In severe psychological distress at the loss of the boops. I didn't even realize it was an April Fool's only thing. Shocked and hurt. So many missed boops
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Once again I am having thoughts about James and his relationship to trauma. This time about how well the recent peter Pan & Wendy film portrays the long term effects of childhood trauma.
Don’t expect some great essay, I’m pretty sick and hopped up on pain meds right now, but I wanted to get some thoughts out anyways.
A lot of people who have been through childhood trauma indentify as having conflicting feelings of their maturity. In some senses they were forced to mature too quickly in order to adapt and survive, but having to mature in those areas so quick also took away the ability to mature in other areas, they also talk about living life as if they’re playing a role and I think that dissonace is very apparent in PP&W Captain Hook.
we see a man who is aged beyond his years, tired, exhausted. A man with the good sense and maturity to have become captain of his own ship. A man who has earned the respect and loyalty of his crew. A man who is able to take charge in stressful situations. But the conflict of his forced maturity and immaturity is present throughout.
The dangerous pirate captain turns into an exciteable boy in his first scene where he fires the canon and then rushes forward asking “Did I get him?” the way one might if he were a child playing a game. The facade of being a serious, mature, pirate captain slips for a moment and doesn’t again until he meets John and Michael. That boop on Michael’s nose is pure playfulness, the sort of thing you’d expect maybe from friends or siblings playing at pirates rather than a man who actually is a pirate, and certainly not something you’d expect to see happen after how severe and sombre he’d been in the scene leading up to that moment.
Then in skull rock we see him being absolutely horrid and calculating, acting almost exactly as you’d expect a cruel, and ‘evil’ pirate to act. But even then he can’t quite supress that playful immaturity. “oops” and his singing, when he screams “Bad Form” again he seems more like and older sibling chewing out the younger for unfairness than any true threat.
It’s like He has so much poise and presence, because that’s the part of himself that he was forced to mature into, but his emotional regulation is still quite immature because he was still immature when his trauma happened and he just wasn’t given the room to deal with it and mature as someone without trauma would have. Stressful situations force him to snap one way or the other.
The scene where he returns to the ruins we see his poise and presence at it’s absolute highest quality. He’s calm, almost disturbingly so. And that sort of calm can very much be a trauma response as much as anything else. but that sequence leads to the scene that I believe shows his immaturity as a resort of trauma better than any other. The ease he has, the comfort he seems to experience when talking to Wendy- a teenage girl. He talks to her as an emotional equal, he opens up to her like he hasn’t done to anyone else, he lets her *know* him. And then she insults him and SNAP he switches to his more mature side. The side with presence, the side that takes command.
Later we get to see how Smee reacts to his conflicting maturity. “Surely there should have been a splash by now?” “Unless she fell very slowly.” Like that interaction is one of a caregiving adult reassuring the child they care for. The shortly after, SNAP once more, he’s back to being commanding, taking control.
Actually, despite what Wendy said, I do think that his most emotioanlly mature and sound moment is “It’s not *supposed* to be fun.” it’s like that’s the moment he finally recognises his trauma for what it is. And all things considered, it feels like he’s not just yelling it at Peter, but also at himself because he’s actually reached a point where he hasn’t fallen into his immaturity in response to Peter and their fighting. He’s being honest with himself, with everyone. He’s showing his pain, and as we see in the last shots of the film that was the beginning of his healing.
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alena-reblobs · 1 year
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol2 Part 1
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1 Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1 Vol02 Part 2
My thoughts on Trimax Vol02! Not so much deep art or thoughts analysis in this one :)
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I wonder if the name has any meaning to it? As far as I understood this is the mansion where Legato and his henchmen are hiding, so I wonder if there’s anything to that name. Now what I found just now was that there is a musician by that name who apparently made two songs, one called “My Only True Love” and “I’m Coming Back from Viet Nam”, but no chance to listen to them. Interesting, I guess.
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Joke: Midvalley must be playing really bad if that’s his audience’s reaction
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It’s also cool to note that Gauntlet is trying to warn the men about Legato, that they should get away! He might hold no sympathy for them but he also doesn’t wish for their ugly demise that’s inevitable when Legato steps in.
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Oh this whole chapter is SO yucky and bleugh and evil but the most evil thing is this panel right here. Sometimes the horrors that aren’t shown are the most horrifying ones.
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Vaaash ♥ Every time our boy is remotely smiling I want to pet his head and boop his nose and hold him close.
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Maybe I’ve overlooked smth during my first two reads or misunderstood smth but dear ma’am, who are you?? My only theory is probably nonsense. Or maybe it’s just some extra being controlled by Legato to help him move around?
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I couldn’t resist. I need to make fun of Legato every time I see him.
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Nick looks really cute with these glasses. Also good for you, Wolfie, getting to drive such a pretty boy in your sidecar!
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The killing game? I thought they were only meant to bring Vash neverending und unbearable suffering? (Though Vash can’t know that)
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Lovely use of the soundwords again!!
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And this one! Also cool how the swoooshing of the blade is indicated with this white space. Black outlining and then a light shading...hmhm (taking notes)
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Aah I love it when one part of the face is covered in darkness, showing mostly the eye. It’s so looming and effective. Actually, now I do wonder if this is something that’s still used in nowadays mangas or not? I don’t read lots of mangas atm and only one other shounen, so I’m pretty out of the loop how manga style has evolved (of course everybody has their own style but in general, I think you can often see if a series is older or newer. I NEED to analyise what specifics do give that away because that’s pretty interesting)
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I think this is the first time it’s kinda directly stated that Vash is not human, isn’t it? Just smth interesting to note I think.
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Ooh we all know you’re also thinking about you and your own sinful existence, Wolfie.
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I really like this page and especially the left panel! The ground is so utterly devoid of any details, apart from the sand clouds and the lines that the roller blades have left. I really enjoy how Nightow keeps mostly to lineart without using lots of shading in the clothes, that’s a thing he does mostly in the faces the enhance expressions as far as I could tell.
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Gotta agree with Wolfwood on this, Vash is being a bit naive. He makes it sound so easy, so much so that it could be understood as an insult to all the suffering that Rai-Dei had to endure, to the way that his life is now. I mean it’s not the case but it does sound like Vash doesn’t want to know or hear about Rai-Dei’s crimes, by saying it “doesn’t matter”. All in all it is understandable that it only fuels Rai-Dei’s anger.
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I love pages where it’s no sound, only little snippets of action taking place, with different perspectives.
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
Dead by Daylight killers as I understand them (Played the game for like 2 weeks before Blight was introduced)
Trapper: Og killerman. This guy will kill you at night to make sure you're Dead by Daylight™ ©Behaviour Interactive 2016
Wraith: -Tf2 cloak noise- I'm fast as fuck boiii
Hillbilly: We couldn't get the rights to Texas Chainsaw Massacre :(
Cannibal: Oh shit actually yes we could get the rights to Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Nurse: This is the one people use to end games in like 30 seconds
Shape: ゴゴ🎶 🎹 🎶ゴゴ
Hag: Triangle jumpscare
Doctor: Hope you like screaming, you're gonna do it a lot
Huntress: You don't even need to play this game you just KNOW people are calling this one Mommy on the internet
Nightmare: I'm gonna be honest I genuinely forgot this guy was even in that game until I looked at the wiki to make sure I wasn't leaving anyone out
Pig: Boop :)
Clown: I Do Not Like This Guy One Bit, I'm not even scared of clowns or anything this guy's just got the most rancid fucking vibes
Spirit: I think she should get a skin that makes her look like one of the Husk enemies from that Darkest Dungeon dlc, like she's already most of the way there may as well
Leigon: Love that in lore there's four of them but you only ever fight one at a time, I wonder if these guys ever look at Knight's ability and just go "damn 😔". Also they've got the best music in the game, no competition
Plague: You don't even need to play this game you just KNOW people are calling this one Vommy on the internet
Ghostface: I remember watching a video about the weird copyright laws surrounding the character and his mask apparently being owned by two seperate companies or something and rip to whatever Behaviour employee had to sort that out to get this guy in here
Demogorgon: I've never watched Stranger Things aside from the Metallica clip my aunt sent me
Oni: You don't even need to play this game you just KNOW people are calling this one Daddy on the internet
Deathslinger: gun
Executioner: 🔺️🍑👀
Blight: Orange Creamsicle Goblin is real and he is COMING FOR YOU
Twins: I genuinely forgot they were in the game also
Trickster: I think he should also get a timestop. For no particular reason.
Nemesis: He just fuckin punches you! idk why but that's the funniest shit in the world to me
Cenobite: Reblog to slap his bald head, killing him instantly
Artist: Ɓïřď Ļäđÿ
Onryo: Menu jumpscare
Dredge: This guy just kinda looks like a rooster to me tbh
Mastermind: Oh hey it's that guy from Resident Evil
Knight: Hey remember when Dead by Daylight had that collaboration with For Honor, where For Honor had a whole Halloween event where you could fight Trapper and and they had like special cosmetics and executions and shit, and Dbd gave you like, one charm? Anyway I feel like the dbd devs may have had a lil peek at For Honor's sound effects library during that particular little tryst because I SWEAR I recognize the noises this dude makes on a very deep level
Skull Merchant: I feel like you could design literally anything based on that name and it would be infinitely cooler than the killer that actually has it
Singularity: Robot :D I love the cheesy old horror movie vibe to them tbh, it's great
Xenomorph: You don't even need to play this game you just KNOW people are calling this one Mommy on the internet
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fictodoggo · 1 year
7 For Whoever You Want >:3 Use A Random Number Generator Even
7: Laughing together + Roxanne Wolf
It was the very end of the day at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. Guests were filing out slowly, dragging along their ever protesting children, who begged and cried for just one more picture, one more go at their favourite arcade machine, one more treat from the Fazcafé for the road. Attractions grew quieter until there was nothing but silence and the occasional sound of an animatronic enjoying their free time now that the place was closing.
One such place happened to be Roxy's Raceway, absent now of the usual ruckus of squealing tires and revving engines. But if one were close to the salon, they'd just be able to make out the casual chatter between a wolf and her special little Pizzaplex employee.
"No way a customer said that to you," Roxy scoffed, brushing a second coat of neon green onto her claws and admiring the sparkle in the light, amber eyes lidded at her own magnificence. Harland stood behind the seated animatronic, carefully brushing her beautiful mane of hair; something no one else would dare even ask to do.
"Yep! And then he had the nerve to be like, 'I want to speak to your manager,' after he tried to say I was stealing from him!" Harland mocked the customer by lowering their voice and shifting pitch between syllables. Roxy snorted a laugh and capped her nail polish, leaning back and stretching.
"Yeah, well, he's just lucky I wasn't there!" She proclaimed proudly, swiveling in her seat suddenly, catching Harland off guard. They stumbled a bit, only to have Roxanne quickly grab both their hands and pull them close, so the tip of their nose lightly booped her muzzle.
Harland giggled, though their face was bright red from the proximity. "Uh-huh, and what would you have been able to do? You have protocols, y'know. Can't enact violence against guests." Their tone was teasing, but Roxy took it as a challenge.
"Tickling someone to death doesn't count as violence," Roxy's grin turned evil and Harland's face dropped. Before they could so much as squeak in surprise, Roxy had pulled them forward into her lap so they were straddling her. Then Roxy used her freshly painted claws to dig into Harland's sides, delivering littles pokes and gentle scritches from under their arms down to their hips and back up again.
Harland squealed in delight, able to get away if they wanted but apparently not inclined enough, just squirming in place and half-heartedly pushing at Roxy's hands. Roxy laughed too, not her usual "on-stage" laugh, but her full, boisterous laugh. After a few minutes, Roxy's fingers slowed until they simply rested on Harland's hips. The wolf nuzzled into Harland's hair with one last affectionate chuckle as Harland's breaths slowed back to normal.
"I think, uh," they started, purring as Roxy buried her nose into a sensitive spot on their scalp. "I think this would get you in equal trouble with a customer…"
"Good thing you're not a customer," Roxy snickered, pulling back to look down at Harland's white uniform, which was now stained with streaks of green nail polish. She 'tsk'ed. "My nails are gonna need re-done now…"
"I'll do 'em for you, for a price," Harland grinned up at Roxy. The wolf leaned a little closer.
"Oh yeah? What's it gonna cost me?" She grinned back, already knowing the answer. Harland didn't need to reply, just leaned closer until–
"Awwww!" Harland and Roxy both froze at the familiar voice. "Aren't you two just the cutest little lovebugs I've ever seen!" They both glanced over to see Chica standing in the doorway, hands clapped together over her chest and grinning. Harland quickly scrambled off of Roxy's lap, their face bright red. In the same breath, Roxy had picked up a makeup palette and was aiming it directly at Chica's head.
"Chica!" The wolf growled, ears pinned back in annoyance at being interrupted. "Haven't ya ever heard of knocking?!"
"On glass?" Chica asked, tapping lightly on the salon doors, which were, indeed, glass. The makeup palette came soaring over anyway but crashed harmlessly against the ground as Chica ducked with an alarmed squawk.
"Mean!" Chica huffed, crossing her arms with a pout. "I just came to get you for the last photoshoot of the day! Freddy sent me! You know how he is about getting a last photo everyday with all of us! It means a lot to him!"
Roxy sighed. Ever since Bonnie had "disappeared", it had been Freddy's request that all four Glamrocks get together for a family photo before everyone went to their rooms for the night. It'd be a bit heartless to start skipping now. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there. Just give me two seconds."
Chica grinned again and gave a big thumbs up before she left the two alone again, completely unphased by anything that had just happened. Harland twiddled their thumbs and looked at Roxy. "So, uh–"
Before they could continue, Roxy had pulled them close to give them a quick peck on the lips and an affectionate cheek nuzzle before pulling away and flipping her hair over her shoulder as she usually did. "Meet me in my party room and we can hang out some more, okay?"
Red-faced and dumbstruck, Harland just nodded, and Roxy gave a little laugh before finally turning and leaving the salon after Chica. Harland could hear the chicken's pleased warble as the wolf caught up with her and the two started chatting, growing distant. They touched their cheek and sighed, then shook their head and quickly began cleaning up the small mess from the encounter.
It wouldn't do to leave a mess when they were about to get a reward in just a little bit.
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lilolilyr · 6 months
Booping April Fools Recap!
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I had a blast y'all's, it was so much fun!
Booped and was booped over 4k times apparently :D
I love those kind of Tumblr events, whether planned like this April fools or just a sudden ever given or nov5 or Goncharov xD the vibes are always immaculate and the community is lovely <3
my notes are through the roof!
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I got 14 new followers and I still have to check some of them for whether they are bots or followed me by accident or whether I just want to soft block them xD but some have already been established as fellow booping human beings or even mutuals, hi there @katharinaste @nbie @sharkbatez @theothergaycousin @anoddsightcomeoutatnight @songstar1 @raindropsandteaandtears @citricchatter @whiskeyadams @thatofabeavers @gunsandcherries and welcome to my blog, now go reblog some stuff or I might rethink that soft block xD, and let me know if you'd rather I didn't tag you in stuff, because I do tag memes like a lot (feel free to go through the backlog and feel tagged in all that you wanna do)
Anyway, so then I reached the 1k 'max' for booping others within like 3h after waking up xD and am a proud holder of the black booping paw badge!
After I had maxed out my received boops as well, I made a poll about which fandom I should make a meme for in thanks
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(Ignore that @toboldlynerd's url half ended up on a poll option xD I don't even know whether that was my own dumbassery or a glitch, there were a lot of glitches going around on here yesterday but it might have also been me typing too quick not seeing which line I was on)
...after a very equal distribution with twilight in the lead, at first W13 was in the lead and I wrote a little fanfic soon after which I hit post limit *cries*
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But I kept booping!
And because @lavendelhummel wrote a comment on Ao3 saying she'd love booping kudos, I made that as well :D only posted today of course bc postlimitttt
Also there's an Ao3 boop theme and discord boop reaction emojis (which I have instantly added to the servers I'm mod of xD), badge pngs and gifs :D
While on post limit I had a Lot of time on my hands going on tumblr web just booping instead of reblogging, and I figured out the super boop and even how to super boop myself on web
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Though tumblr then complains about booping laundering xD
I tried to see whether there's another gimmick boop thing like the super boop but didn't work anything out - then this morning, I see this!
🖤Evil boop
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I really want to know how this works now! @eyescastlow did you do it on purpose? How? How'd you figure it out? I am in awe of the evil boop :D
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On web you can reach even higher heights than the Max, I was online for ages, only left for like an hour each going for a walk when my hands started to hurt & for dinner xD
In the poll Good Omens, Star Trek and LotR were (and still are) in the lead but because of post limit I couldn't make anything immediately and my best trek idea (tribble boops) had already been made anyway o.o so instead today i made meme comp link lists for each fandom!
Yesterday I told myself I'd go to sleep after hitting the next boop stat, expecting that if I managed to max out at 1k in 3h or less I should make it to the next booping k that evening, but instead I got more boops quicker than I was booping!
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🖤 It was a pleasure booping with you all! 🖤
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
M4 with child!MC (another result of Felix's faulty potions) who's affectionate, playful, and is very honest. How would they be as caretakers? How would they react when MC gets attached to them with their grubby little hands >:) ? What would their day-to-day be like?
Sage would probably be like "oh shit😳 oh fuck what the hell". Felix would be frantically🏃 flapping through all parenting books in his possession. Anisa would be all heart-eyed like "oh MC you're so smol and adorable!!!😍🥺". Rime would lift you up by the armpits, stare at you like 🤨 tryna figure out what to do with you.
Man the gang is not well-equipped for taking care of a child
GN!Reader, they might have to put you on a leash depending on how energetic you are, Colored Bullet Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime)
Anisa is out training with the Sunstone Knights. Sage is handling a tricky bounty. And Rime is off doing,, whatever he does in his free time. Frankly you aren't sure. He says he's doing Evil Necromancer Things but you're pretty sure he's just taking a nap.
Anyways that leaves you and Felix alone.
If you're dating then that's definitely a blessing. You guys mess with some spells and flip through a few books and probably take a nap on the couch.
Felix asked you to try out a new potion that's meant to increase mana. Well sure! You down it like a shot and wait for the effects to hit. Felix mentions it'll take an hour or so, so you might as well relax until then.
Alright. You have some studying to do any-
,,, :)
Toddler!MC had appeared! And as Felix tries to wrap his brain around what just happened, you give a little giggle, tap his waist, chirp out a little 'tag!' and race off
,,,,,, fuck
Felix darts off after you but it's not like he's great at running y'know? So you're easily able to shoot off down the hall and out of sight
And if Sage is your partner and he's taught you about the secret passages? While your memory of your big (normal) self is certainly foggy, you still seem to have your muscle memories of where the hidden paths are and how to access them.
And since you're currently under the effects of his potion, the only magical signature he can track is his own, so that's out too.
I wouldn't say he's necessarily worried for your safety because Fathom is a safe place. He is worried about Anisa kicking his ass tho.
Speaking of, Anisa and Sage come back together, snacking on some pastries. Apparently they'd been tracking the same criminal and had been having a friendly competition to see who could catch him first. Which,, was,,, not the most successful thing because they got so caught up in their rivalry that the criminal nearly escaped and one of the other knights had to tackle them.
Anyways why does Felix look so disheveled?
Sage grins and says that oh, he and Anisa can leave if they're interrupting-
And then his ear flicks. A look of confusion passes over his face as he glances around. Anisa asks him what's wrong while Felix is slooooowly backing away.
Sage raises an eye at Felix and asks why the hell there's a kid here. Felix is further slinking away out of the room-
And then Rime walks in, carrying little-you from under the armpits, sweetly asking Felix what the fu- a glare from Anisa makes him pause - heck he managed to do
If you're normally dating Felix then he scoops you up with a relieved sigh, asking you where in the world you even managed to run off to! And then you boop his nose and say "You're it!" and run away again and now he has to try and find you while Rime and Anisa are lecturing him for improper magic use.
If you're normally dating Anisa then she's immediately scooping you up and spinning you around because Oh! Smol! Cute! And while normally she would be chewing Fe out she's a little too preoccupied with cuddling you. She leaves Rime to do the lecturing and goes to make you a snack, because you were running around for ages and you need some food. Will make you a sandwich and cut it into a cute shape.
If you're normally dating Sage then he's pulling you out of Rime's arms and giving the deer a quick snap of his fangs before asking if you're okay. And you, smol child that you are, immediately wanna start poking at his armor, ears, and tail. He lets you do it and he makes sure to keep his voice light and playful with you, but he's also glaring at Felix because What The Fuck Did He Do To You
If you're normally dating Rime then he's holding you against his hip properly. He thinks this is hilarious. Doesn't appreciate the fact that you're grabbing at his horns and pulling on his hair a lil bit but he thinks you're adorable so he'll let it slide. Could he fix this? Probably. Is going to? Not right away. Felix needs to learn a lesson.
Either way you're now a child and everyone is gonna have to work together to take care of you.
It makes sense that your partner becomes your primary caretaker, especially with how quickly and fiercely you bond to them.
You become Felix's little assistant! He gives you papers and crayons and a little lap desk and encourages you to doodle. Whatever you draw (yourself with magic, stick figure Rime and Sage fighting, a very crude attempt at Anisa in her armor, and Felix reading his books) gets pinned on the ice chest in the kitchen. Felix will go on grand sweeping rants and lectures to teach you about magic, and he constantly uses way-too-heavy language. He's patient with all your questions and does his best to answer them, but kids can throw some real curve balls.
Anisa is great at playing pretend! Obviously you guys play a lot of knight games. The little royal (you) is being guarded by your loyal knight (Anisa) when you guys get attacked by the fearsome dragon (usually Sage) that the knight has to slay. Anisa and Sage both really ham it up. Sometimes the Fearsome Darkness Wizards (Felix and Rime) will make an appearance as well, but they aren't great at playing pretend. Anisa always wins the battle and swoops you off to safety.
In as much as I joke that none of the gang are prepared to look after a small child, Sage actually is. He raised Tulsi after all, and she turned out pretty good! He's got enough energy to keep up with you, can use his hearing and smell to track you, knows how to make some tasty af snacks, and makes sure to put you down for naps on a decent schedule. He lets you play with his ears as much as you want but does remind you to be careful/gentle with them.
Since Rime still has his LoS-granted 'extra' magic and some access to forbidden times, it doesn't take him much time at all to find a reversal potion. But like I said, he wants to let Felix sweat a bit. And it's not like another two or three days will matter. So he spends most of the time walking around with you (or letting you ride on his shoulders) and showing you things.
You draw on the walls and Anisa tries to lecture you but you give her Big Eyes™ and she completely crumbles. Makes you help clean it up tho
Stella puts up with so much,, you are constantly pulling on her fur and chasing her and whatever,, Felix reminds you to be gentle but you're just really excited
Sage can swing you around,, you climb him like a jungle gym,,,, he grumbles a bit but he lets you do it
Rime makes snowballs for you to throw at Sage but you just eat them
You wake up in the middle of the night and wander around sometimes and fall asleep in weird places,,, scares the shit out of everyone
You are! Constantly! Complimenting everyone. You tell Felix his magic is cool! You tell Rime his hair is pretty! You tell Anisa she's really funny! You tell Sage he's really nice! Everyone is embarrassed because you're so open and honest about it.
Rime is reading and you crawl in his lap and ask him to read to you,, he puts on voices and stuff and it makes you giggle,,, and when he's done you say thank you :)
Everyone is so protective of you,, an older kid knocks you over and Sage and Anisa are going feral
Meanwhile Rime and Felix are spoiling you with toys and little outfits.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
*drops 🎮 on table* COOKIE RUN AU ONI TIME PLEASE!!
( This Well Included a Non twisted Oc xCanon Pair )
So, The Oni Are cared by Red Velvet cookie they call Red Velvet thier Big brother , They are Essentially similar To him as they were “ Repaired by Dark Enchantress .” However then Red gets a Vistor in the form of Creme Caramel cookie after pulling a Cake hound off Red velvets Face as well as seeing interact with His Little brothers , Red Velvet Fell for him .
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( Note: Creme is based on Xianxia , stuff like The Untamed , Scum Villian saving system ect. Creme is very much Chinese, Hes a Cultivatior .)
Hiei , Hoshiguma and Shu noticed how Red Reacts when Creme comes to visit from the Jelly sect after that . Of course being Mischievous little Kids they try to get them together. Which of has led to Red Bumping in to Creme Chest ( Creme is taller than Red ) more times than he would like to admit . Of Course Creme then notice Reds little brothers and asks If They’d Like to meet his Juniors ( Octatrio) .The oni think it would be cool but Red kinda knows it’s dangerous especially when he has Told Creme why he’s in a Giant tower All alone with Only cake Monsters is that he’s essentially a minon manufacturing plant for an evil Witch who want to take over the world . But Eventually somethings happens that Makes Red reconsider this , Pastry Cookie in her Battle With Red injures Hiei Trying to Keep her from hurting him, Breaking his Right arm similar to Red having it Replaced with a new one and Pomegranate Cookie who used Her powers On Shu after an argument ,Similar to what she did to Dark Choco making Relive his trauma of Abuse and Shu revealing She done it before just for “ annoying her” (Being a kid) . Of Course Red Faltered noticing the dropping rates Of production so. Reluctantly Red Told the Truth to Creme Caramel in his Next Visit Resolving to Take Hoshi , Shu , Hiei and Few Cakes monster he Trusted to the Jelly sect For Protection .
Creme seemingly Understood Red’s Reasons why as Creme is Notably dotin, Self sacrificing and Naive. However being a Worrywort , Creme had Already asked About what Happened with Hiei ? So they Resolved to Sneak Away under the guise of night.
Of course When they got to the Jelly Sect .Shu immediately walked over to a pond to look at the Pretty fish and a was greeted with a Floyd nibbling and Tugging on his Clothes . —————
Ube Oni Cookie( Shu )
-Apparently he was made from leftover Ube Cake Batter mixed into Cookies
According to strawberry Crepe cookies his Dough contains Sake .
Shu despite his Rebellious streak , is the most loyal to Red , to the Point of not even Acknowledging the others giving him Command besides Dark Enchantress.
The Jelly Sect dosent really Force Them into Chinese Culture , Which make Ube, Konapetio and Lemon mereguine Stand out with the Strange Hybrid of Chinese and Japanese styled Robes . Which other Sect don’t like
He Still ends with a crush on Octatrio ,and usallly end up with Blue Unagi Cookie(Floyd)
according to Shu Blue Ungai smells like Blueberries .
Ube is also Still a Massive Cookie when Fully Grown .
Ube booped Blue Unagi on the Nose when they first met.
The octotrio Notably protective of Creme so They are notably the one To “ Block “ Red Velvet from him ( Considering he Found them via Octopot after they were displace by the Licorice sea ) So Ube is in charge of Distracting them.
I say He’s about 8-13 during the backstories time this happened but is a teen by the Time actually he meets Gingerbrave and Friend as Creme and Red are Considered early to mid 20’s (I’ve heard even about 30’s For Red )
loves giving head pats even to Red just tease him about being Taller . Creme his more delicate with .(Even Thoughts Creme can Defend himself again his a notable Worrywort.)
Konapetio Oni Cookie( Hoshiguma)
he still likes Reading tarot’s
he’s much more comfortable with being seen in his true form here.
Hoshiguma is often really hated Pomegranate mainly for stuff she did to Shu
Hoshi is still the oldest .
so Pastry Got kinda Rebaked in this Universe due how Pissed Red was when Seeing Hiei he chucked her into the Batter to Never be heard from by St. Pastry again.
Kona has nightmares of Hearing Pastry Struggling and thinks that the Whole Fiasco is his Fault for not being to catch Lemon Meringue .
Konapetio has seen a group of Cookie( Pomefoire ) that looked a like Her working for dark Enchantress , Apparently on of them is called Cursed Ambrosia Cookie( Vil ) it’s seem that Pastry was Separated and Dark Enchantress made new Cookies out her . aleast that’s what Kona thinks is going on .
Apparently Ube has mentioned Ambrosia likely having Crush on him . Kona dosent believe it .
Everyone likes him cause he’s Chill.
He’s also is Seen with Cherry and Cherry Blossom a lot in kingdom , This makes Cursed Ambrosia a bit Jelaous of Cherry Blossom. His also Jelaous of Pure vanilla.
He sounds so much like Clotted Creme you just Take out the Haughtiness in his voice . Finacer almost was Duped by him. .
Lemon Meringue Oni Cookie
• His Right arm is Actually not made of Cakes But actually some kinda gummy Candy , He was Happy that he could match with Big bro
He also Apologizes profusely to Red. He was like 7 going on 8 at the Time.
Lemon Meringue is Still Grumpy as his TWST counterpart , Put Strawberry tart Cookie(Riddle) is Part of the Cookies Of Darknesses to Say Fuck You to his actual mother
In hindsight I should have when with Banana Cause That’s a Joke about FGO’s Ibaraki Douji to call her Banana Oni .
Strawberry Tart was Watched over by Pomegranate , however Hiei Got to see him often because Pomegranate often Keeps tabs On Red Velvet so let him Play with the Cake hound and other Monsters
Lemon Meringue, even had Red Make a Hound for Strawberry tart .
Strawberry tart was Heartbroken to Hear they had to Leave but promised to never Reveal where they Left to .
He’s Still kept that Promise , Eventually Sneaking Away with Pistachio tart and Cheshire Cookie into Hollyberry kingdom.
Lemon Meringue and Strawberry tart met backup in the Princess Competition … Yes they were Dressed Up reluctantly . But ultimately ending up Enjoying it .
Creme Dotes on him a lot along with Blue Unagi and Blackberry Ink(Azul ) . He knows Lemon Meringue loves him even if He’s way of Showing it is being a grumpypants.
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drwcn · 4 years
《Without Envy》- concubine/sleeper agent!wwx & prince!lwj 
[story board 1] [story board 2]   [story board 3]  [story board 4] 
long post: story board 5 →
Lan Wangji, as it turned, was a true gentleman. This was problematic for Wei Wuxian, who was tasked with getting close to him, because Hanguang-wang’s upstanding morals being rather unimpeachable rendered Wei Wuxian’s initial seduction efforts entirely unsuccessful. 
 Lan Wangji straight up ignored him. Whenever he came to visit Jiang Yanli it was always to speak with her and not Wei Wuxian. It was like Wei Wuxian, or A-Xian as he was known, did not exist to the prince. Whenever Wei Wuxian tried to “get close” to him, aka, making himself available to serve tea, meals and such, Lan Wangji would always dismiss him, or tell him to wait outside so Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli could dine together alone. Needless to say, Wei Wuxian was getting increasingly frustrated. Entirely unbeknownst to Wei Wuxian however was the fact that Lan Wangji had noticed him from the start and was just trying to stop himself from doing something inappropriate. Truth is, Lan Wangji first saw Wei Wuxian at Jiang-fu during one of Lan Wangji’s visits to finalize the marriage between himself and Jiang Yanli. 
It was the dogs’ barking that got Lan Wangji’s attention first. That, and a young man’s agitated cursing.
“Fuck - ow! Princess that was not nice! I’m going to turn you into barbeque if you don’t cut this shi - Ow! Jasmine, give it here!” 
Lan Wangji’s personal guards Guo Ai and Sun Ting made to investigate the source of the ruckus and to tell off whoever dared to be so impertinent and disrespectful in a marquis’s manor, but Lan Wangji stopped them with a subtle gesture.  
Slowly, he approached the round archway looking into the garden and saw by the shrubs a handsome young man cradling a fuzzy tiny thing while trying his darnedest to fend off two relentless hounds. “Shoo, shoo, go bother your master!”
But the dogs wanted to play. Their bushy tails wagged happily.  
Eventually, the young man tired of the over enthusiastic canines, picked up a stick off the ground, and tossed it far over the garden walls. The dogs took off running, and he and the little creature he protected were allowed a moment’s peace. 
“Little tutu, it’s okay, the mean dogs are gone now. Don’t be afraid.” 
It was only then that Lan Wangji saw that the furry round thing was a small bunny, probably driven from its burrow by the aforementioned hounds that belonged to Jiang-xiao-gongzi. He watched, slightly transfixed, as the young man lifted the bunny and gently booped its nose against his own, his comely face scrunching up adorably in the process. 
So when Wei Wuxian arrived at the prince’s estate with Jiang Yanli, Lan Wangji cursed his luck. He had no intentions of becoming attracted or attached to anyone in his harem. His marriages were political games. Everything he did in his harem was calculated. The last thing he needed was for the Jins to think they could sink their claws into him. So he kept company with all his concubines equally, just to maintain the balance. Lan Wangji did not want Jin Ziyan to be the only man in his harem, which was why when Qin Su offered him Mo Xuanyu, he did not refuse. It was fortunate that Mo Xuanyu himself seemed eager to serve too, so Lan Wangji did not have to grapple with ethics there.  He was doing this for his country; everyone knew this. As long as he kept to his duties and divided his attentions equally, there would be trouble in his harem. Except...Lan Wangji wanted to see ‘A-Xian’ again. The more he wanted, the more he made himself keep his distance. He recognized the power dynamic that existed between this servant and himself, and that if he were to ask, A-xian was not really in a position to refuse. Besides, Jiang Yanli made no indications that she wanted her A-Xian to serve Lan Wangji. In fact, she seemed quite protective of him, always looking out for him wherever she could. She practically treated him like a little brother than a servant. As such, Lan Wangji was happy with the way things were. He could live with never knowing A-Xian more intimately. In fact, he did not want A-Xian to be ordered to serve him, or find out that A-Xian was just like every other man and woman in his harem, there to curry favours with him. It would be a shame if he turned out to be just another flower in the garden, another player in this game they played.  
Of course Wei Wuxian read this whole situation as: that little bastard Lan Wangji doesn’t like me. Xue Yang was charged with being Wei Wuxian’s correspondence between Gusu and Qishan but ended up just being the guy Wei Wuxian complained to.  —“Is this Hanguang-wang truly a paragon of virtues???” Wei Wuxian raged. “Aren’t princes supposed to be lechers? Wen Chao certainly is a sleeze. Wen Xu could be too for all we know. I’m young, fit, attractive and available. I know he likes men so why not me? He sleeps with Mo Xuanyu all the time apparently …Is Mo Xuanyu more attractive than me?!” Xue Yang: >_> God I miss murders. 
Wei Wuxian’s “opportunity” came when Jiang Yanli fell mysteriously ill about three months after she married Lan Wangji. When the physicians were left scratching their heads, Wei Wuxian quickly took the matter into his own hands. He needed Jiang Yanli alive; if she died before he made an impression on Lan Wangji, he could be sent away back to Jiang-fu and threaten his entire operation. What’s more, Jiang Yanli had been extremely kind to him in the last two years since he arrived at Gusu. She truly was the perfect lady; he would hate to see her suffer.  Through some crafty investigations, Wei Wuxian discovered that the cause of Jiang Yanli’s illness was a slow poison being laced into her food by Jin Ziyan’s orders. The motive of his actions were obvious enough; ever since Jiang Yanli married in, Lan Wangji seemed to be showing her extra favour, favours which he never distributed unevenly prior to her entering his household. Jin Ziyan did not want Jiang Yanli as a competition. She was a marquess’s dichu daughter, much higher in rank than either Qin Su or Luo Qingyang, and therefore posed serious threat to becoming Lan Wangji’s legal spouse. In a way, she was Jin Ziyan’s biggest competitor, and he couldn’t have that. What Jin Ziyan didn’t know was that Lan Wangji visited Jiang Yanli so much because he wanted to catch glimpses of Wei Wuxian, even though he dismissed Wei Wuxian from the room every time he saw him (the man was clearly a masochist). Wei Wuxian managed to sniff out the poison before it could cause lasting damages, but the effect of it was going on for long enough that Jiang Yanli still had an early term miscarriage before she even knew she was pregnant. Wei Wuxian, incensed by Jiang Yanli’s suffering, was ready to expose Jin Ziyan, but was ordered not to by Wen Zhuliu. ‘We still need Jin Ziyan’ was his reasoning. Still, Wei Wuxian managed to tip off the investigators such that they detected and put an end to the poisoning, but the culprit was ultimately never caught. As this played out, Wei Wuxian realized that now was his chance to get close to Lan Wangji. With Jiang Yanli recuperating...surely the Jiang family would want someone else of their clan to serve Lan Wangji in her place, someone who could keep Lan Wangji’s attention but would not replace Jiang Yanli’s place in the harem. It did not take much to lead Yu Ziyuan to the same conclusion. To ensure that he would have ample time with Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian secretly slipped a special sedative into Jiang Yanli’s food and drink to mimic the symptoms of a slow recovery. The sedative was one of Qishan’s secret formulations and could not be detected by Gusu’s finest doctors. But Jiang Yanli, bless her heart, did not want the boy who she’d come to see as a little brother to be used like an object. "A-niang, I don't want to force A-Xian to do things he doesn't want to. I will get better, dianxia will not abandon me." — Yu Ziyuan tsked, "Silly girl, serving Lan Wangji in your stead is his entire purpose for coming with you. Every family must plan for something like this; someone to hold onto Lan Wangji's interest while you're indisposed. Men are fickle, child. You need time to recover and someone will need to remind Hanguang-wang that you still matter when you’re ready again. We cannot let him forget you. Think of what this would mean for our clan." Much to Yu Ziyuan’s delight, Lan Wangji came to check on Jiang Yanli while she was visiting, and Madam Yu had no qualms making hints that it would be the Jiang family’s honour if Hanguang-wang allowed ‘A-Xian’ to serve him while Yanli recovered. Wei Wuxian did not protest. Why would he? This was his orchestration after all, but when he dared raise his gaze from the floor to look at Lan Wangji, he detected a hint of something in Lan Wangji’s face…something like disappointment. Wei Wuxian relayed this to Xue Yang and the other evil gremlin sucked on a candied apricot and said with a roll of his eyes: —“You’re so dense, shixiong, tsk. Men like Lan Wangji could have any man or woman he wants. If you go along with Madam Yu’s orders, you’ll just to be like everyone else, another ambitious servant trying to socially advance. He’ll fuck you and forget you within a blink of an eye.” — Wei Wuxian sipped his liquor and grimaced. “Fine, what do you suggest I do then? — Xue Yang smirked, “Oh, haven’t you heard? Men like roses with thorns. When you’re brought to him tonight, don’t play along. Don’t humour him. Refuse him.” — Wei Wuxian: >_> Is this how you got those Daoist priests in bed with you? — Xue Yang smirked shamelessly, “Worked, innit?”
Listen, Lan Wangji was fully prepared to have some emotionless sex with Wei Wuxian okay? Boy was prepared to just go through the motions. He was disappointed to know that A-Xian turned out to be no better than any other servant in his harem: eager to climb his bed.
Being a concubine was stupid work, Wei Wuxian realized belatedly. After dinner, Jiang Yanli bid him goodbye with worried eyes as the momos and gugus of Hanguang-fu dragged him away to be bathed and prepped for the prince’s enjoyment later that night. (gugu, momo - older female servants)
Wei Wuxian was not a dirty person - sure, he worked hard, but he bathed regularly - they did not have to scrub that roughly. As they practically scrapped off a layer of skin, the momos rattled on and on about how he should “conduct” himself in the presence of dianxia and how he should position himself to best please him. 
What the actual fuck. Wei Wuxian resisted the urge to pull a face. Did the ladies get the same banal talk? How fucking boring was the sex around here? Wei Wuxian wasn’t born yesterday alright? He knew how to fuck.  ...Well fine, he didn’t, but he and Xue Yang had sucked each other off once or twice, so that should count for something. 
Once the attendants were satisfied with the state of him - hair brushed, skin cleaned and lotioned, callouses removed - they rolled him in a large full-body sized blanket, placed him in a sedan and ordered the servants to carry him to Lan Wangji’s chamber. 
Wei Wuxian tried not to make an exasperated grimace when the servants literally picked him up like a log and deposited him on the prince’s large bed.
He did not remember this bullshit when zhangjie married in...but then again Jiang Yanli did marry in. There was a ceremony and everything. Lan Wangji was very respectful that night, bowing to her before lifting her veil as a gentleman ought to. So what the fuck is this barbaric treatment? Just as he pondered on these questions, the tulle canopy parted, and Lan Wangji’s handsome face and broad chest came into view. Undressed to his inner most layer of robes and his ink black hair let loose, he looked very much like a man ready to ravish his new concubine, but somehow, Wei Wuxian could not detect a trace of interest on that jade-like face. 
Despite knowing this was all an act, just a means to an end, Wei Wuxian shivered when Lan Wangji reached for the edge of the blanket that encased him. 
He pulled the blankets closer, shrinking deeper inside. 
“Don’t be afraid,” said Lan Wangji. “I won’t hurt you.” 
Time to act, Wei Wuxian. Give it your best shot. 
“I’m not afraid.”  “Then why do you hide?”  Wei Wuxian waited a meaningful second before meeting Lan Wangji’s gaze dead on and said, “Because I don’t want to.”  Nonplussed, Lan Wangji raised an elegant eye brow in return. “Oh? Is that so? Or are those just words? Perhaps you've confused what kind of place a harem is. If you do not want to, why are you here?”
Is my act not convincing enough or is this stupid asshole so confident in his attractiveness that he thinks everyone must automatically want to fuck him? Slightly ticked off now, Wei Wuxian sat up, still holding the blanket to his chest and retorted hotly, “I am not confused, dianxia. Perhaps you are unable to comprehend the idea that someone as lowly as a servant would refuse when given the opportunity to ascend in rank, but nevertheless, that doesn’t change my position. I don't want to. I am here because Lianfang-jun appointed me; there was hardly any room in that decision for me to argue. If you are determined to have me, I will not resist, because I understand my place. But I am a person, not a thing or a broodmare for you breed. I have some dignity left, and at the very least, before you...before you hold me down and fuck me, I want you to know."
Wei Wuxian half wondered if his act had gone a little overboard. The expletives maybe were just a tad too dramatic, but then again...   ...seeing how Lan Wangji's entire stance shifted, maybe not. 
Lan Wangji withdrew his hand. He had mistaken Wei Wuxian’s initial unwillingness as coquettish posturing, but the heat in those dark, bright eyes could not be faked. 
“Those words could get you into a lot of trouble when spoken to the wrong person. Have the momos not taught you the rules?” 
Wei Wuxian squared his shoulders. “They have, but I place trust in Hanguang-wang’s reputation, that you are a true gentleman and would not force me against my will.” Then, just as he practiced, Wei Wuxian lowered his eyes. “I am a servant, your servant, and I know it is my duty to serve you in any way you command me, but I -...please find other use of me, dianxia, but not this.” 
 He startled a little when a warm hand found purchase under his chin and lifted up his face. Lan Wangji inspected him wordlessly with those cold, sharp eyes, searching for lies, for pretense. Wei Wuxian held his breath, praying he won’t be found out, but eventually, when the prince and his calculation deemed him good enough, he let go. 
“Very well.” 
Lan Wangji fetched a pair of clean inner robes and trousers from the wardrobe and handed them to Wei Wuxian. “Get dressed and move over.” Without waiting for Wei Wuxian to respond, he sat himself down on the edge of the bed and began to remove his socks and shoes. 
Wei Wuxian moved quickly, shrugging on the robes and tied it in place before shoving the trousers under the covers to try and pulling them up his legs. “You’re...you’re not leaving?” 
Lan Wangji glared at him over his shoulder. “This is my room, my bed. Why should I leave?” 
Right. Right.
“But you’re not...sending me away?” 
Lan Wangji frowned as though questioning his intelligence. “Would you like me to send you away? I should think that would reflect badly on you and your mistress.”   That did give Wei Wuxian pause. “Uh, well –”   “Your declining to be my bedfellow does not impede my fulfilling my side of the arrangement. You will leave in the morning, and the others will think that I found you pleasing enough to keep you the whole night. That should give Jiang-fu’ren and the Yunmeng Jiang clan sufficient face."   “I could sleep on the floor.” 
“Do you want to sleep on the floor?” Lan Wangji swung his legs onto the bed and arranged the blankets to his liking. “The doors are never locked. Servants and sentinels must be allowed in to check on me during the night for security purposes. It would not bode well if they found you lying on the floor.” 
Right, yeah that would defeat the whole purpose. 
Lan Wangji lay down and crossed his hands over his chest. “Lie down, sleep. I have morning court assembly, and I’m tired. If you’re going to stay, don’t be a disturbance.” 
Feeling like he’d lost all semblance of control in this situation, Wei Wuxian awkwardly laid himself down beside Lan Wangji. The bed was big enough for the two of them that there was space in between even when both of them lay flat on their backs. 
Lan Wangji lifted up just a second to blow out the bedside candle, and then there was total darkness.
Wasn’t I suppose to seduce him? What the fuck is this? Okay...maybe I have no idea how to seduce him...maybe I have no idea how to do anything that’s not straight up strangling him in his sleep. 
Wei Wuxian could feel his heart thudding in his chest, panic coiling tighter and tighter. He almost wished Lan Wangji had ignored his protest and took him, because then it’d be straight forward. As it were, he had no idea how to proceed now. 
Just as Wei Wuxian was being slowly consumed by his maelstrom of thoughts, Lan Wangi suddenly spoke into the dark. 
"I am not a heartless bastard, you should know."
"I never implied that."
“You did.” Lan Wangji gave a little shake of his head. “I do not want this anymore than the others in the harem. You said I treat my women like broodmares, but perhaps you have not considered that Gusu treats me like a stallion."   Wei Wuxian was momentarily speechless.    “Your mistress is very kind and gentle. I am sorry that the child in her belly was lost; I know she very much wanted to be a mother. I see that you are very protective of her, so you should know, I would never hurt her.  Even if she were to never recover her strength, I would not let harm come to her.”   Those words, softly spoken, tugged at Wei Wuxian’s conscience, if not his heartstrings. “Dianxia -”   “Sleep. Good night.”
The next morning Wei Wuxian woke up to knocking on the door. The sun was already high in the sky and the bed was empty of Lan Wangji’s presence.  A group of maids entered carrying a basin of water, towels and clean clothes. Wei Wuxian, dazed, asked, "Where's danxia?" One of the maid giggled. "Dianxia left at dawn to attend morning assembly at the palace. You must not know; he wakes up very early. He said not to wake you, and to let you sleep. He said," The others giggled with her. “He said that you've had a long night."
To the great surprise of everyone, Lan Wangji did not elevate Jiang Yanli’s servant A-Xian to concubine status after the ‘long night’ they had together. Instead he ordered A-Xian to be transferred to his court to be his close-quarter attendant, to serve him in his every day tasks.  Wei Wuxian did not exactly understand why Lan Wangji would make this particularly decision, but he did not complain. After all this was exactly what he wanted, to be close to Lan Wangji and earn his trust.  Lan Wangji, on the other hand, was content to have Wei Wuxian close by, secure in the knowledge ‘A-Xian’ did not wish to spread his legs to socially advance. Perhaps, if he dared to hope, he could finally have someone to speak to in this lonely manor full of people who only saw the crown hanging above his head.
Xue Yang was of the opinion that this was all going to end badly. He was right. 
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Requests are open! Here's some Prompts!
Angst Prompts
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend.”
“If only you knew what you’d brought upon yourself.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
“How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
“I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
“Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
“Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
“Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
“You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
“Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
“If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
“It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
“I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
“Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
“You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
“I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
“We should probably stop talking forever.”
“If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
“To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
“You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
“This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
“I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
“I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
“Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
“I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Just get out. I- I don’t want you here, just leave.”
“You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
“Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
“This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
“Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
“Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
“Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
“You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
“My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
“You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
“Evil doesn’t come close.”
“Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
“I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
“Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
“You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
“No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
“This is always how it ends.”
“Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
“Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
“This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
“You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
“I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
“Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
“She drowned and he lost his mind.”
“We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
“You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
“Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
“You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
“Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
“Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
“I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
“Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
“Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
“Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
“After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
“What made you think I cared for you?”
“It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
“Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
“Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
“Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.”
Fluff Prompts
“I missed being with you like this,”
“I’ve been excited to see you all day.”
“You’re my perfect match,”
“No one else can compare to your loveliness,”
“The way you smile like that always turns me on,”
“Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home,”
“I know you said you didn’t want to be late, but you look amazing, and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now,”
“I’ll keep you warm. Hold me closer.”
“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
“Can I have a message?”
“Truth or Dare?” “Dare”
“Move away if you don’t want this kiss.”
“If you keep kissing my face like that I’ll have to retaliate.”
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?”
“Does this kiss tickle~? Haha. Why are you laughing so much?”
“You’re supposed to be washing my hair, but this feels more like a massage.”
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
“When do you think help will come?” “Not for a while, I guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.”
“Can you pretend to be my partner for my friend’s wedding? I told them I’d have a plus one.”
“I’m in love with you.” “Are you finally confessing to me? Because I feel the same way.”
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
"I want you back."
"You need to stop calling me that."
"You did not just boop me."
"You lost me in a crowd once!" "It's not my fault you're so short!"
"We should get a puppy."
“Hurry up! It has eight legs and therefore will crawl faster than normal!"
"Kiss me." "Not with that morning breath."
"So, will you marry me?"
"How'd you do that?" "Magic."
"It's my happy juice."
"You did not just mimic me."
"I'm on my period and I want chocolate. Now go."
"I left you for five minutes."
"Tell me why I deal with you again?"
"Kiss it better. Please.”
Smut Prompts
“Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
“Spread your legs. I want to feel how turned on I made you.”
“You can add another finger. I’m ready,”
“I want to watch you take off your clothes.”
“You’re so turned on already? That was fast,”
“Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch.”
“You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
“You’re nipples are so sensitive today,”
“Do you want to continue this in the shower?”
“You look so beautiful tied up to my bed,”
“I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin,”
“Say my name,” “Louder,”
“You say you want me, but your body seems to like it when I tease you,”
“Call me ‘Sir’ when we’re alone like this,”
“No, I’m the one that’s supposed to be making you feel good,”
“Don’t stop, whatever you do. I like that, a lot.”
“I love hearing you moan,”
“Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
“I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone.”
“Sorry, did that hurt?” “No, I’m just a little sore from last night.”
“I want to hear you beg for it.”
“I’m not wearing any panties,”
“I want to kiss every inch of your body before I fuck you,”
“I don’t have the patience to remove your clothes right now,”
“Your pussy tastes so sweet,”
“I can’t wait until we’re alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now.”
“Bite me,” “Where?”
“Were you just touching yourself?”
“What do you want for breakfast?” “Why are you asking me that at 10 o’clock at night-OH.”
“The game is, either of us is only allowed to touch the other with their mouth.”
“I love how your body loses control when you cum.”
“Fuck me like a starved animal or leave.”
“Spank me,”
“Show me how you like to be touched.”
“Harder, Deeper…”
“I want to fulfill that fantasy you’ve always wanted.”
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
And here we are with Yesterday's Lie, the season 2A finale!
Wow, this came up quick, huh?
What are you doing with all that, not-Luz?
(Also, cute photo of younger Luz. She had hair!)
That musical cue when not-Luz adjusted her hair was rather unnerving
Judging by Camila's reaction to that box being set out, she wasn't lying when she said she loved Luz's creativity
Freeing the rabbit from the trap did a lot to establish more of Camila's character. I'm glad we're finally getting more of her.
"Are you sure this isn't gonna blow our faces off?" "Nope!"
That's a rather eclectic collection of ingredients for the door
I wonder if Amity also provided the abomination head
Group hug❤
There's the trailer shot
You only appear in reflections, huh? Interesting...
Jeez, Luz, priorities!
(Oh who am I kidding, the fact she's still thinking about her girlfriend is adorable)
I do love it when her accent comes through
Whoops, looks like wherever this is the magic of the Isles doesn't reach
Previously unmentioned dad whose face is obscured in the photo
Spider-Man moment
Oh, voice change in not-Luz!
Classic "I ain't goin' back, man!" moment
Also, it's beta Luz's bat!
"Monster Slayer Academia" I'm not entirely sure that doesn't actually exist...
"I will never understand anime..."😂😂😂
Oh, true form time!
Vee's gonna be a fan favorite, isn't she? (I ask, full well knowing the answer)
I mean, I've already seen plenty of Luca x Owl House fan art, so I imagine that may intensify
Luz seems to be quite understanding all things considered. I suppose all the people in the "Doppelganger isn't evil, actually" camp have been vindicated.
Oh, Eda
I don't think I like that camera...
So Gravesfield, Connecticut, huh?
Welp, there's a statue of a man that's probably Philip Wittebane
Oh, partially transformed Vee is gonna be irresistible to fanartists
Witch obsessed guy? Pamphlets? Hmm...
Wait, MARILYN?! As in Stan's ex?!
(I know she wasn't actually since the two shows don't take place in the same universe, but no way that nod wasn't deliberate)
"She tried to pay for a latte with a live raccoon" Eda I'm saying this in the nicest way possible: What the fuck
Those rats...buh
Can't say I don't relate to Vee wrt confrontation
Luz has definitely had some...previous experiences with other kids. Creepy talking rats? Yes. Human high schoolers? No thank you.
Oh, fellow campers! Luz isn't the only one who had off-screen experiences.
That reading seemed...ominous
Side note: seems like that camp doesn't stomp out weirdness as thoroughly as previously speculated
Oh shit it's Sonic the Hedgehog! I mean Warden Wrath! I mean Roger Craig Smith!
I saw someone take issue with how Vee reacted to Luz running away to the Demon Realm, but considering her past experience and trauma, her reaction is understandable
Belos I don't care how much of a foxy grandpa you are, you fucking suck
"Skin's sure weird!"
She took the day off work to drive "Luz" to camp I just😭
Whether you think camp was a bad idea or not, Camila's a good mom
Oh dear, Sonic is a conspiracy bro
I guess we know who set up that camera. And the traps.
Oh, seems Eda didn't have elixir with her on one of her trips to the human realm...
"After watching a few Mew-tube videos I learned the truth!" Yup he's a conspiracy bro. Goddamnit, Sonic!
(I can rag on Sonic the Hedgehog all I want, I've been into the games since the Genesis days, well before most of y'all were even born)
Luz having a "BOI" moment
This guy definitely watches Alex Jones. Props to the TOH crew for teaching a new generation about these conspiracy creeps.
Vee is accustomed to a life on the run, but apparently not with Luz's determination and quick thinking.
Also, all this talk about being "outed?" Yeah I'm definitely seeing the trans allegory everyone's talking about.
Now Luz turns to the one person who can help
That "boop"❤ (Now we know where Luz gets it from)
Camila not believing all the Demon Realm stuff. Shocked. SHOCKED, I say.
Well shit, Camila's been a veterinarian all this time! Don't we all have egg on our faces!
It would explain how Luz is so good with animals
Sonic the Curator sure is something, huh
The scary thing is that there are people like him in real life. Worse, even.
Okay, I know this is a dire situation, but I am enamored with Camila's mom energy here. She's adorable.
Dude with a ponytail and cardinal on his shoulder to send the theorists in a tizzy. It'll be interesting to see how this all eventually comes together.
I just realized that that's a training wand on the table
And now Camila realizes this is no game
Further props to the TOH crew for making the antagonist of the episode a crackpot white dude. This is correct.
Yup, further trans allegory. Plus a nice example of a supportive-if-not-quite-understanding-everything parent.
And there's Camila going ham on a motherfucker. Turns out there was no lie in the "Two Truths and a Lie!" Rather, the lie was that there was a lie in the first place...My brain hurts.
Oh, she can appear in the rain. That's cool!
Now is time for Real Sad Hours
The way Camila is reacting...god...it hurts...
"Is this the only way I can touch you?" STOP😢
"Staying here was the best decision I ever made!" Uh oh...
That promise is totally not gonna come back up later in the most tragic, gutwrenching way possible. Nope. Nuh uh. No way that'll happen.
Dammit, Luz, not more lies! Oh, right. The episode title.
Her face really says it all.
Well, it wasn't quite the continuous pain train we convinced ourselves it was gonna be, but that ending? Ow. I'm glad Vee has the support she needs, but my heart hurts for the Nocedas. I really hope they can resolve the issues they clearly still have, because damn.
And now we get to chew on all that for the next however many months! Hooray! I knew I said I was ready for a hiatus, but it turns out I'm a big fat liar, because I'm not! Augh!
Well, I'll try to look on the bright side: At least my sleep schedule can normalize again? Also I can cancel my Sling subscription once 6-10 drop on D+. Neither DisneyNow nor Sling are optimal VOD experiences.
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kakitysax · 3 years
3 witthhhhh anything you want
3. “I wish I was more like you.”
Zim didn’t quite know why he was letting the human flop all over his couch. The situation was distinctly to his advantage; it wasn’t every day that your mortal enemy poisoned themself for you and arrived, stumbling and giggling, on your doorstep. Realistically, he should be sticking a needle in his neck and hauling him down to the lab right now, but he didn’t exactly. Feel like it.
If his Tallest weren’t coming, then there was no point anyway.
The other option would obviously be to throw him out, but then it would be...over. He hadn’t left his base in...in...he didn’t even know how long. And he hadn’t talked to anybody except GIR, Minimoose, and his computer for even longer than that. He supposed he wanted to see what would happen? What the Dib would do, while he was in this state of metabolizing the poison he had injested.
He was NOT lonely. He could do whatever he wanted, he was ZIM. He didn’t need to explain ANYTHING.
“Wsh’s wuzm olky u” came a pathetic, sloppy voice from the couch.
Zim’s antennae twitched. He looked at the human. “Eh? What did you say?”
“Said I...wish I was more like you,” Dib repeated, looking at Zim with eyes that were only slightly unfocused.
Zim scoffed. “Of COURSE you do,” he crowed. “Irken do not have to DEAL with your silly human frailties and stupidities. We would never intentionally poison ourselves, as you have.”
“Nooooooooo,” said Dib, hauling himself up onto his elbows. He reached forward and clumsily tried to boop Zim on the nose. He didn’t seem to notice or mind when Zim twitched away. “I’mean I wish I wassss...was more like YOU.”
Zim blinked. “Of...COURSE you do!” he said. “Um. But out of PURE scientific curiosity, why do you say this thing?”
“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” said Dib, squinting at the ceiling. “B’cause you’rrrrreeee really, uhmmm...smart?”
Zim stared incredulously at him. The human continued, oblivious.
“Y’rre like...so crea-hmmm. Creative. Half th-the time I haf. NO idea what y’rre gonna try to do. N you build juss...you build really really cool things.”
Zim thought of the experiments in his basement. None of them had WORKED, though. Was the Dib-thing delusional?
(That would make two of them, apparently.)
“I mean, even when they, like. Blow up? Or don’t work, they’re just...I kinda like...don’t tell ANYONE I said this, but sometimes I wish they DID. Work, I mean. Because...because i’ss jus so COOL. Like. Who else could think of that...that shit? Space-phasing alien horror blob? S’ AMAZING! You’re AMAZING.”
Zim squeezed his eyes shut and gripped his antennae. “You’re wrong,” he snapped, cutting him off. “ Your definition of ‘cool’ is entirely false.  When things don’t work right, they are defective, and should be discarded.”
“Pffft,” said Dib, swiping a hand through the air. Completely oblivious to Zim’s distress. “But then...how will y’LEARN anything?”
“When you mess up! When y- y get something wrong! That’s the only way y...y’can learn how to...how to not do things. And, and-and-and SOMETIMES the mistake is actually RIGHT!”
“How is that possible?” asked Zim.
“W’ll, becus...like. M’dad. Lost his arms. Y’d think that’d be like. A bad thing. Mistake. N it kinda was, n he really hurt for a b-bit. But zh-sh-THEN? He got these fucken. DOPE robot arms. N now he c’n like. Blast shit. S’cool.”
Zim looked away from Dib, hugging his knees. But he kept his antennae pricked towards the human’s slurring.
“And, and-and like...lookit all the human geniuses! Einsh-stein n Edis-mm. Not Edison. TETH-TESH-TESLA! Tesla’s better. Erryone thought they were stupid. Didn’t think right. Didn’t do anything right, for, for a really long time. Turns out they were fucken. GENIUSES. Made so much cool sh-*hic* shit?”
Dib fell silent. Zim glanced back, but he was just staring at the ceiling. Dazed. Hypnotized by something happening behind his wide amber eyes.
“S’metimes things...aren’t BAD when they’re wrong. ‘S all ‘m saying. Sometimes they’re just different. An’ an when something’s different, it means you get something that’s special, and cool, and b-brings something to...to...to th’ EVERYTHING that wasn’t there before. That wouldn’t be there if...if it was ‘right.’ Y’know?”
Zim didn’t respond.
After a moment, Dib craned his head backwards to look at him. “Thas th’main reason I wish I’was like you,” he said. His voice was a little too soft, too genuine for Zim’s comfort. “N’matter how many times y’mess up. N’matter how many times somethin goes wrong. Even when it looks completely hop- hopeless. Y’just keep going. It’s incredible.”
Zim realized that his eyes were stinging. What was WRONG with him? He looked away and swiped at his face angrily with gloved hands.
“W’sh you weren’t evil,” Dib muttered. He was messing with his own fingernails now, entranced by something beneath them. “R’lly would’ve been cool t. T’be friends. Alien friends...”
Zim took a deep breath and stood up. Back straight, shoulders back, like a good Irken soldier. “You are delirious,” he said. “Metabolize your poison and then LEAVE my base.”
“Mmmmm’kay,” said Dib. He yawned and curled up on the couch. “Th’nks.”
Zim stared at him for a moment longer. Then he shook his head and stormed out.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 74 Rundown
Code Geass: So we’ve got another one of those “wacky bullshit student activities” episodes, though this one seems to ride the hardest on “shit is going down, the world is ending but haha Shirley romance drama” though admittedly it does have a nice character arc for Milly so that’s cool. Lelouch is worried that the Knights of the Round are here to investigate him until he realizes both of them only have one braincell between them so it’s fine. Cornelia’s also murdering her way through religious fanatics so that’s cool. And last but not least we have Shirley and Lelouch finally getting together right before Jeremiah Geass Cancels her amnesia so she knows Lelouch is Zero and killed her dad and presumably the other stuff that Charles put in the whole school’s brain somehow. I’m sure this will end well and their romance will survive in a way that isn’t insanely tragic.
Inuyasha: We’re still in fillertown and it’s another SangoxMiroku episode. Man we get a lot of these in filler huh? I kinda don’t remember which Sango/Miroku moments are canon at this point. I’d kinda laugh if it was just all filler and some manga-only fans were bewildered when they ended up together in the end. Anyway, Feudal Lord has a thing for Sango because he has great taste and Kagome ships Sango/Miroku so she doesn’t want her to go, Miroku’s like “Hey it’s her choice, she’s been through enough, she can choose her own life, I’m not gonna get involved” which is pretty mature but the girls still hate on him for it. Sango’s just like “Dude even if I wanted to stay I still have this Naraku-slaying quest to go on and I’m not about to sit around all day and be royalty while my friends go kick Naraku’s ass for me.” Which is how most love confessions in this series go. Also Sango suplexes a demon bear the size of a building with her bare hands and it’s pretty great. In the end the lord doesn’t give up going after Sango but they finish the bear stuff and are on their way. I like how they don’t go out of their way to demonize this guy in the end to prop Miroku up, he’s still a good guy, Sango’s just got shit to do and is more the type to like a warrior who’s got her back. There’s some really cute shipping shenanigans here and all in all it’s fun filler.
Yu Yu Hakusho: We’ve got a three for one deal here as Yusuke and Kuwabara assblast their way through the Dark Triad in one episode, continuing their power play of beating villains with little effort while the boss man bets that they’ll completely wreck his guards which is still a pretty interesting dynamic. We’ve got cringey 90s trans commentary, an invisible dude that gets blindsided easily and a hostage ogre that gets beaten by Botan taking off her coat. Honestly for these guys being supposedly minibosses they kind of went down easier than some of the grunts. But now Kuwabara’s in contact with Yukina because his bullshit power of love connection actually works for some reason and they’re in on the final fight with the Toguro brothers. With this many people betting the GDP of countries on the fight there’s no way this isn’t rigged. I really like how YYH basically makes shonen fights just part of stupid black market deals for a large part of it, just like in real life everything’s decided by some old rich guy.
Fate Zero: Kayneth’s still fucked up and has Rock Lee syndrome and can’t use jutsu anymore so his wife’s like “Yo buddy you can’t give Lancer the magic cummies anymore anyway, lemme take control of your hunky knight manslave or I swear to god I’ll rip your arm off and jerk him off with it” which since she asked so nicely he just kind of does. With Lancer still kinda being uppity about Kayneth having dibs on his soul and Sola-Ui being weirdly horny and increasingly yandere for him I’m sure this’ll end well. Saber and Kiritsugu are still pissy with each other because Saber wants to go after Caster to stop the child murders which is fair but she’s also injured and shit and she’s mad at Kiritsugu for not teaming up with Kayneth to just take down Caster right there and I mean I don’t think he really had time to suggest a truce while getting attacked with Terminator 2 goo, he’s not really the asshole here. Meanwhile and more importantly, ISKANDAR HAS PANTS! Nothing can stop him now and they crash Caster’s child murder party and are jumped by Assassin’s Forty Thieves (they aren’t named yet but I’mma just assume) and Iskander’s just like “Yeah no I’m not fighting five ninjas knee deep in child guts.” And they just burn the whole place down.
Konosuba: So in a bizarre Interspecies Reviewers/Food Wars crossover, Kazuma goes to a succubus house and instead of just getting sex they do dreams and shit which seems more complicated but I guess it’s less morally gray. Anyway, naked Darkness and contrived hentai plots ensue. They sprinkle in some good character stuff for Kazuma which is nice, it’s always kind of hard to pin down where his principles lie. Like he’s generally a scumbag and will take the easy way out of anything but he’s not evil and will give Darkness an out on their encounter if she wants and will get his ass kicked to protect his local sex worker. The Principled Scumbag approach is kind of neat for him, I wish a few more of these moments didn’t feel the need to immediately undercut themselves with a joke but that’s the nature of the series. I feel like one or two more genuinely sincere moments throughout a couple episodes would do wonders but either way it’s still amusing.
Sailor Moon Crystal: We pick up right where we left off with Tuxedo Mask throwing himself in front of the Kamehameha for Usagi and then she goes Super Saiyan and cries pokemon tears to bring him back to life. But the bad guys are somehow like ‘yoink’ and steal him from her lap through a barrier somehow (that still kinda pisses me off) and for some reason the crystal that booped its way into his chest isn’t there anymore and Usagi still has and and Usagi’s going through a lot of shit right now between processing the trauma of a millennia-old kingdom falling that’s partially her fault, working through her romantic feelings and having a Steven Universe identity crisis about how to process her identity as a reincarnation of someone a lot cooler than she is, so most of this episode is Usagi crying, as most episodes are, but at least she has a good reason.  Then we get a Girl Squad Roll Out montage because fuck it we’re going to the moon somehow.
Durarara!!:  Apparently everyone knows about where Celty’s head is but her because she visits Izaya’s office where the head is just kinda behind some books on his bookshelf and she doesn’t know but Shinra’s dad has enough time to mug Namie after telling Shinra and Celty off for their weird interspecies relationship and tell Izaya to have fun fucking around with the head. Also people have shifted from being worried about the Dollars to being worried about Saika and ALSO being worried about the Dollars maybe being at war with the Yellow Scarves. Celty’s looking into it and Shinra shows some character development in just coming out with it that Saika was the sword that severed her connection with her head… I don’t know how you cut the soul of a head that’s already cut off but okay, at least Shinra’s not hiding shit from here anymore. Also Saika’s about to seriously chop up Anri and Masaomi comes to visit his girl in the hospital finally.
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cozylittledream · 3 years
god weird dreams today haha
so like first dream was about me being like...[some insta artist]'s sister?? apparently we hung out in our backyard garden and hung and slept there all night just to escape our abusive mom or something (i think it was her mom idk) and wed sleep and hang there and sometimes we would go inside but idk haha
another dream was like me and [friend] and brandon had like a day out i think we went to go see a movie and brandon really wanted ice cream like he asked me if we could get it after and [friend] said no bc of like idk their evil parents were like constantly watching but we went anyway and i think they like ran the shop and they kidnapped brandon or something
who turned into this like betty boop tentacle monster thing and i think we defeated them so we went home (weither we even got ice cream is beyond me) and i think a got a tamagotchi there and on my desk bc i guess we lived in the same apartment there were like more tama unwrapped bc it was for the parents store?
so me being me i took one of each and unwrapped it bc they werent there and probably wouldn't notice so i was like "cool 3 tamas" and then like [school friend] comes over? like in my room so i guess we live together now and she asked me how things were and i told her i went out with Brandon and [friend] and she said nice
and a little un important but i also had a collection of frankie stien dolls?? idk there was a huge shelf behind me where i kept them
brandon is @digitalcherub he said it was OK to mention him :3
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buttercupistough · 3 years
Chapter 4 - Damn, Regina George
Words: 4,038
Pairing: Butch/Buttercup (Butchercup)
What if Butch was a PowerPuff and Buttercup was a RowdyRuff?
Butch and his sisters, Blossom and Bubbles Utonium, fought evil all their lives.
Buttercup and her brothers, Brick and Boomer Jojo, were part of the evil in question some time ago.
What if the Ruff siblings were forced to switch to Townsville High?
How can toughest fighter and the baron of berserk learn to get along?
Chapter Snippet:
"Hi, guys!" she said with a bright smile then sat between Butch and Buttercup, making Buttercup move away uncomfortably.
"Apparently, not far away." Buttercup said to Princess.
Butch snorted.
Susie didn't hear or mind what the girl said and smiled to Princess "It's great that you are back, babe."
"Thanks." Princess said with one of the fakest expression Butch has ever seen on her face. Which said a lot.
"And as your best friend-"
Buttercup frowned "I'm right here."
Susie ignored her "-I wanted to throw you a welcome back party!"
Butch saw Buttercup and Mitch make funny faces to eachother.
Princess just looked surprised and Susie kept speaking "It will be at 7, tonight. At my house." then she turned to Butch "You and other two are invited, obviously."
"Other two?" he heard Buttercup mutter to herself due to his super hearing.
Girl didn't wait for an answer "Anyways, I'm going to text you cuties the info, it'll be great!" she turned to Buttercup "Your brothers are also welcome." she said with a big smile and booped Buttercup's nose as she walked away.
Buttercup looked Butch dead in the eyes "If your girlfriend ever does that again I'm gonna bite her hand."
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dappercritter · 4 years
Random She-Ra Season 5 Thoughts: THE FINAL RAMBLING
Yep. I finally got all my crazy absurd thoughts about this gay adventure-romance-drama cartoon summarized into one incoherent yet fun to read computer document/article! ...four months after the show itself ended. Oh well, no one’s perfect. Anyways, there are a whole lot more insane observations than ever before, so I had to put it below a link so this thing didn’t back up my blog or any of yours. Hope you enjoy reading through these as much I enjoyed spouting them for no discernible reason other than I felt like it!
-I feel that since is the last season, I ought to talk about an important part of the show that I’ve been putting off: the animation. It’s… okay. It’s definitely smoother than what the original 80’s show and it’s brother series (heheh) looked like, but at the same time it still seems to suffer from similar limitations which causes some distracting moments of stiffness. But other than that, it’s pretty good. It’s no Titmouse or Studio Mir but it looks good and it gets the job done.
         -After all, let’s not forget: “Imperfection is beautiful!”
-Even when things are at their lowest, Adora is a jock with a heart of gold.
-Horde Prime and the Galactic Horde’s aesthetic feels like a mixture of Catholicism, Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, and modern Microsoft, and honestly, that just makes him creepier.
-Speaking of Horde Prime, he didn’t waste any time with destroying Bright Moon. …apparently.
-Furthermore, on the topic of his giant holographic messages, WAS THAT A FREAKING MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE MOVIE REFERENCE?!
-Boy, Glimmer and Catra sure got along quickly! It’s almost like they magically understand each other because they both assumed leadership roles and screwed up big time! …I guess.
         -Either that or this season is going to be a speedrun.
-Wow, the Rebellion sure got used to having a once-thought-dead king as well as a known enemy general/abuser running around their camp awful fast, didn’t they?
-Mara’s got a spaceship, a cyber girlfriend, a magic grandma, a dragon, a tragic backstory, AND a force ghost?! Dang, even in death, the girl’s got it all. No wonder everyone likes her!
-(*me looking at the TV rating at the start of episode*) “Why is language in there? Is there surprise cuss words or something in this season?” (*sees Horde Prime seize control of a clone for the first time*) “HOLY FREAKING SH—oh that’s why.”
-Applause to the crew for making the “dinner with Prime” scene for making a meal between a sparkly princess, a catgirl, and alien cult leader feel even more uncomfortable than it had a right to.
-(*me throughout the season whenever a clone was onscreen*) Is that Hordak? Is that him? Is that him? Is that him right there? Oh it is—oh no wait. … Is that h—
-Extra applause for having Glimmer learn from her grey-area wetwipe phase and refusing to sell out her friends again whilst telling the imperialist cult leader where to stick it.
-I would pay a sizeable portion of my life savings to hear what a Scorpia and Swift Wind duet would sound like.
         -In fact, I’d double it if it was just Scorpia singing.
         -Ah what the heck. I would triple it for an entire She-Ra musical!
-As happy as I am to see to see Entrapta interacting with the other princesses again, I have to say that their big reunion left me with some mixed feelings. Here’s a quick rundown:
         -Entrapta, a grown autistic woman, being led around on a leash by non-neurodivergent teenagers—again: that’s bad.
         -The Princesses confronting Entrapta about joining the Horde: that’s good!
         -The Princesses blaming all their problems with the Horde bots on Entrapta’s actions and her hyper fixations alone: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta explaining herself, admitting that she regrets her mistakes, and getting the Princesses to understand that she thinks and communicates differently, but in spite of that, she really does want help find Glimmer: that’s good!
         -Entrapta never gets to call out the Princesses for how poorly they treated her: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta saves the day and goes to space: that’s good!
         -Scorpia and Entrapta still haven’t interacted even though the former is with the Rebellion in the first place because she went to look for her because she is her best friend: …can I go home now?
-How nice! Michah finally got to shapeshift!
         -And he’s rocking that She-Ra outfit to boot!
-So is Darla a back up of Light Hope or do they just run on the same operating system and have the same voice?
-I could watch an entire season of Adora, Bow, and Entrapta going on space adventure in a rundown ship with their custom-made spacesuits, tbh.
-Is anyone else weirded out that Catra’s younger self looked at her in her flashback(?).
         -Actually what WAS happening there, anyhow?
-(*watching Bow’s spacewalk to save Glimmer*) “Is that a Gravity reference?” asked the man who never saw Gravity.
-Speaking of spacewalks, how did Glimmer survive those precious few seconds in space? Does the teleporter teleport a breathable atmosphere too?
         -Also, Catra, WHY did you think it would be a good idea to teleport Glimmer into space? I know you had a plan and the ship was right there but… Ah, never mind.
-Not that I’m complaining but Glimmer’s apology to the rest of the friend squad for her HORRIBLE plan last season went… surprisingly quickly.
-You know as cool as The Star Siblings are, being a quirky band of space-travelling siblings with cool powers and some trans rep to boot, I only have one small problem with them: weren’t there already Star Sisters on Etheria back in season 1?
         -That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about Masters of the Universe characters to dispute it.
-Entrapta confirmed pan, objectum, AND horny on main. Dang girl, you’re gonna have fun whether you got Hordak back or not…
-“The Velvet Glove” is both a menacing and stupid name for a decadent overlord’s mothership.
         -Wait, it’s from the 80’s canon? Oh. That kind of explains it, actually.
-Goshdangit, I wanted Catra to face punishment for her crimes, but I didn’t think that would involve going to evil alien conversion therapy!
         -Nor did I want her to die! For a second. Actually, since it obviously wasn’t going to last I was… weirdly okay with that part???
-Horde Prime seems awfully okay with Catradora. I mean he’s still super creepy and manipulative about it, but also oddly progressive for an evil brainwashing cult leader.
-(*Adora transforms into a She-Ra through seer will*) First of all, called it. Second of all, WOAH MAMA now that’s a glow up!
-Wrong Hordak did not have to be a thing, and yet, I’m glad that he is.
-Hordak remembers the LUVD crystal and Entrapta… Hordak remembers Entrap—! It’s happening! Oh my gosh, it’s happening! Everybody stay calm!
-Wow, Entrapta didn’t have to be so forgiving of Catra for everything she’s done to her but she did. Only I’m not sure if that was Entrapta taking the high road or the low road.
         -Or which road the crew took for that matter.
-I remember when I thought those “Chipped AUs” floating around here on tumblr were just something the fans came up with and that chipping people was not an actual despicable thing Prime does in canon. I miss those days.
-I know it’s not the same as before or the original design, but True She-Ra’s designs and powers? I think they slappin’.
-Hooray, Adora and Catra are finally making up! And it only took four and half seasons worth of communication failures, toxic villainous behaviour, and physical violence for Catra to snap out of it!
         -…We can go back to Entrapdak now, right?
-Poor Elberon. First they unknowingly adopt a double agent then get invaded by the Horde and now they’re getting brainwashed and chipped by the Galactic Horde. They might be a cute village, but they got some pretty lousy security.
-You know it’s cute that Micah is doing his best to be friends with Frosta and get back in touch with his dad-side, but look I can’t be the only one worried about how the local King is a less proactive leader than the princesses or the known war criminal/abuser, right?
-“The Perils of Peekablue” or as I like to call it, “You Thought ‘Boys Night Out’ Caught You Emotionally Off-guard? Hah! Watch This.”
-You know I didn’t think Scorpfuma would be a thing aside that one moment of flirting near the end of season 4, but they really pushed for it to be a thing! This is… actually pretty great! Perfuma’s not perfect, and I would have appreciated giving them a little more time to bond and form some real chemistry, but at least she reciprocates Scorpia’s sweetness instead of rebuffing it in increasingly aggressive fashion.
-I’m not sure what’s more concerning: that Mermista set a boat on fire, that it’s worded like she had a fling as part of some experimental phase, or that Sea Hawk is turned on by this.
-Peekablue might not be real, (I think?) but he is one dapper dude! Female-to-male redesigns could learn a thing or two from him.
-It involved them getting stung and seizuring, but that was a heck of a way to reintroduce Double Trouble! I swear I got watching them cycle through their transformations in some sort of physical reaction.
         -Or maybe that was just me worrying about their wellbeing…
-Okay, I get the Chips are huge, and actually rather clever threat, but how do these characters get chipped in the first place? I get there are chipped people who spread the chips throught the population but where do they get those from???
         -Do one of those Horde Prime drones just sneak behind someone, slap a chip on their nape then hand them a whole bagfull and say, “Beep boop beep, Horde Prime’s Light, blah blah blah. Alright have fun, kiddo”?
         -Or is it some sort of Alien: Covenant deal where they’re just floating around and Lord help you if one sticks to you?
         -Oh shoot. Guess I owe the crew twice my life savings now…
-Entrapdak might be what got me into this show, but it’s Double Trouble that kept me around, so you can imagine how happy I was to see them make their grand reappearance!
-Conversly, you can imagine my disappointment when they just disappeared until the finale.
         -And on that note: HOW DID YOU GUYS LOSE DOUBLE TROUBLE?!
                  -You forgot to cherish them, didn’t you?
-So, Scorpia sacrifices herself just after finding a new girlfriend and gaining some newfound confidence, Mermista and Sea Hawk are split up,and Double Trouble didn’t join the main cast. Why can’t you just have fun like a normal cartoon, show?
-Gosh, I love me some shifting title cards!
-Is it just me or did they sneak in some more Annihilation references on Krytis?
         (-Said the guy who was too chicken to watch the movie and just read about it and watched a few clips online.)
-(*audibly sighs*) FINE. I guess I like Catradora now. Are you happy now, SPOP Crew? ARE YOU?!
-Hooray, Catra’s got a emotional support animal! And they’re a shapeshifting magic alien cat. Those are the best kind!
-Is it weird that I knew that weird glowing stuff on Krytis was just magic all along, or was it just not hidden very well. Anyways, I like Krytis. I like that we got to see a truly alien world with its own form of magic.
-Plus, we got a logical advancement of the magic versus science subtheme with magic being Horde Prime’s weakness! Neato!
-Getting back on the “which is worse?” wagon for a second, I don’t know what feels less right: that Wrong Hordak’s big revelation and his resolution to free himself and his brothers and friends from Horde Prime’s control is played humorously, or that Real Hordak should be the one having this moment.
-That bit with Castaspella and Shadow Weaver where she tells Casta about Etheria being a living thing with inherent magical property, or whatever, while we got a peaceful shot of some boar creatures sleeping was actually kind of nice. It would have been nicer though if it wasn’t part of a power hungry abuser’s obvious scheme. If only there was a kindly old witch lady character who was in touch with nature and knew just what to say when someone was feeling downOH WAIT.
-Furthermore… Why did Shadow Weaver and Castaspella need to have romantic tension?
-Seriously though, where’s our Madame Razz quota this season? Where’s my supportive magic grandma timelord at, yo?
-Yup, they speedran this season.
-I’m actually really disappointed we didn’t see more of an intergalactic new rebellion rising up to fight Horde Prime’s forces across the universe. Especially if it meant we got to see more Star Sibling action!
-Again, I adore Wrong Hordak but I keep wondering what was keeping the crew from just bringing in Original Flavour Hordak. (You know, aside from teasing us Entrapdak fans and trying to distract us with a loveable new character in the meantime.) I mean he could have done the whole infiltrating the clone squads and tricking them bit, too.
         -Heck, he could have done the wink, too!
-I’d gleefully point out Loo-Kee’s cameo this season but apparently, they already made some several seasons ago. That’s what I get for not rewatching the 80’s show and training my eyes first.
-(*sees Erelandians*) Are those freaking Toads and Toadettes?
-So, what’s keeping them from just hitting Spinerella’s chip again? Besides emotional baggage and gale force winds, I mean.
-Perfuma coming out of a cave scared out of her wits, demanding to know who’s there, clinging to her friends as soon as they come back, and balling her eyes out is a big, BIG mood.
-Frosta absolutely decking Catra in the face was nestled somewhere between cathartic and excessive.
         -Netossa spraying her with a bottle of water on the other hand…
-Oh, so Greyskull was the name of a Rebel Squad! I think. Meh, the important thing is we got an explanation and it still sounds cool.
-Leave it to a couple of dads to make a secret message out of a dad joke.
-You know I made fun of Light Hope for being creepy, but I swear that avatar from the Spire is even creepier. I don’t know if it’s her face—those dang blank eyes, man—or just that it she’s less animated than the real thing, but it just felt… off.
-Aww, Noelle made Netossa’s princess weakness illustrations! So cute!
-Forget episodes that deserves Emmys, Keston John deserves one for voicing Hordak, Horde Prime, all the clones, and several minor villains and giving each and every single one a distinct voice! Where my king’s respect, eh?
-Yes, Catra you had a small disagreement with Hordak. …Over sending his girlfriend and your “friend” to DIE IN A LITERAL LIVING HELL.
         -Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.
-Why does Perfuma get pressured to get angry and go wild when Entrapta’s the one who’s had it the worst out of all them? Why can’t my gamer girl go berserk, dammit!?
-Okay, but really, how do these fricking chips work??? Are they parasite devices who store Horde Prime’s Baptizing Dew then slowly pump it into their host’s bodies? Do they have their own nervous systems? Are they technorganic? Also, how and why do we need to make these chips are bigger threat then they need to be?
-Horde Prime showing up on Hordak’s throne in grand Killing Joke style and casually throwing shades at his brother’s overblown attempts to impress him is pretty awesome, but it feels strangely underdeveloped. Hordak’s not there to have his hard work insulted and we never got to see Adora have any similar encounter with Hordak here before, so unless you look at it from the perspective of someone who has been here before in the Horde story like Catra it lacks the dramatic weight it should have had.
-Scorpia resisting the chip to save her new friends was pretty great, though.
-I swear, when they got to the scene where Adora and the others figured out that Shadow Weaver was grooming her so she could use her to get to the Heart of Etheria, I was mouthing “You B***H” through the whole thing.
-They really brought back Etherian deep magic just so they had something to make Micah threatening. …okay.
-Okay, the rest of “Failsafe” messed me up, so here’s a rundown on all the other messy thoughts I had while the show ripped my heart and ground it to dog food:
         -Entrapta and Hordak reuniting: Yay!
         -Swift Wind yanking her away before she can get through to him: Boo.
         -Catra encouraging Adora to try and take care of herself for a change: Yay!
         -Adora hurts Catra and she runs away: Boo.
         -Adora finally calling out Shadow Weaver on what an utterly horrible person she is: Yay!
         -Adora resolves to risk sacrificing herself to save the world: Bo—okay, seriously, was all this suffering really necessary, show?
-I know I mentioned in my previous She-Ra random thoughts that I supported Glimmadora, but I am okay with Catradora and Glimbow ending up canon. The only problem I have is how rushed they feel—moreso with Glimbow. With Catradora, the crew had an entire season to make it work again and they took it. Glimbow it feels like they were down to the last few episodes and went, “Oh right, we were gonna do something with these two!” then did their darndest to fit in some chemistry in between all the other stuff going down.
-As ominous as it was, the music where Horde Prime starts hacking Etheria honestly SLAPS.
-Okay, I know everyone is magic or something, but I am legit surprised getting electrocuted in water didn’t kill the heroes right then and there.
-Sea Hawk tries to flirt with his girl even as she’s trying to kill him. Truly, he is a man of taste.
-What do you know, Shadow Weaver can only do good when she’s (canonically!) punch drunk.
-You know a whole lot of this could have been avoided if Holo-Mara was Adora’s mentor instead of Light Hope.
-When I think about it, it was actually really clever to make Horde Prime the final villain for Adora to face: a domineering decadent man who’s been in power forever against a humble emotionally vulnerable compassionate young woman.
         -Not to mention the divide between cult-like oppression and progressive freedom. Or something.
-Holy crap, did the First Ones get a great freaking a Great Old One for a guard dog?!
-So, you guys seriously didn’t bring Angella back to reunite with her family OR mention her all season after the impact her death had on everyone all last season until Glimmer needs a power-up at the last possible minute and then you never bring her up again. That is absolutely a dick move in bird culture.
-Entrapta’s hacker sticker gives me life. Gamer girl gremlin princess forever!
-On the one hand, I’m disappointed that Adora and Catra don’t get to have an awesome couple battle against the security monster and win. On the other hand, Shadow Weaver is finally dead. YAY!
         -With apologies to the writers and especially Lorraine Toussaint. She did splendidly bringing this character to life and even if I hated Shadow Weaver, I adored the effort she put into making her one of the most emotionally complex villains I’ve ever seen.
-Words cannot, will not, and will never describe the pure joy that I experienced when I first saw Hordak’s big scene: standing up to and disowning his tyrant brother, saving Entrapta, declaring his love to her (albeit in a nicely lowkey fashion), and then throwing Horde Prime to his apparent doom Disney style with Entrapta cheering him with sheer glee. GOSH, it was everything I could have hoped for from this season!
         -Now if only they kept the deleted scene where they got a moment to themselves before Prime body-jacked him again like the creepy sonuvabich he is.
-Horde Prime just wouldn’t be a religious villain if he didn’t tell everyone to burn.
         -Bonus points for actually trying to burn the frigging planet.
-Aside from the idea of Adora switching to wearing a She-Ra themed dress everywhere in the future, the future vision was really quite sweet, and seeing Prime step in to ruin it made it all the more impactful.
-Can I just say that it’s absolutely wonderful that the show, for all it’s flaws, said  “**** senseless heroic sacrifices”?
-BREAKING: Lesbian cat finally makes up with her jock ex, has a canon kiss so pure it saves the world!
         -In other news, Catradora fans are still spoiled rotten.
-Wow, look at all those character comebacks they skipped through! Look, there’s the chefs from Dryl, Double Trouble, Huntara, the Horde Trio, Imp, Madame Razz—are you kidding me?!
-Grumbling aside, I actually find the idea of the Horde Trio and Imp getting involved in a G-rated science-fantasy version of the first Hangover movie quite amusing.
-Oh dang, they pulled a Castle in the Sky with the Velvet Glove!
-As nice as it was to see Aodra save Hordak from Horde Prime and destroy the latter through exorcism via sheer compassion, I’m rather disappointed we never got to see She-Ra go full Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengence on any creepy old cult leaders.
         -Yeah, it would have gone against the “love conquers all” set up, but love takes on many forms, does it not? So, why can it not manifest as cleaving your mortal enemies with extreme prejudice to save your loved ones?
-Furthermore, in addition to Holo-Mara being a better mentor, Hordak raising Adora instead Shadow Weaver could have prevented a lot of similar problems. Maybe. Possibly.
         -Eh whatever, he has a lifetime’s worth of fanfiction to make up for it.
-And so is Catradora and Glimbow! That’s nice, too.
-Aww, how sweet of them to skip through Catra and Scorpia, and Glimmer and Micah’s big reunions! It’s not like we’ve been waiting forever for this stuff or anything. HahahahAHAHAHDHAHAHFHAFHKSADJHFKAJHDfine.
-And so it all ends with everyone either friends, in love, or both, as heroes decide to make up for it all with a grandiose sequel promising more exciting space adventures we probably won’t see! HOORAY!
-All snarky ranting aside, I actually really enjoyed the finale. It was exciting, heartwarming, and above all it ended on happy, hopeful note without leaving too many frustrating questions unanswered. (*glares with utmost contempt at Voltron and Star vs. The Forces of Evil*)
-You know, this wasn’t bad for a final season, but I think this might have worked better as two seasons. Not in Netflix’s cheap “split a regular 13-episode season in two 6-7 episode long seasons” strategy, but I mean two full seasons with their own storylines leading up to the grand finale:
         -First, one that starts out with Horde Prime’s arrival the downfall of Etheria, focuses on the space adventures, ends with their return to Etheria and gives the characters time to recuperate from season 4.
         -Then, we have one final season that focuses on the Best Friend Squad’s Return to Etheria, Horde Prime’s plan, gives everyone more time to properly reconcile before ¾ of the entire cast gets chipped, sets up a new Rebellion made up of Princess Alliance and former Etherian Horde members, maybe even set up a proper Hordak redemption arc or something, and then our big happy ending.
-On a mostly unrelated note, I also feel that the whole show could have turned out even better if it had been either a dedicated science-fantasy war drama with some levity (like the good Star Wars shows or Avatar: The Last Airbender) or a lighthearted yet empowering slice-of-life action-adventure romcom (i.e. basically a well-made remake of the original show in the style of Adventure Time and Parks and Rec or something).
-My final random thought for this whole thing: we really could have used a triumphant end credits song or something. Aside from obviously recommending Fabulous Secret Powers, I would have also recommended the original 4 Non Blondes “What’s Going On,” a reprise of “Warriors,” Gorillaz’s “We Got the Power,” or (my favourite) Talking Head’s “(Nothing But) Flowers” since the ending scenes remind me of it.
Thanks again to the crew for giving me something to live for and/or complain about!
Now, let’s hope the He-Man reboots do as well...
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