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saturnneedsspace · 7 months ago
Dean misremembering the purgatory portal scene is altering my brain chemistry in so many ways. What do you mean Dean remembered it as him not being able to save Cas because he wasn't strong enough, but in reality Cas let go??? We know he remembers some things perfectly like when Cas went into the lake because he had nightmares about that, but how many other things does he misremember? Does he remember Mary dying? Does he remember all his fights with Cas? Does he remember all the times Sam died? This was such a missed opportunity to do more. They could've made Dean even more traumatized by having him misremember something for so long, and then him having to learn it was completely different and having a whole crisis about it.
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i-may-be-anyone · 8 months ago
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A smol drawing of Sol from GITM by the awesome @venomous-qwille 💫
Made on Magma so- sorry for the quality, it as been a long time ���🫶
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xcitrix · 5 months ago
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Here’s my drawing of Stargoth in their outfits from @inc0mple s fic Keys Are People Too!! It’s an amazing fic (that has 50 chapters already, the author is literally insane) and I felt like it deserved some art :D
I really like their outfits from this certain part of the fic, which is to be expected because I’m a sucker for masquerades lol
Anyways here’s the beautiful fic <3
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wr1ghtw0rth · 8 months ago
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Okay so I was reading @kar-krashew 's amazing fanfic here and Frognix is just something I didn't know I needed in my life. I love him 👀
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sheafrotherdon · 3 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Series: Part 6 of Menagerie Summary:
��In my defence,” Joe said when Nicky opened the door, “I didn’t plan this.”
Nicky looked past him to where their ageing Fiat 500 sat in the entrance to the yard. He raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you could fit so many goats into one small car.”
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hanaby-3 · 8 months ago
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the second illustration for this wonderful fic and by the way I leave you the link to Neveralarch's profile. If you like his writing, take a look.
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nart-is-a-monster · 1 year ago
When I tell you I loved reading this fic is bc I loved that much that I needed to draw it
Also it helped me practicing with gouache paints a little :3c
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What summer meant to you it was something that I read and didn't knew how much I needed IT'S JUST MY FAVORITE AMOUNT OF STUFF IN A FIC KAHFKWKFHKW
Also @aziraphalesbookkeeper I hope you like it 🐈
And I run out of word to put at the end, so, this is the end.
Byeeeee :DDDD
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chocolatepoetrywasteland · 8 months ago
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"It almost happens in slow motion, and he watches with shock as the old lady swings a pretty good fist right into Charlie’s nose."
Creature of Habit by @gigisriley
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aduckwithears · 9 months ago
Hey @moonyinpisces , happy 666 bookmarks!!
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(Also, if anyone isn’t reading this fic RUN don’t walk)
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mickisketch · 1 year ago
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Right. So. Once upon a time, a year or two ago, right around the time I decided to take a break from social media, I was rereading one of my fave fanfics; Careless Texter by @ghostofbambifanfiction and this drawing happened. Now I'm back with sm (sorta) , and here we are :)
Why this scene? Uuuh, I think I just thrive on awkward :p
Srsly tho, it's such a great fic that has all the stuff I love in a fic.. funny banter, texting, hidden identities, mutual pining.. def recommend it :)
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theredquilt · 1 year ago
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What an excellent excuse to share an excellent fic by an excellent person
Writing Partners by @lallyloo
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escespace · 7 months ago
Clearly entertaining! Bravo! I enjoyed reading this so much and I applaud how well grounded the medieval atmosphere is. Especially for the part of the contest to choose the court sorcerer. Every description of spells and characters in that fragment was delicately worded, I could see images of that scene very clearly in my head.
The first cut, where they explain Arthur's reaction to magic, was a success in terms of narrative, it really accentuated a good start for the rhythm and humor that the fic later presents.
I admit I get a little angry at Arthur as he continues to underestimate Merlin because HOW DARE HE?! However, I can never stay angry for long at the idiot, especially if he is as cheesy as in this fic. His pining is delicious, it doesn't go beyond the ooc but it remains in a princely internal gallantry worthy of fairy tales
And bravo for Merlin's displays of magic! I waited throughout the series for more scenes like the ones this fic describes. He deserved his "Wanda-switching-Scarlet-Witch" moment. (In his case, Merlin-switching-to-emrys) Demonstrating that he is pure power, a force of nature, the embodiment of his prophecies. There were hints of that in the series, but I imagine that, a he was still young, they didn't let him exploit his full potential. So it was very satisfying to read this fic where he freely overflows with power.
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Mordred (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Geoffrey of Monmouth (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Lot (Merlin), Original Male Character(s), don't worry no OC is super important Additional Tags: Magic Revealed, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Post-Magic Reveal, Court Sorcerer Merlin (Merlin), BAMF Merlin (Merlin), BAMF Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), magic legalization, Pining, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, they're so stupid guys, POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Emotionally Constipated Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Top Merlin (Merlin), Bottom Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), arthur likes that Merlin can beat him up I know this to be true in my heart, Everyone Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, War, Magical War, Blood and Injury, Kissing, Sexual Tension, Mild Sexual Content, Undressing, Rough Kissing, Restraints, Light Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Light Angst, ITS MOSTLY FLUFFY ACTUALLY Summary:
Arthur sputtered. “I-I’m not sure that’s wise, I mean, no — I —”
Merlin interrupted. “That sounds like a good idea to me! No offense, but you guys are pretty useless against magical opponents.” He threw a smile at Lancelot that the Knight returned. “I mean, what’s the use having the most powerful sorcerer in the world on your payroll if you don’t use him?”
5 times Merlin tells Arthur he's the most powerful sorcerer in the world, and 1 time Arthur believes him.
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lavena · 10 months ago
On that Billy Batson Train again and I'm re reading Learning to live by @chaoticallyfluffy and came across the beautiful line
--part of being the Champion of Magic you know? Protecting the magic of the world, and my favorite type of magic is the happiness of the people!"--
And it just got me thinking what if people being happy is the main way magic gets into the world, like people that are really happy become their own wellspring
So the JL comes across something that has to do with magic, or a body swap happens and for one reason or another Cap either manifests aura eyes for the JL or teaches the person in his body how to activate it.
And they just see golden aura thriving in the citizens of Fawcett, and they see how every time Marvel helps someone the town become more magical and more positive. And as more and more people find hope and happiness Cap becomes more power as more magical seeps into the world.
Captain Marvel helps people with mundane things like carrying groceries or helping to tow a care, he volunteers at food kitchens, plays with children in parks, plays game with the old ladies at the library, he even helps to distribute aid during crises and clothes in the harsh winters.
Captain can physically see all the good he puts into the world and see the good that follows.
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froldgapp · 4 months ago
I just finished reading Tractors by @lieu42. Stellar writing. It felt very reminiscent of something like Murakami or Welsh; this feeling that we're tumbling through events with the protagonist (Tim), sometimes as a result of his own questionable choices, sometimes by the hand of external forces; all of it painful and revealing.
I hope the author won't mind me saying so, but it does call for a flexibility around the environment and to some extent the characters, but the pay off is absolutely worth it, and it all feels very intentional and narratively safe. To echo their Tim, you have to–and can–trust the authority of "God" (Batman and the author respectfully) here.
Massive gratitude to Lieu for sharing this intricate, powerful work.
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tsarjozinzbazin · 2 months ago
thoughts on hodgving ?
How are they a rarepair!!! absolutely fucking perfect ship i need them to kISS!!!!!!!!!
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writer-rider-flirty-thirties · 11 months ago
I reread The Black Games trilogy and I realized I never truly finished the last two chapters of the third installment (despite reading the whole triology at least five times) and y'all...
It rocked me emotionally.
Anyways, I love the trilogy so much and I'm so happy I finally got to finish it!
(also, it has my favorite OCs ever!!!)
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