own place but housing is ridiculously expensive where im from and taxes dont help anyone. it takes years and years to pick up a talent so i have wasted those years and ik im just going to struggle to get past 50 if i were to have my own place bc minimum wage jobs suck arse and i dont want to be doinng something lame not that its lame for others to do it, its just not what i wanted to have done at all
you cant even get a degree without needing to fork out hundreds and thousands so yeah none of its easy and sure you can try subliminals but lets face it the systemn we are in is fucked up big time so rn i cant even bother with daydream about how it could have been or the what ifs i had done smth differently or if i had any talent but then theres still the, im too old and too foreign to do any sort of music as most successful groups nowadays are korean and even if i tried to do what they did it would probs end up killing me some way or other
its just either about having to be wealthy or having some type of talent both of which id fail at anyway as i shouldve done it years ago like a normal person who goes from being so so at something to being great at something.
i truly think i was born in wrong generation or i just shouldnt have been born at all then i wouldnt have to fret constantly abt these types of things. i think if the government genuinely sorted shit out for once and helped society ppl would be happier to work for less but im not happy at all with the current state of things. i feel guilty for existing and i hate it sm like god just let me end my life pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee there is nothing worthwhile in store, ik we could try shifting subliminals but have those genuinely worked? like u exit this reality and straight into the one you wanted originally? but then i might as well just pass away cause id have to know what i want in another reality
My dude, take a deep breath. You’ve ranted about all this same exact stuff a bunch of times now and I’m just gonna repeat the same thing I said to you last time:
All of that stuff you mentioned about your current reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. It does not matter what you’ve done in the past. The economy does not matter. Your present circumstances do not matter.
I’ll add to that: Whatever some tarot reader or TikTok psychic says definitely does not matter. Idk what fs means but I’m guessing something like a twin flame and that is especially 1000% bullshit.
The spiritual community has created an incredible amount of false narratives to make excuses and blame outside forces for why things aren’t going their way. None of it is real. Seriously forget everything you learned about fate, karma, astrology, or anything else that’s saying something else is in control. Reality is an illusion. YOU are in control.
You don’t have to identify with any old bullshit anymore. Stop repeating the old story and think about what you do want. You can have literally ANYTHING! You say you don’t know what you want, ok, but you know what you don’t want, right?
I don’t want to work -> I want to live in a reality where I don’t have to work.
There, you just figured out something you want! It’s that simple.
I totally agree that this society is a horrific shitshow and I don’t want to be aware of it anymore either. But it’s just one version of reality available. It’s not the only reality and it’s not the original reality. You don’t have to be aware of it anymore if you don’t want to be.
You also don’t have to involve death at all. There’s a lot of misconception in the shifting world which has lead to concepts like “permashifting” and “respawning”, but those just all assume this current reality is the original one. It’s not.
Have you watched The Matrix? It’s really more like a documentary than science fiction lol. Just like in the movie, we are being tricked by a simulated virtual reality, controlled by a society that’s using us for our energy. Just think of reality as an escape room. We’re escaping the Matrix. Once you figure out how to leave, you don’t ever have to go back. There are infinite realities available to you, and none are more real or right or original than any others. Remember, death is not an ultimate, nor does it exist in all realities.
I am scripting a utopian reality with my best friend where there is no death, aging, or illness. Everyone is a master manifestor so they always get whatever they want. Nobody has to work and there isn’t even a need for money because we can manifest anything instantly. We can just relax and get massages all day. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and abundance. Animals are treated as equals to humans, we can all communicate with each other, and we can all fly and teleport. Because why the f not? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
And if you really don’t want to exist (I’m guessing that other ask from a couple weeks ago is you too lol) you don’t have to exist in this reality, or any other. Removing your awareness from all physical reality is known as entering the void. You exist there as pure consciousness, and you can stay there as long as you like. It is you as your highest self. There’s nothing negative about it.
As for the whole subliminal thing, shifting subliminals are just one method. Shifting = manifesting = deciding what you want and experiencing it. It’s something we are always doing and is available to all of us. You don’t need any methods to shift besides intention. We just use methods to convince/calm the annoying human brain that is programmed with society’s limits.
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1nm806 · 1 year ago
hi you like spot conlon. i also like spot conlon. here is some random headcanons as a gift. i'd love to hear your thoughts about our favorite brooklyn boy
-memorized the entirety of romeo and juliet just to annoy romeo
-amazing at storytelling, he tells the littles stories sometimes but whenever he does everyone is sat around listening attentively
-jack and spot are super similar and they hate it. they'll both make the same joke in reaction to stuff and they have a scoreboard for fights they've won against each other but it's tied so they don't show anyone
-really likes pirates and brooklyn uses pirate and nautical terms like first mate instead of second in command
you get it i think. you're so right.
only one i sorta disagree on is maybe the first? i hc that he cant read very well. but maybe that makes it funnier. maybe the ONLY thing hes ever read is r&j and thats what makes it so annoying. its not only that he learnt it, its that its ALL he ever bothered to learn at that level.
he and jack are similar and to me this is bc they were rly good friends for ages and then they had a falling out, so every time they react similarly its a stark reminder of their friendship.
GOD THE PIRATE THING IS SOOOO GOOD I HADNT CONSIDERED THAT. he likes to shout "land ho" every time he crosses over the brooklyn bridge. he thinks it's really funny to claim jack has to walk the plank and then pushes him into the river.
i dont have any hcs to add rn bc im. in the middle of studying for mocks but i LOVE these so much
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baahsu · 2 years ago
hi hello baahsu its me the person who wrote two (give or take) whole ass vscest smut fics in your inbox now returned after a sudden month long disappearance to (hopefully lol) continue yelling happily about this ship with you!! :]
tldr i got back into op again and noticed how incredibly dry tumblrs vinsmokecest tag is and realized itd prolly be best to add to it lol, but alas i don't rlly know what to talk about rn :,)
uh. how about this!! what do you think would be the siblings' favorite outfits to fuck in, iydm me asking??
kinda generic but i think 124ji would lose it (/pos) if they got the chance to fuck sanji in his raid suit, mumbling and raving in his ear about he should just keep it on all the time as they take turns destroying him. reiju, although not as crazy abt it bc shes a *liiitle* more sane lol, would probably find it decently hot as well. sanjis no better tho- he sees his siblings, (especially yonji and reiju cause. tits :o]) all hot from battle in those skin tight suits and his nose is GUSHING
and heads kinda empty rn so cant think of much BUT i do have two ideas that im curious abt ur opinion on (and these are purely self indulgent lmao):
i srsly think ichiji has a feminization kink, though he doesnt really realize it 'less he gets emotions. it mostly crosses his mind whenever he sees sanji or niji in more effeminate clothing, like blouses, dresses, and ESPECIALLY skirts and is abruptly hit with the Vinsmoke Horny Gene™. he probably wouldn't piece it together unless reiju (ever the attentive vouyer) just straight up told him lmao
and SPEAKING of reiju, whether its her or one of her brothers wearing them, i feel like she has a thing for stockings. especially fishnets 🤲. especially TIGHT fishnets 🤲🤲. obviously all of them have good bodies that could rock stockings, but if we're going for a lower/bottom heavy build clearly sanjis the way to go. idk i just think that if reiju were to ever see sanji in any type of stockings (ESPECIALLY nice, snug fishnets) she'd just destroy him. like suck the soul outta him lol
YEAH thats all I got rn hqdyaduqfuqf good to be back yelling in your inbox about My Thoughts again have a good day/night :,]]
Welcome back anon!! I missed you 💜💜
I've said this before but I don't even bother looking at the vinsmokecest tag here bc I know there's never any new content in it (tho I'm surprised there's no hate either, guess this ship is unpopular from all sides lmao)
I actually never thought about any of these outfits options and my mind just went 🤯 at sanji's raid suit. Like, I can totally imagine the brothers praising sanji so much while wearing it?? "You're so pretty in it, it fits you so well, look at your thighs, it was made for you, you should just come back to us so you can always wear it, your ass looks so delicious in it too" they'd do it so much even reiju would have to say something, maybe just a subtle "they're right, you know" that would instantly disarm sanji
A more obvious outfit is lingerie, with how they are just the sight of a lacy bra strap or the peak of a garter belt or thigh strap would get them going. They'd be walking around the castle and catch a glimpse of it through the collar of a shirt, see the lines under one of their pants, and they'd pull the other into the closest room, sometimes not even that, the hallway is good enough and the staff passing by doing their jobs be damned (I can't decide if they'd enjoy putting on a show or if they'd get ridiculously jealous and rip their heads off tho)
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hawkebridgers · 2 years ago
hey everyone :)))
i’m sarah
i’m 23 & an aries
super shy and likely won’t reach out first so please dm me i love friends
current interests :)))
boygenius (& their solos)
maya hawke
lana del rey
billie eilish
carole king
new girl
the office
parks and rec
stranger things
& more! ask me about them :))
dni if you
are under 16
hate lgbtq community
a trump supporter
pro life
& more i cant think of rn
this is a safe space, you’re never alone and please reach out to me if you need to talk. you’re never a bother
i’m iso friends, i’d love to join gcs and find a bff :)))
please add me to gcs & dm me!!!
other socials!!!
twitter: @ restlessmaya
discord: @ hawkebridgers
insta: @ restlessmxxn
snap: @ sarahgrxhxm
whatsapp/phone number: dm me
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mayullla · 2 years ago
Mayu helphelp I wanna revamp my writing blog’s theme @/bamboowrites and I wanna learn 🥺🤲🏻🪤
look at other people's blogs that you admire and mix and match the ideas from there you would find something that you might be satisfied with.
consider if the BFY and DNI are absolutely important for your blog... some people just don't bother to read those things if they are in another link. having it on the pinned post above the masterlist link can help as they end up glancing at it just dont make it too long if you do.
now the theme itself depends on what you are going for but you can go for a. pick a theme like maybe cottagecore, gothic and such and build a mood board from it on Pinterest and from those pictures choose the colours for like the accent? b. would be picking the colors first (maybe a certain shade of color, or maybe a palette you like) and then the pictures. (another idea/way could be like a "3 words" too, like my main account theme @mayulli has a star, royalty, navy theme, but not necessarily galaxy tho. My reblog account @mayullii focused more on a princess fairytale pink.)
Build a pinterest board, everything usually starts from there to be honest lolll
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Now for my own... uhhhhhhhhh okay this is mainly for the people who cant pick a theme and wants them all (or at least most)
A lot of people say that sticking to one theme and staying with it is a good idea and to be honest, they are not wrong, and absolutely right it is just that I don't like staying in one theme I guess lol? Example:
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Something like this! Or-
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Look at all those differences hehehe. Nowhere here do you see green forest themes except for like Diasomnia (twst)? And then I also have the borders of all my writing posts:
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I have like probably over 100 fic/original oneshots by now all that uses the borders above which is like alot and gonna be supppperrrr tiring to edit everything if I think about swapping everything. (will cry if I must.) but one thing is very obvious in all the pictures is that all have this pastel, soft dark, neutral tones, and has a mix of flowers, nature/outdoor and vintage themes/vibes.
I tried to make the blog as colorful as possible with the mindset that I will be changing my blog theme often. I just made the blog take all the themes that I personally like and mix and match. The forest green I currently have matched well with all the leaves in the pictures above cause of the leaves of the flowers. With an odd one here and there, but it is not necessarily painful to the eyes.
For me, with all this, I have multiple options of things I like so from like a white background which I can make it look like a canvas where the pop of colors would be from the multiple masterlists, blue where you could call it the outside/sky and the posts are the flowers essentially a garden, dusty tones, most pastel colors but more so the neutral tones like both dark and light academia would be a-okay most of the time. princesses and fairytales also~
Now what would not match with everything here would be neon colors, most bold/bright colors (my heartslabyul dorm masterlist is suffering rn cause of that red), pure black, city street and downtown, sci-fi stuff would stick out like a sore thumb for me but they are themes that I don't care for much so it is fine.
It doesn't have to flower only, to be honest if you want you can go for something jewels which has an array of colors, or maybe fabrics/clothes as like the main theme. really just make a pin board and add everything that you like and pick all the common stuff they have with each other.
Ah! one more thing that probs might help but who knows but like as you saw my twst wonderland masterlists are all different colors. So I use gray as like a divider from the main theme and the dorms. I also did the same for General/multiple characters masterlist and school staff and other characters. The gray is like a refresh for the eyes in a way (like how you sniff coffee when you smell multiple perfumes so that the scent won't mix?) so that the color of my main theme and the masterlist theme won't mix/crash in the eye much.
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Genshin is genshin lol but the colours matches well with the colours of the flowers i have so it is fine. my original works masterlist is white as it was part of the white theme that i had once before, but since it is not related to any fandom it is essentially my own empty canvas (lol) so i kept it like that, naruto masterlist is obviously yellow cause... naruto lolll
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minks-country-club · 2 years ago
No one asked but I'm doing it anyway cuz I love them
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With the fandom I'm in now: "Possibilities" because It's the most I've written and it's been such a pleasure. The response from my readers and their engagement has been wonderful and I just really like the story of it. I also really loved to write "Seven Devils" (BTS) but I think that one's been discontinued at this point.
"Possibilities" (for the reason above). I'm also excited for "The Devil Has Got Into That Beast".
I don't think I regret writing any of my stories but I am sad that some have been discontinued because I just lost interest in continuing them :(
I actually have a draft compilation over on my Wattpad. They're ones that simply didn't make the cut into my story. I have a few there but I don't think I've ever really deleted drafts, maybe just those.
I like the fact that you can add covers and banners cuz I think it's cute but it can be a pain in the ass thinking of covers and making them. I also like how you can add stories to libraries. But other than that it's not a very good site😭 It's super glitchy for me, I don't like the ads (I understand tho), and I dont like how you cant bookmark what chapter you're on.
Twilight Saga! I am obsessed with Jakeward, it's my OTP but I also love Red Dead Redemption just as much.
Maybe a 6? 7 at best?
Jakeward (Edward Cullen x Jacob Black) although it can be a very repetitive sometimes, but I'm trying to explore more dynamics and scenarios between them. And because I'm just really into writing about them rn. I also think Morston (John Marston x Arthur Morgan) is easy because there are countless ways to explore them and all super fun.
Music is a huge inspo and my biggest, reading Twilight (surprisingly), reading other fanfics and watching movies/shows!
I absolutely have trouble. When i first start out with a new fandom, it's super easy because all these ideas suddenly come to me. But after doing it for a while, it's harder because I've already got most of what I want to write out of my system. Yet I still want to write more! And so the struggle begins. I also think that the "inbetween" stage is tough, where you have scenes you want to get to but don't know how to get there or what to write for fillers or how to continue a story to its end. Motivation to continue a story and actually write it is super hard for me.
Sometimes. I mainly struggle with dialogue in the sense that I know what the character would say and how they would say it, but I think when you look back on it, you couldn't really differentiate the characters unless you specifically say who said the line. Like making it obvious who said what. But other than that, I think I know the characters well enough to know how they'd act in certain situations.
I have! Only twice tho! I actually don't like writing smut that much because I just find it a bit of a drag. It can be a bit repetitive at times so i want the smut i write to be as unique each time as possible. I do tend to avoid it when a smutty scene is approaching because I can't be bothered to write it😭 But I love reading smut and want to add my contribution with certain dynamics so I do plan on writing more. I love writing angst and I do like writing fluff.
I've ways been interested in creating stories. I love creating new worlds and scenarios and I find picturing what I write to be aesthetically pleasing and pretty. And the feedback from the readers is always a highlight. I find it crazy how strangers from all over the world come together to read something I made and take the time to tell me they love it and what they think of it. It's just so nice!
Thank you!💜💜💜
You can find me on Wattpad: Minkkksss and Ao3: Minkkk
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ritsmew-sakunya · 2 years ago
ur pretty ocs,,, what are they doin,,,, what's their stories...
okok. so. uh. just gonna give em temp names so this is easier, green hair is mi, red hair is berry, and white+black+pink is bunny (well thats is actual nickname in the story)
oh god i have to add a readmore this got long
so ! berry and bunny both grew up together along w 2 others, and were particularly close with one another cause they both have anxiety and could understand each other. however berry ends up having to go to a private academy since its grades were good and the adults around them wanted them to persue academics, meanwhile bunny can only go to a normal school. and so they get separated (in the academy the students have to live in the school dorms, which means they cant even see eachother at home)
so berry goes to the academy and ends up rooming w mi. at this point mii doesnt fully identify as a girl due to personal problems, and so. berry ends up finding out about being trans thru her and the 2 make friends from sharing gender difficulties. (they also then end up transing another students gender but thats not important rn)
blah blah they r theatre kids and sing together, and everything is going fine up until near the end of their second year. when berry and one of their friends have an accident and berry ends up in hospital and accused of attacking their friend, (in reality the teachers. just didnt like berry and was trying to get rid of it)
and so berry has to transfer to the same school as bunny ! and mi decides to convince her parents to let her transfer too. and so they end up reuniting w bunny ! and in this time both berry and bunny end up dying their hair (berry originally had brown hair and bunny had black) bunny realises how much he stands out w his hair. so. he decides to put a bunny head on. to hid himself at school and thus the only 2 people who've seen what he looks like is berry and mi.
also they r all so cool and autistic because why not and so they got special permission to have a small room in the school to themselves that they can use(they each have a desk where they can do work if they need to or just play)
and as they spend time together, bunny realises that mii and berry obviously like eachother. he feels dejected cause hes liked berry for a long time but he can also see how happy mi makes them. and so he tries to play matchmaker. and of course fails badly. the other two notice that hes been pushing them away. and so they retaliate byyy. including him in everything and trying to bother him as much as possible.
at one point berry has to go somewhere for some time, leaving mi and bunny alone - which causes them to realise they actually have a lot in common. and mi finds herself having a lot of fun w bunny despite up untill then, the only person she properly got along w was berry. meanwhile bunny realises how much hes come to like mi as well. unfortunately because he has low self esteem he immediately thinks that because he loves them both, they should be together rather than be w him.
he eventually goes to mi and tells her that hes cheering on her love and thats when they end up having a bit of a fight because mi gets upset that bunny is just erasing himself out of their relationship.
and then when berry is back, it finds out about the fight and tries to get them to make up - which accidentally ends up in both mi and bunny confessing to eachother and berry. which leads them all to be very ????? but also berry. . is like what u both like me ?? and u like each other ???? thats awesome ???? and here i was freaking out cause i like u both but didnt know what to do !!!.
and so . they get together.
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mistyeyedpea · 2 years ago
So i kinda wanna open up this convo. But as someone who is autistic, hearing other people talk about their personal experience with meltdowns and burnout can be really really triggering and frustrating.
I know we are not all the same, but FUCK. SO MANY PEOPLE DESCRIBE SUCH SEEMINGLY MELLOW AND SEEMINGLY REASONABLE MELTDOWNS (from extra stress from life and issues which many of us experience)
Sometimes i wonder myself if i am having a reasonable response. Where as i feel i am justified in my spiraling, i also know that handling my loss of control to myself is terrifying and adds an extra layer of fear and aggression toward myself. Because i cant handle the way i feel. (Crawling out my skin, burning up, physically feeling hot and ill)
Ive seen meltdowns be recorded and seemed.. really mellow. The way they are described bothers me the most because it all seems reasonable even from a neurotypical standpoint. Meaning the reactions, although to a person with little empathy seem like big reactions, they are, in fact normal human responses to a shitty situation
However it poses the question of like... okay if you can control your meltdowns... then why cant i control myself sometimes?
Here comes the question i ask myself daily:
What is wrong with me?
And i think thats what triggers me when these "mellow meltdown" autistics do this shit. Bc rn they are the limelight of this topic.
Showing how i get... people would not want to associate with me. And i think theres more people that present a bit scarier when it comes to full blown meltdowns. External or internal. And internal meltdown thats less controlled will be visible externally.
So like...
If you are still masking when speaking up on your experiences, not only are you triggering us that have a much harder time, but you are doing the entire community a disservice. Like i said. I know we are all different but im starting to think that some people are conflating the human experience with autism. Autism is inherent to autistic peoples human experience.
Meltdowns arent only an autistic thing like so many people make them out to be. Same w burnout. Neurodivergent and neurotypical folks alike can experience a meltdown. Anyone can from enough stress. But an autistic meltdown? You will have chucks of hair missing. You will have bruising. You will hurt because your whole body tensed to the point of vomitting. You are in a fit of blind rage. You have blood on you that you dont know where its from. Your entire face stings from tears yet somehow its making you cry more because its burning your cheeks and everythings gone wrong and you just feel like youd rather be dead then go through this.
You want to talk meltdowns?
Then put fucking trigger warnings and start your conversations less general and be more personal. Stop fucking masking for the love of all that is good and pure!
Stop the general descriptions of them.
Get personal. Let us know how you really feel. If its internalized, then what is the havoc its wrecking on your body? What are your after affects? I desperately want to hear actual descriptions and symptoms that come from it....
All i want is for these posts to stop coming off so disingenuous
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softness-and-shattering · 2 months ago
It would be wonderful if someone could please add an image description for me as I cant rn.
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The thing is, if theyre gonna be absurd in legal situations, they cant do the "go silent dodge the question, make you look like a fool to still be arguing". Well they cant without withdrawing whay theyre trying to do, and admit defeat.
So they stay stupid shit, you have hound them about stupid and nonsensical and absurd they are - and also predatory when it comes to sports bans and verifying kids genitalia - because they dont have a defence because it *is* bizarre and unconscionable, theres no defence, so make them eat their words till they give up. If you let it through without comment youre effectively agreeing that it makes sense and is a sound precedent to kay new orders and laws on top of. Dont let them get so much as a toehold.
*Im not USian and idk how this all works exactly legally. But I do know some things about how people argue and try make points about ideology and that kind of thing, and you cannot give them an inch. Theres no compromising with people who dont want you to exist, they will not.stop until you cease to be, there is no middle ground to find. These people are nkt your personal friends and family you can i fluence - if they literally are thrn do your best as is safe - but for almost everyonr they are public figures and people working behind the scenes. Not people you can personally influence. Instead you do have to fight, and you cannot cede an inch. Argue that nothing they declare makes any sense, theyre basically saying all people are female, "larger sex cell" or whatever is not a recognised term with a recognised definition what are they even talking about? How can they say what someones sex is as though sex is immutable when transition - and detransition - medically is literally changing ones sex.
Dont agree to live in their world where their definitions make sense. Dont comply in advance. Use their bullshit to slow them down and or stop them if possible. At least slow them down, make it so much work to get anything done that they dont want to bother. Join other people and divide + conquer the load, much more efficient than individually trying to do everything. Work together. Organise. Tie them up in their own red tape.
“This thing is legally dubious and therefore technically unenforceable.” Is not a “useless liberal gotcha” it’s how legalism works in this country. Tying up stupidly worded EOs in court is the quickest way to keep them from being implemented. It is the definition of “doing something.” But it doesn’t usually involve much tweeting so of course a certain type of leftist feels obligated to mock it.
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