#ABS-CBN Foundation
santosgayoalbert · 6 days
Dubai Residents Help in Philippines Storm Through ABS CBN Foundation
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m1lkyw4yl0ver · 16 days
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NASA Technology in Everyday Life
Have you ever wondered how the everyday technology that we use came to be? While we might associate NASA with rockets, space, astronauts, cosmos, the agency has also led the way in technological developments that have had a big impact on our way of life here on Earth. NASA's discoveries have extended well beyond space exploration, ranging from illuminating our homes to transforming healthcare and ensuring clean water.
In this blog post, we will dive into three revolutionary technologies developed by NASA that have had a significant impact on our society: Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Medical Imaging Technology, and Water Purification Systems. Let's explore how these innovations have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.
1.) Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
Encapsulated by ABS-CBN's Christmas station ID with the line, “Ang nagsindi nitong ilaw, walang iba kung hindi ikaw”, the Christmas season in the Philippines is never complete without bright, colorful lights decorating homes and streets. These twinkling lights, often powered by LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, have become a staple in Filipino homes, not just during the holidays but also in everyday life. From energy-efficient light bulbs to screens on smartphones and televisions, LEDs continue to play a pivotal role in illuminating lives. But behind this now-common technology is an intriguing history that traces back to one of the most advanced space agencies in the world—NASA.
The invention of LEDs can be significantly attributed to NASA’s pursuit of improving plant growth in space. In the late 1980s, NASA explored the use of red LEDs to promote photosynthesis for crops on long space missions, particularly during projects like the Space Shuttle program (Barta et al., 1992). Their focus was to develop a light source that was not only energy-efficient but also durable, given the extreme conditions of space. This research was part of NASA’s Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS), which aimed to develop a closed-loop system where astronauts could grow their own food (Barta et al., 1992). The development of LEDs, thus, was initially intended to support plant growth in space, but it soon found applications beyond its original scope, revolutionizing various industries on Earth.
Over the years, LED technology has transitioned from being a specialized tool in space exploration to a mainstream, cost-effective lighting solution. NASA’s contributions to this development helped make LEDs more efficient and longer-lasting, enabling their use in everyday items like street lights, vehicle headlights, and household lighting. In the Philippines, where energy consumption and cost are pressing issues, LED lighting has been embraced for its low energy consumption and longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. This shift has helped Filipino households reduce electricity bills while contributing to more sustainable energy practices. The technology is now ubiquitous, even in rural areas where solar-powered LED lamps are used to light homes without access to electricity, further demonstrating its impact on the community (Anunciacion et al., 2020). The energy efficiency and affordability of LEDs have made them a practical solution in the Philippines, proving that technology inspired by the stars can benefit everyone under the same sky.
2.) Medical Imaging Technology
NASA's contributions to medical imaging technologies are profound, particularly in the development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized Tomography (CT) scans. While NASA did not invent these technologies, its work in digital image processing, initially aimed at enhancing lunar photographs during the Apollo missions, laid the foundation for their advancement. The techniques developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) were crucial in improving image clarity and detail, which eventually translated into the medical field, allowing doctors to see inside the human body with unprecedented precision. (Brinson, 2024)
The origins of this technological leap can be traced back to NASA's efforts to process and analyze images from space (NASA, 1991). By refining digital image processing, NASA scientists were able to create sharper and more detailed images of the Moon, which not only aided in space exploration but also found applications on Earth. This breakthrough in imaging technology became the basis for MRIs and CT scans, tools that are now indispensable in modern medicine (Heraeus Group, n.d.). These imaging systems have revolutionized the way we diagnose and treat various medical conditions, providing clear, non-invasive insights into the human body.
NASA's innovations didn't stop there. The space agency's software, initially designed for analyzing Earth imagery, has been adapted for medical purposes, further advancing the field of diagnostic imaging. For example, the MED-SEG system, which originated from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, is now used to enhance the interpretation of mammograms, ultrasounds, and other medical images (NASA, n.d.). This repurposing of space technology lead to NASA's broader impact on healthcare, demonstrating how advancements made for space exploration can have far-reaching benefits on Earth (Olesch, 2024).
In essence, NASA's role in the evolution of medical imaging highlights the interconnectedness of space research and everyday life. The technologies developed for exploring the cosmos have directly influenced the tools and methods we use to explore the human body, improving patient care and saving lives. NASA's continued innovation in this area ensures that the agency's contributions will remain vital not only to space exploration but also to the ongoing advancement of medical science.
3.) Water Purification Systems
Water, certainly, is an incredibly important thing. Clean drinking water is essential for life of all kinds, and yet for such a basic necessity, it is saddeningly in short supply for many people. Reports by the World Health Organization show that 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion do not have access to safely managed sanitation services, and about 3 billion lack basic hand-washing facilities (World Health Organization, 2019). As such, efficient and cost effective water filters are valuable indeed. Thankfully, filters such as these exist, including the NanoCeram filters manufactured by Argonide Corporation based in Sanford, Florida. In 2002, the corporation and its founder, Fred Tepper, did their own studies on a newly discovered filter paper known as the Alhstrom Disruptor, made by Alhstrom in Finland (Enpress LLC, 2024). This research was then noticed by NASA, and NASA awarded them two Small Business Innovation Research contracts; one to study whether or not the filter could work in space, and a second to build a filter large enough to serve an entire space crew (NASA Spinoff, 2017). What actually makes these filters so effective is the fact that they produce an electropositive charge when water flows through them, which then attracts many of the slightly negatively charged impurities (NASA Spinoff, 2017). This allows them to filter water effectively while still having relatively large pores, allowing for efficient yet fast filtration (NASA Spinoff, 2017). Nowadays, these filters that were developed with the help of NASA serve humanity even beyond the scope of space missions. For example, Water Pure Technologies, based in Murray, Utah, offers both fixed and portable water filters that utilize this technology that are both cheap and effective (NASA Spinoff, 2017). These filters see use by firefighting efforts, humanitarian groups, and many other activities that overall contribute to benefiting humanity (NASA Spinoff, 2017).
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As we've seen, NASA's contributions to technology reaches beyond the boundaries of space. NASA's innovations have created a significant impact and improved our daily lives on Earth. From the twinkling LED lights that brighten homes around the world, the advanced medical imaging technologies that save lives, to the water purification systems that provide clean drinking water to those in need, these technological advandments that are intented originally for space exploration have become an important and invaluable parts of our daily lives.
NASA's dedication to pushing the boundaries of technology has resulted in advancements that positively impact individuals here on Earth and their enduring influence serves as a testament of human creativity and the importance of investing in research and development. So next time you flick a switch to turn on lights, undergo an MRI scan, or simply enjoy a refreshing drink of clean water, remember that these everyday comforts are made possible by the same technology that helps us explore the galaxies.
Anunciacion, J., Villanueva, P., & Morales, F. (2020). LED adoption in rural Philippine communities: A step towards sustainable energy solutions. Journal of Renewable Energy, 45(3), 203-217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.12.032
Barta, D. J., Tibbitts, T. W., & Bula, R. J. (1992). Light-emitting diodes as a radiation source for plants. HortScience, 27(4), 392-394. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.27.4.392
Brinson, L. C. (2024, March 7). What breakthroughs in medicine came from NASA?. HowStuffWorks Science. https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/nasa-inventions/nasa-breakthroughs-in-medicine.htm
Enpress LLC. (2024). History of the Argonide Corporation and the NanoCeram Water Filter. NanoCeram Water Filters. https://www.nanoceramwaterfilters.com/pages/history
NASA Spinoff. (2017). Fast-Flow Nanofiber Filters Purify Water at Home and in the Field. https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2017/ps_5.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR09XOXB14msdDpbDwA3TE-5GKuwrb1exmIMQcVmRtiIoykQKkHqyO9KZoA_aem_CpiNag67XTgL6rEkPcI4Ow
NASA. (1991, January 1). Medical Imaging System - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS). NASA. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20020086381
NASA. (n.d.). Technology benefits - NASA science. NASA. https://science.nasa.gov/mission/hubble/impacts-and-benefits/technology-benefits/
Olesch, A. (2024, May 6). Space medicine: How innovations made for astronauts benefit every patient on Earth. ICT&health International. https://ictandhealth.com/news/space-medicine-how-innovations-made-for-astronauts-benefit-every-patient-on-earth
Space innovations. Heraeus Group. (n.d.). https://www.heraeus.com/en/landingspages/lp_group/apollo_11/the_reflector/space_ideas/space_ideas.html
World Health Organization. (2019, June 18). 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water – UNICEF, WHO. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news/item/18-06-2019-1-in-3-people-globally-do-not-have-access-to-safe-drinking-water-unicef-who
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dan6085 · 4 months
In the Philippines, numerous charitable organizations play a vital role in addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. Here's a list of 20 significant charity institutions in the country, noted for their impactful work in various domains:
### 1. **Philippine Red Cross**
- **Focus:** Disaster response, health services, and blood donation.
- **Activities:** Provides a range of humanitarian services across the nation, especially during natural disasters.
### 2. **Gawad Kalinga**
- **Focus:** Poverty alleviation and community development.
- **Activities:** Builds communities and houses for the poor, also focusing on education and community strengthening.
### 3. **Tuloy Foundation**
- **Focus:** Youth and education.
- **Activities:** Aims to provide shelter, education, and rehabilitation for street children.
### 4. **Ayala Foundation**
- **Focus:** Education, youth leadership, sustainable livelihood.
- **Activities:** Implements programs that enhance access to education, promote arts and culture, and foster community development.
### 5. **Caritas Manila**
- **Focus:** Poverty alleviation through education and development services.
- **Activities:** Offers scholarship programs, livelihood programs, and disaster relief efforts.
### 6. **Philippine Business for Social Progress**
- **Focus:** Corporate social responsibility.
- **Activities:** Mobilizes business resources for various community development programs and disaster response.
### 7. **Habitat for Humanity Philippines**
- **Focus:** Housing.
- **Activities:** Works toward providing affordable and decent housing to Filipino families in need.
### 8. **ABS-CBN Foundation**
- **Focus:** Child welfare, environmental protection, and humanitarian relief.
- **Activities:** Engages in various programs including Bantay Bata (child protection), Bantay Kalikasan (environmental protection), and Sagip Kapamilya (disaster relief).
### 9. **Haribon Foundation**
- **Focus:** Environmental conservation.
- **Activities:** Dedicated to the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity through science-based strategies and community empowerment.
### 10. **Tahanan ng Pagmamahal**
- **Focus:** Orphans and abandoned children.
- **Activities:** Provides a safe and loving environment for orphans and other vulnerable children.
### 11. **Childhope Philippines**
- **Focus:** Street children.
- **Activities:** Advocates for the cause of street children by providing them access to education, health services, and protection.
### 12. **Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)**
- **Focus:** Animal rights and welfare.
- **Activities:** Operates a shelter for rescued animals and campaigns against animal cruelty.
### 13. **Feed the Hungry, Inc.**
- **Focus:** Hunger and poverty alleviation.
- **Activities:** Provides feeding programs, scholarships, and emergency relief operations.
### 14. **Virlanie Foundation**
- **Focus:** Street children and disenfranchised youth.
- **Activities:** Helps street children and young people who are at risk through various residential and community-based programs.
### 15. **The Mind Museum**
- **Focus:** Education (Science).
- **Activities:** Aims to provide an extraordinary educational experience and inspire public understanding of science.
### 16. **Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philippines**
- **Focus:** Child health and welfare.
- **Activities:** Provides programs that strengthen family bonds during tough times, including providing housing near medical facilities.
### 17. **Resources for the Blind Inc.**
- **Focus:** Visually impaired individuals.
- **Activities:** Assists in providing equal opportunities for the blind through various educational, rehabilitation, and employment programs.
### 18. **Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines**
- **Focus:** Medical assistance, disaster response, and poverty alleviation.
- **Activities:** Offers medical and disaster response services alongside sustainable livelihood and community development programs.
### 19. **Unicef Philippines**
- **Focus:** Child health, education, and welfare.
- **Activities:** Works to improve the lives of children in the Philippines through various programs targeting health, nutrition, and education.
### 20. **World Vision Philippines**
- **Focus:** Child-focused humanitarian aid.
- **Activities:** Focuses on improving the lives of children and their communities in the Philippines through sponsorship programs and emergency relief.
These organizations are integral in addressing the diverse challenges faced by many in the Philippines, from immediate relief efforts to long-term developmental aid. They showcase the broad spectrum of philanthropy active in the country, from local foundations to international affiliations.
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pannaginip · 6 months
ABS-CBN: Lack of textbooks, untrained teachers highlight PH education issues, according to study
Quoting the EDCOM 2 [Second Congressional Commission on Education] Year One Report, EDCOM 2 Executive Director Karol Yee underscored the persistent inequality in accessing quality education, and highlighted a textbook shortage during a discussion with UK Ambassador Laure Beafils.
(We found out that between 2012 and 2022, only 27 titles have been successfully delivered to schools. The reality in our schools is that only Grades 5 and 6 have complete books for all subjects. For others, there have been no usable books for the past decade.) [he said.]
The report also stressed the urgent need for teacher professional development and support, as many educators face heavy workloads and tasks beyond teaching, such as managing school canteens and libraries.
Daycare teachers are also underpaid, averaging P5000 a month.
Aside from being underpaid, the study showed that some daycare workers and educators are untrained or incompetent.
"The irony is that this is the most important level of education because it is foundational. But it is where we are least invested in. Daycare teachers have no training, there are no pathways in TESDA or CHED to prepare them to become such," he said.
2024 Mar. 20
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takeoffphilippines · 10 months
Get ready for The Ultimate Shopping Experience this December!
The much-anticipated World Bazaar Festival (WBF) 2023 is set to captivate avid shoppers and enthusiasts alike as it unveils the grand spectacle of retail therapy at its finest. With the theme Shop til you pop, the 23rd edition of the World Bazaar Festival promises an unparalleled shopping experience that celebrates the diversity of global merchandise in the country.
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The World Bazaar Festival has long been revered as a premier destination for those seeking a one-of-a-kind shopping adventure during the Holiday Rush. With an extensive array of international and local “bazaaristas”, visitors can expect a curated selection of RTW’s, shoes and bags, pre-loved items, pet accessories, artisanal goods and organic produce, food options, and a whole lot more - all uniquely styled for your shopping glee!
Woobie, the official WBF mascot, will shop with visitors through the labyrinth of choices, offering a curated selection of the latest trends and exclusive deals on budget-friendly choices!
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So get ready for a Christmas Shopping Wonderland where you can explore pavilions dedicated to showcasing products from various corners of the country.
Experience our star-studded activities and witness the extravagant performances of Drag Queens at the POPDiva: Colors of pride. Meet cosplay characters that came to life in COSWALK: Parade of Characters and get ready to meet the newest boy band sensation at The World Stage!
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Get it, let it roll! Get ready to witness our HALLYU contestants as they set the dance floor on fire with the K-pop hits! From dancing to singing, get ready to sing the holiday tunes only at the "Christmas Carols with the Angels". Put up your painting brush, and start coloring your dreams here at this year’s Woobie’s ArtFest!
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The World Bazaar Festival 2023 promises an unforgettable fusion of Christmas and pop culture. Join us as we navigate the shopping universe together at the World Trade Center from December 13-22, 2023. Get ready to "Shop 'til you pop" and discover the joy of finding the extraordinary amidst the ordinary. This event is organized by Worldbex Services International and for the benefit of ABS CBN Foundation Inc.
Get your tickets now! www.worldbazaarfestival.com
Follow us on our Socials: FB: https://www.facebook.com/worldbazaarfestival IG: https://www.instagram.com/worldbazaarfestival/
📧 If you wish to send an invite and feature your province/company brand/event; Just ask the author of this vlog, email us at [email protected]
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
THIS JUST IN OVERNIGHT: Nickel Asia Corps set to replace UnionBank, following to delist UBP in the stock exchange main index by October 4th
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(via ABS-CBN News / with reports from Salve Duplito)
PASIG, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION -- In a significant serious developments, the Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. (PSEi) officially announced that the Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) is poised to replace Unionbank of the Philippines (UBP) on the PSEi main index on Wednesday (October 4th, 2023 -- Manila local time).
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This decision, recently outlined in Memorandum Circular #2023-0047 from PSEi, signifies a strategic shift in the composition of the prestigious stock index.
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NAC is a major contributor to the role of the Philippine mining industry in global and local supply chains, operating nickelous mining, exploration and processing. The company earned its reputation for being an industry leader, because of practicing sustainable and responsible mines development practices.
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The Union Bank of the Philippines is a commercial banking and financial economic institution, which primarily based in Pasig City, National Capital Region (NCR). With a wide variety of services, along with traditional & digital banking, and other financial solutions including a savings account, loans, credit & debit cards; UBP performs an important position within the banking sector character. Its presence extends into retail & industrial banking, and online financial services (regardless of depositing money on savings, E-Wallet and Bank Transfers), making it a key player in the nation's financial landscape.
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And finally, The Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. (PSEi) serves as a primary stock exchange in the home country. It maintains and operates the aforementioned stock exchange company, which represents the country's top-performed business companies, and reflecting the overall health of its national Filipino stock market. Inclusion within the PSEi is a prestigious accolade, signifying a company's stability and significance inside the Philippine economy.
The decision to delist UBP from the PSEi main index has added several questions among investors and consumers. One theory that emerges pertains to the impact on UBP retail banking operations and its online banking consumers, per reports from ABS-CBN News. As UBP loses its place on the prestigious index, it may face heightened scrutiny from investors, potentially affecting its stock price and market perception.
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For savings account holders and online banking consumers in the Philippines, including right here in Dumaguete City and Negros Island Region, this upcoming transition could lead to a period of uncertainty. Filipino and foreign investors might closely monitor the bank's performance and financial stability, which could in turn, influence their trust in their services of the said commercial banking company. However, it's important to note that UBP's core banking operations remain intact, and it'll continue to serve its customers diligently.
It is no big secret that the Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. (PSEi) is going through a potential change as Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) takes the center stage on the main index. As this ongoing business banking development unfolds, investors and consumers alike are watching closely. But questions still linger about the implications for its commercial banking company of UBP.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Unionbank of the Philippines is an affiliated banking organization firm for the benefit of ONC Foundation in Negros Oriental, part of our broadcasting management of ONC Holdings Inc. for OneNETtv Channel and OneNETnews.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNyu5JTmYsY [Referenced News Item via ABS-CBN News] *https://documents.pse.com.ph/CircularOPSPDF/CN-2023-0047.pdf [Referenced Memorandon Notice via Philippine Stock Exchange] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unionbank_(Philippines) *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel_Asia_Corporation *https://nickelasia.com/about-us and *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Stock_Exchange
-- OneNETnews Team
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abscbnball · 1 year
Join us at the ABS CBN Ball 2023 on September 30th and witness the brightest Kapamilya stars shine together in a night full of glamour, elegance, and unforgettable moments. Free live stream for ABS CBN Ball event available at https://theball.abs-cbn.com. #ABSCBNBallisBack #RoadToABSCBNBall2023 #ABSCBNForeverGrateful
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Regent Foods Corporation Statement on Recent Labor Protest and Arrests
Regent Foods Corporation wishes to provide a statement regarding the recent labor protest and subsequent arrests of 23 of our workers. Our goal is to ensure that all of our employees are treated fairly and that labor rules are followed. We take this concern seriously and have been working with the right authorities to resolve it.
Since the founding of it in 1988, the organization has been a trusted name in the snack food industry.  Regent company employees are the foundation of our business, we treat them fair and equal. We have always been in constant communication with our employees thru their respective representatives to resolve issues and reach an agreement acceptable to both parties.
Our corporation is committed to safety and security and will not and never will tolerate any actions and situation that puts our employees in harm, as exemplified by the recent arrests.
Even while we understand Mayor Vico Sotto of Pasig City's argument, we wish to stress that dismissing the charges against the detained people is not a straightforward process. The case will be addressed properly by the competent authorities if we follow the legal process.
Our Organization is committed to maintaining remarkable labor practices and guaranteeing a safe and healthy environment for all of our staff and workers.
Regent Foods Corporation is open to serious discussion and will strive to find a solution that will be beneficial to both parties. We hope our employees recognize that we are acting in their best interests and going to considerable efforts to protect your safety.
ABS-CBN News. (2019, November 19). Regent eyes Pasig exit as Vico Sotto sides with striking workers. ABS-CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/business/11/19/19/regent-eyes-pasig-exit-as-vico-sotto-sides-with-striking-workers?fbclid=IwAR3ziy14jBdaXLgVPzrKYkSp4QE4E6OQw8X0mrCaGzSwzKfUAy-eWLKJuF0
BusinessMirror. (2019, November 25). Regent Reacts. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://businessmirror.com.ph/2019/11/25/regent-reacts/?fbclid=IwAR0-Kv1LUuvzn9qPEaYgAjoA5Yl7U2R3JmkxGoDnWWdsrNUyrPv7ux_O1bI
GMA News Online. (2019, November 19). DILG: Mayor Vico Sotto can't pressure Regent Foods to drop charges vs 23 individuals. GMA News. https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/metro/716292/dilg-mayor-vico-sotto-can-t-pressure-regent-foods-to-drop-charges-vs-23-individuals/story/
News5. (2019, November 17). Vico Sotto tells Regent Foods to drop charges vs protesting workers. ABS-CBN News. Retrieved from https://news.abs-cbn.com/business/11/17/19/vico-sotto-tells-regent-foods-to-drop-charges-vs-protesting-workers?fbclid=IwAR3ziy14jBdaXLgVPzrKYkSp4QE4E6OQw8X0mrCaGzSwzKfUAy-eWLKJuF0
Rappler. (2019, November 18). Regent Foods Corporation statement on Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto's appeal. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/245274-regent-foods-corporation-statement-vico-sotto-appeal/?fbclid=IwAR0i5s8Dk7gr5W7VmXZU90ftfPdHM134jlT99yMdea46MIITjRZ34URh2kA
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goldiers1 · 2 years
USAID Pumps in Extra $10M After Mindoro Oil Spill
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  The United States government is providing an additional PHP10 million (USD183,700) in assistance to support Oriental Mindoro’s oil spill management and environmental assessment. The US Embassy in Manila on Friday said the support would be used to train fisherfolk displaced by the fishing ban as “citizen scientists” who can conduct coastal habitat assessments in the province. Through its partnership with the ABS-CBN Foundation Inc., the US Agency for International Development (USAID), will also assess and monitor the impact of the oil spill on the coastal communities in the Verde Island Passage. USAID Philippines Mission Director Ryan Washburn had earlier handed over the first batch of personal protective equipment, hygiene kits, and spill cleaning supplies to Oriental Mindoro Governor Humerlito Dolor.  
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USAID Philippines Mission Director Washburn observes cleanup activities in Pola, Oriental Mindoro. Photo by US Embassy in the Philippines.   USAID Philippines Mission Director Ryan Washburn said, “Many communities in the province depend on the tourism and fisheries industries for their livelihoods, and we know that this makes the recent oil spill in your waters an even bigger crisis.” “As your enduring friend, partner, and ally, the United States remains committed to support your journey to recovery, and to continue our partnership toward the protection and conservation of this region’s rich coastal and marine resources.”   Dolor extended his gratitude for Washington DC’s “timely assistance” and assured the country that Oriental Mindoro would maximize USAID's donations to reach as many families as possible. The US government is actively assisting the Philippines’ response to the oil spill. Earlier this week, a team of experts from the US Coast Guard and the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration arrived in Pola town to provide subject matter expertise in the cleanup. The US has also provided satellite imagery and modeling applications to help the Philippine Coast Guard and the University of the Philippines-Marine Sciences Institute estimate the trajectory of the spill. Earlier this month, through its partnership with the World Food Program, USAID supported the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development in transporting 20,000 food packs for families affected by the oil spill.   Sources: THX News, U.S. Embassy Manila & Philippine News Agency. Read the full article
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jakegalvez · 2 years
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𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐀 for @asapofficial 𝗞𝗘𝗬 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗦: • @luxebeautyphl LASH CLUSTERS, The Lash Goo & Eyelid Lace from @luxebeautyphl • @makeupforever SKIN Foundation, Ultra HD Invisible Micro Setting Loose Powder & Lipcolor • @kikomilanoph Smart Eyeshadow Palette • @benefitph Fluff Up Brow Wax 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘂𝗽 𝗯𝘆 𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕫 @jakegalvez 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝘆 @_justineocampo 𝗦𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝘆 @pattyyap #makeupbyjakegalvez #alexailacad (at ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbtLT2Pk0i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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horsemains · 2 years
A time for change foundation
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Netizens even poked fun at candidate Francis Escudero’s robotic and monotonous voice and long, drawn-out answers to simple questions. The April 10 debate received a total of 310,000 tweets from 5-9 p.m., with candidates Alan Peter Cayetano, Leni Robredo, and Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. So far, the vice presidential debate on April 10 hosted by CNN Philippines, Commission on Elections, and Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP), and the presidential debate hosted by ABS-CBN on April 24, were the most organized and professional. The 2016 debates have been interesting, to say the least.
Recognizing the potent role of social media in the election, the Commission on Elections for the first time partnered with print, broadcast, and online outlets to mount a series of presidential debates (February 21 in Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, March 20 in Cebu, Visayas, and April 24 in Pangasinan, Luzon) and a vice presidential debate (April 10 in Luzon). It therefore takes rigorous fact-checking by responsible media and citizens to separate the wheat from the chaff. What has become obvious in this election is that social media has rendered traditional campaign strategies insufficient, polarizing voters who have pinned their hopes and dreams on candidates who do not exactly personify and reflect the values, morality, and ethics of a nation. As the campaigns have shown, social media (without editorial restraint) can throw decency out the window, divide families, unfriend friends, block would-be friends, and unleash rabid supporters that make The Walking Dead look like little more than a Halloween spectacle (and one that no doubt voters in the U.S. After May 2016, elections in the Philippines will never be the same again. Except, that’s not what always happens.įor better or for worse, social media can also create an obsessive focus on one or two issues, magnify candidates’ warts and pores, poke fun at their looks or voices, amplify a misstep, an insensitive remark, expose a prejudice or bias – and all for all the world to see and hear in real time without delay. In that sense, it can be seen as democratizing the electoral process.
Social media can provide free advertisement, highlight important advocacy work, make speeches and statements readily available, and help candidates promote their campaign messages widely and freely. With 41 million active Facebook users between the ages of 18 and 65, netizens could very well swing the tide in this election, which many are calling the country’s first “social media” election.įor millennials, social media is the lifeline of information (or misinformation). Today, the Philippines has become the most “social nation” in the world. He is currently seeking re-election for mayor in May. Pardoned later by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Estrada made a political comeback, ran for president in 2010 but lost, and ran for mayor of Manila in 2013 and won. In 2007, Estrada was found guilty by the Sandiganbayan of having stolen $80 million from the government and sentenced to life imprisonment.
When prosecutors walked out of the impeachment trial to protest the decision to prevent the opening of an envelope which would reveal damaging evidence, people used texting to encourage citizens to mass in the streets to oust Estrada. By 2001, texting played an important role in the ouster of then President Joseph Estrada, when corruption allegations resulted in his impeachment trial in the Senate. In 1998, texting became popular in the Philippines, which later earned the undisputed title of “texting capital of the world.” During the 1986 People Power Revolution against President Marcos, cellphones did not yet exist the late dictator was toppled by activists using radio broadcasts, placards, and fliers. For the first time, the Commission on Elections partnered with print, broadcast, and online outlets to mount a series of presidential and VP debates ahead of the election. Supporters great VP candidate Leni Robredo.
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beingjellybeans · 3 years
A few steps for my Kapamilyas: #100HakbangSaPagtutulungan
I do realize that I was among the lucky ones last December. When Typhoon Odette wrought devastation in many areas in the Southern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao regions, I was safely ensconced in my comfy home, preparing for Christmas celebrations with my family. However, many of my countrymen were laid low by the storm, losing their homes, possession and livelihoods. Two months after Typhoon…
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thewhizzyhead · 2 years
darlentina twitter update because i decided that i provide updates here now: people are starting to get more vocal about how much narrative sense darlentina makes and how emotionally mature their dynamic is. people are also getting even more vocal about the cop-aganda in the show to the point that narda/darna aka the main character sidelines and almost belittles herself to praise the cop love interest. in fact, there was a twitter space held shortly after the new episode was done airing and people vented about how the police were getting more screentime - especially in the context of JUST HOW SHITTY THE POLICE ARE IN THE PHILIPPINES OH GOD. oh and also said people are suspecting that someone from the network producing the show was in the twitter space too so. like. they know.
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timows-turf · 4 years
The Possible Next Steps for ABS-CBN
The Possible Next Steps for ABS-CBN
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The transmitting tower (right) of ABS-CBN Broadcasting Centre in Mother Ignacia has been off for 65 days, as of this publication. The main question is: When will it be back on?
TWO MONTHS ON (and four days) since Channel 2 — and 23 — was off the air has triggered the consequential domino effect.
While losing a major player may not be affected by those who have no love lost due…
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crazygirl-n-things · 3 years
So the Philippines is gonna have their election next year
As a minor in the Philippines right now, I cannot vote. But I do have a voice and a means to spread awareness. Being a mere 4th grader during the Philippine Presidential election in 2016, I witnessed history when my country elected Duterte but I did not understand the impact of his election years later.
My interest in the history of the world started in that same year, I binged a load of documentaries and read all I could. Admittedly my worst subject in grades 1-3 were AP (history of the Philippines) but call it character development that I have probably consumed all the information available about my country’s history. Which is why I do not want history to repeat itself. 
The Duterte administration has many accomplishments from the victory of the Marawi Siege, the build, build, build program and many others. These are the positives that I can give at the top of my head because when I think of this administration I think of the horrific war on drugs. I think of the unjustly killed, the families that grieved.
I can only think about the shutdown of Abs-cbn.
Let me repeat something many people who supported the shutdown used: “No one is above the law.”
The company violated laws but the president of this country has also violated these laws. 
The human rights violations during his war on drugs should be investigated and not be brushed aside. He as the president should be held accountable.
You may be wondering why I am criticizing the current administration and have not talked about the current elections. It’s because I want to lay a foundation of information for you to know about what the country is going through right now. The abundant human rights abuses and the attacks on journalism.
What if I tell you this is not the first time the Philippines has seen these things?
On September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law. It is one of the most memorable speeches in the 20th century and unfortunately it was also the day the button was pressed.
Many news stations were closed, publications shutdown. Seems familiar? Many of these news stations and publications were reopened soon enough, albeit with heavy censorship with the military overseeing it.
Many were killed, tortured and never seen or heard of again. Why you may ask? Because if you criticized the government in the tiniest of topics, you are immediately being labeled as a communist.
President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law in order to “protect” the country from communists that could invade the country, in context this was in the midst of the cold war.
He may be justified for declaring Martial Law to “protect” but he will never be justified in the human rights that were violated during this time. The money that he stole from the Filipino people that is still not returned.
I could tell you about the methods of torture, the number of people, the amount of money stolen but would that really make a difference?
Because let’s fast forward to today and unfortunately a growing number of Filipinos believe that President Ferdinand Marcos was the “Greatest President” of the Philippines.
This makes me sick. That my fellow Filipinos would elect the son of the late dictator. I will no longer refer to him as president because he didn’t rule as a president, he ruled as a dictator abusing his power.
His son is running for president, his chances winning seem to be very high.
Did you know that his son has a YouTube channel? Please don’t visit it cause it’ll just inflate it’s chances of being on the recommended page.
He makes videos about his father and his mother. Presenting himself as an approachable man.
This is so disgusting to me.
The man doesn’t even apologize to the victims. The excuse? Why should he apologize for his father?
The excuse of Marcos sympathizers? “The sins of the father should not be the sins of the son”
I call bs.
Martial Law lasted for 14 fucking years.
Bongbong Marcos became vice-governor of Ilocos Norte (a province in the Philippines) at age 23 and later governor.
When his father was ousted and exiled from the country, he was around 25-26 years old. 
Don’t tell me that he didn’t know anything because he was a kid. NO. He was a damn adult, surely he was aware of everything since he stood beside his father during engagements.
He should at least acknowledge the pain and suffering during his father’s regime. But he doesn’t.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
This is true.
But those who learn the wrong history are doomed to also repeat it.
The Marcoses are wiping their hands of their sins and point to the good. The infrastructure, the hospitals, the roads, the manila film center, etc.
Ironic since the Manila Film Center had a tragedy that Imelda Marcos, wife of the dictator himself, just brushed aside because she had a deadline for the construction.
The sad thing is that they are succeeding in this historical revisionism.
I’m sorry if I went on a rant about the Marcoses. There’s just a fire that burns within me when I talk about them, it is anger. Anger that they are able to do this, anger that people can’t see their disgusting lies.
There is a possibility that I will be bombarded with Marcos sympathizers in reblogs, replies, comments, dm’s.
This is a risk I am taking because too much is too much.
This will not be the last post I make about this topic because I want to spread awareness about this.
The Philippines is my country and despite it’s flaws, I still love it. I do not want it to suffer once again. It has suffered enough.
The real battle in this election starts online. This was said by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of 2021, Maria Ressa, and she is absolutely right.
The US election is one example. The battle started on social media, the same is applied to my country. As someone who cannot yet vote, all I can do is spread the right information and awareness about what has happened.
This is the best I can do as a Filipino.
And all I can say is-
Never again to a Marcos.
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takeoffphilippines · 11 months
Shop ‘Till You POP at the World Bazaar Festival 2023!
The 23rd edition of the World Bazaar Festival is set to be the most exciting and diverse shopping experience this holiday season! Shoppers, fashionistas, and retail enthusiasts alike, get ready to step into a vibrant universe of shopping possibilities with over 500 retail booths, ranging from fashion and beauty to home decor and gourmet cuisine.
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The highly anticipated World Bazaar Festival 2024 offers an expansive array of products that cater to every taste and style of all generations. Join Woobie and shop til you pop with the latest trends and designs from top local and international brands.
Meet and greet your favorite Kapamilya celebrities and enjoy live entertainment, performances, and interactive activities throughout the event. The World Bazaar Festival continues to be the longest Christmas charity bazaar in partnership with the ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. Get your tickets now and don't miss out on our new and exciting activities and highlights this Holiday Season! Immerse yourself in the world of cosplay and strut your stuff on the runway at CosWalk: The Parade of Characters! Join us as we transform the World Trade Center into a much more colorful creative space with the help of local and international artists during Woobie’s ARTFEST Competitions.
Get ready to meet the next boy group Icons Only at The World Stage and experience the best of Korean pop culture with K-pop music and dance performances at the HALLYU Dance Competitions! Be astonished by the captivating performances of local Drag Queens at the POPDiva: Colors of Pride and get ready to meet the first-ever Woobie’s Drag Sensation. All these and more only at the biggest and grandest bazaar experience in the country!
Get ready to shop `til you pop this coming December 13-22, 2023 from 10AM to 9PM at the World Trade Center Metro Manila. World Bazaar Festival 2024 is set to be a shopper's paradise like no other, offering an unmatched shopping experience that caters to every whim and desire. We invite shoppers from all walks of life to join us in this remarkable holiday journey through the shopping universe. This event is organized by Worldbex Services International and for the benefit of ABS CBN Foundation Inc.
Get your tickets now via www.worldbazaarfestival.com
Follow our Socials FB: https://www.facebook.com/worldbazaarfestival IG: https://www.instagram.com/worldbazaarfestival
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