#8bit weapon
clemsharmony · 7 days
i passed on getting the dark leonardo idw pop because he looked like ass but i think if they ever made a jennika i'd have to get her. regardless of how bad she came out
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aimarskloset · 3 months
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Choose Your Weapon
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idrawsometimes · 1 year
What's your favorite weapon, be it a special weapon or just a general weapon type
"I don't think I have one. Wild keeps offering me things from their Slate, but... nothing I like so far."
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"The Master Sword, of course! I am a fan of one-handed swords in general, but nothing beats Fi."
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"Swords, I guess. It's the only weapon we can all agree on. And we all use the Four Sword... or the Four Swords."
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"I wouldn't say I have a favourite weapon. I don't like weapons all that much. But I'm best with a sword, so I use the Biggoron Sword."
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"Magic. But I'm more experienced with swords."
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"To fight with? Those magic rods Ravio sold me. They're mine now and he's never getting them back."
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"I'm not a fighting kind of guy. I'll use my magic to defend myself if I have to, but not until I have to!"
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"Swords. Preferably one-handed, since they're easier to carry around. The Magical Sword has served me well for a long time."
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"Swords- or cutlasses. Boomerang's fun, though."
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"My own claws. Or a sword, when I don't have claws."
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"How could you expect me to choose just one? All weapons are special in their own ways. The Master Sword is special to me, definitely, but Sky wants to be wielding her more. And I have... other weapons. The Champions' old weapons are my go-to... they're well-crafted. And I think they'd like that I'm using them."
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"I'm best with a sword and shield in my hands. Doesn't really matter which ones."
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"Weapons? I use the Lokomo Sword."
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"...I punch people for a living. I'm not a big 'weapons' guy. I've used a sword before? But I don't have any training with that."
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"Weapons?? I've never hurt anyone, and I don't want to! I guess I could hit someone with my car... if I had to..."
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"I'm good with a lot of weapons, really. Short swords. Broadswords. Longswords. Spears. I've used them all. But I only really use Caladbolg now. Haven't needed anything else since I got it."
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"I am... meant to use the Master Sword at all times, since it's so important. But my Ancient Flail... don't tell anyone, but I like it better."
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"It may not surprise you that my favourite weapon type is a sword. However, my favourite weapon is not myself. That would be egotistical."
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8bitsupervillain · 9 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 7 Minagoroshi pt. 27
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I was uncertain to include this in the last post or not. Ultimately since it didn’t really have much to do with their farewells I decided to move it here.
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When Rika talks to Hanyuu is she saying these things out loud do you suppose? Or is it an internal psychic conversation? If she is saying these things aloud then you’d think someone would chime in, asking her why she’s saying these things to herself. Also, I know it says right here, plain as day, that Hanyuu has no memory of Rika’s deaths, but I can’t help but wonder if that’s actually true. That is an interesting question about this spectral version of Hanyuu though. Does she get hungry, or thirsty or anything? It's one thing if it's a version of Hanyuu that everyone can see and interact with, but this version that only Rika sees? Also, kudos to Rika for trying to make amends for their earlier argument about her fate.
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But that’s not true, over the past couple of chapters you have had point blank discussions with Hanyuu about the exact time of your deaths. Hanyuu has demonstrated that she does indeed possess the power to tell when you’ll be killed Rika. Hell, you’ve gotten on her case about delivering this news to you. This seems a very odd time to suddenly become a skeptic. In regards to Hanyuu’s divine powers, not about your chances to fight against fate.
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This reminded me of an old Playstation 1 game I loved when I was younger called Syphon Filter. It was an action game where you were a government special agent sort. I played the hell out of the demo disc we had that had one level from the game where you’re fighting terrorists in Washington DC that eventually takes you down into a subway. There was a weapon in that game, a small taser that stunned your enemies, and if you held down the fire button after it hit them eventually they would catch fire and burn to death. Young child 8bit loved that so much, because it was just so nonsensical. It was allegedly a stealth game, but I very vividly remember never actually stealthing my way through the game and just mowing down every enemy between me and the end of the level. Was that an appropriate game for me to have as a kid? Probably not, but when my grandma bought me and my siblings the Playstation for Christmas way back when the game she gave me specifically was Resident Evil 1.
Point being, I wonder if the stun guns the Mountain Dogs have are modified into uselessness like Shion’s was?
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Rika proving that the old trope about white women in horror movies knows no ethnicity. But then again, I trip on perfectly level ground in my normal day to day existence, if I had to run from would be attackers I’d probably trip over everything in the world. Hell knowing my luck I’d run, fall and land in just such a way that I’d be left crying in back-based agony unable to move while my killer just sort of crawls towards me. That’s my secret tactic, I’ll make myself look so pathetic my would-be killer would just leave me alone to somehow bumble myself to death for them. Tricky devils.
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Quite the predicament. Of course, there’s absolutely nothing to say that even if she does abandon Satoko to her fate Rika would keep her memories.
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Giveaway winners!!
Thank you SO much to everyone who entered, and I'm so sorry I couldn't get all of y'all in as winners! But to those who won, congratulations!!!! :D I'll be making your chosen weapons asap in 8bit form!!!!
@abidethetempest @makuta-tobi @truehumanform @silverforestglove @thefunkyfurry
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not-tintedshades · 1 year
If 8Bit loses a battle, do you and her teammates get black labeled too?
if so, that's a tad bit unfair don't you think?
Yeah we all got black labeled. I still can't get that shit sticker's residue off my weapon.
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sawdusst · 1 year
Coroika Pirate AU part 2.5(?) 3(?) I guess?
Hello hello! I’m back again with another infodump post :] I won’t really introduce any new stuff--- it’s mostly just extra information on pre-existing ones that I thought of. I also realized I never talked about Barreleye yet, so he’ll be here too!
OH! It’s also some background information that may come in handy for the written bits that I’ll hopefully have together--- sometime. Not really sure when. 
Anyways, here’s the link to the main thread if you’d like to read more about my silly little AU 
Infodump after the cut! 
First off, I’d like to introduce a weapon I thought of a while back for this AU.
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This is the Splatling Hook! :D Or at least, a concept sketch of it.
Hahaha get it, cause it’s a grappling hook-- and Splatoon---- I don’t know 😭 It’s the funniest thing I could think of 
I know, there’s already the splatlings :( but this one’s special aight
There are two versions, one that could be handled like your typical gun that fires a hook. This hook has a pointed end so it could be pretty brutal if you were hit by it.
It could also be mounted on the arm for easy use as well.
It could also be used for fishing I guess, since the rope is retractable--- but I wouldn’t say that’s its main use.
Alright back to some info dumps on characters! :D 
The X-Blood Pirates:
They go head-to-head with the S4 
Led by Captain Vintage and his crew of X-Blood pirates
Vintage stinky >:[ 
Captain Vintage has a scar on his face from a fight with Skull. 
Skull used to be in his crew, but the two got into an argument one day. Neither of them like talking about it. But, Skull ran away while the ship was docked at a port after taking some of Vintage's treasure.
Skull doesn't really like talking about what it was like being in Vintage's crew— although he's been asked a few times.
Vintage is a strict captain but takes pride in his crew. He's sometimes looking for new people to join the crew. He'll sometimes take desperate pirates that were captured by him. 
Vintage was the one who gave Skull the scars on his face 
Vintage is an exceptional swordsman and sometimes wields a splatling. 
Vintage is only interested in raiding other pirate crews and becoming the most feared pirate throughout the seas.
Once he's done with that, he's going to take the great treasure the Guardians are protecting. 
The X-Bloods are also very cocky and stuck-up. Whenever they conquer a pirate ship or it’s crew, they always leave an X-shaped scar that’s cut with a knife. 
Edgelords 🙄
Vintage wants some black labels from the Wireglasse Pirates, he doesn't want to make an alliance with them though— he thinks they're too emotional. 
The Wireglasse Pirates pt.2:
Consisting of 8Bit, Shady, Wireglasses, Ocho, + their teams from the manga.
Ocho is sometimes sent off to smaller villages to gather resources or information for the crew. By sometimes, I mean quite frequently
Sometimes 8-Bit is sent off to do this, it just depends on where.
Since they have an intimidating reputation, it's best if they split up to not scare anyone or cause any unnecessary trouble. 
They are in possession of the Rainmaker, a cannon that's capable of wiping out entire fleets in the blink of an eye. It rests on their ship's bow as a trophy.
Other pirates want the Rainmaker, but they're too intimidated to approach.
The Rainmaker is only used in cases of emergencies, they try not to use it because it may damage their own ship as well. 
The Rainmaker was stolen from another band of pirates that used it as a cannon.
The Wireglasse Pirates have no known allies, their captain prefers not to trust other pirate crews.
Captain Kaoss, or Captain Wireglass (either one is okie dokie) leads the crew with Ocho as second in command.  
Despite his ruthless appearance, the Captain cares about his crew quite a bit. He trusts them a lot and they trust him too. 
Shady is their marksman and navigator. 
Shady’s sniping skills are almost equally matched with Skull’s, it raises the question of who’s the better shot. 
The Wireglass Pirates are also technically friends with Barreleye’s crew. Pretty much they both agreed not to attack each other if they met at sea. 
They have no business fighting each other, plus some of their crewmates are friends-- so there’s that. 
The Barreleye Pirates:
I can’t believe I didn’t mention them sooner--- I’M SO SORRY BARRELEYE ❗❗
Yeah they’re pretty cool 
Consisting of Mitsuami, YARRwhal, Horn-Helmet, and Shellmet! (and their teams as well, minus Team Blue) 
I honestly might switch the names a bit but I’m not sure tbh.
I feel like I’m legally obligated to call him YARRwhal here since it’s a pirate AU and all/hj 
but at the same time... Captain Barreleye is a pretty sick name. For the sake of this post, I’m going to call him Barreleye. 
Anyways, they like using heavy machinery to fight such as blasters and splatlings.
Except for Mitsuami, she uses a tri-stringer! 
If they see their opponent doesn’t have a weapon, they refuse to fight unless their opponent has a weapon too. (They don’t really carry spares with them.) 
They also refuse to fight if it seems unfair. They want both sides to have fun. 
Barreleye was the one who told Captain Gloves about the Wireglass Pirates. 
They met in a cafe one time and Gloves asked him about being a pirate.
Barreleye and Gloves are friends, but they haven’t seen each other for a long long long time--- they hope to see each other while at sea or elsewhere.
I think Barreleye would freak out if he found out Gloves talked to Prince
Like the Blue Pirates, the Barreleye Pirates are not feared--- they are still pretty powerful but no one would feel uncomfortable/intimidated talking to the crew.
Mitsuami has never missed a shot, except for maybe 2 times. However, she doesn’t have as great of a range with the stringer.
Barreleye doesn’t like Hivemind. They’ve met once and it didn’t go all too well.
Mitsuami joined the crew because she loves the ocean. She really wanted to join a pirate crew and sail with some friends. Fortunately, Horn-Helmet was already a pirate at the time and introduced her to Barreleye.
Hivemind (extra stuff):
He brainwashed Emperor's parents to allow his crew to dock at their ports. 
This is also why other pirates have docked at the kingdom, since it's no longer enforced. 
Hivemind doesn't like to call himself a pirate. He calls his crew "The Great Hivemind Fleet"— but that's just a sugar-coated version of "Hivemind Pirates". 
Hivemind wants to have control over all of the strongest pirate crews and put an end to pirates altogether. 
Hivemind is manipulative and he sometimes doesn't wear his headset/change his ink color in order to fool others. 
He's had an encounter with the Blue Pirates, but didn't bother to sink their ship— as they didn't seem to put up much of a fight anyways. 
Once you're under his control, you usually can't break out of it yourself— unless you have really strong willpower or if you accidentally break Hivemind's headset.
Like I mentioned before he really really really really wants to go after the Wireglass Pirates, but it seems like they’re too difficult to find. He wants to know if they live up to their fearsome reputation and have them under his control.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to send me questions in my askbox if there’s anything else you’d like to know about the silly pirates. 
...oops I took up too much space again. there was still more I wanted to include but I don’t want the post to get too boring to read. Also I underestimated how much space all this would take up 💀
I guess there will be a part 4 sometime then! :’D 
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dbssh · 2 years
3-6 for oc ask game for Kasey :]
do they collect anything? sports cards! and kasey looove hero league merch, shes been into it ever since she was little.
favourite music? her ic playlist has a lot of pop on it if this helps you catch the vibe at all. i also think shed be into more upbeat / 8bit hyperpop (think like. lesbian ponies with weapons by vyletpony)
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music genre they hate? i dont think shed be into metal or anything suuper hardcore
whats their lockscreen? i give everyone flip phones because i think its cute i ghink hers looks like one of these beasts all pink and adorable
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mythtiide · 2 years
actually the m&m uk creators dlc is so funny because both dawko and shb have actual weapons while 8bit is just straight up punching the shit out of everything and everyone
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catalogmains · 2 years
8bit drummer galaxy collapse
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8bit drummer galaxy collapse skin#
On the flip side, an unpredictable 'Cupboard Love' starts muted and deep but soon surprises, opening out into a warm and progressive feel-good groove.
8bit drummer galaxy collapse skin#
The EPs opener, 'The Skin Horse' is surely one for the after afters - a dark and off kilter growler of a track whose prevailing bassline and waltz time beat provide a brooding backdrop and relentless rolling nod to its intricate fusion of dissident chords, dusty synths and jazz stabs. 'Tyranny of Fun' is an accomplished sonic offering that reveals a versatile sound characterized by original combinations of samples, depth and range. And his debut release under his new pseudonym achieves just that. Preferring to start afresh and steer clear from associations, the somewhat reclusive figure from the South Coast is now focused instead on allowing his new output to speak solely for itself. The coining of the new alias 'Slow Learner', marks a new chapter and musical direction for an already established artist who is by no means new to the game. Review: FINA Records presents 'Tyranny of Fun', the debut EP from Slow Learner. A soulful, uplifting vibe from start to finish, Gioia is the perfect end to this awesome debut vinyl release. Melancholic synth stabs and subtly employed vocal samples, luscious pads and that unmistakable house sax sound: Beating Heart is the perfect track for getting the crowd moving.įinishing the release off are Marc Brauner & David Silver with 'Gioia', an energetic house tune with an initiable beat and an exquisite bouncing bass line. Manuold follows on with 'Beating Hear't, a super catchy deep house number. Next up is 'Keep Me Inside' by Yann Polewka, taking things back with that classic house piano buzz.Ī pounding beat, an understated yet driven bass line, strings, pads and some ecstatic vocals all combine for a truly heavenly touch. Up first is 'So Fly' by Saint Paul, a soul infused jam with heaps of uplifting vocal samples, organs and synths a plenty, not to mention a subtly jacking beat that steadily bumps the vibe along. Review: This is GDWAX001 the debut vinyl release from GLBDOM, featuring four sumptuous, vintage tinged house tracks. Perfect for background vibes for a kickback or just listening around the house. The last two cuts, "Tiny Keys" and "Cocomango" are down tempo grooves with some soul and sauce thrown in. Both tunes really show a different take on rhythm, bounce and energy and how those elements interact with melody to create something unlike most music you hear in the dance music space. "Pulling Closer" and "Falling Notes" are both unique cuts in their own right. The tone of this one is deep and introspective. Mason's jazz influence stands out over the organic broken beat rhythm section. The title track "Nitecap" has to be the true stand out. It has that big room sound reminscent of "Sexual Obsession". This one is straight forward space funk in a dance track. The stand out track for the DJs is "The Light". One can tell from the artwork this is something different. This 6 track EP is striking to say the least. Nintechnoid (Extended Chiptune Mix) 04:32ħ.Review: The Nitecap EP is the first collection of music created by jazz multi-instrumentalist Marquinn Mason and FWM Entertainment mastermind Stefan Ringer. Nintechnoid (Radio Chipmusic Remix) 02:50Ħ. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor!Ĥ. Towards the end of the production cycle we added Commodore 64 synth bass and other sounds to round out the albums sound. We sought to explore the outer reaches of the Game Boy’s 8-bit CPU/4-bit sound chip, especially it’s dynamic wave channel sound manipulation capacity. This new album is the result of sound experiments created via Classic 1989 Game Boy that began in 2015 and ended in March of 2017. Relax and Enjoy, again!Īvailable exclusively via bandcamp, please support independent music:īandcamp /album/8-bit-weapon The album is also co-written by a computer as well! All tones have been digitally processed for maximum smoothness and optimum ambiance. Sounds are sculpted using the Commodore 64 personal computer’s SID sound chips: 6581, 8580, and 6582. Over 1 hour of mind debugging tones for your neural network to enjoy. Looking for new C64 music for relaxation? Disassembly Language: Ambient Music for Deprogramming Volume 2 has arrived!Īmbient Commodore 64 music crafted to help you shed stress and facilitate relaxation.
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zosonils · 2 years
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mai-cakes · 5 years
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A little something different for my elemental fantasy weapon series. Taking the ‘earth’ prompt and splitting it into something nature based and then eventually will get to a stone based piece too.
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bugbilly · 4 years
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Urban camo guns . . . #pixel #pixelart #32bitart #32bit #8bitart #8bit #16bit #16bitart #gun #guns #shotgun #pistol #handgun #machinegun #assultrifle #weapon #aseprite #asepriteart #gameart #videogameweapons #urbancamo #weaponskins https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQTsjmngAn/?igshid=vzjb0bn90uzg
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drapetomancer · 6 years
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Here's a humble suggestion. Take it or leave it. . .
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So I'm thinking for this next giveaway, it's going to be 8bit sprite sheets of your Guardian that can function in Gamemaker VX Ace and beyond. That, or I make your favorite weapons out of perler beads. I haven't decided which to do yet.
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pixel-pet · 6 years
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I thought I'd follow along a trend for once ^^
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