#AC Beach Patrol
mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SR Ace Trappola - Beach Wear Vignette
"An amazing and memorable summer"
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
[wind magic]
Ace: Awesome, bullseye! Finish 'em off, Housewarden!
Riddle: I don't need you to tell me twice. HUP!!
[fire magic]
Ace: That's a Housewarden for you! Alllright, let's nab all the parts ASAP.
Riddle: You've improved, Ace. But the number of robot attacks seems to be increasing.
Ace: Yeahhh. Maybe Gantu's finally taking it seriously?
Riddle: …Everyone is so elated by the resort and surfing, but I believe we should take a breather to think more seriously.
Riddle: At dinner, we should speak to determining a security system.
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Ace: So I got stuck patrolling around the cottage based on Riddle-ryōchō's suggestion…
1. Let's do our best! 2. I'll join you.
Grim: Nyahaha! Gantu's robots ain't no match for me~!
Stitch: Yeehaw ♪
Ace: Stitch is one thing, but you two from Ramshackle're not really good for fighting!
Grim: Whaddya say~!? Humph, I ain't gonna save you if you're attacked by a robot.
Ace: That's my line. Don't get lost wandering around on your own.
Ace: Anyway, [Yuu], you better not leave my side, especially 'cause you can't use magic.
Ace: Eh, I mean, I guess we don't really run into any of those robots at night anyway, so I think you'll be alright.
Grim: Alllright, so let's get this patrol on the road. Follow me!
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[Uninhabited Island – Tropical Forest]
Ace: Wheew~ The breeze's nice. It's great to have since it's still pretty humid at night.
Ace: I was worried what would happen bein' stranded on this deserted island and all…
Ace: But thanks to us having that cottage, I'd say we're survivin' pretty comfortably.
Ace: If we didn't have Stitch or our upperclassmen, we'd probably have been stuck sleeping in that cave the whole time.
Ace: Thanks, Stitch.
Stitch: Ehe!
Grim: Funyaa! Hey, I also was out there collecting vines and branches and fruits and any other stuff out there we could use!
Ace: Sure, you're helping in your own little way, but when it comes to the fruit, you were basically eating them as soon as you found them.
Grim: That’s… Uh… Yeah, I was tasting to make sure it was good! It woulda been bad if you all got upset stomachs, after all!
Ace: If you eat everything yourself, then that's no longer taste testing.
Ace: Eh, I mean, it's not like I really want fruit, anyway. All of Floyd-senpai's dishes were totally delish.
Ace: The white fish sauté, the seafood simmered in coconut milk, the carpaccio, and that fruit salad...
Ace: All those dishes tasted like they came right out of a restaurant. There's no way I'd be able to go back to normal food after that.
Stitch: Right!
Grim: I wanna barbeque again! I can't get enough of that juicy, savory flavor of all that shellfish~
1. The grilled shrimp was delicious.
Ace: Totally. It's gotta be the fact that all these ingredients are super fresh that it tastes so good.
2. The meat was good, too.
Ace: I totally get it. I'm still a growing boy, y'know? Fish is good and all, but it's just not enough without some actual meat.
Ace: The cottage and food are getting' more and more extravagant, so it really feels like we're at a private beach resort.
Ace: Gettin' to be more of a celebrity getaway, 'stead of us being stranded. Honestly, I've always wanted to experience something like this.
[Grim's stomach growls]
Grim: Funyaa~ …All that talk of food's making me hungry. Hey, hey, why don't we go back to the cottage already?
Grim: The other guys are also out patrolling, so they'll all be fine without us.
Ace: Don't be stupid, Grim. Riddle-ryōchō and Azul-senpai are still at the cottage.
Ace: If it's found out that we slacked off, we'll definitely lose our heads.
Ace: C'mon, we're basically living that resort lifestyle, no one wants to be wearing that heavy collar around. Let's just do our job and patrol.
Ace: And besides, Gantu's capturing robots won't pop out at us, so… Just going on a stroll while chattin' it up ain't bad once in a while.
Ace: Honestly, being around my Housewarden, or my basketball clubmates day in and day out just kinda tires me out.
1. Yeah, seems like.
Ace: I knew you'd get me.
2. Doesn't look like it to me…
Ace: You don't get it at all. 'Sides, it's called being polite not showing how tired I am!
Ace: Putting that aside… This has been pretty great, hasn't it? We all got to go surfing together, too.
Ace: Whatever else there might be, don't you think this is turning out to be an amazing and memorable summer?
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[Uninhabited Island - Tropical Forest]
Ace: Putting that aside… This has been pretty great, hasn't it? We all got to go surfing together, too.
Ace: Whatever else there might be, don't you think this is turning out to be an amazing and memorable summer?
Ace: Sucks that my phone battery died so I couldn't take any pictures…
Ace: But when we get back to campus, we totally gotta brag to Deuce that we had an awesome vacation on a tropical island.
Grim: Yeah! Deuce is probably super depressed right now.
1. It would have nice if we could all have come together.
Ace: I wonder~ Well, I guess he does have a ton of stamina, so he might have been super useful gathering water and food.
2. It would be nice to come together next time.
Ace: EH, NEXT TIME!? I mean, sure, we're having fun and all, but I definitely don't want to get stranded like this a second time.
Ace: But hey, I guess I feel sorry for him that he was the only one left behind.
Ace: Guess it wouldn't be too bad to invite Deuce and we all go somewhere together for summer vacation.
Stitch: Ohana?
Grim: Hm? You talking about Deuce? Yeah, he's another one that I look after.
Ace: I question who's looking after who, here…
1. He's our friend. 2. We get along well.
Stitch: Great!
[rustle, rustle]
Ace: Hm? Did you guys hear something behind us?
Grim: Probably just the leaves rustlin' in the wind. Look at you, a real worrywart.
1. Huh? Where'd Stitch go? 2. Wait. Stitch is gone!
Ace: Stitch? If you're still here, say something.
Ace: No way. I got a bad feeling…
Ace: EH!?
Grim: Hey! Stitch! You better not be trying to scare me… HRMPH!
Ace: Shhhh!!! Both of you stay quiet.
Ace: I knew it… Something huge is coming this way.
Ace: Is it an enemy? Shoot, of all times to show up, it had to be right when we lost Stitch.
[rustle, rustle, rustle!]
Grim: Eek… Th-Those footsteps are getting closer!
Ace: I'll do what I can to stop them. So you two need to head back to the cottage and go get my Housewarden and Azul-senpai.
Ace: When I give you the signal, run and don't look back. …It'll be fine. I'll be able to fight them off, at least until you get back.
Ace: …Here we go.
Ace: [YUU], GRIM! RUN!!!
???: GRAAAWR!!!!
Ace: I'll beat yo… Uh, wait. Huh?
Floyd: Boo~! Whaddya think, did I scare you?
Ace: O-Oh, come on~~! Don't scare me like that!!
Floyd: Aha! Look how scared you were, Crab-chan. Hilarious!
Stitch: Yahahaha!
Ace: Hey, you, Stitch~! You totally abandoned us when you realized Floyd-senpai was near, didn't you?
Ace: And here I was praising you so much, and that's how you repay me?
Floyd: Just let it go. "I won't let you pass me," you said? Don't think I've ever said that kind of line before.
Floyd: [whistles] Crab-chan, you're so coool~ You thought so too, right, Shrimpy-chan?
1. You were totally cool. 2. Thanks for protecting us!
Ace: Ughhhhh! Floyd-senpai, stop teasing me!
Ace: And the rest of you better not join in, either! Don't tell anyone about what just happened.
Grim: Nyahaha, maybe I will, maybe I won't~
Ace: If Trey-senpai or Cater-senpai, or even Deuce hears about it… They won't ever let me live it down.
Floyd: Ah, don't get all crabby on me. There's some chilled jelly waiting for us when we get back to the cottage.
Ace: Whose fault do you think this is…
Ace: No, it's fine, I guess I am pretty hungry, so I'll take that jelly and call it even.
Ace: Sigh, I feel so tired all of a sudden. And the best way to get rid of this icky feeling is…
Ace: To eat some delicious food again tomorrow with everyone and just have as big a blast as I possibly can!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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astralcat · 8 months
im insane about my op/wc au
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Otterstar (Luffy) - leader of SeaClan, a Clan he formed with a few Clan cats he knew and a bunch of rogues and loners who were living on what is now SeaClan's territory, which includes a half-rocky, half-sandy beachside that was once frequented by Twolegs, but has been closed off to them for quite a while. His den is a driftwood fort on said beach. The other Clan leaders often chastize Otterstar for "acting like an overgrown kit", but he doesn't seem to mind.
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Mossyslash (Zoro) - Deputy of SeaClan. Used to be a rogue. Goatkick started a rumor going around the Clan that the green streaks in his fur are moss because he sleeps so much.
Shellpaw - Mossyslash's apprentice. She idolizes him.
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Snowyleopard (Law) - SeaClan's medicine cat. Has a suspiciously large store of catnip.
Deerpaw (Chopper) - Snowyleopard's apprentice. Was originally Longwren (Kureha)'s apprentice when she was medicine cat of ThunderClan before she joined SeaClan as an elder, but since Deerpaw hadn't finished his training, he became Snowyleopard's apprentice. He was the runt of his litter and was kicked out by his siblings, so he was adopted by a loner named Yarrow (Hiriluk) who knew Longwren. After Yarrow was killed by a RiverClan patrol, Longwren took Deerpaw in.
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Burningdusk (Ace) - Otterstar's adoptive brother along with Lizardflame. His mother died while kitting, and Bearheart (Dadan) ended up suckling him in ThunderClan along with Otterkit. (Lizardflame was already apprentice age when he was taken in.)
Gullpaw - Burningdusk's apprentice. He saved her from a wolf attack when she was a kit.
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Lizardflame (Sabo) - Otterstar and Burningdusk's adoptive brother. A pedigreed Russian Blue who used to be a show cat named Tipton's Wuthering Heights Baby. He hated being a show cat, and after a fireplace accident that burned the left side of his face and left him blind in that eye, he was due to be euthanized. Luckily, he made an escape and joined ThunderClan, where he was mentored by Blazeflight (Dragon).
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Orangestalk (Nami) - A former rogue known for stealing fresh-kill and herbs from other clans to feed her sister and mother. Her mother unfortunately was killed in a dog attack.
Wavepaw - Orangestalk's apprentice.
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Goatkick (Sanji) - Always seen chewing a twig. Frenemies with Mossyslash. Figured out how to cook fresh-kill over a fire.
Crabpaw - Goatkick's apprentice.
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Deepshadow (Robin) - A she-cat who is very knowledgeable in the ways of Twolegs and other cat and non-cat races. Seems to have special ties to StarClan, despite not being a medicine cat.
Camaspaw - Deepshadow's apprentice.
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Russetflight (Shanks) - Otterstar's previous mentor. Lost his leg defending Otterpaw from a dog attack. Seems to have some unfinished business with Sealnose, and both of them have connections to the late Rogue King, Gold.
Goosepaw - Russetflight's apprentice.
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Slugrun (Usopp) - A small brown tabby that is one of Otterstar's closest friends.
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Hardclaw (Franky) - A strong and somewhat odd warrior with mutual feelings towards Deepshadow.
Woodpaw - Hardclaw's apprentice.
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Fishleap (Jinbe) - A former kittypet (and later RiverClan cat) senior warrior who's sort of a father figure to most of the apprentices.
Codpaw - Fishleap's apprentice, who Fishleap doesn't seem to show any bit of favoritism towards compared to the other apprentices.
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Duckwood (Vivi) - A former kittypet who used to belong to a rich family. She is very close with Orangestalk.
Anemonepaw - Duckwood's apprentice.
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Sealnose (Buggy) - Very sensitive about his nose. Seems to have unfinished business with Russetflight.
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Crushjaw (Bonney) - A former rogue who is close friends with Otterstar.
Edit: if you saw russetflight with four legs no you didnt
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ultravioart · 2 years
General personhood Headcanons I have for the WoY main 5. warning: long text ahead :')
Wander: Pronouns: Any! Just like names, Wander uses what is gifted to him by others. He/him is most common, though neutral pronouns are often used, too.
Identity: Canonically nonbinary. (Wander existed before the concept of gender/Wander's people had no concept of gender. Wander is without gender.)
Phenotype: Since Wander's species lives SO LONG and it seems life expectancy is based off of outlook (optimistic = staying young), plus the "existed before the concept of gender" thing, my guess is that there are no distinct male or female members of Wander's species. This would allow Wander's species to travel great distances without having issues with maintaining a population. However, Wander seems to be the last of his kind.
Orientation: The friendliest ace in Outerspace! Asexual Wander is panky positive but tends to offer cartoonishly silly educational seminars covering various love languages (gift giving, PDA, etc) instead. imo Wander would definitely get tons of squishes (platonic crushes) way more often than any romantic crushes. His naive outlook on romance (boy meets girl = all is fixed and happily ever after) might be a hint that he doesn't personally experience romantic attraction/romantic relationships often enough to fully grasp it. Regardless, I head canon he can fall for anyone (squish, or crush on occasion), but he finds himself falling towards masculine folks quite often. Cool, strong Sylvia is super amazing, Lovable Lord Hater has so much potential, and Squeaky Peepers is so cute he can't stand it!!!
Relationship status: Sylvia is a platonic life partner. Otherwise, Wander is "single" and would happily marry… well, for one, Lord Hater--that's literally canon, but really Wander would happily marry anyone that's a good match! Even if it's multiple people at once! Woo, marriage party! lol.
Sylvia: Pronouns: she/her Identity: Woman, butch or gnc butch (Note: gnc is gender non-conforming)
Phenotype: female Zbornak anatomy, with hormonally influenced "male" characteristics developed during her bounty hunter days. Examples: extra strength, temper (From a Zbornak headcanon based on chickens: When there are no roosters left, a hen can go through hormonal changes that makes the hen act "like a rooster" within the pecking order. Crowing, more aggressive behavior, mock mates, patrolling, etc. It's all fueled by a naturally programmed hormonal change. I headcanon that zbornaks go through something similar without a group, they physically change to become a leader for a new group: stronger, more abrasive, tougher, etc. Especially so with stressors from living a rough life as a bounty hunter).
Orientation: ???? (idk, but imo she is past her prime anyhow, so it doesn't matter. She is into naps, karaoke, jellyfish pie, and fancy drinks on the beach these days!) She definitely gets a "despite herself" kind of crush: flarpnarffilin' cursing one moment, cutely worrying over the crush/questioning herself the next. Relationship status: Wander is her big squish, her PALtonic soulmate, her platonic life partner in not-crime but love and understanding. She would die for him in an instant. (Wander voice: Please don't.) Otherwise, she's single. She's not actively looking for romance or someone to date, but if it happens, then it happens. Either way, she's content traveling with and protecting Wander.
Lord Hater: Pronouns: he/him Identity: Manchild (In all seriousness, Man) Phenotype: Skeleton lol, but probably from a male space-ape of sorts in a previous life.
Orientation: Canonically likes The Ladies(tm). I head canon he likes THE LADIES(tm) with "(and cute guys)" written in small text below. Therefore, Bi!
Relationship status: Single and malding about it. He wants a girlfriend that he can smooch and marry and have a bunch of kids with, but I doubt he actually wants the reality of that fantasy. Life ain't a fairy tale! Besides, he needs to learn to love himself first. He gets so ridiculously nervous around pretty ladies that his still-awkward-yet-fumbling nature when dealing with cute guys feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison. Still totally weird and scary, but somehow more bearable than the monsoon of butterflies he gets with girls. With girls he likes he can't control himself, he melts and falls apart. With guys he likes, he can at least bluff or say he's joshing before dipping out. A babe's a babe is-a-babe but he'd never admit that out loud (currently) because both Wander AND Peepers fit into "cute guy" territory. He does NOT want to open that can of worms, because if he did he knows he would NEVER hear the end of it! Mr Sunshine BanjoFace over here can't keep a flarping secret, and CPeeps… would probably explode or something. Peepers would be heckin jealous about him liking Wander, he knows that for sure. And the idea of them bickering over him… with their soft voices… vying for Hater's affections… with little smooches and gifts and cozy hugs… because they both think Hater's the cooliest… hmm… okay that does sound pretty nice--WAIT NO! No it doesn't! Not at all! It's not cute not cute not cuuuuute!!!!!! He has to preserve what he has with peepers, their totally-not-friendship is on thin ice as is! And WANDER?!? Eugh!!! NO WAY! What was he thinking?!? Hater: "Besides… who would ever want to date a looser like me." (Again, Hater needs to learn how to love himself before he's ready for a relationship.)
Commander Peepers: Pronouns: He/him Identity: Tall man Phenotype: male
Orientation: Consistently avoids answering personal questions, because regardless of gender, anyone big and strong and scary with electrical powers IS his type. He's hopeless. He's sappy. He's adorable about it and he hates it. He truly is an achillean king… (Lord Hater is Peepers' Achillies' heel)
(Note: The term "Achillean" is like "Sapphic" but for MLM/men-aligned attraction.)
Relationship Status: Technically "single" but he'd happily spend the rest of time itself by Lord Hater's side. Does that mean Peepers sees himself as single? Well, yes, ...maybe. eh? Wait, YES because if someone was his type and asked him out (unlikely) he'd love that. But otherwise, nah, he's in a committed relationship. Friendship. Employment…ship--skullship! What? It's not weird to be single and not single at the same time, unspoken guy-love between two guys is just like that! What's with the face-- OH Who needs labels anyways! What they have is enigmatic! Translation: Peepers' one and only is Lord Hater, in spite of himself. Hater is Peepers' Turk (scrubs soulmates ftw) but it's unrequited. Peepers is beside himself about it. It's not what you think. Or maybe it is. Oh, it definitely is. (>Insert scream cry sob yell repeat.) Peepers is Hater's jilted, stay at home malewife #confirmed, grobspeed you little eyeball man, grobspeed. You deserve the karma.
Lord Dominator: Pronouns: She/her Identity: most hilarious evil woman who is also very sexy and epic (red stamp on forehead reads "chronically alone") Identity: Woman Phenotype: Female Orientation: Canonically lesbian. I head canon her as aromantic. Relationship Status: Single, doesn't want a girlfriend, but is down to clown and dominate.................. planets. with a bamf lady by her side, of course. Aka the embodiment of """Just gals being pals!""" with the HEAVIEST quotation marks humanly possible and also a lot of blood and broken teeth. Dee's motto: Be gay, do crime! It's hilarious!
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rayray200 · 2 years
sunset and sea
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You walked slowly along the seashore, lightly kicking stones in the sand. Suddenly, a guy who was all beaten up runs to meet you. Without noticing you, he stumbled and fell on top of you.
- Hey! Boy are you okay? - he no longer heard you, and only his head hung from your shoulder. You noticed that he was too hot. Wrapping it on the sand, you looked at it, and did not find anything suspicious. Therefore, I decided to take him to my home, barely lifting him, you carried him. Or rather, half of the body was on you, and the other stretched along the sand. When you got to your street, people only looked askance at you, and some even seemed to start whispering all sorts of obscenities. But, you did not pay attention to them, and only sighed loudly.
Opening the door of the house, you put it near the entrance and rose, began to pull it to the sofa in the living room. This guy didn't seem to wake up. Just as you were about to cover him up and leave him, you noticed a flyer in his hat.
Who wears leaflets in hats anyway? Some kind of eccentric .. - you mentally asked yourself, and reached out to get it, as the guy rolled over and crashed to the floor. You did not have time to do anything, and he already jumped to his feet.
- BUT? - it seems he did not really remember that he ran into a girl and fell. He looked around in bewilderment and stared at you, as if waiting for something.
- Hi? I Y/N, you fell on me on the beach near my house. - you said a little awkwardly, and smiled sweetly at the guy. To which, he chuckled, mentally noting that you are very cute.
“Hey, nice to meet you, Y/n!” Don't know where I am? - Ace asked with a perky smile and a chuckle, and sat down on the floor.You just stared first at him, then at the sofa, which was literally a couple of centimeters back.
- Uh..y-you're at my house, it seems you were running away from something, probably.. - still, it's not every day that a guy leans on you near the sea, and you carry him home, not really knowing him.
You watched Ace while he ate. He was very hungry, as if he had not eaten in weeks.
Where does such an appetite come from? hee hee - you asked giggling, filling Ace's plate already seems..second? No, the third time. It seemed to you that he still had five plates to fit.
— Mmmm! You pfosto wonderfully otovish! - he praised you with his mouth full, continuing to gobble up the food you had prepared. He has been living with you for a week, and it seems he does not really want to leave. Well, of course you are not against the company, but it was like that until one day. You came with a leaflet that the sentinel gave you. There was a picture of him. Did you expect this? Yes. Was she ready for this? No. Ace at that time hamstered your food supplies for a month ahead. But, here he sees you with your head down and a wanted leaflet .. he probably immediately understood why you have such a face, but did not immediately recognize it.
- Why did not you tell? - you asked quietly and sharply raised your eyes not Ace. He saw light tears in your eyes, he guessed that you could kick him out right away if he knew that he was a pirate. Therefore, I didn’t say, I didn’t want you to kick him out, and said that he was one of them. Pirates.
- I didn't want to leave. - you looked at him and could not believe that such a nice guy turned out to be a pirate. Of course, your brain said to tell the patrol about him, but your heart ... spoke of something else. You considered him a friend, a real one.After all, he was cheerful, sweet, attentive, although his manners were not so good. But, you didn't care.
- You know, I'll take you to the sea .. - you said, and going to the table where the guy was sitting, put down a leaflet. And she left to get dressed so that you would not be recognized on the way back. Ace looked at the paper, and stretching, burned it to the ground. When you arrived, Ace was gone. You ran in a hurry to the sea, he was still there.
“Ha ha, you’re taking a long time, T/ishka!” - the guy said smiling, looking at the sea and turned to face you, called to him. You came and sat down beside him, you sat like that for quite a long time. But, none of you noticed this, you turned to face him and said:
“Somehow, will you come to me again?” - with hope in your eyes, you asked. The guy got up from the ground, and holding out his hand to you, with a gentle smile, he said:
“Of course, I will come back many more times!” Don't expect to get away from me so quickly! - Ace said laughing merrily, you laughed too. So loud and so sad, you never laughed. Both knew they might never meet, but they didn't care.
I hope you don't leave this village. - the guy hugged you, and was about to let you go, but you tightly grabbed his shoulders. So you stood until the sun began to sink lower and lower.
If you don't come back, I'll come after you! - You shouted menacingly after the guy, turning around the guy smiled, the most beautiful and friendly smile he had. When the guy disappeared from the horizon, you knelt down and began to sob loudly .. mentally asking that you meet again many times.
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august-fifth-rps · 2 years
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{ it’s only finger-lengths that i see }
( Transatlanticism The Maine ) 'i need you so much closer' ( Set The Fire To The Third Bar Snow Patrol ) 'i pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms' ( Wherever You Are 5 Seconds of Summer ) 'every night i almost call you just to say it will always be you' ( You're All I Have Snow Patrol ) 'give me something to hold onto' ( Jet Lag Simple Plan feat. Natasha Bedingfield ) 'you say good morning when it's midnight' ( Just Like Heaven Gatsby's American Dream ) 'you're just like a dream' ( Cloud 9 Beach Bunny ) 'you will always be my favorite form of loving' ( Daydream The Aces ) 'i know that you hate the nights without me, baby, i hate 'em too' ( Many the Miles Sara Bareilles ) 'how far do i have to go to get to you' ( Proof Paramore ) 'the only proof that i need is you'
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autobotsrac · 24 days
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Dubai with the Fam? Conquer Adventures with Family-Friendly SUVs (No Deposit Needed!) Dubai beckons with its dazzling attractions, but wrangling the whole family can feel overwhelming. Fear not, adventure awaits! Here's your guide to conquering Dubai with family-friendly SUVs, all without the stress of a deposit. Imagine cruising down Jumeirah Beach Road with your crew comfortably nestled in a Nissan Patrol. This iconic SUV boasts spacious seating for seven, keeping everyone happy and entertained during long journeys. Plus, its rugged capabilities make it perfect for venturing beyond the city for desert adventures. Need extra cargo space for beach essentials? No problem – the Patrol easily transforms to accommodate all your gear. Look no further than the Mitsubishi Xpander. This versatile SUV offers surprisingly spacious seating for seven, with comfortable features to keep everyone happy on the road. Need to stock up on Dubai's finest souvenirs? Fold the seats down and create a cavernous cargo hold for all your shopping sprees. Dubai's heat is no match for the Xpander's icy-cold AC, ensuring a cool and comfortable journey for everyone. The best part? Both these SUVs are available for rent without a deposit, saving you money on your family adventure. With a reliable and affordable ride, exploring Dubai with your loved ones becomes a stress-free experience. So ditch the cramped sedans and skip the deposit hassle. Rent a family-friendly SUV and embark on an unforgettable Dubai adventure with your loved ones. With spacious comfort and no deposit worries, creating lasting memories has never been easier! www.autobotsrentacar.com
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Show Stopping Beachside Masterpiece
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terrigalaustralia · 1 year
Show Stopping Beachside Masterpiece
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kota-stoker · 2 years
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A bit of a wardrobe update for Filirahc X’)
Like any other unlikely companion in BG3, “Filie” has things to hide. And just like them, she gradually gives away her first secret on that list throughout Act I.
Filirahc plays into common perception of her being frail (reflected in relatively low CON) – all things considered she’s hardly imposing at first glance. But for a supposedly delicate person with an intellectual job she's too good at dodging (thanks to high DEX boosting AC), and doesn’t seem to falter with a blade if push comes to shove. At the beginning of the campaign Filirahc mostly tries to weasel out of conflicts altogether, avoiding open demonstration of her skillset, but very early on, on nautiloid and with intellect devourers on the beach, Shadowheart in particular sees enough to suspect that there is more than meets the eye to her, making the comments about their survival "not being such a distant prospect" a little poignant.
Reveal of Astarion's nature inevitably causes some questions regarding "Filie" as well – pale, reddish-eyed, even with slightly sharper fangs she could easily pass for another vampire spawn in disguise provided by the tadpole. However, she is eating with the rest of group just fine, nor is she avoiding running water (which Astarion, knowing where to look, has to notice, thus becoming the first person to consider and soon after brush that idea off), not even once she displayed cravings similar to Astarion – so suspicions don't really go much further than that, her appearance is more likely to be just an odd coincidence, and even then it’s definitely not the oddest thing the group has experienced. But once attention to it was drawn, it becomes harder to put away uncertainties entirely.
"Filie" is two-faced, which becomes apparent once the group reaches other people. She's neutrally polite with them, yet firm – just like with everyone else in the camp – but the difference is that companions observe her disregarding things she said or promised to others later. She is cold-blooded too – for instance, she doesn't move a muscle upon seeing Arabella's "trial", allowing the ugly scene to play out as it did. While precarious situation of the group somewhat justifies both as means necessary for survival, eventually Filirahc’s actions start stacking up, stirring unease (especially in Wyll and Gale), affecting approval levels and begging the question if something else might be hidden behind her courteous smile.
And one companion experiences it first-hand. Filirahc is a control freak, she can live with other people not liking or even respecting her as long as they do what she expects from them. Lae'zel's attempt to attack her before the first proper dream sequence gets resolved peacefully, with Illithid powers and calming words of reassurance combined, but Filirahc neither forgives nor forgets – headstrong and hard to keep in line, with little leverage against her, Lae’zel is the least reliable link already. And so when she runs ahead to the githyanki patrol, Filirahc stops the group to wait, denying Lae’zel any backup due to patrol’s “danger” (mechanically – by registering “leaving” of the location). This results in the first irreversible death in the group.
And of course, there's also Omeluum, who downright “outs” a drow character by referring to them as "friend of the dark". With concerns steadily piling up by that point, someone is bound to have a revelation that albinism isn't used as a fake excuse to cover vampirism – it's a real albinism disguising a drow, not a high elf “Filie” poses as. Gale or Shadowheart – the smart one and the noisy one – or even both of them are the likeliest to connect the dots and have a "eureka" moment regarding that, forcing Filirahc to open that card she has in her hand.
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SR Riddle Rosehearts - Beach Wear Vignette
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Riddle: Hm…?
Riddle: It's rather refreshing to be woken up by the sound of lapping waves. And the others are…
Everyone: Snooore… Zzzzzz…
Riddle: It looks like they're all still asleep. …Well, since I'm awake, I suppose I'll step outside for some air.
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Riddle: The ocean stretches on forever. This doesn't feel real at all, but we really are stranded here…
Riddle: I wonder if Trey, Cater and the others have started to worry? What about my mother…?
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Riddle: …
Lilia: Why're you just gazing off towards the ocean like that, is something wrong?
Riddle: Oh, Lilia-senpai. No, not really…
Riddle: My daily routine every morning was to wake up before all my other dormmates and patrol the dormitory, before ironing my shirts.
Riddle: Ever since coming here, I haven't needed to do either. That's why I'm not sure what I should do.
Lilia: It's good that you're so studious. But I think it'd be fine if you relax a little and enjoy the moment, too.
Riddle: Relax, you say… Even if you were to tell me that, it's difficult to bring myself to waste my time doing absolutely nothing productive.
Lilia: Hm, I see. I guess that's very much like you… OH, I GOT IT!
Lilia: I had a great idea. After we all eat breakfast, do a quick patrol and gather more provisions, we should meet back here on this beach!
Riddle: What do you plan on doing?
Lilia: That's for you to see later. Kufufu!
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Lilia: ―So, here we have it, folks!
Riddle: Beach Flags… They say this competition originated from the training that surf lifesavers did.
Riddle: The runners would lay face down on the starting line with their backs towards the flags, and upon the given signal, would run towards the flags.
Riddle: If I recall, the rule was that there was one less flag than the number of runners, and the one who could not capture a flag would be eliminated.
Lilia: You know your stuff, have you done it before?
Riddle: It was the theme of a crossword that was in the appendix of one of my study materials. So I do have some knowledge of it, however I've never tried it…
Lilia: This isn't just a game. We are all stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean… There's no telling when we could all fall prey to danger.
Lilia: So basically, we'll use this sport to train ourselves, both mentally and physically. However…
Lilia: Since it wouldn't be fun just running, I've prepared for everyone a rather splendid prize! The winner will get...
Lilia: Floyd's Super Deluxe ☆ Special Fruit Parfait!
Everyone: PARFAIT!?
Ace: I totally didn't wanna run, but… I definitely want to eat that super deluxe parfait!
Azul: Floyd's excellently whipped-up creations may be great additions to the Mostro Lounge menu…
Jack: I don't really care about parfaits, but… There's no way I can let myself lose in a competition.
Floyd: Aha! What, you all think you're gonna get to dig in? Obviously, I'm gonna be the winner!
Riddle: A parfait! …Ahem. If this is to be training, I shall have to focus up properly.
Grim: I wanna eat the parfait already! Lilia! Let's get this show on the road!
Stitch: Yeehaw!
Lilia: Everyone's so fired up! Alright, let's begin! Reaaaaaadddyyy…
[blows whistle]
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Everyone: RAAAAH!!
Riddle: A-Ack!? Everyone just dove at the sand face first!? You're all covered in sand. Are you alright, Ace!?
Ace: The sand's real smooth, so I'm totally fine. 'Sides, Beach Flags is just supposed to be for fun, anyway.
Riddle: Eh, you're enjoying being covered in sand!?
Lilia: The lifesaver's mission is, just as they're called, to save lives. In order to do that, they must be prepared to fly towards the target without any hesitation.
Lilia: Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to say that diving into the sand with great vigor is just another rule of this competition! It can be a necessity in times of emergency!
Riddle: It's a rule!? I-I understand. If it is a rule, then I shall also jump forth.
Ace: …Was there actually a rule like that in Beach Flags?
Lilia: This is more fun… I mean, more exciting. Alright, we're starting the next round!
[blows whistle]
[running, sliding]
Riddle: I captured a flag! Oh… Right, I was supposed to dive into the sand. Hup!
Floyd: Goldfish-chan, that's hilarious that you're just flopping yourself into the sand after you grabbed a flag! You make no sense!
Riddle: W-Well, I can't figure out how to slide.
Floyd: You just gotta go for it, like how you'd jump into the water. Like, this!
Riddle: What are you even saying? When entering a body of water, you need to first shower yourself with the water, let your body get used to the temperature, and step in one foot at a time!
Lilia: Hrrm, he's a hard-headed one. ALRIGHT, NEXT!
[blows whistle]
Riddle: This time, I'll definitely get it right… HIYAH!
Azul: Wha―! Riddle-san just slid into the goal and grabbed the flag with his foot!?
Riddle: I concluded that it is more difficult to dive into the sand face first. There is no rule against capturing the flag with your feet, now is there?
Ace: I mean, it's technically not against the rules, or anything… But shouldn't that actually be harder to do!?
Lilia: Alllright, it's really starting to heat up! Next!
[blows whistle]
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Lilia: After so many bouts of fiery competition that could dry up a whole ocean… Finally, we come to the championship round! The two remaining contestants are…
Lilia: Jack, the supernova of the track and field club, who has been capturing the flags with his beautiful running posture and spirited diving!
Lilia: And Riddle, the rose-red ruler of Heartslabyul who has somehow continued to win, despite never successfully diving into the sand!
Lilia: Any comments from the rest of you, who have all been eliminated while trying to sabotage and drag each other down?
Ace: I mean, I don't think even my Housewarden'll be able to beat Jack…
Azul: There is an overwhelming difference in physical stature. And since magic is forbidden, he may not have much of a chance to win.
Grim: Both of you do your best~! And then give me a bite of your parfait when you win~!
1. Do your best, you two! 2. Share your parfait with meee~!
Lilia: Kufufu… No one can predict what may happen. Monsters lurk everywhere on this summery beach.
Floyd: …Hmm~? Those shells by Sea Urchin-chan's feet… Are those…
Lilia: Alright, here we go! Both of you get ready… Seeeet!
[blows whistle]
Jack/Riddle: RAAAAH!!
[rustle, rustle]
Jack: Ack, what's happening!? All the shells around my feet are starting to move… Were these hermit crabs that were hiding under the sand!?
Riddle: HAAAAH!
Azul: The sand is flying everywhere… Such momentum! Does he not know what moderation means?
Riddle: …Bleagh! Cough, cough! Th-There's sand all in my mouth… But, I finally was able to dive into the sand!
Riddle: And I captured the flag! Yes! I won! Did you see that, Ace!?
Ace: Yeah, yeah, I saw you, Housewarden. Gooood job!
Ace: Maaan. Look at him covered in sand and jumping for joy… If any of our dormmates saw this, they'd flip their lids.
Jack: That was due to the course being faulty! I demand a remat… Meh, I guess it's ridiculous to get worked up over a silly game like this.
Jack: I guess having the hermit crabs jump in is just another part of it being summer.
Floyd: Mmkay, so to our winning Goldfish-chan, here's Floyd's Super Deluxe Special Fruit Parfait ♪
Lilia: And for the rest of the participants, you'll get a special sundae for your valiant efforts! Let's all go eat!
Everyone: YAAY! HOORAY!
Riddle: This is the first time I've ever been covered in this much sand. But… Heh, this isn't too terrible.
Stitch: Ehe!
Riddle: Ah, hey! Stitch! This is my parfait! If you try to snatch it from me, it will be off with your head!
Stitch: Yahahaha!
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Requested by @dida-books.
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yougetoneshot · 3 years
Suicide Squad: Reversal
What if team 1 and team 2 switched missions?
Focus is on Team 1: Flag, Harley, Captain Boomerang, Savant, Mongal, Weasel, Blackguard, TDK, and Javelin
Everyone lives AU
Chapter One
Flag looked around at his team and lamented his choices in life. His eyes fell on Harley, the therapist turned supervillain with a penchant for hyenas and large hammers. She was clapping excitedly at the despair of the man across from her struggling with his seatbelt.
“This thing’s a werewolf?! Yo, I don’t mess with werewolves, get me outta here!”
Captain Boomerang’s roaring laugh filled the entire helicopter as he joined Harley in enjoying Blackguard’s panic.
“Sit down! He’s not a werewolf. He’s a weasel.” Flag snarled to quiet down the situation. Blackguard was his least favorite addition to his team which was saying something considering weasel, the beast villain he’d just believed was a werewolf, was equally as useless. He’d begged Waller not to add him but she insisted his strength would be an asset despite his low IQ. At least the weasel didn’t talk.
“Get ready for the drop.” The pilot called back to Flag who nodded and ushered the others to stand as the back of the helicopter opened over the water.
“Go!” He yelled as the first of his team leapt from the chopper. Javelin, whose name pretty much encompassed his entire personality aside from the added foreign accent, hit the water first. He was followed by TDK, a villain Flag actually didn’t know anything about but trusted Waller enough that he must have some strength of benefit to the team. Savant, the forgetful genius fighter, and Mongal, the alien tyrant, jumped next. They were followed by Harley and Boomerang who made a competition over who could do the best dive. Flag had to shove Blackguard out before he and weasel jumped. As they all hit the water they heard the sound of weasel struggling against the current.
“Did no one find out if he could swim?!” Flag growled into his communicator. The team back at base remained quiet as he moved to help Savant save the unsavory beast from drowning.
“Is he dead.” Waller’s irritated tone buzzed over coms as Savant shook his head.
“He’ll live.”
An explosion lit up another part of the island and Flag furrowed his brow. “Waller-“
“It’s fine. Keep on mission, Flag.” Her tone sounded knowing so he pushed any concern for it aside. He had to trust her. What other choice did he have?
The rest of his team trudged onto the beach and groaned about being wet. He once again lamented not having a proper military team as Harley and Boomerang began convincing Blackguard he was covered in leeches. The dim witted villain was frantically and a bit too loudly checking himself for the leeches as Flag moved towards them. “Shhh! Stop messing with him or you’re going to get us all killed! We don’t have much time before a patrol comes by. We need to get deep into the jungle and make camp.” He grabbed Blackguard by the shoulder to stop him from ripping his clothes off. “There are no leeches on yo-“ Flag’s sentence halted as he spotted it- not a leech but definitely something akin to it stuck to the back of Blackguard’s neck. “Don’t move.”
“What?! Why?!! What is it?!! There are leeches aren’t there?!-“
“I said don’t move!” Flag pulled a knife from a holster around his thigh and began prying the small mass from Blackguard’s skin. The criminal howled which prompted Flag to slap a hand over his mouth. “Shut up or I’ll let this thing stay on your neck.” He finally provided enough leverage to pop the creature off of Blackguard’s neck and send it careening into the sand where it dug down into the dune like a tremor.
“…what was that.” Harley’s eyes were locked onto the spot in the sand that the creature had sunk into.
“Just a leech. Now come on, we need to get off this beach.” He waited for his team to all make it off the beach before he noticed a light in the distance.
A sharp pain in his shoulder then another in his leg sent him sinking to the sand. He heard shouts down the beach and yelled at his team to run as Harley moved towards him. “Go! Stay on mission!”
Waller echoed Flag’s order into Harley’s earpiece.
“Come on. He’s right, Harls.” Boomerang tugged her back into the foliage as soldiers surrounded Flag. “They ain’t gonna kill him, right?” Harley looked up at her Aussie pal and he tugged her down to hide in the brush.
“I dunno but we’re dead if we stay here.” He whispered into her ear as they watched Flag be apprehended.
“This changes nothing. You will still need to find the Thinker and infiltrate Jotunheim.” Waller’s voice hissed through their earpieces. “Don’t take this as some opportunity to bail. I can still monitor you from here without Flag’s supervision. One wrong move and I’ll blow your heads off. Now move.”
As Waller finished her threat, Harley looked around at the group who were all looking at her. “What are you looking at me for? Do I got something on my face?”
“I think they’re looking at you to lead us.” Boomerang whispered in her ear.
“Leader? No. Uh uh. I ain’t a leader.” She turned to Boomerang to argue in a less than hushed tone. “Boomer, I don’t know the first thing about leading a bunch of idiots!”
“Hey!” Blackguard hissed. “We can hear you.”
“Oh sorry, I meant six idiots and a lummox.” She sassed but then quickly realized he thought she was complimenting him. Harley turned back to Boomerang. “We are so doomed.”
“I believe in you, Harls. What would you do if you didn’t have a team?”
“I dunno. Probably get disguises?”
“Then that’s a start. Let’s go find some disguises.”
The group had little issue getting into town and breaking into a department store. Even here on this tiny island, American corporations had made their mark in the most American way- overpriced apparel.
“Alright everyone. I want you to look your most Corto Maltese-esque-ian.”
“What?” Half of them chimed in and she shook her head frustrated.
“Just don’t look like a tourist, yea?” She shooed them away to pick their own disguises. After a while, Javelin approached her in bright plaid overalls with no shirt underneath and a vibrant pink hat.
“..that is… PERFECT!” Harley clapped excited then noticed weasel next to him with a large novelty mustache stuck to his face. “Oh my, I didn’t even recognize you. That’s so good. Keep it.”
“I dunno, Harley none of these clothes fit me.” Blackguard walked over in what was clearly a child’s tshirt that hugged him like a crop top. Harley suppressed some laughter but nodded. “No. You look great. Promise.” She nudged Boomerang as he was shuffling through some AC DC shirts to find his size. He lifted his head and spotted the very tight children’s clothing clinging to Blackguard. He was less than successful at containing his laughter.
“He loves it.” Harley nodded.
“Then why’s he laughing?”
“Oh it’s just a joke I told him earlier. Nothing to do with you.”
“..oh.. okay!” Blackguard joined the other two members who were done picking their disguises.
Mongal returned in a large fluffy red dress and Harley gave her two thumbs up. Savant came back in plain jeans and a white v neck. Harley stopped him and plopped a ball cap on his head that said “World’s Best Grandpa” before giving him approval. TDK finally returned dressed like a cowboy complete with chaps and a cowboy hat. Harley had chosen checkered black and red jeggings paired with a workout top that said “would rather be sleeping” and a red leather jacket. Boomerang had finally found the appropriate sized AC DC shirt- sans sleeves as he tugged them off and tossed them aside.
Harley looked over the group one last time before placing her hands on her hips confidently. “Let’s go catch a Thinker.”
Outside the club, Harley briefed the group in the small van they’d stolen from a very cooperative Pepsi delivery guy. “Okay, the plan is to blend in and wait for this Thinker guy to show up. He should be here anytime in the next three hours so we gotta stay alert. That includes you.” She gestured to Javelin.
“Why do you single me out?”
“Because that devilish accent of yours could get us caught. Best if you stay quiet.”
“No. Your voice is now a precious gem that you must protect at all costs. Not another word.”
He nodded sadly as Harley turned to the rest of the group. “Let’s go.”
The group walked into the club and despite having a giant weasel with them, managed to get on great with everyone there. Most of the drunken patrons thought they came from a costume party and Weasel was wearing some kind of Halloween costume. Harley had the group split up to look for the Thinker. She paired them up with Mongal and TDK taking the back door, Boomerang and Savant at the pool table in the corner, Blackguard and Javelin on the dance floor, and she took the bar with Weasel by the entrance.
After about an hour, Harley started to become bored. As entertaining as it was watching Weasel get drunk, Boomerang lose at pool twice in a row to Savant, and Javelin teach Blackguard how to do the Cupid shuffle, she was getting antsy for a fight. Lucky for Harley, a fight was walking in as Corto Maltese soldiers walked in escorting the Thinker.
“I’ve got eyes on the Thinker.” Harley nodded over to Javelin who was by the jukebox. He then pressed a few buttons and Ballroom Blitz blared through the club. “Time to party, boys!”
Harley ran full speed at the nearest soldier and slid down between his legs to pop up behind him right next to the Thinker. She gave him a smile. “You might wanna duck.” Harley grabbed the back of his head and pushed it down as Javelin nailed the soldier posted behind the Thinker with his javelin from across the room. Boomerang took out the first two soldiers and Savant used his pool stick to prevent more soldiers rushing in from the entrance from getting closer to the group by targeting pressure points on their bodies with absolute precision.
At the back door, Mongal and TDK were having a blast letting a soldier walk in only to hang them by their vests on the tall coatrack mounted to the wall and knocking them out. Weasel ran around downing all the drinks of the patrons who’d abandoned them to leave the establishment. The entrance began to flood with more soldiers until Blackguard lifted the large jukebox and hefted it at the doorway with complete ease, halting the music and leaving the room in complete silence for a few moments.
“…you telling me you coulda done that the whole time?!” Harley choked out in shock. “I didn’t know he could that- did you know he could do that?!” Harley looked around at some of the rest of the group who shook their heads. “That coulda been very useful to know, just sayin.”
“Who are you people?” Thinker questioned irritably.
“Hey!” She shook him by his shirt collar. “We ask the questions round here!” Harley began shoving the Thinker towards the back exit as the team followed. They all squeezed back into the Pepsi delivery fan with Thinker placed in the middle of them.
“Okay, Bumble Ball Head, you listen good, you’re gonna take us to Jotunheim.”
“You’ll never make it past the front door. They already know what you’re trying to do. Your little friends on the beach have already been taken care of too.”
“..wait.. there were other people on the beach? Did we leave somebody else?!” Harley began counting the group as Thinker furrowed his brow confused.
“Are you not the Americans? The ones with the shark man?”
“Wait there’s a shark man?!” Harley squealed. “You mean to tell me Waller sent another team with a shark man and he wasn’t on my team?!”
“I don’t like sharks.” TDK brought up nonchalantly. “They could bite your arm off, you know?”
“Yea but not if you was friends with them, right?” Harley proposed and TDK shrugged.
“Fair point.”
“You’re all mad.” Thinker interjected.
“Well, that ain’t nothing new.” Harley chortled. “Now, tell me about the team at the beach. What happened to them?” Harley furrowed her brows as she raised a knife. “And if you ain’t telling me the truth, I’ll start cuttin off them pegs in your head.”
“They were apprehended and taken to the capital. With the exception of the shark man who is now a delightful new subject for me to experiment on.”
“Oh, you are just a piece of work, you know that?!” Harley waved the knife at him then looked at the group. “Listen, I ain’t much of a planner but seems to me like we could use all the help we can get getting into Jotunheim. We should go rescue the rest of the team to help us.”
“If they’re even still alive. El Presidente isn’t exactly keen on Americans. He’s likely already publicly executed them by now.”
“Well ain’t you just a bucket of rainbows!” She bonked him on the head with the back of the knife before looking back at the group. “It’s worth checking to see if any of em are alive.”
“I agree.” Savant nodded. “We got power in numbers, especially if the others are just as gifted in their abilities.”
“Right, anyone oppose?”
Mongal raised her hand slowly and Harley blinked a few times while pouting out her lips. “Yes?”
“I think we left the werewolf.”
Harley looked around at the group and sure enough the Weasel was not there. “Oh, fudge!” She sighed and nodded for TDK at the back to go back inside and fetch him. He returned with an unconscious and smelly Weasel, tossing him inside the van before it drove off towards the capital.
- Stay tuned for Chapter 2! -
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aceofspadegrass · 2 years
Can u make a fic about the aib characters first time fasting for at least one day? Since it's ramadhan and all 😅
(Of course you could add yourself and Niragi's-right-hand-rabbit there too :D)
Fasting (And How to Miserably Fail at it)
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Hatter (Mentioned a lot but never actually there), Niragi, Arisu, @a-simp-20, @niragis-right-hand-rabbit, and Me :)
Genre: Just a little crack. An itty bitty amount.
1k words
Well, I certainly tried my best here! Hope you like it buddy. :)
“ What the fuck you mean we can’t eat today?” Niragi shouts, slamming his hands on the wood as he glares at his boss. Aguni stares at him with a tired expression, then shuts them as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
“ Look, nobody could find any food or drinks in the kitchens. Or anywhere. It seems to have all disappeared. There was a note though sitting in the fridge.” Aguni gestures to the folded card that laid in the center of the table, Niragi glaring at it like it ate his gun and called him a wet sack of digested seaweed. Chishiya leans over and picks it up, opening it with a mild expression as he scans over the contents.
“ So our food and drinks will be returned in a day?”
“ It seems so.” Aguni answers. He glances around at the other executives plus Arisu, the young man just prodding a sleeping Catra. Hatter, the main boss, was absolutely nowhere to be seen, leaving Aguni to run this meeting. Of course, he knew where he was, holed up in his fancy schmancy room doing who knows what in there. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was just taking the longest jacuzzi bath known to man before spending the rest of it dancing to the Queen soundtrack.
But that’s besides the point. Aguni dismisses everyone, going their own separate ways to deal with the sudden lack of food. Aguni knew better than to make anyone exert themselves too much when there was nothing to really pump up the energy for the day, so besides the basic patrol he was letting everyone take it easy.
… As easy as possible, anyways. It doesn’t take long for the sounds of gunshots to echo above him, Niragi likely taking his frustrations out on the world for not letting him feed. The better question was how the food and drinks managed to disappear in the first place. Hell, even the pool was mysteriously empty, as if whoever or whatever planned this out made sure nobody would even think about any loopholes.
“ Hey, boss, the faucets aren’t running either. People are complaining they can’t shower or bathe. I’m gonna go ask for someone to check the boiler room.” A militant tells him as they approach him in the halls. Aguni just nods and lets them walk away, mentally taking note. Whatever this was, it was on such a grand scale to remove any thought of obtaining anything to drink. It was such a strange phenomenon. But there was no solution that he could think of. Of course, they could try to send more people outside the Beach for anything, but the initial drives have already turned up nothing of use.
He ends up in the lobby of the Beach, and notices Arisu chatting to someone. Someone all too familiar. He marches up, and the woman looks to him, smiling and giving a small wave.
“ Hi again!”
“ You. What are you doing back here?”
Arisu pipes up before she could, also smiling. “ She came by to tell us to have a nice fast!”
“ A… fast?” Aguni tilts his eyebrow up. The woman nods happily.
“ Yes! From sunrise to sundown for Ramadan we Muslims fast, which means no eating or drinking for that entire time! I thought it would be fun if you guys got to try it out too!”
“ So our supplies…”
“ Got stolen by my friends.” She admits, still beaming. Aguni grumbles, a headache starting to form.
“ And… how, exactly?”
She doesn’t answer, just giggles a little. “ Don’t worry, we’ll put it back when sunset comes around. Just a few more hours! Okay see you later Aguni! Bye Arisu!” With that, she walks away with a pep in her step, Arisu waving at her before he turns to Aguni.
“ It’s can’t be that bad, right?”
Wrong. It was bad. 
Aguni groans as he stares at the group Beach members ( He has no clue who any of them are, much less their names) already going crazy over the lack of food and water below his position on the upper floor, and accusing and attacking each other over it. Of course, Aguni could have just told everyone, or grab his man from his seclusion to announce it to everyone, but then he was dragged away by other militants to help dispose of some bodies, as well as help one of them dig out some grenades that fell into someone’s drain. Either way, now he had to deal with even more chaos, and even the presence of the Big Bag Militants wasn’t enough to scare them away. He’s pretty sure any longer and someone’s gonna pull out the fire card. Gunshots eventually just rings out, Niragi and his little gun squad all just yelling and scattering the members that miraculously didn’t get shot away, although their voices seemed much more irritated than ever before. At least they haven’t gone equally as crazy, or that anyone hasn’t tried anything…. too drastic. It’d be mayhem, and even he’s not sure if Hatter would try to stop anyone from making use of a body.
In the meantime, he was just going to go on another round of patrol, maybe take a fat nap later. Hatter can come out and deal with the day himself if he needed to.
A few hours later at sundown -
“ So…. the Beach burned down?”
Chloe nods, taking a long sip of the stolen soda she stole. “ Yep! Apparently nobody was happy we got rid of all the liquids and food.”
Ila frowns. “ I even told them to have a nice fasting….”
Ace just giggles, air patting her from atop the car. “ Don’t worry! At least we did it with you! Not our fault a bunch of adults went a little mad.”
“ So… how did you steal all the pool water anyways?” Ila asks, Chloe and Ace just grinning a little too maniacally.
“ So you know what a vacuum is, right?~”
“ And what an elephant does, riiiight?~"
“ I-“
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Prompt: Person B has to help Person A undress after they've been injured.
"Okay, here we go. Just sit right here and I'll go get some ice." Varian said as he opened the door and walked Honey Lemon over to her bed.
She was dressed in her armor, save for her helmet which she had already removed, and she cradled her left arm in her right hand. She took a seat at the edge of her bed as she watched Varian run over to the freezer to grab the ice.
She had fallen and sprained her wrist while out on patrol. It was such a stupid mistake. All she did was slip on some of her own insta-ice.
Fortunately Varian had been not far behind her. She had finally coaxed him into coming on patrol with her; though he still insisted that he wasn't a superhero and not a part of the team. Honey Lemon would disagree with that but that was a discussion for another time.
While Varian placed the ice cubes inside a kitchen towel, Honey Lemon tried to awkwardly roll up her sleeve only to stop and yelp in pain when she did. Varian immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to her side.
He took one look at her and assessed what was wrong. "You're going to have to take off the whole shirt. Those sleeves are too tight to roll up." He said matter factly.
Honey Lemon bit her bottom lip. Perhaps it was silly of her, given the circumstances, but she suddenly felt self conscious about stripping in front of her friend. But he was right, there was no other way to get to her injury.
Finally she sighed and using her good hand unbuckled her belt and unhooked her breastplate. But she needed help getting the armour fully off. Then she also need help in pulling her dress up and over head.
Once mostly off, Varian very gently pulled her injured arm out of the sleeve. He studied her wrist with the same intense focus that he gave to his scientific pursuits. There was already a bruise forming right under her palm.
He once again let go of her hand and ran to get the ice. When he came back he took a seat next to her on the bed and placed the homemade ice pack where the bruise had started to form; holding it with his still gloved hand.
He placed his other arm around her shoulder and protectively cradled her close to him. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?" He asked for what was tenth time in the past hour.
She shook her head and refused to meet his gaze. Varian however remained oblivious to her embarrassment, being too focused on her safety at the moment.
"Do you want me to call Baymax over?"
"No." She whispered.
"Okay, then do you need anything? You want me to grab you some pain medication or maybe an ace bandage?"
"No. I'm good."
This dismissive response only seemed to concern Varian more. He paused to look at her in confusion. Honey Lemon blushed an even deeper red as she realized that Varian was picking up on her weirded out signals.
She knew she was being silly. She knew Varian was only trying to help. She knew making a big deal of it would only make things even more awkward and reward her with even more embarrassment, but she just couldn't help it.
There was just something about the way Varian looked at her at times that made her feel, well, exposed. As if he was looking through her. It wasn't all the time. Usually they would just laugh and hang out together as if they were the best of friends, but there were moments. Moments when he would grow serious and contemplative. Where suddenly he was no longer silly little Varian, but a distant stranger to her.
In those moments he would seemingly transform from a boy into a man right before her eyes. And the man he would become was someone who was always tense and poised at the ready... for... for something, though Honey Lemon could never figure out for what.
Nor could she figure why this would upset her so much and throw her for such a loop. But whenever he gave her that look, her stomach would drop and her heart would beat ever so slightly faster. And that was just with her clothes on.
Here she was half naked and being held in his arms, all the while being stared at by him with that same smoldering gaze. What the heck was she suppose to do?!
"Ummmm... It's just... It's just I'm... I'm kind of in my underwear right now." She finally stuttered out. Her face went completely crimson at that admission and she wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and disappear.
Varian blinked and then suddenly seemed to noticed, that yes, she was only wearing a bra, and he was holding her.
"Oh... Oh, shoot! I'm sorry. I didn't think. Ummm... Let me go get you something to wear...ummm." He let go of her and all at once he was just Varian again; dorky devoted Varian. Her friend, her best friend, and nothing more.
"I have a robe hanging up in the bathroom." Honey Lemon helpfully suggested as she took the ice pack from him.
"Yeah, I'll go get that for you." He awkwardly excused himself and Honey Lemon snorted back her laughter. Why had she been embarrassed again?
"But you know," Varian said with a smirk as he came back with the bathrobe, "I've seen you wear less at the beach."
Honey Lemon rolled her eyes as she grabbed the robe from him. "Yeah, you're right. I was just being... I mean... I don't know."
"Hey it's okay. If something makes you uncomfortable then I'd rather you just tell me."
"Yeah of course. Why would I ever want you to feel bad?"
"I...." Honey Lemon was at a lost. No one had ever said such a thing to her before, yet it made sense. He was her friend and friends cared about one another. "I just ... I was afraid of making you feel uncomfortable. I mean you weren't doing anything wrong. You were just trying to help."
"Yeah, but it kind of defeats the purpose if what I'm trying to do winds up hurting instead. So just tell me. You won't hurt my feelings, I promise."
"Promise. Now here, let me help you get that on. I'll hold it while you slip your arms through."
Her took the robe from her and held it up and open so that she could better put it on. Once fully clothed again, she sat back down on the bed and reapplied the ice pack.
Varian smiled at her and knelt till he was eye level to her. "Better?" He asked. She nodded yes and finally meet his gaze.
He was still staring at her intently but this time he wasn't some dark and brooding stranger. There was a softness to his eyes she hadn't notice before, a gentle yet serious demeanor that wasn't looking through her, but at her. Really seeing her in way most people never did. It made her heart beat faster and her stomach drop, and this time she didn't mind the feeling at all.
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Just some stuff on my ocs
- She adores pretty much all berries she can get, as well as most nuts
- She cowrites books with Shellington, he does the animals and she covers the plants
- She is very jumpy, and often gets startled when approached from behind
- She has a very fluffy tail, and sometimes chases it when she’s bored
- Knows several different survival tactics that come in handy in certain situations
- Always carries around some sort of map or exploration guide in her satchel, similar to Shellington
- She loves to collect shiny things that she finds, such as shells or pieces of beach glass
- Is often heard running around at night, screaming because that’s just what Fennec Fox’s are like
- Is extremely attached to her yellow bandana she wears constantly, and will try to fix it herself if it is torn
- He’s very excitable, and his tail wags whenever he gets hyped up
- Climbs on everything, and often knocks stuff down with his tail by accident
- Startled by loud noises, such as fireworks, thunder or the metal of the ship rubbing together when it needs oiling and he’ll start yipping and barking like crazy
- She is ridiculously tall, at 6’1 and is only three inches shorter than Captain
- She stress bakes often, and when she does she ends up making a ton of food
- She’s kind of like the big mom of the crew, she’ll help them if they are upset
- When she was alive, she always carried a knife in her boot
- She stayed on the Diego Ramírez Islands with her brother until she caught cryptosporidiosis and passed away
- She’s overly protective of Hearth, the other ghost inhabiting the ship, but sometimes does mess with him too
- Has a pretty bad fear of heights, he usually will not join his dad on counting populations if he’s using the helicopter
- He enjoys painting with berries he can find in the park, but his fur tends to get stained with the juice
- Adores eating white pine cones, one of his favorite snacks
- Is one of Sage’s only friends that he can talk to, him being the only other ranger (Who he may or may not have feelings for)
- He’ll use his long tail as a scarf to keep his head comfortable when resting on hard rock
- He has gills, allowing him to breath underwater and helps Sage explore the cenote’s
- Is actually a huge pushover when it comes to Nightshade, fits the meek predator x badass prey ship dynamic
- She patrols during the night, while Nightshade rests and when it’s cooler
- Loves seeing how excited Nightshade gets when talking about her interests, so will ask her questions or bring her bones just to get her talking
- She is quite capable of disarming someone of their gun and pointing it right back at them if she catches them hunting illegally
- Is constantly annoyed by any men who even try to flirt with her, as she is an ace
- Some of her hobbies include cliff diving and making dream catchers
- He enjoys making frozen desserts for fun, and handing them out to others for free
- He’s a polar scout worker, he teaches the Cubs survival tactics and how to navigate the arctic
- Finds Willow’s protectiveness over him absolutely adorable
- Is a huge fan of vulture culture, and the ledges inside her cave that she calls home store hundreds of different bone specimens, her favorite being a Gila Monster skull
- Often starts bar fights for fun in the Western Styled saloon not too far from the valley
- Is extremely clingy to those she is close to, and has a hard time saying goodbye when they need to leave
- Has a basic understanding of medical care, and knows how to apply bandages correctly as well as a few other things (Taught herself this for Fauna’s sake after finding her injured)
- Can list every flower in the valley off the top of her head like it’s nothing (She isn’t a botanist, just knows a lot of flowers thanks to Fauna)
- She’ll video call Fauna every night, sometimes accidentally waking her up at 2 Am due to time zones and ends up feeling super bad about it
- Used to be extremely lonely, video calling family whenever he got the chance and jumping on opportunities to talk to people until Keanu joined him
- His limp foot does not allow him to run, so instead he’ll travel by swinging with vines if he needs to be somewhere quickly
- He’s considered getting a prosthetic foot so that he can actually experience running and full function in his legs
- She is extremely hypercritical of her work, taking each and every comment on it to heart meaning she is extremely sensitive especially to criticism (mostly when it’s sexist criticism with people saying no invention from a female is as good as a males)
- Her and Tweak will stay up super late, playing multiplayer games with their headsets and cursing at each other like sailors while also sweeping the floor with others in COD, Depth, Overwatch etc.
- Her best inventions so far are special boots that allow people to walk over mud and quicksand without sinking in and getting stuck, and it’s proved successful
- She hates getting any bit of mud on her fur, it drives her insane with her being a clean freak
- Her and Evergreen bicker with each other constantly, and tackle each other until Marsh pulls them apart
- She’s often incredibly shy when it comes to making friends, she’s always worried of being judged for her clumsiness and with how quiet she is
- Good friends with Calico Jack, and often checks up on him
- Not very easily angered, but one thing that gets him really fired up is destroying part of the forest
- He’s a FTM trans, but kept his name and sometimes still wears kinda feminine clothes because he likes too
- She’s very protective over her family, often trying to attack anyone she deems dangerous, this usually doesn’t work as they tend to be ten times her size and also not aggressive
- Often has nightmares, and will run to her big brother whenever she has one for hugs even if it’s the middle of the night
- She loves her family’s ice burrow, finds it incredible how much work was put in
- A massive prankster, and is constantly thinking of new ideas for her pranks
- She will troll her siblings whenever they come home by dumping mud on them
- She will respect those who don’t handle her pranks well, and will leave them alone (Ex. Belle or Lark)
- Her ears are almost always drooping or at least flopped at an angle, but she’ll sometimes cover her eyes with them
- Has been known to immediately burrow underground if she gets scared
- She is really good at cooking, often doing so for animals in the forest, for herself and occasionally for her family members if she can get it to them
- She has severe ADHD, often stims without realizing it and is bad at reading body language
- She knows which cactus are safe to drink water from and how to get water from them
- Sometimes she blends in so well with the canyon that while on tour, the people she’s leading loose track of her, so she wears a white ribbon so it’s easier to spot her
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azurevi · 4 years
on land where we can touch the moon (3/?)
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Everything was weird up here, like how the air felt thin and the stuff was all too dry, but Azul supposed it's only natural. 
It was a sleepless night. He was inside a guarded guest room in a palace whose outline was too blurry in the night to make out. The bed beneath him was the softest one ever. Most importantly, he had legs. At this thought, he raised them in the air, stretching to the very end. 
At some point into the dead of the night Azul had started to feel hope again. To find the most beautiful thing in this world was the only way to ensure that he didn't turn into inanimate water bubbles, and it was arguably the easiest task ever.
Everything on here is beautiful, of course. He could just snatch any one of it. Beauty held no prejudice, there's no prettier or less pretty, just pleasing. Certainly, the Raven Healer hadn't thought of that.
Before he'd gone to bed, the guards having rescued him told him that they would need him in the morning. They seemed way too friendly to a foreign man standing on the beach in the middle of the night, hiding behind a rock along with a golden statue-
The golden statue! 
He'd completely forgotten about that. Hopefully the statue was unscathed. Azul started making plans to retrieve it during the day.
Thoughts came rushing, leaving him tired in their wake. He started to wonder what Jade and Floyd were doing right now. How would they act upon knowing what had happened? Surely Jade would get mad at his impulsiveness. Floyd would probably feel down because of his disappearance. 
It didn't sit right with Azul, leaving his friends behind irresponsibly, but he had no other choice. If he managed to get the Raven Healer off his back, it would equally mean that the chances of seeing the twins again was slim to none, though if he failed the chance would be a solid zero.
And these thoughts just came on and on, asking him, what have you done, what have you done, what have you done?
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"You look good for someone who was still sick as a dog yesterday," you teased.
"Wake up sleepy head!" a booming loud voice had you jolting upright and gasping in fear. Ace looked well-dressed and way too energetic this early in the morning.
"What can I say. I heal in a flash," Ace flexed his arm muscle. His show didn't last long though, as Deuce rushed in and pushed him out of the way.
"Your highness! You're going to want to hear about this. We were patrolling along the beach last night, and-"
"What is this ruckus?!" Deuce was pushed aside in a similar manner. A taste of his own medicine. Jack appeared by the door, looking sharp and dressed up just like the others.
You rubbed your forehead in exasperation. All the sleepiness that you were still drowning in evaporated the moment they started bickering again.
"Ok, stop!" you said. The three of them fell into silence and turned to you. "Deuce. What were you trying to say?"
"Oh, right. Ace and I were patrolling along the beach, and guess what we found?"
You shook your head, but he kept waiting.
"...we found a man," Ace finished the sentence for Deuce, who glared at him in distaste.
"Why haven't I heard of this?" Jack challenged with a deep frown. 
"You see, you were asleep! We didn't want to disturb you,"
Jack didn't look satisfied with the answer, but he seemed quite content with not having his sleep disturbed by two chirping nuisances. 
"Anyways, that's not the point! The point is that he matches the descriptions of the man who'd saved you that day!" Deuce said.
Now that was a real serotonin. Your eyes rounded and the weariness in your limbs faded away as you asked, "Are you for sure? Where is he? Did he admit that-"
"Slow, slow!" Ace shushed. "We didn't press him with too many questions. He's now resting in the guest room. We can fetch him for you anytime," he winked provocatively.
"Of course. They're splendid," Azul said. "But I do have an inquiry,"
You took a deep breath, then jumped off your bed swiftly. "I told you I was not out of my mind! Arrange a meeting an hour from now and bring me my best outfit!"
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"Are you sure you're alright in those shoes?" the blue-haired guard who'd introduced himself as Deuce asked, looking back with concern. Azul had been so distracted that he'd tripped thrice during the short walk through the corridor.
"Ask away," the red head, Ace said.
"Why am I needed by your highness?"
Ace and Deuce shared a meaningful look, and Azul was sure they'd raised the corners of their lips in mischief.
"Because they've been waiting for you, Mr Ashen…" Ace's confidence faded as he pondered over Azul's last name. "Mr Ashento?"
"Ashengrotto," Azul repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time. Deuce only shook his head in disappointment.
Azul was led through an outdoor garden, and as he passed a fountain he looked down at his reflection. It was completely devoid of who he'd been just mere days ago. The man looking back at him was dressing in a fitting blue suit, the tie slightly pressing into his throat. His hair was groomed so perfectly that he didn't dare make the slightest of change. 
Bushes and flowers lined up and created a clear pathway for him to pass. Creatures that he'd only heard of and half-believed, like butterflies and sparrows, were all presenting themselves before him, chirping and swirling like they were reserved only for his eyes.
Ace and Deuce were already walking up the huge flight of steps, the top of which showed the front entrance. Azul planned his steps carefully as he raced up. Guards stood every ten steps, and none of them paid attention to Azul at all. 
At the top of the steps was a long corridor. There were so many archways and alleys in here that it was a miracle how Ace and Deuce didn't get lost at all. So they turned and turned, passing by curious and curiouser faces, until they stood before an exceptionally high archway. With each of their hands on either side of the two-person door, they pushed it open while announcing Azul in a booming voice.
"Your highness, here is Mr Ashengrotto to see you," 
When they didn't move from their position, Azul reckoned awkwardly that he was to walk up the red carpet alone, and so he lowered his head in respect and fear and walked until he was quite close enough.
And there stood the princette. The royal figure. He could only see your feet for he didn't dare gaze any further.
"Mr Ashengrotto?"
Now that was a familiar voice that seemed to cause ripples in his mind. He gazed up tentatively and his breath almost caught.
Oh, he should've known. How could he be so slow?
"Mr Ashengrotto, is it?" you asked with an excited smile. He failed to smile back, still in shock's grip.
"Yeah, yeah," he cleared his throat. "Azul Ashengrotto,"
Beside him stood a melanin man, arms crossed and looking down on him as though he was an easy prey. Azul recognized him as the guy who'd talked to you about marriage that night. Jack, if he was not mistaken.
"I'm-" you seemed to be paralyzed with joy. "I'm ever so grateful to have been able to find you. You still remember saving me on the beach that day, yes?"
Azul gulped, his mind racing around to make up a persuasive story. "I do remember, your highness,"
"Splendid, then. I would like to thank you. I would've died if it hadn't been for you. Which is exactly why I have to repay you! Is there anything you'd like? Just ask away!"
Jack coughed loudly, clearly hinting something, but you seemed to have missed it. Or rather, you paid no mind to him and continued looking at Azul expectedly.
"I-uh," he stammered embarrassingly. He wished he could have had more courage to speak to you confidently, like a knight in shining armor or a chivalrous soldier. "There's nothing I quite need, your highness,"
Liar. There're a lot of things Azul wanted in life, and on top of the list, the 'most beautiful thing in the world'. But he couldn't possibly ask for it, could he? It'd put him in a bad light. He'd want anything but to appear a villain in your eyes.
"That won't do. You must need something. Worry not, nothing's impossible," you chased, and Azul could see now that you were genuinely asking to grant his wishes. There was eagerness in your voice where a hint of tentative interest leaked. He had failed to notice how you've gone out of your way to lean forward, though there was still a decent distance between you. In the finest clothes you carried the promise of hope that wouldn't be extinguished by consternation, and suddenly Azul felt so, so small. Like a child who longed for the unrealistic sky.
"Well then," he found himself complying. "I'm actually quite in need for a safe shelter,"
"Done," you smirked. "The room in which you stayed will belong to you until further announcement,"
"Your highness, we need a word," Jack butted in and snatched you away from Azul's sight. You seemed to be engaged in a fierce conversation as he flaunted his hands in exasperation. Azul swiveled and found Deuce and Ace leanly sluggishly against the marble walls.
After what seemed like forever, you finally reemerged with a restrained smile. "Like I said, Mr Ashengrotto, you will have the ownership of our finest guest room. However, you will have to take on a role in the palace to eventually afford your own place,"
"It's more than enough. Thank you so much, your highness," Azul bowed deeply, eyes shut in mixed feelings. He's got a shelter in what could possibly be the grandest place on the land of the humas, where you lived, where he's bound to find wonders that could fulfill the Raven Healer's wish. 
After Ace and Deuce led him back to his room and planted the looming fear of getting lost in his heart, Azul started looking for a place to start. How he would deal with his current situation he wasn't sure, but the crucial thing right now is to make sure he would live longer than three days.
The vases, the carpet, the golden brimmed cups. There were so many catchy things fighting for his attention that he became restless. He'd never felt so hopeless surrounded by treasures.
There were knocks on the door and Azul took it as a chance to rest his search. Standing on the other side was you again, but in a much more casual and plain, yet still plush outfit.
"Hey. Would you like to accompany me for lunch?" you asked. Azul subtly surveyed around and found himself relaxing in the absence of Jack. It wasn't that he hated him. He just disliked how Jack always seemed to be suspicious of him. I'm onto you, his expressions seemed to say.
And so the two of you walked through the same replicated hallways and into a larger, even grander room, where, to Azul's disappointment, waited Jack.
"Lunch will be served soon," he said, this time not bothering so much as to glance at Azul. Azul was thankful for that.
"In the meantime, let's learn more about each other!" you suggested, propping your elbows on the table as you waited. "So, Azul, where are you from?"
He was prepared for everything but that. How could he respond when he didn't even know the very own kingdom he was in?
"The… the East. From across the ocean,"
"The East! I heard it's famous for cultivation. How did you end up an ocean away?" 
Another unintentionally sharp question.
"I was hoping to seek some fortune, I suppose. It was hard living over there, and I thought, why not change the scenery?"
"Well, now you know it works because you've got yourself a guest room in the palace," you giggled.
The door was flung open and emotionless butlers served dishes after dishes. There were food and cuisine that Azul had never seen of -- like green leaves and red, juicy pearls, a bowl of creamy liquid called 'soup' and a dry crunchy loaf of bread. Then the man pried the lid away, and Azul found himself resisting the urge to gag. 
"Do you not like crabs?" you asked, nonetheless noticing his change.
"I, uh, allergic," he pushed the dish to the side slowly, frowning in embarrassment. Seemingly to have read his expression you dropped the topic, and the three of you dug into your food.
Jack kept bringing up your pending list of proposals, either from neighbouring kingdoms or dukes who believed wealth could get them out and in of everything. And with every passing minute your shoulders slumped lower and lower until you were squishing the side of your cheek on your palm and looking uninterested than ever.
"Your highness," Azul decided to speak up, earning a thankful expression from you. As for Jack, he preferred not to take note of his reaction. "May I take a tour inside the palace later?"
"Absolutely! I'll be your tour guide!"
"Your highness, you still have documents-"
"Documents that can wait, Jack. Let's finish this as quickly as we can and get going," you flashed him a wink, which seemed more like an illusion for it was long gone before it could be registered. 
Jack'd insisted on tagging along, but you were adamant that you went alone, hence explaining why the two of you were now barging in and out room after room.
The library was filled from floor to ceiling with collections of books in dozens of languages, about hundreds and thousands of things. Azul spent an hour or so proving his belief that at least some of these books had to be fake, but they were at most uncut.
"What do you need so many books for?" Azul asked as he ran his fingers across the book. The rough texture of the paper was something entirely foreign, and he found the scent of the pages close to musky.
"I believe it's to flaunt," you commented bitterly. "My parents never stop buying them. I'd rather give them to people who're actually literate,"
"Are you deeming them illiterate?" Azul asked.
"They're just way too busy to even read a page. It's such a waste. All this knowledge locked up from people who actually need it,"
Could knowledge be the most beautiful thing in this world, for it opened eyes and introduced new lands to every type of creature? 
Azul was about to make an inquiry, but you beat him to it. "Let's go to the vault. It's just down the hallway,"
"Yeah. Treasure vault," you raised a brow. "Don't worry. Jack won't hunt you down for it. He's softer than he looks,"
Azul found it hard to believe.
The vault was guarded by four armed guards, who pulled the door with combined force. Light spilled out from the crack before it was even completely opened. Chests were locked and placed at the feet of the hills of glistening accessories. Even the walls were decorated by framed paintings and posters behind marble statues that looked horrifyingly surreal. The closer you got, the wider Azul's jaw hung. With these piles of gold coins with necklaces and jewels interspersed among them -- four guards were certainly insufficient to guard this place!
"You know, if you want anything, just go for it!" you said, making random observations on the treasures.
"I can't possibly, your highness,"
"Why, of course you can. Because I said so," 
"You're quite bossy, huh?" the words slipped Azul's lips before he could realize, and he immediately covered his mouth. "I'm terribly sorry, your highness, I didn't mean-"
Rather than enraged, you looked amused. At his flustered state, you burst into laughs that were almost inconsiderate. 
"It's not the first time I've been called that. It's completely fine. Loosen up, will you?"
You swiveled around curiously, then your eyes lit up with a gleam. "Let me show you something!"
Azul could swore he almost passed out from shock when you grabbed his wrist. Such an unexpected but friendly gesture. No one'd ever done this to him before.
He came face to face with the golden statue that'd been on his mind for days. It was the one that'd sunk into the sea, the reason he'd fled from his realm, the replicate of your aura. It seemed as though it followed everywhere he went.
"Deuce and Ace ordered this for my birthday," you gasped. "You don't know, do you? The day you saved me was also my birthday. I was so lucky,"
"Likewise," he smiled shyly. He could still feel the burning wonder in his chest, the exploding firework and ruckus on deck. The hype of it all, the pbeat melodies and items and tools that he'd never seen. He could be trapped in that moment forever and never get bored.
"I don't really like it though. Too… pretentious, I think,"
"I think it portrays you just fine,"
You swiveled around with another amused smile, quietly surveying him. And to his own surprise, he held your gaze steadily as if everything would be okay if he'd just stayed in this moment forever.
It was probably a favourable time to ask for your opinion. But then you looked away, and his words were swallowed instead.
It didn't matter. Azul still had time.
Nothing seemed to have changed, which was normal. However, for Azul this beach seemed to be reminding him of all the things that'd happened -- the day he rescued you from the tempest, the night when he made a deal with the Raven Healer, and this sunset when he's strolling on the sand beside you, which was almost like a fever dream, or a fantasy.
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By the time you'd finished introducing the palace and suggested a small walk on the beach, the sun was already setting in impatience. The sea, tainted red, stretched out to infinity and on top of that, a looming darkness neared the thin horizon. The wind was cool and welcoming, and it'd messed with your hair so many times already that you decided to let it be. It was something that Azul could never see under the cramped sea.
But you were still real and present.
"Have you… heard of the Raven Healer?" Azul asked gingerly.
"Oh, of course. He's the most renowned magician in the world," you said. 
"I see," he bit his lip, unsure how to ask for more. "What is he known for?"
"Well, for one, he's powerful and masters almost all elements of magic, which makes him the rarest among the rare, because magic isn't all that common around here. His mysteriousness probably contributes to it too. People are attracted to what they don't know,"
Just like how Azul yearned for the land. 
"Have you ever met him, then?"
"God, no," you chuckled. "Rumor is that he only ever finds you. He can't be tracked down. I've also heard that he only approaches those who are in dire need of his help. It sounds like a very charitable act, but some hearsay say that he's actually a greedy man who takes advantage of people's dreams. There's even a third version, about how he punishes sinners by pretending to give them what they want while actually making them taste their own medicine. Personally I like the first story, it's reassuring knowing that there's a capable and chivalrous magician out there,"
Azul was pretty sure your belief was false. Every evident pointed to the third story - about how he made sinners realize their evil and thus punish them. Perhaps this could explain why his scandalous deal was so much like Azul's, and how he couldn't seem to find anything to satisfy it.
If his assumptions were true, then perhaps it was to punish him for all the frauds he'd committed. No matter how much he repented, guilt could still somehow find a way back to him like a haunting, lingering ghost.
"You said you were new around here, right?" you opened a new topic and immediately Azul's worries were torn away.
"Yeah," he lied.
"Well, perhaps I can show you around the kingdom tomorrow. What do you say?"
"Just the two of us?" he asked.
"I could bring Jack along, if you like?" you joked, raising a skeptical brow. Azul scrunched his nose in dismay, to which you laughed in response.
"Fine, fine. But if he insists on coming with, we'll have to sneak out,"
Sneaking out had never sounded so thrilling before, and he found himself rather looking forward to it. 
"Speaking of Jack. Why is he so worked up about your marriage?"
You sighed, and for a moment Azul feared that he had ruined your mood. But you carried on with the same softness in your voice.
"There are a lot of heirs from different kingdoms asking for my hand in marriage, actually. They are mostly aiming for our kingdom's fertile resources. Father and mother encourage it too, for they want to form alliance with other kingdoms. At first they were very laid back, but I guess I've been ignoring it for too long. Now I've got everybody agitated,"
"It's not your fault. They can't force you if you don't want to do it,"
"Yeah, but it's still my responsibility, you know." you waved vaguely at the colossal palace behind you. "I could hate it as much as I want, but it's my mission to secure the kingdom,"
"Not to be blunt, your highness, but if you're pushing it back, doesn't it mean you don't want to fulfil your mission at all?"
You frowned slightly. "That was really blunt, you know?"
He only grinned. "I'm right though."
At that, you sighed. "Yeah. I guess you're. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone whom I barely know. It's cliche, really, but I prefer real and fervent love over materialistic and - forced relationships,"
"Then don't marry," Azul murmured. "Wait until you find the one true love,"
You remained silent, and Azul was somehow too scared to meet your eyes. Silence settled between the two of you, serene and tranquil, familiar and comforting.
"We should head back," you started abruptly, as if you'd been practicing this line over and over again. "It's getting late,"
Then it was quiet all over again. Azul turned to the dark sky, then to the palace's outline, then to you who was closely beside him. 
You were like a trap, dangerous and alluring. You had a way of stealing the spotlight, and every trivial act you did was a stern promise of hope. Somehow, time passed quicker when he's with you, and his worries seemed to retreat into their caves in the meanwhile.
And it's dangerous, for he was so spellbound by you that by the time he'd come to realization, a day had already passed.
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 years
Soundtracks this week (9-May-21)
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EW's BINGE: The Fast Saga - Ludacris raps about '2 Fast 2 Furious'
Overinvested - Ep. 211: Attack the Block
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Puffin Patrol
Desert Island Discs - Billie Piper
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Keep Calm and Get Fired Up
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - The Lasso Way
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Biscuits With The Boss
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Trent Crimm, The Independent
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - No Fight Club!
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - BONUS: Kindness Makes a Comeback!
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Oklahoma
This is Good for You - Ep 8: Baking Bread Is Good for You
EW's BINGE: The Fast Saga - Lucas Black drifts through 'The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift'
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - National Museum of Health and Medicine
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Basilica Cistern
Word of Mouth - Adam Bradley: The Poetry of Pop
Word of Mouth - Coinages
📺 Cozy Cabin in the rainy forest Ambience - Gentle rain sound
Abba Gold (Anniversary Edition) [ABBA]
📺 Onda Beach Relaxing Waves
Grammy Winners: Best New Artist
📺 🔅 Tropical White Sand Beach with the Sound of Soothing Ocean Waves
Grammy Winners: Best Pop Solo
📺 Relaxing Waves of a Tropical Island
Ace of Cups
📺 Softest Beach Sounds from the Tropics - Ocean Wave Sounds
📺 🌴 Tropical Beach Ambience on a Island in Thailand with Ocean Sounds
Feels So Good: AM Gold
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