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goryhorroor · 10 months ago
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horror sub-genres: found footage
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lamaery · 1 year ago
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22 - afflicted
Ulaam being a real friend by making sure that Hoid‘s inspirational bouts of poetry don’t get lost for future generation.  ------------------- image description: a digital illustrationdepicting Hoid and Ulaam seated next to each other. Hoid sits on the floor, the soles of his feet placed against each other. He is in the process of putting an old shoe on top of his mulleted head. His legs, arms and tummy are bare, but he wears his glittering, red, short, short pants and a light blue, semi transparent crop top, with a lacy border and small polka dots. A brown shoelace is tied around his right biceps and a green gift ribbon with golden stripes hangs loosely tied into a bow from his neck. His eyes are closed and his demeanor is relaxed as he seems to talk or recite something. Ulaam sits to his right on a chair. He wears a sharp black suit with a tailed coat. Its collar and the ascot Ulaam is wearing around his neck are made from a shiny black material. One of his legs is crossing the other and on his knee he balances a notepad into which he currently writes down the poetic waxing of his cursed friend. Ulaam's hair is slicked back into a small ponytail and his features are unnaturally sharp-edged – especially his cheekbones and nose. Red irises look down at what he is writing, the tiniest of smirks formed by his mouth.
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wiirocku · 4 months ago
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Isaiah 53:4 (NIV) - Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted.
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blissfulcabin7 · 9 days ago
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cosmicdeviant · 3 months ago
very curious to try DA4 as a long-time dragon age fan but i get such bad uncanny valley vibes from the animation that it's seriously making me so uncomfortable i can't even look at gifs or watchit on youtube which sucks so much specifically bc i gotta rail that old man
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zeydaan-isabella · 2 years ago
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Afflicted Zuko
Artfight attack for Wanderingman of Zuko the Espinas looming in front of their new master, Malzeno.
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crimescrimson · 10 months ago
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The Basic Enemy of Every Resident Evil Game: T-Virus Zombies (Resident Evil 0) | T-Virus Zombies (Resident Evil) | T-Virus Zombies (Resident Evil 2) | T-Virus Zombies (Resident Evil 3) | T-Virus Zombies (Resident Evil: Code Veronica X) | Ganados (Resident Evil 4) | Oozes (Resident Evil: Revelations) | Majini (Resident Evil 5) | Afflicted (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) | J'avo (Resident Evil 6)
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dress-this-way · 2 months ago
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re-dracula · 2 years ago
The Afflicted team had to transfer funding platforms and lost the $3k+ they raised so far - if you have a few bucks to spare, please help them fund the second season of this amazing audio drama! There's great perks to be had as well.
Here's the pitch for their new season:
This season: a modern retelling of the Bell Witch haunting...this time with a (demonic) bookish twist. Last season, we took on Lovecraft Country meets True Blood, but this season, we're more about The Conjuring meets Lovecraft Country.
Season 2 of Afflicted will be set in the 1960s, and focus on a family being tormented by an unseen entity. Folks from the area insist that the Bell Witch has returned, almost 150 years after her original appearance, but is this Bell Witch a copycat, or something far more sinister? If you listened to Season 1, you know a demonic book bound in human flesh was responsible for the supernatural disasters that befell Gunnaway, and this season is no exception. The question is...who wields the book's power this time?
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cinemaslife · 22 days ago
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#196 Afflicted (2013)
Derek es un joven al que le diagnostican una grave enfermedad neuronal y le propone a su amigo Cliff viajar durante todo un año por el mundo antes de abandonarse a la idea de que va a morir sin poder hacer nada.
Su amigo Cliff, que es realizador audiovisual, le promete recorrer el mundo con él durante un año y grabarlo todo en video para que tenga un buen recuerdo de sus últimos días.
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Hacen una fiesta para despedirse de sus seres queridos y empiezan su aventura en Barcelona y después en París, allí salen de fiesta y Derek conoce a una chica con la que conecta muy bien y se van juntos a la habitación.
Preocupado, Cliff va a por él a la habitación y lo encuentra en un charco de sangre, aunque solo tiene un par de golpes y de la chica no hay ni rastro. Desde ese momento Derek empieza a tener un comportamiento muy extraño.
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Derek empieza a tener problemas de piel si pasa mucho tiempo al sol, se pasa los días durmiendo y es activo de noche, además hace casi una semana que no come, pese a que tiene mucha hambre. Pero cada vez que come lo acaba vomitando.
Ambos creen que en menos de una semana su enfermedad se ha agravado hasta tal punto, y lo cierto es que cuando Cliff le propone volver a casa, Derek se enfurece y rompe una pared... Pero al final le suplica a su amigo que no vuelvan a casa porque lo meterán en el hospital y ya no saldrá de allí.
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Aunque avanzan en su viaje, cada día que pasa Derek está más extraño, trepa por las paredes y se muere de hambre pese a que lo vomita todo.
Drek y Cliff prueban varias cosas como la fuerza sobre humana de su amigo, que puede correr a 40 km, trepa paredes y entra en una especie de trance cuando se hace de día.
Una noche cualquiera tienen un percance con otro peatón y Derek le da un puñetazo, entonces se descubre así mismo lamiendo la sangre del otro en su puño y eso le hace sentirse fenomenal.
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A ambos amigos se les ocurre robar sangre del hospital, pero los descubre, roban una ambulancia y buscan como satisfacer esa sed de sangre de Derek antes de que se siga debilitando, y piensan usar sus nuevos "superpoderes" para conseguirlo.
Las cosas se tuercen cuando, al no encontrar sangre, Cliff se ofrece para darle su sangre a Derek, pero este no sabe parar y se transforma ante la oportunidad de beberse toda la sangre de su amigo, con lo que acaba matándole.
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Lleno de culpa por lo que le ha hecho a Cliff y por quien se está convirtiendo se dispara en la boca y le sale por la parte de arriba de la cabeza, pero al perder el conocimiento, cuando se despierta se da cuenta de que se ha curado del balazo y que no hay manera de morir en su nueva situación, por lo que lo siguiente que hace es buscar a la chica con la que pasó aquella noche en París.
Consigue localizarla, pero solo da con Maurice, su sirviente, que le confiesa que ella le usa para alimentarse y que se siente bien siendo su sumiso.
Desde el robo de la ambulancia la Interpol busca a Cliff y Derek por todo el mundo, por eso llegan las fuerzas especiales cuando está en la guarida de la mujer.
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Esta los mata a todos y le da una charla a Derek para que entienda que creía que le hacía un favor matándolo antes de que lo hiciera su enfermedad, pero no esperaba que se convirtiera en lo mismo que ella, una vampiresa. La mezcla de la enfermedad y el virus vampírico convierte a Derek en un vampiro humanizado, y después de una larga charla, ella le da unas pautas para no volverse tan agresivo y es que debe comer cada 5 días para saciar a la bestia que lleva dentro.
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Derek decide asumir su nueva vida y huir de la justicia por siempre, mejor esta nueva vida que morir lentamente en la cama de un hospital, con lo que no cuenta es que Cliff ha salido "vivo" de su tumba y es un vampiro convertido por él que también es insaciable.
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addictivecontradiction · 1 year ago
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Howards End, 1992
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limerental · 8 months ago
sigh. i want to write roche again
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wiirocku · 2 years ago
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Isaiah 53:4 (NKJV) - Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
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doctorloup · 2 years ago
Audiodrama Sunday + Crowdfunder infodump!
Short audiodrama sunday: @breathingxspace made me hungry, @spiritboxradio made me deeply sad but like everything was going to be OK. OK I now wish to your attention to some crowdfunders that may have been missed amongst all the twitter fuckery: Afflicted! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/afflicted-season-two-the-bell-witch-returns#/
Do you like folk horror, Lovecraft country, period pieces and supporting black and LGBT+ creators? Season 2 of Afflicted will be set in the 1960s, and focus on a family being tormented by an unseen entity. Folks from the area insist that the Bell Witch has returned, almost 150 years after her original appearance, but is this Bell Witch a copycat, or something far more sinister?
Shelterwood! @shelterwoodpod https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/shelterwood-a-suburban-gothic#/ A 16-part Docu-Horror Podcast about one man’s quest to find his long-lost sister in an infinite, monster-infested suburb beyond the veil.  Featuring both Alasdair Stuart and Karim Kronfli for you Magnus fans. Tell No Tales! @tellnotalespod https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tell-no-tales-season-two#/ Leo Quinn works for Better Place – the world leader in ghost removal – but they're having doubts about the ethics of their work. Each episode brings a new ghost with a new tale to tell, and along the way, Leo and friends unveil mysteries about Better Place, their boss, and the nature of the spirit plane itself. Feel free to reblog with anything else people might have missed!
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oillampslit · 1 year ago
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