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mydaroga · 2 years ago
'Why do you think the Beatles are so popular? They resurrected original rock'n'roll music, the origins of which are to be found in American Negro singers. They hit the scene when it had been emasculated by figures like Cliff Richard. Gone was the drive that inflamed emotions. The Beatles exploded on a jaded scene. The Beatles were the stuff that screams were made of. Here was the excitement, both physical and aural, that symbolized the rebellion of youth.
'Essentially a vocal act, hardly ever instrumental, they were independently minded, playing what they liked for kicks, kudos and cash. Privileged in having gained prestige and experience in Hamburg. Musically authoritative and physically magnetic, example the mean, moody magnificence of drummer, Pete Best – a sort of teenage Jeff Chandler. A remarkable variety of talented voices but when speaking, possess the same naivety of tone. Rhythmic revolutionaries. An act which from beginning to end is a succession of climaxes. A personality cult. Seemingly unambitious, yet fluctuating between self-assured and the vulnerable. Truly a phenomenon – and also a predicament to promoters! Such are the fantastic Beatles. I don't think anything like them will happen again.'
-Bob Wooler writing for a local paper in the summer of 1961, as reprinted in Hunter Davies' The Beatles
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daisyofwaterdeep · 8 months ago
Hi! I would love to know your thoughts on tiefling bodies, SFW or NSFW!
Oh I definitely have thoughts hghghgh now bear with me, bc I'm new around these parts so I might just be unintentionally rehashing things that have already been widely accepted as fanon
Thoughts on Tieflings
They run hotter than humans. Prepare to sweat if you're with a tiefling partner.
Because of this, they require more water to stay hydrated. It also means that their bodily fluids tend to be thicker and more resilient--sweat and spit are more akin to the consistency of blood. Blood is more of the consistency of condensed milk, and cum is like molasses
And speaking of the previous point, tiefling cum is fairly hot-- it won't burn, but it gets damn near close to it.
Because tiefling cum moves slower, orgasms are longer for them. If you bring your tiefling to climax, prepare to be there for the next hour or so as they whimper and tremble through it
Tiefling cocks have a knot at the base, to ensure succesful breeding through their slow orgasms.
With sex and release being a slow process, most tieflings don't have the luxury to masturbate as often as humans. It's not some sort of quick thing they can do on a whim--they have to clear out at least two hours of their schedule and ensure privacy during those times
If you want to drive your tiefling crazy, there's three unique spots you need to keep in mind: Shoulder blades, the base of their horns, and the base of their tail.
For the shoulder blades, you'll note that there's a more jagged point under their skin near the middle of their back--vestiges of wings. This area tends to have a sort of soreness to it, and if you massage it, you'll have your tiefling purring. For them, it feels like scalp scratches after having your hair pulled back tight all day, or rubbing the indent a pair of tight jeans leaves in your belly. An aching sort of relief you don't even realize you need until you have it
Tiefling horns don't have much feeling. They are aware of pressure on them, but that's about the extent of it. The area around the horns doesn't have any extra nerve endings or anything, but it's the trust that goes with the touch that makes it erotic. It's incredibly bad etiquette to touch a tiefling's horns, so it's only done by the closest of friends (and still, very rarely), or by a lover. If your tieflings leans their head in and you gently grab them by their horns, rubbing your thumb where the bone splits the skin, they'll be a puddle in your arms.
Now, the base of the tail is sensitive. Very much so. The nerves that run through the tails all join at that point, and a few touches there will have your tieflings flustered and their tail thwipping to and fro.
The nerves in the tail connect to the pudendal nerve, which makes it an incredibly erogenous zone
When a tiefling is horny, the base of their tail will raise away from their body--it's subtle, but if you know enough about tieflings, it's incredibly easy to spot
Tieflings go into ruts/heats. This happens once to twice a year, for about two weeks at a time.
If you're with a tiefling during this time, prepare to do little else than care for them...make sure to stay hydrated lol
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months ago
"Final Frontier" review
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Novel from 1988, by Diane Carey. Not to be confused with the novelization of "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", or Carey's "First Frontier", which is the one with the dinosaur on the cover. There may be no dinosaurs in this one, but it was pretty great nonetheless (and crazy as it may sound, I don't think that dinosaurs would have made it better in this case).
The story focuses on a so far unrecorded period in the Enterprise's life: that of its first mission. And by that I don't mean Kirk's first mission aboard. Not even Pike's. But its very, very first mission under the command of Robert April (from the Animated Series), alongside Kirk's father: George. There's tight action, ideological dilemmas, some funny humor, and Romulans (both good and bad), that borrow heavily from Diane Duane's Rihannsu series. The frame story, on the other hand, has Kirk reading his father's letters during shore leave, in his childhood farm of Iowa. While he reflects upon his life choices in the aftermath of Edith Keeler's death. The brief frame chapters, inserted between the main story, present thus a poignant, quiet counterpart to George Kirk's adventures.
I really liked the development of the new characters in this one, and had the impression of knowing them quite well, despite not appearing in the series (or barely at all). Robert April is the laid-back, gentlemanly and ideallistic Captain, and a clear counterpoint to George, the pragmatic man that sports a more militaristic approach for Starfleet. The narrative tends to side more with George's views, as April's decisions are usually ineffectual once the Enterprise enters hostile territory. Though ultimately, both of them end up understanding and adopting parts of the other's philosophy. In fact, at the story's climax, they're forced to stand up at the opposite side of their initial worldview. Thus, Jim Kirk is presented as the more succesful, balanced combination of both (it's a bit like Spock and McCoy's "reason vs. emotion", but translated to politics). Sarah Poole (April's wife in TAS) also appears as the ship's doctor; she has a lesser role, but was given considerable depth nonetheless. George's pirate-like friend, Drake, usually offers the comic relief. While the staple "noble Romulan" and "devious Romulan" are represented by t'Cael and Ry'iak, respectively.
In many ways, the Enterprise could be considered the main character, though. The story follows her baby steps as a yet-not-finished starship, her coming-of-age after being severely crippled and defeating her enemies against all odds, and finally her official baptism. There are sections in which the ship is even personalized as a sentient being, like a chilling scene where her memory is tampered with. Also, April and George act like two dads that can't agree about their child's true vocation.
I can't think of much to criticize this time, though there's a moment where it's stated that the Federation's constitution is directly based on the USA constitution, as the "prime example to follow". I don't know if this is an original idea of the novel, or if it ever was Roddenberry's intention (which could be, judging by episodes like "The Omega Glory"). But the whole thing was pretty eye-rolling...
Spoilers under the cut:
George Samuel Kirk (Sr.) and his friend Drake Reed are bored security personnel at a starbase. Until one day they're kidnapped by three mysterious individuals, who leave them unconscious. Upon waking up, George and Drake find themselves in the cargo hold of a small ship, and once they break free, George discovers it was his old friend, Captain Robert April, who ordered their abduction. April is gathering his most trusted friends (among them Dr. Sarah Poole, his future wife) for a special rescue mission (well, maybe he could have ASKED them!). A colonist ship has been stranded in the middle of an ion storm, and Starfleet has no means to reach it before hundreds of families die aboard from radiation. Thus, April has been tasked with testing a new, revolutionary ship, much faster and bigger than any other at this time: the first starship (you know which one, right?). This is the only way they could save those colonists in time. And George is introduced to a majestic first view of the Enterprise, still lacking a name, when they approach dry dock. April intends George to be his First Officer, as he values his insights above anybody else's. However, the views of the two men about the role of the starship soon start to clash: April wants it to be perceived exclusively as a tool of peace and exploration; while George argues that its weapon capacities shouldn't be overlooked, in order to defend the Federation.
At the same time, we're introduced in some chapters to Field Primus t'Cael and his Romulan warbird, in another sector of space. T'Cael is dealing with intrigues aboard, instigated by an upstart spy from the Praetorate: Ry'iak. Dispirited by the growing suspicions of his crew, t'Cael has become rather seclusive, though he still counts on the loyalty of Commander Idrys. The Field Primus' moderate views have made him fall out of favor with the Praetorate, as t'Cael doesn't think that the Federation has hostile intentions against the Empire, and disapproves of the stealth attack the Praetor is planning.
For its part, the Enterprise has finished preparations for departure. However, soon after they leave dry dock, there's a catastrophic failure of the sealing elements in the warp nacelles. The only two options seem to be, either ejecting the nacelles (and thus losing warp capacity to rescue the colonists), or let the ship explode. But George doesn't believe in no-win scenarios either, so he pressures one of the engineers to think creatively and find an alternative. Using the energy from the shuttles to seal the leak at the last moment, they manage to salvage the nacelles. Nonetheless, George is suspicious of the failure happening right at the most critical moment, so he asks Drake to investigate the engineers, as chief of security. Drake tries to find a saboteur (not very subtly) among engineers Saffire, Graff and Wood, but finds nothing incriminating. Despite Drake not knowing, the reader does in fact find out who's one of the saboteurs soon thereafter, as Saffire breaks into the starship memory banks and tampers with the systems. The malfunction is delayed until the ship enters the ion storm, at which point there's a massive failure of the warp engines and the artificial gravity. April receives a head injury, while the ship is hurled light years away, into unknown territory. Well, not so unknown: they appear right in the middle of Romulan space, and face to face with t'Cael's warbird.
Confronted with the massive starship, the Romulans start fretting over a possible attack from the Federation. But t'Cael chooses to believe April about their ship being disabled and there out of accident. As a show of good faith, he agrees to meet with the First Officer (as April is too injured), in neutral territory on a nearby planetoid. However, once t'Cael gets off the ship, Ry'iak seizes control of the warbird and kills Idrys (a death that took me by surprise, to be honest). Then, he starts shooting at the planet from orbit, attempting to kill t'Cael too. Since humans and Romulans had never seen each other before, George mistakes t'Cael for a poor Vulcan prisoner. And there's a rather comedic scene, where he "rescues" the Romulan from enemy fire. Once the mistake is cleared, George has to overcome his xenophobic sentiments and cooperate with t'Cael to escape the planetoid. The escape involving alien wolves too.
Eventually, the starship manages to rescue George and t'Cael, using the new transporter technology (well, they accidentally transport an alien wolf too, which creates a bit of a mess). T'Cael agrees to help the Federation against his disloyal swarm of warbirds, as he believes that, if the starship is captured, this will precipitate war between the Empire and the Federation. In the later chapters, there's a pretty intense battle between the Enterprise and the Romulan swarm. While George uses a very Kirk-like bluff to discourage further attacks from the Romulans (which, in turn, explains the eventual development of the cloaking device). With the saboteurs finally captured (and in one case, destroyed in a very grisly way), and the warp repaired, the Enterprise can finally return to home space and rescue those colonists.
Spirk Meter: 4/10*. Spock expresses his grief about Jim's decision to quit Starfleet after Edith's death. And at this moment, McCoy understands how much the ship and Jim mean to the Vulcan: "more than a career, more than a refuge, and certainly more than McCoy had ever guessed". Later, when Kirk regains his confidence and chooses to stay as Captain, Spock looks at him in the bridge and acknowledges his "deeply personal synthesis between himself and Jim Kirk".
However, the relationship between Kirk and McCoy is given far more prevalence throughout the novel, and that's why I'm separating the two dynamics. McCoy won't leave Kirk alone in Iowa at his moment of vulnerability, despite Jim's wishes. At first, he tries to lure him with an invitation to have dinner together. And when this fails, he just pops up in the barn, offering "mouth-to-mouth" resucitation (of all things!) if Jim doesn't answer him (unfortunately for poor McCoy, Kirk doesn't seem too eager to receive a kiss from him). Later, McCoy tries to comfort Kirk about Edith Keeler's death, and share his pain, while Kirk assures McCoy that her death wasn't his fault. He also says that McCoy was worth everything. And once Kirk announces his decision to leave the ship, McCoy gets very emotional and tries to reason with him. Just then, Spock appears in the barn and wonders if he's "interrupting something"; to which both of them answer that yes, he's interrupting. For a novel that doesn't actually deal with the TOS characters, they surely managed to cram as much homoeroticism between Kirk and McCoy as possible...
Apart from this, George Kirk has several things in common with his son. Not just being an absent father... but also having very "intense" relationships with his male friends. There's a bit of it with Drake, that April brings along, not because he has much use for him, but because he can't separate him from George. Drake also waltzes into George's quarters and plops into his bed as if nothing. But most of all, George and t'Cael develop a very, veeeery close relationship (for good or bad), and have all these tense stares at each other, and this desire to protect each other. Just so you get an idea of what I'm talking about:
"Like me, George admitted to himself, unable to bury the color that rose in his cheeks and forced him to look away from t’Cael for a moment. When he looked back again, there was a touch of melancholy on t’Cael’s face. [.......]
George moved closer, hoping his eyes conveyed the depth of his promise. Solemnly he said, “Whatever it takes, however long it takes, I’ll personally make sure you have a place in the Federation. I owe you that,” he added, moving still closer. “In fact, I owe you more.”
A sudden, unexpected warmth came over t’Cael’s face, and he broke his communion with the monitor to look affably at George. “That’s kind of you. It will be difficult.” [............]
Allowing their intimacy to linger, George returned the grin,"
Huh, George, didn't you have a wife and kids back at home???
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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popculturebuffet · 6 months ago
Next up for Cartoon Network era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the mid-late 2010s Dimensional era (shame they didn't get the best treatment and exposure on the channel, being the point when Cartoon Network was overplaying Teen Titans Go and pushing most other shows to the side) shows you've seen like: We Bare Bears, The Powerpuff Girls 2016, Mighty Magiswords, Ben 10 2017, OK KO Let's Be Heroes, Apple & Onion, Craig of the Creek, and Summer Camp Island?
We Bare Bears: Ice Bear though I loved them all. And as for thoughts, I really need to go back and watch all of this show as it was really good. Relaly solid. I think I just was in that hole of "If the status quo dosen't change I dont like it" which is still mostly true, it is kinda annoying to have a series long arc of someone wants to get a girlfriend with panda and not.. doing anything with that. But it's very clearly mostly slice of life shenanigans. ALso seems to have ended well
PPG: SIlico as he seems neat.. but I watched maybe one episode of this. I wasn't intrested, everything I heard was bad and looking back it seems half assed.
Mighty Magiswords: Yet another one from this era (and the last) I need to go back to, a true classic. Character wise I love Porhias for his voice and whole vibe. Though Vambre's legs will always have a place in my heart... moving on.
Ben 10 Reboot: Kevin having a bootleg omnitrix. This one I didn't see much of and while I may watch it some day for completions sake... it seems mid. Not as messy as ultimate or omniverse with some growth and really intresting ideas, but not nearly as intresting as the og or alien force seasons 1 and 2. It's firmly in the middle: trying hard to be funnier, inoffensive, but as bad as omniverse could get in it's worst moments... it had ambition. 2016 takes a much needed fresh start and just kinda... does a weaker version of the first show without the charm or real stakes or neat jack kirby-esque art style.
OK KO Let's Be Heroes: It's like asking me to pick my children you monster. But i'd have to go with Professor Venemous. He's a compelling villian, and while I feel we coudl've gotten more post shadowy figure takeover out of him (and may give him just that some day), he's an intresting villian whose bisexual as hell, clever and whose motivatoin and history with characters is great. The cast as a whole is though as this is the best show of the bunch here, though it has close compettition and you can probably guess who. It's fun, has well done character arcs, great action at a time Cartoon Network hated doing acction scnees (it's why SU got the shit end of the stick for a while and why this show ultimately did not last) and ended on one hell of a final episode (The actual climax is mixed but still pretty good given the time constraints). An all time classic and one of the best show's cn's put out and certainly one of my faviorites.
Apple and Onion: Onion, though ti's bittersweet given the whole Grahm Lihean thing. God dammit richard. A great show I wish i'd watched more of, really sweet and chill and like most of these as you pointed out , given the short end of the stick for teen titans not for me.
Craig of the Creek: Another all time faviorite and one I need to watch more of including the full story arc. But what i've seen of the story arc is excellent and the show as a whole is great, the recess successor I didn't know I wanted. It's still largely i'ts own thing but it's hard not ot see "Kids in their own elabroate clicks with terriotirY" and not think recess, but going way bigger than it's more grounded cousin. It's still clear most fantasy stuff is just the kids imaginations, but it dosen't hold back a fantastic show with a stacked roster of characters, a truly great world that just gets better and better, and a lot of nice character growth and moments. I'm not ready for it to end and boo HBO MAx for not wanting one of thier most succesful shows to go on. Favorite is JP. Eaisly. he's the boy.
Summer Camp Island: I"ve barely seen any of it I hear it's great and once again they screwed it over badly.
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calamariknight · 1 year ago
Every Succession episode ever, ranked from worst to best
Need to procastrinate so I'll do the thing when I rank the episodes from television show nobody watches and nobody will ever see that posts so just let's go
also every episode here is good mind you 39. s03e06 "What It Takes" -- honestly cannot remember this episode at all
38. s01e03 "Lifeboats" -- this episode challenged my will to watch Succession a little, but Logan put on a sock so
37. s04e04 "Honeymoon States" -- ok, at this point it's clear i'm just going by how much I remember what happened + considering which episode came just before it, it being more calm episode hurts a lot harder
36. s03e04 "Lion in the Meadow" -- two 4th episodes in a row, hope it does not become a trend (I have nothing to say about this episode)
35. s01e04 "Sad Sack Wasp Trap" -- sure hope 4th episode of 2nd season is better than the others (it is)
34. s02e02 "Vaulter" -- noooo Lawrence Yee
33. s03e02 "Mass in Time of War" -- honestly season 3 isn't all that great now I think about it
32. s03e01 "Secession" -- yup, I was right
31. s02e01 "The Summer Palace" -- at least better season opener than Secession + Napoleon dick
30. s03e03 "The Disruption" -- this is the last meh season 3 episode, I promise
29. s02e05 "Tern Haven" -- so long story short, I was inspired to make this list after seeing some magazine claiming it to be the greatest Succesion episode and like, no. Still good tho
28. s01e02 ""Shit Show at the Fuck Factory"" -- Roman/Shiv fight scene is the top 10 anime fights
27. s01e07 "Prague" -- oh, but it does introduce Tabitha
26. s04e06 "Living+" -- I need to start dropping season 4 eventually, and aside from Honeymoon States, this one is the least entertaining (tho Karl is great once again)
25. s01e09 "Pre-Nuptial" -- this is mostly setup for the finale, but it does introduce Lady Caroline, so yeah, number 25 it gets
24.s01e01 "Celebration" -- yeah, this show really is too consistently great to make a ranking list, like, great pilot didn't even made it to the top half of the list, what a world we live in.
23. s02e07 "Return" -- ok, I have like, 7 episodes of season 2 left, but I want to put most of them in the top 10. This season is just too good
22. s03e08 "Chiantishire" -- hello again season 3. This episode has same problems as another pre-wedding episode from season 1, but it has that one Logan/Kendall scene
21. s01e05 "I Went to Market" -- Evan makes his grand debut. Oh yeah, rest of the cast is also in this episode
20. s04e01 "The Munsters" -- Best season opener solely due to Logan's talk about death
19. s01e07 "Austerlitz" -- we're getting into "great episodes" territory, starting with first major fight between Logan and his kids
18. s02e06 "Argestes" -- this ending scene made a lot of mfs wet (I am mfs)
17. s04e02 "Rehearsal" -- the fact that this is the last time Shiv, Kendall and Logan talk...
16. s04e10 "With Open Eyes" -- imma be real, I didn't enjoy Succesion finale as much as I've probably should. It's still great and rather satisfying considering how messy the plot was by the end of the series
15. s04e07 "Tailgate Party" -- oh this Tom/Shiv scene is everything we could've wanted as a climax to their relationship
14. s01e06 "Which Side Are You On?" -- vote of no confidence scene is so fucking chills man
13. s02e03 "Hunting" -- HUNT! HUNT! HUNT!
12. s03e05 "Retired Janitors of Idaho" -- Roman told president to blow him, absolute legend
11. s01e10 "Nobody Is Ever Missing" -- great finale to a decent season, especially noteworthy is the final scene and how it pararells with the season 2 finale.
10. s03e07 "Too Much Birthday" -- we still don't know whether or not Roman kept his mom's gigantic vagina
9. s02e08 "Dundee" -- *inhales* L TO THE OG
8. s04e08 "America Decides" -- there is definitely some political commentary in this but I'm not American so it kind of flies over my head huh
7. s04e06 "Kill List" -- If Kieran Culkin won't get that fucking Emmy...
6. s04e09 "Church and State" -- Now this is how you make a funeral
5. s02e09 "DC" -- you can't make a tomlette (s02e10) without breaking some Greggs (this episode). Also Laird, Karl, and Roman is such a great team-up that it makes me wish we would get an entire season of their shenanigans
4. s03e09 "This Is Not for Tears" -- see? I told you season 3 has some heat after all (I've never told you that, but I tell you now).
3. s02e04 "Safe Room" -- easily best episode from comedic standpoint. Between Roman training, Attack Child, Mo's eulogy and so much more this is absolutely amazing hour of television. But don't let that distract you from the fact that Roman Roy was interested in politics at a very young age.
2. s02e10 "This Is Not for Tears" -- best season finale by a long margin. With great wrapping up of characters arc this season, memorable moments like Tom eating the chicken, and culminating with shocking twist and one of the best shots in TV history that sends me chills down the spine every time. Absolute gem of television.
1. s04e03 "Connor's Wedding" -- yeah this is the best one
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sorenblr · 2 years ago
Can we get your quick take on each Jojo part?
Sure thing. I'll try to keep it punchy (spoiler for every Jojo part, obviously):
Phantom Blood
It's so sick that Araki just started drawing like Tetsuo Hara while Fist of the North Star was at the crest of its popularity. Never underestimate the viability of naked imitation in feeling out your style. I love Phantom Blood. Really cool to see him work in a more traditional vernacular with reasonable pacing. Back in yon day people would try to turn you onto the series by suggesting you skip the first two parts and go straight into Stardust Crusaders. I always thought that was psychotic. Luck... and pluck??
Highlights: The rugby match cold open.
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Battle Tendency
Araki was getting really into Antonio Lopez around this time and it paid off in a big way. Joseph Joestar is a top-tier protagonist. He's such a dumb piece of shit. The Pillar Men reveal spread is a watershed moment in the history of manga. Lisa Lisa rules but Araki was simply too Kojima-brained to make good. The last proper training arc in the series is Joseph and Caesar trying to climb up a big greasy pole. Hey, not bad.
Highlights: Kars doing pro skater 3 moves to avoid landing on a flower, Joseph and Caesar threatening to shoot up a post office.
Stardust Crusaders
Joseph Joestar is back, and his piece of shit grandson won't stop smoking Malboro reds as the Joestar bloodline's most bisexual nemesis reappears from beyond time. Everything from D'arby on is golden, but until then the pacing struggles as Araki feels out the structure of those succesive tournament-style battles that define the series from here on. Really fun cast. Jotaro delivers one-liners like someone who was very recently diagnosed with CTE. Kakyoin can only do that puppet thing when he's evil?
Highlights: All the luxuriously rendered close-up panels from the final act. Araki was pushing this practice to the absolute limit before transitioning to the new idiom in DIU.
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Diamond is Unbreakable
Joseph Joestar is back again and ready to face his most fearsome opponent yet: age-related cognitive decline. Killer cast and tone. Kira is probably the most compelling overall antagonist. I think Jotaro as mentor is generally more compelling than Jotaro as Clint Eastwood. Him getting finessed by a rat undermines any conversation you can have about power-scaling in this series, which is pretty good. Read the original Duwang scans back when they were the only viable English language source and loved it.
Highlights: That thing Josuke does with the motorcycle, any time Rohan has to interact with any other character.
Golden Wind
Jean Pierre Polnareff (French Joseph Joestar) is back, and buddy, it is so joever. It was joever before it even jarted. I don't dislike this one nearly as much after revisiting it fairly recently. Funniest concept and setting in the series. The Squadra goons are great and the Diavolo sweater bimbofication reveal is one of the hardest transitions in the series. Giorno having the personality of a root vegetable is a real drag on the whole affair, as is Diavolo shedding most of the interest to his character post-Doppio.
Highlights: I wish I loved anything as much as Guido Mista loves shooting himself in the head.
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Stone Ocean
Jotaro Kujo is back, and his emotional constipation is finally about to pay off in a way that will make him wish it was his soul in that fucking turtle. In contention for my favorite part. Planet Waves is the strongest martial arts sequence in the series. Very refreshing that Jolyne is an insane Florida sukeban- the coolest thing the last guy did was pretend to drink someone's piss. Best climax of any Shonen. 'Anakiss' macking on Jolyne in the new world is really bad. I'll just assume this incarnation isn't a huge fucking freak.
Highlights: Everything from C-Moon on, Dio's insanely ugly children.
Steel Ball Run
Intimate male relationships are back, and the revelation of the empty tomb? Total bullshit, apparently. My other favorite arc. I think Araki's character writing excels when he allows himself to focus on a smaller cast and set of relationships. Artwork is breathtaking, a late peak that the series will probably never rebound from. No one has ever been more committed to the bit than Mountain Tim. Blackmore, kill this man.
Highlights: Mandom, Hot Pants & Diego vs. Valentine, the little blurb at the end that tells you about how the kid Gyro was trying to save died of a head cold.
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I really need to do a proper archival read of this. My impression is that it's very muddled and unfocused. The 'mystery' never really compensates for the lack of a compelling antagonistic force, and I refuse to learn this much about plant husbandry. The bad guy's motivation was that basically he wanted to make a bunch of money. Is it a crime to grind?
Some high-highs and low-lows. Curious to see how it all flows when read together, since monthly the pace was incredibly plodding. Think everything I've mentioned is exacberated by this being by far the longest part. Still, Araki starts to lean into these luxurious double spreads to push the action here, and it's some of his best work in that compositional mold.
Highlights: Flashback arc, beetle fight, the one-off chapter where Joshu balls out insanely and doesn't learn a lesson.
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man you really have to work for it if you want the original scans and not these ugly fucking digitally colored things. one of my least favorite things about the modern era of manga. nerds want this to be anime so bad
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snalz-artt · 3 years ago
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new guy just dropped
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milfbro · 3 years ago
intellectual US film critics will say that oh movies need to have structure and 3 act plots and need to have characters with arcs and be emotionally resonant, and they need to have a hero's journey and they need to escalate and climax etc meanwhile top gun is one of the most succesful movies of all time and it has none of that
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smileposting · 3 years ago
well now i Hav to know so habit 4 the Other hc thing OR gender hcs, ur choice :-)
sighs. Remember That You Wanted This /lh
How I feel about this character: [grips him like a squeaky toy] im going to pick you apart like a school laboratory frog (affectionate) (platonic)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: [obligatory long-winded kamal answer] but also the hc that lily was actually also a childhood friend that habit had ~feelings~ for but eventually drove away because [gestures to plot] makes me lose my Fucking mind so i also think abt that. i have yet to see a Bad habit ship really (aside from the one i already mentioned in previous asks)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: habit and putunia going through this whole song-and-dance where putunia starts hanging around his shop/house/apartment/wherever the fuck he spends most of his time and eventually it gets to the point where she’ll spend a whole day there because she got locked out of her house for reasons she won’t elaborate on or he’ll pick her up after school because her parents forgot and watch her for a few hours and she keeps likening it to that thing in superhero media where the hero and the villain have to team up against a greater evil for an arc and he just nods and is like “okay so how do you like your sandwiches cut.” idk if this ends in him becoming her dad per se bc he’s gotta work on himself and he’s not sure if he has time for a kid in that equation as cute as they are but he definitely becomes like a weird but doting uncle.
My unpopular opinion about this character: habit doesn’t suck at being an antagonist, but he definitely sucks shit at being the type of villain he actually set out to be (i.e. a demented devil-may-care willy wonka type) and whether or not that was an intentional writing choice it’s a crime not enough people talk about this because i think it adds a lot to his character. also, people who act like they’re the smartest most specialest person on earth bc they acknowledge habit as an antagonist are just as annoying and reductive as the people who woobify him to hell and back. also also, i can accept him being considered a lesser tumblr sexyman, he has most if not all of the trappings of the average sexyman. sexyman-sillyman hybrid, if we Really wanna get into specifics. but if you EVER try to tell me he’s anywhere near the level of sans i will laugh at your naivete. also also also, [this continues for several hours]
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i already explained my reasoning for it here but i wish we got to see a littol glimpse of his sensitive side before the climax instead of hearing about it from kamal. would’ve given the player a little more Incentive...
My OTP: already answered! (kinda. but my answer is largely the same.)
My OT3: none for now!
[send me a character/ship and i’ll give you my opinion!]
also this isn’t part of the og ask meme but since u asked: genderfluid habit’s really grown on me. the thought of him after So much misery of trying to fit into his and/or his family’s ideal of what a Succesful Man is the realization that he doesn’t even need to be a man 24/7 if he’s not feeling it that day would blow his fuckin mind apart in the best way possible.
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joannaoftarth · 5 years ago
Should I continue this?
Tags: Sex Worker!AU, escort!Jaime, voyeurism, loneliness, longing
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Taking a deep breath, Brienne takes a look around, hands on her hips, her thin blue top clinging to her sweaty chest. Finally done. The last box unpacked. Brienne Tarth, daughter of a little island with same name in the Stormlands, raised by a single dad, mocked for her looks her entire life, after more of a decade of hard work, has made it to the top. CEO of the most succesful high-class security company in Westeros, she has just moved into the famous Red Keep, the high-priced apartment building for the rich and beautiful. Well, she isn't beautiful. But hella rich. If she told her young, hard studying teenage self how much money she'd have one day, she'd never have believed her. She could probably buy Tarth at this point. After all, it has been family owned once upon a time. Brienne pins the thought to her mental wall of plans and goes to take a long bath in her ridiculously big bath tub. Finally, she can actually relax in a bath. Over an hour she enjoys the hot water, the bath salts and the meditating music. Tomorrow, the stress will hit her full force. She needs to be prepared. What she isn't prepared for is the view from her bedroom on her return. She doesn't have curtains yet and the building resembles a fork, meaning the next row of apartments is right across from her. And - for whatever reason - the curtains aren't drawn either. Brienne's jaw drops. A woman, pressed against the window. Naked. A man behind her. Also naked. The first is holding on for dear life as the second's trying to pound her through the glass, apparently. From the sweat on his face and chest she can tell they've been at it for some time. A shudder runs through Brienne. Tension builds in her abdomen. Heat rises from between her legs up her body, flushing her cheeks. His tight grip on her. His puffed up chest, the drops of sweat running down his defined muscles, making them glisten in the sparse light that's coming from somewhere to the right. His jaw clenched, his full blonde hair sticking to his forehead. He's an animal rutting into that poor woman (who doesn't look in pain at all). Suddenly, as if he's heard her thought, he looks up - straight into her eyes. Brienne freezes to the spot. She can't move. She can't breathe. She can't think. Like an idiot - or a pervert - she simply stands there and watching two people have sex. Dressed in merely a royal blue bathrobe. And the guy has the audacity to smirk at her. He doesn't stop. He doesn't slow down. He just smirks at and carries on. She keeps watching him. A few minutes and then he comes, his beautiful face turning into a grimace. Brienne can feel it. She feels it like a tiny explosion that's sending wave after wave of  shameful pleasure rushing through her. Seven hells, she's coming. Coming with him. They are totally in sync. When he's done, so is she, breathless and...alone. She looks up at him, feeling cold and so fucking empty, and he is looking right back, chest heaving. The smirk is gone and for a moment she imagines she can see...understanding. Finally, she runs. Back into the bathroom, where she's going to hide for an hour, trying not to die from embarrassment. Curtains. She definitely needs curtains. Tomorrow. At first light.
Brienne gets the curtains. Blue and pink, the colours of her old family sigil which still hangs above the mantel in Evenfhall Hall on Tarth. While she is hanging them up, he is watching her. Wearing a jeans, bare chested, a cup of coffee in his hand. His hair wet from the shower. It's 2 in the afternoon. Did he just get up? Don't engage, she thinks sternly and climbs on the foot latter, concentrating on hanging the blasted curtains. She thinks it again when he waves at her, smirking that knowing smirk. Her fingers work faster and as soon as they are on the rails, she angrily pulls them close. Keeps them drawn for a month. Works like crazy for a month. But then... But then, one night, when she's stressed, exhausted and lonely, her eyes are straying to the curtains. Wondering. It's after midnight. Too late? Not late enough? Maybe he isn't there. ...Maybe he is. Brienne withdraws her eyes, tries to focus on something else. Looks around in her giant apartment, walks the rooms for something to do. All she hears is silence. Her feet carry her back into the bedroom. To the curtains. Feeling somewhat save cloaked in darkness, her long fingers curl into the heavy cotton. Pulls it to the side, only one blue eye peeping through. He's there. Gods, he's there. And she watches. Watches him fuck this woman. A different one. Watches him thrust into her. Watches his hands grab her hips, her shoulder...her neck. Feels the ghosts of his fingers on her skin. The ghost of his cock inside of her. Like before, arousal floods her and her eyes focus on his face, this beautiful face, drinking in his sight, the power of his hips, the strong stance, the surity of his every move. When he comes, so does she. The woman is laughing and turns around, they speak and joke. They kiss. She hates it. The woman pats his cheek and slaps his ass as she walks away from the full length window. He chuckles, turns and looks after her (giving Brienne an excellent view of his absolutely perfect little hiny), runs a hand through his full blonde hair - and turns back to the window. Giving her the front view. Dear Gods in the seven heavens. And then he smiles at her. Directly at her. Brienne shrieks and jumps back, her heart pounding in her chest. How did he- ?! ~oOo~ Although she doesn't want to, she returns to the window. Night after night after night. For almost a month. She finds out his routine. And it is a routine. It's almost always the same. He brings home a woman - there are so many! -, he pours them a drink, they talk for  a while on the couch. Until he gives them that smile (it's so different from the ones he gives her, so...fake), takes their drink out of their hand, kisses their neck - and then the rest. Even from the distance she can see how fantastic he is. The women all leave satisfied. None of them stays over, never. He always showers after and, only wearing sweats, spends an hour or so in a black leather lounger, nursing a tumblr of alcohol, staring into the darkness - or at her. Sometimes, she lets him, her cheeks aflame with shame and embarrassment. It's only fair. In these moments, Brienne realizes how very alone she is. Because this, them sitting in their loungers and staring at each other gives her so much comfort. There is a calmness in his eyes that somehow soothes her to a point where she goes to bed and sleep. Sometimes, he watches her. She leaves her curtains open wide enough for him to see her as she settles in. He's always there, standing right in front of the window, giving her a sweet little smile. Watching over her until she falls asleep.   She hasn't slept that well in years. ~oOo~ If it had been up to her, it could have gone like this forever. Brienne was sleeping well, was attacking her day relaxed and energetic. It is one of these mornings, however, when this little bubble bursts. He's there. In the elevator. Her elevator. It dings, the doors slide open and. There. He. Is. Wearing shades and that damned smirk. Brienne's heart goes full stop. As does her mind and her body. He has to hold the door open for her. His arrogant chuckles shakes her out of it. She hates how this little noise rains down her back, leaving goosebumps. It turns her instinct to flee into stubborness. Straightening to her full height, she steps into the cabin. Her heart is pounding like crazy. She presses the button to the lobby and takes a step back. It's a long way down. Silently she begs him to not say a word. He does. "You smell lovely." She wants to punch him in the face. When he receives no answer, he chuckles. Adjusts his shades. He smells fantastic. He reaches into the backpocket of his very tight jeans and pulls out a card. Holds it out ot her. Brienne stares at it for a long moment. A golden lion on white paper. Then at his hand. She's spent hours watching his hand. A shiver down her front, pooling between her legs. She hates that her fingers are shaking when she finally takes the damn card. As she turns it around, her heart skips a beat. His name. His number. Jaime. It fits him perfectly. He couldn't have had a different name. Her heart is thumping in her throat. Involuntarily, her eyes rise up to his. Damn those shades. She would have loved to see those eyes. She never quite figured out if they are green or blue. His smile gets crooked and she realizes her mouth is hanging open. She snaps it shut. She doesn't know what to do. To say. How to act. At work, she has a firm personality in place. Confident, firm but fair. She can't slip into it now. This man has seen her in a towel. In her nightshirt. She has seen this man naked, having sex, climaxing and post-coital. She has seen him on his knees giving oral countless of times. Shouldn't she have the upper hand? Shouldn't she be the confident one? As if he is reading her mind, he explains all of these past weeks with one sentence: "I'm a whore." Brienne blinks. He is still smiling. "Companion. That's the fancy word the rich use. But in the end, that's what it is. They pay me, I fuck them. Sometimes accompany them to an event, a party, a charity, you name it. I clean up nice. You should see me in a tux." Another smirk. "I have time in my schedule for one more client." She's so busy trying to comprehend what is happening that she is completely missing what he is offering. "W-what?" she stumbles like an idiot. He takes a step towards her. Takes off his sunglasses. Green. His eyes are green. A deep, crystal sea green. Beautiful. His touch comes so unexpected she flinches. Once again she freezes to the spot. His fingertips slide up her bare arm. Goosebumps explode on the entirty of her skin. She doesn't like being touched. She longed to be touched by him for weeks. And now it's happening and her mind is so fuzzy she can't believe it's truly happening. Jaime... His eyes. His eyes. "I'll take good care of you", he whispers, his voice so soft, his look so tender. I'm not a ten-year-old, she wants to shout at him. Doesn't. Instead her lips part and she leans in. A flash of something in his eyes she recognizes too late. All of a sudden his hand is in her neck and he's pulling her down and - His lips are warm. Incredibly soft. When his tongue comes, she parts her lips and lets it in. A noise comes out of her she's never heard before. Immediately his arms come around her, pull her close. So close. He's so warm. So strong. So very strong. She sways. Wants to steady herself. "I've got you, sweetling", he whispers against her lips. Kisses her again. Tears fill her eyes. Before she knows what she's doing she's clinging to him like a drowning woman. He's so wonderfully tall and strong. For the first time in her life she doesn't feel like a freak in a man's arms. He's got her. She never wants to stop kissing him. Unfortunately, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. "Oh my!" Brienne jumps out of his arms. With a head red as a tomato she mumbles a hasty apology to the elderly woman waiting to get in the elevator. His hand curls around her wrist, but she pulls herself free and runs. Her driver Podrick hesitantly makes her aware that her lipstick is smeared. Brienne spends the next few minutes fixing it. Her fingers shaking. Her heart drumming. His taste lingering in her mouth.
 - - - 
What do you think? This is just a first, rough draft. But I think there should be more sex worker AUs in our ship. I’m also playing around with an escort!Brienne idea...
Oh maaaaaan, all these plot bunnies. Will they ever get written?!
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the-rainbow-mafia-blog · 5 years ago
Y don't u care abt UsUm?
// Short answer; because I feel Nintendo doesn’t either.
And now a long answer because I’ve been sitting on this rant for ages and I bothered the Discord server enough with it. I want to put foward first that the opinions expressed here are my own. I am a big fan of Nintendo and this is something that bothers me. This is no way shape or form an attack to people who love these games to bits. This is also not meant to hate on a franchise or a company. The purpose of this rant is to put some arguments behind my statements.
Sources are linked in the text. I used Nintendo but I always meant everyone involved in the making of these games.
The reason I feel comfortable sharing it now is because people have their, rightful, concerns about the upcoming games; Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, releasing in a few short weeks for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo’s newest and most succesful baby. 
Why doesn’t Nintendo care about Pokemon, according to you?
First we need to ask ourselves;
How much does Nintendo make on Pokemon?
While I do think they care in a sense the numbers won’t lie. Pokemon has made around $95 billion US dollars since the franchise came to life in 1996. To put it in a way bigger number; they make about 4130434782.61 US dollars PER YEAR on Pokemon. (This is my own math, I do not know the exact numbers per year. I divded their total by the amount of years Pokemon has been alive.) That’s a lot of money and it’s with right the most financially succesful franchise to date. 
Only a part is made by the video games $17.138 billion. It’s merchandise makes more; $64.1 billion.
I could not find a reliable source on how much it takes to make a Pokemon game in monetary value.  What I could find however is that Pokemon is making less and less per game they release. Without counting Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Sun and Moon made LESS than X and Y.  
The only main series game that made less than Sun and Moon (again not counting UsUm) was Black/White.
Nintendo knows people will buy their games anyway;
Dropping sales or no, Pokemon still manages to fatten the piggy bank over at Nintendo because people will buy it anyway. The Pokemon craze of the 90′s should tell you that. People would buy it if it had Pokemon on it. Those people are now in an age group that has money to spend, hell some even have kids. So Nintendo is smart and releases commercials like this one or this one.  This marketing is beautiful (and no, not only Nintendo knows how to do this) because they play on your feelings. Who didn’ make a friend because you both liked Pokemon? And if you grew up with Pokemon like the person in the second commercial the whole feeling and setting is famillair to you, hell they could’ve casted you and it would’ve make sense.  They compare the whole bleakness of adult life, having to work to pay the bills, having less time for video games, to that warm familliar feeling of coming home and playing Pokemon. They feed on your nostalgia; your desire to relive those moments or if you have kids, to share the feeling those games gave you with your off spring. Or your younger siblings or other family memmbers.  I catch myself doing it! When a young one comes up to me, or I see a kid play the game on the bus I get that familiar feeling of ‘Hey I used to do that!’ It’s smart and it’s a thing Disney is good at too. It zooms in on what was precious to you and now resells that feeling to you. 
“Hey buy our game to feel something again. The world sucks anyway but Bulbasaur is still cute!” This isn’t a bad thing! Nintendo is a company and at the end of the day they need to make money. That is fair and I am in no way bagging on them over that. But it’s my belief that Nintendo keeps making money on the Pokemon games this way. Which leads me to my next point;
The Pokemon games come across as lazy.
Again, opinion but it feels like that. Which is also why I don’t care for UsUm; it’s lazy.
I truly believe Pokemon has some decent writers who don’t get their chance to shine. The beginnings of great stories and characters are there but it feels unfinished. Like someone bought the ingredients to a delicious dish but forgot to make them. Over the years Pokemon has a colorful bunch of characters, and the ones that stand out the most are the baddies. They usually get the coolest designs, the sickest themes, one way or another they are present in the climax but again. It’s lazy. How many of them pretend to be good or have a high moral standing and then turn out to be absolute dickbags? Almost all of them. Then they have characters (Ghetsis, Lusamine and Faba come to mind first) do something horrible (abuse of minors and playing God) and they get away with it what is basically a slap on the wrist. 
And after you beat them… for me the story stops. Yes you can go and beat some very powerful trainers and claim your title as whatever the thing in this game is and yes often that unlocks some post credit content but it’s bare. The big threat is gone.
“But,” I hear you say “It’s a DS/3DS game. There is only so much you can do.” Disagree. Phoenix Wright, Ghost Trick, Professor Layton and The Legend of Zelda OoT 3DS and Majora’s Mask all released on the same consoles and have a much richer story and even more characters. All games keep their pacing and the story really feels like it ends when the credits role. 
Then there is the overal quality. The main characters in Sun/Moon looks like someone forgot to progamme their soul in: /Screenshot take from THIS video/
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I, again, easily could compare this other games who have much more expressions but let’s take one of Nintendo’s own;
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There is so much more emotion in the Legend of Zelda one.  It released a few years earlier than Pokemon Sun/Moon too.
Second the frame rate drops like a hat. While some framerate drop is expected this much is a little too glaring to ignore.  To compare it to BoTW or Red Dead Redemption on the PS4, who both also have some frame rate issues at times it only happens in certain locations, usually a spot with lots of effects of NPCs. In my opinion, Pokemon does not have the luxery of that excuse. It would random drop in almost every location i was in.
The story
Every Pokemon has a story and I get that it’s basic. It’s a game for all ages after all. I get it won’t have a deep story like other games have. The basic gist of the game is to still enjoy catching all these mon’s with occasional story woven into it. But here is the thing that irks me; The little sneak peaks of story that we do get.. it’s good. It’s just so unfinished. It’s like there is a constant battle in the developers room betweeing writing a deep and interesting story (I’m not counting Pokemon Lore, just the story given in a game) and focussing on just the gameplay. There are many examples of rich story games with little gameplay (Grim Fandango, The Walking Dead, Almost every Visual Novel ever, Detroit; Become Human, just to name a few.) There are games with lots of gameplay and little story (Mobile games for example) and there are games that mix story and gameplay perfectly (Red Dead Redemption, Left 4 Dead 2, Persona 5 to name just a FEW examples) 
I feel Pokeon TRIES to be all three of these styles of games but ends up failing at everything.
Storywise they lured peopel in with Team Rainbow Rocket, like mentioned before this is for most people the reason they get drawn in; seeing their old baddies return and getting to interact with them again. It’s the same reason for me. But it feels unpolished, same with The Ultra Recon Squad. They seem like GREAT characters but again, so little is done with them that I feel there could be so much more.
Don’t change a winning team. 
Pokemon has been selling the same game to us for years. Again, I don’t blame them. Why bother. People like it, why change it? They try new gimmicks now and again and I respect them for trying. I personally like the Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu versions. While they were FAR from perfect I can at least applaud them for doing something new and interesting. While at the same time trying to lure people who only played the mobile app into the main series by remake the first game all over again. Again, I understand. I would too if I were them.
But with Sword and Shield they are taking something away; Pokemon. And with that the whole thing comes undone. This is supposed to be THE Pokemon game, the big one, the game that will release on The Switch; home of BoTw and Mario Odyessy but also the upcoming Witcher 3, Skyrim. Games that are all much bigger than Pokemon and yet they took a vital part out of it.
The video is deleted now and I won’t link to the Chinese Bootleg game as it does steal user data, but the whole issue was the animations.  The animations in the bootleg were GOOD. And if we remember the amount of Pokemon makes per year they can afford themselves a team of good animators. This isn’t some indie studio who employs 20 people and have to live of Kickstarter donations, this is GAME FREAK, this is NINTENDO. And it’s not like they can’t, please remember Pokemon Stadium.  Look at the animation on that. Now remember that Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, ALSO came out for the Nintendo 64 and got a beautiful update on the 3DS. If they can do that, surely they can port the animations.
And yes, I’m hearing you. You say that there are a lot of Pokemon.. but they’re taking a lot of them out of Sword and Shield. So there is no excuse for the battles to look like this. And remember this is the same console that has BoTW, one of the most applauded games in recent gaming history. A game with tons of content, tons of NPCs, tons of Items and has almost none of the issues Pokemon has.
I don’t care about USUM because it’s a lazy cash grab that adds nothing new to the table except some side story that doesn’t do anything to the main story. Play UsuM, Play SuMo, you’re basically getting the same game. Nintendo is smart and tries to sell you the same game twice due to a Pokemon being unique to a game. Meaning that if you want them all, you’re going to have to fork over 120 US dollars and guess what? That version is almost sold out where I live. So it’s working. And I don’t blame them. I am impressed.
Because I get the feeling that, with absolutely minimum effort they are forking in insane amounts of money.  Nintendo is a company. They need money. I don’t blame them for doing the things they do. I am however, entitled to my opinion and despite everything said above I will see myself getting a copy of Sword or Shield in the future. Because that is how it always is. Because I too, want to relive the moments of my youth when the biggest concern I had was chosing my starter.
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puroresu-musings · 6 years ago
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1a, KAZUCHIKA OKADA: The best big match worker this side of Kenta Kobashi had another outstanding in-ring year. Whilst not quite as phenomenal as his 2017, The Rainmaker showed he’s still the best around. Lets just take a look at some of the highlights of his year: Surprisingly defeated Tetsuya Naito in the main event (and best match) of WK12. Rolled over SANADA in what was up to that point, the best match I’d ever seen Cold Skull in on February 10th. Put an end to Zack Sabre Jr’s incredible winstreak by beating him in a technical masterclass at Ryogoku Kokugikan on April 1st. Made history by becoming the first person to reach 12 successful defences of the IWGP Heavyweight Title, by defeating former record holder Hiroshi Tanahashi in another classic on May 4th. Finally dropped the belt after a superb two-year reign on June 9th, when he lost an epic 2 out of 3 falls match to Kenny Omega in one of the greatest wrestling matches ever. Had an excellent 30 minute draw with Minoru Suzuki in the midst of a monstrous typhoon on June 23rd, which was miraculous given the conditions. Put ZSJ over clean in another excellent match in the UK on July 1st. Was the standout competitor of the A Block in the G1, which culminated in another ***** classic with Tanahashi on August 10th at Budokan Hall, and another on September 23rd in Kobe which was even better. Defeated Marty Scurll in a great All In encounter on September 1st in Chicago, and was on the losing end of a tremendous tag outing with Tomohiro Ishii against The Golden Lovers in Long Beach on September 30th. I think it’s pretty safe to say that his WK13 match with Jay White will likely be the best of Switchblade’s career, and that his place at the top of the NJPW mountain is safe for sme time to come.
1b, KENNY OMEGA: Coming in joint first place, The Best Bout Machine had another fanatstic year. He beat Chris Jericho in a tremendous brawl at WK12, which exceeded expectations. Dropped the US Title to Jay White in a great outing on January 28th, but was turned on by Cody, which saw he and Kota Ibushi reunite as The Golden Lovers. The Lovers would go on to have numerous exceptional tag matches throughout the year, most notably against The Young Bucks in a fantastic bout based around storytelling on March 25th in Long Beach, a Korakuen Hall classic against Ishii and Ospreay in September, Okada and Ishii, again in Long Beach on September 30th, and on the final New Japan show of 2018 against Tanahashi and Ospreay on December 15th, which was probably the best doubles clash of 2018. Finally defeated Okada to win the IWGP Heavyweight belt in a truly superb 2/3 falls match at Dominion on June 9th, which was the best match of either man’s career. First succesful defense against Cody in San Franscisco was an insane brawl in which he suffered a broken heel. Had a fantastic G1, despite the injury, and had killer matches in the B Block with the likes of Naito, Goto, SANADA, Ishii and others, before finally losing the Block to BFF Ibushi in a blow-away match on August 11th at a sold out Budokan Hall. Beat the artist sometimes known as Pentagon Jr in a fab outing at All In. Defended the IWGP Title in another war against Tomohiro Ishii in Hiroshima on September 15th, and in a 3-Way at Ryogoku Kokugikan on October 8th against Ibushi and Cody in another great match. The upcoming WK13 Main Event against Tanahashi on January 4th is almost guaranteed to be a classic.
2. HIROSHI TANAHASHI: The legend would have possibly ranked first in this list, had the first half of his year been as consistent as the second, and had he not been hampered by injuries. Beat Jay White in a good match at WK12, which was hurt by a lack of crowd heat. Dropped the Intercontinental Title to Minoru Suzuki on January 27th via stoppage in a fanatastic bout built around storytelling. Took a couple of months off to rehab his injured knee, and returned in the New Japan Cup, making it all the way to the finals on March 21st, where he lost an excellent match to Zack Sabre Jr. With the exception of a losing effort to Okada on May 4th in an outstanding contest, spent the rest of the year up until the G1 in tags. He looked to be ‘passed his best’ in these months, then was resurgegent like a pheonix from the ashes in the G1 Climax, and despite certain physical limitions, appeared to be back to the Tanahashi of old. Looked amazing in the Climax, which he ultimately won, beating Ibushi in the finals which was another classic. Successfully defended the briefcase against Okada in his fourth ***** of the year on Sept 23rd, and Jay White in an excellent showing on October 8th. Ended 2018 in the years best tag match on December 15th in a Dream Tag with Ospreay taking on Omega and Ibushi. Whilst maybe not as flashy, or consistently as amazing a wrestler from month to month as the others on the list, the veteran always pulls it out of the bag on the big stage (i.e. when he needs to), and when it comes to emotional investment, The Ace is truly unmatched.
3, TOMOHIRO ISHII: The Stone Pitbull proved once again that he is one of the most consistent, and underrated, workers on the planet. Started the year by winning the NEVER 6 Man Titles with Toru Yano and Beretta in an entertaining gauntlet match at WK12, though the team dropped the belts the next night to the Bullet Club Tongan Squad. Lost a fantastic first round New Japan Cup bout to Michael Elgin on March 9th, but rebounded by pinning the on-the-push Zack Sabre Jr and winning the British Heavyweight Title at the Rev Pro show in New Orleans on April 6th, in another great outing. Successfully defended the belt against Keith Lee in an amazing contest in London on May 11th. Teamed with Okada in Long Beach on March 25th to lose a great outing to Zack Sabre Jr and Minoru Suzuki, whom he would ultimately spend the rest of the year seemingly trying to kill in a blood feud. The teams rematched in a fantastic British Tag Title Match on June 30th in Milton Keyens, which again saw the CHAOS duo lose, then Ishii dropped the British Title to Suzuki the next night in Manchester in an all-out war. He came into the G1 with all guns blazing, having absolutely phenomenal outings with Naito, Goto, Ibushi, ZSJ, Juice Robinson, SANADA and even scored a clean win over Kenny Omega on August 4th in Osaka in one of the best matches of either man’s respective careers, and the years second best match. He left the G1 having pinned every champion he faced, and recieved a shot at Omega’s IWGP Title on September 15th, which he ultimately lost. Regained the British Heavyweight Title from Suzuki on October 14th in another killer brawl in London, then vanquished The Ill-Natured Man again in a superbly stiff war in Osaka on November 3rd. Ishii is set to defend the belt against Zack Sabre Jr at Tokyo Dome, which should be another quality bout.
4, KOTA IBUSHI: With his unwavering ability to seemingly work any style, The Golden Star had a stellar year. It began with him defeating Cody in an excellent grudge match at Wrestle Kingdom. He reformed the Golden Lovers with Kenny Omega at the end of january, and had numerous jaw-dropping tag team outings throughout the year, the most underrated (and possibly best) of which is their outstanding win against Ishii and Ospreay at Korakuen Hall on September 7th. Put Cody over in a great match on May 3rd in Fukuoka, then was pretty much stuck in Bullet Club limbo, until he charged out of the blocks with a superb G1 run. Had phenomenal, and completely different matches in the Climax with pretty much everyone. He defeated Zack Sabre Jr in a mat-based classic on July 15th, pinned Juice Robinson in a great match on July 19th, carried Toru Yano to his best match in some years on the 21st, then had the best match of SANADA’s career on the 26th. Things only got better from there as he had two phenomenal, but genuinely frightening, matches with Ishii and Tetsuya Naito, both of which he won. Defeated partner Omega in a Budokan classic to win the B Block, before falling to eventual winner Tanahashi in one of the top three greatest G1 finals in history. Helped tear the house down in the all-action All In six man main event. Ended 2018 by defeating Hirooki Goto to win the NEVER Openweight Title in a great match on December 9th, and is set to defend the title against Will Ospreay at the Dome, which could be one of the most amazing matches you’ll ever see.
5, WILL OSPREAY: The 25 year old Ariel Assassin had his best in-ring year yet in 2018. Won the IWGP Jr Title in a fantastic four way with Marty Scurll, Hiromu Takahashi and KUSHIDA at WK12. Defended the title against Hiromu in an amazing, if somewhat scary, high flying match in Osaka on February 10th. Held his own against Okada en route to a Rainmaker induced defeat in a choice showing at the 46th Anniversary Show on March 6th. Was a late replacement for an injured Rey Mysterio and had an excellent showing against living legend Jushin Thunder Liger on March 25th in Long Beach. Nearly paralysed and/or killed himself in his amazing defence against Scrull at Sumo Hall on April 1st, which was one of the years best. Defeated KUSHIDA on May 4th in a fantastic bout, was laid out by Taiji Ishimori in the post-match, and sebsequently lost to the new Bone Soldier in the opening round of the BOSJ on May 18th. Was consistently great in the BOSJ, especially in contests with the likes of ACH, BUSHI and Flip Gordon. Dropped the belt to Takahashi in an incredible outing at Dominion, then tempered his style somewhat due to recurring injuries. Had truly tremendous matches with opponents as diverse as WALTER, Matt Riddle, and El Phantasmo in Europe and beyond. Lost to Scurll in another really great match in Long Beach on September 30th. Was likley going to win the NEVER strap in the Autumn, but had to pull out of the tour due to a rib injury. Carried Taichi’s worthles ass to an excellent, ****+ match on December 9th, which was a miracle. Has been lighting up tag matches with Ibushi all year, and their upcoming NEVER Title Match on January 4th will likely be one for the ages.
1, Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega (2/3 Falls IWGP Heavyweight Title Match, June 9th, *****+)
2, Kenny Omega vs. Tomohiro Ishii (G1 Climax, Aug 4th, *****)
3, Hiromu Takahashi vs. Taiji Ishimori (BOSJ Final, June 3rd, *****)
4, Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kota Ibushi (G1 Climax Final, Aug 12th, *****)
5, Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi (IWGP Heavyweight Title Match, May 4th, *****)
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recentanimenews · 4 years ago
All-Star Characters Gather for Climax Battle in Gintama THE FINAL Movie Full Trailer
    The official website for the Gintama anime franchise has started streaming a 90-second full trailer for the forthcoming all-new feature film Gintama THE FINAL featuring its insert song "Douraku Shinjyou" (Delightful Emotions) performed by DOES and the theme song "Wadachi" (rut) by SPYAIR.  In the clip, the all-star characters gather for the climax battle against the series' last enemy, Utsuro. 
  This is the sixth theme song by DOES for the Gintama franchise. And it is confirmed that the three-member rock band provides one more insert song for the film, titled "Breakdown."    
  Also at the end of the clip, the protagonist Gintoki Sakata announced that the film's first-week theatergoers will receive the Demon Slayer illustration card of Tanjiro and the Hashira newly drawn by the Gintama manga author Hideaki Sorachi, as well as a limited number of 30 types of "Succesive episodes and 'Gintama The Final'" film-style stickers.
    Full trailer:
    【最新予告完成】 \ #バイバイ銀さん / 最後のバカ騒ぎだァァァ!! ラストは劇場で笑って泣いてアツくなろう! 映画『銀魂 THE FINAL』 #1月8日公開   <フォロー&この投稿をRT>で 1⃣公開前日をリプライでお知らせ! 2⃣参加者の中から3名にサイン入りポスターほか????#銀魂ザファイナル
— アニメ銀魂 (@gintamamovie) December 7, 2020
    As the third feature film from the Gintama franchise following Gintama: The Movie (2010) and Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya (2013), Gintama THE FINAL is scheduled to be released in Japan on January 8, 2021. 
    Poster visual:
    Source: "Gintama" anime official website / Twitter 
  ©Hideaki Sorachi/SHUEISHA, TV Tokyo, Dentsu, BNP, Aniplex
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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easilymakermoney · 6 years ago
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Even Trump Would Signal This Child With His Golden Sharpie
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Even Trump Would Signal This Child With His Golden Sharpie
Holy Moly!
“Lemme let you know, this report, it’s gonna be huge. It’s gonna be actually huge. I like huge studies, however this one is the most important.” – Trump
It’s this time of the 12 months once more (what number of occasions have we heard this damned phrase?)
Trump can be pleased to approve and signal this report together with his golden Sharpie had been he an affiliate marketer. And he’d be a rattling good affiliate marketer, lemme let you know.
(Sure, he actually has a golden Sharpie, as a result of it’s cool).
STM’s What’s Working in Affiliate Advertising and marketing 2019 report has been formally introduced and it’s going to go stay in just some days time.
We’re speaking 220+ pages drenched in detailed, eye-opening affiliate traits, instructions, secrets and techniques and information of the trade.
We’re speaking ALL the most important associates and companies from the affiliate universe. And the eCom universe, and each different universe.
We’re speaking ALL the most important visitors sources and affiliate networks.
We’re speaking ALL the juicy particulars.
Us associates aren’t identified to be probably the most affected person varieties – there are campaigns to be launched, gives to be examined and lambos to be crashed.
And we’ve been affected person sufficient.
Yearly we anticipate the “What’s Working In 20XX” studies with sweaty palms.
This 12 months’s is nearly to pop up (no pun supposed).
You higher seize a drink and a few junk meals and dig in, the clock is ticking.
This report not solely reveals what’s going to work however it additionally units traits globally for your complete trade.
Additionally, it’s free for all STM members.
The staff has been working their assess off for this to be delivered on time.
It’s the most important one but.
Glue your eyeballs to the display at this location
BIG ANNOUCEMENT #2: Secret Night time Owl Affiliate Nest in Barcelona
Screw it, I’ll simply quote Chaz and his beautiful thread as a result of it’s a must to learn this:
“Okay so what I discussed to you guys earlier on within the Affiliate World Europe – Barcelona announcement has lastly been launched to the general public
I wished to go over a number of different additional particulars/ideas in right here, however primarily simply to be sure you’re all up to the mark on what is going on down.
1) Affiliate After Hours is the Official occasion for AWE
2) We have rented out Pacha Nightclub (Rated #5 in all of Spain & prime 50 Nightclubs within the World)
Three) There are over 30 tables networks/visitors sources/advertisers will likely be reserving… that is room for 100+ of you to persuade your reps you’ll scale with a view to publish up with free gray goose
Four) We have chatted with the primary corporations that host events, we have coordinated for there to be no overlap right here (no skamping/pin-balling vital between events)
One factor we aren’t promoting to attendees is the chance to purchase tables with buddies. Clearly our best route to ensure we cowl prices is having corporations sponsor. However I have been advised selection is the spice of life, so what we did was made positive there have been a number of choices out there.
I do not give two sh*ts when you do or do not however would not or not it’s rad to seize Four-5 buddies and lock in your individual house? The simplest route is the most affordable possibility €3K for 2 tables, two bottles and 10 wristbands. Tooooo straightforward. Solely three of those out there.
Click on right here, hit “Going” and make it identified.
For those who’re feeling additional stoked about STM and AWC’s huge occasion – present us some love and share this hyperlink along with your buds/gals.
That’s all, go away anyyyy questions right here or simply DM if you need – Chaz”
Click on that FB hyperlink above and invite your pals proper now!
Or go to the thread and ask the person himself if in case you have any questions.
Official thread right here
STM Holds Child Engineer’s Hand To The Inexperienced Lands
One other day, one other worthwhile beginner.
This time it’s an engineer and he’s a number of months younger into the affiliate scene.
He posted a really detailed and effectively organised observe alongside requesting suggestions and steerage.
As traditional, STM mods, specialists and veteran associates jumped in.
It’s like having dozens of coaches on the identical time for lower than you pay to your tracker.
And justinzing7 (let’s simply name him Justin) confirmed us fairly a number of screenshots the place the rows are inexperienced and making benjamins.
And it’s solely going to get higher from this level on.
Child engineers in right here
Round Barcelona in 40 Days
This beginner determined to start out his training with the most secure guess of all of them:
Vortex’s 40-Day Beginner Tutorial
It’s by far the best approach to bounce into online marketing.
And bounce he did.
The income present for it.
And he’s on the brink of safe a spot for the most important affiliate convention on the planet taking place this July in Barcelona.
Affiliate World Conferences is the way you attain the following degree in AM.
Better of luck to “kramnave” – might his ROIs soar and his lambos go sooner.
Maintain monitor of the observe alongside right here
Pop Your Sweeps for Three-Four Minutes and Open Rigorously
It has been a troublesome journey for “nitinsethi”
Filled with traps and setbacks.
A change of technique, nevertheless, and we now see the primary glimpse of hope.
He doesn’t have a whiny (however trustworthy) Sam to assist him climb the volcano, however he does have Sauron’s military (STM) to assist. And he’s about to placed on the ring.
One other profitable observe alongside within the making.
Certainly one of many extra to come back.
Worthwhile observe alongside freshly popped right here
One other 40-dayer In Right here
One other one to hitch the massively worthwhile faith of Vortex’s 40-day tutorial.
This one is sort of there with the inexperienced screenshots.
May wanna regulate it.
Working laborious for the lambo
Affiliate: How YOU Doin`? Fb: Slap…Banhammer
This affiliate tried to indicate love and affection to Girl Fb.
All he received was a slap throughout the face and a banhammer.
She let it slide for two days earlier than the banhammer.
He was sending her whitehat love and affection.
The place did he mess up?
This romantic story’s climax you’ll discover down right here:
Affiliate + FB = Robust Love
What The Aff Are You Stacking?
Manu Cinca’s well-known and explosively rising affiliate publication now hatches podcasts.
To cite the grasp:
“What’s up STMers! I assume lots of that I have been busy for a couple of 12 months now with this little piece of day by day goodness referred to as WHAT THE AFF.
Probably the most standard asks from readers was to start out a podcast soooo… we did! It is referred to as the Stacked Advertising and marketing Present as a result of the objective is to stack the advertising and marketing odds in your favour, get it? (not related to STM, by the best way!).”
The podcasts are improbable and have some tremendous huge names – first 2 posted contained in the thread.
Watch them now!
Stacked Advertising and marketing Present by WTAFF in right here
STM’s Jordan Belfort Besides He Misplaced His Tens of millions Three Instances
Kind by Controversial on the very least.
This man’s story is unbelievable:
“For those who’re on STM for a whilst you know I made my first million after I was 22… later I received into mid xx,xxx,xxx.xx figures with my complement enterprise. From zero. With simply two workers. Certainly one of them an fool, and one other grew to become a fairly succesful man (after 12 months of nerve-wrecking coaching).”
He then misplaced all of it.
To make it again once more from scratch.
“2007 – broke to a millionaire (1) for the primary time in web advertising and marketing market being certainly one of prime, record-breaking copywriters on the market. I spent all of it. 2015 – broke to a multi-millionaire (43+) for the second time in testosterone dietary supplements market, making the highest promoting testosterone complement on the internet, instantly. Yup, I managed to spend all of it however a pair actual estates. 2018 – broke to a millionaire (ongoing)”
His “identify” is “testosterone” and the nickname checks out at 100%.
All types of cuh-razy individuals within the affiliate trade with even crazier tales.
You be the decide of this one.
Jordan Belfort is right here
from Easily Maker Money https://easilymakermoney.com/2019/04/04/big-announcement-even-trump-would-signal-this-child-with-his-golden-sharpie/
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suriyafansteam-blog · 8 years ago
Khaka Khaka
@Suriya_Offl Said Remember jJohn The Strength Of Anbu Selvan Is In His Eyes - @TheJohnAbraham | Khaka Khaka Remade In Telugu As #Gharshana & In Hindi As #Force | Khaka Khaka Got 41 Marks From Vikatan & Its Third Film For @Suriya_Offl #Jyothika Pair | KhakaKhaka Has Set Example & Good Name 4 Antony People Wondered Can A Action Film Be Edited Even Like This | Khaka Khaka 1st Film For Magical @Suriya_Offl @Jharrisjayaraj Pair | I Would Give Half Of My Success 2 HJ - #Suriya |After Watching #KhakaKhaka A Phone Call From Sivakumar Sir To @Suriya_Offl ( Check Image ) | #SFTSURIYA40 pic.twitter.com/8n4dnDf1 MD | Khaka Khaka With Tagline THE POLICE | @Suriya_Offl Praised By Higher Police Officers For Making Them Proud With Such Film | @Suriya_Offl Feared People Wont Accept Him As Police So Acted With Beard In Khaka Khaka For First Few Days | Khaka Khaka & Minnale Gave Me Identity And Call From Kamal Sir For Doing Vettaiyadu Vilaiyadu - GVM | Khaka Khaka Title Came From The Sing Song Paean To The Tamil God Murugan 'Khaka Khaka Kanagavel Khaka' | Khaka Khaka Went To Few Actors But They Dont Wanted To Do Cop Film & Finally @Suriya_Offl Choosed When GVM Watched Nandha | GVM Felt @Suriya_Offl There Was Something About His Eyes & Done Rehearsal Costume Trial Shoot With Surya Jo In Handycam | @Suriya_Offl Went 2 Commando School To Train With Guns For About 10 Days & Then Khaka Khaka Shoot Started |Climax Of KhakaKhaka Was Set In Varanasi But They Did In Chennai Due 2 Money As @Suriya_Offl Was Not Top Hero That Time |Khaka Khaka Is Not Just Film Like The Police Officer In Film We Struggled Lot 2 Complete Movie - @Suriya_Offl | GVM Completed Khaka Khaka Script B4 Minnale Said This Will Suit Only For U I Will Wait How Many Months Ever - @Suriya_Offl | GVM : The Anbu Selvan Can Be Only You Not Anybody Else - @Suriya_Offl | For KhakaKhaka Many Producers Said This Budget Is 2 Much For @Suriya_Offl Movie & Finally Came Thanu Sir To Produce |Due 2 Financial Prob KhakaKhaka Final Schedule Stopped So @Suriya_Offl Gave 3L Which He Saved 2 Buy Necklace For His Sister |Jo Got 3L From Her Dad. GVM Sold His Wife's Ornament To Start KhakaKhaka Final Schedule Due 2 Financial Prob - @Suriya_Offl |Khaka Khaka : V Needed Outhouse Set On Top Of Water The Cost Was 20L V Did Not Have So Much Money - @Suriya_Offl | SriLanka Helped Us They Gave Permision 2 Shoot KakaKaka Soon Outhouse Set Done With 5L |KhakaKhaka Opening Stunt @Suriya_Offl Done Is 50ft Height , Colder Like OOTY & Crocodile Might Come Anytime & Has Bed Bugs | GVM Felt Injuries Might Happen Because Of This mobile.twitter.com/ SuriyaFansTeam... But @Suriya_Offl Forced Lot He Wanted 2 Do That | @Suriya_Offl Felt KhakaKhaka Is Big Project In Life So Wanted 2 Do Stunt By Himself As The Scene Appears First In Film |As @Suriya_Offl Requested Lot GVM Agreed 2 Make Stunt Without DUPE & Said Let Whatever Happen Lets Make It |Ready Take Action I Heard Dived Backward Into River Wit 2Camera Covering & KakaKaka StuntShot Became Succesful - @Suriya_Offl | When Khaka Khaka Stunt Became Successful After Many Arguments I Thanked Dad Inside My Heart - @Suriya_Offl |The People From Cinema Family Rocked In Everything But Dad Did Not Force 2 Do Anything Said Do What You Like - @Suriya_Offl | Dad Used 2 Say Learn Swimming Its Important Realised Importance 4 That After 15 Years ( KhakaKhaka Stunt ) - @Suriya_Offl |A Week Later KhakaKhaka Released GVM Called By 6am Said What Ur Doing In Home @Suriya_Offl Go Around Sathyam Udayam Devi |GVM Said mobile.twitter.com/ SuriyaFansTeam... I Calmly Replied Show Begins By 11 He Replied Go Out & Check Whats Happening - @Suriya_Offl | 2 Know What Happened mobile.twitter.com/ SuriyaFansTeam... Left Out Without Bath Saw Fans Waiting 2 Buy Tickets From 5am - @Suriya_Offl |Thalaiva KakaKaka Trailer Super Waiting 2 Watch 1st Show From Night Not Able 2 Sleep Said Fans Blocking My Car - @Suriya_Offl |I Know Wil B Late 2 Office Came 2 Watch 1st Show If Movie Is Not Then Thats Al. Warning Love From Fan - @Suriya_Offl |By 8am Heard KhakaKhaka Tickets Sold Out Completely Was Thinking Am I In Dream Land - @Suriya_Offl | Tamilnadu Forgot My Name As @Suriya_Offl They Saw Me As Anbu Selvan | Went 2 Railway Station A Police Saw Me & Said Because Of Khakakhaka Good Name For Us Sir - @Suriya_Offl | Many People Came & Shaked Hands mobile.twitter.com/ SuriyaFansTeam... Said Myself Saravana Ur Life Has Take Off - @Suriya_Offl | After Khaka Khaka In My Upcoming Films People Saw Me As The Character Of That Film - @Suriya_Offl | For Anbu Selvan The Hairstyle Is Ok But Dont Want The Same When Ur Not In Uniform Said A College Girl - @Suriya_Offl |Anbu Selvan & Maya Were Perfect Couple In Khaka Khaka Like Made For Each Other It Was So Beautiful - @Suriya_Offl | GVM Has Super Script @Suriya_Offl I'm Acting I Think It Will Be Good If U Act As Police Officer In That Film - #Jyothika | I Was Blown Away When Jo Said mobile.twitter.com/ SuriyaFansTeam... The Care She Had 2wards Me Being Non Family Member - @Suriya_Offl | Jo Warned @Suriya_Offl Not 2 Do Khaka Khaka Stunt But Suriya Did As If He Did Not C Jo Saying That
0 notes
zedsoccer · 8 years ago
Sikazwe set to officiate the AFCON Final
Jani Sikazwe set to officiate the AFCON Final between Egypt and Cameroon. Read more for his profile
Jani Sikazwe is set to officiate the climax of the 31st edition of Africa Cup of Nations. The final match takes place today between Egypt and Cameroon in Gabon.
The Zambian referee has raised football profile with exceptional and amazing officiating. At the Afcon 2017 finals he is hoped to take charge of the two African succesful nations battle-it to be crowned African champions.
This final…
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