#911 operator joyce
arom-com · 5 months
RENT FREE in my mind, I’m composing an au as we speak. Throwing timelines out the window bc I NEED queer Buckley cousins so bad & I can’t be bothered to figure out how to set 911 in the 80s or vice versa.
I’m thinking like. post st s5 the whole gang gets moved to LA bc Hawkins is uninhabitable and then stobin get fired from like six different jobs until they decide to become firefighters bc, let’s be honest, where else is monster fighting a transferable skill
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fanatics4l · 2 years
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that entire scene of billy being taken can literally be interpreted as a metaphorical rape scene. he's dragged downstairs by his ankles to an abandoned basement in the middle of nowhere while he's thrashing and screaming for help. the mindflayer holds him down and enters his mouth while he continues to struggle. when he's free, he runs away to his car and drives off to the nearest phone booth because he's terrified that it's following him.
he doesn't know what to tell the 911 operator, would they believe him? it all seemed very unrealistic. he has flashbacks and starts dissociating, replaying the scene in his mind, specifically the scene when it enters his mouth. and then he's faced with himself. the other billy represents the side of him that feeds his degrading emotions.
this is literally a metaphorical rape scene i don't know what to tell y'all. the way will's kidnapping can also be interpreted as a child predator holding a child hostage and violating him. joyce's initial thoughts must've been that her son was kidnapped by a sick person. and the fact that they found will unconscious with something forced in his mouth?? metaphorical assault scene.
and billy's shower scene? the black veins represent the phantom touches and pain left behind by his rapist. he's showering because he wants it off him but it's not going away. he's starting to dissociate and the memories are hitting him full force again.
do the duffers realize this connection? the show would be outstanding if they acknowledged the general theme of vecna/the MF representing an abuser/rapist who specifically targets troubled children because they're easier to manipulate.
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steddie killer frequency au, with steve as the disgraced and jaded radio host demoted from an immensely popular station in chicago to a 189.16 “the scream,” a station in the small town of hawkins, indiana, with population of barely a thousand people, and eddie as the producer and sound engineer with a quick wit and a healthy amount of amusement at steve’s fall from grace. the two of them and their late-night phone-in show are forced to take over the town’s 911 line as the only operator in town, joyce, is forced to flee with an unconscious chief hopper to a neighboring town for help after deputy powell is murdered that night by a seemingly undead serial killer from the 50s. and that same killer targeting a weirdly specific group of people, moving at a terrifyingly fast pace…
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nances · 2 years
So why Will?
Writing out some thoughts and analysis on this matter, if you can call it that. This turned out way longer than intended, and it was supposed to be solely about Vecna, but I’m putting this out there nevertheless.
Starting out
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I just want to know how tf is Vecna able to appear in this shot? Does this mean he’s always been able to shift between realities, it’s just that he wanted to open a gate solely for the upside down & the Mind Flayer to seep through into the real hawkins?
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We can see here that he’s followed Will through the forest, instead of taking a head start through the Upside Down
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Seems to be utilizing telekinetic powers here
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Yet, in this shot, the background noises sound like those of the Demogorgan’s rather than the growl more characteristic to Vecna. We do see a dark figure looming right behind Will prior to this shot
Why couldn’t he take Will right then and there on the road? Was fear a factor? Will initially appears startled, but as he runs home and dials 911, he grows more afraid as the scene progresses. Perhaps, in order to form a “powerful psychic connection” he needed the boy to be scared out of his mind
Will is taken to the other side in a blip. The lightbulb showcases a spike of energy, in a similar fashion to the way the party’s flashlights bursted when Patrick was killed.
Later, when Hopper and then the laboratory men investigate this shed, it appears as though a portal has been opened here. Yet, season 4 demonstrates Vecna psychologically torturing and killing his victims brutally before ripping a hole in the fabric of time and space.
As far as we know, in season two the mothergate remains open. This means the portal that opened in the shed has remained there ever since. There’s no mention of this, however, when Will’s loved ones tie him up to a chair in order to reach him. Is this a plot hole? Or does this mean that when the Mind Flayer summons the demodogs, this is the gate they run through? The gang swiftly barricades itself in Joyce’s house, so this essentially happens off-screen.
So what exactly happens in season 1?
I think at this point, in the year of 1983, Vecna hasn’t yet fully tapped into his potential. He’s been recovering from the fallout of his and Eleven’s stand off for four years. He might have been probing for a way to reach our world for a while, without success. November 6th is the day Eleven unintentionally opens the mothergate.
Later that day, Will is taken.
So what is the takeaway?
Perhaps here Vecna realized that there’s a gate now. Perhaps the reason why the Upside Down looks like Hawkins is because that is where the gate was opened. The russians arrive in Hawkins because they’re unable to open a proper gate in their home country. Perhaps this factors into it in one way or another? Up until this point, the upside down was this sort of a vacuum, and unspoiled realm that existed in Henry’s mind. The second that the gate opened, Hawkins’ layout was replicated. We know for a fact one person alone wouldn’t be able to get every single detail down to Nancy’s shoebox and study cards right, so this must have been happening on some sort of transcendental level. We know there’s the multiverse theory, according to which there are countless replicas of our own universe, and perhaps we saw one of those created from scratch, except it’s rotten and spoiled by the twisted mindspace of Henry Creel. Perhaps the Upside down is still a vacuum, everywhere but Hawkins though. Perhaps this is the reason why a connection couldn’t be made in Russia. There was no child with psychokinetic powers to make tangible contact with the other side, they were solely operating by generating massive amounts of energy.
I’m going to be frank, I don’t believe Will has ever been involved with the laboratory, nor have his parents. That’d be one massive plot hole. Everything that is happening with the lab seems new, alien to Joyce. Lonnie never brings up anything pertaining to such a thing. Will isn’t a number.
Will is a traumatized little boy, that grew up in a broken family, is dealing with the scary realization, and i quote “that he doesn’t fit into the 1980s definition of normal” and he’s gotten his fair share of abuse from his father, presumably both psychological and physical.
We know that he is also “sweet” and “sensitive” and based on what Joyce tells us in season 2, he’s demonstrated complete and utmost selflessness throughout his life.
He is the complete opposite of Henry Creel, who’s been apathetic, sadistic and demonstrated borderline psychopathic behavior ever since he was a little child.
It must have made sense for Vecna to use his little Charles Xavier ability and latch onto this pure, innocent little child that has had so much trauma on his plate already. He must have been looking for someone whose psyche was already wavering, and by coupling that with the fear of a scary boogie man that’s out to get you, he was successfully able to claim his first “victim”.
He must have figured out that by establishing contact with the real Hawkins, this way he’d be able to inch closer to Eleven, and a way to unleash his vengeful sentiments.
Either that, or perhaps he conflated Will with Eleven. He’s not omniscient. He operates through people’s minds. Perhaps it appeared that Will was broken on a level that resembled Eleven’s psyche in a lot of ways. Perhaps he meant to take Eleven all along, but this “powerful psychic connection” that made it possible for him to take Will weakened him to the point that he had to retreat for a while, which in turn allowed Will to hide.
He then must have realized that he got the wrong kid, and perhaps that’s when he decided he’d use Will as a vessel, as the first flayed one. It makes a lot of sense; who would be able to suspect that this sweet, timid little child is actually a spy for this hellsent entity? Hopper and Joyce essentially hinder this plan, and it seems to take Vecna a year to figure out how to start implementing it again. Will is already “contaminated” by the Upside Down, Vecna’s already got a connection to him, so it’s easier to try and arrange a full scale possession this time.
Look, I really doubt that Will has powers. Because at this point, this deep into the series, we probably should have gotten some subtle indication of that. His nape tingles seem to be more of an imprint that this vile entity left on him, even after exiting his body. Sort of like Harry Potter being the last horcrux. It’s entirely possible that he has gained some sort of abilities, “true sight” as Mike puts, as a result of this altercation.
There is the possibility of him being an indigo-child type of case in a similar fashion to Henry Creel. We know that Henry started using his powers as a tool for his sadistic behavior very early on. It seems like these powers have an element of evil to them, as they’ve been weaponised in every instance in this show. The other numbered children are programmed to be killing machines. Had Will had these sort of abilities, he probably wouldn’t have been able to tap into them, since we never see him act with any malice. It would have made sense for him to be able to use this to his defense whenever he’d been picked on by bullies or abused by his father, but at this point, introducing an element like this whether it be in the form of flashbacks or something else, would feel forced and glued on, and it would frankly feel like riverdale.
Now I really hope that they handle the actual reveal, whatever it ends up being, in a clever way, instead of having Vecna growl out another cliché, bad guy monologue for Will as a means of exposition for the audience.
These are just some thoughts I’ve been having, I could be 100% wrong about all of this but this is just a take on what makes the most sense to me within both the context of the story and a narrative standpoint. Apologies if this is incoherent, I’m typing this on my phone and frankly, am too lazy to proofread everything
Edit: I want to add that there’s a possibility there was no conflation to begin with. Perhaps finding a vessel was his plan all along. And for the reasons I’ve listed above, he chose Will.
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
Happy Father's Day Part 3
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Summary: 3/3 Well, its the last part.
Warning: Sad, Mentions Death.
Word Count: 2269
"Harry? " I answer the phone.
"It's not Harry but glad you know your numbers." that high pitch annoying ass voice squeals. Rubbing my stomach, the baby's in go position and any day now my oven will be done baking. And of course, this bitch is answering his phone.
"Well bye-bye just thought you should know where he was at. " In the background, I hear Harry's voice going on about something so it must be true. Hanging up I sigh letting the hot tears roll down my cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I blame myself really, I let him back into my life and this doesn't surprise me. I gotta pee.
Waddling over to the bathroom door a gasp leaves my mouth feeling the surge of liquids fall between my legs. Holy shit. My water broke! Fuck gotta go. Thankful my bag was already in the car. Harry had insisted once I hit the 36-week mark claiming Styles's are either early or fashionably late.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. My knuckles turning white as I grasp the wheel. Nope, I'm not pushing anything out of my vagina. Can't do it. I refuse.
The contraction going away after a few brief moments of completely unreasonable pain. Dialing the numbers, I know by second nature, thankfully she picks up on the fourth ring.
"I don't think you should drive y/n"
" Just call 911. I'm almost there! " Gemma ecstatically shouts. She's just like her brother, "Where's Harrold? "
I put the seatbelt on and wince. It's just 28 minutes I can do this. "He's with his whore."
I can hear an audible gasp, "he wouldn't he's so excited for Athena"
"Well I just called him and she answered. " I grunt keeping my eyes on the two lanes ahead of me. Fuck I hate merging lanes people don't know how to drive.
"I'll be at the hospital as soon as possible but my phones gonna-" the line went dead. She did say she was on like 10% oh well.
I can do this just focus y/n. "Hear that baby girl we're almost there, hang on okay Hunny. " I say as a reminder to myself that soon I'll be leaving with another human with me.
6 miles to go that's what I'm talking about, another sharp pain spreads throughout my abdomen while waiting for the light to turn green. "OH COME ON. FOR FUCKS SAKE!" they're getting closer by the minute. Shit. Arriving at a four-way intersection. I'm relieved to be at a red light, the contractions are longer and much more frequent. "Almost there Athena, this is the last light and a straight shot from there."
Abruptly my car is jerked forward with a sharp impact pushing to the oncoming lights. All I see are lights from both directions colliding with my 3,000-pound piece of metal. Sounds of shattering glass and sirens are the last thing I hear before it all fades to black.
Harry's POV
"Has anyone seen Mr. Style's phone?" The helpful aid asked around the dressing room. I could've sworn I put it down for a moment. Y/n could go into labor any minute now and how I am supposed to know. Fuck. I'm stupid.
I was supposed to be here to perform and list nominees and then go back home to y/n. I can't wait to propose to her, she's all I could ever want and she's giving me the most wonderful gift I could ever ask for. Running a hand through my damp hair, the lights really build a sweat, I hear a familiar voice. "Looking for this lover? " she asks slipping my phone into my pocket.
"Good luck at home. " she smiles and winks. Before I could question it she walks away.
Looking down at the device my heart skips a beat, I have 146 missed calls. And I've been gone for 5 hours. Seeing Gemma's name on the screen again I swipe to answer.
"Harry," she says sniffling.
"Gemma what's wrong? did I miss it? Oh my god I hope not"
"I think it would be best if you came now Harry." she breaks her voice cracking.
"Gem what?"
"Listen Harry, she needs you right now so please." she cries. Not needing another word, I tell Jackson the address and that I need to be there as fast as possible, 45 minutes later we're pulling into the Labor and Delivery section of the hospital.
"Congrats Harry!" Jackson says letting me out at the door. "Thank you!" I beam back at him.
Seeing Gemma, her eyes are puffy with tears still flowing. "Gem what's wro-," a sharp pain to my right cheek stings. Never has Gemma hit me like that, well not since I cut her prom dress. "How could you Harry? Cheat on her again WITH TAYLOR for Christ sakes!" She yells.
"I didn't cheat," I explain to my sister as calm as I can.
She looks at me with wild eyes pulling me into a hallway with fewer people, "Then what happened Harrold?" I clench my jaw instead of speaking, how dare she accuse me of cheating on my pregnant soon-to-be fiancé. Y/n Styles has a great catch don't you think?
"Is she here yet? Gem where are they?" I ask ready to see my new family.
She begins crying again "Harry there was an accident." Those five words make my breathing come to a halt. My heart shatters in a million pieces "Is Y/n okay? What happened?" She begins walking me to a door. "This one," she points. Looking through the glass I see y/n with bruises and cuts to her beautiful face, her stomach nearly deflated from when I last saw her this morning, a cast on a swollen leg of hers, and a sling holding a very damaged arm. Tears brim at my eyes looking at my love on that hospital bed. "She's awake." Gemma walks past me running to the outside.
I gently knock on the door, waiting for a response which I don't get. "Y/n?" I approach her almost as If I were going to help an injured puppy. "Hey love" I smile at her which she glares at me and then turns wincing in pain. "You wanted this didn't you Harry?" I look at her confused. "This is probably great for you, a way out. Well leave." She states using whatever energy she can find.
"Baby I didn't want- I want you and Athena" She breaks down in uncontrollable tears.
"You were with that her and couldn't even bother to pick up your phone!" she screams. "Y/n I wasn-" a knock at the door interrupts my sentence, "Come in" She says glaring at me as a nurse opens the door.
"Hey there Mama, we have a visitor." the nurse wheel in a tiny cart that has a bunch of equipment coming from it. She looks at me and asks Y/n, "Is this dad?" she nods and rolls her eyes. "About time you made it!" She smiles my way. Placing the beautiful baby in front of us. She's so small and fragile. "The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you." She states picking up the tiny child and putting her in Y/n's arm.
"Hi pumpkin," Y/n coos into her ear. "Guess who decided to show?" She smiles, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. She nods her head towards me as I go to hold her. She's so soft and precious. Her small eyes have a gorgeous mix of both mine and Y/n's. She has such a cute round face, I couldn't imagine her looking any different.
"Hi there angel, I'm so sorry I was late." I see a spot dampen on her blanket that surrounds her, knowing that I'm crying. Her small eyes shining like twinkling stars. So small I can feel her fragile body between my large hands.
Another knock before the door opens when several doctors walk in. "Mrs. Y/ln, unfortunately, we have some bad news,"
"Oh, hello there Mr. Styles." They state acknowledging my existence. One of the female doctors places a black and white image on the lighted board illuminating the small figure.
"Unfortunately, due to the accident, Athena has suffered from what we call a fetomaternal hemorrhage."
"What exactly are you saying?" Y/n ask looking at the child still in my arms.
The slightly shorter male doctor points to the image. "This is an abscess of blood in the brain. Unfortunately, the risk is too large to operate. I'd give her another day at most."
"You m-mean," Tears start pouring down her face" I was so scared she was hurt. I-I promise I saw the light it was red, and I-I stopped but," She began heaving losing more air with each word. I gently rub her back as I cradle Athena with one arm.
"She's still being monitored but I'm afraid she won't have much longer." The first doctor breaks the silence. "According to the police report the car that struck you from behind happened to be a drunk driver, Gage Joyce." I can feel the anger surging through me. "I remember the clashing of metal, glass breaking, the sirens but it all went b-black." She mumbles, seemingly remembering the awful experience. I grab her hand in hopes of comforting her but it doesn't seem to work.
"After striking your car at 72 mph it had ample force to push your vehicle into the opposite traffic. Your vehicle took the most impact and was hit by four other cars. On scene, EMT's said you were in and out of consciousness mumbling about a baby. Taken and brought to the L&D." he finishes.
"Fetomaternal hemorrhages are often caused by trauma and sometimes can be revered but in this case, we've done all we can do." They all frown looking at the small girl still in my arms.
"No, there's got to be more you can bloody do! We're in a hospital for Christ sakes!" I exclaim, passing my daughter to the love of my life. She gently caresses her soft skin. She's literally a perfect combination of us. I cannot lose my family.
"You can leave, thank you all for your help." y/n says quietly, they oblige by her wishes and leave us with our daughter.
"Harry," she wipes a tear from her face cautious of the IV placed on her hand, "If what they say is true, I just want to spend time with her." She sniffles. I nod understanding. She looks back at the small being in her arms, "Hi pretty girl, Mommy's so happy to meet you," she unfolds the blanket from her. I sit next to her on the small bed in the room that smells of sterilization. Placing my finger near hers' she wraps her small hand around my thumb, her grip so tight for someone so small. Y/n kisses her forehead, "Harry," she runs her finger along her small legs.
"Can you sing the song?" nodding and softly singing Isn't she Lovely by Stevie Wonder, in the small hospital bed as our new life falls asleep. All night I watch her little chest rise and fall allowing y/n to get some rest soon following my two loves.
By the early morning, nurses are rushing in because of the loud beeping from the monitor, waking y/n and I. It feels like everything is happening so fast but in slow motion right in front of me. Those three words are the ones I didn't want to hear. "No! no. I have to take her home. She's gotta go home..." Y/n screams, not being able to see her face due to the tears in my eyes falling and rebuilding themselves faster than the speed of light. "Call it." One of the nurses shouts.
"Time of Death 6:18 am March 7th, 2019"
As they cleared out the room, I see her small lifeless body curled into a blanket, almost as if she were sleeping, but no longer do breaths fall from her small heart-shaped lips.
Y/n hasn't said a word since we got in the car. It's been four days since we lost Athena. She slowly climbs into the car, still sore from the accident and birth. I go to the backseat holding back my emotions and putting the empty car-seat in the trunk of the car that should have been holding three of us.
Starting the silent journey back home she continues to look out of the window, a frown etched on her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks as she instinctively touches her somewhat deflated stomach. What kind of sick joke is this?
"Harry why were you with her?" she asks me looking down at what used to be her baby bump.
"I wasn't love, she took my phone while I was on stage." She just nods and remains silent until we pull up to the flat. She begins walking up the stairs as best she can. "Y/n wait, let me help."
"No Harry!" She yells. Pain evident in her voice, ignoring her I open the door and help her inside. "Harry I can't do this." I stare at her confused, "What can't you do y/n?"
"Us Harry. I can't look at you and not think of her." She sobs.
"Y/n we can-" I try to reason with her.
"No Harry, please just go." She whispers.
"I'm not losing both of you," I state holding back my own sobs. I feel like everything feels like it's getting smaller around me, suffocating in grief.
"You already have."
A/N: What can I say I have a thing for dark endings. Anyways I really appreciate the support loves. I hope you enjoy these! Right now I've been working on a Loki piece, I'm so excited for it. I changed the writing style tho, so it's not 1st person per usual. I think it's going pretty well so far.
xoxo Janelle
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sadmmann · 5 years
20 years ago
20 years ago, on April 20, during the massacre at Columbine High School, we lost not only 13 dear people, but 24 people were terribly injured after which they could never return to their previous lives. 
I propose to recall their names
Richard Castaldo (17 in 1999) -  He was shot 8 times in his left arm, right arm, chest, back, and abdomen. Since the shooting he has to use a wheelchair. After the shooting he got his driver's license and a car designed to be used by people in wheelchairs.
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Lance Kirklin (16 in 1999) - Lance suffered from a total of five gunshot wounds. His jaw and face were rebuilt with bone and tissue from his leg as well as titanium alloy to replace lost bone in his thigh and jaw. The process took 9 operations. He was released from the hospital on May 15, 1999.
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Anne-Marie Hochhalter (17 in 1999) -  She tried to run to the safety of the cafeteria and was shot by once in the back and once in the chest. Paralyzed by a bullet that severed her spinal cord and went through her diaphragm (it was later found lodged in her liver), she collapsed, unable to move. She told investigators later that while she was playing dead she could hear one of the gunmen shouting orders to the other but couldn't understand what they were saying. If rescue workers had been two minutes slower in reaching her, she would have died. Doctors later called her the "miracle girl". After shooting, she has to use a wheelchair. Severe pain, disability and suicide of the mother did not break Anna, and she continues to fight to this day.
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Sean Graves (15 in 1999) -  His back/spine injury was deemed an 'incomplete spinal injury' by doctors, meaning that he was paralyzed below the injury level but retained some feeling and movement. He was later moved to Craig Hospital for spinal cord rehabilitation. On June 20th, 1999 he took his first steps. He was released from Craig July 7th, 1999.
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Mark Taylor (17 in 1999) - He was hit several more times - twice in the chest and five times in the back - while laying there. As he watched, went over to where [Rachel] lay bleeding and shot her again as she tried to get up. Other students trampled Mark in their attempt to flee from the gunmen, thinking him dead. Eventually an officer showed up and dragged Mark to safety behind the nearby shed.Four of the eight bullets were left in him: Two near his aorta and two in his spine. He was released April 30, 1999.He was later re-admitted to Littleton Adventist for treatment of a staph infection in the wounds in his lungs. Was in and out of the hospital three times.
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Michael Johnson (15 in 1999) - Michael was outside the cafeteria with four friends: Denny Rowe, Mark Taylor, John Cook, and Adam Thomas. They were sitting on the grass near the east stairs when the shooting began.At first Michael didn't know what was going on but he quickly realized bullets were hitting the ground near him and and his friends. He felt a sensation like someone had poured warm water on his left leg and he and his friends got up to run toward a shed that was about 120 yards away. As they ran he heard Mark cry out: "Oh my God! I've been shot!" as he fell to the ground. Mike continued to run. He felt another "warm feeling" on the back of his jaw and realized he'd been shot too. He managed to make it as far as the shed. Denny, John, and Adam kept running and jumped the nearby fence. Michael lay down and propped himself against the shed where noticed the left leg of his blue jeans was covered in blood from mid-thigh down to his ankle.  Michael was in intensive care for 8 days during which time doctors had to wire his jaw shut and repair a ruptured blood vessel in his leg. He was released April 28, 1999.
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Brian Anderson (17 in 1999) walked past the glass doors with Patti Nilsson (35 in 1999) when gunmen shot at them. The shattered door knocked Brian and Patty. In 2008 a friend of Brian's [Dewayne Johnson] said that 26 year old Brian Anderson has moved on with his life. He now owns his own trucking company in the Littleton, Colorado area. Brian still tries to make sense of that fateful day at Columbine High School. To this day he has not stepped one foot into any library nor does he like the sound of helicopters or fire alarms. Brian lost his good friend and classmate Corey DePooter in the shooting and said there are times when he thinks of him and all the fun times they had in school. Recently Brian said he would like to go back to Columbine and see the new library and there he hopes to find more closure. Brian still lives in the Jefferson County area. He would like to thank all those who pitched in with a helping hand during the whole ordeal at Columbine. Brian also stated that "there is one person that means a lot" to him and will always have a place in his heart because in his eyes she is a HERO and that is teacher Patti Nielson.
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Stephanie Munson (17 in 1999) -  Stephanie and her friend Melissa Walker were heading out of tech lab class to go talk with one of the A.C.E. teachers when she heard popping noises. She had never heard gunfire before so didn't recognize the sound. About that time a male teacher ran up behind them, yelling at them to get out of the building. She and Melissa ran west toward the main entrance. As they were exiting through the first set of double doors Stephanie felt as though her left foot exploded: There was a burning sensation and a pop, then her foot went numb.Once outside the school, Stephanie paused by the bike rack to look at her foot and saw that it was bleeding. Melissa, hysterical, insisted that she keep running. It wasn't until Stephanie got across the street to Leawood Park that she was able to stop and take off her shoe and sock. That's when she discovered that she'd been shot. There were several people already in the park at the time and more were pouring out of the school by the minute. Seeing her wounded ankle, which was a through-and-through injury from a 9mm bullet, someone with a cellphone called 911 .An ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital where she was treated and released April 20, 1999.
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Nicholas Foss (18 in 1999) -  Nick was treated for slight injuries sustained in the 15 foot fall through the ceiling and the bullet that grazed his head. Released April 20, 1999. He told investigators later that he felt as though angels were watching over him that day because one of the killers pointed a gun at his head but it didn't go off when the shooter pulled the trigger.
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Joyce Jankowski (45 in 1999) - When the shooting began Joyce, a teacher at Columbine, was in the faculty lounge about to have lunch. She heard a commotion outside and when she looked out the window she saw two bodies. Judy Grecko, one of the other two teachers in the room, tried to call 911 but the phone was dead. Several shots soon followed and Joyce and another teacher, Amy Burnett, ran into the small one-person bathroom that was attached to the teachers' lounge. She was treated for injuries sustained in the fall through the ceiling when she tried to escape the school and was released April 20, 1999.
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Adam Kyler (16 in 1999) -  He was treated for abdominal pain and released April 20, 1999.
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Evan Todd (16 in 1999) - was a sophomore at the time of the Massacre. He was the first to get injured in the library (however, he only suffered from minor injuries), as he was hit from flying splinters that came from the bullet striking the table he was hiding under.
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Makai Hall (19 in 1999) - was sitting with his friends in the library when the shooting began. He hid under a table with Daniel Steepleton and Patrick Ireland when the shooters entered the library. When they demanded that everyone with white hats stand up, Dan - who was wearing a white hat - started to get up. Makai held him back, telling him: "Don't move." Shortly after killer looked under the table where Makai and his friends were hiding. Smiling, opened fire. Makai was hit in the knee by the shotgun blast. Pat moved to help him and was shot in the head. Pat was knocked unconscious; Makai and Dan played dead. Then killer threw a home-made C02 bomb that bounced under their table and landed on Dan's thigh. Dan was too afraid to move so Makai reached over, grabbed it, and threw it back out from underneath the table where it exploded mid-air.
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Patrick Ireland (17 in 1999) - After Patti Nielson entered the library with Evan Todd, he hid under a table together with his friends Makai and Dan even though at first he thought it was just a joke; the other two hid under a different table.When the gunmen entered the library and shouted "Everybody with white hats get up" he closed his eyes and played dead.After some time and a lot of shooting he heard Makai groan in pain.He looked over and saw that both of his friends had been shot.Patrick decided to crawl over between them to provide first aid but passed out because he had been shot in the head twice but hadn't noticed this before.He passed in and out of consciousness for two hours but was woken by the fire alarm eventually.Patrick still hadn't noticed that he was shot and decided that he had to get out of there immediately but he couldn't stand up since he had been shot in his leg.He crawled towards a window and managed to pull himself up.He wanted to jump out in case nobody was there to help him but luckily members of the SWAT team saw him and parked their car right under the windowto pull Patrick out.
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Daniel Steepleton (17 in 1999) - He saw killer look directly at him, smile, and then lift his sawed-off shotgun. He fired at Daniel, who was hit in the left knee. Daniel felt it as a sensation of warmth. He also saw that Makai had been hit in the right leg and it looked "torn up". Patrick reached over to help Makai;Daniel heard another shot and saw Patrick go down. He had been shot in the head. Both gunmen were firing their weapons at the time so Daniel wasn't sure who had shot Pat. Daniel fell to the floor where he lay with his head down and played dead. He was treated for a shotgun blast to the leg; he took five pellets to the knee and one to the chin. He was released before April 24, 1999.
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Kacey Ruegsegger (17 in 1999) -  She suffered multiple injuries including a gunshot wound to the right shoulder, a through-and-through injury to her right hand that medical officials pulled a metal washer out of, and a gunshot graze on her neck. They pulled a shotgun wad out of her shoulder. At the hospital she was given at least two doses of morphine and was still in quite a bit of pain. A steel plate was put in her arm and she went through lengthy physical therapy. She was released from the hospital on May 1, 1999.  
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Lisa Kreutz (18 in 1999) - She was hit several times, sustaining multiple gunshot wounds to her shoulder, hand, and both arms. She lay bleeding in the library for 2.5 hours, unable to move due to the severity of her injuries, before she was rescued by officials. She was the last survivor to be pulled from the library. Lisa was released from the hospital April 28, 1999.
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Valeen Schnurr (18 in 1999) - suffered nine soft tissue wounds to her left arm, chest, and abdomen from shrapnel and through-and-through bullet wounds. she was released from Swedish April 27. Graduated from Columbine May 22. She graduated from Columbine May 23, 1999 despite her injuries
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Mark Kintgen (17 in 1999) - When the shooters entered the library and began to kill people Mark didn't see much from where he was hiding but he clearly heard one of them say after shots were fired: "Oh look at his brains!". Laughter from the killers followed. Not long after that he heard one of the two assailants shoot out a nearby glass display case. The gunman then went over to the table where Mark was hiding and shot at him. Mark took a bullet to the head and one to the shoulder. The bullet in Mark's head was surgically removed. He was released from Denver Health April 23 with a bullet still lodged in his shoulder.
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Nicole Nowlen (16 in 1999)) -  was hiding under the table with John Tomlin when the shooters entered the library. She was shot in the abdomen but survived.
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Jeanna Park (18 в 1999) - She was hit in the right knee, right shoulder and left foot, and fell to the floor where she stayed until she noticed some of the other people in the library getting up and leaving.She went to leave as well, checking the computer tables for her sister. Not seeing her, Jeanna left alone.
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Jennifer Doyle (17 in 1999) - was hit with three shotgun pellets in her right hand: One crushed her ring finger, another entered her wrist, and another entered the back of her hand, resulting in seven broken bones. Released from the hospital April 24, 1999.
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Austin Eubanks (16 in 1999) - He was put in the hospital and treated for a gunshot gazed knee. He was released the same day and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000.
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Remember the survivors
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nadjaofstatenisland · 5 years
The best episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is 5x16 - The Body. Buffy comes home to find her mother dead in their living room just episodes after getting a brain tumor removed. We see Buffy Summers, the girl who has done so much, panic as she tries to explain what’s happening to a 911 operator. Her having to go to school and break the news to her little sister. Each of the Scooby Gang’s different ways of dealing with their immediate grief, from zoning out to getting angry to just plain not understanding.
The episode is devastating and damn near impossible to watch. It destroyed me at age twelve when it premiered. In a world where these characters put their lives on the line every single day, the most painful moment of it all was when someone died a natural death.
I know the situation with Riverdale is entirely different. Joyce Summer’s death was planned and foreshadowed whereas Fred Andrews is going to have to die because of Luke Perry’s passing. I just hope Riverdale - this show of serial killers and death games and cults - does right by Luke and gives Fred a natural passing. Please don’t cheapen his death by having him be murdered or just some silly pawn in this game. Please Riverdale. I beg of you.  
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portraitsofivy · 5 years
Abortion Clinics Are Not Safer; A Compilation
TRIGGER WARNING: Some of these contain murder, botched abortions and other gory things. But, abortion is a gory business so quite frankly if you’re going to support the abortion industry you should probably know exactly what it does.
If you skip this, I do not blame you. These articles can have some very triggering content.
 However, if you can’t stomach reading the articles, maybe you shouldn’t support the industry. There are many more cases such as these that are not reported, and I’m sure many are much worse. 
Also, I literally got these from a quick Google search. Over 11 different stories, even more sources, and I’m not even done!! There’s more!! I’m just trying not to clutter up everyone’s dashboard with a super long post lol. 
Abortion Industry Negligence Nationwide: Highlighting the Most Egregious Offenses
More Abortion Clinics Face Suspension Over Health Codes
On April 9, ABC Philadelphia news reported that two former nurses at the Planned Parenthood of Delaware abortion facility quit their jobs, citing unsafe, unsanitary conditions, and “a meat-market style of assembly-line abortions.”
On May 29, Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Joyce Vasikonis testified before the Delaware state senate. They referred to the clinic conditions as “ridiculously unsafe” and noted that women were at risk for hepatitis and AIDS.
[ . . . ] two of the highest volume Planned Parenthood abortion facilities (Far Northeast and Elizabeth Blackwell Center, both in Philadelphia) in Pennsylvania failed inspection. Inspectors found that both facilities were improperly storing fetal remains – in undated bags at Elizabeth Blackwell Center, and unpreserved in a janitor’s closet at Far Northeast. They also discovered unsanitary implements, including unused syringes and needles that had been removed from their packaging. At Elizabeth Blackwell Center there were dark stains on the carpet and on a bench in a patient area.
[ . . .] abortionist Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of the murder of three newborn children and the negligent death of one patient. He had been charged with eight counts of murder including seven babies who were born alive and then killed with scissors. Prosecutors said that he made millions of dollars over 30 years, performing as many illegal, late-term abortions as he could.
In May, Operation Rescue released a report revealing that 3 former staff members of the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston had come forward with evidence of horrific late term abortions conducted by abortionist Douglas Karpen. The informants provided photographic evidence (taken on their cell phones) of illegal late-term abortions. The photos depicted two babies aborted well beyond Texas’ legal limit of 24 weeks. Their necks had been cut. The physical condition of the babies revealed that they had likely been born alive and then subsequently killed. Testimony from the former workers indicated that Dr. Karpen was committing both very late term abortions and infanticide. Patients would be administered doses of Cytotec, a drug that causes strong and unpredictable uterine contractions, to induce labor, and then he would proceed with the abortion.“When he did an abortion, especially an over 20 week abortion, most of the time the fetus would come completely out before he cut the spinal cord, or he introduced one of the instruments into the soft spot of the fetus in order to kill the fetus,” stated former surgical assistant Deborah Edge. According to Edge, this was a common occurrence.
Steven Chase Brigham’s Fairfax, VA facility remained closed as of June 2 after an April inspection in which “unsanitary equipment, expired medication and failure to maintain equipment or follow proper patient care protocols” were discovered.
Nova Women’s Health Center, the busiest abortion clinic in Virginia, closed when its lease was terminated via a lawsuit by the property owners on the grounds that the abortion clinic created a public nuisance. According to the lawsuit filings, Nova patients were regularly inside the building “lying down in corridors…and, in some instances, even vomiting.” One filing said witnesses would testify that this was a daily occurrence. Previously in 2007, the state Board of Health reported evidence of negligence and abuse at Nova Women’s Health Center clinic including: failing to provide follow-up care, keeping inadequate records, and improperly handling and dispensing drugs. Abortionist Mi Yong Kim was forced to surrender her medical license, but continued to operate the clinic.
Itai Gravely, a 26-year-old woman, filed suit against the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia and abortionist Rodney Lee Stephens after Stephens allegedly forced Ms. Gravely to proceed with an abortion against her will and then left her dead baby’s head inside her womb. Gravely changed her mind about the abortion after adequate anaesthesia could not be administered. Stephens ordered clinic workers to physically restrain Ms. Gravely as he proceeded with the abortion. The next day, Ms. Gravely was rushed to the emergency room where it was discovered that dismembered body parts of her child had been left in her womb.
The New Woman All Women abortion facility in Birmingham sent three women with botched abortions to the hospital. Paramedics had to hand-lift a partially clad woman through a narrow doorway and down several steps because the building did not have a gurney-accessible entrance. The Alabama Department of Public Health issued a 76-page deficiency report citing the following among other violations.
Clinic staff was not properly trained to provide safe quality patient care.
Failure to have policy and procedures related to medication administering and errors. This resulted in the hospitalization of three abortion patients on January 21, 2012, with one patient placed in ICU.
There was no documentation that the two abortionists employed by Derzis were even qualified to do abortions.
Abortionists made illegible notations on patient charts, which made determining critical information about patient care impossible.
In several cases, the notes about patient care and conditions were completely false.
On July 20, 24-year-old Tonya Reaves died following a second-trimester abortion at a Chicago Planned Parenthood. Autopsy results reveal that Ms. Reaves died as a result of a hemorrhage following a botched surgical abortion. The autopsy reported that she was a healthy woman at the time of her abortion but that she suffered an “extensive” perforation of her broad uterine ligament with a possible severing of her left uterine artery as a result of the abortion procedure. The autopsy also revealed that the abortion was incomplete as the medical examiner discovered that pieces of placenta had been left attached to her womb, despite the dilation and evacuation (D & E) abortion performed by Planned Parenthood. Reports indicate that Planned Parenthood ignored instructions by an emergency dispatcher to call 911.
So I don’t mean to be blunt or anything, but tbh I am not looking into entering discourse with you. Any comments trying to bait me into arguments/debates will be deleted, and any hate in my inbox will be blocked. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion, but don’t come yelling at me to change mine. Anyone who does so will be blocked.
However, if you have a question and want to pm me privately, I would love to talk to you about it! Just don’t start venting in my ask box or the notes of this post. 
If you want an insiders’ opinion of the abortion industry, go see the movie Unplanned!! It follows Planned Parenthood’s employee of the year as she discovers what the industry is really like.
tldr; The abortion industry is fraught with gory deaths and botched surgeries. They are not safe.
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jxpper · 7 years
Operator: 911 what's your emergency?
Ross Duffer: yeah, an actor named David Harbour from our show is here in our house and he won't leave.
Operator: did he say why?
Matt Duffer: yeah. He says 'I'm not leaving until you make Joyce and Hopper get together.' So now he's just kinda hanging out here.
Operator: sorry but I'm not sending help. I agree with him, #Jopper4Lyfe
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wutbju · 6 years
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John Kenneth Gaydos, of Edmonds, WA, passed away at Swedish Edmonds Hospital on September 3, 2018, surrounded by his family after fighting a courageous battle with cancer. 
Ken was born on January 13, 1939 in Chicago, IL to John and Eleanor (Hemings) Gaydos. Ken attended Chicago Public Elementary and Senn High School. He was recruited as a child actor for the KYB club on WMBI in Chicago when he was 8 years old and acted and sang for the next eight years. He went to basic training at Great Lakes Naval Station and then spent the next 2 1/2 years on the Destroyer USS Laws in the Pacific. After being discharged, he returned to Chicago and worked for ChicagoLand Youth for Christ and also became an apprentice undertaker. During this time, he met his future wife, Lois Conradt, at Edgewater Baptist Church, while she was a nursing student at the Swedish Covenant Hospital School of Nursing. They were married on August 10, 1963 at Kasbeer Community Church in Kasbeer, IL with Lois's father officiating. Ken enrolled and attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC through his Sophomore year in 1965, majoring in radio and TV communication. He worked as a news reporter for the NBC affiliate WFBC. Their daughter, Kristin, was born during this time in 1965. Ken was then hired to be director of the news department at KBBI, the radio station that Biola owned in LaMirada, CA. During this time, their infant daughter, Karen, was stillborn and Mark followed a year later. In December of 1969, Ken was hired to be director of the news department of the radio station that King's Garden operated, KGDN and KBIQ. Their daughter, Denise was born, followed by their son, Tim. Ken went on to become public relations director at SPU for four years. In 1981, Ken felt God calling him to start a missions organization and named it ICM, International Chaplain Ministry, with a chaplain branch called Support 7. Chaplins are sent out on 911 aide calls as first responders through fire and police departments to minister to victims and families going through a crisis. This program was a first of its kind, similar programs have been replicated throughout the country. 
Ken is survived by his wife, Lois, of 55 years; children, Kristin, Mark (Amy), Denise (Kreston), and Tim (Brittany) and 17 grandchildren; sister, Ann, many nieces and nephews and brother-in-law, David, sister-in-law and husband, Joyce and Ken. There will be a public viewing at Beck's Funeral Home in Edmonds, WA on Thursday, September 13, 2018 and Friday, September 14, 2018 3-7 p.m. A funeral will be held at Alderwood Community Church in Lynnwood, WA on September 15, 2018 at 2 p.m., with burial following at Edmonds Memorial Cemetary in Edmonds, WA. A reception will be held at the church following burial services. The public is invited. 
In lieu of flowers, donations may be given to the J. Kenneth Gaydos Irrevocable Trust, Bank of America, 306 Main Street Edmonds, WA 98020.
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boombergnews · 6 years
Police have launched a dramatic video displaying the moments a deputy rescued a younger youngster in June after she was left inside a sweltering automotive for greater than 12 hours.
Seminole County Sheriff’s Workplace Deputy Invoice Dunn mentioned he thought the Three-year-old lady was not alive after he found her inside the new automotive on June 17.
Deputy Invoice Dunn hugs the three-year-old lady he saved in June after she was left in a scorching automotive for greater than 12 hours.
 (Seminole County Sheriff’s Workplace )
Physique digicam footage launched by the sheriff’s workplace confirmed Dunn operating whereas holding the lady in his arms. Dunn mentioned he rushed the lady to his cruiser and instantly turned on the air-con.
“As soon as the chilly air hit her, I began noticing her eyes fluttering,” Dunn mentioned.
The deputy then rushed to the hospital whereas guaranteeing the lady she can be OK.
“It’s OK, child; discuss to me. You’re OK,” Dunn was heard saying.
Casey Dyan Keller, 33, was charged with youngster neglect with nice bodily hurt, police mentioned.
 (Seminole County Sheriff’s Workplace)
The deputy carried her to the trauma middle and left after realizing there was not a lot else he may do. The footage captured him slumping over as he walked to his patrol automotive.
“It was a heck of a factor to expertise that adrenaline dump. After which when it lastly goes away, the way it actually does have an effect on the physique,” he mentioned.
The lady was launched from the hospital three days after the incident and Dunn was in a position to meet her.
“Typically we’re in a position to have a second like this that makes all of it worthwhile,” Dunn mentioned of the incident.
Police instructed FOX 35 Orlando that the lady’s mom, Casey Dyan Keller, 33, referred to as 911 claiming that somebody stole her automotive and daughter. However when deputies arrived, they discovered that the mom had really left the lady – who was “sweaty and limp” — strapped into her seat after heading out the evening earlier than to purchase liquor.
Keller was arrested and charged with “youngster neglect with nice bodily hurt.” 
Fox Information’ Greg Norman contributed to this report. 
Kathleen Joyce is a breaking/trending information producer for FoxNews.com. You may comply with her at @Kathleen_Joyce8 on Twitter.
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“911 is calling me to report a body?” Steve asks, and this has to be a joke. Albeit one he doesn’t really get the appeal of yet, but maybe it’s got something to do with the Guess That Scream segment. Maybe Owens had arranged it, had hired some actress to do an elaborate bit for the show. “Interesting set-up. Alright, I’ll bite. What’s the punchline, then?”
“Steve, I recognize her voice—and her name. I’m pretty sure that actually is our 911 operator. I think this is real,” Eddie says uncertainly, his voice going a little tinny over the headphones, and Steve frowns.
If it is real—and that’s a big if—Steve will apologize later. “Eddie, I’m not gonna be happy if this is a prank,” he warns. “I don’t do prank segments on my shows. It’s in my contract.”
It’s pretty ironclad. He’d been pranked one too many times by one of his asshole coworkers back in Chicago for the guy’s failing prank radio show to agree to them anymore. “Steve, I really don’t think this is a prank,” Eddie says, a little more firmly this time. “If it is, Owens didn’t warn me about it. But that’s Joyce for sure, and she’s not big on pranks either.”
Steve sighs. “Joyce, if you’re telling the truth, you should report this to the Chief, not a radio show. What was his name? Chief…Hopper? Am I remembering that right?”
“I’m at the police station right now,” Joyce says.
“Wait, what?” Steve asks, because it makes even less sense for her to be calling now.
“Deputy Powell is dead,” Joyce tells them, her voice a little shaky.
“What?!” Eddie shrieks, and Steve winces. “Deputy Powell is dead?!”
Joyce sighs—or at least, he’s assuming it’s her, it’s hard to distinguish whether wordless noises are coming from callers or Eddie. “I couldn’t get any response from the department. That’s never happened before, so I came to the station, and…I found him,” she explains, and she sounds like she might be sick.
Jesus. Steve doesn’t know what the hell he’s supposed to say to that. “Oh, shit, poor Powell. Do you know what happened to him?” Eddie asks, half-uncertain, like he doesn’t know whether or not he should be asking that question. Steve is staunchly on the side of the two of them not asking that question.
“Someone got him. Someone got up very close and—I really don’t want to say what they did to him,” she says, and Steve shudders.
“Did he…fight back?” he asks.
“I don’t know! I think he tried. He’s surrounded by bullet casings—I think he tried to shoot at whoever it was, but…” Joyce trails off.
Holy hell, this is insane. “Well, is—is anyone else at the station? Anyone who can help you or…who might be responsible?” Steve asks, fearing the answer to the latter.
Joyce sighs. “No, I-I checked everywhere. Chief Hopper is here, but he’s knocked out. tied up, and locked in a holding cell,” she says. “I called you right after I found him.”
Steve scrubs a hand over his face and leans over the desk, brows furrowed. “God…wait, please don’t tell me that this hick town only has two cops,” he says, bracing himself for a yes.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Joyce scoffs, “we have three. But Officer Callahan is on leave in the Everglades.”
“Joyce, do you have any idea who could have done this?” Eddie asks. “Is there anything around, any cars you might’ve passed?”
“Not a clue,” Joyce says. “I didn’t see anything on my way over. No cars, no people, nothing.”
Well, that’s a non-starter. “Joyce, you should call over to Seymour or Madison. They could send someone over from their department,” Eddie suggests.
“I tried, but I can’t call anything but local numbers! Something’s wrong,” she says. “I’ll have to go there myself, let them know what’s going on, and bring help back with me.”
The 911 operator is going to skip town after a police deputy got killed? “But if you leave while there’s a murderer on the loose, who’s going to man the emergency line?” Eddie asks nervously, and Steve’s glad that they’re at least on the same page here.
Joyce sighs. “That’s…why I called. Steve, I’ve routed all 911 calls to come in to you,” she says, shaky but somehow determined.
Steve feels panic start to set in. “I’m a radio talk show host, Joyce,” he says, running a hand through his hair. “I talk to idiot people about their idiot ideas, I’m not a 911 operator! I’m not trained to handle a crisis! Why me?!”
“You might not be trained to handle a crisis, but you’re the only person with experience manning a phone line around here,” Joyce tells him. This town sucks. It’s empty. “You’re the only person even somewhat equipped for the job. Besides, there are lots of…transferable skills between the two! It’s, um—it’s like an interview, right? You ask questions to get information you can use, keep people talking, y’know? Guide the conversation, know when to jump in…”
It’s definitely optimistic of her, he’ll grant her that. “You do know that I’m so good at interviews they sent me from Chicago to Hawkins, right?” he asks her, sarcasm jumping out as a result of his ever-building panic.
Joyce sighs again. “So I’ve heard. But that doesn’t matter. And besides! There are two of you boys! You can talk to each other, discuss ideas, work together,” she tries. Steve supposes she has a point, but still. Unaware of the mental battle happening in Steve’s head at the moment, Joyce barrels on. “Hell, let’s have some on-the-job training right now. I have an emergency! I need to get an unconscious Chief Hopper out of that holding cell! It looks like whoever attacked him threw the keys into the cell after they locked the door.”
Steve massages his temples. “Uh, is there any way you can reach the keys?” he asks, and he realizes that it’s stupid to ask, because Joyce probably would have tried that by now.
“No. There aren’t any bars to the cell, and the door itself only has a food tray slot,” she says, and there’s a brief pause with a little sound of struggle intercutting it. “And that’s too narrow for me to reach through!”
“There’s gotta be another way in,” Eddie says.
Surely there isn’t just one set of keys, right? Yeah, granted, there’s only three—now two—police officers in Hawkins, and one of them is out of town, but… “There’s another set somewhere, right? I…you could check to see if Deputy Powell might’ve, uh, had a set,” Steve says, wincing, because he’s essentially just told this lady to search a dead body, but he’s not really sure she has another option.
“I didn’t see any at a glance, but…I didn’t really look up close. Hang on a second,” Joyce says, and there’s some shuffling. “Oh, God, I think I might be sick…sorry, Calvin. Just gonna turn you over, and—augh—please don’t stare at me, I…wait! That might be them! I think—I got the cell keys! Oh, thank God!”
Steve breathes out a sigh of relief. “Looks like Deputy Powell might’ve saved his Chief. Do the keys work, Joyce?” he asks.
There’s some footsteps, followed by metallic clanging, and then a delighted, slightly delirious laugh. “They do! They work! Give me a minute to figure this out. Hopper’s a big guy, I’m gonna see if I can’t get him on a chair to roll him out of here,” Joyce says. “I think I’m gonna need both hands for this, so I’ll be right back.”
Joyce goes silent. “So far so good, I guess. How are you, uh…handling this, Steve?” Eddie asks, all performativity long since dropped from his voice.
To be perfectly honest, Steve has no idea. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to handle this, he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to react, and, above all, he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to be feeling about all this. But, hey, apparently he’d done something right, given that Joyce had been able to open up the cell, and there probably won’t be too many calls this late at night with most people at home and in bed, so maybe it’ll be alright.
Steve takes a deep breath. “Well, y’know, that…seemed to go okay. Maybe Joyce was right, maybe we can handle the 911 calls tonight,” he says, cautiously optimistic.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, sounding encouraged, “yeah, maybe we can. I think you’re right. Though, I gotta say, I—well, I really hope this is the only call like this we get tonight.”
There’s not enough coffee in the world for this. “Same,” Steve says. “I can—”
“C’mon, Hop,” Joyce’s voice cuts in, and Steve’s immediately on high alert again, “work with me here, almost on your office chair—! There! Whew…we’ll head to my car in a minute. Uh, boys?”
“Hey, Joyce,” Steve greets.
“I’m back. Hopper’s still out cold. I’m gonna try and take him in the car with me to get help in Seymour. If the killer came back now, Hop would be a sitting duck,” Joyce says, a little on the shaky side.
As much as Steve hates the fact that there will be zero cops around, she has a point. For all they know, the only reason Powell’s killer had left Hopper alive had been to come back for him later on. “That’s a good idea,” Steve says. “We shouldn’t take any risks right now.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Joyce says. “You and Eddie just work together like you did earlier, alright? I believe in you, boys. Now, I’ll be back as soon as—”
She’s cut off by what sounds like a goddamn explosion, thankfully far-off. “Joyce, are you okay?!” Steve asks, because an explosion’s an explosion.
“My car’s on fire! Oh, shit!”
“What do you mean it’s on fire?!” Steve near-shouts, because holy hell.
“How the hell—did it just go up in smoke?! What happened?!” Eddie asks.
There’s a whistling noise, loud enough to be heard through the phone, and both Eddie and Joyce go silent. Steve blinks. It sounds like a person whistling, sure, but Joyce had said there’d been nobody else at the station, hadn’t she? And what’s that melody? It’s so familiar.
Steve hears a shaky breath, unsure of who it belongs to. “Wait…what? No—no way, this can’t…Steve, we have big trouble,” Joyce tells him.
“What’s happening? What’s that noise? It sounds like whistling,” Steve says.
“Whistling,” Eddie repeats, aghast. “It can’t be…”
As much as he understands the situation is dire, Steve really wishes someone would elaborate here. “Oh my God…I can see him, but…he’s dead, right? Right?!” Joyce demands, almost pleading. “But that mask—! How the hell is he…?”
“Who, Joyce? Who?!” Steve asks, feeling like a goddamn owl.
“The Whistling Man,” Joyce says.
What the hell? “The Whistling Man? Who’s that?” Steve asks, utterly lost. Eddie looks like he’s got his head in his hands in the silhouette in the window.
“He was a serial killer back in the fifties—wore that mask. But he’s dead!” Joyce explains.
“Oh, God,” Eddie mutters, “d’you think—do you think he attacked Powell and Hopper?”
An undead serial killer and a nonexistent police force do not sound like a combination that Steve wants any part of. “He’s coming this way,” Joyce whispers.
“Joyce, stay inside and lock the doors,” Steve tells her, and he can barely make out the jingling of keys and the sound of footsteps.
“Shit, we need a new plan! My car’s torched, we need to think!” Joyce pants.
Steve should just go with his gut, shouldn’t he? His gut’s not often wrong; he’s actually been told he’s better at acting before he thinks, rather than the other way around. “There should be police cruisers at the station, right? Take one of those!”
“Yes—yeah, that could work! Let me see if Hop has—lemme just reach into his pocket—yes! Got ’em! Keys for squad car three! I saw it parked out front when I got here!”
“Nice one, Steve,” Eddie says, sounding nervous but relieved. “Good thinking!”
This is the most stressful thing Steve’s ever done in his entire life.
“But—wait. How am I supposed to get us to the car? The Whistling Man’s right there!” Joyce says, and—shit, that’s true. It’s also not good.
Steve’s certain that one of the cops has to have a gun. But Joyce had said there were casings all around Powell. “Uh, Chief Hopper probably carries a gun, right? Could you use that?” he asks, because if Powell’s out of ammo, Hopper’s gun is their best bet.
“Hop’s gun is missing,” Joyce tells him, which Steve honestly should’ve seen coming. What kind of psycho masked murderer wouldn’t take away someone’s most lethal weapon before tossing them in a cell? There’s still some pounding in the background; the creep hasn’t let up on the knocking. “The Whistling Man must’ve done something with it. The gun next to Powell’s empty, too, I-I don’t…what do I do?”
Steve runs a hand through his hair. “Is—do you see any other weapons?”
“I didn’t see anything earlier, but let me check…oh! I’ll check Hop’s belt!” Joyce says, and there’s some rustling coming from the other end of the line. “Okay, it looks like he’s still got his baton, his pepper spray, and his taser. I can only hold one if I’m gonna drag him outside with me on that stupid wheelie chair. Which one should I take?”
The answer’s obvious, right? Baton’s not gonna incapacitate this guy if he’d knocked the chief of police unconscious, and he’s wearing a mask, so pepper spray isn’t gonna do shit, either. “Take the taser, Joyce,” Steve says, and his hands are shaking, because if this is the wrong thing to tell her, she might actually die, and it would be his fault. Shit.
“Okay, I’ve got it! Just gonna grab Hop and..wait. Do you hear that?” Joyce asks.
There’s nothing on the other end of the line except for Joyce’s breathing. “No…? I can’t hear anything,” Steve tells her.
“Exactly. It’s gone quiet. No more knocking.”
Steve leans away from the mic to swear under his breath, though it’s kind of a fruitless endeavor now. “Be careful. I don’t like that it’s gone so quiet,” he says. It reminds him of that stupid horror movie cliché, the whole it’s quiet, too quiet thing.
Joyce sighs. “Me neither. But it’s an opening, and I gotta take it,” she says. “Okay, Hop, c’mon, time to—whew—get moving—yep, okay, you gotta lay off the Eggos.”
“Are you sure about this, Joyce?” Eddie asks.
“No time like the present,” Joyce tells them, and she’s braver than Steve thinks he ever would be in her place. “Here we go. Again, you’re—Jesus, Hop, it’s like pushing a pile of bricks—you’re hooked into dispatch now, so I should be able to radio you when I get to the car. If I reach it…ugh. Speak to you soon!”
Steve swallows. “Good luck, Joyce.”
The dial tone is piercing.
“That is one brave woman,” Eddie says with a shaky laugh. Steve nods. For once in his life, in his career in radio, he kind of finds himself speechless. “God, I hope she makes it through this.”
“Me, too. Y’know, I’ve gotta say…this really wasn’t what I expected when I came into work today,” Steve says.
Eddie must sense the tension in his voice, because he opts for a joke. “Well, you know what they say, Stevie. Gotta be ready for anything and everything in live radio,” he says.
Steve quirks a smile. “Oh, yeah? Who’s ‘they?’” he teases.
“Um, you know…just…the people that say that,” Eddie says, faux-fumbling it, and it makes Steve laugh a little. The mood sours, though, because the blinking light above line one has returned. “Oh, I think we’ve got Joyce back on the line, I’m putting the call through!”
That was fast.
“Hello?! Steve? Eddie? This is Joyce, are you there?! Over!”
Uh…right. “We’re here, Joyce. So, I-I guess you made it to the car, then?” Steve asks. Then, he blinks. “Oh, um, over…?”
Joyce actually lets out a little laugh at that. “Sorry about the walkie-talkie chat—old habit, but—um, yeah, we made it to the car! Hop’s in the passenger seat, still out cold. I don’t see the Whistling Man anywhere, and I don’t plan to wait for him, so I’m gonna get us moving,” she says. Then, there’s a bang, and a gasp. “Jesus! Goddammit! Get back—get away from him!”
“Joyce! What’s happening?!” Steve asks, though he’s got a sneaking suspicion it’s the most obvious answer. Occam’s Razor and all that shit.
“It’s the—no! Get off him, you son of a bitch!” Joyce shouts, and the telltale sound of electricity crackles through Steve’s headphone speakers, followed by a heavy thud. “Yeah! Take that!”
Holy shit. “Joyce, drive!” Steve says, voice raised with panic and secondhand adrenaline.
“Don’t worry, Hop, we’re getting out of here,” Joyce says quietly.
The squeal of tires pierces Steve’s ears, and he winces. “Are you guys okay?” he asks, feeling more genuine concern for a lady he’s literally never met before than he has for anyone else in a long time.
Joyce laughs, breathy and disbelieving. “Steve, that taser…definitely the right call. Oh my God, I can’t believe we escaped,” she says, and she laughs again.
“Well done, Joyce,” Eddie says, more earnest than Steve’s ever heard him. “You saved Hop’s life. But, uh, I guess that’s just another day for you, right?”
“I guess so,” Joyce says softly, pretty humble for someone who just kicked a presumably undead serial killer’s ass, “but lemme tell you, I really prefer doing it from your side of the phone.”
Well, Steve can’t help but agree with her there. “Joyce, how long do you think it’s going to take to get help?” he asks, because if this happens again, he might just lose his damn mind. This is too much pressure for him. He’s an interview guy.
“Hawkins isn’t Nowheresville, but it’s pretty damn close. It’s gonna take a while—maybe two, three hours each way…?” Joyce guesses, and Steve rubs at his temples. “Slightly less if I really put the pedal to the metal.”
The promise of four to six hours of this sounds like it’s going to make tonight easily the worst night of Steve’s entire life. “We’ll…do our best to keep everyone safe until then,” he tells her.
“Thank you, Steve. Just…keep doing what you did just now, and Hawkins is gonna be okay,” she says, and it’s surprisingly comforting. “Anyway, once I’m in—oh! I think Hop’s starting to stir! Steve, Eddie, I gotta go. I’ll be out of range soon, but I’ll radio back as soon as I can.”
“Good luck out there,” Steve tells her. “Come back to us in one piece.”
“Good luck, Joyce! Feel better soon, Chief,” Eddie says, and the dial tone sounds once more.
That had been…insane. Easily the craziest thing to happen to Steve since he’d gotten to meet Madonna herself in the studio for a radio interview. “Well, you, uh—you heard it here first, folks,” Steve says, and there’s no point in keeping up his radio voice, really, but it’s just a habit now. “There’s a killer on the streets of Hawkins tonight. Please make sure to stay safe. And, Joyce, we’re counting on you.”
“No more dead air,” Eddie whispers, probably having muted his mic, and Steve nods.
“We’re gonna get back to the show in the meanwhile. If you have anything on your mind, or if you’ve got any information on this ‘Whistling Man’ guy, then give us a call at 555-239-KFAM, and we’ll talk here, on 189.16–The Scream.”
“For now,” Eddie says, performative voice right back on, “our lovely host will spin another hit record for you all to enjoy. Take it away, Steve.”
Steve swaps out SOS for a different record. “This is Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive,” he announces as he sets it to play.
“Pretty fitting, if I do say so myself,” Eddie says.
The ‘on air’ sign switches off as the music plays, and Steve breathes a sigh of relief.
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capecoddaily · 6 years
Deck: Busy weekend for Plymouth Police…Towns: PlymouthTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Busy weekend for Plymouth Police…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 For Date: 08/10/2018 - Friday Time Call Reason Action 0636 Disabled MV Services Rendered Location/Address: STATE RD 0709 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04518] South Shore Action Council - OBERY ST 0738 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: RUSSELL ST 0815 Suspicious Activity Report Location/Address: LAKE DR 0815 General Services Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01902] ENTERGY - ROCKY HILL RD 0815 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: FEDERAL FURNACE RD 0820 Police With Ambulance Report Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 0838 Speeding Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: SUMMER ST 0847 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: BARTLETT RD 0910 Animal Complaint Taken/Referred to Other Location/Address: BOG VIEW RD 0923 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 275] MIRZA, HADY - MENOTOMY RD 0937 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CHARLES WAY 0946 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: BUNKER HILL RD 0949 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P03094] BANGKOK THAI CUISINE - COURT ST 0952 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: BUNKER HILL RD 0959 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1004 Attempted Service Summons Unable to Serve Location/Address: JOYCE DR 1021 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: MEMORIAL DR 1035 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04235] HEALTH EXPRESS - LONG POND RD 1037 Disabled MV Assisted Party Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1039 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P00130] TOWN BROOK SERV STA INC - WATER ST 1042 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: DICKSON DR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1115 Drug Overdose Followup Report Location/Address: WALL WIND DR 1131 Community Policing Activity Report Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1153 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: ARMSTRONG RD 1218 Motor Vehicle Acc- Leave Scene Report Location/Address: MARC DR 1227 Fraud Report Location/Address: ELLISVILLE RD 1239 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: MICAJAH POND RD 1250 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02357] PLIMOTH PLANTATION-GIFT - WATER ST 1306 Threats Report Location/Address: [PLY P01266] TEDESCHI FOOD SOUTH - STATE RD 1313 Fraud Report Location/Address: ELLISVILLE RD 1313 Disturbance General Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P03512] WATERFRONT BAR AND GRILLE - WATER ST 1340 Found Property Report Location/Address: MAIN ST 1411 Assist citizen Assisted Party Location/Address: [PLY P02203] PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT - LONG POND RD 1429 Police With Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: JORDAN RD 1430 Suspicious Activity Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P00672] JENNY GRIST MILL - SPRING LN 1435 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P00281] ELLIS HAVEN CAMPGROUND - FEDERAL FURNACE RD 1437 Police With Ambulance Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: ALEWIFE RD Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18386-AR Arrest: GILLESPIE, JAMES MARVIN Address: 2092 STATE RD PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 72 Charges: OUI LIQUOR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE 1527 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P01860] CITGO GAS STATION - SAMOSET ST 1529 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: AVALON WAY 1556 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04352] Dr Anit Patel - ALDRIN RD 1604 Property Damage Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01801] VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH - SAMOSET ST 1627 Parking Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: ROCKY POND RD 1638 Motor Vehicle Accident Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02246] T J MAXX AND MORE - SHOPS AT 5 WAY Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1640 Check Wellbeing Services Rendered Location/Address: CARVER RD 1650 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE 1733 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04250] VISION WORKS - COLONY PL 1748 Attempted Service 258E Served In Hand Location/Address: STATE RD 1748 Police With Ambulance Taken/Referred to Other Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST 1803 Threats Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03315] DUNKIN DONUTS - SAMOSET ST 1825 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: VERNON ST 1827 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 406] PLYMOUTH REHAB AND HEALTH CARE CENTER - SOUTH ST 1835 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1858 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: WATER ST 1858 Larceny Report Location/Address: WESTERLY RD 1940 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P03144] CVS STORE - STATE RD 1948 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY 451] CVS PHARMACY - COURT ST 1957 Property Damage Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P00160] JOHN CARVER INN - SUMMER ST 2009 Animal Complaint No Services Necessary Location/Address: RUSSELL ST 2019 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02911] MARY LOU’S - HEDGES POND RD 2032 Motor Vehicle Complaint Report Location/Address: JAN MARIE DR Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18418-AR Arrest: ROSS, ROBERT Address: 20 SUMMER ST ATTLEBORO, MA Age: 26 Charges: LICENSE SUSPENDED, OP MV WITH SPEEDING LICENSE NOT IN POSSESSION 2040 Assist citizen Services Rendered Location/Address: EDES ST 2044 Check Wellbeing Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P02834] T BONES RESTAURANT - MAIN ST 2046 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: STIRLING, JAMES - LONG POND RD 2111 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 3] MASAC - BUMPS POND RD MSF Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 2117 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: WINDING WAY 2124 General Services Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01593] SERIOUS CYCLES - STATE RD 2141 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2157 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: MANOMET POINT RD 2158 Fireworks Unfounded Location/Address: [PLY P01246] INDIAN BROOK SCHOOL - STATE RD 2202 Suspicious Activity Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD For Date: 08/11/2018 - Saturday 0007 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: PLYMOUTH EAR - ALDRIN RD 0021 Animal Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: VALLEY RD 0029 Motor Vehicle Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P02271] VERC PLYMOUTH MOBIL - COMMERCE WAY 0039 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: WHITE OAK DR 0043 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: WHITE OAK DR 0047 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY 541] YANG, JIN - BAY SHORE DR 0105 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: COURT ST 0157 Building Check Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01575] PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - LONG POND RD 0200 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02198] CAFE STREGA - MAIN ST EXT 0227 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: SAMOSET ST 0240 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PLYMOUTH HARBORSIDE - OBERY ST 0300 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03013] SETTING THE SPACE - MAIN ST 0340 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02587] CUMBERLAND FARMS STORE #206 - SAMOSET ST 0352 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P04488] HOTEL 1620 - WATER ST 0622 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01749] CVS PHARMACY - PILGRIM HILL RD 0636 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CHAMPLAIN CIR 0638 Motor Vehicle Accident Other Agency Cont Location/Address: ROUTE 3 Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 0818 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P02080] EAST BAY GRILL - WATER ST 0832 Found Property Report Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE 0909 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03994] BAY STATE COMMUNITY SERVICES - COURT ST 0934 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P01303] VERC MOBIL SERVICE STATION - COURT ST 0941 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: BAY VIEW AVE 0942 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1017 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: COLONY PL 1028 Assist citizen Report Location/Address: CARVER RD 1123 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STOWE LN 1130 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PARK RD 1143 Warrant Service Attempt Unable to Serve Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD 1151 Motor Vehicle Accident- Injury Report Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1159 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P03409] OH SEXY LINGERIE - SAMOSET ST 1207 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1336 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: BILLINGTON ST 1352 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P01657] CAMP BAIRD - BLOODY POND RD 1355 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1419 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1426 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P01624] SAM DIEGOS - MAIN ST 1440 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P01644] BIKE LINE - SAMOSET ST 1445 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 237] CURRIER, MARY - BUNKER HILL RD 1508 Police With Ambulance Spoken To Location/Address: BIRCH ST 1601 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01918] BANK OF AMERICA - SAMOSET ST 1645 Tresspassing Spoken To Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 Location/Address: WARREN AVE 1646 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03135] PLYMOUTH SKATEBOARD PARK - NEWFIELD ST 1654 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST 1708 Missing Person No Services Necessary Location/Address: [PLY P01081] CHILTON HOUSE INC - CHILTON ST 1712 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CASTLE CT 1810 Missing Person Report Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1851 Assist State Agency Other Agency Cont Location/Address: ROUTE 44 1907 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P02473] RED ROBIN RESTAURANT - COLONY PL 1935 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY 286] SANDLER, LISA M - MONISA KAY DR 1955 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 517] AYERS, CHRISTOPHER - LUNN’S WAY 2011 Property Damage Spoken To Location/Address: ALDEN ST 2020 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STATE RD 2103 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: MAYFLOWER ST 2133 Malicious Michief Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02894] BAYSTATE COMMUNITY SERVICES (STAR PROGRAM) - STATE RD 2143 Assist citizen Report Location/Address: COURT ST 2200 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: ESTA RD 2251 Malicious Michief Area Search Negative Location/Address: BARQUE DR 2256 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: SUMMER ST 2345 Disturbance General Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P03970] SUN DYNASTY - MEMORIAL DR For Date: 08/12/2018 - Sunday 0021 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: MELIX AVE 0029 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: TAYLOR AVE 0049 Suspicious Activity Services Rendered Location/Address: SOUTH WIND DR 0103 Noise Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P04488] HOTEL 1620 - WATER ST Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 7 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 0126 Assault Report Location/Address: BUMPUS RD 0153 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HOWLAND ST 0318 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P02526] FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE - CORDAGE PARK CIR 0502 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02016] PINE HILLS GOLF CLUB - CLUBHOUSE DR 0649 Vandalism Report Location/Address: WEST POND RD 0737 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: PORTICO WAY 0748 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HARBORLIGHT CIR 0830 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: NORTH PARK AVE 0906 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 0954 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: SUMMER ST 1008 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STE 208 - CORDAGE PARK CIR 1016 Motor Vehicle Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P00937] MARKET BASKET - COMMERCE WAY 1023 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 537] PICKETT, ALEXANDER - ROCKY POND RD 1116 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P01675] CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMAGE - TOWN SQ 1141 Motor Vehicle Accident- Injury Report Location/Address: STANDISH AVE 1228 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STATE RD 1238 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: NICKERSON ST 1254 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: COLONY PL 1255 Parking Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: TAYLOR AVE 1259 Threats Spoken To Location/Address: MELIX AVE 1300 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 3] MASAC - BUMPS POND RD MSF 1315 Animal Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02862] PANERA BREAD - COLONY PL 1401 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: LITTLE SANDY POND RD 1427 M/Cycle Atv’s Gone on Arrival Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 8 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 1515 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: [PLY P02666] PLYMOUTH HOUSING AUTHORITY - COURT ST 1535 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: LEYDEN ST 1610 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: DAVIS ST 1612 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: PERSEVERANCE PATH 1612 Larceny Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02245] KOHL’S DEPARTMENT STORE - SHOPS AT 5 WAY Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18532-AR Arrest: GIBSON, NICHOLAS C Address: 324 POND ST ROCKLAND, MA Age: 30 Charges: SHOPLIFTING $250+ BY ASPORTATION c266 §30A ($439.96) AGGRAVATED SHOPLIFTING 1624 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1634 General Services Other Agency Cont Location/Address: [PLY P01245] HEDGE SCHOOL - STANDISH AVE 1700 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04397] LAURELWOOD ASSISTED LIVING - GOLF DR 1707 Motor Vehicle Stop Vehicle Towed Location/Address: NICKS ROCK RD 1714 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04397] LAURELWOOD ASSISTED LIVING - GOLF DR 1741 General Services Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03135] PLYMOUTH SKATEBOARD PARK - NEWFIELD ST 1814 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02948] WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - PLYMPTON RD 1835 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: WINTHROP RD 1841 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: CLARK RD 1950 Disabled MV No Services Necessary Location/Address: [PLY P01368] ADELPHIA CABLE TOWER - STATE RD 1955 Assist citizen Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY 582] CAPTAIN’S DEN - MAIN ST 2008 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2031 Stolen Vehicle Recovery Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02589] STOP AND SHOP GAS STATION - SAMOSET ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18545-AR Arrest: BASKIN, FRED D IV Address: 466 WILLIAMS ST MANSFIELD, MA Age: 26 Charges: MOTOR VEH, RECEIVE STOLEN 2106 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04533] BEANTOWN VAPOR - SAMOSET ST 2130 Fireworks Area Search Negative Location/Address: GREAT WIND DR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 9 Dispatch Log From: 08/10/2018 Thru: 08/13/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/13/2018 2319 Police with Fire Other Agency Cont Location/Address: EVERGREEN DR For Date: 08/13/2018 - Monday 0007 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04352] Dr Anit Patel - ALDRIN RD 0037 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02971] UNITED STATES POST OFFICE - CAMELOT DR 0042 Medical/ Mental Report Location/Address: AVALON WAY 0059 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03398] NASR JEWELERS - COMMERCE WAY 0152 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P01093] LOBSTER HUT - TOWN WHARF 0239 Alarm Sounding Transfer Fire Location/Address: LONG POND RD 0327 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P02309] TRU GREEN/ CHEM LAWN - RAFFAELE RD 0421 Animal Complaint No Action Required Location/Address: QUAIL RUN 0441 Animal Complaint No Action Required Location/Address: QUEEN DR 0500 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: PLEASANT ST 0515 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: HALFWAY POND RD 0545 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 454] ANSELLO, JEAN - TENDERWOOD
0 notes
edenplantation · 8 years
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101,female,American,Ms.,Joyce,G,Donahue,"Rankestraße 26",Ebenhausen,BY,"Freistaat Bayern",82067,DE,Germany,[email protected],Doudiwome,noh3Inaekoh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36","08453 24 18 85",49,Lecroy,7/3/1978,38,Cancer,Visa,4929498039562638,184,6/2021,,"1Z 0W9 E80 09 6562 305 7",7522336887,23900912,Purple,"Bicycle repairer",Janeville,"1993 Renault 19",GamingOutlets.de,B+,166.3,75.6,"5' 5""",164,a4fd94e5-6cc5-4efb-9c60-7d240f3da7ff,48.082508,11.397717
102,male,Croatian,Mr.,Sandro,S,Lučić,"Rosenstrasse 93",München,BY,"Freistaat Bayern",81309,DE,Germany,[email protected],Hichim,Ne3ya7ae,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","089 95 15 24",49,Tkalčić,5/31/1977,39,Gemini,MasterCard,5256763455688476,286,11/2022,,"1Z 9W9 614 99 3700 210 6",7212352151,97305100,Blue,"Independent insurance agent","Bodega Club","2012 Subaru Forester",DictionaryNews.de,O+,139.0,63.2,"5' 6""",168,e5b13898-1efe-41df-83c3-60ad98770712,48.169952,11.61662
103,female,Greenland,Mrs.,Pauline,T,Christensen,"Kuuse 67",Türi,JR,Järvamaa,72214,EE,Estonia,[email protected],Trie1971,aeGh6Jee0g,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36","387 4315",372,Kleist,3/25/1971,45,Aries,MasterCard,5429309071091059,259,3/2020,,"1Z 870 9F3 58 5165 985 5",9112722780,34625367,Green,"Oral radiologist","Pender's Food Stores","1993 Alfa Romeo 164",AppetizerWorld.com.ee,A+,126.7,57.6,"5' 6""",167,7bbf6ad9-5e65-4714-8e9e-5cf1a7b56d6a,58.890584,25.353774
104,male,Slovenian,Mr.,Sadik,N,Dajčar,"Pasewalker Straße 88",Sinzheim,BW,Baden-Württemberg,76547,DE,Germany,[email protected],Wendone,aeTee2Aexe,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","07223 29 93 56",49,Velikogne,8/29/1942,74,Virgo,Visa,4556363544291273,465,12/2022,,"1Z F03 191 22 9260 179 4",0450394619,39968115,Brown,"Railroad brake operator",Hastings,"2006 Buick LaCrosse",ObesitySpray.de,O+,165.4,75.2,"5' 5""",164,eec6faf3-e43d-4874-8339-8176a2970e6d,48.687734,8.169713
105,female,Italian,Ms.,Ines,G,Mazzi,"50 Quoin Road",GLADSTONE,TAS,Tasmania,7264,AU,Australia,[email protected],Thwitere,eiTieX1eiw,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.2 Safari/602.3.12","(03) 6258 8362",61,Esposito,3/10/1958,58,Pisces,Visa,4539287415521975,529,7/2020,,"1Z 66V 538 75 2485 857 7",2867871872,71244389,Yellow,"Water treatment plant and system operator","Prahject Planner","2003 Acura RSX",FrillBlog.com.au,A+,123.6,56.2,"5' 1""",155,55241e23-eb89-4c01-972f-ef904ce5f797,-40.989589,147.946979
106,male,Klingon,Mr.,Mor'tah,M,Gura,"Bodbysund 63",SKINNSKATTEBERG,,,"739 98",SE,Sweden,[email protected],Lotermity,igohzei4Ee,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",0222-7089791,46,Rixen,6/2/1985,31,Gemini,Visa,4532783646485540,345,2/2020,850602-7930,"1Z 584 34W 51 4776 545 7",3084330288,79672249,Blue,"Poultry trimmer","Brilliant Home Designs","2002 Lincoln Continental",HolyHelp.se,O+,172.7,78.5,"5' 8""",172,f422419f-4152-4ad9-af76-566f0389391f,59.767921,15.719994
107,male,Hobbit,Mr.,Fastred,G,Galbassi,"10 Stanton Crescent",Hohonu,,Grey,7805,NZ,"New Zealand",[email protected],Gathaven,thaj1ei1Nae,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0","(022) 8635-963",64,Roper,8/16/1933,83,Leo,MasterCard,5390288535032658,297,9/2019,,"1Z 763 1F4 85 0731 332 5",1761499503,25204532,Blue,"Front office manager","STM Auto Parts","2006 Toyota Tacoma",TattooAdvertisement.co.nz,O+,119.2,54.2,"2' 7""",78,baa773cf-8f7f-4c22-8923-28467ff829c1,-42.435939,171.244689
108,female,"Chechen (Latin)",Ms.,Bitsi,S,Ryzaev,"Rue Leval 96",Seilles,WNA,Namur,5300,BE,Belgium,[email protected],Fidifir,hoo8xeiY0ph,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","0483 11 82 21",32,Bataev,5/4/1977,39,Taurus,Visa,4716363115540113,685,4/2022,,"1Z 11V 060 89 6929 362 9",9598213019,16144322,Purple,Cardiologist,"Liberty Wealth Planner","2012 Ferrari 458 Italia",BalancePaid.be,B+,197.3,89.7,"5' 3""",161,5737c83f-6cda-4375-8d30-44a15f2923c3,50.420014,5.152336
109,male,Ninja,Mr.,Tekikujimo,,,"Postbox 276",Kangilinnguit,SM,Sermersooq,3930,GL,Greenland,[email protected],Bobeat,oighu3Wah,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","34 88 05",299,Rinkanotakuari,10/9/1969,47,Libra,Visa,4916310761991486,190,7/2022,,"1Z 73Y 332 08 7711 218 9",6570717352,45310552,Blue,"Counter and rental clerk","Price Savers","2005 Mitsubishi Verada",RandomVids.gl,A+,199.8,90.8,"6' 2""",187,66fe4384-ade1-4aa2-bb29-93ccead5a716,61.212225,-48.1686
110,male,Vietnamese,Mr.,Phiên,K,Hoàng,"ul. Grenady 74",Warszawa,,,01-154,PL,Poland,[email protected],Tiong1958,oGheeDeo3v,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","88 520 74 27",48,Dương,8/2/1958,58,Leo,Visa,4539335082542897,078,12/2021,58080261859,"1Z 0F6 663 15 9591 358 1",5008395249,17097695,Green,"Engraver set-up operator","Britling Cafeterias","2001 Nissan Primera",PicBroker.pl,O+,154.0,70.0,"6' 1""",186,77c1080d-7f10-46b2-b225-b0c913699791,52.161179,21.022897
111,male,Hobbit,Mr.,Scudamor,A,Gaukrogers,"Mattenstrasse 26",Sévery,,,1141,CH,Switzerland,[email protected],Whisconce,ze1poo3Jiec,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko","021 279 81 48",41,Tunnelly,4/8/1980,36,Aries,MasterCard,5379897613629261,729,8/2020,,"1Z Y72 273 40 3984 509 5",6253450219,87065530,Blue,"Merchandise displayer","New World","2008 Porsche 911",RVMortgage.ch,B+,109.3,49.7,"3' 1""",94,7752a736-b6f5-4bcb-a7e8-9066734f3c65,46.634215,6.520161
112,male,"Japanese (Anglicized)",Mr.,Yasunari,E,Deguchi,"Uus 1",Makita,VG,Valgamaa,67516,EE,Estonia,[email protected],Hillect,aep6aLoo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko","762 1996",372,Tou,1/29/1963,54,Aquarius,Visa,4539709208292068,174,10/2020,,"1Z 080 276 05 4803 783 8",5712536335,62744311,Brown,"Surgical nurse","Pantry Pride","2003 Mercedes-Benz SLK",RareTherapy.com.ee,A+,171.4,77.9,"6' 2""",187,2b673f0c-2a3c-42b2-b098-81fdb92531b0,58.102846,26.467575
113,female,Hobbit,Ms.,Arabella,F,Longhole,"Sandagervej 97","København K",SJ,"Region Sjælland",1460,DK,Denmark,[email protected],Norly1982,Eew9Coox5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",30-37-95-77,45,Sackville-Baggins,7/8/1982,34,Cancer,Visa,4532698154379119,532,1/2022,080782-2500,"1Z 064 579 87 9976 083 8",1827167784,55072362,Blue,"Marketing specialist","Dick Fischers","2006 Ford Freestyle",DevelopExpress.dk,O+,137.9,62.7,"2' 2""",65,33760aeb-d449-43d4-9e69-73748d8358eb,55.58454,12.633998
114,female,Croatian,Ms.,Franka,S,Bošnjak,"2653 Carlson Road","Prince George",BC,"British Columbia","V2L 5E5",CA,Canada,[email protected],Shoveroacto,Chee0eeP5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",250-961-5075,1,Petrović,12/14/1959,57,Sagittarius,Visa,4716204377048330,873,3/2019,"296 066 871","1Z A67 0E8 92 6069 499 4",2666968782,55916011,Purple,"Public finance economist","Foot Quarters","1998 Chevrolet Trans Sport",AboveBlog.ca,A+,144.1,65.5,"5' 3""",161,d666c6f4-be2f-411d-b7a2-8b1a25ad77cf,53.836317,-122.75887
115,male,American,Dr.,Ronald,E,Gonzales,"Heggestubben 199",HØNEFOSS,,,3514,NO,Norway,[email protected],Wainvis,Zae5shoozae,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","494 39 848",47,Spence,3/25/1986,30,Aries,Visa,4485567489734628,945,6/2021,,"1Z 754 769 92 2674 942 4",9208137500,66856359,Black,"Speech-language pathologist","Rainbow Records","2000 Buick Riviera",YouInsider.no,O+,185.0,84.1,"6' 2""",187,4fb11960-3c62-4f37-b1a8-aa53158c758c,60.078459,10.400836
116,female,Swedish,Mrs.,Sanna,J,Nyman,"Χλόης 241",ΛΕΜΕΣΟΣ,LI,Λεμεσός,3046,CY,"Cyprus (Greek)",[email protected],Frithe1939,oop3Zoong4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36","97 120918",357,Dahlberg,6/4/1939,77,Gemini,MasterCard,5188410750804597,490,12/2020,,"1Z W25 52A 41 4744 092 7",1745587540,69976467,Red,"Air traffic controller","Today's Man","2005 Volkswagen New Beetle",CardSurplus.com.cy,O+,148.3,67.4,"4' 11""",151,808eb324-e730-415d-9744-578e56fdf61b,41.400727,-72.886872
117,female,Norwegian,Mrs.,Ane,J,Nygård,"Lützelflühstrasse 53",Willerzell,,,8846,CH,Switzerland,[email protected],Reveld1975,ailah6aiQu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","055 456 86 35",41,Rød,8/20/1975,41,Leo,Visa,4532817498917471,118,4/2022,,"1Z 859 03F 92 3365 223 6",6334113003,24966973,Purple,"Machine tender",Henry's,"2005 Saab 9000",EntrepreneurWork.ch,A+,194.0,88.2,"5' 1""",155,43c51b53-6928-4573-9070-455942dc0ed3,47.222284,8.760016
118,female,Italian,Mrs.,Fabiola,I,Lorenzo,"74 Timoleondos Vassou Street","Agioi Vavatsinias",LA,Larnaca,7711,CY,"Cyprus (Anglicized)",[email protected],Wainvis,joos3ZohH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36","99 362940",357,Mancini,5/21/1984,32,Gemini,MasterCard,5324721371647735,589,5/2018,,"1Z 030 030 96 3983 979 7",2618776559,38305587,Green,"Video control engineer",Adaptaz,"2006 Dodge Viper",PanicExpert.com.cy,B+,152.9,69.5,"5' 7""",169,0ce3a352-703e-434b-a60f-6fc47c66260e,41.387748,-72.956178
119,male,Australian,Mr.,David,A,Keysor,"Rua Gaspar Leme 428","São Paulo",SP,"São Paulo",04864-050,BR,Brazil,[email protected],Wastrid,eew9Lohwi0C,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0","(11) 7378-6402",55,McElhone,6/14/1991,25,Gemini,Visa,4929148467650591,181,6/2021,343.964.573-83,"1Z 362 405 41 7985 215 9",9365074667,52463767,Blue,"Aircraft cargo handling supervisor","Cherry & Webb","2010 Mazda 5",EnvisionMall.com.br,O+,136.4,62.0,"6' 0""",182,6c82b3ce-76bb-44f8-a796-da2326afd7e9,-23.678502,-46.680206
120,male,Scottish,Mr.,Sonny,D,Russell,"Laxenburger Strasse 26",KIRCHENVIERTEL,ST,Styria,8673,AT,Austria,[email protected],Fory1984,AiFi6kai2oo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586","0688 577 50 78",43,Gibson,10/3/1984,32,Libra,MasterCard,5454524314820720,704,7/2022,,"1Z 117 89F 43 0698 067 7",7072807159,26718036,Black,Patternmaker,"New World","2009 Mazda B2300",GourmetVitamins.at,B+,164.1,74.6,"6' 1""",185,83a82ceb-5648-40b3-ac59-f20d15178439,47.438427,15.632597
0 notes
capecoddaily · 6 years
Deck: Recent activity for Plymouth Police…Towns: PlymouthTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Recent activity for Plymouth Police…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 08/07/2018 Thru: 08/08/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/08/2018 For Date: 08/07/2018 - Tuesday Time Call Reason Action 0715 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02871] BENCHMARK ASSISTED LIVING - SOUTH ST 0800 Alarm Sounding Cancelled Response Location/Address: MASS DOT - INDUSTRIAL PK RD 0842 Warrant Arrest Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02203] PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT - LONG POND RD Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18080-AR Arrest: HADLEY, ROBERT A Address: 14 MAIN ST Apt. #1 PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 44 Charges: WARRANT-STRAIGHT(DOCKET#1859CR001544) 0852 General Services No Services Necessary Location/Address: BLDG D - SCHOONER WAY 0853 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04094] PLY REHAB & HEALTH CARE CENTER - SOUTH ST 0858 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [OTH] GREENSIDE WAY SOUTH 0908 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: GRANDVIEW DR 0909 Animal Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: COURT ST 0920 Found Property No Action Required Location/Address: [PLY P01390] REGISTRY OF MOTOR VEHICLE (MA) - INDUSTRIAL PK RD 0920 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: LONG POND RD 0949 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02791] GOLDEN LIVING CENTER - OBERY ST 0952 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02435] HILTON GARDEN INN - HOME DEPOT DR 0953 Larceny Report Location/Address: [PLY P02243] AVALON BAY COMPANY - AVALON WAY 0955 Warrant Arrest Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: ROUND HILL AVE Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18091-AR Arrest: MCLEAN, SHERI L Address: 10 CLEARWATER DR PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 33 Charges: WARRANT-DEFAULT DKT # 1615CR003422 WARRANT-DEFAULT DKT # 1632CR005623 WARRANT-DEFAULT DKT # 1832CR002339 1003 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: ANAWON RD 1005 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02430] SOUTH BAY MENTAL HEALTH - ALDRIN RD 1007 Disabled MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: WARREN AVE 1033 Building Check Report Location/Address: JOYCE DR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 08/07/2018 Thru: 08/08/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/08/2018 1041 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: HERRING POND RD 1042 Suspicious Activity Other Agency Cont Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1044 Warrant Arrest Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18099-AR Arrest: NAYLOR, NATHAN Address: 15 BEACH ST MIDDLEBOROUGH, MA Age: 26 Charges: WARRANT-DEFAULT(DOCKET#1859CR001526) 1100 Larceny Report Location/Address: Commercial Financial Consulting - COURT ST 1119 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: MEMORIAL DR 1145 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: STATE RD 1158 Fraud Report Location/Address: ELLISVILLE RD 1205 Motor Vehicle Complaint Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: FLINT LOCKE DR Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18105-AR Arrest: COVELL, RICHARD B III Address: 26 LISA AVE PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 30 Charges: OUI LIQUOR, 3RD OFFENSE(1759CR002670A,NH08-1430) NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE 1232 Alarm Sounding Cancelled Response Location/Address: [PLY 92] CECCARELLI, PAUL - DOTEN RD 1244 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: ALLEN,KAREN - SUNRISE AVE 1254 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P00937] MARKET BASKET - COMMERCE WAY 1308 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: STATE RD 1319 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: VICTORY LN 1355 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: FRESH POND CIR 1404 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: RESNIK RD 1410 Check Wellbeing Gone on Arrival Location/Address: COURT ST 1410 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P02312] WALMART SUPER CENTER - COLONY PL 1418 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: BRIDGE GATE 1420 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: SPRING LN 1421 Larceny Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P02754] STOP & SHOP - SAMOSET ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18119-AR Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 08/07/2018 Thru: 08/08/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/08/2018 Arrest: ALONGE, DENISE M Address: 243 ONSET AVE Apt. #2 E WAREHAM, MA Age: 51 Charges: SHOPLIFTING $250+ BY ASPORTATION c266 §30A($313.79) 1427 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P00322] CLYDES DELI-CATERING - COURT ST 1445 Harassment Report Location/Address: FOREST AV CT 1447 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD 1507 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 478] RANCOURT, AMANDA - PATRIOT CIR 1507 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: LUNN’S WAY 1530 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CRESCENT ST 1535 Disturbance General Report Location/Address: [PLY P03260] BANK OF AMERICA - SAMOSET ST 1545 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: CRESCENT ST 1555 Harassment No Action Required Location/Address: FOREST AV CT 1556 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02470] PLY CROSSINGS - SOUTH ST 1600 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: SILVER BIRCH AVE 1613 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02702] PLYMOUTH-CARVER PRIMARY CARE - LONG POND RD 1615 Abandoned Vehicle No Services Necessary Location/Address: OLD SANDWICH RD + CLARK RD 1617 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02702] PLYMOUTH-CARVER PRIMARY CARE - LONG POND RD 1624 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1630 General Services Other Agency Cont Location/Address: [PLY P03939] WENDY’S - LONG POND RD 1636 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: CHILTON ST 1644 Attempted Service 258E Unable to Serve Location/Address: CHAPEL HILL DR 1706 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P02309] TRU GREEN/ CHEM LAWN - RAFFAELE RD 1809 Attempted Service Summons Unable to Serve Location/Address: CHERRY ST 1835 Attempted Service Summons Services Rendered Location/Address: HOWLAND ST 1841 Animal Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02864] ULTA COSMETICS AND BEAUTY SALON - COLONY PL Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 08/07/2018 Thru: 08/08/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/08/2018 1903 Motor Vehicle Stop Report Location/Address: [PLY P04369] Express Mart - COURT ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18148-AR Juvenile Arrest Age: 17 Charges: DELINQUENT CHILD TO WIT: UNLICENSED OPERATION OF MV 1906 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02131] NORTH EAST TRAFFIC - SCOBEE CIR 1917 Parking Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03965] OCEAN POINT CLUB - HIGHLAND TER 1923 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: ALLERTON ST 1935 Motor Vehicle Accident- Injury Report Location/Address: STATE RD 1938 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: HIGHLAND PL 2054 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: ANDREW’S WAY 2114 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: ROUTE 3 2115 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: STANDISH AVE + CHERRY ST 2135 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: LONG POND RD 2152 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2211 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: MINUTEMAN LN 2220 Suicidal Person Spoken To Location/Address: STATE RD 2226 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: MINUTEMAN LN 2234 Suspicious Activity Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P03728] L Pro Ice Cream - NELSON ST 2301 Larceny Report Location/Address: VINE BROOK RD 2321 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P03625] PLYMOUTH BAY MANAGEMENT CO - COURT ST For Date: 08/08/2018 - Wednesday 0007 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P01238] BENNYS - COURT ST 0011 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: SOUTH ST 0101 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03016] PLYMOUTH STARR PROGRAM - STATE RD 0529 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03218] LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE - LONG POND RD
0 notes