#luthen x kleya
ladybirdmacbeth · 1 year
I know the age difference is kinda wild but like this is tumblr dot com so if there’s ever a proper place to confess your problematic ships this is it. So after watching Andor did anyone else ship Luthen and Kleya?? After looking up their ao3 tag, the answer seems to be maybe 7 people on earth total. Anyway lmk *hides in shame*
btw HELP why the ever loving fuck do i find Stellan Skarsgard attractive now after watching that show
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ex0rin · 2 years
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Andor s01e05: The Axe Forgets
AKA: Luthen realizing he's made a mistake with Cassian
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rebelandrichgirl · 1 year
What's the deal with Kleya and Cinta/Vel?
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eurydia · 1 year
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Madame K, after John Singer Sargent's Madame X
details, progress, and notes below
Sargent is one of my main art inspirations. I've always wanted to do a master study of his iconic portrait, but decided to add a Star Wars spin to it ✨ I love painting Kleya and thought she would fit with this portrait! her dress by Michael Wilkinson is so elegant and iconic. I think the description of the original painting also fits her well: "Sargent shows a woman posing in a black satin dress with jeweled straps, a dress that reveals and hides at the same time." I thought it was an interesting choice that Kleya's red, "disguise" outfit stands out more than her gallery one, while Luthen's outfits are the opposite. almost like she's hiding in plain sight.
I kept the ring as part of my Kleya/Luthen AU.
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mommymothma · 1 year
Still thinking about Mon Mothma x Kleya
In fact I was thinking about it so much I wrote a little drabble. It's also available on AO3 as a part of a series where I will be posting some Mon Mothma content.
Rated M, some explicit sexual content
Mon Mothma collapsed, wiping sweat from her brow.
She watched her chest go up and down with her strained breathing. Her legs were numb, her skin hot. 
"Should I go again?" Kleya asked, peeking her head up from its location between Mon's legs.
"No, I… need a break." Kleya nodded, crawling up beside her.
They laid in a pensive silence, neither sure of what to do. 
This was how it was.
Mon would come meet Luthen, buy something or not, then she'd give Kleya the signal. A small flick of her wrist.
Later that night Kleya would knock on the door, and since Mon had made sure no one was home they… well they had some wine. 
And then they ate out, figuratively speaking, of course. 
"You always have this look of regret on your face afterward," Kleya said, "it's depressing."
"I'm sorry, I'm just…"
"Worried about the rebellion. Your family, your daughter, Vel."
"Not today," she told her, "I'm sad because we have to do this in secret."
"Well, the public wouldn't appreciate the show," Kleya said with a smirk. 
Mon rolled her eyes, straining her neck to look at the other woman.
"You know that's not what I mean." 
"I know."
The silence resumed briefly.
"What if it's all for nothing? What if we fail? The empire could strike us down at any time and we'd have no idea. Or worse, we could win, then fail to establish democracy. The very thing I claim to be an expert in."
"It's not going to fail."
"You don't know that."
"I do. No one puts this much into everything for it to fail. But Mon, you'll run yourself dry before you get to see it. Slow down."
Kleya had the 'I don't believe what I'm saying" look in her eye, but Mon chose to ignore it. 
"I don't want to kick you while your down," the other woman started, "but you and your husband, you're not… you know?"
"No reason." Mon Mothma just looked at her, wondering what was going on behind those beautiful eyes.
She had realized her bisexuality at a young age. It was part of her bonding experience with Vel. It often felt like they were the only two women in the galaxy who held this truth, but every now again they were surprised by the Kleya's and Cinta's out there. 
The sense of belonging she had with Kleya was very different from the one she experienced with Perrin, or Tay. 
Kleya's was gentle, and intimate. They were their own little community. They're their own people.
The absence of a man made it feel like an equal balance of power in both partners. 
"If we win," Mon started, "I could make a better galaxy for us."
"If we win," Kleya countered, "what will you do about your family?"
Kleya said "family," but she meant daughter.
If her daughter didn't change, if she remained a traditional imperialist, Mon Mothma had no plan for her. In her ideal galaxy, people like her daughter simply didn't exist.
That fact killed her inside. 
How could she resent a child?
She couldn't. Which was why a part of her was rooting for failure. Let her daughter be right, let her be the successful one.
But it simply wasn't to be. 
Success wasn't everything. 
Money wasn't everything. 
Marriage wasn't everything. 
"Could we go again?" Mon asked, stretching an arm over to Kleya. 
The girl took it, holding it tight and kissing her finger tips.
"Of course," she whispered in reply. 
Mon smiled, propping herself up on a shoulder to get a better angle for kissing her. 
She let herself drown in Kleya's touch. She wanted the other woman's body to suffocate her. She wanted to get lost in it. 
She quickly found her hands on Kleya's breasts, then down her stomach. 
Kleya held her hip, her other hand holding her sturdy.
Mon climbed on top of her, using one hand to cup her face while the other extended below the other woman's belt line. She massaged her Kleya's clit, the other woman humming with approval. 
Mon took a deep breath, allowing herself to get lost. She pictured herself somewhere nice, Alderaan perhaps, or Naboo. She was staring out a large window.
It was raining, but the light type of rain. A gentle rain. Just enough to moisten the earth, enough to make it smell fresh. 
Someone came up behind her. Her immediate thought was her daughter. Finally convinced of the Empire's evils. Of Chandrila's exploitative traditions. She expressed her love and appreciation.
But she still wasn't happy. So she pictured Kleya instead.
She showed up in red robes, her hair done up professionally. A bottle of wine bigger than her in her arms, a grin on her face. 
And Mon smiled a bit too.
"Mon, please," the other woman begged, grasping at anything she could. Mon continued her circulations. Her fingers had gotten cold during their break, but Kleya didn't seem to mind. She writhed at their movements. 
The words sat at the edge of her tongue, she could feel them. But she didn't know how Kleya would respond. 
It could be over if she uttered them.
Or it could just be starting. 
"Fuck Mon!" Kleya held onto Mon's shoulder, her grip tightening and releasing as she orgasmed. Mon watched every moment of it, unable to restrain herself any longer.
If nothing changed they were both doomed to the same fate. Darkness. 
"I love you," she uttered, and Kleya stopped breathing. 
Mon was suspended in silence for what seemed like decades. She wasn't sure it would ever end.
And she was okay with that. 
"I love you too." 
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andorerso · 10 months
You know... Bix x Melshi is something I never considered before. 👀 Hahaha, and as a multi shipper I'll add it to my list of rare pairs, next to Bix x Brasso.
P.S.: Can you recommend me any other SW rare pairs to consider? 👀
hmm my ultimate one is Mon/Draven, I just love the potential of that dynamic. I've also seen the OT3 version of them with Merrick.
Then there's Saw/Luthen or Vel/Kleya, though I'm sure you've seen those before. I also saw Mon/Kleya, oh and Mon/Lyra once in a ship bingo and tbh, obsessed with that idea. Mon is just very shippable I think.
I'm very fond of Bodhi/Luke too, and some other RO/OT pairings could be Cass/Leia and Jyn/Leia. I know Han/Jyn and Luke/Jyn also exists, though I'm personally not a fan of either, but hey, you do you! Maybe Cassian/Han? I've also seen Cassian/Draven before.
There's also maybe Lyra/Saw (you could throw in Galen for an OT3). Jyn/Cinta... Kleya/Leia? Their names kinda make it weird but I kinda dig it.
And as a bonus, two absolute wild cards that I just came up with on the spot: Lyra/Draven and Brasso/Jyn.
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ex0rin · 2 years
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Andor s01e07: Announcement aka @spookybinjuice and I back on our Luthen x Cassian agenda
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mommymothma · 1 year
It's that time again I'm dropping something
But no, it's not a new part to The New Manda'lor, sorry. This next part is very particular and I want to get it right.
That being said, I am providing content for a WLW ship that is severely lacking in content so... a win is a win?
Anyway, here is Celadon, Part one. Also available on AO3 Hope and Love Chapter 2
Mon Mothma x Kleya Marki
Celadon Part 1
Trigger warning, mentions of sexual assault
Rated M
"I don't think I've ever seen you dress up," Mon said, looking Kleya up and down.
"I dress for work all the time." Kleya argued, swirling her glass. 
"Sure, but not like this." Mon had admittedly been blown away when she saw her. Kleya was almost always in the same clothes or same style. She often stuck to dark blues and grays, perhaps the odd white or red strip of color. 
But she'd never been in green before, or at least not in front of Mon Mothma.
It was still a muted shade, but it stood out enough to catch her eye. She'd put money on it that Perrin would ping the color as Sage Green, but Mon on the other hand suspected a nice Celadon. 
"We shouldn't even be talking," Kleya told her, trying to look inconspicuous but failing miserably. 
Deep down Mon knew she was right, but she'd been having a hard week. 
Everyday she'd get home and have to gaslight Perrin into thinking there were rumors of his gambling addiction. And every day she wished those rumors would come to fruition. It would be so much easier for her, but alas, the work was never done. 
"Kleya if you keep looking around like an Owl in the daylight people are going to get suspicious. Just relax for another forty-five minutes and then you're home free. Luthen will make his appearance and no one will be looking at you."
"Except Luthen is always late." Kleya said abruptly.
Another true statement. But he was a man of the minute, he did things as they came to him. It was efficient but unpredictable.
To be perfectly fair Mon had no idea where they were and why. Every Friday she was invited to something or other and she didn't keep track anymore. When the car pulled up out front she knew to throw on nice clothes and smile and the driver would take her to whatever party her assistant accepted the RSVP to. 
When she'd walked in she made her rounds, she talked to three senators before she was offered her first drink. Seven senators by her second drink, and she was to a total of seventeen on her third. On her way to find number four she'd found Luthen's shopkeeper attempting to fade into a corner. 
"Well why don't you try to actually sell some stuff. Make some money for… Luthen's Projects." 
"Because I'm off the clock and here as a courtesy. If Luthen wants to sell old junk to rich people then he should come here and do it himself."
"Charming as ever, Kleya." Mon told her. 
"Why don't we get another drink? You don't seem to be a fan of the wine."
"Oh this water with dye in it." Kleya answered, finishing the glass with a shrug. 
"On the job. Don't want to inhibit my thinking." 
"Right because then you might agree to do this for free," Mon said, catching the other woman in her own trap.
Kleya rolled her eyes ever so slightly. The eye roll of a professional. 
"I heard about your daughter," she started, "she's really going back to Chandrila huh?"
The sinking feeling at the bottom of Mon's gut returned. For a brief moment she'd forgotten about her daughter's choices, and now she was blindsided by it all over again. 
"Let me guess," Kleya said, moving to stand right in front of her, "she thinks it's romantic." 
"It would appear so."
"Did you tell her otherwise?" 
Mon stayed quiet, not willing to admit the answer. 
She loved her daughter, and she hated that she was making this decision. But it was an overwhelming positive thing for the sake of the rebellion. That's one less set of eyes on Mon.
She hated how rational it was. She hated that she was the one who had to make this sacrifice. 
"I'm really sorry," Kleya told her, "I know you've been trying to keep her as far away from… that, as possible." 
Mon smiled, glancing at the other end of the room where her husband made small talk with a businessman. 
"Thank you Kleya." She said, heartwarmed a bit at the idea that someone acknowledged her suffering. 
"I think I'm going to leave." Kleya said, prying herself from the wall.
"Yeah, I have a sense Luthen is doing something more important without me. He needs supervision."
"I should come with you," Mon Mothma argued, knowing the attempt was futile. 
"You don't believe that's a good idea," Kleya told her, snatching a glass of Champagne off a waiting Droid as it passed. 
"I know, I guess I'm jealous you're not trapped here." She explained, accepting the glass Kleya handed her. 
"Change is coming, Mon. But you know better than anyone we have to be patient. We might not even be around to see it, but the spark on Aldhani set a fire, and it's spreading."
"And it must be extinguished," Mon said, her voice slightly raised. A man to her left looked at her, raised his glass with a nod. She accepted the gesture, satisfied with her ability to cover their tracks. 
"I agree," Kleya said, "because it's a lot harder to put out a fire than a spark. More expensive too, and the last thing we want are higher taxes." 
Mon smiled, a slight chuckle building at the edge of her mouth. 
"Speaking of Aldhani, are we?" Perrin asked, surprising her by placing a hand on her shoulder. 
"Oh, yes, it's truly awful what happened. Betrayed by their own General. It makes you think about how many more… abolitionist terrorists are out there."  She told him. 
Kleya eyed Perrin skeptically. Mon could see the other woman's visual analysis on her face. 
And Kleya did not look impressed.
"Saw Gerrera and his 'rebellion' are nothing but ants. They can't touch us here. They'll continue to blow things up and make scenes on outer rim worlds, but that's all they'll ever be." Perrin told them, and Mon wanted to roll her eyes.
Saw Gerrera was not the only spark. 
There were other snakes in the emperor's garden. 
"I don't believe we've met," Perrin said, extending a hand to Kleya. Mon watched as the icy woman took it, undoubtedly using a firmer hand then her husband. 
"Perrin Fertha," he said.
"Kleya Marki." She replied, retracting her hand. 
"Do you know each other?" He asked.
"Kleya works with Luthen at the treasures and antiques place I like. She sold me your birthday gift."
"Ah, you have good taste Kleya. In both art and career. Luthen's work is well renowned and highly valuable. I appreciate the work you do." 
Kleya smiled, going as far as to add a small curtsey.
Mon couldn't wait to tell Luthen. 
"Well I try. I like to say that every piece tells a story, and my job is to do my best to convey that story to the customer. I must be pretty good because your wife keeps coming back." 
Perrin just smiled, taking Mon's shoulder and attempting to usher her away.
"Just give me a moment, would you dear? I have another matter to discuss with Ms Marki regarding Luthen's new Alderaan collection.
"Of course, join me by the stairs when your finished. I have some friends I would like to introduce you to."
When he was out of earshot, Mon returned her attention to Kleya, who seemed to be chomping at the bit to leave. 
"Sorry about that," Mon apologized. 
"Why? You're not responsible for his behavior."
Mon smiled, but it wasn't a typical smile. It was more of an acceptance of defeat than anything. 
"I shouldn't have talked to him that way," Kleya said, "I'm sure I just caused you trouble."
"It's okay, I'll manage. I wish you were around more often, it would take the heat off me." 
"You know where to find me." Kleya told her plainly.
The words rolled off the tongue like an invitation, but Mon wasn't sure to what. 
"You should go," Kleya told her. "Don't worry about me, or Luthen. Go appease the senate, senator." 
Before Mon could reply Kleya reached forward, extending a hand to the edge of her face, brushing past it to her ear.
Ever so gently Kleya rotated her earring, fixing the position it had mistakenly shifted to.
"Can't be anything less than perfect, can we?" Kleya whispered in her ear as she moved. 
Mon simply sighed, shaking her head. 
"I'll see you around, Senator." Kleya told her, before removing herself from her corner and disappearing into the crowd. 
Mon took a second to collect herself, then followed the cold trail left by Perrin towards what was undoubtedly another round of his friends making political or sexual passes at her. 
Passes he would ignore. 
And for longer than a moment she wished Kleya had stayed with her, even if only to share the burden. 
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