schizomothh Ā· 2 years
fucking around with colors + art style with a redraw from earlier this year. because, uh, new years or something
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(old one on the left new one on the right)
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book 7 part 9 thoughts!!
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***THIS POST CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 PART 9 OF THE MAIN STORY!!*** Please note:Ā this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold.Ā There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
Kind of a short update this time! It spans parts 140 to 157.
As a reminder, only Vil is following Yuu and co. into the next dream. This is because traveling around with too many people may cause a bug in Idiaā€™s dream hacking and/or it may make it easier for Malleus to notice them.
They land in Kalimā€™s dream!! There is a segment where Vil freaks out about falling and we get to see his cute squeaky-voiced vulnerable side again. (Yes, the others tease him about it šŸ˜‚)
They use DREAM FORM CHANGE to swap between dorm uniform (for combat) and school uniform (for general interactions within the dream).
And this new location isā€¦
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HUH WHATm/s tHIS?????
It seems like the Scalding Sands, but weā€™ve never seen this before.
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Those colors look really good on him!! But the hat looks like itā€™s floating or sitting on just the scalpā€¦ It feels like maybe it should be further down on his head. (Sorry about the weird screenshot chsvskwguejsk)
Kalim doesnā€™t seem to recognize our squad, nor NRC. He says that he goes to Qasr Sultanate Academy (guess thatā€™s where the name of his new uniform comes from). It is founded on the generous spirit of the Oasisā€™s Master (the Sultan). The school was established 2 years ago by his rich ass father, since this area did not have a magic school prior to that. THIS IS NEPOTISM AT ITS FINEST, FOLKS
***Note: "qasr" -> castle or palace, "sultanate" -> a place governed by a sultan!***
Idia reasons that Kalim might be this way to avoid the tragedies that play out at NRC. The dream is sheltering himā€¦
Everyone is dying of heat, so Kalim uses his UM to give them cool drinking water. He also has some servants (no Jamil) bring the roof over to them to help them cool off???
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iTā€™S SO WEIRD, WhYā€™ShE SO PERKY AnD KIRAKIRAā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ ā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦ā€¦ ā€¦. ā€¦ . ā€¦ā€¦. .. . ā€¦ ā€¦. . . . HE;S SMILING TOO MUCH, IT;S SUS...... THIS iS wROng (Side note, those colors are also nice on him!)
Dream!Jamil explains that he was hired by Kalimā€™s father but that their families never cared about their different statuses. In this dream, they basically grew up as real childhood friends and always talk honestly with each other.
The group reminds Kalim that Jamil isnā€™t REALLY like this. Vil especially lays into him, roasting Jamilā€™s character and going into how untrustworthy he is, etc.
Jamil tries to keep Kalim in the dream by using Snake Whisper. Eventually Kalim has his breakthrough, which is where the Groovy for his new card comes from. He realizes that he believed in a false yet convenient Jamil, he cannot face him anymore.
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WAHHHHH look at him šŸ˜­ Heā€™s leaking like a faucetā€¦ but heā€™s also trying so hard to wipe away his tears, to be strong and stand on his own to fight against the fake Jamil! Letā€™s give him a round of applause, folks šŸ‘
(This also means that there is potentially a pattern being established with these new limited main story cards; the Groovies will probably be the character crying as they have their realization that this world is a fake one. Does that meanā€¦ Crying J word next time??????? Maybe??? Or nah??? šŸ˜­ GOD PLEASE NO MY HEART WOULDNā€™T BE ABLE TO HANDLE ITā€”)
Vil tells Kalim that he also did something embarrassing in his own dream so itā€™s fine. Kalim callously laughs when he hears about Vil bossing Neige around, then quickly apologies because he realizes he was supposed to deny how bad it is.
Kalim joins the party!! He says it feels weird because usually Jamil is the one to wake HIM up.
They hop into Jamilā€™s dream!! They appear to have landed in a Silk City bazaar. Ortho takes headcount of them like theyā€™re students on a casual field trip, lol
Kalim enjoyed the jump but Vil seems to be having a hard time keeping up. Ortho and Silver will stay with Vil while the rest of them look for Jamil.
Yuu and co. fuck around in the market a little, getting coconut juice (well, Kalim buys 10 at once) and whatever. Guysā€¦ now is seriously NOT the time.
While giving them juice, the vendor suddenly becomes hostile towards Kalim and demands payment instead of letting him put it on his familyā€™s tab.
OMG?????? Apparently in Jamilā€™s dream, the Al-Asims are broke and scam free stuff from the vendors šŸ˜­ WHILE JAMIL IS RICH AF
The vendor is calling the POLICE
Silver comes running to save the day!! He says he will pay for his friends and we avoid being hauled off to jail āœØ
We continue our search for Jamil, deciding to trek to Kalimā€™s home in Silk City since thatā€™s where the Vipers live irl. INSTEAD THEY FIND THIS DESOLATE PLACE (reusing the dried up oasis background)
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A bystander explains that the Asim familtā€™s business failed so they had to give up their house. It got moved and repainted black and redā€¦ AND NOW JAMILā€™S THE MASTER šŸ’€
A guard comes to chase them off and recognizes Kalim as a servant. Turns out, the Vipers bought the old Asim home and employed them as servants to help them out.
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ā€¦ I saw this coming from a mile away, but the cringe of seeing it for myself is too much to bearā€¦
LMAO????? Now we get a rhythmic/twistune of Yuu and co. marching in a parade with Jamil at the head of it.
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Jamil is not enrolled in NRC; he is also enrolled in a new magic school called Jahir Sahar College (?).
***Note: "jahir" -> jewels, "sahar"/"sehri" -> wizard or magic!***
Jamil scolds Kaim for wearing a uniform of the wrong color and ā€œcorrectsā€ it for him. Kalim casually says thank you but Jamil tells him it is, ā€œJAMIL-SAMA, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!ā€ He reminds Kalim that the Asims owe the Vipers a debt so large that they cannot hope to repay it in their lifetime, so be sure to be useful to him.
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ā€¦ Bro is power tripping so hard šŸ˜­
Jamil becomes suspicious of us but Vil plays it off like weā€™re students come to research the Scalding Sands for a Film Club activity. He allows us to stay but backhanded comments that we look dumb so we wonā€™t pose a threat.
Jamil then offers to give us a tour SiNCE HEā€™S THE STUDENT COUNCiL PRESIDENT (Rollo called he wants his title back). Iā€™m guessing this is the case instead of him being dorm leader so Jamil is the ONLY top dog around.
Oh yeah!! Minor thing, magic carpet comes in at some point. Its its colors are closer to that of the magic carpet in the Aladdin film.
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He orders Kalim to prepare a feast; Kalim provides water with Oasis Maker and grabs food from the kitchenā€”all of Jamilā€™s favorites! But no matter how eager to please he is, Jamil tells him off and makes remarks about how useless Kalim is šŸ˜”
xbshgejwgsowkw Yuu and co. are like ā€œWOW, Jamilā€™s imagination is so strong so itā€™s going to be hard to wake him up!!ā€ Itā€™s okay, you can say heā€™s delusional/j
Jamil wavers a little because Kalim begins talking about their childhood memories. Itā€™s stirring up his own recollections, and I think the dreamā€™s interpretation of these evens is clashing with the reality that Kalim shares.
Blah blah blah
Dream!Kalim arrives to kiss Jamilā€™s ass :v aaand Jamil descends into the darknessā€¦
What we see is a potential future in which Jamil succeeded in book 4; Azul and the Scarabia mobs are under his hypnotic influenceā€¦ Kalim is goneā€¦ and Jamil plans to use the dirt Azul has collected to blackmail the other dorm leaders and take them down. (This lends credence to the idea of him being student council president in his dream because he wants to be the ONLY one in charge.)
LMAO????? Jamil shit talks the dorm leaders šŸ’€ Like saying that no one likes Riddle anyway, how Leona is probably another lazy nepo baby, etc.
AnD THEN AfTER THE DoRM LEADERS HEā€™s PlANNING ON GOInG AfTER CROWlEYā€™S iRRESPONSibLE aSS šŸ˜­ Jamil has his sights set on ruling over the entire schoolā€¦
They shout about the things they hate the most about each other. Jamil hates Kalimā€™s optimism, Kalim finally FINALLY declares that he hates how two-faced Jamil is. Itā€™s so intense even the hypnotized students are stunned????
Sebek wants to pummel Jamil too but Silver holds him back. His reasoning??? Sometimes people get emotionally charged and itā€™s better for them to let those out through their fists instead of their words.
I cannot believe that Silver Vanrouge in our lord 2024 really went, ā€œNo, no. Let them cook :)ā€ šŸ¤”
Kalim starts laughing because this is a unique experience to him?? Apparently he and Jamil never fought for real in the 17 years they knew each other. Jamil agrees and says if he neat Kalim up ā€œirlā€ it would cause problems for everyoneā€¦ and he realizes his wording and begins questioning the dream world because of that.
He finally wakes up! xbsnbsjwkwkwvdk Kalim is so excited his live 2D model is bouncing on the screen!
The goop returns and drags Jamil to a familiar scene where he OBs and then squares off against his Phantom, similar to what happened with Idia and Vil. Jamil calls his OB self pathetic and always looking for someone to blame. He now sees that view as narrow-minded and limiting.
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His Phantom tries to goad him by likening their situation to being genies trapped in a dark and small space, existing to be used their entire lives and not being allowed the freedom they wish for. Admittedly, Jamil has pretty cool lines, saying he doesnā€™t like the Phantom forcing its own wishes on him. Heā€™s reclaiming his freedom by renouncing the idea of pitying himself. He doesnā€™t plan to spend his whole life inside that lamp and his wallowing, he is going to make his own wishes come trueā€”not 3 or 10 or 100, but every single one.
(Cue insane Jamil laughter here)
He of course gains the upper hand and rises victorious. Jamil tells Dream!Kalim that he is so polite and subservient itā€™s disgusting, then he uses Snake Whisper to send him away.
Jamil says thereā€™s no point in changing roles or positions because ultimately the power to decide what happens is his and his alone. He also says he is not interested in power or freedom granted to him by someone elseā€¦ He will take what he wants on his own! (Not sure why heā€™s announcing this when no one asked, but pop off I guess šŸ˜‚ Vil gave a similar speech when he was facing his own demons, but shorter and I donā€™t think Idia just mumbled to himself before getting back in contact with Ortho.)
Meeting back up with Yuu and co., Jamil is added to the party! (Kalim tries to glomp him in a hug but Jamil expertly dodges ā€˜xbssvzjav$c(/?/)
Okay, so Vil is staying behind because he doesnā€™t feel well and doesnā€™t want to hold the group back. Kalim also stays behind because heā€™s still covered in bruises and such from fist fighting Jamil. This will probably be another pattern that occurs moving forward; only the OB boy moves on with the group.
Next timeā€¦ Octavinelleā€™s dreams and maybe J word crying card šŸ‘€!
I think by this time, we already know what to expect in terms of general events. Going into a dream, experiencing it for a short time, learning shocking news about the circumstances, character uses UM, character learns the truth, character cries and fights the dream (who is trying to keep them there), character joins party. If itā€™s an OB boy, then they will get more screen time and a dedicated segment to fighting their Phantom and then giving a speech about their character development before joining us. Then only the OB boy will dream hop with the Yuu, Grim, Silver, Sebek, Idia, and Ortho while the boys stay behind with the projected selves Ortho creates. Rinse and repeat the formula, and you can probably easily predict whatā€™s coming in future updates.
In terms of this update, I gotta say that Iā€™m impressed Kalim finally followed through on the promise of decking Jamilā€¦ a promise he made all the way back in book 4!! While he doesnā€™t do it with any malicious intent, I think itā€™s a large stride going forward in having Kalim assert himself and acknowledge the faults that Jamil very obviously has.
As for Jamil... I think itā€™s becoming pretty obvious what theyā€™re going for in those OB boy scenes; clearly, they mean to have it be like he is speaking to his ā€œother halfā€ in the mirror, a reflection of himself. In this way, each boy confronts the worst aspects of them and comes to terms with it. Itā€™s meant to represent their character growth from when they first appeared in the main story. Iā€™m justā€¦ not sure if I like how itā€™s been handled overall; I do like everyoneā€™s speeches so far (they are good; Jamilā€™s especially slays with all the thematically appropriate allusions to genies and wish-granting), but Iā€™m less enthusiastic about the context under which these speeches are given. I will most likely make a separate post going into detail about this, but I figured Iā€™d at least lay my general thoughts out here first.
ahbfbyoqwv8yfqwv8q The highlight of this update this time was just seeing how unhinged Jamil's desires are when given no limitations. It's such a shockingly large role reversal to stick himself in the head honcho seat with zero opposition AND force Kalim into being humbled. When the tables turn on him, Jamil is so quick to being a ruthless and cold master šŸ’¦ HE'S FR THE TYPE OF GUY THAT ISNT JUST SATISFIED SUCCEEDING, HE ALSO NEEDS YOU TO FAIL The more of these dreams we see, the more we get the sense that Malleus's idea of happiness is VERY shallow. This was something already verbalized by Idia last update, but I feel it needs repeating because of how difficult to resolve Kalim and Jamil's relationship is. The way his solutions are so... absolute (Kalim and Jamil being besties and/or a complete role reversal) reminds me of the points I often hear from fans who say, "Kalim could free Jamil! Kalim should talk to his dad!" There's good intentions behind it, but it ultimately misses the forest for the trees (that being the complicated social nuances surrounding their families). It's an out-of-body experience seeing that viewpoint displayed via Malleus's magic, but it also feels cathartic to see it being dispelled as being nothing close to reality.
Those are all my thoughts for now!! Really looking forward to the next installment :)) and its potential for... crying J word... Though who knows, maybe itā€™s just for light trio only and Iā€™m deluluā€”
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lil-fungus Ā· 2 months
Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of ā€˜PonyNaturalā€™ on my feed and I have had my creativity sparked soo I decided to make my own versions!
Firstly, all credit to @chxrrylungs , @anntova and @kisris who made their own versions and gave me the inspo! :)
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I decided to make Cas a little taller than Dean because I just Imagine him as this really majestic Alicorn (is that the right word?) and I dunno they just seem like theyā€™d be tall
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Deans cutie mark was the hardest to come up with because I also wanted to show he was Michealā€™s vessel and was going to give him a secondary cutie mark that only the angels can see but I really didnā€™t like em so I managed to come up with this and I like it! Itā€™s the Color of Michealā€™s eyes when he takes over Dean and the tear I just fits Dean, always hiding his feelings and having ran from his true title of the archangels Vessel for so many years. Itā€™s not what he really wants but itā€™s ā€œdestinyā€.
Samā€™s matches but is reversed, like two sides of the same coin. I thought it made sense seeing as one was the vessel for an angel and the other, the devil himself. Once again, the Color of the eye is similar to Lucifers when he is in a vessel, and the tear too is ofc reversed. Despite at first not really liking it (it still looks like an alien to me), I like it. Sam was more willing to accept Lucifer and didnā€™t really fear it as much because he knew Dean would be there to save him when things got bad. He had a shoulder to rely on whereas Dean didnā€™t really have that same stability due to him being the older brother.
And lastly, Castiel has two feathers, one pointed up and is healthy, a reminder of his time as a soldier of heaven and a feather pointed down and broken, his fall and his wings being destroyed in the process. They each have a halo on them, the one in tact is when Cas was just another mindless robot doing everything that was ordered of him. The broken halo is him gaining his own free will, becoming his own individual. One of the breaks too looks like a broken heart which is ofc a link to love being what freed him, both familial and romantic.
Anyways, Iā€™m having to deal with my dog and snake being idiots rn so Iā€™ll probs talk about their coats next post šŸ˜Ŗ
Additionally, I drew this of @chxrrylungs design of Dean in June! :) I did post it but I wasnā€™t happy with my style šŸ˜­ as you can see I changed it a little ! Thought Iā€™d just add it anywho !
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anonymouscheeses Ā· 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too šŸ„°šŸ„°
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... šŸ˜” oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro šŸ˜­ also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself šŸ¤Ŗ (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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r3dmooon Ā· 1 year
šŸ‘‹ Hi! Uh I was wondering if you would do a Wally x reader (gn) with reader being a zoologist showing him pictures of animals! I feel like he would be rlly interested in wolves and ostriches because they are like Barnaby and Poppy but just not so colorful. And not on two legs. :>
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a/n: omg so many people have been requesting even tho my requests are closed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (but I like the ideas so I'm writing them anyways šŸ˜”)
wc: 0.5k
Master List
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ā„When you moved in all the neighbors were curious as to why you had what seemed to be a sanctuary. Some parts caged, an indoor structure, and then your home which was a bit on the big side.
ā„Boy were they fascinated when you brought your variety of animals. You had many different types of fish, foxes, wolves, panthers, cougars, ostriches, parakeets, monkeys, lizards, snakesā€¦it existed, you probably had it.Ā 
ā„You even had a little Venus Flytrap plant <3 It ate insectsā€¦it's close enough (shhh this is the self indulgent part).
ā„The others came by a lot. It was like every time they visited, they found a whole new batch of animals they swore you didnā€™t have before. Frank loved coming by to see the insects you kept.Ā 
ā„Besides Frank, the other person who came around the most was Wally. He couldnā€™t help but his curiosity for all the animals you had! Youā€™ve brought a whole new world to them all (even though itā€™s technically out thereā€¦) and he loved the constant little facts you couldnā€™t help sharing to him. He just watched you intently as you told him that you feed your Betta fish live mealworms so it had more vibrant colors.Ā 
ā„Heā€™d also ask questions. ā€œBarnaby came from what?ā€ He was quite astounded that thoseā€¦intimidating wolves were technically Barnabyā€™s ancestors. He found it quite fascinating since the dog seemed like the exact opposite.
ā„ā€What did you call that? An ostrich? It reminds me of Poppy, just less colorful.ā€ Wally would muse. ā€œOstriches and Emus are some of the biggest birds! Perhaps Poppy is a descendant of one.ā€ You would humor.Ā 
ā„I think Wally would love your chameleons the most. He loves watching their eyes dart around. Not to mention how they eat. He finds it so cool watching its tongue dart out faster than he could process. Not to mention that itā€™s color changing! He gets so much inspiration, wanting to paint it and then watch it walk over the painting and change its colors. So fascinating to him.
ā„Wally will also stay by your side and watch you feed them all. For someone not used to watching wild animals feedā€¦heā€™s not too phased. He just smiled as you fed your Venus Flytrap small crickets, to watching you feed your Grizzly Bear whole salmon!
ā„He admires how much you go out of you way to take care of all your animals. He even offers to help you! Though ferrets and cats he tends to avoid. Theyā€™re just such rascals and he would hate for them to ruin his hair :( (But he canā€™t stand the sad look you give and ends up with ferrets and cats alike covering him from head to toe! They love him sm).
ā„In conclusion, Wally becomes your partner of maintaining the zoo youā€™ve created. It just means he can spend more time with you after all <3
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lookismaddict Ā· 2 years
Lookism Chapter 440 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I donā€™t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Wooooo weeeeee, another chapter this week! LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!! Also, I'm so sorry for worrying y'all for my absence these past few days but after this review is posted, Imma disappear again. šŸ˜­ At this point, my chapter reviews might not be posted on time and will be late to post frequently now. Also, don't mind me changing the color of the title every 10 chapters... *Ahem* Anyways-
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Ughhh... God, the fan service here. Thanks PTJ, you the man. šŸ˜©āœ‹šŸ½ Also, the way Jibeom just acted like nothing happened by saying, "SORRY!" UH HA HA HA HA HA HA... šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’¢ Nah, we allies now. Gotta forgive, right? And Jihan too... šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’¢šŸ’¢ Man, y'all just got your asses beat for no reason. This reminds me of those anime with the MC's fighting the enemies, and then they end up becoming allies with the "power of friendship". Behold, the power of friendship everyone.
Ok, but Imma be honest. Every time I see Hudson now, I squeal like a fangirl at a BTS concert. And suddenly seeing him... NAKED? RIGHT OFF THE BAT? My loyalty for Gun is REALLY being tested. Wtf man. Also, the snakes though? That's wild. šŸ˜­
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Yeah, that panel really wrecked me. Physically and emotionally.
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Oh, of course. Also, debt? Huh? šŸ¤”
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Yeah man, we need to know!!! WE'VE BEEN DYING TO KNOWWWWWWWW. Whenever I hear "Young Master", it reminds me of a butler saying that. As if Daniel is being treated by a butler. šŸ’€
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"At least eat before you go." That's so nice of them. Also, "At this rate he'll live here." KSSLDJLFSDHFSLFHDSFH JIHAN PLSSSSS- šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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Oh? Daniel coming up with a big brain plan...? šŸ‘€
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Daniel being acknowledged by, not only the man who ended the era of the First Generation, but also, the STRONGEST FIRST GENERATION KING???? Oh god, I love his growth and character development so much. He'll always have my heart forever. šŸ’– ALSO, THIS WHOLESOME MOMENT WITH JICHANG??? THIS IS TOO CUTE. MY HEART- šŸ˜©šŸ’— I WAS SOBBING AT THIS BECAUSE THIS WAS TOO CUTE TO WITNESS. LIKE, LOOK AT HIM PETTING DANIEL'S HEAD, LOOKING LIKE A PROUD UNCLE.
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Literally, one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a long time in Lookism.
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YUUUSSSSSS, JICHANG IS GONNA HELP HIM EVENTUALLY. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½ I hope they actually do make it to the First Affiliate though. But, if the Elder knew where he was, then does that mean that he knows that Jinyoung is not in his right mind? And does he know that he has people held captive in his little basement? šŸ‘€ *coughs* Daniel *coughs* Johan *coughs* Samuel... Sorry guys, I might be getting a cold. Idk what's going on with me.
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Ohhhhhh shiiiii... Pls tell me we gonna see Jake here...
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AHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT, JAKE!!! BABY BOY IS BACK!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ’™ Oh shit, I wOnDeR who THAT could be...
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Tbh I'm not surprised that he said it was James Lee lol. It has been emphasized by Eugene before when he said in Ch. 432, that he was aware of the murder case that caught the attention of a lot of people. And he also mentioned how Charles Choi had been using blackmail on James Lee to control him in exchange of covering James's part of the murder. Also, earlier in that chapter, I was wondering why Charles would even bother to help in covering up a murder for James if that person that James murdered wasn't so important in the first place. If it was just a "nobody", then he would've just thrown that person somewhere, buried him, or burnt his body and converted it into ashes. Clearly, it all makes sense now. (Also, the red picture gave it away. lmao) AND JAKE, WITH THE TYPICAL "death stare" EXPRESSION WHEN HE FOUND OUT WHO THE MURDERER FOR HIS FATHER'S DEATH WAS??? Is he going to get revenge or something? šŸ˜­
But oh boy, James is really gonna get it eventually. Both him and Charles Choi. Actually, DEFINITELY Charles Choi. The guy is literally walking scum in the first place.
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You see, Charles Choi is a clown... šŸ˜€ *end of argument*
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I hope he does. Because if Charles Choi intercepts their operation, I'm going to sue. šŸ˜”
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Ughhhh, bro... Don't make me cry again, please. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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Wait, an "unknown car"? He MUST have a driver with him. Please tell me that his driver is none other than Gun/Goo... Ik this is wishful thinking, but I want to see them again. šŸ˜³
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By choking...? šŸ’€ I mean, I've seen a big ass snake devour a huge animal before, so it's possible Charles. Don't doubt Jichang's abilities, because you might be surprised at how he could MURDER YOU ON SIGHT. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” (And oh god, looking at Elite's face still reminds me of my professor. šŸ˜­ *sobbing* But also, with a twist of Manager Kim too.)
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I just want his ass to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Both him, and Eugene. But, wait... If Eugene and James Lee are conspiring AGAINST Charles Choi, and everyone else are conspiring against Charles Choi too, then... WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST UNITE AND BEAT CHARLES??? They all have a similar goal, yet they decided to do things their own way? Well, I get that they have ulterior motives/goals for them to take down Charles Choi, but at least make it easier for yourselves instead of just handling the crap on your own, right? Fight later, unite now. šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
Man, idk anymore. Just do whatever tf you guys want at this point. šŸ˜­
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hellcifrogs Ā· 11 months
Sasuke+Jiraiya is my favorite out of what you've drawn but also IS THAT A PINK SNAKE ON SAKURA'S ARM šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I'm so in love it's unbelievable, but then again I just love snakes in general
Also also Naruto+Orochimaru is beautiful, but... What if he let his hair grow out and the more he taps into Kurama the redder his hair get, so like just slowly changing color from his normal yellow to orange-ish to light red-ish to Uzumaki red šŸ‘€
Oh I'm happy!! Frog! Sasuke was probably the one I was least satisfied with šŸ˜­āœØļø
I actually had SO MUCH trouble picking a hairstyle for Slug! Naruto. I wanted him to grow his hair out, and let it turn red somehow, because I'd like Tsunade to tell him about his Uzumaki blood - even if accidentally when drunk one day! It changing as he works more and more with Kurama's chakra is actually such a cool idea!
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sh0tanzz Ā· 5 months
Do u know the astrology blod astroyongie? She did a tarot reading on riize she said it seems like all the members of riize except eunseok isn't so happy about the direction the group is going.. and she posted that before anything about the new comeback was posted so.. and idk this comeback seems a bit.. different idk. The song and choreo is def something to get used to for mešŸ˜­ not usually the sound im into but idk i wouldn't be surprised if that reading had some truth to it
hm well (this isn't hate to that reader this is my own opinion from my own interpretations and they could 100% be picking up something I'm not/haven't picked up on yet)
I feel like they're moreso hesitant and anxious than having borderline dislike towards it, the groups structure and production has done a 360 and it can cause discomfort especially since I remember the days before and the days of this comeback multiple members said they were very anxious, nervous and uneasy about the performance
I see what the blogger means but I wouldn't say it's that they hate the song or concept/direction because the song is doing good numbers and brought in hella opportunities in general plus this house music comeback is a summer soundscape/phase (so temporary basically) I feel like they were just uncomfortable because this comeback really took them out of their comfort zone like the choreo and sound is very outside of their own typical musical colors and its their second comeback without an entire member (seunghan) also I think their worry for the groups direction is the potential trajectory change due to the instability of seunghan's current placement within the group and they are DEFINITELY aware of the fact an entire portion of their fanbase is boycotting their content.
just a pretty turbulent period for the group so anxious energy and even doubts/discomfort is inevitable imo for the comeback I personally liked the choreo especially and the song it reminds me of the 2015-2017 major lazer dj snake era lowkey LMFAOO
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mashithamel Ā· 1 year
Episode 3 spoilery thoughts below (lots of spoilers for the books).
I really love how, even though the show is so changed from the book in many ways, it also feels so true to the books.
- I am really looking forward to the soundtrack release. Amazon will take all my money.
- I didnā€™t mind ā€œbe steadfastā€ not being included? I noted it, but didnā€™t really care?
- Nynaeveā€™s parents!
- Crinsomthorn again, huh. Gonna be a repeated motif this year?
- This has shades of Aginor and is a horribe touch (affectionate)
- Elnore is awesome! As I would expect!
- How on earth would she manage to memorize that long Old Tongue passage after hearing it once?
- Elnore watching her daughter as she is brutally stabbed to death is really overkill. My sister is invested in watching now but canā€™t handle, like, any violence, so I have to tell her when to turn away. Iā€™m going to have to mute this bitā€”even I have a hard time with it, and Iā€™ve enjoyed GoT and a couple seasons of Vikings.
- I kind of like how shocking the water dumped over her head is everytime they use it. It seems as much a violantion as the arches themselves. And ā€œwashed cleanā€ just seems like wishful thinking.
- Tam!
- Nice to see Natti sober. Sheā€™s speaking all of Nynaeveā€™s worst fears right now.
- I forgot Nynaeve had seen Healing and that itā€™s been established she can copy any weave after seeing it once. Of course, she isnā€™t upset enough right now to channel, but it was also spelled out she wouldnā€™t be able to channel anyway in the arches. I am so ready to see Nynaeve the Healer.
- ā€œHow is Rand?ā€ Knife straight to the heart. Invited to stay with Tam until he dies. ā€œI canā€™t tell you how good it is to see your face.ā€ Wisdom Nynaeve was pretty cool too.
- The fact that she sees the arches as a means to get her people a cureā€”she isnā€™t choosing the Tower over them, just what they can do. But Tam calling after her to not leave is even more poignant than Marin in the books, imo.
- Zoe going into the third arch šŸ˜­
- This is very a very trippy scene. Rosamund says they are filming something really psychadelic for S3. Thatā€™s gotta be Snakes and Foxes, right?
- The lines from Lan here are my absolute favorite from that passage. The ā€œI will hate the man you chooseā€¦ā€ is fine. But telling someone sheā€™s as beautiful as a sunrise, as fierce as a warrior? I am fully swooning.
- Red is just not Nynaeveā€™s color, I think. (Zoe can rock anything, but Nynaeve is not going to wear much red ever)
- Just how empty ā€œyou are washed clean of your sinsā€ sounds. ā€œItā€™s alright, the blood isnā€™t yoursā€ is not exactly what she needed to hear. Itā€™s properly horrifying.
- A bloody hadori
- I donā€™t blame her for walking out at this point, and I would have been disappointed if she hadnā€™t.
- ā€œYouā€™re going to be a woman whoā€™s actually worthy of that title.ā€ Not a fan of book Egwene (actually, sheā€™s my least favorite characterā€”the fact that we share many traits in common has nothing to do with it, Iā€™m sure!), but I look forward to seeing show Egwene come into her own.
- How hard must it be for her to return to the Two Rivers, without any of the kids, and no ability to use Healing?
- I love that Daniel likes filming Lanaeve as much as i enjoy watching this.
- Iā€™ve watched this scene obsessively through gifs as soon as they were available
- ā€œI could come with you.ā€ Taken right from TSR, with the response weā€™d all like to see in an AU
- They way he holds her, and she just relaxes into him, and he rests his cheek on her head. Swooning some more.
- The pitchers are white, black, and swirl
- See, Darkfriends arenā€™t entirely evil. They feel bad about things too.
- Aww, Liandrin is legitimately upset. I think she sees a lot of herself in Nynaeve and wanted a mentee.
- They named the girl who gets dragged away by the Seanchan. So weā€™ll see her in the future?
- The Southern accent is amazingly good. Also some of the soliders have baseball bats as weapons. Will they do anything else to drive home the colonizing invaders are American?
- I wonder who this Seanchan guard is who selects Uno? Egeanin, maybe? I mean, they didnā€™t have to show her face. Maybe she is a named character?
- UNO!!!!!!!!!!
- The side shot of Uno impaled is deeply disturbing. They split the skin from his lips almost to his ear, and both his mandible and maxilla are fractures. Itā€™s accurate, but holy cow thatā€™s intense.
- I didnā€™t remember Logain had the Talent to see taā€™veren, so it doesnā€™t bother me at all that he can tell men can channel. Quite frankly, itā€™s a good excuse for him to be out of the Black Tower later, recruiting.
- Again, I like Rand seeking out help wherever he can find it (Errol with the sword, Logain with the OP). I mean, what else is he going to do?
- Gleeman in a cloak! Branding! Hunt for the Horn!
- Lanfear is remakably up to date on the local lore for someone who was asleep for the last 3000 years. Does Ishy have a crash seminar for them on waking?
- ā€œYour grief is your own.ā€ Too bad the only psychiatrist in the series is evil.
- ā€œSomeone I respected.ā€ Liandrin does feel guilty.
- I look forward to Mat rising up and proving Liandrin wrong about every word.
- ā€œItā€™s not always the most powerful women who write history, itā€™s the ones who survive.ā€ Ooo, chills. This show is actually going to make me care about Egwene isnā€™t it?
- The Cairheinin party! I love they included this, and the invitations, and him burning it! And, of course, the red coat.
- This hunt for the horn lie is a great way to showcasse just how horrible upper Cairheinin society is. ā€œOne less poor mouth for the rich to feed.ā€ I remember the Tairan Lords are terrible toward poor people, but geez, these guys too!
- Naturally, Selene finds this plot amusing. At what point do you think heā€™ll catch on that sheā€™s evil?
- Asmodean is going to teach Rand, thatā€™s my prediction. But that doesnā€™t mean Rand has nothing to learn from Logain. Heā€™s willing to learn from anyone who can teach him, no matter how unconventional.
- Ishy kept trying to get the boys to drink in TAR, right? Is this referrencing that?
- Ishamael making Perrin afraid of the wolf side is genius. A much better reason to be reluctant than in the books. ā€œThe more wolf you are the more youā€™re mine.ā€ Chills.
- Hopper!
- I donā€™t have a problem with Min being made to work for Liandrin. Sheā€™s clearly reluctant. She also has no reason to care about Mat, really, and at least show Min comes across as someone who does what she needs to do to survive. I assume the EF5/Rand will eventually show her something worth staying and fighting for.
- Oh, she is crazy crazy.
- I like how they show the taint on the male weaves.
- And the inn gets set on fire too. They did read the books! Guess thatā€™s the end of the red coat, huh?
- I am in love with Elayne. Seriously, how did that happen??
- I note Nynaeve is wearing mostly blue and green. Lanā€™s favorite colors on women.
- Fancy Mat and happy Perrin!
- Also nice that it seems Lan may do most of the cooking? Wise choice.
- That hair isā€¦umā€¦a look.
- Matā€™s left eye!
- I love that Nynaeve saves herself.
- What more can be said about that ending? Definitely more devastating than in the books. Zoe is amazing. All excellent changes to make sense with the show story/character and move her along, give her the ā€œwhyā€ she needs to be at the Tower. Amazing and such great storytelling.
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I used to draw such good dynamic poses when I was younger what happed to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ all of these are from 2021 done in a short time with no refs- Like how did I do that aslkdna I mean I still dont use refs often unless Im doing studies or struggling but like I feel like I've lost that confidence man- the closest I've had recently to havin a really nice dynamic pose was that young Leo art I colored, and the thumbs I had for that
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Which was this, and I still adore it but I picked the other pose cuz it showed off her new design better. But like back on topic I think the reason for this dip quality I think is because back then I just drew whatever the fuck I wanted- There was no pressure in my head that it had to look cool, so it just made me more confident and made me draw more often. but since gaining a followin and learning more about the fundamentals its kinda tied me down to thinking that I have to always be producing at a certain level of quality- Like dont get me wrong, all artist go through a "dip" in their art when their "artist eye" improves faster than their skill. And not all of my art from 2021 were this good, I def had to pick from the pile of chicken scratches I had. But I feel like dynamic poses like those happened more often back then compared to now. Like I made this account specifically to like get out of my head and post all my scribbles and learn to stop carin so much about the quality of everything I put out. And I do post almost every silly lil thing I put down onto here and it does help but it just doesnt change the fact I havent been drawin much at all :'] Hence the infrequent updates. I feel like thats something a lot of older artist struggle in over coming. Like the mentality of "you've been doin this shit for so long why aren't you improving as much as you think you should be at this point?" snakes into our heads more often than the younger artist. Because they just want to draw everyday cuz its fun, so they just draw draw draw without caring. Learnin the fundamentals of art is always good, I do recommend learning them if you want significant improvements in your skills, but learning them means youre going to make a lot of ugly art. And seeing those "ugly arts" slowly chips away at you sometimes, and a lot of artist drop art when facing that hurdle. But like its okay to make ugly ass lookin art- Its part of the process and you can not skip it!! You cant just not draw for a month cuz you got super sad for making something that isn't 100% like the image you had in your head, then pick up your pen again and think that somehow NOW you can do it even tho you havent draw anythin at all- Consumin art and improving the visual library in your head is of course important, but you cant just keep expanding your Pinterest boards assuming it will make you better.
What are we? AI?
Ahem- Anyway am I calling myself out on this post? Absolutely! Infact that was the whole reason I made this in the first place. But Im now also calling YOU out :D Yes you! The person that stumbled on this post and relates to it!! Pick up a pencil and draw damn it!!! It wont be "ugly" forever I promise.
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sallufix Ā· 8 months
the emo guy gives me vibes of a cat you can pick up by the scruff due to their like giant fluffy jacket.
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Wet cat. (He should get used to being called "the emo guy")
I also thought up some other facts and funnies for Wallacemodeus:
-the glowing pink stuff changes color based on Wallace's current enemy (ex. Todd-green, Other Scott-orange, Scott- yellow, etc.) (colors of these characters will probably change but that's why they're just examples)
-When he's really angry the jacket feather boa can turn into fire (woow another accidental Ozzie reference šŸ˜­)
-Is genderfluid honestly (Any pronouns)
-He has a snake tongue but instead of the pointy ends its round to resemble a heart
-He gets wounded by those neck and boot spikes like all the time he doesn't wanna get rid of them cuz they look cool
-Is actually BLIND because he doesn't have iris/pupils but can hear very well
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the-oceankin-collective Ā· 2 months
about the kintype
hello! so, since otherkinity (is that the correct term?) is such a broad label, i'm here to describe one of my most prominent kins, a sea monster! below the cut cuz this is kinda long
pardon how awkward this may seem, i find it hard to describe my different identities sometimes šŸ˜­ i switch back and forth between present and past tense because this identity is both spiritual and psychological.
the way i perceive myself in the sea monster sense changes based on a few factors, so by that assumption i can assume i've got 2(ish) forms.
quadruped (mostly)
one form is much like a lindworm, which is a creature in folklore often seen to be like a dragon-like snake without wings and hind legs. now, you might wonder, i did say quadruped. that's because it changes between being more like a lindworm and being more like a dragon without wings, except with a more serpentine body, much like Eastern dragons. in this form, no matter if it's more lindworm-esque or Eastern dragon-esque, i was about the size of humpback whale. during shifts in this form i more strongly desire bodies of water, leading me to believe i mostly stayed underwater while in this form.
2. biped
the bipedal form is much like how the sea monsters look in the movie 'Luca', but obviously without that Pixar style. I also have a longer snout and my legs are more digitigrade. In this form i am about 6'5. while in shifts in this form (which is uncommon, mostly happens when i'm in the shower or getting out of the pool šŸ˜…) i have no preference for land nor water, so i believe when I walked upon land this is what i looked like.
The coloration stays the same between the two forms. here's a color palette i very quickly whipped up that seems most accurate
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now for diet and mannerisms!
i mainly operated on a pescatarian diet, but occasionally ate marine plants and such.
i lived on my own, traveling by myself. i lived in a small cave-like cove with a small amount of surface-level land that i could walk upon. i had a small collection of treasures and trinkets that i stole from a small human town not far from my den. i either slept in a nest made up of kelp, rocks, and sticks or in the water in my den, cozied into the sand.
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hope you enjoyed reading about my kintype! let us know if you'd like more content like this :D
-šŸ¦‘Mod Cetus
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rosyvvoods Ā· 2 years
Not that anyone had asked for it but I got hit with inspiration for a His Dark Materials / dƦmon au for CoD characters so !! For those who don't know it's generally just the concept that you're given a soul companion when you're born and they take the form of an animal that is representative of who you are as a person- its a concept I love and figured I'd tack on to some characters I've come to love [:
Price ; Bateleur
Ghost ; Bearded Vulture
Gaz ; Red Fox
Soap ; Indian Grey Mongoose
Laswell ; Wolverine
Alex ; Rhodesian Ridgeback
Farah ; Crested Caracara
Alejandro ; Coyote
Rudy ; Kit Fox
Nikolai ; Wandering Albatross
Graves ; Beauceron
Shepherd ; Bloodhound
Valeria ; Black Footed Cat
Hassan ; Secretary Bird
And bc I can't not include ocs-
River ; Common Nightingale
Markus ; Beagle
Some explanations under the read more!! And sorry for the long post in general šŸ˜­
A lot of the animal analysis came from THIS website!!
A lot of it comes from actual in-universe lore about what kinds of personalities align with certain animals. In the His Dark Materials universe for instance, dogs and canines tend to align with those who dedicate their lives to being in service of others, because of basal attributes dogs have: loyalty, devotion, protectiveness, etc. Birds are sharp witted and driven, especially birds of prey- and they can also travel further away from their person than other dƦmons, and for longer periods of time. They also tend to be solitary though they can work in groups. DƦmons also tend to change forms more when their person is young and discovering themselves, and they settle as they get older. This is both interesting, and very sad- considering characters with trauma can have dƦmons drastically change from what they were as a child.
I also tried to steer clear of stereotypical answers as well. Animals like snakes, spiders, and insects have long been associated with "villainous" characters and associated with characters from locations like Mexico and the Middle East.
I'm still working on BlOps CW dƦmons bc it's fun to figure out, and I don't know what any of the MW dƦmons would be named per say, but!! On to the brief analysis.
Price & his Bateleur;
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Bateleurs are birds of prey, known to be hardy, thick skinned, and unflappable. They're associated with passionate individuals, loyalty, close bonds, and strong boundaries. Work ethic is resourceful and efficient, dutiful and cooperative while being ambitious.
Ghost & his bearded vulture;
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So first things first- aside from the fact that I think they're cool as hell and Ghost deserves a cool as hell dƦmon- these things are STARTLING to look at. They're large, and very distinct in their appearance. They're extremely private, socially selective, slow to trust, straightforward, and non-expressive. That being said? They're also patient. They're cooperative and the bonds they make are close. In work ethic they can represent efficiency, dedication, prone to obsessive tendencies, and proactiveness. But despite its terrifying appearance, it only feeds on the dead- specifically on bones. They can get the reddish coloring seen above by mud bathing or drinking mineral rich water- despite how bloody it may seem, the reality isn't quite as frightening.
Gaz & his red fox;
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I think Gaz can be written off sometimes, overlooked and underestimated- but he's very clever, adaptable, cautious, and expressive. He's got a lot of big thoughts and feelings that he's had dismissed in the past. I went with a fox because they've got a similar loyalty to canines but have a bit of a skittish edge to them, are a little more opportunistic and methodical. They're tenacious and confident while being very perceptive- and I feel like Gaz would be represented well by a fox!!
Soap & his mongoose;
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Now, Soap initially seems like a canine type; ridiculously loyal, dedicated, so on and so forth. But I still uphold the bit from the original games that he and dogs do not vibe!! And he doesn't seem the type to not vibe with himself!!
That being said: mongoose are notorious for taking on enemies far larger than themselves or those that have some kind of an advantage, including venomous snakes (as in the notable story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi). They're capable of living independent lives and being solitary but are also capable of deep set loyalty and devotion to a family group. They're also scrappy and make use of their surroundings.
Laswell & her wolverine;
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Laswell is a force to be reckoned with, as seen in-game both in the field and behind a desk. She's happy to interact with her people, but outside of that she's a little more curt and to the point. Wolverines are confident, assertive, and opportunistic, and can even be a bit aggressive at times. Laswell herself I think is more willing to compromise than what this choice implies, but I feel like that's more of a learned nature; inside, she's ferocious, and isn't one to back down from larger and more formidable targets.
Alex & his Rhodesian ridgeback;
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Alex is loyal, willing to do what it takes to complete his mission- but for the longest time he was looking for something meaningful. Something more than just orders.
Rhodesian ridgebacks were bred for endurance, to protect against large predators, and are hardy in harsh environments. But too much alone time- too many orders that have no heart behind them- can make them unhappy and on edge. They prefer well known, trusted company over strangers. They're also notoriously stubborn. I don't know Alex as a character all that well but I think the connection is there!
Farah & her crested caracara;
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While Farah is very intrinsically tied to her people and her community, she stands out as a leader as being guarded and forward thinking. She has a keen eye for skill and tactic, and her loyalty is only to those she chooses and it's something she holds close to her chest. She works smarter AND harder, holding her duty above all else. Most of these traits are associated deeply with the crested caracara. She, and the caracara, can also both be thick skinned and untrusting (understandably so).
I can only put so many pictures into one post so šŸ«£ I'll have to continue on in another one!!
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dubbidubbida Ā· 6 months
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Another one
I KNOW this chart is for OCs but I had to make one for Belial.
There is severe scarcity of Belial content on Tumblr.
Elaborating on my choices below šŸ‘‡
āš ļøHuge wall of text incoming!!āš ļø
For aesthetics, I chose a picture of someone's back with those black hand markings. I interpret it as the taking of Belial's wings (I headcanon he originally had angel wings šŸŖ½ but were ripped off by LuciliusšŸ¤¬) and I also interpret it as sexual abuse. Just think about it bro. Like almost every aspect of a primal beast is chosen by its creator, at least the prominent aspects.
Belial was made to be a seductress, which is a charming part of himself imo but the bad part about it is that during the beginning of his existence, it was also his job to be one, for who? I'm thinking for the Astrals.
My impression of the astrals so far is that they're all psychopathic dipshits, which was even confirmed in Heart of the Sun ( GBF anniversary event), that they don't see primal beasts as anything other than tools (according to Raziel). Belial had a purpose that couldn't be shared with anybody else, which was to incite a rebellion. To cover up for it, he had to have another purpose. Which was 1) being Lucifer's adjunctant, and 2) being the Astrals' sex toy.
Belial was an exquisite creation, like a demo of Lucifer (cause they both are similar regarding power). And of course, a primal beast needs to be approved by the council of astrals before usage. Lucilius could've proposed both the functions of being Lucifer's adjunctant and tracking machine, and to make it more appealing, a toy with endless stamina that won't break after being used šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž (I imagine the astrals like Greek gods who plucked humans and 'used' them, given their sadistic nature). So Belial, both visually appealing and with an alluring personality, would be the perfect unbreakable toy. A tool and a toy, 2 in 1! Approved!! Awful. A toy who won't fight back, a toy who can't say no, a toy who won't break... ughhh. Primal beasts are obviously sentient, despite their inability to reach human complexity. He was literally built to be unable to connect with others, to be sincere, or to just live a normal life like the other archangels have adapted to. That's cruel šŸ˜­
So yeah, I don't care if Belial was made to enjoy what they do to him no matter what, I still consider it sexual abuse because Belial is sentient.
Lmao ok that was for aesthetic picture #1 ā˜ ļø Let's proceed with the rest. For the second aesthetic picture, I selected a white snake wrapped around an arm. The snake represents Belial, the serpent. And the arm represents Lucilius. If you're familiar with WMTSB, you are well aware of how tightly Belial is wrapped around Lucilius' finger, and only hangs on tighter and tighter to the man who named him "worthless" lol. (One of the meanings of "Belial" is worthless).
And the third aesthetic picture I've chosen is that of a snake in applussy. The image represents temptation and lust. Pretty much it. You know the drill, Belial serpent, and the apple of temptation.
Now, we have the favorites. By favorites, it means: favorite color, favorite movie/show, and favorite animal.
For his favorite color, I just went with purple cause that's one of his main colors. It's just a headcanon. He changed his white, gold, and red uniform for a black and purple one. He must like purplešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Next, favorite movie, I didn't know honestly. But he strikes me as someone who'd like the absurdity of 1980s horror films. So I chose the Shining. Maybe he'd like it.
And for his favorite animal, I think he'd like cats. They probably remind him of Cilius. Same gaze, same personalities, meow. And it's just cute to imagine him with cats. šŸˆā€ā¬›
Character inspirations. LMAO. So the first one is that dude Lucifel from El Shaddai. Let's face it, Belial is that guy but with a huge feather boa and huge tits chest and meaty thighs. Massive upgrade tbh
Next up is obviously, Belial the demon. I just put that cuz yk, the name. No need for more explanation.
Then there's the snake of Eden. Belial is the serpent luring others to take a bite out of the apple šŸŽ we know this.
The songs are more like what I think of him rather than what I believe applies to him. But at the same time most of those apply to him imo. I don't needa explain just check out the songs yourself, you might like somešŸ˜ And that's it.
And finally, there's Lucifer. I know Satan was the snake as well but I'm separating them for the sake of interpretation. By that I mean, Belial is both the serpent and the fallen angel. If you know what I'm saying.
šŸ’•Thanks to everyone who read this wall of textšŸ’•
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what-if-nct Ā· 2 years
Hiiii!!!! I. Have. Talked. To. My. Crush. She. Likes. The Owl House. And. I. Promised. To. Draw. Something. For. Her. Birthday. And. She. Is. So. Nice. To. Me.
BUT SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Although I'm really happy for her they look so so so cute together!!! She's so nice to me tho, tho we dont have anything much to talk about anymore. I befriended her and thats enough. I hope they have a happy life together and that she'll always be happy!!!
How are you doing? Are you feeling alright? I hope you're feeling okay!!! ( I love your style so much, even more than anything I've loved in my life. You're too cute and pretty and nice and kind for this world. ) For the colors, every except gold( ish ) I don't feel comfortable flirting with you, but I really really really love you! Hope life treats you well!!!!
I'm going through a minor Wang Yibo addiction right now. His voice sounds so good and him and Xiao Zhan ( platonically ) are better than the world. Yeah I watched the untamed and I am going through another phase. Xue Yang. Also there's this character who's name is Wen Ning and he's shy. And sells radishes. And he's a dead man. A very kind dead man. He is really kind and I love him way too much. Just seeing his face just cheers me up tho most of the time he's staring into my soul.
Today I showed my Haechan ( ā™” ) photocard to my dad to see if he could guess the age, and he guessed it right. So my dad is a boomer, such a boomer, but somehow, he knows some stuff. I sang 'I wonder how' once, and then he sang 'I wonder why' I was fucking terrified. Seriously I had not expected that. Also the song Bamboleo once trended in a community I was in, and he knew that too. He still is very much a boomer, he doesn't know who Justin Bieber is. He only knows the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. He probably doesn't even know Queen.
I went to my new school, and ran away with a panic attack day one. I got chased by the same teacher thrice. She terrifies me now. I hate her for how she acted. I said 'leave me alone' everytime and everytime she was like 'okay.' And then she came back with 'i only wanted to check if you're on the right side of the train station' and 'maybe it'd be better if your dad came picking you up' you know what? Fuck off. I hate her now and nothing will probably change it šŸ˜­
ā€” sneeze ā™”ā™”ā™”
Hiii! Oh yay I'm glad you were able to at least become friends and get to know each other. I think a friendship would be just as fulfilling. I hope you get to have more things to talk about in the future. And it's so sweet you're going to draw her something for her birthday I'm sure she'll just love it.
I've heard Wang Yibo's name before but I don't remember where he sounds so familiar. I just went to check and hes been on shows with Yixing that's how I know him of course. I figured it was through my husband Yixing. Also Yibo has the same birthday as me! The only person I know with my birthday is Yungblud and I love him. Also Yungblud and Yibo were born same day same year I love finding birthday twins.
The older generation does tend to know at least a few things from later generations. But not much but a few unless you have a mom who used to be a groupie for white snake or guns and roses or a grandma who was a hippie who went to Woodstock clearly they are the coolest people of their generation. Also Gen X are automatically the coolest generation of them all. Like Millennials honestly an anxious mess of a generation as one I can say that we're a mess. Gen Z still finding their footing mostly teens but definitely seem the most tame compared in the since there's this puritanicalness I haven't seen in my generation or in Gen X it's fascinating.
I kinda understand maybe her intentions but within the situation chasing you down multiple times isn't the right way to go about it would have been best to let you be and calm down cause she's just adding fuel to the fire and frightening you there's definitely better things she could have done. I'm so sorry it was a hard first day.
And I'm feeling fine I've had an odd obsession with cashews lately I've bought four containers of cashews this month and one of them was a pound so far this month and they're all gone it's all I want to eat. I have this thing where I will just eat the same food over and over if no one stops me. And you're so cute! Oh my gosh. Thank you! I've actually been having a fashion crisis just where I have clothes that don't match. I turned one top into two tops. It was a long sleeve top with big sleeves so I was able to get two tops out of it but I don't have skirts the right color or the prints are too busy. But I'm so picky that I can't find exactly what I want till Loey Lane, a YouTuber posted an outfit and I looked up the store and I finally found clothes I love in my size. There's one skirt I love it's sequin but its a micro mini skirt and I love it but there's a front slit and I just know it'll be too short I only have one micro mini skirt and it's just long enough to be decent. Can't bend over but it's decent. But I want the sequiny one. But.
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I love short skirts but I just know it's too short but it's so pretty. I'll think about it. But this is what I already decided one.
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Kinda obsessed with wearing bikini tops as regular tops it's so cute and I just needed a little cardigan cause all I have is velour zip hoodies. And I just need a plain skirt and I like getting longer skirts cause I can hike it up shorter to a length I like.
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blueiight Ā· 2 years
amc iwtv ep 3 w/ K&Y (post parade 2 in 1!)
- lestat reading the 1910s equiv of wikipedia (times picayune) history of jackson square fanned tf out v. louis saying do it mention how theyd take runaway slaves head off n hang them on pikes? the true history of slavery preserved outside the ivory tower thru lineage (cuz 1910s historians wasnt talmbout it!) + foreshadowing what louis gone do to alderman fenwick :3
- were we put on the earth for a larger purpose? v. lestat saying well, im the one who put you on this earth. okay daddy???!ā€¦.
- got it off ur shelf ā€” lestat argues w ppl w/o watching the game & only watches the boxscores
- THE ANGEL OF SALVATION PASSING OVER US. LETROLL. shes so floored at lestatā€™s power & is joked out at their every snarky rude comment ā€¦.
- WE WORLDWIDEEEE (being discussed in atlantašŸŖ¦šŸŖ¦)
- morality to buoy ur existence.. antoinette being introduced as lestat becomes dilussioned w louis veganist ways.. a woman louis hired to sing, the snake singing an aria of fun, the artiste to lestatā€™s artist ways as louis plays a bird refusing to fly.. and/or louis aint puttin out no more? whats really tea Ogā€¦ mad ya wife aint puttin out mmtch. louis de pointe du lac the dark prince of iberville. bodied my idolšŸ’”
- 2022!Louis going awwwww lestat invented musicšŸ„° but seething inside cuz its when he met his side bitch.. his killing is secret away from me now (but hes also getting play elsewhereā€¦ wow). juxtaposed w lestat destroying the self esteem of & torturing the italian tenor this is hilariousā€¦. think i said sum semi-profound on it a month or 2 ago but icbšŸ˜‚āœŒšŸ¾
- bitter ex 1973 louis is taking me. i love how his accent is slightly different: very generic california vocal fry in the 70s vs. the selective inflection of his natural accent when he in his feelings , self hypnotizing as JA says it, in the 2020s. my unpopular opinion is that there is no contradiction yes theres obviously 2 diff stories being told but its NOT A contradiction here me aht ā€“ memory is a sacred meat drying all the time. it always changes as the person grows. how i remembered sum at 11 not the same i remember it at REDACTED years old today, much less how ill remember my relationships w current / recent lovers when im even older. resenting how much u love the one who taught u how to love. feeling like a victim w no recourse is a heavy , very unsupported socially rejected burden to carry in our lifespansā€¦.u can imagine this constant flux of perspective , the love of ur maker who destroyed & created u to live a near eternity with. vampires r created out of trauma (not quoted in this ep but quoted later) so its also a meta commentary for how trauma alters memories. this is the odyssey of recollection. was it raining? lestatā€™s boots were muddy bc of the lack of paved streets u say. or was he watching u get head n seething at ur hearts in sync w/ a human of loverā€™s past, as his and antoientteā€™s hearts were comically offbeat from eachother? was meeting jonah some unknown decades later, being called a walking devil by him, drive further resentment coloring his past with lestat when daniel first interviewed him? what is recollection for an immortal being, if not throwing a mere ripple in timeā€™s ocean and watching the wave effects?
- 1917 was a year rigged to burn. oh boy was it
- I do everything for Louis girlll im damn near boutta fuck u on this couch to get his attention . this is like elite levels of toxicity here. why not a chord? why not a cluster? lestat was tryna fuck boffem šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­See this why louis is a bougie creole bitty tryna keep the illusion of undeclared marriage w his progenitor over his pride. cuz if he was where im from he woulda at the very least set up the demise of ms. antoinette!
- ā€œCHEATER! BUT I BET IF HE STARTED CHEATING U A HAD PROBLEMSā€ how is she predicting the episode already
- While the domestic front simmered on diet and sanctioned infidelityā€¦ Never change at all 2022!louis ur smartass mouth is everything.
- Louis winning the card game .. he can read minds naā€¦
- AINT U GOOD AT NOTICING WHATS PLAIN BODIED MY IDOL JONAH.. louis askin WHERE U BEEN JONAH šŸ˜‰ā“. another perfect accent moment. & i love jonahā€™s accent too like its cute. it does whats needed here
- Girl hes laying it on thick like hello louis de pointe du lac n da art of macking. Aint age a day since i seen u last being a black vampire gotta be easy just say its MELATONINā€¦. also Jonah asking about the current bf likeee hello. how ur new dic treatin u. I think We made a fujo out sis here
- ā€œNo dont justify it baby girl u getting ur lick backā€ I LOVE HER OPINION HELLOOOOO.
- THERE HE ISā€¦. THERE. HE. IS. the devil walks at night.. mrs. florence homophobia vindicated by the 1 in a kajillion chance her son was also turned into a vampire.
- ā€œAfter Louis had the worst night on earth, here come this bozo [Lestat]ā€ shes rly a louis martyr omdšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
- She seen lestat control all the soldiers & say ā€œwow maybe i do wanna be a vampireā€. Also she noticed his ears bleeding out after making all them leavešŸ‘€ lemme find out lestat was tryna munch on some wwi soldiers & took a likkle breaky break b4hand
- ā€œHmpf..this tedious Negro clinging onto his Creole heritage like a liferaftā€ ā€œMaybe Tom is right: Louis just a dumb pimp who got robbed blind years ago.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a ā€˜sirā€™ for you!ā€ ā€œTHUGGISH BEHAVIORā€ ā€œAccept your place in the worldā€¦Sodomite townhouseā€¦ I am the sunā€ & this is why alderman fenwick needed to die be blessed!! šŸ„° . Finn oā€™shea tricked ur ass louis his ppl turned white off ur back ..
- This is Louisā€™s hobby, not mine LESTAT way to sound like a condescending husband here lol
- When your mother see the devil in your eyesā€¦ thatā€™s a hard assessment to hedge against ā€¦
- Lestat dont get its not sm bout the money but its bout the power. what it means to be a black man in power on the margins.
- Bricktop saying the colored only sign was a stupid fuckin business plan LMAOOO she knows.
- I was what- I was manicā€¦ 2022!Louis perfect mix of self awareness v. self delusion . the loss of his creole status here coupled w everything else. born inhuman off the pyres of ur former racialization
- ā€œDA JEWISH MAN GET ITā€ @ Daniel saying take a Black man in america make him a vampire N FUCK W IT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­obsessed w her assigning him jewish at first watch
- ā€œPUT DAT WHITE BOY INA TORTURE RACK!ā€ shes got it man.
- Top 5 louis cut throat committy moments here why is ur heart beating so fast :3 psychologically& physically gores consumes u & hangs ur corpse up top the cathedral. This moment being louis embracing hes a vampire to smite the face of white supremacy.. wow. louis turning into the princess of pan africanism talmbout mah pipo like ok manšŸ‘šŸ¾then tellin lestot thats why you always gone be alone like oh my word
- the garish display of his body ā€¦ was that also ā€˜for your peopleā€™? UHH YES LESTAT DATS WHAT WHITE FOLK USED TO DO (STILL DO TO) NIGGAS LIKE IN REAL LIFE HISTORY BIG BROā€¦
- ā€œTHIS SICKO!ā€ at lestat wanting to make this day his anniversary LOLL
- I could not save the Azalea. I could not save Storyville. I could not save the aunt on the wrong side of the wall, but I could save herā€¦My light. My Claudia. My redemption. (contrast this view of claudia to lestat seeing her as his dark child.. generational cycles being broken (or formed anew) and new cycles of horror being started in the domestic)
- she said A+ this a good episode
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