an-ti-socials-world · 4 years
𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐮𝐲 😏 . #wdwcometoitaly #menband #wdwitaly #corbynbesson #danielseavey #jackavery #zachherron #jonahmarais #whydontwe #whydontwemusic #wdw #wdwedits #wdwitaly #limelight #8letters #8letterstour #whydontweofficial #coldinla #bigplans #dontchange #idbitc #istilldo @corbynbesson @seaveydaniel @jackaverymusic @imzachherron @jonahmarais @whydontwemusic (presso THESE GIRLS) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XvtoHFNFG/?igshid=1i3095e2x0ugl
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brittany-lang98 · 5 years
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Throwback to the Springfield Illinois show. Jonah looking right at me had me dying 😍🥰
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
Escape | C.B.
Requested: yes! by @coolkidcorbyn :you and your friends signing up to do an escape room right and when you get to the place the dude is like "oh there's actually five other people in your room" and it turns out to be WDW and like you’re wearing your hoodie and it's just so surreal but when the games starts you and bean take charge and he is so impressed by how smart you are and there’s cute little moments and you are solving the puzzles together and basically the boys and your friends are just letting y'all figure it out at this point 
A/N: I have literally never done an escape room in my life so please bear with me and my assumptions as to how escape rooms play out. I loved his idea so much, it was so cute, thank you for sending it!! I know you’re not on here much anymore but hopefully you see this because it’s been like a month since you requested it and I’m sorry.
Word Count: 2548
“Just pick a shirt, let’s go, we’re going to be late for our reservation!” her friend yelled as she shuffled through her closet for an outfit. Annoyed, she grabbed the first sweatshirt she could lay her eyes on, which so happened to be the sweatshirt of her favorite band. Slipping it on and rushing down the stairs, she couldn’t help but be a bit upset, as it was her friends birthday, signifying cute outfits, make up done and hair did, which she didn’t get a chance to do as they rushed her out of the door. Her ripped jeans and plain vans did her no justice compared to her friends, dressed up in skirts and blouses, hair blown out and lashes coated with mascara. She felt small compared to them, and she had wished she wouldn’t have spent  her time curling everyone’s hair if it meant drawing the short end of the stick.
A quick dinner and car ride full of singing later, they arrived at their escape room, which they had fully planned on beating within ten minutes. The three of them strutted up to the counter, as y/n hung back a bit, not feeling worthy of walking the same walk they were in that moment. It wasn’t that she felt inferior to her friends, intimidated or anything of the sort. In fact, it was quite the opposite, y/n had much confidence, could make anyone’s day, could make even the saddest of people break into a smile. Could rock a dress with heels, only to feel just as good in sweats and a hoodie in the same hour. But when everyone around her is dressed up, looking and feeling their best, she couldn’t help but feel a bit self-conscience as she stared down at her more-than-casual outfit.
“I’ve got some bad news,” the man at the front desk began, “we’ve overbooked ourselves, and have to put you in with another group of five. I hope that’s alright?”
“What?” the birthday girl exclaimed, “but we specifically requested a private room?”
“I know m’am, I’m so sorry, so did the other group. I can definitely reschedule your game for you if you’d like for a later date?” He asked, regret and guilt plastered on his face. Suddenly, the bell above the door rang, causing everyone to direct their attention to the group of rowdy boys entering the building.
Her heart stopped, her blood ran cold, eyes wide like dear in the headlights. She thought about her hoodie, the red one she had grabbed from her closet, which she decided was the worst mistake of her life. She thought about how her friends looked so good, so well-kept and gorgeous, as they barely gave her enough time to run a brush through her hair. Because when the blonde boy recognized his own merch, she couldn’t help but die a bit inside, just as red as her sweatshirt from embarrassment. There was no reason for her to be embarrassed, to feel ashamed of being caught wearing their merch, but yet she felt the need to bury a hole and conceal herself from the world.
“I love the sweatshirt,” Corbyn started, pointing to it as he nudged Zach’s side to get him to see it as well.
“I-” she started, at loss for words as her five greatest idols smiled at her, “thanks, but I don’t really like the band that much. Just kind of bought it because it looked comfortable,” she joked, using her charming personality in hopes to even out the playing field of her and her best friends.
“Oh,” Corbyn started, looking down at the ground, not sure what to say next.
y/n grabbed his shoulder, looking him in the eye as he brought his head up, “I’m kidding,” she laughed , “I’m a huge fan. I love you guys so much! What are you guys even doing here, you’re so supposed to be on tour right now?”
Maybe she was losing it, maybe her heart and brain were playing tricks on her but when she touched him, made contact with blonde, she swear she felt a spark. Swear she felt a tingle or small surge of energy ignite between his shoulder and her fingertips. Swear she could see the world through his eyes, could make out galaxies from the swirls of green and blue. Because though his eyes looked like the universe and wonders of the world crafted his two iris’ personally, she swore that the heat felt between the two of them could end the world, could lead to a rapid increase of climate change.
And when he smiled, laughed at her horrible joke, she swore this boy could move mountains, could control the tides of the ocean with the snap of his fingers. That his smile alone could bring world peace. And when he pulled her in for a quick hug, she felt at home, felt the confidence she usually felt blast through her body, as he didn’t pay attention to the other three girls standing behind her.
“We’re on the road to our next stop, needed a break and bit of fun,” he explained as he released his grip from her. She greeted the other four with hugs and hello’s, as did her friends, but could feel Corbyn’s eyes on her, could feel the intensity of them from across the room.
The man from behind the desk interrupted, coughing to grab our attention, “so would you guys be okay going in together? May be a bit cramped, but I’ll double your time and give you all a discount?”
The nine of them looked around, before all introducing themselves and entering the room. It was decorated like a home from the fifties; vintage rugs and old kitchen appliances with random objects scattered about. All of them searched for the first clue. Opening chests, cupboards, doors to nowhere. It was then y/n reached for an empty candlestick, only for it to be cemented to the mantle over the fake fireplace.
“Does  anyone see a candle anywhere?” she asked the group. They all shook their head, lost as to where to start. A couple minutes pass, when Corbyn opens a chest only to find a candle.
“Found it!” he announced to eight, a smile on his face as he rushed over next to y/n. As he handed it over, their hands brushed, fingertips momentarily tangled between one another. Corbyn swear he could’ve melted right then and there, as her touch made him feel a way he had never felt before. A feeling deep inside, unknowing, nerving, unsettling, and he didn’t know how to take, how to exactly feel about it, only that he didn’t want it to end.  
Their eyes met, a small smile on both of their faces as she took it from his hands and placed it on the candlestick. Instantly, lights began to blink. 12 lights on, then 15, then 22 and ended with 4. It repeated and repeated, 12,15,22,4. The ten of them began searching again, looking for any hint they could find.
y/n followed behind Corbyn as they passed by an old telephone.
“Wait!” Corbyn exclaimed, taking a step back, “seven digits, like a phone number.” He quickly spun the dial around to the numbers and listened to the line ring twice before the blinking lights came to a halt.
A phone on the other side of the room, next to Daniel, began to ring.
“Hello?” He answered, as if an actual person was on the other line. Eyebrows furrowed, he pulled the phone away from his ear and gave the phone a strange look.
“What’s that face for?” her friend joked. He put the phone up to her ear to let her hear, in which her face contorted into the same expression.
y/n walked over and took the phone from her hand, putting it to her ear. The Wheels On the Bus played over the line, sung by little kids and though it shouldn’t of been creepy, it most definitely was. Her eyes wandered around the room for a moment before quickly focusing on the toy bus on top of one of the shelves which Jonah was leaning against.
“Can you hand me that bus?” she asked politely, as she was much shorter than the tall boy, who reached for it. The moment she grasped it in her hands, the top popped off to reveal a key.
Jack sat down, a scoff leaving his mouth, “I’m done, you two can figure it out on your own,” he mumbled, pulling out his phone. The other seven did the same, sitting around the mock kitchen table as Corbyn and y/n continued to search for clues.
As they were stuck on the last one, a picture on the wall saying the phrase, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” they wandered side by side around the room. They began re-opening chests and drawers before looking at each other confused.
“I’m lost,” Corbyn admitted, defeated.
“I just don’t-” she cut herself off as she stared at the vintage oven, a shadow in the window of the door. She rushed to it, opening it up to find a fake apple pie, with the final key inside. She unlocked the door to reveal the check-in room they met in before.
“Okay smarty pants,” Corbyn smiled, “that was good.” The other eight rolled their eyes as they made their way back out into the parking lot but she couldn’t help the flush of pink that crept onto her cheeks as she thanked him.
“It was great meeting you guys!” she told them as all nine gathered around the birthday girl’s van, “sorry me and Corbyn ruined it for you.”
Her friend immediately laughed, “you didn’t ruin it y/n, we’re just dumb,” earning a laugh from all of them.
“Well, we still got a couple hours until we have to hit the road,” Jonah explained, “do you wanna go grab ice cream or something?”
As everyone agreed, the nine of you squeezed into her friends van, Zach and Corbyn illegally squeezed into the back of the trunk, y/n in the back seat in front of them.
“Are you guys okay?” she laughed. They both nodded before the van rolled over a bump, causing them to elbow each other in the stomach and groan.
It was half an hour later, the group squeezed into the large booth of a town favorite, the small ice cream parlor that had been around for decades, since their parent were their age. Jack had convinced the group it was only polite to sing happy birthday to y/n’s friend, in which all eight of them yelled the words, leaving her friend a shade of red while she laughed.
It was then she felt the familiar tingle, familiar surge of electricity she once felt before as she glanced over to see that Corbyn had draped his arm around her shoulder. And she couldn’t help but accept it, to lean into his touch, to melt into his side as their contact only created butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Couldn’t help but look up to see him staring at his friends with soft smile on his face, as though it was a normal occurrence, that it wasn’t the first time they’d met but as if they’ve known each other for a lifetime. So for the hour and a half they all sat there, talking about anything and everything they could think of together, Corbyn and y/n sat there in silence, enjoying each other’s presence, each other’s warmth and touch. The two didn’t need to look at one another to know that the other was smiling like an idiot, was the happiest they’d ever been while in that position.
So when the moment came and they had to stand up from the booth, as Corbyn slid his arm off her shoulder, he couldn’t help but feel the cool air rush to the side of his body where she once was, couldn’t help but want to shiver at the bitterness of their separation. The nine of them walked out to the van, laughing and giggling like they had been all night, as he tapped Daniel’s shoulder to beg him of a request.
“Please, for me?” he frowned, guilting Daniel into muttering a ‘fine’ before climbing into the back of the trunk with Zach.
Corbyn climbed into the van and into the back row of three where y/n sat in the middle, him climbing over to sit on the other side of her and one of her friends. Their shoulders brushed against one another, and immediately the warmth and good feelings came rushing back.
Suddenly, y/n took his hand into his, entangling their fingers as she looked up at him to make sure her actions were okay. He smiled, his eyes glowing and smile entrancing, before giving her hand a tight squeeze, indicating that it was more than okay. The short car ride was full of singing, full of dancing and bouncing up and down in everyone’s seat as they enjoyed their last couple moments together as group, and throughout the trip, their hands remained locked, as the two swayed into one another, as they rested their heads on each other’s shoulders from time to time.
A bit later, they all stood outside the large tour bus, y/n and Corbyn’s hands still tangled together as they said their farewells.
“Thank you for letting us crash your birthday party!” Jack cheered, giving everyone a hug as the others followed suit.
“It was really great meeting you guys, really. Thank you for everything,” y/n told Corbyn who was the last to board the bus.
“Of course,” he smiled, wrapping her in a hug and enjoying her touch for the last time, “I had a really good time, an amazing time actually. You’re amazing, brilliant! Um, do you think we could stay in touch? Like could I get your number? Just in case I’m ever in town again or you happened to be in LA cause you know-” he rambled as she laughed and cut him off.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she laughed as he handed her his phone.
“Okay,” he sighed, “we really need to get going, but I’ll text you!” Corbyn smiled, grabbing her hand and giving it one last squeeze.
“Bye Corbyn,” she said, a smile plastered to her face.
“See you later y/n” Corbyn beamed as he stood in the doorway of the tour bus, before turning around and heading it.
Her and her friends watched the tour bus take off down the road, a small frown on each of their faces.
“I can’t believe you actually got Corbyn Besson’s number,” her friend exclaimed as they loaded back up in the van again, this time less crowded.
Suddenly, her phone buzzed, a message popping up on her lock screen.
Corbyn: Hey smarty pants :)
“Yeah,” she said looking at her phone, a smile from ear to ear as she blushed, “I can’t really believe it either.”And she began to wonder why she was so self-conscious about her appearance at the beginning of the night in the first place.
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The best video I took that night 🥰
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sassytootsie · 5 years
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If all it is is eight letters Why is it so hard to say? If all it is is eight letters Why am I in my own way? #8letterstour #8letters #whydontwe #whydontweliveinmanila #concertph #music #feels https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A8ZRRnYCZ/?igshid=euhahsejmkes
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wbbit · 5 years
To those of you who are feeling down ❤️
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wdw-mx · 5 years
8 L E T T E R S T O U R
Latinoamérica también necesita esto🙏💗
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good-vibes-7 · 5 years
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Just some things from the best night of my life xox NOT ONLY WAS EVERY PERFORMANCE A M A Z I N G AND NOT ONLY DID I LOOSE MY VOICE COMPLETELY DUE TO THE AMAZINGNESS BUT I MET @jeffcv and @anna.seavey ! They were both so sweet and kind to me and I’m so glad I could meet them! I also got to see @zcaspary throughout the show, got to say hi to @keriseavey and @tylercv ! I didn’t get to meet any of the WDW boys or @ebenofficial but they all sounded and looked amazing! (and looked at me a few times!) i miss them so much and it’s only been two days. :( BUT I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEM AGAIN! I had a blast ❤️ #wdwconcert #8letterstour #whydontweconcert #whydontwe #eben (at Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdfNI7gTo-mBPpegUyoMBS1UfMue8kNyVOPJM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xhctlyak4mnr
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jacharywho-blog · 6 years
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DANIEL JUST NOTICED ME! I posted some photos from the their first show today at Phoenix (credits to @/tattooseavary on Twitter and Ig) and he liked it! Omg im so happy!!
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8letterstour · 6 years
Hey limelights, I made this tumblr so I could post any pictures or videos of Why Don’t We’s 8Letters Tour and have it all be in one place! I will also do the occasional updates as they happen! Hope you give me a chance and enjoy!
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an-ti-socials-world · 5 years
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𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰 Happy 21 birthday to my Favourite cheat lane ever, enjoy your life and be happy . . . -> @corbynbesson @seaveydaniel @jackaverymusic @imzachherron @jonahmarais @whydontwemusic . . . -> follow @imhookedonhotboys for more post like this . . . #wdwcometoitaly #menband #wdwitaly #corbynbesson #danielseavey #jackavery #zachherron #jonahmarais #whydontwe #whydontwemusic #wdw #wdwedits #wdwitaly #limelight #8letters #8letterstour #whydontweofficial #coldinla #bigplans #dontchange #idbitc #istilldo #cometobrazil #chills #wytc (presso Happy Birthday) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-eXKeGoEK8/?igshid=m2eiuvx3c02j
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
He. Is. Such. A. SQUISH
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The blonde hair makes his eyes even bluer than they already were and I fully support it
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ufitfly · 5 years
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Group 4, City Tour Turn on nothing for more updates.. #ufitfly ##tour #tourer #tourism_iran #touro #atpworldtour #tourismalgeria #invitationtour #protouring #neverbethesametour #motorcycletouring #tours #tourist #tourbillon #8letterstour #hometour #tellmeyoulovemetour #dayandnighttour #prayforthewickedtour #tourism #illuminatetour 📷@yemsquare6 (at Hampton by Hilton Dubai Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ljk0dgIDi/?igshid=h0bpj45xufnb
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sassytootsie · 5 years
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'We should chill me and you if it's alright. You should be my, you should be mine'. Thank you @whydontwemusic for an awesome night. 🎶😘👏 #8letterstour #whydontwe #band #concertph #whydontweliveinmanila #music #nobodygottaknow https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A6cW6H04Q/?igshid=itc8bszi8kcj
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jesyannamita-blog · 5 years
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Do i really have to choose? 🎶Sana dalawa ang puso ko🎶 😂 #got7inmanila #keepspinningworldtour #whydontweinmanila #8letterstour https://www.instagram.com/p/B0STjCdgAuSPc9yFhVBC-QFCl9gmDYoynrDJ8c0/?igshid=vja030wtuevw
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On a normal Tuesday evening in Toronto, there was an unsuspecting black tour bus outside of the venue where Why Don’t We was about to perform. The only thing giving away that it would be anything otherwise was the hoard of screaming girls surrounding its immediate 10-meter perimeter. It was enough to make the 40-something-year-old security guard wish he were anywhere but here. As I walked by, the shrieking intensified to a shrillness that would have given One Direction a run for their money; I was there just in time to see Zach Herron, one of the members of Why Don’t We, stick his head out the window and wave, only to close it a second later. I could feel a wave of my Bieber Fever and One Direction Infection coming back, as those mere couple of seconds was enough to cause the girls next to me to hyperventilate.
Opening the show was pop artist Brynn Elliott. Singing family-friendly songs about boys and untroubled relationships like “Might Not Like Me” and “Time of Our Lives,” she reminded me of a younger version of Taylor Swift. Her set was poppy and high energy, complementing sappy lyrics like “Every day we're alive is the freaking best / Best day ever I got my friends and my friends got me.” She ended by encouraging fans to chase their dreams, citing her own experience and getting to tour with Why Don’t We. 
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This was followed by contemporary hip-hop artist EBEN. He doesn’t get enough credit for hyping up the crowd. Exuding confidence during his brief set, he performed tracks like “Next Ex,” “Nights Like This,” “That’s Alright,” and his latest single, “You The One.” EBEN barely broke a sweat bopping to a slightly-too-loud backing track and reveling in roars from the crowd during his cover of “Sicko Mode.” There was more than enough content to satisfy the demanding Instagram needs of the young crowd.
When it was finally time for Why Don’t We, Jonah’s Harry Potter influence was at full force as the boys took the stage to a cheesy Hogwarts style invitational ceremony, welcoming fans to the “wonderful world of Why Don’t We.” They immediately launched into a jam-packed setlist, singing songs off of 8 Letters like “Choose,” “Hard,” and “In Too Deep.” The cheering was at a level of unimaginable frequency and I was impressed by the stamina of the mostly 13-year-old female crowd. Why Don’t We’s managers were clearly capitalizing on a thirst trap (multiplied by five).
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Nonetheless, the boys clearly put lots of effort into their show. Within a span of 60 minutes, there were twenty choreographed sets (one for each song), two costume changes, one medley, one photo break, and one inspirational monologue. I loved their “Finesse,” “Lucid Dreams,” and “Better Now” medley – a throwback to their early beginnings with Logan Paul where they used to post covers on Vine. The only thing I wanted to see more of was band-to-fan interaction in between songs, but considering their goofiness and tendency to get off track, it was probably safer to transition from song to song to keep the show moving. 
My fondest memories of concerts like these are the fan projects – a coordinated effort by the most dedicated fans to do something special for their favourite artist. For Why Don’t We, this meant lighting up the venue with pink and red lights during “8 Letters” (shoutout to @wdwheartproject for their hard work). After, the boys broke character to comment on how much they loved it, with Jonah saying that he almost cried when he made his way onstage. 
I haven’t seen anything like this since One Direction. Trust me, I’ve been a Directioner since Day 1 and have been to all their concert tours since Up All Night. I can confidently say that the Why Don’t We crowd was more deafening than anything I’ve seen before. It was the kind of energy that you couldn’t turn off once you got started.
Written by: Si Jia Wen
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