#A PSA from the mod
As some of you may have noticed, this blog has been on hiatus for some time and is likely to remain so. Partly this is because I've been absorbed by another fandom and partly it's because JKR has been radicalised into a TERFy piece of shit and I'm wrestling with where to take this blog given that. When I do eventually return here, it will be because I'm writing a HP fic with the aim of tackling some of the problems in canon and with JKRs own current views.
I hope I do not need to say: trans people are people. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary folk are non-binary. We cannot speak for someone else's lived experience and perception and to do so is the height of arrogance - and to then push these people to the outside due to personal feelings, allowing them to be further victimised due to one's own unresolved issues? That is unspeakably selfish.
As Terry Pratchett once wrote: sin is when you treat people as things.
Trans people are not the cause of oppression for others. When radicalised perhaps you might think or feel so but at the end of the day, trans folks are still marginalised: they do not have that power. The ones who do have that power are obvious and have been the enemies of feminists and queer folks from the start: capitalism, patriarchy, racism and western imperialism.
Do not punch down. Do not punch sideways. Punch up.
This is all to say:
This blog is on hiatus. If you spot typos, grammar errors or inconsistencies in old posts let me know and I'll fix them.
The askbox remains open. Questions will be answered but likely not as in depth as once they were.
TERFs can fuck off to hell. If you follow me expecting me to support your bullshit because I love HP you are wrong. I have blocked you cunts before and I will again.
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“I will give you one fish for your unwavering loyalty” - Grian
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Things they teach you in middle school science class: the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!
Things they SHOULD teach you in science class: do NOT mix cleaning chemicals or you will chloroform yourself (or worse)
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vi-dos · 18 days
Lol it's kinda hypocritical that the lead modder or (any of her team members who takes in charge of that mod) to make it only for premium members when she made her announcement about the paid mod and creation club that she "against" it.
Do y'all remember that?
Here's some PSA for you all: Seriously don't waste your money on premium and stupid ass Nexus for allowing this, they're not worth it please
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valenfield-inspo · 6 months
Block Warning
I don't mind ppl blocking this blog, as that is your right on here to curate your experiences but if I find you still managing to reblog my edits, you are getting blocked right on back. I am not up for weird shit this early in 2024.
I just find it unfair as hell as I actually wanted to reblog some of their stuff from before. I really only found out I was blocked b/c months ago I wanted to reblog one of their edits on here but it would not let me reblog it, not even draft it. I tried reblogging their stuff on my main and it let me reblog as normal yet on this blog it wouldn't let me. So I am taking that as a sign that they indeed blocked this blog. Now fast forward some to a few days ago, I found them reblogging an edit of mine and yet I still can't reblog from them, so that's not going to work for me. You cannot reblog stuff from me and then still proceed to have me blocked, nope. Can't have your cake and eat it too, I'm afraid.
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hskinhome · 8 months
Can we get a pendulum reading for whether we're a system or a fictionkin?
These two things are not one and the same. You'll know in time if you're a system, and that's a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone to begin with.
Now, if this were phrased differently, Meu or myself would be more inclined to answer because it's possible for parts/alters to have kin or to be confused about whether this kin is a kin or a potential split (i.e. a new fictive).
This question, however, opens us to potential liability for "offering diagnoses" which, as no one on the blog is a licensed therapist or doctor (not that it'd be something we'd offer if that were the case anyways), none of us have the right or justification to do. If you suspect you're a system, please seek out a therapist if you must know. It is not our place to make that determination for you, and we will not do that regardless.
As such, this is a reminder to everyone: Please remember that being a fictive and a system is vastly different from just being kin.
Thank you.
/Mod Eridan
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lacefuneral · 6 months
it's 2024 and people are still accidentally deleting their ENTIRE tumblr accounts while trying to remove a sideblog, so... a PSA.
do not "delete" the sideblog. you have to change the "members" (admins/mods) of the sideblog to zero.
you can either do this by removing yourself from the list of members, or if you want to be extra safe you can add a burner account (ACCOUNT. NOT SIDEBLOG) as one or the members and THEN remove yourself
or, to be even safer, just set the sideblog to "password protected" - which means that no one can view it.
this website is made out of duct tape and it is very likely that if you try to delete a sideblog, you will delete everything.
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earlgraytay · 15 days
Chest binding is a form of body modification.
Like all forms of body modification, it comes with its risks and drawbacks. That does not make binding bad-- but it means you need to be informed about what is and is not safe.
I've gotten a couple of people on my 'don't buy Amazon binders' PSA trying to claim that warning people about the risks of binding is transandrophobic TERF fearmongering. And it's true that TERFs will often overstate the risks of binding to make younger/newer trans guys afraid to try it. But here's the thing.
Binding your chest is like dyeing your hair, or getting a tattoo, or gauging your ears. It's a process that modifies your body for cosmetic and psychological benefits. There are 'right' and 'wrong' ways to do it-- and generally, the 'wrong' ways to do it are the ways that can cause you serious injury.
If you dye your hair with a box kit, it can damage your hair- possibly permanently. You can wind up with hair that's the wrong colour (say, green instead of blonde), you can wind up with frizzy or thin hair, or you can wind up with a permanent bald spot. If you get a tattoo from your friend Steve on his kitchen table with a sewing needle, you can get a tattoo that doesn't look like it should (because of bad ink or technique), you can get permanently scarred, and it can even theoretically kill you from blood poisoning.
These are the 'cheap' ways to get a body mod, and some people still do them. For some people, they even turn out okay! But you are taking a risk when you dye your hair with box colour or when you get a tattoo from your friend Steve. It might be a small risk; it might be a big risk. The people warning you about these things aren't trying to tell you that you should never dye your hair or get tattoos- most of these folks are heavily dyed and pierced, and many of them have made these mistakes! But they're trying to tell you to get body mods in a way that minimizes risk.
Similarly, the people warning you about chest binding being dangerous are generally older transmascs who have messed up with binding in the past. If we tell you, "don't bind with ace bandages" or "don't buy amazon binders" or "don't bind for more than eight hours at a stretch", it's not because we want you to stop binding! It's because we've made these mistakes with binding, or we've seen our friends suffer from the consequences of these mistakes.
Just like your tattoo friends don't want you to die of Steve-induced blood poisoning, your transmasc friends don't want you to break ribs or start getting asthma attacks. You are free to listen, or not-- but we just want you to know what the risks are so you can choose how to live your life.
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impulse, talking about flowers: gasp red!! right next to you!! red!! skizz: well i was too busy looking at your naked body . That didn't come out right . [this is from season 1 of naked and scared from a decade ago sadly i don't remember episode or timestamp]
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mariska · 1 year
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theres an unintentionally funny non-bad side effect my brain experiences from having to take specific medications to be able to fall asleep at night and that side effect is that, because i have to knock my adhd off the rails Crazy Train By Ozzy Osbourne brain out to get it to shut up enough for me to try to focus on calming routines/learned skills for falling asleep, there is usually a point where im physically in bed but have not started preparing for sleep yet, and because i am literally always in a state of constant panic and stress and physical pain during the day, sometimes i just take a few mins to sit and appreciate the sensation of my brain slowly quieting its naturally loud background noise.
and sometimes i also happen to be partaking in like. one activity like scrolling through tags for things/people/media that i enjoy like i was last night. and i had seen a pic that immediately made me think of one of my ocs, Paige, who is mostly like 1960s-1980s in the main story stuff i've written/created for her over the years, and put it in my oc inspiration tag for her when i reblogged it, and then my immediate next thought was 'OH that reminds me i wanted to save some photos of Marianne Faithfull (cool as hell rock star and actress who was very active in her career/in the public eye in those same eras my character's main story takes place in) as art and writing inspiration reference for Paige since they look pretty visually similar thru that time span and i keep forgetting to do that'. so the idea was that like. i was gonna save maybe 5 photos and that would let Future Me know that i had that thought and could look up more reference photos later at some point.
but because this was middle of the night sleepy chill Mariska. the train of thought de-railed immediately. so. long story short, woke up today and opened my camera roll to find pages upon pages of like every fuckin photo that has been published of this woman in my camera roll
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
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HUGS MOD HAS DROPPED PSA!! THIS IS IMPORTANT (It pulls from Halsin's and Shadowheart's epilogue hugs so be aware there will be clipping on characters of the "same" height, i.e. my masc! elf couldn't hug Gale without clipping, so here's hoping the mod author adds a third hug option)
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lexosaurus · 1 year
PSA to those interested in DPxDC Crossover Content
Reminder that, as per the Danny Phantom x DC discord stated rules, the official tag that the crossover fandom operates under is DPxDC with NO spaces. This is because Tumblr filters do a bad job when it comes to spaces and often get confused.
If you wish to participate in the dpxdc fandom, please tag all your content accordingly, and DPxDC server mods have advised people to avoid using the DC tag and the Danny Phantom tag. This is because the dpxdc fandom entirely overpowers the danny phantom fandom in sheer numbers alone, and it is in fact so big with so much lore that it's really a separate entity from both DP and DC. And tagging properly reduces unwanted flooding to the separate fandoms.
If you have any questions, please refer to this awesome tagging guide made by @ectoentity about the dpxdc fandom and tags. And as mentioned previously, there is a huge DPxDC discord server you can join if you're interested. You can DM the mod-operated blog for an invite: @batpham-discord-highlights (all the mods for this server are awesome, real tea)
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have fun!
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dawns-beauty · 2 months
Skyrim Mods PSA:
If you ever see the CreationClub's Nordic Jewelry reuploaded to the Nexus or one called "Traditional Marriage", report them.
Basically, a Nexus-alternative that hosts bigoted, disgusting mods reposts them with links to their website for the purpose of advertising/trolling.
Hit the Report Abuse button, then "I believe this mod is breaking the rules" then
For Nordic Jewelry, report Stolen Content and list the website it's stolen from as bethesda.net
For Traditional Marriage, report Inappropriate Content -> Abusive Content -> then explain that it removes gay marriage opportunities (which is against the ToS)
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 4 months
Sims 2 PSA
This is a suggestion for the ts2 community to make finding cc easier. It's not a big problem, but sometimes I still make this mistake, so it's also a reminder for myself.
When answering WCIFs, name the cc item or mod, its creators and any other information that would be useful to identify where it came from. Don't just say "It's here" and paste the link. Knowing the information could save a lot of time if the original download post goes down. Include a picture of the item if you can.
Similarly, when you share something, type a descriptive title in text, so it's easier to find through google. Don't just use a title card.
Also, this is not as common anymore, but if you're going to name your cc after a song, make sure your file names include some kind of basic description of the item, or put a preview picture in your zip/rar/7z file.
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viiioca · 5 months
PSA from a dumb shit idiot
the in-game UI/settings backup does not save your account-wide macros. it only saves macros per character. if you use shared macros for complex UI operations like a full suite of pop-out hotbars, and you are depending on this feature to transfer these macros, you will have to redo them. backup your .cfg files and character-specific .dat files located in Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn and put them somewhere that even you can't possibly lose them. the game tells you this, but if you're like me and you forget all basic forms of literacy when text is too boring, you will never see this information
penumbra and glamourer backups are located in AppData\Roaming\XIVLauncher\backups by default. these are useful to upload to perhaps a cloud drive. maybe even a discord server. you could email them to yourself. you could put them on an external drive of some kind. in case you do not want to remake 69 outfits from scratch and recategorize all your mods
those fancy marty mcfly reshade shaders you paid for to Support The Creator? they clean the patreon permissions out every couple of months and you won't be able to download the thing you paid access to get. "i can download them later" LMAO clowned on. put them somewhere safe, brain genius
more hot file migration tips to come as new crises emerge
signed, the girl who built a new PC and forgot to do a bunch of important stuff
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petalruesimblr · 29 days
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Hello everyone! Lately, I've been interested in creating part-time careers and have been brainstorming various kinds of realistic options that can be used for The Sims 3.
This time, I'm back with a Medical Support Staff part-time career. It combines different part-time roles in the medical field, such as Medical Receptionist, Medical Records Clerk and Medical Scribe and these roles don't necessarily require a license or a college degree.
If you are interested, click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the Medical Support Staff Part-Time Career.
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Medical Support Staff
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Sim File Share
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Join our Medical Support Staff Team in providing essential support services to our patients and medical professionals. Assist with administrative tasks, provide support to patients and be a vital part of our healthcare operations. Apply now and become a part of our dedicated team making a difference in healthcare!
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Career Type: Part-Time Available for: Young Adults, Adults and Elders Available Languages: English Levels: 3 Rabbit Hole: Hospital Work Days: M, T, W, F Work Hours: 9AM - 12PM Does it have Carpool? Yes Does it have Uniforms? Yes (same uniforms used for the Medical career; Bed Pan Cleaner, refer to pictures above) File Type: Package Min. Required Game Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3 📣 All descriptions for the levels, tones and metrics as well as skills required, salary, uniforms and other details are provided on the pictures above.
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NRAAS Careers Mod
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I decided to use game screenshots from The Sims 3 that I took during the testing period instead of creating detailed images because it takes less time compared to the other one and I've been quite busy these past few days. You may have noticed my new post format, which I'm trying out to see if it works for me. Since I started my Simblr account, I've been experimenting with what works or looks good with my theme. Hopefully, I will find something that I'll be happy with. So, I hope you'll be patient with me as I tend to change things every now and then. The Charisma skill is added as one of its metrics because this part-time career mostly involves interacting with patients and fellow medical staff. This includes tasks such as checking in patients, scheduling appointments and coordinating medical procedures with different teams in the hospital. Logic is also the other Metric as I think the longer you work in that setting you will eventually learn the medical jargons especially if you have been promoted to the highest level and need to accurately record everything during patient examinations. As stated above, you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for these careers to show up in the game and as long as you have the latest version of it, it should work for higher patches. You can also read my #psa regarding these careers, click here. I’m not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don’t hesitate to send me a message here, comment on this post or let me know in my new Ask/Contact form (if you don't have a Tumblr account) and will let you know the details. I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. All feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
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MissyHissy step-by-step tutorial Twallan for the Career Mod S3pe
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