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tokoyonomori · 8 months ago
今年は正月から大地震が頻発し国際情勢も非常にまずい方向に突き進んでいるようなので、3日間(72h)生存するためのBoBを作ることにした。 ★続編(バッグの交換)はこちら★
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Creek Stewart著『Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag: Your 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit』
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<内容物> [道具] ・ピンセット ・毛抜き・爪切り・鼻毛ハサミなどのセット ・包帯鋏 ・ポイズンリムーバー ・ペンライト ・ペン鋏 ・Bic J25 氷点下対応ライター(-11℃可のイソブタン仕様) ・耳栓 [外用資材] ・大判��ーゼ ・非防水ワンタッチパッド ・防水ワンタッチパッド ・ハイドロコロイド絆創膏シート ・絆創膏 ・綿棒 ・添木ロール ・ゴムチューブ1m ・伸縮包帯 ・サージカルテープ ・紙石鹸 ・ハイドロコロイド絆創膏(後日追加) ・透明フィルム絆創膏(後日追加) ・ヘモスタパッド(止血パッド・後日追加) [外用薬] ・消毒剤(マキロン/アルコールジェル/イソジン) ・リバガーゼ(殺菌剤含浸ガーゼ) ・アルコール綿 ・ステロイド軟膏(ベトネベートN) ・抗生物質軟膏(ドルマイシン) ・傷薬(パイロール) ・アレルギー用目薬 ・リップスティック ・虫刺され薬 [内用薬] ・消火器疾患剤(正露丸) ・抗ヒスタミン剤(レスタミン) ・即効性下痢止め ・解熱鎮痛剤(バファリン) ・マルチビタミンサプリ(後日追加)
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数万円出せばもっと小さいものが手に入るのかもしれないが、非常用にそこまでコストをかけられないので4桁円のものを選択。BoBの容量の大半をこいつが占めている… 5/10追記: シュラフ購入時についていた写真の袋を締めすぎてバックルが砕けたので、別用途のために買ってた30L容量のコンプレッションバッグに移し替え、さらに円周方向のベルトも追加してギッチギチに締め上げたらもうちょっと小さくなった。
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<圧縮袋A> ・下着上下一式(速乾性で拓也さんめいたメッシュのもの) ・野外用靴下一式 <圧縮袋B> ・速乾性長袖シャツ ・��乾性長ズボン(リップストップ生地のもの) ・中量フリースのアッパー(後日追加) <追加ポーチ> ・ブーニーハット ・シュマグ(アフガンストール) ・タオル ・皮手袋
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<内容物> ・トイレットペーパー1巻 ・緊急簡易トイレ2つ ・シャンプーシート ・歯磨きセット ・タオル錠3つ ・小型石鹸(未撮影、ホテルにある15gぐらいのもの)
できるだけ防水缶に入れるが、��れてもよいものやすぐ取り出すものは外ポーチに入れる。防水缶はプラスチック製ケースよりアルミ製弁当箱の方が軽くてコンパクトで安価なのでおすすめ。 最後に念には念を入れて防水缶の蓋と本体の継ぎ目を自己融着テープで巻いて封印しよう。(防水とホールドアップ対策)
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<缶の内容物> ・ナイフ(オピネルNo.6、刃渡73mm)  ※通常のナイフは刃渡り60mm、折り畳みナイフは刃渡り80mmを超過しなければ合法(参考)  非常時には検問だけでなく人間との接触を避けるのが大前提!  どうしても不安ならNo.5(刃渡60mm)を持っていけばよい ・マルチツール(重たいのでダイソーの300円品でいい) ・小型ラチェットレンチ(SK11 SRD-210) ・火起こし棒 ・エスビット(もどき) ・小型ケミカルライトx3 ・ワイヤーソー ・結束タイ10本 ・マッチ(12本ぐらい)+バーズアイマッチ(6本) ・瞬間接着剤x2 ・汎用接着剤G17 ・廃カードに巻いたダクトテープ3m(未撮影) <外ポーチ> ・パラコード15m ・アルコールウェットティッシュ ・コンパス ・加圧式ボールペン ・油性ペン ・鉛筆 ・裁縫セット ・ビニール袋ディスペンサー ・大型ケミカルライト(12h) ・大型ケミカルライト(24h)
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<飲食関係> ・1.5合メスティン ・ソウヤー製簡易浄水器セット ・ヨウ素浄水錠剤 ・カトラリー(スプーン&フォーク) ・シェラカップ(後日追加) ・スティックタイプのコーヒー(後日追加) <電気関係> ・モバイルバッテリー(10000mAh) ・複合ラジオ(充電・乾電池・ソーラー・手回し動力でライト付き) ・ヘッドライト ・予備電池(単3・単4) <その他: 外装> ・ハチミツ(行動食を兼ねる。メスティンに入らなかった) ・氷砂糖(行動食を兼ねる。すぐつまめるように。未撮影)
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<外装> ・ビビーサック(サナギ型テント。このタイプ) ・スリーピングマット(汎用性を考えロール式) ・1クォート(約946ml)ボトル(冒頭写真。この商品) ・オリンパス8x21RC II WP 小型防水双眼鏡(後日追加) <外ポーチ> ・小型タープ(3x3m以下) ・ガスコンロ(CB缶タイプ) ・ガスボンベ(一般的なコンロ用のCB缶) ・小型スコップ ・N95防塵マスク ・防塵サングラス ・防刃手袋 ・防水雨具上下(未撮影、放水を浴びても大丈夫な強力防水品)
Amazonベーシックのアルファ米パック10���セット。こいつは車にも搭載している。72時間(3日間)逃げ回ることを考えたら1日3食は食わないとやっていけないので、しっかり9食以上は携行するように。 なお撮影を忘れてしまったので写真なし。 水は1日2Lとして3日分を携行すると6kg超となり非現実的なので、1L以内を携行し他は浄水器で調達するものとしたい。
冬山登山では20kg前後になるというから、16kgでもかなり軽量化したほうだとは思うがやはりちょっと重たい。そこでより高級なギアに換装してどれだけ軽量化できるか検証はしてたものの、内容物を2.94kg軽量化させるために9万円も払いたくないしバックパックの容量を保ったまま1-2kg軽量化するために5万円出すのも容認できないというわけで、リーズナブルな価格で揃えたらやっぱりこれぐらいが限界という結果に。 それにあんまし高級品にしてしまうんならソロキャン用具にしたいじゃん?
5/10追記: 後でフリースなどを詰めたらファスナーが内圧で外れたので、改めて内部フレーム式70Lのバッグを買いなおすことにした。届いたら詰めなおして続報記事にする予定。こちらの45Lバッグはキャンプ用にしようかな?
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eosmedicinalchemistry · 2 years ago
EOS MedChem Stock List-A18
EOS Med Chem is a leading provider of innovative chemical products and services across pharmaceutical research and development and commercial manufacturing. Its core business is: A catalog of specially designed scaffolds and building blocks. custom synthesis; process development; manufacturing of key intermediates and RSM. Officially operational in 2008, EOSMed Chem is rapidly recognized for its outstanding capabilities in designing, synthesizing and supplying novel building blocks for drug discovery. Our daily monitoring of recent research and patents in pharmaceutical R&D and medicinal chemistry continues to expand our product portfolio. With a growing number of pharmaceutical R&D projects applying its products from discovery to pre-clinical and clinical research and even commercialization, EOS Med Chem has built a first-class process R&D capability, building blocks and GMP scale-up synthesis and manufacturing. It offers. / Non-GMP intermediates. The total volume of the EOS Med Chem reactor is approximately 250 cubic meters, with reactor sizes ranging from 200L to 6,300L. The company is now committed to a more comprehensive and long-term service to its valued customers.
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34703-83-8manufacturer, Stock 214.3g, Assay 98.6% 34704-47-7manufacturer, Stock 337.6g, Assay 98.2% 34704-65-9manufacturer, Stock 499.6g, Assay 98.1% 34705-59-4manufacturer, Stock 177.4g, Assay 96.2% 34705-61-8manufacturer, Stock 851.1g, Assay 97.8% 34705-84-5manufacturer, Stock 511.7g, Assay 97.7% 34705-85-6manufacturer, Stock 588.2g, Assay 96.9% 34705-87-8manufacturer, Stock 908.1g, Assay 97.1% 34706-17-7manufacturer, Stock 180.8g, Assay 96.8% 34706-32-6manufacturer, Stock 341g, Assay 98.1% 34706-40-6manufacturer, Stock 740.8g, Assay 96.4% 34706-41-7manufacturer, Stock 545.6g, Assay 99.1% 34706-44-0manufacturer, Stock 157.7g, Assay 96.3% 34706-45-1manufacturer, Stock 56.5g, Assay 99.8% 34706-53-1manufacturer, Stock 157.3g, Assay 98.2% 34706-55-3manufacturer, Stock 908g, Assay 97.4% 34706-56-4manufacturer, Stock 783.3g, Assay 96.3% 34706-60-0manufacturer, Stock 298.7g, Assay 97.7% 34706-68-8manufacturer, Stock 156.2g, Assay 99.5% 34706-87-1manufacturer, Stock 982.5g, Assay 97.5% 34707-69-2manufacturer, Stock 192.8g, Assay 97% 34707-70-5manufacturer, Stock 152.9g, Assay 99.4% 34707-71-6manufacturer, Stock 639.9g, Assay 97.4% 34707-81-8manufacturer, Stock 231.7g, Assay 99.8% 34707-82-9manufacturer, Stock 865.9g, Assay 99.3% 34707-83-0manufacturer, Stock 105.5g, Assay 97.8% 34707-87-4manufacturer, Stock 987.4g, Assay 98.9% 34707-92-1manufacturer, Stock 953.9g, Assay 98% 34708-08-2manufacturer, Stock 158.1g, Assay 99.5% 34708-16-2manufacturer, Stock 652.8g, Assay 97.2% 34708-18-4manufacturer, Stock 107.1g, Assay 96.8% 34708-38-8manufacturer, Stock 735.6g, Assay 98.4% 34708-39-9manufacturer, Stock 85.2g, Assay 99.1% 34708-44-6manufacturer, Stock 914.1g, Assay 98.6% 34708-50-4manufacturer, Stock 958.7g, Assay 97.2% 34708-54-8manufacturer, Stock 954.2g, Assay 98% 34708-59-3manufacturer, Stock 935.5g, Assay 96.4% 34708-60-6manufacturer, Stock 470.1g, Assay 97.5% 34708-67-3manufacturer, Stock 765.9g, Assay 99.5% 34708-90-2manufacturer, Stock 449.5g, Assay 96.2% 34708-97-9manufacturer, Stock 431.5g, Assay 96.9% 34709-37-0manufacturer, Stock 289.8g, Assay 99% 34709-38-1manufacturer, Stock 428.2g, Assay 98.4% 34709-43-8manufacturer, Stock 916.4g, Assay 98.2% 34709-44-9manufacturer, Stock 990.5g, Assay 97% 34709-45-0manufacturer, Stock 15g, Assay 99.2% 34709-90-5manufacturer, Stock 830g, Assay 97.1% 3471-04-3manufacturer, Stock 690.9g, Assay 99.5% 3471-05-4manufacturer, Stock 585.8g, Assay 97.3% 3471-08-7manufacturer, Stock 439.3g, Assay 98.5%
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uuu987 · 4 years ago
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자로우포뮬러스 HYDROWHEY 단백질파우더 908g 무맛 헬스보충식품 자로우포뮬러스 HYDROWHEY 단백질파우더 908g 무맛49,900원 캐시적립 혜택 최대2,495원 적립 가능합니다. 자로우포뮬러스 HYDROWHEY 단백질파우더 908g 무맛 상품구매 자로우포뮬러스 HYDROWHEY 단백질파우더 908g 무맛 상품구매
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zip001 · 4 years ago
so i was reading a short article in king arthur flour website about this man’s mum and how his great grandmother (his mum’s grandmum) would buy his grandmum and mum a banh xeo from proceeds from sales of whatever they could make from ingredients from their local market. his story sorta reminds me of the food (crispy rice paper eggrolls, fried wontons, and fried corncakes or cornfritters) mum would make that my sis and our cousin will sell in our local weekly farmers market. and crispy and lacey banh xeo was also a fave of my mum.
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here is a recipe if the link does not work
1 cup (193g) dried mung beans
3/4 pound (340g) whole shrimp, peeled, deveined, and halved lengthwise
3/4 pound (340g) pork loin, cut into 1/4" slices
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
about 3/4 cup (149g) vegetable oil, divided
1 large (8-ounce) white onion, thinly sliced
3 cups (240g) bean sprouts, rinsed and drained
green or red leaf lettuce, mint, mustard greens, and/or purple perilla; for serving
1 tablespoon King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
3 cups + 3 tablespoons (453g) white rice flour
5 teaspoons (7g) ground turmeric
4 cups (908g) water
3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (199g) coconut milk, stirred
5 green onions, chopped
2 cups (454g) water
1/3 cup (76g) fish sauce
juice from 3 lemons or limes (3/4 to 1 cup, 227g)
1/3 cup granulated sugar (66g) or brown sugar (71g)
4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
1 Thai chili, finely chopped (add more if you like more heat)
To cook the mung beans: Add the mung beans to a small saucepan with about 2 cups of water and set the pan over medium-high heat. Cover the pan, bring the water to a boil, and cook the beans until they're soft enough to crush between two fingers, about 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside.
To prepare the crêpe batter: Combine the flours, turmeric, water, coconut milk, and green onions, whisking until smooth. Set aside.
To prepare the sauce: Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and whisk until the sugar dissolves. Taste and adjust the seasoning as desired.
To prepare the filling: Combine the shrimp, pork, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of oil in a large bowl.
To cook the crêpes: Pour about a tablespoon of oil into a nonstick pan, place the pan over high heat, and wait until the oil is smoking hot. Add a few slices of onions, 2 to 4 shrimp halves, and 2 to 3 slices of pork (you’re aiming to repeat this about 9 to 11 more times), and sauté until the shrimp and pork are fully cooked through.
Once the protein is fully cooked, add about 1/2 to 3/4 cup batter (depending on the size of your pan) and immediately start to swirl the pan to spread the batter evenly across the bottom; the goal here is to get the thinnest and crispiest crêpe without tearing.
Top half of the crêpe with a handful of bean sprouts and a tablespoon or two of the cooked mung beans.
Drizzle a little oil all around the edge of the pan and allow the crêpe to cook until it’s nice and crispy on the bottom, about 2 to 3 minutes longer.
Fold the half of the crêpe with no fillings over the half of the crêpe with fillings — similar to an omelet — and remove the crêpe from the heat.
Transfer the crêpe to a cutting board (or keep it warm in a 250°F oven while you cook the remaining crêpes) and cut or tear it into 1” strips.
To serve the crêpes: Wrap the fresh greens around the strips of crêpe like a lettuce wrap, then dip into the sauce and enjoy!
Wrap and refrigerate any leftover crêpes. Reheat in an oiled pan to crisp crêpes up before serving.
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ssasupplementsuk-blog · 5 years ago
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Alpha Nitrox is chock full of extremely powerful ingredients that scientific research has shown to greatly increase your performance in the gym and help take your training up a notch or two! - Visit our ONLINE STORE today to receive 1 FREE Alpha Nitrox when you purchase 1 Pure Whey [908g] - www.ssasupplementsuk.com (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVCb1zH8It/?igshid=xq1glz3q3wyw
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deliciouschopshopfest · 5 years ago
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2 heads cauliflower, about 2 pounds (908g) each
1 teaspoon kosher salt, (5g)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup olive oil, (60ml)
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
Adjust oven rack to the lower third position. Preheat oven to 500ºF.
Remove the outer green leaves from the head of cauliflower and trim the stem.
Using a large knife cut the cauliflower in half lengthwise through the center.
Cut a 1 1/2-inch thick steak from each half of the cauliflower. If the head is large, carefully cut one more steak from each of the cut sides.
Repeat process with the other head of cauliflower. Trim any florets not connected to the stem. There should be about 4 to 8 pieces total.
Place cauliflower steaks on a rimmed baking sheet.
In a small bowl mix together salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika.
Drizzle olive oil on both sides of each cauliflower steak.
Evenly sprinkle the seasoning mixture on both sides of the cauliflower steaks, about 1/4 teaspoon per side.
Tightly cover the baking sheet with foil and bake for 5 minutes.
Remove the foil from the cauliflower and roast for 10 minutes.
Gently flip the cauliflower steak and roast until a golden brown crust forms on both sides, about 6 to 8 minutes.
Transfer cauliflower steaks to a serving platter and garnish with parsley.
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cristianecoach · 2 years ago
Venha visitar a minha loja! Aqui
você encontra as maiores ofertas
do Magazine Luiza, e garante um atendimento personalizado de acordo com o que você procura.
Chocottone Bauducco 908g
Por R$ 23,90 Código: ka74473g1b
Fritadeira Philco Air Fryer Oven 12L PFR2200P - 220V
Por R$ 455,00 ou em 10x de R$ 45,50 sem juros Código: ebc0h7fkej
Kit Shampoo + Condicionador + Máscara Capilar Lola Cosmetics Morte Súbita
Por R$ 59,90 Código: 570897000
Geladeira Brastemp Frost Free Duplex 375L Branco - com Compartimento Extrafrio Fresh Zone BRM44HB
Por R$ 3.037,00 Código: 013085601
Jogo de Toalhas Camesa Algodão e Poliéster - Nacional Linea Piscina 4 Peças
Por R$ 47,90 Código: 235851600
Kit 2x Waxy Whey 900g + BCAA 100g + Power Creatine 100g + Waxy Maize 800g + Coqueteleira Bodybuilders
Por R$ 89,99 Código: fga473hac3
Banco Escada de Alumínio BTF 3 Degraus 120 kg
Por R$ 84,92 Código: bhgg7837f7
Kit Salon Line Kids SOS Cachos - 5 Produtos por um Preço Único - S.O.S Cachos
Por R$ 59,75 Código: fbf4kkd2cb
Kit Short Básico Feminino c/ 3 Peças - Básicos
Por R$ 54,99 Código: gc9h0bg821
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pandafoodexpresscompany · 2 years ago
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Product: Red Sea Cucumber Meat - Frozen Origin: Canada Weight: 908g (2lbs) Package: Frozen vacuum pack Description: Red Sea cucumbers are harvested from North Pacific ocean. They are delicious and packed with a variety of natural nutrients. The sea cucumber meat is prized for its unique chewy clam-like texture. Sea cucumber meat is a Chinese and Japanese delicacy, suitable steam seafood pot or traditional hotpotfor and stir-fry with XO sauce. crispy feelings with sweetness. Cost: $68/pack (2lbs) Cost: $130/ pack (4lbs) Free shipping over $75 order (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckd6RLMPvlH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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To-mato or not Tomato, that is the question.
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What To Buy
After the holidays, paying bills and tuition, even after getting paid, what does a full-time student with a part-time job have left to take to the grocery store come January 2nd? The answer is “not a lot, if anything at all,” but a student cannot starve to death just because there’s no money left in the budget for groceries. Instead of treating herself like she has been for the last two weeks of December, perusing the pastries of her local mega-mart’s Bakery, our spending-savvy student heads straight through Produce, making a bee-line for the Clearance Rack. There, she searches the designated shelves for Styrofoam plates packed with essentials whose only crime was that they were old, ugly, or bruised. It is here that she can find deals like a kilogram of tomatoes for $2.99. She steals a glance at the “Sale” tomatoes arranged in pyramids near the front of the store; at $4.99 for 908g, the so-called “savings” are a whole dollar off the usual price. She is so excited about what a deal this is that she takes two of the cellophane-clad packs off the shelf, settling them neatly into her basket (her bank account knowing she could not afford a cart full of groceries anyway.) Once she returns home, our thrifty student starts to unpack the squeaky pack of treasures. Here’s the grocery store’s trick: they hide a few moldy tomatoes that would be better suited for a horror movie set or to chuck at a disgraced monarch than the pristine shelves of the grocery stores. Our frugal student, though, holds no fear against a little fungus and she has a trick or two up her own sleeve.
What To Do If you ever find yourself with scary-looking moldy tomatoes, then focus on the food that can still be redeemed. Even if you cannot deal or stand to look at it, you can close your eyes, cutting generously around the mold and still salvage enough clearance-rack fruit to be cheaper than buying the same thing on sale or regular price (but seriously, do not close your eyes when you are about to cut anything with a knife because bandages and prosthetic limbs are expensive!) For soft-flesh fruit like tomatoes with skins that can break easily and spill juice on not only adjacent fruit but anything sitting in the Styrofoam or plastic base where juice can pool, make sure to take a paper towel to all the fruits in the pack, wiping away any juice that a pierced one might have leaked inside the cellophane, as this helps prevent moisture-loving mold from claiming the other tomatoes’ shine and shelf-life.
What You Save All that, a $0.05 paper towel and a 2 kg yield with theoretically no more than 20% being garbage-bound, you still save as much as $5 so get yourself a pack of the “Sale” tomatoes and tell this thrifty student how they compare (she will have to eat them through you vicariously.)
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suplementstoremx · 6 years ago
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Tabla Nutricional 100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD 908g CHOCOLATE
por servicio por 100gInformación 100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD 908g CHOCOLATE Tamaño del servicio: 1 dosificador (32g)Tomas por envase: 71Cantidad por servicioVRN*Valor Energético120KcalGrasas1,3gde las cuales saturadas0,7gHidratos de Carbono2,3gde los cuales azúcares1,4gFibra0,4gProteínas24,6gSal0,295gCalcio145mg18,12%VRN (Valores de Referencia de Nutrientes)establecidos en el Reglamento (UE) 1169/2011 de 25 de octubre de 2011. †† Los VRN en esta ocasión no están establecidos.
Ingredientes: Mezcla de proteínas (aislado de proteína de suero de leche* [contiene emulsionante: lecitina de soja], concentrado de proteína de suero de leche*, aislado de proteína de suero de leche hidrolizada*), cacao desgrasado en polvo, saborizantes, edulcorantes (acesulfamo potásico, sucralosa), complejo de enzimas (amilasa, proteasa, celulasa, beta-d-galactosidasa, lipasa). *A partir de la leche. Contiene leche, soja(lecitina). Puede contener huevo, gluten, frutos de cáscara y cacahuetes.
Cómo tomar 100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD 908g CHOCOLATE: Tomar 1 dosififcador (aproximadamente 30g, dependiendo de cada sabor) con 180-240 ml de agua fría y mezclar. Remover, agitar o mezclar durante 20 segundos o hasta que se haya diluido por completo. Después, beber inmediatamente. Para un sabor más marcado con algo más de cuerpo y dulzor, usar menos agua. Para un sabor más suave y un batido menos dulce, usar más agua.
Advertencias: Mantener en un lugar fresco y seco. No debe ser consumido por personas con condiciones médicas preexistentes o tomando medicación, por menores de 18 años o por mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.
Perfil de Aminoácidos 100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD 908g CHOCOLATE
AminogramaPor 100gL-Triptófano1265,63mgL-Valina4443,75mgL-Treonina5168,75mgL-Isoleucina4915,63mgL-Leucina7909,38mgL-Lisina6978,13mgL-Fenilalanina2337,5mgL-Metionina1537,5mgL-Arginina1578,13mgL-Cisteina1543,75mgL-Tirosina2196,875mgL-Histidina1321,88mgL-Prolina4715,63mgL-Ácido Aspártico7837,5mgL-Serina3518,75mgL-Glicina1287,5mgL-Alanina377,6mg
Información del producto
Fuente de proteínas
Con enzimas digestivas
Aporta BCAAs
¿Qué es 100% Whey Gold Standard?
100% Whey Gold Standard de Optimium Nutrition se trata de una fórmula proteica a base de una triple mezcla de diferentes tipos de proteínas:
Aislado de proteína de suero de leche
Concentrado de proteína de suero de leche
Hidrolizado de aislado de proteína de suero de leche
Composición de 100% Whey Gold Standard
100% Whey Gold Standard aporta por cada servicio un excelente porcentaje de proteínas enriquecidas con aminoácidos. En concreto, en su composición, podemos observar los siguientes elementos por servicio:
77% de Proteína (24g de proteínas por dosificador)
100% de Proteína derivada del Suero lácteo
4g de Glutamina y precursores de ácido glutámico
5,5g de BCAAs (aminoácidos ramificados)
Las proteinas que aporta este complemento alimenticio ayuda al crecimiento y mantenimiento de la masa muscular y ayuda al mantenimiento de los huesos. 
 100% Whey Gold Standard y Complejo Enzimático
100% Whey Gold Standard aporta un complejo de enzimas digestivas constituido por:
¿Cómo tomar 100% Whey Gold Standars?
Se recomienda tomar 1 dosififcador (aproximadamente 30g) con 180 y 240 ml de agua, leche o zumo. Remover, agitar o mezclar durante 20 segundos o hasta que se haya diluido por completo. Después, beber inmediatamente.
Para un sabor más marcado con algo más de cuerpo y dulzor, usar menos agua. Para un sabor más suave y un batido menos dulce, usar más agua.
 100% Whey Gold Standard y Otros Suplementos
100% Whey Gold Standard puede ser consumida junto a cualquier otro tipo de producto, bien sea para una fase de definición o bien para el mantenimiento o aumento de masa muscular. Entre éstos podemos citar:
Otras proteínas (de lenta liberación como Caseína Micelar)
Ganadores de peso
Productos para perder grasa
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take100 · 3 years ago
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tomatodeals · 3 years ago
Jarrow Formulation Whey Protein, Unflavored - 908g Powder - Helps Muscle Improvement -
Jarrow Formulation Whey Protein, Unflavored – 908g Powder – Helps Muscle Improvement –
Worth: (as of – Particulars) Jarrow Formulation Whey Protein is definitely dissolvable, and made with out added hormones and synthetic flavors, sweeteners, or colours. The protein-filled system helps muscle growth. Whey is a protein focus from cows not handled with progress hormone (rBST) and filtered to be low in fats, lactose, and carbs. It’s wealthy in important amino acids, rating with egg…
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angkelloss · 3 years ago
허즈사료 추천 판매순위 10선 2022년 3월4주차
허즈사료 추천 판매순위 10선 2022년 3월4주차
안녕하세요! 허즈사료구입 예정이신분 계신가요? 허즈사료 요즘 다양하고 기능이 많은 상품들이 많이 출시되었습니다. 이 많은 상품 중 나에게 맞는 형태가 무엇인지 찾는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 그래서 지금부터 허즈사료 추천 및 구매가이드,장단점 비교를 해보도록 하겠습니다. 허즈사료 상품중에 가장 많이 구매하는 10개를 말씀드릴까 합니다 인기순으로 모아봤으니 천천히 둘러보세요~!♡ 허즈사료 추천 인기순위 TOP10 1. 허즈 레시피 강아지 알러지 눈물사료 칠면조가슴살맛, 칠면조, 908g 35,000원 ★★★★★ ✅15% 할인✅59개 상품평 및 후기 사진을클릭하시면 최저가격을 확인할수 있습니다.상품정보를 확인해서 추가된 할인 가격을 꼭 확인하세요. 최저가 확인 2. 허즈 전연령 ���국산 레시피 강아지…
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bioxnutrition01 · 3 years ago
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THE BAKING STACK! ⁠⁠⁠⁠ HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL GET:⁠⁠⁠⁠ ✅1X 908g Power Whey Complex ⁠⁠ ✅2X 456g Nutri-Nut ✅2X Stainless Steel Shaker
Baking Stack Supplements
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gastronominho · 3 years ago
Rede Dalben cria ação de Natal
Supermercados fazem parceria com a Bauducco, presenteiam clientes e apoiam instituições
Supermercados fazem parceria com a Bauducco, presenteiam clientes e apoiam instituições A rede Dalben Supermercados dá início à sua campanha de Natal, chamada “Juntos nesse Natal”, e que terá uma parceria com a Bauducco e apoiará a FEAC e o Fórum das Entidadse Assistenciais de Valinhos (FEAV). Na ação, os clientes que comprarem um Panettone ou Chocottone Bauducco de 1kg ou 908g ganharão um…
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