#911 Fanfiction
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evanbuckleyrecs · 23 hours ago
February wrap up
This month I have bookmarked 25 fics! Though I'm only sharing the 9-1-1 fics in this wrap up. All except 1 are Buddie
It only takes a taste (when it's something special) by weewooforever
Buddie | Rated E | 7k | summer of buckfidelity, getting together, first kiss, first time | 2024
Eddie shifts slightly and clears his throat again. “But can you answer my original question? What’s it like kissing a guy?” Buck shrugs, trying to sound casual. “Honestly? It’s pretty much the same as kissing a girl. Lips are lips, you know?” Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Really? It’s just the same?” “Yeah, I mean, it’s all about the connection,” Buck replies, feeling a bit defensive. “Kissing is kissing, right?” Eddie crosses his arms, unconvinced. “Come on, Buck. It can’t be that simple. You’re telling me there’s no difference at all?” Buck leans back, a playful smirk spreading across his face. “Well, if you don’t believe me, I could always prove it to you.”
You're my home, and I'm happy here by gisseleslash
Buddie | Rated G | 2K | established buddie, protective Eddie, insecure Buck, soft Buddie, emotional hurt/comfort | 2025
Chim teases Buck about moving too quickly with Eddie and it brings out all of his doubts. Fortunately Eddie has no doubts about them. Not a single one.
Things that go 'hoot' in the night by Shortsighted_Owl
Buddie | rated G | 5K | established buddie, halloween, worried Eddie, reckless Buck | 2022
Frowning, Buck turns his head toward the noise. Two branches up, obscured by a well placed cluster of twigs, a pair of golden eyes stare back. Gulping, Buck takes a hand from the ladder, and slowly, slowly moves it to his radio, feeling the button give as he tentatively presses the top, hearing the slight squawk of static as the channel opens. “Ugh guys, I think I found our suspect.” Immediately, the leaves around him shudder, as the bright eyes suddenly get much, much closer. “HOOOOO” hoots the owl, the white feathers of its throat puffing up as it leans forward and shouts at the human in its tree. Its head bobs forward as its wings slowly spread, filling the space around it. Buck blanches as the bird puffs up its feathers even more, a wall of bronze and black. “AH!” replies the rather startled human. - Halloween is in full swing and as the veil between worlds thins, things start to go bump in the night. When a jogger is mysteriously injured on a busy street with no witnesses, the 118 are called in to help. Buck, however, discovers their suspect isn't exactly what they had in mind.
Call Me What You Will by ameliahart
Buddie | rated E | 6k | post 8x06 confessions, first time, getting together, Eddie’s couch | 2025
“I knew I was interrupting when I got here,” he continues, gesturing to Eddie’s outfit with one hand while his other creeps up Eddie’s thigh, his thumb brushing along the inside. “But I didn’t realize I was interrupting.” “I was doing Risky Business,” Eddie insists. “C’mon, man. Tom Cruise?” Buck looks utterly delighted, clearly not believing a word coming out of Eddie’s mouth. “Sounds like your business was risky, all right.” “Buck.” “Good thing I didn’t use my key.” “Buck.” *** Yet another continuation of 8x06 where Buck pouts, Eddie feels joy, and they fuck about it.
Cowboy Take Me Away by PixelsMom1990
Buddie | rated T | 6k | getting together, flustered Buck, cowboy Eddie, pining, worried Buck, Texan accent | 2022
Sometimes, Buck forgot that Eddie was from Texas. He’d been in LA for so long that he didn’t really have an accent anymore, except for when he was really sleepy or had a little too much to drink. His vowels would drop, syllables would get a little bit too long and suddenly everyone was “honey” or “baby” or god forbid “darlin’” and Hen would have to scrape Buck off the floor. Literally. Or, Buck is occasionally reminded of Eddie’s roots in Texas and behaves appropriately.
From Your Point of View by MacksDramaticShenanigans
Buddie | rated T | 4k | drunk, first kiss, getting together, coming out, making out, love confessions, sleepy cuddled | 2025
“Hey, Buck,” Eddie not-quite-slurs. It’s a close thing, though. The glass in his hand is his fourth— no, fifth, and wine always hits him so much harder. He’s bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked and loose-limbed on the couch, pressed so close to Buck he’s half in his lap. Buck’s got a steadying arm around his waist— couldn’t avoid the draw to touch even if he wanted to. “Hm?” Buck asks, feeling a little buzzy himself. “Buck,” Eddie repeats. “You’re bicyc—bisect— bisexual.” Buck laughs at Eddie’s stumble. Smiles bright, proud, and nods. “I am,” he agrees. “Have you ever—” Eddie’s winestained mouth purses; his brow furrows thoughtfully, “— have you ever thought about me?” He sways forward, widens his eyes purposefully, whispers, “Like, y’know.”
All that you ever wanted from me by stevesconverse
Buddie | rated T | 7,8k | migraines, sick Buck, Eddie takes care of Buck, first kiss, getting together, hurt/comfortz, chronic pain, soft Buddie, Buck has self-esteem issues | 2024
He inspects the way Buck’s face sinks into his pillow, the way his thick arm rests over the comforter, hugging it to his body, the way his brow is still furrowed with tension. God, he’s beautiful. Eddie shudders at the realization. It’s not like he had never given it a thought before, had never caught himself staring at Buck from across the room—but this is different. It’s not just admiration anymore. His heart warms in a way that makes him uncomfortable and unsure of what he’s feeling. Subconsciously, he lets one hand reach out, thumb tenderly smoothing over the creases in Buck’s forehead. It’s almost casual, like it’s not a big deal. Like it’s just something he does, even though this moment is anything but casual. Like he’s not blurring the lines of their relationship right now, like a wave washing over drawings in the sand. or the one where Eddie takes care of Buck when he's being plagued by a bad migraine.
Give me a call if you ever get lonely by loveisawildthing
Buddie | rated E | 21,7k | texting, phone sex, friends with benefits, sharing a bed, getting together, hurt/comfort, fluff | 2024
“What are you wearing?” Buck asks. Eddie’s laugh is sharp and loud, not having expected Buck to say that. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got?” “Eddie. It’s a classic. Tell me.” “What if I said I’ve got nothing on?” Eddie asks, purposely pitching his voice lower. “Hey,” Buck scolds him. “First rule of phone sex: no lying.” “There are rules?” “You are so difficult.” Eddie tells Buck to text him whenever he's thinking of Tommy, so he doesn't have to keep baking. Safe to say, things...escalate.
Wrong bed, Buck! By Ellesworth86
Buddie | rated M | 3k | sleepwalking, sleeping together/sharing a bed, mutual pining, first time, drunken confessions, Buck needs a hug, worried Eddie | 2023
Three times that Buck got into the wrong bed, and one where he found the right one. ---- The first time it happened, Buck was exhausted... Eddie had just gotten comfortable and was feeling himself start to drift off to sleep when his door opened slowly. Groaning, he opened his eyes, and squinting, he watched as Buck silently walked around the bed, pulled back the comforter and climbed in. “Wrong bed, Buck.” Eddie heard himself mumble, still in that drowsy stage, halfway between asleep and awake. “No ‘s’not.” The reply came, just as sleepily. “Right bed...nice and warm...favourite person...” Then a snore as he rolled onto his side, his back to Eddie, who didn’t have either the energy or the heart to argue, so he just curled up on his side and fell back asleep.
I Will Not Ask (and Neither Should You) by buckschewtoy, StupidGenius
Buddie | rated E | 11k | bucktommy break up, jealous Eddie, possessive Eddie, transgender Buck, infidelity/buckfidelity, feelings realization, love confessions, Eddie & Karen friendship | 2024
“Don’t be so heartfelt when I’m trying to be dirty, man.” “Maybe your dirty talk needs a little work.” Eddie laughs. “Because yours is so much better?” Eddie closes the distance, nipping a little on Buck’s lower lip. “Could be.” He murmurs lowly. Buck sighs happily, rolling his hips. His hands slide up to cradle Eddie’s jaw, mouth moving against his. He makes a little hurt sound as Eddie encourages him, and the reality of the situation finally hits him. Buck’s cheating on his boyfriend. With Eddie.
Plant new seeds in the melody by bibuckleyforever
Buddie | rated G | 21,5k | 4 chapters - complete | AU, different first meeting, florist Buck, POV alternating, fluff, no angst, flirting, getting together, soft Buddie, first kiss | 2023
“So,” Hen starts as she sits down next to Eddie on the couch once they’re back at the fire station. “So?” Eddie asks expectantly, putting his phone down from where he had been sending Chris a reminder text to get started on his English essay this weekend. “I saw you flirting with the florist. Scratch that, everyone saw you flirting with the florist.” Eddie raises an eyebrow at her. “Flirting? I was not flirting.” “You were basically drooling over the guy. Not that I blame you, even I could tell he’s gorgeous.” Eddie rolls his eyes and goes back to typing his message to Chris. “Was he? I didn’t even notice.” “Mhm,” Hen says as she watches Eddie tapping at his phone. “He had that nice blonde hair, and those beautiful big brown eyes and–” “Blue,” Eddie corrects before snapping his head up to see Hen smirking at him. His face burns bright red. “Okay, yes, he was attractive. Happy now?” --- Or, Eddie's all but given up on dating when he meets Buck at the scene of a call. Chimney and Hen think of it as a sign from the universe. Buck and Eddie think of it as a chance to finally get the love story they've always wanted.
Drunk accidents (sober decisions) by buddiesmutslut
Buddie | rated E | 7k | s7e5 You Don't Know Me, canon divergent, no bucktommy, getting together, lingerie, possessive Eddie, jealous Buck, Edisol breakup | 2024
Immediately following the coming out scene in the loft, Buck gets a package delivered that he'd ordered one night in a drunken haze. The contents will change the trajectory of his life.
Find My Friends by TazzySnow
Buddie | rated T | 7k | established Buddie, buried alive, Buck whump, kidnapping, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, protective Eddie | 2023
Buck has wondered before what it was like underground when Eddie was buried alive, and the idea of being buried alive gives him the fucking willies for sure, but he's never been afraid of tight spaces. He's an object, a piece of a collection yet to be harvested. The sound of the dirt being piled above him grows more and more muffled until it's gone completely and he lays in silence. --- Buck is buried alive and it's a damn good thing Eddie stalks him on Find My Friends.
By act of grace by hattalove
Buddie | rated T | 10k | getting together, recovery, first kiss, family fluff, pining, dogs, dog dad Eddie | 2022
“Oh,” Greg says, his face falling, “that’s Lucifer.” Buck lets out something between a laugh and a cough. “Lucifer,” he repeats. “It's a long story,” Greg says, tugging on the collar of his polo, his name tag clinking. “He's���not exactly well socialized, and he really, really hates—“ he starts, except he’s interrupted by Eddie’s voice, the first words Buck has heard him say since they dropped Chris off at Hen and Karen's. “Hi,” Eddie says, crouching right under the bright red sign – which, now that Buck’s close enough to read it, says DO NOT PET – and reaching his fingers toward the bars. “—men,” Greg finishes, his voice weak, frozen mid-step like he’s not sure if he should be hauling Eddie away while there’s still time. “He hates men. Usually.” or the one in which healing looks a little like ten pounds of dog with a mean streak.
Midnight by DuoOfDiaz
Buddie | rated T | 126 | established Buddie, drabble, texting, text fic, engaged Buddie | 2025
Written for Buddie Month Week Four: prompt - Midnight
Parabola by semperama
Buddie | rated T | 4,6k | post s8e8 wannabes, getting together, Eddie’s will, angst with a happy ending | 2025
“Hey, uh. By the way.” Buck’s been thinking about this, and he has to say it now, or it’ll explode out of him at a much worse time, in a much worse way. “Make sure you don’t forget to change your will again.” Eddie turns toward him, mouth quirked, brow furrowed, like Buck has just said something sort of silly. Like he’s talking about curses again. “What?” “I mean. Like.” Buck twists his fingers together in his lap and looks down at them. “You need to change it so your parents will be his guardians, right? If something happens to you.” “What?” Eddie says again, and he doesn’t sound amused this time.
What is Love for $2000? By fayevian
Buddie | rated M | 17K | AU, different first meeting, social media, mixed media, humor, light angst, Jeopardy, fluff, smart Buck, famous Buck | 2023
On the screen, the camera pans down as they introduce the contestants. Mary, on her 3rd day winning streak, is a dowdy teacher type. Center stage is occupied by a graying man with loopy handwriting named Auggie. And all the way to the right is… Evan. Damn. --- One night when Eddie can't sleep, he discovers the hottest Jeopardy contestant of all time (objectively). With the "help" of his team and his fairly good working knowledge of Twitter, they devise a plan to get Evan (from Jeopardy) to slide into Eddie's DMs. It works surprisingly well.
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by lamardeuse
Buddie | rated T | 4k | first kiss, season 6, drunk Buck, angst, emotional hurt Buck | 2022
Three hours after the fertility clinic called him, Buck was in the bar down the street from his apartment getting drunk off his ass.
We'd be so grand at the game by lamardeuse
Buddie | rated E | 12K | practice dating, didn't know they were dating, first kiss, first time, idiots to lovers | 2023
“How are we gonna practice dating if we can't even take the first step?” Three hours later, when he was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, Eddie would not be able to pinpoint with any certainty what possessed him to say what he said next. All he knew was that at the time, it seemed like the perfect answer, the obvious solution. “We practice on each other.”
Heaven's a thing (I go there when I touch you) by gooseishere
Buddie | not rated | 1k | first kiss, cuddling, love confessions, getting together, fluff | 2023
Buck sighs, “God this is so embarrassing, can I-“ He turns to look Eddie in the eyes. “Can I have a hug?” Part of Eddie wants to laugh. Laugh at the absurdity of Buck being this nervous to ask Eddie for something as simple as a hug. The other part of Eddie wants to tug Buck to his chest and never let go. “Of course, you can. C’mere.” (or, buck and eddie hug. repeatedly)
And I'd do it over and over again by playinginthunderstorms
Buddie | rated E | 4k | post s8e6 confessions, first time | 2025
Gun to his head, Buck honestly doesn't think he could say which one of them made the first move, but somewhere in between the six-pack he'd brought over and whatever was left of a dusty bottle of tequila in the back of a kitchen cupboard, Eddie—beautiful, radiant Eddie, with his pink shirt and tiny underwear—had ended up in his lap, thighs bracketing Buck's, gasping and grinding helplessly into Buck's hips, the most delicious whines spilling out of his mouth and straight onto Buck's tongue, white-hot pleasure spiking through him as potent as the lightning bolt, so he figures he'll at least die happy. (Or, Buck and Eddie hook up at the end of "Confessions".)
It was our place by HisBucky
Buck & Chimney | rated T | 1,5k | introspection, found family, brothers | 2023
Blue eyes instead of brown. Strawberry instead of vanilla. “You’re my brother. You know that. Right?” -:- or the time when Chimney brings Buck to his and Kevin's favorite diner
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calinaannehart · 1 day ago
home with you is where I want to be
5 times Buck and Tommy go home to each other
+1 time they go home together.
Eighteen hours.
Eighteen hours, thirteen minutes, and forty-three seconds.
Not that Buck’s counting.
Who is he kidding, he’s definitely counting and has been for the last few weeks. He’s even gone so far as to cross off every day on the calendar before he goes to bed, updating Tommy on the time remaining.
Tommy. His fiancé. The love of his life who, in eighteen hours, eleven minutes, and fifty-two seconds will be his husband.
Buck knows he’s been insufferable; he’s seen it on the faces of every one of his nearest and dearest. Every time he’s pulled out his wedding planning clipboard there’s been choruses of despairing groans as they remind him yet again that everything is already checked off. The flowers have been chosen, the suits have been tailored, the menu has been triple-confirmed with the venue, and the band has the playlist of music they are not allowed to deviate from.
Okay, Buck can concede that he’s perhaps been a little bit of a control freak, but so what? He just wants the day to be perfect.
Even if everything that could go wrong does, it’ll still be the perfect day, because he’s marrying Tommy. In eighteen hours, eight minutes, and nineteen seconds.
As well as opting to have the rehearsal dinner the weekend before, wanting no added stress before the big day itself, they’d also decided not to spend the last night before the wedding apart. As much as Maddie keeps insisting it’s romantic Buck stands by his argument that it’s an antiquated notion, one that neither he nor Tommy see the point of when they can be together instead. So tonight is just him and Tommy and snuggling on the couch with a movie.
He scans his eyes through his email inbox on his phone, double checking he hasn’t missed any important messages about tomorrow, and slots the key into the lock through muscle memory alone. Satisfied there are no immediate disasters he shuts off his phone, determined there be no interruptions for the evening, and dumps his bag and coat in the hallway before kicking the front door shut and toeing off his boots.
“Honey, I’m home!” Buck calls in his usual way, reveling in being able to say the words. Even after four years of living together, it hasn’t gotten old, and he loves the crinkly-eyed smile that washes over Tommy’s face when he hears it. Usually, if Tommy is home before him, he keeps an eye out through the big window in the front room for when Buck pulls into the drive. He’ll round the corner just as Buck calls to him and will greet him with a kiss that makes Buck feel as though he's being kissed for the first time again.
Tonight, however, there’s no Tommy. The lights are on and Buck can smell whatever he’s started on for dinner, but the house is silent and there’s no sign of his man.
“Tommy?” He doesn’t call too loud, Tommy’s been working a lot of overtime lately, banking up some extra spending money for their honeymoon, so it’s more than likely he’s dozed off on the couch while waiting. If that’s the case Buck doesn’t want to wake him. He can check on dinner, make sure it’s not going to burn, and let Tommy rest for a little longer before Buck rouses him to eat.
When he turns the corner into the living room, however, he doesn’t find Tommy on the couch, the couch isn’t even where the couch is supposed to be. It’s been shoved back from its spot in the middle of the large room, the rug slightly askew when it’s gotten caught under the legs, and the coffee table lies upside down on the cushions. In the center of the rug is his fiancé, eyes closed and Airpods in as he sways in socked feet to whatever it is he’s listening to.
God, he loves this man. This big, strong, sexy, kind-hearted man who loves him unconditionally. This man who supports him, encourages him, fights for him but never with him. This man that is going to marry him in eighteen hours, one minute, and six seconds.
Read on AO3
Gifted to @cookme25
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thatdisasterauthor · 2 days ago
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Drew the version of Buck from my new fic where he's a wildland firefighter!
Take the Leap by ALittleSideProject
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: Post-Lawsuit (9-1-1 TV)Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Evan "Buck" Buckley's Lawsuit Against the City of LA, Buck drops the lawsuit, Evan "Buck" Buckley Leaves Firehouse 118, Evan "Buck" Buckley Leaves Los Angeles, Chris parent traps Buck and Eddie, Buck and Eddie secretly reunite, Secret Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Buck becomes a wildland firefighter, Hotshot Buck (the job not the in universe show), Smokejumper Buck, Buck literally drops back into the middle of the 118, The well, The Shooting, Evan "Buck" Buckley is Christopher Diaz's Parent, POV Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), POV Evan "Buck" Buckley, Bearded Buck, Tattooed Buck, Cowboy Buck, First Time
After the fight in the grocery store, Buck feels like he's causing too much damage so he drops the lawsuit and leaves LA, joining a hotshot wildland firefighter crew out of Montana. He's gone for six months until he gets a call from Chris that something is wrong with Eddie, causing him to race back home only to find a very confused Eddie instead of a hurt or depressed Eddie. Eddie talks him into coming inside for a beer and after that Buck can't bring himself to leave the Diaz boys behind again. But that doesn't mean he's ready to talk to anyone else yet. So they just don't tell anyone else Buck is back. For over two years. Even when they start dating. Three years after he left LA and the 118, there's a pileup on the 210 in La Tuna Canyon Park and a wildfire racing towards all the crews scrambling desperately to get everyone out in time, including the 118. Buck's crew is in the right place at the right time, and they don't hesitate to come help.
Read it on Ao3.
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lives-in-midgard · 7 months ago
You Are In Love
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x reader
Summary: When you're out with your friends you meet a handsome firefighter. After a while you go on a date and decide to keep your relationship a secret until something happens.
Word Count: 1200
A/N: Hey. This is part of the Buddie-August challenge. This also includes some characters from the Rookie. I hope you like it!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Buddie-August hosted by me and @buckys-wintersoldier
Prompt: Kisses
911 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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After a long shift at work one of your colleagues had the idea to go to a bar. You don’t often go to bars with all of them, but today you all finally had time. A lot has changed for you since you started working as a police officer at the Mid-Wilshire Station. You found a lot of friends there and you love your job.
“I’m gonna get a drink, would any of you like one too?” You asked the others.
“Could you get me another one of these.” Lucy said, pointing at her drink and you nodded.
“What about you Tim?”
“I’m good, thanks.” He said, smiling at you. When the others said they didn’t need anything, you made your way over to the bar. While you were waiting in line for drinks, a cute guy stood next to you and waited as well. Somehow he looked familiar to you, but you weren’t sure where you had seen him before. He smiled at you and then you suddenly remembered him. You could never forget that smile.
“You’re firefighter Buckley, right?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s me. Wait and you are officer L/n.”
“You can call me y/n.” You said with a smile.
“Only if you call me Buck because that’s what everyone calls me.”
“Okay, deal.” You said and he had that sweet smile again. You talked for a few more minutes until your drinks were ready.
“See you around, Buck.”
“See you and be safe.” He said and watched as you walked back to your table. You handed Lucy her drink and sat down next to Tim again.
“Who was this guy?” Tim asked curious.
“Oh, just a friend.” You answered and Tim nodded. You and Tim have been friends and partners for a long time and over time he has become very protective over you. He always knows when something is wrong and is there for you as best as he can.
The next day you kept thinking about your meeting with Buck. He was so sweet and you hope to see him again. You didn’t think you’d see him again soon because just when you had an emergency call and had to call the ambulance, it was the 118 that showed up. You couldn’t really talk to him, but it was great to see each other again.
When you were grocery shopping and walking through the halls someone said your name and when you turned around you saw that it was Buck.
“Hey Buck.” You greeted him with a smile.
“Hey, good to see you.”
“I was wondering if you would like to have a coffee with me sometime?” He suddenly asked.
“Yeah, sure. How about I give you my phone number.” He nodded and pulled out his phone. You tipped in your number and he called you, so you had his number too.
Two days passed until you got a message from Buck. He asked if you were free tomorrow and you agreed to meet after work. At work Tim noticed that you were different, happier and more excited. He didn’t ask you about it, but it made him happy to see you happy.
The coffee date with Buck went very well. You talked about everything that came to your mind. You both really enjoyed it and had a great time. He asked you out on a date and that date turned into another date and suddenly you were in a happy relationship.
You had been dating for about three months now. Usually you were at his house or yours or sometimes you were going out. Favorite things to do together include cooking, watching movies, going to the beach and you enjoying it when he tells you a story from work and then you tell him some stories too. You’re very happy together and try to spend as much time together as possible, even if it can be a bit difficult due to your work shifts. Some people don’t think a relationship between a police officer and a firefighter is a good idea, so you decided to keep the relationship a secret for a while, which wasn’t always easy especially if you would see him on a call.
Today you have been called into a very difficult situation. You called for backup, but things quickly escalated, and you injured your left arm. Luckily, Officer Harper, Officer Nolan and Officer Bradford arrived at the right time to arrest the person. While Harper and Nolan arrested the person, Tim ran over to you and called an ambulance.
“Tim, I’m aright, it’s just a small scratch.”
“Let’s wait and see what the medics say, okay?” Tim said and put some pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. A few minutes later you could already hear the ambulance driving near you. When the doors opened you could see that it was Buck. As soon as he saw you, he ran towards you.
“Babe, are you okay? What happened?” He asked, looking at your arm. When you looked over, you saw that Tim had a confused look on his face.
“I’m okay, it’s just a small scratch.” You said again.
“Let’s go to the truck and I’ll take a look at it.” Buck said, placed his hand on your back and guided you to the truck. Then he removed the cloth from your wound and gently tried to stop the bleeding. You took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, babe.” He looked into your eyes and tried to smile at you. Then he looked back at the wound.
“The cut isn’t too deep, so it’s okay if I just bandage it.” He said and you nodded. Buck gently put the bandage over your wound and then gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, honey.”
“Anytime.” He said, then Buck tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and gently pulled you into a passionate kiss. When you broke the kiss, you reached for his hand and smiled at each other.
“I have to go back to work.” You said after a few seconds, even though you didn’t want to say goodbye.
“Me too.” He said, looking over his shoulder to see his friends looking at you both with smiles.
“I guess they all know now.”
“They definitely do.” You said with chuckle. You noticed how happy they all were and then looked over at Tim who was as happy as they were.
“I think I have to go now. See you later.” Buck said and gave you a quick hug.
“See you.” You said, waving at him as you walked away. As you walked to your car, Tim was still standing next to yours and looked at you with a grin.
“Now I know why you’ve been so happy lately.”
“Yeah, Buck makes me really happy.” You confirmed and opened the car door.
You were glad that Tim and Buck’s colleagues now found out about your relationship, but you definitely want to meet them soon on a better occasion. Buck has told you a lot about them, so you’re very excited to meet them.
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@cevansbaby-dove | @buckys-wintersoldier
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urloveada · 8 months ago
𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 || 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲💌™
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𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: evan buckley x f!reader
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1.4k+
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: smut, little bit of edging, slight dirty talk and praising, pet names, fingering, ‘you belong to be’ vibe towards end, swearing. MDNI
╰ ⋆⭒˚.⋆ masterlist || navigation
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You and Evan aren’t together, 
You both agreed it’s nothing more than sex, just something casual. 
So why the hell do you feel so guilty getting ready for a date? You should have butterflies in your stomach. I mean, fuck, you’re going out with one of the hottest dudes you’ve ever seen. 
But instead, you feel nothing but guilt — maybe even shame? How could you have had sex with Evan not even three hours ago, and now you're getting ready for a date? What does this make you? A slut, maybe?
You’re almost ready; dressed, hair done, just finishing your makeup in the bathroom mirror. But that feeling of guilt is still not going away — you should be excited, blissful, fucking giddy. But you’re not, and you don’t quite understand why. Well, you do understand why; it’s because you think you and Evan will be something. but you won’t; it’s just sex, we’re just friends. You remind yourself before walking out of the bathroom.
You see Evan in the kitchen; he’s on the phone again, probably talking to Chris, or Eddie, or something. 
You try to sneak past and slip your shoes on, wanting to stay undetected.
“You look nice, love,” you hear Evan say from the kitchen. You look up and see him leaning against the doorway of the living room, phone in his hands.
“Thank you,” you reply happily, grinning softly, despite the circumstances. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Oh, um, a date.” You speak quietly, all feelings of joy suddenly gone. 
You can't find it in you to look at him when you say this. You know the relationship is casual, but a part of you longs for it to be something different, something more than just sex.
“Have fun, then. Stay safe, okay?,” he replies gently after a moment. “I’ll be here when you get back,” he adds, before disappearing into the kitchen.
You hadn’t expected him to be mad, or even the slightest bit bitter. You were an adult—a single adult at that. You’re allowed to go on a date you tell yourself.
You wish you could say the date went well, but in reality, it was terrible. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about Evan Buckley.
his hands, and the way they caressed your body, grabbing it and pulling it close to his.
his lips, leaving sloppy wet trails of kisses along your neck, all the way down to your..
and his beautiful body — fuck. You wish you were with him now.
And your date was something else, he wouldn’t stop talking about his plans for the future, which wouldn’t be all bad if you weren’t thinking about what you wanted Evan to do to you tonight. 
But God, did your date go on and on, only asking about you when it was relevant to his plans. not to mention his boring hobbies, which he just had to tell you about. 
So was it really a surprise when your first thought when you arrived home was to be in Evan's bed? No, not really.
“Evan,” you whimper as he softly kisses your neck.
He slowly unbuttons your shirt, teasing you as he removes the buttons one by one, kissing your neck sloppily in between. Finally, he slides your shirt to the ground once the buttons are completely undone.
“So needy, hm?” He tuts, sliding his tongue down your chest, gently kissing your tits.
“All mine,” he mumbles into your chest. You can feel the grin on his lips as they make their way against yours once more. 
lips still pressed together, he backs you into the wall, smashing your body against it. You break the kiss only for a moment to catch your breath. 
“Pants,” he groans, hooking his fingers in the waistband of your pants. “Off,” he demands, sliding them down painfully slowly, all the way to your feet.
You step out of the pants and kick them to the side while his tongue makes its way into your mouth. 
You moan at the new sensation in your mouth. You move one hand to cup his cheek, while the other lands in his hair.
“Bed.” He pants after breaking the kiss, and without saying anything else, you and Evan make your way through the living room into your bedroom. He pushes you onto the bed and unbuttons his shirt. 
You watch him carefully, never taking your eyes away from his body. You watch as he slips his shirt off and climbs on the bed, kneeling right in front of you.
“Bra off,” he commands, watching you unclip your bra without hesitation and throw it to the floor. “Good fucking girl, hm?” He praises you, grabbing your face and kissing you sloppily, the kiss travels down to your chest once more.
Evan brings a hand up to cup your tit while he licks around your sensitive nipples. 
“Evan, please,” you whine pathetically, needing more of him.
Evan grins and slips your panties off, tossing them aside, leaving you completely exposed. 
He begins to pump his fingers into your cunt, and unlike before, it’s aggressive and passionate. “You like that, darling?" He mocks you, hearing you gasp the faster he goes.
You cannot form a reply due to the fact that his fingers are slamming repeatedly into your g spot. 
“I asked you a question; don’t be rude,” he scolds lightly, removing his fingers from your dripping cunt. 
“Yes, Evan, fuck,” you moan in response, feeling empty at the loss of his fingers.
Evan groans in approval and spreads your legs, slipping down on the bed just enough so his mouth is perfectly aligned with your glistening pussy.
He slides his tongue in, circling your clit slowly. “Mine, all mine,” he rasps before continuing to tease your sensitive pussy.
“Evan, please,” you beg helplessly. “I need to come, please.” 
“You’ll come, baby, trust me,” he promises, lifting his head up from your dripping wet cunt. “But not before you tell me whose pussy this is.” He whispers into your ear, sliding his fingers back into your pussy.
He’s never said that before, but you don’t care; all you can feel is yourself getting closer, just from his fingers and tongue alone. You begin to push yourself on his fingers, trying to get off faster, needing more. 
You’re so lost in arousal that you completely forgot to respond to Evan's command, but he doesn’t forget. 
“Spread your legs and answer my question, or you won’t be finishing at all tonight.” He orders, pulling your legs apart and licking around, but not yet in your soaking cunt. 
You spread your legs further than before, exposing your wet pussy to him. You lift your head and see a possessive glint in his eyes, an edge to his expression. This makes you impossibly wetter, and you plead for Evan to let you come.
“Evan,” you whine, your hands reaching up to wipe the sweat from your forehead. “Please, I need to come,” you beg, not knowing how much longer you can wait. 
“Shh, I know, love.” He promises again, “But you need to tell me who you belong to; I think someone’s forgotten.” 
Shivers run down your spine at his words, feeling even more turned on. “You, Evan,” you pant, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief when you feel him slide his fingers into you once again, bringing you closer to the edge.
“Me? What about me, love?”
“I belong - god.” You cut yourself off with a moan, feeling evan hit your g spot once again. 
“You belong?” he asks, grinning cockily.
“I belong to you!” You pant, noticing Evan's unoccupied hand make its way to your chest again. 
“And what about these?” He challenges you, circling his finger around the sensitive bud of your nipple, making you gasp in pleasure. 
“Yours,” you groan, your heartbeat quickening as it’s all too much. 
“That’s right, all mine,” he whispers against your breast before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, torturing the bud with his tongue, before moving onto the other nipple and repeating his actions. leaving both nipples swollen and even more sensitive than before.
He lifts his head up once more. “You’re all mine; you got that?” He asks, pushing you even closer to the edge by thrusting his fingers in, then completely removing them. Repeating this until you give him an answer.
“Y-yes!” You choke on the words, tears streaming down your face, needing to finish more than anything. 
He approves your response, and finally, finally let’s you finish. The sense of relief is overwhelming. You come with Evan's name on your lips. You know it’s not a lie; you’re Evans, and honestly, you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
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buckleyx · 10 months ago
Hear me out! Eddie Diaz x reader who swears she isn’t good with kids and is a big “I don’t want kids! I hate babies!” Kinda person but secretly loves kids so much and is so good with them like she honestly gets along with kids better than adults
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner! @cafecitoeddie
Author’s note: I love this request so much bc I'm secretly the same hehe !
Eddie Diaz x GenderNeutral!reader
Warnings: drunk eddie and reader hehe
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"Oh come on." Eddie whined playfully. A smirk tugged his lips as his hands danced around your waist. His chin rested on top of your shoulder as he peppered your neck in soft short kisses.
It was a beautiful summer evening and to celebrate the warm weather Maddie and Chimney invited everyone over for drinks and BBQ. The atmosphere was peaceful and everyone felt so relaxed. Kids ran around the yard as adults indulged in laughter and conversation. Moments like these you cherished with all your heart.
You noticed Eddie's eyes on you from across the table as you helped Jee-Yun with cutting up her food. Your smile unintentionally grew wider with every laugh and babble she blurted out to you.
After dinner, while everyone was still chatting away but the sun disappeared more and more in darkness, the garden was lit by beautiful garden lights and candles. Jee-Yun's head rested against your chest as you indulged further in conversation. Her eyelids became heavier as she tightly grabbed the plushie you gifted her earlier closer to her body. As you were chatting with your friends you looked up at Eddie who was talking with Buck and Chimney. He paid no mind to their conversation, only having eyes on you. He took a chug from his beer before giving you a soft smile. He was standing next to the fire pit, the sparks made his eyes shimmer.
All these years you convinced yourself and others you were terrible with kids. But now you felt caught, by your own actions, as the toddler on your lap softly snored away.
As the evening continued and it was getting more late, children were safely tucked away in bed and everyone snuggled closer to the warmth of the fire pit with beers in hand, you and Eddie managed to escape the coziness just for a second. You found each other in the kitchen, getting more drinks to continue the party outside.
As soon as you entered the dimly lit house his hands were all over you. You were both pretty drunk and you knew Eddie long enough to know he could get very touchy when intoxicated. And that's what brought you here. To this moment and conversation.
"Eddie, we talked about this." You giggled as his stubble tickled your neck. "I'm not good with kids."
"Come on baby, we both know that's a lie." He said, slightly tilting his head to prove his point. His hand still rested on your hip as the other one traced his fingers over your jaw. "You are honestly, and I mean honestly," He cupped your face, gently tilting your head so you could look at him. "One of the most beautiful and kindest people I have ever met. And I am sure that every kid will agree." Eddie smiled softly, his eyes filled with love as he looked at you.
Your eyes felt glossy after his words. No one has ever shown you so much love as him. You closed your eyes before taking a deep breath, a loving smile appearing on your lips. "I really love you Diaz, you know that right?"
"Hmh, I had a suspicion." He joked before pulling you in for a kiss.
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89  @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @911readercollection @hermionesimp @chihard20 @navy-bl-ue @whizzie123 @prettymissy @miliokumura3 @ghostlyllamalover-blog @sunnyhoneyyyyy @celestixldarling
Let me know if you want to be added for future work!
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do-androids-dream-ao3acc · 4 months ago
Bucktommy drunken confessions🤭🤭
Please pick up your boyfriend, Howie texts just after 2 a.m. 
Evan used his day off to help his brother-in-law assemble some furniture for Jee-Yun's new nursery – apparently, she’s outgrown her crib and is in dire need of some “big girl” room. For some reason, their DIY afternoon ended up turning into a boozy evening, and with Maddie on a shift and Howie obviously buzzed, it’s probably best to keep Evan from getting in his car. Luckily Jee-Yun is sleeping at Hen and Karen's tonight, because when Tommy arrives, her bed looks half-finished. The two men, on the other hand, look all the more done. 
Howie's hair is tousled as if Jee-Yun has driven her Barbie truck through it, but he’s tipsy at most – Tommy knows that man can drink. Evan, however… well. Evan presents a lot of his chest; his shirt is half unbuttoned like in a 70s porn – it’s a nasty comparison, but Tommy likes the view. 
“Here comes my boyfriend,” Evan croons, his cheeks flushed. 
A quick glance at the table confirms that the men have switched from beer to tequila. Tommy heaves a sigh. Evan’s not on shift tomorrow, but he’s also not used to Tequila, Tommy knows that from experience. He will have to stay with him tonight - which isn't a bad thing, of course, but there are better ways to spend your time than listen to your loved ones vomit.  
“Come on,” he says, ”I'll put you to bed.”
“Awesome, get ready for something!”
“Ew, I don't want to hear that,” Howie says, but Tommy just grins. “Don't worry, I don't think that's going to work today.”
“I don't want to hear that either!”
Tommy has a hard time getting Evan into the car and half expects him to fall asleep after he's forced him into the seatbelt. This man can sleep anywhere and in the most uncomfortable positions, and he always looks incredibly adorable. Even drunk, like now. But he doesn't fall asleep. He looks at Tommy with that amorous gaze he usually gives after other activities, and out of the blue, he goes, “Did you know that koalas are much lazier than sloths? They sleep almost 20 hours a day!”
Tommy threads his way into traffic, which is never really light even at night in L.A., replying, “No, Evan.”
“They eat eucalyptus...”
“I knew that,” Tommy interjects.
“Yeah of course, you’re clever,” he praises. “But koalas are the only mammals that can live off eucalyptus alone, it's poisonous to other animals.”
It's not so much these random facts about koalas that he finds fascinating. It's just Evan, sitting there with that slightly glazed look on his face, completely relaxed. Knowing that he creates this relaxed atmosphere for this man, that he’s the one where he can be himself and let go… that’s a valuable treasure.
Evan goes on babbling for another fifteen minutes, including a dozen thank you’s for picking him up, and Tommy just enjoys his voice like a pleasant background noise. Every now and then he throws in something that always makes Evan's eyes light up. They’re almost to the loft when Evan says, “I love you,” in such a matter-of-fact tone, it makes Tommy almost wrench the steering wheel.
“That's lovely,” he answers, and he means it, but all he can think is tell me again when you're sober. Evan is too drunk to really understand what he has just said. It's something Tommy’s been dying to hear, something he was too afraid to say himself. 
They somehow make it into the elevator, but as they stand in front of Evan's door, Tommy has to unlock it. Evan trips over his own feet, he almost crashes into the door. Tommy just shakes his head. His back will regret it in the morning, but he shoulders Evan without further ado. His boyfriend squeals with delight, even when he puts him down on the couch - there's no way he'll make it up the stairs with the man on his shoulders, and the bathroom is down here anyway.
“Oh man, I'm d-dizzy,” Evan sighs.
“I'm sure you are. Lie down, I'll get you a blanket.”
Tommy wants to get up, but Evan holds him back.
“Wait,” he says, suddenly with as much seriousness as a drunk can muster, “you didn't say it back.”
Tommy thought he’d already forgotten, but this is Evan, he should have known better.
“I said I love you, but you didn't say anything, so maybe you don't love me, that's fine, I guess,” Evan rambles. “Anyway, I'm glad I said it, because it's true.”
Tommy couldn't even resist those Bambi eyes if the man asked him to run into a burning building without any protection. It's unreasonable and irrational, but he's head over heels for Evan, and he knows it. And then, suddenly, there's nothing holding him back, even if he only says it because he can convince himself that his boyfriend will forget about it in a few hours. 
“I love you too, Evan.”
“Oh my God, really?”
Evan jumps up from the couch with a vigor as if he hadn't just said he was dizzy, and he sprints - not very elegantly - into the kitchen. He’s back in the blink of an eye, after pulling open a drawer and rummaging around in it. He pulls Tommy onto the couch, practically sits in his lap, looks at him with those doe eyes and says in a solemn tone, “Give me your hand.”
“Give me your hand!”
Tommy’s learned early on that it's easier to give in to this whirlwind of a man, so he holds out his hand. Evan pushes something on Tommy's ring finger, having to do so three times before he finally hits. 
“What are you doing?”
Tommy squints at his hand. It looks like ... a keyring, without a key of course; Evan has a junk drawer in the kitchen where he keeps things like that. 
“It's a promise,” says Evan. “One d-day, Thomas Kinard, I will marry you. Just don't forget that!”
Tommy grabs the ring and replies dryly, “Don't worry, I won’t. It's so tight, I don't think I'll be able to get it off.”
“Got a ring cutter for that.”
He smirks, and Tommy can't help his lips to curl into a fond smile. He’s already aware of the ring cutter, even if he was surprised the first time he found it. 
“Main thing is for you to say you'll marry me,” Evan says with his Bambi eyes, “one day, with a real ring. In a sh... a tchu... well, a church.”
He looks like a man proud he got that one word out right, but at the same time, he looks as serious as a drunkard can be. It doesn’t seem like something he’ll actually have forgotten in a couple of hours, rather like it’s been on his heart for a long time. It's a big deal, and Tommy doesn't want to answer lightly just to appease him. His own heart has long been far from casual, concerning Evan. 
“But,” Evan continues, waving his arms, ”if it's really too tight for you, we'd better cut the thing open quickly. I’ve seen a guy, finger swollen as big as an eggplant, couldn’t get his wedding ring off his finger.”
He struggles to get up, but this time Tommy holds him back. 
“Leave it,” he says, looking at the ring. 
It’s just a simple, brass-colored keyring, but at the same time, it’s way more. As Evan had said: it was a promise. A promise did not necessarily have to come true, but it was still something to cling to. Something to look forward to. 
“Fine, we can do it tomorrow,” Evan slurs, just before he leans against Tommy - to fall asleep on his shoulder. 
“Let's do it tomorrow. Or maybe I'll keep it,” Tommy whispers into Evan's curls. 
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epiphainie · 6 months ago
engine purr (1/1)
bucktommy, mechanic au, age gap, 40-yo tommy, s1 buck, dom tommy, sub buck, humiliation, face-fucking, first-time bottoming, rimming, daddy kink, under-negotiated kink
rating: E
words: 15k
“Oh! Yes. My car, my Jeep, I mean,” Buck said, gaze falling on the hands reaching for a rag. “It just sputtered and died on me right outside of town and there was no reception… I-I didn’t know what to do so I just… walked.” He swallowed and looked up again. “I thought I could call Triple A? Or maybe 9-1-1?” The guy looked at Buck. There was a slight furrow to his brows, a tinge of bemusement in his eyes. The lines of his face were sharp and straight everywhere, but well-worn too, making Buck realize he was older than him by at least a decade and some change, if not more. “That’s not for 9-1-1. And Triple A costs an arm and a leg if you don’t have a membership,” he said in a languid voice. “Lucky for you, though, you walked into this town’s one-and-only repair shop.”
buck takes a road trip before his new job, the jeep breaks down in the middle of nowhere, a small-town mechanic helps him out
read on AO3
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rauspberries · 4 months ago
Hard Day's Work
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summary: In which you decide to visit the firehouse for some help and end up walking out with a boyfriend... kind of.
tags: evan buckley x fem!reader, fake dating (kinda), season one evan buckley, evan buckley is a FLIRT
Part two of What a Feeling, could be a stand-alone if you want. WC: 2k+
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“Can you mount a TV?”
You hadn’t expected Buck to say yes. You definitely hadn’t expected him to excitedly nod his head, handing over his phone for you to put your number in so that he could visit your apartment after shift. He had apologized profusely for not being able to do it right that moment, claiming that Captain Nash had already been getting on to him for disappearing during shift and he didn’t want to put himself in more hot water. Not even for his fake girlfriend, he had remarked with a playful smirk and a wink that had almost melted you into a puddle right then and there.
Now, you paced in your kitchen, thankful that you had cleaned the entire place before you had lumbered your way over to the 118. The last thing your racing, nervous heart needed was running around your apartment to quickly pick up the laundry you had scattered about and the dishes you had left in the sink. 
The time between getting home and the end of Buck’s shift seemed like forever and even longer. You moved from the kitchen counter to your bathroom floor to the living room couch, doom-scrolling on your phone to try and distract your mind. You went from the opinion that this was stupid, you should text and cancel to the daydreaming of what this could become. A handsome firefighter in your apartment, doing housework that you needed… 
It was a scene out of one of the romance novels you tended to read.
You were brought out of your dumb dream by a few, hestiant knocks on your door, immediately lifting your head. Your heart started thumping against your rib cage again, the same queasy waves of butterflies that had originally sprouted when you got home coming back in full force. Your hands shake as you wipe them on your jeans, getting off of the couch and making your way towards the door.
Taking a moment to catch your breath, you run your fingers through your hair once more before pulling the door open, eyes widening as you come face-to-face with Buck’s fist. He had been in the midst of knocking again due to your hesitance to open the door, you notice.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I-I thought you maybe hadn’t heard my knocking, you know, since it was kinda quiet the first time. Uhm.” Buck clears his throat, a soft silence hanging in the air before he raises his arm, the toolbox in his hand clunking at the movement. “I brought my own tools. Didn’t know if you had your own or not. I had to stop by the hardware store for a few things, like a hammer, a drill… Well, honestly, all of it, but it’s okay.” 
He winces at the way he had been rambling, his tongue suddenly feeling heavy in his mouth. He had talked too much. He tended to do that when he was nervous.
You let out a soft laugh, holding the door open a bit wider as you step to the side. You’re glad to see that this situation is just as awkward for him as it is for you. It makes your heartbeat a little bit slower. “Would you like to come in?”
Buck rolls his lips into his mouth to keep himself from speaking any more, nodding as he steps into your apartment. His cerulean eyes take a wide glance around everything, making you feel like you had just split your chest open and revealed everything to him. 
You look around just as he does, wondering what he thinks when he sees your blue couch, so out of place against the white wall it sat against. You deliberate if he thinks the decorative pillows you’ve collected over the years are excessive, or if he’s internally laughing about the stuffed animals that perch in their own respective spots. You almost feel embarrassed by the posters on the wall, the memorabilia from posters and fake street signs covering every inch, until you realize that it’s just a great way for him to get to know you without going through all of the chitchat.
After his initial survey is over, he turns towards you, a ghost of a grin playing on his lips. “I’m assuming the TV you want put up is the one sitting on the box?”
A groan leaves your lips at the idea of how silly it looks, letting the ball of your hand rub into your eye. “That’s the one. And the only one, I promise. Living alone, I only need a TV in my living room, although it does end up with me sleeping on the couch more often than not.”
Buck’s chest rumbles with a low laugh as he steps forward, setting his toolbox on the ground and unlocking it. “It does look like a very comfortable couch. It has a lot of friends on it, too.” The tease falls off of his tongue effortlessly, his eyes finding your face to check and make sure it didn’t pinch a nerve.
Instead, you just laugh, shaking your head as you move into the kitchen. “Can I get you something to drink? Don’t people usually give lemonade to construction workers?” You mumble out loud, opening your fridge and peering into it. Again, you’re grateful for your productivity earlier in the day as you eye the fullness of it.
Another chuckle comes from the man behind you, the sound of a drill whirring following. “Are you calling me a construction worker?” He jokes, the light-heartedness having eased the tension of a first meeting.
“Shut up,” you retort. Pulling the gallon of raspberry lemonade you had stored in the fridge, you pour it into two of your nicest glasses, shutting the cabinet quickly so that he couldn’t even attempt to get a glance at all of the funny cups you had collected. 
You carry the glasses around the island just as Buck finishes drilling the mounting bracket into the wall, working a lot quicker than you thought he would. A pang of disappointment hits you directly in the chest at the idea of him leaving both your apartment and your life way too soon. 
“Does this look right?” He asks, looking over at you questioningly before back at the mount. “Even? Is it where you want it? I can move it and fill in the holes with spackle if it’s not right, you just have to let me know.” The worry in his tone has you grinning, letting your mind wander to the incredulous idea that he wanted to come back and do more stuff for you, just to see you again.
Handing him his glass, you shake your head. “It looks fine, Buck. As long as I can see my TV from my couch, I really do not mind where it is,” you add. You look up at him with a smile, heart jolting as his lips pull into a handsome smile.
He breaks the eye contact he had with you as he steps towards the island, setting down his glass before rolling up his sleeve. You admire the tattoos among his forearms as he talks, only to shake your head when you realize you haven’t registered a single thing he said. “Huh?”
Buck laughs knowingly, shaking his head. “I said, will you help me lift? As much as I’d love to do it all by myself so you could sit yourself comfortably on the couch, I can’t hold the whole thing on my own.” He quirks a brow, watching you closely.
You nod dumbly as you set your drink down, rolling up the sleeves on your sweater. “I’m able to do some physical work by myself, I guess.” You groan playfully, crouching down to grab the bottom corner of your TV.
As soon as Buck has his hands on the other side, he counts down from three, both of you lifting until the back of the TV is aligned with the mount he had already drilled into the wall. You hold it silently as he secures it to the mount, only letting go once he gives you a soft nod.
Both of you step back as soon as you confirm that it's sturdy on the wall, hands on your hips as you take it in. Buck had gotten it right the first try. The TV was level, not even slightly dipping on the side, and it hung perfectly fine on her wall. 
Turning to face him, you give him a grin. “We did it.”
“We? Are you sure?” Buck teases, crossing his arms over his chest. You swear he does it just to taunt you, your eyelids fluttering as you look down before immediately looking right back up at his eyes.
“I gave you the lemonade,” you retort playfully. You gesture at the cups on your island, brow quirking in a dare for him to challenge you.
He doesn’t, opting with giving you a playful roll of his eyes. Another soft silence falls over the both of you, neither one wanting to say the words that’d end your time together. It almost makes you want to start breaking stuff, just to ask him to fix it and stay a bit longer so you could pick his brain about everything that was Evan Buckley.
Buck breaks the silence with a slightly sheepish grin, shoving his hands in his pockets as he faces you. “I guess that’s it. Unless you have anything else you need help with.” The last bit comes out as a slight purr as he takes a step forward, invading your space as his cologne washes over you. It smells like man, all woodsy and absolutely alluring, especially when it's paired with the way he looks directly into your eyes, staring into your soul.
Unfortunately, you cannot come up with an excuse to keep him there. You shake your head in disappointment, a frown pulling at your lips. “I don’t think so.”
A soft hum of discontent leaves his lips as he somehow gets even closer, his chest just an inch from yours. “That’s a shame.”
“Why?” Your voice doesn’t sound like your own, the question meek in tone. Something about the way he loomed over you, all six foot two of him, was intimidating, but not in a way that scared you. It was exciting, it was fun. Directness from Buck was frightening, in a way that caused a shiver to travel up your spine. Goosebumps covered your arms so fast that you quickly moved to pull your sleeves back down.
You had never been one to flirt. Men usually came to you, even if they tended to be grimey and gross. Even with that, all it took was a good smile, a few well-timed words and boom. You had ‘em right where you wanted them. But with Buck, it was a game. It was equal attraction, not an ounce more on his side than on yours. It was a competition – who could break first.
His arm raised slowly, fingertips trailing along the back of your hand until he finally cradled your fingers in his palm. “I’d love to spend more time with you,” he admitted. The flirty tone in his voice has your chin tilting up towards him subconsciously, although you don’t have time to feel embarrassed about it. You notice that his own head is tilting down towards yours, his nose skirting against yours tauntingly. “I think I just thought of something you could fix. I can’t handle it myself.” You tease, your lips tilting up at the corners in a smile. He urges you on with a raise of his eyebrows, your smile turning into a pout. “My lips. They hurt.” You feel childish saying it, but you brush off the sheepishness as it works.
Buck chuckles quietly, raising his hand and sliding it along your neck, fingers threading through your hair as he cups the back of it. “I can fix that, I think.” His grip tightens as he angles your head back more, making it easy for him to press his lips against yours, dainty and gentle.
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spotsandsocks · 3 months ago
A Place for You, Next to Me Chapt 1 and 2
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Buck finds out that Eddie doesn’t really ‘do’ birthdays so what’s a best friend supposed to do, obviously he can’t let Eddie think he doesn't care. So he makes a plan to celebrate and it’s a good plan, it really is and is it really his fault if one little thing goes wrong with their booking.
It’s certainly not his fault that Eddie’s reaction to the unexpected problem would turn a pleasant weekend away into an agony of temptation.
A tale of pining and love and only one bed.
Fans of only one bed shenanigans - this one’s for you.🥹🌈🛏️🎂🛏️🥃🥃🥃🛏️🤯😍🌈❤️‍🔥 Chapt 1&2 today 3&4 tomorrow 💕
Now I was half way though writing this when @bobbysfirehose posted this stunning piece of art that blew my mind away (all their art is magnificent btw so go check out and shower with love) and with permission I tried to describe the pose towards at the end of the fic because it was just perfect for the situation, so you have a nice visual to go along with the words.
Eddie hadn’t expected any reaction at all, least of all the one he’s getting. Standing in his kitchen he watches Buck process the information he just casually mentioned as part of thier conversation about Chris’ next birthday.
“Are you serious?” 
His best friend is standing there with his mouth hanging open, eyes wide, a puzzled frown on his brow, it’s adorable and amusing and God he loves this man so much. Eddie however is wise enough to look away and keep the sentiment out of his voice.
“Yes I’m serious, Buck. I’ve never done anything special to celebrate any of my birthdays.”
If anything that simple statement makes matters worse, Buck's mouth opens and shuts. He looks like a goldfish, apparently he’s managed to render him speechless and that’s quite an impressive feat.
Eddie takes another sip of beer to hide his smile as Buck flounders. The other man is looking horrified, “Your 15th? That’s special right?”
He shrugs. “Dad was away. We did some stuff at church, nothing big. I got a cake.”
“What about 18?  Or or your 21st?” 
He throws Buck a raised eyebrow, “Think about that for a second.”
A pained look crosses his friend’s face “Oh.” Then his nose crinkles “ Oh.. I don’t think I want to.”
Buck sounds upset. Eddie can just imagine what he’s thinking, how he’s comparing the life that he himself had between 16 and 21 with the one Eddie had. The tragic sympathy emanating out of sad pools of blue is a bit much though, it really wasn’t that bad. Yeah, he didn’t get a lot of time to be young but that’s ok he got other stuff instead. He ended up with the best kid in the world so he can’t really complain about missing birthday celebrations. 
“You don’t have to feel sorry for me, so my life’s been a bit different than yours, but that’s ok . Still got cake, even got a balloon once.” 
His joke falls flat, Buck looks devastated .
“Honestly, all completely normal, I promise, don’t freak out on me.”
He moves around him heading back to the couch and if he touches his arm on the way past, well it’s a tight space to squeeze through. Buck’s own fault really, for filling so much of it. His friend's voice follows him out of the kitchen. 
“But nothing since you got old?”
Eddie turns just so Buck can appreciate the eye roll, “I'm not exactly old Buck, I’m the same age as you.”
“Are we sure about that?” 
Abruptly Buck’s mood shifts and he’s teasing, humour replacing the tragic look that had been there only seconds ago.
“You do kinda look older than me. Pretty sure I spotted some gray hairs on you the other day.”
Eddie glares and throws a handy cushion without aiming. Buck catches it easily and grins, before taking another swig of beer. Eddie tries not to watch his lips or his throat too closely.
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evanbuckleyrecs · 30 days ago
January wrap up
So I haven't really had the energy to make separate posts lately, BUT I started track what I read and bookmark, so here is a list of all the 911 fics I bookmarked in January 2025!
Edit: I tried adding the author's tumblrs but couldn't find all of them. If you are/know any of them, please let me know :)
Please, please, please by bookinit
E rated | 8,7K | Buddie | touch starved Eddie | angst & smut | getting together | @bookinit02
buck doesn’t touch eddie anymore. eddie’s losing it, a little bit.
You'll Never Find Me Trying to Leave by DuoOfDiaz
T rated | 3,5k | Buddie | getting together | Christopher comes back from Texas | love confessions | @smolfunpenguin
Eddie and Buck are overjoyed that Christopher has returned from Texas. They organise a Welcome Back to LA party in his honor and it goes off without a hitch. Buck wonders whether the after party moment is finally the time to tell Eddie how he feels.
Please don't say I'm too much by buckleyys118
G rated | 3/3 chapters | 10K | Buddie | touch starved Buck | emotional hurt/comfort | getting together | angst with a happy ending | Tommy bashing | insecure Buck
a comment from Tommy causes Buck to spiral. Eddie fixes it.
Born with a weak heart by foxwatson
T rated | 7,4k | Buddie | post 6x11 in another life | touch starved Buck | getting together | idiots to lovers | touch as a love language
the one where eddie won't touch buck once he wakes up in the hospital, and buck goes absolutely bonkers bananas about it
If I loved you less by spaceprincessem
Rated T | 1,9K | Buddie | getting together | light angst | text messages | post 6x11 in another life | @spaceprincessem
Buck can't use his phone for two days. Eddie sends him text anyways
If You Need Me, You Know I'll Be There by soft_satan
Rated T | 4,1 K | Buddie | hurt/comfort | hurt Buck | no Ana bashing | soft Buddie | tending to wounds | mentioned hate crimes | protective Eddie | post s4 |
Eddie’s heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. “Buck? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” “No,” Buck laughed, breathless and bitter, just on this side of hysterical. He sniffled again, sounding like he was trying to stop himself from crying. “C-could uh… could you come get me? Please?”
Out of ashes by ashavahishta
Rated M | 6,6K | Buddie | presumed dead | kidnapping | established relationship | dark whump | worried Eddie | heavy angst | hurt/comfort | TW: implied/referenced torture, starvation, sensory deprivation | @ashavahishta
“They found Buck.” Hen’s hand goes to her chest. Chim stumbles like he’s been hit, hand curling around the back of a chair for balance. And Eddie - Eddie’s knees give out. He’s lucky there’s a chair right under him because he just buckles, head in hands, trying to remember how to breathe. “Is he - did they - what…what did they find?” “He’s alive.” “What?” Eddie’s head snaps up.
I Did It All (To Make You Love Me) by sirencalls
Rated E | 4,4K | Buddie | panties | top eddie/bottom buck | resolved sexual tension | praise kink
Honestly, Eddie is just trying to find the pair of boxers he knows he left here last week.
Won't you kiss me on the mouth (and love me like a sailor) by hirarih
G rated | 2,1k | Buddie | crack treated seriously | accidental love confessions | light angst | getting together | first kiss | POV alternating | idiots in love
Buck discovers he’s in love with Eddie, rants about it to Maddie, and doesn’t realise Eddie is right behind him.
I can read between your lines (dizzy from the spinning) by buckleydiazy
E rated | 4,3K | Buddie | phone sex | praise kink | pre-relationship Buddie | mention of past casual buck/omc
“So, theoretically,” Eddie sounds absolutely delighted, “if we didn’t know each other, you’d hook up with me in a public bathroom?” “Theoretically—I mean, do you want a serious answer?” Eddie hesitates for a moment. “Yeah,” he says quietly, all traces of humor gone from his voice. “Tell me.” “Probably,” Buck says. Then a little firmer—“Definitely.”
Not Doing This Alone by carpediaz
Rated M | 27,4k | Buddie, Buck & Chris, Eddie & Maddie | AU | Nanny Buck | mutual pining | getting together | angst with a happy ending | fluff and angst
The one where Eddie hires Buck as a nanny for Christopher and has to navigate falling in love with someone he shouldn't want (who definitely wants him in return).
The kiss that lingers by greenbergsays
E rated | 10,7k | Buddie | Buck’s birthmark | 5+1 | forehead kisses | non sexual intimacy | touch starved Buck | insecure Buck | getting together | fluff and smut and angst | @greenbergsays
5 times Eddie kisses Buck's birthmark & 1 time he doesn't.
Was I even on your way? By rangerdanger
Rated M | 3K | Buddie | past rape - Dr. Wells mention | panic attacks | established relationship | hurt/comfort | emotional hurt/comfort | worried Eddie | POV Buck
Buck gets reminded of something that happened he'd rather forget.
This Could Be Our Year; Don't Let Go of My Hand by allisonRW96
Rated T | 39,7k | 8/8 chapters | Buddie | mutual pining | alternating POV | getting together | Buck whump | worried Eddie | protective Eddie
After a routine call at the studio of a wealthy, eccentric fashion designer, the 118 find themselves invited to a masquerade ball on New Year’s Eve. Buck thinks it will be a perfect time to kiss Eddie. Eddie thinks it will be the perfect time to kiss Buck. Someone else has more sinister plans.
Rhythm of Your Heart series by devirnis
Part 1 rated T, part 2 rated G, part 3 rated M | Madney, Buddie, Buck & firehouse 118 | AU - criminals | 118 aren't firefighters | protective 118 | mutual pining | getting together | buck & maddie whump | total word count 39,6K | @devirnis
the 118 run a front restaurant for money laundering, and accidentally adopt the Buckley siblings
Baby mine by Fizzlespin
Rated G | 2,9k | Buck & Athena | hurt Buck | Buck needs a hug | Bathena are Buck’s parents | protective Athena | parental Athena
When Maddie tells him about Daniel, and being born for spare parts, Buck doesn't know what to do. Hurt, confused (and drunk), he goes to who he always goes to in a crisis for some calm, fatherly advice. But Bobby isn't home and Athena is left to pick up the pieces.
A minute from home but I feel so far from it by cozycatwriter
Rated G | 2,1k | Buck & Athena | post law-suit | post tsunami | emotional hurt/comfort | implied/referenced suicide
He thinks to anyone watching him that they might think he’s just lost in thought. He’s leaning against the pier fence, avoiding the bench this time around. Or maybe he looks like he’s about to throw himself off the wooden walkway and into the rocks below. He’s not sure which would be true. “Because you’re exhausting. We all have our own problems but you don’t see us whining about it.” He’s been back at station 118 for only a few shifts but it’s like the world has flipped upside down and he’s found himself within an alternate universe. Like Stranger Things.
Hen Wilson's Four Part Guide to Making Your Stupid Friends Date by songbvrd
Rated M | 25 K | Buddie, Hen & 118 | crack treated seriously | Chris comes back from Texas | POV outsider | miscommunication | post canon | locked in | idiots in love | @songbvrd
When Buck and Eddie aren't speaking, Hen decides to take matters into her own hands.
50 Cheeky Texts by songbvrd
Rated M | 20,9K | Buddie | b/t breakup | texting | pre-relationship buddie | drunken flirting | crack treated seriously | fluff and crack | bad pick up lines | hurt Buck | @songbvrd
Buck gets drunk-dared to send Eddie one cheeky text every day for 50 days. Eddie loses his mind. TW for the cringiest pickup lines in existence.
You warm me up (inside and out) by becausebuckley
Rated T | 3,4K | buddie | touch starved | cuddling & snuggling | sharing clothes | first kiss | getting together | @becausebuckley
after a shift leaves buck tired and shivering, eddie takes him home.
See y'all next month 🫡
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weewoowings · 5 months ago
Could this be it?
Buck and Tommy were draped over the couch, their limbs tangled in a comfortable mess. The living room was dim, the soft glow of a forgotten TV casting flickers of light across their faces. Something played on the screen—neither of them cared to follow it. The background noise was a hum, barely registering beyond the sound of their steady breathing.
Tommy’s head rested against the back of the couch, his eyes half-lidded, heavy with exhaustion. His fingers idly carded through Evan’s curls, the motion slow, soothing, as though each stroke could erase the weight of the long day from both of them. His boyfriend was pressed against his chest, his body relaxed, sinking into Tommy as if they were trying to merge into one.
They were quiet, their breaths syncing with each rise and fall of the other’s chest. The rhythmic in-and-out filled the space between them, steady, grounding. It was the kind of quiet that felt like home—words weren’t needed, the silence was enough.
His thumb traced the shell of Evan’s ear before his hand returned to its soft path through his hair. He could feel the tension slipping out of Evan’s muscles, the way he melted further into him, like he’d been waiting for this moment to finally let go. Tommy pressed his cheek against the top of his head, inhaling the faint scent of his shampoo, mixed with the lingering smell of the day’s sweat and city air. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect because it was them.
“You okay?” Tommy asked, his voice barely more than a whisper, as if anything louder would break the quiet.
Buck made a soft noise in response, something between a hum and a sigh. He shifted slightly, his face burrowing into Tommy’s neck, the warmth of him pressing in, seeking comfort. Tommy’s hand stayed in his hair, fingers curling gently, his touch so soft it almost tickled.
“I love you,” Buck mumbled, barely conscious of the words as they tumbled out of his mouth. They were unplanned, said without thought, like a secret whispered into the dark where it felt safe.
Tommy froze for just a beat, the words sinking in, and then he smiled. His hand stilled in Evan’s curls, his other arm wrapping tighter around him, pulling him impossibly closer.
“I love you too,” Tommy murmured, pressing a kiss to his birthmark. His voice was as gentle as his touch, as if the words themselves were something precious.
Buck, half-asleep, smiled against Tommy’s chest, his body growing heavier with the weight of comfort and certainty. The simple exchange of words had settled something deep within him, something he hadn’t even realized was tense. Saying I love you hadn’t been a decision, it had just happened—and the way Tommy had pulled him closer afterward, the warmth in his voice, made Buck feel like he’d found a home in that moment. He could still feel the echo of Tommy’s words, I love you too, lingering in the quiet, wrapping around his heart like a second layer of comfort.
Tommy’s hand had stilled in his curls, but Buck could feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath his cheek. He knew Tommy was awake, probably thinking the same thing, maybe replaying those words like he was. The ease between them now felt like breathing—natural, effortless. He didn’t need anything more than this right now. Just them, just being.
Tommy’s heart thudded steadily under Evan’s ear, and he found himself smiling softly too. There was no rush, no need to say anything more. The moment was full enough, and Tommy knew they had time—plenty of time for more words, more quiet moments, more soft confessions. This was the start of something new and easy, and the certainty of it settled over him like the perfect blanket.
They both lay there, wrapped in each other, breathing in the quiet, as the flicker of the TV faded into the background.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 11 months ago
Weekly Recap | March 18th-24th 2024
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It's a long one today folks! I hope you enjoy! :) If you know anyone who's not tagged, don't hesitate to let me know!
idk 'bout you but I can't wait for the final part of the premiere on Thursday!!! 😃
anything that is beautiful, people want to break. by dylaesthetics (Post-Coma, Trans Buck | 3K | Teen): Buck has never meant to keep it a secret from the one-eighteen. Hell, he trusts them with much more gritty, uncomfortable stuff than that. It’s more like… It hasn’t come up. There’s been no reason for it to come up. But then he gets struck by lightning and the mix-up with his medical records happens. A nurse he hasn’t seen yet barges into Buck’s hospital room, with his entire family in it, blood and found alike, and stares at him for one dumbfounded moment before blurting out a name he hasn’t been addressed by in well over eight years. 
not flesh and blood but the heart by Jinko / @jinkohhh (Post-S6, Getting Together | 10K | Explicit): Five times people assumed Chris was Buck's son + one time Eddie confirmed it.
🔥 don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (S7 Spec, Bachelor Party, Pretend Relationship | 14K | Teen): or, chris wants dating advice and it turns out taking your best friend on a pretend date to practice being as romantic as possible is not a good idea in theory or in practice, considering the pesky being-in-unrequited-love of it all
A Little Bit of the Bubbly by Jinko/ @jinkohhh (Post-S6, PWP, Getting Together | 7K | Explicit): Since turning 30, Buck's relationship with champagne has changed. It also manages to change his relationship with Eddie.
washed away (but not) by Jinko / @jinkohhh (S7 Spec | 3K | Teen): “Well, this is awkward.” Every part of Buck wanted to tell Chim to go fuck himself, but he couldn’t, so he didn’t. Nothing made a situation more awkward than pointing out the awkwardness of it. “So which one of you two made the deathbed love confession?” Ravi laughed, and frankly, Ravi could go fuck himself, too. The both of them could go fuck themselves because both Chimney and Ravi were correct.
i like the way you scratch my itch by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (BTHB: Hives | 3K | Teen): Buck’s big blue eyes sparkle. “You’re so cute, did you know that?” he asks, leaning close enough Eddie can count the small red-brown-orange freckles all across his nose. “Even when you’re red from poison ivy.” Red. Red from the poison ivy. Yeah, yep, that’s exactly what he’s so red for. Absolutely.
meet you in the middle. by dylaesthetics (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): OR buck and eddie get their shit together during a regular friday movie night at the diaz house.
🔥 Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Hades/Persephone AU | 45K | Explicit): Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Mythological AU, BDSM | 80K | Explicit): When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
and check out the amazing podfic!! 🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea)/ @rhea314
hold tight, you’re slowly coming back to life by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie runs into Natalia at the grocery store. He learns something about her and Buck’s breakup that gives him the final push to take care of his own complicated love life.
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 21K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
Touch Me and I'll Scream by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Unhealthy Coping Mecanisms, Established Buddie | 5K | Mature): At his low, Buck uses rough sex as a way of self harm.
in another life by bellabrady (Coma AU | 2K | Not Rated): Or: Buck's in a coma and dreams of a life where Daniel never died and he never became a firefighter.
Locations by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Vomiting, Drowning | 4K | General): In which Buck drowns.
I was born to take care of you by Beulaugh/ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Buck has a revelation at work and then promptly falls on his face. Eddie Diaz's ass: 1, Evan Buckley: 0
hold the silence. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6 | 3K | Teen): OR while looking for clothes to donate, Buck stumbles upon the shirt he was wearing when Eddie got shot.
Tomorrow we can drive around this town by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (S7 Spec, Drunk Eddie | 4K | Mature): If Eddie had been sober, he would have realized it wasn't something to be happy about. But drunk as he was, it had the blood singing in his veins, because Buck was going home with him, not Tommy. Tommy could go fuck himself – or you know, anyone else who was willing, but not Evan Buckley. Because Eddie was a pathetic, sloppy drunk and his best friend had a responsibility to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or drown himself in the bathroom sink.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz/ @tizniz (S7 Spec, Cruise Ship Emergency | 14K | General): God, he hopes Buck got out. That he isn’t trying to get to Eddie. That he gets to go home. And not just because Christopher needs him, although he does since Eddie is fairly certain he’s not making it home this time. He doesn’t let himself dwell too long on that thought. No, Eddie wants Buck to go home because he deserves it. Because Buck deserves to live. Because Eddie needs him to live.
you've got game by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (S7E01 Coda, Established Buddie | 1K | General): a silly little late night conversation about chris being a 'ladies man'
take this life and make it yours (take this heart and let it love again) by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 31K | Mature): Before he could second guess it, he’d dialled Eddie’s number and listened to it ring in his ear. As soon as he heard the click of the connection, he said, “Eddie, what the hell, man?” “I meant what I said. I don’t know who you think you are, but call this number again and I will contact the police.” . . . or, the one where Buck finally figures out he's in love with Eddie, only for things to not go as planned. At first.
if i bleed, you'll be the last to know by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (S7, Hurt Buck | 6K | Teen): buck gets stabbed while out on a run and then... doesn't tell anyone about it. eddie loses his shit when he finds out, they have a moment in the kitchen and they kiss.... not necessarily in that order.
Baby, take me by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): “Same thing,” Eddie nuzzled him, stubble scratching even more as he moved his face. When he stopped nuzzling, he pulled back far enough that he could see Buck’s face. “I said stop thinking.” “Kinda hard to turn my brain off.” “Pretty sure I turned it off just fine last night,” Eddie said with a smirk that went straight to Buck’s cock, already half hard just from the way Eddie’s stubble is dragging across his skin. “Is that how I get you to stop thinking?”
when you call me yours by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Established Buddie, Proposal | 5K | General): Buck starts calling Eddie his husband. Only problem...they're not engaged. aka the 5 times Buck refers to Eddie as his husband and the 1 time Eddie makes it true.
just lay back in my arms for one more night by diazbegins/ @evanbegins (Established Buddie, Fluff | 2K | Teen): Buck loves Eddie as he naps.
Brat Burrito by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Established Buddie | 1K | General): Just a cute Buddie moment about breakfast burritos.
it's a sliding into home kind of day by devirnis/ @devirnis (PWP | 3K | Explicit): Eddie’s eyes still don’t leave the television. Frowning to himself, Buck cranes his neck to get a look at what could possibly be more important than him coming home after covering a tragically Eddie-less shift. A baseball game evidently is the answer.
your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (New Years Eve, Getting Together | 8K | Teen): aka, Eddie's in love with Buck and he doesn't know how to tell him, until there's a miscommunication and fate (well, Hen) intervenes.
Loose Threads by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Secret Relationship | 3K | Explicit): New to dating and keeping it quiet, Buck and Eddie get a little carried away on a slower shift at the firehouse. But when the alarm eventually sounds, a spur of the moment mistake leaves them a little mixed up.
Married Life by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew)/ @911onabc (S5, Getting Together | 2K | General): Taylor films Buck for a TikTok challenge, and Buck finds out he would much rather be his best friend’s husband than his girlfriend’s.
A Seal By Any Other Name (Would Still Be My Best Friend) by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Post-Tsunami | 5K | General): Evan "Buck" Buckley is a collection of oddities. But they're just what makes Buck Buck and Eddie loves him for them. Eddie had thought that after their years of friendship (and maybe something more) that nothing Buck could do would surprise him anymore. But there is one oddity that Eddie never saw coming. “How about you start with why there was a seal in my bathtub and now there’s just you in my bathtub.” (Part 1 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
Just Add Water by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Tsunami | 3K | General): There may be more to Buck than meets the eye. But he's still only human(ish) and getting stuck in a natural disaster with his best friend's son is still all sorts of terrifying. A small hysterical part of his brain thinks about how ironic it would be if this was how he died. Him, a mythical aquatic creature, drowning. The universe would surely laugh and the long line of Buckley ancestors would turn in their graves. (Part 2 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
you can be my daddy (come on, you know you like) by bigfootsmom (Getting Together, Daddy Kink | 4K | Mature): Buck has a teeny tiny problem. One, he's in love with his best friend. Two, he wants to call said best friend Daddy.
It's the softness that breaks you by bigfootsmom (BDSM, Hurt/Comfort | 6K | Explicit): Or the one where Buck has more issues with intimacy than he had originally thought.
lay your love on me by bigfootsmom (PWP, Getting Together | 3K Explicit): Buck never thought the words he said to Eddie in the kitchen would ever come back to haunt him like this. Honestly, he’s not complaining.
you made me feel (i've got nothing to hide) by bigfootsmom (Virgin!Buck, Established Buddie, PWP | 8K | Explicit): Buck has a secret: Contrary to popular belief, Evan "Buck" Buckley is actually a virgin.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 22/? | 162K | Explicit | ❗️Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 122/? | 374K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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saveyourblood · 2 months ago
The Exit (Evan Buckley x Reader)
Summary: “She isn’t as good as me,” you say. It isn’t a question. It isn’t even a taunt — it’s a simple fact. The one where you and Buck were together, now you're not, and you're cycling through the five stages of grief.
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Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: mild violence, toxic(ish) relationship
“There’s no way he moved on that quickly.”
Hen just looks at you. You take another sip of your drink. 
She successfully convinced you to go out after work for the first time in months. Unfortunately for her, that doesn’t mean you’re good company. Your only plan for the night is to get so drunk that you can get his face out of your head. 
“It’s like I always say: Men ain’t shit.”
“You literally never say that.”
“I don’t have to, because they ain’t shit,” Hen grins. 
You try to smile. God, you wish you could. You’re pretty sure that night stitched the corners of your mouth into a permanent frown. 
“I just can’t believe it,” you mutter. You signal for the bartender. 
Hen sighs. “Look, babe, there’s no way that relationship is going to last. She’s a rebound.” 
“You think he’d introduce us to his rebound?”
“The whole point of a rebound is that you don’t know it’s a rebound,” Hen explains. “Buck thinks he loves her because he still loves you, and that love doesn’t just… disappear. It has to go somewhere.”
“Why can’t I have it?” 
Hen sighs again, a sad smile on her face. 
“Maybe I was just a really shitty partner,” you cede. “Maybe if I could be better, we could be better.” 
Hen’s in the middle of a sip, but she shakes her head anyway. “No, that’s not what happened.”
“I don’t even know what happened. I think that’s the worst part. I mean, here’s this man that I think I’ve been in love with for the last three years, and the second I mention the word ‘marriage,’ he runs for the hills.”
“He’s got some personal shit to work through,” Hen says simply. “Shit that you can’t fix.” 
“But why couldn’t he let me at least help him? Isn’t that what a partner is supposed to do?” 
Hen plays with the napkin on the bar in front of her. “Buck’s never had a real partner — not until you came into his life. I think underneath the macho firefighter charade is a boy who’s just… scared of how he feels.”
“He doesn’t know how he feels,” you scoff. 
The bartender wordlessly fills the empty shot glass in front of you. You take it the second he’s done pouring it, wincing as it burns your throat. 
“Maybe that’s what he’s scared of,” Hen says softly. 
“He can’t be that scared: he has a girlfriend,” you retort bitterly. You push your empty shot glass around aimlessly before quietly adding, “I’m so tired of feeling this way.”
You won’t be reaching Acceptance anytime soon, so for now, you cycle through the other stages of grief… except for Anger. 
You and Anger either don’t get along or get along far too well. You and Anger is either tequila and lime or tequila and a goddamn blowtorch. Anger gets you everything you want or it ruins it, and there’s no in-between. You’re not friends, not even close; Anger is your shadow, nipping on your heels, ready to strike in the right lighting. 
You look over your shoulder at the pool table. Buck and Eddie are taking turns shooting, and off to the side sits Taylor. 
You don’t get what Buck sees in her, yet you absolutely get it, and it’s an infuriating paradox. She’s a news broadcaster, but she looks like she could be a model. Where you have scars and curves, Taylor is clear and straight-edged. She flips her long red hair over one shoulder, and even under the shitty bar lamp, it shines. 
It’s the right lighting. 
You push yourself away from the counter and hop out of your seat. You march across the bar, far too steady on your feet considering how much you’ve drank. It’s as if Anger, which usually follows behind you, is propping you up and pushing you forward. 
Taylor sees you first, because of course she does. She smiles a little as her eyebrows furrow. It’s juvenile, but you kind of want to punch her in the mouth and see what her perfect little smile would look like with a fresh painting of blood over it. 
“Is everything alright?” She asks innocently. 
“Yeah, just… Buck, can I talk to you? Outside?” 
Buck, who’s lining up a shot, looks up. His mouth opens slightly before he forces it closed, his jaw clenching in the process. He quickly shoots, the cue ball bouncing off the side of the table before hitting another ball. He doesn’t even look to see if he made the shot; he stares at you the entire time. 
He stands up straight, rolling his shoulders back. “Yeah.”
Buck leads the way. If Anger wasn’t following you so closely, you’d feel Taylor’s gaze burning a hole in your back. 
It’s cold outside. Not unseasonably, considering it’s February. Hell, it’s not even actually cold; you grew up on the East Coast, so where you’re from, winter chills you to the bone. Here in LA, winter is more like a breath of fresh air from the summer's unrelenting heat. 
Buck crosses his arms over his chest. He’s from the East Coast too, so you know he isn’t cold.
“What’s up?” He asks.
You laugh. Like, actually laugh. You haven’t done it in so long that you almost forgot how it sounded, how it feels. You missed the rumble in your chest and the shaking of your shoulders. You missed laughing, and you missed laughing with him. 
Buck isn’t laughing, though. He’s just staring at you. 
“You know what? Nevermind,” you chuckle, turning on your heel. 
You take a few steps down the sidewalk before Buck calls after you. “Where are you going? You’re the one who wanted to talk!”
You stop dead in your tracks, any trace of a smile leaving your face. 
Buck shifts behind you. He’s close enough to hear but not close enough to feel. 
“Does she know?” You ask, back still turned to him. 
He shifts again. You let the silence deafen you both.
“...It hasn’t come up.”
You laugh again. It isn’t genuine this time. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
You try walking away again, but Buck grabs your arm. It feels like his fingertips are made of fire. You spin around to face him, causing him to let go. His jaw is set again. 
You grab fistfuls of his shirt, spinning him around and pushing him against the brick wall of the neighboring building. 
“Don’t you dare fucking touch me,” you growl. “You lost that privilege a long time ago.”
Buck keeps fucking staring at you. He raises his chin a little, but he doesn’t try to move your hands. 
“You are so full of shit, you know that?” You continue, shaking your hands a little before letting go of his shirt. 
“You’re drunk.”
He can smell it on your breath. He can’t possibly know you well enough to know you’d never say any of this sober. Because sure, you were together for three years, but you’re not together anymore. One of the reasons for that has to be that he doesn’t know a damn thing about you. 
“You’re still full of shit,” you repeat. Even you can tell that it isn’t as convincing this time. You take a step back; being this close to him is making your stomach turn. 
Buck pushes off the wall, towering over you. “How? How am I full of shit?” 
“You’re a liar,” you say, tilting your head up to stare at him. You won’t let him intimidate you. 
“A liar?” Buck challenges, getting closer to you. 
Anger. Anger. Anger. 
You put your hands on his chest and push him against the wall again. You aren’t strong enough to manhandle him — to a certain extent, he’s letting you push him around. That pisses you off even more. 
“You lied to me for three fucking years straight,” you hiss. 
“You told me you loved me.”
Your voice wavers, and you can’t stand the sound of it. You clench your jaw and take in a breath, which you let out shakily. No fucking way are you going to let yourself cry in front of him. He doesn’t deserve your tears. 
“You told me you loved me, and when I wanted more, you ran,” you say, pausing to swallow. “You told me you loved me for three years, and not even three months later, you’re showing off your new girlfriend.”
If only for a second, you swear his vision drops to your lips. Buck goes right back to staring at you, though, and you see his jaw pop — he’s getting angry. 
“Are you ever gonna tell her?” You challenge. You lean in, the gap between you growing shorter every second.
His jaw doesn’t relax. 
A chuckle escapes you. Of course he isn’t. 
You put your hands on the wall, inches from Buck’s waist on both sides. You lean in, turning your lips to his ear. “Remember this, Evan Buckley: everywhere she touches you, I was there first.” 
Buck grabs your face with one hand, and your brain short-circuits. Your chin is tucked between his thumb and index finger, the rest of his fingers resting on your cheek and neck. He pulls you back first, then turns you around until it’s you who’s pressed against the wall. 
Then, he kisses you. His hand stays where it is while the other pins your hip in place. The kiss doesn’t feel like it used to; it’s somehow worse yet better than when you were together. There’s no trace of love in the way his tongue slides across yours or the way he takes your lip in between his teeth. Everything about this is so rough, so raw, so needy.
Eventually, Buck brakes away but keeps his forehead pressed against yours so hard you think it might leave a bruise. He huffs out a few breaths that you gratefully inhale. 
“She isn’t as good as me,” you say. It isn’t a question.  It isn’t even a taunt — it’s a simple fact. Three months ain’t got shit on three years. 
“You just had to go and fuck things up, didn’t you?” He mumbles, voice gravelly. 
He’s kissing you again. Your head is fuzzy, and you know it isn’t from the booze. He’s pressing into you, but you manage to snake a hand in between your waists to palm him. He’s half-hard, and when you make contact, he lets out a low groan into your mouth. You swallow it whole. 
His words finally register. You squeeze him, probably a little too hard. He groans again, finally moving his hand from your face to the wall behind you for leverage. 
“I fucked things up?” you challenge quietly. Your hand hovers over Buck’s crotch, and he leans closer, desperate for any connection. “You’re the one who ended things.”
“You’re the one who wanted to change things,” Buck argues. 
His head dips, and he starts to kiss your neck. You let out a small sound at the sensation, biting your bottom lip to quiet yourself. You’re still pissed at him, but you continue palming him through his pants, which earns you another groan. 
“I brought up the idea of a future, and you ran,” you say between heavy breaths. “You’re more scared of change than you are being alone. It’s pathetic.” 
Buck bites the skin above your collarbone in protest to your words. You wince; it’ll definitely leave a mark. 
The weird thing about your relationship with Buck is that it never really felt like it ended. At least, that’s how you took things. One second, you were happy, and the next, you were moving into a studio apartment that wasn’t his. There was no funeral, no eulogy, just a loss so deep that it gave you whiplash. You didn’t bury your relationship under six feet of dirt; you buried it under six feet of snow. You buried it alive. And the snow is melting. 
Buck’s hand sneaks under your waistband, and it’s as if the alcohol in your bloodstream burns off. You’re left sober, staring at a sickening reality: this is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Even though it feels so fucking right, it is so fucking wrong. 
Both of your hands find his shoulders. You push him away, not as roughly as before, not even with a lot of force. Really, all it takes for him to pull away is the change in your demeanor. 
“You have a girlfriend,” you whisper.  
You still don’t think it’s fair that he got to move on so quickly. Buck is flying down the freeway and left you at an exit miles back. He’s moving on way faster and way better than you ever could. It doesn’t feel fair. But then again, it doesn’t matter what you feel. Because there is no ‘you and Buck’ anymore: it’s Buck and Taylor, and somewhere in the backdrop, there’s you. 
Your hand finds his wrist, which you pull away slowly. You press your lips together, then let out a sigh. “You should probably get back to her.”
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lives-in-midgard · 8 months ago
Giving it back to you
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Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader
Summary: After Eddie forgot something at your place you decide to drive to the 118 to bring it back to him even though his friends haven't met you yet.
Word Count: 880
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Eddie Diaz fanfic, I hope you enjoy it.
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
911 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It was early in the morning when you were woken up by Eddie giving you a kiss on the cheek. You and Eddie have been dating for a few weeks now and are really happy together. Yesterday Eddie came to your apartment after work and surprised you while Buck was taking care of Christopher. You haven’t met his friends or Chris yet, but Eddie told you that he plans for you to meet them soon.
You and Eddie stayed in bed cuddling for a few more minutes until his timer went off. You let out a groan and he chuckled.
“I’m sorry, mi amor, but I have to get up now.” Eddie said while gently drawing circles on your back.
“Just five more minutes, please.” You said, he smiled at you and pulled you closer to him. After five minutes you understood that he really had to go now, even though you were sad that he was leaving. When he stood at your apartment door, you hugged him one more time and Eddie pulled you into a soft kiss.
“Do we see us after your shift?” You asked while holding his hand.
“Of course.” He said with a smile.
“Be safe.” You told him before he left the apartment. When Eddie leaves or when you know he is at work you’re always so worried about him, even though he has told you that he will always take good care of himself.
There was still time before you had to go to work, so you took a shower, had breakfast and then you decided to watch something on the TV in your room. As you entered your room, you noticed something laying on the floor. It looked like one of your necklaces, but when you got closer you saw that it was Eddie’s St. Christopher medallion. You picked it up from the floor and held it in your hand, looking at it with a smile. When a thought suddenly popped into your mind. It means so much to Eddie and he's probably looking for it. You put your shoes on and decided to drive to the station and bring it back to Eddie.
After a short drive you parked your car outside of the 118. You were nervous because you have never been there before and never even met the others. Even though you already know a lot about them based on the stories Eddie told you. When you walked into the station you noticed that the fire truck is here which means Eddie should be here as well. You couldn’t see him, but when you walked further into the station you saw a young, friendly looking guy walking towards you.
“Hey, can I help you?”
“I’m looking for Eddie Diaz.” You said nervously.
“He's upstairs, you can come with me.” He said and walked over to the stairs.
When you reached the top of the stairs you followed him into the kitchen where everyone was. You looked around and saw Eddie talking to someone. You noticed the guy he was talking to, it’s Buck.
“Eddie here is someone for you.” He said, Eddie turned around and was surprised when he saw you.
“Mi amor, you okay?” Eddie asked in a worried tone as he walked closer to you. You could see that the others were confused at first but then started to smile.
“Yeah, I’m okay, Eddie.” You said and Eddie reached for your hand.
“I found something in my apartment and because I know how much it means to you I thought I'd quickly bring it back to you before I go to work.” You explained, opened your bag and pulled out his St. Christopher medallion. You handed it to Eddie, who began to smile.
“Thank you. I was already looking for it.” He said and you smiled at him. He wanted to pull you into a kiss, but when you remembered that all his friends were here you started to blush.
“Oh, who do we have here.” one of Eddie's colleagues said as he entered the room.
“Chim, this is Y/N my girlfriend.” Eddie announced and then began introducing you to all of his colleagues and friends.
“And you must be Buck.” You said and he chuckled.
“Yeah that’s me.”
“It’s great to finally meet you, Eddie has told me a lot about you.”
“I hope only good things.” Buck said and everyone started to chuckle.
“Of course, don’t worry.” You giggled and then looked at the clock.
“It was really nice meeting you all, but I have to go to work now.” You told the others and then looked back at Eddie. They all understood and before saying goodbye you all agreed that you would meet again soon. Eddie walked downstairs with you and when you reached your car, he finally kissed you again.
“I know you didn't want me to meet your friends like this, but when I found your St. Christopher medallion I had to bring it to you.”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to worry. Actually, I’m really glad you came here today.” He said and pulled you into a hug. When you pulled away, you smiled at each other and said goodbye to each other.
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leothil · 2 months ago
fic recs: archive edition 33
Happy new year! I won't pretend I'll get back into doing these regularly again, but I was mourning the process a bit and @treasurehuntbuck encouraged me to make another post. 💛 So here I am! These fics are all from late January or early February 2022 and information about 5B was slowly trickling out!
Previous posts can be found here!
life like a face between your palms by @hattalove Established relationship fluff so mushy you will melt. Even knowing each other inside out, Eddie still manages to surprise Buck with his sweetness. 9.5k words, rated M
New Sensations by @lamardeuse Newly gotten together, they still haven't found enough time to themselves to actually sleep together, and they're both getting a bit agitated about it. 4.3k words, rated E
darling, the future's better than yesterday by rarakiplin A favourite time travel (ish) AU of mine! Set post 5x10, Buck wakes up in El Paso ten years ago and meets an Eddie who just found out Shannon is pregnant, in a version of present LA where Eddie never moved there, and in a future where they're married. All around wonderful read where Buck learns some new things not just about Eddie but also about himself. 28.7k words, rated T
This Could be Our Year; Don't Let Go of my Hand by allisonRW96 (@homerforsure) The 118 get invited to a fancy new year's masquerade ball after saving a fashion designer, and Buck and Eddie are both resolved to take the chance to kiss the other at midnight. But when Buck disappears during the ball the night quickly changes from romcom to thriller. If you like Buck whump this one is for you! 39.7k words, rated T
tingles in a silly place by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) Super fluffy first date! That's it, that's the fic. And what more could you ask for, honestly! 3.9k words, rated T
Happy january! Hope you enjoy the fics!
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