ahogedetective · 1 year
*yuma looks incredibly nervous as he stands in front of shuichi's door, the boy fidgeting as he clutches at the hem of his uniform! he really is trying to muster up some courage to just walk in and introduce himself, but his arm just won't move to grab the doorknob and he feels as if his voice is caught in his throat!*
("Introducing myself should be the easiest thing in the world, yet I can't even get through the doorway... Why did I let myself get talked into this? At least at the Nocturnal Detective Agency I didn't have to talk much. Now I'm stuck in some new city while the Chief acts like he's on vacation. At least I have him here with me, but still...") *he furrows his brows as he remains lost in thought, moving his arms only to cross them as he closes his eyes*
("I won't end up in a Mystery Labyrinth here, right? No... No, that definitely won't happen... Sure this place probably has its share of mysteries too, but I'm sure it's nothing like Kanai Ward... I won't need to go back into one of those things ever again, right...?") *the boy is spiraling before he suddenly gives a choked gasp, his small body suddenly jerking to the side as if something is pulling him! after a few seconds he seems to calm down a bit, although he gives an annoyed groan and proceeds to glare at the nearby wall! however, it's only when he turns back towards the door that he screams, not realizing that sometime during his little incident the door opened up!*
"I-I'm so sorry!!" *yuma is absolutely mortified as he bows deeply, the poor boy more nervous than ever as he keeps his head low* "I-it was just nerves! Yeah! I-I didn't know what to say s-so I wanted to practice a bit before our meeting! P-please disregard everything you may have witnessed!!"
("How much did he see?! How much did he hear?! He probably thinks I'm some weirdo or have a problem or something! The meeting's going to end and he's going to tell the Chief then he'll tell the others and they'll keep going until everyone knows! Wait, what if he doesn't want to train me anymore? What if I ruined this opportunity all because I didn't walk in sooner?!")
"Okay...Yuma should be arriving any second, now..." He mutters to himself as he checks the time on his phone. Today, Shuichi and Yuma will formally introduce themselves to each other. Naturally, the detective was very nervous, but while he sits and waits for the other boy, he tries to calm his nerves. He's certain Yuma will be just as nervous, if not more. The last thing he would want to do, is make that even worse if he's too nervous, himself. "All you're doing is introducing yourself to him, Shuichi...you don't have to be so nervous about that. Help Yuma feel welcomed..."
It's when he hears the faint sounds of someone behind his door (which oddly sounded like a gasps and a groan at some point), does he look towards it. "Ah-!" ("That must be Yuma...!!") Anticipating him opening that door and second, Shuichi takes a deep breath to push down and nerves that threaten to build back up. Though.... the door didn't open right away as he thought it would. ("That... is him behind my door, right? I don't believe it's locked, or anything...") Maybe his nerves got the best of him, he thought to himself... something he understands very well. And so, he decides to just open the door, himself, so he can invite him in. "Yuma: hel-" ...That's when he sees the boy... staring at the wall? "...lo? Um... I-Is everything okay...?"
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Then Yuma suddenly screaming like that made a yelp leave him in turn, the baffled look on his face growing even more when he starts apologizing so profusely. "O-Oh, uh...!" He still wondered what was happening out there for Yuma to be staring at the wall like that, but the poor boy look embarrassed enough; so he'll just disregard as the other wishes, and places a hand on his shoulder to hopefully help calm him down. "I-It's okay, you're fine! Raise your head up, there's no need to apologize; I understand that very well. A-And sure, I'll pretend I did not, uh, see anything. Now please, come in: and... like I've been reminding myself; we're just introducing ourselves to each other... no need to be so nervous. So don't fret if you don't find the right words each time. They'll naturally come to you, Yuma." A smile softens on his face, as he gently beckons the boy to enter the door.
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