anamon-book · 1 year
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都会のアリス Chanter Cine2 No.7 東宝出版事業室 監督=ヴィム・ヴェンダース/出演=リュディガー・フォーグラー、イエラ・ロットレンダー、リサ・クロイツァー ほか
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falsenote · 2 years
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Poor Cow (1967) / Alice in the Cities (1974)
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cinemabreak · 5 years
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Alice in the Cities (1974)
Directed by Wim Wenders Cinematography by Robby Müller
“When you drive around America, something happens to you. The images you see change you.”
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artfilmfan · 5 years
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Rüdiger Vogler in Alice In The Cities talking about American TV
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silverprintscreens · 7 years
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“ Alice in den Städten”, Wim Wenders, 1974
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stillsmoviemagic · 5 years
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ALICE IN DEN STADTEN - (Wim Wenders, 1974).
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jorgerisso1 · 5 years
Alicia en las ciudades.
Año : 1974
Pais : Alemania del Oeste (RFA)
Dirección : Wim Wenders.
🎬 Un estupendo Road Movie dramático con actuaciones destacadas. Cada plano en b y n es un lujo .
Cine del mejor viajando con dos muy buenos actores, sólo para disfrutar.
⭐ Muy Buena.
Felix Winter un periodista alemán recorre los Estados Unidos buscando temas para escribir un libro con poco éxito, cansado y sin un peso decide volverse a alemania. En el aeropuerto conoce a una mujer y a su hija, como no hay vuelos hasta el día siguiente pasa la noche con ella. La mujer desaparece , pero le deja un recado: que vaya con su hija Alicia, de nueve años, a Amsterdam para reunirse con ella, claro la señora no aparece y con el correr de los días se acaba el dinero y la paciencia del periodista con la niña que no quiere que la abandone.
Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer, Edda Köchl, Didi Petrikat, Ernest Böhm.
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artfilmfan · 5 years
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Alice In The Cities (Wim Wenders, 1974)
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silverprintscreens · 7 years
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“Alice in den Städten”, Wim Wenders, 1974
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eugenny · 8 years
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Alice in the Cities (1974) dir. Wim Wenders
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bazzalldrains · 9 years
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"Every image radiates the same disgusting and nauseated message. A kind of boastful contempt. Not one image leaves you in peace, they all want something from you.”
Alice in den Städten (Alice In The Cities) - 1974
dir. Wim Wenders
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bruiseblog · 10 years
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Alice in the Cities, Wim Wenders - 1974
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shihlun · 10 years
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Wim Wenders, Alice in the Cities, 1974.
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pigballoon · 11 years
Alice in den Stadten
(Alice in the Cities)
(Wim Wenders, 1974)
A beautifully simple movie that, as all the best movies do, manages to convey meaning through allegory, while also functioning as a very watchable, entertaining, somewhat moving story irrespective of any underlying ideas it is trying to communicate..
Wim Wenders could be termed the king of the road movie, and while I don't know that I'd call this outright his best one, it'd certainly make a strong play for the title. In the central role, regular Wenders collaborator Rudiger Vogler has a suitably sort of detached, numb, emotionally distant air that sort of emanates naturally from him without him having to play it up, while alongside him in the title role, 9 year old Yella Rottlander is something of a marvel. She's cleverly given little to do beyond reply and react to him, but she does it with such charm, such sweetness that she lights up the screen basically any time that she does anything. Between them they make a hell of a pair, with her wonderfully, I feel purposely, radiating more life than he does.
It's a beautifully photographed movie, the stark black and white imagery adding to the general thematic sadness of the whole thing, and though it does occasionally descend briefly into communicating ideas via exposition, I think it generally leaves most of itself unspoken, communicating without spoonfeeding, and for that it has my respect. It's a wonderful, very watchable movie, that in spite of a slightly absurd premise is so earnestly executed, and so damn satisfying overall, that it more than works. 
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cinefils · 11 years
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alice in den stadten - Wim wenders
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jaypeff1205 · 11 years
Happy Birthday, Rüdiger - Rüdiger Vogler as Phil Winter in Alice in den Städten (1974)
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