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zenomiral · 27 days ago
Computers within the institution and Zeno itself were bare face and rather stuck on the obvious. Everything they said [awakened or otherwise] was the truth, and the most boring of it. Admiral Igor would know, having met one name Lucy who was ever truthful, but was still a steam pistol stuck in a humanoid robotic body that enticed eyes into it.
Whoever designed that shell was a menace to society.
Still used to arcanist and awakened beings with the shape of living computers and radios, he does not even bat a eye.
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"You must be new as well. Have you been brought here by a "storm" as well."
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fictional-seviper · 1 year ago
I'm a sucker for low cost Windows gaming, and the Ayaneo AM01 ticks a lot of the right boxes for me. In this video, my wife, Emily, reviews her experiences for using the machine as a dedicated cozy gaming machine.
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jesus-ing · 2 months ago
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我期待自己的憲政理念-「四民主義、四權整合制」能有實現的一天儘管距離至今已超過31年(1994-2025),哪怕在將來不被全世界採用但至少我自己堅持著,我不知道全球有多少人已經政治覺醒(不再淪爲政黨投票機器或被刻意煽動能擁有自己自由獨立意志和思維),我所想要創造的未來政治願景是建立 神國- 神的家如呼吸般的自由自在,打造沒有膚色、種族、疆域的「世界大同-世界一家」不再有紛爭戰爭的新盛世紀元.
紀元25年1/1 AM01:19
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glennguzon · 3 months ago
New Audio Gears..
Just got a new Audio gears for the hobby and newly added to my collections these are, Douk Audio U3 Amp, Cvj VS400 Ofc Cable, Kz Am01 Dongle Dac, and the Kz DQ6s IEM.
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globalresourcesvn · 4 months ago
Ayaneo Retro AM01 Mini PC hiện đã có mặt tại Philippines » YugaTech
các Ayaneo Retro AM01 Mini PC hiện đã có mặt tại Philippines thông qua DataBlitz. Thiết bị lấy cảm hứng từ Macintosh này được trang bị bộ vi xử lý AMD Ryzen 3 3200U được cài đặt sẵn Windows 11 Home Edition. Máy đi kèm cấu hình RAM 16GB cùng ổ cứng SSD 512GB. Về kết nối, nó đi kèm với Wi-Fi 5 và Bluetooth 4.2. Nó có cổng cho USB-C 3.2, HDMI, DisplayPort 1.4, ethernet và 3,5mm cho âm thanh. Hiện…
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fietskriebelskos · 6 months ago
AM01 Je Maintiendrai (Avignon - Les Pins/Mornas (55 km 178 hm)
Het was een peulenschil voor de chauffeur van de fietsbus om ons door de A2 file te leiden. Moeilijker werd het na de gemiste afslag vanmorgen om half 5. De bus raakte verstrikt in een labyrint van kleine weggetjes en steegjes. Een muurtje werd over het hoofd gezien. Twee keer hoorden we een scheurend geluid. De eerste keer ging een aantal bagageluiken eraan. De tweede was van de wieldop. Met een…
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theclubhero-blog · 9 months ago
AYANEO lança consoles portáteis, mini PC com Windows e mais
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Dispositivos só disponíveis na China, por enquanto
A AYANEO continua ampliando seu portifólio de dispositivos focados em portabilidades. Desta vez, a fabricante chinesa anunciou vários consoles portáteis, um mini PC com sistema Windows, um powebank e outros acessórios. Saiba tudo a seguir.
O design do dispositivo é inspirado no Game Boy, da Nintendo. Ele vem com um processador Snapdragon G3x Gen 2. A tela é OLED de 3.92 polegadas, com taxa de atualização de 60 Hz e resolução de 1.240 x 1.080 pixels. Ele ainda tem um D-pad e os botões A, B, X e Y e gatilhos superiores. AYANO Pocket Micro O Pocket Micro tem design claramente inspirado no Game Boy Micro. Ele vem com processador Helop G99 e tela IPS sem borda de 3.5 polegadas. A resolução é de 960 x 640 pixels. O portátil vem com botões, controles analógicos, D-pad com gatilhos superiores e 1 conexão USB-C. AYANO Retro Mini PC AM01S
retro Mini PC AM01S da ayaneo O design do Retro Mini PC AM01S é inspirado nos primeiros computadores da linha Macintosh, da Apple. O sistema operacional é o Windows e ele vem equipado em dois modelos de processadores: AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS ou Ryzen 9 8945HS. São duas portas HDMI, duas RJ45 e mais duas USB-C.
portátil Air 1S da AYANEO O portátil Air 1S é poderoso: ele vem com Windows instalado e processador AMD Ryzen 7 7840U, compatível com NPUs alimentados por IA que podem alcançar até 16 TOPS (trilhões de operações por segundo).
A placa de vídeo é a AMD Radeon 780M e a RAM vai de 16 GB a 32 GB, dependendo das necessidades dos usuários. O armazenamento vai até 4 TB SSD. A tela é AMOLED de 5.5 polegadas e entrega imagens em Full HD.
Há botões D-pad, ABXY, gatilhos, analógicos sensoriais e botão dedicado a configurações internas.
AYANEO Power Bank Power bank da ayaneo O Power Bank vem com um design que, em partes, lembra o Super Nintendo, tyambém da Nintendo. Ele tem uma mini tela OLED, que mostra o quanto de bateria ainda está armazenada. A capacidade é de 12.000 mAh, mais duas portas USB-C e carregamento ultrarrápido de 45 W.
Disponibilidade dos dispositivos AYANEO
Por enquanto, a disponibilidade de todos os dispositivos da AYANEO mostrados cima são para o mercado chinês. E, por isso, a fabricante irá colocar todos a vendas na plataforma IndieGoGo, pelo menos neste primeiro momento. Os envios serão globais. Só faltou mesmo os preços para cada um deles. Essas infos devem aparecer em breve.
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harawata44 · 9 months ago
GB、スーファミ、初代Macintosh…魂揺さぶるレトロ風味ガジェットたち | ギズモード・ジャパン
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機能や性能ではなく、一目惚れでポチりたくなっちゃうヤツだ。 ポータブルゲーミングPCメー��ーのAYANEOが、新ラインナップのAYANEO REMAKEシリーズを発表しましたが、これが全部かわいい。80年代、90年代、00年代のデジタルデバイスをモチーフにした、良い意味でオモチャ感がいっぱいのアイテム群なのです。 旨味たっぷりなデザインの各モデルをじっ、と見ていきましょうか。
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3.92インチディスプレイの下にある十字キーとボタン。ゲームボーイがモチーフであることが一目瞭然な縦型ゲーム機「Pocket DMG」です。ジョイスティックやタッチパネル、背面にはトリガーも備えており、さまざまなゲームに対応しますねこれ。 SoCはQualcomm Snapdragon G3x Gen 2。Androidゲーム機などで使われてきたSnapdragon Gシリーズのハイエンド。Xboxリモートプレイや、Steam Remote Playもイケるでしょう。
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ゲームボーイミクロの香りが漂うこちらは「Pocket MICRO」。ミドルレンジAndroidタブレットでの採用例が多いMediaTek Helio G99を積んでいます。3.5インチディスプレイの解像度は960×640ピクセルと、近年のデバイスの中では控えめなので、イメージよりもサクサク動きそう。
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初代Macintoshをモチーフにした初代のAM01と異なり、スマホみたいなフリップ式のディスプレイが搭載されたWindows OSのミニゲーミングPC「Retro Mini PC AM01S」。ただしWindowsの画面ではなく、パフォーマンスデータのモニタリングやパフォーマンスモードの調整をするためのスクリーンとして使います。 CPUはRyzen 7 8845HSかRyzen 9 8945HSが選べるとのこと。どちらもかなりパワフルなCPUで、内蔵GPUの性能も高いし、最大16TOPSのNPUも積んでいます。CPUもGPUもフル稼働させると、最大38~39TOPSの計算力を叩き出せるので、Microsoft(マイクロソフト)が公開したばかりのSLM(小規模言語モデル)AIのPhi Silicaも動かせるんじゃないだろうか?
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マークやボタンの位置からスーパーファミコンらしさがうかがえる「Retro Power Bank」は、手のひらサイズのモバイルバッテリー。容量は12,000mAhです。蓄えている電力を教えてくれるモノクロOLEDスクリーンで使われているフォントも、クラシックなゲームの要素がありますね。
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trashexpert-ru · 11 months ago
Портативный ретро-компьютер AYANEO теперь доступен на Ryzen 7 5800U
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Портативный ретро-компьютер AYANEO теперь доступен на Ryzen 7 5800U В минувшем ноябре компания AYANEO анонсировала ряд мини-компьютеров в ретро-стиле. Модель AM01 по своему дизайну напоминает компьютер Apple Macintosh первого поколения, отличаясь внутренним содержимым.... #Новости_технологий #Компьютеры #IT #ТрешЭксперт #TrashExpert #Высокие_технологии Read the full article
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govindhtech · 1 year ago
Discover AYANEO’s AM02 Mini PC Marvel!
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In AYANEO’s AM02 Mini PC
Retro and Modern Designs Come Together to Reveal the Powerhouse that is the AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS central processing unit
AYANEO has officially introduced its AM02, a wonder with a retro motif that combines classic aesthetics with cutting-edge technology in a seamless manner. This comes in the context of the ever-changing environment of little personal computers. Featuring an AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS APU, the AM02 is a competitive competitor in the market, and it is priced at an alluring starting point of $499 in the United States.
The AYANEO AM Series: Bringing Together Contemporary Innovation and Nostalgia
The AM01 and AM02 Mini PCs are a tribute to the period of retro consoles and personal computers, with each one having a distinct motif based on a different classic computing device. The Apple Macintosh serves as a source of inspiration for the AM01, while the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) serves as a source of inspiration for the AM02, which channels the essence of traditional gameplay into a tiny form factor.
A Conveniently Small Design with a Fraction of Nostalgia
A design that is reminiscent of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) yet incorporates a touch of the future, the AM02 sticks out with its 0.9-liter design. There are three input/output ports hidden behind the front flip cover, demonstrating a clever design that mixes beauty and practicality without sacrificing either. In addition, the AM02 is capable of being mounted on the wall, which gives consumers a wide range of location possibilities.
The Shroud Was Revealed to Be a Four-Inch Touch Panel LCD
The shroud has a one-of-a-kind touch screen LCD that reaches four inches in size and offers more than just aesthetic appeal. In addition to a wide variety of additional activities, users may make use of this feature to show real-time hardware metrics, make adjustments to the thermal design power (TDP) on the go, manage the volume, and set up animations. The packaging has a retro-themed design, yet it has a modern touch.
With the AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, the AM02 is powered
The AM02 is driven by AMD’s Ryzen 7 7840HS, a powerful option for the portable and Mini PC market segment. This processor is located under the hood of the device. This auxiliary processing unit (APU) guarantees a smooth and powerful computing experience by providing 8 cores, 16 threads, clock rates of up to 5.1 GHz, and a thermal design power (TDP) that can be modified up to 54W. An immersive gaming experience is guaranteed by the inbuilt AMD Radeon 780M integrated graphics processing unit (iGPU), which supports the most recent graphics technologies such as FSR 3 and AFMF. It has 12 compute units operating at 2700 MHz.
Ability to Play Video Games: Exceeding All Expectations
AYANEO says with complete assurance that the integrated graphics technology included in the AM02 is more than capable of running the most recent AAA games at 1080p with a combination of low and medium settings. As part of the presentation, the tablet even demonstrated a seamless gaming experience while playing Lies of P at 1080p. An additional layer is added to the gaming experience by the possibility of improved performance and quality via the use of upscaling.
Cooling system that is effective for maximum performance
Directly above the AMD APU, AYANEO utilizes a cooling system that is comprised of four copper tubes in order to keep temperatures at acceptable levels. This configuration is accompanied by a large blower fan that is installed on the AM02 console and is responsible for releasing hot air via exhaust vents. A huge 68,105mm2 of aluminum cooling real estate is available to customers, and via the AYASpace menu, they have the ability to modify fan settings in real time, therefore personalizing the cooling system to their own requirements.
Optional Configuration Options Packed with Features
The AM02 is not only equipped with strong internals, but it also provides an incredible range of opportunities for customizing. Users are able to choose up to 64 GB of DDR5-5600 SO-DIMM memory (two modules), which guarantees that multitasking will go off without a hitch. With capacities ranging up to 8 terabytes and rates of 7 gigabytes per second, the presence of a single PCIe Gen4 M.2 solid-state drive (SSD) ensures that data can be accessed quickly.
Enhancing connection are dual LAN ports with a capacity of 2.5 GbE, compatibility for Bluetooth 5.2, and WIFI 6E. As an additional feature, the AM02 is equipped with USB4 connectors, DP1.4 interfaces, and HDMI 2.1 interfaces, which together provide a wide variety of connection choices.
Both the Cost and the Availability
AYANEO has a flexible pricing structure, with the barebone AM02 Mini PC beginning at $499 US and being offered for an early bird price of $439 US. Options that are completely configured are included in the range,
which caters to a variety of user requirements:
Ayaneo AM02 Mini PC Barebone is available for $499 US MSRP or $439 US. The Day Before
There is a 16GB + 512GB Ayaneo AM02 Mini PC available for $659 US MSRP or $529 US. The Day Before
There is a 16GB + 1TB Ayaneo AM02 Mini PC available for $699 US MSRP or $569 US. The Day Before
The MSRP for the Ayaneo AM02 Mini PC 32GB + 1 TB is $769, while the early bird price is $629.
Furthermore, shoppers having the flexibility of expanding the available space of both memory that supports DDR5 and solid-state storage (SSD), thereby offering extensibility depending on individual tastes and needs. It will be expected that the first shipments of AM02 Mini PCs will begin by the end of February, as stated by AYANEO. This will ensure that the product is available all over the world.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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uraputune-potato · 1 year ago
セバスの嫉妬心(2023/12/07 AM01:44) 「……最近のオミニスはおかしい。君のことを明らかに女の子として意識してる」  休み時間、ベンチでお菓子を食べてくつろいでたら、突然セバスはそんなことを呟いた。  呟いた、って思ったけど、多分これは私へそれとなぁく不満を表したかったのだとすぐに気づいた。 「おかしい?」 「ああ。……」  私には横顔を見せたまま、百味ビーンズの紫色を一粒、コーティングをしゃりしゃり噛みながら、廊下や階段を往来する黒いローブの流れを見ている。  そのまま、セバスはうじうじした声で水滴を垂らすみたいに途切れ途切れに話し始めた。  さっきの授業では、セバスと私とオミニスとギャレスの4人が一つのテーブルでポーションの���習をしたこと。  いつも通り、オミニスとギャレスは鍋を溶かして穴を開けたりフラスコの水を爆発させたりしたこと。  でも、オミニスが救援を求めた相手は、目の前にいるセバスじゃなくて斜め前の私だったこと。  セバスだって大抵のことは容易にこなすのに、どうして斜め前にいる私を頼ったのかが理解できない。  と、だいたいこのようなことを言った。 「でも、オミニスは私とセバスが恋人なのは知ってるよね? それに、私がいつもは向かいに座るから何回か手伝ったこともあって頼みやすかったんじゃない?」 「……それにしても、なんで僕じゃなくて君なんだよ。……いくら友達だからって……」  ちょっとばかり彼は鋭敏になりすぎてる気がする。いや、こういう素質はありそうではあるけれど。セバスと出会ってからの数ヶ月を思い返せば、それとなく彼の性質が土から顔を出したような出来事がいくつも思いつく。  また私はセバスの方を横目で見てみた。彼の胸元には、青いネクタイが繊維っぽいマットな輝きを放って下がっている。私のネクタイだ。セバスの提案で、交換して着用しているのだ。  魔法で他の人たちからは自分たちの寮のネクタイだと錯覚するようにしてあるけれど。  これをしても、彼の胸の中で欠乏感を訴える生き物は治らないのだろう。ちょっとしたことに一喜一憂して。  今度は別のビーンズを手に取って、表面のコーティングをまたかりこり砕くのに夢中になっているセバスの右手はお留守だったから、指を絡ませてみた。 「……っえ」  喉の辺りで音がたたらを踏んだとしか思えない変な声を漏らして、彼は私を見た。焼けた鉄みたいな頬だった。 「セバスがどう思おうと勝手だけど、私の心は変えられないよ」  双眸がゆらめいて……。でも何も言わずにまた彼は目の前を流れるローブの動きを見る作業に戻っていった。  私の手と指をさらに強く握って。
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evolut-pro · 1 year ago
Компания, известная прежде всего своим портативным игровым оборудованием, представляет свой небольшой ПК, вдохновленный классическим Macintosh 128K. Что предлагает мини-ПК AYANEO Retro Mini PC AM01?
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desainkilat · 2 years ago
Jasa desain logo murah Konstruksi Atap Miring Desain Rumah Minimalis #AM01 | HUB. 081222555598
New Post has been published on https://desainkilat.biz.id/jasa-desain-logo-murah-konstruksi-atap-miring-desain-rumah-minimalis-am01-hub-081222555598.html
Jasa desain logo murah Konstruksi Atap Miring Desain Rumah Minimalis #AM01 | HUB. 081222555598
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Bila anda sedang mencari jasa pembuatan logo desain cepat di kota Balikpapan, maka anda berada di tempat yang tepat, Kami merekomendasikan Creative Bazaar sebagai salah satu tempat terbaik dalam pelayanan branding logo, brosur, banner, dll. Lebih dari ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1.865 ulasan positif kami temukan di pencarian google. Jika anda berminat order, silahkan klik tombol dibawah.
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✅ Desain yang kreatif dan menarik: Mereka memiliki kualitas pelayanan yang sangat baik dan memuaskan. Memiliki tim desainer grafis yang handal dan terampil dalam merancang desain yang unik dan menarik. Kami akan bekerja sama dengan Anda untuk menciptakan desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan visi Anda.
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Image Source by jayapopeye
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jesus-ing · 2 years ago
我深信近日此刻全世界科技最驚嘆的話題就是「我用ChatGPT 發明無線電波轉換成充電波兼波碼解譯執行工作雙模式型態」,這將全面汰換現今所有科技產物且今日於上班吃晚飯中想著還有最關鍵核心技術的猜想(自己理論推斷) - 「接收無線電波後『第一工序先放大功率』→『第二工序無線電波均流(例如無線電波放大4倍後再平均4線給充電線路:充電和4線給編譯解碼:接收訊息)』」.對了!也感謝 神下午直到晚上用「雷雨交加」來對台灣狂降雨(此刻忽然斷電AM01:31)實在太神了!此刻再第二次斷電01:34
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bcrncoldx · 3 years ago
With a delighted sigh, Kili settled back against the wooden booth of the inn.​ “Bloody brilliant, ain’t it?” How it happened he didn’t know, but he was grateful for it. “The Prancing Pony...” he rapped his knuckles against the table top. “never thought I’d see this place again. Last time I was here was with my brother.” He still held out hope that Fili would eventually join Kili and their uncle in the city. “You want another?” He asked, nodding towards the glasses.
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alexalblondo · 4 years ago
lmao the moment seb has a merc engine behind him, the evil vibes arrive... yes seb join the dark side
Seb returning to Milton Keynes to drive a bootleg version of the most dominant F1-car:
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I can‘t wait for multi185
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