#A Royal Affair
dolicekiss · 2 months
Cherry Tree
PAIRING: Johann Struensee x Princess!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: SMUT (18+ only, mdni) age gap (reader is nineteen, Johann is in his 30s as his age isn't specified in the movie), unprotected sex, body worshipping, oral (female receiving) fingering, slight food play, teasing, forbidden romance/affair, exhibitionism, praise kink, cold shoulder (reader is a sassy little princess), angst, fluff, johann is completely whipped for reader, just overall cute and sad shit because i bawled my eyes out watching a royal affair and johann deserves a happy ending.
SYNOPSIS: You were not fond of the new physician hired for your father, the king as the man led him astray, especially from your mother to brothels. So you always gave him the cold shoulder, not missing a chance to disrespect him but what you didn't know was the man was already attracted to you, stealing glances from you and finding you endearing everytime you insulted him.
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You watched your father, throwing a fit, drunk in the hallway of the palace while your mother watched, drowning further in the humiliation of being married to such a hopeless and destroyed man.
Alongside stood Johann Struensee, and two new faces you didn't deem important. You couldn't hold back the quip that settled like poison at your tongue when Johann had told your mother that they were merely having fun. Having fun while humiliating her in brothels.
Your fingers scratched against the parapet, watching it unfold.
“I don't think the queen is interested in what a mere doctor has got to say, Struensee.” Everyone's attention shifted to you. They all knew how bold and fierce of a princess you were, your mother's pride and joy. The kingdom’s rebellious little princess. Just at the age of nineteen, you'd already mastered the art of raw manipulation.
Knowing that docile little women were trampled underneath the foot of court men.
Struensee’s gaze found you standing at the parapet from above and he smiled, his wrinkles appearing. Then he nodded his head and went silent, disappearing along with the king somewhere. Your father didn't care much for you, since you were a girl. Producing an heir was the only thing that mattered and he'd already done that.
Relieved himself of his duties to indulge in alcohol and prostitutes.
Your mother sent you a look of sadness but also a nod of appreciation, leaving for her chambers. The night passed by like nothing while you stirred in bed, clouded by thoughts on how to get rid of Struensee.
He clung onto the king and that displeased you.
Tomorrow came by and you were prepared for the day, to roam around the halls of the palace but you found more solace in the massive gardens. Filled with flowers and all sorts of fruits. Dressed in lace and net, you headed for breakfast. Everyone else was already situated at the table, including the man you despised.
As you sat down on the chair, in front of Johann’s, you began your breakfast. The conversation happening at the table was of no interest to you but then your father, the king spoke up. Catching everyone's attention.
“Johann will be becoming a part of the court soon enough.” His tone cheerful, as if everyone was pleased with the idea as much as he was.
Your fingers tightened around the metallic fork, stabbing it into the egg. It was an act you wished you'd done to Johann instead of the egg — biting down the inside of your cheek. Your mother was a frail woman, she didn't like the idea of Johann joining court but she couldn't do much to oppose it.
You, on the other hand, smiled.
“Forgive me for my words, but the court is full of respectful and renowned people.” The sound of metallic utensils colliding against one another stalled. “Johann Struensee is only a doctor, he would do the court no good.”
Your father thought but laughed out, pointing his finger at you. Everyone else stared at the scene unfold as Johann also joined in the king to laugh along, fuelling the anger that boiled inside you like a damn volcano.
“What would a woman know about the court? Eat your breakfast, stupid girl.” You sucked in your cheek, glancing at your mother who looked at you with an apologetic look. There was a voice inside you telling you to raise the fork and stab Johann with it.
But with your poorly containerd rage, you stood up from the seat. “I am sated.”
You left the room but not before throwing a vicious glare at the man with dirty blonde hair, who stared back at you. With a smug of victory on his face. Upon entering your room, you tossed your gloves off and kicked your shoes off.
Angered and irritated.
Hating the way your breasts felt plush against the tight corset. Having such feminine thighs or a cunt, which changed the way people saw perceived you as. Your word would have mattered if you were a man, if you possessed a fucking cock and not the parts which made you a woman.
There was a knock on the door and when you allowed the person in, it was your maiden.
“Doctor Johan Struensee wishes to enter your chambers, Princess.”
You wanted to tell her to forbade him. To abandon him from entering your chambers ever but you couldn't let him win by expressing your anger so you nodded. When you felt his presence, you turned around on your sock cladded feet and smiled at him.
“To what do I owe this pleasure, Struensee?”
Your tone venomous and sarcastic.
Johann returned your smile, knowing very well it was fake. He didn't like how your father had spoken to you as he was a firm believer of women deserving the same respect as men did. Though voicing out such daring opinions could lead to his execution. Even if you had expressed your distaste against him, seemingly believing he was a bad influence to the king, he still thought you deserved respect.
“I apologize.” He said, firmly and you blinked on confusion.
Why was he apologising?
Your smile stayed tight. “And why are you apologizing, Doctor?”
He took a step closer, shrinking the space between the two of you. You didn't know if it was your mind playing games with you or if Struensee’s gaze had lingered to the pink hue of your lips. “I'm aware of the crown Princess’ distaste towards the King’s friends, specifically me.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and oblivious to you, Johann inhaled a sharp breath when your plush breasts nearly spilled out from beneath your tight corset. Pinkish color decorating the skin. You turned around from him, walking towards the books decorating your wooden shelf.
“Then you should not be here, Doctor. I'm very against the idea of you being on court, knowing you're the one who influences the royal highness to visit brothels.” Your voice was sweet but it was laced with a poisonous warning. Your delicate fingers ran across the books and Johann closed his eyes.
Mind taking him to a different place, imagining just how your fingers would look entangled with his.
This was immoral and a crime.
You were the Princess and he was a mere Doctor, twice your age too. There was no way you'd give in to him or even consider him attractive. He was here to apologize, he reminded himself. To be reprimanded by you for laughing along with the King at his humiliation of you.
Instead you were enticing him unknowingly.
“A man cannot be influenced by anyone if he swears loyalty to his woman.” Johann’s words made a bitter frown to cease your features. Even before his arrival, you'd known of your father's indulgence in women outside his marriage. In a way you only wanted to blame someone and seeing how Johann only increased your father’s visits to the disgusting brothels, he was the perfect vessel.
You scoffed. “I don't understand. A cunt is a cunt, no matter who it is attached to.”
His eyes widened at your choice of bold and immoral words. He knew you possessed ferocity and boldnesd, both perfect to rule over the kingdom but he didn't know you had such a filthy tongue too.
Johann was impressed and in complete awe.
He suppressed a smile. “How much power and resistance can it take to stay loyal to a woman? You men have and will always find ways to disappoint us women throughout the history.”
You hated the idea of serving under a man, obeying his every command and dealing with the non stop disrespect. You wanted to be queen, to fix the laws set by your ancestors and to rid people of this delusion under the pretense of religion.
Johann found himself more attracted to you now, seeing you in a different light. Before you were only a little girl who threw fits because she disliked him but now, you were a woman with big dreams and strength.
“I'm impressed, Princess.”
You looked at him, with a fake smile. “I wish I could say the same for you, Doctor Stuensee.”
A chuckle nearly slipped him. He soon excused himself from your company, leaving your chambers. The whole night he thought about you, how delicate you were but also strong and resilient. Having lived between women who were docile, weak and often easily silenced, you were a breath of fresh air for him.
— ♡ —
Your maidens had dressed you up. In frills and lace. The stupid, endless routine boring you to death. Denmark was a beautiful country and you wished to explore it yet your gender did not allow you to. You skipped breakfast, not wanting to face your father or Johann, aftwe the humiliation he'd caused you and headed for the garden. You grasped onto your book and dismissed your maidens for a moment of solitude.
Away from all the bickering and banter of royalty.
You sat on a cemented bench, parting open your book to read it. The birds sung in beautiful, minor chirps and the sound of the water droplets falling from the tip of leaves was comforting to the ears. Next to you was a cherry tree and you reached out for it, plucking a fresh cherry and plopping it into your mouth.
Almost moaning at the taste of how delicious ripe and fresh fruits were.
Continuing to read your book and enjoy the fruit, you soon lifted your gaze up to scan the area and found Struensee situated on a bench far away from yours, eyes fixed on you. You were slightly taken aback but covered it up nonetheless.
He too had a book in his hand and you squinted your eyes, to find the same book you were reading in your hand.
The fact that you both shared the same taste slightly bothered you, but you shifted your attention back to the ink stamped into the biege paper.
Your curiosity though, would get the best of you from time to time as you'd raise your gaze and steal glances from him. Only to find that he did the same, raising his eyes from the contents of his book to admire you. Johann had always found you beautiful, if not endearing.
He saw it that you cared about your people, that you wanted to do more than just parade around in beautiful dresses with maidens tending to all your needs. Born a girl was a curse, you saw it that way always and Johann was aware.
You plucked out a cherry and instead of plopping it into your mouth, you bit on it and traced it along your lower lip. Its juices leaving a red trail over your rosette lips. Johann watched you with a penetrative gaze, his adams apple bobbing up and down. Catching onto the little act done under lost thought.
The juice from the cherry dropped down your chin, leaving a messy trail and you giggled at the ticklish coldness of it. Not paying any mind to the man that was drinking you in like cherry wine.
Before you could delve deeper into what your book had to offer, Johann stood up to his feet and made his way towards you. You stared at him for a moment before finally scooting away.
An invitation for him to sit next to you.
“I did not know you were a fan of such books, Princess.” He commented and you let out a soft laugh, for the first time dropping your cold demeanor. The sugar from the cherries had definitely affected you.
You licked your lips, wetting the cherry tainted skin. “Love stories are a foreign concept for someone like me. It is best to read about them and forget.”
“You don't believe in love?”
You shook your head, teeth digging into your lower lip. He caught onto that and his fingers curved around the bench, tightening. There was so much self control he could possess after all. Being a man didn't help either.
“I'm nineteen. They will soon marry me off to someone I don't even know and I will face the same fate as my mother did.” Your tone was soft, different from your usual cold tone, sadness lingering underneath it. Johann understood you, but didn't feel you as he could never feel what a woman felt.
Johann’s eyes dropped to your hand and he almost held it. He stayed silence, watching as you reached for a cherry and bit into it, the juices squirting and making a mess over your lips. He couldn't accuse you of purposely enticing him but fuck, you were such a gorgeous girl.
He wanted nothing more than to claim you as his.
“Would you like some, Doctor Struensee?”
Instead of answering you, his hand moved on its own accord. Reaching for your small delicate wrist, fingers trapping it. He brought it to his lips and your breathing became uneven the moment your fingertips coming in contact with his lips. Johann’s gaze swallowed yours, while taking a the cherry into his mouth. You flinched when your fingers felt the inside of his mouth, teeth running over your skin.
Then he let you go.
A turmoil had been caused inside you.
He watched as your plump chest rose up and down, noticing the attraction swirling like wildfire in your darkened eyes. Johann knew he was playing with fire. You could tell anyone, get him executed for daring to hold your wrist.
But instead you stood up and left.
Running out of the garden, leaving behind your book and georgette scarf.
— ♡ —
You were in the garden again, late at night.
This time searching for your book by the bench, sneakily hoping no one would catch you. The bustling of bushes caught you off guard and when you stood up straight, it was Johann.
In his hand was your book and georgette scarf.
“Looking for this, Princess?”
You blinked your eyes. “Yes, I must've dropped it.”
You reached over to take a hold of your book but he pulled it back, leaving you confused. You blinked and reached for it once more, this time around more firmly but Johann only smiled, taking a step back from you.
Johann found you completely captivating. There was not an ounce of makeup on your face, skin bare. Your silky night gown exposed your shoulders and reached your ankles, covering most of you. No longer were your breasts plumped up and Johann wanted to unveil them. Expose them to his gaze, to his touch.
Your hair cascaded down in beautiful waves and he sharply took in a breath.
“Doctor, I am in no mood to be playing games. Hand me my book right this very instant.” You took a step forward but because it was dark, your foot rolled over a branch and you lost balance — finding yourself right in his arms.
Johann held you, staring down at you, lips shuddering from the proximity. You swallowed tightly and Johann noticed that, your gaze following his lips. An urge to crash your lips against his took over you and you'd almost leaned in but then you pulled back from him, fixing your hair.
You stared at him.
He returned it.
And then the curtain of patience cand crashing down. He closed the distance between the two of you, crashing his lips against yours. The kiss desperate and impatient. Your hands found his nape while he feverishly consumed you.
You didn't care for the customs of your family anymore. Ever since you'd left the garden, you thought about Johann. This time not to get rid of him but to meet him, to satiate this hunger of yours that he had awakened within you.
His hands flew to your silky night dress, aggressively slipping it off you meanwhile your fingers moved skilfully underneath his loose white shirt, trying to slip it off him. Johann held your face with both his hands, tongue battling with yours. He'd claimed you like no one had.
The fact that you two were indulging in such a daring act out in the open where anyone could see you, it only added more to the thrill of it all. Johann broke the kiss, pulling apart but before he could say something, you already pushed against him. Occupying his lips again.
You were inexperienced but well aware of what happened between a man and a woman.
Teeth colliding with teeth, tongue producing saliva and lips becoming wet, the kissing sounds were drowned out by the sound of the river. Mother nature coming in hand to help you both conceal the debauchery perfomed in its grasp.
Your fingers tugged at his roots, your body going flaccid against his. He could feel your breasts and he groaned in your mouth at the contact. His own shirt was discarded and he laid you down on the grass, holding your body gently.
You finally tore from him, in dire need of oxygen.
“This is wrong.” You whispered, staring into his eyes. “So wrong.”
Johann nodded and went back to kissing you, pulling onto your lower lip with this sharp teeth. You could feel his hands dropping down, fondling with your breasts. One hand fitting over the two — thumbs flicking the hardened peaks back and forth. Your back arched off the grass, feeling its pointy tips prickle your skin a little.
Johann leaned down, face hovering right over your breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and to conceal your sounds, you forced your palms over your mouth while staring down at him. Feeling his wet tongue lap at your nipple, as he sucked on it and nipped around it.
“Doctor, please.” You pleaded, oblivious to what you were begging for.
He pulled back with a pop and stared at you, his darkened pupils reflecting your desire for him. “Call me Johann. I need you to say my name when I'm buried inside you, my beautiful Princess.”
You nodded your head. Heat pooling into your stomach at how hoarse voice, the embers delivered right to your moist cunt. Your hands reached for his face, wrapping around the ridges of it, fingers flicking his strands back to their old position.
“You're so pretty.” You complemented him, running your tongue over your swollen and red lips. Johann nearly lost all restraint, dropping his face between your thighs. Brawny hands slithering over your them as he buried his face deep into your cunt.
“Princess, remember when you said a cunt is a cunt no matter who is it attached to.” Johann recalled your words and you panted in anticipation. “I think it matters, Crown Princess as I have tried to fuck many cunts to satiate my hunger for yours.”
Your lips fell apart a little, a soft gasp of shock leaving you. Before you could register his words and how he was fucking other women to fulfill his desire for you, Johann had commited to bringing you otherworldly pleasure. His tongue running up and down your virgin pussy, catching a taste he knew he'd become obsessed with.
Your hips wormed on the grass, teeth sinking into the side of your hand to prevent you from screaming. Chills dressed you up under the dark, sinful night as Johann continued devouring your cunt. Flicking your swollen clit with his licentious tongue, then circling it around.
Your one hand snuck into his hair, pulling and gripping while the other bled from all the harsh biting.
“Johann. Johann, I feel weird. It all feels weird.” You cried out his name like a mantra, in soft little whimpers and barely audible whispers. If anyone were to find out about this, you'd both be done for. You'd be exiled and Johann would face a fate worse than yours.
Yet he was risking it.
Just to get a taste of you.
Butterflies flooded in your stomach when your foggy mind registered that.
Your abdomen was being pinched and nipped at from all the overwhelming pleasure but more was yet to come when Johann slid his fingers inside your virgin hole. One finger and you were gasping like he'd slid his cock inside you.
He looked up at you, the moonlight illuminating his beautiful features and the gloss over his lips told you it was your arousal that had branded him. “My doll, just let it go. Don't hold it in, okay?”
You nodded.
He began to finger you. Curving the digits in a search for that spot of yours and when he earned himself a cry straight from your throat, Johann realized he found his crown princess’ sensitive spot.
So he hit it, repeatedly, feeling the jelly spot with his fingertips. All while you released muffled whimpers of desire, abdomen tightening and reflexing. Your hands desperately cupped his face, a plea of silence in your blurry vision.
“Kiss me, please. Need you to kiss me, Johann.” How could he deny you when you were asking with such politeness, staring back at him with blown out pupils and a sweaty face. Flesh raw and flustered.
He crawled up and captured your lips in a tight lock, swallowing all your whimpers when you came all over his fingers. His moving fingers coaxing more sounds out of you, only to drink them like a thirsty man who'd found an oasis in the middle of a desert.
“Princess, are you with me?” He saw how out of breath you were, staring above at the sky which sparkled with stars.
“Y-Yes.” You responded, still in a daze from the raw pleasure that surged through you like waves of electric.
He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, arms circling around you. “Do you wish to go further, Doll? Or shall I st—”
“Doctor you talk a lot.” You said, gaze finally focusing on him. Your bare breasts heaved up and down, in attempts to inhale as much oxygen as you could. “Fuck me before I change my mind. Before I condemn you to the pits of hell for laying a hand on me. Before I forget how good you make me feel.”
Johann pressed his tongue against the inside of his mouth, forming a bulge on his cheek and chuckled. He pried your legs open, revealing your glossy pussy to him.
“Your wish id my command, Princess.” Johann’s comment made you let out a subtle smile. Johann maneuvered his cock into your hole, feeling it tight just when he slipped in his thick cockhead.
Your thighs reflxed, hole clenching.
“At ease, Princess. You have to let me in.” He whispered, arms wrapped around you. He held you, slightly lifying you up from the grass as he slid into you slowly. Inch by inch. Your tears spilled at the stretch and how much it burned — feeling like it'll incinerate you.
You were still gripping him tightly, not allowing him in and the man grunted at how tight you were. It was obvious you were a virgin and he'd taken that virtue from you, feeling guilt spread in his heart but something dark also followed along.
He'd taken you.
Claimed you.
“It hurts, Johann.” You whimpered out, tears profusely decorating your face like fallen pearls. The man nodded his head, acknowledging your pain. He placed kisses all over your face, distracting you and the moment he felt you loosen up, he pushed all the way in.
Your body jerked. Arms tossing themselves around him. Clinging to him tightly as you felt him stretch your walls past their limits. Is this what it felt like sleeping with a man? Johann’s cock was thick and he did not lack when it came to length. It was too much to bear but your wanton helped you deal with the pain.
“See, all the way in. Are you okay, my doll?”
“Yes. Just continue, please.” Johann obliged and pulled out, only to forcefully thrust back inside. Your arousal helped slick his cock as he slid in and out of you. His growl was low and slipped right into your ear.
Johann held you while he fucked you, thrusting in you like he was claiming you. He loved how tight you were and as the cloud revealed the moon, he witnessed the blood of your virtue in the form of a ring around his length.
“You're like the moon itself. So beautiful and so heavenly, Princess.” Johann grunted, his hips stuttering into yours. His hands roaming down to caress each curve, each beauty spot and each part of you. You were blessed by the gods in such immense quantity, it was difficult to ignore.
Johann saw a goddess laid before him, not a human. A powerful beauty who had him on his knees by just mere stolen glances. You felt it too, the way he caressed you. Held you and felt your skin against his own. Appreciation oozing out of his actions.
As he delivered solid strokes into your cunt, driving himself deeper and abusing your sensitive area. “My pretty fucking Princess. If you'd asked me once, just once that you wanted this. I would've followed you myself into your chambers, would've taken you right then and there.”
Your body twitched. Cunt throbbing and walls gripping him tightly at his words. The idea of him taking you by force was supposed to be immoral and repulsive but maybe that is what you liked, enjoyed. Found delight in. Johann slipping into your chambers and taking you while you slept.
The idea didn't vex you, as it should have.
“Johann—my god. Just, keep going. Please keep fucking me.”
He couldn't explain how much he loved it when you moaned out his name. Your voice like a siren song, calling him to his doom and Johann would willingly follow you to the depths of the roaring sea.
Just the way your fingernails dug into his back, searing down and leaving him bloodied. You were a fucking feline, in heat. Leaving him covered in marks like some wild animal.
If anyone were to find out that their dear Princess was this disgusting, they would banish you forever. Practicing such debauchery and sinfulness.
The same feeling from before greeted you, but this time more intense, more strong and all consuming. Your body surged forward into the grass as Johann fucked himself into you deeper, to the point you could feel the man in your womb. Oh how fucking good it felt. To have him caress such deep, intimate parts of yours.
“Johann, Johann— It's happening again.” You sobbed, tightly holding him. Arms and legs both wrapped around him. He buried his face in your neck and left kisses all over, while encouraging out your release. You descended to heaven for a moment, feeling your soul leave your body when you came over his cock.
Johann felt you tremor in his hand, holding you down as you sobbed and tightened around him. The man hissed at how tightly you were sucking him in and after a few snaps of his hips, he too came. His seed filling you to the brim, staining your virgin walls with its thickness.
Your sobs died out, turning into little sniffles as your sensitivity heightened. Johann laid on top of you, but his weight was supported by his elbows. He dragged his face out of your throat and looked at you. Seeing how fucked out you were.
Face sweaty and saturated, swollen lips parted and chest rising up and down. You slowly flit your across over him and hugged him tightly, hiding your face in his chest. There was no regret, no guilt. You would do it again in a heartbeat.
“I'm fine, Johann.” You responded, kissing his shoulder, dragging your nails down his spine to leave more marks.
The man pulled out of you soon causing you to gasp. He grabbed your night dress from the grass and pulled it down your head, fixing your frame. His big hands pushed back the hair from your face and his lips pressed over your nose, affectionately.
You couldn't stand up but when you did, you grabbed your book. Johann attempted to wrap the georgette scarf around you but you pushed at it, shaking your head. Getting on your tippy toes, you brushed your lips over the shell of his ear.
“Keep it. Keep it so when you recall back to claiming the Crown Princess’ virgin cunt, you use this to fuck your hand.” Your voice was drowsy, a sultry whisper and then you pulled back, disappearing into the bushes.
Leaving Johann Struensee completely obsessed and in love. He couldn't wait to enter your chambers.
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everythingdaily · 4 months
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A Royal Affair ·︎ EN KONGELIG AFFÆRE (2012) dir.: Nikolaj Arcel
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Jenny Beavan probably designed this lovely choker as it was first seen in the 2005 movie Casanova by Lauren Cohan, who portrayed sister Beatrice. Later, it was worn by Keira Knightley as Georgiana the Duchess of Devonshire in the 2008 film The Duchess. The piece was used again by Alicia Vikander as Caroline Mathilde in the 2012 film En kongelig affære (A Royal Affair).
Costume Credit: Dorina_97
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kathrynhoward · 1 year
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En kongelig affære (2012)
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vredvaesel · 8 months
Crackship edits from Hannibal Extended Universe
Johann x Prince Charming
Need the plot?
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nkp1981 · 10 months
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Mads Mikkelsen Filming "A Royal Affair", Back In 2011
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tianmicons · 10 days
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A Royal Affair
Summary: Queen Regina of Mist Haven is slowly losing hope that she will ever be able to marry for love. Almost every aspect of her life is controlled, especially when it comes to her friends and possible love interests. It also doesn’t help that the media portrays her as an Evil Queen who only cares about herself, focused more on living lavishly than caring about her people. She finds the only men willing to date the Evil Queen are more interested in her crown than her. And then Robin Locksley becomes her new assistant and she believes in love at first sight, wondering if maybe her happy ending is possible after all.
Robin is grateful for his job at the palace even if it means working with the Evil Queen herself. His plan is to work as her assistant for a year to prove himself and then transfer to another department within the palace. But his worldview is shaken and he realizes that things aren’t always what they seem, especially when it comes to Queen Regina. As he starts to see her for who she really is, his feelings for her deepen into something dangerous.
Intrigue, romance and danger swirl around Robin and Regina as they fight for their happily ever after.
Chapter 1: FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 6: Truth Revealed
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Tink knocked on Robin's door, drawing his attention from the etiquette lessons he was still trying to complete. She gave him a contrite smile. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Not really," he said, knowing the etiquette manual was always secondary to whatever task he was assigned. "Do you need me?"
"The Queen does," she replied. "She wants to see both of us."
Robin stood, grabbing his notebook and a pen as confusion filled him. He walked toward the door, asking: "What about?"
"There's an event we put on every year," Tink said. "It's coming up and we need to go into the main preparations for it."
"An event? The presentation of the Guardian Angel award?" he asked, knowing that was due to be given soon. He didn't know if he could stomach watching it go to an undeserving organization masquerading as one.
She shook her head. "That's coming up too but someone else handles that, not us."
"Oh," he replied, not sure if he was relieved or not as they entered the Queen's office. Tink announced their presence and the Queen looked up. She stood and invited them to sit on her couch as she moved to join them.
She sat down as she turned to Robin. "Did Tink explain to you what this meeting is about?"
He glanced at Tink before nodding. "She did."
"Good," the Queen said, looking pleased. "We have a lot to do and I'm going to need all hands on deck. Understood?"
"I do," Robin said, wondering if she would elaborate more about the party. If not, he figured he could get more information from someone else on staff. August was probably his best bet and if not, Belle.
She nodded, turning to Tink. "Where are we in preparations?"
"It's honestly just confirming our standing orders," Tink said. "Do you know how many people we need to prepare for?"
"Yes," the Queen said. "I would say two hundred. I don't think we'll get that many but I'd rather be overprepared than under."
Tink nodded. "Of course."
Robin wrote down the number in his notebook, wondering how many people they would actually get and how much waste they would have by the end of the night. He wondered what the palace would do with the leftovers and made a note to casually ask someone when he got a chance.
"What do you need me to do?" Robin asked her, looking up at the Queen.
"I need you to order a few things," the Queen replied. "Tink can give you all the information. All the companies should be familiar with our orders."
He nodded. "So I can tell them it's for you or do I need to use a decoy name?"
The Queen hesitated for a moment before answering: "They'll know it's for the palace but they may not know it's for me."
"Ivy used to use her own name," Tink said, referencing Robin's predecessor. She looked at Robin. "You can do the same or use my name. Whatever you feel more comfortable doing."
"Okay," Robin said, wondering why they didn't use the Queen's name. He figured no one would do business with them if they knew it was her.
The Queen nodded before leaning closer. "It is important that the guests for this party remain secret. No one outside of those attending and working the party should know who was there. And absolutely no media."
He frowned. "No media?"
"Correct," she replied. "The privacy of my guests is the utmost importance."
"Understood," he said, the hard look in her eyes unnerving. The guests for this party were either very important or very embarrassing for the Queen. Or was it that whatever would happen at the party would be embarrassing for all of them?
Maybe it was both.
The Queen nodded. "Good. Now, let's discuss the menu."
"The kitchens have it all planned," Tink said, pulling a piece of paper from her folder. She handed it to the Queen. "You can review it and we can finalize everything."
"Good," the Queen said, taking the menu. She looked it over, nodding as she went down each item until she came to one. At that point, she frowned. "This vegetable dish is made with almonds, correct?"
Tink frowned as well, pulling out a copy of the menu. "Let me check."
Robin glanced over at the list and saw green bean almondine written on the menu. Tink nodded. "Yes, I do believe that it is made with almonds."
"No nuts," Regina said. "Of any kind. I can't risk it with my guests."
"Of course," Tink replied with a seriousness Robin understood. If any of the Queen's guests had a nut allergy, such a dish could be deadly. Tink promised to get the cooks to change it.
The Queen thanked her before looking over the list. "You know, a lot of this seems a little too fancy for our guests. Maybe we could make it more casual? Do the cooks remember what event this is?"
"I'll remind them," Tink said. "Maybe we can have two different menus. We usually serve this buffet style anyway. I think the guests would appreciate the choice."
"That's a good idea," the Queen replied. "Talk with the cooks. If you run into any issues, let me know. I'll handle it."
Tink nodded. "I will. Now, are we aiming to have this outside again?"
"Yes," the Queen said, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. She looked up at Robin. "Can you check with the companies to see if they have the Saturday after our planned date available as well? We can use that as our rain date."
"I will," he replied. "Do you want me to check for a third date?"
She shook her head. "If it rains both days, we'll just have to have the party in the main ballroom."
"It's easier to keep them contained in the ballroom," Tink said. "But I know they love being outside."
The Queen nodded. "Either way, everyone will have fun. I just know it."
"I'm sure they will," Tink said, nodding. Robin had the same feeling – who wouldn't have fun in a palace with the Queen pampering you and spending money that would better be used to help her people?
"Okay, so I think this is a good start," the Queen said. "Why don't we have a standing meeting until the event? Do we want to have it at this same time? Does that work?"
Both Tink and Robin pulled out their phones. He nodded as he checked his schedule. "This works for me."
"Me too," Tink confirmed. "We can add it to the calendars."
"Good," the Queen said, standing. "I look forward to our meetings."
Robin stood as well as Tink and they left the office as the Queen returned to her desk. Tink slowed as they reached Robin's office. "I'll forward you Ivy's files so you can start confirming everything. Ask if you have any questions," she said.
"I will," he replied. He glanced at the Queen's closed door before asking: "Who is this party for anyway?"
"You'll find out in good time," Tink told him. "Just know that it's for some very, very important guests."
He nodded, wondering if it was some secret gathering of world leaders. Or maybe the other kings and queens of the world gathered to celebrate or commiserate how few of them there were. The part of him that still identified with England wondered if he would meet William and Kate before he pushed that thought aside. It didn't matter who was coming – either way, they were just wasting resources that could go to people who needed it more.
Robin sat down at his desk and a few minutes later, he received an email from Tink. Opening the attachment, surprise filled him as he saw the list of contacts Ivy had left for him – tents, clowns, petting zoo, cotton candy, and so on.
"What is this? A party or a circus?" he asked, shaking his head. Royals, nobles and other rich people certainly were strange people.
But he wasn't paid to judge them. He was paid to arrange these bizarre parties for them. So he picked up his phone and began dialing, hoping this was as easy as Tink and the Queen believed it would be.
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
The happiest of birthdays to Mads Mikkelsen!
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mizumohno313 · 2 months
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My new art :) I love this movie sm.
My art ig is mizumohno_ feel free to follow me if you want :P
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A Mads poll with a difference!
A poll of Mads Mikkelsen movies where the selection is based on range of factors, including but not limited to: genre, writer/director, country of release, date of release and 🎉vibes 🎉
Some of the movies may fit in more than one category, so vibes have mostly informed those decisions.
Round One:
Choose your fave!
Time for flouncy shirts and tight britches, bitches!
Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas is a 2013 French-German historical drama loosely based on the 16th century Hans Kohlhase. Mads plays Michael Kohlhaas a horse dealer who gets into a feud with a local baron, leading to an ill-fated revolt.
A Royal Affair is a 2012 Danish historical drama and romance set in the 18th century court of King Christian VII of Denmark. Mads plays Dr Johann Struensee, the mentally ill King's ill-fated physician who has an affair with the King's wife.
Bastarden (The Promised Land) is a 2023 Danish-German-Swedish historical drama set in 1755. Mads plays Kahlen, an impoverished Danish officer who obtains permission to build property on barren land but runs into trouble with a local magistrate.
Flammen & Citronen (Flame & Citron) is a 2008 Danish historical drama set after the Nazi invasion of Denmark. Mads plays Jørgen Haagen Schmith, a member of the Danish resistance.
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky is a 2009 French historical romantic drama. Based on a 2002 fictional novel, the plot follows the rumoured ill-fated love affair between French fashion designer Coco Chanel and Russian composer and conductor Igor Stravinsky - played by Mads.
Lots of ill fates to choose from!
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vampire-selene · 8 months
Mads and Mikkel behind the scenes of the film "Royal Affair".
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i-crav3-blo0d · 5 months
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Johann Struensee
I actually love this man this movie was amazing
by i-crave-blood
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kazzle-dazzle-em · 2 years
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From “A Royal Affair”
The beginning of Kell attempting to murder Alucard…
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kathrynhoward · 1 year
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En kongelig affære (2012)
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yournoeliafan · 1 year
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