#AI twins
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goldenherc9 · 1 month ago
Twin Ice Hockey Training
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Hercules and Ares ( @goldengod-ares10 ), the towering twin powerhouses of the Golden Army, command the ice as they gear up for the highly anticipated showdown against their fiercest rivals, the Pachy Packs. Clad in gleaming golden and black uniforms that reflect their team's might, the twins exude an aura of dominance and precision. Their muscular frames, chiseled from years of rigorous training, embody strength, while their synchronized movements on the rink display a bond honed by shared blood and relentless practice.
Hercules, the elder by minutes, leads drills with laser focus, his sharp eyes scanning every pass and puck movement. Ares, ever the strategist, works tirelessly on faceoffs, his explosive energy ready to outmatch any opponent daring enough to challenge him. The ice rink reverberates with the clatter of skates and the echo of pucks hitting the boards, a testament to their intense preparation.
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Fans of the Golden Army eagerly anticipate the upcoming clash, counting on these twin titans to bring victory. United by their unbreakable bond and a shared goal, Hercules and Ares are determined to cement their legacy and prove that the Golden Army is an unstoppable force. The Pachy Packs better be ready—the twins are prepared to dominate.
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Come join the team today, we are on every sport so if there a sport you want to be on we can help you during your golden brocess. Just message @brodygold @polo-drone-001 @goldenherc9 today.
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monicasaiplayground · 4 months ago
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9408 - Alana Gomez and her beautiful twin sister go to prom together Am I Real full body picture - OpenArt
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hombresguapos · 8 months ago
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livinginanaiworld · 6 days ago
Pregnant Bimbo Twins 🤰
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some-film-stuff · 2 months ago
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lauraposting · 27 days ago
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kyle maclachlan in twin peaks 1x01, “northwest passage”
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welove-hpb · 3 months ago
Too big to move
Not AI, 100% Real
Episode 10 - Twins
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 7 months ago
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Citroën 2CV Safari, 2024. Renders for a proposal by EB Design to create a restomod 2CV desert racer taking inspiration from the twin-engine 2CV Sahara.
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chaotos · 4 months ago
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Some more of my creations.
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mostly-natm · 5 months ago
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Star Trek TNG/A.I. Artificial Intelligence crossover where the planet that A.I. takes place on is a replicate earth, and the Enterprise discovers David instead of the creatures at the end of the movie!
Data is phenomenal with kids, which really makes me want to see him interacting with and guiding an android child*, especially one of a different make and model to himself! David was created to be a forever child, so it would be interesting to see how Data would process meeting a being like himself who is in a childhood purgatory, when he never got a childhood himself.
*Lal counts, but I still think his experiences with David would be unique!
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gorgeous777 · 27 days ago
Unfunny, George Weasley x Fem. Reader
He does his best to cheer you up.
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A/N: Based off a character ai bot I made, go check it out! The story is about period comfort, but it's only implied with the bot, so do with that what you will :) Also, sorry this one is kind of short 😔 https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/beiu733m
He tried to be the best boyfriend he could be. And he succeeded for the most part. The day had started off normal. Boring, mostly. He and Fred hadn't planned any pranks for today, so things were mellow. All up until you didn't show up to charms class, that was. He noticed almost immediately, as the two of you sat together in that class. The minutes ticked by, and you wete still nowhere to be seen. He glanced around the classroom. Nothing.
Passing period ended, and you hadn't shown. Half concerned half curious, he hopped out of his seat and walked over to your firend. If he didn't know where you were, then maybe they would. Much to his dismay, they said you'd gone to see Madame Pomfrey halfway through last class. Just then, Professor Flitwick walked into the classroom. He cursed inwardly and jogged back over to his seat. That complicated leaving class to go see you. His eyes flicked around the room with thoughts running a million miles per hour. Thinking up different ways to get out of class quickly and unnoticed. Or to come up with an excuse to leave. Something full proofed.
He sneaks a glance into his bag. Nothing. He just goes for it and rifles through it until he found something: Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder! It was perfect. Stealing another glance around the classroom to make sure nobody was looking at him, he concluded now was the time to strike. He chucked the block at the floor to which it instantly combusted and the room went pitch black. Panic set into the classroom and Flitwick shouted "Weasley!" He snickered and booked it out of the classroom while he could.
Sure enough, he found you curled up in one of the beds when he got to the hospital wing. He frowned inwardly and made his way over to your bed. "Lovey what're you doing in here?" His voice was laced with worry as he spoke. Upon hearing his voice, you turn your head to look up at him. "Hi George" He sighs, dropping his bag on the floor. "Hi love" You scoot forward a bit, allowing him to slip into the bed with you. His arm slides around your torso, pulling you close and pressing your back to his front.
And then it came to him. A joke! Jokes always help lighten the mood. "Hey love?" You hum in response, to focused on the pain in your lower abdomen to verbalize a response. "How does a wizard organize a party?" His question puzzled you a bit. Nonetheless though, you gave a proper response this time. "I dunno.. Why?" He let out a snicker. "He spells them out!" You couldn't hold in the snort you gave at his horrible joke. Only he could think of something so unfunny. "Oh please George" He laughed a little. "What, it's funny?" You shook your head lightly. "I promise you it's not" His lips returned to your shoulder, and trailed soft kisses to the junction where your neck met it.
It's silent between the two of you for a while. Madame Pomfrey wasn't anywhere to be seen, off getting more potions no doubt. His hand slowly rubbed your stomach, the touch gentle and soothing. He'd hoped that you would tell him what was the matter, but after a long silence he could guess you weren't. So, he asked. "You gonna tell me what's the matter love?" His voice came out a low murmur, to which an audible sigh left you. Followed by instant regret of doing so as it made your cramps worse. He felt you flinch slightly and he instinctively held you a little closer. "Yeah, cramps, mostly.. Madame Pomfrey excused me from class to lay here until they go away because she need to restock on stuff to make me feel better"
That answer answer made him internally frustrated. There wasn't much he could do to help you feel better. Not literally anyways. He could keep cuddling you for comfort on an emotional level, which he would, but that was about it. He pressed his lips to your shoulder as he thought hard about how to make you feel better. As he thunk, the hand he had on your stomach slid down to your lower abdomen and rubbed there instead. He furrowed his brow heavily. His mind was blank or dearth of useful ideas.
"I promise you it was"
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pink-yuri · 3 months ago
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♡ Loved By Twins ♡
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welove-hpb · 1 month ago
Once your belly is bigger than your body size, is a perfect pregnant body
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ai-dream · 1 month ago
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Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole.
RIP to a true artist.
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osteochondraldefect · 6 months ago
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zkiner · 3 months ago
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Last night i was thinking about reverse roles au, specifically about what Human!Zim occupation will be and had the funniest idea ever.
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