#911 lone star 4x04 spec
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 2 years ago
sooo hi! I haven’t posted any of my writing on tumblr in a long time lol, but I thought about it and I figured, eh, I might as well for this one :). And since I haven’t done this in so long, mas, I’m kind of stealing your format a bit. Sorry about that :p. Anyway, this is actually my first lone star fic! That I’ve posted, that is. I have another one I’ve been working on for a while (it’s not extremely long but motivation and inspiration are fickle things), which I will hopefully post soon :). But when there wasn’t a fic about this the day after the episode (I lasted a night of resisting the idea lol), this possessed me xd. This takes place the morning after 4x03. I hope you enjoy :D!!
trigger warnings: talk of kidnapping
TK woke with a start and a flash of anxiety, both of which were caused by his phone ringing. Ever since his mom, he always felt like he was going to get bad news. It was getting better, and then everything with Iris’s disappearance had spiked it again. But this was fine. Iris was back, so that was over. The anxiety started to recede, still humming in the background, but TK ignored it as he fumbled to grab his phone. He squinted automatically at its light, and he tried to see who was calling, but his eyes hadn’t adjusted after a few seconds so he just answered it.
“Hello?” he answered groggily.
“TK Strand?”
He sat up slightly.
“Uh- Yeah,” he responded. “Who is this?”
“Police Sergeant Sykes-” TK’s heart jumped into his throat, and he forcibly swallowed it back down. “I’m Officer Reyes’s boss. And you’re his fiancé, correct?”
“Oh, yeah, we- Yeah, we met once,” TK recalled vaguely. It had been a brief interaction when he was picking Carlos up from a shift. “Sorry, what do you need?”
“It’s fine,” Sergeant Sykes responded. “I apologize for calling you so early.”
TK glanced at the alarm clock next to him - 5:57.
“I had to be up soon anyway,” he said wearily.
“Oh, that’s convenient,” the Sergeant responded. He wasted no more before continuing. “Well, I was calling you because Officer Reyes didn’t show up for his shift at 5.”
Breathe. Just- Sykes was talking.
“Sorry, what was that?” TK interrupted.
“I was asking if Officer Reyes is at home,” Sykes repeated.
“No,” TK said. “He-” and then finally he woke up enough to remember. Relief and comprehension flooded through him. “He’s staying at the hospital with Iris Blake tonight.”
“Ah, I see,” Sykes said. “He must have overslept or got involved with something there. I’ll call them. Thank you, Mr. Strand.”
“Yeah, of course,” he responded, and the other man hung up. TK rubbed his face and glanced at his phone. No important notifications. No calls or texts from Carlos. And it was 5:59, so with a sigh he got up and started getting ready for work. His shift started at 7:00, so he didn’t have a lot of time to lounge around.
TK went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face, trying to wake himself up a bit more. It didn’t really help. He dried his face and then quickly brushed his teeth, trying not to think about how it felt different with Carlos not coming home than when he left before TK. He thought about work instead, wondering what kind of day it would be.
Honestly, he wouldn’t mind a busy day, he thought as he went back into the bedroom and started looking for clothes.
His phone rang.
It’s fine, it’s nothing, just answer.
TK hurriedly picked up his phone from where he dropped it on the bed and answered it. He shoved the shirt he’d been holding under his other arm as he said: “Hello?”
“Sorry to call again so soon, Mr. Strand.”
It’s fine, just breathe. Maybe Carlos’s phone died and needs his charger.
“Sergeant,” he said, surprised. “What do you need?”
“You said Officer Reyes went to stay with Iris Blake overnight, yes?”
TK swallowed, staring at the wall but seeing nothing. “Yeah. Were you able to contact him?” Maybe the sergeant needed him to call Carlos himself, or remind him which room Iris was in.
There was silence for a few seconds.
Just breathe, don’t overreact. Everything is-
“Carlos Reyes is not at the hospital. We have no idea where he is.”
TK’s blood ran cold. His heart was beating in his ears - it’s fine he’s fine everything’s fine - and there was some squeaking sound in the back of his mind. Carlos must’ve left already. He must’ve- what was that noise?
TK glanced down and realized the noise was coming from his phone, which was currently sitting on the floor. He scrambled to pick it up.
“-you there?”
“Yeah, sorry,” TK forced out. “I- what were you saying?”
“Is there anywhere else he could be?” repeated the Sergeant.
TK closed his eyes, trying to focus. Breathe, breathe, breathe.
“Uh- yeah. There’s places he could be, but they’re not- I don’t know why he’d be there,” he answered.
“Such as?” Sykes asked.
“His parents’, the 126 firehouse, or just driving, like, to nowhere.” He racked his mind for Carlos’s hiding places, but he was still trying to figure out why he would be at any of them.
“I was about to call his father and ask if he knew where Officer Reyes is,” Sykes said.
“Okay,” TK said tightly. “But I can’t think of any reason he would be there. He- he said he was going to the hospital.”
“Is there any reason he wouldn’t want to come home?” questioned Sykes.
The lump in TK’s throat was growing fast.
“Mr. Strand?”
“Yeah,” he answered past the lump. “I- I went to talk to Iris, before her. . . disappearance. And, he thought- that it could’ve been my fault.”
“So he was angry with you?”
TK swallowed thickly. “Yeah.”
“Then it makes sense that he didn’t tell you where he was going,” Sykes said.
“No,” TK countered immediately. “He would’ve told me.”
Sykes didn’t say anything for a few moments. Then: “Tell me exactly what he said to you.”
“He- He called me, last night. Around 8:30, I think? Maybe 9:00. PM,” he added, just to be sure. TK took a deep breath. “I said I was getting worried, and I asked how Iris was. He- he said not great, and that I shouldn’t wait up, because he was going to stay there. So, I said that- it made sense, you know, that she shouldn’t be alone, and- and I said I loved him and he said it back.”
“He didn’t seem particularly angry with you last night?”
“No, just- quiet.”
“He’s most likely just spending time alone, and lost track of time,” Sykes said calmingly. TK would be annoyed at being treated carefully if he had any mental space for anything else.
“He’s been through a lot in the past few days,” the Sergeant continued.
“Carlos doesn’t lose track of time,” TK said, trying to keep the bite out of his voice. “And he wouldn’t skip his shift.”
The other end of the line was quiet for a few seconds.
“Sergeant-” TK started.
“I’m having someone call Gabriel Reyes now,” Sykes interrupted.
“Tell me what he says.”
“I will,” Sykes promised.
There was silence for a few moments - it felt like hours, but TK was sure it couldn’t have been longer than 30 seconds. He felt like pacing, but was rooted to the spot, barely breathing. TK could almost make out voices in the background of the other call, but he had no idea what they were saying. Then, nothing.
He waited a few seconds.
“Gabriel Reyes has received no communication at all from his son.”
Breathe. That means he must be driving somewhere, blowing off steam.
“Okay,” he said, trying to ignore the tension in Sykes’s voice. “So- he’s driving, out somewhere.”
“Thank you,” Sergeant Sykes said, voice slightly fainter. What was he- right, talking to someone else.
“What?” TK asked, trying to keep his voice level. “Does someone know where he is?”
A sigh. “Cell tower report. Officer Reyes’s cell phone last pinged last night at 8:49 PM. His call to you,” the sergeant added.
It’s fine. It’s fine. He’s fine.
“So his phone died? That’s why we haven’t heard from him?” TK asked hopefully. Finally, there was an explanation beyond Carlos just forgetting.
“Carlos Reyes is missing.”
TK’s heart stopped. Everything slowed. It felt like plunging into the lake: muffled, freezing, and terrifying. The information wasn’t processing. It couldn’t, because this couldn’t be happening. Because Carlos had called him barely a day ago to tell him the exact same thing, but they had found her and she was fine-
“I’m sorry, TK.”
His senses came rushing back to him. It was like Sykes snapped him out of a trance. TK took a deep, shuddering breath.
“Don’t tell me you’re sorry,” TK said hollowly. “Find him.”
He was already moving, rushing to grab the rest of his clothes.
“Mr. Strand, we’re going to do everything we can-”
“I know that,” TK interrupted forcefully. “And you want me to come in and answer some questions, right?”
“. . . Yes, but-”
“Tell Gabriel I’ll be there in five minutes.”
“Mr. Strand- TK, Gabriel Reyes isn’t here,” Sykes said, the sympathy - more like pity - in his voice mixed with confusion.
“He will be,” TK said firmly. “And like I said, I will be too. So tell him.”
Sykes sighed. “I will,” he replied, sounding a bit defeated.
TK was about to hang up, but he hesitated. Stared at nothing. Heard his heart pounding now that the silence wasn’t filled with his voice.
“Thank you,” he said shakily. “For telling me.”
“Of course, TK,” the Sergeant said after a few seconds. “We’re going to find him.”
“I know,” TK said. He didn’t.
He hung up.
TK took another breath, and then dropped his phone onto the bed. He felt the anger rising back up. He needed to move, and he did. He jumped right back into his search for clothes. TK searched near frantically for his shoes (or any shoes really) as he switched his pajama shirt out for an actual shirt. By the time he changed all of his clothes, he finally found them.
TK rushed into the living room. He grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and-
His phone. He ran back into the bedroom, snatched it off the bed, and was out of the door within seconds.
After an agonizing 40 seconds (time really was fond of making seconds feel like hours that morning), TK finally made it to the car. He unlocked it, threw open the door, and slid in. He knew the way to the police station by heart. Take a left on-
The door shut. The silence was back. TK hated this silence. Silence that should be just the lack of noise but was so, so much more. Silence that was anger and sadness and death-
TK let out a strangled sob. He hadn’t even realized he’d been holding his breath until it all rushed out. He could feel the tears in his eyes, feel one start to track its way down his face. The silence took away the anger for just a moment, and all he wanted to do was scream, or cry. But he didn’t have time for either.
TK closed his eyes, taking a shuddering breath. And then a few more, slightly steadier ones. Carlos needed him. TK couldn’t just sit in the car, because Carlos was going to be fine but they needed to find him first. His fiancé was missing, and he needed to help.
TK opened his eyes and put the key in the ignition.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years ago
Can you write something about 4x04? I'm too impatient to wait for next episode to see my son going feral searching for his (lovable idiot) heart. I love your fics so much 👉👈
When Carlos doesn't respond to any of his messages, he starts to worry. He receives help from Gabriel, desperate to reach Carlos in time.
Thank you for the request!
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years ago
Random thoughts/questions about 4x04 that I have
Was there a girl bound in a closet or something in the promo (the 1st one – not the cookies w/ creepy grandma)? I swear I saw a screen grab of it, with someone thinking it was Iris again
*If so (& I wasn’t imagining it) then I think it might be the lady that Iris went to look for Donna Burton, or something like that.
 Did the creepy people move Carlos’ car? (This one might actually get answered) – We can’t see it in the still of TK & Gabriel – but Gabriel’s truck could be blocking it from our view for suspense.
 Will Grace & TK be the ones to connect Carlos’ disappearance to Iris’ kidnaping?
I really think that they find him the day after he was taken – I don’t think that they will have had him in their creepy clutches for longer than that. -Not having faith that the police are who actually find him – I am strongly leaning towards TK & Gabriel being the ones to do it.
I just can’t get over how talented this cast is.        
I still can feel the way Iris described the man that took her – that he looked at her “like a painting.” and had told her that she “wasn’t ready yet”, when the detective asked her if the man had done anything to hurt her. – Like they went so fucking creepy with just with a few lines from Iris – but now we will see them with Carlos – who maybe they are making ready?     
 I can’t wait to watch all 4 episodes together, to see this arc in it’s entirety without  a week between each episode. I can’t wait to know what they have planned for us – not just keep guessing, while driving ourselves crazy – as fun and maddening as it is.
 Any live blogging from me will have the 911 lone star spoilers tag if anyone wants to avoid spoilers.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years ago
Rewatching 4x03 with my mom and just seeing how protective/worried Carlos was over Iris… just imagine how he would act if it was tk in that sort of danger
ABSOLUTELY UNHINGED - which to be fair, is pretty much what I am thinking we see from TK tomorrow. They are each other's person - they will fight to keep them. I CAN"T WAIT.
Honestly - I think we are all about to be almost as unhinged as we have to sit and just watch the creepy lady feed Carlos cookies while he is zip tied to the cupboard/table. We have to sit there and watch as the creepy lady holds a knife to Carlos' throat. We have to sit and watch Carlos lay next to the streak of his own dried blood on floor. We have to watch as the creepy man holds Carlos down on the floor - smushing his face with his creepy hands. We have to watch as the creepy man injects something into Carlos. We have to watch while the man that NEEDS control to get by loses ALL OF IT.
So, yeah - this will be a totally normal episode and we will all be so totally normal about it. No stress for us.
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