renemesis · 2 years
Never ever ever ever gonna get over the edited travis mcleroy tweet my friend(and their friends) made that got stolen by a big blogger. And when they mentioned it the dude blocked them. Like any actual tumblr """funnyman""" would have the guts to make up someone saying faggot 🙄🙄
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h4rring1on · 2 years
HEY!! I love ur blog! I wanted to ask if u maybe wanna wrote a lil Stevie image? Like Eddie and fem!reader are besties but he CONSTANTLY chooses ppl over her (goes out w Chrissy etc just SUPER angsty) and reader likes eddie. She lost her confidence due to being 2nd choice (maybe also always being parents second choice) and then Steve and u start to hand out. He brings back ur confidence is super gentle and sweet, u go on trips with him and the teens and stuff and in the end it’s Steve x reader and bittersweet ig for reader and Eddie <33
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
a/n: sure ! istg bro I HOPE THIS IS GOOD I SWEAR IM TRYING 😭
warnings: reader is a second choice, eddie is kind of an asshole in this, stevie is better than eddie deal with it 😇😇, swearing
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you and eddie have been best friends for the longest time, you’d always hang out together, and do everything together. nobody would ever say your name without eddie being after it
you two were just—soulmates! he just got you, and that’s what made you guys so close
he would cheer you up when you’re sad, buy you your favorite things, share secrets with you, choose you over everyone, he made you feel special
that was before.
now…now you had to deal with this new eddie. this eddie never made you feel that way. he suddenly changed, he stopped hanging around as much, didn’t think of you as much, didn’t even care about you, all he cared about was basically anything but you.
he cared about chrissy, his friends, dnd, absolutely anything that doesn’t involve you. he stopped telling you things, conversations are dry, he acts like he doesn’t even wanna be with you
but…what happened? weren’t you two best friends?
you’d tell him to hang out with you, he’d say he’s busy, you’d invite him over, he’s with chrissy, come talk to you at lunch, he’s with his friends, even just talk to you, he’d avoid it with some fake excuse
your friendship was thrown away like it was nothing
the only time he’d talk to you, is when he had nothing else to do, when chrissy was busy.
chrissy. oh chrissy.
chrissy was nice, but because of her, eddie doesn’t care anymore.
you had a secret, you had liked eddie during your friendship. how couldn’t you? he was such a sweetheart but now…
now you were the second choice. as always. you were the second choice at home, and eddie was your comfort, the one that made you feel like you weren’t the second choice
look where that all went now.
you were once a happy, confident, positive girl. now, now you feel like crap all the time, and nobody cared
eddie didn’t care.
look at you now, sitting alone at the coffee shop, tears in your eyes as you read your book
“mind if i sit here?” someone asked
you looked up to see it was none other than steve harrington, the infamous ladies man
“holy shit—“ he said, “y/n?” he smiled
“that’s me” you fake laughed, blinking your tears away
“i cant believe it—i haven’t seen you in so long. i remember you and eddie used to come to family video all the time” he said as he sat down
“yeah” you mumbled, a sad look in your eyes as you remembered that memory, things were better back then
“i haven’t seen you in a while, i have seen eddie though, he’s always with that girl chrissy” steve said
“trust me, i know” you responded, not realizing how snarky that sounded
“whatever happened to you two…” he trailed off, noticing your upset look
you hummed in response
“in my opinion, chrissy’s kind of annoying—don’t get me wrong shes nice but—you won’t catch me hanging out with her, so boring anyway” he said
you turned to him, a smile creeping its way upon your lips, “really?”
“yeah—disappoints me every-time she comes in, all happy and super boring. when you used to come in, you’d actually have a personality” he said, making you spit your water, he burst out in laughter at your red face after it came out of your nose too
“shut up” you said as you grabbed a couple of tissues
“what—that was funny” he said, and you smiled in response, “i was being serious though, you’re like way better”
“that’s really sweet of you to say, steve” you blushed
and that’s where it all started, he started coming over, you started visiting him at the store, he’d invite you to movie nights and hangouts with his group, you’d babysit with him, you’d spend nights laughing at the dumbest things
whenever you weren’t really feeling the day, and were in need of some comfort, steve would drop everything and come take care of you
he treated you the way you deserved
steve would never ever leave your side, he was always there for you. he would stop whatever he’s doing just to come be with you
he truly loved you
he made you feel way better than eddie did. and trust me, he made it very clear to eddie that he is never to see you again after the way he treated you
eddie would secretly call you or try to get you to talk to him, and try to manipulate you into thinking he’s better than steve.
whats funny is that eddie suddenly started caring, the second you let go of him and stopped believing his lies, he was now concerned
“oh come on—him? i’m your best friend, i treat you better than everyone else. you should leave him, and hang out with me” he’d say
you always refused, and sometimes steve would also tell him to back off
when eddie and chrissy would come in, theyd see you and steve together, laughing, or kissing, or just anything that made you feel happy. and he’d have to watch you be happy without him
so what? he deserved it anyway.
even the kids like you! robin also liked you, which was rare, mike too! mike hated everyone and everything, but you’re his favorite! robin tells you about her crush, and you’d accept her and support her, they all loved you alot
and they’d never treat you the way eddie did.
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hobisstar · 2 years
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Autumn Leaves| Park Jimin x F!Reader
Warning: Vulgar language, Yandere!Jimin, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusional, imaginary love, Death, Gun, Manipulation, Drugging, and Murderer!Jimin.
Summary: if autumn is so beautiful, how come love seems to end in autumn? Pondering, Jimin is scared of loosing the love of his life, but he cant seem to remember the most important detail. They aren’t dating.
Theme: Autumn/Fall love & Yandere
Disclaimer: Though this is pure fiction, I want to still add that I do not find this behavior attractive and I do not think any member I write this fics about are actually this way, you shouldn’t either. That being said, please read at your own risk as this might be unsettling to others. Viewer’s Discretion Is Advised.
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His love, oh it was something. He loved his lover more than he knew and more than she knew. He wished that she noticed him more than anything. It's been a while, her being so busy and him to be infatuated in nothing but her. The woman in talks is the one and only, Y/N.
Jimin loved her to the moon and back. You see, this all started when he first met her in the greatest coffee shop ever known.
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''Flash Back 4 years ago''
Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook had just arrived at the cafe that the whole town been talking about for the past few months. " I wonder what drinks they have; we know Hoseok is going to want his iced latte, hopefully its good." Yoongi said sitting down with the rest of his friends. They really wanted to just order now but of course they are new so they must look around at the menu. " Hi welcome! I'm Lisa the manager, Y/N is busy, so I'll be you all waiter for now. Is there anything you'd like to get started with?" " Um, we will all get the signature Iced Latte." Jimin spoke giving her a gentle smile. " Of course! I'll get start on those and if not Y/N, I will bring them to you. She is our best worker, so everyone always asks for her to be their waiter. Your drinks will be right up!" Lisa smiled and walked to the back to get started on their drinks.
"I wonder who Y/N is. I bet she's a beauty, maybe we can finally get Yoongi a girlfriend" Namjoon teased then lightly elbowed him. " Come on, Joon. We know Yoongi is too busy for a waiter, maybe Hoseok would like her, I mean he goes to cafes to read and focus on things maybe they can hit it off well. Thats if they talk Ya know? Don't want to force anything on anyone." Jungkook added, which made everyone at the table laugh, except Jimin. He was too busy staring off in space is what the rest of the guys thought until they saw a woman serving the table right in front of them.
Yoongi tapped Jimin on the hand, " Hey go talk to her if you are going to stare. I don't want people to feel uncomfortable with our first time being here." Yoongi knew about Jimin's weirdness. He didn't complain simply because he thought it was from nerves, but he never seen him stare at someone like they were/are goddesses. He was happy that obviously he found her attractive, but his look also scared him. Something in his eyes just screamed darkness, but Yoongi ignored it since he just thought he was imaging things.
The woman looked up and caught Jimin staring, and she just simply smiled and continued with the couple in front of her. She soon walked off and Jimin almost lost his mind. She was perfect. Was that y/n? Watching her, he saw her grab their drinks and walk towards them. She smiled and placed them down on the table. “Here are you guys drinks. Would you like anything else?” Y/N questioned and looked around. Jimin spoke up before everyone else “W-What do you recommend…” looks at her name tag,” Y/N?”
“Well I think the Chicken Noodle Soup is the best. Its my favorite!” Y/N smiled and spoke cheerfully. Everyone ended up ordering that, the rest is history.
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“Y/N! That boy is no good. He’s been weird since you two started talking. He’s always eyeing you when one of his friends or even a costumer asked a simple question! You need to stay away from him, he’s dangerous.” The manager, Randy stated. He was always observing his costumers. Making sure they arent being dick heads to his workers. Out of all of Jimin’s friends, he was the weirdest! He always only asked for Y/N. All the time. Even if she was busy.
One time Randy was working late and Y/N had already left since she was hoping to study later that night. Jimin had walked in alone and instead of seeing Y/N, Randy was there. “Sorry Bro, Y/N isn’t closing tonight.” He spoke since he was aware of his fondness of his worker. “Oh. I know.” Jimin spoke calmly. “Yeah? Then why are you here?” Randy questioned looking up from his phone. “Fire her. My company is looking for some new workers and i think she would fit just fine. Plus this shit whole of a coffee shop doesn’t pay as much as we are willing to.”
Randy was confused. Why would he really want to fire his best worker? She never mentioned anything about working at a company, a Music Company, at that. He raised his eyebrow. “Jimin, I understand you are considered a friend but, you should let her choose if it came to her wanting to leave. “
Jimin had a straight face but then he broke out into a laughing fit, “You, You think i was asking?” His smile slowly going away. “ Im telling you to fire her or ill do something then it will be too late to fire her.” He walked closer to were Randy was standing. “What… what do you mean too late?” “Oh? Because either you will be dead along with Lisa and the rest of your workers and Itll look like Y/N went crazy or someone went on a murder spree for no reason and targeted the best coffee shop in town. And i couldnt dare let my Princess go down like that ill be her only alibi.” Randy backed up fearing his life. Maybe firing her wouldnt be as bad as he thinks. He watched Jimin pull a gun out of his pocket and clock it. He pointed to the phone “Hurry, Call her. The clocks ticking.” He rushed to the phone and called her remembering her number by heart.
“Hello?” Y/N spoke on the other end. “….” His mind went blank and his tongue got caught. He felt Jimin shove the gun in back of his head. “Speak. you have 2 minutes.”
“Y-Y/N im sorry to do this but… Im gonna have to let you go.” He stuttered out. He heard the other end of the phone go silent. “Y/N? Hello?” Randy said while tears ran down his face.
“…um, okay, um thanks for calling me..” she spoke she was about to hang up when Randy shouted “Y/N call for help JIMIN HAS A GUN-“ then she heard a gunshot then the phone line went dead.
Y/N screamed and dropped her phone. She ran to out of her apartment without second thought. They took training in case someone were to come in with a gun. She prays Randy wasnt hurt. Did he say Jimin? “Oh god what if Jimin was also hurt?!” She picked up speed and finally made it to the coffee shop.
The light were out and there seem as though no one was there. She quietly walked in and looked around. “R-Randy?” She whispered. “J-Jimin? Anyone?” As she was walking she felt someone grab her from behind and she almost screamed but she heard them say. “Its Jimin.” She calmed down and turned around. “Wheres Randy?”she asked with tears in her eyes. “Why do you care? Hes dead.” He said calmly as if it was normal. “He wouldn’t fire you quickly enough so i ended him. Hes pretty weak. Now you can live with me, work with me. All those things we can do together,” he grabbed the towel that had chloroform on it and put it right ontop of her nose and mouth. He watched her claw and struggle but it was no use. It was pretty strong. He smiled. He put the gun right in Randys hand to make it look like he did it to himself. Glad he was wearing gloves because of the cold Weather.
“Never, Never Leave me.” He whispered in Y/Ns ear as he carried her to his car sitting her right in the backseat and covering her with a blanket to keep her warm on the long ride home.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Could you do one where the reader is Rhaenyra 2nd oldest( daughter) and is in a relationship with ameond
If you cant could you do where the reader is the daughter of cersei and Robert barrahton and is in a relationship with either oberon /podrick or bronn
Being the queen's daughter held certain advantages, as being able to meet many different people coming from places close and far away...Too bad your heart decided to choose its champion so close to home.
You were Rhaenyra's second daughter, the most eligible bachelor in the whole kingdom. And yet, there was only one man who had succeeded in piercing his way into your heart...Aemond.
Aemond Targaryen. The fierce warrior. The proud Targaryen prince. The skillful dragon rider.
Your beloved cousin.
That fact was the curse cast upon you.
For even though you could have fallen in love with any man in the kingdom—married a rich lord to bring honor to the family...Your heart had decided otherwise.
At every family reunion, you had always taken his side, arguing alongside him, even though you knew the argument to be a fool's errand—that it was doomed for failure from the start.
He had once asked you why, and you had only sweetly smiled up at him, as if he was the man who would make the stars rain and the sea boil..You looked at him with such adoration—he was found speechless.
"I shall always stand by your side. In happiness and come what may..", was your genuine answer and Aemond felt his heart stir within his chest.
He had never wanted someone more in his life, and no words of love had even been exchanged yet. You didn't need them.
Aemond's valid eye lit up as he raised his cup.
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"To Y/N. My favorite little Targaryen. May you always remain by my side."
The room remained quiet—no one had expected Aemond to make such a statement. Everyone cheered and clapped—all but the people who knew you both the best.
Your parents glared daggers at Aemond and his mother's jaw twitched at the obvious way her son was looking at you.
However, you only saw Aemond at that moment—the ghosts of the past be damned. You raised your cup in return and when your knuckles brushed against each other, you could have sworn to see the glimpse of a smile on Aemond's face.
It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
But, it quickly disappeared when your father decided to step in and lead you away—unaware that Aemond was going to follow the both of you.
Once outside of the room :
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Your mother was already waiting for you and once your father had made sure no soul was nearby—he started talking.
"You think we are not aware of that little affair with Aemond ? You are playing a dangerous game, Y/N. One you won't win."
Your father knew better than most how the matters of the heart could consume one's being. He had seen it many times before, he just didn't think the fire would ignite at such a young age within his favorite daughter..
"I love him."
There had been no hesitation whatsoever from you and Rhaenyra decided to second her husband's cautious warning.
"I fear Aemond might be unsuitable for you—darling daughter of mine."
You frowned and shook your head—confused as to the reason they would oppose your union.
"Why ? He is ambitious. He is loyal to his family. If anything, he sounds like father."
"It is the very thing I fear.", Daemon replied and you could see the clear worry in his eyes—demons of his past haunting him to this day. "I married your mother for love, but the people's voice matters, Y/N. We already had one Targaryen marriage, another one would weaken our image in the eyes of those we must protect.."
You knew he was right—but it didn't make it any less unfair as you felt tears run down your cheeks.
Your mother—who hadn't been insensible to your situation—tried to soothe you by running a hand up and down your back as you hid your tearful face against her shoulder.
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"Be careful about who you open your heart to, daughter. Aemond is my father's son. He shall ascend the throne one day. He will become a man with power—they are the most dangerous for people like us. Don't forget that you are a woman, Y/N. Men like him are bound to become treacherous, and it wouldn't take you long to betray him in return."
You gasped—outraged at the accusation as you shook your head vividly.
"You do not understand, mother. I would never betray Aemond—even if I knew the whole world was against him—I could never ignore my love for him—even if the Ancestors shall strike me down this instant."
Aemond—who had heard enough—stepped forward and declared.
"And I shall neither. Not in this life—nor in any other."
"I..I mean..I would never do anything to hurt her."
Both of your parents and yourself—who hadn't expected the intrusion—snapped your heads at him.
Aemond suddenly felt a lot less confident with all those pairs of eyes on him and took a step back.
Daemon could feel the young man's sincerity in his voice, but shook his head.
"You are both too young. You don't know what love is."
You opened your mouth to deny, but you father didn't leave you the time.
You tried to struggle against his grip as he dragged you out of the castle and Aemond tried to run after you—but was stopped by your mother.
"Don't. Y/N is still a child. She doesn't understand the duties that you shall both soon have to bear..Leave us a few years, and if you both still feel the same when we return ? We won't stop you."
"Don't forget about me, Y/N.."
Aemond wanted to protest—but then thought about it and reluctantly agreed. He trusted you. He could wait.
He looked at your mother walking away and his face let the smallest hint of worry as you were now completely out of sight.
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A few years later :
It had been a long time since your last visit to King's Landing. Father had tried to marry you off many times already, but all the lords who had dared ask for your hand had been highly disappointed by your lack of conversation and courtesy—even though everyone close to you knew it was only a pretense.
You were everything a lady was to strive for—but you had no intention of marrying anyone but the man of your choosing.
You had chanted his name in your sleep and spent every waking hour of the past few years thinking of a way to get the very man you knew you could never have..until your mother had decided to go visit King's Landing, where—she convinced your father—you would find more eligible bachelors to be sold off to.
When the ship finally settled ashore, you were the first one out and didn't wait for your father or mother to run in the streets of the great city.
However, you didn't expect to be running straight into trouble—as you bumped against a drunken man who grabbed your arm.
"Where are you running off to, girl ? Don't you know the streets of King's Landing are no place for a lovely woman like yourself to wander on her own ?"
You gulped and took a couple of steps back, realizing only now that you were far from the port and the safety of your father's sword..He cackled and cornered you in a dark alley.
You had nowhere to run.
You then saw a man on a horse ride past the both of you and you screamed for help, but he ignored your pleas and only galloped away.
The other man laughed and was about to grab you with his big and filthy hands when a sword pierced through his neck, rendering the both of you speechless as he tumbled to the side and blood started pouring through his mouth and wound in great abundance.
You only looked up at your savior once you knew the man to be unmistakably dead and your eyes widened as you recognized Aemond.
He seemed to do too.
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"Y/N. I was not made aware of your arrival.", he said before wiping his sword on the man's coat—unbothered by the whole ordeal.
You had imagined your reunion for years.
And yet—as he was standing there with his head tilted quizzically, waiting for an answer—you could not find the will to speak up.
You stood up slowly and Aemond promptly aimed to help you—only to be stopped by Daemon who had succeeded in finding you. Your father's sword was now under Aemond's chin and he quickly held his hands up in surrender.
Daemon assessed the situation by seeing the corpse of the man at your feet and his eyes softened as he looked you up and down for any sign of injury.
"I am fine. Aemond saved me.", you reassured him and Daemon finally turned back towards Aemond who still had his hands raised.
Finally, your father lowered his sword and Aemond smiled at you. It didn't go unnoticed by your father.
"Come back to the castle, Aemond. We will see each other there."
It was a warning—one Aemond understood quite clearly. And yet—his eye fell on you one more time and all the emotions you had tried to repress came back—rushing to you like a violent torrent.
"I shall see you soon then, my princess."
He kissed the back of your hand and addressed you a charming smile before disappearing among the crowd.
Was it too soon to swoon ? Probably.
You held back your excitement in front of your father, but your excitement was quickly tamed down completely by his next words—leaving you cold inside.
"Do not forget what we are here for, daughter. Aemond is not in the list of suitors. He refused to be."
He refused to be.
Indeed, you had run your eyes through the long list of names your mother had given you of the many men who had asked for your hand—only to not find the one you wished for the most.
The words hurt you more than you cared to admit—but you nodded.
"I know of my duty, father. I shall make you proud."
Your father smiled and stroked your hair affectionately.
"I know you will, daughter. Now, let us get back to the boat. Your mother must be worried sick."
In the castle :
The moment you had entered the castle, you were overwhelmed by suitors—presenting themselves with flowers and many other gifts to heighten their chance to be part of the Targaryen family.
Your cousin was there, but he stood silently to the side—watching as the suitors kept following each other endlessly.
Finally, one of the suitors seemed to gain your attention—as his gift was unlike anything you had ever seen.
"A sword made of valyrian steel and forged with dragon fire. For you, princess."
Your eyes slightly widened at the beautiful sword and you smiled. You had not smiled at any of the suitors who had been in your presence and you could see the man's face lit up—while Aemond's expression darkened.
The suitor—who had introduced himself while you hadn't been listening—stepped up towards you to show you the sword.
It was beautiful. You ran your fingers on the smooth blade and in a matter of seconds—you plunged the sword in the suitor's stomach to its hilt.
You knew who he was. You had recognized him—even though he had only rode past you during the act. He was the man who had ignored your desperate calls for help when you had been cornered by that terrible man in that dark and putrid alley..
You then let his body fall down the stairs and leave a trail of blood in his wake.
"It seems scum has succeeded in making its way into your list, father. A shame. None of them shall have my hand today.", you declared while a pool of blood was forming at your feet and your father frowned in incomprehension.
Aemond—on the other hand—seemed to admire you and his affection for you showed in the way he was the only one who remained calm in front of the slaughter.
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Only Aemond knew of the reason for your action and didn't hesitate before trempling the corpse, walking in his blood to get to you and take the sword from your hand.
It fell to the floor and you felt tears prickle your eyes. But, Aemond held you.
"Ssh..Do not cry, my love. He deserved it."
Your heart was racing, but Aemond's words soothed you and you took a big breath—his light fragrance of leather and pine cones filling your senses.
You held him closer.
"Out ! All of you !", Alicent shouted and the suitors all obeyed—all eager to get out before they could end up with the same fate as the man now dead at the bottom of the stairs.
"What have you done ?!", Alicent demanded as soon as they were all out, but you refused to give her an answer. However, your father then asked and you had to begrudgingly leave the comfort of Aemond's arms to finally answer.
"He was a bad man. No one will miss him. I assure you."
Your father seemed to suddenly understand and was a little less upset as to the death of the man—but all the same upset at your action.
"You should have let me handle it. You just frightened all your suitors away !", your father accused you—but you stubbornly replied.
"My choice has already been made."
Everyone in the room stopped talking at your claim and held their breath as you didn't hesitate before confirming out loud.
"I shall marry Aemond of House Targaryen !"
The news had the effect of turning every single person in the throne room against each other.
"And I shall take you as my wife ! May the gods be my witnesses ! I have waited long enough."
Aemond's mother sneered—not expecting her son to respond in kind.
But, Aemond didn't even hesitate before replying in agreement.
He took a step towards you, but was stopped by his mother who pleaded with him.
"Aemond. Please."
But, he pulled away from her grip to take your hand.
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"No. No more waiting. You erased my name from the list of suitors, but I am now old enough to present myself before the woman I intend to conquer."
He turned towards you and knelt before you, holding both of your hands in his and the fire of the candles made his valid eye brighten as he pronounced his next words softly.
"Lady Y/N of House Targaryen. I present myself humbly before you to ask for your hand. The House of the Dragon shall be brought back to its ancient glory with you by my side. I am sure of it."
You couldn't bite back your smile of utter joy and replied enthusiastically.
"Yes. It was yes all those years ago. And, it is yes today. It will always be yes."
You smiled lovingly at each other and you leant forward to kiss him passionately—with the same burning passion you had been forced to withhold for years..Aemond answering with the same vigorous eagerness.
You ignored the many shocked gasps and the fury in the eyes of both of your parents.
Daemon broke the both of you apart to push Aemond away from you.
"Hurt him. And your daughter dies tonight.", Alicent warned him, but Daemon scoffed mockingly at her.
"You defiled her !", Daemon screamed and withdrew his sword—but you stepped before Aemond with your arms outstretched, prepared to protect him against everything and everyone.
But, you didn't need to, as Alicent was all too eager to save her son as you were.
"You ? Making threats ? Don't make me laugh. I am prepared to face the consequences, and kill all of you if it means protecting my daughter."
However, you didn't expect your mother to join you as she sighed and took your hand to show her support.
He glared at Alicent and her eyes widened in shock at the determination she saw there.
He was prepared to kill them all. But, so was she.
"What is done is done, husband. Stand down.", she commanded.
She seemed so powerful and you could feel the raw majesty radiating from her. She was the only queen your father would ever bow to—and he finally did.
His sword clattered to the floor and he sighed in defeat.
"You already knew...I never stood a chance against you, did I ?"
Your mother addressed him a sad—but sympathetic—smile as she replied knowingly.
"We both knew that it was love from the moment they said it all those years ago. We were just not ready to let her go—but we are now."
She then turned towards the both of you with a bright smile—even though her eyes betrayed the sadness of seeing her own daughter make the same mistake as her. She gently ran her hand down your cheek and kissed your forehead.
"I doubt it will help you, but I give you my blessing."
Your eyes were glassy—filled with tears as you knew the truth of what she was agreeing to.
You both knew you were probably doomed—but had both chosen your own path to happiness. Hers was standing next to Daemon, and yours remained alongside Aemond.
"Thank you...mother."
You uttered weakly and your voice shaking with the emotions you felt.
"I SHALL NOT LET THIS MASQUERADE GO ON ANY LONGER ! I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU MY BLESSING ! THIS IS AN ABOMINATION !", Alicent yelled in a frenzy and you all looked at her with widened eyes.
But, Aemond reacted first and—to the whole assembly's surprise—took her in his arms.
"Let me go...mother.", he whispered and Alicent stilled.
She then broke into tears and wrapped her arms around her son's shoulders, crying out.
"I can't..You are everything I have left.", she finally admitted and Aemond closed his valid eye—internally conflicted as to how to convince his mother that it would be alright.
You could see Aemond was struggling and you smiled before taking Alicent's hand.
"Do not see an enemy in me, lady Alicent. See our relationship as a way to get our families even more united. It is high time for the great house of the Dragon to stand proudly together."
Alicent seemed unsure at first—but finally conceded.
"Alright. But, know that this will only lead to disaster."
You held a scoff. You knew, better than anyone.
"If I shall fall, then so be it. I shall not fall alone."
It would be you and Aemond—until the wrath of the Dragon would take you both and bury you under its ashes.
Aemond intwined your fingers—as if to agree with you—and this time, nobody interfered when you kissed again.
You knew Aemond better than anyone—you had almost been crafted for him and even if the house of Dragon came to an end—you were certain of your choice.
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voidselfshipp · 2 months
MK S/I Interactions.
Cw: mentions of bad parents. Suggestive (sex jokes)
>Ask to tag.
>Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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Liu kang: your Beauty never ceases to bring me to my knees.
Me: Even before the reset?
Liu Kang: If theres one constant that I cannot control,its how breath taking you are.
Me:should I adopt the name Kalon?
Liu Kang: Whatever you choose to do,im sure you'll have no issue bringing even more Beauty to the name.
Me:Hate to break pretty things
Liu Kang: Next to you I become frail as porcelain. But I dont mind falling to pieces at your feet.
Me:Was Kalon loved?
Liu Kang: She was just as loved as you are. I dont Belive that there wasnt a timeline where anyone who met you didnt love you.
Liu Kang: I can only imagine this Will stoke your competitive Fire.
Me:dont worry,ill kiss it better when you lose.
Tomas: I dont want to hurt you
Me: Hah!. I can take it,pretty boy.
Tomas: whoever loses pays for our Next date.
Me:today your Wallet is going up in smoke,dear.
Me: well if it isnt the prettiest ninja ive ever did see
Tomas: oh psh...[face red]. Uhm...hi.
Tomas: can we cuddle after this?
Me: all day long, smokey.
Tomas:have I ever told you that I love you?
Me: every day. But I love you too,tommy.
Scorpion: Fields are often times razed to ashes to make space for New crops.
Me:then maybe I wont mind if I get burnt.
Scorpion: you make art out of your gift
Me:And seeing you fight is like staring at a fashion runway.
Me: have I told you I like bugs?
Scorpion: [chuckle] so thats why you like me
Scorpion: Will you aid me in building a New clan?
Me: with anything you need,Artistics included.
Scorpion: my dear,I trust no-one else but you in regards to our image.
Scorpion: I promise you I only have eyes for you.
Me: Harumi is a beautiful woman
Scorpion: And my Friend. As much as I am fond of her,she cant compete with you against your fierceness and your Beauty.
Scorpion: do you still love Bi-Han?
Me: much to my grief,yes. But know that my loyalty Will always be with you and Tomas.
Kenshi: Sooo when are you free?
Me: How about right now?
Kenshi: My eyes are not the prettiest now..
Me: bygone Beauty remains the same even if you can no longer behold it, kenshi.
Kenshi: ive always felt my tattoos to be a source of shame
Me:Theyre art,just Like the rest of you is.
Kenshi: I wish to calm your mind,your thoughts are a whirlwind...
Me:if theres somebody who can soothe me,its you.
Kenshi: often times love is blind
Me: [long snort,audible smile] AWFUL!
Jhonny: Youre coming on as my art director.
Me: I really did make it up into the world.
Jhonny: with your skills, this movie series is going to be breath taking!
Me:You dont know how much that means to me.
Jhonny: Theres my favorite nerdy film student!
Me: theres my favorite airhead director!
Jhonny: How about a Poison ivy cosplay for cage-con,Rooty?
Me: Only if youre my Harley Quinn.
Jhonny: you are a work of art!
Me: what are you waiting to pin me to your wall,then?
Raiden: Lightning always looks for the ground. In that same way,youre the only one that can soothe me
Me: thats adorable,but you can say you just want a hug.
Raiden: when I met you,I really felt what thunder was. My heart wouldnt stop beating.
Me: I hope I didnt bust your eardrums,then.
Raiden: Madame Bo has taken a liking to you
Me: we're going to be such a chaotic duo.
Me: ive got sunshine in my pocket,but I wouldnt mind a little storm.
Raiden: [loving eyeroll] cheeesy!
Raiden: would you like to walk through the gardens after this?
Me: I would love to,honey.
Raiden: just when I needed some sunshine
Me: what has your mood all stormy? What can i do to help?
Syzoth: Do you love all animals?
Me: Specially reptiles.
Syzoth: I feel this odd pull towards you...couldnt it be your powers?
Me:whatever it is, come to me.
Syzoth: [smiles] yes ma'am..
Syzoth: Would you still love me in my reptile form?
Me: babe,I'd still love you even if you were a worm!
Syzoth: your warmth makes me happy
Me: like a gecko under sunlight!
Me: [dragon tail wagging]I'd tease you because your tail is wagging, but im in no better spot.
Syzoth: Heh, I find that adorable.
Bi-Han: my love...I am so sorry
Me: there is an exception for better late than never,Bi-Han. And its you.
Bi-Han: I never meant to kill the fields of your flowers with my winter,my love.
Me: pretty little things Wilt away...
(Reference for the song "Pretty little things" by the crane wives)
Bi-Han: there isnt a day where I dont miss you,my bed feels so cold without you.
Me:youve condemned yourself to eternal winter,Now suffer.
Bi-Han: be honest,do you still love me?
Me: I do,but ive long since seldomed the habit of not doing whats best for me.
Bi-Han: When Will be the day I can bask in your light once again?
Me:when you repent for your crimes and betrayal.
Me: the way you treated tomas was disgusting. My siblings and I arent full blooded and I still adore them. As a fellow older sibling,im dissappointed in you
Bi-Han: [gaze lowers,under his breath] your Dissapointment Hurts me more than any heartbreak.
Kung Lao: youre as beautiful and fierce as mother nature
Me:where do you think she learnt it from?
Kung Lao: [Teasing] youre always so grounded! Live a little.
Me: [teasing] and youve always got your head full of air!
Me:is that a lawnmower on your head?
Kung Lao: thats not funny!
Kung lao: shes Beauty,theyre Grace
Me: shes gonna punch you in the face.
Kung Lao: Dinner at Madame Bo's?
Me: Whoever loses foots the Bill.
Kung Lao: you warned me about Suchinko, and still you didnt say "I told you so" when the everything happened.
Me: I bit it back for the sake of your morale.
Kitana: No hard feelings,Kalon.
Me: [Laughs] raiden has already shown me hes got eyes only for me. Youre good,Princess.
Kitana: If im not mistaken, Punk is often anti-monarchy.
Me: Luckily for Outworld,Mileena is doing an excellent job as Empress.
Kitana: An earthrealmer and an Outworld princess? Scandalous!
Me: c'mon,live a little. I know the perfect spot for a date
Me:You blow me away,Princess.
Kitana: and my love for you has bloomed into a beautiful garden.
Kitana: you've met Outworld,but ive never met Argentina.
Me: oh,you'll love it.
Mileena: I find myself in need of your expertise in plants. The gardens in the Palace look...dull
Me:count me in,empress.
Mileena: I am so,so sorry for blinding Kenshi.
Me: he holds no ill Will,and so do I.
Mileena: [endeared]Syzoth is distracted,i believe hes always thinking about you.
Me: seems I took root within his mind,apologies.
Shang Tsung: is there a timeline where we can be together?
Me: if you abandon your evil ways,it could be this one.
Shang Tsung: I love you,that fact is not a deceit.
Me:Actions speak louder than words.
Shang Tsung: just this once,lets sneak off together.
Me:if you win this fight,we Will.
Shang Tsung: Ah,the owner of my heart. My beautiful lotus, you bless me with your presence.
Me: hah, flirt.
Me:youre so lucky youre pretty...
Shang Tsung: [with a smile] considering myself lucky.
Sindel: your powers are most peculiar,how do they work?
Me: honestly? No clue.
Sindel: I was sure you were going to kill Jhonny during your stay at the Palace.
Me:as Someone who was raised right,that boy lacks manners.
Sindel:out of all the champions,you and Liu Kang are most alike. Respectful,well mannered...
Me: so the guys did that bad of an impression huh?
Me: you dare touch a single hair on Bi-Han's head ...
Havik: he came to us willingly.
Me: you are disturbing to see
Havik: this is the fault of your beloved scorpion.
Me: listen here,you parasite,you dare feed on tomas again and ill rip off your teeth one by one.
Nitara: feisty...
Me:rat with wings...
Nitara: houseplant..
"In your timeline do you also have shit parents?"
"Ive yet to find one where we dont"
"Do you have a cat in your timeline?"
"I have a poodle,actually"
"Oookkay,this is going to change my self worth"
"I dont like this either"
"Are we always destined to be pariahs?"
"Love always finds us, I promise"
(If using the shang Tsung timeline! Cosmetic)
"Im glad that at least in one of the timelines,he And I can be together"
"Its complicated, but we manage"
"All those scars..."
"Shang Tsung didnt inflict them on me,theyre all battle scars. He doesnt dare hurt me".
Kabal: sooo should I worry about any of the guys youve met in China?
Me:Youre my most special one,Kabal.
Kabal: I always thought you'd fist fight god if you met him.
Me: sadly for me,god's hot.
Kabal: home didnt feel the same without you. Ive missed you
Me:im home how,im not leaving any time soon.
Me:erron told me you were unconsolable in my absence.
Kabal: [flustered]that yeeeyee Snitch...
Kabal: youre working with Cage in his New movie?!
Me: isnt that fun?!
Kabal: I want front row seats. If the movies are a bust its his fault,im a firm believer in that!
Kabal: sooo are you taking me to the opening gala?
Me: get yourself a suit,Youre coming with me. Oh! And It better have plants in the theme!
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faenemy · 1 year
Another Sillie had been added :D
process thoughts below cut- (WARNING- they long lol)
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Has this barely changed from the wip I posted earlier????
not really but i need to talk about character design for I am FERAL so L moment i guess
SO my personal favorite brand of character design has been, for as long as i remember, drawing more complex designs from simplified mediums. Think Minecraft or roblox skins, and some chibi avatars. Hand me something that is blurry and up to interpretation and i will simply go buck-wild. Mark is of course the only character to truly appear on camera. We see both his drawing of himself and his [puppet?] form. Now you only ever see donovan and cupcake monster as drawings, which leaves their appearance more up to interpretation.
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When i first translated Marks design, i tried to stay as accurate as possible. The second iteration is more of my own twist on it, elongating the body, trimming down the fluff for a clearer shape,and adjusting facial proportions slightly. Note: this isn't to throw shade at marks original design. He's a puppet irl and he looks like one, i just suck at making puppets look like they have any life behind their eyes, so design tweaks it is. Mark is adorable and its a me problem that i struggle to recreate that.
Now my Mark design is obviously based off of the puppet, (his actual self,) as opposed to the way Mark draws himself. In the drawing, there is a bit less fluff on his body, compared to the real thing. This is important as it affects some of the decisions I made for Donovan.
Donovan caused a few hurdles when i tried to work on a design for him. First, I'm working with very little information, so creative license time. Since I don't have much to go off of, I started with a real simple drawing, similar to the one from the drawing in the show, just to try and capture the vibe. The most notable things about Donovan from this first doodle, was that he had a slightly smaller nose than Mark and that it was triangular and that his eyes were slanted. This gives me two prominent facial features to work with.
Following this, i started on a more detailed design. I began by plotting his proportions out similar to marks. To make him more cat like, I tried to make him a little taller and thinner[better for slipping out of cages], so that he had an elongated appearance, and to capture that sly you-cant-contain-me- cat energy that meow meows have. I wasn't sure how cat i wanted to go originally, but then i gave him paws....
I went full anthro cat on Donovan, adding in whiskers and a tail [still questioning that decision] even though they weren't present in my reference. Now is a good time to note that all these designs are pre-Billy, so no scars or anything. I bring this up because I gave Donovan claws, and I image Billy would have at least tried to declaw Donovan.
The next problem came with Donovans eye. So Donovans eyes are two slanted lines, very simple. Since these are one of Donovans few unique canon features, I wanted to keep them. I wasn't sure how to keep them simple yet still allow emotion. Playing around with this idea, i felt i could effectively convey emotion just by changing the relative direction of the eyes. However, I changed the eyes to be more tear-drop shape as well, partially to add more interest to the face, but also so i could add more detail to the iris of the eye if desired.
Finally, all my Mark and Friends designs have the characters wearing clothes, because I work at a clothing store and see too many damn clothes every day. [everything i know about fashion is against my own will] So since this canonically takes place in 1997, my designs are based roughly off of children's clothes at the time. For the monsters clothes, I want them to all have a somewhat fun shape, flare outs, wrinkles, cuffed sleeves and pants etc.
This is where i really struggled. Not so much with the actual design of the clothes, but with colors. As you can probably tell my this illustration as compared to the reference image, I am allergic to bright colors [they hurt my eyes :,(] So i shifted most characters to a more muted/pastel pallette. Now i really wanted each of the three friends, Mark, Donovan, and Cupcake Monster, to have the others "colors" per see, present in their outfits. Mark is obviously Green coded (lol), Donovan is orang, but outlined in red, so my boy gets a red association cause primaries of light. This leaves Cupcake Monster with Blue, the color they are outlined in.
I really wanted three designs to flow together, and though i haven't finished Cupcake Monster yet, I think the first two go nicely together. By giving each character a main color, I let them stand out from each other, but by adding bits of those colors back into the others outfits, it lets them flow together better in group images and keeps anyone character's pallette from feeling out of place.
Marks outfit is mostly cream, but with accents of Blue, and Red. Donovan's is about 1/3 cream 1/3 blue and a 1/3 blue. I struggled with the color distribution on donovan, as the reddish orange and blueish green i had chosen contrasted a lot more than i wanted. The light blue and cream worked as a nice base though, and making only the stripes green [the shirt is specifically cream with green stripes] it lets the green not overpower Donovan, which was another problem I was facing.
But yeah, this are my current designs for the sillies, if you read all this thank you! have some pie :]
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pcktknife · 2 years
Omg she really is cake!!! I thought that was just the prompt of an oc but you made her look so coollllll [stimmy hands!!!!]
Also now I really wanna know how she came to be since she is the cake. Was she made as an adult? Did she grow? (I don't remember if you answered this but) How did her big wound happen?
yep yep gwen my little cake lady ^^
she was made (magic,alchemy,baking,etc etc) as a gift to a king who's wife died and was meant to be made in her image but she ended up a liiittle bit under baked. she was made a young adult around 19-20 (but currently shes's 25). the king ended up choosing to keep her as company maybe even a pseudo daughter though I don't think he ever made the effort to connect with her in that sense. the relationship was like the trope where a loved one dies and someone tries to bring them back/make a clone but it's not the same person cause a person is more than just the body??? something like that. the king ends up distancing himself completely from the idea that gwen is his daughter and even further that she's not even really a person. summing the rest of this up cause i dont want this getting too long gwen gets snacked on for a couple years this is how she loses that eye(she's edible!) and it really wears her down so she grabs a knife from da kitchen and while the king is sleepin kills the guy and leaves. i dont know if she knew it'd kill em cause alot of the life she lived was spent strictly in the castle so she may not have even known you cant take a nibble of a dude and he wont be cool afterwards since thats how she knows her body functions. but she definitely knows now !
additional gwen facts:
she can regenerate her limbs but most of her torso and head have to be remade if damaged.eye symmetry is hard which is why her head still has a slice taken out.
her mouth always tastes sweet like candy and she hates sweets because of this. (favorite flavors are savory + spicy)
she can always be fixed so long as her heart is intact, if its destroyed she's dies (it's a giant strawberry<3)
her body's always really cold
the fork in her head is a real fork, but has always meant to have been a decoration. the knife is the same one she got from the kitchen. both are enchanted
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Various Picrews Of My Characters
Gonna be kinda long to scroll thru just cuz of the amount of images so im putting it under a read more :)
Just in case you aren't aware. Picrew is a site that hosts artist made character makers. So none of these are my own art. Most of them have a signature on them if you want to look up the artist. If not, ask me and i can probably find the picrew link to give you.
Also as a note: none of these are 100% accurate. Theyre picrews, not my actual art so of course not every detail will be correct.
And another note: OH MY GOD PICREWS ONLY EVER HAVE STRAIGHT HAIR OPTIONS?? WHERE IS THE CURLY HAIR?? ID EVEN SETTLE FOR WAVY??? EVEN JUST SLIGHTLY FLUFFY SO I CAN MAKE ORION?? PLEASE???? But fr anything other than flat sleek hair feels like a godsend. Also good non white skin types??? Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeee. Its so hard i need smth more than just 30 shades of pale, some non human colors, and then like 2 darker shades which both dont look good. Edit: JUST FOUND ONE THAT JUST????? DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN PAPER WHITE???? Theres just no other skin options, yall im- i cant do this no more.
Young Cherry:
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She used to wear all black!! No red or pink at all when her and Sana first met, despite them being her favorite colors.
A softer look for Ai
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While she loves the pop of black, white, and gold she gives to her outfits sometimes some softer pastel colors can be a good look as well!
Wyv My Beloved:
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He's talking about dragon types :)
Au ideas:
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So i have a lot of "Bad End" Aus floating around where Ai does give in to Volo's allure of making a better world. I mean, hasn't she suffered enough? Hasn't she worked hard enough for it? In the end i think all it comes down to is Ai's familial bond with Ingo versus her romantic bond with Volo. Who managed to make a bigger impact on her after she was kicked out by Kamado? If it was Volo then i genuinely think she could be swayed to work with him to confront Arceus. In this particular version of it i think the two would strike a deal. Ai pretends to take on Volo and win. Everything continues as normal up until she fights + captures arceus. Suddenly she's giggling like a madwoman. Volo and her had done it. Arceus was hers. But the two quickly realize it isn't enough power in this sliver of Arceus to actually remake the world. But. It was enough to remake themselves. And to change some things. At this point Ai has mostly regained her memory of modern day, and she wants back. Volo wants into her time as well. It sounds so much better than the miserable place they were stuck. Ai just wants to see Orion again and show him how powerful she's become! And wants NOTHING to do with her dad ever again. So her and Volo reforge their own bodies. Volo changes almost nothing, being who he is this isn't very surprising. Ai just wants her hair color gone. The last reminder of her dad. She wants Orions hair color. Why couldn't she have gotten that to begin with? And while she's at it, Orion always had such pretty eyes. She'll look just like her big brother! (That's who she think Orion is with her not all quite there memory. . An older brother who moved out, leaving her alone with her dad. But she doesn't blame him. She would leave too if she could have.) Ai is someone full of a lot of love. She loves Orion so so So much. And she loves Volo so so So much. But in two very different ways. In this Au they arent exactly....healthy ways. She becomes obsessive. And Volo just feeds into it. He adores how dedicated she is to him. And he's dedicated to her as well. She controls Arceus, and she could beat him in battle so he respects her a LOT. Anyway, they go back to modern times, bringing a VERY concerned Ingo along with them. (Ingo knows they shouldn't be doing this. And Ai seems so... different. But he just wants to go home) When the three arrive in modern Unova Orion and Emmet are relieved but when Orion sees Ai they are.... surprised to say the least. They are greeted by basically a tiny femme version of himself...? Ai seems ecstatic, almost maniacally so, and explains to Orion what happened and introduces Volo. Orion finds something familiar in Volos appearance, but chooses to ignore it for now as more pressing matters are at hand. Orion seems concerned, even somewhat judgemental of Ais actions, but when Ai's anger quickly flares and Volo gets a very dangerous look in his eyes with his hand on a pokeball Orion backs off. Orion can clearly see how unstable Ai is but he doesn't know what to do. One false move and Ai might just remake him as well, changing him to a puppet that fits her fantasy world. Anyway yeah thats where i left off in the daydream lol. This will never be canon but its fun to think of what ifs :)
Young Orion: The teen years
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He spent a lot of time with Ai at this point in time and was starting getting serious in his fashion pursuits. Ai was dropped off at him and Aerow's parents house a lot so Orion + his parents could babysit Ai while Aerow and his wife wanted to have a date night. The barretes were placed there by Ai(they were in her hair originally, but toddler Ai knew orion liked stars and so she confidently decided they belonged on him now)
Ai Visits Oliver:
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I do have an eventual meet up for Ai, Oliver, Hime, and Wyv planned one day. Despite 3 of them being based in Unova and only one in Galar, Oliver manages to convince them to meet up in Galar if they pay for the travel expenses. (Oliver is uh... a tad loaded after becoming champion) Oliver cannot wait to brag and show them around Galar so they tell the other 3 to bring "nothing but the essentials". Oliver (after FINALLY getting to reveal their the galar champion) then takes them all on a shopping spree to get the clothes they will be wearing in Galar. Oliver manages to convince Ai to get some more dressy clothes while they are out and about.
Nova, A Messy Introduction:
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Nova is a name for another OC who i ended up scrapping. But i realized the name Nova fit my character from Violet VERY well. And i wanted to turn her appearance into an OC anyway. (yeah if u ever wonder why my OCs that are the "main" character for that game story are girly looking its cuz i think "pretty" or "cute" looking characters are more fun to play as. Whether that be male of female is fine w me but u usually get better clothing options as a girl character ofc that didnt end up mattering this time around.) Anyway, meet Nova! She is originally from Paldea but moved to Galar with her mom at the age of 7. 6 years later at the age of 13 Nova moved back to Paldea with her mom. This makes her the youngest of any main characters. She is very childlike and innocent in a lot of ways and is also very proper. The idea of being anything other than a perfect mannered kid is somewhat appalling to her. However, her idea of prefect mannered isn't always the same as everyone else's. She doesn't follow rules, she follows morals? in a way? Which 90% of the time lines up with whatever rules are in place. However if something is against the rules but the correct thing to do she won't even consider before she does it. She doesn't really think before acting as she always has her mind made up pretty early on. Very confident but not in an arrogant way. She isn't your typical middle schooler kid and isn't rude or angsty like many others end up being. She is naturally very curious and loves to do well in anything she tries. A bit of Gifted Kid Syndrome and doesn't know how to handle failure. And take all of this w a grain of salt im just brainstorming lol
Ai At A Festival In Hisui:
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She would love dressing up and always is planning her outfit to be made at the tailor's the second she hears about an upcoming event. That festival hosted at the end of the game was so much fun and it was wonderful seeing al her hard work paying off.
Bad End Ai Versus Normal Ai:
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Quite a difference if i have to say. Normal Ai is still a lil not ok after everything. But she is generally a very well adjusted adult. Just a little prone to panic attacks and could body slam you into next tuesday both physically and in a pokemon battle. Also a lot more confident after everything. But also unable to have confidence in a lot of ways? Like i said she's a lil not ok.
More Nova:
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more picrews of the bby. i think either this picrew didnt have the right skin tone for her or i was just tired and forgot to change it lol.
Unnamed Water/Ghost Trainer:
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I've drawn her a couple times but have no concrete ideas for her. I just know she has really long hair that looks kinda wet and i wanter her to have "drowned ghost" vibes.
More Wyv!:
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I literally love him so much. I wish i could draw dudes easier cuz he's such a great character and i've had so many ideas for his character recently.
Young Ai.... she's so smol...:
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Look at how small the bby is. This is an older picrew i did of her, you can tell cuz she still had blue eyes in this one instead of gold. But yeah this is young Ai before she even started dying her hair. She probably still had a pretty good relationship w her dad and was still pretty messed up over the death of her mom but wasn't an overly unhappy kid all things considered.
Another "Bad End" Ai:
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So basically, she dies after getting kicked out of Jubilfe. She at first tries to make her way to Ingo but manages to freeze to death in the snowy area after being attacked by a pokemon before reaching him. So she turns into a hisuian zoroark. And yeah basically thats it. She's a ghost now and takes her death out on everyone she can get her hands on. Eventually rumors of the banished member of the galaxy team reach Jubilife and Rei goes out to investigate. She spares him and tells him what happened, promising that when she returns to Jubilfe to take out Kamado that she would leave Rei and Laventon alone. Rei nervously thanks her and on sking legs runs back to the nearest base camp where Laventon is. Rei talks to him and they now have to figure out what to do about her. Basically i just like making Ai turn evil and want revenge on the world. She can have a little murder. As a treat :)
Brooke and Merida:
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Two of Olivers friends. They are a tft lesbian couple who specialize in water and fire types respectively. And by that i mean Brooke (the red one) owns a vaporeon as their main pokemon and Meridas (the blue one) ace is a flareon. Yeah. They think its hilarious. Both of em are pretty big gamers and are the only two Oliver would hesitantly admit are better than them at something.
Despite the fact that i could keep adding picrews forever and ever i'm going to stop here as to not make it obscenely long. Expect a part 2 :)
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tqotsx3 · 7 months
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers. (not forced ofc)
hey sorry i fell off the face of the earth cause WOWIE i took a while to see this, ive just been busy with school and some other stuff
also i love this prompt! i dont really think about myself often but i should appreciate who i am more! and i think people should appreciate who they are and the joy they bring into the world more too!!
i dont know how id pick just 10 of my favorite followers (they are all so cool), so if you follow me and ur reading this, if you wanna you should also take some time to appreciate yourself and post 5 things you like about yourself
ok ill stop stalling
Being able to tell when i did something wrong - part of the reason it took me so long to even respond to this was because i was in the process of reconciling with my old friend group. I had left about two years prior because i fell in love with my best friend and had gotten rejected, and at the time i was devastated, so much so that i pretty much cut contact with all of my friends from that group. I lived off of mainly spite and shame for what had happened for about 1 year, after which i tried connecting with other people at my school. this eventually led me to figuring out my gender and really looking at how my feelings had shifted over the years that I was gone, and while i felt much less angry, i still couldn't bring myself to join back. atleast, not until i saw a viral tweet from one of the friends of that group, which made me realize that by leaving the group i had missed so much, and they had missed so much of my life too. I joined back with my friends on december 1st, which i will remember fondly for the rest of my life. i know what i did was wrong now, and i consider leaving the biggest regret of my life so far. but just like that, i also consider rejoining one of the greatest joys i have ever experienced. i guess what im trying to say is that i know i mess up, like all the time about a lot of things, but i think im pretty good about owning up to that and admitting my mistakes.
2. Lack of Shame - oh boy what a great thing to follow up my trauma dump, lets go full horny now!! ok not really, but ever since i realized i was trans ive kinda let go of any shame about my body image or what i enjoy sexually. when i was a kid i used to fucking hate myself for being overweight, thinking i was wrong and i needed to lose weight constantly. and then when i got older, i also did that but for a porn addiction i thought i had (which later turned out to be my gender dysphoria manifesting but i didnt know that for another like 8 years). and now i dont bash myself for these things, its so nice to live my life without judging myself for every little thing that i perceived as wrong with myself. looking back on it, its kinda crazy since a majority of the things i hated about myself i never really had a problem with, it was moreso that there was a strict societal standard that wormed its way into my skull and made me think i was inferior when i really just wasnt. so anyway i hornypost 24/7 to all my friends and theyve all gotten tired of it (in a joking way, ofc if any of them were actually uncomfortable with me doing that I would respect that and stop immediately). anyways i need to be bred to death like a female axolotl
3. kindness - i sure hope i am!!! i try pretty hard to be nice to people and to make sure everyone around me knows theyre loved and appreciated and that they bring in so much joy to the people around them and to the world in general!!! at the end of the day i want everyone to be happy!!! on that note i need to get into the habit of saying this more but FREE PALESTINE!!! i cant really hope that everyones happy without condemning a literal genocide happening
4. curiosity and a lil ambition - i like learning things!! and i like that i like to learn things!! ive been happy going to school and learning about topics that interest me (mainly chemistry and computer science) and im glad that i have an interest in learning cause this world is so fucking cool and i want to learn how it works!!!!!
5. direction - and after all that has happened, after all my struggles and my losses, and my victories and my epiphanies, im just so proud of myself for finally knowing who i really am. there were times when i was alone where i would wonder if i would ever be happy, if i would ever figure out what i was supposed to be doing. i dont think i would ever have expected my life to be at this point and i am just so happy that i finally get to enjoy my life. I hope that everyone i ever know and everyone i ever dont gets to experience this too.
if you see this, just know that you are invaluable and awesome to have around. know that if you are lost, you will find who you are one day, you'll know what you want to do, where you want to go, who you want to be.
much love to you all.
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nuevasformas · 2 years
I wanted to ask more than one question but thought it would be too many but. I do what I want actually so here are more questions I'd love if you answered:
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - Do you believe in the multiverse ?
Catch the Rainbow - Your favorite color in the rainbow ? 🌈🌈
Weather Report - Your favorite weather ?
MadeinHeaven - What do you believe happens after you die?
Echoes - Your favorite sound?
The World - A place you want to visit?
Youre wonderful omg.
multiverse - i have no idea i honestly have never given it too much thought at all. In my mind i usually do not consider it..
rainbow - ohhhh a favorite color.. some time ago i wouldve said PINK definetly nowadays ive been so yellow its undeniable and i try to go to blue even though im not blue myself i cant really choose a favorite. i love yellow a lot but i think ultimately the concept of a rainbow itself and its image is someof the most beautiful things that exist ever. The way its always in that order of colors.. response: 🌈
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weather: ohhh i love sunny day i love a little bit of clouds but no clouds at all is ok too i like warmth actually today was so lovely in thta sense its spring here...!!!!!!
after we die. Oh . This feels so vulnerable/important/private to speak of in this way.. i could not really explain how i understand it.. its like a big tree of light to me.. wow..actually i visualized it that way this year at the beginning. i don't actually..thats not about after death specifically just how i visualize the place of souls.. Im very scared of death but this image brings me.. something so grand and comforting. i could not explain it.
Fav sound: omg?!!!! What a great question i feel like i dont pay attention to sounds enough. Not as less attention as texture/tactile sensation , but sound is not something im THAT conscious and centered around as like sight and image maybe. My friend from college is such a sounds person and shes always pointing out different noises and music and such. Its very inspiring. I hadnt realized how many sounds there were. I don't really have an answer for this one right now. If i ever find a cool sound i will tell you. :-)
the world: oh... What a great question i have no idea i do not know the world very well. OH! i would love to visit la cueva de las manos in santa cruz (argentina). Cave paintings. That would be so fulfilling and incredible to see with my eyes.
Spoon thank you for these its so many i said so many things LOL. as i wrote these replies i was wondering so much what yours would be. Im gonna send you asks now if thats ok. 💗🌈🌌🌌🌌
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whumperooni · 4 years
for shame
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Pairing(s): Natsuo Todoroki x Sister!Reader, Enji Todoroki x Daughter!Reader
Tags/Warnings: incest, feelings of shame and humiliation, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, breeding/pregnancy talk
Word count: 2k
A/N: This was brought on by a big brained nonny. I had a lot of fun daydreaming this/writing this ♡
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It’s been a long day for Natsuo- a hard test, coffee spilled on his favorite jeans, his phone charger stolen, his essay given a poor grade; all of that added up to a long day for him.
A shit day if he’s being honest- one that he thinks can’t get much worse.
He’s proven wrong, of course, whenever he gets home and opens the front door only to be met by loud moans. His mind first jumps to “fucking Touya brought home another girl and is banging her on the couch again” and his nose wrinkles along with the thought, an aggravated huff leaves him.
It’s only when he hears the squeal of “Daddy! Daddy!” that he realizes that those loud cries sound very familiar.
Natsuo gulps, frozen in the middle of toeing off his shoes, and stares down the hallway with wide eyes.
There’s...there’s no way. You aren’t- he’s not- no. No. If you were going to fall into something so horrible and ruining it wouldn’t be with him, it would be with-
Natsuo slams the breaks on that thought before it can finish and shakes his head, desperately tells himself that he’s mistaken.
It’s not happening. It can’t be happening.
Another loud whine and Natsuo gulps, finds his feet taking him to the living room despite his mind screaming at him to just turn around and leave the house for another good three or four hours.
There’s a gasp and a whimper that sounds right before Natsuo peeks inside the living room and it’s something that Natsuo thinks is horrible simply because it sounds so hot.
Please don’t let this be what I think it is, Natsuo pleads to whatever gods may be listening to him. Please don’t let it really be happening. Please don’t let it be with him.
The gods don’t listen- that or they’re just being cruel, spiteful.
Natsuo peeks into the living room to find his sweet, beloved sister in their father’s lap- your hips arched into big hands, your small ones gripping onto broad shoulders as Enji Todoroki thrusts his cock into his daughter’s soaked little cunny.
All at once, Natsuo’s heart breaks, his temper boils, his fists clench, his face flushes with rage and horror and shame.
Rage because how could his father do this to his daughter, to Natsuo’s most treasured and adored sister. Rage because how could his sweet little sister let their father do this- how could you let him fuck your wet, wet pussy? How could you let yourself moan and mewl like a perfect little whore while Enji spears your cunt with a cock that should be much too big for anyone to take?
How could you do this with “daddy! daddy! daddy!” instead of your beloved Natsuo-nii?
Horror and shame rushes in after his rage and a sick, hot pulse of mortification has Natsuo slapping a hand to his mouth, has his guts twisting with the sudden impulse to throw up.
How could he think that?
...probably for the same reasons you could be in Enji's lap.
Natsuo swallows down his sickness and he curls in on himself as self-disgust hits him harder than one of his father’s punches. He’s horribly aware that he’s half-hard and he hates himself for that- hates how hot he finds it whenever you throw your head back with a loud whine whenever Enji brings you down and makes you take him fully, whenever Enji moves your hips in a stir and lets out a growl of, “So needy, little one. You take my cock so well.”
Blood rushes to Natsuo’s head- to both heads, actually. He goes from half-hard to achingly, fully hard as you whimper and try to move to ride Enji, as you whine out a soft little “daddy, please, more” whenever you’re forced to stay seated on his cock instead.
A choked noise claws its way up and out of Natsuo’s throat- he can’t believe you’re so needy; he can’t believe you can take such a big dick; he can’t believe that he’s so into the way his little sister begs so prettily to be fucked.
God, how many time have you done this? How many times have you fucked your father?
Natsuo’s heart pounds hard, but it pounds harder still whenever turquoise eyes flick up and meet his own.
He recoils in an instant- fear and shame and embarrassment racing through him- but he doesn’t run away even with his instincts screaming at him to bolt and hide and not come home for a long, long time. He’s frozen in place, unable to tear his eyes away from the way Enji grips your hips tighter and makes you shudder and arch your back.
He should run. He needs to run- who knows what Enji will do now that he’s been found out?
Natsuo’s fingers twitch along with his cock and he swallows hard, stares down his scowling father.
Rage is sneaking its way back into him- rage over being embarrassed and ashamed and fearful when it’s his father that’s gotten caught fucking his daughter, fucking Natsuo’s baby sister. Why should Natsuo run and cower when it’s Enji doing something so obscene?
Natsuo holds his ground despite his wide eyes and the jackhammer thumping of his heart.
Enji narrows his eyes and then he lifts his head- haughty with a look of authority, challenge as his eyes move from Natsuo and back to your pretty face.
“So impatient, little one,” Enji rumbles out. “You need to be fucked that badly?”
A whine from you and a nod. Natsuo can’t see your face, but he’s sure you have a trembling little pout, flushed cheeks and hazy eyes. You probably look so fucking good. God, he- he wants to see you all needy and pouting to be fucked. He shouldn’t want to see that. He absolutely should not want to see that. You’re his little sister- he can’t want this. He can’t.
Natsuo’s cock throbs in his sweatpants and he almost draws blood from digging his nails into his palms to keep from touching himself.
“Daddy, please! I wanna- I wanna be-”
You cut yourself off with another whine- hips trying to arch up and move along your daddy’s cock. There’s a low chuckle from Enji and Natsuo hates the smirk playing on his father’s face, the smug way he slowly slides you up his dick and forces you to take his slow, slow pace.
Enji stops when you’re half-way up his cock and Natsuo has to slap a hand over his mouth whenever Enji makes you lean forward, arch your hips. Natsuo can see how his father’s dick is parting your swollen, dripping lips with the new position- can see it even better when big hands grip your soft cheeks and spread you open even more.
It’s the hottest thing Natsuo has ever seen- lewd and disgusting and so filthy that he almost whimpers in need.
You probably feel so good inside.
He’s such a horrible older brother to want to know how slick and warm and honeyed your little cunny is.
Bile rises in his throat in contrast to how pre-cum spills in his boxers and Natsuo grips the door frame tight with his free hand whenever you let out a needy, sweet sob.
“D-Daddy, please! Please! I want- wanna be fucked! Daddy fill me! I need it!”
The smirk grows on Enji’s face and Natsuo’s fury roars among the dizzying swirl of emotions clouding his senses and judgement.
Why the hell are you begging Enji for that? He doesn’t deserve it- he doesn’t. If you’re going to do this with anyone in the family it should be the one who takes care of you the most, the one who has always been there for you.
Natsuo deserves to have you begging for his dick.
(God, he wants you begging for his dick- he wants to hear you cry out “nii-chan! please! please!” so fucking bad.)
“Shh, little one,” Enji says- voice almost soothing but not quite making it with a growl reverberating in the words. He kisses your cheek and he cants his hips up slowly to sheath himself in you once again- locking his eyes again with Natsuo as you whimper and mewl.
“Daddy is going to fuck you, little one,” Enji rumbles out- loud and so fucking pleased with himself. “I’m going to fuck you. Fill you. Give you what you need.”
You sob, the sound pitching close to a wail as you’re stretched open again. Natsuo’s vision is almost going spotted from everything now- he’s so overwhelmed and everything is so much and he is so fucking hard and all he can think now is fill you fill you fill you- i want to fill you as he watches Enji thrust languidly up into your needy pussy.
Enji kisses your cheek again and his eyes go half-shut as you tremble, as he watches his son struggle with his desires in the doorway.
“Daddy is going to fill you,” Enji continues- not looking away from Natsuo for one second. “Daddy is going to make you a momma, sweetheart. I’m going to give you a little one.”
You cry out a “please!” and Natsuo breaks.
He bolts from the doorway before he can process the action- runs to his bedroom and closes the door behind him, sinks to the floor and sticks a hand down his pants. A moan leaves him- loud and shameful, perverted as he frantically jerks off to the image of his little sister getting fucked by their father and the desire to know how you would feel on his cock, how horrible and wonderful it would be to cream your sweet little cunny and stuff you full with him instead of Enji.
Natsuo grates out a rough breath and he jerks as he starts to come- hips battering against his fist and the world rushing and roaring around him as he cries out your name.
He comes harder than he has all year and he falls to the floor after- panting and curling up into a little ball as shame tries to devour pleasure and greed, hunger, and want boil through his blood.
He wants you. He needs you. He’s so fucking awful but he needs you- needs your soft hands on him and your lips pressed to his, his cock filling your pussy and his seed spilling inside you, out and down your soft thighs.
Natsuo hears you cry out in the distance and he squeezes his eyes shut, hates himself as his dick throbs and envy washes over the mortification that should be taking over him.
He feels disgusting. Horrible. Hungry.
He wants to be the one fucking you and he hates that, but it’s not enough to stop him from reaching a hand down to jerk off to the thought. It’s not enough for him to replay the image of Enji spreading you apart over and over again in his mind. It’s not enough to keep him from moaning and rutting into his fist like some needy pervert. It’s not enough to keep him from coming to the thought of you begging for his cock.
It’s not enough to keep him from laying on the floor- a flushed cheek pressed to cool wood and his mind racing with a million schemes to get you into his bed.
...if you’re going to do it with Enji, then why not with Natsuo? Why not with your big brother?
If the number one hero can fuck his little girl, then why can’t Natsuo fuck his baby sister?
(It’s so wrong and he knows it. Is disgusted by it. By himself.
But, god, he wants it and after seeing you with Enji- with his father, your father- he knows that you probably want it just the same. He knows that you’d be happy to crawl into your nii-san’s lap like a good little girl and ride his dick like you ride daddy’s.
...if you’re okay with it, is it really that bad?)
Natsuo swallows hard and he squeezes his eyes shut, curls up tighter on the floor.
He’s a horrible big brother.
In the distance, you moan and mewl as your father fills you with his seed. Natsuo quietly, regretfully wishes that was him filling you instead and he sinks into a murky pit of pleasure and hopelessness, frustration and desire.
Natsuo had been wrong- his day actually managed to get a lot worse.
(Or maybe this is better?)
Natsuo grimaces and he forces himself to stand, wipes his dirtied hand on his sweatpants and heads to the bathroom so he can try to wash away his sins.
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
amado carrillo fuentes as a dad would include
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a/n: hehe slowly coming back because heres my soft ass dropping this long hc for you guys, im so in love with preggo/dad hcs yall im sorry pls love me-
Taglist: @fandomnerd16​ @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​  @artemiseamoon​ @yvngfirefly​ 
let me know if you want to be tagged!​
ok so,, we’ve briefly already gone over some ideas of amado being a dad and in some sense how he would be when your pregnant-
but let’s refresh some points here and there yeah? because im SOFT at the thought of amado becoming a dad and the fucking HEART EYES DE TONTIN he would always have looking at you-
just listen- ok because the very moment amado knew about his kid’s existence growing inside of you-
this man was instantly wrapped around their little finger right then and there,, he just grew an attachment with them from then on alright
like im just imagining him always talking to your stomach every single night he possibly can,,
giving it little kisses, his other hand caressing your stomach like “8 mas meses mi amor, hasta que yo y tu mami te podemos abrazar” i
like :(( i can see him whispering to your stomach at 3 in the morning, thinking your asleep as he gently whispers to his bebe about anything and everything when he cant sleep-
and like hed just talk about if his kid is going to be a girl hes just over here saying something like “si dios quiere bendecirme, saldras igualita a tu mama, de hermosa y inteligente-” i cannot
dios mio- he just screams overprotective,, like if you thought he was protective before with you, that is nothing compared to the amount of extraness hes taking when youre pregnant,,
like hes going to be duplicating your security so much even if youre just going to the store down the block for 1 thing- youre going to be even more untouchable than the president- hes not taking any chances-
when hes with you,, my god hes just doing the MOST,
like he hates it if people look at you for more than 5 seconds because hes already snapping back at them like- “qUE CABRON, te gusto algo o que? no te traje para que te le quedes mirando a mI ESPOSA ASI-” i
he would also never let you do things on your own when hes there, it doesnt matter if youre 6 weeks pregnant or 7 months pregnant, hes not letting you move a single muscle because hes already going to be doing it for you-
doesn’t matter if all you have to do is move your arm to open the door- his ass is already opening it, holding you by the small of your back :((
but also the cravings?? dear god- I swear he gets them more than you do
because when your craving donuts or something at 2 in the morning hes over here snapping his fingers and sending his men out the moment you so as much think about it-
“órale pues, hijos de su reshingada madre, ya escucharon, traigan a mi esposa sus 3 cajas de pan” lmaoo when literally all you wanted was one but ya le sacaste las ganas a el-
just :(( he would love to eat cravings with you all the time so you dont feel bad :( its one of his favorite things to do- i cant 
and listen- the AVIONETA TOYS!!
its something that i know he would do as a dad :( like him collecting all these different toys while youre pregnant,, organizing them around his kid’s room :(
so when his kid is older they can play with them with like these matching pjs he bought :(((
just wanting his kid to be able to be interested in the things that amado likes to do- its BONDING ok dont look at me-
but also this baby mobile he got for his kid,, with like these little airplanes hanging from them,,
woW :( i cry at the thought of him playing around with it everytime he walks into the room,, just imaging the moment when he’ll be able to look down and see his angelito sleeping i :((
he just gives me so much soft vibes of wanting to try to always be apart of his kid’s life growing up,,
just never wanting to leave your side either because dear god if something were to happen to you or his kid before he ever gets to meet them-
its going to be like juarez never existed in the first place,, hes just always going to be right there next to you as much as physically possible,,, god- it only gets increases when his kid is finally born-
this mf never shuts up about you and his baby,,
like probably ranting for hours to acosta about it like, “nada, cabron, nada se siento mejor que poder por fin alzar a mi hijo/a, pinshi hermoso creatura que mi esposa me dio-“ :((
AHh,,wait can you fucking imagine you making acosta the padrino,,:( because ??
like even though he cant stand when amado doesnt shut up,, nothing beat the feeling the day he met your kid,, just happier than ever that you chose him to look over them:(((
i am laughing at the thought of acosta always walking up to amado whenever he has your kid,,
his voice going all light like “buenos dias, donde esta mi nino/a favorito?!” and just taking his kid out of his arms,, spinning them around, completely ignoring amado all together as he starts to walk away-loL probably while still talking to your kid and offering them candy :(
god- since we’re here his kid would literally want to be around amado all the time,, wanting his attention,, i just !!
imagine amado convincing you so that he can take his kid to work or something- i
the smile on his face because his kid is over here in his arms pointing at all the planes like “papi!! mira, that one looks like my stuffed airplane at home” little finger pointing excitedly- i cannot
but he would never, never mention anything about his business in front of them for your sake but also because he doesnt want to ever be the bad guy in his kids eyes alright :(
also im so sorry in advance but if he had a daughter that little girl would fucking OWN his heart- his princessa de todos los cielos :((( NO IM NOT CRYING
ayY but if he had a son, i just know he would dress him up in all black like su papi:(( a LITTLE CUERVITO version- oh my god :(
he would be such a fucking pushover dad too- like always reading them bedtime stories, giving into them no matter what,, getting them these big ass surprise presents every time he comes home from the airstrip,, just CONSINTIENDO HIS NINOS all the time-
like:( hold on just imagine on some days you coming from the kitchen after making some dessert for your ninos and amado but finding them all passed out on your bed:(((
like your daughter on top of his chest and your son curled into his side,, both of them holding their favorite stuffed toy, their little hands holding onto his shirt -I SOB
i just- i can see him also being the dad that would hold his kid above him,, carefully tossing them in the air
his laughs mixing in with their little fucking giggles as he brings them down to his face to kiss them every time :((((
i don’t know- im just so soft at the idea of him walking around the house or his work with his kid on his hip :((-
or him distracting his ninos while you cook breakfast for them- i just might about sob if i keep going
oh fuck- or every morning before he leaves to go work, he comes into their bedroom,, kissing the top of their heads,, moving their messy hair out of the way :((
probably prays a little thing- like for nothing bad to happen to you or his kids while hes gone for the day:( i
:(( no offense but i cannot handle the thought of him picking them up in their blanket in the morning,, his kid still sleeping and bringing them into your bed so youre all together when you wake up- his soft fucking smile while he tucks them into you :((((
becasue THATS HIS FAMILIA- the one hes always dreamed about having- 
wow um- but hes definitely the type of dad that would build his kids a whole ass park in the backyard for them-
like his kids wanting a swimming pool with a water slide? You bet your ass hes going to build one,, im :((
wow ok but if his son was into soccer or his daughter into ballet or something and theyre practicing at home-
i can see him being the dad that would sit there, smile on his fucking face,, praising them while they practice,, ugHH just him telling you about the improvements they made while he watched them-  i
god- please don’t get me started how he’ll always go to school plays/sports with you just so he can feel orgulloso thats his kid out there performing-
why am i crying at the thought of him having this picture of you and your kids with him wherever he goes, like his buena suerte or something- im SORRY i CANT
or him calling you every day when hes at work,, wanting to hear your voice but also hear the moment his kids scream “WE LOVE YOU DADDY!!” :(
i just- every night,, him always telling you how he would never change you and his kids for anything in the world like- “sabes, dios me bendicio de que tu fueras la mama perfecta para mis hijos-” goodbye i need to go cry
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curious-menace · 4 years
Hey can I get a headcanon of any riddler of your fancy finding his partners hidden treasure trove of sex toy goodies after stooping around their home, probably while they're out and how they'd react?
oh ho! any riddler?! this is a blank check for mayhem! 
i have naughty hands and no self control so ima do all my riddlers hahahah
this is only a lil ns fw so no below the cut this time 
Arkham riddler
First response is he goes BRIGHT RED. H-He was looking for something else, like an allen key or a pack of batteries or something! He didn't mean to snoop! He’ll throw all the toys back in the drawer or box and hurry away like nothing happened. he did find batteries but was to embarrassed to use them.
his face is going to be bright red for hours, you’ll easily be able to tell something is up but he wont tell you what.
but that being said, hes not going to be able to stop thinking about them. he feels a little naughty for doing it but hes imagining you using them, on him, on yourself. the idea is filthy to him but very intriguing.
Don't expect him to EVER mention it again but if YOU brought up the idea or told him you had some toys to play with, he’d have a hard time hiding his excitement. He hasn't stopped thinking about them since and he has some IDEAS. 
Blacklight Riddler
oh ho! rubbing his little fingerless gloved hands in glee. treasure trove is the right word to use, all his christmases have come at once when he finds this gold mine. 
He knew you were kinky but he had no idea you were THIS kinky, why would you keep this from him??? 
hes like a child in a candy store. what does this one do??? ohh this one vibrates! ooh a purple and green one, did you get this specially for him?
Don't be surprised if you come home and find him elbow deep in your drawer or box still rummaging and exploring, possibly with condoms scattered around him like confetti and bondage rope around his neck like a scarf. 
He’s going to ask right away to play with some of these. he might even sneak off to use them by himself but he will GLADLY let you do the hard work. 
He’s going to want to go to the sex toy shop with you. can you get some couples toys? will you peg him?? OH! what about some of those cool remote control toys??? he can make some custom ones for you both to use if you want! Man is going to be bouncing off the walls, you're going to need to get him to calm down before you can do anything. he’s enthusiastic to say the least.
BTAS Riddler
oh? what on earth is th-AGH! *flings a wobbly pink dick across the room in a panic*. Que overdramatics . lots of “my eyes are SOILED! MY HANDS WILL NEVER BE CLEAN AGAIN!” 
Will probably screech “WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THIS?!” into an empty house.
i think its the shock more than anything. he’s a germaphobe and he wasn't wearing his gloves while he was rummaging and he wasn't expecting to touch something so...intimate with his bare hands. this has ABSOLUTELY been inside you and it feels...off for him to touch it. He hopes to god you are as particular about cleaning these as you are about the rest of your cleaning.
once the initial fright wears off, he probably feels a bit guilty for nosing about. He wasn't looking for your intimates specifically, he was just being inquisitive, maybe looking for birthday or christmas presents. I think like arkham riddler, he’d probably be unable to get the image out of his head. he'd probably have to go back for another look. 
he has to work up the courage to talk about it. he’s probably expecting to get yelled at, he shouldn't have been rummaging through your things in the first place.he doesn't REALLY need to confront you about this. but he’s insecure as all hell and he needs to know, is he not good enough? is he not satisfying you? why do you need these toys if you have him? please be gentle in explaining, whatever your answer is. 
Original riddler
so freaking blase about the whole thing. you could leave them in the fridge or something and he’d be like “hmm, cheese, ham, dildo....hey y/n we’re nearly out of milk!” 
he doesn't exactly want dicks or fleshlights left out around his apartment but he’s not so insecure about you having them. he knows he cant be there for you 24/7. maybe your schedules are conflicting, maybe you just want some quite alone time, he’s not judging, he does it too.
might tease you a little about your taste in toys. like if you have massive dicks he’s going to call you a size queen, regardless of your gender. or if you like weird ones like that windmill oral thing he’s going to call you a kinky lil freak .
i don't think he has any of his own but he’d be quite happy to use yours on you if you wanted.
unlike the others, he probably respects your privacy enough to not go looking for them or even rummaging through your things. but he is childish as all hell. if you left them out in a shared space he’s going to mess around with them, like pretending to give you a neck massage only to bust out a hitachi wand or something.
despite his bravado and not really minding that you have them, his mouth will go a little dry if you bring up the idea of domming him by using them on him . that's....an intriguing idea. 
Telltale riddler 
well. hes not THRILLED about this discovery. But given how often he’s gone, either for work or running from the law, he cant exactly blame you. you have needs he’s clearly not meeting.
he’s pretty tempted to take your batteries away from you for badness. 
he gets a devious idea looking at your toys. He’s offended! how could you replace him with plastic and silicone?! he’s much better than any toy. guess he’ll just have to prove it to you. 
he’ll probably confront you as soon as you get home. something like “been keeping secrets from me?” but like. in a sexy voice, not an angry one. 
He’s obviously a little ticked off but tries to keep it playful. you can definitely expect him to spend the day making it up to you. he’s going to tease you, hes going to ask if you think of him while you use them , maybe even use some of them on you himself but pulling away at the last moment as punishment . if you want relief you’ll have to ask him nicely.
he’d be absolutely speechless if you flipped the script on him. listen he might be 60 but suddenly he’s a teenager again, embarrassed and unable to form coherent sentences in the face of your exuberant confidence. once he gets his footing back however you two are going to be playing hella games. he’s going to want to sext while he’s gone, send you naughty photos and get some back. maybe the toys aren't such a bad thing after all?
Zero year riddler
you’ll for sure know if this riddler has found your stash. you’ll come home and he’ll be drinking out of a dick shaped straw, wearing those dumb penis glasses you see at bachelorette parties. he’ll have decorated with rope or feather boas , taken polaroid photos of him posing with your toys and stuck them to the walls. he’ll have  a smug look on his face but play totally innocent like “something you wanna tell me, y/n?” Shame is not an emotion this riddler is capable of. 
he was looking through your things on purpose because he’s a nosy shit. He likes knowing your secrets to mess with you later. He wished he had a camera to record his reaction upon finding THIS secret.sheer unfiltered joy  .He’s for sure recording your reaction to him putting you on blast so you two can laugh about it later.
 he might feel a LITTLE guilty depending on your reaction. if you react badly or really embarrassed he might feel bad for crossing a line and apologise . He’s still a little shit about it but he’s an apologetic little shit. 
all of these riddlers pretend they're the most confident person in the room but , like the others, if you turn your charm and confidence on him, he’ll crumble like a dry sandcastle. 
He doesn't want to admit he has NO clue what any of these toys do. like why is this one shaped like an egg?...it goes WHERE?!
rare moment of nervousness from him if you ask him to use them on you/ on him. again, he doesn't know what the heck he’s doing with toys but he’ll be damned if he admits that. feel free to mess with him as payback. this is what he gets for running his mouth and poking his nose into other peoples business 
there you go nonnie! i actually got this one out pretty quickly, i wasnt expecting to do it that fast hah. i like doing asks like this, that are a little nsfw but not so much i have to hide them under a read more.
that being said, full nsfw asks are my jam XD
Got something you wana ask me? feel free to send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
okay so i saw one of these for niall but, one where y/n can’t afford harry’s life style but doesn’t like him paying for her and it’s just angst with fluff at the end?
Hii!! I got SO SO SO carried away doing this and it ended up not being too angsts so I really hope you still like it! And I’m sorry it took so long but I just got the inspiration for it and all just came to me at once! Thank you so much for requesting 💖
The Best Gift
The store was bright and flashy, yet somehow simplistic, the different display cases making the girl glance around quickly as she took in the new space filled with diamonds, pearls and jewels, although this being her second time here, only because of him, she didn’t think she would ever get used to it.
She felt completely out of place, walking through the luxury store with Harry wearing an ensemble costing close to three thousand dollars and she was wearing a dress from one of her favorite online shops costing her around $60, with that being a splurge.
“Anything catching those pretty eyes?” He smirked, nudging her slightly but still keeping his grip tight on her hand, guiding her throughout the store he has been through more times than he can count, “we got all day baby, try on anything you want!”
“I’d rather you give the fashion show.” She laughed, going up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek, “We’ve been in her thirty seconds and I’ve seen you staring at four different pairs of trousers.”
He gave her a small nudge, before leading her to a seat outside the changing room, due to the fact they got in trouble last time for having her come into the same one was him. He gave her a quick peck before he started grabbing his items, flashing her a wink before he disappeared into the short hallway and into the dressing room, giving her a cute wave before shutting the door.
She giggled softly to herself, biting her bottom lip and shaking her head, wondering how on earth she was lucky enough to have him as her boyfriend, be so lucky to have him be in love with her? It would never fully click.
Her eyes wandered around the shop, admiring the different materials and luxury items she could never even dream of purchasing. She wishes she could, especially dreaming of being able to buy something Harry would buy for himself and just be able to try and repay somehow for everything he has done for her.
Harry has taken her on so many different trips, gotten her custom gowns, designer shoes and jewelry and it made her feel terrible. For his birthday, she picked up extra shifts, stayed late, and did some babysitting in order to get him some new rings and a recording microphone he could hook up to his phone or laptop he could use instead of using just voice memos.
He loved it of course, wearing the rings all the time and enjoyed being able to get a better sound when an idea would spring up on him, but she still felt guilty. Harry would get her a thousand dollar bag and a matching diamond earring and necklace set.
Letting out an impatient sigh she stood and began wondering around the store a handbag catching her eye, well her dream bag really. She has had it plastered all of her Pinterest board and was just in love with it. She carefully ran her fingers over it, heart sinking as she checked the price tag and instantly retracted her hand, feeling wrong for touching it, so she just stood and admired.
“Okay darling, what do you think?”
The girl jumps at the sudden voice, pulling her back to reality and she turns to look at him as he is standing directly behind her, a large smirk covering her face as she takes in his appearance.
He struck a few poses, blushing a few moments later after some staff members noticed before shyly standing straight, giving her a quick twirl as he was dressed in grey wool trousers and a pattered sweater.
“You look so handsome.” She softly smiled, reaching her hand up and rubbing her hands over the material, “its really soft... I love it, absolutely perfect for you.”
“Thank you angel... now you go pick something to try on.”
After Harry trying on a few different outfits, and him forcing her to try on a dress (which she didn’t end up getting for obvious reasons), they were headed for check out, Y/N helping him carry his items to the counter where they both stood, her eyes widening at the price growing and growing.
“Hey Y/N, you wanna grab some smoothies from next door and I’ll meet you there and we can head back to my place?” He suggested, handing over the place pair of trousers, “I’ll be right there, gonna get the car pulled up.”
“Okay!” She happily smiled, “The usual?”
He nodded and gave her a quick kiss and she was off, entering the overly priced smoothie place nearly a minute later, quickly ordering their drinks and waiting over to the side.
A few minutes later they called her name, giving her the drinks and she left with a quick thank you, a smile covering her face when she sees Harry in the car pulled up outside, running over to the car with a smile and happily hoping into the passenger seat, handing him his drink with a kiss on the cheek.
He gave her a happy smile, stuck in a daze as he stared at the girl, a large dopey grin glued on his face.
“What?” She laughed, cheeks turning pink as she started buckling her seatbelt, “Why are you staring at me?”
“Just so in love with ya, sunshine.” He grinned, leaning over and giving her a long kiss before pulling back, switching the gear of the car and driving off.
She blushed, giggling to herself as he kept stealing glances at her throughout the drive back, “Look at the road!” She laughed, covering her face, “I love you but right now is not the time to stare, you’re gonna kill us.”
He grabbed her hand closest to him, bringing it to his lips with a quick kiss before seating it down on the armrest between them, holding it there for the rest of the drive.
Soon enough they were back at Harry’s, him grabbing the bags before she could so she just carries in both smoothies, scurrying in close behind him, following him into his bedroom where he starts putting away his new clothes.
“Darling, could you grab what’s left in that last bag please?” Harry called out from his closet, putting away his new sweaters and trousers.
“Of course!” She called back, walking over to it as Harry sneaks out of the closet, watching her reach into the bag.
She kneeled onto the bed, reaching into the deep white bag and her eyes widen at the feeling of leather, rather than the soft feeling of fabric, eyes looking up and meeting Harrys as he leaned against the inside of the doorway with a smirk, raising his eyebrows at her as if to urge her to keep going.
She shakily wrapped her fingers around the handle and pulled it out of the bag, an audible gasp escaping her as she quickly looked up at Harry, a proud grin covering his pink lips.
“H-Harry.” She shakily began, shaking her head as the images of the price tag overwhelm her memory.
“I’ve been seeing ya look at it online and when we went in the store last, then again today so I just had to get it for you my love.” He explained, walking over and sitting next to her on his bed, “Do you like it?”
She shook her head rapidly, dropping the purse onto the bed and covering her face as tears filled her eyes, knees pulling to her chest. Confused, Harry instantly took her into his arms as he got the complete opposite reaction than what he was expecting.
“I-Is it the wrong color? Shape?” He began, “We can take it back-“
“It’s too much!” She interrupted, “It’s so expensive! You cant keep… keep spending this money on me its not fair! I’ll never be able to repay you, we have to return it.”
“Repay me? That is not what this is about, I got this for you because I am in love with you and I wanted to get you something that you’ve been wanting for a long time. You’re always working so hard, Y/N. I wanna spoil you.”
She brought the back of her hand back up to her eye, wiping away her tears before looking up at Harry, heart breaking at the dejected face he was making. The girl leaned into him, arms going around his shoulders as his meet her waist, pulling her onto his lap, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her shoulder.
“Your love, Y/N…” He began, “is the most valuable thing you could ever give to me. All I ever want in this world is you and you alone, okay?”
She nodded, burying her face in the crook of his neck pressing a kiss to the warm skin before pulling back and looking into his eyes, “Okay.” She sniffled, “I-I’m sorry, I am- Thank you, Harry. I really am grateful, for everything, it’s just a little overwhelming.”
“I know you are, you don’t need to thank me angel. You got the sweetest little heart.” He chuckled, pressing quick kisses up her neck before leaning their foreheads together, “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, no gift can top that… Although I do really love those rings you gave me.”
“They’re no Gucci....”
“Hey! They’re my favorites.” He grumbled, fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her closer, kissing her softly, “I love you so much, more than you will ever know.”
“I love you so so so much, Harry. Even without the gifts or anything… you know that right?”
“I know.” He shyly smiles, heart growing in size as he knows the girl in his lap is the one he’s been dreaming about, “and I know you’re the best gift because you’re my soulmate, Lovie. You’re my forever.”
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30 Day BL Drama Challenge
Day 22 - favorite scene from your #1 drama
I was originally gonna post my fav scenes from all my fav bl’s but since this said #1 i decided to stick to my favorite bl, my favorite couple, my ride or die, my fucking cinnamon apples....
My absolute favorite scene from season 3 of Skam really is the entirety episode 9 ( Det går over) or as i like to call it the “O Helga Natt” scene. I watched it when it came out and every rewatch since then, this one scene has made me cry buckets and get chills every time. SPOILERS:
Watching Isak deal with understanding not only his mother’s mental illness, but not Even’s too - his kinda boyfriend- while also trying to come to terms with his sexuality hits so hard. We see Isak taking that step of accepting himself and Even when he told his father he would be bringing his boyfriend to the Christmas concert, but then Even’s bipolar episode happens and it shakes Isak to his core.
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And then we get to see one of my favorite scenes just ever of Isak with Jonas and Magnus where you can see how hard it is for Isak to tell them about Evan’s bipolar episode and Magnus just strolls up and hits Isak with “yeah my mom is bipolar, she’s not ‘crazy’ she’s just bipolar and she’s awesome!” and Magnus shows Isak that just because Even is bipolar doesn’t mean he wasn’t the person he was when he was with Isak, it’s just apart of who he is. Magnus helps Isak realize that yes, Even could have some high high’s followed by low low’s but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a good person, or can’t be trusted or loved he just has these episodes and its okay. Magnus is the voice of reason for Isak during this, asking him how Even is doing mentally, and when Isak tells him he hasn’t talked to him bc he thinks “everything’s been bullshit from his side” bc he was manic, Magnus immediately calls him on his shit (much like Eskild did in an earlier ep) telling Isak that they’ve been together for a long time & Even wasn’t manic for all of it and questions why the hell would Isak take Sonja’s (his ex gf) words for how Even is doing or feeling with the best quote “Smart, Isak! That’s the best thing I’ve heard today! Wow! Wow. How about asking Even what he feels? He isn’t braindead just because he had a manic episode.”
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And I think that plants itself in Isak’s brain, but he’s still scared. I mean who wouldn’t be? He’s what? 16/17 trying to figure out his sexuality, dealing with his parents, and now trying to understand his boyfriend’s mental illness. So he freaks and tells his dad he was just kidding about having a boyfriend (later just telling him he wasn’t joking but his relationship is over) and we can see how it shatters Isak. But he goes to the Christmas concert anyway, he puts on a happy face and meets his parents, the choir starts to sing O Holy Night, and not even 5 minutes into him being at the church, Even sends him The Text™️ (the amount of times i’ve cried bc of this alone is embarrassing tbh).
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He reads this text and it all just hits him that he loves Even, and he doesn’t want to be without him. He cant sit in that church and listen to that man sing for another minute while knowing Even thinks this is all his fault, thinking that he’s alone and unloved because it isn’t true- not to Isak. So Isak books it out of there, going as fast as his feet can carry him to the place they met because he loves this man, and yes it might be hard for him to handle his boyfriend’s mental illness, and he might not know what to do all the time to help his boyfriend but he wants that. He wants to try, he wants to be with Even, and be wants to love him- all of him. Thus we end the episode with them reunited in each other’s arms ready to take on the world together, while Isak declares his love in a short and simple whispered “you are not alone.”
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gifs/images are not mine
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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