#A LOT are giving Mike POV
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
If you’re looking for something to do during hiatus, I highly reccomend making a playlist of songs that could feature in s5.
I did this to prepare for s4 back in 2021 and a couple of the songs did actually end up featuring in that season.
So while this can just be for fun, it can also be a method of theorizing what’s yet to come for the final season, specifically the music. And we all know how important of a role music plays in Stranger Things, so there’s a lot of potential for predicting at least some details of the final season.
For my playlist, I decided songs pre-1986 are obviously an option. However, it would be quite difficult to narrow down what could feature in ST5 when it comes to music released all the years previous to the setting, since the options are kind of endless. And so although there are some older songs that are obvious contenders, the main focus of my playlist thus far has been songs from 1986-88 (making room for a potential 1-2 year time jump).
My guess is that MAYBE at least one song from this playlist could end up featuring in s5, and even that is maybe wishful thinking. But I did get lucky last time, so who knows!
PS: I will say that in my search for songs this time around, it’s been a little overwhelming. Seriously, no exaggeration, 99% of the songs are cheesy and include the word heart and sleepless nights and assumed unrequited love. Now I think I know where Will got inspiration for his monologue in the van, seeing as literally all the music surrounding them in that era sounds exactly like that 😭😭😭
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cherubchoirs · 6 months
Out of curiosity, we know a lot about how the arch angels felt about Lucifer after his fall but what about before? We have a buch of info on Michael but not the others, im particularly curious about Uriel and Raphael since we have the least Info about their relationship and what it was like
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this is such good timing bc i've been thinking a lot about uriel and raphael and just how i want them to be developed. lucifer worked closely with the archangels as a unit, as they were meant to be a guiding force for heaven as well as the major interface between humanity and god - where lucifer was to conduct the host as a whole, rule over the seraph choir, and serve as the head priest of god's temple, the archangels would each look after a couple specific choirs under them, as well as eventually interact directly with humans. like i've said, michael was the closest to him due to being the head archangel (meaning he had more responsibility to be taught and a job that aligned closely with lucifer's), but all of the archangels knew lucifer very well and were subject to his mentorship.
lucifer actually had a very particular fascination with uriel's role, holding that uriel may be the most specialized angel in the whole host of heaven for the task he must perform. on uriel's end, he was always reserved with other angels but his infinite questions found a place in lucifer, who had an inquiring mind that many of the others didn't. he assisted uriel in developing his shorthand system (and supplied many, many aides on uriel's behalf that would serve as the book's interpreters as they are unreadable to those who don't study under uriel) and gave him plenty of art lessons, which he regularly uses to illuminate his manuscripts. ultimately the two admired about one another what they themselves did not have - uriel felt the breadth of lucifer's presence and the ability to spread himself so far was as close to god's omnipotence that one could achieve, while lucifer was almost baffled by uriel's ability to remain so laser focused on his singular work that once he began it, he never fell behind in his chronicles (yet he could still speak and even fight if necessary). i do think uriel was probably the first to go off on his own (for lack of a better term), but lucifer kept an eye on him as there was a lot of wrinkles to iron out before he produced his books as seamlessly as he eventually did.
raphael had a personality type that meshed well with much about lucifer's, both of them enraptured by god's creation and wanting to spread that joy to those around them. so raphael greatly looked up to lucifer, but for entirely different reasons than those that michael did - all the seraphim burn with the fire of god, but lucifer's poured out of him in barely controlled exuberances, and raphael found it aspirational. he often attended seraphim lessons and gatherings, which lucifer allowed at first as a curiosity and then as an understanding of raphael's gifts, realizing that even as a cherub raphael had a much gentler spirit. he did not blaze with the passion the seraphim did but he connected to their love of creation, so lucifer taught him all about the natural world god was creating and they spoke endlessly on its wonders (raphael can talk for a LONG time). lucifer was a bit concerned about how raphael would fit in with his fellow cherubim, built largely for combat, but he turned out to be highly durable and took very well to healing which suited him perfectly (and so strengthened both of their beliefs that god can make no mistakes). lucifer was very proud of the angel raphael became, and knew he would be a great mediating force to his siblings with his resilience.
the archangels worked very closely in concert, almost as an individual split into four parts, so they were always very close. before lucifer's fall, their responsibilities were definitely much lesser (no humanity yet and mike's lower position) and they had more time to each other, but that closeness really didn't change until god's death and heaven's fracturing. i know i've talked about gabriel and michael, but i actually think michael was closest with uriel while gabriel was closest with raphael given their personality types - michael is quite introverted and uriel feels very safe with him, while gabe and raph are just SUPER gregarious and outgoing. regardless, they cared deeply for one another and in fact may have become tighter knit after the loss of lucifer, given that they were now sensitive to the concept of loss itself. it was possible, they learned, to have someone taken from you. so michael protected his siblings, gabriel buoyed their morale, raphael tended to any emotional distress, and uriel shared whatever wisdom he could, all to keep each other close. this delicate balance was finally collapsed under the loss of god, tearing apart the archangels to leave them all relatively unstable. i've got a couple simple comics in the works about this from raphael's pov, who really gets left behind and has the most time to really contemplate what's become of them, so i hope i can get the feelings across there since this was a devastating split for each of them.
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crumbleclub · 1 year
a super short ficlet in the blips universe, told from elizabeth's perspective.
Elizabeth and her little brother huddled together on the carpeted floor of her room, and she lifted her hands to cover his ears.
The muffled sound of shouting made its way through the walls, punctuated by a sickening crack. It was quiet for a moment. Then, she could hear crying. It was raspy and gasping and loud; the kind you couldn't mask no matter how hard you tried.
Evan was crying, too, silent tears dripping down his face and leaving damp spots where they fell onto the collar of his shirt. Elizabeth could feel him trembling in her arms, and her palms pressed even more tightly over his ears. Closing her eyes, she willed it all to go away.
"You don't have to be scared, Evan," she whispered. "You just have to pretend."
Elizabeth was very good at pretending.
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northopalshore · 1 month
Groom Persona Chart 🎂
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Groom (5129) is an asteroid used to interpret your husband. It could also give you details about your union & married life. In a man's chart, it tells you what they're like as a husband.
In this post, I will be writing down my personal analysis on my own GPC, as well as other observations I've made.
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Post Contents: i. Personal GPC
ii. Extra observations
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Personal GPC: northopalshore's husband
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Note: I will be writing in a 3rd person pov for this section to make it easier for readers to apply onto their own chart!
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Virgo (2° taurus) 1st house
They could seem quite petite or frail when they were younger. He could be quite big for a virgo rising, either height, weight or both. Their faces can be quite appealing or have very attractive features. They might be very critical about their looks or put a lot of effort into presenting themselves as clean & neat.
Libra 2nd house
They may spend a lot of money on beauty products or grooming products. They could spend a lot of their finances into taking care of themselves & their outfits. As a husband, he could spend a lot of money into the aesthetics of his house, cutlery or even on dates.
Jupiter (18° virgo) in 2nd house
They could be very keen to earn money. They may earn a lot of money through their job or through working. Everything they own is something they have worked for, nothing is just given i.e not born financially well off. He could be quite frugal or very picky with what he spends his money on. However, when they do spend they tend to splurge on big purchases. He might have a habit of overthinking his purchases as well. As a husband, he will add a lot of luck & abundance into his spouses' finance. He could also teach her to be more responsible with money.
Eros (13° aries) in 2nd house
They may earn money through their s*x appeal. Their job may involve moving, showing off their s*xual drive or just embodying this energy. They could work as a stripper (You might wanna give magic mike a visit lol). Could be a dancer, a porn star or a singer (if most of what they do involves movement) . I'm thinking of Chris Brown for some reason .
Fama (25° aries) in 2nd house
They could be very popular for their work or their money. They place a LOT of importance on financial gain. People could know them as a go-getter. He could be famous by making money or be famous for their drive, energy or s*x appeal (mars/aries) .
Union (1° aries) in 2nd house
He & his spouse both may be very focused on money when they get married. There will be a joint effort into making money together as spouses. That, or both will come up with ways for one of them to earn more money lol.
Union in Scorpio
They both may be a very secretive couple. You may be protective of your union (marriage). You will want to keep a lot of things going on in your home life under wraps.
Scorpio 3rd house
They may be very close to their siblings. Perhaps they have gone through a lot of difficulties together. He might like to discuss taboo topics or may think about them a lot. He could also be quite an obsessive thinker. He may find it difficult to let go of something he doesn't truly understand. Could also be a very private person.
note: I find that people with these placements are either very private or overly comfortable talking about personal things lol.
Sagittarius 4th house
He may have travelled a lot from a very/relatively young age. Perhaps for school.
Similar placements: gemini, pisces, mars, pluto & uranus 4th house
Note: see where 4th house ruler is to see why they moved.
ex: Sagittarius 4th house, Jupiter in 2nd house. Moving to earn money/for better financial aspects.
IC (5° leo)
He could be very artistic as a child. He may have received a lot of praise for his talents when he was younger.
Mars (14° taurus) in 4th house
He could have moved away from his mother, his hometown or family from a young age. Perhaps because of money or for a better life.
Mars sextile Jupiter
This man has a lot of energy & vigor. He may be more restless than the average person. He may also seem to have a neverending supply of energy & enthusiasm.
Mars conjunct Pluto
He may have issues with obsession when it comes to his possessions. He may have a lot of s*x appeal as well. Perhaps a lot of people may lust over his appearance or his body. He may put a lot of effort into his body. He could possibly have a smoking habit as well.
Pluto (23° aquarius) in 4th house
He could have had to move away alone as a child. This move was a very hard decision to make i.e a lot of things were on the line or his whole life had to change because of this i.e becoming independent, having to do everything alone, away from his family.
ex: this reminds me of the kids in China that had to move to their families residing overseas during the one child policy. They couldn't afford to live with their parents in China for fear of detainment or punishment from the government. So a lot of them had to be independent so young TT.
Pluto trine North Node
This change was a fated occurrence. It was something that had to happen.
Great Attractor (14° taurus) in 4th house
He may attract a lot of adoration from women or mother figures. He is adored for being kind and sensitive. People will like him for his caring almost mother-like nature. He could be adored for his cooking or eating (?) too. He may look very feminine or gentle and people will love that about him.
note: reminds me of mukbangers on YouTube. Adored for eating at home lol.
Capricorn 5th house
He may be quite reserved when it comes to having fun. He could have a problem dividing his time between work & play. He could be an all work no play type of person. He could consider work fun. He has reservations on love or romance, or this area may have been restricted either by him or others. Could have issues expressing himself artistically or is not an artistic person.
5th house stellium
Art, performances, children, theatre or any talent in general may be very important to him or he may as well work with them (because of Capricorn). He could be very creative, very artistic and somewhat flamboyant. He views the 5th house values as his work. He could be a very romantic person. He could be somewhat of a theatre kid too.
Venus (7° libra) in 5th house
He could be a very romantic person. Someone who is very talented & blessed with art. He may be very artistic even as a child. Performance, art and theatre has a spot reserved in his heart. He may have a fair approach to romance but he is also the type to idealise love/romance/art. A loyal lover. As a husband, he will love planning dates & buying flowers. He will do anything to keep the romantic aspects of the relationship alive & well.
Mercury (7° libra) in 5th house
He may talk about romance or read about it too. However since this is the 5th house, it's more likely that he is an avid enjoyer of romantic movies or musicals. He may enjoy love songs, listening to them or singing them. He could prefer witty or fast-paced films. Usually prefer something loud & colourful i.e animated movies, children movies & Baz Luhrmann type of films. Could be very indecisive when it comes to making decisions. He could procrastinate a lot lmao. Certified yapper although I think he'll have a lot of buffering moments.
Priapus (22° capricorn) in 5th house
He could be very s*xualised throughout his career. If he acts, or sings he may be very s*xualised for that. He could play forceful or big D energy types of characters very well.
ex: Reminds me of Jamie Muscato playing Jason Dean (JD) in Heathers: The Musical. Listen to his version of "Meant to be yours". goddamn.
Sun (25° aries) in 5th house
He may have a very extra personality (although it may be a little dimmed or controlled at first since it's in capricorn). He could very much immerse himself in his art or his work. Children might love him i.e popular with children or people who are younger. Very passionate about his art/work/expressions. He could be very prideful/competitive with his work too.
note: I feel like most of these placements tell the same story i.e give the same information.
Chiron (26° taurus) in 5th house
He may have experienced a lot of pain in his childhood, love life or career. He could also have trauma surrounding beauty, food or money. He may love sad songs, ballads or dark paintings. He could express a lot of his art in a dark way. He could have a very healing talent i.e singing, cooking, painting. His voice could be very soothing to others.
Aquarius 6th house
He may have an unconventional job. He may not work a 9 to 5. His work could involve a lot of spontaneous or original ideas, independent movement, and could also be related to computers, videos or the internet. Could work for himself or an independent company.
ex: tattoo parlours, electronic repairing services, apple, google, YouTube.
Groom (6° virgo) in 6th house
This just emphasizes the last placement. He could continue his work even as a husband. He may be working a lot even after marriage.
Groom trine Midheaven
Being a husband will bring him a lot of luck in his career. He could be known for being a husband or a married man.
Neptune (14° taurus) in 6th house
His work could involve a lot of creativity and sensitivity. He could sell dreams, illusions or comfort. With the taurus degree, it's still centred around his voice, cooking, and art. His career may be quite misleading to other people or very mysterious. Perhaps people have a set stigma around his career i.e personal assumptions.
Juno (17° leo) in 6th house
His spouse could share his love for the arts and performances. She perhaps works with art or children could be part of her routine/job.
note: I'm a theatre kid lol! I actually am pursuing a career in the educational field, but there are a lot of signs telling me that I'll end up working with him or be at home most of the time.
Pisces 7th house
He may be the type to long for this almost unattainable romance. Dreaming of fleeting hot summer nights. He may idealise his future spouse a lot. Putting her on a pedestal even.
note: looking at Jupiter & Neptune, they seem to sing a similar tune. Looking at venus, he could be very picky when choosing partners to settle down with. Forever searching for "the one" i.e the person who checks all those boxes in his head.
DC (2° taurus)
He's a lover boy. In love, with love. Has a preference for down to earth, natural beauties. Or romanticises women & the feminine world often.
Uranus (4° cancer) in 7th house
He may marry a foreigner i.e BE a foreigner to his spouse. With uranus in pisces in the 7th house, he'll marry someone from a different country. Someone with a very different status or background (pisces). His spouse may come from a country opposite to the taste of his hometown/mother lol.
note: sorry mother-in-law! Ily tho! He could also sign unconventional contracts.
Vesta (1° aries) in aries 7th house
He could work with his childhood friends or sign contracts with them, own a business with them even. He may have a very friendly connection to his spouse i.e be best friends, or have an almost siblings like relationship.
ex: bickering, and quarreling over small dumb things. We may love to annoy eachother lol.
Alma (27° gemini) in 7th house
The way to his soul is through the mouth. Talking. Long, romantic, dreamy conversations he can daydream about. Words stick to him like glue, it may open a lot of doors in his relationship. If he signs any business contracts it might have something to do with his voice or his writing.
Lust (14° taurus) in 7th house
He may prefer not to have s*x outside of relationships. He may need to feel soul bonding s*x to feel alive. Very private with his s*x life too. Keeps his fantasies them all to himself. Again, he romanticises love, s*x & devotion. He believes you can't have one without the other.
Aries 8th house
He may have gone through many challenges as a child. He could have an obsession with death, or the occult or any taboo topic.
Moon (4° cancer) in 8th house
He has emotions that run deep and fast. Whatever he feels in the moment will cloud a lot of his judgement or his thoughts. He may use physical activities to deal with stress or pent up frustration. He may be quite sensitive & easily hurt. He could crave a deep, soul bonding type of physical intimacy. Doesn't seem to be the type to go against celibacy or at least not without feeling deeply connected to someone. When he feels betrayed by someone, well.. I hope they listen to Nsync because "bye bye bye "
note: sounds like the male version of me ngl
Moon square mercury
He may have some difficulty trying to convert what he feels into words.
Vertex (10° capricorn) in 8th house
His career may experience a lot of rebirths. A lot of trials and error, a lot of experimenting and learning. Perhaps he had a lot of trouble in the beginning of his career i.e lawsuits, rebrands.
Boda (21° sagittarius) in 8th house
He may get married in a foreign land i.e his spouse's home town. He and his spouse may have a karmic relationship. They may have been joined together to learn or teach others something. He could feel deeply connected to his spouse during the wedding. He could have a private wedding, one where only people close to the bride & groom are permitted to attend. There may be dark or gloomy themes in the wedding. His marriage may be very shocking or hated by others. It may be very controversial too.
note: I've always wanted a private wedding, something a little kooky too with slightly gothic themes here & there. It would be great to have a tarot reading corner for the guests lol can you tell I have plans? Beetlejuice, hold our vows! Lol
Harmonia (23° aquarius) in 8th house
He could have a healing presence. People could come to him for comfort, or they may resonate with his sensual energy. People could like to invade his space/privacy at times.
North Node (27° gemini) in 8th house
He could need to learn boundaries in this life (because 8th house is in Aries). He needs to think and act for himself, be more selective and selfish with his energy and people he lets into his life. He could also learn to dip into the esoteric world i.e astrology or tarot. He could learn to be very rebellious too i.e respecting his personal wishes instead of conforming to the norm.
Taurus 9th house
He may not travel that much i.e prefers not to leave his house lol. Although, travelling could bring him financial gain or add beauty into his life/perspective.
Briede (17° libra) in 9th house
He's marrying a foreigner. I feel like this has been a little repetitive, but that's just how it is sometimes. There's a lot of emphasis on certain aspects. He'll marry someone with fair judgement and a lust for life. They may share similar beliefs or philosophies since both Libra & Taurus are ruled by venus (the same planet). She could be very stubborn or may put a lot of importance into knowledge and higer education. She could also love expressing herself with fashion or art. She may move in with him after marriage i.e brought into his home country.
ex: It feels quite strange talking about myself in 3rd person ngl, I hope this is somewhat helpful!
Gemini 10th house
His career could involve a lot of movement. Frequent short trips, talking, creativity, intellect, communicating & fast ideas. He could work in a very fast paced environment i.e the city.
MC (5° leo)
His work involves a lot of creativity & talents. Art, design, acting, children, directing, singing etc.
Part of fortune (24° pisces) in 10th house
He could be very blessed with his career. He may have achieved a lot of his career goals, or he may as well have achieved a lot of his dreams in this profession. Again, could work with dreams, illusion, art and healing. Therapy could be something too.
ex: perhaps.. he could be selling weed lol no, I'm kidding but it sounds like it at times doesn't it.
Cancer 11th house
A lot of his friends may be women. People in his community or group may be female dominant. Could also be his mother's friends. He has a careful approach to making friends or joining a community. He could either act as a mother figure or be treated with care/ motherly by people in his community.
Lilith (18° virgo) in 11th house
He could be very uncomfortable in social situations. People he works with could invite him into different friend groups often most of them may be women (because of cancer). Or his work could lead him to interact with a lot of people/groups and not stay for long lol. He may not have a fixed friend group i.e always moving and switching friends. Could also have to deal with a lot of different groups due to work i.e people, communities.
note: this is mostly because lilith also symbolises rebellion, so wherever lilith is it will sort of add a juxtaposition there.
Saturn (23° aquarius) retrograde in 11th house
Actually. He could have a set friend group. He may have been friends with a small circle of people for a very long time. They may have been through many changes together. Since it's aquarius, he may have just met them randomly one day or through the internet? He might have an unconventional group of friends. His friends may be quite eclectic. Most of his friends could be older than him.
Leo 12th house
He could be quite hesitant to fully embody his creativity or his flamboyant tendencies. He may be fearful of backlash from people around him. He could have issues expressing himself to his truest desire. He may imagine himself acting one way (which is most genuine to himself) but then execute something different or lackluster in his perspective.
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My Groom Persona chart:
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Extra observations: not from my chart
4th House stellium/cancer°
They are very soft, and caring. The type of person to act as a maternal figure to his friends. People may find him very comfortable to be around. He may have a close relationship to his hometown or his mother. He could be a very talented cook or homemaker.
Union in 9th House/Sagittarius°
The focus of your relationship will be to expand eachother's knowledge and share eachother's culture. Common in interracial couples coming from different regions or countries.
Alma in 12th house/pisces°
He may be very spiritual, and connected to his higher self. He may be very aware of the karmic cycles of life.
Saturn in 2nd house
He will bring stability into your finances. He may have grown up quite wealthy, or money has never been a problem. He could also have worked for his wealth.
Saturn in 7th house
He will bring stability into your love life. He could also be very strict with the type of relationships he wants to be in.
Saturn in 3rd house
He may have trouble communicating his wants & desires. He could also be very mature, and prefer to keep his life/plans in order. He could speak in a very concise manner, speaking only when spoken to. He could place a lot of importance in early education. He could be the eldest child, or he has a significant age gap with his older/ younger siblings. A lot of his siblings could be much older than he is (more than 5 years, usually at least 7).
Sun in 7th house
He may have a career in the business world or may involve contracts at least. He may put a lot of importance into one-on-one relationships. He could be very romantic & loyal.
Sun in 3rd
Certified yapper! He will be very smart & witty. He could be great at debating or communicating. He could work well with spreadsheets, or PowerPoint. He may have a special affinity towards writing or reading books. He may act childish at times, he has this youthful aura to him. He may be an only child, or is very close with his siblings.
Sun in 2nd house
He could be perceived as very charming or attractive by others. He will be very fashionable, perhaps he puts a lot of pride into his outfits or his creation. He could also love cooking or is known for his cooking.
Sun in 1st house
He will be very attractive. Could be a people magnet. He is the type of person who can charm anyone in an instant. He is not the type to hide his personality, or act through a persona. He shows you that what he is on the surface is exactly the same as what's underneath. He could attract a lot of admirers too.
Mars in 2nd House
A lot of his focus will be on making money. He could work in finance, banking, fashion, or beauty related industries. He may be moving around a lot or gaining money through movements/s*x drive. Striping? Lmao
Moon in 2nd house
Money could be very important to them. They may find security in stable finances. Their mother may have been a spendthrift, and perhaps they have gotten a similar habit because of that. As a husband, he will shower you with meaningful gifts very often. He may feel uneasy i.e act erratic when money isn't great. He could work as a chef, or if he is a business man he will sell things that bring people comfort i.e housewares, mattresses, music (if gemini is aspected)
Moon conjunct Venus/taurus & cancer significance in 2nd house
They could be a chef or place a lot of importance into cooking & homemaking.
Note: Your future spouse may have similar traits & placements to the ones you see on your Groom persona chart & Briede persona chart. Of course, it's not going to resemble it 100%. What's important is the characteristics.
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***entertainment & educational purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
Thanks for reading ♡
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miwiheroes · 1 month
Full Airport Scene Analysis
I've seen like, a lot of people do analyses of the airport scene, but they often do it in parts when I just want to fully hone in on the whole ass scene and give it a full run-down. So, get ready for this post to be extremely long.
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So, the camera pans across from Argyle and Jonathan looking super bored and tired to both Will and El, and I think this is actually very clever. Before this scene, you're not really sure who Will is in love with or who he made the painting for. The fact that the audience may remember El saying 'i think there is someone he likes' and then see how Will is holding the painting so proudly means that they subconsciously realise, oh the painting is for Mike meaning -- Will has feelings for Mike. Note how the juxtaposition between Argyle and Jonathan's demeanour and Will and El's demeanour further showcases how they feel the same way about him (supposedly).
Also this is random, but watching this scene over and over again made me realise that Will's is literally shaking so much in this scene. (WATCH HIS HAND WHEN EL IS LOOKING FOR MIKE)
Now let's talk about Mike's outfit (yes this isn't just talking about how ass it is)
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So in the amazing GQ video on youtube, the costume designer talks about how Mike probably bought this outfit at the airport. He's dressing up how he thinks he should in California -- the double meaning being that he is trying to 'be more normal' as Finn Wolfhard says in another interview.
In this scene we know that Mike's trying really hard to push down his feelings about Will, he's trying to seem like he fits in, and in the GQ video, Amy Parris talks about how 'it's bright, it's not a colour Mike normally wears'. Orange and purple? Mike usually wears blue..... and yellow........... i mean what
I guess you could say that in a more surface-y way, he's trying to fit in by wearing something less edgy than he would normally wear, but if you look deeper into the colour coding of byler, he's trying to disconnect himself from Will because of him trying to deny his feelings. Will is wearing blue in this scene, but Mike's wearing orange, showing the disconnect between them in the scenes with these outfits on. I know a lot of people say he's wearing yellow, but nah, it's orange and that's actually more proof that he's trying to hide his feelings for Will.
Also this is another quote from Parris: 'he's worn teal before, so it felt like orange was the best colour that was different from his closet that felt like he was trying to make it work in california.'
And it's not like they just forgot the colour coding for byler. I mean, there's blue and yellow in this shot of Mike when we first see his outfit.
Can you spot it?
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Okay moving on
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In the first and last Milkvan kissing scene, it is important to note that the directors of the show are very intentional with the extras and where they move to during the scenes. During the shot of them kissing, the camera is focused on them, yes, but it is very busy. Watch the shippers try to edit this scene, the duffers really said.
Firstly, Mike is wearing a visor, he's holding a bag so he can barely hug her, he's also wearing sunglasses inside?? You can't see his facial expression, further showing this season is not in his pov. Not only that, but people are moving in front of the camera, it's very very busy. It's supposed to be a little overwhelming. I could barely take a screenshot without someone walking in front of the camera... like that is not a coincidence, they aren't filming in an actual busy airport. So so many extras walk in front of them during the whole scene, not just the kiss, but while they are speaking as well.
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When El goes to hug him, as soon as she does, he makes a little noise of protest or something and is like 'careful, careful' almost like he put the flowers in front of them on purpose so there's like an excuse for them to stop hugging? They then stop hugging and he finally takes off his glasses so we can see his face.
He is wearing sunglasses only in the parts where he's being slightly intimate with his girlfriend -- eyes are windows into the soul, no? Without them being seen, you wouldn't be able to tell what he is thinking, and he needs these in these intimate moments especially, in case anyone notices something's wrong.
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Okay now we go onto the flower theory thing, and there are many things to unpack here, and stuff that I personally don't believe, and some theories that I do.
What is super clear to me is that these flowers are the exact same dead flowers that El picks up at the end of season 4 to signify that her relationship with Mike is.... dead (sorry if that's kind of on the nose). However, it is also key to note that Mike says that he 'handpicked' them for her in Hawkins, which on the surface makes it seem like he made more effort, but really this actually sets up the fact that they are the same flowers that can be found on the field. If he bought them in the shop, they may not be the exact same flowers in the last scene.
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So Mike says 'I know you like yellow, but now I'm realising it's too much yellow'. The writers of the show did not have to put that in, let's just think about that for a moment. What was the reason for putting this line in? And the '70-30' split line is also very very specific.
Will's colour in the byler colour coding is yellow, it has been subconsciously put into our minds ever since they started colour coding them, for example the s3 netflix icons, the shirt he wears for the majority of s4 and the lights over his head in Rink-o-mania.
Personally, I think this might be a bit of a reach, but could Mike just simply mean that he was thinking too much about Will, in his opinion? Like subconsciously he kind of added lots of yellow because he was thinking of Will when he was thinking of El.
As for the 'So I sort of did a 70-30 split thing' line, I'm not really sure what this means. It could mean that he's putting in 30% of the relationship because he also added 30% purple flowers which symbolises what he's putting into the relationship. Meanwhile, El's favourite colour of flower has a 70% weight in the bouquet, meaning she's putting more into the relationship.
It's also worthy to see that El looks at the note which has 'From, Mike' on it right as he's saying all this stuff about the yellow flowers, and the music dies down from this joyful tone to a sombre one, kind of showing how the yellow flowers are a symbol for something.
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Now, before this ^^, the only problem that we think is going on in Mike and El's relationship is the fact that El's lying to him about having friends and not being bullied. But now we have a possible reason. She is insecure about their relationship and how real it is. Her face says everything, she notices it, she then tries to ignore it and tells herself everything is fine.
The audience notices this, obviously, and is like??? wait what's going on? Why does it say 'from Mike'?
They get the answer real quick.
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Because right after this, is when Will bounds over.
They shot it so that he's kind of in between them, subconsciously placing a thought or idea in the audience's head about what the problem is between Mike and El, even though it's very implicit at this point. The audience should also have the slight idea in this scene that Will has feelings for Mike, and they get reminded of this fact when they see Will in the background. They're then like.... oh so that's why they having problems? Damn....
Before El even stops speaking, Mike sees Will. We can tell from the way that he literally takes his eyes off El and goes 'oh,' before doing the second 'oh!'. I bet if this was shot so you could see his face, this would be way more obvious, but they shot it so that we could see Will's initial happiness at seeing Mike instead.
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Awkward bro hug... um yeah so this is one of the biggest byler proofs to me. I mean, why would you need to hug your best friend like that? When you are perfectly fine at hugging your other male friends? (He hugged Dustin in the first episode btw).
Given everything that we know so far, that Will has feelings for Mike because he made him the painting that El said is for someone he likes; that there must be problems going on in the Milkvan relationship; that Mike is hiding his face and dressing unlike normal.... yeah he's trying to repress something. He won't let himself hug his best friend. Will is acting normal, they could have made him the one not to hug Mike because he is in love with him, but they didn't.
Also, unlike the Milkvan reunion, his face and his reaction can be very easily seen here. They literally zoom in on both their reactions to seeing each other because it is more important than Mike and El's reunion. This is what the scene is about!! It's main focus is on the development of byler and the breakdown of Milkvan. There are like very little extras passing across the camera because the directors want you to focus on their reactions here and how Will and Mike are feeling.
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Obviously, Will is dejected but Mike's reaction is more telling. On the right gif, he looks down. Maybe he sees Will's painting and remembers what El told him, which was that it was for someone that Will likes. In my opinion, Mike does not know that it is for him. In Finn's words: 'I don't think he knows'.
After seeing that painting, he instantly looks to other people for their reactions to the hug, maybe being like, hey guys was that normal enough? Did anyone see that? Showing how he cares about the opinions of those around him or maybe that he doesn't want to look at Will for much longer idk.
After that...
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Okay so now he's ready to ask about the painting. There's a beat, then he asks 'Uh, what's that' in this kind of breathy, panicky voice. It's not a casual tone at all, it's very tense, and the audience can tell, because this makes the audience tense too. When I first watched it I was like AHHH because oh shit. He asks it like he knows something is up with it, he knows that Will made it and it's significant.
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The next shot is a slide-up from the painting to Will's face. This could be in Mike's pov to show that he was looking Will up and down, and this shot is inherently kind of romantic in that way. Either that or it's simply just to focus on the painting before showing what Will's going to say so that the audience know he's talking about the painting.
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You can kind of see the cogs working in Will's head in the very little time between 'um' and 'it's nothing', as he realises that he probably shouldn't show Mike the painting based on how Mike didn't hug him.
Also notice how in the gif, an extra walks by the camera as soon as Will is not entirely truthful, so why would this not be done with El and Mike's reunion scene??
Now, this further pushes the agenda that Mike didn't hug Will because of his feelings for him. The audience already knows that this painting is supposed to be a gift for someone that Will 'likes' based on El's letter to Mike at the beginning. The fact that Will no longer feels comfortable with sharing that painting means that he is more unsure of Mike's feelings now that he's seen him irl.
However, the way that Mike goes cool is supposed to be weird. It's supposed to show the audience that he's pretending. I honestly don't know whether it's bias or the directors or the writers or the actors somehow made it this way but the speed at which Mike says 'cool' kind of just implies that he was not ready for that kind of confrontation. He was not ready to confront his feelings or enter into an interaction with Will about the painting. Because it means he can't deny the fact that he's jealous of Will having a crush on some girl. So he quickly shut it down.
He doesn't want to feel the disappointment that Will just basically confirmed the painting isn't for him.
In season 3, he is very interested in knowing who Suzie is, Dustin's girlfriend, but when he knows that Will has made a painting for a girl he likes, he doesn't bother asking at all what it is or who the girl is. He doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Also, the fact he wasn't ready to feel like this and is so focused on Will is shown by how startled he is by other people breaking the moment.
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Now this next part is so funny given what we have already been presented with. We already know that Mike is self-conscious about hugging his supposed best friend, and that he does not want to confront his feelings about the painting. He is trying to be someone else because he is wearing unusual clothes for him, trying to seem like a normal person in California. He didn't want to hug his best friend because he wants to seem normal. He's out of character.
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"Oh no, no. It's a shitty knockoff."
Laughing my whole ass off.
This ties the whole scene together. It makes the audience go OHHH right he's just been pretending this whole time (if they have any sense). It's genius writing. Without Argyle saying this, we might never really have full confirmation on whether he is really out of character or whether this is just how he has always been. NO, he is lying to himself. He is pretending.
They did not have to make Argyle say this. Ever heard of double meanings folks?
And Mike's reaction?
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This reaction has always kind of been interesting to me. How would you assume how Mike would react to someone insulting him? Usually he would scowl or look annoyed but here he doesn't, he almost looks worried. Like oh no he's just been found out lmao
After this there's an awkward moment spurred on by Argyle Mike's like 'yeah this is so awkward'.
Now, since I'm literally Mike and he is me, I know what he's doing here by saying this.
I've done it before, it's where you kind of say that it's really awkward in order to make it seem like you're not the one making it awkward, like you're blaming other people (which he always does).
But Michael, it's kind of your fault?? Like, you didn't have to do the bro tap, you also didn't have to act that way around Argyle.
Now onto the next part, where El is talking about Rink-o-mania and she starts lying again. I have watched this scene over and over and literally Mike barely looks at her once, while he glances at Will multiple times. I feel like audience members don't catch this explicitly, but subconsciously, they can sense that there is tension between the two because of the way that Will is placed during this scene…
I counted them up in this video and Mike glances at Will..
6 Times
Just want to say before we talk about each glance, this scene is extremely telling. It tells you exactly, through subtext, what the atmosphere between Will, Mike and El is going to be like throughout the season/ the beginning of the season. It's textbook foreshadowing.
Will is standing off to the side while Mike has his arm like really tightly around El. They could have had this scene be a cute scene between Milkvan because of how close they are, but instead this scene is about Will's sadness, about how he was ignored by Mike. He's still holding the painting, so the audience are still aware of its existence and what it could imply for Mike and El's relationship.
This scene is also about El lying! Not about how 'cute' Mike and El are.
Okay so here is me talking about every single glance <3
"Wha- Really?" -- Could Mike make it clearer if he tried? I think this is the most obvious one that the audience could easily catch, if they are watching without distraction. Which is important, because it is the first one. He stutters over his words when he realises that Will is looking back at him. Sound familiar? In a much more obvious scene, he does this with the triple take in the desert... It's also kind of clear that they looked at each other because Mike and Will look down/ away straight after Mike goes 'wha-'
"Trust me" "No I trust you" -- So this one's a little more subtle and maybe to the audience it could seem like Mike's looking at El, but then the camera turns to focus directly on Will and him looking at Mike with disappointment. I don't think he's upset about Mike completely ignoring him, but he's upset about this weird little awkward dance they're doing. The reaction from Will is because of the uncertainty. The fact they focus on Will with a single shot at all instantly makes this scene about his emotions primarily. This becomes a pattern.
"Rink-o-mania..." -- This one's also super subtle. I'm not even sure why Mike looked at Will here, but it is clear that he's not looking at El, if you want to slow it down then you ig. Maybe he sensed that Will was staring at him just a few seconds prior.
"Are your friends gonna meet us there?" -- Even though he is speaking to El, he looks at Will. This kind of shows that even when he is supposedly thinking about El and what they are going to do together, subconsciously, his mind is still on Will. This can then be seen in the Rink-o-mania argument when it is revealed that he has been focusing on Will's reactions all day when the audience believes originally that he was ignoring him: "You were! You were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking, you basically sabotaged the whole day!" Mike, Mike, Mike. Your girlfriend being bullied didn't ruin the day, Will being pissy to you did? ANYWAYS THIS ISNT ABOUT RINKOMANIA JHDGASJHDG
"Friends what friends?" -- So this fifth one is kind of ambiguous because he has his visor on, hiding his expression and where his eyes are looking. But you can see with the way his head turned, that he was looking at Will because of the way he said "Friends what friends?" This is probably just Mike being confused on what's going on, then. BUT it is another thing that makes this whole scene not about 'uwu mike and el awww' but about Will's feelings or the fact that El's lying and the unstableness of their relationship.
"Angela?" -- This one is very notable. Firstly, here is what we know: Mike knows about the fact that Will has probably done the painting for a 'girl he likes'. Mike thinks that this 'girl' isn't him because Will says 'it's nothing'. Mike maybe thinks that El's friends are also Will's friends. AND Mike does not want to ask Will about the girl he likes because he doesn't want to know about Will liking someone else/ he does not want to confront his own feelings. So, The way that Mike looks at Will with that kind of dead expression, (and he actually does a little double take) is super duper telling. You don't know what he's thinking but if you read into it, he could be thinking that Will was feeling hopeful that Angela would come and is kind of nervous for it.
Finally, El says "I want this day to be about me and you!" which is meant to be ironic. The showrunners would not have put this little line in if it wasn't supposed to be funny tbh..... like this whole scene was about how El was lying and she's suddenly saying it's just about them.
Because of what she says as well, Will rolls his eyes and crushes his painting a bit. (HEARTBREAKING)... The fact that he rolls his eyes is probably just him being annoyed about what she said, because it further makes him feel like the third wheel. The scene ends with his eye roll, emphasising how this whole scene was about how Will is feeling, not the "Main Couple Of The Show tm??" But alsoooo, he crushes the painting :(((( meaning he was also feeling heartbroken a little by the fact that they are acting very coupley and Mike doesn't seem to care about him oops, since the painting is for him.
In conclusion, this scene is about byler in the first half, and the flaws of Milkvan and Will's feelings in the second half. This scene is meant to foreshadow the arc between Will, El and Mike which transpires in the rest of the season. The bro tap is the gayest thing I've ever seen, and did not have to be included in this scene. It could have been Will that was awkward. It shows that Mike has changed. He has changed ever since Will moved away and he had that realisation. In season 3, Mike seems confused, unaware of his feelings. But now, in this scene, in only 2 minutes, we know for sure that Mike is in denial. He knows.
Byler Endgame.
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bugsbenefit · 2 months
who's getting books and who isn't?
tells you a lot actually
in lieu of us getting a Dustin companion book soon i'm doubling down on my point about how insanely telling these books are about where the story is going. especially if you look as who is getting books. and i'm saying this both about El and Will (where it's already kind of obvious why s5 is important for them) as well as Mike (where it's also kind of obvious why s5 is important for his character but it hasn't reached mainstream awareness yet apparently lmao)
as of now Lucas, Max, and Dustin (about to come out), as well as Robin and Eddie, and even Hopper and Terry have one. and they all explore things outside of the main canon by doubling down on what filmed canon already established and adding a bit more layers since they have the time to focus on a single character (like exploring racism and how Lucas deals with it in his book, something the show doesn't dwell on, or exploring Robin's queerness, taking place before the events of s3)
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and the focus these books have makes sense since they're mostly written by commissioned writers. so obviously they want to skirt any topics that delve too much into plot heavy areas where the writers a) wouldn't know where the story is going or b) even if they got notes, you don't want important lore drops that impact the later story dropped in companion books
in short we're getting extra story's about no spoilery topics the main story doesn't have time to/want to explore
which makes it all the more interesting we're already getting books about someone like Robin when you know if you asked fans what povs they'd like to see someone like El would rank significantly higher if you trust favourite character rankings. but for some reason El, Mike, and Will have never gotten one
and some of these reasons are just really obvious, especially when it comes to El and Will
1) they obviously can't just drop a book on El yet. on one hand, because her backstory with the lab is a major plot point of the show and they can't spoil it in a book (even if they tried excluding it, writing 200ish pages for a character who can't remember what happened before they turned like 8 is one of those things that would be kind of hard to avoid coming up). even post s4 there's still so many questions about her past and time at the lab, they just shouldn't give unlimited access to her inner monologue about it yet. and on the other hand, El finding her place in the world is quite literally one of her characters main recurring motives, even a companion book as innocuous as "El tries out hobbies" would be exploring something we'd kind of want to see on screen since it'd be a resolution to her character growth and not a fun side quest
2) they also just can't drop a book on Will. the fact that we never found out what actually happened to Will in the UD is already reason enough, the show clearly wants to explore it on screen later on. (now even more obvious since there's already confirmed s1 UD Will in the s5 official teasers). you really can't write a book from someone's pov who's main trauma and life changing moment is something you don't want to get into yet. just doesn't work
there's plot points the show obviously saved for later so both Will and El are pretty unfit as book topics
but with Mike that doesn't actually apply in the same obvious way. Mike not getting a book despite being the leader of the party, having the most on screen defined dynamics with the other kids, and being part of the shows "main" ship would be really odd. like. Really odd. on paper he'd probably be one of the first choices for an easy book protagonist for a fun party side quest. of course unless one of the two book deal breaker reasons applies also:
they can't give his pov because giving his unfiltered inner monologue would spoil s5
they want to explore something relevant to his character themselves on screen and it's not fit for a companion book
but again, in comparison to Will and El where the why is really obvious Mike sticks out because we don't officially know what he's got going on yet. he has no mysterious absence where we don't know what happened to him like with Will and no open ended origin story like with El
it just makes it a bit funnier to me how many people are still fundamentally unconvinced Mike has something going on that's important for the outcome of s5. post s2 the show tries to get some distance from Mike's head and he's joined the club of main characters who don't get books alongside major canon event magnets El and Will. and yeah, obviously you wouldn't want a book from the characters pov who's feelings and sexuality you're actively hiding. it's also a bit of a no brainer you don't want a companion work going into how he's not been doing so great over the past few years because the reasons for that are kind of relevant to the main story. Mike feeling guilty for El dying all the way in s1 is something that might be more fit to bring up in show when their relationship is being addressed instead of in side material
but all in all? the fact that out of all the kids El, Mike, and Will are the only ones who don't get secondary material yet is probably the biggest give away that the three of them are who s5 is planning to give the most insight on even all the in show build up aside. they're being skipped as book povs despite existing public interest and seeming like conventionally easy picks for book side stories
in the current economy around shows franchises, going against what'd be a good marketing decision is always a dead giveaway something is going on
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band--psycho · 1 year
Harvey Specter x Reader- Stop Being So Stubborn
This story was requested by a lovely anon!!
Thank you so much for the request! (I'm also going to put this as a story for my A-Z Writing Challenge)
I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Third Person POV
“Looks like Y/ns finally gone home,” Mike stated, sipping his coffee before looking over at the office across from Harvey’s.
Pretty much everyone at the office has been telling her to go home and rest; Harvey knew that even though he was one of the very few people who hadn’t said those words to her, partially because he didn’t want to get his head bitten off.
“I wouldn’t be so sure on that,” Harvey replied, not lifting his eyes from his paperwork once.
Y/n was as stubborn as he was, he knew her and he knew that just because she wasn’t in her office didn’t mean that she’d gone home. 
On late shifts such as these, the most common place to find Y/n was down in the library. 
So once Mike left, a few moments after their conversation, that’s where Harvey headed, but not before stopping off in the kitchen to make Y/n a much needed hot drink. 
“I thought I’d find you here,” he said as he entered the room.
A small sigh left Y/ns lips, “Congratulations on using your excellent detective skills,Mr Specter.”
The sarcasm in her voice was clear, as was the frustration at the interruption. 
“It wasn’t that hard, I could hear you sneezing from the hallway,” Harvey pointed out as he made his way closer to her:
“If you’re here to tell me to go home you’re wasting your breath,” she mumbled; her slightly bloodshot eyes fixed on the book infront of her.
Harvey was silent for a few moments as he sat down on the chair next to her and placed the drink he’d made her next to her, before saying, “You need to rest,”
He could tell she hadn’t been sleeping, not because of her snappy mood but because of the dark circles under her eyes. 
For a brief second her eyes left the page and glanced over at the hot drink now next to her. 
“I’ll rest when this case is over,” she mumbled, turning her attention back to the book she was reading. 
“If you don’t rest, you’ll make yourself worse and potentially lose the case,” Harvey was trying to be reasonable; make Y/n see that there was no way she could go into court and present the case, when she was like this, and win. 
He knew how hard she’d been working on this case and how much she wanted to impress everyone by winning it; the case meant a lot to her, he didn’t want her own stubbornness to be the reason she lost it. He didn’t want all her hard work to have been for nothing. 
“I’m fi-” 
Before Y/n even got the chance to finish that sentence she went into a coughing fit; which then made her eyes water. 
“You were saying?” Harvey said with raised eyebrows as he looked at Y/n and nudged the hot drink closer to her.
“Shut up,” Y/n mumbled, sipping on the hot drink he’d made her, hating that she’d inadvertently proved Harvey right, but also savouring the brief relief the hot drink provided her throat.
“Sweetheart-” Harvey began; his eyes soft as he looked at her, silently urging her to just stop being so damn stubborn.
“I need to finish this case,” the bluntness in her reply was an evident sign of her frustration; and the fact that Harvey only ever called her sweetheart when he was worried about her. 
“And you can,” he assured her as he placed his hand on top of hers lightly, it made a small wave of relief wash over Y/n, knowing that she didn’t have to fight him about this anymore; because she didn’t have the energy to do so. 
That was until a singular word made all of that relief vanish, “Tomorrow”
“If you don’t, I’ll tell Jessica to give the case to someone else,” Harvey interrupted, trying to ignore the guilt that gnawed at his heart when he saw the anger building in her y/e/c eyes.
It was a low blow; he knew that, but he was running out of options .
“You wouldn’t,”
“Do you really want to test that theory?”
“Blackmailing is illegal, you know,”
Of course he knew. 
But he also just didn’t really care about that. 
He cared about her. 
And making sure that she got the rest she so clearly needed.
“I’m aware, but if it means you can get some rest then I’m willing to do it,”
Y/n stared at him; as if trying to work out if he was serious about the threat he just made. 
“Fine,” she sighed in defeat as she closed the book she was reading. 
“Good,” Harvey concurred, “now drink your drink so we can get out of here,”
The shock was evident in Y/ns eyes at his words. 
“I can get home by myself,” she stated bluntly, putting her bay over her shoulder.
“It’s 10pm, in the middle of winter and you have a cold, like hell are you walking home, I’ll drop you there,” Harvey wasn’t asking; he was telling her that this was happening. 
He didn’t want her walking home, alone, not this late. 
“I need to go to the store-” 
“What’s this?” She asked cutting off her own sentence as Harvey handed her a small bag. 
“I asked Donna if she could get some medicine from the store,” Harvey explained. 
It wasn’t much, just some cold and flu relief, throat sweets, painkillers for the headaches he knew she got. 
He watched as the anger that had been burning in her eyes began to dwindle, “If I didn’t have a cold right now I would kiss you.”
The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them; but she didn’t regret them, not really. 
Her and Harvey had always been close and especially recently, their connection only seemed to grow. 
Harvey tried to stop a beaming smile from touching his lips but he couldn’t.
“How about we take a rain check for when you’re better, I’ll even take you out for dinner,if you want?” Harvet asked, and although he looked calm, his heart was racing so fast he was almost sure Y/n could hear it.
“Mr Specter, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Miss Y/l/n I believe you were the one who said you wanted to kiss me,” Harvey countered, “and yes, yes I am,”
He didn’t give her time to answer; they could discuss all of this tomorrow right now, it was getting later and Harvey was aware of that. 
“Now let’s get you home.”
@little-diable @rebelwrites @xacatalepsyx @wild-rose-35 @withmyteeth @yn-ymn-yln @munsinner @maximoff-xmen @vintagecarsandrecordplayers @book-dragon03 @bookworm1767 @fangirlfandomss @wretchedmo @mayans-mc @dana-is-snax @happilysparklyunknown @samanthaofanarchy @mrsamerica @navs-bhat @tinystudentmiracle @that-one-enthusiast @malfoys-demigod
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Gotta be honest that a lot of my byler confidence comes from Mike’s side of the story. He’s not some brainless vessel that exists to further El and Will’s arcs. He is actively making choices, reacting to what’s going on in his life, and impacting the story. The issue is that his POV has been blocked from us for a while which is why some of his actions are confusing. These things have been spoken about to death so I don’t need to go into detail, but think of things like the s3 epilogue, the airport scene and rink-o-mania sequence, the choice to have Mike with Will all season, Mike slipping back into his leader role when he’s back with Will, Mike not being able to say ily and the reason he gives for it not making sense, Mike being prompted to say ily because of Will’s feelings, the entire 2 days later sequence, the overall theme of Wheelers vs. Conformity *takes breath* Think of all the intertextuality with other queer films, musical motifs, costume elements like the triangle pointing to Will that they added to the shirt specifically, closet imagery… The list goes on.
Imo you don’t even need half the stuff on this list to believe in requited byler. The overall pacing, themes, and arcs in s3-4 are enough. Everything else is just bonus material. My point is that Mike is a pivotal character who has his own arc of self-actualisation as well, and I personally think that it’s quite clear that requited byler is part of this.
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hippielittlemetalhead · 8 months
Never Took The Time (To Forget) part 4.1 : With a Capital 'P'
Part 4.2 (Hey Dingus? Idk, the title for that one is up in the air.) will be up as soon as I have it somewhere I like (doing a different character's pov instead of Hop so it's giving me some trouble). Felt really bad that I hadn't updated in a while and this one was getting longer than I expected and I hadn't even gotten Robin really talking yet so... Happy Valentine's Day?
Part 1 (Hop Fucks Up), Part 2 (Pride and Prejudices: Joyce Edition), Part 3 (One of Us)
Family Video and the Arcade were two of the few businesses still operating after the inter-dimensional earthquakes that had tried tearing their town to pieces. Hop knew the kid who used to run the place for his uncle, Keith, had split town with his folks (said uncle in tow) leaving the store and arcade in the care of whatever employees had been willing to stay on payroll while the world fell apart.
He watches as Harrington's (more banged up than never remembers it being) car stops in front of the video store, parked parallel to the curb across at least 3 parking spots, as a wildly gesticulating Robin rolls herself out of the idling vehicle, jabbering loud enough that Hop can hear her voice from down the block. With most cars owned by the folks of Hawkins being commandeered by Owens' government goons to fill the gaps left by lost military vehicles it doesn't much matter but Hop can't help a bit of an eye roll at the kid's audacity.
But then again, he catches himself thinking, Steve was one of the only 'civilians' in-the-know and was well-known for carting around and protecting proven assets to the War Of The Worlds shitshow going on. So was there really an issue if the kid was one of the only cars on the road anyway and because he was even more read-in on the situation than even local law enforcement? If he was not only transporting and protecting people the government had a vested interest in but had proven himself more effective than even Hop and Joyce in wrangling the kids who had basically been saving the world for the last 4 years? If he kept them safe and out of harm's way in the thick of it but also kept them entertained and out from underfoot during the downtime?
Hell, the kid being one of the only employees left at some of the last businesses in town these brats would have any interest in almost guarantees the whole lot of them are continuously stocked in movies, snacks and quarters to distract them from even the most world shaking of calamities.
It hadn't occurred to him until just now what it meant for The Party that Steve and Robin seemed to be the only ones willing to hang around behind the counter at the arcade and sell and rent movies to shell-shocked townsfolk and tight-lipped government goons alike. Fuck, Lucas and Mike were right. He was an asshole.
He's pulled out of the slow spiral of realizing Mike Wheeler of all people had been right about something by Steve hollering one last "Love you, Bobby!" at a grinning and waving Buckley as she flung open the video store door and stumbled inside. He waits for the car and it's driver to round the corner before he gets out of his own government-issued station wagon. Fuck but he missed his truck.
"Welcome to Family Video, I literally just got here so you're gonna have to give me a minute before I can help you."
"I'm uh, I'm not here for a movie." He can tell she recognizes his voice (and it's a little impressive how quickly she clocks him since he's spoken only a couple words anywhere near her maybe twice in his memory. Girl has a good ear) from the way her entire body stills for a split second before whirling back into the hurricane of motion he's come to associate with her.
"Afraid we've only got movies round here, officer. You want any other medium of entertainment I'd suggest the arcade or the distribution yard." She's still not looking at him, hands busy shuffling papers and flipping open VHS cases. "Sorry, guess we'll have to catch up another time."
Hop sighs, running a hand over the short growth he's slowly getting used to again. He'd almost shaved it down again but El had been so happy when she'd realized they were growing out at about the same rate. He couldn't ever say no to her.
"Look, I know you don't like me. And it has been brought to my attention just how much I fucking earned that. But I- I need your help here, to fix it."
The flurry of movement doesn't stop but it's tighter, she's fiddling with something shoved up her shirt sleeve and tapping at the casing of a button connected to a wire leading into her green vest. Bright blue eyes are focused on him and he's almost reminded of the no-nonsense look Nancy Wheeler gets whenever they're faced with the world ending, but the girl in front of him is colder. He has no doubts that where Nancy Wheeler would tear down giants for what she believed is right, Robin Buckley would burn the world if it meant saving her people.
"Fine. He'll be back from his patrol-" He didn't remember assigning a patrol schedule and he's not sure if this is Steve's own initiative or if he's been roped into something by Owens' people. "in about twenty minutes. You have fifteen. Now why should I help you?"
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nerdflayer · 2 months
This is my opinion on why I believe the GA doesn’t see Byler.
Before I begin, I just want to say I’ve been a Byler fan since Season 1. Season 2 cemented my feelings about them. Season 3 crushed my soul. And season 4 at first watch made me feel pessimistic but eventually optimistic. As a gay boy myself I can’t help but see the whole show through Will eyes (he is me) and can’t help but fall in love with Mike. I mean he did so much for Will in the beginning, how could you not love Mike for that.
The relationship between the boys really does take a turn for the worse coming off S2 into S3 because Mikes character kind of does a 180 in terms of Bylers relationship.
Anyway. Talking about S4, we see A LOT of the CA plot line from Wills perspective. And I think this is key to people not seeing Byler. Wills feelings are made very clear. He’s depressed, traumatized, he doesn’t fit in, he is well aware of his homosexuality which brings stress and suffering and the tremendous disappointment that he has in Mikes character, yet he can’t help but love regardless. With that said, Wills POV is bleak, and coming off the back of S3 it’s easier and, I would say necessary, for his character to believe that Mike doesn’t love him. The pain of letting yourself believe they do love you only to be rejected, is very hurtful. And I don’t think that boy can handle more pain so it’s safer for him to deny the hope. Will even says “I’m not going to fall in love.”
Mikes actions also play into this. Will does not see Mikes love for him. He can’t hug him, is dismissive, he argues and blames Will at Rink O Mania, he wrote to El but didn’t seam to call Will, makes the whole trip about El, isn’t attentive to Will at all, and even when Mike apologizes for obsessing over El- every one of their conversations is still about her. Again this is Wills POV. I will say Mike does give him hints and mix messages for romantics feelings but like I said, how is Will suppose to trust? Is Will just reading into the flirting because he wants it so badly? It needs to be direct otherwise Will and the GA won’t see it or believe it.
Obviously there are a lot of hints for Byler, and I believe 100% it will happen. I’m choosing to trust the hope even though Will isn’t able to.
My point is I think Wills painful POV cannot be underestimated even if straight viewers dont like Will you can’t deny how powerful it is. Will literally helped Mike say I love you to El because he doesn’t have hope for himself. I think straight viewers use his hopeless as evidence for why Mike and El will end up together. It’s interesting that you hate Will but Will plays a role in convincing you of Milevens endgame. What they don’t understand, other than all the Byler evidence, is that Will is wrong! Mike does have romantic feelings for him and Mike will get there! Because Mike doesn’t need to find himself he needs to return to the person he’s always been. He showed us who he is and it’s the person he was in S1 & S2 and we see it when he’s with Will!
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thefirstlioveyou · 8 months
What will Mike and Will's S5 Fight Be About?
Shawn Levy basically confirme/implied another angsty Byler fight for S5.
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But, what will it be about? Some think it'll be about the painting, but personally, I don't think so at all. I believe the fight will be about Mike's internalized homophobia; Mike will be afraid to romantically be with Will and it hurts Will.
First off, I don't think Mike would be mad for him hiding his feelings or lying about the painting. The sole purpose of the painting lie is to open a gate way to Mike knowing how Will feels about him. It's a set up. Why would he be mad that it was Will who thought those amazing things about him? He's in love with Will.
Now, let's see the common traits that all Byler fights have:
miscommunication, but they both want the same thing
is about their relationship
mike projecting
happens pretty early on, episodes 3-4
triggered by a shift in their relationship/mike doing something
they are alone
It's pretty predictable that S5 will focus on Mike's feelings for Will and be in Will's position this time. He's gonna be a yearning, gay mess! However, it doesn't make sense to copy every little thing as that wouldn't bring anything new to the table. It would quite frankly feel lazy and boring.
I actually believe they will be honest about how they feel episodes 3-4 (after Mike discovers the truth about the painting, what would be the shift in their relationship), and it will be a very angsty scene rather than a happily-ever-after moment (for now). Here's how I picture it: Will wants a relationship with Mike, Mike wants one too, but he's reluctant to because of the shame and bit of denial still lingering.
As understanding as one can be in this situation, it's also hurtful to hear on the receiving end. I can imagine it makes Will very upset. After so long of waiting for Mike, waiting to see if his feelings could be reciprocated, he finally gets it but doesn't get to keep it because of the shame Mike feels. Will does indeed feel like a mistake for his sexuality but, as he also states, Mike makes him feel otherwise. So, if he heard the same person that makes him feel better for who he is, say he's wrong for being the same thing he is.... that would HURT Will terribly. In Will's eyes, he will truthfully believe Mike doesn't want him, even if in Mike's POV, he wants nothing more than Will. This is where the miscommunication comes in play.
This is a real thing that happens in many Queer relationships even to today, when one is ready and the other is not yet. There is no bad guy (unless cheating, abuse, etc is involved of course) in these type of situations. You can sympathize with both sides... Which makes this a perfect fight to watch as the audience; it wouldn't make you hate either of the characters.
Some people say Mike’s accepted his sexuality by the end of S4, but I feel like if he did, it wouldn’t really be a good set up for him to be Vecna’d in S5. His struggle with who he is and his relationship with El is crucial to S5. If we keep Mike struggling with his sexuality and his trauma regarding El, this gives a purpose for him to be Vecna'd, which is the perfect way to explain a lot of his character the past seasons. Similar to how Max escaped Vecna the first time, Mike would do something similar (with the help of others, of course). He will have to accept the mistakes he's made, accept past events that were out of his control and accept who he is, or let himself die. Rather than focus so much on saving others or being needed to others, he must save himself now, for himself. He has to finally believe he is the heart. Finally confronting and accepting what he can't change will bring his character and his relationships to a full circle. It would explain his dynamic with El and Will the whole series. He will finally have the self-confidence he lost.
As much as people want Byler to have an established relationship in S5, I don't think that's likely. With a fight already implied to happen again (most likely early on), it wouldn't make much sense? They're a slow burn on top of that... The season is building up to them being together, it's not them already together (at least I don't think so).
The writers can obviously find a different route, but I feel like this would work and fit well. It would save Mike's character perfectly and it connects with the Mike being vecna'd, or at least in danger, theories; It gives it more purpose.
I just can't really imagine what else the fight would be about. It has to be about their relationship and it has to be about it changing in some way. Mike's weird behavior still needs to be explained... so I would think the fight has to be connected to the reason for that behavior. The fight would then be about his internalized homophobia. And if it is, it has to be explicitly about it, not just subtext like S3 fight.
Rather than “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” and insulting Will, Mike straight up will have to be like, “I’m scared, what if this is wrong? I don’t know how to do this.” “This isn’t right.” This time Mike will be direct how he feels about HIMSELF, but Will would still be hurt because this is the same guy that made him feel better for being Gay…
If this is how the fight plays out, lord hold me because I won’t survive it😭😭😭
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
📝 💐 🛼 💔⏪️💭🧊🌄❤️‍🩹
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
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talanashta · 22 days
For Day 12 of @sept-stobin-extravaganza
Rating: T | No CWs | Word Count: 2,183 | Pairings: QPR Steve/Robin Additional Tags: Outsider POV
A/N: A lot of this story is inspired by this post and some of it's comments/reblogs/etc
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The kids hadn’t noticed how close Steve and Robin were at first after Starcourt. Sure, the two were glued together constantly, but Dustin was fairly certain they were dating, and couples spent a lot of time together, right?
And he thought he was being proven correct in his assumptions about their relationship status when he headed over to Steve’s one Saturday in October. He didn’t bother knocking on the front door, just headed straight inside. “Steve?” he called out.
He didn’t hear a response, but he had seen the BMW in the driveway, so he took a look around. The ground floor was empty, and he didn’t see Steve in the backyard, so he headed upstairs. Once he reached the landing, he heard water running from the direction of Steve’s bedroom and ensuite. Honestly, maybe Dustin should have knocked or waited for Steve to come out, but he and his friends didn’t have a lot of boundaries, and also, Steve was like his big brother, so he didn’t think before opening the bathroom door a little (he didn’t look! He knew better than that!) and calling in.
“Steve! I need a ride! Hurry up your shower!” Dustin said.
The voice he heard back was… decidedly not Steve. “What the hell, mini-dingus?” Robin’s voice replied. He heard the curtain rustle, so he peeked his head around the door and met her eyes.
Her hair was all soapy, and she had the most disgruntled look on her face.
“I’m sorry!” he yelped.
Steve’s head popped up over top Robin’s in the gap. “Dude, just go wait in the living room. I’ll be down in, like, twenty, and I can give you a ride then.”
Dustin nodded frantically and hurried out of the room and downstairs.
He waited twenty-two minutes exactly (he kept checking his watch) while wearing a hole in the living room rug before Steve came downstairs, dried and dressed, followed closely behind by Robin.
“I thought you weren’t dating!” Dustin accused them.
Steve had the audacity to look fed up with Dustin. “We’re not.”
Dustin sputtered for a second before saying, “Then what were you doing showering together?”
Both of them just shrugged and didn’t answer his question. And they kept not, for the entire ride to the arcade, where he met up with the others.
Of course, when Dustin told the rest of the Party, none of them took it as seriously as he thought they should.
“So what?” Lucas said. “They’re dating but saying they’re not. What’s it matter?”
“What’s it matter?!” Dustin said, flabbergasted.
Of course, they didn’t realize that wasn’t the end of Steve and Robin being a lot. There were all sorts of things that they started to notice that indicated something more.
Like, one day Mike went into the Family Video to rent a movie to watch that weekend, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, when he went to check out, he saw Robin was wearing Steve’s name-tag. He didn’t say anything about it to her, but a couple days later, Dustin brought it up at lunch.
“I went to get a movie after school yesterday, and I get there, and Steve’s wearing Robin’s name-tag!” he told them.
“Yeah, I saw Robin wearing his name-tag on Saturday,” Mike replied.
“Really?” Dustin asked. “I asked Steve why, and he said Robin was sick. Like, I get it; he’s covering her shift or whatever, but why is he wearing her name-tag?”
“Was Steve sick on Saturday?” Lucas asked, thoughtfully.
Dustin thought it over for a minute. “I think so? When I called his house, Robin answered the phone and said something about him having a stomach bug.”
“Hm,” was all Lucas said in response.
Another time, when Lucas called Steve’s house, Robin was the one to answer again.
“Hey, Robin,” he said. “I was calling to ask Steve a question.”
She didn’t even pause before saying, “Sure, what’s up?”
“Um… Well, I wanted to know if he’d help me practice for basketball tryouts, but if he’s not free, I can call back.”
Robin hummed in thought for a moment. “He’ll be by to pick up up on Saturday just after lunch. Like 2-ish. Does that work for you?”
“I… guess?” he told her. “Are you sure that’s fine with him?”
“Yep!” she said, popping the P.
The two sat in awkward silence for a few moments too long. “Okay, bye,” he said quickly and hung up the phone.
Well, Steve showed up at 2PM on the dot Saturday, so Lucas just rolled with it. His mom agreed to stuff for his dad all the time, so this must’ve just been like that.
Now, Max wasn’t around Steve and Robin as much as the boys so she hadn’t been having as many weird experiences as they were, but she definitely had one that stuck out so much that she broke her month-long avoidance to tell them.
It happened when she’d been about to skate home from school and she passed Steve’s car in the parking lot. He raised one hand to her as she approached, Robin at his side.
Max just gave him a tight smile, so Steve let her be and turned back to Robin.
But when he did, Robin just opened her mouth, and he reached in and pulled out her gum and stuck it in his own mouth. What the actual fuck?
Max just straight-up stopped and did a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn and headed back to the entrance of the school where she waited for the boys to come out.
“Max!” Dustin cheered upon seeing her. “What’s up?”
“Have they been super weird around you guys too?” she asked them.
“Who?” Mike asked, brows furrowed.
“Steve and Robin.”
Lucas looked at her carefully. “What’d they do now?”
She paused before telling him. “I just saw Steve pull gum out of Robin’s mouth and put it in his own to chew.”
All three boys chorused, “Ew!”
“Why?” Dustin cried out.
Lucas told her, “We’ve been keeping track. They’ve been insanely weird lately. Dustin thought they were just dating, but this goes way beyond that.”
“Yeah,” Mike chimed in. “Like, we’re not sure if it’s a new thing or if they’ve been like this the whole time, and we just didn’t notice.”
Max hummed, “Hm. Keep me looped in. I wanna know what’s up too.”
Lucas gave her a bright smile. “Sure!”
And the boys did. Every couple days, Max joined them at lunch to compare notes of whatever weirdness Steve and Robin had gotten up to lately. Most of the discoveries were from Dustin, who saw Steve way more than the rest of them, but they all had something. So far, they’d discovered that the two would only ever eat sharing a plate, Robin seemingly never left Steve’s house, and they apparently shared a toothbrush (they all found that one even nastier than the gum thing). One time, Dustin even got traumatized walking in on Steve shirtless with Robin popping a huge pimple on his back.
A few weeks after the gum incident, the four kids were gathered in Steve’s living room for a movie night. It’d been a while since they’d all hung out together outside of school, and technically they still weren’t. The absence of two of their Party members was sorely felt.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dustin saw Steve watch them mope for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and suggesting, “Okay, you know what, why don’t you guys call Will? I’m sure he misses you.”
“Really?” Mike asked, incredulously.
“Yes, really, Mike. It’s not like I pay the phone bill. I’m sure my parents can afford the long distance charge,” he informed the boys.
Then it was a scramble as the three hurried to the phone. Max hung back, though.
“Don’t want to talk to Will?” Robin asked her.
“No,” she told her. “If I could, I’d talk to El, but you know she can’t come on the phone.”
Robin sighed. “Yeah. That sucks, kiddo. Want to get your nails painted while we wait? I did ours earlier.” She patted the cushion next where they were practically glued together on the couch.
Max thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Sure,” she agreed and sat on the couch. “Wait.” She went back over what Robin said. “Our nails?”
“Oh yeah!” Steve said cheerfully. “Robs painted our toes earlier.” He wiggled them on the rug, and they were indeed painted; they were even in the same shade as Robin’s toes.
“Yeah! We don’t like polish on our hands, so toes only!” she said. “But I can paint your fingers.”
“… Okay.” Max picked a color from the bag Steve offered her and sat patiently while Robin painted, Steve holding the bottle for her.
When Robin had finished the first coat, she capped the bottle and said to Max, “I need to take a pee break! Let that dry, and we’ll finish it when we get back.”
Max raised an eyebrow at her. “Where’s Steve going?” she asked, since Steve got up too.
“… The bathroom?” he said, confused.
“Together?” Max asked them.
Robin just shrugged, and the two headed into the guest bathroom off the living room.
Whatever. If the two wanted to sneak off to make-out and lie very obviously about it, she wasn’t going to say anything.
Eventually, after her second coat was dried and the three of them had started watching TV, the boys came out of the kitchen, finished with their call to Will.
“How’s baby Byers?” Steve asked.
The boys told him all about what was going on in Will’s life, while Steve and Robin just nodded along and listened.
“Cool,” Robin said when they were all done. “Sounds like you had a good chat.”
“Mhm,” Steve added. “Now, what do you all want for dinner?”
All four of them looked at each other before saying in unison, “Pizza!”
Of course, getting all of them to agree on pizza toppings was a nightmare. It took almost 30 minutes of haggling with Steve over what he was willing to pay for. Mike only wanted pepperoni, Lucas didn’t really care but didn’t want too many ‘wet’ toppings, and Max wanted anything but pepperoni to be contrary to Mike.
“I want supreme,” Dustin told him.
“Okay, but no mushrooms. We’re allergic,” Steve told him.
Dustin stared at him for almost a full minute before saying slowly, “You’re not allergic to mushrooms, Steve. I’ve seen you eat them at my house before.”
“Well, Robin’s allergic,” he said matter-of-factly with his hands on his hips. “So no mushrooms.”
“Robin can just have a different pizza, Steve! The mushrooms are important to the balance of the supreme pizza. Without them, both the taste and texture are altered.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s either no mushrooms or no supreme pizza, Henderson. You’re the only one who wanted it, and I’m not about to order a specialty pizza just for you.”
“Nuh-uh. Those are your two options,” he said firmly.
Dustin rolled his eyes so hard they almost rolled out of his head. “Fine. No mushrooms. God!”
When he stomped back over to the Party, he complained to them about what just happened.
“So because Robin can’t eat mushrooms, he can’t either?” Max asked.
The four looked over to where the two were standing at the landline, Steve dialing to order the pizza.
“Maybe it’s a serious enough allergy that they can’t kiss if he’s eaten any?” Lucas suggested.
“Maybe,” Dustin conceded. “But you know, I’ve never seen them kiss… Like even once.”
The rest of the group thought over all the past interactions they’ve observed and agreed.
“They might not like PDA,” Mike said.
Max chimed in, “Maybe they’re really not dating. Maybe they’re just weird.”
“They were showering together,” Dustin said to her.
“True…” she conceded. “And I saw them go to the bathroom together earlier tonight. Pretty sure that was to have a secret make-out session,” Max added.
“Really?” Lucas asked her.
“They’re like my grandparents,” Lucas said to them all.
Mike frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like, they’re so in-tune, as if they’d been together forever. But then sometimes they’re so weird it’s not like my grandparents at all,” he explained.
“Like with the name-tags thing?” Dustin asked.
“Who even knows with those two,” Max said. “Maybe they’re just trauma-bonded or whatever. And it messed them up along the way.”
“No way!” Dustin insisted. “Steve’s not like that.”
“Gum, Dustin,” she said. “I saw him pull it right out of her mouth.”
“Ew, yeah. Maybe you’re right.”
Mike added, “Too bad El’s not here. She’d be able to figure out whatever was going on.”
The group saw as Robin poked Steve in the chest as he was hanging up the phone, and Steve said, “That was right in the nipple!” and clutched his chest.
“Score!” she cheered, laughing. He started chuckling too, leaning in and resting his head on her shoulder.
“Yeah,” Max agreed. “They’re too weird to figure out without superpowers.”
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
I just saw a very long post talking about your friends to lovers Kat//ang post.
You don’t need to read it all but I didn’t see many instances where they bring up the idea that Aang always viewed Katara as a romantic interest while Katara may have viewed him as just a friend.
They do however, bring up a few points about the EIP that I’d like to hear your opinions on. I don’t think much of it was in a lot of retaliation to your post but I’d like to overall hear your opinion on “Aang was dealing with a bunch of emotions regarding the play and not only how he felt regarding his relationship with Katara but also about his overall portrayal.”
Anyways, I thought you might be interested in seeing this since the overall point about the post was to rebut your argument
hey anon!
So — this user said a lot of things to defend Aang, but my focus was not on blaming Aang the character: I’m accusing Bryan and Mike of executing friends-to-lovers poorly.
So yes, I can understand Aang’s reactions to the EIP play, because obviously that play was racist and misogynistic and jingoistic etc etc. But all Bryke had to do was add a scene after EIP where Aang apologizes. “Hey Katara, I’m really sorry about how I acted at the play. I was mad about xyz but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” And then Katara can say, I understand, I don’t blame you, that play fucking sucked, let’s talk after the war. Turn that into 12yo-speak and voila, conflict resolved. And while I still wouldn’t love the ship, I wouldn’t be so indignant about it.
re: this user’s take on EIP and how Aang’s portrayal in the play is racist & colonialist propaganda, and therefore justifies his outburst, I’m putting it under a cut because it’s long and it’s a much more specific discussion of colonial dynamics than what most people are here for.
TL;DR: I’m tired of people claiming that colonialism = emasculating its subjects. That’s extremely historically incorrect, and also incorrect in ATLA’s own universe. Stop giving Bryke credit they don’t deserve!
I often see the argument from Aang defenders that he’s so angry about his portrayal by the Ember Island Players because there’s a history of feminizing colonial subjects. The fact that he was played by a woman is meant to be derogatory, and it’s not toxic masculinity for him to feel upset about it, and it’s reasonable for him to feel upset about Katara’s depiction.
First of all, he’s 12 and I don’t care if he shows toxic masculinity either way. Second of all, yes, Katara’s portrayal in the play is absolutely misogynistic and offensive, though it’s important to note that hypersexual Pocahontas is only one of many damaging stereotypes.
More importantly, it is very very wrong to say that colonialism requires the emasculation of its subjects. If you’ve seen colonial propaganda, whether it’s about Palestine or Algeria or Tibet or what is now Canada, you’ll know that colonialism usually does the opposite. Colonialism frequently posits a hyper-masculine, hyper-violent, hyper-savage version of its subjects, specifically men. In our world, colonialism is usually justified through the language of “bringing civilization,” and I’d use the term “white man’s burden” except Japan and China and Morocco can colonize just like the rest of them. Do you think the CCP talks about Tibetan monks as feminine, ditzy flower-crown wearers? No, they absolutely do not. CCP propaganda depicts Tibetan monks as violent sadists, and Tibetan Buddhism as a violent religion, and Tibetan people as needing Han Chinese roads and trains and schools so that they can learn to be civilized. (And incidentally, if you know anything about Southeast Asia you would not say Buddhism is an inherently peaceful religion, but that’s another conversation). Similar POVs can be found littered throughout history, and that’s because colonial propaganda fundamentally must justify violence and control, and it’s much easier to justify violence against people whom you’ve identified as inherently threatening.
More relevant to ATLA, we know that “the Avatar is super violent” is actually the flavour of Fire Nation propaganda, because Aang learns in the show and in the comics (Katara and the Pirate’s Silver) that the average Fire Nation citizen sees him this way! And the discrepancy between sweet, cheerful, vegetarian Aang and this bloodthirsty Avatar figure of FN propaganda is one of the greatest ironies of the show!
In addition, unlike real-life fascist states which are misogynistic by definition, the Fire Nation is not indicated to be misogynistic, canonically speaking. Women can fight, we don’t see them doing housework, Mai is the only one told to be ladylike and meek, etc. There are subtle, likely unintentional signs of power differences (we don’t see women in positions of political power in any nation til Korra), but it’s pretty obvious that the FN is supposed to be the less sexist one (and btw, it was A Choice to make the Inuit-inspired culture the misogynistic one, but that’s out of the scope of this post). EIP’s play actually waxes poetics about how fucking amazing and prodigious and powerful Azula is. So it doesn’t even make sense for EIP to denigrate Aang via his masculinity when they’re trying to prop up Azula in the same breath.
I’m tired of people stuffing surface-level anti-colonialist analyses into ATLA & giving credit to Bryke, of all fucking people, for writing an incisive portrayal of how colonizers & imperialists see their victims. I don’t believe the source text can make any points other than by sheer accident. The politics of ATLAverse are milquetoast at best and reactionary at worst (see: Jet, Hama, comics, LOK). I don’t think Bryke and the creators have read any anti-colonial literature or history, whether it’s about Haiti or the Congo; I don’t believe Bryke sat down and watched The Battle of Algiers and took notes on how to portray colonial resistance; I don’t believe Bryke read Burmese Days or The Colonizer and the Colonized in order to get into the psychology of the Fire Nation; I just don’t believe they or their writing team intended to take on the burdens of real-world tragedies with this show. A while back I think @sokkastyles found a post where someone was wondering if ATLA is a good representation of child soldiers, which is such a baffling failure of media literacy & empathy in general that I’m still disturbed by it. It’s a TV show for kids. It’s a great TV show for all ages, but there are some things that it will never be, one of which is “anything more than a rough parable about imperialism, colonialism, and genocide.”
And you know what? I don’t believe the average ATLA stan leveraging colonialism for a ship war has done a whole lot more thinking than Bryke. I recognize that I was very lucky to have taken multiple courses on anticolonialism and decolonization at institutions that genuinely value faculty who think about these topics, but that’s also the precise reason why I’m so against leveraging colonialism in most ATLA discourse unless I’m trying to set the record straight on something. I’m not an authority on anticolonialism or postcolonialism, but I sure as fuck can recognize when other people aren’t either.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 4 months
●Grayson Waller x Austin Theory x Logan Paul x Reader●
Summary: They all fight over your attention being the newest, biggest signing to Smackdown.
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*Y/N's POV*
"Everyone please welcome.... the newest member of the Smackdown roster....."
The lights go out and I walk onto the top of the ramp looking down. A spotlight comes on, my music hits and a camera guy is right infront of me as I smile pulling my sunglasses down and wink at the camera. The crowd erupts with cheers as all the lights comes back on and I walk down to the ring. I high-five some of the fans than climb into the ring with Mike Rome. I walk over next to him pushing my sunglasses onto my head and grabbing the extra microphone from him.
"Heyyy Mike. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great Y/N. How are you?"
"I am fantastic now that I am out here infront of all of these beautiful people!"
The crowd cheers loudly.
"Well you are Nick Aldis' newest superstar on Smackdown. What can we expect from you going forward?"
"Great question Mike. You can expect me to be.... Women's Champion. So whoever is women's champion after Wrestlemania, better be ready because I am coming after you."
I throw the microphone down on the mat, put my sunglasses back over my eyes, pull them down a little, winking at the camera. My music hits and I exit the ring heading up the ramp and to the back.
*nearing the end of Smackdown*
I am leaning on one of the production boxes backstage playing on my phone when two guys come walking over to me. The one leans on the box next to me and the other sits down next to him looking at me. I look up at them and smile.
"Hello there beautiful. I'm Austin."
"And I'm Grayson."
"Ahhh A Town Down Under. I love watching your matches. Very entertaining."
"Thank you. Can't wait to see your matches."
"Thank you. I gotta get going but it was nice meeting you two. I'll see ya around."
I boop Austin's nose and pat Grayson's leg before heading down the hallway towards my locker room. I get to my locker room door but before I can open it, someone comes running up to me. I look up seeing a fluffy, blonde haired man holding the U.S. title on his shoulder.
"Hi! Y/N right?"
"That's me!"
"Logan Paul. U.S. Champ."
He puts his hand out and I shake his hand smiling up at him. He looks at me and smiles making my heart skip a beat.
"Nice to meet you Logan. What can I help you with?"
"Just wanted to come introduce myself. Get to meet you. You are even more gorgeous in person. Like. Woah."
I giggle looking up at him.
"Thank you Logan. Would you like to come into my locker room? I was getting ready to leave."
"Yeah! I got my bags! Do you need a ride back to your hotel?"
I walk into my locker room as he follows me.
"Would you do that for me? We are staying at the same hotel right?"
He tells me his hotel which is the same as mine.
"Sounds good. Let me grab my stuff than we can head out."
I throw all my stuff in my duffle bag and my backpack. I throw my backpack on my back than the strap of my duffle bag over my shoulder.
"Alright! I'm all ready!"
"Let's go!"
He opens the door for me and lets me go first. I walk out and he follows me closing the door. We walk next to each other down the hallway when we happen to run into Austin and Grayson leaving their locker room.
"Hey Austin! Grayson!"
They both turn and look at me and Logan.
"Where are you two going?"
"Oh Logan is giving me a ride back to the hotel. How about you two?"
"We are going with you two. Logan said he would give us a ride too."
Logan is shaking his head no at them behind my head so I can't see him.
"Oh man Logan! That is so sweet of you!"
I turn to look at him and he is smiling really big.
"It's not a problem guys. I gotchu!"
"Let's get going than boys!"
I start walking and they all follow behind me. Logan runs up and walks next to me while the other two stay behind us. We walk out to the parking lot and up to Logan's car. He runs up to the passenger side door, opens it and motions for me.
"You first, my lady."
I smile, take my backpack and duffle bag off and he takes them from me. I climb in and he closes the door. I look in the mirror seeing Grayson, Austin and Logan arguing. I open the window a little trying to hear what they are arguing about.
"No dude. Shes mine. Me and her would make a perfect couple. In and out of the ring."
"No Logan. She would be great for our team. Shes mine."
"Wait Austin, you want her just as much as I want her."
"Yeah and?"
They continue arguing when I climb out of the car and look at them with my arms crossed, shaking my head. They all stop and look over at me, faces getting red.
"I am not an object you can just claim as your own. I am a human being. I have feelings, emotions and thoughts. You should be acting like men and getting to know me. Not just saying she's mine like you are claiming me as a prize. Now...."
I grab my backpack and my duffle bag out of the back of the car.
"You three think about what I said and I will see you next week."
I look over seeing Naomi and Bianca standing at their taxi putting their bags in the back and they motion for me to come over to them. I walk over looking at them.
"We heard what happened. Get in the taxi with us. We are going to the same hotel."
"Thank you."
I put my bags in the back and close the hatch looking over at them one last time before I climb into the taxi.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
My Movie Review: "Challengers" 🎾
**Caution...May Contain Some Spoilers**
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Okay okay..... Here we gooo! Another film review.... 😁🙌🏾
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Y'all.... I have so much to say about this movie lol. 😅 I'll just be honest, like...I had some mixed feelings about this one!
Okay, so first of all.... I had a great time going to see this movie. My girlfriends and I all went to one of those theaters where you can order REAL food and alcohol, and they bring it right to your seat. 😁 We decided to treat ourselves to this one, and just have a "girl's night out" watching it.
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Our little theater was quite packed too! Saw a lot of date-night couples watching this together lol. 🤭 I think I saw another group who was doing a girl's night out.
So anyway....
The movie ended up being an enjoyable rollercoaster for all of us lol. It definitely kept my attention, it wasn't boring at all, and it gave many of us several things to talk about/discuss long after the movie was over! I LOVE films that make you think, and that have you talking about it afterwards. Even if we disagree, it's just nice to see a movie like this that sparked a good discussion afterwards. 😊 Here were my Pros/Cons and random thoughts that I had during and after this movie lol....
Everyone's acting was solid in this! I already knew that Mike and Josh are stellar actors (I've seen them in other projects before, and both have done theater if I'm not mistaken), but ZENDAYA!! Zendaya babeeeee....She surprised me in this one! Dare I say it?? I think "Challengers" was her best acting job yet on the big screen. 👏🏾 She really embodied that "Bad B*itch"/Boss vibe very well imo. She was definitely believable! LOL 😅
The CINEMATOGRAPHY! Omg the cinematography in this film was so good and on point. I loved how the camera would change perspectives during a match (especially the end match) and would switch and show you the ball's pov, then the pov of the players, and whatnot. It was dizzifying switch and camera change for sure lol, but it was very creative. I honestly think that this film could be nominated for an Oscar just for the cinematography alone. 😊👍🏾
The music .... The music was a pro AND a con (more on that later) for me. It had a really hype techno beat throughout the movie, and that really helped to keep the movie hyped and show the fast-pace of the sport. I really liked it! It was catchy lol. 😅
Zendaya was GORGEOUS in this movie! I kept looking at how flawless her skin was in this. It's so rare that we get "adult" Z in her films lol, so it was just nice and refreshing to see her finally playing more of an adult in a big screen role, and seeing her be the desirable/sexy/attractive one in a film for a change. She really looked amazing in this. 😊 I'd love to see her do more roles where she's playing the object of desire. We need more woc in roles like this.
I loved the subtle ways in which Luca shows that tennis is basically like a relationship in this film. I loved that metaphor. I think the little subtle hints for the movie were quite creative, and it's one of those films where I think it would be good to watch at least twice in order to catch more of the subtleties and how the sport related to their relationships and inner dynamics throughout the film.
I LOVED that scene where Patrick and Tashi met up with each other, and it's so WINDY and wild. Just like their relationship.... Windy, unpredicatable, destructive, yet exciting... Unlike her boring relationship with her husband lol. LOVED the subtleties in this film.
I loooved seeing Zendaya in her "Bad Gal" element. Yaaass! 👏🏾 I love it! I think it's harder playing a villain or someone who's not redeeming honestly.
Hahaha I have to give a shoutout to Darnell.... Good seeing him on the screen. Glad he was able to add another big major film on the big screen to his roster lol. 😜
Zendaya's body was BODY GOALS in this film.... 🔥 Can I just say?? I was like, "Dang.... let me keep going to the gym". 👀 And then, the other thought I had was, "Shooooot....no wonder Tom came back ROTFL." 😅🤣 Lemme stop lol.
I loved the anticipation for the final match, and it really kept you on the edge of your feet lol. 😁
Now for the cons.... 👀
Was it just me?? Or, sometimes the music in this movie was a bit TOO loud Lol. For example, there was a scene where Patrick and Tashi were talking in the hotel, and the techno music is SO LOUD that I could barely even make out what they were saying (and it seemed important too). Maybe it's just me.... But at times, the music was drowning out the dialog, and I didn't like that. Anyone know what Patrick and Tashi said to each other at the hotel when the music got to be so loud lol? 😅
I STILL hate that "my little white boys" line ...UGH! It's SO CRINGGGGGE! 😫😩🙈
I definitely saw a LOT more sausage and moons than I expected to see in this movie lol... 👀 😅 I meannnnn.... Idk... Is male frontal nudity EVER really necessary?? Let's be honest lol. I honestly don't think so. I kind of wonder why it's even needed?? (I say the same thing about female frontal nudity as well). Idk, sometimes I wonder why certain directors make that choice to add that in, when it's not even necessary 9 times out of 10. I just don't like things being done gratuitously . Like, gratuitous sex scenes for example.
I'll be honest, I didn't really care too much for some of the plotlines and writing in the film.... 😬 I'll also just come right out and say it... I kind of wish that Z had done a slightly different film than this for her big-screen lead role debut. I kind of wish it weren't such an "adult" film with a ton of sexual themes and elements. I kinda wish too that Tashi was not personified in the way that she was. It's one thing to be a very determined and dedicated athlete, but another thing altogether to be the stereotypical cold, icy, attitude-having diva. I also look at this from a woc/black woman's pov as well. Part of me feels like we as Black women are so hypersexualized (and seen as "grown") , and stereotyped as having "attitudes" from such a young age, and it just makes me feel like women/female actresses shouldn't have to get naked or be overly sexualized in order to win awards or get good critical acclaim for their roles. (I read that the film Emma Stone won an Oscar for this year, "Poor Things", had a lot of sex and nudity in it as well....🥴) Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "prude", but when it comes to WOC, I just want better for us since we're already so stereotyped and stigmatized. Like, why couldn't Z's big-screen lead role debut be the Ronnie Spector Biopic film?? Or, why couldn't it be a film like "Hidden Figures" where she's playing a black female mathematician who aids in the space launch? I don't feel like you have to resort to sex or get undressed in your underwear to be taken "seriously" as a "serious actor", but maybe the meaty roles for adult women in Hollywood that don't add that in are really scarce. Anyway, that was my only gripe. 😊
When people claimed that there wasn't any real redeeming character in this film...boyyyyy...they weren't KIDDING!!! 🤣 I don't mind characters who aren't perfect or aren't the best though, so that didn't bother me. My only question was.... Why on earth did Tashi hate Patrick so much?? Does anyone else know?? 😅 I kept waiting and waiting during the movie to see some big REVELATION of something really HORRIBLE that he did to Tashi in order to deserve the type of hate that she dished out to him, but I couldn't figure out anything?? I mean, I know they dated each other at one time when they were younger, but I don't see why she's still hating on this man in her 30's when they dated in their teens and early 20s lol. 😅 She's out here married and even has like a 6 year old kid and is STILL hating on this man.... WHY?? 😅 Can someone PLEASE explain that to me?? Cuz right now, I can only surmise that the only reason why Tashi is so mean to Patrick is because deep down, she's still attracted to him, so she has to hate on him in order to curb that HAHAHA. 🤣 Maybe I'm just a Patrick-sympathizer lol, but I can't really see how he was a bad boyfriend or how he did anything wrong?? Yes, he shouldn't have slept with Tashi (Art's WIFE), but HE was single.... TASHI was the one married, so really, SHE was the main one at fault here as far as I'm concerned lol. 😅
Why did Art and Patrick like Tashi so much?? I mean, aside from the fact that she was gorgeous (obviously lol)....She seemed like such a ballbuster and treated them like crap lol.
Mike has a cute butt lol 🤭
Josh does a really good American accent. I only heard it go out and switch off like maybe once or twice lol. Only slightly lol. 😅
BTW, in case you were wondering...I'm Team Patrick lol.... 🤭 He was just a washed up bum of an athlete lol. I feel like Art and Tashi were way more manipulative. Jmho. I do kinda feel bad for Art though on some level, cuz it was CLEAR Tashi was in a boring, lifeless marriage and didn't really love him anymore lol.
I saw people in our audience gasping and covering their mouths during some of the sexual scenes lol. I could tell a couple of the girls in the theater were fans of Zendaya and had never seen her in such a role before hahaha. Some were laughing at some of the sexual stuff and it was like uncomfortable laughter/giggling lol. The guys included lol. 🤭
I'm not sure what awards this film will be up for, but seeing as how it's a film by Luca, we might actually see Z getting an Oscar nod for this!! Or, at the very least, maybe engaged in a FYC campaign. I can see it. Luca is very well-known...his film CMBYN garnered Oscar nods (including an Oscar nod for Timothee), and Z is Hollywood's Darling atm, soooo idk y'all! We might be looking at "Oscar-Nominated Actress" Zendaya next year! I guess we'll have to see lol. 😊
I looooved that Z was able to work with such a renowned and well-liked film director. I'm glad she got that experience. She's been working with some great directors lately (ie. Luca, Denis, etc), and I love that for her. It seems like FFC was also eyeing her for one of his roles at one time as well. So, I'm so proud of our girl!!! 👏🏾
Overall.... Definitely a fun, joyride of a film. 😊 VERY creatively done. So far, I haven't really been THAT impressed with Luca's films (CMBYN being the other one I've seen), but his films def make you THINK, long after they're over, that's for sure lol. The movie was fun and enjoyable to watch. There were just a few things that I felt could have been better imo.
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