baeshijima · 1 year
throwing up
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also arlecchino maam 🧎‍♀️
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but can we just appreciate the shot of them both ;w;
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maguneedsalife · 4 months
OK so I know it's been FOREVER since we talked BUT I have been watching a stream of someone playing FFXIV from the beginning and then I was also talking to a friend about the story of FFXIV and I thought of you.
I know if I get into FFXIV it will eat my life (and sometimes I consider it) but if I do, how should I start?
Also, what are the best parts of the story and/or gameplay?
(also Aoife is cool, I like her a lot, and I've just been casually following you long enough that she's like... my default WOL, just so you know)
aaa ty for the ask! (and it doesnt feel like forever somehow bc we reblog each other's posts all the time lmao)
anyway this ended up very long so im putting it under a readmore, but aaaaa im so happy you're interested in trying the game!!
ffxiv will absolutely eat your life, but! if you're interested in giving it a try to see if you like it, (deep breath) have you heard about the free trial of the award winning mmo final fantasy fourteen with no restrictions on playtime and content up to level 70 including the heavensward and stormblood expansio--
jokes aside, the free trial is my personal rec for where to start. you can play as most of the available races (viera and hrothgar are locked to shadowbringers unforch, but as part of the story you get an item that you can use to remake your character if you want, so if you decide to buy the game later you can use that to make the bunny or lion of ur dreams). there are some limits on things like buying items off the mb and how much gil/items you can have, but for the most part there's like 200+ hours of content that's just available for FREE. Idk if you have mmo experience, but if xiv would be your first foray into MMOs i would definitely try the trial first to see if you like it! and since stormblood is included in the trial now you can meet my favorite robot beetle without paying a CENT
the other thing to consider is that there is a big expansion coming at the end of June, which will also include a gigantic graphical update for the characters and world. right now the game is doing its best with ps3-early ps4 era graphics, but come june everything will look a lot prettier! (not that it isn't already pretty, but i won't miss the pixelated grass...). They'll also be adding furry lion ladies if that's your thing (though they won't be free to play as; you'll have to buy the full game to make a hot lion). the downside is the new expansion will be a tough time to start with everyone trying to get in for the new story, so I'd say if you want to start, either do it before dawntrail (easy to log in) or end of july (login queues have eased, and you get to see everything in the pretty graphics!)
normally here is where I'd put my "if you want to play around with the character creator, there's a free benchmark program you can download that includes it!" buuuut the dawntrail benchmark has uh, let's just say wip character models, and they're actually working on putting out an update to it sometime in the next couple weeks.... but when that update does come out, it'll be a great way to play around and see what kind of character you want your wol to be!
WHEW. Okay. that's the first part of your question.
Second part of your question - i wont discuss details of the story bc imo it's worth experiencing firsthand, but i think my favorite part about the story is that your little guy is at the center of it. a lot of the wol's narrative is left open to interpretation, and you are free to imagine how your character responds to the plot. every single person who plays this game has a different and valid experience with the same story, simply due to how they envision their character participating in it, and i think that's beautiful. i can't think of a lot else like it out there.
you'll see a lot of people online arguing that some expansions are "skippable" or base game is "skippable" but they're all lying to you. play all the main story. watch all the cutscenes. there's no need to zoom through it. the reason you are crying your eyes out at the end of endwalker is because you have watched your wol grow from the time they were killing level 1 ladybugs in the starting area. some parts might be stronger or weaker than others, but it all comes together to make one of my favorite stories videogames has ever told.
(also, no spoilers, but shadowbringers is still my favorite expansion for a reason. you've probably osmosized a fair bit of it from my posts about it but it's soooo good. it's worth seeing in person.)
also there are some surprisingly good storylines in the "side" content (raids, trials, etc), so it's definitely worth picking up those blue plus quests and seeing what adventures are to be had. not to be biased but the omega storyline is my favorite ("yes ren we KNOW you like the robot beetle"). some are serious (there's one about child soldiers) and some are goofy (in one questline you solve zany mysteries with the world's least competent detective) but all of them have heart, and a little final fantasy corniness.
as for gameplay, its probably obvious that i love the fashion aspect. Gear you obtain can be seen on your character (even jewelry!), and there's a whole system for saving outfits. people joke that glamour is the true endgame but i literally, like an hour ago, cleared a high difficulty raid because i wanted a specific shirt. So obviously the dressup aspect is a main draw for me gameplay wise.
but other than that, one of the game's strengths is there's something for everyone. if you want to be the sweatiest raider and optimize your rotation and get BiS and clear ultimates, you can, but it's not the only way to enjoy the game. i have friends who enjoy just dinking around in roulettes, friends who love to fish, friends who roleplay, friends who organize rare monster kill trains, and friends who spend a ton of time on minigames in the casino. that's just scratching the surface. there's so much to do!
anyway, whew, i think that maybe answered your question? or maybe you now have more of them?
i am always available here and on discord to answer questions and help you get started in eorzea :3 ty again for the ask!!!
and aaaaaaaaaa hearing that you like aoife makes me so happy 😭
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swampgallows · 4 years
don't get me started on overlooked wotlk/bc lore? 🤔 (was going thru dungeons/raids from those xpacs and je suis annihilated over how much lore i never learned bc i didnt see the Little Stuff e.g. quest text and tooltips)
BROOOOO everybody goes to howling fjord “cause the music and it’s pretty” and then grizzly hills “cause the music and it’s pretty” and then sholazar basin “cause the music and it’s pretty” then ollie out because they outlevel the continent... every. single. time. AND IT SUCKS!!! in developing content for salt the roads i quested through borean tundra on several alts just to get the timing and everything right, both alliance and horde, and MAN the overall atmosphere of it can’t be beat, and there is SO MUCH that leads up to later content/xpacs. 
In the Riplash Ruins you help out the naga of all things because the vrykul/kvaldir are trying to use one of their own beasts against them. They’re straight up like “Azshara herself imprisoned this leviathan here centuries ago and now the kvaldir are making sacrifices to try and win it over!” like are you kidding? that shit would be like raid-tier now (in fact the leviathan uses the same model as The Lurker Below in Serpentshrine). 
how about the initial breadcrumbs in Fizzcrank Airstrip leading up to Ulduar? in the Alliance side of questing in Borean Tundra you learn that the reason their oil rigs are jammed are because they’re full of pieces of original mechagnomes. this was definitely foreshadowing for Mimiron and the other constructs that appeared in the Ulduar raid later in the expansion. Now, not only is Mechagon no longer a myth, but mechagnomes are playable!! I think a lot of people think it came out of nowhere, but there is a lot of really interesting dwarf and gnome lore that’s directly tied to the Titans and their constructs. The “curse of the flesh” is also incredibly cool, and I’m really glad they brought it back as a plot device for King Mechagon in BFA.
bro and oh my fucking GOD the people who skip Zul’drak are out of their fucking MINDS. Zul’drak and fucking Drakuru is one of the coolest story arcs with some of the best storytelling ever, and it really has a lot of its elements echoed in other troll areas, including Zandalar. For brevity, the Lich King is being interpreted by the Drakkari (and the vrykul, on another note) as a new Death God, one more powerful than the existing loa. Believing he can and will consume everything in Northrend, many of the Drakkari turn their backs on their loa and ally with this new god of death. This in turn weakens the other loa of Zul’drak to a point where some of them have been defeated or even consumed by Drakkari mortals, gaining their powers or using them for ill. The temples are abandoned and overrun with the Scourge, or their loas are crying out in madness and pain begging for help or revenge. You get to work alongside the snow leopard loa Har’koa to avenge her loa brethren and do your best to restore faith in the loa that still exist. It’s a fucking amazing campaign and was one of the first ones to naturally and neatly flow from one zone (Grizzly Hills) into the next (Zul’Drak) and culminate in the dungeons of the zone (Drak’tharon Keep & Gundrak), giving them actual story purpose for being run rather than “hey look at that spooky place that has loot”. And especially for players who remember the Gurubashi and Amani’s attempts to control/consume their loa, seeing that the Drakkari manage to do it and the impact that it has is downright bonechilling.
like it’s good that WoW has new cinematics and lots of voice acting (or “rp” as people call it) to tell the story and drive certain aspects home because back in the day i used to tell people that WoW was “reading: the game”, but it’s a shame because i feel like some of the stuff doesnt pack the same punch having it told to you like youre a baby at storytime rather than slowly inferring stuff on your own as you complete quests. all the new spectacle stuff is very good but i feel like it kinda spoonfeeds the audience the story sometimes, and it changes the tone a lot from the more subtle stuff in vanilla to wrath.
oh man i didnt hit up BC yet... yall already know to gut nagrand of quests but I feel like netherstorm and shadowmoon valley are vastly underrated too. if youre into the void or wondering about shadow magic, or what kael’thas was up to, a lot of netherstorm answers those questions via the ethereals. they also have like the ghosts of the alliance settlements from when they first came through the portal... man and the oshu’gun part of the main questline in bc nagrand (garrosh’s questline, incidentally, and requires you to go to auchenai crypts) also brings up an interesting question about the origin of naaru with the corruption of k’ure. k’uru was a naaru that turned to void after it was damaged/trapped in the genedar/oshu’gun and started drawing orc spirits toward it and corrupting them, but from the way it’s described it sounds almost like if the naaru can’t reach out to the light or its worshipers they can turn to void, much like the loa being reliant on their believers for their power. so especially with stuff like The Rejection of the Gift with Xe’ra in Legion, it has a lot of people wondering if void is the natural state of things and that the naaru are an augmentation of that, or the naaru possibly have their own agenda not unlike the void, so on and so forth...
I DUNNO MAN there is SO MUCH about current lore that has preexisting threads and connotations which is why i get so frustrated that people are like “OMG they introduced THIS in THIS xpac and then DIDNT ADDRESS IT!!!” like damn it’s the WORLD of warcraft, theyll get there in time! there’s a lot of shit to cover! not only that but you have NO IDEA what might get put back on the table after years of it lying dormant, much like the mechagnomes of Wrath reemerging in BFA or the ethereals’ ability to travel through the void in BC resurfacing again via the Locus Walker and the void elves... AAAAA IT’S SO GOOD
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ironclawpoint · 3 years
i blazed through the last half of the game and yelled at fyghm server folks about it instead of posting here because i just Had to talk about it, but anyway: i beat the game and i want to get my thoughts out before my impressions are influenced LOL
this is the strongest nmh combat/gameplay has ever been. wow. it was really really good, for a nmh game that was POLISHED. i was like, glued to the game, the pace was spot on the fighting felt GOOD i loved the new mechanics!!!
the sushi theme fucking slaps and is the best song in the whole game i love you abo/okumura - but i think the soundtrack suffered a bit from being all kind of evenly pretty good with a few VERY strong standouts? kind of like how tsa’s soundtrack was good but i dont like the boss themes stand out more than the overworld music / that rank battle sting
holy shit it was so campy and so fanservicey and i am ok with it if it’s the last nmh game ever, and also THAT KAMUI AND NOTORIOUS LIVED. i was catered to in every way except for inio asano’s kamui looking 12, evil henry, and badman dying, but i think i’m satisfied with how he was mourned.
could you guys just not afford steve blum :|aaaaa
the whole game i was scared it was gonna be like a simulation / all a dream and i am SO GLAD IT WASN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ASSASSINS YOU SENT TO KILL ME ARE MY FOUND FAMILY NOW. i feel like someone might even see this as a corny ending but? again, if this is the end, im actually grateful, and the touchdown crew gets to live on and be buddies and have movie nights ;_______;
also i can’t believe i just told someone “you don’t have to play tsa” when so many of the best parts of this game were tsa callbacks straight up lmfaooooo
the post-credits jeane and hunter thing is so ?!?!?! LOL. it wouldn’t be nmh if suda didnt leave a bunch of loose ends, but i like that it’s open? like, we get so much room to think about what it Could be, and maybe suda will change his mind and make another, but if we end here then phew.
my only complaints are:
overworld was fun but Why Is Half Not Accessible, and why is Neo Brazil like.... nothing.... lol. i get that it’s supposed to be the star but ???
i wish we knew more about sylvia’s motives and stuff ;( i loved to see her be so mysterious but please, suda, a crumb
if you’re here you know my asano kamui complaints lmao but at least he’s cute. how cute he was makes that almost 100% forgivable. like 80% forgivable
i wish we got to see more of badgirl and shinobu outside of end game T_T
model notorious’ beautiful face and kissable lips cowards
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vulpesvalentine · 4 years
If you had 24 hours to spend with each of your love interests, in any place of your choosing, what would you do? Where would you go?
These will be SO HARD AND LONG (that's what she said) ALRIGHT LETS GO
Bovine: Okay we'd have SO MUCH PLANNED so like, we'd go out for food, see a movie, and repeat, but ONE of the "movies" would be like going to see bats at a zoo or something. I fucking love movie theatres, he loves food, it's a win win. BONUS POINTS if we can end the night playing Mario Kart together before bed <3 !!!!!!
Ursa: Yours would be so TRICKY! So I'd love love love to go to like Japan with you!!! You could dress all cute, I could,,,,,,,,,,,,,, take pictures. AND go see all the sights, shop at the cutesy stores, I'd buy you basically anything you'd want ^w^ Dresses, plushies, bags, merch~ I'm sure there's soooo much ACNH merch we can find too aaaaa!!!! I would also like a tiny date at like a cat cafe though. That would be so cuuttteeee.
Corvidae: This one was tricky, I had to even get her input. But I think we're gonna have the best fucking date ever. OKAY SO! We would have to start early haha. We'd go to a museum I think to start! See some cool interactive models and such, mess around with the different features ^w^ after then, possibly to a castle! One of the ones with like, mannequins and such showing what they did back then! THEN THE ZOO I wonder which animals she'd want to see... I wanna see the foxes and hear them do screams! and I can show off how my little fox noises sound in comparison!!! Finishing the crazy day would be an aquarium, one with like the glass going around a tunnel, seeing all the fish swimming around all pretty.. mmm u//////u And then at night,,,,,, o/////o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We'd go back to her house and I'd watch her games I know nothing about, while she rambles to me about them and I hang on every word <3 SO UH YEAH,,,
Caprinae: Okay first off, it would be during a season where it's not too cold for them. And it would PROBABLY be in their country so they can take me around their town, show me the sights, all that ^w^ No matter WHAT I wanna try a bunch of food with him, and go to the petting zoo!!! He sent me such a cuuuttteee video of him babytalking to a little bull aaaaa it was so precious it just melts my heart T////T I wanna see that in person!!!! Oh and we'd have dinner with their mom because I NEED to meet this amazing woman!!!!!!!
Aaaaaa this was so cute!!! Thank you anon!!!!
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ceegeenyan · 5 years
Soft [2] // Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Part 1: http://ceegeenyan.tumblr.com/post/184038042466/soft-1-tsukishima-kei-x-reader
            Even though she’s been with them for barely a full 24 hours, (y/n) has gotten close with the members of Karasuno High School’s boys’ volleyball club.
           Maybe it was her personality, Tsukishima thought. She was the exact opposite of him; she easily carries conversations with people—hell, even with him—and the way she doesn’t regard of herself as a big personality to the sports world, even though she is. She insists on people calling her (l/n) or (f/n) without the honorifics, aside from –chan, which Hitoka and Shimizu address her with. Apparently, she knows a lot about volleyball which Tsukishima also considered as a factor as to why the team easily considered her as a new member.
           “I actually play a lot,” she had said last night while eating at Sakanoshita’s, “but I really don’t want the pressure of playing competitively. I just want to have fun casually playing it, which was why I didn’t join the girls’ volleyball club. Besides, I like observing games a lot more than actually playing.”
           “What position do you usually play as, Niina-chan?” asked Sugawara.
           “Well, I can’t really jump that high but my reflexes aren’t good enough to be a libero, so I play as a setter.”
           Tsukishima remembered exactly how Kageyama reacted, making Yamaguchi and him snicker. “P-please show us your tosses tomorrow!” he said, all excited.
           She laughed. “I’m nowhere near as good as you, Tobio-kun. In fact, I’m very bad, but sure.” She took a big bite of her meat bun and continued to talk, again displaying a behavior that Tsukishima didn’t expect to see from a model. “But I don’t want to bother your practice.”
           “Just a few tosses should be fine,” Ukai chimed in from the counter, “besides, it’s good practice for the team to hit all kinds of tosses from different kinds of people, especially Hinata, who usually relies on Kageyama’s tosses.”
           “Oh, I see!” (y/n) beams again, grinning widely. “I’ll do my best!”
           And that was the story of how they got into the situation they were in right now, with (l/n) (f/n) tossing for the members.
           She wasn’t the greatest, she made some off tosses, but she definitely wasn’t bad. Once she got used to the timing, she was able to toss properly, earning compliments from the spikers. She looked so happy with each one.
           Eventually came Tsukishima’s turn, and it took them quite a few tosses before he got to hit the one that felt just right. She was able to match his timing even before then though, however she didn’t look content at all. “One more, please!” she said.
           For someone who didn’t want to play competitively, she looked incredibly determined.
           “(f/n)-chan, you’re really good at tosses!”
           (y/n) returned to her place with Hitoka and Shimizu as the younger female complimented her.
           She scratched her cheek, a slight tinge of pink flushing her features. “Thanks. I could be better, but I appreciate it, Hitoka-chan.”
           She watched as the rest of the team continued with their training, taking notes again but now on her phone. Occasionally, she took videos that she explained to Hitoka and Shimizu would be helpful in analyzing the players later. It would also be helpful for the players to see their own videos, looking at their form or what they’re doing right or wrong, and whatnot. When her arms were getting numb and tired, Hitoka would switch with her while she went to take notes on a notebook instead. They went on like this for the rest of the night.
           When practice was over, Niina showed the videos that they took to the coach and he was more than happy to have seen them. He said it would be a great help.
           “Hitoka-chan and I were actually talking earlier,” she tells Ukai, “We have enough cameras combined so we can probably bring them to take better videos in different angles.”
           “Oh, that would be great, really. But it could get hit by stray balls, don’t you think?” Hitoka flinches with the thought of a camera falling because of Azumane’s spikes.
           (y/n) thought for a while, as she hadn’t considered this. She initially planned on putting four cameras around the court to get a better look at everything.
           “Then, if it’s alright for me to ask this of you and the other managers, is it alright if we all take one spot each? Of course, you can stay where you normally sit, Coach Ukai. Each one of us will watch a camera.”
           The three of them beamed. “That’s fine with us. Thank you, (f/n)!” Ukai shakes her hand, all excited. “This will really help us a lot.”
           (y/n) returned the smile with her signature grin. “No problem!”
           Tsukishima watched the videos that (y/n) was showing him.
           She was showing them to the others too, and they’re faces lit up when she did, maybe a little flushed even, but Tsukishima thought that it was because it was her.
           He watched the video intently, but on the corner of his sight, he can see her watching him.
           “Hey, Ms. Shorty, please stop looking at me.”
           That earned a karate chop to his head.
           “Shut up, Stupidshima! Even if I watch the video, I’d be looking at you!”
           “No, but, looking at me directly and looking at me through a video are two different things.”
           “Shut up and watch the damned thing, Titan!”
           Tsukishima smirked, feeling rather triumphant in their small banter. Although he tries to distract himself by watching the video (y/n) was showing to him although he had to crouch down so fucking low just to watch, he could feel the gazes of the rest of the team, including the other two managers. He could kind of hear them whispering things too, although it was unsure as to whom they came from. They were all quite the meddlers, he thought.
           In the middle of watching the video, a notification popped up on the top of (y/n)’s screen, showing a preview of a text message from “Mr. Manager”.
           “Ah, sorry, I have to read this.” Tsukishima understood and respected the urgency that must have come along with the message and stood up straight. The smaller female took her phone and read the message before typing away her response. She looks at him, somehow rather apologetically.
           “Sorry, Tsukishima-kun, it seems that I need to go to work.”
           “Oh, it’s fine.”
           The rest of the team went over to them upon hearing that (y/n) was about to leave. “(f/n), will you be fine on your own?” Asked the captain with his usual fatherly tone. Tsukishima wondered if he learned to do that somewhere or from someone, or if it was just natural for him to be that way. “It’s late.”
           “I’ll be fine, Daichi-san! I have pepper spray with me in case anything happens!”
           “The fact that you even need pepper spray is alarming in itself, you know?”
           “Oh,” Sugawara now chimes in, “maybe Tsukishima can walk you there!”
           I beg your pardon?
           “Umm, this decision is being made without my consent.” His voice was low and a hint of annoyance was present, but he didn’t exactly mind. It was just annoying that someone else decided for him, and the fact that no one else volunteered. If they liked her so much, why didn’t they?
           “I would like to agree with the defendant, Your Honor,” she says to Sugawara, keeping a straight face. “I’ll be fine on my own, really.”
           Tsukishima thought for a while. He imagined the life of a beautiful, popular model, just casually walking street after street, all alone. He wondered at first if she ever got stared at, or maybe worse… No, he didn’t need to wonder, these things have definitely happened, and her pepper spray was proof.
           Tsukishima was a prick but he wasn’t stupid.
           He sighs. It won’t hurt to make her indebted to him. An eye for an eye, as she’d said.
           “Hey, Ms. Shorty,” he says, slowly starting to walk forward. “Let’s go.”
           Tsukishima swore he heard the seniors chuckle.
            “Hey, Tsukishima,” she starts after a while of walking, “you don’t have to walk me there if you’re just being forced by the others, you know? You can go home once we’re out of sight.”
           He simply looks at her, an indifferent expression as per usual. He didn’t want to tell her about him being genuinely worried about her well-being, the simple thought of her or anyone—anyone, he says—for that matter, being looked at in the most disgusting of ways by strangers and by disgusting people. If he told her, he’d be teased to death.
           He looked forward, shrugging. “While that’s a tempting offer, those volleyball idiots won’t let me hear the end of it if anything happens to you, and that’s definitely going to be annoying.”
           She simply laughs. “I can imagine.”
           It was her turn to look forward. “Thanks, though. Even though you’re just being forced.”
           Tsukishima said nothing in return and (y/n) didn’t seem to mind, so they just continued their walk in silence.
           Soon, they reached the studio in time for (y/n)’s shoot. They hadn’t spoken to each other since she thanked him, but the walk wasn’t at all awkward to her. She’d hoped it wasn’t awkward for him as well. He was a prick and he liked to be rude but he was still human and he at least had the ethic to walk her to work, even though he was forced to do it.
           “Well, I’ll be going.” He says, before turning to walk away.
           “Ah, Stupidshima!”
           At her comment, he turned, eyebrows furrowed just a little bit, showing annoyance.
           She grins. “I’ll treat you to something tomorrow.”
           His expression calms then he turned around again. “Sure, armrest.”
           “Armrest—hey! I heard that!”
           She laughed when Tsukishima ignored her comment and put on his headphones, finally starting to walk away. She turned and went inside the studio as well. There was a little bit of regret in her mind when she didn’t ask for his number so she’d know if he’d gotten home safely.
            “(f/n)-chan, you’re so pretty!”
           Shimizu and Hitoka were practically gawking at (y/n)’s photos from last night. The magazine wasn’t released yet, it being just the day after and all, but her manager always sends her the raw photos after the shoot. She said it’s so she can evaluate herself and her poses, the things she did well and could do better. This was how (y/n) got the idea of taking videos of the players.
           “Thank you! The director even praised me this time, too. Maybe I was doing well.” She laughed at herself, remembering the times she’d be scolded for not doing well.
           “You definitely did! You look amazing, (f/n)-chan.” The beautiful senior comments while looking at the photos on (y/n)’s phone. The comment made the (h/c) (-ette/colored girl) blush, though a little.
           “Hearing that from you means a lot, Kiyoko-senpai.” The two smiled at each other.
           Soon, the first years enter the court, surprised to see the females early.
           “Good afternoon!” they all call at the same time. The girls smiled at them and reciprocated their greeting.
           “What are you all looking at?” Hinata asks, walking over to them and peeking at (y/n)’s phone. She was nervous, really. She knew guys looked at her photos from the magazines, but she never really had them look while she was present, let alone the raw shots.
           “Woah! Is this you, (f/n)-san?” Hinata exclaims, his face lighting up. She forgives him for adding the -san, at least he actually called her (f/n). “So cool! You look amazing, (f/n)-san!” Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and even Tsukishima, not being able to fight their curiosity because of Hinata’s comments, soon followed behind him to look at the photos.
           “Oh, (f/n)-san, you really do look amazing! You’ve got a totally different vibe, it feels like.” Yamaguchi looked embarrassed to have said what he did, but he couldn’t help but complement her. After all, she did look amazing.
           “Thank you, Tadashi-kun, Shouyo-kun!”
           Kageyama gasped loudly and all heads turn to him. His eyes were wide and he looked frantic.
           “You were that model! The one that promoted Mikasa!”
           “Haaaaaaaaaa?!” Hinata looked like he was this close to hitting the setter. “She introduced herself as a model during her first day here!”
           “Yeah, but I didn’t recognize her, she looked different in the shoot!”
           “What exactly is different?!”
           “The expressions or something, I don’t know, dumbass!”
           “You’re the dumbass!”
           (y/n) couldn’t help but laugh at the duo, shouting at each other like that. They looked cute, fighting and all. It was like they never ran out of energy.
           “Hey Tsukishima! Did you get home safely last night?” she calls the taller (tallest) male, flashing a big smile at him.
           “If I hadn’t I wouldn’t be here right now, right?”
           “Well, I guess that’s true.” The other first years and Shimizu looked at each other and talked amongst themselves while (y/n) walked towards Tsukishima, a strawberry milk packet in hand. “Here!” She says cheerfully as she pushes it against his chest.
           He stares at her hand and the milk box before looking back at her, completely confused. “What’s this?”
           She grins again, playfully winking at him this time. “I said I’d treat you.”
           “Ah.” He takes the carton from her hands before looking away, completely dismissing her kindness. “Right.”
           Tsukishima could hear (y/n)’s soft growl, even though there was an obvious attempt to hide it. Her anger wasn’t a secret, though. “Hey, Stingyshima! I gave you free strawberry milk! I at least deserve a thank you!”
           “I think I already thanked you when I walked you to the studio.” He blandly replies, still looking away from the small female.
           “This and that are different! And look at me, will you?” At that, she makes a move to go in front of his line of vision, but before she got to see him completely, he puts the milk box on top of her head and used her as a table while he punched the straw into its hole. When he was done, he turned around to sip on the strawberry milk, walking to the storage room to start assembling.
           “Thanks for that, Ms. Shorty.” He says in a mocking tone.
           “TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD! Come back here, you fucking tree!”
           (y/n)’s rants could only pass by his head, almost unnoticed. For now, he had to deal with the blood rushing to his face.
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mic-and-cheese · 6 years
Please info dump about your husband...I wish to know more about him!
Idk where to start so I’m just gonna ramble?? I guess??? Puttin it under a readmore bc it’s long as FUCK
I think one of the most interesting things about Buddy is his backstory? Like he used to love supers but now hates them because his idol rejected him? I’ve seen a lot of different interpretations of his past, and I apologize for starting off on this note but Buddy comes off to me as someone who was neglected as a child, so he has trouble with empathy, other social skills, and doesn’t really have a way to healthily deal with stress, which lead him to go down the path he did. I think he was born in a small southern town, but moved to Metroville and became enamored with superheroes because he’s now living somewhere where he can see and meet them personally. He views Mr. Incredible as a father figure because of a lack of a father or other male role model in his life and he probably feels like maybe his life would be better or that he’d be more loved if he had powers, and he’s been constantly told and lead to believe that he can’t be a hero without powers, so telling him that is a sore spot for him.He started messing with machines and learning how to fix them because his family didn’t have enough money to fix or replace things around the house when they broke and he found that he really had a passion for building and creating. Of course, he’s a really smart kid, he loves to read and loves math and science and did well in school, but some adults kinda thought he was a nightmare to be around cuz he’s a lil bit bratty and tries to get attention, but he got along well with teachers and other adults who recognized that he was talented and gave him the attention he needed. Buddy is really used to having to cause a lot of trouble to get what he wants or to be listened to, which is a trait he still kept into adulthood. His first real invention that wasn’t just him tinkering around with whatever he could find was his rocket boots, and he made them with spare parts he found or bought. He’s met Mr. Incredible a few times before, but he was hoping that being able to show off his talent would impress him enough to let him be his sidekick.Ever since he was young he’s always been an entrepreneur, making money by fixing stuff for neighbors and taking other odd jobs.Even after he was rejected he still loves superheroes, or at least the idea of them, even though he doesn’t really like them as people anymore but I’ll get to that later.The interesting thing about him really is just how much I can estimate about him just from what little info we know about him in canon, and how many ways there are to interpret him. I’ve seen him be interpreted as a kid who was spoiled and didn’t know how to deal with rejection, and while I can’t say I like that interpretation, but it is possible. Even though his backstory is interesting, his personality is just…??? Lovely??? I mean it’s really not but I think it is. He’s just??? so geeky and adorable and I love seeing him get so excited over superheroes even though he has a love-hate relationship with them, and he’s just fearless and probably a bit of a dare devil? He really seems like the sort of person who would try anything at least once and doesn’t get embarrassed easily. I mean it’s just so amazing how he’s an evil mastermind but like, he’s still Buddy ya know? Like he still has his excitable, nerdy, funny personality, but he can also be downright terrifying? It’s interesting from a character writing standpoint of course but like, just? On a personal level??? I mean his personality alone flusters me because everything about him (save for uh, the murder) is something I find obviously given the subject of the blog, really attractive. Like he’s not afraid to be himself or play around and he embraces self-insert esqe enjoyment so like??? How cool is it to have an f/o who may also have f/os or at least be supportive of self inserting!!Of course even though theres a lot about his personality that’s cute, there are a lot of things that aren’t, so he’s not really the best with empathy, and he can be pretty cruel, petty, selfish, and he has difficulty opening up to people but I do think that he’s open to learning and changing with someone he trusts, and can be really sweet when he wants to, even if it is a little awkward.One thing I really love about him is how you can tell that he’s got a life and interests outside of Kronos. Like yeah he’s really focused on his plan obviously, but his personality is just so strong in the things around him and the things he does and says that make him feel so much more dimensional. For example, a lot of his tech is integrated with or inspired by nature, so I really think he likes biomimicry, probably because he’s learning how to one up nature, aka basically what his entire motivation is. I love that he’s obviously just got cute little tics like how his eye twitches in the lego games or how much he likes to gesture and hum and whistle. (also his humming is so cute oh my god)And I’m just constantly in awe of how smart and resourceful he is. I mean my love of tropical islands aside, Nomanisan is just… impressive. Like its so ingenious to build his base literally into the island in a way that makes use of its natural features, such as the underwater landing pad, secret exits, underground passageways, and of course the lava wall, and I just can’t help but wonder how he came up with all of that and how long and how much money it took? And thats just taking about the things on the island that are canon. I mean, from my own speculations I figure that the island not only has that amazing lava wall, but is built to redirect the flow of lava to prevent any volcanic activity on the island, keep lava and ash away from expensive tech (the rocket and mantajet for example) and provide power to the island via geothermal energy. Maybe even a little use of wave energy too if necessary since it’s a pretty good option for a place surrounded by water. I assume Buddy chose the island for its resources, (namely a metal alloy that one of the books mentioned) considering he’s made it pretty self sustaining with what it already has after implementing all his tech. The location, being far from any other place, really, and outside of any governmental jurisdiction is good too, so when you really think about it, he probably could have gotten away with a lot of the things that he did, which is, uh, pretty impressive to say the least, not to mention the real world location of Nomanisan (Easter Island) doesn’t face the sorts of hurricanes and harsh weather you’d expect for a small island in the middle of no where.And I mean??? He’s a genius inventor villain who is still extremely in tune with nature to the point that it inspires some of his inventions??? How cool and unique is that??? I’m sure the island must be an amazing place to be, I mean the beaches and caves, rivers, waterfalls… it must be such a joy to explore. And I dunno, I’ve always imagined that working for Syndrome could be kinda fun sometimes. I mean, he is a pretty funny guy with a good sense or humor, and surely guarding and what not all day must get boring, so I’m sure he’s not opposed to having some fun every now and then.And he’s certainly not ashamed of what he considers fun either! I have a feeling he’d like scale models and collectibles and would go to the ends of the earth for a rare one that he particularly likes, especially if they’re ones he gets to build himself. I’m sure he’s a huge fandom geek as well, like name any 50’s-60’s sci fi movie and he knows it by heart. And with all his animal inspired inventions, I’m sure he loves going out in nature and watching the unique wildlife of Nomanisan. Given Easter Island’s own wildlife, I’m sure sharks and whales, and even some really interesting lizards would be pretty common around there. (And given how much forest it has in comparison to Easter Island, I’m sure there’s A LOT more than that. Maybe even rare species only native to the island.) I also really see Buddy as the sort of guy who just loves new and exciting experiences, no matter what it is. Like if it’s something he’s never done before, he’s on board!With all that in mind it’s just so wonderful just how much of a well rounded character he is. I mean he’s happy, nerdy, childish, and excitable, but he’s also bitter, revenge driven, and unempathetic. That being said, his relationships with other people all have such an interesting dynamic to them. He adores Bob for his ingenuity while still hating him enough to try to kill him and his family, and he cares for Mirage but doesn’t really know how to show it. Like I said earlier, I think he was neglected as a kid, so he never really learned how to properly regulate his emotions, so a lot of the time he’s pretty conflicted. He’s an extrovert who wants to be loved and adored, yet he’s too scared to trust after being betrayed. He has a hard time relating to people and thus doesn’t understand how his actions can hurt them when he means well, for example, betting Mirage’s life or saving people from his own robot without proper regard to his surroundings that a truly well meaning hero would have (aka, throwing a tanker truck just to make a spectacle out of saving a mother and child with no regard to what damage the truck could have done).Of course, while his scenes with Mirage can be interpreted as him not really caring for her, I think it’s the opposite. I think he knew that betting her life was the only way he could have saved her (he couldn’t have pulled her away from Bob, shocking Bob could have shocked her, and if he had shown any weakness for her, Bob could have used that as leverage against him, whereas if he shows no remorse, if Bob had killed her he’d just have a dead lady on his hands for pretty much no reason). Granted as well meaning as he was, I don’t think he understands how that hurt Mirage. He sees that he saved her, and doesn’t expect her to be mad about it, but the reality is that she honestly does have a right to be mad about her life being risked, especially when he never clearly communicated that his intent was to save her.Somehow I’ve gone this far without even talking about why I like him??? I mean I don’t even think I’ve ever fully explained why I like him. I’ve tried, sure, but I don’t even think it’s something I can actually convey in words? But I’ll try??? Anyway, he’s literally everything to me, and I don’t just mean that in a sappy romantic way. I’ve always been fascinated with him since I was 6 years old and saw the movie for the first time. He reminds me of happy memories with my dad who passed away some years ago because I saw the movie with him and I remember how much it confused little 6 year old me. Like the fact that the movie started with interviews was the wildest thing to me, and I don’t even think I could even comprehend the plot until much later on. But during that first experience, I don’t know what it was but something about him always stuck with me. Funnily enough one of the things that stuck with me was his joke from Jack Jack Attack and that was the first joke that I knew I didn’t understand but knew I would someday and I literally made a mental note back then telling myself that I knew I’d understand it, and well, thanks for remembering that 6 year old me, because I get the joke now and it’s still funny to me. (I also never actually realized that the guy silhouetted in front of the lava was supposed to be Syndrome until like last summer and I always just thought that was something that was never explained haha.) Anyway after seeing the movie with my dad, he asked me who my favorite character was. I said Violet since I thought saying otherwise would have been weird at the time, but in reality it’s always been Syndrome and that’s just an important memory to me.And now he’s that memory and so many other things to me. He’s what finally helped me recover from a rough couple of years by showing me that people could still create wonderful and impressive things despite being cast away by someone that they once adored and that my success wasn’t based on their approval, which finally helped me shut them out of my life and become so much happier. He helps me manage my anxiety because all the things that make me scared would be nothing to the guy who still wore a cape and rocket boots even after they nearly got him killed. And of course, I love him because he’s nerdy, excitable, brave, and smart, and even because I feel like I can understand his lack of empathy. He’s just such a well rounded, multifaceted character that it’s almost hard to believe he’s fictional haha. With all that combined, he’s one of my my special interests too! I mean it’s hard not to want to know everything about such an interesting guy right?But even if you can’t see the appeal in his personality, it’s no question that he’s just amazing in terms of his accomplishments alone. I mean he can’t be any older than like, 28 max (I consider him 25 though, since the closest we ever get to a canon age is mid 20’s)  and yet he’s a billionaire with his own private island, at least one successful company, and groundbreaking tech that makes today’s tech look simple, but he did all in the EARLY SIXTIES.The mantajet in particular is just awe inspiring to me, mostly because I love planes, but I mean, most planes take 15 years just to be conceptualized. Buddy created a completely automated, uniquely shaped, supersonic, semi-aquatic jet with the ability to hover in under that time. It’s like if the SR-71 Blackbird were a luxury all-terrain vehicle! And I am just so endlessly impressed that it can go underwater, like I’m sure its entire design was based around that ability, since the engines would have to be strong enough to withstand literal tons of water going through them, which is why I suspect they’re placed in those cavities above the wings, to direct air and water to go through them in the right way while also keeping them intact in the impact! (they may be waterproof but they are unfortunately not (or maybe fortunately, depending on how you look at it) uh,,,, Syndrome proof) And the “manta feelers” probably help the plane hover and also serve as the landing gear??? UGH IT’S GENIUS, SUCH RESOURCEFUL GENIUS.Of course I’ve gotta talk about the design of his aero boots too!! He’s come such a long way since the rocket boots!!! I’m so proud of him!!! The new boots are just as genius as the mantajet, really. They have vents in the sole, probably to either keep them from overheating or to draw in oxygen to use for combustion. I love how the metal strip is implemented into the heel and up the back of the boots, that’s probably where the fuel and engines are housed, and man, I can’t imagine how much power they’d both have to generate, those tiny little engines. I’m sure they run on some pretty efficient stuff. And how the soles of the boots look like they can come off of the main boot itself, I’m sure that makes for easy maintenance! I also love how the animators added the detail of the screw in the arch of the boot so that it articulates properly, rather than just saying “yeah whatever he can walk fine somehow with these half-metal boots.”And then there’s Zero Point Energy??? I mean, ZPE is actually based off a real scientific concept that would essentially harness infinite energy. I think about this on the daily and I still can’t comprehend it. He harnessed infinite energy. In the 60’s. And made a device small and powerful enough to literally generate it in the palm of his hand. Since all of that energy is generated in his gauntlets, it’d have to pass through his hands to reach his fingertips, so not only can he generate it, but he created a suit that can conduct infinite energy around him so that it doesn’t hurt him. Like no wonder he’s so protective of ZPE. (On that note, this is exactly why I think he designed his suit and not Edna or Galbaki. He’d never trust anyone else to design a suit with his most valuable tech built into it)Not to mention, how interesting is it that a ruthless serial killer villain like him chooses a technology that doesn’t harm his target and instead just freezes them in place!Also also can I talk about just how amazing the other features of the gauntlets are? I mean they hold a small bomb that can produce a big enough blast to in theory kill the nearly invincible Mr. Incredible. He’s got a laser powerful enough to make a clean hole through the roof of a house, and those gauntlets can take a hell of a beating too, considering it was thrown all over the city during the final Omnidroid fight with minimal damage. Oh also the little sliding cover over the buttons is cute.Ok ok, next there’s the energy prisons. I assume they work on ZPE since they’re able to suspend victims in mid-air? I literally shouldn’t be so excited about this thing but I can’t even get over how ingeniously HORRIBLE they are. I mean I don’t want to get into any details, cuz if I do I’ll go into scarily gruesome territory but those things are terrifying. They work with almost any sort of super he could possibly be keeping prisoner with such a pretty simple idea really, just by suspending them against their own weight. The only fault in them really is that Violet can get through them, but he may not have necessarily known that beforehand since I doubt he had any force fields to test them on (or at least any “organic” ones).Implementing the monorail system is such a perfect idea too!! It makes it easy to get around, keeps guards from getting lost, works on all terrain, and keeps supers from seeing things they don’t need to see, so long as they stay on the tracks they’re supposed to be on.And speaking of hiding, while not technically tech related, I don’t know if he knows about the KRONOS carved in the cave, but I bet you he does know about that cave and all the other hard to reach areas of the island, since there’s an I2 deleted scene that shows he knows how Gazerbeam died, and the guards know to split up to catch Dash in one of the caves. Also related to Kronos, I like to make fun of his computer room for it’s impractical at best, dangerous at worse design, but listen. The security system. It’s brilliant. He’d have to engineer some sort of substance that stays compact and non-sticky while not in use, but that can quickly expand and maintain its strength to capture intruders. And the victim would still have to be able to breathe through them too?? And like how do they come off?? I’m sure that’s an interesting process too. The “fire randomly” approach is also interesting, since it pretty much leaves no escape. And what about under the walkway??? Like what’s way down there??? I don’t even have a theory for that, really. And and and how does the security system for that room work? Does it recognize unfamiliar noises perhaps, since it was triggered by Bob’s suit tracker, cuz if it were triggered by just random noise, I’m sure Syndrome or Mirage would have accidentally triggered it before. Oh, also also also x3 the computer screen automatically shuts off once the security system is activated, which is a nice touch, so that the enemy can’t get any more info as soon as the system is notified. Having only one way in and out of the room is clever too.I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT NOMANISAN’S SECURITY PROTOCAL OKI wish we had seen more of the technology that he used for Mirage’s message too. Like, he obviously uses the voice matching and scanning technology on the island (the security bird and life probe) but what about that illusion effect on the tablet?Also I mean, I’m sure being an arms dealer during the Cold War in itself has got to be extremely lucrative, but that doesn’t even account for how high tech his other weapons that weren’t mentioned must be.Ok, ok I think that covers all of his other inventions. I haven’t talked about the Omnidroid yet because hooo boy do I have some things to say about that beautifully terrifying piece of tech. I love that he used an iterative process on it to build upon its design (also the idea that he respects the strength his self-proclaimed nemesis enough to build up the robot to prepare to fight him), and I’ve actually gone back and tried to figure out the reason behind the changes he made in each iteration. And listen. How long do you think it took him to build and test all those robots? A few years maybe? Nah son, using the movie’s timeline, I’ve calculated that if he were working at a consistent pace throughout the project, it’d take FOUR MONTHS. 10 highly advanced ai robots. Fully drafted, programmed, built, and tested in 4 months. Oh and did I mention HE CREATED AI. LIKE ACTUAL AI.And his control over the Omnidroid (at least Omnidroid 9 anyway) is brilliant too. He’s got perfect control over it, and the reason I bring that up is because Omnidroid 10 tried to kill him. I’ve spent a long time wondering why he had perfect control over 9 but 10 disobeyed him, and my conclusion is that he implemented some new code in 10 that would make it act more destructively, thus making it more difficult to control but he never actually expected it not to listen to him because he didn’t actually test it on the island since, uh, having a 10 story tall rampaging robot on the loose near your base isn’t a good idea. I also headcanon that 10 was built to self destruct when defeated so that no one could trace its origins back to Syndrome had he won and been considered a hero.With that long ass section out of the way I’d finally like to bring up that if Syndrome did indeed create all of these inventions, that’d made him a computer programmer, aerospace engineer, possibly a civil engineer, a chemist, the inventor of harnessing infinite energy and ai, and thats only what I can think of off the top of my head.Another one of my favorite things about Buddy is that I love how easy it is to imagine him as a way more fleshed out character than he really is. On multiple occasions I’ve heard other people say that he seems like someone who would love conventions, or probably be an internet troll, and other things of that nature that relate more to his interests and personal life. I mean sure, anyone can headcanon anything for any character, but the way people headcanon Buddy just feels very… natural? Very fitting? Like, he’s a character that’s very easy to imagine having a life and hobbies outside of his evil schemes.Another little interesting thing is how he’s pretty much his own downfall. I mean sure a lot of his losses can be attributed to the Parrs defeating him in some way, but his most glaring faults are usually things that he could have prevented had he acted a little differently or planned a little differently. I dunno I just think that’s interesting for no particular reason.And one more thing I haven’t really discussed/seen discussed as much as I really think it should because it’s an interesting part of his character is does he see himself as a hero or a villain? And There are some interesting interpretations to that question as well. For example, if he views himself as a hero it’s probably because he doesn’t believe that superheroes are actually good people at heart, and that they just put up a facade of being kind and helpful to the public, which he uses to justify his atrocities. Or perhaps he legitimately does see himself as a hero for wanting to give normal people the opportunity to be super, or maybe he thinks that he’s doing a service to the world by killing off the people who are simply putting up that facade of good, or perhaps he sees himself as a victim deserving of a “redemption.” And if he sees himself as a villain, maybe he doesn’t understand or want to acknowledge the full weight of his actions, because it’s all a game to him, or maybe he does see himself as a bad person beyond redemption, so he decided that being a supervillain was fated or required of him. Regardless of which idea he believes, it’s obvious that Syndrome very much so lives (and has always lived) in his own fantasy world where things do play out exactly like how comic books do, and that his actions have no real weight to him (except when he feels like he’s been wronged, because he views himself as the protagonist or antagonist of the “story” aka making his own emotions relevant “plot points,” even if no one elses’ emotions (except maybe Bob’s) have any importance to him) because it’s all a comic book in his mind.Anyway there’s my nonsense rant
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pharaohsparklefists · 6 years
Episode 111, part 1!!!1!
Kaiba’s finding out shit about this Noah punk but Noah has zipped away to deal with the Big Five. Back in his weird floating chair he has an awkward teleconference with them and gives out to them for attempting to steal bodies outside of the designated body-stealing zone.
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Sick burn from a kid who has literally no friends ever.
(I presume he thinks that’s circumstantial and if he ever met anyone who wasn’t a kidnap victim, he’d make friends with them SUPER easily and without brainwashing them with eye lasers AT ALL.)
Anyway four of the Big Five are pissy cause they don’t have bodies, having failed in their attempts to rightfully (?) win the bodies by dueling the owners of the bodies in a trading card game. One of them DOES have a body, despite losing the trading card game. He claims he won Honda’s body fair and square. The others mock him. Noah’s like omg smh stfu idc 
and then for some reason Noah is like, okay adult criminals, you get One More Chance, you can duel someone and if you win, you can steal whatever bodies you want I guess smh idc
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of course. whatever. great. more card games.
MEANWHILE, the reunited Nerd Herd, guest starring Kaiba, is walking down a road when Kaiba suddenly gets fed up and turns to walk the other way and the others are all like, hey now buddy where are you going don’t leave us which, like, none of all y’all have the first fucking idea where you’re going, just follow Kaiba if he wants to walk the other direction, like?? but they don’t and instead, Anzu sprints ahead of him and confronts him 
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He’s like, I’m going to go find Mokuba and that’s private KaibaCorp(tm) business so I’ll sue you if you come along, or something equally reasonable, and Anzu’s like, uhh we’re worried about you and Mokuba whether you like it or not also we’ve all been KIDNAPPED here so jot that down, and also... 
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And Kaiba’s like, maybe if I just don’t look directly at her she’ll stop talking to me with her facts and her rational points and her human emotions, so he just, like, turns his head to face away, exactly like a cat
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And then he’s like, hey if worrying about friends is a thing you want to do how about you worry about THAT friend over there and points behind them and they all turn and he runs away, I swear to god
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“Nailed it. Kaiba out.”
Honestly I think this would have worked pretty well even if there HADN’T been a worrying friend on a nearby cliff, but there was, so he makes a clean break.
So while the Nerd Herd face down their fallen comrade, now inhabited by a corporate executive (this show is such a trip), Kaiba heads off on his lonesome to find Mokuba and brood, not in that order.
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Firstly, WOW is this episode animationally inconsistent. USE CHARACTER MODELS, YOU FUCKING NERDS.
Secondly, again, I strongly criticise this writing decision. Seto and Noah didn’t have to look alike, the writers chose to make them look alike. The story plays out exactly the same if they don’t look alike, because Seto was never Noah’s body double or anything. Dead people can’t be choosers. It’s important that SETO choose GOZABURO, it’s an important part of Seto’s characterisation. He targets someone he knows has power and wealth, and challenges him in a way he’s calculated to be likely to succeed. Gozaburo picking Seto out and then going along with Seto’s chess gambit, always intending to adopt them anyway, puts way too much of the control back in Gozaburo’s hands.
Anyway, since Noah told him he was Gozaburo’s son but his current age doesn’t line up right at all, Kaiba decides that one of two things must be true. Either Noah is lying about what happened, or...
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(appose lol)
I think it’s VERY TELLING that this is the only other solution Kaiba came up with. They’re in a VIRTUAL REALITY, Noah could easily be 34 and just a fucking weirdo who uses a child avatar. Noah could be Gozaburo in disguise. Noah could be someone else from Gozaburo’s past, like an ex-wife or a best friend or the creepy butler dude. Noah could be an AI spooling plausible nonsense from Seto’s memories like one of those bots that tries to write recipes or whatever based on pattern recognition. 
But no, Kaiba jumps straight for...
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“How does that always happen to me?”
In fact, Kaiba thinks...
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It amuses me a lot that Kaiba came up with the ghost theory ON HIS OWN and then ascribed it to “Yugi’s occult garbage” like excuse me sir this is 100% home-grown occult garbage, farmed organically in your own brain. He obviously just misses Yami.
All this time, Kaiba was climbing up an incredibly long flight of stairs and one would wonder why, since it’s a virtual reality and any direction is as likely as any other so why not walk downhill? But it’s because he wants to stand on the top of the landform and shout.
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It is unclear if Mokuba can hear him, but Noah, still in his floating chair can; he’s watching him on a screen. Noah asks Mokuba if Mokuba wants to go back to Seto, but Mokuba is still very brainwashed
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Y’know, I know, redemption is always a fun what-if, and Noah wasn’t all bad in the end, etc etc, but this shit - separating the brothers, dredging up their worst traumas, and then brainwashing Mokuba completely into a puppet - is why I can never get behind Noah getting included in fluffy Kaiba bros shit. Like whatever you’re into, but I find it jarring to be reading/admiring fanwork and I’m like “aww Kaiba and Mokuba buying each other cute presents OH GOD NOAH IS HERE RUN”
Anyway, gazing out from the top of his shouting-hill, Kaiba sees a familiar sight
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FOG! I mean, Kaibaland.
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piss-bong · 6 years
Do ALL the questions :D
Julie I love you but I fucking hate you for this. (for anyone who doesn’t know this is my beautiful, talented, amazing, gay ass girlfriend and y’all should go follow her @pizzapugss)
1. describe your idea of a perfect date- Either a concert (hey we did that! and we have another concert date planned!) or we go on a bike trip/hike in the woods and pack a picnic!
2. whats your “type”- Listen I didn’t think I had a type but apparently it’s cute girls with colored hair who are also great musicians 
3. do you want kids?- as of now not really but I guess a lot can change. John Mulaney said “ I don’t know ‘never.’ Fourteen years ago, I smoked cocaine the night before my college graduation. Now I’m afraid to get a flu shot. People change.” and I can relate to that on a deep and spiritual level
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?- I’d most likely adopt, however being a trans lesbian I know that having children with my partner is a viable option for me so we ever really know. 
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on- listen I have no really memorable dates with my ex but we have plans to walk around philly before a concert next month and I can’t fucking wait honestly I love cities. 
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)- uhhh I was kinda dissociating so who really knows what happened
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?- really early morning or really late night depending on how you look at it. like 3am because when you stay up that late it feels like the entire world stops and nothing matters and you have no responsibilities you can just live in the moment and forget everything else exists. 
8. opinion on nap dates?- the fucking best
9. opinion on brown eyes?- absolutely fucking stunning
10. dog gay or cat gay?- cats are great and all but holy fucking shit I love dogs with every fiber of my being
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?- fuck yeah that’s a huge plus
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone- I don’t really have any I kinda just try to make sure we’re compatible because I don’t want to commit to something without knowing it’ll work long-term. 
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?- I always thought queerness was for “other people” and could never see myself as lgb. I realized my identity at a pretty young age so I can’t remember anything too specific but I just know that I had this constant idea that I couldn’t be queer because, while I knew there was nothing wrong with it, I still completely rejected the idea of being queer myself. 
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self- There’s nothing wrong with being who you are. All these things you’re feeling are completely okay. Don’t be afraid to dress the way you want and act like who you are because it’ll only make your life easier down the road. 
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?- not really tbh but idk what my type for guys is
16. who is an ex you regret?- I don’t really regret anything bc I feel like everything in life is a learning experience and everything that’s happened to me helped me, and will continue to help me, grow as an individual and become a better person. (that being said if I had to say someone you know damn well who I would say Julie)
17. night club gay or cafe gay?- aaaaa cafe definitely oml my dream in life is to open an lgbt cafe 
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for- @capital-crime
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?- yeah
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)- oml def pricefield (and yeah bitch that shit is cannon #baeoverbay)
21. favourite gay youtuber- STEF SANJATI OML i LOVE HER SM
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?- I’ve never asked out anyone in my entire life shit kinda just happens for me
23. have you ever been in love?- @ julie I love you sm 
24. have you ever been heartbroken?- yeah but we don’t have to talk about that
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone- I don’t because usually it’s both
26. favourite lgb musician/band- LAURA JANE GRACE FROM AGAINST ME! oml she’s like 75% of the reason I was able to come to terms with being trans and honestly she means so fucking much to me and I wish there was some way for me to tell her how fucking important she’s been in my life because she’s just been such a huge inspiration and a role model and holy fuck I love that woman
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays- learn about your community. meet other lgbt people, especially from older generations. research lgbt history and don’t get everything you know from tumblr. we have such a rich and vibrant history and there’s been so many amazing lgbt people so please please please go learn about them. I can make a post about history and stuff if y’all want, just give me some time. 
28. are you out? if so how did you come out- I came out last November on snapchat and it was a total mess and if anybody really wants to hear the whole story you can send me an ask I just don’t feel like telling it all rn. 
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have - I once outed myself to my entire class by saying “god I can’t way till I have tits”
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality- your safety is always the most important. being closeted sucks but if coming out would risk your personal safety then it’s not worth it. You’ll be in a better place soon, it just takes time. 
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airanke · 7 years
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//wheeze I have three more left to draw after this aaaaa all my ramblings under the cut, poses from these meme (I did alter some of them as might be obvious HAHAHA)
I have decided that Aggra and Vol’jin are friends. And obviously they MUST know each other to some extent in canon especially considering that Thrall was 100% okay with leaving his wife and child (and unborn child) in Vol’jin’s care should Thrall not make it out of the Siege. Also this is my first time drawing Aggra and wtf why is she so pretty -- ANYWAY. I adore the idea of both of them bonding over Thrall’s unnecessary antics and Aggra just being like “UGH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD IT FEELS TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE WHO UNDERSTANDS WHAT THAT MAN PUTS ME THROUGH WITH HIS ‘I NEED TO SAVE THE WORLD’ DEAL” and Vol’jin just nods his head and they sip beer. Pls I need this in my life.
Annnnd for this one I won’t say TOO much because that’s Vol’jin and Amita’s son, Bujune. The boy is super duper energetic and adores Vol’jin (he... he also p much adores everyone he meets LMAO he’s v friendly). Vol’jin is... hrr nervous, I guess? Around Bujune, esp at first given Bujune’s heritage, but warms up to him eventually and finds himself falling into this big brother / mentor role and 99% of the time when Bujune sees him it’s “VOL’JIN!!!!” and then “//NYOOM” and then “//BIGGEST LEAP EVER” and Vol’jin how do you handle this child.
Last in this batch is Vol’jin and Vanira (she doesn’t look exactly like her model in game because I was trying to give her a more unique appearance)! Also. I have a feeling she’s older than him?? But I headcanon them being the same age (or well, around the same age, so she could be older by a year, or younger by a year, WHO KNOWS BECAUSE I SURE AS FUCKING HELL DO NOT). For the sake of simplicity though and the stories I want to write, Vanira is p much the same age as Vol’jin (and by extension, Zalazane, but that’s besides the point), and I def see her as the “voice of reason” character. The girl who is always putting Vol’jin in his place, so to speak, or bailing him out of trouble, etcetc. The other solid rock he has, and the only one he has after Zalazane goes mad - she’s listed as being the 2nd in Command to the Darkspear, so TBQH I was surprised when it was revealed that Rokhan was leading the tribe, and not her, especially given that she’s always at Vol’jin’s side? Definitely a missed opportunity on Blizz’s part to give a female character an important role (except wait she’s a troll and trolls are with the Horde and since when has the Horde had any good storylines? Whoops that’s me expecting too much from this cold weather team).
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belzinone · 4 years
// part 2! the trost arc was a clusterfuck so i didn’t get to screen so mUCH but now that i learned to transfer from the ps4 to my laptop i hope they come out a lot better. only catch is, i didn’t write the commentary down as i was taking the screenshots. so that means i (1) forgot most of my jokes, & (2) forgot some of the context sakjdfndakfnak AH WELL HERE GOES~
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// this is a cute feature in the game that i really love. bel does splurge on presents, so we wasted no time spending all our money on random shit to give to people for friendship points lol
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also hange’s often creeping outside her door lol (not that i’m complaining~) in her private room you can edit her design as well as put on / take off her jacket & scouting cloak whenever you want, which is great, but i wish there was a way to just default to whatever your squad’s in bc she keeps showing up over/under dressed XD
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this is capturing sonny & bean after trost. they took her in with eren after the night of the disbanding ceremony bc she’s all around gifted. in her fanon they took her for her knowledge and everything else she brought to the table was just a perk.
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she’d totally be down to help capture titans tho <3 her gear mods were designed for that
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moblit making sure the rookie knows what she’s getting into <3 a lot of the veterans check in with her to make sure she’s down and i think that’s pretty great. yeah they’re military but there’s a lot more personal freedom than you’d expect
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some do it more than others XD another way levi put it was saying she wouldn’t survive even if she was a cat with nine lives ( he’s actually super critical of hange in this game, like a lot more than usual. i don’t recall him saying anything good about her, actually D: )
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GOOD GIRL nice ass
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levi squad 1.0 trying to figure out how to thank levi for everything he does. petra says he’d probably be happy no matter what while the others are like PRESENT! CLEAN! TRAIN! (bel’s just taking notes lmao)
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as far as presents go, i was surprised to find out levi likes silver rings :0 i never took him for jewelry but i guess he does like the little things (he also liked the hair tie haha true to yams saying he’d put up his hair if he ever wanted to change the style )
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squad speak for “make me a sandwich” JKNFDJASKNAN LEVI PLS
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we already know nanaba’s underrated but she’s so pretty in the game my gay hert T.T
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mike doesn’t reveal what bel smells like but nanaba & gelgar smell respectively like fruit and booze (i think that’s common trivia not unique to the game tho)
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I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING ANNIE DON’T DO IT & STOP SMILING (she’s so fuckin cute tho aaaaa bless this game design everyone’s so pretty DX)
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i have all the time in the world queen DX
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gang gang ~
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i had such a slow trigger finger i missed hange’s dramatic animation so now it just looks like sarcasm askdjfnajknfak
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“i’m not modeling, the camera just turned on” twice so we accidentally caught erwin before he creeped on her with his “who do you think the enemy is” question he posed to everyone haha
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appreciating how much of a fuckin absolute unit mike is before my horny monkey brain kicks in and poses the thought that she can suck his dick standing up
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getting to know armin is really cute. when he’s caught up in feeling not good enough, bel plays chess with him, loses spectacularly, and helps him feel better about his strengths rather than focus on his weaknesses. T.T here she’s electing to clean up the chess game while keith calls for him (and i took that screenshot for that perky chin teehee)
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hange: both! both is good! :D
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gang gang! the game changed eren’s spoon episode: instead of a spoon, his hand transforms reaching for a bandage you meant to hand him and he dropped. doesn’t really seem like a necessary change, but titans ran in and you had to protect him.
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game levi has a lot less chill than usual lmao so demanding (this changes later tho)
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getting to know jean: tease him about his mother XD (highkey bc no one else has one sakdjfnaksnf)
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it’s really sweet how hange picks you out. it’s mostly bc your character’s eager to help her with experiments. in bel’s fanon, anyone can advocate for her as a plot point.
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while getting to know levi, he leads a joint training exercise for a select few soldiers from all the regiments to teach teamwork. most were just looking to earn brownie points for a promotion, so he calls it off. bad form y’all~
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um sir she’s already killed a fuckton we’re flattered but a bit condescended to askjfnaksfnaj (he ends up teaching you some new moves tho so fair bc we all know he’s clumsy with his words)
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see fam was it that hard XD
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***spoiler alert*** player does let him down DX in an credibly stupid way that i’m still salty about might i add but that’s for the ending playthrough post <3
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GANG GANG~ i love seeing her in groups X)))))
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such an angelic shot of him TwT he’s so cute
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yeah you’re looking sad so i’m gonna need you to wipe the floor with her ass in chess again XD
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WHOOP - DE - DOO KJDSFNAKJKA (also got 69 scout credits, Nice:tm:)
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i legit thought saying you wouldn’t die on him would make him happiest but he wants you cleaning and making his tea first so i GUESS that explains him preferring you pledge your ass in fidelity instead?? bruh, you out-weirding my expectations of you like fuck XD
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in the initial tutorials, they said you could chill like this, but didn’t say how. i wanted to get some screens of her hanging off the wall bc that’s a very Bel:tm: thing of her but couldn’t figure it out. then i somehow got her to do it mid mission, so i stared at her dumbstruck for like a whole ass minute before taking a screenshot lmao
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PETRA TO THE RESCUE!! (after bel just saved mikasa. gang gang.)
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hange saves her toooooooooooo~<3 (if you’re caught by a titan and call for help, selected soldier kills it and grabs you under their arm like a football before proceeding to punt you in a random direction away from the fight lol. they all check in with this LOOK tho. my heart. i’m gonna try and collect them all DX)
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fully fledged gang gang TwT
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beginning of the 57th~ bel would have been at the back with the supplies so she could help pick up stragglers too. idk if this would be the safest place in the formation (probably the center) but this particular au cadet bel was assigned to bert & reiner’s group before joining up with jean & armin, i think. the babies would be sent to the safest place.
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oluo: we should give levi a dust rag!!
bel & all her options after petra gives her a Look: no way no way no way XD
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*big uwu energy*
// that’s a wrap for this playthrough! between big missions, you get to “think back to daily life” and leave the battlefield in order to develop the relationships you build with the other soldiers, so that’s why there’s some military slice of life between everything haha
// next time, i hope to post the rest of the narrative & some videos! :*****
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