#8bit glory
realnielsbohr · 9 months
a few years ago i made an 8bit cover of lifetime achievement award for an assignment. its def not perfect and ive def improved on making 8bit stuff since then. however, this was and is a huge accomplishment i barely finish these things nowadays lol
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here's a screencap of the full song in all of its rainbow glory!
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Thanks everyone that participant in this collab!
And thank you @danaterrace for a wonderful show!
Participants and their OCs:
@orangecreamsoda (Me) - Geo, Elio, Astra and Niahm
@yari-saber - Alcor and Mizar
@starwhoopsass - Pyxis
@kisho-shep - Pebble, Marble, Feather, Cecilia and Sataelo
KujaroJotu - Unnamed witch
@8Bit-Mask - Anthony
kennydraws - not named titan
@kidza - Moon rabbit
@buttercupmelodies -
@rainytohsideblog - Morning Glory
@astrosilly - Esmeray
@marminko - Starry
@beeli-art - Nebula and Sprinkles
HocousPocus - Mortu
Oy_Cowboy - not named titan
@colliesplayhouse- Pickles
@dice-queen- Andy
es- Emma
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myscrap · 1 year
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8bitさんはTwitterを使っています: 「💖Glory Days💙 https://t.co/TMhxytpKsu」 / Twitter
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8bitsupervillain · 9 months
8bit reviews: Shining Song Starnova
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I really don't understand why this game had an android idol. Maybe it's to do with the fact that Love in Space make sci-fi visual novels, and that's why they had an android idol in this game. Shining Song Starnova is a visual novel where you play as Mr. Producer (who has a name, but it comes up very infrequently, it's Kaoru Nishiyama by the way), the producer for a small-time idol group made up of former/disgraced idols and a few other girls who seem to have signed on to the group for a lark. It's up to you help these girls achieve their dreams of making the group a success despite the deck that is incredibly stacked against the girls. Whether you succeed depends entirely on which route you're on because in some of the routes the plot dictates the group breaks up.
The characters who make up your idol group are: Mariya Yamamoto, a twenty-five year old woman who used to belong to another idol group known as Quasar. Natsuki Tanabe, a girl from Osaka who has gumption and enthusiasm. Nemu Akimoto, she has boobs and a DARK SECRET(TM). Julie Watanabe, a half-American, half-Japanese girl who doesn't fit in neatly to japanese culture man. Mika Hashimoto, the obligatory anime nerd. Aki Kashiwagi, another former idol who will do anything to reclaim her former glory and become the number one idol in Japan. And lastly: Sasami Shimazaki, the main girl. The generally uninteresting girl who doesn't have the sheer force of personality of other characters, and has the sort of generic anime girl look that just says "there she is, the generic main love interest in every anime ever. The one the hero will inevitably wind up with in the end." This games Shiori Fujisaki, if you will.
I would like to introduce to you now the main two thesis statements of Shining Song Starnova. The idol industry is a cruel meat grinder where only the most cutthroat and duplicitous will survive. If you're not prepared to backstab and connive your way to victory you will inevitably be chewed up and spit out by the machine. Be it the cruel machinations of the higher ups in management, the vindictive pettiness of your fellow idols, or the cruelest of all: audience indifference and their fickle nature. Just to make sure you're perfectly aware of where the game stands it will go out of its way to repeat to you dozens of times during the various routes just what a deadly dire game idol fame is. By all that is holy and good in the universe does the game want you to know that the entertainment industry is a diabolical and loathsome machine.
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The character Mariya will grab the plot by the neck, force it to stop just to reiterate what a dread beast the idol industry (and indeed all entertainment) truly truly is. Another way it loves to constantly berate you and shove the message in your face is with the constant and lengthy diatribes about the fickle nature of fandom.
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Your fans will love you all the way to the gallows, and cheer when you suffer indignities that besmirch your name and leave your life a ruined mess. Your precious fans will turn on you on a dime just to chase after the newest latest and greatest, and lap up any and all drama they can bleed from you personally.
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As the game puts it "uplifting messages are good and all, but what people really want is blood. Nothing excites people more than seeing a beautiful girl get torn down."
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The second thesis statement is: holy shit blowjobs are awesome!
The thing is despite how thick the game lays it on about the media machine/idol industry if the game was actually about that I wouldn't have minded so much. There are times where it seems really indecisive about whether you're trying to lead the group to success or simply trying to navigate the minefield of each girls personality.
Three of the routes are largely about it, and incidentally those are the routes that actually feel like they have any real substance to them. At a certain point in the game you have to choose one of the seven girls to be "the center" of the group, the leader of this idol unit. Then the game goes on a largely disconnected plot centered on whichever girl you choose. The problem with the branching narrative is you can tell which ones are the important ones, and which ones really feel like they were written due to a sense of obligation. Which is really unfortunate, if you like the characters Mika, Natsuki, Nemu, or to a lesser extent Julie you get to see just how little they matter to the larger narrative. Which is doubly unfortunate because you would assume that the plot point of Nemu's mental illness, or Julie's brush with death would be fairly substantial plot points. Alas they don't really matter, except for a couple of mentions during Sasami's route whatever plot/drama that occurs in any of the other routes simply doesn't exist. Nemu's psychosis for instance is never brought up except to make one or two yandere jokes at her expense, and Julie's scandals just don't exist in every route that's not hers.
It's a shame because I feel that these routes could have felt more like something of substance rather than simply filler arcs meant to prolong the game until you get to the three routes that actually matter. The character Mika, for instance, her plot about overcoming her insecurities and feelings of being nothing more than a sex object has some strong narrative strings to it. Instead it amounts to very little, you make a rather unconvincing speech about sticking to your values instead of accepting that the entertainment industry is just sex sex sex. What makes it worse and feels like it was rushed to its finish is the fact that her story features a character who hates what Mika has become by turning into nothing but a whore and not living up to his personal ideas of what she should be. So her main character struggle is "no one values her except for as a sex object" but her main outside antagonistic force despises her for doing fan-service roles in an adaptation of an anime she likes.
Meanwhile Natsuki gets nothing, large swathes of time pass without anything really affecting the plot. But the larger plot point she has about the bank foreclosing on her family's farm gets mentioned in the main routes so I guess that's fine. You get two to three hours (depending on individual reading speed) of drama that doesn't actually do anything about her family losing the family farm, but they make a brief one sentence reference in Sasami's route so I guess that makes up for it! Again, this is a plot point that I feel could have been something rather than the damp squib it really is. Having to utilize your idol groups newfound fame and prestige in an effort to organize some sort of charity drive to save the farm? That could be something, there are plenty of movies about those scrappy youths banding together to save the rec center from those evil land surveyors. Plus you would get the benefit of at least one of the stories not being a depressing read all the way through.
Nemu's plot involves her having to deal with the fact she has some sort of heredity psychosis she got from her mother who was also an idol back in her youth. This makes her occasionally imagine scenarios where people are conniving to displace her or steal her loved ones away from her. The route reaches its inevitable conclusion where her mental issues causes her to lash out physically and ruin the life of another idol, and in her bad ending become a murderer. Again though, outside of this route nothing ever comes up of her mental issues. They make reference to her DARK SECRET(TM) about her birth, but it comes up once and just as quickly gets swept away. As with Mika and Natsuki's paths I feel this really could have been a decent arc, unfortunately it just gets wrapped up rather quickly and just feels like a waste. Also in the first chapter, before you select the individual paths of the girls, they all but say that Nemu is some sort of psychic. That's all they ever say about it. It never comes up at all, which is especially weird given the whole "gonna kill that bitch for trying to steal producer-kun" plot.
The character I feel that gets it the worst is Julie, her plot anyway. Since she's a half-American half-Japanese girl, she butts heads with Japanese culture, and is a walking scandal magnet. This comes to a head mid-way through her route. This one I felt really could have been a plot that could involve all of the girls because of the realness of the subject matter. However except for one other character all of the other girls in the group basically cease to exist until the ending. It's infuriating to me because this is the one arc outside of the main three that had the strongest core to it. However it wasn't to be, and it just sort of meandered around until it was over.
Arriving to the final three routes it becomes quite obvious these were the important routes. For one they are significantly longer than the other routes, get more unique CG scenes, and generally have a more complete feel to the writing (again, some more than others). Mariya's plotline has to do with the fact that Mariya is in her late twenties and is considered over the hill in the idol game. By god do they not want you to forget that once you hit twenty-five your life as an idol is basically done. But it's not just ageism in the entertainment industry you also get to find out what events forced Mariya out of the business years ago and why she became the heavy-drinking chainsmoker she was at the start of the game. It's because: points at paragraph three also because the former leader of Quasar was a stabilizing force for peace and when she got taken out and replaced with a new center Quasar become a ferocious den of monsters etc etc.
Aki Kashiwagi's plotline meanwhile has to deal with the fact that she is literally killing herself in her efforts to become the number one idol in Japan. And also! The entertainment industry is a terrible den of wolves and with chew you up and swallow you whole, and maybe your mother who's forcing you into it might just be an irredeemable shitbag. Until the plot decides she isn't anyway.
Sasami's route is one of the hardest to talk about because of the sheer amount of spoilers that have to be discussed. On the one hand this truly is the best of the routes because this is what I honestly thought the game was going to be mostly about, the day to day minutiae about the industry. The skullduggery, the frankly great writing on display. But I don't think it really saves the game because for one it takes well over twenty four hours to get to this point. Twenty four hours of misery porn, questionable writing, and some of the worst sex analogies I've read. Also despite the fact I find Sasami's route to be generally better written than the rest of the game it doesn't get away entirely unscathed and has some terrible writing throughout. The completely out of left field Tropic Thunder reference stands out to me as one such an example.
One of the larger issues I have with the game is the lack of choices that are on offer. Every path is a linear plotline until you are given one singular choice that will either almost instantly give you a bad ending, or the good ending. There are only three characters who get a section with a blistering TWO choice segments but the differences are minuscule at best and don't affect the plot in any real way. Two of the choices that I remember basically amount to the chosen girl saying bullshit to your choice, and the plot marches forward regardless. It's somewhat respectable to whittle the choices down to a binary "fail" and "don't fail" button, but isn't that why we're here? To see just how bad/miserable the paths can get? I suppose I was just expecting the bad endings to go slightly longer than clicking the bad answer and then a character immediately dies! At least with Mika and Aki's bad ending you get something before it abruptly ends. Also this is going to sound like the minorest of nitpicks, but I wish the game let you save when you have to choose which girl is going to be the center of the group. Two clicks isn't a major issue, but it was just a small annoyance. Very small, microscopically small.
I believe we've gone as far as we can without dipping into major spoilers. I know I gave away the entirety of Natsuki's plot and most of Mika's but honestly without what I had written there their plots would have been summarized as: They exist! If you're interested in Shining Song Starnova I wouldn't recommend playing the game (read the VN, whatever). It isn't a particularly good story, and the constant beating of the drums of "entertainment industry bad, all the fans are shit, den of wolves" really drags down the story. The art isn't particularly great, it took a while to get used to the western anime look of the characters, and honestly if it's anime porn (or anime style porn) you're after there is so much out there that there's really no need to endure this miserable miserable experience.
Spoilers for Shining Song Starnova
I do sort of wonder what this game is like in its non-18+ version. There are numerous scenes of sex and nudity that help move the plot along. I especially wonder what that version is like considering what a major role pedophilia and rape play during at least three of the routes. Of course there's no sex scenes involving minors, nor any nudity during said pedophilia moments, but it does play a pretty major factor during Aki and Sasami's routes.
Aki, Mariya, and Sasami's paths are the most important of the paths because of how deeply they dive into the behind the scenes nature of idol groups and the in-fighting between both the talent and the management of said groups. While the other four routes do feature some element about managing the talent it really feels like a small side thing that's unrelated to the larger narrative for whichever girl you choose. More so Nemu and Natuski's routes, because even though they're unimportant to the larger narrative Mika and Julie's routes do feature the entertainment industry to a larger degree.
One of the main problems I have with the game and its story is that in hindsight it makes every route except for Mariya, Aki and Sasami's just feel like a waste of time. Sure some terrible things can happen during these routes but it all feels rather weightless and inconsequential. It feels the worst during Julie's route because in today's terrible world a story about an idol being attacked by a crazed fan during one of their events is a surprisingly poignant and topical inclusion. It really feels like a missed opportunity to not examine the topic more than they did. Surely a crazed fan attacking one of the group would have had long lasting implications for the rest of the group, least of all Aki, who got injured during said attack. Instead the game just sort of shunts them off to the side to focus on Julie, and the fact she gets over the effects of the attack in a surprisingly quick pace. I'm not saying it needed to have Mika or whoever's woes on top of Julie's, because god knows I was getting really annoyed when during Mariya's story it kept focusing on Aki. It just feels like the game could have been entirely about an event like that instead of the disparate stories we did get.
Also I can't really think of a good place to put it, but the game also has some very unfortunate implications that all a girl needs to get over mental illness/trauma/crippling self doubts is a good dicking. Shortly after the attack Julie and Producer-san go on the run to get away from it all. The pair inevitably fuck, and within minutes of game time Julie seems to be largely over the incident. But this isn't the only time Producer-san's magical penis saves the day. During Mika's story when she's at her lowest point she has sex with Producer-san and regains her self confidence, and in the bad ending of her route it can also convince her to join the porn industry. The most mystifying and poorly thought out one though is the sex scene in Nemu's path. During her path Nemu is going through some dark times and the psychosis she's inherited from her mother starts to make her insanely paranoid that everyone is out against her. This ranges from her assuming Mika is out to steal Producer-san away, to believing her stepmother had attempted to kill her and her birth mother. But when she has sex with Producer-san in the good ending his magical penis seemingly cures her of whatever hereditary psychosis she has.
I would like to circle back to the girls' individual paths to talk about the bad endings in the routes. This is also a thinly veiled excuse to complain about some of the flimsy plot. During Natsuki's path there's a moment where the group films a segment for the local news to save the family farm. However, the company that owns Quasar, Golden Calf Entertainment uses their power to get the segment removed from the show they're set to debut on. During the only choice in the section if you beg to have the segment run Natsuki leaves you. Nothing prior to the leaving had implied that's the character she was, and it just comes out of left field. Mika's meanwhile if you tell her that indeed the entertainment industry is just sex the game gives you a sex scene and then Mika leaves your company to become a full-time porn star. In Mariya's bad ending you have her retire being an idol during the Idol Grand Prix. Mariya then slides back into her alcoholism, and disappears, never to be seen again.
I made mention during the relatively spoiler free section that there are bad endings that as soon as you click them a girl just immediately dies. One of which is sort of sign posted, during Aki's route a doctor tells Producer-kun that if Aki keeps going at the rate she's going she will die. Then shortly after this revelation you have to either tell Aki to keep going, or cool her jets for a minute (I'm paraphrasing). If you have her perform to the top of her ability in one instant Aki suffers a severe heart attack that kills her instantly. Which to be fair the game did warn you about ahead of time, but it's just so sudden that it comes across as little more than a game over screen. The other death is much more random than Aki's death. During Julie's route you're overseeing a fan meet and greet, where the game offers you the choice to see if the neurotic nerd girl who's prone to shutting down during times of social interaction is doing alright or not. If you opt to see how she's getting along Julie is stabbed to death instantly by a crazed fan. Nothing foreshadows it, it just abruptly happens, which to be fair happens if you check on Julie anyway, but the difference there is Julie escapes with her life.
This was written some time after I had wrote the preceding texts. But I'll be honest with you midway writing the review I just couldn't do it any more. The sheer scope of the pointlessness and irritation I felt from playing/reading this Visual Novel just drained me and I just gave up. And I've tried continuing this! Since April I have gone back to it at least once monthly to try to find a way to continue on and actually go over what happens in the routes. Perhaps some day I will, maybe by April 2024 I'll have re-edited this to get rid of this paragraph and make this fucking behemoth of a review actually be complete.
0 notes
herosone111 · 11 months
❶Super Contra(超级魂斗罗)
❷热血时代剧(ダウンタウンスペシャル くにおくんの时代剧だよ全员集合)
❺帝国战机(Crisis Force)
❻Summer Carnival '92(烈火92)
❼Bram Stoker's Dracula(德拉克拉伯爵)
❽小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid)
❾脱狱(Prisoners Of War、P.O.W)
❿龙珠Z外传-赛亚人灭绝计划(ドラゴンボールZ外伝 サイヤ人絶滅計画)
⓫孤独战士-惑星戒严令(Isolated Warrior、Max Warrior)
⓬怪鸭历险记(Dark Wing Duck)
⓭西游记世界Ⅱ天上界的魔神(西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔神、Whomp 'Em)
⓯Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园;英文,很难)
⓰雪人兄弟(Snow Bros)
⓱敲冰块(Ice Climber)
⓲松鼠大作战(Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers;有一代二代)
⓳气球大战(Boalloon Fight)
⓴Snake Rattle 'n Roll(双蛇城)
㉑航空小英雄(Tale Spin)
㉔Solomon's Key(所罗门之钥)
㉕七宝奇谋(The Goonies)
㉖迷糊蛋(へべれけ、HEBEREKE、Ufouria:The Saga)
㉗Cosmic Epsilon(宇宙战机)
㉘Hard Drivin'(超级赛车)
㉙Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge(比尔艾略特之云斯顿赛车锦标赛)
㉚RESCUE-The Embassy Mission(救援-大使馆任务)
㉛無賴戦士(Burai Fighter)
㉜口袋里的魔鬼(Monster In My Pocket)
㉟热血新纪录(びっくり热血新记录 -はるかなる金メダル、Crash'n The Boys Street Challenge)
㊱8 Bit Music Power(8Bit音乐力量)
㊲奥瓦的觉醒(Alwa's Awakening)
㊳Splatter House(腐尸之屋)
㊴魂斗罗力量(Contra Force)
㊵恶魔城传说(Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse)
㊶Solomon's Key Fire 'n Ice(所罗门之钥火与冰)
㊸大金刚JR(Donkey Kong JR)
㊹忍者茶茶丸(忍者じゃじゃ丸くん、Ninja Jajamaru Kun)
㊻超越地平线(Over Horizon)
㊼突袭班戈灵湾(Raid on Bungeling Bay)
㊽Fire Hawk(火鹰)
㊾碰碰车(City Connection)
㊿双截龙(Double Dragon;有一代二代三代)
51 Cabal(勇士们)
52 Bee52(小蜜蜂52)
53 Commando(戰場の狼、战场之狼)
54 Kickle Cubicle(迷宫岛;推冰块)
55 Super Mario USA(超级马里奥USA、梦工场ドキドキパニック、Yumekojo DokiDoki Panic)
56 Super Mario Bros3(超级马里奥兄弟3)
57 月宫桌球(Lunar Pool)
58 天使之翼2(キャプテン翼Ⅱ Super Striker)
59 冒险岛(高桥名人の冒險岛;有一二三四代,有的有汉化版)
60 アルマジロ(Armadillo、仙人掌)
61 Startropics(热带之星;游戏内信件密码747,有一二代)
62 Metal Slader Glory(メタルスレイダーグローリー)
63 火炮(GUN-DEC、Vice: Project Doom)
64 重力装甲(Metal Storm、重力装甲メタルストーム)
65 Bat Man-Return Of The Joker(蝙蝠侠2)
66 剑王(Sword Master)
67 圣铃传说(聖鈴伝説Lickle、Little Samson;密码5555)
68 Power Blade2(Captain Saver)
69 忍者蛙(Battle Toads)
70 蝙蝠侠(Bat Man)
71 Dragon Fighter(龙战士)
72 Zanac(银河号)
73 加纳战机(GUN-NAC;在片头长按AB键进入作弊模式)
74 Q版沙罗曼蛇(Parodius)
75 鳄鱼先生(The Adventures Of Bayou Billy)
76 赤影战士(KAGE、Shadow Of The Ninja)
77 忍者猫(キャッ党忍伝てやんでえ、Samurai Pizza Cats)
78 炸弹人(Bomber Man)
79 B-Wings(B计划)
80 Mappy Kids(少年快乐鼠)
81 The Lone Ranger(独行侠、长枪手传奇)
82 Felix The Cat(菲力克斯猫)
83 双翼人(Legendary Wings)
84 特救指令(Shatter Hand)
85 马里奥拆屋工(Wrecking Crew)
86 Rampage(大猩猩拆楼、怪兽拆楼)
87 SD快打旋风(Sd Final Fighter、Mighty Final Fight)
88 星之卡比梦之泉的物语(星のカービィ_夢の泉の物語、Kirby)
89 Chack'n Pop(拯救爱心、流行恰克)
90 ELITE(精英、银河侵略者)
91 彩虹岛(Rainbow Islands)
92 泡泡龙(Bubble Bobble;有一二代)
93 Double Dribble(二次运球、篮球)
94 迷宫组曲(Milon"s Secret Castle)
95 杀戮战场(Combat)
96 超级中国人2龙之子(Super Chinese 2: Dragon Kid、Little Ninja Brothers)
97 弹珠台(Pin Ball)
98 Batman Returns(蝙蝠侠3)
99 Thundercade(雷电节奏、摩托车特殊部队)
100 影子传说(影の伝説)
101 Flappy(顽皮精灵、フラッピー)
102 Paper Boy(送报童;有一代二代)
103 ココロン(Cocoron、魔法世界)
104 唐老鸭历险记(Duck Tales、わんぱくダック夢冒険;有一二代)
105 超惑星战记(超惑星戦記メタファイト、Blaster Master)
106 踢王(Kick Master)
107 龍牙(Ninja Crusaders、龙牙)
108 激龟快打(Turtles Tournament Fighters)
109 上尉密令(Captain America and The Avengers)
110 红巾特攻队(Sky Destroyer)
111 梦之勇士(Little Nemo - The Dream Master)
112 Rock man(洛克人、Mega Man;有1到6代)
113 Exerion(火凤凰、凤凰战机)
114 Silk Worm(中东战争、联合大作战)
115 前线大作战(Front Line)
116 CLU CLU LAND(金鱼、克鲁克鲁世界)
117 魔���门之英雄无敌(Heroes Of Might & Magic)
118 嘉蒂外传(The Guardian Legend、ガーディック外伝)
119 绘描衛門(描绘卫门)
120 Super Spy Hunter(超级间谍猎人)
121 Devil World(恶魔世界)
122 重装机兵(Metal Max)
123 阿尔戈斯战士(Argos No Senshi、阿格斯战士、未来战士)
124 忍者龙剑传(有123代,很难)
125 希特勒复活(トップシークレット ヒットラーの復活、Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret、Bionic Commando、生化尖兵、希魔复活)
126 魔道士阴谋(リトルマジック、Little Magic)
127 龙珠英雄(半熟英雄)
128 天神之剑(God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no、Crystalis)
129 WILLOW(威洛之旅、风云际会)
130 Daiva(DAIVA Story 6: Nirsartia no Gyokuz、超人迪瓦)
131 Shadow Gate(暗影之门)
132 Joy Mech Fight(快乐机器人)
133 ミッキーマウスIII 夢ふうせん(米老鼠3梦幻气球、Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen、Kid Klown in Night Mayor World)
134 外星战将(Bucky O'Hare、バッキー オヘア、宇宙野兔)
135 G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor(特种部队2亚特兰蒂斯行动)
136 特种部队-一个真正的美国英雄(G.I.JOE - A Real American Hero)
137 Puzznic(连锁方块)
138 成龙之龙(ジャッキーチェン、Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu)
139 Wizards&Warriors(巫师与武士、巫师与战士;有多代作品)
140 Gimmick!(吉米克)
141 Star Soldier(星际战士)
142 双鹰-乔兄弟的复仇(Twin Eagle-Revenge Joe's Brother)
143 The Flintstones(摩登原始人;有一二代)
144 六三四の剑(六三四之剑、Musashi no Ken-Tadaima Shugyou)
145 AbadoX:The Deadly Inner War(阿贝道X)
146 Terra Cresta(神鹰一号)
147 The Immortal(不死传说)
148 えりかとさとるの夢冒険(Erika To Satoru No Yume Bouken、绘里香与悟的梦冒险、少年梦冒险)
149 Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road(怒2-胜利之路)
150 西武ロードリスト蘭のチップチューン地獄(Seibu Roadlist Ran no Chiptune Jigoku、Seibu Roadlist Ran's Chiptune Hell、Run's Chiptune Hell、Chiptune Hell、西武大道_清单兰花之芯片音乐地狱、西武路单兰奇普顿地狱、西武路清单兰花芯片地狱;日文。有体验版(Trial版)但未找到正式版ROM,出品公司ProgressiveGames)
151 Iron Tank:The Invasion Of Normandy(Great Tank、铁坦克:入侵诺曼底、铁胆坦克)
152 Nespeccy(演示DEMO,用点的改变做出方格旋转)
153 Tokumaru Raycaster01(演示DEMO,可控制,德军总部)
154 Heoh Demo(演示DEMO,做假旋转场景)
155 High Hopes By Aspekt(演示DEMO,多种效果,模拟器未必支持)
156 AxelayNesMusic(256ko)(演示DEMO,假地平线扭曲)
157 BladeBuster(刀锋战机)
158 Race America(上下分屏双人赛车)
159 Bio Force Ape(生化猿人、生物力量猿人)
Celeste Mario(蔚蓝马里奥)
RockMan 4 Voyage(4代之前没充分使用FC机能所以123代claw和2Bm和7Ep都不收录)
RockMan 4 Miuns Infinity
RockMan 4 Burst Chaser X Air Sliding
Blazing Blocks(炽热方块)
Salamander_Arrangement Chronicle(沙罗曼蛇高画质版;是日版,日版有三个子机,美版只有两个)
Gradius_Arrangement Chronicle(宇宙巡航机高画质版;有一代&二代)
Prisoners Of War-2Players(脱狱双人版)
◇〓坦克大战过关版4.0_Zeng Ge Hack 2012.12.24
〓Binary City(坦克大战双子星_2009_Shederv.Org.Ru)
Rockman 6 Unique Harassment(洛克人6稀世侵袭)
Over The Moon(月亮之上、非常高兴;银河战士改版)
〓Balloon Fight-4Players(气球大战四人版)
〓Super Mario Bros-2Players(超级玛丽奥兄弟双人版)
Bad Apple(演示视频,作者未知)
〓Battle City 4Players(坦克大战四人版)
〓Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2-4Players(松鼠大作战2四人版)
◆生化危机(精卫填海、Bio Hazard;从Game Boy移植并修改剧情为1代)
Gemini Wing(捉虫敢死队;盗版商台湾人从街机移植,Rom已���失,特色是拿到的炸弹都拖在机尾,还可以互相飞过自己或敌人机尾截获对方拖着的炸弹,FC版没大威力炸弹还只能带三个炸弹,不好也不可玩)
〓Street Fighter Zero 2(StreetFighterZero97 2、少年街霸2;)
〓Sterrt Fighter Ⅲ(街头霸王3、九人街霸)
◇快打旋风3(Mighty Final Fight 3)
Street Fighter2010(街头战士2010阿木一坑改版)
Hell Fighter(地狱战士)
Rockman6 Spirits Of Hackers(洛克人6黑客精神)
Rockman Install Metal(洛克人5安装金属)
Megaman In The Mushroom Kingdom(洛克人在蘑菇王国)
SteinsGate(命运石之门,Steins Gate (U) (IRQ scanline fix);英文版,修复IRQ问题,让实机游戏中对话框不再随着DPCM鼓点抖动,这是因为DPCM的DMA会占用CPU周期,以及将PPU帧中写入调色盘的操作带来的杂信尽量移动到屏幕边缘)
0 notes
drapetomancer · 6 years
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geextheshow · 7 years
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Going to knock these out before watching @babydrivermovie on Thursday. My Body Is Ready. Thanks @edgar_wright for making such epicness; I'm in lesbians with you #edgarwright #cornettotrilogy #shawnofthedead #hotfuzz #theworldsend #also #scottpilgrim @simonpegg_ #nickfrost #zombie #criminal #alien #sevendeadlyexes #theseareafewofmyfavouritethings #manga #violence #copsandrobbers #youvegotredonyou #pointbreak #badboys2 #boozy #brawler #videogames #8bit #glory (at Los Angeles, California)
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): 알모미 - an abbreviation of even if you know her, you don’t (and the final syllable of her name), due to the fact that she has an enigmatic personality that is more quiet than the traditional “4-D image” but still maintains that off the wall unpredictability. One moment cutesy and cringey, the next moment cuttingly observant and savage, then the epitome of “노잼” or no fun at all. 미미 - “mimi” is a simple play on the final syllable of her name, mi, though sweeter fans state it’s due to the hanja reading being “beautiful” both in her name and ostensibly the nickname, thus meaning she is “double beautiful.” she figures this to be an elaborate explanation for a simple nickname. 노잼미 - due to the frequent criticism of her mood-killing moments (usually ill timed puns, impersonations, bizarre factoids, or references to video games / anime the others aren’t familiar with and so on) being that she is “no fun”  (노잼) and the fact that her nickname mimi plays into the korean pronunciation for something not being fun, they’ve been mashed together into a nickname that essentially states she is the weirdo mood killer extraordinaire…but in a fond way? INSPIRATION:  Remi’s performative inspiration, as given to the mcs who ask for such information, is that she was just the biggest fan of Diamant and Royal-T and Clover and as a result had been inspired to audition for KJH after only a few months of dance training, hoping charisma could carry her through. The reality? Remi wants to be famous. It’s a cushy life if you can pull it off, albeit at the expense of personal dignity and privacy. She wants to be rich and she wants to get there as quickly as possible - the struggle is not her favorite. Ironically she has incidentally discovered a love of music and even of performance in the process. SPECIAL TALENTS:
multi-instrumental- she can play and compose on both the guitar and piano, as well as production abilities on various synthesizers. she has a talent for quickly transposing music across keys, which is almost never useful in her daily idol life, unless they have her trot out a guitar for an acoustic snippet on a variety. she is most proficient with the piano, more specifically these days in terms of the keyboard and style-adjacent synthesizers.
jingle creation- she can make a quick and catchy jingle for almost anything, and often spends her time narrating her life via song unintentionally and inadvertently, much to the chagrin of those around her.  she will occasionally produce these into snippets uploaded on soundcloud. her most “successful” of these was an 8bit midi-filled jingle about the blessing that is milk tea.
fortnite dances - she is exceptionally skilled at performing dances from the popular game fortnite, for better or for worse, and is more than happy to break this talent out on camera. whether her group-mates want for her to do this or not.
remi is skilled in musical composition and arrangements and has dabbled in a various instruments. She is more proficient with the piano than the guitar, these days, as she’s largely relied on the latter as she moves into beat-making and production.
remi is a social media guru, with an established presence on YouTube, Soundcloud, and an active twitter/instagram outreach. She is active as well on Vlive on a regular basis. She does reviews of producing equipment, reviews of instruments, covers, “let’s play” style videos, and various vlogs/live broadcasts. This began during the ending days of Vixen and continued through her hiatus (intermittently) and has ramped up since the debut of Nightmare.
remi debuted at 16 under KJH’s girl group Vixen, as the lead dancer and lead vocalist. She faced a rather significant scandal which was (mercifully enough) quickly eclipsed by the huge scandal that plagued the main rapper of the group, eventually leading to the disbanding of the group entirely. She was a fresh 19 at the time. She was immediately signed under KTM and began training.
was tested and proven to have a relatively high iq, but dropped out of high school to pursue music fulltime after the debut of her group, vixen. she later obtained the korean equivalent of her ged and has referenced studying for entrance exams and taking them late, indicating some potential for her to pursue higher education, albeit belatedly. 
in the short term, remi is working to establish herself in the industry once more. after four years of down time without a proper group, reduced to training once more, she’s found herself overwhelmed with vigor and intensity. this is her second chance and she’s not willing to waste it. as a result she’s casting the net quite wide in order to find what best suits her and what will expunge her past from the eyes of the public with the greatest speed. at the moment, she’s going for a saturation technique - hosting for mbc allows her constant pleasant smile-y screen time and exposure to a new generation of idol fans, and her slow creep into radio hosting and cfs has provided further blandly positive feedback relative to higher amounts of exposure.
in the long term, remi is very much intent on creating an empire. she has no interest in remaining in a group forever and, frankly, is quite positive nightmare won’t be lasting too long statistically speaking. with that in mind she’s intent on creating a brand around herself, putting down roots in the industry particularly in easy, high profile, and lucrative engagements like hosting or commercial work, alongside hopes of debuting her actual musical interests as a solo artist, almost in the realm of a passion project given her niche style is not likely to be highly marketable to the public. the plan is that if she has an established presence via other means, her musical output can have greater freedom as it doesn’t bear the weight of paying the bills.
like the morning glory,  like the evening primrose, bae remi is the flower that blooms in the night, in the dark. she is the ethereal creature of the liminal spaces between day and night - the dusk and the dawn. she is not the waned moon, the blackened sky, but the earth bathed in the light of a full moon - mystical and perhaps deceptively alluring. this is her image.
they’re at the point in their career, at this point, where nightmare’s image is the priority. the importance of cultivating an image within the group is at its apex. nightmare is so heavily conceptual to begin with that there is an importance in being able to sell that image both onstage and off, to curate an instagram profile that toes the line of soft and macabre.
remi is being marketed perhaps nebulously, a softer edge, the ethereally strange sort of witch rather than one with a mouthful of blood and necromancy at her beck and call. the ensnared innocent, the tainted soul, the lost alice stumbling through wonderland, dorothy trying to return home, both enticed and appalled by strange magics - these are the formative elements of her persona as it relates to the videography of nightmare. in other groups, perhaps, the image set forth in one’s music video might be far more straightforward or, even, entirely less important. with nightmare, as is often the case, things are quite differents
off stage remi isn’t much different; the epitome of thinking before she speaks, she is owlish wide eyes and surprise remarks that cut observant to the core. humor from left field, jokes that don’t quite land. she’s not loud enough, not over the top enough for the 4-d moniker but she’s definitely odd, definitely weird. she is a study in over-explained jokes that don’t land right, and aren’t any funnier after a lengthy explanation. she’s equal parts taciturn and humorous, unsettling and endearing. she is an enigma, but at least she’s beautiful- something that has been said, to her face, on more than one occasion. the first time it happens she’s on a variety show with vixen. she’s young, and she makes a poor joke, and the silence that falls in the white room continues until she smiles and the host nods, says, ‘well, you can make a joke like that, since you’re beautiful. we’ll just laugh anyway.” it doesn’t get edited out, it becomes a funny moment, but remi can’t help but find it patronizing.
she began, after that, to use it as something of a shield. kjh had been strict about the management of her image- be young, be bright, be beautiful. don’t be threatening, or morbid, or weird. don’t be off-center, or odd, or strange. with ktm she is given the opportunity to leave those constraints behind. she wears her affections on her sleeve, publicizes her quirks. bae remi streams majora’s mask for 9 hours when she loses a bet, the pann post reads. bae remi uploads a youtube video reviewing the native instruments maschine MKII, makes a beat on the spot. bae remi begins uploading lengthily titled largely voiceless beats to soundcloud- shouldn’t she do the bgm for a video game? did you know that the pixel and anime art on the thumbnails are hers too? snapshots of her side of the dorm treat fans to her myriad keyboards and synthesizers, video game figurines and a formidable collection of sneakers. she tweets oblique references to dlist hollywood horror and snooty arthouse indie films in turn, with an eclectic range of music posts that illuminate the fact that it is not easy to pin her down. to narrow her image is to find it elusive, escaping grasp.
but it’s okay, because she’s beautiful. this is the secret, of course, that with a conventionally beautiful face one can easily get away with things. one can bury scandals beneath the faults of comrades and competitors. mcs and hosts and suitors alike are compelled to overlook poorly timed puns, jokes that make no sense, an obsessive interest in promoting herself through unconventional and largely useless means. when you’re beautiful , you aren’t bizarre and morbid - you’re delightfully macabre. when you’re beautiful you aren’t weird and obsessive- you’re charming and offbeat.
so remi becomes alice in wonderland. remi becomes the bait in the trap of nightmare, the delightfully unexpected representation of the unexpected and endearing, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
the stars do not fortel her coming in the literal sense, but her mother has a pregnancy dream, the kind old grandmothers will say is prophetic, a dream of the milky way in the sky overhead, a dream of laying on her back on the hillside of her hometown out in the countryside, long since left behind. a dream of the inky blackness over head and a sense of something both ominous and promising. to remi this sounds more like a stress dream than anything else, but she also enjoys the idea that her mother knew, even as she was unborn, that remi herself would be some eldritch horror, some mystical being.
she isn’t, of course. remi is a normal baby, albeit on the cuter side. she grows into a relatively normal toddler as well, precocious and strange as most toddlers are, with an apparent lack of fear that alarmed her more timid mother. nothing phased remi, not the dark, not needles, not snakes nor spiders. at the influence of her older brothers, she spent as much time tramping around in the muddy fields around their house as she did inside, and when inside her mind roamed the hills and mountains in flights of fancy.
she was a whimsical child, bound up in impossibilities, in hopes, in daydreams and mysticism. easily influenced by whatever media she consumed, the girl voraciously wrapped herself into fantasy worlds, books and television and movies the most common culprits. but with the dawn of the video game era, the bae household was filled with the enthusiastic shrieks of overexcited children, crowded around a controller- lost in hyrule or the johto region or any number of other pixellated universes filled with magic, mystery, and lore.
the games quickly revealed many things about remi: she was fanciful and flighty, she was obsessive, she was sneaky and scheming, she was a perfectionist. and above all else, she was yearning, a desperation to reach out to something other than the world around her. she wanted the promise of more that came from such worlds, from fantasies and dreams. she wanted to be the chosen one, wielding a special blade or never-before-seen magical powers. head firmly lodged in the clouds, she was able to ignore, for quite some time, the unravelling of their lives.
you see the bae family had hit dire financial straits, and slowly the wear and tear of it began to show in the falling apart bandaid fixes on the plumbing, the windows, the wallpapering of their home. her father became a ghost, drifting in and out of the house too early, too late, barely heard from nor seen.
eventually relocation was in order, and they were forced to leave their little world behind. moving from the countryside of gyeonggi to the heart of seoul was tumultuous to say the least, and relocating from a more spacious (albeit falling apart old) home to a cramped villa apartment was almost impossible. for a girl born to run and explore the energy she was left with in this pent up, new lifestyle had her acting out in more ways than one. her performance at school suffered as she moved into middle school and she had a number of behavioral problems. in the hope of mitigating this and expending some of her energy (and getting her out of the house) her parents scraped up the money to put her in dance classes, which she had expressed some interest in prior.
by the time she was thirteen, she was auditioning for her first entertainment companies.
kjh was the first to offer her a contract, and while she initially thought to hold out to audition with the bigger names first, she found promise in how readily they accepted her in with open arms, talking of a new sort of image, a powerful and hard hitting concept that would make even jinx look weak. she liked the sound of that - she wanted that kind of power, wanted to immerse herself in the fantasy of the rich and famous, and so she begged her parents to okay the trainee contract.
debuting only three years later was, at the time, a blessing. vixen wasn’t the most popular right out of the gate, but remi knew they had promise. potential. as their main rapper greedily grabbed up attention for herself, remi knew in her heart she herself would win the world over if she were just given a chance, and set out to make that a possibility - at any cost, by any means.
overtime it worked, gradually picking up attention, mostly for her maturing visuals and for her natural charisma, more so than anything else, but she wasn’t picky. landing a role on the breakout show heroes certainly came to her aid, and she was experiencing a modest upswing in her popularity, slowly growing her career.
and then the video leaked.
she knew she was ruined.  
she had to be.
a video like that, pictures like that, suggestive to the extreme. did it matter if it was her or not? the public was certain, and her name was finally rocketing up the search engines. barely past her nineteenth birthday everything was falling apart.
and then, it all got worse.
when the scandal of their main rapper broke, her first reaction was “at least i didn’t try to blackmail anyone” - there was a sort of comfort in the mutual destruction of it. at least they were both fucking up. at least her scandal was being overshadowed. as more and more details came out, as it went to a trial, as the company brought them in to disband them, she watched her carefully crafted fantasy fall apart around her.
she fragmented. left to live with her parents, in that just-barely-better apartment she’d managed to buy for them with the next-to-nothing she’d earned (ti was easy to upgrade them from almost nothing to barely something, even on the shoestring budget of a rookie idol).  she was twenty years old and knew herself to be an abject failure, truly and completely.
it wasn’t until they begged her into at least getting back into dance that she slowly woke back up, became herself again. she had little interest in dancing, these days, but being surrounded by music at least helped. and when a scout from KTM reached out to her, she even considered it.
eventually, she accepted the offer. she had to put the past behind her. she had to try again. training all over again was an exercise in humiliation, and she knew all too well what was said about her in whispers, behind her back. and strangely, it helped, inured her to the criticisms, created in her a brazen and bullheaded spirit of competition and obsessive drive that earned her a spot in the debuting group.
but the concept, god.
she’s a fan of the music. the concept is interesting. but remi isn’t here to be interesting. remi wants that life that she’s been promised by every article about celebrities buying buildings, high rise apartments in solid cash, driving fancy cars and living a life that remi has only ever been able to dream about. she’s intent to make herself a brand, a money machine, wants to live comfortably and carefree and ultimately, with all the reckless abandon she desires.
the years of her hiatus afforded her the opportunity to hone her interests, to find herself in music in a way she’d never expected. for a girl with little passion for the idol life, she found an escape int he story telling of composition, picked up and relentlessly studied those instruments that her mother had once forced her to sit through lessons in. there was a new appreciation for the piano when she was working with a synthesizer and a sound board instead of the same tried and true, pretty but ultimately uninteresting pieces her stodgy classical piano instructor had her playing. when scales were abandoned for midi sound sampling and she was sampling bird song and rain to layer behind the whimsical lilt of distorted, video game esque piano, to tell a story of witches or aliens or the misleading promise of a fairy queen, it was all much more appealing.
remi built herself into a brand the best she could, created a platform for outreach that stretched over instagram, twitter, youtube, afreeka, soundcloud. whatever platform gained traction she was there, with content of any style she could manage, from game play throughs to musical equipment reviews, from dance covers to song covers to re-arrangements of hits, from vlogs and insta-lives to a soundcloud full of strange electropop lo-fi mellow beats accented by anime-styled art that toed the line between whimsy, wonder, and the macabre with disturbing charm, all self produced and created and ultimately not profitable in the mainstream.
she hopes, or had hoped, nightmare would be the mainstream appeal she needed to make her own brand viable, but with the group proving itself to be as niche as her own musical interests she fears this won’t be the case. she’s thus worked on moving into a diversified realm of promotion that will both dilute her former iljin and scandalous image with positive content and will rebrand her as someone marketable outside of her bizarrely morbid group. she’s taking on various radio and music program hosting jobs to saturate the public with her presence in mild and approachable soundbites and can only hope that the upcoming units will give her a better chance still to attain the marketability she needs to rebrand herself, to reach the heights of success she salivates after.
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dailyrockman · 7 years
Yay, your finally doing Archie Comic characters :D Also, what did you think of Capcom going back to its 8bit glory days with MMs 9 and 10.
I think 9 and 10 are good games, but I’m not really a fan of them going back to 8-bit at all, haha
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dr-snake-on · 7 years
Ждем Watch Dogs 3, Earthworm Jim 4, Injustice 2 и прочее на Nintendo Switch
Код новой консоли от Nintendo содержит упоминания готовящихся к релизу игр.
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На Reddit уже с месяц есть интересный пост со списком возможных релизов на Nintendo Switch на ближайшие два года. Данные, по словам автора, взяты не с горы, а прямиком из упомянутой консоли. Информация о списке найденных игр почти не появлялась в СМИ и пабликах. Я бы и сам прошел мимо, если бы игры из списка постепенно не начали анонсировать сами издатели. После такого хочется вновь взглянуть на старый список и поразмышлять, что из упомянутого стоит ждать, а что не очень.
Откуда вообще взялся этот список? Анонимный датамайнер порылся в коде свича, видимо, после обновления системы, и обнаружил там «ячейки» для готовящемся к релизу играм. Записаны они были в качестве двоичного кода. После расшифровки и появился список игр.
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Я пишу этот материал 25-го марта. Уже вышедшие на Nintendo Switch игры из списка я рассматривать не буду и по возможности удалю их из списка. А для начала, остановлю внимание на проектах, что анонсировали недавно. В период с 25-го февраля и до 25 марта, то есть с момента публикации списка и по текущий день.
Steins;Gate Elite (анонсирована для запада 23-го марта)
Kaet Must Die! (анонсирована второго марта)
Spellbound (анонсирована пятого марта)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (анонсирована 10-го марта)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition (анонсирована девятого марта)
Runbow (анонсирована 16-го марта)
The Bunker (анонсирована 15-го марта)
Narcos (анонсирована 15-го марта)
GRIP (анонсирована 20-го марта)
Infernium (анонсирована 15-го марта)
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin (анонсирована 15-го марта)
FRAMED Collection (анонсирована шестого марта)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!, Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!, Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?! (анонсированы 10-го марта)
Hyper Light Drifter (анонсирована 20-го марта)
Mark of the Ninja: Remastered (анонсирована 20-го марта)
Lumines Remastered (анонсирована 20-го марта)
The Banner Saga все три эпизода анонсированы 20-го марта
9 Monkeys of Shaolin (анонсирована 19-го марта)
Another World (анонсирована 13-го марта)
V-Rally 4 (анонсирована 13-го марта)
The LEGO Incredibles (подтверждена к релизу, но еще не анонсирована официально)
Little Nightmares (анонсирована 14-го марта)
Sonic Mania Plus (анонсирована 19-го марта)
Теперь, когда я вас заинтересовал, двигаемся дальше. Ниже вы найдете полные названия игр, о разработке которых официально заявлено:
Yoshi's Cardboard Flip Out
Fire Emblem: Mutiny
Pokemon Chemical
Pokemon Nuclear
Metroid Prime 4: Sylux's Revenge
Sonic Racing Infinity
Super Smash Bros. Royale
Теперь переходим в область фантазий и домыслов. Эти игры не анонсированы, но их названия вам могут быть хорошо знакомы. Новые части известных сериалов и переиздания классики Nintendo прилагаются.
RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures
Phoenix Right: Ace Attorney - Guilty Until Innocent
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Fear Effect Reinvented
Earthworm Jim 4
Bravely Third
Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Real Bout Fatal Fury)
Sonic Wings 3 (Aero Fighters 3)
1080 Snowboarding
Spyro the Dragon: The Treasure Trilogy
Watch Dogs 3
The Division 2
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Across Islands
Xenoblade Warriors
Super Mario Maker 2
Mario Kart 9
New Super Mario Bros.: Back n Forth
Mario Stroke Golf
Luigi’s Mansion 3
Baby Mario & Friends: Yoshi Circle
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Cards Galore
Pokemon IllusionDiamond
Pokemon RadiantPearl
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards HD
Chibi-Robo: Power Droid
SNES Remix
Animal Crossing: Maple Village
Donkey Kong: Banana Bonanza
F Zero: Turbo Grand Prix
Kid Icarus: Rise of the Underworld
DuckTales: Wonders of the World
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Metro Ninjas
Shovel Knight 2
Shovel Knight: House of Cards
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up HD
Rayman's 2D Legacy Collection
Final Fantasy XVI
Wario Land 5
WarioWare: Joy Lives
Pikmin 4
Paper Mario: Sticky Terror
Earthbound Collection
Dr. Mario: Virus Meltdown
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Ниже вы найдете не анонсированные для Nintendo Switch игры. Это значит, что они уже вышли на ПК и консолях или не анонсированы именно для Switch.
Jurassic World Evolution
Kingdom Hearts III
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Tekken X Street Fighter
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Disney Afternoon Collection
The Forbidden Arts
World Heroes 2 JET
All-Star Fruit Racing
Sengoku Denshou 2001 (Sengoku 3)
Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musouken (Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood)
Ghost Pilots
Stakes Winner
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
Pirate Pop Plus
Diablo III
Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebounds
Monster Hunter World
ARK: Survival Evolved
Okami HD
Spintires: MudRunner
Injustice 2: Legendary Edition
Party Hard
Mario Party 10 Deluxe
The Wonderful 101: Heroic Edition
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Final Fantasy XV
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks HD
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time + Baby Bowser’s Goonies
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Star Fox Zero + Star Fox Guard
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival DX
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE: Definitive Edition
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Разобрать оставшиеся игры у меня попросту не хватило сил. Поэтому они идут сплошным текстом. Некоторые проекты из списка могут быть уже анонсированы или даже быть добавлены в библиотеку Nintendo Switch. Извиняюсь за некоторое лентяйство.
Но, перед публикацией списка хочется сделать какие-то выводы. Это тяжело, ведь вся ситуация вполне может оказаться фэйком. Но вот два несомненных факта: 
Большие издатели заинтересованы в выпуске своих игр на Switch. 
Сама Nintendo продолжит эксплуатировать свои классические игры и перевыпускать ее на все более актуальных платформах.
Вот все оставшиеся игры из списка:
*Super Hydora
*Decay Of Logos
*RAGING JUSTICE – Bats, Shotguns and Bears!
*The Seashore
*Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Real Bout Fatal Fury Special)
*Aperion Cyberstorm
*Those Who Remain
*My Time is Portia
*Penguin Wars
*Beach Buggy Racing 2
*Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory
*Devious Dungeon
*Planet Alpha
*The Snack World: Trejarers
*RIOT - Civil Unrest
*Gal*Gun 2
*Atari Flashback Classics
*Paradise Lost: First Contact
*Secret of Sana: Remastered
*Hello Kitty Kruisers
*Shape of the World
*Geriatric Kart Racing
*Suicide Guy
*The Adventure Pals
*Touhou Sky Arena
*6180 the moon
*Danmaku Unlimited 3
*Bendy And The Ink Machine
*JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure 2
*VA-11 Hall-A
*Hotel Transylvania
*Sling Ming
*Fantasy Strike
*Justsh Pes & Beats
*Pool Panic
*Bomb Chicken
*Reigns: Kings and Queens
*Light Fall
*West of Loathing
*The Messenger
*Bad North
*Roguelike Zombie Survival
*Warp Shift
*Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story
*TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom
*Muse Dash
*Code Of Princess EX
*Typoman Revised
*Raging Justice
*The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
*Claws Of Furry
*Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
*Death Road to Canada
*Plus Cursed Castilla
*Swim Out
*Code of Princess EX
*Super Chariot
*Song of Memories
*Coffin Dodgers
*The Wardrobe
*Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition
*Point & Click Adventures
*Hellmut: The Badass from Hell
*Bridge Constructor Portal
*Victor Vran: Overkill Edition
*Bear With Me
*Dragon Sinker
*Pixel Noir
*The Forbidden Arts
*BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
*Attack of the Earthling
*At Sundown
*Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dus
*Penny-Punching Princess
*Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory
*Touhou: Gensou Wanderer Reloaded
*OPUS: Rocket Of Whispers
*Shift Quantum
*De Blob
*Portal Knights
*Shining Resonance: Refrain
*Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
*LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi
*Mario & Sonic: Worlds Collide
*Sonic Heroes HD
*Just Dance 2019
*Just Dance Disney Party 3
*Incredibles 2: Hero Squads
*Wreck-It Ralph 2
*The Simpsons: Hit & Run HD
*FIFA ‘19
*Football Manager 2019
*Toy Story 4
*Dreamworks Dragons Legacy
*Just Dance 2020
*FIFA ‘20
*Football Manager 2020
*Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie: Hydro Atrocity
*Ultra Arms
*Mii Mania
*Mii Fit Switch
*Mii Sports Switch
*Mii Party Switch
*The LEGO Movie 2
*LEGO Descendants Trilogy
*Indie Pogo
*The Mystery of Woolley Mountain
*Nintendo 8bit Ambassador All Stars
*Art Academy Masterpiece
*Nintendogs: Canine Experiences
*Dillon’s Rolling Western 2
*Takamaru: Ninja Slayer
*Captain Rainbow HD
*Big Hero 6: Adventures of Baymax
*Amusement Park
*Dora the City Explorer
*SpongeBob SquarePants: The Story of Pearl
*Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse: Remastered
*Hanna-Barbera All Stars Party
*Teen Titan Heroes
*Skylanders: Jet Warriors
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hangarcat · 6 years
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This is awesome #pokemongo #8bit glory (at Calgary, Alberta)
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jessicalorincz · 4 years
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Hey I made some art for one of my favorite bands! Go check them out!! #Repost @turrigenous with @get_repost ・・・ Here we are in 8 bit glory, thanks to @jesslorinczart Check out our #castlevania medley on YouTube! #progmetal #8bit #nes #metalcover #pointyguitars #stayinside #playvideogames #castlevania3 #trevorbelmont #alucard #syphabelnades #whereisgrantdanasty https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8UJ_aj6w0/?igshid=i2hckhxa2ius
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mcmadcanvas · 7 years
“Beanbagging” SFW Preview
Hey, dudes. I’ve been working on a fic and figured I’d go ahead and put out a preview for it while I plan the end of it. This is all of the relatively SFW content before we bring out the big guns. If you want to read the full fic, in all its NSFW glory, it’ll be tagged as ‘Beanbagging’ if you want to look out for it. It will also be on AO3 under the same name!
Enjoy reading!
The little pixelated man jumped up and down on screen, dodging monsters, grabbing coins, and putting his life on the line, while Jeremy Heere sat in the comfort of his room. He was doing pretty well, actually. He almost always had a lower score than Michael, who seemed to be having a bit of an off day in Apocalypse of the Damned. Jeremy heard the tell tale 8bit whoops of a fallen comrade as the other character on screen twirled head over heels and died.
Jeremy looked over to his best friend in the beanbag beside his own, with a look of concern. Michael was never this bad at Apocalypse. The last time Jeremy could remember Michael being this off in a game was the day Michael had first asked him out on a date five months ago.
Red had painted his face before he could even register what his best friend had even said. Wanted to go where!? On a what!? With who!?
"I- what do you- uhh- what?"
Micheal pulled his hood down to cover his eyes. "I just- I don't know man, I've kinda liked you for a while and I just thought I should ask. I'm sorry I'll just- I know we're best friends, and there are boundaries. Like, 'Why did I just ruin this?' Haha. Nevermind we can just go back to the game, or I could uhh, just leave."
Michael stood up to leave and started to make his way towards the door before Jeremy could come to. Jeremy lunged toward Michael, grabbing his pantleg with an abrupt, "Gah- wait!"
Michael looked down at Jeremy, eyes wide and mouth open ever so slightly. Jeremy met his eye and suddenly looked down at the shag carpet, which really needed to be vacuumed. When was the last time he vacuumed?
"Umm... How long?"
"How long have you uhh... liked me?"
Michael looked out of the corner of his eye at the scoreboard of Apocalypse of the Damned. He hadn't had a score that low since he was 8! Lame.
"I don't know. At least a year and a half. Or, well, that's when I kinda realized you we're kinda... the best."
The best!? What kind of confession was that?! Jeremy was the greatest, most beautiful boy he'd ever seen! He was one of the only people who accepted Michael for all he was, and never once bagged on him for practicing his voice, or wearing his binder, or coming out of either closet that he was in for so long. Jeremy knew he was gay and knew he was trans and still stayed his friend. That's more than most people gave him, even his parents. And he just had to go and ruin it! He crossed the line and now their friendship was going to trickle down into nothing while Jeremy's new friends ask if that guy trying to get his attention was the same one that asked him out and ruined his life. And he'd say 'Yeah, we were best friends for years, but he crossed the line like an idiot and now it's weird to be around him.'
"Its been about a month for me."
Michael snapped right out of his little nightmare scenario and back into Jeremy's room, where it sounded like this perfect boy might actually feel the same.
Jeremy stood up from his sprawled position on the floor to stand next to his best friend of 12 years and crush of one month.
"You were- uhh- you were playing that game on your DS with the town? And all the little animal people? And you had just caught some fish, a Great White Shark, I think, and you were just so happy? You showed me and your smile was just... the best I had ever seen and I don't know what happened I just..."
Michael was suddenly grabbed and squeezed so tightly he though he was going to burst from pressure or joy, whichever came first. He confessed his feelings and the boy was actually hugging him! Truly a miracle! He could feel God in this Jeremy's tonight.
"So, yeah. Lets go out!" Jeremy lightened up his grip and brought his face back to look at Michael. "I don't know what would really be different about 'going out' than what we already do now, but I want to!"
Michael was beaming at him, like Jeremy had just given him a limited edition 64 controller still in the packaging on Hanukkah. Or Pasko, if it was for Michael. Anyways, it was like he'd gotten a really nice gift.
"I know one thing that will make it different!" Michael took Jeremy's face in his hands, while Jeremy's eyes widened and his heart raced. "I get to do this!"
Michael's lips smashed against his with so much excitement, it was a miracle Michael actually hit what he was aiming for. Jeremy could see everything, eyes wide open from being surprised with his first kiss by his best friend. He could see Michael's eyes closed, with the corners pinched up from smiling. He could see, in the corner of his eye, the screen of his TV going dim from being left on idle for so long, game forgotten. He looked back over to Michael and finally closed his eyes, sinking into the kiss, the only thing he could hear was 8bit music and the squeals of Michael's excitement coming up from his throat.
So what could it be that has him so distracted he can't even beat Jeremy in Apocalypse?
"Hey man, that's like, the third time you've died. Whats up?"
Micheal sighed and put his controller down. "I just... don't really feel like playing, I guess." He pushed the controller away with his foot as he got onto his hands and knees to crawl over to Jeremy's beanbag chair and sit sideways in his lap, head resting in the crook of his neck.
"You don't feel like playing?" Jeremy craned his neck to look at his boyfriend, who NEVER wasn't in the mood for video games, seeking an answer to this mystery.
"You can keep playing, just... I want to do this.", he said as he began to fiddle with Jeremy's shirt.
Jeremy let out a light chuckle as he looked back at the screen. "Ok, man. You can do whatever you want."
"I can do whatever I want?"
Jeremy looked down at deep brown eyes. Bit of a weird question. "Sure, just don't spill the chips. I just vacuumed."
Michael grabbed the chip bag and placed it behind him, so he had no chance of getting crumbs all over Jeremy's clean floor (since when did he vacuum?) and settled his head back into Jeremy's neck. Time to do this.
Jeremy went back his now one player game, Michael's breath tickling his neck where stubble would be if he could actually grow any facial hair. He could feel Michael rubbing the cleave of his chest slowly with his thumb; it felt nice. Everything just felt so nice; Michael's weight on his lap, his breath on his neck, the sounds of retro video games being played, and Michael's subtle, unique scent of weed and cherry slushie.
He could feel Michael's nose start to nuzzle him, paired with a sigh of breath. And then he pressed a quick kiss onto his neck. Followed by another. And another, a little bit longer this time. Michael's hand had traveled from Jeremy's chest up to the other side of his neck, running through his hair as Michael's kisses started lasting longer and longer.
Jeremy let out a light, and a little bit sigh-y, chuckle.
"'Just want to do this.', huh?", he said as his character onscreen took damage from a monster he hadn't even been paying attention to.
"Is it ok?", he heard Michael ask, voice muffled by Jeremy's neck.
Jeremy took his hand off of the controller, moving it up to run his hand through the back of Michael's hair.
"Do you even have to ask?", and Jeremy tilted his head to the left, letting Michael have a little more room to work with.
Michael wasted no time in getting to work. He immediately planted an open mouth kiss on Jeremy's pulse point, licking the vein and nipping lightly down his neck. He could hear Jeremy let out a small gasp, followed by a slightly shaky sigh. He began to suck on Jeremy's vein, starting up a new bruise over an old, fading one.
Jeremy gave him permission to give him hickeys way in the beginning of their relationship. Jeremy loved how they felt and Michael loved to have an excuse to have Jeremy wear his hoodie to cover them up. And Michael took advantage of that permission every chance he got.
He popped off of Jeremy's neck, licking over the red oval and moved his head back to admire his work. The mark was nice and red and he knew it was going to look beautiful by tomorrow. He leaned back down to nip at the mark one last time with his teeth, tugging at Jeremy's hair just a little. Enough to let him know that this is going somewhere; that this isn't over yet.
He moved up to nibble on Jeremy's ear. As soon as his teeth hit the lobe, he heard a sharp intake of breath and the light rattle of a controller hitting carpet. Jeremy's hand was immediately on Michael's thigh, squeezing it as the video game whooped its death whoops, telling Michael that their game was now long forgotten.
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newretrogore · 5 years
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Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt ---------- The very first Nintendo game I played. This game came bundled with my NES so it never had a standard game box. I had a custom box made so it fits with the rest on my shelf. Here it is in all its glory. What was the first Nintendo game you played? . . . #nintendo #nes #8bit #zapper #lightgun #actionset #supermario #supermariobros #duckhunt #vintage #classicnes #retrogamer #retrogaming #videogames #games #retrogames #instagamer #instapic #picoftheday #retrocollective #retrocommunity #retrocollector #1980s #80s #nostalgia #oldschool #nowyoureplayingwithpower #nintendopower #ninstagram #nintendolife (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzErvhDlU60/?igshid=12rhi9bq1xq3y
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drapetomancer · 6 years
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claygrahamart · 6 years
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📌$5 PIN(S) OF THE WEEK!📌 Relive the glory days of the NES with the 8-bit climber pins on sale all week in my etsy shop! There’s no end to the fun ways toy can wear them! #nintendo #nes #8bit #pixel #retro #80s #gamer #gaming #megaman #batman #ninjagaiden #pingame #pingamestrong #pingameproper #pin #enamelpin #lapelpin #pinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2OmxSF9P6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oz9ejhvwn4jt
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