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kiwiwinjindouche · 9 months ago
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it's so over for me
I was supposed to go with Rook being young lady Evelyn but I have to kiss grandpa first 😔​😔​😔​and young lady Evelyn would prob prefer Neve 😔​
This will be my BG3-like era, I'll spend all my free time on it and won't know what is sleep anymore (tho the game will drop during my internship so actually I want to scream)
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rosieofcorona · 29 days ago
i would've given anything, actually, to see the inevitable zealotry that would've come out of the agents of fen'harel. surely some of them would've still thought of him as a god, no matter how he denied it. a god of the people, a rebel god who would fight and kill for them, but a god nonetheless. surely there would be those among them who would serve him completely, with a devotion so unquestioning i imagine it would disturb him. surely there would even be some who would take a new vallaslin. one solas has never seen before, and never wishes to see again. it would be antithetical to his stance, and his purpose, after all. but what religion or movement hasn't had its dogma twisted, given enough time? given enough desperation?
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icharchivist · 14 days ago
The thing that keeps killing me about the Veil discourse and the fact Solas was planning on destroying the world by removing the Veil is that, especially after Veilguard, we have the confirmation that inaction would have been worse.
It's made very clear in DAI and Trespasser especially that the Veil is failing. It's becoming thinner in thinner. Each Blight's bloodshed are so terrible that some places have a Veil that never recovered. There are already hole in the veil in DAO for the Warden to try to fix in places where the Veil has been torn into pieces (Soldier's Peak and the Blackmarshes especially). And Arlathan and Sundermont where also regions that were said to have had the Veil permanently sundered because of the terrible horrors that happened then.
Solas acts panicked when he learns the Wardens are trying to kill the last archdemons saying it will make the situation worse, and for years I argued that the archdemons are probably seals that held the Veil in place and if all of them were killed, it will collapse. At the time i thought it was an elaborated plan by the Evanuris - i didn't think there was a bond between them unless it was true the Old Gods were the Forgotten ones, but that by using the Blight from the Fade the Evanuris were trying to affect those seals to thin the Veil and either a Blight will punch a hole in it, or once all the archdemons will be dead they will be freed.
This isn't the conclusion Veilguard took but i still had a point where it mattered the most: The Archdemons' lives were tied to [the Evanuris who's lives were tied to] the Veil and if all of them died [and killed the Evanuris linked to them by doing so while separated from their respective Evanuris, as evidenced by there being only 2 Evanuris left in Veilguard], the Veil would collapse.
When Solas awoke, it was barely ten years after the 5th Blight. He didn't even know until then that the Blight had leaked from the the prison he had made.
Corypheus acted up on the Wardens' mind BEFORE Solas got involved with him. We know that from Legacy since it's when it started for Corypheus (and Solas supposedly awoke a bit before Mark of the Assassin according to the webseries Redemption).
Corypheus was affected by the Blight he got from the Evanuris, and wanted to do anything he could to tear down the Veil to get to the Black City.
If Solas hadn't offered his orb to Corypheus, if he had stayed in slumber even, The Wardens may have killed the two last archdemons in panic. Or, and that even if Solas gave up on his goal in Inquisition, eventually centuries down the line the two last blights would have happened and the Veil would have collapsed.
There is no scenario in which Solas doesn't get involved that doesn't end with "The Veil falls down and the Blight locked in the Fade is unleashed on Thedas".
Solas' plan is specifically to take down the Veil in a way that doesn't unleash the Blight and the Last of the Evanuris. He will try to salvage as much as he can doing so but that's the core of it.
Leaving aside all the others dilemma about the People, about the Spirits, about Slavery, about everything that has motivated Solas on top of it all: IF Solas didn't act, the Veil would have collapsed on its own and the world would have ended in a way worse way.
We can debate forever about how deadly Solas' plan would have actually been. In Veilguard he says a few thousands of people would have died because he took precaution. I still believe one of the major reasons people would have died are tied to the way Curing Tranquility Also Leave People Who Were Tranquil In a Vulnerable State That Easily Get Them Killed and it would have been the same for people to reconnect so deeply to the Fade (re why Solas asks Cassandra if she thinks it's worth it to still cure the Tranquils and why it mattered).
We can also argue whether this was the only possible thing that could be done.
But like one thing is certain: even if Solas killed absolutely everyone except the elves by collapsing the Veil, it would still be less damage than if the Veil just collapsed on its own. Which would have happened sooner than later. It wasn't an IF. it was an WHEN.
The "Elven God's blood can keep the Veil up and fully repair it" was a full cope out that makes genuinely No Sense (they were NEVER gods to start with, and personally the reason i liked the Archdemons to be the seals more than the Evanuris was bc of what Yavana says in the comics about the dragons being the blood of the world, something much, much bigger than the elves ever were) just to punish Solas anyway.
But the fact people still act like Solas taking down the Veil was him planning the End of the World and It's Bad are just not interrogating themselves on what the Veil is doing.
It was either a controlled apocalypse that will avoid as much damage as possible, or one that will happen at random and will leave no possible chances of salvation.
Just letting the world end by inaction isn't exactly any better than trying to do something.
It's somehow the same logic as Rook and Varric never being blamed for unleashing the final blights. Accidentally triggering the end of the world, or just knowingly letting it happen are fine, but trying to actually do control damage is bad actually.
The Alternative should have been to find another path. One Solas was too prideful, too blind to newer ways, too isolated to have considered himself. One that could remove the Veil without this amount of destruction. Not to reinforce the Veil all together.
And i just think it's unfair to look at Solas plan of destroying the world as the basis to judge he's a bad person without ACKNOWLEDGING what the options actually are. Not even in term to defend Solas, but in term of, do you understand what's at stake????
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treviso-nights · 2 months ago
i like my men broken and bleeding (solas) with an incredibly tragic backstory (solas) that only i am privy to (solas) because the idea of eternal loneliness is more horrifying than the idea of finally opening up to someone (solas) even if doing so makes them want to be sick on the cold, hard ground (solas) before they inevitably realize that we are stronger together (solas) and continue to struggle for dominance in the never-ending abyss of 'i love you and that love has destroyed me' (solas!!!)
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transhades · 4 months ago
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Breaking my "Social media isolation because I'm terrified of big DATV spoilers" in order to post these pics I took with photo mode because look at him. Look at this wolf. He's so broad and pretty I think I might die
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durgeapologist · 1 month ago
I'm confused, durge. Do you like Solrook or Solavellan? Your post bashing Solavellans contradicts your recent reblogs defending them. What are your actual thoughts on these ships? Because I cannot tell.
alright i feel like this needs to be said here and now. buckle up because this is long, and probably the only time i will be commenting on this ever again.
i do not hate the solavellan ship. i have stated many times across all my socials that i used to be a hardcore solavellan shipper. i am IN LOVE with my lavellan. i literally started playing the dragon age series because i heard about the betrayal in solas' dai romance, and i am a sucker for angst. i played through dao and da2 just to romance him with my lavellan in dai.
when dav came out, first day of release, i set my world state up to be solavellan. i redeemed him and sent her off to the fade with him. point blank.
however, even before i started shipping dreadrook, i was wary of solavellan FANS. not the ship, the FANS. i am a solas lover to the ends of the earth and back. i can get behind ANY ships that involve him. what i cannot, and will not ever, get behind is the absolute infantilization of both solas and lavellan that many solavellan shippers i have interacted with engage in.
i had to leave and the solasmancers subreddit because they bashed the fuck out of epler for having SANE and NORMAL takes on solas' villainous behavior. because: YES. solas is a VILLAIN. he is an ANTAGONIST. and for some reason, most of the solavellans i was friends/mutuals and most other VOCAL solavellans i saw refused to admit as much.
they baby solas, they baby their self-insert lavellans, and they romanticize the ship without acknowledging the (imo delicious) potentials for a tragic, toxic, and morally-grey partnership. they whiddle solas down to this abused, kicked, drowing puppy that must be saved- nay, can only be saved by their adoring, kind, never-angry-always-understanding lavellans.
i also dislike immensely the way rook gets dragged through the mud, killed off, belittled, bullied, etc. by some (not all) solavellans who cannot handle solas having insane chemistry with another character. because the chemistry between dreadrook is insane.
i could drone on for hours my issues with the solavellan fans that twist and bend the relationship dynamic between the two, but i won't. it's been regurgitated by so many people so many times, and i would be adding nothing new to the conversation.
my canon lavellan romanced solas and moved on to cullen after the events of trespasser. my canon lavellan would never leave her life behind in southern thedas to follow solas into the fade for eternity, especially not after he killed varric. if your lavellan would do that, then kudos to you! really! i am so thankful many solavellans have a way to get their happy endings! i did it the one time for the novelty, and never will again.
but i can't stand solavellans who can't admit to themselves that their pairing is just as toxic as (if not more than) the dreadrook pairing, and i doubly cannot stand solavellans that baby the fuck out of the pairing. these are two grown (pixelated) adults. they are not infants. their relationship is built on lies and deceit (again, delicious dynamic to me!) and it heavily annoys me when people cannot admit that.
THIS IS ALL TO SAY: i do not hate ALL solavellans. my bestest mutuals and online friends are major solavellan shippers. i am a solavellan shipper. i just so happen to enjoy dreadrook a thousand times more, and therefore have my lavellan married to cullen in my canon world state while my rook and solas frolick off into the sunrise together.
tldr; it's a CERTAIN TYPE of solavellan FAN that i do not enjoy interacting with. i do not think ALL solavellan fans are like this. i KNOW they are not. it's just the ones that ARE happen to be the loudest in a room at any given time. that is all.
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nerdee-blondee · 2 months ago
solas really said "fuck you lucanis-mancers" in isle of gods, didn't he?
i thought he made rook see whoever they were romancing but NOPE it's lucanis SPECIFICALLY
if you're romancing ANYONE ELSE it's like "nooooo my buddy/ my teammate/ my best friend, not hiiim"
but LUCANIS-MANCERS be like "the fucking love of my life is dead on the floor as solas is whispering patronizing shit into my ears wtf is gOING OOON"
solas, my man, what did lucanis do TO YOU???????
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0alix0 · 4 months ago
you hate solas x mythal because you think solas shouldn't have had any previous relationships in thousands of years of his life
i hate solas x mythal because it's yet another exhausting love triangle where the slaver and abuser gets a funky reincarnation and the victim gets blamed for absolutely everything and put into magical prison forever..........
we are not the same
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veilkeeper · 3 months ago
husband valiantly waded into the cesspool that is twitter to show me some of the Discourse because i am a curious beast by nature and the amount of s*lavellans who are salty about the very existence of the outsmart ending is wild
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months ago
just for fun this time during 'sea of blood' I counted out all the venatori corpses I think we can be pretty sure were lucanis' handiwork before we show up (not including the ones he kills in his initial cutscene, and with an assumption that he's been at work mainly up and down in the areas we move through until we find him, not behind the locked door -- I think that's mostly the work of rampaging undead and other venatori-hoisted-by-their-own-petard suchlikes). can thus happily inform you lucanis has killed at least 32 venatori before rook and company get there. at least one of them he's impaled on their own weird crystal spike things the venatori mages cast as an AOE attack and that they're trying to keep him contained with when we find him. so he's clearly been keeping busy lol. that's my boy dispensing poetic justice and claiming some enrichment in his enclosure while he's at it good for him!
#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#lucanis dellamorte#I think he's been scouting around found what's techincally the way out realized he can't leave without his blood#and been shepherded/cornered in the room where you find him. or just as likely he lured them in there to take them all out at once#and also he's not a mage. how the fuck is he going to actually get the door out open and then not just drown if he does#even though he found it. lucanis dellamorte's very bad no good extremely awful horrible day (300+ day streak)#CAN the non-mage venatori get in and out of here without a mage to take them. many questions#him coincidentally escaping right now seems to be down to everything falling the fuck apart down there after zara officially voided#whatever OSHA regulations they ever had and the fallout of solas' ritual made magic run wild across the continent#it's interesting to note that the ossuary we see in this is actually pretty much emptied -- she's already retrieved#what she considered her successes. there used to be way more experiments down here until like a week before this#it's just lucanis and the other rejects left lmao#I do like (well. like is probably the wrong word) to imagine that lucanis has spent a sisyphean year of nearly escaping in there#he's killed a guard gotten to look around for intel for five seconds and been thrown back into his cell multiple times before#this time he's just got chaos and rook (basically synonymous terms right lol) on his side#also to all the 'why is he in his full armor and already with a neat beard' complaints -- because this is a video game#and getting a whole new model for him done for all of 45 mins of content max would not be a wise or fruitful use of resources#hope that helps!#if we're going to go watsonian about it he must have been wearing something when he got there and he probably had luggage#so idk he found those in a store room or something b/c callivan... not the brighest bulb in the lamp store clearly
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lavellaned · 2 months ago
bioware really loves to put a lot of time and money into expanding on/creating new lore, characters, and story lines and then never making any of it relevant again
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pinacoladamatata · 3 months ago
i was gonna be nice about it but now im not. like yo WHAT is some ppls fucking problem? I post a pic of a wip mod where I'm trying to make solas freckles closer to his dai complexion and apparently this is an issue for you?? Me coloring and drawing solas in my corner pisses you off? lol lmfao even.
like god can u imagine if i went around commenting on ppl's art going "ok but they look better in the source material" and encouraged fucking assholes to comment making fun of it?
what would that make me? hmm?
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lizzybeeee · 4 months ago
Inquisitor: "Is there any way Solas can be reasoned with?"
Me after Solas has killed Varric, used blood magic on me, trapped me in the fade, created the blight, made the titans tranquil/fucked with the dwarves, started the chain of events that led to Southern Thedas being destroyed, and stealing all my good gear from Inquisition:
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buttsonthebeach · 3 months ago
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I just. Love the "let's get this man into therapy" squad.
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transhades · 4 months ago
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I am still debating on whether to swoon helplessly or make a "He looks like the Knife Cat Meme" joke when looking at these pictures I took. When in doubt I will do both
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edda-grenade · 5 months ago
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when your boss gets Really into the zone when painting and you have to make sure he doesn't get himself assassinated
aka arlathan au, kubide (or halani, in this verse), being the most tired-while-pining bodyguard in all of arlathan
he's pining right back ofc
(kubide belongs to @wanderingnork, and though it doesn't follow any prompt, an entry for @equalopportunitysolas week)
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