lee-sanghyeok · 5 months
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(240424) "BOYNEXTDOOR... assemble!"
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Hello can i get headcanons for damian al ghul and garfield? How do they react to a reader who has the same ice powers as Frozen Elsa?
Damian Wayne and Garfield Logan x reader with Ice Powers
Damian Wayne x reader or Damian Wayne/reader
Garfield Logan x reader or Beastboy Wayne x reader
Word count: 3829 words
TW: GN reader, adult Damian Wayne (inspired and mostly based off of Damian in Batman beyond & Injustice 2: Gods among us), adult Garfield Logan, angst (kinda), fluff, Damian might be a TW of his own at this point...
I imagine that you two met back in the Teen Titans, right when Damian just entered. Back then you were just kids and Damian was a well-known prick. You barely conversed for the first long while, the stories you heard from both Rachel (Raven) and Jaime (Blue beetle) made you nervous to be in the same room as the green-eyed Robin.
Damian was known for being wary of humans with powers above the natural, he had learned to not trust metahumans from his father, who had a well-known distaste for them. So, you considered it best to keep your distance from him lest he lashed out at you.
 Damian doesn’t notice or care much for you either in the beginning, but he does want to be a good superhero. To achieve that goal he has to at least know and, preferably, be able to work with all of his teammates, you included.
However, as Damian tries to approach you, he realises that his reputation precedes him. You leave the room as soon as he arrives, and any time he catches you alone, you’re quick to drag in Jaime or Koriand’r as a barrier between you two.
Damian doesn’t understand why you’re so adamant about not conversing with him and he gets angry at you for being unprofessional. He tries to look at your files through a copy of Koriand’r’s hard drive, (which he made as soon as he joined the Teen Titans), and he finds very little about you. You’re a meta human with ice abilities, nothing special there, your past is a bit murky, but ultimately nothing too out of the ordinary. He finds nothing that would pit the two of you as natural enemies. What is it that you dislike so much about him?
Damian doesn’t realise that his predisposition to be cautious of Meta humans and his aggressive personality has effectively scared you off.
It might take a few years of him slowly chipping away at your defences for the two of you to actually have a proper conversation, and when you finally do, I can imagine that it is after a harsh mission. 
Perhaps the mission was one of those where everyone’s lives hung by a thin thread, where one wrong move could mean the difference between life and death. You and Robin were the only ones with a chance of fighting back, the others were either held down or in such bad states that their survival afterwards wasn’t even guaranteed. You ran in with your ice powers, making slides, platforms and other useful props for Robin to use.
The two of you discover how well you actually work together. It’s not something anyone would have predicted, Damian’s aggressive attacks with his katana and your snow-themed meta abilities don’t seem like the perfect matchup. Like ketchup and ice cream, good individually but not together. Well, you were! You were a dream team, with you creating protective ice shields for Damian as he took the role of the more confrontational attacker, and together you managed to defeat the enemy which had taken down the entire rest of the team.
For the first time since getting to know each other, you both let down your guards. Damian practically runs to you after the fight, filled with so much adrenaline that he can barely contain himself as he wraps you up in a tight bone-crushing hug. You reciprocate it, so out of it and ecstatic you’ve saved your friends/second family that you don’t even remember why you were ever so apprehensive of Damian.
After the fight, the two of you slowly start to hang out around the Teen Titans tower, with and without the others. You gain a tradition of getting ice cream together every Saturday in one of the nearby parlours. Sometimes, Rachel and Jaime join you. When they do, you guys usually all go to your favourite restaurants and just relax, the four of you might be the least chaotic of the group… Although, but that's not saying a whole lot. However, it still creates an atmosphere of calmness, which ou all appreciate.
You would probably consider Damian your best friend after a while, and he feels the same way. You ironically end up becoming the person he trusts the very most on the team. Whenever there’s trouble, you two instinctively group together to solve it.
On a dark summer night, you and Damian open up to each other about your past. You pity his harsh upbringing and he makes you promise to never stop being his friend, you do, and he returns the promise. It feels nice to have someone who you can rely on, especially in a world so ever-changing as the vigilante circles.  
One day, on a holiday trip back to Gotham, Damian gets into a fight with his father. It’s over something stupid, but Bruce makes a big deal out of it since it’s his youngest son. Damian becomes so enraged that he rips off the Robin logo from his costume, throwing it in Bruce’s face, before vowing to return to his mother. His father doesn’t stop him, Dick tries to convince him to stay, but Damian is too filled with wrath to think clearly. He packs his stuff, takes Titus and leaves the Wayne manor full of negative emotions.
It isn’t until he has walked around half of Gotham, waiting for his mother, whom he knows is already aware of the fight, (the assassin she sent to spy on him wasn’t discreet enough to escape Damian’s peripheral gaze), that he realises he has no way to get back to the team after this. 
He calls you on a whim, he may not be able to bring the entire Teen Titans team, but maybe he’ll be able to bring you. 
You pick up his call immediately and Damian is relieved, even if you’re about to refuse the offer he’ll give, at least he gets to hear your voice one last time. The offer is, of course, to join him at the League of Assassins. He covers up the real reason behind his proposition with a bunch of excuses like, “Oh, the League could really use someone with Ice powers, it’s unbearably hot in Eth Alth'eban!” or “Yeah, you’re a great fighter and with your ice meta-ability, you could be a great asset to the league”.
Damian’s excuses are a waste of time, however. As soon as you hear Damian explain why he’s leaving, you’re on board. The Titans were getting a little boring anyway.
So, both of you leave for Eth Alth'eban. Talia is initially not too keen on Damian having brought his friend. She’s all too ready to throw you back to the Teen Titans. That is until Damian explains your ice powers to her. Then she relents, she’s still not appreciative of you, but she’ll let you stay, for her son’s sake.
You start to work for the League and Damian changes from Damian Wayne to Damian Al Ghul. It’s stressful for you in the beginning, it’s a new country, a new side of the fight and you’re so far removed from your friends at Teen Titans. You never regret your decision to join Damian, but sometimes you miss what once was. On top of that, you also come to realise that your ice powers have been weakened by the new climate, it takes you quite a while until you learn how to adapt. Once you do, though, you come to realise just how strong your powers have always been.
You and Damian don’t start to become anything romantic until you’ve both turned eighteen. At this point, Damian has become the new Demon’s head, and you’re right at his side… His right-hand man/woman/person.
It starts off as small romantic and cute gestures, which makes both of you feel butterflies eating your stomachs from the inside out. Damian picking a flower and tucking it behind your ear on a mission. You do all his paperwork for him one evening and tell him with a sticky note that you’ve drawn a heart. Him baking you Baklava on your birthday. They’re small gestures, but they’re invaluable to both of you. 
If any of the assassins or Talia gives you a hard time because of your powers, Damian will immediately back you up, verbally assault them and, (if they don’t back down), fight them on the spot. He doesn’t let anyone speak ill of you. If anyone ever voices discontent over your presence, Damian will take it as a personal insult.
When your romantic escapades have gone on for a while, Damian will start gifting you expensive gifts, (even if you don’t want them), it’s the Al Ghul way. 
Once Damian feels he has buttered you up well enough with gifts galore and all the sweet romantic gestures he can think of, he will finally ask you out. He doesn’t bother with dates and all that, you’ve known each other for years. For Damian, dates are for getting to know people, but you two already know each other in and out, so logically he’d skip that step, they’d just be a waste of time. 
Luckily for Damian, you like him too, so much so that you’re willing to skip all the steps one would usually take before calling someone their significant other.
It doesn’t take more than a year or two before Damian proposes to you. He’s afraid that you might regret a marriage with him, though, and he voices these concerns before letting you give him an answer. He looks a little pathetic as he sits on one knee on the sandy floors of the League’s barracks, ring in hand and listing all the reasons why it would be totally okay if you said no, but also attempting to convince you that he’ll do everything to not make that happen… You don’t doubt his words, you know Damian well enough to know that he’d never intentionally hurt you.
Your time spent engaged is short. Talia is horrified, at first, when she learns that you will be the one to carry the title of the Demon’s spouse, but she lets up once she starts to outweigh the pros and cons of other possible marriage candidates for her son. She will never think that you’re entirely good enough for her son, but given your strong meta-abilities, she’ll relent and even admit to you that you’re probably the best choice for her son. Don’t take her apprehension personally, it wouldn’t have mattered who you are, she simply doesn’t think anyone could ever be nearly good enough for her only son.
When you and Damian get married, you might invite your entire team to the wedding. I mean, just for one day you can bury the axe and forget that you and Damian are technically their enemies now, on what you once would’ve considered the bad side.
So, in conclusion. Damian and you would have a rocky start as a result of your powers, but you would slowly become inseparable. After your marriage, Damian would never be able to even consider a life without you.
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy:
I imagine that the two of you met while in Doom Patrol. Garfield had just lost his real parents and gotten adopted by Rita Farr (Elasti-girl) and Steve Dayton (Mento). He was in a rough place and with his meta-abilities growing at a fast pace, he was in desperate need of a friend his age. Well, you were the only one on Doom Patrol that wasn’t already an adult.
I can imagine that you had been picked up by the chief (the co-leader and advisor of the Doom Patrol) at an incredibly young age after you froze one of your family members to the point of near death. It was all an accident, of course. But your parent(s) realised that they couldn’t have you any longer after that. You were too powerful for them to handle.
You had been on Doom Patrol for a while when Garfield came along and you received him with open arms, happy to finally have someone your age to fight alongside. You two become fast friends, his chatty nature is hard to not be charmed by and he absolutely adored your personality. You helped him forget the tragedy that tore his birth parents from him, even if only for a moment and he is profoundly grateful for that.
When Mento goes insane as a result of prolonged exposure to his power helmet, joining the side of evil. Beast Boy is quick to pack his stuff, grab you and join the Teen Titans.
The breakdown of his adoptive father’s mental health is yet another blow to Garfield. First, both of his real parents died and now his adoptive father is insane and ready to kill him at any given moment. Still, in true Beast Boy fashion, he refuses to let anyone see him hurting, instead covering it up with an even more jovial attitude.
Sometimes though, late at night, he’ll knock on the door to your room. When you answer and let him in, closing the door behind you, he’ll break down and cry into your shoulder for hours. He feels like you and his adoptive mother are the only two people he has left. That is one of the reasons why he treasures you deeply. 
While on the Teen Titans, your ice-wielding abilities develop massively. Starfire is your natural sparring partner, after all, she can shoot out flames, powered by the sun itself. You’ll develop a great friendship with Koriand’r, which Garfield won’t admit that he’s a little jealous of. But he quickly gets over himself when he realises that what you and he have is unlike anything you could ever gain with the other Titans. 
You two know each other so well that you always order for each other in restaurants, with Garfield always throwing in a quick jab at whatever food you like. Still, he’ll both order and pay for you. As a matter of fact, I can see the two of you just sharing whatever money Rita sends Garfield and Chief sends you. The closest thing to a shared bank account for teens. 
Since Garfield’s adoptive mother, Rita, was an actress back before she joined Doom Patrol, the green boy has actually picked up on her skills pretty well, being a rather good actor himself. He’ll act out the scenes of your favourite movies, expecting you to recreate some of the props in ice so that he can truly reenact the scene. The other Titans find him a little odd for doing so, but you find it delightful, that’s just how Garfield is and you’ve always enjoyed his company.
Sometimes, Garfield might ask you to make an ice rink outside, in front of the Titans tower, especially around winter time. Then, he’ll tentatively drag you out on the ice. If you can’t ice skate, he’ll teach you patiently. If you do know how, he’ll start to race you from one side to another, for hours.
The thing about Garfield is that he has endless energy, especially back when you’re both still teens. He’s used to people finding it off-putting. However, you’ve grown up with him, and you can’t imagine a world where he’s any different. Garfield is so grateful that he can simply be himself around you without worrying about scaring you away. It's one of the things that bring you guys so close together. The fact that you’re both meta-humans just adds to this sense of comfort and solidarity he feels around you as well. The other Titans sometimes envy your relationship, the way you two always have each others’ back and the way that you will sometimes just make eye contact and, as if one of you told a silent joke, burst into loud laughter that breaks up any tension that might’ve been previously.
If you have any favourite animals, he’ll constantly turn into them, just to see you smile. There’s nothing he loves more than to make his best friends, you and cyborg, laugh and smile. It makes him feel accomplished... like he isn’t totally useless or a bad omen. On rainy days he loves to turn into a soft cat, a cute rabbit or any other fluffy animal, and then curl up on your lap, relaxing as the sound of rain pelts the many windows of the Titans Tower.
As you two grow up and become adults, Garfield slowly starts to feel magnetised by you. You’re not the first one he felt like this with, there was Terra and other brief crushes, but this one is the most intense he has had yet.  
Still, he is afraid of your reaction. What if you don’t like him like that? What if you go back to Doom Patrol just to get away from the awkwardness that would arrive if you don’t reciprocate his feelings? No! Garfield can’t risk losing you! You mean too much to him, you’re the only one who understands everything he feels! Losing you would be to lose his other half! … There’s also the slight fear that you might shoot icicles after him if he manages to offend you with his confession… He believes that if anyone would be able to do that, it would be him.
To cover up for his passionate crush on you, he’ll start acting goofier, and you’ll be none the wiser, (as explained before, he’s a great actor). He’ll also start to take up weirdly domestic habits like cooking for you, cleaning up both of your rooms and … sewing your suit back together after a fight? How in the world he learned that, you have no idea. It is these habits which tune you into the fact that something is off with him. You at first believe it to be a sort of coping mechanism. In reality, though, he’s trying to prove to you that he’d be a good boyfriend.
If you confront him about it, he might crack a little and admit that he simply likes you a lot and wants to help you in any way he can. I imagine that this is when you slowly start to see your old friend in a different light… Was he always that adorable? That good-looking? You never really noticed before.
Garfield will definitely be the one confessing his feelings first. It’ll be during the wind-down period after a particularly harsh mission. You and Beast Boy will be relaxing in your room, both playing video games. When you manage to beat Garfield, he pretends to accuse you of cheating. Even though you both know it’s just for fun, you still shoot a weak ice ray at his feet, in retaliation, causing him to stumble to the ground, dragging you down with him. 
You’ll end up colliding with his chest and Garfield will have turned into a big and squishy animal to soften your fall, perhaps a brown bear? … Well, a green bear. When he turns back into himself, you both realise how close your faces are. When you don’t pull away, Garfield will confess on accident. Something like him whispering “You’re so beautiful, you know?” Of course, you’ll end up a blushing mess with the way he simply doubles down and keeps complimenting you. You have no flaws in Garfield’s eyes, you were simply created to be the perfect example of a person.
At the end of his rant about how wonderful you are, Garfield will finally confess, asking if you would perhaps… just maybe…if it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience… go out with him? He’ll rant about how he knows that his green skin might be a turn-off for you, how he knows he can be too energetic sometimes, and how he understands that he isn’t necessarily the most stable of people… But he’ll do his best to improve, he promises!
You cut his rant short, crashing your lips into his with a passion you weren’t even aware that you possessed. Garfield is so stunned that it takes him a good while to reciprocate, but when he does? Oh wow… You never realised how good of a kisser your best friend was… So good, in fact, that you totally forget to defrost his feet until he has to ask you to please do so before he gets major frostbites. You both laugh at that, but you concede to his request. After all, it’s probably not a good beginning to a romantic relationship to freeze off your boyfriend’s feet…
That’s how the two of you start going out with each other. Those in the team who have known you guys for years are not surprised in the least that you ended up together… They’re more astonished that it took so long.  
You two stay together as partners for years. When you turn too old to stay in the Teen Titans, you decide to venture out as heroes on your own… perhaps you’ll rejoin Rita and the others in the Doom Patrol, or perhaps you’ll do something entirely on your own, as long as you’re together, it doesn’t matter. But on your last day with the Titans, you notice how Garfield isn’t acting like he normally does. It makes you nervous for him, you know that you two are about to experience big changes in your lives, but you’ll do them together, so you thought he would be okay with it… 
Well, it turns out that your worries were unfounded because as you are about to raise a toast with your former teammates, Garfield drops down to one knee. At first, you’re unsure of what is happening, and your powers kick into gear, making the room freezingly cold, despite the warm weather outside. Then, Garfield pulls out a ring, asking you to marry him. The room’s temperature returns to normal, and without any thought given to your answer, you exclaim a loud “Yes!” quickly covering your mouth with both hands as you realise that you practically screamed it out.
Everyone is happy for the two of you, none more than Garfield’s adoptive mother, Rita Farr. When the green boy tells her the news, she cries uncontrollably from pure joy. She’ll hug you both close and congratulate you over and over, to the point where it’s almost a tad embarrassing.
Your wedding will be attended by all of your old teammates, the remaining members of the Doom Patrol and any other friends the two of you may have. It’s beautiful, and you both decided to do it during the winter, just as a quiet reference to your powers. It was Garfield’s idea. You thought it was a bit too mushy when he first suggested the idea, but it slowly grew on you, as you decorated the venue yourself with ice crystals and snowflake-inspired decorations galore. Rita helps hang everything up, she is after all Elasti-girl.
It’s a beautiful event and the two of you become a powerhouse within the vigilante circles, you’ll rarely see one without the other, and if any of your allies ever need help, they know they can count on the two of you.
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laidee-flegman · 10 months
Shadow work prompts delving into spirituality
The Ghosts of My Past: What's that one childhood memory that still haunts your dreams? Let it all out, no judgment here.
My Inner Drama Queen: When was the last time you had a full-on, Oscar-worthy meltdown? What triggered it, and what can you learn from it?
The Dark Side of Social Media: How does scrolling through Instagram make you feel? Any jealousy, FOMO, or comparisonitis lurking in the shadows?
My Spirit Animal of Chaos: If your shadow had a spirit animal, what would it be, and why? Is it a mischievous monkey or a mysterious black cat?
Ex-Lovers and Life Lessons: Reflect on your past relationships. What patterns do you notice? What lessons have those heartbreaks taught you?
Fear of Success: Are you secretly terrified of achieving your dreams? Why? What's the worst thing that could happen if you actually slay those goals?
The Procrastination Station: What tasks are you avoiding, and why? Is there a deeper reason behind your Netflix binge or sudden obsession with organizing your sock drawer?
Moonlit Confessions: Write a letter to the moon confessing your deepest fears and desires. It's like texting your BFF, but way more cosmic.
The Guru Within: What advice would your older, wiser self give you right now? Channel your inner guru and spill the cosmic tea.
Graveyard of Broken Dreams: List three dreams or goals you've buried. Why did you let them go, and do they still haunt you?
The Energy Vampire Inventory: Identify people or situations that drain your energy. How can you set boundaries to protect your vibe?
Mirror, Mirror: Describe yourself in three words. Now ask a friend to do the same. Compare and contrast. Any surprises?
Dear Insecurity: Write a letter to your insecurities. What would you say to shut them down and kick them out of your head?
The Rebel Spirit: Recall a time when you rebelled against societal norms. How did it feel, and what did you learn from stepping outside the box?
Dance with the Devil (Within): If you had a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, what advice would they be giving you right now?
The Inner Mean Girl: What's that nasty voice in your head saying? Shut it down with some self-love and positive affirmations.
The Crystal Ball of Intuition: Tune into your intuition. What gut feelings have you been ignoring, and how can you start trusting them more?
Haunted Habits: Identify a habit you want to break. What triggers it, and how can you replace it with something more positive?
Tarot Card Confessions: Pick a tarot card that resonates with you right now. What does it reveal about your current journey?
Apology Accepted: Is there someone you need to forgive, even if it's yourself? Write a forgiveness letter and release that heavy energy.
The Witches' Brew of Emotions: Mix up a potion of your emotions. What's bubbling in there, and how can you find balance in the cauldron of feelings?
The Superhero Origin Story: If you were a superhero, what would your origin story be? How have your past struggles shaped the badass hero you are today?
The Zen Zone: Create a peaceful space in your mind. What does it look like, and how can you access it when life gets chaotic?
The Cosmic Playlist: If your shadow had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it? Get those vibes flowing and journal about the lyrics that resonate.
Reincarnation Revelations: Imagine your past life. What era were you in, and what lessons did you bring into this lifetime?
Celestial Goals: What are your spiritual goals, and how can you align your actions with your cosmic mission?
The Mythical Creature Within: If you were a mythical creature, what would you be? How does that creature reflect aspects of your personality?
Soulmates and Kindred Spirits: Reflect on the people in your life. Who feels like a soulmate or kindred spirit? What lessons have they brought into your journey?
The Magic Mirror: If a magic mirror could reveal one truth about yourself, what would you want it to show? What truths are you avoiding?
Burning Desires: If you could manifest one thing in your life right now, what would it be? What's holding you back, and how can you overcome those barriers?
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stem-sister-scuffle · 7 months
Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6) vs Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
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Honey Lemon is a Chemist!
Ema Skye is a Forensic Scientist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Honey Lemon:
"She applies her science into being a kickass superhero"
"She's so nice and enthusiastic about science. She's funny :)"
"She loves chemistry and wants to make the world a better place through it! She’s always optimistic and upbeat no matter what!!! Cute girlies in STEM!!!!!"
"her excitement for science is so palpable it’s my favorite part of the movie. she’s ECSTATIC about the elements and making chemical reactions just to see what happens!! not to mention she’s smart as FUCK! she created chemical formulas on the fly as she fights bad guys. CHEMISTRY is her superpower. she’s cute hehe"
"Her name is Honey Lemon. That's the cutest name I've ever heard. She's also described as having an innate talent in Chemistry, as well as a groundbreaking chemist. In her hero gear she has a Chem-Purse, which has a typepad of the periodic table which she can press on to make into a dense ball of any element she wishes, and during active battle she can calculate and input chemical formulas at incredible speeds without even having to look at it. Girlboss behaviour!! She also made a 400 pound ball of tungsten carbide turn into DUST before she became a hero when she was only a university student. She's not even a girlboss anymore she's a girlCEO. I had the BIGGEST crush on her when I was young. My Bi awakening. I love her so much you don't even know 💛"
Ema Skye:
"I love her a lot and she's very important to me. We get to see her story from being a high school student who's really into science, to becoming a detective, to then finally passing her forensics exam and becoming a forensic scientist like she always wanted. I cosplayed her before"
"Ema has been interested in forensics ever since she was a kid. She's extremely passionate about it. She works very hard and despite bumps along the way she does manage to achieve her dreams/career goal and get into forensic science. She is amazing and I love her enthusiasm and I love her :D When she was like 16 she personally had her own spray bottle(s) of luminol testing fluid, what a dork (in the best way!). Forensic science is practically her whole life. What an inspiration. The first thing on her wiki page is the quote "Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life." Bless."
"this girl is so silly. Her favorite thing is luminol. You have an ace attorney pfp you know her. She is my favorite ever. She calls Klavier Gavin a "glimmerous fop" (accurate description). She wears a lab coat over her school uniform. She brings snacks to crime scenes.i love her your honor"
"shes like every enthusiastic autism girl with a science special interest who then gors to college and gets a job and is tired and a mean lesbian but still is a freak about forensics. i love her"
"SHE WORKED SO HARD TO GO INTO FORENSICS. SHE HELPS EVERYONE DO FORENSICS. SHE THEN FAILS WHEN IT COUNTS AND BECOMES BITTER BUT GETS OUT OF THOSE FEELINGS LATER ON. I love her dearly she's so silly and fun when she needs to be, and I think her failure is fascinating but I'm SOOOOO GLAD she was able to become a forensic scientist in the end :)"
"Showed up and gave Apollo random forensics supplies at just the right time. Not sure if this was authorized. Does not Mayte though she can do anything she wants. C’mon man you know her you know why she’s the best you get me right"
"She's fun and good at science and has pink lenses in her glasses and I like her a lot"
"She is so excited to be using her fun little toys to solve crimes."
"She’s a gosh darn professional in a house of fops. Is passionate about her work and was inspired partially by a murder case she was involved in as a witness. She’s really cute and really quirky, and ya girl knows how to snack. She accessorizes really well. I cosplayed as her once and found myself more and more impressed with her style choices as I was putting it together. We stan a fashionable yet practical STEM queen."
"she is literally everythingggg to me. she has wanted to be a forensic scientist since she was 16 y/o and introduces forensic investigation mechanics to the series like luminol and dusting for fingerprints. when she does not get her dream job, she becomes depressed and bitter, only cheering up when she talks about forensic science. later on, when she attains the job, she is much happier! science is her entire life and her career and she is tremendously autistic about it. also she's such a girlboss i love her <3 ema must go through btw. she is the ultimate woman in stem"
"Ema Skye has been interested in forensics for many years due to case that occurred when she was younger. Even though she didn't pass the test to become one at first she had still continued trying till she made it. She always lights up at the mention of anything revolving sciene. She gets so happy when she's able to work with her forensic tools and investigate the crime scene <33"
"Teaches Phoenix wright about forensics"
"she wears a cool lab coat and I don't really know what else to put here but she's neat"
"she is so autistic about forensic science. she goes against the police rules to take fingerprints. she infodumps to anyone who will listen about forensic science. ema is so special to me and I love her very much"
"Ema is a girlboss! She started using forensics and scientific investigation to help solve murders when she was just 15 years old. she autistic and bisexual bc I say so :)"
"Literally the only character in universe that uses hard evidence in trials."
"The skyentific detective…."
"Its literally her personality ok. Just listen to her theme(s). I just love her"
"She is literally me <33 I love her. I need to see her grow up happy and healthy and i need to tell my friends and family about her."
"Wants to be a scientific investigator and solve crimes scientifically, forced to be a cop. Goes from teen with a weird hobby to reluctant cop to everything she ever wanted and I am so proud"
"She’s just a little weirdo. And she keeps trying to be a forensic scientist, but she has to finish high school first. She solved the murder her sister was accused of "
"Forensic science fascinates her. She sure is a woman jn stem. I am sorry I am very tired i dn what to write"
"I need to actually finish AA but it’s her. You probably have more submissions with better reasoning but I like her vibes from what I did play."
"She's got all sorts of cool gadgets which utilize the DS touchscreen"
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tokiro07 · 6 months
Undead Unluck Week 2024
Day 6 - Favorite Quote: "Let's enjoy life"
Is it cheating to use a quote from the author rather than from the series itself? It better not be, cus for all of the quotes from this series that rattle around in my brain, either because they're extremely poignant ("What kind of man wants to see the woman he loves suffer?") or stupidly funny ("You not telling me was a test, wasn't it?" "Yes." "You're lying, aren't you?" "Yes."), this summation of the series posited by Tozuka's editor is the one that actually changed me
That may seem hyperbolic for a three-word quote, but ever since I saw that quote, it really has altered something in my brain chemistry. Like a Negator reinterpreting the meaning of their Rules, my whole worldview changed, at least subtly, when I heard that quote
Naturally it changed my approach to reading UU, as every scene, every moment, every quote, every panel suddenly became about reinforcing the idea that life is something to be enjoyed with other people. It's incredibly clear that this philosophy is the driving force for every single decision in the narrative, with every action that the main cast takes (and possibly even the villainous cast with recent revelations) being directly influenced by the goal of happiness, the search for the Greatest Life
Beyond that, though, I've found that it's influenced my daily life as well. In much the same way that Dungeon Meshi fans have an inner Senshi that reminds them to feed themselves, I now have an inner Tozuka that reminds me to find the joy in whatever I'm doing. Whether it's to remember the purpose of why I'm doing something in the first place or to convince me that the effort isn't worth it and I should stop, the maxim to enjoy myself gives me the clarity and perspective to focus on what matters
It's not always easy. Sometimes life just hits you a little too hard and you can't remember the words of wisdom that would help you through the rough patch. But remembering that the whole point of life is to enjoy it, to be around people you can enjoy it with, eases the burden a bit. It redirects your energy towards trying to be happy rather than trying not to be sad
Fiction is a source of comfort for people. Whether it's seeing people going through the same problems they are and overcoming them, seeing people who look like them thriving when they themselves otherwise can't, or even just hearing a quote that resonates with them, the escape into fantasy should, ideally, give you something to latch onto and bring back with you into the real world. It can be something simple, like a superhero story equipping you with the courage to stand up for yourself, or a romance showing you how to be open with your emotions, but the best stories always leave you better than they found you
I've always believed that the purpose of life is to enjoy it, but I don't think I ever quite put it in those terms or thought about it that concretely. It was more just a general feeling, an implicit understanding that a life without happiness can hardly be called living, but once I read Undead Unluck, it became much more than that. It became an active choice. I've decided to live my life in a way I can enjoy, even if all that means is appreciating the moments where I'm just relaxing instead of "living life to the fullest." I don't have to see everything the world has to offer, I don't have to push myself to achieve every dream I've ever had, but I can't beat myself up for not doing those things either. You can't enjoy life if you're too worried about not enjoying life enough, now can you?
To truly get the most out of life, we have to be willing to live it, and on some level that means accepting who we are as individuals and meeting ourselves in the middle. It's fine to push yourself, but if you push yourself to the point of misery, then there's no point to it. Some of you even suggested that very thing to me when I felt like my UU anime reviews were getting too repetitive to be fun. You all, as my community, actively tried to help me break my own pattern of unenjoyment. I don't know if I ever said it, but thank you for being there for me. Thank you for helping me to remember to enjoy myself. I hope that this post will help do the same for you
I'll see you all again tomorrow for the final day of UU Week 2024. After that, and until next year's celebration:
Let's enjoy life
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oldschoolcrimefighters · 10 months
How do you think the Shadow would interact with Izuku from "My Hero Academia"? What would he think of him? Somehow I imagine him asking Izuku a very personal question:
"Tell me...if All Might never gave you his power-no, don't even try to lie to me, I know you were born quirkless, as was he before he inherited his power-...if you were never given One for All, how would you have gone in becoming a "Hero"?...Because I know that before All Might, you hadn't done any kind of training, physical or mental, to prepare for such a thing. Yet you insisted you would still achieve your dreams seemingly through will alone, no matter how implausible it seemed, logic be damned...you must have known that even if you did succeed, you would accomplish so little, let alone compared to your idols...so why? Why did you persevere despite the jeers of your peers, knowing that in spite of their barbs...they might have been more right than you would admit?"
Izuku:"Honestly...it was the only thing keeping me going..."
Interesting question! Had to think about it for a bit. Shads and Midoriya occupy pretty different genres, so that makes it a little hard to give a solid answer.
Unfortunately I've only seen like the first half of season 1 of MHA and that was several years ago now, so I'm not the most familiar with the source material. Shads also never interacts with a child afaik but I have always seen him as being patient but firm with youngsters.
Midoriya, as I recall, is a determined idealist who is otherwise staunchly average. That's the sort of person that Shads is protective over. (See: Harry Vincent, Clyde Burke.) Had they met before Midoriya gotten his quirk, or in an AU where he never gets one, Shads might have urged the kid to make more use of his mundane talents. IIRC Midoriya spends a lot of the first episode taking extensive fanboy notes on the heroes he encounters, and that kind of observation can be an intensely useful skill when honed. Heroes need information and strategy just as much as power, if not more so. Shads wouldn't take the kid under his wing, per se, because his idea of 'mentorship' is sending people into (supervised) dangerous situations and that is A Child, but he might keep an eye on the kid.
Of course, that meeting is more likely to be after Midoriya got his quirk. I can still see Shads urging the kid towards more strategic thinking and honing his observation skills. Perhaps with your scenario, Shads questions Midoriya to get him really thinking about what he brings to the table, so he's not completely reliant on the power All Might gave him. Midoriya's in superhero school, though, he's achieving his goals, so Shads might give him some advice and send him on his way rather than keep a close eye on him. Shads has enough lost souls to worry over.
In either case, I think Shads would respect Midoriya's willpower, determination, and idealism, not to mention his power level, but want to see him channel that responsibly.
Hopefully that's a decent answer despite my lack of knowledge! Thanks for the unexpected ask!
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ryder616 · 1 year
Now that it's all over, I feel almost shell-shocked by the mediocrity of Secret Invasion. The finale somehow managed to be even more underwhelming than the previous episodes, which is really something because the bar wasn't exactly high 🤦‍♀️
Fury deserved a tense, paranoia-filled mystery where he and the antagonist one-up each other in increasingly deadly twists and turns.
Instead, we got this.
The finale episode, barely over the half-hour runtime when you take away the credits, was more of the same.
The big fight was boring and contradicted Fury's speech - just last episode! - about not relying on superheroes to solve their problems. He relies on a Superskrull who's now basically a one woman Avenger instead 🙄
I doubt even the most casual and distracted viewer was surprised by the switcheroo.
The showdown at the hospital was small scale action and had no tension, dragging for no reason because the Sonya we have watched during the rest of the show would have just immediately shot Skrhodey to reveal the skrullness without wasting any precious time.
And then the US president triggered a massive alien-hunt and I guess we'll learn what's up with New Asgard somewhere else cause surely they haven't forgotten there's another alien enclave on the planet, right?
At the end little has truly changed. The Skrulls still don't have a home and they remain on Earth free to impersonate whoever they want, although now the humans all know it.
Fury is back on his space station where, rather than working to find a planet with Carol, he'll be working with his wife to broker a peace treaty so the Skrulls may regain their home planet.
Co-existence is still deemed impossible by our jaded protagonist but at least it seems like he'll be accepting his wife's true self.
Talos died saving the president who just made his dream to conquer the humans' hearts and minds through valor and service even harder to achieve. His daughter will now replicate with Sonya the arrangement he had with Fury, only with more pragmatism and fewer illusions on the nature of their rapport. Not friends, but people who will use each other for their own goals. Yay.
Hill's fridging remains as infuriating as ever.
And it looks like Rhodey might have been swapped all the way back during or shortly after Civil War, because that's not a narrative can of worms at all 🙄
Seriously, what a letdown 😞
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nameless-brand · 1 year
Pinned Post:
Sato / 18 / she/her. I have moved on past an MS paint icon to a photo of myself.
Owner of an enterprise originating from New Jersey trying to get said company settled into where the Nameless City used to be, now called Gotham.
First thing that greeted me was some ugly Gothic tower from a big-shot company planted right where I died.
Anyway, it's been an utter pain in the butt.
Sato finally gets her own Tunglr blog. Only took the timeline to break to do so. This is the "A Lilium At the End of the World " timeline!
She's the only one that remembers the "Dream's Descent" timeline, given her identity as < Myriad Lights >.
The Dream doesn't exist here because in their first confrontation / the Dream's betrayal, Sato sacrifices her Spark of Godhood to banish it for good. She dies afterwards but not before she manages to set up contingences.
As a result, there's quite a few changes in the new timeline.
No gods, no masters.
No password.
Common decency applies. Don’t do something that you wouldn’t appreciate being done to yourself. We’re all here to have fun.
No sexual NSFW things here or any of my other blogs. Not really my thing.
Multi-fandom and crossover friendly. OC Friendly. 
I am Hika / Lilac. I am an adult!
If you need things tagged, please tell me so I can do so. I will try to preemptively tag for common triggers, but I can’t account for everything.
Given this is an in-character blog, most posts will be short. However, face-to-face will likely be multi-para length.
As I'm double-downing on the Gotham setting, Sato will not know Bruce Wayne is Batman and in fact will be highly resistant to the idea. To her, it's like hearing Elon Musk declaring he's Batman (not to mention other rich people claiming to know or assist the superhero). She doesn't particularly care about supervillainry and superheroism beyond it hurting her bottom line as she's a mostly normal person now.
Name: Sato
Moniker: koi, Myriad Lights
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/her
Personality: Determined, she's always been determined. Sure, she's a bit of a ditz and a blabbermouth - okay, more than a bit, but she's always been sincere. Her desires, her dealings with people, her affection.
She still thinks people can be better and be happy, so long as they have the environment to do so.
Problem is she's living in a world in late-stage capitalism, where companies, now giant insatiable organisms of their own, try and grow uncontrollably with no one to check and balance them out. It was like that in the prior world too, but it was so much worse here.
Of course, she already has a lot going on like trying to find her friend who is off god knows where, not to mention the others who are probably living very different lives in this new timeline. And now she has to tackle an enormous societal problem that encompasses the world?
Well, she'd know Levant would want her to do it. And the other factor is that she maaaaay have accidentally blown herself up in a fit of fury against the Dream, so she isn't really a Goddess anymore. But she could still accumulate Faith - and with it, she'll be able to do something to help save Levant when the opportunity reveals itself.
Furthermore, she needs to find the rest of the Nameless Church somehow. Find Lillian - or is it Chi again - especially - Lev would want that. She suspects Mirielle and Sasha escaped the timeline. Well, she knows. She had to literally push Mirielle out of the timeline before she strained it further trying to save her.
In any case, the best way to achieve her goals was to make a massive company on her own - money and resources to find the Nameless Church and Faith to gain the power to find Levant. She knows what major stocks will get big - she also knows all the market trends like Crypto and NFTs - and knows what to avoid too like Mt. Gox and Enron. And while she's at it, she'll be doing something about that rampant capitalism destroying people's lives thing.
If she can't kill it from the outside (without inciting mass deaths anyway), she could try to do it from the inside instead. No, she doesn't have a plan. She doesn't even know how to run a company, but she can learn.
What better way to gather Faith is to have a whole bunch of people grateful to you for providing a decent livelihood in this world?
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beautysenshi · 10 months
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full name:  mona aguilar .
nicknames:  n/a .
age:  twenty - six .
gender:  cis  female .
species:  superhero princess goddess girly from space ?
orientation:  bisexual , biromantic ! love love !
date of birth:  october 22nd .
place of birth:  manila ,  the philippines .
residence:  evermore .
occupation:  host of the v podcast / crime fighter
parents:  andre aguilar  ( human , father ) ,  sofia  aguilar ( human , mother ) .
sibilings:  n/a .
significant other(s):  n/a  ( ace/adonis , deceased . i'm not including kunzite i don't think she remembers him atm . )
faceclaim:  s.ue r.amirez .
eye color:  big brown eyed baby &lt;3
hair color: dirty blonde - ish ?
height: 5′4″
i'm too tired , i'll add these later rip !
character inspo:  minako aino  ( sailor moon ) ,  aphrodite (greek pantheon), venus (roman pantheon), britney spears' debut album;  aphrodite (selections of greek mythology, read by julie harris);  a golden chain of hearts;  “if you don’t fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?”;  a book full of dad jokes;  the maiden archetype;  sappho’s poetry;  not knowing how to go back to your old self;  a red ribbon;  being alone but not lonely;  the golden hour;  fighting until your very last breath;  venus by lady gaga
first and foremost, mona is a girls girl. she is your best friend, your sister and she will be first in line to sacrifice herself for you, and she'll do it out of love. everything she does is in the name of love, whether the concept itself or for the people she loves. she's very much the embodiment of finding strength in tenderness, of love as not only romantic but also platonic and as an act of selflessness. a lot of my inspiration for her comes from julie harris' aphrodite (which is fitting, considering venus is her roman counterpart), particularly the line "unlike other olympians, (she) is never distracted from her duties. her work is her pleasure, her hobby. she thinks of nothing but love, and nobody expects more of her." mona knows who she is supposed to be and has fully embraced it. at least for the time being.
was living in london before waking up in evermore and that is where she consolidated her 'sailor v' persona and built her reputation. half of the authorities loved her, the other half hated her and the bad guys hated her even more, though it's mainly because she was actually doing a better job than the people in charge. it was truly her vigilante sh*t era.
SHE IS ROOTING FOR YOU !!  SHE'S YOUR BIGGEST FAN !!!!  mona is very much that one person who just met you but already hopes you'll achieve all of your goals and that all your dreams will come true !  she'll do whatever she can to help you get there ♡
talks a lot most of the time. like, seriously, but i think it's because she's been alone for most of her life (at least until artemis showed up) and now that she knows her purpose, she wants to get out there and find the other senshi.
when mona was thirteen, the boy she had a crush on told her she should wear a big red ribbon on her hair, because it'd look perfect on her. she's been wearing her hair like that ever since.
like the other senshi and their planets, she is basically the personification of venus / the goddess associated with it. and because venus' composition is said to be similar to the earth's, she feels even more responsible both for protecting not just the moon and their princess but also the earth.
on a similar note, she will absolutely take advantage of her title to give relationship advice and play matchmaker. girly is a big romantic despite having been cursed to never find love.
kinda didn't want to be a champion of justice at first because it's not like she's getting paid for it. rip
feels the biggest amount of guilt for what happened in their previous incarnation, which is also one of the reasons why she is so devoted to her duty as a sailor guardian. she *needs* to make things right this time around.
keeping with tradition, she hasn’t really revealed herself as the host of the v podcast either. i think girly is too comfortable keeping it private for now, especially since she hasn't found the other senshi yet.
has a big, big rose quartz collection. very much lives by the notion that one can never have too much rose quartz! if you’re feeling sad, she’ll do her best to cheer you up with your favorite meal, movie/show and a pretty rose quartz, probably carved ♡  she also loves pearls and pearl jewelry!
as the guardian of beauty, more specifically things that are universally pleasing to the eye, mona is Huge on beautifully decorated spaces and just aesthetics in general. she also has a knack for collecting those dainty teacups with delicate drawings on them! that being said, she’s also a major advocate of finding beauty in Everything, even in difficult situations. beauty is about the essence, not the vessel!
she's been doing the whole sailor guardian thing for a while now, a little over a year, and she's been doing it on her own (with the exception of artemis, her guardian/cat). these past few years have also been her loneliest.
i think. mona has never taken the time to grieve the loss of the girl she was before becoming sailor v, and it got even worse after she remembered her past as venus. she simply doesn’t have the time to think about the life she could have had, she has a duty and that is more important than anything she could’ve become … or so she tells herself.
as i mentioned before, mona is doomed to never find love, having been sort of cursed by one of her planet's own soldiers. she’ll always put something/someone else before it, mainly the moon princess, the other senshi and her duty.
HOWEVER, that doesn’t stop her from crushing on people regularly and having the occasional hook up. she really is a romantic little baby and will take what she can get, even if it’s not real real love. what a bittersweet girlie. oh, and she doesn’t believe in heterosexuality sorry ♡
terrible with sayings , she always messes them up or uses them in the wrong context . girlie is trying her best !
an extremely athletic girlie and an incredible gymnast! would rather climb up walls and jump through windows than use the actual door.
her bday is on october 22nd, making her a libra! i very much think she has taurus placements though, either moon or rising.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
We Don't Speak of Maddrix (We Don't Talk About Bruno Parody)
Granny May: We don't speak of Maddrix, ohhhh no. We don't speak of Maddrix.
Granny May: It seemed like just a normal day.
Hal Hardbargain: It was just a regular old day.
Granny May: People were minding there own business and there was not an ounce of crime around.
Hal Hardbargain: No crime anywhere to be found.
Granny May: Soon Maddrix appears with a dark smile and teeth bared...
Hal Hardbargain: Bloodshed!
Granny May: Excuse me Hal who is talking right now!
Hal Hardbargain: Sorry about that Granny May go on.
Granny May: Maddrix announces that he was going to make things change.
Hal Hardbargain: What was he saying?
Granny May: This created confusion and worry in everyone's brains.
Hal Hardbargain: No one saw his plan coming.
Granny May: He slaughtered all the heroes in one day!
Hal Hardbargain: What a horrific tragedy but the point is anyway..
Both: We don't speak of Maddrix not at all, no. We don't speak of Maddrix.
Joe (speaking): Becky, you and Rex need to listen.
Joe (singing): My dad lived in fear of Maddrix's scheming and tyranny. He was always afraid of becoming the monster's fall guy or pawn. It was always rumored that Maddrix may not be man but a demon spawn. ooo-oh-o.
It was a constant fear over the power Maddrix was having. He left villains and civilians constantly scrambling. Trying to hide from powers no one seemed to comprehend. Maddrix was truly an awful man.
Reason: A menacing figure who will cram knives down your throat.
Amazing Rope Guy: When your the target of his hate you know there's no hope.
The Butcher: The guy was so mean what he did made us scream! So..
All Together: That's why we don't speak of Maddrix, never at will! We don't speak of Maddrix.
Edith Von Hoosinghaus: He told me my security guards would break. The next day there was no trace!
Fair City Citizens: Oh dear!
The Mayor: He terrorized most of my family so that's why I live in an empty space!
Fair City Citizens: That fiend!
The Grocery Store Manager: From villainy I'm glad I retired or Maddrix would have my life e-rased!
Fair City Citizens: So true! There was no where for the heroes to run when Maddrix they were doomed to face!
Dr Two Brains: Maddrix promised me that all of my goals and dream could be achieved by following his lead. He promised me that I could be as powerful as he, how foolish I was to believe.
Amazo Guy: Maddrix taunted me, he said his son and I could never be as his heart belongs to the path of villainy.
I wish I could change things now. x2
Dr. Two Brains: Becky please, just stay out of this for me.
Amazo Guy: I want to change things now.
Wordgirl: But the thing about Maddrix...
Kid Math: We really need to know more about that Maddrix
Wordgirl: We have to protect everyone from Maddrix
Kid Math: Why won't someone give us the whole truth about Maddrix.
News Reporter (speaking): This just in, Maddrix the Malicious has been spotted heading towards Fair City after escaping maximum confinement.
Wordgirl, Kid Math, Amazo Guy, Joe, The villains: Time to prepare!
*lyric compilation* (I am not going to write down this part, just picture the original song mashup with the parody lyrics please.)
Maddrix (speaking): I'm back.
Everyone: HE'S RETURNED!
Everyone: Don't speak of Maddrix!
Wordgirl: How can I stop Maddrix?
Everyone: Fear the name of Maddrix!
Dr. Two Brains: I wish my daughter never had to meet Maddrix!
(This is my first attempt at writing a parody song. Hope you guys enjoyed it.)
Joseph "Joe" Smith belongs to @drtwobrainsstuff
Wordgirl belongs to PBS Kids and Soup 2 Nuts
"We Don't Talk About Bruno" is from the movie Encanto and belongs to Disney
Maddrix the Malicious is my oc and part of the last superheroes au I made for the becky boxleitner au.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Villain Breakdown: Najma
Najma is a hard character to talk about because so much of her conflict is steeped in symbolism and parallels to a real-world event that I literally only learned about from this show. I was educated by the American public school system. I didn't even know Pakistan was a place that existed until my twenties.
As a symbol, there is a clear and unambiguous parallel that the show is drawing between the Clandestines involuntarily migrating to Earth and the Muslims involuntarily migrating to the newly formed state of Pakistan. But it's so heavily steeped in the history and culture of Pakistan that it's not something I'm super comfortable trying to analyze with my limited perspective. I see it. But I'm not really qualified to explain it.
As a character, there's something that's hilariously batshit about Najma. She acts with so much severity, intensity, and urgency. Leaping in the span of an afternoon from letting Kamala take the Bangle home to trying to murder Kamala for not turning over the Bangle RIGHT NOW. Murdering Aisha for the Bangle and casting Kamran to the wolves for his reluctance to kill everyone.
And then she flipflops and sacrifices herself for Kamran so easily. Kamala's like, "Have you tried caring about your son?" and BOOM, instant turnaround.
Her sacrifice would have been an easier sell for me if she'd been a more two-dimensional character. If she'd actually ever demonstrated any shades of caring about... Well, anyone, let alone Kamran. But she's such a one-dimensional card-carrying supervillain. The kind of entertaining scenery-chewing bad guy who fully knows that they're the villain of a superhero story and makes choices purely for maximized evilness. And that makes it really hard to believe she'd suddenly give up on going home and commit magic suicide for Kamran.
(I mean, it's implied that they can't get through the Rift; That going home isn't an option at all. But she blows that off and insists she's going to do it anyway seconds before her spontaneous change of heart.)
Najma's death reminds me a lot of Xu Wenwu from Shang-Chi. They're in much the same position. Faced with the horrifying revelation that the goal they've burned all their bridges to achieve was never what they wanted after all, they make a last second decision in their final moments to give their life for their son. They end their life not necessarily a good person - They'd probably do it all exactly the same given the opportunity - but doing one good thing with their dying breath.
But despite having much more time to tell her story, Najma's version of this comes across much weaker due to the choices made along the way. The decision to depict her as entirely evil in every possible regard where Wenwu's love for his family gave him nuance that fed into his sacrifice. And the decision to never truly confront her with the reality that what she's been chasing is a lie, making it questionable why she would suddenly turn her back on it.
Making either one of those choices differently could have sold it. If Najma blew off the horrifying truth but had a well-established love for her son, then we could have seen her voluntarily turn her back on her dream and give her life for his sake. Or if Najma was cruel and callous to her son but was forced to realize that she'd been chasing a lie all along, we could have seen her recalculate her values and have a startling revelation over the cruel sacrifices she's made to accomplish nothing.
But for a character who a) seemingly has zero compassion or love for her son and b) instantly rejects out-of-hand the idea that what she desires is not inches away from her face, I simply cannot fathom why she would do anything but go for it. Najma reaches her end with a level of nuance unearned by the rest of her journey.
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representingot-neha · 2 years
Advice to my future self as a person and as an OT.
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I’d like to be writing this letter to a girl who is now a standard graduated superhero, I mean OT, living an independent, BALANCED life, with maybe 3… or 5 more dogs, and finally healthy sleeping patterns. And you know what, that is exactly who I’m writing to, because that’s what I aim for.
Dream believe achieve, right? It will never just go to achieve. As with most goals, there will be a sequence to follow to get to the end.
I know this is always everyone’s standard resolution, but there is so much value in taking care of your mind, body and soul. Now by no means does that mean Neha, immediately turn into a Comrades runner or deadlift 75kgs in the gym, because all that would be is pushing myself over unrealistic boundaries, which will result in a fall and crash. Instead, I want to take smaller steps like daily jogs with my dog, dancing to music while getting chores done and just slowly building up my strength and endurance at my own pace. Because with all of the above comes balance, which you have to have along with time management. Taking a little of each relevant meaningful engagement, spreading it on a wheel and just getting up to spin that wheel and get it done. C’mon, how OT is that. There are no longer restrictions, there will be a time and place for everything, to do the things I love like finding time for dancing and hiking; to have time for the important people around me; to put my utmost effort and passion into my career and to be aligned with my mental and physical health.
I’m hoping in all these small little steps, comes the big difference of change, not a drastic change in life but just a change in self-love. Don’t be too hard on yourself, remember mistakes are a stepping stone for progress, criticism when constructive comes from good intention and you don’t have to go through everything alone.
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So, 1. One step at a time, at your pace. 2. Don’t neglect your health and wellbeing. 3. Its okay to ask for help. 4. Give time the value it demands. 5. SELF-LOVE!!
And really achieving this OVERALL Aim, is the biggest factor in becoming the OT I want to be.
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A physically and mentally fit OT is the brightest OT in the room, (especially after the good posture from all the squatting back protection principles 😉).
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What I would tell future OT Neha is a simple REMINDER! The reminder that everyone needs OT, even us. So, I will constantly remind myself that its okay to OT myself. At the end of the day, my client is a person, and so am I.
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Considering a holistic context is what I find so important. Usually the client is used to something, and adapting to a whole new lifestyle because of an injury or disability is a lot to take in, which is why its so important to identify and prioritise what the client wants out of therapy and to include them in programme planning and goal setting. Following this, progress and recovery is different for everyone. It’s vital to remember that small progress as time goes on may result in the biggest goal achievement. Which is why a bad day for client or a session that doesn’t go as planned does not make me a bad OT. It just means we get up and OT again tomorrow.
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And the last thing I’d like to say to you, future Neha, is that lifelong learning is key. You as a person and as an OT should never stop exploring, discovering and being curious. Knowledge in the scope of OT and in the vast world in general is limitless, and will be your biggest asset.
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thetrickster-blr-blog · 2 months
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Ember Crawford was born into a poor family in Glasgow, Scotland. Her father worked in Steel Mill as a smelter while her mother worked in a brewery. After her great-grandfather died, her family inherited the decaying Crawford Clan castle in the Scottish Highlands. While living in the castle, Ember spent a lot of her time in the castle's humongous library, reading books about knights battling the incarnations of evil. She loved every single story, and would often play knights and dragons with the family dog. When she turned 12, her father told her about their family history. Their ancestors used to be Templar knights back during the Crusades, and they used to be very rich up until the 1980s. Inspired to uphold her family legacy, Ember dedicated herself to learning the ways of the knight. She excelled in school, scoring at the top of her class in literature and sports. She took up sword-fighting in her spare time and soon became one of the best in the country. After she graduated from college, she moved to America to rebuild her family's fortune by working as the curator of the Natural History Museum in Washington, DC. A decade later, Ember had built up quite a successful life in America and was very close to achieving her goal of rebuilding her family fortune. She also worked as a part-time sword-fighting instructor. One day, Jackson Carlyle (a.k.a) Bonfire would make a decision that would change the lives of so many people. Seeing that the supervillain population has exceeded that of the heroes, Bonfire made a risky decision to sell the Super Power serum at a consumer level. Whoever wants to be a hero will be allowed to purchase it and will receive training from the Carlyle Corporation to master their powers as well as defending themselves. Seeing the ultimate way to fulfill her dream, Ember decided to sign up for the super program and was given the superpower serum. Her powers were the ability to control and manifest fire. Wanting to be a sword fighter as well as a flame thrower, she signed on for lessons from Ryuko and Bonfire to become the hero she always wanted to be. A few months later, Ember made her superhero debut to the world as Pyra, the flaming knight of honor.
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techqrt-support · 2 months
Angel Reese updates | Angel Reese basketball journey
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Gather ‘round, sports fans and comedy enthusiasts! It’s time to dive into the life of Angel Reese, the basketball sensation who’s got more moves than a chess grandmaster on a caffeine binge. Prepare for a tale so inspiring, it’ll make you want to dunk on your boss (Disclaimer: please don’t actually do this, HR frowns upon workplace slam dunks).
Baltimore’s Gift to Basketball (Sorry, Crab Cakes!)
Picture this: It’s 2002 in Baltimore. While most babies are busy mastering the art of drooling, little Angel Reese is already planning her basketball domination. Legend has it, her first word was “rebound,” and her pacifier was shaped like a miniature basketball. Okay, I made that up, but wouldn’t it be adorable?
Growing up, Angel quickly realized she had a talent for basketball that was more rare than a unicorn riding a rainbow. While the rest of us were tripping over our own shoelaces, she was already breaking ankles on the court. It’s enough to make you feel bad about yourself, but don’t worry — we can’t all be basketball prodigies. Some of us have to be the comic relief!
LSU: Where Tigers Roar and Angel Soars
In 2022, Angel transferred to Louisiana State University, turning Baton Rouge into her personal playground faster than you can say “gumbo.” She earned the nickname “Bayou Barbie,” which is ironic because:
She’s got more fire than a hot sauce factory
Her skills are anything but plastic
Unlike Barbie, she doesn’t need Ken — she’s got championships instead!
Now, I tried to channel my inner Bayou Barbie at my local YMCA game. Let’s just say, my “fierce catwalk” down the court resulted in more tripping than strutting, and my trash talk sounded more like a motivational speech gone wrong. “You can’t guard me… but please be gentle, I bruise easily!”. Want to know more about Angel Reese biography and highlights?
The National Championship: Cinderella Story Meets WWE Smackdown(Angel Reese achievements)
2023 was the year Angel led the LSU Tigers to their first national championship in women’s basketball. It was like watching a mashup of “Hoosiers” and “The Avengers,” with Angel as the basketball-wielding superhero we didn’t know we needed.
During the championship game, Angel famously taunted Iowa’s Caitlin Clark with John Cena’s “You can’t see me” gesture. The crowd went wild! The internet exploded! My grandmother called to ask if John Cena was now playing women’s basketball! It was CHAOS!
Inspired by this, I tried to bring some of that spicy energy to my office. Pro tip: Doing the “You can’t see me” gesture during a performance review doesn’t make you invisible to your boss. Who knew?
Off the Court: The Queen of Everything(Angel Reese updates)
When she’s not busy making opponents question their career choices, Angel is:
A social media empress (her Instagram game is stronger than my coffee on Monday morning)
A fashion icon (making the rest of us look like we got dressed in a tornado)
A vocal advocate for social justice (using her platform more effectively than I use my gym membership)
She’s not just changing the game; she’s rewriting the whole dang rulebook of life. And here I am, still trying to figure out how to fold a fitted sheet.
The Angel Reese Effect: Emotions, Dreams, and Lots of Memes(Angel Reese interview)
Angel Reese isn’t just a basketball player; she’s a movement. She’s the embodiment of confidence, skill, and unapologetic self-expression. She makes you believe that you, too, can conquer the world — or at least finally beat your dad at one-on-one.
Her journey from Baltimore to basketball royalty is more emotional than watching all the Pixar movies back-to-back. It’s a story of perseverance, passion, and the power of believing in yourself (and having a mean jump shot doesn’t hurt either).
So, the next time life’s got you down, just think: What would Angel Reese do? Square up, set your sights on your goals, and remember — even if you miss, you’ll probably get the rebound. And if not, there’s always interpretive dance as a backup career. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience here!
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idiosys1 · 5 months
Unlocking Workplace Harmony: The Power Of Cross-Functional Teams
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Have you ever experienced the sensation that your team members are operating on entirely different planets? Marketing conjures up epic campaigns, yet Sales remains blissfully unaware of their target audience. Engineering pioneer’s groundbreaking products, while Operations grapples with the logistics of delivering them to customers. It’s a familiar struggle—the silos of isolated departments.
But fear not, weary warrior! There exists a potent remedy for this organizational discord: the cross-functional team. These collaborative squads bridge gaps, dissolve barriers, and harmonize efforts across diverse skill sets. In this blog, we’ll delve into the magic of cross-functional teams, uncovering their potential to transform workplace dynamics and propel success.
What's the Deal with Cross-Functional Teams?
Imagine a team of Avengers, each with unique skills, working together to save the day. That's the essence of a cross-functional team. It brings together individuals from different departments – Marketing, Sales, Engineering, Operations, you name it – to tackle a specific project or goal. That's the magic of a cross-functional team. It brings together people from different departments to tackle a specific project or goal, just like the Avengers uniting to save the universe.
Why They Rule the Workplace
The benefits of a cross-functional team are like a superhero's utility belt, full of awesome tools:
Brainstorming Bonanza: Different perspectives lead to mind-blowing ideas. The marketing wiz might spark an engineering solution no one else considered!
Problem-Solving at the Speed of Light: With all the brainpower in one room, roadblocks are identified and tackled faster than a speeding bullet train.
Communication: Crystal Clear, Not Kryptonite: Working together breaks down department walls, fostering a culture where everyone talks openly and honestly.
Ownership Like a Superpower: When everyone feels invested in the project's success, motivation, and accountability skyrocket!
The Not-So-Secret Challenges: Keeping the Force United
While cross-functional teams have the potential to be workplace rockstars, there can be some bumps along the way. But worry not, because here's where a little tech magic comes in to save the day!
Communication Silos: Information gets lost in the black hole of email inboxes. Enter the staff time tracker app! It's like a communication hub where you can track discussions, assign tasks, and share updates – all in one central location, accessible to everyone on the team.
Misaligned Goals: Marketing wants brand awareness, while Sales needs immediate conversions. This can lead to confusion and wasted effort. To avoid this, use clear project management tools. Set SMART goals together (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that everyone can work towards, just like a well-defined mission briefing for your superhero squad.
Time Management Mayhem: Who's doing what, and for how long? A trusty hour tracking app can be your hero! Team members can log their time on specific tasks, ensuring everyone contributes fairly and deadlines are met. It's like having a super-powered watch that tracks efficiency and keeps everyone accountable.
Building Your Dream Team: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ready to assemble your own team of workplace superheroes? Here's your action plan:
Gather Your Heroes: Choose team members with the right skills and a collaborative spirit. You want people who are excited to work together and share their superpowers!
Define Your Mission: Set clear goals and expectations for the project. What are you trying to achieve? What are everyone's roles?
Communication is Key: Encourage regular check-ins, information sharing, and healthy debate. Open communication is the glue that holds the team together.
Celebrate Victories, Big and Small: Recognize and reward both individual and team achievements. A little appreciation goes a long way in building morale and keeping everyone motivated.
Remember, weary warriors, that the strength of a team lies not in its individual prowess, but in the symphony it creates together. As you navigate the labyrinthine corridors of departments, seek out those bridges—the cross-functional conduits that connect minds, skills, and passions. For within those bridges, innovation thrives, silos crumble, and workplace harmony blooms.
So, raise your metaphorical baton, summon your cross-functional ensemble, and let the music of collaboration resound. Together, we shall compose a workplace symphony—a masterpiece woven from diverse threads, echoing across the corridors of productivity.
And as the final note lingers, may it reverberate through your endeavours, reminding you that the secret to success lies not in isolation, but in the harmonious interplay of talents—a chorus of unity that transcends planets and propels us toward greatness.
Check out the blog post: https://shorturl.at/aADRV
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Transform Your Property with Forestry Mulching Services in Banks, Georgia
Hey there, fellow landowners of Banks, Georgia! Are you itching to transform your property into something truly remarkable? Whether you're dreaming of a new construction project, expanding your agricultural endeavors, or simply seeking to enhance the aesthetics of your land, we've got the perfect solution for you: forestry mulching services, proudly brought to you by North Georgia Land Clearing. With our top-notch Forestry Mulching Services in Banks, Georgia, we're ready to help you unlock the full potential of your land.
 What Exactly is Forestry Mulching?
Okay, so picture this: you've got a piece of land that's overrun with trees, bushes, and all sorts of vegetation. It's a jungle out there, and you need to clear it out to make way for something new – whether it's a construction project, agriculture, or just to spruce up the place. Enter forestry mulching. It's like bringing in the cavalry, but instead of horses, you've got these incredible machines that chomp through everything in their path.
But here's the real magic: instead of leaving behind a mess of stumps and debris, forestry mulching turns all that greenery into mulch. That's right – it grinds it up into this nutrient-rich goodness that's like a superfood for your soil. So not only are you clearing out the old stuff, but you're also giving your land a boost of nutrients to help whatever you plant next thrive.
Understanding the Benefits of Forestry Mulching
Now, you might be wondering: why should I choose forestry mulching over other methods? Well, let me break it down for you.
First off, it's fast. Like, really fast. These machines are like the superheroes of land clearing – they can tackle huge areas in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods. So if you've got a tight deadline or you just want to get your project off the ground ASAP, forestry mulching is the way to go.
But it's not just about speed – it's also about being gentle on the environment. Traditional land clearing methods can be pretty rough on the land, causing erosion and disrupting natural habitats. But forestry mulching is different. It's like a precision operation – the machines are designed to be gentle on the soil, so you're left with a cleared area that's still healthy and intact. Plus, all that mulch helps to prevent erosion and retain moisture, so your soil stays happy and healthy.
And let's not forget about the cost savings. Because forestry mulching is so efficient, you need fewer people and less equipment to get the job done. That means big savings for you – both in terms of time and money. Plus, you can reuse or sell the mulch that's produced during the process, turning what might have been waste into a valuable resource
Our Approach
At North Georgia Land Clearing, we take a personalized approach to every project. We'll start by sitting down with you to understand your goals and what you want to achieve with your land. Then, we'll come up with a plan that's tailored to your needs and your budget. Once we've got the green light, our team will roll in with our top-of-the-line equipment and get to work.
We'll clear out all the unwanted vegetation, leaving your land looking clean and ready for whatever comes next. And when we're done, we'll make sure to clean up after ourselves – no mess, no fuss.
If you're itching to give your land in Banks, Georgia, a fresh start, we've got just the thing for you. Our forestry mulching services are like a breath of fresh air for your property, clearing away the old and welcoming in the new while nourishing your soil with all the good stuff it needs to thrive. From speeding up the process to being gentle on the environment, mulching land clearing services are the way to go for transforming your land into something truly special. So why put it off any longer? Let's join forces and bring out the best in your property together with our mulching land clearing services.
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