gojosrug · 2 years
focus. im fo—
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hello!! If you're still taking requests for that drabble game, might I request either Strength with Kotoko + Mikoto or Weak with Amane + Futa? It's fine if you aren't doing it anymore, of course
I've been in this fanbase since trial one and out of all the things I've read, your writing is probably amongst my favorite! (Even if I haven't finished going through it all yet...) I hope you have a splendid day! <3
!!!!! You are so kind waaahh this completely made my day, thank you ;---; I'm so glad you're enjoying omg ✨And thanks for these, they were really cool and fitting combos!! I tried to do a dual-perspective of Kotoko and Mikoto's pre-T2 fight, and I posted the one for Weak below.
Strength can manifest in a variety of ways, not just physically. Kotoko had a strong determination, for example. Mikoto had a powerful way with people. She showed solid self control and willpower. He held to strict deadlines and routines. She maintained a sharp intelligence. He upheld an unshakeable resolve.
Also, they were both ridiculously physically strong.
The pair came to this realization around the same time. They’d gotten a taste of the others’ power when clashing in the interrogation room, but it had begun suddenly and ended just as quickly. This time was different. They stood in the center of the panopticon, with the echoing space to themselves. As Kotoko swung a punch toward Mikoto, and he caught her against his forearms, they had a moment to gauge the other’s muscle. 
Kotoko stared into his eyes, which had a different sort of awareness to them now. He’s more coordinated, she thought, he must not be the same one I faced before. He’s leaning on the strength in his arms -- he’s not using his legs to their fullest potential. It doesn’t matter, given the raw force of his blows. Has he trained for fights, or just built his muscles in general? 
Mikoto stared into her eyes, returning her fiery gaze. Fuck, this lady’s strong.
She wound up again. He retaliated quickly. She shoved his back into the guard’s tower. He sidestepped her next attack. 
He didn’t really care why his fellow prisoner had come charging at him swinging, but she made sure he knew.
“The warden may not be able to administer punishments,” she said in between timed breaths, “so they entrusted me with that responsibility. This is justice, for the lives you’ve taken. You won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”
He broke into harsh laughter. “You’re one crazy motherfucker! You’re the only person hurting anyone.” He tried to grab her, but she slipped from his arms. His eyes narrowed, laughter dying away with unsettling speed. “But there’s no way in hell I’m letting you hurt me.”
Kotoko was struck by the way he said it. Her voice had shaken with the very same determination when putting herself between an innocent citizen and some creep. It was how she felt now, trying to keep his violent hands away from the other prisoners. There were children here, weak and scared. Es themself was just a child, and had already suffered his violence. She refused to let this villain cause any more pain. “I’m doing what needs to be done. You’re nothing but a murderous monster.” She swung her fist.
Mikoto caught her by the wrist, forcing her to look at the blood caked in her hand. He didn’t know whose it was, but it wasn't either of theirs. “You’re the fucking monster!” He shoved her backwards. “And I’m gonna kill you for it…!”
He didn’t know how she could think she was the hero in this whole situation. He was the one protecting someone else. 
Neither held back. Mikoto wheezed as her boots connected. Kotoko cringed as Mikoto landed a solid hit on her face. There was some shouting from the hallway. Their resolves hardened. Mikoto wasn’t going to let anyone else threaten him. Kotoko wasn’t going to let him threaten anyone else. They were strong, they reminded themselves. They had to end this now.
The two charged at one another. A moment before they were set to collide, they both cried out in pain. Blinding white light flooded the dark panopticon. They clutched their eyes, stumbling away from one another. A figure shoved through, planting himself between them.
“Stop this, both of you!” It was Kazui.
“Get outta my way,” Mikoto growled.
“This is not your concern,” Kotoko said, blinking in the light. 
The spotlight in the guard’s tower had been switched on, pointed directly at them. Kazui remained in place. “That’s enough. Look at yourselves, for god’s sake!”
Under the harsh light, they now saw the sort of state they were in. Mikoto’s uniform had torn in new places, blood seeping through. He could taste some in his mouth, too. Kotoko’s face was cut. Her leg ached. They stood covered in bruises, panting. 
“Go back to your cells,” Kazui commanded. “We’ll sort this out in the morning.”
Kotoko squared her shoulders. “There’s nothing to sort out. He’s a murderer. I won’t lose to him.”
“This bitch tried to kill me. I’m not letting her get away with it.”
“I don’t care.” Kazui said simply. “Call it a draw. You’ll both tear yourselves apart if you keep going.”
They continued staring at one another as if their gaze alone could take them to the ground, but neither moved to fight. 
Mikoto felt a pang of guilt. Lost in adrenaline, he didn’t realize how banged up he was. He thought of how much pain he’d experience in the upcoming days. The whole point was to save himself from harm. 
Kotoko cursed Kazui for interrupting her. As one of the forgiven, he was supposed to be on her side. Even if he wasn’t honorable enough to see her as an ally, she’d have to be the bigger person. She wouldn’t threaten him. 
Neither was happy about conceding, but couldn't think of a better option given their end goals.
Kazui remained between them as they stalked off to their respective cells.
“A temporary draw,” Kotoko muttered to Mikoto. She flashed a grin that felt more like an animal baring its teeth.
He returned the smile. “You won't be so lucky next time.”
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toastsnaffler · 16 days
wellll everything could be worse.. at least we're not stranded in the arctic for years on end with lead poisoning and a Beast out to get us 😌
#watched another ep of the terror w my roomie.. qhat a stressful show lucky im too zonked so its going over my head#shes alrwady seen so shes trying not to spoil it for me its my first time 😭#i think she might be getting a cold too. so maybe we're both just coming down w smth and thats why we're so tired#not just med crash but the fog was sooo bad i keep not being able to finish sentences and slurring my speech#luckily shes familiar enough to get the gist of what imean when im so out of it anyway so its okkkk#but ahhh..if its bad again tomorrow ill probably still be able to get through movje night i can watch from bed#but might have to miss the gym :-((( we'll see how it goes maybe itll be okay#mayhe ill take 20/20 again on thurs just so i can go.. ah i dont know we'll see we'll see#whenever i hit this stage of tiredness or illness i always just wanna cuddle so bad too ahhhh#tryung to stay focused on qhat shes saying but she kept putti g her hands in her hair and i could smell her nice shampoo#like okayyyy when is itmy turn to stroke your hair im sitting so nicely here#ahhhh okay im crazy im going to sleep#i do need to be brave and ask if we can ljke hug more sometimes or something though ahh i miss being physically affectionate with anyone#and itskind of big for me like verbal affection js nice but im more of a physical person even if i dont allow myself to express it!!!!!#and i just dont want to cross boundaries or anything or get called needy again. but so what if i am needy nothing wrong eith that#anyway to bed before i start embarrassing mysrlf goodnight everyone i love u muah#.diaries
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bedoballoons · 9 months
I HAD THIS IDEA WHILE LISTENING TO "SAVAGE" im going back to my gacha phase
there's this one lyric
"Give me a reason to stay"
So sumeru boys getting into a fight w their s/o and they don't give her a chance to intervene and inform them that she had to move away from sumeru (for work or anything)
İ need angst
After that they don't talk for a few days and boom
They feel bad and decide's apologize their s/o only to find her home empty and catch her getting ready to leave sumeru that day! Wowie
Also grim reaper xiao is lookin fine 🤭
AHH that's so sad!! I love it!! Apologies for not answering sooner!! Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy! <3
Why thankyou~
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Give me a reason to stay~༺}
CW: Angsty! Mentions of a past fight, characters beg you to stay, reader leaves anyway!
(Includes: Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Wanderer, and Cyno!)
"I don't want to yell anymore!"
Tighnari covered his ears, his voice like a earthquake in his own head...and that look on your face, a horrid memory of the fight you had, he still didn't know what you were trying to tell him and now it has been days since you'd even said a word to him. If he had just listened...if the two of you had just talked...
"Stop..you're only beating yourself up, just go talk to them...apologize." He muttered to himself quietly, trying to find the courage to actually knock on your door after standing there for at least ten minutes...it was starting to seem like a lost cause. "Just knock...how will you ever make up other wise just kn-"
He got cut off mid sentence when the door suddenly swung open, revealing you with suitcases in your hands and your normal living room completely barren.."Tighnari? What...what are you doing here?" You looked away, unable to meet his eyes...you felt guilty for not telling him you were leaving, but he never gave you the chance..
"I-i wanted to apologize, I feel terrible about what happened...are...are you leaving? Where are you going?"
"Tighnari...I'm moving, out of Sumeru..."
"No...no wait don't move, I can apologize more, we can talk about this..."
"I..." You wanted to say something else, but your friend started calling out to you, warning you that if you didn't leave now you'd be late, "Thank you for apologizing Tighnari...I...I gotta go." He watched you hurry away and he just stood there, dumbfounded, like he'd just seen a ghost..a ghost of the relationship he held so dear to his heart...
Alhaitham sighed, standing in your yard with a perplexed expression...how had Kaveh actually talked him into this? He himself had no idea how to apologize...what to say to make up for the way he acted, the screaming and hurtful words...the tears that rolled down your cheeks when you stomped off...how did you fix something so emotional and serious?
He waited there for a couple more minutes, hoping to catch you walking out or getting home, but when that didn't work...he resorted to knocking. "Hello? Are...you in there? I...want to talk." He listened to your footsteps growing closer, remembering when you'd try to sneak up on him while he was reading and he'd always hear you...he just wanted things to go back the way they were..
The second you opened the door he knew the situation was far more serious than he had imagined, your things stored away in boxes...your suitcases packed, this wasn't some trip...you were leaving. "...You're moving?"
"I wanted to tell you..but we were fighting you didn't give me the chance."
"I don't want you to leave."
"It's to late Alhaitham..."
"Wait..." He tried to grab your hand...but the door closed in his face, with you on the other end trying to calm yourself...
Kaveh held the flowers closer to his chest, knocking over and over on your door, praying that you'd open it...that you'd forgive him. He felt terrible, he couldn't eat or sleep, the only thing he could think about was your eyes..the tears that welled in them when he had raised his voice. Even flowers wouldn't be enough to fully forgive him and he knew that, but just...hearing your voice, seeing you...talking would help.
"Helloooo?" He leaned over, peeking into your window...his face going pale, all of your things... were gone? No that couldn't be right, had he gone to the wrong house somehow? He started to panick, peeking through other windows of previous residence....freaking out the neighbors, but mostly, finding that every room was the same. Any trace of you had vanished.
"Kaveh? What are you doing?"
His head snapped in your direction, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you, "You're not gone, thank gosh. I thought maybe you had moved away and I'd never see you again..."
"... Kaveh I am moving away."
"What...but why..."
"I have a business offer, to good to pass up...I was going to tell you, but everything happened and we were yelling...so I took it. I came back here to return the keys and saw everyone looking over here."
"...oh. Is there anyway I can..convince you to-"
"No Kaveh...I think...we need the time apart."
He took a step back, racking his brain for something to say...even as you walked away from him and it started to rain...he just...wanted a way to make you stay. Just a chance.
Wanderer stood at your door, looking at it like it could jump at him any moment, he wanted to apologize, for the argument for everything but it was all just...so hard!, "Ughh! Why did I have to get into a stupid relationship, why did I have to like them...why...ugh...why do I have to love them....so much." He punched the wall, biting his lip as he knocked on your door, only for it to slowly creak open.
"Hey..I know you're probably still upset with me and I...deserve it, but I'm going to be pathetic and apologize, because...I don't want to loose...you?" He started speaking to you even though you were already gone, shocked to see the sight of your empty house. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks, "Shit."
He ran, flying over everything and anything that got in his way, he'd stop you. He would let you leave. No, he needed to apologize, to make you stay. "Wait! No wait!!" He called out to you, your eyes locking with his for just a moment...just a moment and then you got into the boat, while he stood there...
If he had a heart...it would have been broken...
For once, Cyno didn't feel like telling a joke... playing tcg, right now he just wanted to apologize, give justice where it was due. He wanted to explain his actions, he wanted you back...he wanted to be together again and stop the silence. He didn't even know how to start solving the argument, but he figured talking...would probably help, so thats how he had ended up on your doorstep, waiting patiently for you to open the door..
He knocked again...and again, but nothing. He was just about to turn around, convinced it was a lost cause, when suddenly a paper landed at his feet, his heart racing with excitement...this could be his chance to talk to you, although he want sure why you didn't just open the door instead...
He opened the letter despite that and as he read it...his heart sank,
I know I should just talk to you, but saying this... it would be to hard, to upsetting. Before we had started arguing, I had planned to tell you I was moving...family reasons. I'm...I'm sorry, I wish you could have had more of a warning, but as you read this I'm already making my way out the back door...
He ran to the backside of the house, but you'd already left...he was alone, with nothing but a letter you'd wrote and a guilt he'd never be able to shake until he saw you again...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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maplesyrupsainz · 7 months
you know that fic that was like logan x baker reader CAN YOH DO A PT2 WHERE WE ARE THE BFF AND WE GET WITH DANIEL BECAUSE WE MET THROUGH THEM
ahh omg i love this idea tysm for requesting 🥹 i hope it's all that u wanted it to be ! <3
˖⁺。˚⋆˙we couldnt help it | DR3˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: daniel ricciardo x faceless y/n reader (she/her)
genre: social media au, whirlwind romance
warnings: mainly fluff but some obvious sexual innuendo but brief & no smut or anything
summary: in which her best friend's new relationship led to something good for her
a/n: omg i love this request so much hehe u dnt rly need to read pt1 but it maybe give context to some things😊 (for context y/n = yourbff from pt1, & yourbff = y/n from pt1)
fc: various blonde girls from pinterest
my masterlist
part 1!!!
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liked by logansargeant, yourusername, and 23,839 others
yourbff i like shiny things but i'd marry u with paper rings 🩷🪽
tagged: logansargeant
view all 13,847 comments
logansargeant i love you
yourbff i love u 🍰
yourusername this could be me & daniel ricciardo but u insist on keeping us apart for some reason
danielricciardo are we being cock blocked?
logansargeant you're welcome
whatsapp ->
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff, and 3,924 others
yourusername yes i finally committed to blonde hair full time 👱‍♀️
tagged: yourbff, friend1, friend2
view all 331 comments
yourbff omg i fancy u so much
yourusername wow being blonde is so powerful got you confessing your love for me already
friend1 think it's ur boobs in that corset over the blonde hair but whatever helps u sleep at night xoxo
yourbff LOL no comment!!
logansargeant who are u trying to impress
logansargeant daniel ricciardo?
yourusername shut ur mouth u swine
yourusername i miss y/bff/n's ex
yourbff too far
logansargeant i am wounded
yourusername good
danielricciardo heyy
liked by yourbff, logansargeant
yourusername good bye
whatsapp ->
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 1,593 others
yourusername professional third wheel
tagged: logansargeant, yourbff
view all 743 comments
logansargeant i just laughed out loud at this
yourusername i know im in ur kitchen i heard u
yourbff u couldn't think of a less creepy way to word that
landonorris i could be ur fourth wheel
logansargeant there's no way
danielricciardo spot taken
landonorris oh my bad
yourusername no it isnt the spot isnt taken
yourusername u can come back
user1 what have i just stumbled upon
yourusername i beg u close ur eyes
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff, alex_albon, and 872 others
yourbff ur being wooed arent u
yourusername i want to say no
yourusername but i would be lying
yourbff me & logan are shrieking & yelling
yourusername CALM DOWN
landonorris damn it
yourusername LOL
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 66,904 others
danielricciardo friday nights 💤
view all 3,848 comments
landonorris this is the girliest post u've ever made
danielricciardo dont blame me for knowing the female gaze
yourusername this is shocking
danielricciardo when u know u know
user4 what is happening
user5 danny got himself a rebound or what
user6 she looks so trashy😭
yourbff giggling & kicking my feet over this
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twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, friend1, and 1,002 others
yourbff speechless
yourusername look away!!! thts my man
yourbff UR MAN??? Y/N??
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff, and 9,284 others
yourusername vibess 😐
tagged: danielricciardo, yourbff
view all 1,384 comments
danielricciardo why the long face
yourusername kind of rude dont u think?
danielricciardo no i dont 😐 do you? 😐
user7 no way
user8 hard launching already
user9 this feels fake
yourbff i am being so casual about this
logansargeant no she isnt
user10 i love that y/bff/n is a fangirl like us😭
logansargeant im taking credit for whatever this is
danielricciardo whatever this is? this is clearly 'vibess 😐'
yourusername danny are you really upset by my emoji choice?
danielricciardo no
logansargeant he is
623 notes · View notes
cranberryjuice-posts · 5 months
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Sarcastic man hating Lesbian Y/n if she was in tlou
Pairings - Abby X fem! reader, the Salt Lake City Crew X platonic reader
Random WLF Girl - hey y/n we Need to talk.
Y/n - uh.. ok
Random WLF Girl - look so I know you and manny have been hanging out a lot more recently but just so you know he’s mine.
Y/n - girl.. what the fuck does that have to do with me
Random WLF Girl - I know you like him!
Y/n - …right idea wrong person babe
Owen - all I’m saying is that your plan to to attack the scars is stupid
Y/n - ok and I think the way you act is fucking stupid but I wasn’t asking you ok
Owen - What’s more important huh? Doing the assignment like Issac has intended for us or going after some rumor about some stray pregnant dogs
Y/n - Abby~ I can’t do it alone.. pleasssee *purposely shifting so your cleavage is more noticeable*
Abby - *looking down and sighing*
Manny - and we lost her
Nora & Mel - *standing aside watching you and Owen fight*
Owen - You don’t get to talk to me like that
Y/n - And you need to shut the fuck up when grown women are talking!
Owen - I—
Y/n - SHUT the fuck up! When grown women talking!
Mel - thanks for doing my hair y/n
Y/n - of course I always cut your hair melon *kisses her cheek*
Owen - *walks into the room* woahh someone looks pretty
Y/n - and it certainly isn’t you
Mel - dude..
Y/n - I fucking hate men
Manny & Owen - we know
Y/n - *bleeding out*
Nora - she’s loosing blood! Y/n look at me what’s your type
Y/n - really hot blonde girls with muscles and a passion for revenge
Nora - blood type dumbass
Owen — *thinks he’s telling a joke but it’s actually stupid*
Y/n - *chuckles and points gun at him* I will shoot you
Y/n - manny what the fuck! If you hook up with someone at-least have them take their underwear home with them *tosses blue bra at him*
Manny - keep that same energy when you leave your shit here after your nights with Abby
Y/n - 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Leah - are there any drugs in the apartment
Y/n - if there are you better find them and give them to me immediately… no there’s no weed in the apartment
Leah - you sure Nora said you can’t smoke while hurt
Y/n - yeah I’m sure if there is I’ll find it and give it away it’s not a big deal ‘ouhhh there’s drugs in the house ahh we’re all gonna die’
Manny - hey man I don’t think that’s how your supposed to change a light bulb
Y/n - oh my fucking bad Tomas Edison why don’t you come over here and show me how to do it
Jordan - you didn’t cry when bambis mom died?!
Y/n - yes it was very sad when the guy stopped drawing the dear
Owen - *tells plan for an assignment*
Y/n - Owen that’s actually a really good idea
Owen - really?!
Y/n - no.
Y/n - *anxiously packing to leave an assignment early because she heard Abby had gotten injured*
Jordan - wait where are you going
Y/n - to the clicker convention down the road WHERE DO YOU THINK IM GOING!
That’s it lmk if y’all want a pt 2
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229 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 5 months
how does it make you feel | mat barzal
[luvhughes43 masterlist🌙]
face claim: 3x grammy winner victoria monét <3
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liked by ynuser, and 457 others
barzalsource mat at ynuser album party last night!
tagged: barzal97
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user01 thats so strange why would he perform at yns album party?
user02 a bunch of her close friends, musicians, etc all performed! i just didnt know they knew each other lol omfg
user04 he's a jaguar stan.. ohh i knew it!
user05 yn liking this?? since whennn
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liked by barzal97, arianagrande, tyla, and 439 002 others
ynuser thank u all for the love last night <3 remember to pre-save jaguar II which will be out next friday🐆🤎
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arianagrande in love with you !!!!!
arianagrande im screaming!! nobody is ready for this album
barzal97 you killed it last night!❤️‍🔥
liked by ynuser
user06 how tf does he know yn? im so confused...
user07 I LOVE YOU SM!!!
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liked by arianagrande, ynuser, titobeauvi91, and 41 125 others
barzal97 we look good 🐆
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taylaparx hottest couple
user09 YN???????
user10 i wishhh
user09 ariana liked and thats her bff it must be yn
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liked by barzal97, titobeauvi91, hallebailey, and 571 237 others
ynuser 2 more days till jaguar II is yours 🐆🤎🤎
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barzal97 counting down🐆
user14 she posted a soft launch too%#^@*^^@&*
user14 mat and yn... he really won!
user15 mats comments on all her posts?? hes so down bad as he should be!
barzal97 just posted !
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liked by ynuser, barzalsource13, and 378 912 others
barzal97 my baby released an album! everyone go stream jaguar II out on all platforms now!🐆🤎
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser love youu 🤎🤎
barzal97 im so fcking proud of you. this is your moment!! love you always!
titiobeauvi91 albums on repeat!
user18 hottest couple omggggggg
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liked by barzal97, arianagrande, normani, and 421 091 others
ynuser how does it make you feel? to be loved for real? 🎶
tagged: barzal97
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barzal97 we were by design ❤️‍🔥
ynuser were aligned!🤎
hallebailey love you guys!!!
user19 best song off the album
user20 this album is insane. its been on repeat !
user21 my parents omfg i love them so bad
user22 my husband has a gf
user23 most unlikely but best couple🙏
5 months later...
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liked by trevorzegras, and 574 others
barzalsource13 mat seen leaving the beverly hilton hotel just in time for the grammy red carpet! we love a bf showing up for his girl!
tagged: barzal97
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user24 oh he looks so good
user25 yn will win all her awards tonight🕯🕯
user26 ohh thats boyfriendism right there!
ynuser just posted !
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liked by barzal97, adutakech, alexialuria, and 671 921 others
ynuser words cant even describe this feeling... grammys 2024🏆🤎
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arianagrande tonights yours!🤍🫧
barzal97 my god... ❤️‍🔥
user28 grammy nominated and future winner yn!
ynuser reposted !
barzal97 just posted !
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liked by ynuser, barzalsource13, trevorzegras, and 239 781 others
barzal97 do i even need a caption? it was my girls motherfucking moment ❤️‍🔥
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser tonight is just unreal
barzal97 you deserve it all! tonights for you🥂
titobeauvi91 deserved every award 🔥
ny_islanders our shinning star💙✨
user29 barz dating a 3 grammy winning artist.. so real
user30 loveeee this and them
user31 im sobbing this is the best thing to ever happen to me
264 notes · View notes
marvelobsessed134 · 3 months
Hiiii can I request something with Kurt that has to do with a breeding kink and sneaking around? Cant stop thinking abt him whispering in my ear abt breeding me while doing it in secret in a closet before a show 😭 bonus points if he has his hand over my mouth so no one hears us 💗 thank you!!!
Pre-show workout
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A/n: finally a request for something other than Mötley Crüe. While I love writing for those boys I also love to write for different people. Also a disclaimer this is not to be disrespectful to Kurt in anyway I’m just a teenage girl writing out hers and others fantasies.
Pairings: Kurt Cobain x Fem!Reader
Warnings: soft ish smut?, breeding kink, and I think that’s it to be honest
It was right before a show and you knew this was probably a bad idea but your husband thought otherwise.
Kurt had you pinned against the wall ass he thrusted in and out of you, his hand covering your mouth so no one would hear. His band mates were right outside and that made it even more thrilling.
His other hand held you up and he fucked into you at a rough pace.
“Are you gonna cum baby? So am I. I’m gonna cum inside you and fill you up would you like that?” You nodded quickly, feeling a sense of a sugar rush from his dirty talk. He never really had that much dirty talk but when he gets pussy drunk..god he doesn’t even know what he’s saying half the time.
But the two of you had wanted a baby for awhile so you guess now is the time to make one.
The blonde was a mixture of groans and grunts, trying to stay quiet himself while you were muffling into his hand.
You clenched around him and the frontman knew that you were close. Tears fell down your face as you came, and not long after Kurt reached his peak as well. “Ahh just take it babe.” He’d whisper in your ear.
The two of you stood there trying to re-catch your breaths. You fixed your clothes and your husband gave you a passionate kiss.
“Mm you got a show to do im pretty sure.” You teased.
He smiled down at you, loving your sense of humor. It’s what made him fall for you in the first place.
“You better be there front row.”
“You bet I will.”
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x reader smut - part 2
obsessed with this man I s2g, so here’s a part 2, literally just a series full of smut, kinda spontaneous so I don’t even know where this is going, but whatever. Link to Part 1.
Since Charles and Jenny’s encounter, Jenny was left even more frustrated, and with Charles’ orders that she couldn’t cum until he was the one to make her, she struggles even more to cope with the anticipation of having him again. The aftermath of them two is a tense, giggly mess skcieifiekw Charles is really soft hasnt shown his confident side in bed yet and reader can tell.
Smut - 18+ sexting, masturbation, teasing, swearing, dirty talk. Charles is a flustered mess, almost blows it a little too quickly… oral, fingering, p in v sex. Sexual tension? Ahh I want this man so bad.
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My half sister was asleep in bed next to me and all I could do was stare at the ceiling of the hotel, waiting, waiting and waiting. Why she was asleep at 8pm I’ll never know, but now I had no way from distracting myself from the real issue on my mind. Charles. After our encounter earlier all I could think about was having him again, I got butterflies whenever I thought about it, and when I replayed his words in my mind they went straight to my core.
‘Don’t touch yourself until I can’.
How on earth was I supposed to wait? My hotel room was free for three whole hours whilst Eva, my sister was with her ‘boyfriend’ that she’d met in Austria. Seeing as she’d been sneaking out and I’d kept her secret, it was her turn to keep mine. I’d kept to Charles’s words all afternoon, waiting rather impatiently, but now it was getting later and later, all I could do was laid with tightly crossed legs and scroll through my phone in a pathetic attempt to distract myself.
Charles had been texting me back and fourth all afternoon, apart from when he was training of course. The more time that passed the hornier I got. So I took myself to the bathroom, deciding to run a second shower. “Fuck this…” I muttered, locking the door and stripping off my clothes. My underwear were already dripping wet, and I sighed, annoyed by my own desperation. I could still imagine vividly the slight stretch of my tight hole around his cock, the way he’d press so hard against me that his balls would push against my ass. Before I knew it my right hand was rubbing over my clit, taking my phone in my other hand and snapping a picture of my bare tits and torso, cutting it off just before he could see where I was touching. Oops
I’d sent to him the message, stepping in the shower with my hair tied up to avoid getting it wet. Maybe it was a good idea to cool off. When my phone buzzed again, I took it with wet hands.
I thought you said you were going to wait
I’m not making myself cum, but I’m just so wet from earlier, I can’t help it
fuck you are making me hard
To this, I sent him another picture of my wet tits pressed together, fingers slightly sprawled over my pierced nipple, awaiting his response as I tightened my legs. I loved the idea of Charles being hard over me, no matter how many times we had these conversations, they never failed to turn me on more than anything. You are so fucking beautiful, I’m going to fuck you so good later
are you touching yourself? Smirking, I pulled out the camera again, leaning against the wall as I sunk down to the floor, spreading my legs and sending him a video of me rubbing my clit slowly. fuck fuck fuck Jenny im leaving in a minute
So hard for you omg
Leaning back I let out a quiet sigh, enjoying the sensation of touching myself, I was throbbing so desperately, closing my eyes and becoming lost in the moment. I imagined his fingers pushed inside of me, fingering me until I squirted down his arm, screaming his name as I tugged on his short hair. The way he’d muffle a moan if his face was pressed up to my pussy, tongue licking up and down as he made me cum all over his face. Fuck, if I continued I wouldn’t stop. I was dangerously close to losing control, so I had to pull my hand away and continue with a second shower, unable to look at Charles’ dirty words until I was done.
I will be back in 10 minutes, I’ll come get you
just as long as you’re quieter than you were earlier 😉
shut up
I giggled, realising I kinda had to rush. I had to go through the full routine again, moisturising, spraying perfume, picking out new underwear. “What’re you doing?” My sister grumbled from behind me, thick in her French accent, as I stuffed my phone into my pocket. I had to leave now. Charles was outside the room. “Uh going out, I’ll be back in the morning, don’t tell dad, cos’ I kept your boyfriend a secret!” I warned as she pfffted out a tired laugh. “Salope.” She joked as I fake gasped. “You are the slut!” I giggled, heading down the corridor, knowing my secret was safe. “Jenna?” She then asked. “C’est Charles?” I cringed at her question. She’d caught on oddly fast. “Non.” I lied, before slipping out of the room and seeing Charles stood there, hood up and a gentle smile covering his face. I immediately smile, being quiet to close the door behind me. “Bonjour.” I teased as he wrapped an arm over my shoulders, pressing a kiss to my lips, “hello.” He eyed me up and down, squeezing my shoulder before his arm dropped and he left a lazy hand on my lower back.
“Thats his room… be quiet.” I whispered, as we passed my father and step-mums room with our heads dipped. “Lucky, I am on a different floor.” He shrugged, pressing the elevator button. The whole time we were waiting for the lift I was anxiously awaiting somebody I knew to open their door or come out from down the hallway. When a door did pull open, I was grateful that we’d hopped into the lift for safety. Charles pressed the button number 7 and then I frantically pressed the close button, relieved when we began moving upwards.
He laughed at my frantic behaviour, coming up behind me and making eye contact with me through the mirror in the lift. “You look so good.” He muttered, voice getting lower as he stepped closer towards me, hooking an arm over my chest.
Smiling back up to him, I watched as he dipped his head inhaling the scent of my hair. “You smell good!” His words made me laugh now, feeling him nuzzle his nose into my freshly washed hair. “You weirdo!” I giggled, digging my bum back into his hips as he groaned, moving the hair back with a kiss to my neck. “Mmm, ça m'excite.” He admitted it turned him on as I hummed, running a hand over his clothed arm.
He mimicked my hum, leaving several kisses on my skin as I gasped out a soft sigh, just as the lift doors opened. There was two different couples stood wide eyed, luckily I didn’t recognise either of them as Charles cleared his throat, lowering his head and leading me out of the lift with his hand. Once we’d past them, both of us giggled, sharing a kiss whilst he used his keycard to open the hotel door.
Oh my god, his room was nice, 10x better than mine and Eva’s and I wasn’t surprised. I turned back to him with my jaw dropped. “It’s so nice in here!”
“It is… I gotta shower and I’ll be back with you, put whatever you want on the TV.” He glanced me up and down as I nodded, sitting down on the plush bed and leaning back. “Ugh, so comfy.”
“I know!” He exclaimed, stripping off his hoody and tossing it straight onto my head playfully. His phone was still in the pocket, luckily it didn’t hit my head but it didn’t stop him from rushing over.
“I am sorry! I forgot that was in there! Are you okay?” He laughed, scanning over me as he held my face. “I’m okay, you idiot.” I laughed, playfully tapping his face as he pressed a kiss to my forehead, and then again to my lips. Charles jumped up quick, almost child like. “Ok, I will go shower now.”
Whilst he was showering, I was struggling to work the TV, everything was in French, or German. I mean we were in Austria, I just struggled to follow the language when it was on the TV. In the end I settled for some French sitcom whilst I awaited Charles to be finished in the shower.
10 minutes later, Charles walked back out in a fresh pair of Calvin Kleins, practically diving on the bed with a playful look in his eyes. “Don’t look at me half naked.” He half joked as I giggled. “What?! I barley even saw you!”
“Good…” he spun around on the bed, resting next to me against the headboard. “What are you watching this for?!” Charles spluttered out a laugh, taking the control that had been resting in my hand. “It’s my favourite TV show.” I sarcastically spoke. “Can’t you tell?” “No, I can’t.” He laughed sheepishly, clearly thinking I was being serious. “I’m being sarcastic, I don’t even know what they’re saying. Their French is too quick. Le mien est lent.” I told him mine was slow, longing out the sentence as Charles scanned over my face. His gaze dropping down to my lips. “You sound good when you speak French.”
“Hm?” The corner of my lip perked, pulling my knees up slightly to bend, but Charles had other ideas. His hand smoothed down my thigh, nudging it back on the bed as I swallowed harshly. “It’s a shame I could not hear you in those videos earlier.” He muttered sending a wave of butterflies through my lower stomach. “I had to be quiet.” “You didn’t cum did you?” He asked, hand pausing as his fingers just about nudged under the hem of my grey jogging shorts. “No, I listened.” I teased, watching a smile grow on his face. “Now I have finally got you alone.” Charles smirked, his fingers continuing their way up to rest on my inner thigh. “About time.” I moaned, watching him sit up slightly so he could nudge his lips against mine to steal a kiss. I could feel his smile against my mouth the whole time, it made it a little hard to kiss, but I didn’t care, his excitement was a compliment to me. Plus, I’d been waiting for this all day. The playful tone in the room soon switched up to something heavier as he lay between my legs, kissing me hungrily with his tongue rolling over mine. There was that thick tension between the two of us again, one that made me pull his hips further into my own. We didn’t have to speak to let one another know how badly we yearned for this. I was wet just from kissing, and Charles didn’t hesitate to slip off my shorts, discarding them next to us on the bed.
“I want to taste you… can I taste you?” He asked, fingers inching closer up my thigh, teasing around the area as I writhed, not being down for this teasing. After months of fantasising about this, and him saying how badly he wanted his mouth on my pussy, my dream was finally coming to life.
“Yeah.” I weakly spoke, hand on his head as he worked his way down my body. Oh god, oh god, I was already breathing heavy, but this was just making my chest heave and fall at a ridiculous pace. “Are you sure?” He breathed, lips pressing a kiss to the lace of my thongs. “Mmh, please.” I moaned as he let out a soft chuckle, fingers nipping under the edge of my skinny underwear. “I like this.” He whispered before sliding them down my legs. I gulped, fidgeting my legs as he nudged them open, leaning in and finally licking a stripe up my pussy. The two of us simultaneously groaned. “Mmm, Charles.” I cooed, as he hummed, licking over me once again. The heat from his tongue, followed by his lips wrapping around my clit sent me onto a whole other planet. “You taste so good, baby.” He uttered, barely breaking away from his movements as he sucked over my clit again. He looked away, shyly, rubbing his hands up and under my tight shirt, squeezing at my tits. “Couldn’t stop staring at these tits.” He admitted as I let out a louder moan, feeling him pinch at the pierced buds. “So sexy.” He commented before licking up and down over my sensitive clit once again. “Charles.” My body jerked, knees trapping his head as he continued his assault on my core. “Oh my god, you feel so god.” I finally spoke, feeling him smile as I whined, grinding my hips against his mouth. “How can I make you cum, baby, with my fingers?” He asked, seeming a little unsure as I nodded with a pleasured sigh. Charles wiped the back of his mouth before kissing me, tracing once finger down my naval, over my slit and easily pushing into my wetness. “Oh, fuck.” I gasped as he hummed, nodding besides me as he kept pushing his finger in and out. “Keep- keep going.” I gasped, hearing the squelching of my wetness against his fingers, my own hand moved down to assist his, rubbing over my clit as Charles kissed at my cheek.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day. About you.” Charles admitted as I moaned, dropping my head against his for support. “Keep talking to me.” I whined, desperate to hear more. “About how tight your pussy felt, how badly I wanted to cum in there… can you take two?” He hummed as I moaned out loud, hand grabbing at his prominent bulge, desperate for something to hold onto.
“Yeah.” Charles pushed his second finger into my tightness as my breath hitched, feeling the intensity of his fingers jabbing at my G-spot. “I imagined you cumming all down my fingers.” His accent was doing wonders for me and soon it was my turn to talk back. “Gonna make me cum Charles, fuck, do you want me to?”
“Yes, baby, oui, jouis pour moi.” He instructed me to cum for him, my stomach curling and tightening as I let out a louder gasp, squeezing the head of his cock as he let out an inward groan. “Cum for me and I will fuck you so good.” He told me, “Charles!” I warned, hand moving to snatch at his flexed arm as I choked out several moans. “I-I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I gasped, feeling the overwhelming pleasure soon rattle through me. I felt myself release from below, squirting on him as I let out a borderline scream, covering my mouth but Charles pulled my hand away. “That’s it, that’s it.” He cooed me through my orgasm as I sobbed out, body writhing and twitching as he milked my orgasm.
“Tu as giclé pour moi. Tu es tellement bon.” He muttered gently, easing his fingers out of me once my body had relaxed. “What? I don’t know what tha’ means.” I panted furiously. “I don’t know it in English, you… you know.” He gestured down to my below. “Squirted?” I awkwardly said as he nodded. “Yes, I lost my English.” “Mmm, it’s okay.” I hushed, pulling him in for a kiss as I swiped my hand down to rub over his cock. “You’re so hard.” I moaned as he let out a breathy sigh against my mouth. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me.” I urged him on, taking a hold and rubbing more at his cock.
“I need to fuck you.” Charles then spoke, “I need to- putain, c'est trop bon.” He cut himself off with a curse in French, hips jumping when I squeezed his dick. He made out with me for a little longer, breathing heavy as I quickened my pace. “Non, non… I am taking care of you.” He seemed to fight an internal battle, but didn’t push me away. “I like doing this, Charles, making you feel good.” I cooed as he moaned out loud now. “C'est trop rapide. Putain, si tu n'arrêtes pas ça ira trop vite.” (This is too quick. Fuck, if you don’t stop it will happen too quick).
“What will happen too quick?” I bucked my naked hips up at him as he quickly stopped me. “Non, non, non. Give me a minute-“ he exhaled quickly, freezing and stopping my hand from touching him. “Are you okay?”
“You just nearly make me cum too fast.” For some reason, his words spurred me on further, but I knew I couldn’t continue to tease. “It’s okay.” I whispered, turning around and stripping my top off. Charles eyes were constantly on me, and it was within no time that he was pushing me under his body. “You can fuck me exactly how you wanted to now.” I giggled as he bit down on his lips, kicking off his underwear. “You want this?” He asked, pumping at his cock. So fucking hard and long, he was the perfect size. “Yeah… do you?”
“So much.” He cooed, easing himself in once again. I gasped, snatching at his shoulders. This time, the burn was a little harsher than before, but I pushed through it, knowing I was just a little sore from earlier. “Is it ok?” Charles let out a groan, with a noise like that how could I ever stop? “Fuck me.” I begged, moving my hips up until he finally began thrusting in and out of me. “Does that feel okay?” I could tell he was holding himself back, straining as he held himself up to wait for my answer. “It’s good.” I panted with a reassuring smile. “You feel so good.” This made hun smile as he moved forwards to kiss me much deeper now.
“Oh, yeah.” Charles moaned directly into my ear making me sigh out in utter pleasure, feeling his hand holding the back of my head. “Harder.”
“Harder?” He looked back as I nodded. “Please, I need it.” I spoke through almost gritted teeth as he rested his hands either side of me, beginning to fuck into me at a pace that I could barely moan properly at. He was so good, his hips were slapping against my own, the bed beginning to squeak at our antics.
I took his hand, running it over my breasts and throat teasingly. “Oh god.” He closed his eyes, tending his jaw as he thrusted into me harsher. With each intense thrust I yelled out, snatching and scratching at his back as Charles hissed. His cock was filling me up, stretching my pussy out, my legs were wide and he was slotted so perfectly between them. Sinful noises filled the room as we continued with our passionate fucking. I couldn’t stop, neither could he, it was like a desperation as we chased one another’s orgasms. Every time we’d start off sweet and slow it’s like something inside of us clicked and an animalistic side came out. I tugged on Charles’s wrist, pushing his hand onto my neck as he groaned. “You will make me cum, fuck! You will make me come, Jen- jouis avec moi. jouis avec moi, baby!” We were spooning, my leg stretched up as he frantically fucked me like there was no tomorrow.
“Cum together?” I repeated. “Oui!” He gasped out, tightening his grip on my neck as I rolled my eyes back, feeling him rubbing over my clit. The pace was overwhelming, I could no longer hold back the anticipation racking up inside of me. “Okay, cum, cum inside me, fuck, give it to me- Ah, I’m cumming!” My voice raised as Charles gasped out, fucking his seed into me as he came with a satisfied moan, simultaneous to my own. “Fuck, fuck. I just came so hard.” Charles choked out, his tight grip loosening do rub over my skin. I was exhaling loudly, body jolting and jittering from the aftershocks of my orgasm. “So did I.” I sighed, feeling him milking the last of his cum inside of me, body dripping with sweat as he gently rested an arm over me. “Just stay like this.” Charles cooed, pulling me close as I hummed, snuggling into his back. “Are you okay?”
“Tired.” I responded feeling him lifting his head to take a look at me. “Tu as bien fait ma belle.” (You did so good, my beautiful). An undeniable smile grew on my face. “So did you…”
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mollymooo · 6 months
cupid, send help!
spencer reid x GN!reader
Summary: Ahh, young love! Is what everyone in the BAU would say if either of you realized the other also had feelings.
an: IDIOTS IN LOVE YES YES YES if yall have any ideas send them my way im in a writing mood also there is a slight mention of y/ns eye color my bad gang
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Garcia thought she was going to rip out her hair.
It had been a month since I had spilled the beans to Penelope about my small, tiny crush on Reid.
Ok maybe it wasn’t so small.
“Ask him out!” She leaned back in her chair as I nearly choke on my tea
“Absolutely not! He doesn’t even like me like that! Also do you realize how unprofessional that is! Not to mention the amount of paperwork and explaining there’d be. Plus, no one in-“ I’m suddenly cut off when Penelopes warm hands are planted on my cheeks with a firm squeeze
“Hun, I love you dearly but cupid needs to shoot you square in between the eyes.” She pats me on the back as I dejectedly head back to my desk. I notice Spencer leaning over Morgan and the sudden quick smacks to Spencer’s shoulder when I made eye contact with him.
“Yep! Thanks for the help Reid!” Morgan’s eyes snap back to his computer as he clicks around a few times and pulls up some bullshit article
“Anytime!” Spencer quickly stalks back to his desk and tucks his head behind his computer as I sit down at my desk across from Spencer, observing the exchange between the two
“What’d you help with?” I look over his computer to a hunched down Spencer with a tint of red across his face
“Oh, you know! Just some… work… stuff.” He coughed slightly and the blush only got worse as he spoke, a loud slap could be heard through the bullpen as Morgan face palmed at Spencer’s weak excuse
“…Right.” My eyes darted back to Morgan who shrugged slightly and went back to his work
I groaned slightly and rubbed my hands over my eyes. This is the 5th time this week my favorite mug has been placed on the highest shelf in the kitchen that I can’t reach. I reach up again and strain to reach but before I could reach it I notice a hand grab it and place it in my reach at last
I smile and spin around to be met with Spencers brown eyes, suddenly very aware of the lack of distance between us.
“Thanks!” A blush blossoms on my face as he takes the biggest step back from me and plays with a button on his shirt. He stutters a bit before saying something along the lines of “Your welcome” and quickly walks away
“You have to be kidding me.” I watch Penelope walk over to me and dramatically fall in my arms, nearly knocking my mug out of my hands “All my hard work to make it romantic, ruined! All because Reids IQ drops when he’s around pretty girl!”
I can feel eyes on me.
Spencer had been staring at me for the last 20 minutes, at least.
“Take a photo it’ll last longer” I smile slyly as I look up and make eye contact with him directly, but instead of him shyly looking away his eyebrows knot slightly
“Your eyes have a little green in them.” His head tilts slightly “And your mouth parts when you’re focused, just slightly.”
“Dr. Reid, are you flirting with me?” He doesn’t look away. His gaze looks even more focused while he studies my face like it’s the last time he’d look at it
“I’ve been trying too for a while.” He mutters before quickly realizing just exactly what he admitted
“Really? Wanna elaborate on that?” I giggle as his face bursts into a red haze
“I mean.. well, you’re very attractive and your personality only adds to that! There’s no reason why I wouldn’t like you..”
“You let me ramble and never made me feel bad for doing so.”
“Your incredibly sweet, and not to mention funny too-“
“Spencer!” He looks up from the spot on his desk he was staring at “Do you wanna get dinner after work?”
“Yes. Please.. I’d like that a lot.” His dopey smile takes over his face as you giggle
“Yes!” Penelope slaps a hand over her mouth as she watches your interaction from the balcony “You owe me $10 Morgan!” She points to Derek who groans
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Favorite crime. Final part (miles morales x reader)
before we get started I just want to say please send in requests! I’ll see if I can do them I love writing angsty stories! 💓 please read my little notes at the end just to see some of my thoughts throughout writing
When miles finally returned home..saved his dad, all was well in his universe. The only thing hurtful was instead of grieving for his father..they were grieving for her.
his partner in crime..
his willing accomplice..
his alibi..
his favorite singer..
his favorite person..
his lover..
Gwen was no longer someone he wished was there instead, all he wished for was Y/n. He forgave Gwen and everyone once again…but no once can replace Y/n. Not when she was the one who defended him and gave up everything for him.
Miles and Miguel settled their differences and Miles put in one last request that could never be accepted.
“Please! Just let me go back and save her! She can’t be happy there! I know it! Please..”
“Miles. You know I can’t! You fixed your timeline, you got your dad. She gave her life up for you and him! Just take it.”
“I can’t..it’s wrong! I just handed her away and I don’t even know what he’s doing to her?! I don’t know if she’s ok.”
Miguel couldn’t hear or handle talking gently to miles not when he was so persistent on something he knew couldn’t be fixed.
“Miles! Stop! Just stop! She wasn’t tied down to your universe! She had nothing there! Just your parents and you. She gave that up to save you and your dad. How many times do I have to say it?!”
“No! She doesn’t even remember you! She’s making her life there! She forgot all about you! I made sure Miles 42 didn’t remember you or his uncle! I fixed that. But y/n forgot you on her own..that wasn’t my doing.”
Miles broke down on his knees to this news…he couldn’t take it, not when she was always meant to be his.
“…let me see her..I won’t do anything just let me look at her..from a far.”
“Fine..but you have to promise you won’t even try to do anything. She’s healing that universe and that version of yourself. It’s only ok that she’s there because now they have a spider-women to fix and protect them. Don’t try anything kid.”
Miles agreed and opened a portal immediately to see Y/n…
when miles arrived..he went straight to his home..and there she was.
Y/n was cuddled up beside him giggling as she played with his curls, he had finally took out his braids listening to his girlfriends advice.
“Miles! Stop tickling me!”
Her sweet laughter was heard once again while miles picked her up and got off the bed twirling her around the room.
“Ahh! Im getting dizzy! Babe put me down!”
After awhile Miles did and both of them fell back onto the bed giggling and staring at the spinning ceiling.
A creak at the door caught their attention as Rio looked at them with a playful stern face.
“You two, always playing around! Cmon and eat, food’s ready!”
Both teens smiled at Rio as she walked away, silence was still between them
“….whoever gets there first gets to buy dinner tomorrow!…”
“Oh you know I won’t let you win princesa!”
Miles 1610 couldn’t help but witness everything in sorrow. Princesa was always his nickname for her…it all started when they were kids…
“…Y/n aren’t you grounded?”
Miles was so surprised to see his best friend at his front door.
“My parents didn’t even notice I left! My father is overreacting! How was I supposed to know they were arguing? I just walked in by accident and he got mad I saw them fighting.”
The little 8 year old had a lot of sass yet gentleness in her voice but Miles knew she was right.
“Well come in! Im here to save you!”
Y/n giggled at the silly statement
“I came here on my own! What are you pretending to be? My night and shining armor?”
“If that’s what you want princesa! I am here! And now we are going on a conquest to fight off bad guys!”
“Ok! Let’s fight! You and me! Together forever! ”
So it was true…she did forget Miles 1610. It didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt, she cried and mourned for days but soon enough…she forgot why. Her brain has so traumatized that it just made everything a blur for her.
She learned to love Miles 42, that wasn’t hard for her. However it wasn’t an easy road..she had to guide him into giving up that life. He gave up being the prowler for her. Y/n was saving the world left and right and what made her the happiest was coming home to Rio and Miles. In many ways she healed herself and him.
Miles 1610 couldn’t believe it…he didn’t want to see it. If he were to leave right now, he’d be dragging his feet and dreading it…maybe just for a little while…just a little longer..he’ll stay.
It was truly bittersweet to think about the damage that they did..how they overcame it. In a way Y/n did everything just to call Miles her’s. And she’d do it all over again.
When they came back from eating Miles 1610 became invincible once again staring at them from the corner of his room.
“You knew I was gonna win and nowwww we’re going out to eat pizza tomorrow and I’m paying!”
“Ughhhh I hate you!”
Y/n didn’t mean it…she said it with a smile on her face.
“Yea right..you know you love me.”
“yea…I do.”
They shared a kiss and Y/n held the brightest smile.
“Mmh…right now I’m getting a spidey sense and it’s saying…go downstairs to get snacks! I’ll be right back! You stay here and pick out a movie! It should be quick!”
“Princesa you know i don’t want you going out by yourself-“
“Excuse meeeee! I’m spider-women! I got this! I’ll be right back and change into comfy clothes!”
Miles 42 changed into his regular comfortable clothes the one that Miles 1610 was wearing…a white t-shirt and grey sweats..perfect.
Miles 1610 followed Y/n outside and followed her to the tiny bodega down the street.
“Y/n! Here to get the regular? Or are you trying new snacks with miles!”
“Ehhh I was going to get regular but now that you say that I might try some new chips.”
Miles 1610 walked in right after her and Mr.Delmar greeted him as well taking him by surprise.
“Miles! You doing good?”
“huh? Oh- yea yea of course!”
Y/n turned around confused
“Miles? I thought I told you to pick the movie!”
Here it goes, miles was going to play along with it…he’d do anything to speak to her just for awhile.
“I did princesa! Just wanted to make sure you were ok!”
Y/n giggled and took his offering hand guiding him to pick their snacks. Miles had missed her for so long…missed her touch…her candy sweet scent..her voice.
“…what do you think about trying out blue takis? we usually always get the purple ones.”
Miles stared at her admiring all her features, taking her in and falling in love with her all over again.
“…miles?..babe come back to earth!”
He shakes his head yes and just agreed to whatever she wanted…he couldn’t resist not holding her closer any longer.
“I miss you.”
Y/n couldn’t be anymore confused then she was right then and there.
“babe! We’re with each other right now! What do you mean?”
It was affection like that, it made Y/n laugh right in his face..they had each other right? So what was up?
“I know but I just…I miss you all the time even when I’m with you, I love you.”
“I love you too..”
The two shared a kiss and walked up hand and hand at the register paying for their snacks and walking home.
When they approached the building miles knew he needed to leave..he gave her one last quick kiss and requested one last race with her.
“Whoever gets upstairs first wins!”
“What? Babe!”
Miles ran upstairs and went out the window in the hallway rushing his way into the room to watch Y/n and Miles 42 once again.
Y/n walked in out of breath, exhausted.
“Damn babe, going up the stairs..I just realized you always beat me at races..what movie are we watching?”
Miles 42 didn’t question what she had said considering he raced her earlier before dinner, he laughed at her exhaustion and pulled her into him to cuddle once again.
“I was thinking about fast and furious or something?”
“Our favorite movie? Shockerrrr! You know I’m always down to rewatch it mi amor!”
Miles 1610 sighed in jealousy. He now had envy for another version of his life…he wished he had her in every way. He missed her and he hoped that she was genuinely ok.
Y/n was meant to be his lover forever in his dimension but due to him telling her to go…he changed her path. Miles committed a crime…oh but she was his favorite crime. Since they didn’t talk for weeks and she took a walk by herself in attempts to heal her wounded heart…she got bit. When she gave herself up for him...Y/n opened a door to save the most broken version of Miles. They healed each other in that dimension but…Miles 1610 cried for nights thinking about Y/n…the girl who forever had his heart.
there was tiny parallels here! The way miles and Y/n still played around and got caught by Rio! Just like they did when they were kids! The way Miles 1610 watched Y/n from afar with Miles 42 having the same feelings and hurt she did when she saw him with Gwen! Then the whole thing with Miles calling her Princesa! If you haven’t noticed I kinda tried to coordinate the song with the story. Hope you loved it 🫶 stay safe
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi
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yunjinkisses · 6 months
popular / mean huh yunjin x f reader⭐️
what’s ahead : angst , drinking , fluff,hate sex,choking,hair pulling,g!p yunjin , degrading
notes (all of newjeans are your friends in this , and you are a transfer student) also long ass fanfic.
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my second week of school and i already want summer to be here
god i’m so tired of yunjins bitch ass being on my dick all the time
“hey guys”
i flashed everyone a quick smile as i sat down
“awh what’s wrong y/n you seem a bit down unnie”
“yeah what’s the matter y/n/n!”
“it’s just yunjin..she’s getting on my nerves”
everyone let out an “ohhh” before saying it made sense
“yeah that makes sense , i don’t know why yunjin picks on you specifically,i mean you’re really nice y/n/n”
“thanks dani unnie,i don’t know either it’s just so irritating , ands it’s genuinely getting on my last nerve”
“i’m sure things will turn around and everything will be fine”
“i hope so hanni..”
the bell rung as lunch ended and i said goodbyes and than bumped into someone as i was leaving
“ah shit- sorry-“
than i looked up to see yunjin and started sweating immediately
“can you watch where you’re going? bad enough i have to see you everyday let alone hear your annoying voice..”
i said coldly
“you better be”
and as she walked away she bumped into my shoulder
she’s so pretty but so fucking annoying
time skip to the end of the day
as i got home i said hi to my parents and went to my room , images of yunjin and her voice flashed through my head
god why was i thinking of her
time skip to the next day again
as i sat in my seat i staring at the clock zoning out , i somehow ended up thinking about yunjin
mother fucker get out of my head
“isn’t that right y/l/n”
“hm? oh yeah yeah..”
“mhm.. as i was saying..”
and his voice than got lowered by my thoughts , my eyes than trailed over to yunjin staring off at her beautiful orange hair,her gorgeous face as she whispered to her friend chaewon , she glanced over at me , i quickly looked away , hyein quickly noticed me staring at yunjin and whispered to me
“psst why are you staring at yunjin?”
“oh u-uhm i-“
saved by the bell
“looks like it’s time to go , have a good rest of your day guys”
the teacher spoke as we exited the classroom
danielle unnie came up to me and hyein along with haerin
“hey y/n-ah! soyeon unnie is hosting a party at her place , we should totally go!” and haerin nodded along with danielle unnie
“i don’t know dani-unnie , im not much of a-“
“pleaseee oh pretty pleaseee!! i promise they’ll be cute girls there!”
i blushed and looked away at her comment then sighed
“fine fine”
danielle unnie jumped up and down in excitement
“oh thank you!! i can’t wait to see you guys there!!”
at home
“hyein unnie what should i wear to the party? should i wear this?”
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“or what about this?”
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“hm i think the second one , not too dressy , not too formal , and it looks super cute on you unnie!”
i smiled at her comment
“thanks hyein-ah , now let’s go”
at the party
me hyein,danielle,and haerin all showed up together , hanni and minji were staying home together
soyeon opened up the door for us
“ahh you guys made it! i’m so happy you guys could come! and y/n unnie you look amazing! i didn’t think you would come! i know parties aren’t your thing”
i smiled and gave her a hug
“well you know , trying something different for a change !”
everyone entered , me and danielle agreed to go get something to drink
after a drink or two i spot a particular orange haired girl out of the corner of my eye
“jesus christ ..”
“what’s wron- oh god.”
me and dani both spoke out spotting yunjin talking to chaewon , she than looks at me as im drinking and gives me a nasty look
soyeon than gathers a few people ,including me,dani,haerin,yunjin,chaewon,and two others , to play 1 hour in heaven
“okay wait explain again why it’s an hour ?”
“so basically we thought it would be more fun if we you know changed the time , and if nothings happening in there we will obviously let whoever is in there out “
“i guess that makes sense..”
chaewon and soyeon were having a conversation while i was just taking sips of my 4th drink,i don’t get drunk easily thankfully
“okay first up is…”
soyeon pulled two names out of a bowl
“yunjin and..”
god no..
“y/n unnie!”
me and yunjin both exclaimed at the exact same time
“hey i don’t think that’s a good idea, im not sure if y/n-ah is so comfortable with-“
haerin was soon interrupted by yunjin
“don’t be such a pussy , y/n can handle it “
i was just looking away not making eye contact with anyone , just drinking
“fine it’s whatever.”
me and yunjin both enter soyeons , excessively large closet , basically a guest room
insults were thrown at me for almost 10 minutes straight
“you gonna say something pussy?,or are you gonna drink your feelings away? hmmm??”
i put my drink down and sighed
tears started to form in my eyes
“i’m sick and tired of you yunjin,every since the first fucking day of school all you’ve done is pick on me , i’ve never done anything to you,all i did was compliment you,and be nice to you.cant you be nice back? do you have to be such a fucking asshole”
i started to cry harder as i curled up into a ball and turned away from yunjin embarrassed of myself
“y/n i-“
“don’t , i don’t wanna hear it.”
she than softly kissed my lips and put her hands around my neck , i widened my eyes but returned the kiss quickly,it was a nice soft slow kiss , she pulled away us both smiling
“shut up.”
she brought me to the bed and brought me in for another kiss,this one felt more heated , more passionate. i licked her lips asking to enter , she quickly obliged,our tongues explored eachothers mouths , once we pulled away there was a string of saliva connected between us ,and than i felt something beneath me
“excited aren’t we?”
“shut up”
she rolled her eyes pushing me down on the bed as we both took our clothes off , only to be left in our underwear, i could see yunjins hard member through her boxers , i would be lying if i said it didn’t turn me on..
she started to kiss down my body and suck on my breasts
“shut it , slut”
she than pushed my panties aside and inserted two fingers inside me
“god your so tight for me,wonder how you’ll feel around my cock~”
her saying that just made me moan even louder
she started to thrust in and out of me as she kissed my neck , my hands wrapped around her neck
“y-yunjin..please..s-so c-close..”
she than pulled out but before i could speak she took her boxers off and inserted her 10 inch dick inside me , making me scream
“what did you just call me?”
“n-nothing i-“
“say it again or else i won’t fuck you.”
“mhm..keep calling me that princess”
she thrusted in and out of me slowly
“god you’re so wet and tight , all for me baby?”
“m-mhm! all for you!”
“what a fucking slut”
she than put her hand around my throat and tightened her grip on my neck making me moan
“m-mphm! harder!”
“don’t fucking tell me what to do bitch.”
she went harder inside of me making me scream even more
she let go of my neck and pulled out of me , turned me onto my stomach,and inserted her dick into me again,and pulled my hair
“you like that? you like when daddy pulls your hair? fucking bitch.”
all i could do is moan
“god i hate you,i hate you and your stupid fucking face,your m-mmh!~ tight pussy”
she moaned in between sentences
“fuck i’m gonna cum soon,i’m gonna fill you up”
she pulled harder on my hair ,but turned me around so she could see my face
she started going at a faster pace , making us both moan
“g-gonna c-cum”
“m-me too,let daddy fill you up”
one final thrust and she kissed me as we both came , she came inside of me , filling me up
she pulled out and layed next to me holding me
“don’t fucking tell anyone about this,i still fucking hate you.”
i could feel her smile into my neck as she held me
“hate you too”
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jennaortegasshoes · 7 months
can i request a G!p tara carpenter x reader where tara is stressed out because of ghostface so y/n helps her girlfriend out a little bit its a smut also the reader gives tara a blowjob it could be a drabble dosen"t matter.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful when you cry
thank you so much for this request ahh so good!! I MAY HAVE CHANGED IT UP A BIT SORRY ABOUT THAT..
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WARNINGS: G!P tara, fluff, blowj!b, short handj!b mentions of murders, uhm use of knives. tbh i think thats about it for this one.
also taras clearly weak when it comes to orgasms 😭
The whole week has been about the ghostface killings in your home town, and its been hitting your girlfriends mental health in the gut. Her anxiety is through the roof, and you just have to let her know that shes not alone.
You watched your girlfriend as she skipped through all the news channels trying to avoid the ghostface drowned town you live in. Her fingers pressing the remote control buttons at a fast pace and her facial expressions distorted from the bottled up anxiety. "Tara..." you continued to watch her, her eyes not leaving the bright blue 'NYC NEWS' imprinted on the screen "are you worried sweetie?"
continuing to stare at the back of her head, she sighs "what if you, or me! or any of our friends for that matter are next, we were attacked last year what if it happens again" you tilted your head, opening your arms "come here, im gonna tell you why it wont happen again okay?" She lifted herself from the chair she was originally sat in, making her way over to you and sitting on your lap.
You place your hands on either side of her waist "okay sweetheart, i promise you, i promise you okay, that it wont happen, i cant say it will never happen, but it will never happen when im here, you understand tar?" You remove one of your hands from her waist and place it on the side of her face, pressing a kiss against her forehead.
She watches your movements, nodding her head in response to what she just heard you say. "No baby, im gonna need your words okay, so i know you understand" looking up at her and tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear "i understand" she nods.
"good." she looks down at you her eyes lingering around your lips, she trails her fingertips down the side of your neck. "Tara." She shakes her head replying with a subtle 'shhh' before connecting her lips with yours. "Just need you, right now okay, so bad" you take your chance to flip her over, using all your body weight to lean over her.
you watch the surprise in her eyes, leaning closer to her "Gonna give you something to take that anxiety away okay?" her eyes are heavy and full of lust "uhuh" you usually would take things a lot more slower but today you just need to take away her anxiety.
you quickly move your hands down to her shorts, pushing your finger into the sides and pulling them down, biting your lip at the bulge formed in her underwear.
"y/n. please just hurry up" her big brown bambi eyes staring down at you. Nodding you push down her underwear enough to make her bulge spring out and hit her abdomen.
looking up at her you take her cock into your hand, starting from the base and rubbing upwards, pinching her slit together once you reach the top.
a shaky moan leaves her lips "need your mouth..." you obey, finally leaving the stare you had on her eyes and looking down to take her cock into your mouth. You took her till you felt it hit the back of your throat, slightly gagging, her hands grabbed for your hair taking in a hand full as you started to bob your head up and down, licking her veins as you do so.
her hand races up to cover her mouth to block out the sound of her moans so she doesn't disturb quinn.
"you gonna cum" you managed to muffle around her cock, she nods pushing your head down deeper onto her cock, "cum for me tara, cum for me baby" once she had your permission, white spurts of cum coated your mouth and trickled down your throat.
You sucked her one last time before pulling off and wiping your mouth. "look so beautiful when i fuck you, i wonder how beautiful your gonna look when i fucking kill you"
you reach for your knife hidden in your belt underneath your shirt. With a quick swipe you pull it out stabbing tara in her lower abdomen. "hows that fucking feel, god you look even more beautiful when i stab you" you stand up watching her look up at you with her sad bambi eyes, leaning over her and slowly kissing her cheek.
"I told you id take your anxiety away"
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wonik1ss · 3 months
౨ৎ r.u.n. ! — illit
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pairing — idol!illit x reader song rec : in my mind - lapid ( 0.8k ) warnings ! none ᯤ ^ ㅇ ^ happy reading ! ⸝⸝・ᘏᘏ
prompt : you thought being young and of color would bring you down out as the show went on it just help you make more friends
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when the show started you were sure you would get evil edited. you weren’t any type of asian and so you stuck out like a sour thumb. so you thought your best hope was to just be the best all-rounder ever. that before you found out you were the youngest on the show. being fourteen.
after you danced to ‘im jelly baby’ by aoa cream the judges cooed. you titled you head and one of the laughed.
“ahh what’s wrong?”
“did I do bad..?”. you heard oohs and aahs.
“no no you just looked really cute”. you still looked worried prompting chanelle to translate to you. you nodded.
“I would hope I’m only fourteen”. you heard a loud gasp and when you turned to the judges there eyes were wide. as you went to sit down you were being pulled in all sorts of directions. you sat down next to chanelle and moka though since you were going to need the translating help. as you sat down moka pinched your cheek.
“your going to be what..? fifteen when you debut?”. you nodded as your legs rocked back and forth. in the episode subtitles immediately appeared.
look our little maknae in training ~
as people went on you yawned and slowly dozed of. ‘ahh look..!’ ‘so cute..!’. moka put her hand around your waist for the rest of the auditions and as you woke up towards the end suddenly the cameras were back on you.
good morning our little baby !
as you watched the first episode in your dorm you smiled. you felt eyes on you and looked up to see a blushing iroha.
“you’re a great singer !”
“I loved your dance”. iroha beamed at you as she sat next to you on your bed.
“us maknaes have to stick together”. you laughed as the girl shock your hand. that night you had your own little sleepover without the rest of the girls knowing.
“chanelle?”. chanelle brushing her teeth tilted her head at yunah.
“do you know where iroha is..? she’s my dorm mate..”. the girl shock her head prompting yunah to run into each dorm asking for iroha.
“I- aww..”. as yunah walked into yours and youngseo’s dorm she saw youngseo shushing her and you two cuddled together on the queen bed. the next morning you got ready for your first perfomance. you fell into a group with wonhee and were scared you wouldn’t be able to connect with anyone because of the language barrier.
as practice went on you always felt wonhee’s eyes in you, as you all sat down she ran over to you.
“are you having fun”. you only nodded.
“do you think you need any help?”. you nodded and wonhee urged you to show her. in the end product of episode two you got a lot of screen time because of the girl and yours interactions. as you performed you made a slight mistake. you slipped and then just decided to fuck it and go into a middle spilt.
the judges nodded along and the girls oohed. as you lined up your head was down.
“y/n-ah are you ok..?”. you shakes your head.
“I messed up in the middle I’m sorry”. you bowed and yunah rubbed your back as chanelle held your hand. the judge gasped.
“the spilt wasn’t in the choero”. you nodded and she clapped.
“it was good don’t worry”. you smiled as you sat down and yunah made sure everything was fine. as you sat in the locker room you tapped your feet waiting for someone to enter. when minju did you smiled. you loved her voice. minju gasped as your ran up and hugged her. you heard a scuff in the background.
“so I get no hug..”. you laughed as you ran to hug youngseo too. you tried to hold in your tears as the members got announced.
and your third member…
you crossed your fingers and closed your eyes shut.
y/n lee .. !
you gasped as chanelle hugged you. you were stunned leading chanelle to walk you over and give you one last big hug. iroha side hugged you as minju ruffled your hair. the other two members were announced and as the cameras turned of you were happy to meet your new family..
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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Exorcist gang! (I'm so sorry it took forever to get to your ask. I kind of dropped the au for a long time and just now got the motivation to pick it up again.)
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Right on the money! I just narrowed it down to three because I can't do anymore(lazy ahh). But they can't actually drive motorcycles because none of them have a drivers license so they just try to seem badass by saying they are a biker gang. All christian but they have no idea how it works and do things looked down upon by the christian community. Left Victoria. Middle Stephanie. Right Kamaria. Kamaria got a tattoo of the upside down cross to seem cool but she knows it's St. Peter's cross so it's kind of a double meaning for her. I also gave Kamaria three toned lips because I jst found out that exists and I had to include that in some character. Atleast one.
Maybe one day I'll draw them as angels just to do it.
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For context, they are exes 😫
Are there still feelings? Kind of, they just aren't over eachother yet. Right now tho they are mainly enemies. Valerie(Vaggie) is kind of like Blitzø(relationships wise), but less of an asshole. It was mostly her fault they broke up though. She was uninterested and embarrassed by Kamaria almost all the time so ofc Kamaria doesn't stand for shit and ended it before it got worse. Valerie is like that with Charlie in some ways, but of course that's for growth purposes.
Oh also Valerie dated Lute too before she dated Kamaria so it's just this entire problem within the group bro.. Like, Lute is not over Valerie and not in a "I am in love with u still." Way, but in a "I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way dress-" ahh way(and in an i am still in luv wit u way but shh). Lute has no idea why Valerie broke up wit her ass and takes it out on Kamaria. Kama takes no shit and bounced out that place quickly. Good for her ig. She still an asshole too, anger issues ahh, everyone except Charlie(until the vee accident 😏)deserves a kick in the ass.
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Pretend Charlie is in her human form. I'm still workshopping it right now! 😔 so yeah nobody else except Valerie knows she's a demon jst so you know!
Chaggie aren't dating yet! But they will one day 😈
For now it's kind of just pining. On both sides ofc.
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"So it mine el" we say in unison.
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Helmets and glasses off! I think they look pretty nice but im not great at making my own character designs from ground up. Which is why I havent shown my actual own OC's. Victoria is trans because I said so. Kamaria is probably Lesbian but she doesn't know yet, it's kind of a label she uses until she knows for sure (so me). And Stephanie is Stephanie (she don care. She don kno 💀). I FORGOT THE FLAME ON KAMARIA'S JACKET RAAAA.
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They also all have a picture on the back of their jackets that's jst wings and a halo. So do with that what you will.... if u wanna make fanart that is..... pls..... I'm begging..... jk but it would still be cool lmao.
They used to be in a gang with Adam and Lute but after Valerie was beat up real bad by Lute they all decided to just part ways. Not on good terms... So it's just Adam and Lute now who jst act like they are all that when they cant pack a punch at all 😒. I'll show Adam and Lute's designs in the next update (or somewhere) but that's all I have right now. I can't wait to draw the duo ughhhh‼️‼️‼️
(I have also changed a few things from my original idea, so if your a hxd au og from the first like... 3 posts I made abt it then ya... there's major changes. I'll go through them deeper in my next updates on this au!)
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skinnyducky · 2 years
...and what about it? // v.h.
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a/n was going to drop this like ages ago but i just didn’t feel like posting it at that very moment...lol. n e ways, here it is.
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
Word Count: 960, edited
WARNING: language, and i think that’s it.
It was nearing nine o’clock when Y/n got the notification that Vinnie had started streaming. With a smile on her face, she snatched her laptop off its charger and pulled up the stream. Her smile grew even wider the minute her boyfriend’s face popped up on his screen. She didn’t really know why she was so eager to see him, considering he was just at her apartment not too long ago. But that didn’t matter; she was simply happy to see his face.
Instead of starting the stream by greeting the chat, Vinnie was preoccupied with whatever was happening on his phone.
"Typical," Y/n muttered before typing in the chat.
DaddyY/n: get off your phone loser :P
The second she sent that message, the chat began flooding with fans acknowledging her. "y/n’s here" and "omg, the queen has arrived" popped up on her screen, filling her with nothing but joy. The relationship between her and the fans was nothing but amazing; they loved adored her, and she adored them. However, that didn’t mean that there weren’t a few fans who were indifferent towards her. She hadn’t done anything bad—no hurtful comments or scandalous tweets—that would warrant their behavior towards her. But, she honestly didn’t care. The last thing she was worried about was what a group of youngins had to say about her or her relationship.
Looking up from his phone, Vinnie’s set his eyes on the screen. He grinned from ear-to-ear as he read the various messages alerting him of Y/n’s presence. "Yo, Y/n’s in the chat!" He cheered. "What’s up, baby? Couldn’t get enough of me?"
Y/n scoffed as she typed her response.
DaddyY/n: boy pls.. im just waiting for you to get off your phone and play the game
"Don’t rush me," he laughed. "I was mentally prepping myself."
After rolling her eyes, Y/n turned her attention away from Vinnie and to the chat. She found herself laughing at the fans’ response to her and Vinnie’s banter, one fan in particular referring to them as an "old married couple," which she agreed with. Then, her face fell when one comment popped onto her screen.
VinnieFan01: Can this bitch fuck off?
Now, Y/n wasn’t one to engage in conflict with Vinnie’s fans. If the moment ever arose when a fan had something slick to say in chat, being one of Vinnie’s mods, Y/n would just ban them. Though, for some reason, she was feeling frisky tonight…eager to jump at this fan’s throat. Stretching her neck and cracking her fingers, Y/n got to typing her response.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 and who’s going to hit me in my mouth if i don’t? certainly not you
If this was the real world, there would have been a few ‘oohs,’ a couple of ‘ahhs,’ and maybe the occasional, "World Star!" But since this was the virtual world, the chat had gone completely silent. Of course, there were a few stragglers trying to get Vinnie’s attention, but for the most part, chat was as dead as a cemetery—no pun intended. As for Vinnie, he was oblivious, too busy playing the game to notice that the chat had slowed down.
It was clear that no one was expecting Y/n to respond. Hell, she hadn't even planned on responding. And while she didn’t care about what some random "fan" said about her, she didn’t mind going back and forth.
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n You’re just a hoe. Nothing but Vinnie’s plaything. I hope you know he’s going to break up with you the second he realizes you’re nothing but a cum dumpster.
"Oh, so you wanna take it there?" Y/n snickered.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 i may be a cum dumpster, but im vinnie’s cum dumpster. and if and when he does break up with me, who’s he going to run to? you? pls.. maybe in your wet dreams
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n So, doesn’t change the fact that you’re a slut.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 …and what about it? i got your fav and you got what... ? fantasies? sucks to be you i guess
It was at that moment that Vinnie decided to glance over at chat. The first thing he noticed was that barely anyone had said a word. The second thing was Y/n’s latest reply to VinnieFan01. "What…the…fuck?" He couldn't help the smirk creeping up on his face as he scrolled and read over the exchange between his girlfriend and his "fan."
He huffed, trying to hide the smile on his face. "Bro, what the hell?"
Y/n burst into laughter at his confusion. She wiped away a few stray tears before typing:
DaddyY/n: vinnie.. stay out of it boo. lemme take care of this
Throwing his hands up, Vinnie returned his focus back to the game. "Handle your shit, babe."
With that, Y/n resumed her conversation with the oh-so fantastic VinnieFan01.
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n You’re exposing your true colors. You’re just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 pee-pee poo-poo idc.. you got anything else to say?
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n Just want to let you know that I can’t stand you.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 well.. if im such a problem for you, i can take care of that
With a flick of her wrist and just three clicks, Y/n banned VinnieFan01. She was sure this wouldn’t be the last of angry Vinnie fans coming her way, but she was sure that most of them got the memo that she wasn’t the one or the two.
Once the first match of the stream was over, Vinnie peered over at the chat, finding it back to normal. "Are you done wreaking havoc, Y/n?" He teased.
DaddyY/n: you call that wreaking havoc.. i call that sending a message.
And that’s exactly what she did.
tag list: @barbietiingz @tvdsure @hwrteye​ @bxbyyyjocelyn​ 
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