#A LOT bc she got teased about it as a kid and it worries her
hina-hina · 2 years
Perhaps when you’re ready can you write a Ghost and Soft!Reader and their child?😭❤️ I love your writing by the way!❤️❤️
Hello friend!! This is such a cute idea to go along with the soft!Reader series!! I'm so happy with how well received that post is and I'm loving everyones comments and ideas (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Hope you enjoy this one, thank you for requesting and I'm glad you like my writing!! (I put aside my final paper for class so I could post this today o_o)
I guess this is kinda a series now so chronologically it goes Soft!Reader post, Ghost getting secretly married post, then this one!
|| Ghost and Soft!Reader with a Child ||
Warnings: cursing, labor mentions, some angst
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Ghost had been on deployment when you found out you were pregnant
You were shocked an unsure of how Ghost was going to react when he found out
but also really excited
Despite the two of you doing video calls whenever he could, you kept it a secret until he got back from deployment
You put the pregnancy test in a small gift box and wait for him to arrive
You are filled with anxiety all day, worried about what his reaction would be
When he comes in, you can already tell he is extremely tired so you don't want to bombard him immediately
So you hug him when he comes through the door, pull up his balaclava, and give him a few soft kisses
He immediately relaxes, happy to be home
You instruct him to go take a shower and he goes without fuss
When he comes back out in a simple black t-shirt and sweats, his wedding band still attached to its chain hanging from his neck, you feel your heart skip a beat
"Sit down," You instruct
"Awful bossy this evening, aye?" He teases, but does it anyway, small smile on his maskless face
You present the small box to him, biting your lower lip nervously
He raises an eyebrow, large hands coming up over the box as he shifts his eyes between it and you
He opens it gently, staring at the small device for a moment before his eyes widen
Sets the box aside and immediately stands
"Your being serious?"
You simply nod and his eyes shift down to your stomach before he grabs you into a hug
He would be scared and distant at first, he would need time to process
I do think he would be good with kids
Once you two talk it out, he would become completely on board
Ghost is a girl dad, fight me
Would be so nervous when he goes to appointments with you
He Is so used to the good things in his life being taken away,
When he learns its a girl, he becomes slightly uneasy
He's not sure how he's gonna be with a kid period but knowing its a girl? He is terrified
Nonetheless, he finds himself buying things that he thinks you would like for the baby anyway
would hate it if he had to go back onto deployment before the baby is born
You reassure him you'll be fine and he reassures you he will be back for the birth
An ultrasound picture is placed alongside the picture of you in his breast pocket
Eventually tells his team he's going to have a baby and they are in shock, even more so than before
Imagine you go into labor early and he almost misses it
He shows up still in uniform (minus the weapons bc there isn't anyway he is getting into a hospital with all that on) and black grease paint still smudged around his eyes
But, damnit, he's there
Is scared shitless during labor
He doesn't want anything to happen to either of you
But you deliver the baby and it's handed to him and she looks so small in his hands o(*////▽////*)q
Tears fill his eyes and he feels his cold heart thaw a little more
He gets leave for a little while to take care of you and the baby
He doesn't want to leave you two but you reassure him that you know his work is important
You make him promise to always come back to the two of you
The little girl grows up looking up to Ghost a lot and he feels he doesn't deserve it but loves it anyway
Whenever he comes back, he wants to spend as much time with the two of you as possible
He sends her letters that you read to her before bed
She helps you make care package and includes her drawings
A third picture is put into the pocket, one with all three of you
He brags about all of his daughters accomplishments to his teammates
Imagine one day he decides to surprise her at school when he comes back home
So after you drop her off, you go and pick Ghost up
The two of you go to her school and the teacher sends her to the principal's office
Ghost is waiting there with you, uneasy about being around so many people but when he sees his little girl? He is GONE
She comes in and immediately brights, running to her dad
Immediately drops to his knees to hug her when she comes running at him
Hugs her so close, then stands and goes over and grabs you too
He has never been this happy to be home
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tojisun · 6 months
was struck suddenly by this thought
okay biker!simon but he's got his shit together and he's hubby and you have a kid (2yo?) with him
in India, bikes are the primary mode of transport everyone has one and lots of the kids love love going on rides. my 2nd cousin (?) (relations are diff there) he's 2 years old and he's the cutest thing in the world and he will not sleep at night until his dad takes him out for a spin on the bike. he comes back all smiley and sleepy it's so fucking cute omfg
( bikes aren't seen as dangerous in India bc literally every household has one and people will carry their babies on the bike. ik it's different elsewhere but I just cannot stop thinking ab simon going for a spin with his baby :((( )
love you, drink water sunny 👊
ur cousin not sleeping till he gets a ride is so cute omg :((( such a cutie pie 🥺
but no absolutely!! i feel like biker!simon would spoil his kids sm that they get demanding when he doesn’t get to take them out on a ride
thinking about your little two year old girl waiting patiently in the living room while her dad washes up (simon closed the shop today), with her little helmet already strapped in. the tv is on for reruns of cartoons but she’s distracted, squirming at every drop of sound, thinking it’s simon finally out of the shower.
you chuckle as you rub her back, trying to make her calm down, but you guess her exhaustion and excitement are finally mixing, making one whiny baby. you pitch forward to press a kiss on her little fist.
that, at least, makes her look at you.
“excited, little pea?” you ask, brushing your thumb on the apple of her cheek.
“mhmm!” she says before turning back to her cartoons.
what a blessing she is.
simon pops out of the corner just then, crooning, “ready to go, peanut?”
your daughter squeals, scrambling to get off the couch to run towards simon. simon laughs, crouching down and opening his arms to embrace her, but she’s barrelling into him too fast, unable to stop, and it knocks her helmet against his chin.
“daddy, go!” is all what your daughter says, so impatient and spoiled, and simon just coos again, finding no fault in her little demands.
“of course, of course.” he stands up. “let’s say bye to mommy?”
you stand then too, moving close to them carefully. your beloved angel turns at hearing simon’s words, her pudgy cheeks now rounder with her smile. “buh-bye!”
“bye bye, darlin’,” you reply, kissing her little fist again. “have fun with daddy, yeah? tell him to ride carefully because he’s got my whole world with him.” this you say to simon, playful and teasing.
simon scrunches his nose in reply—fatherhood looks so beautiful in him.
“don’t worry, love. y’know i’ll do everything to keep her safe,” he murmurs, pressing close to breathe you in. “we’ll be home in twenty. see you then.”
you kiss his jaw. “see you then, baby.”
your little angel waves her goodbyes again before they disappear to the garage, simon’s quiet murmurs filling up the space while your daughter hums in replies, still not yet ready for much words.
simon hefts himself up and places her in front of him, making sure that her helmet is secured and her jacket’s all zipped up. it is a quiet routine, one that simon completes with ferocious intensity. he’s never once skipped out on this, never once had been lazy with it, and it makes your heart warm.
he looks up after his final check, turning to you with one last wave, before he’s snapping his visor down and revving the engine. then they’re off.
later, simon will come back with a slumbering princess in his arms. you two make a quiet work on removing her helmet and her shoes, before simon takes her to sleep. then, he’ll slide in beside you, pull you in for cuddles, before recounting their little adventure to you.
love you too vi and yes im gulping down rn as i type!!
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morlao · 2 months
(aka Sebastian constantly annoying Ominis bc he can't stop talking about MC)
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Sebastian Sallow x fem!slytherin!reader
It started the very first day.
After Sebastian had talked to you in the Slytherin common room he couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious new girl.
Actually he had planned to read more about a potential antidote for Anne that evening, but he couldn't concentrate anymore.
For hours he was staring at the pages until he finally realized it's no use.
Lost in thought he stormed into his dormotory where Ominis was just getting ready for bed. "How can I befriend the new girl?"
"Is this a serious question? You never worried about making friends before."
"Just answer my question."
Ominis shrugged. "Well, she's new here. You could offer to show her around."
A grin appeared on Sebastian's face. "Sounds like a plan. I'll talk to Professor Weasley about it tomorrow."
Some days later, after he lost your duel in Professor Hecat's class, Sebastian didn't seem pissed at all - which surprised Ominis very much.
Sebastian hated losing, in fact he acted like a little kid about to throw a tantrum.
Ominis had to step in multiple times to save his classmates or the ancient furniture. But you. Sebastian didn't seem angry at all. On the contrary, he seemed to like you even more. He just couldn't shut up about your good technique.
"She's a brilliant duelist. I didn't have a chance. Amazing technique!"
This was the first time Ominis suspected that his friend might have a crush on you.
However, Ominis decided not to talk to him about it - not yet. After all, he wasn't sure if Sebastian himself had noticed it.
Ominis decided to give him a little more time... until Sebastian accompanied you to Hogsmeade and the two of you DEFEATED A TROLL.
He couldn't believe it when Sebastian told him about it during dinner. The way he described you and your fighting skills, so detailed, so excited.
He was so busy with talking that he almost forgot to eat. Some of the other students that were sitting near them giggled as they watched him.
Imelda showed her typical grin. "Sounds like someone is in love", she teased.
Sebastian stared at her as if he had just realized that she might be right. As if it wasn't obvious to him before.
A few days later Sebastian told Ominis about his feelings for you for the first time. He seemed to have fallen fast and hard.
"Ominis, I guess I'm in love with her."
Ominis facepalmed. "Oh, really? What a surprise."
"I've never met someone like her before. You have to meet her! I've got a feeling that she'll bring lots of adventure."
So a few days later, Sebastian introduced you to each other.
From that day on, you were Sebastian's main topic.
Whenever he hung out with Ominis, you were all he talked about.
After you had met Ominis and the two of you became friends, it got a little easier. Since you three were together most of the time, Sebastian couldn't simp about you anymore. What a relief!
Ominis made sure you were always around. You two got along very well and he really liked you.
You shared the same sense of humor, you liked reading and often read to him and you often told him about your life before Hogwarts.
It didn't take long until Sebastian got jealous. "Are you trying to steal her away from me?"
This was the first time in years that Ominis felt anger burning inside him. "Do you really think I would ever do that? Do you really think I'm such a bad friend?"
Immediately Sebastian felt guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't..."
Ominis nodded. "It's okay and just that you know... she's like a sister to me."
Whenever it was just the two of them and Seb sighed Ominis was just ignoring it.
He was naive enough to ask what was wrong the first time and.... never again. He didn't get one hour of sleep that night.
Unfortunately Seb never took Ominis' silence as an answer. He walked up straight to his bed in the middle of the night, sat down on the edge and sighed again heavily.
Annoyed Ominis turned around and sat up with an extra exaggerated yawn, but of course Seb didn't care.
As soon as he saw that Ominis was awake he started.
Ominis didn't even have to say the annoyed "what?"
"It's just... she's hanging out with Garreth a lot lately and..."
"Yeah because that's what friends do. They hang out together."
"I don't think Garreth wants to be just friends."
They've had this conversation a million times already. Ominis didn't know what to say anymore, it didn't matter anyway, as Sebastian wouldn't listen to his tips. He never did.
"Seb just go to sleep."
"You studied together this afternoon, didn't you? Did she say something about me?"
"Yeah, that you're annoying."
"Come on, tell me what she really said."
"She did say that. Also she thinks that you're stubborn but a good friend."
"Did she sound like she liked me? As more than a friend, you know."
Ominis let out an annoyed growl. "You are aware that I'm trying to sleep?"
"Did she sound like she liked me?"
"FOR MERLIN'S SAKE! Go to sleep, maybe I'll tell you tomorrow. "
To be honest, Ominis was pretty sure that you liked Sebastian.
You had never said anything like that but he had enough of other evidence.
Being blind made you pay attention to the details after all. For example how your way of speaking changed whenever Sebastian came around.
Your voice got a little higher, you talked faster and he was pretty sure he could hear you smiling the whole time.
Damn, he was pretty sure the two of you were looking at each other like lovesick idiots and were still completely oblivious. It was frustrating!
When Sebastian finally found the courage to plan his confession, of course he annoyed Ominis again.
Why the hell did he think Ominis knew everything about girls and how to tell them he's in love?
Ominis didn't have a girlfriend and he also wasn't the girls' number one crush.
Nevertheless Sebastian thought he was the perfect contact person for this. "Ominis, please, I don't know what to say."
"Trust your instincts, you're good with words."
Ominis himself wasn't sure if that's a good tip to give. Yes, Sebastian was charming, but around you he acts either like a total jerk or a player. And from what he knew about you, he could tell for sure that you wouldn't wanna date a player.
"Maybe you should act more like a gentleman around her", he corrected himself.
Sebastian seemed offended. "I am a gentleman. I'm charming."
"You don't seem like a gentlemen, you seem like a flirt. Today you said 》bella ciao《 to her and winked at her."
Sebastian grimaced. "Yeah, but sometimes I do act like a gentleman. I always accompany her to her classes, I carry her books and I give her my notes when she skips classes again."
"Okay, then slip in subtle hints of liking her."
"I saved her from detention when Peeves caught us in the forbidden section of the library. Does she really think I would do that for everyone?"
The following night was again a living nightmare for Ominis.
He had barely fallen asleep when he heard Seb (who had been tossing and turning in his bed the whole time) calling out his name. "Ominis, are you awake?"
"What do you want?" At this point Ominis didn't even try to hide the fact that he was annoyed.
"I'm not sure if I should really confess tomorrow... I mean... what should I say?"
"Trust me... when you're standing in front of her, you'll know."
The truth was, Ominis wasn't sure about this advice, he actually just wanted Seb to shut up and let him sleep.
On top of that, he was pretty sure, you liked Seb, so there was no reason for him to be nervous.
"But Ominis, she's way out of my league. She's incredibly smart and talented. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and have you seen the way she smiles when she..."
"Okay, enough!" Ominis sat up and sighed heavily, giving up a fight he couldn't win anyway. "Maybe you should imagine you're talking to me. Say it exactly the way you tell me about her."
For a moment Seb was quiet, which Ominis thought to be a good sign.
"Okay, I'll try. But Ominis..."
The next day, Seb was waiting for you in the common room.
It was a pretty nice day, so most of the people were outside, only a couple of first years were sitting at a table, giggling and laughing.
"Fuck, I'm nervous...", Sebastian murmured, running a hand through his hair.
"Hey" Ominis smiled "You don't need to be."
"Can I practise before she comes in?"
Ominis grimaced. "Okay, if that's what it takes for you to leave me alone..."
"Yeah, I promise..." Sebastian cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay... there is something that I want to tell you. First of all, you're amazing! You're the bravest and most talented person I've ever met. You're the only one who can beat me at a duel. And.... I'm not sure if this will ruin our friendship but I think I'm in love with you."
You rose your eyebrow, an amused smile on your lips. "Wow, I didn't know you could be that romantic."
Sebastian whirled around, his face as red as the Gryffindor's flag. "Y/N! You're... here..."
You can't help but laugh. You've never seen him this embarrassed before. "Yeah, you asked me to come, remember?"
"Hi Y/N", Ominis greeted you with a smile, before stepping back and signalling for Seb to go on.
"So... I... I wanted to tell you something", Seb started, struggeling to find the right words. He didn't expect you to show up so early, catching him completely unprepared.
Your gace darted from Ominis to Seb. Why was he acting so weird. "Does it have something to do with your confession to Ominis?"
Again, Seb's head turned bright red. "Well, actually... that confession was for you."
You looked at him completely startled. It was for you? Everything he said about falling in love and ruining your friendship?
It was your dream come true.
Nevertheless you tried to play it cool, rising an eyebrow and shooting him a grin. "Oh and you confused me with him because we look so alike?"
At first Sebastian looked at you confused, but as he realized you were joking, he became more relaxed. "Yep, you really do. Are you sure you're not twins?"
"Not exactly."
Both of you laughed, then Sebastian stepped closer, softly grabbing your hand. "Okay, I guess I have to make sure to confess to the right person this time... Y/N, I've been in love with you for quite a while now and... I wanted to ask if you want to go on a date with me."
Damn his smile, his charming smile.
"I would love to", you smile back and Sebastian's face lights up like a Christmas tree.
You step closer to him, intertwining your fingers behind his neck while pulling him down towards you.
You can feel a firework exploding in your chest, when your lips finally collide. His kiss is soft and sweet at first but starts to become more passionate pretty fast.
You couldn't believe it. You were really kissing Sebastian Sallow!
Ominis clears his throat and the two of you let go of each other. "I might not be able to see you, but that doesn't mean that I can't hear you snogging."
Both of you blush deeply and giggle. "Sorry, Ominis!"
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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Hungman - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake's camboy endeavors are not unbeknownst to you, and one day you take him up on a teasing offer to join
Requested: ohhh how about thoughts on camboy Jake (screen name Hungman) whose best friend walks in on him after a show and he jokingly invites her to join him next time. she accepts (shocking Jake bc she’s lil miss sweet, shy, good girl) and when it comes show time he finds out just how nasty his bestie can be (I’m talking her begging him to be mean and nasty and “spank me daddy please!!!” which blows his mind). he makes bank that night and invites her back to his bed anytime. show or not.
Contents/Warnings: best friend/roommate!jake, smut (minors dni), rough sex, oral sex (m receiving), AFAB/fem!reader, ever-so-slight degradation, p in v but from the back, penetration, no mention of protection, teasing/joking daddy kink (she says it once to piss him off so it's not really a kink i don't think), camboy!jake
WC: 2.8K / navigation
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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"Jake, I found the rub you were looking for last week, it was only- woah!"
You come to a screeching halt in the doorway, watching as your roommate doesn't seem rushed at all to cover up his bare lower half. He's got a lazy smirk on his face, standing with his sweat-slicked chest on display as his hands hover almost uselessly over his dick.
"Oh, good," He nods, holding eye contact with you as your gaze threatens to slip lower, "Meat for dinner tonight. then. Sorry," He apologizes a moment too late, glancing down at his bare form, "Stream ended late."
"No worries," You give him a small smile, bag clutched tighter in your hands, "Sometimes I forget you do those things, m'never here to see 'em."
"Oh, yeah? You wanna be?" Jake chuckles, reaching for a towel while keeping one hand still over his cock. As big as his hand is, it's no use there.
"Wouldn't mind joining," You shrug, "It would be nice to have some extra pocket cash."
"Joining?" Jake's laugh is even more incredulous now, and he rubs the towel through his sweaty hair rather than wrapping it around his midsection, "Darlin', the day you join me is the day I'll keel over in shock."
You march towards Jake's room clad in tight lingerie, black lace snug to your skin.
"Get ready to keel over," You command, stepping over a stray sock in his doorway, "Ready to do this thing?"
"Woah!" Jake's eyes widen as he turns, clad in only tight briefs. It gives you a very intimate view of his clothed cock, and all of a sudden the fabric seems a lot tighter.
"What's the plan?" You ask, readjusting the strap of your bra, "Just, drop down on the floor and fuck like rabbits?"
"Y/N," Jake breathes, chest heaving with shock, "What- what are you doing?"
"You said I could be here," You huff, cocking a hip out and crossing your arms, making your tits pop, "What, you changed your mind? I wasn't kidding, I need money."
"You're really joining?" Jake asks, face the picture of a disgruntled Ken doll.
"No, Jake," You sneer, narrowing your eyes, "I was actually planning on going for a walk in the park. Just wanted to see if you'd join me."
"Alright, alright," Jake's shoulder slump from where they're tensed at his ears, "No need to get snippy, missy."
You see his dick twitch. He likes snippy.
After a bout of awkward silence, Jake gestures to a camera set up on his desk.
"Camera's there," He reaches up to scratch the back of his neck, "Not on yet, though. We're gonna go live, so I can't edit out your face. You got a mask, or something?"
"Nah," You shake your head, "Not unless you want me wearing your helmet."
"That's-" Another dick twitch, briefs straining to contain him, "-not a bad idea. But I probably shouldn't use government-issued equipment for porn."
"No fun," You lament, striding over to the bed and crawling onto the mattress on your hands and knees. You're fully presented to him, ass up and head down, wriggling your hips as you wait for the beep of the camera.
"So," You shimmy, "Anytime soon, big guy?"
"You're really ready for this?" Jake asks, hovering by the camera with an uncertain gaze.
"Just-" You huff, straining to meet his eye with a desperate look in your own, "Fuck me, Jake!"
His eyes darken, his jaw clenches, and you swear his briefs nearly rip.
"Okay," He murmurs, low and dangerous, and you hear the click of the camera's recording button.
"You," Jake drawls, sidling up behind you and gripping your hips in his strong hands, "Have been a very naughty girl."
You scoff at his stereotypical porno-style dialogue, playing along anyways, "Oh, yeah? What did I do, daddy?"
You hear his breathing hitch, and his fingers dig harder into your flesh.
"You've been watching my streams," He murmurs, dangerous and accusatory. Your stomach bottoms out, you have. You aren't sure how he's figured you out, but you have, and until now, you'd thought you were getting away with it. He wasn’t hard to find, and you have to give him credit for his creative screen name: Hungman.
"All this time," He hums, slowly smoothing his hand over the fleshy globes of your ass, "You've been buried under the covers in your room, those pretty little hands of yours sinking in your cunt, huh?"
Then, after a moment of silence, he hums, "Yeah?"
You nod, almost shamefully, and you're given a sharp smack to the ass in response.
It makes you cry out, and your voice blends with Jake as he roars, "Answer me!"
"Yes!" You yelp, breathing heavy as you push your ass further towards him, in search of another surge of pleasure, "Yes, I- I've been watching your videos."
"And last week," He drawls, rubbing your sore ass with his massive, rough hand, "Caught me damn near naked. You think I didn't see how flustered you were? Think I didn't notice how tense those shoulders were, huh?" Jake's large hand moves up your back, squeezing at your tight shoulder. You gasp at the feeling, his fingers prodding at sensitive muscles.
"This whole time," He stalks around to the front of the bed, cock out and hard near your face. It makes your mouth water; you nearly choke on your drool.
"This whole time you've been thinkin' about me, haven't you?" Jake asks, running a soft hand through your hair, "Fingers buried in that wet cunt of yours, stuffin' a shirt- my shirt in your mouth to stop from moanin'."
"How do you-" You stammer, but Jake cuts you off, hand tightening in your hair.
"I saw you." He reveals, "'Came in to give you your laundry. You left the door open, baby. Did you want me to see?"
"No," You shake your head, but it doesn't go far with his hand in your hair, "No, I- I didn't know you were home."
"Didn't know," Jake scoffs, dick stiff, "I walk like a damn elephant, Y/N. You knew."
"I didn't mean for you to see me," You insist, but oh, you did, "Honest, Jake, I swear!"
"Don't swear," He sneers, letting go of your hair to lean over and swat at your ass again, "This is what you wanted, baby. This is it," He slips a hand under his hard cock, pushing it towards your face, "Take it, darlin'. Take it, this is what you wanted."
You lean to the side, tongue already out in anticipation of taking Jake's dick into your mouth. But the second before you can get a taste, though, he backs away a step, leaving you open-mouthed and whining.
"Look at that," He chuckles, reaching with his free hand to grip your jaw, thumbs hollowing out your cheeks, "So desperate. You opened right up for me, baby."
"Mhm," You struggle to speak through the grip Jake has on your cheeks, "Yeah. Want your- your cock, Jake."
"Filthy," He scoffs, releasing your face to land yet another smack against your ass. You let out a broken whine through pursed lips, but you feel the head of Jake's cock bump them, and you're opening your mouth eagerly once more.
"Take it," He scoffs, "You want it so damn bad. There," He jerks his hips forward, jamming his dick so far into your mouth that it's nearly down your throat, "That good enough for you, baby? That what'cha wanted?"
"Mhm," You nod vigorously, mouth subsequently sliding up and down the shaft of his cock. "Thank you," You pant around his length, words mumbled and drooly, "Thank you, Jake."
"Good manners," He praises you with a cocky glance towards the camera, "Showing off for the audience?"
You give your hips a wiggle for the camera, and your ass jiggles with the movement. Jake groans, fisting a hand in your hair once more, "Come on baby, don't tease."
He tugs you further onto his cock with the hand he's tangled in your hair, and your throat constricts without warning, an involuntary gag. You choke, spluttering and coughing as he barely lets up, hand not only pulling your head forwards but pushing it down, too, fully taking your mouth with his hard length.
You run your tongue against the underside of his cock and curl it up around the tip. It's difficult to do with how deep he's buried inside your mouth, but you rear back against his hold and take a gulp of fresh air with the motion of your tongue. When your wet muscle flicks through his slit he hisses, hand nearly ripping your hair out.
"God," He gasps, this time using his grip on your hair to pull you off of his cock, grunting and groaning as you chase after him with your mouth, "Ease up, darlin'. Easy, I- I've gotta get inside you."
The only way you'll let him take his cock out of your mouth if is he puts it inside of you. You go limp, knees already tired and arms even worse. But nothing deters you from the excitement of being fucked from behind by Jake.
When you feel his large, rough fingers tug at the strap of your panties, you expect them to ghost over your ass. But they plunge for your cunt instead, prodding at the end of your slit.
"Ah!' You seize up, stiff as you try getting a glimpse of him, "Jake, I-"
"I don't have the patience to work you open," Jake apologizes, thumbing gently over your tight asshole, "Your cunt's already wet, darlin', just- god," His fingers hit a gush of slick and slip easily into your pussy, "I need to be inside you now."
"Okay," You nod, panting as Jake's fingers nudge roughly at your clit, "Oh, god, Jake, just- fuck me!"
"Don't make me spank you again," He grumbles, one hand guiding his dick towards the end of your slick slit, "I am, brat."
"Yeah?" You wriggle your hips, egging him on, "Can't feel you yet. Maybe you don't have as big of a dick as I thought, cowboy."
Jake chooses to show, not tell. In a quick second, his cock is rammed so far into your cunt, you see stars. Your only warning had been the soft stretch of his thick fingers, but this, this is rough, aggressive, demanding.
"Feel it now?" Jake spits, leaning over your back to sneer against your ear, "'S rippin' your pretty little cunt open, darlin'. Still think it ain't that big?"
"Use it," You grunt, gritting your teeth so that you don't moan. You don't want him to have the satisfaction of getting to you, "Move. Fuck. Me."
You're not the only one good at following orders. Maybe it's the navy training in him, but he's obedient, but he rears his hips back, his thick cock dragging deliciously along the walls of your wet, hot cunt.
He sets a merciless pace, jackhammering his hips into your own hard enough to split right through your cunt and jam his dick up through your throat. His balls slap against your thighs, and the speed at which he rams into you shakes the bed, his headboard slamming repeatedly against the wall.
"There," He grits, breath hot against your shoulder "You happy? You're pretty demanding for a bitch on her hands and knees."
"Harder," You beg, finally letting a strangled moan slip through your lips, "Harder, Jake, I need more!"
"Gonna fuck you through the wall if I go harder," Jake scoffs, nipping at your earlobe. He reaches up to pinch your clit between two rough fingers, twisting and teasing the oversensitive bud, "What about that, baby? That better?"
"Ah! Yes," You gush, drilling your hips backwards as Jake's pinch turns to circles over your clit, "More, Jake, I need- I need more!"
"More," He mimics you, bumping his lips into the side of your temple so that you turn and raise your head to try and meet him. It's killer on your neck, but it's the only way you can mouth desperately at his lips.
"So damn greedy. Is that what you were moanin' into that shirt of mine, darlin'? Beggin' for more, for the real thing?"
"Yes," You pant, lips pressing desperately to his own, over and over again from that awkward sideways angle you're barely able to reach, "Yes, Jake, I- I need you!"
"Tell them," Jake urges, parting from the sloppy side kiss he'd attempted and grabbing your face in his free hand. One is still circling your clit, but that means that his weight is on you, and you're barely able to hold yourself up with him on top. He yanks your head to the side, putting your drool-covered chin and fucked-out face on display. He's wearing a cocky smirk. but you can't see it, and only when your face is in position does he plant his hand back on the mattress and take his weight back.
"I need you, Jake," You moan, pathetic and desperate to the camera. You feel Jake's dick twitch inside of you, and his fingers circle faster at your clit. It sends a surge of arousal so powerful rolling under your belly that you nearly cum right then and there, but it fizzles out to wait for another wave.
"Ah! I need you," You repeat, babbling with a half-open mouth now, "I need you, I need you, I need you so bad, Jake!"
"Agh," He grunts, teeth biting and nipping at your bare shoulder as his hips jerk forwards even faster, a near-impossible pace, "Yeah? Yeah, oh fuck, scream for me, baby, come on."
His cock is rock hard, leaking, twitching, and slamming into your most sensitive spot. You let a steady flow of whimpers and moans fall from your lips, but as Jake's dick pistons harder in and out of you, they turn to screams.
Jake's cum floods your cunt. There's no other word for it than flood, it gushes from his tip and gets slammed into your cunt, having nowhere to go but out. You feel it ooze around his shaft, and it's sticky and hot against the walls of your cunt as he chases his high. He does fuck like a rabbit, hard and fast, and the feeling of him milking his dick in your pussy sends you over the edge with another rolling surge of pleasure.
"Ah!" Your mouth hangs open, eyes squeezed shut and thighs trembling with both the force of your orgasm and the effort of holding yourself up. Your climax makes your cunt spasm, and Jake feels the way your cunt squeezes his cock, clenching relentlessly and sporadically as you get fucked through your own high.
"Oh," He pants against your back, lips pressing to your dewy skin, "Oh- Oh my god,"
"Fuck," You hiss, finally slumping forwards where you'd been arching your hips backwards to get more of Jake's length in your cunt, "Oh, fuck! Jake," You breathe, "I- God, that was good."
"Mhm," He hums, dick still nestled snugly inside your cum-filled cunt as he takes a moment to breathe. His hand falls from your clit, and his forehead presses to your back before he breathes, straightening up and alleviating the pressure of his weight against you.
You have no problem collapsing your elbows and letting yourself slump to Jake's mattress. You're drained, and you can barely remember to keep your face turned towards the camera as Jake pulls out of your cunt. Once he's out, you let your knees straighten, your hips falling to the sheets below.
"Jesus," Jake huffs, thumbing at the puffy lips of your cunt and smearing some of his cum against your ass, "I made a real mess of you, darlin'."
"S'okay," You grunt, too spent to care about any clean-up, "Just- turn off the camera and come lay with me."
You do hear the click of the camera, and a few stray keyboard strokes. But your eyes drift shut, and they only reopen when you feel something warm and wet against your cunt.
You almost wish it was Jake's tongue, but it's not. You're too tired for that now, you think, but it's a suggestion for a later date.
It's a washcloth, and you must have been too hazy to hear the sink water running from the bathroom. Jake cleans up your puffy, stiff entrance, placating you with a warm hand on your thigh when you squirm and hiss at the sensitivity.
"I know," He croons, wiping away the last smear of his cum against your ass, "I know, darlin'. It's over now, you can sleep."
"No," You whine, reaching blindly for him, "You too, cowboy."
"Alright," He chuckles, soft and tired, "C'mere."
He tugs you to one side of his bed, and crawls over you to the other. He gathers you in his arms and you let him, limbs going limp as he tucks you against his chest.
"We made a ton of money," He informs you, lips dotting against the tip of your nose. He rubs his large hands over your back, a soothing gesture that helps you slip further towards sleep, "Come back any time, baby. Camera or no camera."
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Their kids are so cute omg i'm gonna dir of adorableness
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lewis: then die LMFAOO NO BUT FRR THANK UU IM GLAD U THINK SO🥹🥹💖💖💖all the love for them (esp lewis) gave me the idea to draw him deflecting all the attention so ty for giving me the excuse to post it....we luv our aloof distant boi🥰
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its funny bc i was JUST talking about this recently, but i dont like pet names at all BAHAH, hence why seb and clora dont call each other anything, not even nicknames.... seb calls her the light/princess/a bird sometimes as playful and teasing jokes, but doesnt actually address her like that. and clora always calls sebastian by his full name as well, bc i was basing her dialogue/my writing off the game dialogue...bc for as close as anne and ominis are to seb, both of THEM call him sebastian in full, so maybe it was a victorian thing that nicknames werent really common? plus clora's so proper that it just feels like its in her personality to always call seb "sebastian"... i feel like if she ever DID call him "seb" he'd do a double take and be like ...HUH? who are you???......are you polyjuiced? LMAO. i do imagine seb calling clora "love" when they get older tho (not in hogwarts) bc i like how simple it is, and imagining him saying stuff like 'careful, love' makes me🫠🫠🫠🫠
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aw TYY💖💖 honestly i didnt give the victorian setting TOO much thought, other than making clora more modest/not used to wearing trousers etc. like the actual victorian courting process was that youd ALWAYS be chaperoned by at least 1 other person and you wouldnt be able to kiss or anything, so the fact that our mcs are in a co-ed school with free reign already ruins that, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. a lot of it you can just wave off with the excuse that wizard society is more advanced than muggle society, which is true anyway LOL. i just kept the parts that i thought were fun/made it feel victorian ENOUGH but got rid of the stuff that was too annoying (one big example being the amount of clothing they wear....i said it in the notes for one of my chapters, but i wasnt about to make seb go through like 5 different layers just to touch cloras titty LMFAO) and no i didnt have 1 specific website i used, id just google "blank in victorian times" and look through all the articles and resources i could on that subject, and take little bits of it. SO YEA i wouldnt worry about it too much, just take what you want if you think it could enrich your story, and leave stuff out if its annoying to deal with BHAHA. and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!💖💖
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BAHAHA yeah sebs bark was defs bigger than his bite when it came to actually having kids/getting clora pregnant LOL. he defs loves the pregnancy part, but i feel like seeing her go through the actual labour was super hard on him/made him feel guilty bc he hates to see her in pain, let alone bc of HIM. not to mention that i imagine he would still work even once they have kids, so to leave clora with like 6 kids by herself isnt something he would have wanted to do LOL. once both lewis and celeste are in hogwarts tho i actually imagine seb and clora still doing curse breaking as well (albeit less dangerous jobs/not as far away) BUT YES having a third kid that looks like seb and is sassy like anne would be SO CUTEEE...a happy accident is a good idea too, tho i kinda like the idea of it being cloras idea.....like, she gets baby fever again now that the kids are kinda growing up and sebs like no i dont wanna put u through that again... but obvs seb wouldnt be able to resist if clora was begging seb to put a baby in her LMFAOOO its already as good as done at that point😇😇 AND THANK YOU, and im glad you liked it!!!🥹💖💖💖
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@the-kcm-muggleborn AWWW ur right thats so pretty.....ty for showing me!!🥹and im glad it make you think of clora...SHE WOULD APPROVE OF THESE STUDIES👌⭐🌙
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discodreaming · 11 months
Could we please get some general romantic relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane?
genre: fluff
general romantic relationship headcanons
characters: erza, juvia and mirajane
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i feel like she's shy with dating, or anytime of romantic gestures
but also like really excited to be having such a romantic time with someone!
Now these next ones are pure rambles bc erza
I feel like she secretly has ur guys wedding planned out to the t
Like she won't tell you until u ask her to marry you
And she'll pull out thus giant book filled with wedding plans
Erza is also very sentimental with the dating
She keeps all your little gifts and eveey picture taken of you two
i like to also think she's clumsy during ur first kisses, and she's so flustered about it her face is all red
and it's the time where you can't help but laugh
she'll remember that
i feel like erza is also a lot more anxious in terms of needing to protect if you're a nonmage
but if you're a mage shehas more belief in you if you tell her you got it
she won't help the small anxiety she has with worry
but she still believes in you so much
now that's with fights though, but you guys only ever get into arguments about each other's health tbh
she is a lot more snappy in terms of protective but overall
miss ma'am is out here devoted to you so u better be devoted to her
juvia is also another sentimental person that she basically hoards like every little thing
I'm talking a small treasure chest or plastered on the pinboard type sentimental
confetti? tickets? photos? etc? it's up there
i feel like she'd love to match clothes tbh imo, bc even though she's got a style
i feel like she has some matching outfits planned for things like date night, important events
wear the outfits and she's gonna be !!!!!!!!!!!
i also see her as another one planning the wedding like
she has a book just like erza but make it a binder, and two books and like it's a lot she has it planned to the t
she also has a lot of faith within you, like fighting? day to day things? hell yeah
but she'd also not hesitate to protect you too
she would not hesitate to take on so much pain from you
her favorite dates are the most thought about ones, like a picnic? hell yeah. a nice dinner where u guys dress up?? just take her on dates SHE DESERVES IT
you guys def have kids later on
if it seems self indulgent it is i love her
whoo boy there wouldn't be much difference of friend mirajane and dating mirajane except the fact it's subtle but in the cute ways that makes people go fucking nuts
you could just simply be talking to someone and she'll come and run her fingers over your shoulder or neck
or you'll give her a quick peck on the lips before any quests
and the small but cute gifts
you two are also a matching outfit couple for dates
and it's this soft type of romance for a bit where everything sets your guys heart a flutter, like just
it's a sweet, soft romance but she's also ur support system vise versa
her siblings are very supportive!!
the entire guild is !!!! i shit you not it's like a huge family there's gonna be teasing but also okes and just overall being brought in by a huge family
she's also super protective of you like i mean she knows ur capable but also a scratch after a job? ur cheeks are in her hand and she's asking you what happened, are you okay, who did this?
you know the song where "ur beauty never ever scared me" that's u guys fight me
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a/n: i really am sorry for taking so long for this job has me by the scruffs but i hope you enjoy these
if you'd like mre i can give more i love these three women just bites hand
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palskippah · 10 months
I've seen people draw Bowser's dad or talk about him in fics, but I wanna think Bowser only had a mom :y just for the fun of it asdkaslkd
It's under a keep reading bc it's a tad bit long, if you'll read it then prepare for nonsensical rambling :y btw it's silly too
Like, she was a very big royal koopa queen who he doesn't remember because she left when he was too baby still (kicked the bucket 🧍) and Kamek (and Kammy) had to take care and raise him since then. And maybe Kamek jut did the bare minimum for him to remember her and Kammy actually put more effort into it- but it's because her death hurt Kamek too much.
Also he and the queen were in a sort of situationship JDKDHD
Anyone would notice he stared at her a bit too fondly, and Kammy made sure to let her sibling know he was being a lovesick fool and everyone could tell. Even the queen. Especially the queen.
But alas, she was the highest rank of royalty and Kamek was her advisor, so it would raise suspicion if they had something, he worried about people thinking they were colluding or something (my paranoid magikoopa that missed the chance of his life-)
She's just like Bowser but maybe beefier and more regal and likes to use her crown and jewelry always. She has a huge lot of confidence and is very assertive.
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But they have a close relationship, and one day she's like: "Kamek, may I ask you something? Not from queen to advisor."
"From friend to friend? :>" he says smiling. But the queen shakes her head.
"No, from gorgeous koopa queen to lovesick fool-"
And anyway, that's how she asks him out.
So, the queen (who maybe is called Magma River or something volcanic-themed like that, she gets called Queen River?) got fed up on waiting for the silly advisor to take the lead, so she did. And then she died. So there's that. And Bowser was barely a year old.
Like imagine Queen River had Bowser the same way Bowser had Junior. Also she can't change her size at will, so when Bowser hatches she's like ??? bc royal koopalings are very small, but she's not sure she's even seen one, and by the size of his egg, she thought he'd be small, but not that small.
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The baby is named after the queen's father, mostly because she pretends to have no idea what name to choose, so River unsubtly leaves it up to Kamek (and that makes him very joyful, bc naming a child is very important, and she's trusting him on it, as if he were the father 🙏- Kammy teases the hell out of him after they're out of the queen's hearing range)
So, they're prince Bowser the second :] (then they become he or whatvers jaskdja when Bowser's older)
-Anywaysss, imagine that in Bowser's castle, where there is this stone sculpture of his head in the front, is actually queen River's face- Bowser just looks way too much like her, sans the purple scales and shell, so the sculpture is never taken down, just like, reused as Bowser's?
-When years pass and Bowser's a toddler and then a kid, Kamek spoils the hell out of him. He gets him one hundred toys, let's the koopaling order him around, and even at times Bowser get very disrespectful and hits him- at that times it's Kammy who has to put her foot down, bc Queen River wouldn't have let her kid talk to anyone the way Bowser did to the servants or Kamek. The queen was straight forward and respectful of the staff- so Kammy tries to right Bowser's behavior now that he's small- it doesn't work very well, bc he still has an awful temper, but at least he treats the workers at the castle decently.
-Maybe the queen dies in a tragic way or whatever, and it has something to do with another kingdom, so they have a war and the koopas win and they have another kingdom to rule or whatevs. Also (here's more rambling) what if the Darklands is like a Yugoslavia (or something??) and Queen River did a great job of ruling all the lands but then she died and it all went down bc the advisors and council don't know how to rule properly -and the queen didn't have more family apart from her baby-so the Darklands dissolves and becomes only the Koopa Kingdom, the Goomba Kingdom, the Bob-omb's and all that - (Then when Bowser takes the crown, he decides he wants to rule all the Darklands again and that's why he starts wars and wins them and whatnot-? He forces the Darklands together again :[)
-Bowser gets curious about the rest of the kingdoms too, so he arranges meetings to meet the other rulers. Particularly in the Mushroom Kingdom, there happens to be the young princess Peach who has recently taken the lead of the kingdom. And when Bowser sees her, she's very beautiful and nice and has the prettiest eyes he's ever seen, and he determines he'll set things right with all the other kingdoms to gain her favor, so she agrees to become his queen and wife.
>So he does, and the kingdoms have a truce and a good relationship, and Bowser and Peach are maybe something close to friends, but then he proposes, and she rejects him. And then from there it's all the kidnapping stuff bc Bowser's young and stupid and obsessed with her in an unhealthy way.
[This part has to do with my Bowuigi family au-] So, the name of the mom was Magma River, and when the koopalings suggest names for their soon-to-arrive baby sibling, Morton suggests 'Magma :]' and Luigi's like, 'ooh, that's a good one :D' and Bowser's like 'hey that was my mom's name :3' but Kamek's like :'U inside bc that's his love's name! And wouldn't it be amazing if one of Bowser's children had her name??
So, he's very very glad that Luigi finally says 'Magma it is!' all happy bc they have an official name for their baby now. And maybe when Magma's born and shifts to koopa form, she looks so much like the queen (actually she looks like Bowser- but let the magikoopa dream) and he's like :'V
I got off the rails 🧍 that's what I had to say shdjdh the queen enjoys being a mom all of one year and then she dies :'v
River always got all excited to talk anyone's ears off about her amazing little child and showing photos from a wallet that has like 12546 photos in it to anyone that talked to her-
Kammy and the queen were close friends too! It was the magikoopa that suggested Queen River better do something about her relationship with Kamek, bc her idiot sibling never would and all that.
Anyways, as usual, bless you if you read till here sjdksj
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Yellowstone 3
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Kayce Dutton
There's Another Girl For Him pt 2 - Monica confronts the reader and asks her about Kayce. The reader doesn't know what she is talking about but starts to be conflicted with what her heart is saying
There's Another Girl For Him pt 3 - Kayce and Y/n go up the summer camp and feelings become too hard to ignore. Some interesting news also comes along
I'm Worth a Shot - request from @timbradfordsboot Kayce Dutton request: reader has a crush on Kayce but won’t act on it due to who his dad & sister are. She’s also heard rumors about bad things happening at the Yellowstone. Kayce convinces her to give him a chance
Two Dutton’s in the Family - Request from mackleann on Wattpad. Kayce and the reader get married and on that same day Jaime tells John he has a son.
Awkward Conversation at 6am - John catches Kayce and the reader kissing in the kitchen in the early morning
Burning Desire for a Dutton - Request from Wattpad VOIDRANBOO - Reader is Rip’s best friend and is a secret relationship with Kayce. Beth helps get them together but they are both worried of how Rip will react
Is This You Asking Me Out - anonymous ask Reader is trying to sneak off to met her Stalker of a ex to tell him to stop calling her. Kayce shows up at the place where she's meeting the ex she's relief to see him.
When War Follows You Home - Navy reader x war time. Kayce and reader service together reader shoots a kid is having trouble dealing with it. Years later they run into eachother in the states.
The Sheriff’s Daughter - Kayce gets arrested and his girlfriend bails him out where he learns who her father actually is.
It’sAbout Time - Request from Wattpad mackleann Kayce or Lee ( you pick ) where the reader is a family friend who comes to help with the cattle branding. The pair confese their feelings and get teased by the bunkhouse gang
Breathe With Me - Request from @val2557 imagine of Kayce Dutton and he is helping the reader when she has a an anxiety attack when there is a lot of people at a dinner they are attending?
Two Baby Daddy’s - anonymous request where reader is pregnant after she slept with both Rip and Kayce which now makes her wonder who is the baby’s father
When She Comes Home Tonight - Request from Tumblr @child-of-of-the-sunshine How about a Kacey fic based off the song When She Comes Home Tonight by Riley Green
John Dutton
- requests open
We Got Nerves For Nothing - Readers a waitress john meets her while having coffee with the sheriff donnie haskell they hit it off immediately reader gets nervous about John meeting her child ( whatever you prefer ) only to find out John's nervous about her meeting his family and they laugh about it
Seven Morming Wake Up Call - anonymous ask John dutton and reader in bed after shes taken a pregnancy test " im too damn old for kids " John says " not old " reader says
Opinions of our Horse Trainer - your the new horse trainer and slowly reader and John fall for each other maybe Beth doesn’t trust her but Kacey likes her
Noisy Kids Can’t Ruin This - anonymous ask John and Reader have been dating for a year or longer now and they’ve been keeping it a secret from his kids, they sneak around like teenagers running through the house after hours sort of dynamic and sneaking through the ranch after hours. I’m thinking maybe they stayed up late and took two of the hours on a little “trip” and get caught by Rip and Beth and Kayce who come looking for the horses ?
Rip Wheeler
You Make Everything Better - Wattpad request Rebelmicheleamidala - Rip and the reader spend the evening at home on the couch just enjoying the night together cuddling
Wheeler's as Tough as a Beer - can u do a piece with rip x f! dutton reader when she's pregos with rips bby girl and she either have a little accident with a horse or in danger bc of one of the shows villains like beth
Don’t you have anything better to do - Wattpad request mackleann Rip and reader get married and they get teased by the bunkhouse guys
Giving second chances - Wattpad request from Silverose365 Reader is a trouble teen the state is having trouble with so after multiple failed foster families the state calls John. The reader accidentally messed up on a job and gets called out until Rip makes a different choice than her previous foster family's.
The rules of fighting…especially my wife - season 1 where jimmy got beaten up by Fred but instead of Jimmy could it be the reader is rips wife and she’s secretly pregnant with their second child and she protects her stomach and then revel to rip she’s pregnant again
He’ll go to the Train Station - anonymous ask Reader has a Stalker one night when the ranch is out doing something reader is alone at the ranch and the Stalker comes attacks her and rip gets a call from kayce after finding her
We’re All Family Here - Reader is Carter’s younger sister and she has a prosthetic leg and the reader is worried that Rip and Beth will kick her off the ranch if they found out. Wattpad request from - @Quackity_bwead
Lee Dutton
Wedding rings and a baby - Wattpad request from halidaehler2015 Lee and the reader get married because they have a baby on the way
Regardless They’ll Always Be Dutton’s - I just had an idea about a story that I think would be great. It would be a Lee Dutton x reader with alittle kayce x reader - request from @cookiez56-blog
Dutton Boys Got My Back - Anonymous ask Reader is drunk and she calls her friend jamie to come pick her up  jamie tells his dad and brother reader calls and needs to be pick up at a bar so lee and jamie go when they gets there some guy was hitting on her and Lee saves her and jamie being a lawyer threatens him
- requests open
He ain’t anything like you- anonymous ask where the reader is talking to them and she sees her ex over their shoulder and they notice her state maybe he hears them call her darling and think they are together.
Anonymous ask - How would Ryan react if you told him you were pregnant??
The Ranch Brought Us Together - @child-of-of-the-sunshine Okay so Ryan and Dutton!reader are engaged and she finds out he got branded after the whole Colby and Teter thing. That kinda the basis of what I was thinking 🤔
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emeyuko · 1 year
Okay, already posted on Twitter in a long ass thread but lemme talk about Yosuke's confession again, the "i never knew i had such a heat inside" or this depending of the traslation
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It's SO important cuz It really empathizes their relathionship pretty fucking well. Yosuke loved Saki bc she was the first person that saw him as something outside of the Junes kid who's parents are gonna ruin the shopping distritc (even if the way she feels about him was more complicated than that), she accepted who she was, talked to him, was nice to him
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we know Yosuke is a person who gets interested in people easily considering his flirty behaviour, but i am pretty sure his feelings for Saki were genuine and that there's a pattern, Yosuke is a lonely kid that is used to be treated like trash most of the time, seeing someone saying this stuff to him, makes him embarrased and...happy, and it makes believe that he's into people who are genuinely caring and kind to others, including a random loser like him. if Yosuke loved Saki for that empathic and kind nature, who's the person that fits perfectly those two terms? Is basically the whole point of their character considering that he's a protagonists and how it mix with the message of the game? That's right, Yu.
There are some parallels with Saki and Yu, in lots of ways, Saki and Yu both has this kind behaviour, can be teaseful around Yosuke and they both are big siblings that really love their little siblings more than anything, but despite their cool easygoing and kind behaviour, they are implied to be really deppresed individuals, for Yu/Souji more specificed in the manga about his parents("i wish all could dissapear" is a very suicidal thought, that Saki's shadow herself mentioned, like if she has thought about killing herself before)
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Saki made Yosuke feel slighty better with himself, how he shouldn't worry about what the others are saying around the town, because he knows that isn't true
Yu made him realize how nothing would change for him if he doesn't do something about himself, how he isn't alone and has everyone else and i would say he did more than Saki did.
Yosuke wasn't ready for a relathionship yes, but he slowly realized how much Yu mattered to him, how much he is "special" to him, Yosuke finds himself comfortable in Yu's presence, smth he didn't felt until Saki came in, so i think that's what "i never knew i had such a heat inside" means
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he's a perceptive person that knew that his relathionship with Saki wasn't mutual ("i knew all they said was right, i was just too embarassed to admit it...") and afterwards he saw how much he had going on in her head "i wish everything could just dissapear", Yu actually reasurred him, his kidness was more in a "i do like you as a person" instead of "i am kind to you bc i would be a ass if i weren't", Yosuke probably fell even harder than he fell for Saki, he finally found a genuine connection, the most genuine one he could ever have, that changed his life for better.
And i think It really fits his character, he is really someone who desires a genuine connection due to loneliness, people who genuinely liked him, instead of treating him as someone they need from time to time, thanks to Yu he's closer to the team.
And no, some people may believe Yu was like a """remplacement""" of Saki but i do believe this is just a natural course, you cannot control who you get feelings for, and slowly, you get to know them and fall for them, i do know people who broke up/lost their ex before and some weeks later, they fell for someone else, and there's nothing wrong about it, time passes, feelings changes, some people faster or slower than others but it's natural, and Yosuke should allow himself to love someone else when the other already passed away
So yeah, i do believe he got to experience, even an stronger feeling than before and it makes sense, (Yosuke also realized how life slowly changes in his SL, fitting EVEN MORE with his character arc)
Saki is special, Yu is special, and that wouldn't change in any way, not even how he sees himself, bc thanks to this experiencie, he could finally say he's special in his own way.
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numbuhinfinitys · 4 months
RKFDTR + Reyna Headcanons
Teaser/annoying/flirty + tired/angry/cold
💖 They would probably first meet eachother when the RKFDTR were sent to another boarding school, and Reyna was sent there for a solo mission to get all of the kids out of there that didn’t wanted to be there.
💜 Reyna would not really pay attention to them since there were a lot of kids she needed to bring out of that boarding school.
🖤 When Reyna finds out they've been 'Caramelized' she becomes really worried [and slightly angry] of what happened to them, caring for them for the next 9 days.
🤍 She needs to get used to their 'Caramelized' state, it being sometimes fun with them causing a bit of chaos to let some steam out, but mostly its just teasing her or being annoying and sometimes a little flirting.
💛 Mostly sticks by Leon [if she can] bc she knows he has abandonment issues.
🧡 Gives Connie tea, coffee, soda, sweets, etc. if she's busy.
💚 Reyna will be a bit surprised to see that Father, or Gaurdian as this is now his name, is also 'Caramelized', and even though she doesn't like him very much, she helps him sometimes with chores around the house and will make tea for him.
💙 She can and will pick Brutus up, even if he struggles to get out of her grip, because he won't get out of it. But if his Acrophobia [fear of heights] starts acting up, she will set him down.
🤎 Clings to Davis' upper body to play with his hair because it looks floofy to her.
💕 Reyna will steal Alex's kitty shirt and will hang on the chandelier if she finds out so she can wear it longer. [don't ask how she got up there]
Thank you to my lovely moot, @artsygirl0315 for giving me permission to make headcanons about them and Reyna :]
Got my inspiration from @kommandonuovidiavoli and @kandykatz
[Reyna's not Caramelized in these headcanons]
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childaintit · 1 month
I just think that it would be funny if Subaru has a little sister. Bcs yk. Canonically he doesnt....but think abt it gang...
So heres my image of her currently :
Tbh? Name would be Hana Natsuki. Still debatable since this name came outta my ass
She's the splitting image of her mom(Naoko), but has her father's eyes(Kenichi).
A bit more on the cutesy-side.
Her and Subaru are polar opposites, but similar.
Basically she, unlike Subaru, she wasn't really that known by her peers as a child (matter of fact, she was invisible) but as she grew up, she learned to face her own fears and started communicating more. People's expectations of her? She thinks it doesn't matter because its what they want, not her. She also joins a lot of competition ever since she got older.
Closet-ish otaku. Unlike Subaru, she doesn't pull out references but stoops down to other people's level and give them words that they understand. But the moment people ask about what she likes....she becomes a yap lord.
She's a bit calm. Like calmer version of Subaru. She's eccentric, but a bit more toned down. She's sort of the type to say the most ridiculous shit TO YOUR FACE and smile. She knows what she said was crazy its just funny to see other's reaction.
Has good composure, and strong mentality due to the slight bullying and isolation she got as a kid.
An oppurtunist. The type to try to pursuade to get her something for free and occasionally it works. Also a positive-realist?
WEAK for beautiful people.
Can draw very well.
CANT SPORT FOR SHIT. Subaru makes fun of her constantly and she goes "at least i have FRIENDS" subaru cried
Kenichi spoils her a lot (gives in and accepts her demands) while naoko softly scolds her for taking money from her father..
Daily interaction consists of :
Hana making fun of Subaru (It's fun teasing him),
Hana acting cutesy for money, reading whatever collection Subaru has (and makes fun of each trope about the fanservice but then subaru calls her out on her yuri/yaoi/shoujo collection),
Subaru asking her to get out to get some stuff (she keeps the change).
So imagine if her ass was sent to the re zero world after subaru. Around arc 4? 5? Doesn't matter...i just want to see her get picked up by Priscilla.
The panic she would have and for different reasons..
In her head shes like KYAAAAAA WHERE THE FUCK AM I??? WHERE..WHAT...MY...HOUSE...HOME...MOM DAD??? but on the outside she's just looking around but then the next second she gets picked up by Priscilla because 'she's interesting.' Or something beneficial...and then Hana would be like : KYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAHHH A PRETTY...GORGEOUS...MAGNIFISCIENT...GIRL..PICKED ME UP...!!!!!! Oh and theres a weird dude with an armor....? Whos that kid.
Everyday she swoons more for Priscilla and shes like 'notgaynotgaynotgay I LIKE MEN (a man hater)'
Ok but ti be fr, shed be pissed off by the fact that when her parents are in their worst(subaru missing era), she teleported them, and might be making them worry. And shes like. Sad. Pissed off. A lot of emotions.
And itd be interesting if she was there by some accudent and a witch has to take responsibility..either wrath or lust. Idk. Im not a true re zero fan guys im sowwy..
I wish i could write more but gaaahhhh i havent reached that far yet gng...
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politemagic · 1 month
heyyyy babeeeee it's been a while ^3^
anyways I'm thinking about the first time dad!iv and iii go back to iv's place after a night out. Like Flora is at her mom's for the weekend, so they've got the place to themselves and thus intend to use every inch of it before the night is over. So they're stumbling through the door, still half drunk / making out / clinging to each other / someone lost a shoe in the hallway. And it's all hot and heavy and IV feels like a teenager about to nut in his pants again.
But then, as they're moving in from the doorway to the living room (stop 1 of many for the night), iii trips on something—oh my! He topples into IV like the gangly tree man he is (bonus points if he lands between IV's tits anime-style) and they both eat shit on the floor
Flora forgot her big ass unicorn cat squishmallow on the floor when her mom picked her up. Plushie 1, horny drunk idiots 0. As they reorient themselves, IV is super embarrassed (he's still nervous about dating as a single dad, so he's worried about III's reaction since he likes this guy but won't tolerate his baby being seen as an "issue"). But III is super sweet and only teases him affectionately about it.
It's an oddly nice break in the tension between them (oh IV my poor little pent up quickshot 😚) and they take a moment to settle down a bit. IV puts away Kittycorn (named courtesy of Flora) while blushing hard and ready to keep apologizing, hoping iii will at least want to try again some other night. He's pleasantly surprised to see that III started fixing them both a cup of tea, since the mood was kinda killed a bit but he wants to keep spending time with him. No, he's not leaving and you don't have to worry, kids leave shit laying around all the time. No big deal, love (blushing intensifies)
Which was nice, because a) he makes a damn good cuppa (green flag) and b) it gives them a chance to get cozy on the couch for a little while. After all, the mood was only KINDA killed. And spending some time wrapped up in each other in low, warm light and hot drinks got the tension built up again niiiiiice and slow ;3
Turns out, it's a lot easier to go all night after you've rehydrated and aren't desperately fucking at mach 3 with hair-trigger stamina !! :)
(+ later down the line, III finds a smaller unicorn cat squishmallow at the grocery store and gets it for Flora as a little friend for the big one. She is utterly delighted and now The Big Man is her new bestie)
elkkie my love my light my darling 🫶🏼
me reading this like 🙂‍↕️🥰😏🤗
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because iv is so nervous that iii won't want him bc he's a dad but in reality iii's number two priority (number one being keeping iv himself happy) is winning over flora & showing her that she's safe and loved with him, and that he's going to take good care of her dad.
but also imagining the scene of iii giving her the mini kittycorn and she is so delighted but iv is blushing ridiculously hard. iii is just grinning at him because while it is primarily intended as a lovely and thoughtful gift for flora, he couldn't resist getting him a little flustered as he recalled their drunken shenanigans <3
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barrenclan · 2 years
WWAAAH THIS ISSUE OH MY GOD!!!! I think i start half of my reaction-to-a-new-issue asks with "omg this issue" BUT I CANT HELP IT LITERALLY THIS ISSUE ALMOST MADE ME CRY (in a good way). im so happy for this little blue man and his family starting to patch up some!!! Slugpelt opening up about her trauma to her kids, i really love your portrayal on love-bombing and manipulation with Cashew. I think it's really important for things like that to be portrayed properly in media without it being romanticized. And obviously yeah SLUGPELT admits she romanticized it when she was younger because he was the only one to treat her that way and he was HERS but you dont romanticize it with your writing and !!!! literally i admire the way youre able to portray these things so well in writing so much. And honestly those lines of "he was the only one to tell me those things" and the fact that thats what got her so hooked to him,,, stung a little bit bc its like very vaguely relatable to me and auuuh my heart!! I'm glad she realized that he didn't love her but the fact that she loved him while knowing it was just a game to him hurt a bit. i was not expecting to vaguely relate to the equivalent of a middle-aged mother but slay i guess. And Daff's reaction,,, and Slugpelt's response to that? Mannnn my HEART i love seeing Slugpelt come around and actually try to be motherly to her kids. i love her this is a slugpelt fan club. NOW PINEPAW COMING OUT TOO!!! Dude. When i first read the line of him saying "now if were all spilling secrets.." I honestly thought of the skull thing at first. But then after like two seconds and getting a little further i was like OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO COME OUT ISNT HE. I have so many thoughts about that scene but I cannot materialize them into cohesive words. just. the whole thing was so well done. and im glad it went well for him. His whole spiral of "oh god i messed up why cant i just be normal and-" really hit me so hard and then proceeded to run me over twice, as someone who is gay that is often a thought process i would fall into, so seeing it portrayed in something is so validating man. but everyones reaction. slugpelt comforting him and being supportive, reassuring him its not weird, and that he's ok. asphodel having a look of guilt initially, assumably because of all of the times she would poke and prod at him for "needing to have kits some day" (call back to one of the first issues) , and then instantly teasing him over how she's seen him look at cormorant. Daffodil,,, man i was honestly worried about her at first because I didnt know how the implication of pine liking the same cat as her would come off to her, but her reaction??? priceless. literally so wholesome. i love how she just sees it as something exciting and something they can relate and bond over, i honestly wasnt expecting her to react like that but at the same time she generally does seem like a good sport so im not surprised in the end. seems in character for her. literally i love her. sweet baby child. literally the whole pinepaw coming out section almost made me cry it filled me with so much joy and love i love these silly little cats so much. going to be thinking about this so much for the next week istg
TYSM I'm super glad you liked the issue!! I really wanted to get across Slugpelt's perspective, to help understand why she could be taken in so thoroughly by someone like Cashew. She's got virtually no support structure in her life, and has been shown pretty much nothing but rejection her entire life, so when someone actually (seems to) choose her it means a lot. And since she's been shown to be such a distant and sometimes hurtful mother, I made sure to try and show why she is that way.
Pinepaw chose to share delights instead of horrors today! He already got everything he wants to talk about with those bones outside him, and Cootstorm did ask him not to tell anyone else.
YEAH the coming out scene was really fun and cathartic to write tbh, and actually I wasn't gonna include it in my initial planning but decided I needed to. I had considered the possibility of his family reacting badly (since they do live in a traditionalist group) but in the end like... I don't want to. "Confused but supportive" feels much better narratively and character-wise. You're right about why Asphodelpaw looked guilty too, especially since she's figuring some things out about herself as well. Daffodilpaw is my sweet kitty and she may be a little confused but she got the spirit <3
I'm so glad you like it,, they are all my silly little children and I love them dearly
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
The World is Not a Nice Place (to those of us who breathe)
Pigsy has a pretty good gig for himself: a nice little restaurant, a cute regular customer (who's name he keeps forgetting to ask), and a place to call his own. However, his life changes forever when two orphans hide out in his storage closet to hide from the police.
AKA Pigsy adopts MK and Mei as kids AU <333 This will be a whole series, so prepare for a lot of cute dadsy content and lil Mei and MK (as well as some divine intervention bc why not).
Part 1 Part 2
Ao3 Link
Pigsy was the proud owner of a little noodle shop his grandma helped him set up called “Pigsy’s Noodles'' and it was his pride and joy. He’d been running it alone for two years now after a teenage and young twenties-hood of running around, getting into fights, and getting severely traumatized with his best friend. It was his grandmother’s suggestion when Sandy threw in the towel leaving Pigsy aimless, and he couldn’t thank her enough for it.
It was different without her around, certainly not any easier, but being a local business in a city that was only being more commercialized by the second gave his place an identity and authenticity no chain restaurant could ever replicate, so business was stable.
Sure, he didn’t exactly live a life of luxury, but his studio apartment above the restaurant was all he needed. He was a pig of the simple life, according to his grandma anyways.
That didn’t mean he didn’t miss the chaos and Sandy, whom he hadn’t seen since… well.. a while, but that didn’t mean he was completely alone. He had this one regular who came in to work on his capstone for his masters and applications for doctorate programs who was kinda funny and cute and smart. Granted, he rarely ever paid his tab, but Pigsy liked listening to him ramble about the Legends of Sun Wukong, so that kind of made up for it.
If only Pigsy could ever remember to actually ask for his name.
Today was going to be a slow day, Pigsy knew that. Grey storm clouds covered the sky, giving the city an almost haunted feeling. It would probably rain soon enough too, so any hopes of foot traffic were dashed. His regular was still there, of course, but something was off with him too. He was quiet, reading something on his laptop with a worried brow, which worried Pigsy too.
“You– uh– readin’ the news?” Pigsy asked, drying a glass off with a towel to mask his concern.
“Yeah– there was a huge fire last night. You know that ancient ancestral home to the descendants of the White Horse Dragon?”
Pigsy nodded.
“It burned down, as well as an apartment complex nearby,” The regular turned his laptop around to show the chef. Pigsy got a good glance at it before cringing.
“Yeesh– is everyone okay?” He asked. The semi-stranger shook his head.
“The owners are both confirmed to have died, but no one can find their daughter, and there are at least ten dead from the apartment fire,” he turned his laptop back around.
“Dang, how old is she?” Pigsy asked, setting the glass down.
“Seven, I think.”
“Hope the kid’s okay,” Pigsy looked out the window, staring at the neon glow of his sign against the dull gray sky.
He should probably close.
“Hey um– you got any more dissertation writing to do today? I’m thinkin’ about closing early” Pigsy asked.
The man sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses up as he did. “I don’t know if I can focus on that, but I know I can’t really go home– it reeks of smoke since I live a block down from all that.”
“O-oh, right, yeah– uhm… feel free to stay as long as you need then, I won’t close til you’re all good,” Pigsy blushed, thinking about how stupid that idea was.
The stranger gave him a soft smile. “Thanks.”
“Ah, no problem– so long as you actually make a dent in that tab of yours,” Pigsy tried to tease but got something in his throat halfway through that made him cough and therefore sound like a flustered idiot.
The stranger laughed a little and went back to his laptop, while Pigsy went to clean the grill, desperate to scrape away his embarrassment.
Almost twenty eight and he was out here blushing like a piglet.
The pair were silent again for a while, except for the occasional siren or two as police drove down the street, which was hardly an unusual sound for Megapolis. However, after a bit of this, Pigsy and the customer both jumped when they heard pots and pans crash to the floor in the back.
“Was that a rat?” The man asked.
“No-! That’s ridiculous-!” Pigsy defended, his face red as a tomato. “I’ll go check it out– I swear this place is sanitary,” Pigsy quickly turned off the grill, grabbed a broom and prayed he was right.
He went back to the back of the restaurant, frowning when he saw the back door was open, though only a crack. With a sigh, he went and shut it, sure to click the lock this time and now really really praying there wasn’t a rat or any other pests.
“Anyone in here?” He called out. He wasn’t exactly shocked when there wasn’t a response, but as he got closer to the storage closet, he could swear he heard something shuffling– probably an animal like he suspected (he was usually so vigilant about the door dammit– this was so stupid). Now holding the broom like a weapon, he approached the closet door carefully and quietly, listening to more shuffling before quickly grabbing the doorknob and flinging the door open, causing two shrieks of children to ring out.
“Pleasepleaseplease dont’t hurt us-!”A little boy cried out, shielding his friend– a girl– with his arms and trembling.
Kids??? What the fuck were kids doing here???
Quickly, Pigsy flicked on the lightswitch and set the broom down.
“What’re you two doing here? This is a private business and I don’t–” Pigsy was going to lecture more but noticed the girl who was crying a lot and looked oddly familiar.
“S-sorry, Mister, w-we didn’t know– we’re sorry about the pot i-it’s just–” The boy apologized but the girl interrupted.
“I-i didn’t mean to do it, I-i was just trying to c-clean a-and– a-a-and n-n-now m-mom n’ d-dad are– a-a-are– a-and so we just– and then the cops– a-a-and–” The girl couldn’t get through her sentence before choking on her tears.
Wait a minute…
Holy shit.
“You’re the missing dragon girl, aren’t you?” Pigsy knelt down. The girl nodded her head as she hugged her knees close to her chest.
“D-don’t tell anyone, please,” The boy pleaded. “ ‘specially the cops, they’re spooky.”
Pigsy snorted. “Yeah I know that, but you can’t just hide here kiddo, people are looking for you– maybe even your family.”
“MK’s my family, I don’t have anyone else,” The girl sniffled. “A-and those guys are scary, th-their eyes are all red.”
“Red eyes? Kid, I know cops are bastards, but they don’t have–” Pigsy stopped to think for five seconds before suddenly getting very, very worried.
“Look, I won’t tell anyone you’re here, but how’s about you move to the kitchen where I can keep a better eye on you two, okay?” He said, looking over his shoulder at the backdoor. As the kids nodded and slowly stood up, he grabbed the padlock on the high shelf and put it around the back door for extra security, before going back to the kids, who were watching nervously.
“Look uh– just keep your heads low and stay behind the bar, there should be some room for you two if I shift some boxes around,” Pigsy scratched his head and went out to the kitchen, but the kids didn’t follow him.
“Everything okay back there?” His regular asked, lowering the lid of his laptop.
“Y-yeah-! Yeah, just– um… keep studying,” He smiled nervously. The semi-stranger gave him a curious look before raising the lid and getting back to work. He quickly went back and found the kids still standing in the doorway of the storage closet looking down.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you two?” Pigsy asked softly. The girl pulled on her long black hair nervously and sniffled.
“I-i’m scared they’ll see us,” She confessed.
Pigsy immediately got on one knee and placed a hand on her and the boy– MK–’s shoulder. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you two, okay? You have my word.”
The kids exchanged weary glances before nodding. Pigsy gave them a weak smile before standing, reminding them to stay low before leading them out to the kitchen where they remained creeping low, but not before the regular saw them.
“Um… hi,” His customer gave a wave to MK and the girl, who froze.
“It’s okay kiddos, he’s a–” Pigsy glanced at him.
“A friend,” The man finished his sentence for him, which made Pigsy blush a little.
“Oh– hi-!” MK waved a little before getting on his knees and hiding under the bar like Pigsy instructed, which the girl shortly followed.
“Mind telling me why you have kids hiding under your bar?” The scholar teased a little.
“Ah– well uh–” he glanced down at the pair, who were having a silent conversation with hand signals he didn’t know.
“There’s some trouble stirring up right now and they needed somewhere safe to stay so I figured why not keep ‘em in my line of sight, you know?” He shrugged at the half-truth.
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you,” The man said with a smile, going back to his laptop so he didn’t notice Pigsy’s face turning dark red once more before he turned around and got back to cleaning.
After a while of casual silence, Pigsy heard the bell ring and muttered to himself when he heard them say “Megapolis Police, we’re here looking for a little girl, Mei Dragon. She’s long black hair and was last seen in a green jacket with white shorts and sneakers.”
“You see any kids here?” Pigsy scoffed as he scraped off the fond from a pot.
“Look here, wise guy, we’re gonna search this place whether you like it or not,” One of them snarled, but Pigsy just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” He said, setting the pot down to dry while picking up an iron skillet. One of the cops– a slightly smaller but still plenty muscular one– eyed him.
“This’ll be quick anyways,” The officer said.
“Better be, or else you’re gonna scare off my customers,” He crossed his arms and stood in front of the cupboard where the kids were hiding. He glanced at his regular, who seemed just as annoyed at the presence of police as he was.
The officers huffed and began snooping around, looking under tables and in the bathrooms, getting huffier the more and more they didn’t find the girl– Mei.
Man, Pigsy was really bad about asking for names.
When the cops went to the back, Pigsy heard the girl start crying again. Pigsy bit his cheek before crouching down again and asking what the matter was.
"S-sorry, Mr. Piggy, I-I don't know why– I-i just keep–"
"Hey, it's okay kid, you just gotta be quiet for a little bit longer and then the scary guys will leave and we can find you somewhere a lot safer to be, okay?"
The girl rubbed her eyes with her jacket sleeve and nodded, which was when Pigsy noticed her eyes were glowing emerald green.
So uh… that was interesting.
"Does she normally…?" He turned to MK who nodded.
Alrighty then.
“Hey– there’s the dragon brat-!” One of the cops shouted from the doorway to the back.
“Yeah well if you want her, you’re gonna have to go through me,” Pigsy huffed, gripping the pan and going into a fighting stance. Just like that, the cops shed their skins to reveal they were actually just a massive tiger and the larger one leapt towards Pigsy, who knocked him as hard as he could in the jaw with the skillet, sending him into the grill.
“Woah-!” The girl watched in awe, bringing Pigsy way back.
“Oh my stars– Are you okay-?!” The regular closed his laptop and shoved it into his bag frantically.
“You good at running?” Pigsy asked as the smaller one jumped to attack, but he whacked them away too.
“Can be under pressure-!” The man quickly slid his bag around his shoulder.
“Great– take the kids and run,” Pigsy said, taking MK’s arm and pulling him out of the hiding spot before placing him on top of the bar, then doing the same with Mei.
“Right uh– Let’s get going then-!” He said, helping the kids jump down as the bigger tiger demon got up and tried jumping towards Mei, but Pigsy got a hold of his neck and was able to hold him back and thankfully the kids and sexy customer were able to get out. However, he must not have hit the second guy hard enough because he was back and instantly tackled Pigsy to the ground and gave him a nasty gash in his shoulder with his claw, tearing through his chef’s shirt. Pigsy was able to kick the guy off of him, and when he saw the bigger guy was making a run for it, he grabbed the nearest bottle of rice vinegar and threw it at him, which shattered against his head on impact.
“Ha-! Take that ya bastard-!” Pigsy was pleasantly surprised his aim was still good, especially with his arm stinging severely from the previously mentioned gash.
“Alright, piggy, you wanna do this?” The tiger turned away from the entrance.
Ah, fuck– Where’s Sandy when you need him?
He hit the smaller in the face with the skillet again, before having to duck to avoid the bigger one leaping at him once again. Thankfully, his size and strength failed him when he overestimated how much power to put into that and he went crashing straight through the wall (which was not good for Pigsy’s bills, but priorities).
Jiangjun– we need the dragon, not the bacon,” The smaller tiger growled and stood.
“You were the ones pretending to be cops,” Pigsy growled and leaned against the bar, trying not to wince in pain.
“This is a mercy, Pig Man,” The big demon got up and snarled. “You can’t kill us, but we can kill you.”
Before Pigsy could protest again, the tigers bolted out of the restaurant, and Pigsy scrambled to keep up.
The street quickly turned into a mad panic as people bolted out of the way of the tiger demons, which was kind of good because there was a clear path for Pigsy to follow. Did he have a plan? No. Did his arm hurt with every attempt at running? Yes. Did he even know why he was sticking his neck this far out for these kids? Kind of– He wasn’t heartless– if kids are in danger he’ll protect them, that’s how normal people responded.
He also hoped his regular was okay– if they lived he was going to make sure he asked for his name.
When he caught sight of the trio, they were dashing around a corner, and the demons quickly followed. Pigsy was starting to fall behind and so said a quick prayer to whatever and picked up the pace, mortified when he turned that corner and found they got themselves backed into an alley.
“Nowhere to run, Little Dragon,” The bigger tiger licked his lips and got on all fours. Pigsy scrambled for something to grab, but the smaller tiger pounced on him and that quickly became a struggle of its own.
“Mr. Piggy!” Mei cried out, her eyes still glowing but flickering to a wine red. She balled her little hands into fists and stepped away from MK, who was forced to let go of her arm and so grabbed onto the man.
“Get away from him!” She shouted, and a rush of hot air flooded the alleyway, causing the tiger to stop fighting Pigsy, though he still had him pinned and with claws at his throat.
“B-boss, you said she was too young,” The small one said.
The bigger one growled, “She’s supposed to be, but something’s… different.”
“I saidget away!” She screamed, and Pigsy couldn’t believe his eyes– she was suddenly surrounded by an aura in the shape of a very, very large Jade Dragon, who’s eyes stared menacingly down at the two tiger demons. There was something else too– sparks of that red from before, but whatever that was it was clearly restrained, despite her anger.
“C-c’mon boss, let’s get out of here,” The small tiger let go of Pigsy and scrambled away. The larger remained, staring down the beast until it opened its massive jaws as if to spit fire or water, and then he ran.
“Wow-! That was so cool Mei-!” Her best friend cheered for her while Pigsy forced himself to stand.
“Yeah, not too bad– kid-!” In the middle of Pigsy’s compliment, all of the glow faded from Mei’s eyes and she passed out, thankfully caught by the regular.
“We should get you– you two– to a hospital,” The man said, his face going pale at Pigsy’s appearance.
“What? I’m not that roughed up,” Pigsy denied, despite feeling so dizzy from blood loss he had to rest a hand against the wall of the alley.
“C’mon, I’ll call a cab,” The man rolled his eyes playfully before calling the car and then they were off.
Once they were at the hospital, things quickly got awkward as it became more and more apparent to the staff that they had no relation to Mei and didn’t know any of her medical information. Thankfully her situation was a lot less serious and she was awake and had perfectly fine vitals in just a few minutes, whereas Pigsy had to get stitches and a blood transfusion, and was put under observation for a while.
The observation period was boring, of course, and it had him wondering just what the hell he was doing with his life. He didn’t know these kids– he didn’t even know that customer’s name– why was he out here destroying his very livelihood and fighting for them like they’re his own kids?
“Are you doing alright there? You're almost done” The nurse, “Ming-Hoa” according to his lotus-shaped name tag, suddenly spoke up. Pigsy blinked and shook his head.
“Yeah, yeah, just… thoughts,” He shrugged.
“Getting into life threatening situations often does that to a person,” The nurse laughed a little, checking all of the monitors and writing something down on his clipboard. “What you did was very brave. That girl could very easily be dead, her family is indebted to you.”
Pigsy sighed and closed his eyes. “That’s the problem– the kid doesn’t have a family.”
The nurse nodded a little. “Well… I’m sure they’re happy wherever they are.”
“What’s– uh–” Pigsy looked down at his hands. “What’s going to happen to the kid now?”
The nurse had a small smile on his face. “Well, custody of her will be decided by her parent’s will and the boy will undergo a similar process, though if there’s no will, he’ll be placed into foster care.”
“Wait– him too?” Pigsy tried to sit up.
“Oh, you didn’t know? He was also orphaned in the fire the other night, though he was in the apartment buildings.”
“But they can’t split those two up, they’re practically siblings– joined at the hip and apparently all they have." An expression of sad realization washed over the chef's face.
"Yes, yes, but unfortunately that is how it goes unless the person taking in the girl was willing to take the boy too," Ming-Hoa explained.
"How could anyone not? I know I sure would," Pigsy huffed as the nurse checked the monitors once more and started unhooking all of the devices.
"Well that's what we like to hear," He said as he took off the heart monitor from Pigsy.
"Sure..?" Pigsy raised an eyebrow as he stretched. The nurse continued to type something into his computer as Pigsy stood and gathered his things, which was really just his torn up chef’s shirt.
“The Dragon Family Lawyer will meet you just outside to discuss a few things, Mr. Zhu,” He said. Why exactly the nurse knew about Mei’s lawyer when he wasn't even her nurse was something Pigsy didn’t have the energy to question.
“Uh… thanks,” He nodded, throwing on the torn shirt over his white tank top and bandages before heading out to the waiting area, which was strangely cleared out except for Mei, MK, his customer, and a woman wearing a white pantsuit and high heels with lotuses on them– the lawyer, most likely.
“Ah, Mr. Zhu, I’m Gatita, the lawyer for the Dragon Family Estate,” The woman stood, but before he could go to shake her hand, Mei jumped from her seat and gave Pigsy a hug.
“I’m sorry you got hurt, Mr. Piggy,” She apologized profusely.
“Hey, I’m just glad you’re okay kiddo,” Pigsy patted her back before she let go and joined MK back by the bead maze.
“I’m glad to see Miss Mei likes you already,” The woman smiled fondly before going once more to shake Pigsy’s hand, which he did before taking his seat next to the regular.
“So… what exactly do you need to talk to me about?” Pigsy asked.
The lawyer reached into her bag and pulled out a large manilla folder. “Well, there was a peculiarity in Mr. and Mrs. Dragon’s last will and testament, which says that if no one remains of her immediate family, then it would be up to The Dragon King of the East, and it appears he has chosen you,” she said, pulling out the document that stated just that.
Pigsy blinked.
“Mr. Zhu?”
“S-sorry there, i just– what???” Pigsy shook his head. “I-i’ve never met any Dragon King and I know damn– dang well that I am not better for her than any king in an actual castle would be.”
“Well, mystical beings often have their ways of looking around. Plus, Mei is merely a descendant of Ao Lie, she’s not as draconic as her great uncle and his family. It would be better for her to be raised in a more humanoid environment,” Gatita said, pointing to a specific paragraph of the paper Pigsy still couldn’t hope to read.
“You know I ain’t exactly human myself, right?” Pigsy snorted.
“I suppose you truly haven’t spent any time with dragons then,” The lawyer laughed to herself like Pigsy didn’t literally just say that.
“Well, either way, you wouldn’t be alone. You’d have my number for any emergencies, and plus your husband here will be of great help,” She smiled at the man next to Pigsy and both of their faces turned red.
“Woah– wait now– we’re– I’m not–” The man protested.
“Oh! My apologies, I just assumed because both of you were present– it doesn’t matter. Custody would primarily be given to Pigsy for both the boy and the girl–”
“Both of them? I didn’t think you were in charge of both of them,” Pigsy sat back in his seat, his head beginning to spin.
“Are you suggesting you’d want to split the two up?” The woman frowned a little, glancing back at the two seven-year-olds.
“N-no! I just–” Pigsy rubbed his forehead. “It’s… a lot. I’m not exactly rolling in money here and I just–”
“There is a sum of money set aside for Mei and the boy’s childcare, as well as Mei’s inheritance, but that won’t be available until she is eighteen for safekeeping, and as far the academy goes, her and the boys admission has been paid in full for the next eleven years already so that’s not a concern either,” She said, pulling out more documents and Pigsy was still not going to read any one of them– though it didn’t matter because it seemed like his customer was doing it for him (probably because he actually understood them because he was smart and stuff).
“I understand it’s a lot, Mr. Zhu, and if you truly feel uncomfortable, you can turn the offer down. However, if you do, they will without a doubt be separated and live very, very different lives,” The lawyer said with an earnestness the chef didn’t expect.
Pigsy glanced back at the kids, seeing how happy they were in each other's company, and then thinking back to how fiercely they protected each other and– hell, even him.
He’d have to be heartless to tear that apart.
“I… I’ll take them,” Pigsy said.
“Are you certain?” Gatita asked seriously. Pigsy nodded.
“I am.”
“That’s what we like to hear,” She smiled, taking out a pen from her bag and handing it over to the chef.
“Wait, that’s it? No evaluation, no checking bank accounts or backgrounds or anything?” Pigsy took the pen nervously.
Gatita laughed. “We did all of that beforehand; you’re all clear Mr. Zhu.”
Pigsy blinked again. He glanced at the man to his left.
“I’m no lawyer, but everything looks legit and–... and I can help a bit too, if you’d want that– like around the restaurant and stuff,” His customer said, his hands pulling on his scarf nervously.
Pigsy smiled a bit, probably like an idiot, before glancing at the lawyer and covering his mouth and mouthing “I don’t even know your name.”
His customer laughed a little before copying his motion and mouthing, “it’s Tang.”
It was perfect for him.
“Right,” He smiled more, lowering his hand and turning back to the documents.
He had no idea what it took to raise a kid– let alone two.
Then again, he’d have to be an idiot to turn down what was probably a small fortune.
But he shouldn’t just be doing this for money.
And he wasn’t– he cared about those kids and couldn’t imagine forgiving himself for separating them.
Plus it was technically her family’s wants, and who was he to say he knew better than literal celestial dragons?
With a breath, Pigsy gripped the pen tighter and signed his name across every dashed line Gatita pointed to, and then it was official.
Pigsy just adopted two kids he barely knew, one who was a descendant of a literal dragon.
He hoped he had even a clue of what he just got himself into.
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surveillance-0011 · 2 years
Looking at Garten of BanBan II… I actually feel kind of optimistic.
This second game feels like it does have more effort put into it- and it’s more genuine, less of a cash grab especially without the merch link right there. I’m not gonna blame the devs for charging money bc it seems they are very low budget, and I’d prefer a game costing money rather than asking you to buy overpriced merch.
There’s a somewhat scarier atmosphere and I think the direction the story is heading could prove to be interesting.
Spoiler alert:
Saw the human experimentation thing coming from a mile away. Not the most original in the mascot-based horror niche, but I’m a sucker for it and am actually kinda interested in seeing why it’s happening in this facility posing as a kindergarten, of all places. Also, BanBan as a possible good guy is very interesting. Yes, Alice and Mommy Long Legs both send you on fetch quests with ulterior motives, but BanBan seems to genuinely care about saving the kids, even if it means he’s not heroic enough to do it himself.
It’s also interesting that he’s apparently not the “major” threat- that’s Stinger Flynn, apparently. Unless BanBan is lying/tricking the MC, which is like a 50/50 chance.
The game also, surprisingly, has a sense of humor. BanBan’s note telling you he’s gonna knock you out, his sheepish apology, NabNab’s misery, and Seline (the snail) reaching the chase scene too late all actually got a chuckle out of me.
However, it’s not exactly the most riveting gameplay. The game still seems kinda slow, glitchy, and like there isn’t as much of an “active” threat. Everything is very … compartmentalized? Until the last chase scene there doesn’t seem to be an active threat chasing you down.
And the story does have some pitfalls and confusing bits. It’s frustrating to me that they are dropping gradual hints in the notes alone- at this point I wish there was more of a why and maybe even more of an admission. BanBan sees himself as human still, yes, but certainly he’s aware everyone else thinks he’s BanBan? And that he’s in a lab? But he never says “yeah they mighta turned me into something I’m not, but deep down I’m human and you can trust me”
And while I like the idea of Stinger Flynn as a major threat I’m surprised NabNab isn’t more of an opposing force. Like they’re literally an obstacle for like the construction section and they peer out as a lil secret when you finish the chase scene and turn back. For someone teased as a big thing, they seem more like a needless red herring and underwhelming extra. It’d be better if they were more present in this chapter.
The … attempt at social commentary in the classroom segment was also just weird? There’s not really a popular kid weird kid bullying hierarchy in kindergarten of all places… and the metaphor is just very bland and fake deep and whatnot. Unless it’s just BanBaleena running the school like she thinks they’re run bc she’s a human experiment with no memory/knowledge of the outside world. Or some sort of commentary on the game community? Eh, it was just weirdly cynical and I didn’t dig it.
And it’s weird that they’re already advertising game 3. It’s a chapter system and it’s bound to happen, but it makes me think they’re rushing it a little.
So it’s not perfect by any means. There’s a couple of glaring issues of disorganization and rougher edges, hell some of the worries concerning it being too “kiddy” still ring true. But it also seems to confirm the game is growing into its own unique self and is a genuine attempt at making a decent game rather than something thrown together to make some money off of children. There’s some heart. It may be small or weak, but it’s there.
I never thought I’d be rooting for the Euphoric Brothers, but I do actually hope they improve from here and actually make something some people can dig. They’re not really some insidious force like people make them out to be, just two people trying in a… pretty flawed way? They gotta work on a lot of stuff, from the game to how they have taken criticism, but they’re not goddawful, the first game was just the worst first impression ever.
And…If anything BanBan’s popularity is inspiring. It’s a good reminder that anyone can make a game- and possibly succeed in getting what they wish.
Tldr: not winning any awards any time soon, but Garten of BanBan is not a total waste. I hope the Devs listen to the criticism they’ve gotten and improve from here, too.
And I. Do like NabNab and Stinger Flynn. And BanBan. I am not immune to silly blob thing.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 years
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toxic mew mew!! These are oooold ocs redesigned, they're called toxic mew mew bc they're all based on plants that are extremely toxic (and also, the team in general is pretty toxic, lol)
the lady in the middle poses as a teacher to get into a girl's correctional facility in california and inject this team of juvenile delinquents. this wouldve been a darker series that kind of explores 'well, what if the whole injecting animal dna into girls w/out their consent was done with someone with worse intentions/more manipulative than ryou, and if the girls weren't so cooperative with each other'...
more about them (and original designs for the sake of comparison) under the cut!
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2015 designs
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2017 redesigns! You can see the new ones are hard veers off the rails of what they looked like, but tbh I think the new designs/backstories are more fitting for the type of story I wanted to tell with these girls so /shrug
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Here's some civilian headshot concepts!! subject to change ofc, but. yeah :)
Character profiles:
Iris Amsel / Mew Foxglove / 17
Infused with the White-collar Kite
Fashion sense: preppy, expensive taste
Iris is in juvie because of her expensive tastes. her family is lower middle class, but she's obsessed with appearing more wealthy than she actually is. She started off having her on and off boyfriend steal money from his parents, and then she herself started stealing from her own family and got caught shoplifting from a high end boutique. She looks down on people who don't care for their appearance and puts up a snobby front. In reality she's a very insecure person who worries a lot about the future, and will latch on to anyone who promises her anything steady; which is why Lola was able to promise her lots of money and fame eventually from the mew stuff to get her on board...
Ruka Bates / Mew Bloodroot / 15
Infused with the Bonin flying Fox
Fashion sense: emo girly punk (think gir hot topic jackets/black and red plaid skirts, teased hair and emo bangs, fingerless gloves, raccoon tail hair clips, type 2000s outfits)
In juvie because of vandalism…actually, she didn't, though! She got framed by her bullies who had dragged her along to help them graffiti a building. the original design was something they stole from her notebook full of doodles, so it was easy for them to point at her as the main culprit. she's incredibly anxious and is a huge people-pleaser, so that gets her into a lot of trouble. Lola has kind of taken her under her wing as her favorite, but Ruka is still uneasy about all this mew stuff. She just doesn't want to disappoint Lola, so she goes along with it…
Lola Black / Mew Blacklocust / 24
Infused with Darwin's fox
Fashion sense: cozy, soft-colored outfits, lots of warm beige colors, hair in a bun most of the time and wears glasses. she looks a bit disheveled despite how pretty she is, which puts people at ease.
Her father was a rival of Ryou's father while Ryou's family was in America, and her dad became obsessive about surpassing their work before he died in a chimera-related accident. Lola sees this as Ryou's fault (if the mews had been more effective that wouldn't have happened type thing. She put together that he was behind the mew project because she's a genius, but she 100% uses her smarts for the wrong things and has NO moral code) She sneaks into the correctional facility all the girls are at to inject them all and herself to surpass tokyo mew mew. (this story takes place 5 or so years after tmm does). She appears as a very kind person who really wants to help disadvantaged teens, but in reality she's a very cold, jealous person who could care less what happens to her girls so long as they get her what she wants. She absolutely knows how the system works, and believes no one would care or notice these kids getting used since they're delinquents…
May Greensdale / Mew Mayapple / 16
Infused with the Mangshan Pit Viper
Fashion sense: casual sportswear, lots of jerseys (but she decorates them with bows) shorts under all her skirts, lots of varsity jackets and bedazzled merch of her former high school team
May is in juvie because of property destruction/arson. May is actually a very hyper girl who's known for being friendly/popular at school, as well as being a soccer star! She made decent grades and was well-liked by everyone, had a good relationship with her parents and siblings…so it was a shock when she got busted for setting the school on fire after a big game. (one that her team won, no less!) In reality the stress of being good at soccer (expected to get a scholarship) was getting to her, and she's someone with poor impulse control/very black and white mentality, so rather than just talk to her parents/coach and explain she doesn't have passion for the sport anymore she…decided no school= no soccer team= no pressure. She actually agrees to the mew stuff pretty quickly because it sounds fun, and she actually does like helping! but her very impulsive nature gets her and the others in trouble a lot and makes the others mad at her, which stresses her out...the others do see her as a bit of a ditzy girl, but she's actually pretty smart when she doesn't give into her own whims and actually thinks things through!
Cheryl Ambers / Mew Wintercherry / 17
Infused with the Death Valley Pupfish
Fashion sense: has a very tomboyish style, baggy hoodies with basketball shorts, has been wearing the same pair of beat up sneakers since middle school, hair always kind of a mess and just tossed into a ponytail.
Cheryl is in juvie for assaulting a teacher. She'd gotten into multiple fights at school before that because she has intense anger issues and neglectful parents who never taught her to cope with her strong emotions in a healthy way. She's always had a lot of issues with authority, so becoming a mew feels like meeting an 'adult who finally gets it' (is 100% manipulating her) and is letting her fight as much as she wants rather than telling her what to do. she and Iris are roommates and HATE each other at first (then over time become friends and possibly more) and keep enabling each others awful habits. when people are nice to her she genuinely has no idea how to react because she's been on the defensive her entire life.
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