solradguy · 1 year
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Johnny Guilty Gear Strive is not a single day under 37 years old. "Age: Unknown" my ass. Face of a man whose frequent all-nighters in his 20s finally caught up with him. I understand, Johnny, I empathize...
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claremikas · 5 months
"oh but youko and keiki's dynamic is ass compared to the other two kirin and king dynamics we have"
you fool. you absolute buffoon. those two are more intriguing to you because you get the kirin perspective and not the king one. youko is keiki's second liege and the first one developed an unhealthy obsession with him that almost ended up killing him of course he's going to keep his distance. plus the "rebellious teen daughter and mother hen" thing they've got going on is too good for you to hate on it
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carnivore sdc is being disappointed when the raw meat looks so delicious and you remember humans can't eat raw meat
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lesvegas · 9 months
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peachdues · 5 months
The hardest thing about being a former vegetarian is that most meat still grosses me out, so there are only certain kinds that I can eat.
But my dad does all the cooking, so there are several nights where he makes meat that makes me physically ill to eat, but I feel horrible saying anything because I don’t want to hurt this feelings, so I keep quiet
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masqueradeofatlas · 5 months
More cosplay content coming soon!
Holy mother of all GODS, @rapturesprodigalson did more than I could’ve ever captured for this. My fiancé followed me around until almost 2 AM taking hundreds of photos and videos of my dumb a** cosplaying and being goofy.
We had an amazing opportunity to stay at this beautiful hotel and also plan to get married at. I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have had with this man.
Also, yes, next time, he plans to cosplay Jack with me. (Prepare for the spice 😉)
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familyabolisher · 7 months
an annoying corollary to the whole "self-flagellating for crime of being a customer" thing is when people make perfectly legitimate and polite complaints to me at work and apologise five billion times for doing so like i don't care....
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aveil · 2 months
in other news it's cheap steak cuts and potatoes tonight which makes me kinda happy <3
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mistress-light · 2 months
Aight, I’m gonna try eating a lot of less carbs in my diet. Which will be a big challenge. Specially because I drank a lot of alcohol through the week. And not like getting waisted, but just 2 glasses or something. Ima limit that now only in the weekend(carefully). See how it goes. More healthy fats, like fish and steak and egg.
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thatlittledandere · 6 months
Been curious about this,
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ladybirdmacbeth · 1 year
I know the age difference is kinda wild but like this is tumblr dot com so if there’s ever a proper place to confess your problematic ships this is it. So after watching Andor did anyone else ship Luthen and Kleya?? After looking up their ao3 tag, the answer seems to be maybe 7 people on earth total. Anyway lmk *hides in shame*
btw HELP why the ever loving fuck do i find Stellan Skarsgard attractive now after watching that show
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viatrixtravels-a · 8 months
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"Mmh! I think I'm getting close to mastering the recipe! This is so much better than my first couple of attempts already!"
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"Uu...Paimon never wants to see a plate of Almond Tofu again...Can we please put something else on the menu tomorrow!?"
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thehardkandy · 11 months
gonna try cooking something quite differently today. using some of the cooking skills i have maybe picked up over time
got a roast that's been marinading all day and so the plan is to actually bust out the cast iron, see if i can sear it in there really nice, then finish it in the oven. may not work out in the slightest but nothing ventured nothing gained
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watermelinoe · 7 months
i love pineapple fanta but it has so much fuckin sugar so i only have a can every few months
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aptenodykes · 1 year
alright ren squad, who would you fan cast if our boy ever made it to the big screen.
My top 3 choices are:
Jon Bernthal (he’s got a toxic masculinity vibe that I rock with)
Ben McKenzie (He would have to grow his hair out + age at least five years tbh)
David Harbour (already has a few DILF characters under his belt, familiar territory)
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blackcatanna · 10 months
It's amazing how easy it is to feed half a kilogram of grapes into my ravenous maw.
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