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Acid Tone Diary
Florian Förster–Rauschebart 00:00 Luke Vibert–I Love Acid 03:30 Futuregrapher–Micro Modular Sequence 7 06:59 AB85-80801 10:45 Harald Björk–Sketch On A Feeling (Original Mix) 15:19 Pye Corner Audio–Mayday Acid 19:20 Krystian Shek–Acid Diary #2 24:54 Ekoplekz–Quasarz 28:15 OORA–RISE 32:07 Higher Intelligence Agency–Conoid Tone 36:20 TRAXUS–Geriatric Zombie Acid 41:29 Ekoplekz–Staja84a 43:51 Mega Segas–Acid 505 47:46 Virgo–Lost Lexicon 51:10 Dokun–Under The Aether 57:57
#Florian Förster#Luke Vibert#Futuregrapher#AB85#Harald Björk#Pye Corner Audio#Krystian Shek#Ekoplekz#OORA#Higher Intelligence Agency#TRAXUS#Mega Segas#Virgo#Dokun#Móatún 7#Warp Records#Kranglan Broadcast#Selvamancer#b o t r#Electronic Music Collection#Intellitronic Bubble#Tálknafjörður#Iceland#London#Bristol#Birmingham#Leeds#UK#Stockholm#Sweden
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Nature Love🍁
#photography #love @photographersdirectory @photography-ga @photo
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Drifting drone uplifting ambient
Mixes dropped every Wednesday and Saturday, with the odd bonus mix for good measure.
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#trigona#paulina fae#projekt records#lau nau#fonal#synthetic villains#Tontos expanding head band#albrecht la brooy#Apollo records#polypores#Stephen j buckley#castles in space#slow attack ensemble#Johnny woods#band ane#ab85#David rothbaum#mixcloud#electronic#music#mixtape#chillout#thisismyjam#instrumental#downtempo#experimental#now listening#nowplaying
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28:底名無し沼さん (スップ Sdc3-z6tH []):2023/10/12(木) 16:43:54.05 ID:fZCQGufxd
31:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ a36e-rHwo []):[sage]:2023/10/12(木) 18:11:07.79 ID:nxV1h/EG0
34:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 4fbd-cT2N []):2023/10/14(土) 14:33:51.35 ID:Eqco4+UV0
35:31 (ワッチョイ ab85-WEcB []):[sage]:2023/10/14(土) 21:35:13.43 ID:tqwbG3Li0
40:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 5f30-HaiO []):[sage]:2023/10/15(日) 10:07:04.83 ID:2Hwx7jPT0
36:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 6675-V9tp []):[sage]:2023/10/14(土) 22:19:54.20 ID:yzuBAkzS0
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Pg 85 (Colors may be slightly desaturated)
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
Source: Yahoo時尚美妝編輯群
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Canadiens coming together after late-season shakeup
The Montreal Canadiens celebrate after beating the Vancouver Canucks in overtime. (Jonathan Hayward/CP)
Claude Julien chuckled before answering the question last Friday, noticing its ironic timing as his team packed for a 10-day road trip.
Would this extended stretch on the road be a good chance for the Montreal Canadiens to bond and get to know one another better?
“With so many new faces on the team, this trip is a chance for us to get stronger together,” Julien told reporters. “It’s something you see often at the beginning of the season, not so much now in March; but with the number of changes made to this club recently – the addition of myself included – we have a chance now to come back to Montreal a tighter-knit group.”
Since Julien replaced Michel Therrien behind the Habs bench on Feb. 14, Montreal has seen the arrival of one new head coach, five new players and a new “swarming” style of play all in the head-spinning span of 15 days.
You might think that’s a lot of late-season change and pressure for a first-place team playing in a hockey-mad city where every move is so heavily scrutinized.
“It’s not as hard as one would think,” Canadiens captain Max Pacorietty told Yahoo Sports.
“Claude has done a really good job to transition. He’s done a good job of introducing things slowly, while making sure we still play with confidence. He stressed a lot of positives and made sure we had fun. Even though we are under the microscope so much, he wants us to have fun.”
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There was plenty of fun in Montreal back in October and early November when the Canadiens ripped off a 9-0-1 start and had the NHL’s best record, 13-1-1, after a 5-0 shutout victory over the Detroit Red Wings on Nov. 15.
The following three months when the Canadiens limped to a 18-18-7 record that led to Therrien’s dismissal? Not so much fun.
“I just felt it was heavy when I got there,” noted Julien, who was unemployed for all of one week after being fired by the Boston Bruins.
“When you lose as many games as this team had lost at the time, it does get heavy. So, it was a matter of trying to change the trend and try and get some positive messages to those guys, try to build them up again.”
But what of the difficulty in trying to lift players out of their doldrums while simultaneously working newcomers into the lineup, seemingly on a nightly basis?
“That hasn’t been an issue, in fact the timing has been great,” said pugnacious Montreal forward Brendan Gallagher. “The new guys that have been inserted into the lineup have given us a lot of energy, on top of the boost Claude provided. We’re feeling confident in each other, line after line getting on the opposition regardless of what’s happening in a game, finding different ways to win.”
Winning is again a common theme, so far, under Julien.
The Canadiens have won six straight, including impressive victories over the New York Rangers and Vancouver Canucks to start their road trip. They are 7-2-0 since Julien took over as coach.
Sounds simple, right?
“It didn’t happen right away,” explained Gallagher. “When Claude came in it definitely took some time.”
Added Pacorietty: “Early on Claude gave us a good talking to (between periods of an eventual 4-3 overtime win in New Jersey on Feb. 27). We had to look in the mirror and realize we had to be better for each other, and we were.”
The players, old and new, adapted quickly and enthusiastically to the tweaks implemented by the new coach.
“We call it a bit of a swarm,” explained Julien. “When the puck is in the corner we are trying to outnumber the other team. Instead of being passive, we’re being a little bit more aggressive.”
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Centre Andrew Shaw simplified it even more.
“We’re playing team hockey, winning our one-on-one battles. We stick to the program, work hard, compete, play well in our end and find ways to win.”
The recent additions of high-character players who bring a physical edge to their game – defencemen Jordie Benn and Brandon Davidson, and forwards Steve Ott, Dwight King, and Andreas Martinson – complement the core group that features speed and skill, giving Julien’s squad a more even mix.
“The new guys who have come in are team guys, ones who sacrifice their body,” offered Pacorietty. “They fit in right away.”
The Stanley Cup playoffs are four weeks away and the Canadiens are back on track, looking to make a deep postseason run behind a resurgent Carey Price, the 30-goal élan of Pacorietty, a group of rugged newcomers and a Cup-winning coach in Julien, who has the boys believing again.
“It’s a matter of them playing with more confidence, instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen, we’re starting to initiate things now,” explained Julien. “When you start winning some hockey games, and the confidence comes back, those are the things you start seeing.”
#_revsp:21d636bb-8aa8-4731-9147-93a932d2b27a#_uuid:03d60eb0-ab85-301b-9d45-14a5885fb107#_lmsid:a077000000CFoGyAAL#_author:Jim Cerny
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Tony Yoka : Contraint de payer l'entrée d'un gala de boxe à 5€, il pousse un coup de gueule !
La ville de Louvroil (59) accueille cette année, les championnats de France de boxe amateurs (samedi 28 et dimanche 29 janvier 2017). Hier, samedi 28 janvier, Tony Yoka a donc fait le déplacement jusque dans le Nord pour assister aux huitièmes et quarts de finale de la compétition et pour surtout pour soutenir son petit frère Victor, présent sur le ring. Arrivé à l'entrée du gymnase, celui qui a été sacré champion lors des derniers Jeux Olympiques de Rio en août dernier a refusé de payer l'entrée du fait de son statut de médaillé d'or. Suite à son refus, le jeune homme a donc invité à quitter les lieux.Furieux, il a exprimé sa colère sur son compte Facebook : "Bienvenue aux Championnats de France de Boxe. Venu supporter mon petit frère je me vois refuser l'entrée et contraint de payer. J'ai bien évidement refusé et même après avoir fait le tour des différentes tables d'officiels et du président de notre Chère et Grande Fédération Française de Boxe, j'ai été prié de quitter la salle de compétition. Quelle belle mise en avant de notre fédé qui surfe sur l'image de ses champions depuis les JO, qui placarde sur tous les murs cette photo de ma fiancé et moi-même et qui me refoule comme un malpropre à l'entrée des gymnases."Comme l'expose le site de la Fédération Française de Boxe, le droit d'entrée du championnat s'élève à 5€. Une somme dérisoire mais symbolique pour le champion qui a préféré partir plutôt que de mettre la main à la poche. Contactée par nos confrères de L'Équipe... Retrouvez cet article sur Public
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