#ALSO she got adopted as a child so factor that in
neishroom · 9 months
Can you explain your legacy background? I'm a lost a little bit. I love your content!!!
take a seat cus this is gonna be pretty long... :[
rocky pacheco is my original founder, shes originally from evergreen harbor and moved to henford-on-bagley to study plants and become a farmer. she met her current wife, harvey and they adopted 3 kids, alex, zion and augustus. during my gameplay of gen2 I wanted zion to be my heir but I didn't want to play through university again so I made alex my heir so thats probably why it got confusing.
the family is pretty blended as well I think that part is a bit confusing. rocky is african american and harvey is southeast asian ( they fostered 3 kids of different backgrounds then adopted them cus I feel like that's the most lesbian thing to do LMFAO). alex is latina, I head canon her as mexican, zion is african american and augustus is white. alex married her now ex-husband, ben and he's Italian LOL. so cleo and leo are mexican-italian. so that's also why family events can sometimes look blended esp since my main focus/family are yt!
also ty for sticking around loll for my legacy <33
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months
Hey have a fun AU I came up with the other day after reading a bunch of fics with related tropes
It's a raised Sith AU. Anakin was found by Sidious well before he was found by Qui-Gon. He was raised by the Sith, is a classically horrible monster stalking about TCW to be Vader (mask and all, just as an intimidation factor instead of life support) while Ventress and Grievous and Dooku do their own things in a different section of the war. He's got a Really Fucking Weird dynamic with Obi-Wan, mostly attempting to kill him etc.
At some point, Palpatine allows Anakin and Padme to meet. The romance that blooms is one that Sheev decides is useful to him, so he lets it happen.*
Padme gets pregnant. Sidious arranges for her death. Anakin loses his entire shit and tries to kill Sidious. Obi-Wan is off trying to save Padme, unaware of Anakin getting his remaining limbs cut off by his this-universe Master. (This is important, because Anakin does remember Obi-Wan trying to save Padme.)
So we have Anakin, who was raised Sith, and just lost the only things that have mattered to him since his mom died when he was a kid, and Palpatine has pushed him further into the Dark than he ever has. Anakin… knows more about the Sith Secrets in this universe.
Anakin finds a Sithly Time Machine. Maybe on Malachor. There's an owl? Whatever.
Anakin, someone who's been Vader for the vast majority of his life, wakes up at age nine. Maybe even younger, like six. His mother is already dead at Sidious's hands. He's already roommates with Maul. He's already being trained as a baby Sith.
Anakin, being a 20 year old war veteran, is much better at escaping than Sidious has planned for. He reprograms a medical droid to take out his slave chip, steals a ship, etc. All the stuff that Maul wasn't very good at, and Anakin was too young for, so Sidious didn't have the preventative measures in place for yet.
Anakin heads for the one place and person he thinks he can trust: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
(Obi-Wan is still a padawan. But this Baby Sith just declared him Adoptive Teen Dad, so.)
@lizasweetling (all indented bits from here will be hers):
Because Sith. Bad for mental health of the user and generally bad for their environs But also baby. And if hes dragging Maul around no doubt the dude is constantly himself confused why he is here Like yeah, Sidious sucked, and this 6-9yo is way powerful and knowledgeable on the dark side (?????) But why are we going to the Jedi? And not even trying to kill them apparently?????
Anakin is very much being affected by Baby Brain and Baby Endocrine System. He cries a lot more than he should.
Jedi Council trying to decide if this is more "Adult Sith got shrunk" or "child got evil man's memories." Vader wants to know why it even MATTERS. (He didn't actually plan on telling them, but he has very little self control right now.)
The first Good Act he does is tell them where to find Ventress and Ky. (In the original timeline, he viewed Ventress as like. Cool older cousin.)
Vader's right, that distinction does not matter Aaaw, she deserves that, that's nice Maybe she will be like 20% less homocidally traumatized
Anakin is furious when Maul and Obi-Wan pick him up under one arm like a package. He is a GROWN MAN he is an ADULT he was a SITH LORD and about to be a FATHER, he is TOO OLD FOR THIS.
They point out that he is Baby.
😂 sorry lord of evil, you're too baby, have a nap and maybe your feel better. Assuming the crisis on Naboo is still happening, and as such the vote of no confidence is right now, it might be a great time to report Sidious as a Sith lord. Post-escape from Sidious, both he and Maul definitely will need a nap. It's that kinda place.
Oh, it's probably at least a year before. Anakin keeps trying to sneak off to kill the man himself, but the Jedi are more ready for his Sneaking than Mustafar was, so he keeps getting caught before he can reach the Senate.
At one point he tries to just CHARGE the place and you get Mace and Obi-Wan sprinting after him. The News captures videos of this very small child getting chased by an older Padawan and a Master and they are mostly yelling for him to PUT DOWN THE SABER.
(Sidious might see him but what's he going to do? Might cause too many problems for Sidious to be aware of Anakin's presence with the Jedi, though. Best not.)
It's probably more expensive on average to hire an assassin on a child, just in general But on a jedi youngling??? If he can even find someone to do that, it will be so very, ridiculously expensive And likely 70%+ upfront payments
Ahsoka definitely seeks him out. Toddler baby child. She adores him for reasons unclear to anyone and everyone.
!!! Baby has baby!! Vader's probably a little thrown by this. Been a while subjectively since someone just loved him. And not even for like, a reason. Baby Vader coerced into sitting obediently for nap by tired kiddo: [The council liked that]
The number of times that vader could only be convinced to nap by Obi-Wan grabbing him, caging him in his own lap, and forced to Sit Quietly until he just fell asleep like that...
He has things to do, he's not tired 😡😡😡💢 (He's 9. Distances are between 150 and 195% longer when measured with steps, he's hungry (subjectively) all the time, and has only middling coordination He so is too tired)
Anakin doesn't know Qui-Gon at all but he keeps getting stuffed into the man's top because he's just. Small enough to fit.
Like the bomb boobs gif, but it's a small child.
the indignity
You just. You can't let him get too self-important.
Vader is Disgusted every time the pediatric healers try to talk down to him like they do to other 6yos.
The difference between this and other "Vader goes back in time to the Jedi" AUs (like Force of Many Sights) is that this Vader has never been a Jedi, and doesn't know anything about them except how they fight when he's trying to kill their friends.
Also Maul's there.
Because even he has a hard time taking himself seriously when hes so easy to manhandle Rest of the time; I am fear, I am death personified As luggage child: I am so small. The tiniest. I crave violence He's probably very annoyed they keep taking away his saber And hey! Obi gets practice not losing his! Woooo!
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Something something Anakin clinging to Maul's back (piggy back ride) and chewing on his head or something stupid like that. Perfect height for head biting.
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You know, the classic anime head bite
Maul probably has been nominally talked into this because this 9yo is a powerful darksider But he is also the world's most annoying tiny kid Maul would've thought his phenotype would make him immune to this ridiculousness He was wrong At least the teeth are a bit less pointy than his other little brothers'? Appreciating the little things
tfw your unwanted little brother drags you to what you think is a cult but actually they're way less culty than your last two places so you just stick around to keep an eye on the little shit
Anyway. ObiMaul for this one.
They're peers They're tired They just want to sit down and not have to chase this weird little murder child They have a lot in common 😊
They are all just a little bit stupid, I love them.
Qui-Gon is a Cool Mom (throws condoms at them and books it).
Yeah, that's about as much involvement as would be appreciated They probably did a lot of sparring before the tension broke Which did not relieve said tension, generally made it worse (Competence, athleticism, sweat-) Vader is confused, but probably doesn't mind He's probably glad they're distracting each other from stopping assassinating a certain someone (Which- that is 9yo hubris. He would need help to do that)
I still can't decide where on 6yo-9yo he falls but somewhere in there
Babies means easier hiding in shirt, teenie Ahsoka, and longer for him to convince the Jedi council to do a Sith hunt before the Naboo situation
Also longer for Maul and Obi-Wan to faff about being all Tension
* Vaguely inspired by the backstory of Rulebreaker/Wildheart, which is great but significantly more of a romance fic than this.
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 4 months
Hi, I have a curiosity!
What would be the reaction of the li to find out that they will be future biological or adoptive parents?
Oh this is a pretty interesting question given how different some of these scenarios would be depending on a variety of factors. In the interest of keeping things simple for me, let's say the child is either a product of intimacy between you two, or is somehow blood related to you. Otherwise I think we'll be here all day going down each possible reaction they would have. ^^;;
Garret would become overjoyed at the thought of you carrying his child. What better way to lock you down and make sure you never leave him than by having a child together? You'll always be in each other's lives whether you want to or not. He'll make sure you're supported and that you and the baby never want for anything. He'll also insist on hiring a nanny so that you two can still go out on dates and spend as much alone time with one another.
If he was to adopt a child, he'd be a little more jealous of the attention you showered on the child than if it was one of his own flesh and blood. He'd treat the child well, but he might not be nearly as overtly affectionate if they were of his own blood. Of course he'd spoil the child and make sure they had everything they could ever want, but his main focus would always be you and making sure that your love for him was paramount, and not the bastard child you had with someone else. Of course, the actual biological parents of the child would be swiftly removed from the picture, never to be seen or heard from again. After all, there's no way he would let anyone come between him and his picture perfect family with you and your child.
Marcelo would admittedly be surprised and stressed upon hearing the news. Of course he would try to act happy and make sure you felt safe and secure in your relationship. But he would be terrified on the inside. He didn't have the best father figure growing up and he really doesn't know how to be a father. Not to mention the fact that there's no way he'd be able to realistically provide for both of you. Of course he'd eventually bring up his fears and concerns with you and you'd both work through them. Though, once he held the sweet little bundle of joy in his arms he would immediately melt and question what he was so terrified of in the first place. He would spoil both you and your child to bits, loving on them and trying to be the best father figure he could.
If he was to adopt a child, he would honestly have a similar reaction as above. Though I think he would be a lot more self conscious and uncertain when it came to actually raising the child. He'd love them and dote on them like his own, but he would second guess himself constantly and look to you for guidance and assurance when it came to disciplining the child.
Camilla would absolutely freak out if she found out she accidentally became pregnant. After all she had so many plans ahead of her and she would almost feel trapped at the idea of becoming a mother and having a baby. She'd have a serious discussion with you regarding if you even wanted to have the baby and would ultimately take your lead. If she did end up becoming a mom, she'd become a "cool" mom that was more like a friend than an actual parent. Of course she would punish them if they really stepped out of line, but overall she would take a more relaxed approached when raising them.
Oddly enough, she'd have a much easier time when it came to adopting than actually having the child. She would be able to process it a lot better and actually look forward to raising them.
Rita would be incredibly surprised, but happy to find out she was with child. She tried for countless years with her ex husband without any luck, and now that you came into her life and she finally got pregnant? Well, it would feel like it was destined to happen. She'd become a loving yet strict mother. Of course she'd make sure that you weren't neglected and make sure to give you all of the attention that you deserved, and more, once the child went to bed.
Rita would be equally excited to adopt a child with you and would honestly treat it as one of her own.
Teagan would probably loathe the idea of becoming a parent. They know that they're far too selfish to properly raise a human and would absolutely despise sharing you with anyone else, especially a child regardless if they were blood related or not. Unfortunately, they'd probably try to convince you to get rid of the child, but if you refused they'd reluctantly become a parent alongside you. Not a good one, but a "parent" none the less.
Of course they'd insist on hiring a nanny, constantly taking you out on vacations and "business trips" without the child, and spending as much time with you as they could. They'd also become ridiculously jealous of any affection you showed the child and taunt them whenever you weren't around. Though, despite their apparent hatred for the child, they wouldn't ever allow any harm to actually come to them once they were born. Mostly for your sake to be honest. The last thing they wanted was to see you break down over the loss of a child... (Spoiler: Something that they might have experienced first hand in the past. )
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prfctparis · 11 months
I’d Give You My Lungs So You Could Breathe (I’ve Got You, Brother) [CH3]
AO3 Link / One / Prev / Next / Masterlist
Danny Fenton was adopted at age ten, with little to no memories about his former family. At age fourteen, he died yet lived and those memories began to return. He didn’t do anything about those memories – didn’t plan to, at least not yet – but then he got captured by the GIW, saved by his friends and someone who might be his sister who he only somewhat remembered, and taken to Gotham to, apparently, his biological father for safety until further notice.
Team Phantom was there, too, and they did not sign up for this family drama.
“ch3 will be up in a few days,” i said, like a lying liar who lies. i meant to!!! but then i sort of forgot and then got distracted by another fic i’m in the middle of writing mlmao oops. so i won’t promise or say when ch4 will be up, bc this was the last of my already written chapters from ao3 & my update schedule is of the 'when i can and want to' variety. hope u guys on tumblr enjoy this chapter!! :)
warnings for the entire fic:
canon-typical violence of the DC variety; angst; memory loss/repressed memories; do i need to say major character death(s) or is that just a given for this fandom; questionable parenting tho every parent is trying to do good & care for the kids; implied/referenced past child abuse bc of the child assassin backgrounds; pls tell me if i missed something
CHAPTER SPECIFIC WARNINGS: blood; stressed teenagers; athanasia has a borderline panic attack; vivisection is mentioned again but only once if i remember right; implied animal death but in the past & it’s like 1 paragraph
The secret, new headquarters of the Ghost Investigation Ward was in upstate New York. The Wayne Manor was in Gotham City, New Jersey. The travel from Point A to Point B was about three hours and forty minutes long – a much longer drive than any of them wanted. But with Manson’s magic, the van stayed invisible to the human eye and Wesley was able to speed down the roads without cops chasing after them, cutting down the travel time immensely.
Still, it was a risk.
But stopping some place before they got to Gotham was also a risk. One Athanasia refused to take.
Maybe if Ra’s al Ghul hadn’t been there, would she allow them to stop at a roadside motel or something. But he was there. He had been in the room where they were operating on Danny. Mother had one of her servants save Danny from death eight years ago to get him out of the League, allowing Grandfather to believe he was dead, but now he knew.
And Athanasia wasn’t going to let that man get anywhere near close to her twin brother again. So, they weren’t going to stop until they made it to Wayne Manor.
The others weren’t happy about it. She didn’t care.
Of course, that didn’t mean she was happy about it, either.
Believe her, she wanted to stop sooner. She wanted to get to a place where they could properly take care of Danny’s injuries, and give him what he needed to heal, and take those damn power repressing cuffs off. All they could do was make sure the bandages on his chest stayed put and kept too much blood from bleeding out, and made sure that he didn’t die on the way to the manor, which was more difficult than Athanasia would like, seeing as though, as Phantom, he didn’t have a heartbeat.
Eventually, they got the cuffs off. It took a while, and it was mostly done by Foley and Gray, because Athanasia was busy bandaging her own wounds with the limited supplies in the van, and Manson was focused on keeping the van invisible while Wesley drove. They succeeded, though. Once both cuffs were off, a ring of light appeared around him and with a flash he had black hair again, and green blood turned red.
His healing factor didn’t kick in.
“What do you mean he isn’t healing?” Wesley asked, worried, when Foley informed them. “He should be.”
“I don’t know,” Foley said, tone unsure and worried.
“But he has a heartbeat now, right?” asked Athanasia. She kept her eyes on her thigh as she bandaged a wound on there. It wasn’t the best, and she didn’t have anything to clean the wound with, but it would have to do for now.
Gray replied, “Yeah. He’s got one.”
“Okay. Good.” It was the only thing she could get herself to say. The possibility of still being too late to save him, even with him now away from the GIW and LoA, put a restrictive weight on her chest. It lessened with Gray’s affirmation, but not much.
They made it to Gotham in just under two hours and fifteen minutes.
Athanasia only got a split second glimpse of the city’s poorly lit up welcome sign with how fast Wesley continued to drive. Truly a speed demon; he didn’t even slow down when they got into the city’s limits.
As they crossed one intersection, a car with goons hanging out of the windows holding guns sped through it behind them, with what looked to be Red Robin and Spoiler on motorcycles on their tail. Three cops sped through right after. Gun shots rang out as they disappeared behind a building.
“Watch out for vigilantes,” she said. “It’s around the time most start coming out.”
Wesley shook his head. “I can’t imagine having more than one vigilante.”
Gray pointedly cleared her throat.
“I can’t imagine having more than two vigilantes.”
She hummed. “Forget about me again and see what happens.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Athanasia laughed quietly to herself. It wasn’t quiet enough, because he still heard and gave her the stink eye. It was hardly intimidating
Foley hissing made her look into the back seats. He was shaking his left hand, expression a grimace of pain, as he hurriedly passed the vial of liquid Athanasia had taken from the IV to Gray. Gray took it just as fast, twisting the lid back on.
“What’s wrong?” Athanasia asked.
“They were putting that in his system?” The grimace turned into panic when she nodded. “Oh, that’s not good. That is so not good. That has blood blossoms in it.”
“What?!” Gray exclaimed. “That can kill him!”
Athanasia shifted so she sat sideways in the front seat. “What are blood blossoms?” Her eyes flicked to Danny – his chest slowly rose up and down – and then back to Foley.
“They can kill ghosts,” Wesley said gravely.
Foley explained, “They’re a blood red flower, have purple stems – humans can eat them. But for ghosts, they cause extreme pain and make them go powerless. Exposed to enough of it, they die. To people like me and Sam, who aren’t ghosts but have been exposed to ectoplasm for years, it just burns us. Like we touched a hot stove, or something.” He motioned to the vial. “That just felt like bee sting for me, but to Danny? It probably feels like he’s being slowly burned from the inside out.”
“It sounds like they made an oil from blood blossoms and diluted it until it wasn’t so strong,” Gray said.
“Strong enough to render him powerless, but weak enough to not kill him after long exposure,” Athanasia said, and the two of them nodded.
“Sounds like it.”
“That may be why he isn’t healing fast like he should,” Wesley suggested.
Foley cursed again. “This is so not good. We need to get it out of his system, like, yesterday.”
“How do we do that?”
Silence stretched between them.
Athanasia’s brows furrowed, incredulous and frustrated. And scared. “You don’t know?” she demanded.
“It– It’s never been in his bloodstream before!” Foley defended. “He’s only been near the flowers, so we just…moved him away from them. Or them from him. This is… We’ve never dealt with this before!”
“But you should have at least had a contingency plan for this,” she bit back. “Oils from flowers and plants are common!”
“We never thought the GIW would be smart enough for that!”
“Well, you should have!”
“Hey!” Gray shouted over them, “Enough! This isn’t helping Danny. Let’s just get to your dad’s place, yeah?”
Athanasia turned back around without another word. The movement pulled at her injuries, maybe even reopened the wound on her side, but she ignored them as she got out her communicator.
No one spoke for a few seconds.
“The device you are using to block the signals…” she started.
“I already said no,” Foley muttered, tone clipped. “It’s blocking his ecto-signature, too. I’m not risking unblocking it just so you can make a call.”
“You didn’t risk stopping, Ana,” Wesley said before she could respond. “Let us not risk this.”
There was a tightness in her throat that had been building up for the last ten minutes. It kept her from speaking; if she wanted to or even had a response, she couldn’t say it. She worked her jaw, ignoring the stinging in her eyes.
One brother was behind her near death, with a large incision that needed to be stitched. Her other brother was out in the city fighting crime, who knows in what type of danger in the crime capital of America.
She just wanted to know that at least one of them was okay.
It was as they went through another intersection, barely making it through a green light, when she noticed an unmistakable large, black shadow swing from one side of the road to the next.
“Stop the van,” she choked out.
“Stop the van!”
Wesley slammed on the breaks. The ones in the back went tumbling, and she heard Manson let out a curse, concentration on the van’s invisibility broken after over two hours.
Athanasia got out of the van as fast as possible. She raced to the other side of the road and climbed skillfully up the fire escape on the side of a building. As she got to the roof, she spotted the figure speaking to another – red and black – in the shadows.
Both figures turned. She dimly registered that the person Batman had been speaking to was Red Hood.
“Yes? What is it?” Batman questioned as he stepped forward.
Red Hood followed. The way his helmet tilted a little told her he recognized her. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
Athanasia made it halfway across the roof before she faltered. Her father was…an imposing man. If she hadn’t grown up in the place she did, she would probably be fearful of him because of it. Instead it just caught her off guard. Seeing him in person, up close, was…
Well. Unexpected.
She blinked and forced herself to stay on track. To not get distracted. She stopped a few or so feet away, wary to get too close. “We need your help,” she started off with. “My…acquaintances and I – we have someone who needs medical attention that only the Batcave will be able to provide for, and I need you to take us there.”
“The Batcave,” he repeated.
“Yes. A regular hospital is out of the question.” Her eyes flickered around the roof. Something wasn’t right. “I would take him there myself but I do not know where it is.”
What wasn’t right?
“I have no idea who you are. You aren’t authorized to go to the Batcave.”
“You would make an exception for us.”
“You sound sure.”
“Because I am. Just help us help him!”
“Who is ‘him’?”
“B, I don’t think it’s time for an interrogation right now,” Red Hood said.
“My…” Athanasia stilled. She knew what wasn’t right. Her entire body tensed. “Where’s Robin?”
Her father’s posture changed. Right; Batman was protective of Robin.
But as his older sister, so was she.
“Out,” he said. “Listen, you’re injured, and I understand you need help but–”
“What do you mean ‘out’? As in patrolling? Out of town? Country? Earth itself?”
Red Hood took a step towards her. “Whoa, kid, relax. It’s okay–”
“Where Robin is isn’t your business–”
Red Hood muttered a curse.
“Not my business?” she seethed. “Knowing where he is, is most definitely my business. I am not asking for dental records – it’s a simple answer to a simple question.”
“My twin brother is dying in the backseat of a van, and my little brother is not by our father’s side like I thought he would be, so please just tell me where he is so I know at least one of them will be okay! I–”
“Hey! Hey,” Red Hood interrupted. “Robin is okay! He’s okay, alright? I promise. He twisted his ankle pretty badly the other night and the old man benched him until it’s healed. That’s all. You can breathe, kid.”
“I am.” Barely. It felt like she had been running for hours. She was out of breath; her intake of air had increased in the past few minutes. Her throat was back to being tight, but so was her chest, this time.
“Yes, you are, but your breathing is too fast,” Red Hood said. “You need to slow down–”
“There is no time to slow down!” she shouted. Her feet moved backwards when Red Hood tried to come closer to her. “I had the GPS taking us to the manor, but it’s worse off than we thought, and I would take him to the Batcave if I knew where it was–”
“How many of you are there?”
Athanasia blinked rapidly. Out of surprise, not because she was about to cry. She snapped her eyes back up to her father. “What?”
“You said you had acquaintances with you. How many?” He was doing something on his gauntlet, a hologram-like screen faintly glowing above it. She tried to make out the words backwards but gave up pretty quickly.
“Six in total,” she said. “Myself included. They do not know your identity.”
He hummed. “Are all of you injured?”
“Except for one, my– our getaway driver. Danny is the worst off.”
“Hard to believe, you’re pretty banged up yourself, kid,” Red Hood muttered, with a small motion to her entire body.
“They vivisected him.” The words hadn’t meant to come out, but they did.
Batman and Red Hood stilled.
The latter sucked in a breath of air. “Jesus.”
“The Batmobile is on its way,” her father tensely informed her. He stalked forward, and she was expecting him to walk passed her so she was thoroughly surprised when he stopped in front of her. He raised a hand and her body tensed for another time that night. She didn’t know what she was else expecting, but it wasn’t a comforting hold on her shoulder; it wasn’t a comforting tone and assurance. “Your brother is okay. Your twin is going to be okay.”
Athanasia stared at the hand on her shoulder. It took a second or two to finally tear her gaze from it, and look at her father’s cowl covered face instead.
“I promise.”
The sound of footsteps gradually becoming louder alerted him that someone was about to disrupt his peace.
“Hey, I’m going to bed.”
Peace officially disrupted.
Damian looked up from his sketchbook long enough to spot Duke Thomas poking his head into the living room, before focusing back on the drawing he was working on. “Okay.”
“And Bruce wanted me to remind you to finish your homework if you haven’t already.”
He sighed. “I have.”
“And Alf says no sweets if you have any snacks.”
“Okay,” he said, annoyance seeping through.
“And they both say not to stay up too late or walk too much on your ankle–”
“Leave me be and rest your empty skull on the warm side of your pillow before I stab this pencil through your jugular.”
Thomas snickered. It occurred to him, then, that the older teen had continued on to annoy him on purpose. It worked. That annoyed Damian even more.
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving,” Thomas said through another chuckle. “Goodnight, Damian!” he called as he walked off.
He huffed. “Goodnight.”
Duke Thomas was Father’s newest addition to his ever growing brood. The older boy wasn’t adopted (at least, not yet), only fostered. His parents were still alive – just victims of Joker Venom. They found a cure, although it wasn’t instantaneous, so Elaine and Doug Thomas were slowly healing and recovering with the help of professionals while their son stayed here.
Damian was sort of surprised he was still here. He had an uncle he could go to, and who he did visit often, but he had chose to stay. Not that Damian wanted him to go – he actually didn’t mind Thomas that much anymore. He liked to think they got along well, even if sometimes the atmosphere was awkward, or when they deliberately annoyed one another.
Recently when the two either merely existed in the same room doing nothing, or ventured into the city out of boredom, Drake tagged along. Or was the one to drive them around. It had been tense at first. It was less so, now. Damian truly didn’t know how to feel about it.
He stopped drawing and stared at the page. He erased a few lines that didn’t look right and grabbed his phone, unlocking it to study the reference picture he was using. Just as he was about to put it down, his phone vibrated with a text.
It was from Drake – in the groupchat he made that included himself, Damian, and Duke. Damian tried to leave it multiple times only for Drake to add him back every single time.
evrrhthing ok at the manor??
i’m about to go to bed, damian is sketching in the living room & alfred is in the basement
is something wrong?
idk but b is heading back
w jason
neither have have said a word they wont answer
that’s sus
you guys have only been gone for what?? 45 min at least
barbara cant even get ahold of them
hey little d
bat brat
u sure ur ok
Damian rolled his eyes. Drake was almost as bad as Father and Richard when it came to hovering if he got hurt, the buffoon simply showed it differently. He only twisted his ankle; nothing major.
And if his back had been hurting him the past week, nobody had to know.
…Except for Pennyworth and Richard. They knew of the metal in his spine and the damaged nerves, and so he told them when the sharp aches and pains kept coming back.
Alfred insisted it was just a few nerves growing back.
Damian focused back to the groupchat. Drake had resorted to spamming it because he took too long to respond. Obnoxious plebeian.
He took a picture of his legs covered by the blanket he was using. One knee was propped up to angle his sketch book right, while the other was stretched out as his injured ankle rested on a small pillow. Alfred the cat was fast asleep, curled into a circle, on the arm of the couch, while Titus made himself small enough to lay on the couch beside his outstretched leg. He sent the picture with nothing else. Drake stopped his spamming and liked it while Thomas sent another text asking what Damian was drawing.
With that, he put his phone down – only for it to start vibrating repeatedly. A phone call.
He somewhat expected it to be Drake, but still wasn’t that surprised to see it was Father, instead.
“Father?” Damian answered the call. “Drake said you were heading back. With Todd.”
“Yes.” Father’s voice was rough, but in a distinct way that Damian knew it wasn’t his Batman voice. In the background he heard the rumble of the Batmobile. “We are. And we have some company with us.”
His brows lowered. “Is everything okay?”
Damian sat up and tucked his foot under his other leg’s thigh. Titus shifted, getting off of the couch to lay on the floor instead. “Father?” Carefully, he closed his sketchbook and set it on the coffee table.
Thomas decided to walk back in, at that moment. “Hey, I…” He trailed off when he saw that Damian was on the phone. “Is that Bruce?”
“Father, is–”
“Do you have an older sister?”
Damian froze. He even stopped breathing for a second. Did he know? If he did, how? Was it Mother, was she in Gotham? Did she tell Father? Athanasia told him not to tell him or anyone else, and he hadn’t. Why was he asking this? Were they okay?
“Yes,” he said slowly. “Cassandra–”
“I’m not talking about by adoption, son,” Father interrupted. “Biologically, do you have a sister? Or even a brother?”
He involuntarily sucked in sharply. If Father heard it, he didn’t make any indication that he did.
“She would be around Tim’s age, seventeen or eighteen. Five foot eight, ten at most. She mentioned a twin brother.”
Damian kept his eyes on Titus. He ignored Thomas stepping further into the living room to stand near the couch. “I’m not supposed to tell you,” he said. “She said not to.”
“Who? Talia?”
“Your sister.” Damian stayed quiet. “Why?”
“I don’t– do not…” How was he supposed to answer that? He had no idea why Athanasia told him not to tell Father, but Damian refused to break the promise he made her. Yes, he wanted to tell Father – all the time, so badly – but it was the last thing Athanasia asked of him. Even the idea of breaking that promise felt wrong. Even now, even though he somehow knew. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, and hated how childlike he sounded.
“…It’s not your fault, chum. We will be at the Cave soon. If– when,” he corrected, “you come down, put on a mask. They have acquaintances who don’t know our secret identities.”
“Yes, sir. Are they okay?”
Father didn’t immediately respond. It sent warning bells through his mind. “We’re about to be at the cave.”
“Wait, Father–”
The call ended.
Damian let out a huff of frustration. He went to call him back, but stopped.
Athanasia was in Gotham. She went to Father for help. Did that mean she called him on the League communicator and he missed it? Did he? It sounded like she needed help, they both did, and he…
Damian vaulted off of the couch. Thomas shouted after him, but he ignored him and the pain in his ankle as ran through the halls and up the stairs to his room. He took the communicator out from its hiding spot under his mattress.
Nothing. No calls or messages. Not a single thing.
Why did she go to Father and not him?
Damian sent a message. It didn’t go through, just like the past hundreds of times. He tried a call, it did the same thing.
“Damian! Don’t run away like that, man, you’re gonna hurt your ankle more,” Thomas reprimanded as he finally caught up. “I’m sorta responsible for you right now, and I don’t feel like getting Alfred’s disappointed look because you’re running around.”
The words went through one ear and out the other.
He cursed in Arabic and tossed the device onto his bed. He snatched an emergency mask from a drawer of his bedside table, and left the room.
“Damian,” shouted Thomas. “Seriously, dude!”
“If you follow me to the Batcave, put on a mask,” Damian said. “We have guests.”
Whatever his foster brother’s response was, Damian didn’t hear it. He rushed down the stairs, simultaneously putting on his mask, and then ran to the study where the clock was. Standing on his toes, he moved the clock’s hands to the correct time and squeezed through before the secret door opened all the way.
As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he slowed. A cacophony of noise grew as he got further into the cave. He stopped on the last step and just stared.
Whatever he had been expecting, it was not a group of injured teenagers talking over each other to his father and the family’s grandfather of a butler. Todd stood a few feet away from the group, back to Damian. He seemed to be merely watching the scene unfold.
“We’ve taken care of him before, we know how to do stitches!” a girl with short black hair shouted. “This isn’t new to–”
“He’s not– you need to let us help,” a black kid argued. “We know what to do for him–”
“I have already seen it!” And there’s Athanasia. “It is not a pretty sight, I know, but I can help–”
“None of you are in shape to help Penny-One,” Batman tried to speak over them.
“I am!” Another girl. She held a red and black helmet in her arms that matched a vigilante-like suit she wore. “Please, just let us–”
“We’re his friends! Please–”
“We– Well, I don’t but they do – they know what to do,” a red headed boy said. “He’s different, you’ll need their–”
A sharp whistle cut through the air, so sudden even Damian flinched. As did Thomas, who appeared at his side the instant it happened.
Everyone quieted immediately, eyes falling to Jason Todd. The helmet was off, but a red domino still covered his eyes.
“Everyone shut up or else it will be too late for anyone to help anybody,” the young man snapped, “Let Penny-One do what he does on a regular basis. I promise, he knows what he is doing, and has seen his fair share of bad injuries between the eerily large brood he cares for. Even if he did need help, it would not be from any of you. Like Batman said, none of you are the right shape to help – either from exhaustion or injuries or both, each one of you looks like shit. So sit your asses down, let the professional do his job, and take a breather.”
No one said a word. No one moved.
“Thank you, Red Hood,” Pennyworth said. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have a patient to care for.” He ducked behind a curtain he and Father were guarding. Damian wasn’t able to get a glimpse of the person behind it.
In the back of his mind, he knew who it was. It didn’t dissuade his worry.
Father stared down the teenagers.
The girl with short black hair and gothic clothes glared harshly back at him. Angry, she spun around with a scoff and stomped over to a chair, a palm on her forehead the entire way.
“Sam,” the black boy called after her and followed. They quietly began talking to each other.
The girl in the red and black suit and the redhead boy glanced at each other. The former shrugged helplessly, and the latter frowned in response, looking away.
Damian finally looked – truly looked – at Athanasia. Todd was right: she looked like shit; they all did. But his big sister had the most blood on her, and a green substance on her hands and right side that had a too close resemblance to Lazarus Pit water. She had numerous injuries that were bandaged hastily, but not enough for all of the blood to be hers. It looked as if she tried to scratch some of it off on the few areas of exposed skin, only for it to not work. Her black hair was in a ponytail that had once been neat; now, curly strands were loose and framing her face, and the ponytail itself was unkempt.
The others didn’t look that much better. Except for the redhead. He just looked stressed and exhausted and worried.
Damian shifted a foot forward, then back to its original spot.
He didn’t know what to do. Say her name? Simply walk up? Run back upstairs? He didn’t want to make a scene, but he also wanted to go up to his sister.
He spotted Ace laying down near the bat-computer. Silently, decision abruptly made, he moved in that direction.
Thomas cleared his throat. “Um… B?”
Damian stopped, freezing behind Todd. He looked over to Thomas and glared. The older teen didn’t acknowledge him other than a split second glance.
“D– Signal? What are you doing down here?”
Todd shifted. Damian moved with him. He turned his head slowly and sent Damian a suspicious side eye.
“Oh, uh… Red Robin contacted us – said you were coming back here. I just want to make sure you don’t need any help,” said Thomas.
Todd reached behind him with the hand that wasn’t holding his helmet, and aimed for Damian. He pinched Todd’s wrist when it got close enough, making him hiss in pain.
“We might– Hood?”
Todd shook his hand. “Sorry. Bug bit me.”
Father continued speaking with Thomas, who walked further into the Cave.
“Brat,” Todd hissed under his breath.
Damian didn’t deign him a response. Once it was clear everyone else was distracted, he continued his way to the bat-computer in the shadows. When he got there, he crawled underneath the desk. Ace moved to lay his head in Damian’s lap.
His hiding spot didn’t stay hidden for long, though.
Someone silently walked over. Then, they crouched down and slotted their body next to his under the desk.
“Did Todd tell you where I am?” he asked. It came out more petulant than he intended.
“No. I saw you when you first came down.”
“Tt.” Damian muttered, “…You smell vile.”
Athanasia hummed. “And you are still short.”
There was a shakiness to her voice he didn’t like. It kept him from automatically responding with another insult.
He turned his head to look at her again.
Her eyes were staring at nothing in particular. Her breathing was a bit too fast for comfort, sort of choppy too. Tension lined her entire body.
“Stretch out your legs,” he said quietly.
She eyed him in question. He motioned for her to hurry up. Hesitant, she eventually did it. Then, he wasted no time in ordering Ace to lay on her legs.
Athanasia sucked in sharply. Her hands lifted to her chest. “Dames–”
“You won’t hurt him,” he interrupted. “He won’t hurt you.”
He was aware of why she was so hesitant – almost afraid, even. She tried to hide it from him, but League trainers had forced her to slaughter animals. Those same trainers did that to him a couple times, too, after she left. Apparently it was to make them stronger and better assassins. Less prone to weaknesses.
He wondered if Dányál had to go through that. If Mother knew.
Damian didn’t think she did, but…
Athanasia kept her hands to her chest.
“So, you found him?” Damian asked. He kept his voice low, and scooted closer to her.
She nodded. “Yes. He is… He will be okay,” she said, keeping her voice low like he did. “I apologize for taking so long.”
Damian didn’t know how to respond to that. It made a flicker of anger from in his chest. She was sorry for being gone for so long, but not for leaving?
“…He isn’t a clone?” was his next question.
“No.” Her arm lifted, and for once he let her pull him into her side in a hug. He wasn’t big on touch, and Athanasia wasn’t either, but she was definitely more tactile than he was in some ways. From what he remembered, she and Dányál had hugged a lot.
“Are you positive?” His mind flashed to Heretic. He held back a wince, twisting until his back was into her side and her arm wrapped around his chest. He had to bend his knees so he could fit all the way under the desk.
“You made sure of it?”
Athanasia stayed quiet for a moment. He felt her eyes on the top of his head. “I did,” she said. “Penny-One is aiding our brother. Not a clone, or a shapeshifter, or anyone else. Dányál.” She paused. “I intended on going to the manor instead. Then, I saw our father, and demanded he take us here.”
“Why the manor?”
“I did not know where the cave was.”
Damian stared at his knees.
There was no way.
Did he hear that right? It was jarring. He grew up thinking his big sister knew everything.
How did she not know this?
“Athanasia,” he whispered.
“The Batcave is below the manor,” he told her in Arabic.
For seven seconds (yes, he counted) Athanasia didn’t say anything. Then, “It is what?!” she hissed in a harsh whisper.
Damian felt a laugh coming up, and did his best to keep it quiet. His shoulders still shook. “You didn’t know?”
“No,” she muttered. “Thank you making me feel stupid.”
“My pleasure. I will be sure to do it again.”
She huffed a small, wet laugh. “Brat.” Her arm wrapped around the front of his chest more, and her hand gripped his shoulder. A second later, he felt her place a kiss on the crown of his head.
Damian couldn’t help but grip her arm back. One hand on her forearm, the other on her bicep. He pressed his knees closer to his body.
“I missed you,” he whispered through the lump in his throat.
She sniffled, and whispered back into his hair, “I missed you, too.”
A blanket of silence fell over them. Damian heard Father speaking to the others, his voice overlapping with Thomas’ and one of Athanasia’s acquaintances. Footsteps softly echoed as they all moved about near the medbay. They should probably go over there soon.
Damian didn’t want to. For the first time in four years it was just him and his big sister, hiding under a desk that was reminiscent of them hiding in an alcove back in the League just to spend time together. It hardly felt real. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was scared this was just some sort of dream.
“Can we stay here for a little bit longer?”
Her arm tightened around him again. “Absolutely.”
It took a good while for someone to come look for them, which surprised Damian, but he was relieved and thankful no one came sooner. He wasn’t about to complain about the silent one-on-one time squished underneath the desk, uncomfortable as it was.
It also gave them time to stop any tears they let loose.
He eventually moved out from under her arm, and sat beside her. It took a bit of time. Damian wanted to say it was because he was done with the physical touch, that he let go. The truth of the matter was that he had to force himself to, to mentally talk himself into doing it. It was irrational, but he was scared that the moment he let go she would leave him again.
That didn’t happen. She didn’t get up and leave, or disappear, or anything of the sort. She stayed right beside him.
As he scratched Ace behind the ears, Athanasia merely watched. She kept her hands away from the dog. When he moved to lay down across both of their laps, she stiffened until he stilled, arms crossed over her stomach.
That was how they were found.
The large boots and bottom of a black cape were unmistakable.
Father crouched down, the half of his face that wasn’t covered by the cowl betraying nothing. It made Damian want to squirm. Was he mad? That he kept Athanasia and Dányál a secret?
“You two weren’t easy to find,” he said. He sounded more like Bruce Wayne than Batman. It was comforting, in a way. “Your friends got worried when they didn’t see you around.”
“Acquaintances,” she corrected. “And I am fine, I have no idea why they would worry.”
Damian gave her an incredulous look. “You’re covered in blood.”
“A lot of it does not belong to me.”
“Mostly yours or not, your injuries still need to be taken care of,” Father said. “The Wes kid said you weren’t able to clean them properly.”
Athanasia’s face did something quick and complicated that Damian couldn’t decipher. Her mouth settled into an annoyed frown before he could really question it. “Of course he did,” she muttered.
“And you, chum, need to get off the ground and prop your ankle up,” Father said. The man, with gentle hands, inspected the aforementioned ankle. “With ice. The swelling is worse again. Did you run on it?”
He didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to admit he ran, either.
“Hn.” Father stood. The joints of his knees popping and a quiet groan didn’t go unnoticed. “Come on out. Let’s get you both some medical attention. Ace, get up, boy. Up.”
The German Shepherd did as told.
“I didn’t do anything to it,” Damian grumbled as he scooted out and pulled himself to his feet with the help of Father’s hand. Putting weight on his ankle definitely hurt worse than it had before, though…
“It won’t hurt to check.”
Athanasia came out from under the desk next. As she stood, also with the help of Father, he noticed she seemed to be in more pain than when he first entered the cave. That made sense; the adrenaline had to have worn off by now, allowing the pain finally register.
Once she was steady on her feet, she stepped a little away from Father. “Thank you,” she said. “For bringing us here.”
“Of course,” Father said. “If you need to stay here, you can. I will even open up the manor to you and your fr– acquaintances. Whatever aids you the best and keeps you safe from whatever you’re running from.”
She nodded once. Her eyes, glassy with tears, blinked rapidly, and she turned to head to the empty medical cots.
Damian watched her, exhausted and hurting, then looked to the curtain hiding away Pennyworth and Dányál.
He tore his eyes away and hurried to follow.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
All at once now ladies "But this never happens"
By Natasha Biase March 22, 2024
Spain’s Minister of Family, Youth, and Social Affairs in Madrid is raising alarm bells after locating multiple cases in which men convicted of domestic violence changed their legal gender identity. In a letter issued to the Minister of Equality, Ana Dávila-Ponce de León Municio detailed her concerns that the safety of female victims of violence was at risk due to Spain’s “progressive” approach towards gender identity.
In her letter, issued March 18, Minister Dávila-Ponce de León noted that she had become aware of six cases in the autonomous region of Madrid where men charged with violence against women had changed their legal gender identity — a process that was streamlined and made significantly easier following the enactment of Spain’s “Trans Law” in 2023.
In addition to updating their registered sex, three of the men made requests to stay in women’s shelters with the wives and children who had been escaping from them. So far, concerned staff at the shelters have blocked their access but may be violating the nation’s gender discrimination laws as a result.
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The letter sent by Minister Dávila-Ponce de León to Minister Redondo Garcia.
But perhaps most disturbingly, an abuser changing his legal sex has a tremendous impact on the resources the victims are able to access. In one of the cases recently highlighted by El Mundo, a female victim of sexual assault was stripped of the special protection provided for victims of physical and sexual abuse because officials told her that her aggressor, who drugged and raped her in front of her young daughter, “was no longer registered as a man, but as a woman.”
In Spain, special gender-based violence charges exist, providing female victims of male violence specific protections and resolutions which can impact divorce or separation proceedings, custody, and other important factors. Victims of gender-based violence can also access special protections intended to ensure they are safe from their male abuser.
Because a female cannot be convicted of gender-based violence, male abusers who change their legal sex can avoid this charge and deny their female victims of those legal protections.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a man in Spain who abused his female partner for opposing his gender transition avoided charges of gender-based violence by legally changing his identification to “female” and adopting a woman’s name. As a result, his victim was unable to obtain a specific protection order for intimate partner violence which would typically result in the male abuser being removed from the home to minimize the financial impact to the woman at a time where they are most vulnerable.
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Despite only one year passing since the Trans Law was enacted by Spanish parliament, making it easier for people to “self-identify” their gender on their legal documents, several cases have emerged involving men using the law to receive financial, social, or legal benefits. The phenomenon is now being referred to as “trans fraud.”
Earlier this month, Reduxx reported that dozens of male civil servants in one small Spanish community changed their gender identity reportedly just to get benefits allocated for females. Among them was Roberto Perdigones, a 35-year-old Army corporal, who boasted of changing his legal sex to “female” after deciding he identified as an “intersex bigender” person.
From that moment on, he began to enjoy the benefits: the day he got his new ID card, he showed up at the barracks with earrings, long hair and a beard, now able to disregard mandatory dress code regulations without repercussions.
But the benefits are not limited to aesthetic issues, with Perdigones also now qualifying for a mother’s pension as he is a “woman” with a child.
“By changing my sex, as I have been informed, my pension has gone up. Because women receive more in retirement pensions to compensate for the inequality. In addition, I get 15% more because I have a child,” he boasted.
“I even have a private room in the barracks, all to myself, with a private bathroom. Because, being a woman, I can’t be with the men, and I didn’t consider it appropriate to be with the biological women out of respect for them. I’ve had the room to myself since the sex change.”
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Perdigones also intends to seek a promotion and will be utilizing the so-called “affirmative action measures” designed to increase female presence in the Armed Forces command.
As Perdigones is approaching the mandatory age of retirement for temporary soldiers, obtaining a permanent position would be beneficial for him. Perdigones will be applying as a “woman,” since the physical tests are less demanding and because certain positions are seeking more female representation.
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blood-darkened-moon · 4 months
Alexander Ashford and His Children - Headcanons
Early Years
The twins are not Alexander’s biological children. They are hydrides between Edward and Veronica. Initially, he wanted to use his DNA instead of Edward’s, but Alexander was unsure if there were genetic factors for interests like virology. Using Edward’s DNA appeared to be the safer option.
The twins were the third attempt to create a Veronica clone. The first did not result in a pregnancy, the second ended in a miscarriage after about two months.
At first, Alexander was excited to have two children. It was a lucky coincidence that he must have switched storage vessels, placed two clones in one vessel, and that both turned out healthy. This changed after he did the DNA tests and realized that Alfred must have been one of the prototype clones that shouldn’t have been used for this stage. Then disappointment set in. Giving Alfred away for adoption would have been too suspicious, so he had to keep him. He still hoped for a while that they would have a good relationship later on like he and his father did.
Alexander married the surrogate mother in early 1970 and divorced her in late 1972. Alexander wanted his children to be legitimate. It was also less suspicious to pay her for her service with the marriage contract. Otherwise, he would have resorted to money laundry to hide the payment. The woman got 2.5 million pounds after the divorce (1 million per birth + 0.5 million for every year of marriage). She was not allowed to speak about the events or to see “her” children again afterward. Alexander told her if she would act against their agreement, she would never be seen again.
The surrogate mother left when the twins were 1.5 years old. They shouldn’t become too attached to their “mother”. However, Alexander wanted her to stay and take care of them as long as the critical stage wasn’t over. Alternatively, he would have needed a wet nurse, and he wanted to avoid involving more people in his experiments. Furthermore, while both children were healthy, it was still possible that Alexia died from sudden infant death, in which case Alexander would have to repeat the experiment. (The same applied to Alfred, but if he had died, Alexander would have accepted it as it is what it is.)
Alexander only told the surrogate mother that she should bear a child for him. She didn’t know about the human experiments and assumed Alexander’s girlfriend died and that the children were from her and Alexander.
Alexander only talked to the surrogate mother when he wanted to know how she or the twins were doing or to give her instructions. She was only interested in his money but still had hoped to get along better with him. Living in isolation for so long was already hard, having almost no one to talk to made it worse.
Due to the loneliness, she became more attached to the twins than she wanted. Later, she collected all the newspaper articles about Alexia, cried for days when she heard about her “death”, and even visited Alfred during his graduation. He did not recognize her anymore, and she didn’t know what to say, so she pretended to be an old friend of Alexander, congratulated him, and left again.
The twins knew that the woman who gave birth to them wasn’t their biological mother. Alexander told them when they began to ask why they couldn’t see her again. He said that he would explain everything one day, but he never intended to tell them the truth.
Alexander’s relationship with his relatives took a turn for the worse after Edward’s death and the dispute over his heritage. The main reason was Alexander’s secrecy because of the Veronica project. Everything about his marriage and the children was strange. He married without saying anything and only told his relatives about his children when they were about six months old. His relatives asked too many questions, so he ghosted them if possible. Living at the end of the world helped a lot. Even his foster mother, who had tried to improve the situation before, gave up at one point.
He claimed that he had accidentally impregnated the woman during a one-night stand and married her because he felt responsible. This only made sense for people who didn’t know him. (It also didn’t fit the timeframe.) He was not the man for this. He wouldn’t even kiss a woman if he hadn’t dated her for several weeks and was visibly uncomfortable whenever a woman became a bit too intrusive before he was ready. His relatives often speculated if he was secretly gay.
The divorce added even more mystery to the situation. Alexander’s relatives tried to talk with the surrogate mother, but she never told them any details, kept her answers short, and what she said sounded memorized.
The way Alexander raised his kids was another issue. His relatives offered that the twins could stay in England and grow up normally as long as he had to work in Antarctica, but he refused. They also complained about Alexia’s workload. Genius or not, a 6-year-old shouldn’t already go to university.
General Thoughts
Alexander was a distant and not very affectionate father. He cared about his children, but he always had been terrible at showing affection, especially on a physical level. Alexander also had no idea how to deal with children in general, nor the time and energy to learn it. The best he could do was treat the twins as he treated his employees: performance and self-dependence were rewarded, while laziness was punished with more work and less free time.
Alexander hired private teachers for the twins. Both had strict education schedules. Alfred was doing excellent compared to other children his age, but his achievements were nowhere close to Alexia’s, who even exceeded Alexander’s expectations. Alexia never visited a school except to take some exams. Alfred only went to school for a while after Alexia started her cryogenic sleep.
Alexander had to work long hours to avoid falling too far behind other Umbrella research groups until Alexia was ready. As a result, Alexander focused even more on Alexia and her progress than he would have done anyway, while he simply lost interest in his son. He never hated Alfred, though.
Alexander tried to make up for the lack of quality time by buying gifts for the twins when he had the opportunity. But since he never engaged much in their interests, these gifts were often disappointing.
The only physical affection Alexander would give them was a few pats on the head, occasionally an awkward handshake, or rarely a short hug. When the twins wanted to cuddle, they had to rely on each other because Alexander was certainly not the one who would do it. For that reason, he was actually thankful for Alfred’s existence for once. Alexander supported the twins’ closeness.
Spencer visited them once. He got along well with the twins, especially with Alfred. Alexander had never seen him that excited when talking to anyone other than his sister. Alexander didn’t know what Spencer was up to and kept the twins away from him afterward. But it was more than reasonable concerns that bothered him. Deep down, he was jealous of how good Spencer was doing with his children while he was struggling ever since.
Even though Harman fulfilled his duty as a butler for the Ashfords, he and Alexander couldn’t stand each other. Edward had hired him. Alexander only kept him later because his father had liked this man. Alexander hated it in particular that Harman always backed up the twins when he had an argument with them.
After his mansion in the Antarctic Base was finished, Alexander lived mainly there. He only moved to Rockfort Island with children during the Antarctic winter months if his work allowed it.
The bar/casino was Alexander’s bedroom, and Alfred’s later office was the twin’s bedroom. Alexander wanted to do some reconstruction so the twins could have separated rooms on Rockfort Island too. He planned to expand Alfred’s later office and give it to Alexia. Alfred’s room was supposed to be the future office of his secretary after it was significantly reduced in size.
Later Years
Alexia became increasingly rebellious after she started working. It started with spiteful remarks here and there, and then she wouldn’t listen to her father anymore and refused to share her results. She even threatened to contact Spencer and let him be removed from the base entirely (mostly empty threats). Alexia was frustrated that Alexander would profit from her work while he contributed almost nothing, but she didn’t hold a grudge against him yet as Alfred did. She even planned to spare Alexander in the first outlines of her world domination plans. Her attitude only changed after Alfred told her about their origin.
Alexander planned to send Alfred to a boarding school in the hope it would better his and Alexia’s relationship and give her more time for her research. Alexia was old enough and didn’t need a playmate anymore.
The relationship between Alfred and Alexander would have escalated within two to three anyway, even if Alfred never discovered the truth about himself and Alexia.
When Alfred moved in permanently on Rockfort Island, he sold Alexander’s belongings partially and threw the rest away. But he wanted to add more as an insult. Alexander wasn’t a friend of alcoholic drinks. He rarely drank and avoided hard liquors if possible. He also hated gambling. So obviously, turning Alexander’s former bedroom into a bar/casino was the best use for this room.
After his mutation, Alexander acted mainly on instinct. There were only a few moments when he was somewhat aware of his situation and when vague memories came back. They felt more like surreal dreams rather than real memories, though. Alfred sometimes visited Alexander and talked to him (not in a friendly way). This could trigger these moments. Nosferatu recognized Alfred as someone he knew, but he couldn’t fully understand who this man was nor make sense of any of his words.
Alfred also used him for target practice. He made sure not to hit his vital organs. Nosferatu could regenerate, but Alfred didn’t know how much damage he could take before he would eventually die. He could have killed Alexander if he wanted but found it more delightful to keep him alive and watch him suffer for everything he has done to him and Alexia. Using Nosferatu as a living target went on until Alfred realized that some ricochets had damaged the shackles. This and general material fatigue resulted ultimately in Nosferatu’s escape.
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laurelismyblackcanary · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road
The other day I finally had the chance to watch the new special. ( I haven't watched the three with Tennant yet, but I'll catch up as soon as I can).
So I liked the episode. Ruby reminded me a lot of the first Rose, the one that travelled with Nine. She's curious, she's funny and she's young. But she carries with her the fact that she's adopted, that she can't find her birth parents but wants to, so in some ways she seems more mature than that Rose, closer to how she became with Ten until she got trapped in the parallel universe. I liked the mother and the grandmother and I hope we'll have the chance to see them again.
Fifteen reminded me of the late Eleven. The one that traveled with Clara and lost the Ponds. He had the same over enthusiastic attitude Eleven had, but he's also weighted by the trauma of the discovery of the Timeless Child. You can see ( or at least I could) that behind the enthusiasm and the funny attitude there's also a huge pit of emotion and trauma. And I love it.
Ncuti and Millie have great chemistry and I can't wait to see their adventures. I think that the fact that in some ways they are both adopted is going to be a nice bonding factor, and I'm pretty sure it's also going to play a major role in the future.
I really enjoyed the scene of Fifteen dancing in the club and the music number with Ruby. I'm not usually a fan of musical episode, but there's something in those scenes that really drew me in. Also the scene I think that scene after the Goblin left, when he can't find Ruby and then realised that they're gone back in time to eat her, is beautifully acted, both by Ncuti and the actress who plays Ruby's mom.
I'm really curious to find out more about Ruby's mother, or whoever it was that black figure that abandoned her, and I wonder if we'll see Mrs Flood again or if she was just there to break the fourth wall and to wink at the audience.
I agree with some reviews that the plot wasn't particularly complicated and the pace was off in some places, but I think it was a good way to introduce Fifteen and Ruby.
I mean NewWho started with PlasticMikey and his friends going around London and shooting people. I guess that singing goblins are a good way to start a new era.
Also I hate the Timeless Child plot line, I understand how many problems it solves from a narrative standpoint and how many possibilities it opens but I still don't like it. Still this special made me want to keep watching and see where they'll go with it and maybe Davies can convince me that it's a good plot point. So this special must have done something right for me
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blaithnne · 1 year
since you just did saskia I am humbly requesting seasaidh lore 👉👈
Omg I literally JUST GOT THIS ASK SECONDS AFTER I MADE A POST ABOUT HER BYE - but since it was literally seconds later I’ve just deleted it and I’ll put it here!
Sooo here’s her redesign!
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My little baby…I'm so obsessed with her.SOME MORE INFO -
• Seasaidh is sketchbook baby number 2! Where Saskia is a magical biological baby, Seasaidh is their adoptive daughter, hence why she has a Gaelic name (it's pronounced like Jessie but with a Sh instead of the J)
• She's also TRANSGENDER !!?? Yeah :] she was adopted when she was still male presenting but realised she was a girl pretty young. Picture 3 year old Seasaidh waddling up to her parents and announcing that she's a girl, not a boy actually. Since she was so young Johanna and Kaisa picked out a new name for her, since her birth name was Gaelic they wanted to keep her new one in the same langauge out of respect for her heritage, so they chose Seasaidh to match Saskia alliteratively! Her transition is done via magic
• Seasaidh's original design had blue hair, and I had a whole thing where she and her sister got it dyed at the same time, and Saskia let it fade but Seasaidh kept up redoing it. Buttt I think the blue hair and other factors made Seasaidh look more like a Frilda baby than a sketchbook one, and also her design just didn't have a lot of Kaisa in it, so her hair is the same colour as her mama's. I think the new hair dye explanation is that Saskia has this faded blue hair dye that she did herself when she was little bc she wanted to be like her big sisters, and now as a teen she’s very embarrassed about that and insists she doesnt and never did, but she still makes sure the dye doesn't fade completley. Seasaidh just never dyed her hair, she still looks up to Hilda a lot and really wants to be like her but her family always put a lot of emphasis on appreciating her natural hair, so she likes it just the way it is. Plus I think it's sweet to imagine she keeps her hair a natural color because she doesn't want Johanna to feel left out as the only natural haired person in the family
• Anyways, Seasaidh looks up to Hilda a LOT, she even inherited her classic boots when Hilda grew out of them! She's heard all about Hilda's adventures and wants to have ones just like them one day, she wants a cute animal companion and everything! Seasaidhs general arch is about learning to be an individual and to not put Hilda on a pedestal so much
• Seasaidh also has a lot of struggles with feeling like she's not really a part of the family. The fact that she's adopted, and Kaisa is so focused on trying to connect with Saskia (Kaisa loves both her girls the same for the record, she just ends up focusing more on Saskia because shes more distant than Seasaidh and she feels like she doesn't connect with her as much, this inadvertently leads to her not spending as much time with Seasaidh, which gets to her overtime), and the fact that she wants nothing more than adventure and magic and was born after Hilda's big adventures involving the two mean that she feels left out a lot. She worries she's not as good as her family members and is always trying to prove herself - she wants a big adventure to prove it to them, but there just isn't one for her yet. With time though she is able to realise her family's honestly overwhelming amount of love for her, and forge her own path instead of trying to follow in her sisters footsteps
•I mentioned in my Saskia post that she doesn't become a witch despite her natural talent, buttt Seasaidh does! Despite her lack of natural talent lol. It takes Kaisa a wee bit to actually take notice of Seasaidh's interest in Witchcraft (maybe there's an angsty arch where Kaisa's focus on Saskia for this makes Seasaidh think shes favouring her because she's her biological child, and Kaisa feels IMMENSE guilt for making her think that), but once she does Seasaidh ends up studying to become a witch! And she's pretty good at it too. I think it would take her a while to find her familiar though, which frustrates her to no end bc she wants one soooo badd
In general Seasaidh is basically just a mini Hilda even when she's not consciously trying to emulate her. She's chaotic and adventurous and loves weird creatures and making friends. I think she'd be a bit more social than the rest of her family, she makes human friends much easier
I'm not sure what her artistic talent would be…it'd be kinda funny if she was just bad at art in general maybe lol, another thing that makes her feel left out. But I could see her keeping a sketchbook of some kind. And it would be perfect to have sketchbook baby carrying a sketchbook around, yeah imma go with that - she keeps a sketchbook! And she's pretty good for her age, I think she'd like drawing with markers the most
Aaaanddd that’s all I can think to write for now lmao! I love her sm TY FOR ASKING ABOUT HER
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uarmymoonlight · 1 year
"thus with a kiss..." - shakespeare
pairing: vampire hunter!jk X vampire!reader
genre: fantasy!au, historical!au,  forbidden/secret relationship!au, angst, fluff, (a little) smut
author’s note: this is a teaser for an upcoming fic. send an inbox message if you wish to be added to the taglist.
teaser warnings: mentions of blood, death, and murder/attempted murder, eventual smut and angst, tit play
summary: two times Jungkook got so lost sliding his hands through your soft skin and staring into your gentle eyes, that he had to fight to remember the stories of brutal cold-blooded and dead-eyed killers his brothers raised him up with. stories of your kind.
words: 899
taglist: @luaspersona
part 0.1 (teaser)  || "thus with a kiss" masterlist (coming soon) || main masterlist
It always hits him at the most inconvenient of times that you may actually be a good person. And Jungkook almost feels guilty for plotting your death while you're smiling so sweetly at a little girl as both you and her help a kitten off a tree. But just as soon as the feeling begins, the warnings of his brothers whisper in his mind reminding him how manipulative your kind is - how manipulative you are. His brothers have no reason to lie to him about you or about the stories he's heard since he was a child. The stories of those who took his parents from him, the stories that haunted him, plaguing his dreams with blood and death until he no longer wanted to dream. Stories of those like you.
Jungkook tries to shake off these thoughts and softens his face when he sees you coming back to his side, now that the kitten is free and the little girl is on her way.
"Fourth time this month. Same time, same tree, same cat", you tell him with a smile.
"I don’t understand why Soo-Ah doesn’t just adopt him”, Jungkook scoffs “Would save her the trouble of having to save him every other day.”
“It would. But it’d also take away his freedom of coming and leaving when he wants and of chasing that same squirrel that goes up the tree and disappears. Not to mention one more crucial factor.”
“What?”, he waits confused, eyeing your mischievous smile.
“Helping Soo-Ah with the cat uses up enough of her time that when she reaches the bakery the breads will be fresh out of the oven. She won’t need to wait even a second to get them.”
You give Jungkook another one of your pretty smiles, those he can’t help but answer with a smile of his own, and there it is again. That same feeling from earlier telling him you’re a good person, after all. Fangs and blood-sucking aside.
So Jungkook takes your hand to continue your walk together. It’s only after you’ve entered your house, leaving him with a kiss, that a shadow crosses Jungkook’s face and he heads to meet his brothers, the men waiting hungrily for the right time to kill you.
Jungkook swears he feels a heartbeat as he buries his face in your tits before putting one of them in his mouth. And he definitely feels the warmth of your skin beneath his roaming hands when one of them goes down, squeezing your ass and making you arch your back. You gasp and Jungkook can see you take in a breath and your cheeks flushed. 
Just like he forgot earlier what you truly are, Jungkook forgets it now too. Worst of all, he thinks days later, - when he’s no longer in your presence and your perfume can’t cloud his mind anymore - is that at that moment he stopped caring to remember. Sometimes he wished he didn’t, wished he could be oblivious to everything, but Jungkook should know by now that his prayers never get answers. So when your lips grace the skin of his neck Jungkook starts to see blood.
He frantically pushes away from you, making your head hit the wall with a loud thud. The push was so sudden and strong that Jungkook himself was thrown to the other side of the room, wide-eyed and frowning.
“Jungkook”, you look at him startled, “are you okay?”
He gets a chill down his spine when he notices that, although he’s breathing heavily because of your little rendezvous and his fright, you’re not. You look perfectly fine. Hair a bit disheveled where he touched, clothes a little messed but…fine. You look fine. And Jungkook feels like a deer who’s been caught by the predator. No, not a deer, because deer know to run when they see a predator. He feels like a foolish fly who walked right into a flytrap. He acted like a fool and he feels angry at you for making him act like such. You call his name again.
“Jungkook, what hap-”
“No!” Jungkook barks, raising a hand. 
It stops you in your tracks and he notes that you make a face of confusion like you really can’t understand the situation. Jungkook takes advantage of that. 
“I have to go.” He says gathering the few pieces of his clothes he’d let you rip off him as quickly as he can, not looking at you. 
He can hear you start to form a phrase, but he’s thankfully already way past the door to hear it fully. At least, Jungkook convinces himself that he really couldn’t hear you asking him why he’s leaving.
This late at night there’s barely anyone left on the streets and once again he’s mentally kicking himself for his foolishness of being so vulnerable at such an hour of the night, very aware that you could very easily be trailing him. Maybe you had decided that was enough of your little game with him. If you had decided that, Jungkook knows him leaving wouldn’t put a  damper on your plans. Oh, no. Your kind doesn’t let prey go this easily. So Jungkook bolts as fast as he can through the dimly lit streets to the only safehouse he knows, constantly looking over his shoulder with the unshakable sensation that someone - something - really is watching him every step of the way.
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c0dmic · 5 months
I may get things wrong, so I'm putting information I know of or believe in the most. I still may get it wrong, so correct me. I'm going to talk about Regina's problematic actions, relationships she was in, and a bit of widely talked about topics. Also, most of the posts about her are outdated and later proven to be wrong. So I had to put points that are now and have been canon since the show ended.
CONTAINS: Opinions
Regina Mill's personality goes easier throughout the show. From being manipulative to caring but still having that s1 spark. She expresses her caring to her old enemies, aka, The Charmings.
From the flashbacks, we see Regina adopt a child named Henry. She went from having almost full vengeance and revenge still pent up in her heart to having a mix of both love and darkness due to Henry.
Yes, Regina was rude to her citizens of Storybrooke. But most of what she did (in later seasons) was use sarcasm. Let's jump into her actions.
Problematic Actions:
- R4pe (Graham Specifically) for 28 years
- Manipulate Henry for years ( calling his 'theory' of fairytales fake)
- Violence (to Villages and People)
Let get into the r4pe part first. Of course, even as someone like a Regina stan should not excuse this behavior. Me, aka a person who likes her but doesn't excuse and will NEVER excuse her problematic actions, especially this one in particular.
Regina had raped Graham for around 28 years. 
One sentence that implies it, even for a little bit, is in the episode where Graham (huntsman at the time) meets Regina for the first time. She says
"Take him to my bedchamber,"
I know it's short. But why else would someone say that. Just think about that.
And also the fact that Regina most definitely (for the curse) made Graham engage with her romantically and sexually. Even though it was obvious that he didn't like her that way in the Enchanted forest or most likely ever. Not to mention she had his heart, and in ouat logic hearts are used to control people, so when doing stuff with Regina both romantically and sexually, he was forced to because Regina gave him orders.
Now we go to Manipulating Henry.
For ten whole years, Henry has lived and grew up with Regina. He loved his mother (even though she's not his bio mom). Until Henry got the book, and Emma had revealed that Henry had a book and kept on saying everyone in town are fairytale characters that are cursed (which ofc is true). Regina, unknowing of her sons correct theory /speculation/ belief, was visibly shocked. And when she found out that Snow (Mary) had given the book to him, she didn't want that at all. And even set up Emma into saying that Henry was 
'crazy' when Henry was nearby. So that she can attempt to stop him from thinking of his speculation and them bonding.
All of this was to make sure Henry couldn't connect and hate his birth mother so that she could have him as his own. And also because Henry was right, and she didn't want her son of ten years to hate her for her sins.
Justify means to show or prove to be right or reasonable.
While to explain means to be the cause of or motivating factor for an action.
I know explain has many definitions or ways to explain what it means and one means to justify. While mine means to simply explain the cause or motivation towards the action.
There's no doubt Cora was abusive to Regina. And before you start, there's different types of abuse. The abuse Cora does to Regina is Mental and Emotional. Maybe physical but still very debatable and unclear.
For emotional, Cora visibly and directly shows that Cora wants to control Regina. She wanted Regina to do something Regina didn't want just so Cora could have what SHE wanted. And Emotional abuse means to, "target a person's feelings, it uses emotions to manipulate, punish, and achieve control." That heavily reminds me of Cora killing Daniel to gain more control of Regina. And if you didn't already know.
And there's scenes where Cora would grab Regina forcefully with vines to STOP Regina from moving or walking away from her. Cora said in one of the scenes, "Don't you dare walk away from me!" Then proceed to grab Regina using vines from her Magic. Also, her father, Henry, said to Regina that Cora wanted control over her and if Regina continues with her evil actions, her mother had achieved to controlled her. Because, everything Cora did to Regina was calculated. Daniel's Death, The marriage, the abuse, and it was all to get Reina to become evil. In s2 i think, (the Angstiest Regina Season), Regina goes to Archie upset and with TEARS in her eyes because, she used magic, because she used magic. And she Didn't want to use magic against Henry like her mother. After she did so, she was upset because she broke her own promise to not use magic against Henry. Also because it reminded her of what her mother did to her, and she did want to pass it down for Henry.
Also Cora in s2, came Storybrooke (her daughters town) not only to reunite with Regina but to BREAK HER... like wtf. And Regina is Already upset because Henry is growing distant to her. But Cora, literally
frames her own daughter for murder. While the whole fucking town is already against her.
For Mental, theres an episode where Cora forms Regina's thoughts by saying, "Sometimes I wonder if the people actually like you". And Cora seems to have an influence in Regina's world view, of Wolf and Sheep. Regina States in the episode where she meets the huntsman (Graham). 
(Got the episode part from a Tumblr poster from ouatanalysis) aka:
Now back to what I was saying about Cora. Cora had forced Regina into marriage. BUT as you could tell as time went on Regina had decided to use her relationship with Leopold to gain control, because that's what her mother said, about something along the lines of, "power is useful" before she sent her mother through the mirror.
And her mother sent her to a marriage with a broken old ass man who was still grieving his wife. Which lead to the neglect from Leopold to Regina. It was stated by Regina herself that Leopold would often leave Regina by herself at the castle that at points she felt like the 'Queen of Nothing'.
And for me i feel like Regina (forgive me for wording this part wrong) was considered her as a mourning tool. Like, "Oh my wife died 8 years ago, lets get another one to help with and to deal with me". Yes he may have also gotten Regina because she seemed like a good mother figure fit for Snow, but still, most likely half the woman population of Leopolds age from Leopolds kingdom would save Snow from the horse in a heartbeat if they were there and they would show genuine feelings for Leopold. However, he chooses, a woman who's 18 and lives away.
Not only Cora and Leopold influenced Regina's bad perspective and actions, Rumple also did too.
Rumple saw Regina as a person wanting power and wanting to stand out and not seem as weak and took the opportunity as the dark one to turn Regina evil.
Regina at first was hesitant to say that she liked using magic due to her not wanting to be like her mother and also due to her mother's actions with her, with magic.
But time happens and Regina uses more and more of magic for evil and frightens villages and kills Villagers who helped Snow in the slightest bit.
I still stan her because she changed, she's reformed and she would never do that stuff again (r4pe, use magic against Henry or manipulate him, or m4ss murd3r).
ANYWAYS, this was heavily controversial. But if your going to criticize/correct parts, be respectful and mature about it instead of wanting to start a riot. Saying "Fuck you", "Go die in a hole", "Kys", "I hope your house burns down". And be respectful, if you want to critigue/correct me at certain parts, by all means, go ahead, but tell me what parts I went wrong instead of telling me to kms.
NOTE: This is from May 2023, but I just remembered this now. And parts didn't make sense so I changed it up to make it better.
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jupitersrising · 6 months
The Foxes Divergent Factions + explanations
Long post under the cut
Review of Divergent Factions:
Abnegation: the selfless
Amity: the peaceful
Candor: the honest
Dauntless: the brave
Erudite: the intellectual
Neil Josten: He was born in Dauntless, but Mary ran away to Abnegation because nobody actually pays attention to them. Depending on where Neil is in his journey, he'd either choose dauntless (if his dad wasn't there) or amity.
Andrew Minyard: He grew up in Candor and followed Aaron to Erudite. But if Aaron weren't a factor he'd probably choose Dauntless because that faction seems to have the most freedom of them all.
Aaron Minyard: Grew up in Abnegation (which both helps push Tilda's abusive behavior and develops his volatile habits when he has the ability to choose what he wants to do. I could make an entire post just about this) and chose Erudite for obvious reasons.
Kevin Day: Grew up in Dauntless (you can't tell me that the Moriyama's would be anywhere else) and ran away to Erudite.
Nicky Hemmick: He grew up in Candor (which helped fuel self-hatred since yk...his parents are horrible), but his parents worked closely with volunteers in Abnegation so he was fairly close to Aaron. But, he chose Amity because he thought it might be the one place—if any place like that existed—that would accept him.
Dan Wilds: I'm gonna be honest...I have no idea where Dan grew up. I feel like it could be Dauntless, but at the same time it just doesn't work. Amity seems too...nice of a place for her origins. Idk. At the same time I could see her choosing Abnegation because she wants to help people (much like her adoptive father figure David Wymack) or I could see her going to Erudite learn/argue to help other people.
Matt Boyd: He grew up in Erudite (since his Dad is a doctor or someone of high society) but his Mom is from Dauntless making him a child that shouldn't exist (people of two different factions aren't supposed to be in relationships). When he got to choose he went to Abnegation.
Renee Walker: This one is pretty obvious...she grew up in Dauntless and chose (or was adopted or was forced to) Amity.
Allison Reynolds: She grew up in Erudite and left to Candor to reveal all her parents' secrets without facing retribution.
Seth Gordon: Grew up in Dauntless (could also see him growing up in Candor, but I feel like he's the type who would stay with what he knew) and stayed in Dauntless.
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brawlqueen · 6 months
PSA. / 2024 goals !
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the reason i haven't been writing a lot is i've mostly been on my OC trying to play catch up on her lore and worldbuilding. you can find her in the pinned post . also i've been planning what i want to do for mizuki for 2024, and my interest very normal love for best girl only gets better each year. i just hope to do justice by her in my own way as i figure out what i'm doing post AI1.
as i'm canon divergent and i have a few things to talk about that i'll be hoping to capture or discuss hopefully some of this year that are parts of my mizuki's canon ! so i'll try doing it in uh, the most organized way because one goal i have at least for 2024 is better blog organization . it's too late to make a sideblog for musings / etc . THINGS I'LL BE DOING THIS YEAR . - focusing on catch up. unless a thread is requested to be dropped, please message me if so, i'll be continuing it. some i will drop for my own sanity, not because i don't want to write with you again! - seasonal / holidays asks will just be holiday asks with no specific content save for people i owe, ex: bubblez' kizuna or thane's trunks, etc. why? i think mizuki deserves to celebrate the holidays or anything remotely happy because while aiba is arguably as of now her best support system, let's be real, i genuinely want to find and work on any of her relationships because she's severely lacking in support. even from 2023. i'll try to stay more on the ball for again, my own sanity this year when i reblog them. - i will be writing my version of post-canon mizuki and child mizuki, that goes from her time before adoption from date, aka with shoko and renju which will be tagged appropriately because honestly mizuki doesn't know many reliable adult figures in her life, and it makes me very sad that she's arguably more mature than...most people save say, boss or pewter or hitomi etc. she deserves better! just because AI2 certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea, and it isn't mine in a LOT of ways, i still took stuff from it, and i don't think it's fair to halt mizuki at 12 forever just because we fairly have critique of NI / AINI and not let her grow up and experience a hopeful future and more bonds to fill the huge hole in her heart. let her be happy is the goal !
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now i'm working on mizuki's post canon verse, as i've restarted aitsf 1 to move to aitsf 2, where i'll take a few things that i won't likely budge on unless you meet me halfway !
the verse title for anything post-canon and generally for 18 year old mizuki / teen mizuki or post explosion mizuki will be this verse tag!
__ 𝐕; 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍*ೃ༄ not compromising with just this; i'm taking back all the happiness i lost.
now onto her post canon details i do have figured out.
mizuki and aiba are partners. one thing that's consistent is through her time with date, that can still be a thing because they ARE a family, albeit i feel estranged granted the resolution route is canon, so mizuki never really got to bond with him, get her aphonia cured, vice versa, is aiba's care through time in his eye socket appreciating the girl's strength and endurance and intelligence in both games. you can have more than one partner, and until / if we have another game and mizuki possibly gets another partner and i debate the chemistry, aiba is mizuki's partner and aiba is generally mostly with mizuki, but that doesn't mean she isn't with date too. she can love more than one person. and both dates are equally dear to her.
mizuki was still experimented on until 3 years old at horadori institute, albeit she has blurry memories at best, and i debate if she should fully remember! one factor of her godlike superhuman strength. but she also is trained in most japanese martial arts she can get her hands on! she is NOT a clone of bibi, bibi doesn't exist whatsoever despite me enjoying her personality, even if i felt it was made to mimic mizuki herself, if others who have muses with canon bonds to bibi, please talk to me so we can plot it out if you keep her as part of your canon ! as long as we meet halfway i'm more than happy to work with you !
mizuki is still a rookie detective and psyncer at ABIS. in my canon, she actually looks to ryuki, also new, but older for advice and i like to think as dual protagonists that they should have been, they get to do some cases together! only if a ryuki is willing of course.
for now, she's working on small to medium cases with aiba. the explosion still happened that took her vision clean out. she does this because of the gruesome history she has, not wanting others to suffer the same kind of unimaginable trauma she has with both biological parents murdered in various means and i'm still debating whether tearer even exists. he likely will, and if people also have the other culprit's actions in their canon, please talk to me too and i'll work together with you on that !
mizuki still runs lemniscate and sunfish pocket. she doesn't have the heart yet to really let go of her neglectful biological father's companies, even if he didn't care for her in a way she needed. in time, i'll see how she feels about this, as i do plan for mizuki to continue her education, as the girl is extremely intelligent.
mizuki is still best friends with iris, but my mizuki also considers amame and kizuna two of her really close friends, but they aren't a sister to her like iris is. they're certainly caring of her, and she'd protect them with her life, but she isn't as close to them as iris, and all of them do hang out together from what i've seen.
my mizuki is a lot more skeptical for the kizunas out there, of lien. she isn't comfortable with his advances towards one of her best friends and generally is a lot more protective. that said, it's all according to people who write kizzy. naturally she's fiercely protective of iris, who now is someone who works for her too as the president of an entertainment company.
my mizuki comes from the MIZUKI ROUTE in terms of character development but NOT THE PLOT EVENTS . iris is not inhabited by so sejima. date and mizuki DO bond like a father and daughter. date unless a date talks to me, DOES cure her aphonia or it's hitomi herself like canon because hitomi is the mom she deserves imho. but i tend to take away the development of her character and their relationship otherwise i feel the date family bond is....pretty estranged or mizuki is MUCH more doubtful of date caring for her at all granted the routes and how she tends to get overlooked a lot.
basically i want to as one of i'm sure other mizuki-mun's, give her my best in my own way, at my own pace !
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and those are my goals as i replay the games (again!) . i hope to keep developing mizuki and thank you for being so patient with me as always, everyone ! also kinda sorry for the long post but it was all necessary !
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foryoupeko · 2 years
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Doodle I did at work of SDR2 Next Gen
Some details below, I don’t have all their names yet.
Tw: small segment of abuse, it’s okay she’s good now
- Nagito’s ultimate luck helped them adopt a child that looks like a perfect blend of the two
- He’s really smart and picks up lessons quickly but he doesn’t apply himself. He tends to slack off and support his friends from the sidelines.
- Nagito and Hajime disagree a lot about how much freedom to give their son. Nagito appreciated the freedom he got when his parents died, and Hajime wants to be much more involved than his own parents in their child life.
Kuzupeko’s first daughter: Harumi
- Her official title is SHSL Self-Defense expert but her more accurate title would be SHSL Punisher.
- Having been raised at a young age to protect herself from various entities wanting to do harm, she got really good at hurting people
- Fuyuhiko is currently encouraging her to forget about the Yakuza life (for now) and live a normal life
Sondam’s Daugher: Lillian
- As the SHSL Poet, she wrote a famous book of poems in her native language. Whenever she tries to translate it to English or Japanese, the words become really weird. She's most famous of her macabre poems.
- She loves her family very much, but she hates her country. After the tragedy the country became a hellscape full of criminals and psychopaths. It breaks Sonia’s heart her children can never see their country how it once was. Sonia is doing her best to transition to a democracy but it’s taking time.
Ibuki’a son adopted by Sondam: Lucifer
- Ibuki got knocked up and doesn’t know who the father is (it’s twogami’s). She didn’t want the baby so Sonia (who was also pregnant at the time) offered to adopt them. Ibuki’s pregnancy went a lot smoother thanks to Sonia and Gundham helping. Ibuki still visit her son as the fun cool aunt. Twogami eventually realizes that's his son by studying his facial features but choose not to confront Lucifer.
- He is most likely the one to ascend the throne if Sonia can’t transition her country to a democracy in her lifetime. As the SHSL Vet, he will fix this country just like he fixes animals.
- The boy is super flirty (he gets that from Ibuki). He's currently dating Komahina's son but they're poly. Lucifer is fascinated by goth themes so he does bond with Mikan's daughter about that.
- On a meta level: Lucifer is a study on nature vs nurture. How much of his personality comes from his adoptive parents and what factors does he take from his biological.
Speed round for everyone else
- Teruteru’s daughter is nothing like her father but she does laugh at crude jokes. Imagine the sweetest bell of the ball suddenly snort laughing when someone calls her a “Master Baker”.
- Mikan adopted a lot of sick kids as a way to repent. After a while Hajime had to confront her because Mikan adopting kids she knew would die was doing terrible things to her psych. The one child that did survive was an girl born with one arm.
- Mikan’s daughter became very comfortable with death after all her siblings died (from natural causes). Being SHSL moritician allows her to make death, cute. She enjoys being a mortician because the dead doesn’t mind waiting for an one arm professional to finish
- Kazuichi’s son is Kazuichi if he had a good dad and women role models. Kazuichi is the best dad y’all, I feel it in my bones. UNFORTUNATELY, Kazuichi's son becomes the most upset when he finds out Class 77 involvement in the tragedy. Their relationship is a little strained right now.
- Mahiru’s adopted daughter was born to an abusive father who beated her whenever she asked for anything. When Kotoko (pink warrior of hope) saw this she tased the shit out of him. Mahiru offered to foster her and eventually ended up adopting her. Hiyoko was very adamant she never wanted kids so the two broke up. But of course Hiyoko still visited Mahiru, they were still friends. And Hiyoko was a littttle nice to Mahiru’s kid. Oh the kid has an interested in traditional Japanese so I guuuesss Hiyoko can help with that. The kid isn’t thaaat bad. Mahiru wants to try make their relationship work again, Hiyoko is willling. But no way is Hiyoko going to raise the kid. (In case I wasn’t clear, Hiyoko insist she didn’t adopt the kid but she totally did. Hiyoko is really good at teaching her to be more vocal with what she wants)
- Kuzupeko’s second daughter, Ryo. On a meta level, she’s an exploration of someone who wants to grow up too fast, compared to her parents who were forced to grow up too fast. She thinks she’s the most mature one of the family.
- Akanidai’s son is the youngest. Akane for a long time didn’t know if she wanted kids and Nekomaru was very understanding. Akane enjoyed the idea of children because she loved her younger siblings but she wasn’t sure if she would be a good mom. Eventually Akane said fuck it and jumped Nekomaru. Their son was born a little sickly but when he eats he feels better. Nekomaru monitor him well because eating is more of a placebo than a solution.
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mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
So I’m contemplating reading the Midnight in Scotland series and love your book blurbs (they’re just so clever and they make me laugh!) - any chance of an overview of that series??
Aww, thanks. Just being my kind of dumb self, lol.
But, yes I can give an overview!
Midnight in Scotland spins off of Braden's Rescued from Ruin series, which is very Stuffy English the same way Midnight is very Och Aye, and the connecting factor is the Huxley family, which is Braden's favorite Rescued family because they fuck like rabbits and have a billion kids. But like, in Rescued, the heroes wear nice clothes and nobody does farm work, and in Midnight the heroes are like "yer nice jackets are for fookin losers, lass, come watch me tend to coos" (the pronunciation of "cows" is a BIG. DEAL. in this series) and you're like "this seems extremely logical".
Also, it's about the MacPherson family. I don't think they have like, an actual title? But they have a lot of cash and influence and tbh they sometimes give me Scottish Mafia vibes. Every book has a MacPherson protagonist.
The Making of a Highlander--The only one without a Scottish hero, because it has a Scottish HEROINE. Annie is not a MacPherson by blood, but she was adopted into the family and is the only daughter and it's extremely adorable. But like, Annie is basically fucking insane (the book tries to be like "Annie isn't crazy" and I would say "well no Annie did not deserve to be bullied but her grip on reality is iffy"). Her best friend is a CHILD GHOST. And the child ghost is leaving this earthly plane and Annie thinks he tells her she needs to marry a lord and have his baby so the child ghost can be reborn? Yes. But she isn't a lady and doesn't know lady shit, so she asks John Huxley, the only Englishman she knows, to teach her how to be a lady because she thinks John is prissy (he's not he just like bathes regularly). What she DOESN'T know is that John is a viscount because he keeps that on the DL. But he wants to win these manly Highland Games and also Annie's got a rack that won't quit so he's like "yes fine I will My Fairy Lady You if you teach me how to throw cabers(?)".
What I really love about this one is that John starts out very annoyed by her, but when he falls? He falls RIDICULOUSLY hard. Like her dad is all "I KIN SEE HOW YE LUIK AT MY DAUGHTER JOHN HUXLEY" and John is like "i WOULD NE--well now that you point it out". And the book is for sure a nod to Pretty Woman, including a scene where she's all "The ladies at the shop were mean to me :(" and he goes "MEEEAN???? TO YOU????" and like ruins actual lives.
The Taming of a Highlander--You know the golden boy oldest brother Broderick? Well he was wrongfully imprisoned and tortured for months and now he's out but he's super scarred and lost an eye and understandably he's a bit upset which is why John Huxley's little sister Kate, a Writer Girl, sees him attempting to kill a guy! Oops! And now she's volunteering to marry him in order to avoid having to testify against him because she feels bad about it! In the scene where she proposes marriage she's like "and I guess we can have one or two kids" and she can visible see his dick moving around in his pants, I was entranced.
This book is definitely a bit darker than the first, and it's very much a "let me help you recover from trauma with my pussy" novel, which is something I personally love. Also, the heroine becomes DICK DUMB and is fully aware of the risks of becoming dick dumb because all her sisters were also romance heroines. Nonetheless, she sweeps into his room with breakfast in bed at one point, singing a song about his cock coming out to play. And he's like :D because that's how you help a romance hero trauma recover. He also tries extremely hard to avoid fucking her, and at some point she just bursts into his room like the Kool-Aid man and is all "LOOK. I KNOW YOU MIGHT BE AFRAID OF SPLITTING MY PUSSY IN TWO. BUT I'M UP FOR IT."
The Temptation of a Highlander--The heroine of this one is another English lass, Clarissa, and she has A PSYCHOTIC. STALKER. (Warning: a decent amount of animal death in this one, partly because farm but partly because stalker.) So she comes to Scotland, and she intends to marry her gay best friend to avoid the stalker, but then Kate from the above book is like "omg bitch my brother in law Campbell is the bIGGEST BOY EVER, you should go stay at his farm so he can bodyguard you" and Clarissa is like "hehehehehe maybe not heehehehe" because she's fully aware of Campbell's bigness, as he's always like, lifting pianos in front of her and shit. And Clarissa has it BAD. And she can't stop saying the worst fucking double entendres to him, like "oh you're a farmer??? I can see you plowing things deep and hard" or "hahaha you're so much bigger than me, I bet you could break me in two". And as a nice guy, Campbell is always like "...." when inside he's like "!!!".
Very good, and has one of my favorite hero moments in a while wherein he's proposing marriage and basically goes "look Clarissa I'm not an idiot I know you are literally gagging for it so we might as well get married". HOT. TBH. I will say this book does kind of have a "heroine was fat and then lost a lot of weight by dancing (lol) and that's when the psycho stalker became into her", which I don't loooove, but Campbell, to be fair, only meets her post weight loss. So there's not a "the HERO is only into her after she loses weight" angle, a la Romancing Mr. Bridgerton.
I enjoy them all quite a bit, I would recommend reading them in order (especially the first two) and they're like... a good mix of campy and hot and romantic. I find them much sexier than most of the Rescued books. Like, all the heroines are virgins, but they also are all extremely horny, and I find that a lot of the sex scenes have a real "Put your back into it, man" vibe and I personally love a heroine who's like "mmmmmm I think you can fuck harder than that, sir". Like let's treat romance heroes like prized oxen thanks.
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wispstalk · 1 year
Ohohoho I put bits and pieces of this in my fic but I've been looking for an excuse to elaborate.
Jauffre took Martin to a cousin (named Odei) who had just lost a child with his wife Gwyn. She died of a fever a couple years later so it was mostly just Martin and the stolid quiet Odei, living on a farm in the gold coast.
He wasn't friendless, but he was a fairly lonely child and spent a lot of time on the farm off in his own little world. Around the age of 11 he figured out Odei was not his real father but kept it to himself. This silence was a defining feature of their relationship: though Odei was kind and a good father to him, the unspoken gradually drove a wedge between them and Martin began dreaming of leaving the farm.
Odei knew oooooollllld forms of land magic and would occasionally be called on by neighboring farmers to cure livestock, charm crops and soil, summon favorable weather, etc., and would bring Martin along. That sparked Martin's interest in magic and he left to study at the Anvil mages' guild at 16. (this was also when he transed his gender)
That's also where his first rumblings of discontent with the guild started: the things Odei taught him, he was told, were backwater superstitions that had no place in proper study of the six schools. This got him wondering about what else the guild was keeping from him, and as we know he wasn't alone in this! He joined a small band of fellow malcontents who occasionally invented field research trips to investigate daedric shrines. By the time he entered the Arcane University at 24, they were well-meshed in the Sanguinite cult.
Also, as it relates to Martin being trans: Odei had a justifiable fear that a *male* bastard child would be considered a greater threat to other heirs and therefore at more risk. But of course he couldn't say that, and he was not a Blade used to subterfuge. Martin took his slight reservation as a lack of support which only served to drive them further apart, and they were all but estranged by the time Martin went to the Arcane University. He was raised by a genuinely loving adoptive father but the secrecy was a destructive factor in their relationship.
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starkcanvas · 2 years
So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the Clear Out AU about?
Oh! I don’t mind at all! ^^ I’m happy you’re interested in it!
This is the gist of the story:
So the “Clear Out AU” is a different twist on a “Mari Lives Au” in a way. Basically events play out a bit differently than others. So Basil does witness the fight between Sunny and Mari, but before anything can really get physical, their Father comes home early just to see how the kids are doing with practice.
However, he becomes very enraged when seeing the violin on the ground and broken. Breaking up the siblings fight and verbally disciplining Sunny. He sends Mari to her room and tells Basil to go home. Both listen without question but the Dad takes Sunny privately to the Supply Closet...
One of the main factors here is that it is definitely implyed that the father is abusive towards Sunny but threatens him to not say a word to Mari or the mom. Once the punishment is done, he sents Sunny back to his room and Mari is immediately worrying over her baby brother. Her seeing that he is extremely upset but what really draws the line was her noticing the now visible bruise on his arm and leg.
Without hesitation, Mari tells Sunny to pack all he can into his bag while she does the same. She locks the bedroom door, then ties their bedsheets together and descend out their bedroom window. Ultimately, the two running away as an effort for Mari to save her little brother. Realizing what her father did to him, completely washing over her earlier anger.
The two are on the road for about a week. Thankfully, Mari had money on her so they’ve been buying food when they could however, her leg is slowly reaching its last lifes. Once they make it to Nearby City, Mari ultimately collapses in pain from her leg and is unable to move due to the sheer agony she’s in. Sunny is frightened by this and practically shouts out, begging for any sort of help.
To their luck, two men luckily found them, Klaus and Del! Yup, in this AU, they’re alive and they called 911 and got Mari rushed to the hospital. Sunny was also tended to and his wounds were looked at. Mari though... Klaus and Del were informed that she would need surgery on her bad leg.
Luckily, it goes without a hitch. Her knee joint is replaced but... the rest of her leg was beyond repair and... needed to be amputated. Mari is of course very distraught when learning this but Klaus and Del help the siblings through this new issue. The actual parents do eventually track them down and things don’t go well...
The dad ultimately leaves due to his daughter becoming a “disappointment” and his son being a “mistake” in his eyes. Even taking his ring off and shoving it into Mari’s hands before he leaves. The Mom was relieved to know they were both okay but sadly is forced to give them up as she realizes there’s no way she can care for both of them in addition to Mari’s new medical needs on her own.
Luckily, Klaus and Del have been looking after the two since getting them there and before both parents leave, Del gets them to sign adoption papers for both Sunny and Mari. The two taking full responsibility for the two kids. They sign and not long after, Klaus and Del call the cops on the former dad for child abuse lol
The two kids now living in a much more accessible home for Mari, the two no longer having any kind of expectational pressure put onto them and they’re able to try and properly reconcile over the recital incident.
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