#9 am meeting followed by 9:30 meeting followed by 10:30 meeting followed by 12:00 meeting followed by 2:00 meeting followed by 4:00 meeting
leenfiend · 5 months
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what’s ur type first < prev next > full comic
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A Look Into All For One's Daily Routine (PRE-potato)
7:00 AM - Rise and shine, for the world trembles at the mere thought of my awakening. 7:10 AM - Morning cuddles and kisses with my precious wife, Inko and indirectly praising her for surviving another night beside the most feared villain-turned-family-man. 7:45 AM – Wake my baby son up, then have a villainous breakfast, consisting of coffee, eggs, waffles, and a side of intimidation. 8:15 AM - Conduct a nefarious board meeting to discuss evil plans for the day. Check on my ‘side businesses’ and make sure I’m ‘making’ money. 9:00 AM - Meet with underworld contacts. Expand my influence and power. Remind them who’s boss. 10:00 AM - Time for some "me" time. Attend an appointment with my personal tailor to ensure my villainous attire strikes fear into the hearts of heroes. A scheduled manicure is included every Wednesday. 10:45AM - Wreak minor havoc upon the city. A villain's work is never done and sometimes the blond idiot stops by. It's all about balance, you see. 12:00 PM - Lunch break: Consume the souls of those who dare oppose me. Wine and steak are the usual. Depends on my mood. 12:30 PM: While I’m having lunch, I usually log into my social media and contribute to All Might hate pages. The villain subreddit is my go-to. Update my Demon King fanfiction while I’m at it. (This entry is completely satire) 1:00 PM - Plotting session: Strategize with Tomura on how to conquer the world then make Kurogiri do all the work and babysit him. 2:30 PM - Business calls. Time to collect those debts and remind people why they shouldn't cross me. A few well-placed threats should do the trick. 3:00 PM - Pick up some "unfortunate souls" from the streets. Gotta keep the operation running smoothly. While I’m at it, I’ll supervise the training of Tomura and young villains-in-training. 4:30 PM - Time to head home. Can't wait to see Inko and my beloved son, Izu-baby. 6:00 PM - Dinner with the family. Nothing beats Inko's cooking, except maybe her smile. 7:00 PM - Quality time with Izuku: Help him with his homework, impart wisdom about the ways of the world, and play hero-villain with him. 9:00 PM - Bedtime routine and tuck my cute son into bed. Goodnight, little one. Daddy's gonna (hopefully) kill All Might tomorrow. 9:30 PM - Quality time with Inko. Sometimes the best evil plots are hatched ‘between the sheets’. 11:00 PM - Prepare for bed: Ensure all evil plans are in motion for the following day and that my reign of terror will continue unabated. Sometimes a book about totalitarianism and tyranny with a glass a wine is included. 11:30 PM – Time for a goodnight sleep. I need my beauty sleep to maintain this dashing appearance. Tomorrow, the world will tremble at my might once again.
Note: Schedule subject to change depending on hero interference, unforeseen villainous schemes, 'business trips' and holidays/weekends.
Please tell me what you think I had so much fun making this 😂😂😂😂😂 I might make a POST-potato schedule. I love this man so much can you tell.
😂 I'm laughing because honestly this very much seems like his schedule. Doing both evil stuff while also being dad for one at the same time is how he rolls. Like awww he loves his famil- Wait he picking up ORPHANS AND PLANNING PEOPLE DEMISE?
LOL, I need more of a Day in the Life of a Demon Lord. Because this is great also seems Inko gets quite a bit of attention at night. Though we can already see he definitely not going to see All Might coming when he comes with a Detroit smash.
But man I love how casual he is about his appearance and his affection for his family being quite wholesome. While also still doing evil things, you anon get it.
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allthefandomthings55 · 7 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 4
Friday night 10 PM
I’ve already sent my security home for the night and am sitting at my kitchen table having a glass of white wine when my phone rings. I look down to see the name Spencer Reid. I answer the call, “Hello Spencer. What’s up?”
“Hi, Y/N uh nothings up per se, but I was calling to tell you that I, uh, I can make our brunch thing tomorrow if you were still up for it?”
“Still up for it? Absolutely! I mean did everything work out with work?”
“Oh yeah we found them or her rather.”
“Wow a woman? I would have never guessed that.”
“Well actually although women serial killers aren’t common they do make up about 15% of serial killers. Sorry you did not want to know that.”
“No it’s alright! That was an interesting fact. What time did we say for tomorrow again? Was it 1:00?”
“No, it was 12:30. Sorry not trying to correct you but I have an eidetic memory so I can remember pretty much everything I read.”
“Woah, that is so cool. So like you only have to read chapters once and you have them memorized?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s gotta be helpful on tests.”
“Oh it is. I mean I have three Ph. D.s and a few Masters and a couple of B.A.s”
“Oh, that’s a lot. So you’re like really freaking smart.”
“I like to think so, but that makes me sound arrogant.”
“No it doesn’t! Not when someone else is asking you. Anyways, I’m going to head to bed because I think I’ve had one too many glasses of wine to be talking to an extremely handsome guy on the phone.”
“Oh, ok yeah I will see you tomorrow. Bye.”
“Bye Spencer.” Once I hung up I realized what I said and froze for a moment. I cannot believe I said that. I finished my glass of wine and went to bed.
I woke up at 6:30 Saturday morning and got a little excited about my brunch with Spencer today. Instead I go get ready to work out for today to get my blood flowing. I need to keep working my cardio for my upcoming tour so I start on the treadmill. After I run on the treadmill for a couple of hours I decide to hit the weights. Not much weight but many repetitions. I checked the time after I finished that and it was 9:00. Once I took a shower and only got halfway dressed for the day I went back down to my kitchen. Since it is close to my brunch, I decide just to get a cup of coffee and eat some fruit. When I was done with that I sat and relaxed for a while on my couch. I started to watch some TV. I don’t get to do that often so I took advantage of the down time while I had it. When I checked the time it was 11:00 and I figured I better get ready if I wanted to be on time. Looking through my closet, I decided to wear a black skirt with a white grid on it. I also wore a white sweater; not anything heavy, but something longsleeved that’s light. That last couple parts of my outfit should be the easiest. For my shoes I decide on a black platform that are five inches tall and a simple black handbag big enough to put my cell phone and some cash in. 
At about 12:00 I started to head to the restaurant. I leave out the back way and drove myself to the restaurant. When I get there, I park on the side and call my friend Bella who owns the restaurant. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up?”
“Oh nothing much. I was hoping that you could let me in the back so I didn’t have to deal with people staring at me?”
“Oh yeah yeah I got you. Give me a second.” After waiting just for a couple of minutes she opens the door and pops her head out. “Hey get on in here.”
I follow her in through the door, “So, I’m actually meeting someone here and I was hoping you could tell your staff to escort him to my private table? I just don’t want to make a huge commotion.”
Bella smiles at me, “You have a date don’t you!”
I shush her, “Be quiet! I don’t want anyone to know I’m here.”
“That’s not a no,” she sings quietly. 
“Ok, yes I am meeting a man here, but no it’s not a date. It’s merely brunch or more so lunch.”
“But you want it to be a date.”
“Yes, Bella, I would like it to be a date. This one is different! He doesn’t even know who I am! He came up to me at a coffee shop and we talked for an hour about the book I was reading, the book he is reading, the books we have read and want to read. Not once did he say ‘Can I get an autograph?’ or ‘Oh my got you’re global superstart Y/F/N!’ he just spoke with me like I was a normal person.”
Bella thought for a moment, “What happens when he does find out though?”
I sighed, “That’s why I’m going to tell him here and now; as long as I don’t chicken out.” Bella laughed at that, “Hey don’t laugh, I’m serious. He’s really cute and I think, well I think that he would maybe actually date me.”
Bella stared at me, “Holy shit, you’re serious,” I nodded, “well in that case I wish you good luck and I’ll be your waitress so I can keep an eye on you guys.” 
I gave her a hug, “Thank you so much. Anyways, I’m going to sit down, can you bring two glasses of water to our table?”
“You already know it! Now go sit!” Laughing you went to go sit down and texted Spencer. 
Hey, I’m here. Just tell the hostess my name and they’ll bring you. 
Perfect. I’m almost there. See you soon.
While I waited I answered a few texts and wrote down some good ideas for lyrics. “Hey,” you looked up and saw Spencer. 
“Hi Spencer! Good to see you.” 
Spencer sat down in front of you. “Good to see you too. How have you been?”
“Oh I’m good. Just a little busy. How are you?”
Spencer sighed, “I’m as good as I can be at the moment. This last case was kind of tough but we caught the woman doing it so it’s all good.”
“A woman? Interesting. Why would a woman harm other women?”
Spencer took in an excited breath, “Well, women offend for many different reasons. Assuming they aren’t psychopaths, women might offend other women because they are a surrogate for an abusive mother, a woman that got with their ex-boyfriend, or any other of that variety. However- wait nevermind, you probably don’t want to hear this.”
I stared at him in awe, “Woah, that was amazing. How did you know all of that?”
He looked surprised, “Well, I’m actually in the FBI. I’m in a specialized group called the BAU also know as the Bahvioral Analysis Unit. We get called in to different police departments when they are having trouble with killings happening.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. I mean well it’s not great that people are dying, but it’s amazing that you guys go in and help them.”
He stared at me, “Uh, yeah but that’s what I do for work, what about you?”
I cleared my throat, “I, uh, I sing.” I chickened out hardcore and decided not to tell him about my superstar status that I have. 
“Oh, well that’s fun. Do you sing at bars or nightclubs?” he asked inqusitevely. 
“Oh, uh, that’s actually where I got my start. I went from bars and nightclubs, to the opera, then to writing and producing my own music.” I was so nervous speaking that he definitely knew. 
He looked confused, “So how do you make money now?”
“Um, there’s no easy way to say this but I’m a global popstar. I make money through music. And I was really nervous about telling you this because I loved how you didn’t know me at that coffee shop and talked to me like I was a normal person and I really don’t want you to think of me differently.” I rambled out so fast I doubted he could even understand me.
He held out his hand, palm up, waiting for me to grab it and I do, “Don’t worry about that. To me, you are just that really cute girl that I met in a coffee shop reading The Odyssey in Greek.”
I looked him in the eyes, “You think I’m cute?”
He blushed, “Uh, well, I -uh yeah I do,” he stammered out. 
I smiled, “Well it’s a good thing I think you’re cute too.” He smiled at that. Bella came around and took our order and we spent the next hour talking and eating. Just getting to know each other. Although Spencer offered I told him that I’d cover the bill and he let me after I spent fifteen minutes convincing him. 
After I got to my apartment, he texted me asking if I got home alright. I responded yes and asked him the same thing and he said yes as well. I flopped on the couch just thinking that although it was unintentional, this wasn’t a horrible first date. 
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Hypothetical Daily Routines W/ 6th House
Capricorn in 6th House
A Capricorn individual with the 6th house placement typically approaches their routine with discipline, determination, and a strong sense of responsibility. They thrive on establishing a structured and organized framework for their daily activities and work life. Here's a possible routine a Capricorn in the 6th house might follow:
6:00 AM: Wake up early with a focused and disciplined mindset, ready to tackle the day's responsibilities with determination.
6:30 AM: Engage in a structured and goal-oriented exercise routine, promoting both physical and mental endurance.
8:00 AM: Start work with a methodical and pragmatic approach, focusing on tasks that contribute to long-term goals and achievements.
12:00 PM: Take a structured and efficient lunch break, possibly engaging in networking opportunities or discussing professional developments with colleagues.
1:00 PM: Resume work with a strong work ethic and a commitment to achieving milestones and meeting deadlines.
5:00 PM: Conclude work, ensuring that all tasks are completed with precision and attention to detail.
6:00 PM: Engage in a productive and purposeful activity, such as setting goals for personal or professional development, or working on a project that aligns with their long-term ambitions.
7:30 PM: Enjoy a balanced and nutritious dinner, possibly with a structured meal plan that promotes physical and mental well-being.
9:00 PM: Unwind with a practical and relaxing activity, such as organizing their living space, reviewing their achievements, or engaging in a hobby that encourages both productivity and relaxation.
10:00 PM: Prepare for a restful night's sleep, ensuring a calm and organized sleeping environment that promotes rejuvenation and prepares them for the next day's tasks.
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fyodorsliceyrat · 2 months
Snack Theif!?!?!?!
Diary of Ranpo Edogawa
July 19th, 2024
8:00 AM: Woke up to the delightful aroma of my favorite snacks... or so I thought. Arrived at the Agency only to find my stash mysteriously missing. Suspicious. Very suspicious. Who would dare deprive the world's greatest detective of his brain fuel?
8:15 AM: Began my investigation. Interrogated everyone. Atsushi looked too scared to be guilty. Kunikida, too busy with his ideals. My prime suspect: Dazai. He always has a penchant for chaos.
9:00 AM: Kunikida dragged me into a meeting. Something about a terrorist plot to blow up Yokohama. Typical Monday. I told him I could solve it in my sleep, but first, I needed to find my snacks.
9:30 AM: Used my Super Deduction to trace my snacks to Dazai's desk. Confronted him, and he admitted it, laughing all the while. I retrieved my snacks and informed him of my next prank involving all his bandages. He seemed oddly unfazed. Hmm.
10:00 AM: Time to focus. Activated Super Deduction to figure out the terrorists' plan. It was a piece of cake. The culprits had left a trail of clues that even a blindfolded monkey could follow.
11:00 AM: Located the terrorists' hideout. Texted the location to Kunikida and told him to handle the rest. I had more important things to do, like savoring my snacks.
12:00 PM: Lunch break. Kunikida called, yelling about needing me at the hideout. Sighed, grabbed my coat, and headed out. Can't leave everything to the amateurs.
1:00 PM: Arrived at the hideout. Disabled the bombs with ease. The terrorists were no match for my intellect. Informed Kunikida he owed me a month's supply of snacks for this.
3:00 PM: Back at the Agency, basking in the glory of another case solved. Found a thank-you note from Kyouka with some extra snacks. Maybe the day wasn't so bad after all.
5:00 PM: Wrapped up the day with some light reading. Kunikida begrudgingly thanked me for saving Yokohama. I told him it was all in a day's work for the greatest detective.
7:00 PM: Headed home with a sense of satisfaction. Saved the city, reclaimed my snacks, and outwitted Dazai. Not a bad day.
Until tomorrow,
Ranpo Edogawa
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Why don't you describe or write more about their routine (Hades and Persephone)?
I like to read your ideas and use them as a basis for inspiration to make a comic of the two of them in the future
I really like your blog/work ✌️
Omg this was my legit reaction when I got your ask:
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LOL but fr thank you so much! I’m honestly so glad you and so many others enjoy hearing my thoughts and ramblings and reading my fics and whatnot! It makes me so so sooooo happy that other people can enjoy my self indulgent postings and stuff with me! I also love that you and many others get inspired by my headcanons and like them so much that you guys use them for comics and role plays and fanfictions! It makes my heart so happy and honestly it inspires me to follow my dreams of being an actress/voice actress (helping create and flesh out a character with acting lol) or even an author writing books for different media franchises like Disney and video games and stuff lol!
Anyways, enough of me going on and on lol! I’d love to talk about Hades and Persephone’s daily routine! I’ll make a little schedule layout of what a regular day is like for them:
6:00 AM - Wake up/eat breakfast
7:00 AM - Start daily underworld work (organizing new arrivals, signing important scrolls, etc.)
12:00 PM - Lunch break
1:30 PM - Daily update meeting with Pain & Panic
2:00 PM - Cont. underworld work
5:00 PM - Plan evil schemes/schmooze with current or potential allies/chill out on the underworld throne (only if most of the important underworld work has been taken care of)
7:00 PM - Eat dinner
8:30-9:00 PM - Personal free time/get ready for bed
10:00-11:00 PM - Bedtime
Persephone (in the underworld):
6:00 AM - Wake up/eat breakfast
8:00 AM - Start daily underworld work with Hades (she’s not much of a morning person and it takes her a while to wake up and get ready for the day)
12:00 PM - Lunch with Hades
1:30 PM - Daily update meeting with Hades, Pain, and Panic
2:00 PM - Cont. underworld work (mainly helping Hades with his work, tending to the agriculture in Asphodel Meadows, checking on the souls in Asphodel Meadows, etc.)
5:00 PM - Join Hades in “meetings” with current or potential allies/busywork/chill and talk with Hades in the throne room
7:00 PM - Dinner with Hades (if he isn’t working late)
8:30-9:00 PM - Personal free time alone or with Hades/get ready for bed
10:00-11:00 PM - Bedtime
Persephone (during spring):
7:00 AM - Wake up/have a quick breakfast
8:00 AM - Start seasonal work (planting flowers/trees/bushes/etc., helping wake up the wild animals from hibernation if Artemis hasn’t done it already, melting snow/ice, etc.)
1:00 PM - Eat lunch
2:00-2:30 PM - Cont. seasonal work
5:00 PM - Eat dinner
6:00-6:30 PM - Cont. seasonal work (slower paced, checking details, adding finishing touches)
8:00 PM - Personal free time alone (if Hades doesn’t stop by for a visit)/get ready for bed
9:30-10:00 PM - Bedtime (either in a flowery field under the moonlight or in her personal room on Mount Olympus if there’s rain)
Of course, these aren’t EXACT schedules for them lol, they definitely change depending on the day, but this is just kinda a run down of what their daily is schedules are like. When they have children their schedules become a little different (at least in the underworld anyways) because they have to make time for their kids, but yeah lol
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real-time-twilight · 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 13th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 🌖
🌄 Sunrise: 5:15 AM
🌅 Sunset : 9:19 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 18 ("Instruction"), Ch. 19 ("Selfish")
12:30 AM (Approx.) - Bella complains about the party on the way home with Edward and insists on coming to the meeting between the Cullens and the Pack
12:35 AM (Approx.) - Bella gets into the house and finds Charlie asleep on the sofa; after getting Charlie moved to bed, Bella dresses for the meeting
12:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward assures Bella that her concerns for the safety of both the Cullens and the Pack are unfounded
2:50 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella leave for the meeting
2:55 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella met the rest of the Cullens in the baseball clearing; Bella theorizes that the her intruder is connected, not only with the Newborns, but also Victoria
3:00 AM (Approx.) - The Pack arrives and is larger than expected; they agree to watch, but not to participate in sparring for the Cullens' safety; the arrival of the newborns is set for that coming Saturday; Jasper begins his instruction
4:50 AM (Approx.) - Jasper's lesson ends; he invites the wolves to come again and observe the following night and the wolves catch each Cullen's scent
4:55 AM (Approx.) - The Pack leaves, Jacob stays behind to discuss what to do with Bella on the day of the fight; Jacob suggests hiding her near the clearing and masking her scent with his own--Jasper proposes also leaving false trails just in case
5:15 AM (Approx.) - Edward carries Bella home
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella wakes up after sleeping most of the day; Bella gets up and makes Pop-Tarts; Edward notices the charm bracelet Jacob gave to her
4:10 PM (Approx.) - Alice calls Edward; Edward confronts Bella about her potential plans to join the Cullens in the clearing, also revealing in the course of the conversation, that Jacob is, by rights, the real Alpha of the Pack, that Leah is the first female shapeshifter, and the scandal around Embry's ambiguous paternity
4:15 PM (Approx.) - Bella asks Edward to stay behind with her on the day of the fight; Edward leaves to consult Jasper; Alice arrives to watch Bella while Edward is gone; Bella showers and makes dinner
4:40 PM (Approx.) - Charlie comes home, happy to see Alice there; Alice feeds Charlie a cover story about the family going hiking and manipulates him into suggesting that Bella stay overnight with her for the weekend
4:50 PM (Approx.) - Edward arrives to "pick up" Alice; Bella goes to her room where Edward reveals that Alice will actually be hunting with the family while Edward stays with Bella at the house
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selfdriverentacar-021 · 4 months
A Day in the Life of a Travel Blogger in Goa
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Hello, fellow wanderlusters! Today, I’m taking you on a journey through a typical day in my life as a travel blogger living in the beautiful paradise of Goa. My trusty companion throughout these adventures is a rental car from Self Drive Car Hire Goa Airport. Let’s dive into the day!
Morning: Kickstarting the Adventure
7:00 AM – Wake Up and Plan
My day begins with the soothing sounds of waves crashing against the shore, an everyday luxury of living in Goa. After a quick breakfast, I grab my notebook and map out my itinerary for the day. With numerous destinations to cover, having a reliable vehicle is essential. That’s where Self Drive Car Hire Goa Airport comes into play.
 8:00 AM – Pick Up the Car
I head over to my  best car rental in Goa to pick up my pre-booked car. The process is always smooth and efficient, thanks to their friendly staff and well-maintained fleet. Whether you’re looking to rent a car at Goa Airport or hire a self-drive car at Goa Airport for a more extended period, they’ve got you covered.
Mid-Morning: Exploring Hidden Gems
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9:00 AM – Drive to Chapora Fort
With the car from Self Drive Car Hire Goa Airport, I set off towards Chapora Fort. The drive is scenic, offering glimpses of Goa’s lush greenery and quaint villages. This is one of my favorite aspects of having a car rental in Goa – the freedom to explore at my own pace.
10:00 AM – Discovering History
Chapora Fort, with its stunning views of the Arabian Sea, is a perfect spot for photography and soaking in some history. I spend a couple of hours here, capturing the beauty of the landscape and sharing live updates with my followers.
Noon: Local Flavors and Beach Vibes
12:00 PM – Lunch at a Local Eatery
Driving back towards the coast, I stop at a local eatery recommended by a friend. One of the perks of hire a self-drive car at Goa Airport is the ability to explore off-the-beaten-path restaurants and cafes. Today, it’s all about Goan fish curry and rice.
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1:30 PM – Beach Time at Vagator
After a satisfying meal, I drive to Vagator Beach. Parking is a breeze with my rental car, and I spend the next few hours lounging on the beach, meeting fellow travelers, and getting inspiration for my next blog post.
Afternoon: Cultural Immersion
3:30 PM – Visit to a Spice Plantation
Next, I drive to a nearby spice plantation. These plantations offer guided tours, showcasing the rich agricultural heritage of Goa. It’s an educational and aromatic experience, perfect for my blog readers interested in the cultural aspects of travel.
Evening: Capturing Sunset and Nightlife
5:30 PM – Sunset at Anjuna Beach
As the day winds down, I make my way to Anjuna Beach to capture the mesmerizing Goan sunset. The drive is quick and convenient, another testament to the benefits of rent a car at Goa Airport. I find a cozy spot and set up my camera to catch the perfect shot.
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7:00 PM – Dinner and Nightlife
With the sun setting, I head to a popular beach shack for dinner. Fresh seafood, live music, and the vibrant Goan nightlife make for an excellent end to the day. I share stories and tips with fellow travelers, many of whom are curious about how to get around Goa. I always recommend Self Drive Car Hire Goa Airport for their reliability and exceptional service.
Night: Reflect and Recharge
10:00 PM – Return and Rest
After a lively evening, I drive back home. The convenience of having a self-drive car allows me to explore without worrying about late-night transportation. Back in my room, I jot down notes, edit photos, and plan the next day’s adventure.
Final Thoughts
Living as a travel blogger in Goa is an exhilarating experience, and having a dependable car rental service in Goa like Self Drive Car Hire Goa Airport makes it even better. From historical forts and serene beaches to local eateries and vibrant nightlife, every corner of Goa is accessible and waiting to be explored.
So, whether you're visiting for a few days or planning an extended stay, make sure to hire a self-drive car at Goa Airport. It’s the best way to experience the freedom and beauty of Goa at your own pace.
Happy travels!
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celtfather · 7 months
Reaver Drinking Song #280
"If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing – and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order." Zoe’s description of reavers on the TV show Firefly sounds pretty insane. And every time we meet the reavers in the show and movie, they seem just as insane. And yet… they can fly spaceships. I share the story behind my song “Reavers Drinking Songs” today on Pub Songs & Stories #280.
0:25 - Marc Gunn “Molly Malone feat. Jesse Ferguson” from Come Adventure With Me
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia. Come Adventure With Me comes out on March 4
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
New Music Video: When She Held Me in Her Arms
What are your favorite songs on Selcouth? There’s a poll in the Gunn Runner’s Club.
FEB 24: Maggie McGuinness Pub, Huntsville, AL @ 7:00 PM
MAR 2: The Lost Druid Brewery, Avondale Estates, GA @ 6:30-9:30 PM
MAR 9: Senoia Beer Company, Senoia, GA @ 7-10 PM
MAR 23-24: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
MAR 30-31: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 19-21: Jordan Con, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, GA
6:06 - The Elders "Down at the Pub" from Well Alright Then
Featured in show #644
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It could be bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. Email follow@celtfather !
If you can’t support me financially, just sign up on Patreon for free.
Inspired by the episode “Bushwhacked” from the TV show Firefly
Check out Episode 3 of In the Verse: Song Crafting
Reavers Drinking Songs Lyrics
"Reaver Drinking Song" lyrics and music Marc Gunn
* Bash their heads flay their skin Make them scream in pain Let ‘em alone and think you’re done Let's start another refrain
Niska was old and scary, A bad reputation And then he heard a reaver scream His body's gone for cremation.
Badger was a businessman Roots in the community A reaver ate his little gang And now he can't even pee
Durran's steak was always rare Before I first met him He met a reaver now won't eat steak He's a vegetarian
Bester loved ships and women They howled when he boarded them He shipped was boarded by reavers. Now He howls when they board him.
Boss Higgins' word was law What he said was set in stone Then reavers hit Higgins' Moon The law is now written in bone
Fanty and Mingo are fine twins You can't tell one from t'other Until they met a band of reavers Now Mingo's the prettiest brother
Jubal was a bounty hunter A sadist through and through He rambled about philosophy While a reaver started to chew
No mercy, they all were weak Cattle for the slaughter Open them up, look inside I think I see Harry Potter
18:23 - Marc Gunn “Reaver Drinking Song” from Come Adventure With Me
20:57 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on my Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
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  Check out this episode!
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project-sekai-updates · 8 months
「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
2月9日18時00分 ~ 2月23日3時59分
・「Punk Night TOKYOガチャ」:2月1日11時59分まで
・「Memory of Melodyガチャ」のガチャシール:2月1日11時59分まで
・「Punk Night TOKYOガチャ」のガチャシール:3月1日11時59分まで
■イベント「Take the Best Shot!」の開催時間の変更
本日15時00分より開催予定であったイベント「Take the Best Shot!」について、開催時間を本日20時00分からに変更させていただきます。
引き続き「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をよろしくお願いいたします。
[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers as the maintenance that was carried out from 7:00 am on January 31st has been extended for a long time.
Due to the extended maintenance, we will be distributing apologies, changing the holding times of some gacha events, and providing compensation for previous events.
■February 1st 15:30 added
Regarding compensation for the reward for reading part of the event story for the event "Backlit Lens Flare", there were some errors in the description, so we have corrected them.
■Distribution of apology for extended maintenance
As a thank you for your cooperation in maintenance and updates, and as an apology for extending the implementation time, we will be distributing the following items at a later date.
[Distribution contents]
・Crystal x 300
・Live bonus drink (large) x 8
[Distribution period]
February 9th 18:00 - February 23rd 3:59pm
*If you cannot receive your gift even after logging in, please return to the title screen and log in again.
■ Changes in gacha holding period and gacha sticker exchange deadline
The "Photogenic♡Valentine Gacha", which was scheduled to be held from 12:00 today, has been changed to 19:00 today.
In addition, the gacha event period and gacha sticker exchange deadline, which was scheduled to end at 11:59 today, has been extended to the following date and time.
[About extension of gacha period]
・“Punk Night TOKYO Gacha”: Until 11:59 on February 1st
・“[2024 New Year] 10 consecutive free gachas”: Until 11:59 on February 1st
[About extension of gacha seal exchange deadline]
・Gacha stickers for “Memory of Melody Gacha”: Until 11:59 on February 1st
・Gacha stickers for “Punk Night TOKYO Gacha”: Until 11:59 on March 1st
■Change in time for the event “Take the Best Shot!”
The event "Take the Best Shot!", which was scheduled to be held from 3:00 pm today, will be rescheduled to 8:00 pm today.
*The end date and time of the event will not change.
■Compensation for rewards for completing part of the event story “Backlit Lens Flare”
- Due to extended maintenance, some people may not be able to read the event story for the event "Backlit Lens Flare" during the period, so we will provide compensation at a later date for those who meet the following conditions.
[Target players]
・Customers who meet the following conditions
[Condition]: Participated in the event "Backlit Lens Flare", unlocked the event story, and have an unread story.
[Compensation contents]
・The following items will be compensated depending on the unread story status of the event "Backlit Lens Flare" until 7:59 p.m. on January 31st.
➀If you have released event stories 1 to 7 and have not read them yet
┗Number of unread stories x 50 crystals
➁If you have released episode 8 of the event story and have not read it yet
┗100 crystals
┗50 pieces of feelings
┗“Memorial” title for the event “Backlit Lens Flare”
*Music cards are not eligible for this compensation because they can be obtained by reading eligible stories from past event stories.
[Support date and time]
・During February
*We will notify you again as soon as we are ready.
If there are any additional measures to be taken in the future, we will notify you in this notice.
Thank you for your continued support of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
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nexthitjcink · 9 months
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trainee code of conduct
since i can't get enough of the in site lore, under the cut we have the trainee code of conduct/contract that all of our characters would have read and signed before their first day of training. being caught not adhering to these guidelines will result in punishment, and in excess or extreme cases termination of their trainee contract. please keep them in mind while building your muse and writing their activities! as the roleplay progresses we may venture into punishing characters for blatant disrespecting of the rules and expectations laid out in this code. also, this is a living document that may be edited or added to as issues (ic) arise.
basically: follow these to keep your muse safe & progressing, break them to add some extra spice!
While still private citizens, trainees should conduct themselves in a respectful and mature manner while under NH. Behave appropriately in all aspects of life, but especially while studying under and representing NH.
Drug use is expressly banned and any trainee found consuming illegal drugs will have their contracts terminated. Alcohol use is permitted for trainees , but should never be done on NH property (including the dorms) and trainees are still expected to act responsibility and maturely.
All information shared with trainees should remain confidential unless stated otherwise. Trainees should keep their status as a trainee private from the public unless NH has the trainee go public (via survival shows or other public shows). Trainees are required to private all personal social media accounts and should never share their trainee status on anything but official NH accounts. Sharing or discussing non-public information with media or people outside of NH is grounds for immediate termination.
Trainees are expected to train from the hours of 5pm - 11pm Monday-Saturday. They are given every Sunday off, unless there is a special schedule that requires them. Trainees are expected to be on time to all of the following lessons:
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM: Check-in at NH and opening meeting (includes announcements) 5:15 PM - 5:55 PM: Workout Warm-Up/Free Gym Time 6:00 PM - 7:25 PM: Lesson #1 (Idols: Vocal/Rap, Actors: Vocals/Musical Performance, Models: Design, Producers: Engineering) 7:30 PM - 7:55 PM: Lesson #2 (All: Media Training) 8:00 PM - 8:25 PM: Dinner 8:30 PM - 9:55 PM: Lesson #3 (Idols: Dance, Actors: Acting, Models: Modeling, Producers: Songwriting) 10 PM - 10:50 PM: Lesson #4 (Idols: Variety/Performance, Actors: Writing/Directing, Models: Marketing, Producers: Dance/Choreography) 10:50 PM - 11 PM: Ending meeting/clean-up 11 PM - 12 AM: Free Practice (Coaches leave and trainees allowed to go home, but encouraged to practice if needed)
During Lesson #2, trainees may be pulled by coaches for extra practice in an area they are particularly struggling in. These schedules may change given any company wide events/opportunities, but those changes will be announced to trainees.
As a trainee under NH (and it's subsidiaries) you have access to all of the following facilities and amenities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Practice studios (dance & vocal + instrument)
State of the art fitness center (ref)
Cafeteria: hot meals served at 2pm and 8 pm every week day, cold grab & go refrigerators open 24/7 (ref), there are also healthy food vending machines scattered throughout the headquarters so trainees can stay well fed during trainee hours.
Rooftop Garden (ref)
During the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and week days after 6pm, these facilities are locked for safety concerns, with trainees able to access via keycard access embedded in the NH ID badge all trainees receive during onboarding. Trainees are expected to act as adults and respect these spaces as a privilege, not a right.
Every month, on the last Saturday of every month, trainees will give a performance to demonstrate their learning from the past month. Idol trainees will perform a song, actors at least a scene at least 3 minutes long, models will give a catwalk and give a test ad read, and producers will submit any songs written/composed, as well as journals and notes from that month's lessons. These will be evaluated by their coaches and trainees are given feedback the following weekday on their performance, as well as what they should improve on in the following month.
Trainees are allowed to complete these evaluations individually or pair up in groups of no more than 4 of their fellow trainees. For idol and actor trainees, they may select any song/scene they wish to complete their evaluation, submitted to their coaches before the evaluation day. Coaches and/or executives may group trainees together and assign them in order to test trainee's chemistry/proficiency in a certain concept.
Any trainees of schooling age are required to go to school while training at NH and their schedules are set up to allow for them to attend classes regularly. NH also requires that students enrolled maintain passing grades. After graduating high school trainees may also enter university if they so choose. NH encourages trainees to attend/transfer to performing arts schools/programs of study, where training can often count for class credit. Trainees are allowed to have part time jobs outside of training, but must with their employer so their schedule allows them adequate time for training.
At NH, trainees do not accrue debt and are not expected to pay for any of the services and amenities given. For any activities completed through NH as a trainee, there is 50/50 pay split between company and trainee. If your trainee books a commercial, photoshoot, acting gig, or any other activity through NH, 50% of the income generated will go to the trainee and 50% to NH. NH does not provide any other funds outside of the amenities, but does have resources for trainees that may be struggling financially.
NH provides housing for trainees that do not have access to housing in Seoul, specifically for trainees that are from foreign or rural communities. Dorms are located a five minute walk from NH headquarters and each have two managers living with trainees at all times (one for the boys and one for girls). Guests must be pre-approved by the manager for safety of all residents. In the dorms there is a curfew of 11 pm, but that can be extended by permission of the manager if the trainee is practicing or an emergency occurs. During allowed vacation time, trainees must inform manager if they are leaving the dorms during the vacation.
Trainees are encouraged to focus on training rather than dating life, but there is not official "dating ban." NH runs basically on a don't ask, don't tell policy. Dating should never interfere with training though, if such issues arise there may be consequences.
_______________________________ _____________________________________ Hwang Yoojin, Head of Training Trainee Signature
and that is everything for this preview! let me know if there are any lingering questions about trainee life/NH's expectations of training! as stated in the intro blurb, this is a living document so it may be added to as issues in-character arise and are addressed by in-character executives! also--a sneak at everyone's boss: hwang yoojin! she's been with next hit since 2020 and was SAGA's head manager before becoming head of the training division.
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aworldofmymaking · 1 year
My Experiences As A Member Of Singles For Christ (SFC)
by: Mary Jane Reyes (GE5 9:00-10:30 AM)
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Before I met the person who invited me to this community, it never crossed my mind that I would be part of it. And last August 6, 2022, from being a participant to finally being a full pledge member of CFC-SFC. But before that, we have the Christian Life Program (CLP) which runs for 3 months and consist of 12 separate sessions, usually held once a week. Most sessions consist of three basic ingredients, teaching, a group discussion, and a time for fellowship. Each session would normally last for about 2 1/2 hours. CFC holds the CLP for free, the only investment required from us is our time and openness.
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And assigned to our respective households. I was able to bond with my sisters in Christ; we shared many personal experiences in life, and I learned from them. I'm delighted I got to meet Godfearing people. This great experience really brings me into a person who has a stronger relationship with God as a result of learning and living more completely with the good teachings. I believe that being a part of our community has a purpose for me because it allows me to be an instrument for individuals to draw close to God by inviting them into our community.
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And one of the best experiences was last December 3-4, 2022 during our Covenant Orientation Weekend it is the first-weekend retreat that we undergo after graduating from the Christian Life Program. And it is to be conducted at least 3 months after we finish the CLP. This two-day experience has indeed enlightened my life.
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Every session gives a powerful message that made me feel overwhelmed by God's goodness. I can say that I am ready to commit to having a deeper relationship with the Lord through SFC volunteer and the specific step I would take is to be constantly available to serve Him. I would like to acknowledge the almighty God as being the center of my life. His love for us gives us a reason to love one another because relationships prosper when we follow God's teachings on how to respect one another that God has placed within our lives. Let Christ live in you and let people experience Christ in you. The experiences I had in the CFC-SFC were truly one-of-a-kind.
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logicxonomy · 2 years
Top 10 Clock MCQ with solutions
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Que 1: Between 4 o’clock and 5 o’clock, the hands of a clock make an angle of 90° twice, what is the interval between these two times?
(a) 32(8/11) min
(b) 28(9/11) min
(c) 24(5/11) min
(d) 28(5/11) min
Que 2: In a watch, the minute hand crosses the hour hand for the sixth time exactly after every 6 hrs 36 min 30 sec of watch time. What is the time gained or lost by this watch in one day?
(a) 14 min 10 sec lost
(b) 13 min 50 sec lost
(c) 13 min 20 sec gained
(d) 14 min 40 sec gained
Que 3: A clock that moves uniformly is 6 minutes slow at 8 am on Sunday and 6 minutes 48 seconds fast at 8 pm on the following Sunday. When was it right?
(a) 8:22:30 PM Wednesday
(b) 7:20:00 PM Wednesday
(c) 5:30:20 AM Thursday
(d) 7:20:00 AM Thursday
Que 4: A clock is set right at 5 AM. The clock loses 16 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 10 pm on the 4th day?
(a) 12:30 PM
(b) 12:00 PM
(c) 11:45 PM
(d) 11:00 PM
Que 5: How much does a clock gain/lose per day, if its hands meet every 64 minutes?
(a) 32(8/11) min gained
(b) 32(8/11) min lost
(c) 35(5/11) min gained
(d) 35(5/11) min lost
Que 6: The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is:
(a) 181.25°
(b) 192.5°
(c) 195°
(d) 197.5°
Que 7: A clock that gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes is correct at 7 in the morning. On the same day in the afternoon, when the clock strikes a quarter past four, the exact time is:
(a) 59(7/12) min past 3 pm
(b) 4 pm
(c) 58(7/11) min past 3 pm
(d) 2(2/11) min past 3 pm
Que 8: A clock that gains uniformly is 2 minutes slow on Monday at noon and 4 minutes 48 seconds fast on the next Monday at 2 pm. When was it right?
(a) 2 pm on Tuesday
(b) 2 pm on Wednesday
(c) 3 pm on Thursday
(d) 1 pm on Friday
Que 9: There are two clocks, both set to show at 10 pm on 21st January 2010. One clock gains 2 minutes in an hour and the other clock loses 5 minutes in an hour. Then by how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 4 pm on 22nd January 2010?
(a) 126 min
(b) 136 min
(c) 96 min
(d) 106 min
Que 10: A wall clock gains 2 minutes every 12 hours, while a table clock loses 2 minutes every 36 hours. Both the watches are matched at 12 noon on Tuesday. When will the next time both show the same time?
(a) 12:30 at night after 130 days
(b) 12 noon after 135 days
(c) 12 midnight after 135 days
(d) 1:30 at night after 130 days
— — — — — — — — —
Click the link for the solution:
Telegram Channel: Logicxonomy
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mystlnewsonline · 2 years
Guidance for Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Travel
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Detailed Press Guidance for Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Travel to Dakar, Senegal WASHINGTON, DC (STL.News) Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen will participate in bilateral meetings and other events in Senegal on January 20 and 21. While in Senegal, Secretary Yellen will highlight the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to deepen U.S.-Africa economic ties, including by expanding trade and investment flows and promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth. She’ll also underscore America’s commitment to supporting Africa’s economic development, including through investments made via the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment – which aims to mobilize $600 billion through the G7 by 2027 – and programs like Power Africa and Prosper Africa. Throughout, the Secretary will also underscore the spillover effects of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, which have disproportionately hurt developing countries in Africa and globally. At 8:50 AM GMT / 3:45 AM ET - Secretary Yellen will participate in a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Economy and International for Senegal Oulimata Sarr. There will be a press spray with brief remarks at the top for pre-approved media. At 11:35 AM GMT / 6:30, AM ET - Secretary Yellen will deliver major remarks on the U.S.-African economic relationship during a visit to the Délégation générale à l’Entrepreneuriat Rapide des Femmes et des Jeunes (DER/FJ), a business incubator and co-working space in Dakar providing credit and sector-specific technical assistance to young and women entrepreneurs in Senegal. DER/FJ and its work have received support from the U.S. government. Secretary Yellen’s remarks will highlight the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to deepen partnerships with African countries and to strengthen U.S.-Africa economic ties by expanding trade and investment flows. She will also discuss the ways that the United States is working with African leaders to build a stronger and more resilient economy on the continent that benefits their citizens, the U.S., and the entire world. While at DER/FJ, Secretary Yellen will also hold a roundtable discussion with women entrepreneurs. The event is open to pre-approved media. At 12:35 PM GMT/ 7:35 AM ET - Secretary Yellen will participate in a lunch with business leaders from the American Chamber of Commerce in Senegal, including a spray at the top of lunch and brief remarks. The lunch is open to pre-approved media. At 4:45 PM GMT / 11:45 AM ET - Secretary Yellen will participate in a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Finance, Budget, and International Cooperation for Senegal Mamadou Moustapha Bâ. There will be a press spray with brief remarks at the top for pre-approved media. At 6:00 PM GMT / 1:00 PM ET - Secretary Yellen will participate in a meeting with the President of Senegal Macky Sall. There will be a press spray with brief remarks following the conclusion of the meeting for pre-approved media. On January 21 at 9:30 AM GMT / 4:30, AM ET - Secretary Yellen will visit Gorée Island, a UNESCO World Heritage site that served as a slave trading post in West Africa. There, she will participate in a tour and deliver brief remarks where she will highlight the historical ties between the U.S. and Africa. The tour is open to pre-approved media. At 3:00 PM GMT / 10:00 AM ET - Secretary Yellen will participate in the groundbreaking of a rural electrification project being led by a U.S. engineering firm, Weldy Lamont, and deliver brief remarks highlighting American investments in African infrastructure and economic development. This project is supported by both Power Africa and Prosper Africa and with $100 million in financing from the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM). It is expected to extend electricity to around 350,000 people while supporting the creation of approximately 500 jobs across 14 U.S. states. The Secretary will be joined at the groundbreaking by government officials and community members who will benefit from the improved access to electricity. The event is open to pre-approved media. On January 22, Secretary Yellen will travel to Lusaka, Zambia. SOURCE: US Department of Treasury Read the full article
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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shizuokadivision · 2 years
“I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.”
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Age 0:
Is born out of wedlock to Amamiya Natsumi and Kito Tsukasa 
Is given the name Amamiya Sakura
Age 5:
Is found out by her father 
Her mother is murdered by her stepmother Kito Fuyuko
Is taken in and renamed Kito Sakura 
Meets her older half-brother Kito Ayato who is 10 years older
Beginning of her abuse from her stepmother and half-brother
Age 12:
Meets her father’s second in command Aoki Shinji
Learns to shoot from him
Follows him around quickly learning how the Kito-gumi runs
Age 21:
Is told by her family that she is going to marry her father's associate 
Sakura snaps at the news
Shoots her father, stepmother, and half-brother in the head during dinner
Assumes control of the Kito-gumi
Age 25:
Assumes control of Shizuoka's underworld 
Turns the Kito-gumi into Japan’s most powerful Yakuza gang
Meets Aichi Reika
Age 26:
Meets Hojo Kanon
Age 28:
Joins the Shizuoka Division rap battle team, Silent Tragedy, alongside Hojo Kanon and Aichi Reika.
2:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Paperwork for the Kito-gumi
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Drags Kanon out of her home and forces her to eat with Reika helping
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Surpives Kanon as she gives medical attention to her men or experiments on any enemies in her possession.
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Drinks and dinner with Kanon and Reika
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Returns to Kito-gumi base
6:00 p.m.  - 10:00 p.m.: Patrols her territory
10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Returns home
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Target practice
12:00 a.m. - 1:00 am.: Showers and gets ready for bed
1:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Shizuoka’s Queenpin
#Yakuza Boss
#Perfect aim
Trauma Hashtags
#Bullet to the head
#Family bastard 
#Rage in my blood 
Other Info
Hobby: Target Practice
Weakness: Pride
Trauma: “My so-called family treated me like a punching bag.”
Twitter: @KitoRenegade
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: “I never miss a shot.”
Intro Quote: “I run Shizuoka’s underworld as its queen.”
Trauma Quote: “I shot them in the head. They can't hurt me anymore.”
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