#ALSO!!! i finally got verified status!!
agentjazzy · 1 year
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I made a Danny Phantom 3DS theme!! It scrolls through the ghost zone using some old promo art + a ghost zone asset! please excuse the gif quality that's the biggest it can go
It has custom folders (inspired by the thermos), icon frames (inspired by the thermos' blast), background music (the outro theme), and sound effects!
• Cursor SFX - A button click from Technus' first episode lol • Creating a Folder SFX - the SFX from Danny's transformation • Launching App/Game SFX - Danny’s “I'm going ghost!” • Closing App/Game SFX - the SFX when Danny goes intangible
If you want to try it out, here's the Themeplaza link - and to see how it works in action, here's a video!
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While we're all mad at government sending money to Israel that police budgets are so inflated because of how often they pay settlements.
And also that it's a verified fact that our police train with Israeli soldiers. Remember when they were black bagging people in PDX? It reminded me of this ex-Israeli soldier talking about how they'd do the same thing to innocent Palestinians just to terrorize them and their neighbors. It was intentional terrorism when they did it.
Police budgets pay for all that.
Correction, we pay.
To put it more bluntly,
We pay for them to kill and terrorize people.
Just as our taxes pay for the deaths of Black and Brown people all over the world from Turtle Island to Sudan and Palestine.
In Dec. 2022, Louisville Metro Government agreed to pay Walker $2 million to settle lawsuits against the city. Metro government previously paid a $12 million settlement to Taylor’s family in Sept. 2020
We paid for Breonna Taylor's death.
And her murderers were never arrested btw. Not that there aren't still people trying to arrest them of course. But our money paid for their lawyers and wouldn't you know it, no charges have stuck.
Four years to the day after Breonna Taylor’s death, federal prosecutors are moving forward with a re-trial of one of the officers involved in the botched raid that ended her life. At a status conference Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings scheduled Brett Hankison’s final pre-trial hearing for September 13th. His re-trial is scheduled to begin on Oct. 15. In November of last year, Hankinson was tried for violating the Constitutional rights of Breonna Taylor, her boyfriend, and three neighbors when he fired through two covered windows during the raid. Prosecutors argued he used excessive force when he shot into the apartment complex blindly. Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had fired at officers executing the search, claiming he thought they were intruders.
And Myles Cosgrove?
Yeah we're paying him to terrorize more people. He got a job as a fucking sheriff's deputy.
Myles Cosgrove, the former Louisville police officer, who was fired for fatally shooting Breonna Taylor in a botched 2020 police raid and hired earlier this year as a sheriff’s deputy in Carroll County, rammed a resident’s truck with his cruiser Monday and then pointed a gun at the owner and several bystanders, witnesses said.
Witnesses told The Courier Journal that Cosgrove barreled into Happy Hollow Private Resort Park trailer park at a high rate of speed without his emergency lights on, then struck William Joshua Short’s pickup truck with such force that it sent the vehicle flying into a building, breaking off two cinder blocks.
And Johnathan Mattingly wrote a fucking book about it to make money off of his role in her murder. $15 on Amazon.
He also wanted to sue Kenneth Walker, Breonna's boyfriend. You know why? For damages and injuries he sustained while killing Breonna Taylor.
Our power is in our dollar.
American politics and officials don't care for our lives. It's why they're content to watch us protest for months. Because we're still going to work. We are the worker ants simply fulfilling our duty, receiving the bare minimum to survive for our labor.
We're still building their bombs. Paying our taxes, so much that hardly any of us could afford more than rent.
We are just drones fulfilling our purpose to the upper class who doesn't give a shit about us beyond what we do for them and how little we will do it for.
If we want change we're gonna have to stop working. We're going to have to deprive them of products they sell, of our taxes, of our low cost labor.
And the strike that UAW is planning in May 2028 has inspired a lot of others to start looking at the opportunity to join in.
If you haven't heard of it yet, a strike is when workers organize and stop showing up for work. And a general strike is a mass strike across various industries around similar demands or bargaining positions.
There have been multiple calls for a general strike since then, predominantly from individuals and groups on social media, which has often resulted in confusion about what a general strike would actually look like. To be clear, a general strike is not a protest or a rally, a single picket line, or a boycott. It is, as I’ve previously defined, “a labor action in which a significant number of workers from a number of different industries who comprise a majority of the total labor force within a particular city, region, or country come together to take collective action.”
Throughout history, workers have used this tactic as a nuclear option to shut down entire cities when needed, including Philadelphia in 1835, Seattle in 1919, and beyond.[...]
If even four or five of the unions representing the workers mentioned above banded together in a nationwide general strike, the entire country would grind to a halt. When Shawn Fain asks his fellow unions to set the timer for May 2028, what he’s really saying is, get ready to shut sh*t down and level the playing field between bosses and workers once and for all.
And make one of the demands out to be an end of American support to countries participating in apartheid and genocide.
End the taxes for police budgets and settlements. If they want police departments so bad then they should FIND funding for themselves like the government makes USPS do.
One of the biggest pushbacks we hear is that there is never any official backing for calls to a general strike. Well here it is! Make sure you tell EVERYONE
This could be a global strike if other countries choose to participate on the same date
No, I don't think Palestine has 3 years so in the mean time join a union, keep protesting, start rioting, answer Every call to action coming from a Palestine and Sudan and the DRC and sign this strike card
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acerathia · 3 months
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Fics For Gaza
hello!! I finally got some time to participate in the initiative made by @ficsforgaza ! Down below are some WIP's which I have planned in some capacity to write during the summer/until the end of the year. I will also be accepting some requests for a limited amount of time, and for this one, please shoot me a message first beforehand.
How it works: The rate is set at 1$ per 100 words. The donation should go directly to a verified fundraiser and just send me the confirmation (personal information should be removed/censored) as proof with the link to the fundraiser and the fic sponsored as an ask. The wordcount (donated and writing status) will be updated regularly under the WIP's. As for the requests, send me an ask/dm first to discuss the content of it! For both I will try to be consistent and on time, but as there will be times where day to day life will get the best of me, but I will update accordingly also. Of course, consider looking at the list of other writers working on this initiative!!
current WIP's:
~your sweet return: gojo satoru synopsis: You love the forest, it was the place where you escape from everything haunting you. So, what could even happen if you discover a fairy circle, one oh so daunting, and you begin to hold a conversation with your invisible companion?
estimated wordcount: 8k written: 0.7k donated: 0.5k/3k progress: 0.5k/0.5k
~eclipse: xiao synopsis: The souls filled with karma find relief under the touch of your skin. Yet, you've never tried to cleanse anyone, not since you've gained your freedom. Until the one you're indebted to asks you to help a certain Adeptus. And who are you to refuse?
estimated wordcount: 3k written: 0.5k donated: 0/1.5k progress: 0/0
~Surviving the Tyrant: todoroki touya synopsis: Waking up in your favourite novel would be such a fantastic experience. That's what you thought until you actually woke up in one and found yourself engaged to the tyrannical prince Todoroki Touya. Your death was to be by his hands, and you are going to do anything to avoid such a fate.
estimated wordcount: 10k written: 0 donated: 0/4k progress: 0/0
~The Lament of Erebus: Midoriya-centric synopsis: They appeared in the dead of night, ripping people out of their homes and lives, only leaving scattered clothes fluttering in the wind. There was nothing else left of the missing people. OR Midoriya Izuku is quirkless, despite his protests, despite the feeling churning in his insides. It seems like fate has a cruel way to show its affection, as this lead to a social death sentence. And he has lived like that all his life. That is until society began to shift, creatures of the night swallowing people residing in the dark. The question is, what is the connection between them and Izuku?
estimated wordcount: ? written: 6.2k donated: 0/2k progress: 0/0
~Back against the Wall: Meta-Analysis for ORV using the reader-insert synopsis: What kind of effect might you (you and you and you) have on the way the plot unfolds? Can your voice (overlapping, echoing, not truly yours, but it is) be heard in the scheme of grander things?
estimated wordcount: ? written: 4.3k donated: 0/2k progess: 0/0
Once again, before anything, contact me to make sure that I'm able to write the possible request. The rate is the same, and I'm going to tell you how long the request might be based on my own estimations. Please be aware that these requests are limited, both time-wise and quantity-wise, and that I might refuse any request based on my own abilities and comfort.
what fandoms: MHA, HSR, Genshin, Naruto, Touchstarved, Obscura, JJK, Love and Deepspace, ORV, AoT, and some others, feel free to ask! I am also okay with certain continuations of some of my work to be requested
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Waking Lions 11
Find the series masterlist
Ace continues to get into trouble. Flirting happens.
Warnings: Swearing, flirting, mention of injury, Price needs his own warning label, little bit of kidnapping.
Word count: 1.5k
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Landing in Finland didn’t actually help the raging anxiety much. You let Laswell and Captain know to stand down, no further issues, and you’d update them soon. 
And then you booked a hotel room and took a very long, very hot shower. 
Your phone was ringing by the time you got out, and you grumbled to yourself. Captain. “Yes?”
“What’s your status?” 
“Secure,” you said after a moment, frowning just a little. That was a new tone from him. 
“And your delay?”
“A non-issue. Just a little miscommunication is all.” 
Captain was silent for a few moments. “Send me coordinates for the drop point.” And then he hung up.
You stared at your phone. Was he… upset? With you? For what? You hadn’t done anything wrong. 
But you did send him coordinates and a time. Tomorrow. Because there was no way you were going anywhere else tonight. 
Some gentle prodding at your side showed you were still healing well. You’d probably have a scar from this, but better a scar than to be dead. 
But you managed to sleep, at least. Which was honestly a relief. 
You made it to the drop point early. As always. You settled on a bench, pretending to read a book and people-watch. 
Even though you were expecting him, you still startled a little when a body dropped down next to you.
“Status?” Captain asked, voice low, a thread of concern in his voice.
“I’m fine,” you assured him, only a little snippy. “Here.” You held out the USB to him.
But he didn’t take it right away, frowning at you, gaze sweeping over you in a clear visual check. “What happened?” 
You blinked at him. “Does it matter? I’m here, I’m fine, I’ve got stuff for you.”
He took the USB but his fingers closed over your hand, trapping the drive between you. “What happened?”
You stared at him, eyes wide. Your heart was beating far too fast for the situation. “Nothing really happened,” you said weakly, confused. “Captain… what are you worried about?” A sudden thought had your heart clenching in pain. “Thought you gave up on the accusations?”
“That’s not what this is about.” His frown deepened and he shifted closer to you, the line of his jaw tense. “You went silent for hours and rerouted your flight without explanation.” 
You floundered, just a little. Because that? That was not an accusation. That was something worse. Concern. “I–Captain, I’m fine. Nothing happened. It was just…” You trailed off. You could lie, could come up with something convincing. Something that he wouldn’t be able to verify. Because your clients were none of his concern. 
Except that this client might also be a lead into the ultranationalist group, and that seemed like the kind of information Captain might need to know. If you really wanted to try this whole playing nice thing. 
So you breathed out slowly, bringing your free hand up to rub your eyes. You were tired. Moreso than you should be, really. You blamed the situation. 
“It was a potential new client,” you answered, not looking at him, fingers still pressed into your eyes until stars burst against the dark of your eyelids. “Knew me from Sergio, but didn’t have my contact information. Either didn’t ask Sergio or didn’t want him to know. I’ll find out which.” Another slow breath in. “Normally I would not be telling you this, because my business is not yours, but. He paid me with a check that rerouted to a shell company, one of the ones that I noted.” You shrugged a little, finally lowering your hand, though you still refused to look at him. “I was going to get more solid information first, but you rather forced my hand.” 
Captain was silent for several moments, keeping your hand captured. Then he sighed. “Ace.” 
You glanced at him almost without meaning to, gauging his reaction. But his expression was carefully neutral. 
“I’d prefer if you keep me in the loop on this one. Even if you don’t have solid intel.” He held your gaze easily, blue holding steady but no less intense. 
“Understood.” You managed to crack a smile. “I’ll take it under advisement.”
He scoffed softly but finally released your hand, keeping the USB. “Password?” 
“Reliant.” You smirked a little, still not quite normal but getting there. 
He grunted once in acknowledgement. “Get some food, you look bloody awful.”
The laugh felt punched out of you, almost painful. “Flatterer,” you said without any malice. “You offering?” 
He was silent and still next to you for just long enough that your heart tripped into high gear. Then he chuckled. “Maybe next time, Ace.” 
It was a surprisingly gentle let down, and you left it at that. You stood first and turned away.
Only to stop when a hand wrapped around your wrist. 
“Thank you.” 
You turned slowly to look at Captain, the two words far too sincere to ignore. You honestly had no idea what to do, just staring at him for a moment, before you nodded once. 
You were quick to leave as soon as he released you, heart pounding, head reeling. 
This… had not been the plan. This had not even been anywhere near the plan. 
But he wasn’t wrong. You needed food. And sleep. You could figure out the rest after that. 
Good food was easy to find in Finland, and your hotel was comfortable. You took the rest of the day to get your head on straight and rest up. And also to put out a few emails to some contacts, because you wanted White to give you more information. You doubted he’d be a good source, but maybe you could put a few things together. Maybe it would help. 
Or maybe you’d finally get in too deep and end up where you always suspected you would - an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. 
Grimacing at the macabre turn of your own thoughts, you shook yourself and turned on the news for background noise. 
Captain was becoming a distraction. And that was a problem. One you wouldn’t abide. You had too much going on to have him distracting you. 
How to get Laswell to agree, though, was another problem entirely. One that you decided to sleep on. 
Honestly, you meant to talk to Laswell. You did. But you got sidetracked with getting contact information to three of your contacts, and their information to White. Then you had a call from Valeria where you had to dance around an invitation. Then there was the call from a contact of yours who had gotten himself into trouble and asked you for help back out of it… You got busy. 
You were going to deal with him. Eventually. 
Just… Not right now. 
The first text check in was easy to brush off. He’d just asked for status. You just said “busy”. 
That got you two more days of denial and research. Tracking down shell corporations and tracing payments took time.
The second check in was harder to ignore.
Need an ETA.
You grimaced down at your phone, then at your laptop. You had information you could give him, sure, but not as much as you wanted. You had nothing new on White, no new major movements. In your eyes, it wasn’t worth the time to arrange a drop for this. 
Few more days. Chasing down some leads. 
That was… close enough. And gave you enough time to do more digging, put some pressure on some people. 
At least, that was the plan.
That plan very much went to shit when you went out to get some food. You’d gotten half a dozen steps outside your hotel when two men fell in step with you, one on each side. 
“Stay quiet and no one gets hurt,” one of them murmured, low and threatening. You could just see the flash of a pistol under his jacket, pointed at you. 
“May I ask where we’re going?” But you made sure to keep your voice quiet and pleasant. You really didn’t want to get shot again. Laswell would never let you live it down. 
“You can ask.” There was no humor in his voice, but he didn’t make any threatening moves, either. “This way.” He turned down a street, and you followed. He walked a few more blocks to a black van and pulled open the back door. You went in without prompting, shoulders tense. 
This was very much not good. 
The other one pulled a bag over your head, and you sat still and compliant. You had absolutely no desire to get thrown around over this. You needed your head clear to get out of whatever mess this was.
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talonabraxas · 18 days
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Shiva and Shakti - The Divine Union of Consciousness and Energy
Shiva Shakti Story
The legend of the marriage of Shiva and Shakti is one the most important legends related to the festival of Mahashivaratri. The story tells us how Lord Shiva got married for the second time to Shakti, his divine consort. According to legend of Shiva and Shakti, the day Lord Shiva got married to Parvati is celebrated as Shivaratri – the Night of Lord Shiva.
The Legend goes that once Lord Shiva and his wife Sati or Shakti were returning from sage Agastya’s ashram after listening to Ram Katha or story of Ram. On their way through a forest, Shiva saw Lord Rama searching for his wife Sita who had been kidnapped by Ravana, the King of Lanka. Lord Shiva bowed his head in reverence to Lord Rama. Sati was surprised by Lord Shiva’s behavior and inquired why he was paying obeisance to a mere mortal. Shiva informed Sati that Rama was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Sati, however, was not satisfied with the reply and Lord asked her to go and verify the truth for herself.
Using her power to change forms, Sati took the form of Sita appeared before Rama. Lord Rama immediately recognized the true identity of the Goddess and asked, “Devi, why are you alone, where′s Shiva?” At this, Sati realized the truth about Lord Ram. But, Sita was like a mother to Lord Shiva and since Sati took the form of Sita her status had changed. From that time, Shiva detached himself from her as a wife. Sati was sad with the change of attitude of Lord Shiva but she stayed on at Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva.
Later, Sati’s father Daksha organised a yagna, but did not invite Sati or Shiva as he had an altercation with Shiva in the court of Brahma. But, Sati who wanted to attend the Yagna, went there even though Lord Shiva did not appreciate the idea. To her great anguish, Daksha ignored her presence and did not even offer Prasad for Shiva. Sati felt humiliated and was struck with profound grief. She jumped into the yagna fire and immolated herself.
Lord Shiva became extremely furious when he heard the news of Sati’s immolation. Carrying the body of Sati, Shiva began to perform Rudra Tandava or the dance of destruction and wiped out the kingdom of Daksha. Everybody was terrified as Shiva’s Tandava had the power to destroy the entire universe. In order to calm Lord Shiva, Vishnu severed Sati′s body into 12 pieces and threw them on earth. It is said that wherever the pieces of Shakti’s body fell, there emerged a Shakti Peetha, including the Kamaroopa Kamakhya in Assam and the Vindhyavasini in UP.
Lord Shiva who was now alone, undertook rigorous penance and retired to the Himalayas. Shakti took a re-birth as Parvati in the family of God Himalaya. She performed penance to break Shiva’s meditation and win his attention. It is said that Goddess Parvati found it hard to break Shiva’s meditation but through her devotion and the persuasion by sages and devas, Parvati, also known as Uma, was finally able to lure Shiva into marriage and away from asceticism. Their marriage was solemnized a day before Amavasya in the month of Phalgun. This day of union of God Shiva and Shakti is celebrated as Mahashivratri every year.
There is no Shiva without Shakti and yoga is a realization of the unity of all things. That is not to say that everything in tantrik texts is figurative; many describe practices which are said to bring about this realization.
Shiva Shakti Mantras
Separator - Divider - Red
Shiva Shakti Panchakshari Mantra
“Om Hrim Namah Shivaya”
Important Shiva Shakti Mantra
(i) “Om Shiva Om Shakti” (ii) “Namah Shiva Namah Shakti” (iii) “Om Sarva Mangal Mangaley Shivay Sarvarth Sadhike Sharanye Trambhake Gauri Narayani Namostutey”
Therefore, Shakti is the dynamic power of Siva through which he manifests the worlds and their myriad objects and beings. He brings forth the worlds and their beings through his will and his dynamic energy, Shakti.
Shiva and Shakti by Talon Abraxas
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john-macnamara · 6 days
*Norton blinked blankly as people rushed around him, almost everyone on duty to prepare for a possible full apocalypse, but not him. One memory issue and suddenly no one trusts you to properly make sure people don't die, but that was alright. It was probably for the best anyways, especially in the mental state he was in. The divorce lawyer's business card was very heavy in his pocket no matter how many files he verified and put into the vault. Giovanni got stuck with the job of locking down each sector in the case of an attack on the building, so at least Norton didn't have to do that.
Honestly, with everything going on, he was almost thankful that the actual world was at a risk of crumbling. It was a horrible thing to think, he knew, but it gave him a bit of respite in not thinking of his personal world crumbling. The only awful thing meant that suddenly the meetings doubled, everyone wanted a piece of his time because they were running low on it, and the social interactions ended up tripling.
He rubbed a hand down his face as another status log on how securing the building was going got dropped on his desk, the person rushing off to presumably also get back to their job. Sure, the actual situation was on the downlow and he was sure other agencies weren't getting ready for anything big, but anyone at P.E.I.P that was trusted enough to be at the Hatchetfield outpost was stressed out of their minds trying to get prepare without alerting anyone or anything else.
He sighed, placing his head down on his desk for just a moment as he finally got a second without anyone bothering him. He regretted not taking the whole day off, he regretted not just taking his normal route out of the examination room. He really couldn't do the day much longer, maybe he'd actually leave early for once.*
[A knock taps on Norton’s desk.]
I need a couple files, Newman.
[As is all too common these days, it’s John. He looks and sounds utterly exhausted, likely running off pure caffeine and depending on how long he’s been without sleep, a small bit of methamphetamine.]
Would you be willing to help me out?
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
if ur still doing fic requests, can u do how all the SPOP characters react to Elon Musk and the twitter implosion?
I got this ask few days ago and wrote this but didn't post bc I left some characters out but I’m never going to have a better chance to post it than now so, here ya go!
Catra and Glimmer immediately went on the assault, using their verified status to impersonate the Muskrat… were both promptly suspended. Catra a few hours before Glimmer, which won her the bet between them, and she will never, EVER let Glimmer live it down.
Catra does still maintain Melog's Twitter presence (Entrapta buttered the cat as part of an elaborate experiment and Melog went viral) because its platform on unions and worker's rights was too important to squander.
In the spirit of Adventure!, Sea Hawk took advantage of the unregulated verification system to sow chaos by registering as a number of political figures and brands. At last count, he'd managed to tank the value of Amazon stock with what pundits are nicknamed the "wick in a box" stunt and was the direct cause of Old Spice suing Twitter for “damaging the sanctity of the brand and also several nautically theme shooting sets.”
Mermista claimed that the whole thing was, like, too stupid to join in but that was because she was secretly hoping to use her Twitter account to participate in #pitmad this year and finally get a book deal for Dead in the Water, the first in her series of undersea murder mysteries.
Adora immediately made accounts on Mastodon, Cohost, and every other Twitter alternative she could find and is trying to build up a following. She has tweeted the exact same joke on no less than five platforms as of this moment and is frantically researching tips for increasing engagement because social media is a game and she WILL win.
Bow's Twitter account was also suspended for impersonating Musk. Glimmer again. But he never really used it. He's more into making helpful YouTube tutorials. He has a Tumblr account too, but it's mostly filled with embarrassing old posts from his old Pirates of the Caribbean roleplaying days.
Netossa and Spinnerella finally ceded their long standing competition to see who could get the most Twitter followers and decided to concentrate on their popular YouTube channel where they document their ongoing prank war. They are currently competing to see who can stack the most verified checkmarks on their Tumblr account.
Kyle said it was a shame about Twitter going down but he wasn't too worried, since he still had his parasocial fanbase of 50 million fans who watched his gaming streams. Despite his underwhelming face reveal last month, he is still currently part of 3 of the top 10 ships on AO3.
Lonnie also streams and 99% of the comments on her streams are about how she's so underrated and deserves so much more popularity. She and Rogelio also have a big following on their fitness TikTok where they participate in funny trends and bully Kyle.
Entrapta does not need a social network. She IS the social network. She's so deeply tapped in she knows about every trend or breaking news story five minutes before it happens and has personally overthrown at least two governments without leaving her desk chair. She has an account on every major social network, but her close friends know those are just bots working off highly developed AI. If she does feel like actually socializing online, she makes a burner and hops on Reddit to start trouble in the Linux subreddits by recommending ethically dubious hacks for the lulz.
Hordak used to be a bit of a darkweb edgelord with an extensive collection of NFTs, but he's stopped hanging around with that bad crowd. These days, he's proudly not online at all, but always listens very patiently whenever Entrapta tries to explain the latest memes.
Frosta's deep into the Club Penguin fandom on Tumblr and has written 400k words of Jelsa fanfic she would die if anyone in the princess alliance found out about.
Castaspella only uses Facebook, where she shares nothing but wine-mom Minion memes despite the fact that she is not a mom and has never seen any of the Despicable Me movies. The day Farmville went offline, she wept openly.
Micah also only uses Facebook. His wizard roleplay group uses it for meetings. He signs every single one of his status (“Had a lovely with my daughter today! -Micah”) and no one can convince him to stop.
George and Lance share a Facebook account and also sign every post so when the three dads start talking to each other, it's too #cringe #oldfail for anyone else to look at.
Adora banned Swift Wind from the internet because he's too gullible and has fallen for every online scam there is.
Perfuma left Twitter at her therapist's suggestion because it made her too angry. She was incapable of not trying to “patiently” explain to people why they were wrong, no matter how bad faith the argument. She was once ratioed so hard in the comments of RoudUp’s official twitter account that she started a four day flamewar that only ended when Scorpia had to physically stop her from getting into her car and hunting down the other users. These days she just looks at the pretty pictures on Pinterest and takes a deep, calming breath. Though her eye still twitches at the idea that somehow, somewhere someone is probably being wrong on the internet.
Scorpia herself was at first heartbroken when she heard about Twitter’s potential demise until Perfuma showed her that there are also cute animal accounts to follow on Tumblr and Facebook and then she was all good.
Double Trouble has said they will be going down with the ship, keeping their dozen+ different troll and sockpuppet accounts going until the very end because they enjoy the chaos.
Wrong Hordak does not use Twitter but he would love to show you this most amusing meme he found that you definitely already saw four months ago.
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orcelito · 4 days
just had a WONDERFUL online experience on ECSI dot com!
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as you can see by my discord status.
Fuck ECSI Website Die In A Fire Immediately.
like ok it started with me getting an email from the bursars office saying i had a hold on my account bc of a past due loan amount. and i was like Uhh okay? thats weird. went to check aidvantage. everything was as expected there. and the other place i have (had) loans on was ECSI. which was a comparatively much smaller loan, so i just had it on auto pay.
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so i was like. ok whatever sure. i'll reactivate the fucking account.
first hurdle: The Verification. tried getting a code sent to my phone. didnt send. tried clicking it again. didnt send. i switched to email, which thankfully That sent. no sign of the texts, but ok whatever.
second hurdle: it wouldnt accept my security question answers??????? for some fucking reason???????? so i was like "ok i cant remember them. help me out." it brought me to a page to fill in some more information, yadda yadda, and then it brought me to
i went straight to email this time just bc i knew the text didnt work. took a few minutes. i laughed at a bullshit petco email in the meantime. a moment of reprieve in the anger of it all.
ok, got it verified. went in, changed my password to a very choice angry password at ECSI. just for the satisfaction of it. went to the next page.
getting sick of these things!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally got it verified and logged in. all this for $115 fucking dollars. what the fuck ever. i go to pay it. it's like "ummm you already have autopay set up :)" and i just
got. so. done.
now see i have my life insurance money in savings and it *is* enough to cover my student loans, but i wasnt wanting to until i was out of school bc Paying for costs of living while im finishing school etc etc etc but THIS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pissed me off SO much i decided i never wanted to go on this damned website ever again. so i decided to pay the fucking loan. which was like 7% of my total loans. whatever. i can pay it.
it made paying off the full fucking loan so unintuitive, i was wanting to throw my goddam computer into the wall. i didnt! i figured it out! yay! it SHOULD be paid off now!!! and i'll never have to deal with ECSI ever again or it ending up with HOLDS on my fucking student account bc they decided to DISABLE. MY ACCOUNT. BC I HAD IT ON AUTO PAY.
also, at this point, nearly half an hour later, i finally got the texts with the verification codes :)
Fuck ECSI Website For Real
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fierceawakening · 4 days
So people are thread necroing ancient conversations I had with Seebs, which unnerves me greatly.
And I… ive been holding this for years, and even now wondering if it’s okay to “expose it” when I’ve never been able to substantiate it, but it’s been so long that I finally feel like maybe I can ask.
This is not a callout post. I am not saying these things are true. I have not been able to verify them.
But for years, people observed me arguing with Seebs and his close friends and would message me saying I was right to do so, and they feared Seebs and were afraid to say anything because for a while there, he had a bit of big name status in the neurodivergent community here on Tumblr and they were afraid of getting hurt.
The one thing I COULD verify as I spoke directly to the person involved was that they’d run a neurodivergence themed blog and Seebs had a problem with it and harassed them so much they remade anonymously.
Which I found to be reason enough to justify my feelings of unease that blossomed into intense dislike… but then the rumors got WEIRD.
Can anyone verify any of this? I haven’t been able to, which I want to make clear. This is just stuff people have sent me over the duration, saying they’re too scared of this person to say it outright.
There’s been a persistent theme of sexually exploiting cognitively disabled people in these… rumors? Claims? I’m not sure what to call them. But it shows up as a theme. If it’s a lie, it shapeshifts. If it’s the truth, it seems like a pattern.
1) Seebs kidnapped, or was party to the kidnapping of, a cognitively disabled man during his parents’ bid for guardianship. This person now lives with Seebs and is being exploited.
I believe this refers to Seebs’ (then? Current?) partner. Who is an adult, and who as Seebs tells it was fleeing from abusive parents’ attempts to gain guardianship. They do have a sexual relationship, and iirc there is an age gap, but it’s consensual.
The “kidnapping” was, on this framing, the abusive parents’ word for “helped him get away.”
Which… eh. I kind of worry about “fleeing abuse and then getting into a sexual relationship with the person housing you” as I could see it being or becoming exploitative if you have nowhere else to go, but I can also see falling for whoever helped you because you’re finally respected as yourself. I don’t know that that’s the situation so I can’t say.
2) Someone in Seebs’ immediate social circle is a cognitively disabled person who *does* have a guardian, who is much older. This person is in a sexual relationship with her guardian. The guardian is a widower, and he and his wife took care of the ward together until the wife’s death. When the wife was dying, she exhorted their ward to “take care of” the husband’s sexual needs. The ward agreed and has been in a sexual relationship with her surviving guardian since then. Seebs defends this as an ethical, if unusual, relationship.
I have seen some posts I THINK are from that person, but have not been able to substantiate everything, or to find them again when I looked recently.
Does anyone know? It was unsettling “information” to receive, especially about my opponent in a debate on ethics.
Much was made of my use of the word “creepy” to describe Seebs without giving a reason. My reason was these sources came to me in confidence, so “I’m uneasy” was the most accurate thing I could say.
It’s now been years and I’m not exposing those people’s identity so… anyone know anything about this stuff?
I was, and remain, deeply uneasy about the way this person was upheld at the time as better understanding morality than me.
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queenpinesofdomino · 1 year
Here’s my theory on this.
Metatron had an argument with angel Crowley before he fell, I feel like angel Crowley actually got to speak with God themselves. That’s why Met doesn’t like him. Now i'm a firm Raphael/ Crowley believer here’s why.
He was “in the meeting room” when they created earth as seen at the gravity and weather comments
He remembers Metatron and has spoke to him
As we seen first episode he made the stars and the universe (big project if you ask me)
Arch-traitor (pretty on the nose)
I think he can “dim” himself as seen when he passed next to Michael and Uriel without understanding him OR he can lighten his aura (farfetched yes but they did mentioned gray shades)
He can recognize lower level angels as seen with Muriel
And the obvious one he, at some point had clearance on classified documents made "for Thrones or Dominios and Higher" 
Now I think that, Heaven can't actually replace an Archangel with anybody, BUT because Michael is a little power hungry Metatron (and maybe God) is trying to bring Raphael back to take the leading position. I think if Crowley went with them Aziraphale would have been cast aside or made Crowley’s assistant or smth.
Of course that could be Gods idea (cuz they’re all forgiving and all) or maybe they are having another bet with Satan. That’s why they showed us the Job sub-plot only this time they want to see what an angel and a demon would do.
 I also feel that Metatron, as a being, wants to lure Crowley in Heaven to punish him somehow I don’t know. Because think about it, he could put Aziraphale on Gabe’s position and ask Crowley to become a Duke that way they could still talk and work together like before but instead he manipulates Aziraphale by making the deal based on Crowley's "redemption".
Crowley fell because he was questioning the status quo. He saw how shitty Heaven was the moment they took down his stars. Then his decision kept being verifying by every step of “ the Great Plan”
That was what he was trying to teach Aziraphale. Whenever he was making him question the Great Plan and Heaven he was trying to make him see how fuck up they are. He himself was already questioning Hell already bc he had learned to question Heaven. That’s why he didn’t take anything seriously other than the End of the world.
He doesn’t want Aziraphale to fall tho cuz he knows he’s good. He never tried to tempt him into becoming a demon. He just wants him to see that they can be on the neutral side together.
I feel that Aziraphale kinda understood that after the finale of the 1st season. But now Metatron comes and tells him to become the boss so he thinks that he’s gonna change the way things are when CLEARLY Heaven wants a puppet to execute orders and also Aziraphale conveniently has experience in the Human world so they think that that is going to give them a head start for the next war.
Crowley clearly knows that but Aziraphale believes that by becoming the boss he can make a diffrence. I mean he could if it was up to him but it's not.
[if only I was this dedicated about my real life thesis]
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fyeahiwatarikei · 2 years
Rose pink + Kosuke :>
Flower Language Writing Prompts
Pink rose ◦ I finally stopped holding my breath.
You can also read this on AO3!
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“Don’t be surprised!”
Kosuke’s questioning sound choked in his throat when he saw Kei’s pyjama top fly across the corridor, but that didn’t stop the latter from removing the pants too, tossing it towards the couch as he entered the living room. After long hours of reflection, he had finally decided to give it a try, the sooner the better.
“May I ask what you’re doing?” Kosuke politely asked, poking his head around the corner to try and see why he was sitting in the middle of the room wearing nothing but his underwear.
Kei crossed his legs, placed hands on knees and… took a deep breath. He hadn’t attempted that in a few centuries, who knew how his body would react after the damage it had suffered from recently. He needed to be serene, in control, attuned to every sign he’d perceive from both flesh and wood, in case any problem arose.
“I’ll retreat within and verify the state my heart is in. I’m asking you to not disturb me, regardless of what happens.”
“And what exactly should happen?”
“Nothing dangerous,” Kei smiled. Supposedly nothing dangerous. “But this exercise requires focus and time, as it will be thorough.”
“Won’t you get cold…?”
Kosuke kneeled in front of him from a respectful distance, understanding the seriousness of the situation. If he knew from experience that Kei would make himself vulnerable both physically and spiritually, he couldn’t guess the reason why wearing clothes wasn’t recommended. Elm Root was not entirely similar to the Black Wings, for better or for worse.
“No matter how long it takes, no matter what happens, you have to trust me fully, Kosuke. However, just in case: if I don’t wake up in 3 days, try keeping me hydrated.”
A nod, where worry clearly showed served as response. It wasn’t supposed to take this long, but this man looked lovely when kept on his toes. It wouldn’t make a bad last vision, in case the examination went horribly wrong.
Eyes shut, another long breath went in, then out, and he let his neck naturally bend forward. The centre of his being dwelled in the chest, as it was common for most artworks with a human appearance, turning it into the area they’d always protect. Elm Root was not as easy to reach: tearing his chest open would not have revealed an ancient item nor turned him to stone, instead, he had to look beyond flesh, blood, bones, deep within the magic that allowed him to function, to perceive his own core.
Consciousness withdrew from the outside world, where skin was uncomfortably hardening into wood, roots growing without the control of intention. Slowly, he’d lose his senses, human abilities swallowed by the cane, turned into a messy statue of sorts. For a second, he thought about the first person who had seen him like this, more than 400 years prior; for another, he thought about the man he loved, who would witness this most secret state.
No shame arose, for the same reason he was attempting this little experiment: Kosuke welcomed him fully and had said he loved him back. With this, however, came the haunting question: Elm Root hadn’t been destroyed, why not?
The key to finding out rested within; under the careful eye of his consciousness, the cane took shape, revealing its edges, its texture, its light. Much to his surprise, as the image of sorts got clearer, the devastated state he had sensed revealed itself to be beyond his worst prognosis. The wood had cracked, separating the piece into numerous fragments that only magic held together. The flow of power itself seemed different, in the slow, careful stream that missed the strength that usually agitated it. Weakened magic was healing, caressing the artwork to bring it back together, solidifying the fractures as it could, with quiet, attentive care.
It soon became clear that more than the structure had been affected: despite this disaster, a crucial element was clearly missing. Focus hardened, embracing the artwork in its entirety, revealing every single familiar detail, pursuing the specific sensation of constraint… in vain.
Shock brought him to his senses faster than he’d have wanted, and the perception of his numb, callous skin joined the emotions that swirled within. When Kosuke had affirmed his love… he hadn’t lied. Or, at least, Kei had lost the evidence that he had lied.
“The curse…” he said in a whisper, stiff flesh still struggling to respond. “It’s gone.”
A concerned Kosuke, who had waited all this time in front of him, rushed to place a hand on his shoulder, and Kei let himself collapse against him despite the roots taking their time to disappear. They painlessly bent; Kosuke didn’t flinch. He didn’t know what he felt. He didn’t know what to think. It was impossible. He had never lived without…
“I thought…” Kosuke started, arms closing around him “I thought that the Black Wings’ energy had passed through you when it became whole again…”
“Can this cure…?” He paused, at loss of words.
“I don’t know, but both Satoshi and Daisuke’s curses were brought to an end this day.”
It was absolutely impossible and made as much sense as the reason why Elm Root had received such a punishment in the first place.
“The cane is shattered,” Kei felt obligated to add, trying to concentrate on the steady support Kosuke’s shoulder provided instead of the confusion that clouded his thoughts.
“Can it be fixed…?”
Silence. Could it? Kei had never allowed damage on his inner structure, thus had never required maintenance before. If anyone, a Hikari could have fixed him… But…
“Perhaps Satoshi…”
“What are you saying?” Contact broke between them, Kei’s gaze now looking for his clothes. He wasn’t used to not wearing glasses for this long… “Requiring Satoshi’s assistance for this would be more than inopportune.”
“He would do it, if you asked…”
Would he? Their paths still hadn’t met since that unfinished discussion in front of the Black Wings and Kosuke was honestly suggesting asking for such a crucial favour? How blind could a man be? Satoshi knew enough to want to destroy him at the first occasion and not enough to keep him alive to satiate his curiosity: even if Kei’s purpose had already been accomplished, he wasn’t as determined to let this Hikari end his life anymore.
The pyjama and his glasses found their places, bringing some warmth and comfort back to a skin still sore from before. He needed tea…
 “You haven’t talked to him…?”
Kei’s sigh disappeared under the sound of the activated kettle. As endearing as Kosuke could be, his incorrigible naivety could become unsettling. In what world could someone like Kei let his centuries-old guard down in front of someone actively resenting him? He would never allow any Hikari near the source of his life again. In the worst-case scenario, Satoshi could even decide to modify him… He didn’t even want to think about it.
“I’ve had an idea. You and me, going somewhere on a trip…”
“I’ve never left Azumano, you know?”
“It could be in Japan, if you prefer.” Prudence permeated Kosuke’s voice. He wasn’t going to suggest that, was he? “Kyoto, or Hokkaido, for a change of scenery. Besides…”
Boiling water drowned the leaves in a cloudy mess, once, then twice. When Kei handed him a cup in a peremptory gesture, the other directed his brown eyes down, obviously invocating inspiration from the swirls of scented steam. The light coming from the window, behind him, already indicated noon…
“Daisuke and Satoshi could appreciate the experience as well.”
“I can guarantee you that Satoshi will refuse. I’m obviously not going to remind you of his introverted side.”
“We can try.”
They stood by the kitchen’s door, cup in hand, unease visible. Was the disappearance of a lifelong burden a worthy reason to abandon everything that grounded his life? Kosuke’s feelings were already so outlandish he had needed to check his own structure to conceptualise them as a reality, could he imagine an alternative to the truth? Was he even allowed to?
“He will refuse.”
“Well, even if that happens… Daisuke could appreciate the idea, right?”
Ugh. Was this even preferable? Why couldn’t they stay here, just the two of them, eating at their favourite places or finding new ones to try out? Kei could probably return to his position as police commissioner and thoroughly eradicate whoever was trying to steal his job at this moment! They wouldn’t have to worry about anything.
On one hand, climbing merciless ladders while avoiding dangerous connections with humans. On the other, leaving town for foreign lands and having a heart-to-heart with his own son. The first one shouldn’t have been the most appealing…
“If you don’t mind,” Kosuke resumed, “Let’s go have lunch for now.”
“Will Satoshi be there, somehow?”
The man let out a brief laugh and retrieved both half-full cup of tea to place them in the sink under Kei’s careful watch. The latter observed the way he moved, slow and steady, the quiet peace of his traits, his eternally messy hair, the long, alluring fingers on porcelain.
“Do you want him to be?”
“Why would I want my son to be present during a romantic date? Are you planning on making him witness all the sweet nothings you’ll whisper in my ear as you’re passing the sauce?”
The very unclear yet irrefutably confused response reached him as he was walking away to get dressed up. He didn’t need Niwa Kosuke to be on his side as existence threw hardships, discord, destruction, death at him – to be completely honest, he had done perfectly fine without him. He didn’t need this uncertain individual, with his broken moral compass, his complete inability to put on a suit properly, this desperate desire to do the right thing, even uncalled for, even ill-advised. Kei had especially never wanted to leave Azumano and find himself trapped into telling the entirety of a family saga to a Satoshi who’d stare at him while sharpening a chisel.
And he would choose Kosuke at every step of the way. Perhaps a new curse had come under the new, pleasant shape of a single man and his boundless hope.
Part 1 ◦ Part 2 ◦ Part 3 ◦ Part 4
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*he’ll be worked up too even if also tired from all his dancing* *he loves the heart you show him* *but later when you call out that you love him, he gets a little flustered again* Oh, yes, and Tobi loves you too. And everyone! *he tries to not call attention to your special status* *he knows the guys behind him are giggling a bit because of course they recognize you too* *the crowd starts chanting and he blushes and shuffles his feet shyly, then he starts the next song* *soon though the show is on the last song, and then it’s over* *he bows to the audience with the guys, and then he heads backstage* *after getting a drink of water, he finds his phone and immediately takes a selfie all sweaty and smirking with two of his fingers pointed up, then he sends it to you* *he knows with the crowd you couldn’t have gotten far yet* *next he writes “what a surprise you gave me! Wasn’t expecting that at all! Meet me backstage as soon as you can get here. I’ll tell the security to let you in.😉”* *then he goes to the security and shows them a picture of you and says you’ll be trying to get backstage and have permission* *while he waits for you to arrive, he shares a beer with the guys and they joke about when he saw you in the crowd and forgot the lyrics* -Tobi
*i giggle and he does a good job with managing this without drawing much attention to me. But of course he is a pro and i do admire his skills. I wink at the guys in the back. He is absolutely adorable when he's shy. After the concert ends i find myself still at the barrier. I'm starting to wonder how i can meet up with him but right then i get the message with a photo. I carefully make sure that nobody can see and look it up. I shiver at the photo but i know i can't show too much reaction here so i only message him back that I'm on my way. It takes a bit for me to find security but i do and after verifying that it's me i finally got to the backstage. Once there it's easy to find them* Heyy guys! Happy Valentine's day! *i greet other guys and try not to jump on Tobi. But i do rush and hug him tightly, i don't care that he's all sweaty. I kiss him to and it's hard not to start making out right then and there but I'm aware of other guys. Once we're done greeting each other I joke and chat with them but little and subtle touches let me know that Tobi is definitely not being patient and soon we should go to the hotel. It's good that they have two days of rest after this show*
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cricutmakeronline · 2 months
Cricut Design Studio Download: Beginner’s Guide to Get Started
Hey crafters! Are you here for a Cricut Design Studio download? I’ve got you covered! From Cricut Design Space download for Windows 10 to mobile devices like Android and iPhone. You can download and install the software in no time, as I have done the Cricut setup multiple times. But before installation, you will need to know the system requirements because knowing these requirements will help Design Space run smoothly on your device.
With this guide, you will learn how to download Cricut Design Space for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices. These four platforms are compatible with the Cricut software, so make sure you have a device with these operating systems. I will also discuss the rest of the requirements in the blog. Let’s delve into it.
Cricut Design Studio Download on Windows
When you need the Cricut app for your PC, your computer must have Windows 10 or later. It also needs 4 GB of RAM and a 2 GB free disk. You should also check whether your computer or laptop has USB and Bluetooth built-in. Once you have all the required things, you are ready to download the app.
Here’s how to download the app on Windows:
Navigate to design.cricut.com on your computer’s browser.
Once you jump on the page, you will be prompted to accept Cricut’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Then, you must select Download to begin downloading the file to your file folder.
Once the file is downloaded, you will have to open it. To open it, click on the Download icon on the top ribbon bar of your browser. Otherwise, go to your File Explorer and tap the Downloads folder.
Next, you need to double-click on the downloaded file if you are opening it from File Explorer.  
Once it is opened, you will see a Cricut Design Space Setup dialogue box showing the status of the installation. Wait till it completes the installation.
Cricut Design Studio Download on macOS
When it comes to macOS, you have to make sure you have macOS 11 or a later version of the operating system. Your Mac also needs 4 GB of RAM and 2GB of free disk space. Ensuring all these requirements will help you get the best performance from your system.
Here’s how to download the Design Space software on MacBook:
Once you have downloaded the Cricut Design app, go to the Downloads folder where you just downloaded it.
Then, just double-click on the .dmg file.
After that, a new screen will appear, and you will need to drag the Cricut icon to the Applications folder, as shown in the picture below. It will start your installation.
Finally, your app is added to your Applications folder automatically.
Cricut Design Studio Download on Android
In order to download your Cricut software to your Android smartphone, you should perform the steps below. However, make sure you have an Android 10 or later version on your phone.
Here’s how to download the Cricut Design app on Android:
Go to your Google Play Store app on your phone.
Head to the search bar and search for Cricut Design Space.
After that, the software will appear in a white square with the word “Cricut” written in the middle of it.
Afterward, you need to click on the Install button to download the software.
Once you have completed the installation, you will see the app on your phone’s home screen.
Cricut Design Studio Download on iPad or iPhone
If you are downloading and installing Cricut on your iOS device, you have to make sure you have iOS 11 or later. Here’s how to download Cricut on your iOS device:
Navigate to your App Store on your iOS phone.
After that, you have to search for Cricut Design Space using the given search bar.
Next, you need to hit the Get button to install the application on your phone.
Finally, verify your download using your iTunes password if you are prompted to enter it.
Question 1: Why is Cricut not downloading to my desktop?
Answer: If your Cricut is not downloading to your computer, you will need to follow the steps given below:
Cancel the download and try again later.
Instead of clicking the file to download and install, you should right-click on the link and then save the link.
Make sure you have downloaded files to the right place.
Question 2: How to download Cricut Design Space on computer for free?
Answer: Cricut is already free; you will not need to pay anything to download the Cricut software. However, below are the common steps that you can follow to download it on your computer:
Open a browser and visit a Cricut download page.
Then, you have to click on the check box to accept Cricut’s T&C.
Once done, you need to hit the Download button and let it download to the file of your choice.
After downloading, start following the on-screen prompts.
Question 3: What does Cricut Design Space offer?
Answer: Cricut Design Space is the companion software for Cricut machines, and crafters use it to design and recreate many designs. This simple interfaced platform offers a range of resources, such as a free, easy-to-learn Cricut app that strengthens every Cricut machine. Besides, it offers free resources like fonts, ready-made designs, and so on. Also, the software is compatible with mobile phones.
Source :- https://cricutie.wordpress.com/2024/08/02/cricut-design-studio-download-beginners-guide-to-get-started/
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sassar350statuscheck · 8 months
Why is My SASSA Application Declined?
Are you stuck with your SASSA Application declined issue? No worries we got you. Indeed, the Application Declined status affects more than the Application Pending status.
Seemingly, the declined status indicates that your SASSA grant application is rejected as it does not meet the eligibility criteria.
But it does not mean that you cannot get a social grant anymore. Continue reading the article below to find the possible workarounds to resolve the SASSA application declined issue.
Why is My SASSA Application Declined?
Having an alternate income source or submitting fake documents can be the primary cause of the SASSA application rejection issue.
Seemingly, a SASSA applicant should have a minimal income or zero income.
In addition, the below-listed points can also be the reason behind rejecting your application.
Identification of Alternative Income Source
Existing SASSA Grant Recipient
Identity Verification Failure
Receiving NSFAS Benefits
Employment in a Government Institution
Age Eligibility Not Met
Linked Risk Mobile Number
How to Appeal SRD R350 Grant in case of rejection?
If you believe that the documents provided are real and true to your knowledge, then you can lodge an appeal to reconsider your application. Here is how to make an appeal to SASSA;
Navigate to the official site of SASSA and find the ‘Lodge an appeal’ section.
Following that, enter your ID Number and Mobile Number.
Click the Send SMS button and look for an OTP on your smartphone.
Enter the OTP on the website and click Verify.
Now, choose the month to which you want to appeal, select the reason for your appeal, and finally click the Submit button.
I hope now you have got a clear idea of how to handle if your SASSA application is declined.
You can refer to our detailed article for more details and clarity on the process.
0 notes
kaykay8776 · 1 year
Brother, I Am With You - Ch. 1
Their very first call as a legitimate plumbing company, and it ends with a visit to urgent care. Luigi is just happy they’re both alright, but Mario can’t help but feel like a complete and total fool. Maybe Spike and their whole family were right. Maybe this really was a bad idea. 
Or: What if Francis bit Mario while they were tussling in the bathroom?
Hello! I am absolutely gone for the Mario Brothers right now. I’ve been working on this fic for a while and I’m so happy it’s finally done! Full disclosure, I’ve never posted fanfiction on Tumblr before but I really wanted to try it with this fic, so if there’s anything I’m doing wrong or should be doing that I’m not PLEASE let me know! I am also posting to my AO3 if anyone prefers to go there. This will be a multichapter fic, but I already have it all written so updates should be quick. 
First chapter is under the cut!
TW for blood and injury.
“I officially hate dogs.”
The day had started off so well, but now Mario was a little grumpy. The commercial he and Luigi had made for their new plumbing company aired on TV this morning, and even after Spike made fun of them, they actually got a call. Mario couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he showed him the nice 5-star review the rich couple would eventually post on their website. For a minute, it actually felt like this crazy idea of theirs to drop everything and start a plumbing company of their own was going to work out. 
And then what happened? Their very first clients’ stupid dog attacked them before they could leave the bathroom, and nearly tore Mario’s arm off.
“Mario, do something!”
Everything happened so fast. At the sound of his brother in distress, Mario just reacted on instinct. He didn’t think, he just acted. So he reached over and threw the first thing he could get his fingers around. Then loud barking and sharp teeth coming right for him–
Pain exploded in his arm as the thing grabbed hold  with brutal force and wouldn’t let go. He and the deranged mutt literally played tug of war with his own limb for a few terrifying moments. Tears stung Mario’s eyes as he felt flesh tearing and blood seeping. He cried and screamed and kicked and pulled, but the thing wouldn’t let him go. 
But suddenly he did. The dog recoiled and squealed in pain. Luigi had whacked it in the head with one of their wrenches. 
Mario sat there dazed for a moment, before Luigi grabbed his good arm and hauled him out of the shower like a rag doll, closing the glass door behind them. 
Then the only thing that could be heard was Mario’s ragged, pained breaths. His face crumpled and tears smeared his face as he struggled not to sob against the suffocating pain above his elbow. Then a sickening wave of dizziness engulfed him and the edges of his vision started to go dark. He groaned in agony, stumbling into Luigi, who clearly hadn’t quite registered the battered state his brother was in. 
He felt Luigi catch him under the arms before everything else went dark. 
Now they were in urgent care wasting valuable time when they could be answering more calls, and not only was Mario hurting and miserable, but he felt like the biggest idiot in the world. Maybe his family and Spike had all been right; maybe this really was a bad idea. 
The homeowners had been absolutely mortified, and almost got into a lover’s quarrel right in front of them. Apparently the husband had kept trying to tell his wife that her dog was indeed aggressive towards certain people, but she had always denied it. Apparently it had been an ongoing thing. Nonetheless, they were nice enough to let the brothers use their first aid kit, provide them with a sheet verifying the dog’s up-to-date vaccination status, and a fat cheque to cover any medical expenses. The whole thing still sucked, but the couple helped them as best they could.
Mario hadn’t come here of his own free will. Luigi had practically dragged him by his hair after they finished washing the wound at the couple’s house. But he had to admit, the bite was pretty bad. A lot of skin had been torn when he’d tried to wrench his arm out of the dog’s mouth, and some of the gashes were fairly deep. It still hadn’t stopped bleeding by the time they walked in, and the triage nurse had to wrap it with a pressure bandage temporarily until a room opened up and they could clean and dress it properly. It still hurt like hell, but at least he didn’t have to try to staunch the blood flow anymore.
“And I still hate you for bringing me here.”
“For the tenth time, you can’t just leave a bad dog bite like that.” Luigi rolled his eyes, not looking up from his game of Candy Crush on his shattered phone. 
“Why not? We cleaned it.”
“We’re not professionals, dimwit, and those bites get infected super easily. Dog’s mouths are full of germs.”
“And after the way you fainted on me, you were coming here no matter what.”
Mario only grumbled in response. He glanced over at his brother, who went back to his game like nothing. He had to resist the urge to ask him how he was okay with all of this, how he wasn’t completely freaking out. 
Probably because none of this had been his idea. In fact, Luigi had briefly tried to talk him out of it, but he pushed until he gave in. He couldn’t help it; he hated working for Spike, and ever since middle school, he’d imagined being business partners with Luigi. Sure, his dad thought he was crazy, but he was sure this would work. He and Luigi were good at their jobs, and they were good with people. They were trustworthy and friendly. This had to work. 
Now they were broke, the van was busted, and one of them was already hurt. Mario sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes until he saw stars. This was a complete and total disaster.
“What’s on your mind?”
Mario looked over, and Luigi was throwing him a concerned look, eyebrows raised. Suddenly a terrifying thought came to mind.
What if Luigi had gotten bit? Or something worse? All because Mario was so stupidly desperate for their father’s approval on something?
Mama mia. Mario’s chest panged painfully; he would never forgive himself. 
A certain memory from their childhood came to mind. It was a warm, sunny Saturday, and mom and dad had brought the brothers, seven years old at the time, out to their favourite playground for the day. Whenever it was crowded, Luigi liked to stay on the sideline and play with the blocks or in the sandbox, while Mario would compete with some of the other kids to see who could swing the highest. But if there weren’t a lot of other kids, he could get Luigi on the swings too. That time, the playground wasn’t crowded, and Luigi came on the swings with him. Mario even pushed him so he could go a bit higher. But evidently, he had pushed him too hard, because he freaked out and went flying off. Luigi had skinned both knees pretty good. And though it happened years ago, Mario still remembered how his little heart had seized listening to Luigi scream and cry. Most of all, he remembered how guilty he’d felt having been responsible for his brother’s injuries, when he was supposed to protect him and keep those things from happening. 
Right now, Mario was feeling exactly the same way. Maybe he hadn’t sent his brother flying off the swing and made him skin his knees, but he was responsible for his failure. He’d steered him wrong and dug him into a big hole that they might have to fight tooth and nail to dig themselves out of. He let him down. 
Even after he’d promised Luigi time and time again that this would work. 
His eyes started to prickle and he viciously blinked it back, turning away and praying Luigi wouldn’t notice. 
Evidently, he did anyway. He sat up, alarmed, laying a hand on Mario’s shoulder. “Hey, what’s the matter?”
Mario shrugged away from him, standing up and pacing a few steps. He couldn’t let Luigi in on how he was feeling. He was supposed to be strong, rational, smart, and objective; he was the older one. That was his role. That was just how it had to be. There was no other choice. He would shove those feelings down and remain strong. He wouldn’t break. 
“Nothing, I’m fine. I just want to get out of here.”
It didn’t look like Luigi bought his lie, but thankfully he didn’t push it. But he wanted to, Mario could tell. “Okay, well, just hang tight. I’m sure they’ll call you back soon.”
As if on cue, a brown-haired nurse in light blue scrubs poked her head out of the hallway and called his name.
“There, see?” Luigi chuckled. 
“You couldn’t have said that, like, when we walked in?” Mario asked, standing up. When Luigi stood up to follow him, Mario shook his head.
“Uh uh, you’re staying here.” 
“Why?” Luigi practically whined. Mario was initially going to let him come, but he decided he had inconvenienced his brother enough. He had a good excuse for wanting Luigi to stay anyway.
“Need I remind you how you got that big scar on your forehead?” Mario smirked, poking at said scar. When they were teenagers, Mario once sliced his hand open trying to help their mom in the kitchen, and Luigi followed them to this same urgent care office. When they started cleaning and stitching the wound, Luigi fainted and bashed his head on the sharp corner of the counter on his way down. He ended up needing more stitches than Mario did. 
Ironically, that was another time he’d felt responsible for Luigi getting hurt. 
“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?” 
“Nope.” Mario grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Fine, suit yourself.” Luigi shrugged, plopping back down into his chair. “Text me if you need anything!” He said as Mario walked away.
He knew he wasn’t going to, but still, Mario lied over his shoulder. “I will.”
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venmoappsreview · 1 year
How To Instantly Add Money To Venmo Balance?
Venmo is a popular mobile payment app that allows you to send and receive money with just a few taps. But what happens when you need to add funds to your Venmo balance? It's simple, yet not everyone knows how to do it. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of adding money to your Venmo account and answer some common questions along the way. Whether you want to transfer funds instantly or prefer another method, we've got all the information you need right here! So let's dive into it and learn How To Add Money To Venmo together.
How Can I Add Money To My Venmo Balance?
Adding money to your Venmo balance is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. First, make sure you have linked a bank account or debit card to your Venmo account. This will enable you to transfer funds from your bank account directly into your Venmo balance. To add money, simply tap on the "☰" icon at the top of the app and select "Transfer Money". Then choose whether you want to use Instant Transfer or Standard Transfer. With Instant Transfer, funds are deposited into your account immediately for a small fee while with Standard Transfer, it can take 1-3 business days without any fees. Next, enter the amount of money you want to add and select which payment method you wish to use (bank transfer or debit card). Follow through by confirming all details before finally clicking on “Add Money” and voila! You've successfully added money into your Venmo balance. It's worth noting that there may be limits on how much money you can deposit per day/week/month depending on what type of payment method was selected. Always check if there are any limitations beforehand so as not to exceed them unintentionally.
Why Don’t I See The Ability To Add Money In My Venmo App?
Have you been using Venmo for a while but can't seem to find the option to add money? Don't worry, you're not alone. There could be various reasons why you don't see the ability to add money in your Venmo app. Firstly, make sure that your account is verified and updated with all necessary information. If there are any discrepancies or missing details, it might prevent you from accessing certain features such as adding money. Another reason could be that your account has been flagged due to suspicious activity. In this case, Venmo may temporarily disable certain functions until they verify your identity and ensure the security of your account. It's also possible that your app needs an update or reinstall. Check if there are any available updates in the App Store or Google Play Store and try uninstalling and reinstalling the app if needed. Some users may not have access to adding funds directly through their Venmo balance depending on their location or device type. In these cases, alternative options such as bank transfers or debit card transactions may be available instead. If none of these solutions work for you, reach out to Venmo customer support for further assistance.
Can I Add Money Instantly To My Venmo Account With A Debit Card?
Adding money to your Venmo account is a breeze, and you can do it in several ways. One of the most convenient methods is by using a debit card. But, can you add money instantly to your Venmo account with a debit card? Yes! You can add money to your Venmo balance instantly by linking your debit card directly to your Venmo account. This process requires no additional fees or charges for adding funds. However, there are some things that you should take note of when making an instant transfer with your debit card. First and foremost, make sure that the bank associated with the linked debit card supports instant transfers through the platform. Another important thing to remember is that there may be limits on how much money you can add at once using this method. Generally speaking, these limits vary depending on several factors such as verification status and transaction history. Being able to add funds instantly from your linked debit card gives you greater flexibility and convenience when it comes to managing transactions through Venmo.
Can I Add Money To My Venmo Account At A Store Or Bank?
If you're looking to add money to your Venmo account, you may be wondering if you can do so at a store or bank. The short answer is yes, but it depends on the location and their policies. Some stores and banks offer a cash load option for Venmo users. With this option, you can visit the store or bank and give them cash which they will then add to your Venmo account balance. This is a great option if you don't have access to a debit card or bank transfer. Before heading out to a store or bank, it's important to check with them first about their specific policies on adding money to Venmo accounts. Some locations may not offer this service, while others may charge fees for doing so. If you do decide to go with the cash load option at a store or bank, make sure that you get a receipt as proof of transaction. It's also important to note that there may be daily limits on how much money can be added using this method. Adding money through stores and banks offers another convenient way for Venmo users to keep funds in their accounts without relying solely on transfers from other sources like debit cards or online banking.
When I Add Money, How Long Does It Take For The Funds To Reach My Venmo Balance?
When adding money to your Venmo account, the speed at which the funds arrive in your balance depends on several factors. Typically, if you use an instant transfer through a debit card or bank account, the funds will appear within minutes. However, if you choose to add money using a different method such as a credit card or PayPal, it can take up to three business days for the transaction to complete. It's important to keep this in mind when planning your transactions and ensuring that you have enough funds available for immediate use. Additionally, some banks may hold transfers for security reasons which could also delay the arrival of funds into your Venmo account. Make sure to check with your bank beforehand about any potential holds or delays that could affect your transfer. It’s worth noting that weekends and holidays can impact transaction times as well since banks are closed during these times. So always plan ahead and consider processing times before making any transactions on Venmo.
Can I Cancel Or Change My Instant Add Money Transfer After I've Initiated It?
In summary, adding money to your Venmo account is a quick and easy process that can be done in various ways. You can use a debit card for an instant transfer or link your bank account for free transfers. Additionally, you can add funds at select retailers or banks if you prefer. It's important to note that once you initiate an Instant Transfer with a debit card, it cannot be canceled or changed. Therefore, make sure to double-check all the details before completing the transaction. Now that you know how to add money into your Venmo balance securely and quickly, it's time to enjoy seamless transactions between friends and family!
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