#827 spoilers
rzdhc · 1 year
this arc's finally getting good
the song numbers in this one was always good tho
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hyenafu · 6 months
I have to ask. What would it have been like if Sakido survived her escape from Hell? Like, how much would she have added if she was alive and with Rhea and Buwaro?
❗ Spoilers for my webcomic, Slightly Damned ❗ Darius would have had no idea where his children went. He would have no way of finding out unless he happened to meet Rhea somewhere. (page 894). Sakido was strong enough to carry both Buwaro and Rhea while flying. They could have easily flown over Fuzen'ro Forest and missed Kieri entirely. Kieri would not have survived without being found by Buwaro (page 147). Without Kieri, Buwaro may have never learned to read (page 857, page 1073). Both Rhea and Sakido easily lose their tempers when dealing with his bubbly and naive personality. Kieri is infinitely patient and gentle with him in a way that the others aren't. Taking advice from Rhea, Buwaro's desire for a relationship with Kieri motivates him to self improve (page 346, page 347, page 348). Having a relationship with Kieri is what motivates him to seek a way to end the war between Demons and Angels peacefully (page 952, page 956). Buwaro felt profound grief and loss when Sakido died. The experience of losing her permanently changed him. He felt guilty for not paying more attention to her needs, and became the emotionally sensitive lovebug we all know today (page 871, page 944). If Sakido lived, when would Buwaro have started growing up?
When Sakido died, Rhea promised she would take care of Buwaro in her place (page 92). With Sakido alive, Rhea might not feel an obligation to stick with the Demon siblings, seeing that she was free in Medius again. Either way, Rhea would have no reason to return to the Fuzen'ro Forest Jakkai village. She and J would likely travel together directly to Ghardin City to reunite with Ramirez (page 585). Sammy could still have saved the Fairy sisters, Eve and Willow, with the help of her family, The Sinclairs. But Buwaro, Kieri, and Rhea would not have gotten Eve's royal blessing, which is somehow detectable even by Fairies who have never met them before and makes them easy to identify (page 669). Miranda Sinclair would not have been able to make The Rainbow Reverie without harvesting ingredients from Kieri and Buwaro (page 446). Without the Green Rainbow Reverie potion, Lakritz would have died from his injuries (page 728). Rhea would have never drank the Yellow Rainbow Reverie potion, which jumpstarted her transformation into a snake as a result of being a direct descendant of Moku, the Earth Snake Guardian (page 827). Tsavo would not have been able to get a sample of the Red Rainbow Reverie potion for his research into controlling berserk Demons (page 829). If Buwaro and Sakido somehow met Iratu in St. Curtis, there are signs that it would not have gone well. Sakido used to be an elite warrior in Hell (page 90), but she left and lived as an outcast in The Ring of the Slightly Damned. When she flies toward the pillar of light to escape Hell with Buwaro and Rhea in tow, one Demon calls her a "crazy bitch" and assumes that Sakido has arrived to stop the Ascension ritual (page 90). Meanwhile, Iratu and the other antagonistic Demons are the ones doing the Ascension rituals (page 774).
...but really, there's an infinite number of ways you could tell a version of Slightly Damned where Sakido stayed alive. That's just not the story I chose to write. I planned to kill Sakido from the start. I had decided on it before the comic began. The chain of events that unfolded and the character development that followed were built with Sakido's death as part of their foundation.
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The Promise of Eternity (Part 11)
Author: @astarionslittlejuicebox
Imagine: The reader helped Astarion ascend and became his spawn. After saving the world from the Elder brain and it’s destruction, the reader and Astarion set out to take on the world together. While he promised to never forget the gifts the reader has given him, Astarion has seemed to have changed his attitude towards the reader in the last century…. After someone breaks one of  Astarion’s rules, how will this affect the reader’s fate?
Pairing: Astarion x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: potential for minor spoilers, suggestive themes, language, mentions of death, mentions of blood, abusive relationship, mention of slavery
Word Count: 827
Imagine Series
Side Notes: 
This imagine series takes place 200 years after the events of Baldur’s Gate 3.  Everything you read in here is a story from my mind outside of the original BG3 character Astarion.
In this imagine series, Astarion is a bit more unemotionally unavailable, and this series will follow the decisions and consequences of that change. This is not canonically accepted and it is just an idea I’ve had in my head! (I do believe Astarion might truly care for the reader after Ascension, but that is open to individual interpretation.)
In this series, TAV is mildly based on my first character I played in BG3; she is a drow and I will make references to her in her background and knowledge as well. I do apologize that it is not 100% your own imagine, but the name for TAV is up to you as well as anything else that I can think of leaving to you, the reader, to decide.
I appreciate everyone who reads the imagines and this series, and I hope you enjoy the story!
Astarion POV
I watched as she pulled her hand gently out of my grasp and pulled a bottle from her satchel, then bit her bottom lip between her fanged teeth for a split second.
“This is the antidote for the charming wine they’ve been giving you. I don’t have much other than this one bottle because there wasn’t much of your blood left in the vial.” She reached into the bag again and pulled out a vial with a small amount of thick red liquid sloshing slightly within the glass. I stared at the drow in front of me with amazement, which she returned with a look of confusion. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Her question was hushed and spoke with a tone of embarrassment in her words. My hand raised itself to gently caress her face; the drow’s eyes filled with clear liquid that poured slowly over as she leaned into my touch but never broke eye contact with me.
“You still continue to amaze me.” The words rolled off of my tongue as I stood in front of the drow who has loved me despite every thing I have put her through. Looking at the bottle of antidote in her hand, I knew that the vulnerable spawn years ago had placed his trust in the right person when he held that dagger to her throat. “How long should the antidote work?”
“I believe the wine only stays in your system for about a couple of days or so from what I could gather in the short amount of time studying the concoction. The antidote should work about the same.” Her honeyed voice filled my chest with joy as I wrapped my hands around hers.
“Will the antidote still work if I consume the wine after drinking the antidote, or does it work like antivenom?” Her eyes scrunched with thought before she shook her head.
“It works like an antivemon--you need to ingest the venom first before you can use antivenom.” My head nodded in understanding before I stepped closer to the drow, placing myself between her legs. Her eyes darted every so slightly as she studied my face, searching for something unknown to me. “You’re in danger though, and I’m afraid we don’t have much time to prepare for what is to come. Ahriman is set on killing you for revenge on his daughter’s death. Is there something you need to tell me?”
“Perhaps during my time under the grimy thumb of Cazador, but I have not done such behaviors since you helped me ascend, my treasure.” Her eyes gave me a knowing look as she sighed heavily.
“I forget that people have no idea all of the shit you had to deal with so many centuries ago.” A smile found its way to my lips as she spoke. This woman had a true heart of gold, and I most definitely did not deserve to have the hold on it that I had. Sadness crept its way into my heart as I reflected on the feelings of loneliness and sadness I experienced during the whirlwind of memories (TAV’s name) shared with me moments ago.
I felt all of those feelings during my enslavement by Cazador, yet (TAV’s name) held on hope that I truly loved her. The thought must’ve made a frown come to my face because the drow in front of me caressed my face with a loving hand.
“I know that look. You need not to worry about the past, my love.” (TAV’s name) gave me a breathtaking smile, but she reminded me of another emotion she had unknowingly shared with me: her hunger.
“When was the last time you fed, my darling?” I asked in a low voice, which caused surprise to flash on the drow’s face for a brief moment before her face twisted to a look of embarrassment. If she had still be living, I know her ash blue cheeks would’ve turned to an ash purple.
“I may not have fed since you tasked me with finding the blood thief.” She bit her lip before she sheepishly replied to my question, and my eyes widened with surprise. It may have been a couple of centuries since I was a spawn, but I do remember the hunger pains vividly. For a brief moment, I thought about fussing at her, but another devilish thought crossed my mind.
She deserves a reward--especially after all the shit she’s put up with for the last century. Grasping her hands firmly, I pulled her to stand on her feet. Confusion etched into the drow’s perfectly sculpted brows, but she obeyed nonetheless as I led her inside my bedchambers.
“Go start you a warm bath, my dearest treasure.” I didn’t look at her as I walked to the doors and locked them. I didn’t want that damn fae to interrupt us and ruin the sweet reward that my treasure had no idea she was about to receive.
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Neverafter Minis Auction Tracker!!!!
let’s gooooooooo!!!!!!!
UPDATE (5/21): The auction is over!!!! check under the cut for full list + fun stats ^v^
As I have before, I will keeping track of which minis go up for auction when, what prices they’re at, final prices, and at the end write up a list of every mini (and maxi?!?!) sold in order of how much they sold for, among other fun stats.
I make no promises as to the frequency with which this post is updated, but it will be updated. It was posted 4/21, and last updated 5/21.
*spoilers* for what characters appear in battle in Neverafter
Let’s get ready to rumble!!!
5/15: Wave 3 is live!
5/18: WHY IS BARREL SWORDSMAN #3 back up for auction?????
All minis (& maxis) have the same starting bid- 50$
Table Of Contents (ik ik im sorry)
full list of all minis in order of price
full list stats (e.g. priciest PC, most bidded-on)
groups I kept track of (e.g. who was the most expensive princess?)
the list & stats broken down by wave (aka what I’ve been updating during the auction)
The Tale Of Barrel Swordsman 03
Full list of minis & prices, from most to least expensive
Pumpkin Carriage (W1) - $6,201

Black Ink (W3) - $4,000

Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) (W1) - $3,601

Mother Timothy Goose X Gander (W3) - $3,504.69 (nice)

disclaimer: this will count as a maxi as well as a PC bc of the Big Fuckin Gander. if it comes first or last I will note the runner-up as well since maxis generally go for more money.

Big Bad Wolf (W3) - $3,303

disclaimer: the (unsouped) Big Bad Wolf will count as a PC, since it is only ever controlled by Emily. It also counts as a maxi since it comes specially packaged and is Big. if it comes first or last I will note the runner-up as well since it’s a bit of a gray area and maxis = $$

Baba Yaga (W3) - $3,270

Pinocchio, Thrice (W3) - $3,205

Big Bad Wolf Soup (W2) - $3,201

Puss In Boots “Pib”, Twice (W2) - $3,003

Ylfa Snorgelsson, Twice (W2) - $3,003
Flying Golden Goose (W2) -$3,001
Mother Timothy Goose, Twice (W2) - $3,001

Pinocchio, Twice  (W2) - $3,001

Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Twice (W2) - $3,001
Snow White (W3) - $2,952

Princess Rosamund du Prix, Twice (W2) - $2,888
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Thrice (W3) - $2,756
Author’s Ink Hand (W3) - $2,501

Ylfa Snorgelsson, Thrice (W3) - $2,501

Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Once (W1) - $2,401
The Baron of Bricks (Armored) (W2) - $2,002

Ylfa Snorgelsson, Once (W1) - $1,961

Mira (W2) - $1,869
Golden Goose (W2) - $1,816
Princess Rosamund du Prix, Thrice (W3) - $1,715
Rapunzel (W3) - $1,653
The Stepmother (W3) - $1,626

Pinocchio, Once  (W1) - $1,605

Wartime Alphonse (W2) - $1,552
Nara, The Orange Fairy (W3) - $1,502
Bosartia, The Wicked Fairy (W3) - $1,501
Princess Elody of Greenleigh (W3) - $1,501

Princess Rosamund du Prix, Once (W1) - $1,388

Cinderella (W3) - $1,278
Alba Mac Lír, the Sea Witch (W3) - $1,254

Mother Timothy Goose, Once (W1) - $1,235

Scheherazade (W3) - $1,235

Puss In Boots “Pib”, Thrice (W3) - $1,234
Anma, The Green Fairy (W3) - $1,178

Large Catapult (W2) - $1,151
La Bête (W3) - $1,021

Puss In Boots “Pib”, Once (W1) - $1,006

Fairy Godmother (W1) - $1,004

Flat William (W3) - $1,002

Bella, The Red Fairy (W3) - $1,001
Turquina, The Turquoise Fairy (W3) - $1,001

Hilda, The Blue Fairy (W3) - $1,000

Little Miss Muffet (W1) - $1,000

Nura, The Yellow Fairy (W3) - $1,000

Blacksmith Crate Man (W1) - $921

Book Construct (W3) - $901
Paper Monster (W3) - $881

The Mer-king (W2) - $880
Beaky (W3) - $859

Yellow Merrow - $841
Aesop (W3) - $827

Red Merrow (W2) - $827

Alphonse [from the first battle] (W1) - $826

Peter, The Baron of Bricks (W2) - $821

Barrel Swordsmen 03 (W1) - $801

Bean Stalk (W2) - $729

Wizard 2 (W2) - $716
Jack, The Giant Killer (W2) - $707

Golden Egg (W2) - $705
Golden Harp (W2) - $701

Tied Golden Harp (W2) - $700

Blue Merrow 2 (W2) - $669

Blue Merrow 1 (W2) - $667
Tied Golden Goose Egg (W2) - $617
Tom Thumb (W2)- $616

Armored Cow (W2) - $601

Rocking Chair Man (W1) - $600

Wizard 1 - $599

Cross Man (W1) - $553

Thumbelina (W2) - $536

Shovel Man (W1) - $529

Giant (W2) - $501

Barrel Spearman 2 (W1) - $484

Cauldron Woman (W1) - $476

Tray Man (W1) - $465

Barrel Spearman 1 (W1) - $446

Barrel Swordsman 1 (W1) - $445

Barrel Swordsman 2 (W1) - $431

Bed Man (W1) - $421

Hay Man (W1) - $402

Crate Soldier (W1)- $382

Prison Man (W1) - $382

Wheel Barrow Man (W1) - $380

Catapult Man (W1) - $362

Final Stats!
Most Expensive: IL TERRIBILE PESCECANE - $6,368

Least Expensive: Catapult Man (W1) - $362

Most Expensive Mini*: Baba Yaga (W3) - $3,270!

Priciest PC: Mother Timothy Goose X Gander (W3) - $3,504.69 (nice)
as it is a maxi, I will also list the runner-ups
Big Bad Wolf (W3) - $3,303 (also a maxi)
Pinocchio, Thrice (W3) - $3,205
Least Pricey PC: Puss In Boots “Pib”, Once (W1) - $1,006
Most Expensive Named Character**: Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) (W1) - $3,601

Most Expensive Unnamed Character: Author’s Ink Hand (W3) - $2,501

was debating if this counts as a character or not. if you think not, runnerup is Blacksmith Crate Man (W1) - $921
Least Expensive Named Character: Thumbelina (W2) - $536
Least Expensive Unnamed Character:  Catapult Man (W1) - $362

Most Bids: Red Merrow (W2) - 218 bids
Least Bids: Thumbelina (W2) - 15 bids
Most Bidded-on PC: Ylfa Snorgelsson, Twice (W2) - 165 bids
Least Bidded-on PC: Princess Rosamund du Prix, Once (W1) - 16 bids
*excl. maxis like Pumpkin Carriage, Little Miss Muffet (Cursed), and The Baron of Bricks (Armored), Big Bad Wolf Soup, Bean Stalk, Il Terribile Pescecane, both Golden Geese, Large Catapult, Black Ink, Big Bad Wolf, Mother Timothy Goose X Gander, & Alba Mac Lír
**we’re not counting il terribile pescecane as a character rn otherwise it would win everything and be boring
Groups I Was Keeping Track Of!
for shorter lists I just put the minis in price order. for longer ones I just did most and least expensive.
Princess Rosamund du Prix
Once: $1,388
Twice: $2,888
Thrice: $1,715
Puss In Boots “Pib”
Once: $1,006

Twice: $3,003
Thrice: $1,234
Once: $1,605
Twice: $3,001
Thrice: $3,205
Mother Timothy Goose
Once: $1,235
Twice: $3,001
X Gander: $3,504.69 (nice)
Ylfa Snorgelsson
Once: $1,961
Twice: $3,003
Thrice: $2,501
The Big Bad Wolf: $3,303
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh
Once: $2,401
Twice: $3,001
Princesses (not incl. Rosamund or Scheherazade)! 

Snow White (W3)- $2,952
Mira (W2) - $1,869
Rapunzel (W3)- $1,653
Princess Elody of Greenleigh (W3) - $1,501
Cinderella (W3) - $1,278
La Bête (W3) - $1,021
Thumbelina (W2)- $536
I know she wasn’t part of the Daughters of the Crown, but she does become a princess in her fairytale
Nara, The Orange Fairy (W3) - $1,502
Bosartia, The Wicked Fairy (W3)  - $1,501
Anma, The Green Fairy (W3) - $1,178
Fairy Godmother (W1) - $1,004
Bella, The Red Fairy (W3) - $1,001
Turquina, The Turquoise Fairy (W3) - $1,001
Hilda, The Blue Fairy (W3) - $1,000
Nura, The Yellow Fairy (W3) - $1,000
Boss Battle Creatures
Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) (W1): $3,601

The Baron Of The Bricks (mech) (W1): $2,002
The Stepmother (W3)
Hand Of The Authors (W3)
Fairy Godmother (W1): $1,004
The Baron Of The Bricks (pig) (W1): $821
criteria for a maxi
has special packaging
doesn’t fit on one of those circular bases normal minis stand on
All Maxis
Most Expensive: Il Terribile Pescecane (W2) - $6,368

Least Expensive: Bean Stalk (W2) - $729

Maxi Characters/Living Things
Most Expensive: Il Terribile Pescecane (W2) - $6,368

Least Expensive: Golden Goose (W2) - $1,816

Maxi Set Pieces
Most Expensive: Pumpkin Carriage (W1): $6,201

Least Expensive: Bean Stalk (W2) - $729

Named NPCs (not incl. maxis)

Most Expensive: Baba Yaga (W3) - $3,270
Least Expensive: Thumbelina (W2) - $536 

Most Expensive: Jack, The Giant Killer (W2) - $707

Least Expensive: Thumbelina (W2) - $536
Most Expensive: Baba Yaga (W3) - $3,270
Least Expensive: Crate Soldier (W1)- $382
if you don’t think any furniture people should be considered humanoid, then Giant (W2) - $501 is next least expensive and is 100% humanoid he’s just a guy w one eye

*I have my own separate, questionably precise, extremely complicated criteria for what counts as humanoid in this situation. if u wanna see it, or any of the other lists, dm me, this post is long enough lol
Everything broken down by which wave it was in
Wave 1 (W1): 5/1-5/8 - closed! - all seems to be from the first battle, except Muffet & Baron
Ylfa Snorgelsson, Once - $1,961
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Once - $2,401
Princess Rosamund du Prix, Once - $1,388
Pinocchio, Once  - $1,605
Puss In Boots “Pib”, Once - $1,006
Mother Timothy Goose, Once - $1,235
Fairy Godmother - $1,004
Pumpkin Carriage - $6,201
Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) - $3,601
Little Miss Muffet - $1,000
The Baron of Bricks (Armored) - $2,002
Peter, The Baron of Bricks - $821
Bed Man - $421
Crate Soldier - $382
Cross Man - $553
Barrel Spearman 1 - $446
Barrel Spearman 2 - $484
Barrel Swordsman 1 - $445
Barrel Swordsman 2 - $431
Barrel Swordsman 03 -$1,501
least amount of bids at only 4. the 4th bidder was just like ‘let’s end this’ 4 hours into the auction and they sure did.
update (5/18): except it seems they DIDN’T. any accolades formerly awarded to Barrel Swordsman 3 will be removed and given to the runner-up, and he will be counted as a Wave 3 mini. tf??
Cauldron Woman - $476
Catapult Man - $362
Blacksmith Crate Man - $921
Rocking Chair Man - $600
Tray Man - $465
Shovel Man - $529
Prison Man - $382
Wheel Barrow Man - $380
Hay Man - $402
Alphonse [from the first battle] - $826
Wave 1 Stats!
Most Expensive: Pumpkin Carriage - $6,201
Least Expensive: Catapult Man - $362
Priciest PC: Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Once - $2,401
conversely, Pib was the least pricey PC at $1,006! rip.
Most Expensive Mini*: Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Once - $2,401
Most Expensive Named Character: Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) - $3,601
Least Expensive Named Character: Peter, The Baron of Bricks - $821
Most Expensive Unnamed Character: Barrel Swordsman 03 -$1,501 Blacksmith Crate Man - $921
Least Expensive Unnamed Character: Catapult Man - $362
Most Bids: Little Miss Muffet (Cursed) - 156 bids
Least Bids: Barrel Swordsman 3 - 4 Cross Man - 42 bids
Most Bidded-on PC: Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Once - 147 bids
Least Bidded-on PC: Princess Rosamund du Prix, Once - 16 bids
*excl. maxis like Pumpkin Carriage,  Little Miss Muffet (Cursed), and The Baron of Bricks (Armored)
Wave 2 (W2): 5/8-5/15 - closed! - all seem to be from the Toy Island & beanstalk fights, except of course Big Bad Wolf Soup
Ylfa Snorgelsson, Twice - $3,003
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Twice - $3,001
Princess Rosamund du Prix, Twice - $2,888
Pinocchio, Twice - $3,001
Puss In Boots “Pib”, Twice - $3,003
Mother Timothy Goose, Twice - $3,001
Big Bad Wolf Soup - $3,201
Mira - $1,869
The Mer-king - $880
Blue Merrow 1 - $667
Blue Merrow 2 - $669
Red Merrow - $827
Yellow Merrow - $841
Flying Golden Goose -$3,001
Golden Goose - $1,816
Tied Golden Goose Egg - $617
Large Catapult - $1,151
Wartime Alphonse - $1,552
Tied Golden Harp - $700
Golden Egg - $705
Golden Harp - $701
Wizard 1 - $599
Wizard 2 - $716
Jack, The Giant Killer - $707
Armored Cow - $601
Giant - $501
Tom Thumb - $616
Thumbelina - $536
Bean Stalk - $729
Wave 2 Stats!
Most Expensive: IL TERRIBILE PESCECANE - $6,368
Least Expensive: Giant - $501
Priciest PC: Pib (twice) and Ylfa (twice) tied at $3,003!
conversely, Rosamund (twice) was the least pricey PC at $2,888! rip. still a lot of money tho
Most Expensive Mini*: Pib and Ylfa tied at $3,003!
Most Expensive Named Character**: Pib and Ylfa tied at $3,003!
Least Expensive Named Character: Thumbelina - $536
Most Expensive Unnamed Character**: Yellow Merrow - $841
Least Expensive Unnamed Character: Giant - $501
Most Bids: Red Merrow - 218 bids
Least Bids: Thumbelina - 15 bids
Most Bidded-on PC: Ylfa Snorgelsson, Twice - 165 bids
Least Bidded-on PC: Mother Timothy Goose, Twice - 49 bids
*excl. maxis like Big Bad Wolf Soup, Bean Stalk, Il Terribile Pescecane, both Golden Geese, and Large Catapult (it feels like “Giant” should be a maxi, but it’s actually about human size)
**Il Terribile Pescecane does not count as a character in this circumstance
a fun new stat exclusive to Wave 2 - minis that sold for exactly $3,001!
Flying Golden Goose -$3,001
Mother Timothy Goose, Twice - $3,001
Pinocchio, Twice - $3,001
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Twice - $3,001
if I had a nickel for every time a mini in W2 sold for exactly $3,001, I’d have 4 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened 4 times.
Wave 3 (W3): 5/15-5/19 - closed! - final wave!
Black Ink - $4,000
Mother Timothy Goose X Gander - $3,504.69 (nice)
disclaimer: this will now count as a maxi as well as a PC bc of the Big Fuckin Gander. if it comes first or last I will note the runner-up as well since maxis generally go for more money.
Big Bad Wolf - $3,303
disclaimer: the (unsouped) Big Bad Wolf will count as a PC, since it is only ever controlled by Emily. It also counts as a maxi since it comes specially packaged and is Big. if it comes first or last I will note the runner-up as well since it’s a bit of a gray area and maxis = $$
Baba Yaga - $3,270
Pinocchio, Thrice - $3,205
Snow White - $2,952
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh, Thrice - $2,756
Author’s Ink Hand - $2,501
Ylfa Snorgelsson, Thrice - $2,501
Princess Rosamund du Prix, Thrice - $1,715
Rapunzel - $1,653
The Stepmother - $1,626
Nara, The Orange Fairy - $1,502
Bosartia, The Wicked Fairy - $1,501
Princess Elody of Greenleigh - $1,501
Cinderella - $1,278
Alba Mac Lír, the Sea Witch - $1,254
Scheherazade - $1,235
Puss In Boots “Pib”, Thrice - $1,234
Anma, The Green Fairy - $1,178
La Bête - $1,021
Flat William - $1,002
Bella, The Red Fairy - $1,001
Turquina, The Turquoise Fairy - $1,001
Hilda, The Blue Fairy - $1,000
Nura, The Yellow Fairy - $1,000
Book Construct - $901
Paper Monster - $881
Beaky - $859
Aesop - $827
Barrel Swordsmen 03 - $801
Wave 3 stats!
Most Expensive: Black Ink - $4,000
Least Expensive: Barrel Swordsmen 03 - $801 (oh how the mighty have fallen)
Priciest PC: Mother Timothy Goose X Gander - $3,504.69 (nice)
as it is a maxi, I will also list the runner-ups
Big Bad Wolf - $3,303 (also a maxi)
Pinocchio, Thrice - $3,205
conversely, Puss In Boots “Pib”, Thrice was the least pricey PC at $1,234! rip. 

Most Expensive Mini*: Baba Yaga - $3,270
Most Expensive Named Character: Mother Timothy Goose X Gander - $3,504.69 (nice)
as it is a maxi, I will also list the runner-ups
Big Bad Wolf - $3,303 (also a maxi)
Baba Yaga - $3,270
Least Expensive Named Character: Aesop - $827
Most Expensive Unnamed Character: 
Author’s Ink Hand - $2,501
was debating if this is a character or not. if you think it’s not, the runner-up is Book Construct - $901. not a lot of unnamed characters in this wave
Least Expensive Unnamed Character: Barrel Swordsmen 03 - $801
Most Bids: Nara, The Orange Fairy - 133 bids
Least Bids: 
Scheherazade - 17 bids
Most Bidded-on PC: Princess Rosamund du Prix, Thrice - 111 bids
Least Bidded-on PC: Puss In Boots “Pib”, Thrice - 20 bids
*excluding maxis like Black Ink, Big Bad Wolf, Mother Timothy Goose X Gander, & Alba Mac Lír
The Tale of Barrel Swordsmen 03
at a maximum of 4 hours into Wave 1, the 4th bid on Barrel Swordsman 03 was placed for $1,501. Most of the other minis (including PCs) hadn’t even broken 1,000 at this point. When wave 1 closed, Barrel Swordsman 03 was sold for $1,501.
for comparison, Barrel Swordsman 01 sold for $445, and 02 for $431. In fact, all of the furniture people sold for the lowest prices in the whole auction. Except, it seemed, for Barrel Swordsman 03, who beat out Rosamund (once) at $1,388, Tim (once) at $1,235.
it seemed that was all to the story.
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[taken 6:32 pm EST on 5/18]
i mean there can only be one answer - the person that bid $1,501 for him couldn’t pay up. so...he’s back on the market?????
he returns. with a slightly new title: Barrel Swordsmen 03. he has multiplied since we saw him last. or, in their haste to get him up on the site before the auction closed, the person writing his name mistyped (understandable and much more likely).
he sells for $801. on the higher end of the furniture-people prices, but nowhere near his former glory
who are you, bidder #4? what were you trying to do? how did it all go so wrong?
that’s it folks. have a good one!
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cryptidjeepers · 2 years
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I posted 9,693 times in 2022
That's 3,175 more posts than 2021!
827 posts created (9%)
8,866 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,754 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 82 posts
#st4 spoilers - 58 posts
#gravity falls - 56 posts
#stranger things - 53 posts
#wwdits - 45 posts
#ford pines - 33 posts
#dracula - 27 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 25 posts
#stan pines - 23 posts
#stanford pines - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#she moved after we started highschool so its been years and we probably would have drifted apart anyways but i just like knowing that people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Autumn has the best colour palette cus nothing looks half as good as glowing orange lights against black. Or highlights of purple and orange. Christmas lights are so gaudy and bright. Halloween lights are dimmer and nicer to look at. Plus tartan decorations, the Autumn harvest on display, even the cheapest decorations look good. Best season
2,114 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
new stranger things villian pops up:
the party: oh, its just like blorbo from my games
2,515 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
natalia dyer saying nancy has more important things than romance going on but also saying she likes the idea of nancy having a girlfriend. she really said that in an interview
2,867 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
alex hirsch didnt fight to make those two sheriffs gay in the last five minutes of the show after being denied any kind of representation from disney for two seasons for disney to use gravity falls as their proof that they support lgbt
40,129 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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120,286 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
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I posted 951 times in 2022
106 posts created (11%)
845 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 827 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#owen wilson - 64 posts
#thanks for sending! - 57 posts
#ocw mutuals - 54 posts
#marry me (2022) - 49 posts
#anon - 41 posts
#oben willer - 37 posts
#hall of fame - 35 posts
#ocw - 25 posts
#ask - 22 posts
#marry me spoilers - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#so a better question is do you want to put work into an account that may not flourish because of luke’s lesser fan base?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Whenever I’m sad I remember that these guys ordered milk at a fucking bar
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85 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
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So… Jedediah
85 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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Tenenbaums review on Letterboxd
86 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
I adore how the ENTIRETY of ocw nation just collectively agreed that Charlie Valdez is a bottom. He’s not topping anything. He’s just a little guy.
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See the full post
97 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Back on my Wilderson brainrot
112 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Serial Fanatic ~ {sonia x syo fic}
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cLfqK5P
by loser_lils
Sonia loves serial killers, she adores them dearly. So the very moment she discovered there was a serial killer in the midst of her city.. She just couldn't help herself.
But this love was way more than just an innocent little personal interest, it was an obsession.. And it could go way farther than people believed.
Words: 827, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Fukawa Touko, Sonia Nevermind, Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyouko
Relationships: Fukawa Touko/Sonia Nevermind
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Dangan Ronpa Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Fukawa Toko Isn't Obsessed With Togami Byakuya, Bisexual Fukawa Toko, Lesbian Sonia Nevermind, Background Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack, Background Fukawa Toko, Gay Panic, Gay, Thriller, Action & Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cLfqK5P
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insomniacblonde · 2 years
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I posted 9,841 times in 2022
That's 9,828 more posts than 2021!
215 posts created (2%)
9,626 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,715 of my posts in 2022
#toh - 201 posts
#the owl house - 192 posts
#posts that make me fold over like a lawn chair - 129 posts
#toh spoilers - 107 posts
#lunter - 85 posts
#toh hunter - 74 posts
#hunter toh - 69 posts
#owl - 61 posts
#blonde.txt - 61 posts
#save - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#s only a matter of time till they finally get to this very! important! scene! where they bond over having grappling hooks and possibly marcy
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Sure they [friends] do [stab each other in the back]. The coven heads do it all the time back at the castle.”
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657 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
don’t talk to me I’m thinking abt how worried and concerned hunter was about luz being captured when he was supposed to be in her place
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769 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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My thoughts exactly
827 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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places this gently into your hands and scurries off
868 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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4,160 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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not bad ig
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goonsgospel · 2 years
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I posted 1,854 times in 2022
That's 1,384 more posts than 2021!
69 posts created (4%)
1,785 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 426 of my posts in 2022
#others' work - 173 posts
#gorgeous - 164 posts
#my art - 41 posts
#friend art - 32 posts
#goonsgospel - 26 posts
#hollow knight - 9 posts
#this is so cool - 9 posts
#doodles - 5 posts
#fnaf security breach - 5 posts
#yo - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#i am so incredibly sick right now and i cant fathom a single thing except the one thing i should not be hyperfixtating on
My Top Posts in 2022:
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snufmin doodles for spring :)
300 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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Holy Cungadero!!!
464 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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so the latest chapter of solar lunacy huh
@bamsara Do you have a permit for being this cool?? I'm gonna need to see a license
479 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Iris spoilers without context
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827 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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adds this to list of tropes you can pry out of my cold dead hands
1,347 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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jamieylnn · 2 years
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I posted 3,754 times in 2022
48 posts created (1%)
3,706 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,628 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#essek thelyss - 959 posts
#caleb widogast - 827 posts
#orym - 529 posts
#shadowgast - 445 posts
#dorian storm - 266 posts
#vax'ildan - 206 posts
#laudna - 193 posts
#cr spoilers - 182 posts
#fearne calloway - 175 posts
#jester lavorre - 165 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#things have been tweaked and while much of that is so they can show proper arcs and development in a shorter amount of time
My Top Posts in 2022:
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sometimes you miss the wizards and just have to draw them.
85 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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Orym of the Air Ashari 🌸
86 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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97 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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the wizards pass the sniff test.
127 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
remember during the travelercon arc when artagan manipulated the shadows around catha to make the tusktooth face to try and cheer up jester?
cut to zephrah. a halfling and a half elf are having a romantic date night, hanging out on the cliffs and they look up to the sky, prepared to be sentimental about the celestial bodies up there--all ready to break out the “big moon” and “little moon” and then...!
tusktooth face.
they say that the halfling nearly fell off the cliffside laughing.
2,010 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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I posted 5,913 times in 2022
5 posts created (0%)
5,908 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,913 of my posts in 2022
#our flag means death - 1,031 posts
#dracula - 854 posts
#dracula daily - 853 posts
#funny - 673 posts
#fanart - 522 posts
#animals - 442 posts
#it's always sunny in philadelphia - 434 posts
#meme - 396 posts
#funny text - 388 posts
#red dead redemption 2 - 283 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#look me in the eye and tell me izzy isn't the funniest character in the entire show
My Top Posts in 2022:
🔮 👀 🥳 🍃 🍀 🔮
- the good wizard
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
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I’m never leaving this site
10 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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16 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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Fellas, is it gay?
46 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The little details in Bullet Train (2022) I only noticed/payed attention to upon a rewatch that I absolutely adore:
Spoilers below
- the train cars are visibly numbered (the one Lemon and Tangerine are in has the same number as the one The Prince is in at the beginning - 3)
- the only time Tangerine is truly happy on screen is during the “counting to 17″ flashback
- Lemon visibly putting the Diesel sticker on Prince and it being there in all the following shots until it’s discovered
- Tangerine stealing the biscuits, two separate plushies on two separate occasions, a gun ... I’m pretty sure he nicked the Momonga glasses too (yet he’s the one to pay for the water)
- when The Wolf first sees Ladybug on the train, he immediately looks down onto the wine stain on his jacket
- Ladybug’s fake British accent as he opens the fake briefcase
- “Why don’t you tell them the story about how Gordon met Percy, and now Percy’s bleeding out of his eye-sockets.” not being random Thomas characters, but actually the ones that Lemon assigned Tangerine and The Son at the beginning
- Lemon calling Tangerine “the strongest and most important”
- Tangerine’s genuine concern when he finds Lemon unconscious at their table
- Lemon casually grooming Tangerine when they talk (fixing his tie in one scene, his pocket handkerchief in another...)
- Prince having curly hair just like her father in her flashback
- the otherwise always chill Ladybug getting furious over Tangerine calling him every swear word he knows when they first meet face to face (pretty sure that’s just Brad trying to hide his laughter) + Tangerine swearing throughout the whole walk through the first class
- when Tangerine’s phone rings during the fight with Ladybug and he goes to answer it, he still holds Ladybug’s arm and keeps his leg over him in some sort of loose hold, rather that getting all the way off
- Tangerine putting the plastic raincoat on during the bottle flashback
- just the water bottle being there
- Tangerine who ALWAYS has a comeback being at loss for words when The White Death tells him he’s going to kill him and his brother
- the whole talk about the bulletproof vest (Lemon saying it won’t protect you from getting shot in the neck, and Tangerine saying it would protect you from getting shot in the chest ... guess what happens later)
827 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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vokpodcast · 1 month
VOK 827 - Agatha Christie 54 - The Clocks
Bina007 and Pat put up a spirited defence of Agatha’s much-maligned 1963 Poirot mystery set in a suburban street where a man was murdered surrounded by clocks. Christie picks up on the Cold War paranoia of the time, as channeled through her primary investigator Colin Lamb. We also have a cool Rear Window call-back. Spoiler free to 40m45s. [MP3] Download or play this episode…
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Green tomatoes
by TooAwkwardToFunction
Peter Parker is trying so desperately to get his life together after the entire world has forgotten him. Peter Parker is also trying desperately to keep his tomato plant alive. (Drabbles of before, during, and after My Name is Peter)
Words: 827, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Remembering Him (NWH fix-it)
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harry Osborn & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds
Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Post-Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie), Dead May Parker (Spider-Man), Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Spoilers, Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Hurt Peter Parker, Michelle Jones Needs a Hug, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Ned Leeds Needs a Hug, One-Sided Harry Osborn/Peter Parker, Gardens & Gardening, Mentioned May Parker (Spider-Man), Spider-Man Interacting with New Yorkers, the tomato plant is a paid actor
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47846950
0 notes
causalityparadoxes · 2 years
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I posted 18,523 times in 2022
That's 10 more posts than 2021!
268 posts created (1%)
18,255 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,329 of my posts in 2022
#doctor who - 783 posts
#art - 574 posts
#dw spoilers - 363 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 293 posts
#wonderful - 170 posts
#deltarune - 149 posts
#fantastic - 111 posts
#amazing - 92 posts
#pokemon - 70 posts
#brilliant - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fr tho the fact Prime is actually has the fuckin Nature vs Industrialisation themes that the GAME WAS ORIGINALLY ABOUT. Instead of just 4th wall jokes is great. Like god love to see it.
741 notes - Posted December 15, 2022
best self indulgent reference hands down was Shadow yelling CHARLEMEGNE at Charmy. Took me off fucking guard.
Thats just Charmy's canon legal name now
827 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I honestly feel so robbed that he didn't regenerate in 13's clothes. Such a cop out. Gimme the too small clothing he has to change out of damn it!!!!
1,083 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Crash posts not appearing or posting later than scheduled is a staff lead conspiracy to disorganise the tumblrinas and keep us divided. In this essay I will-
2,143 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
10th & 12th Doctor team up, except right at the start 12 is like "No, no. What even is that? Stop it- The silly voice. Stop. Its embaressing."
And after a short argument, 10 talks with a Scottish accent for the rest of the story
3,987 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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quellstak · 2 years
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I posted 5,662 times in 2022
573 posts created (10%)
5,089 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,631 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#sons of anarchy - 827 posts
#euphoria - 367 posts
#jax x tara - 300 posts
#abbott elementary - 234 posts
#thanks for tagging me :) - 207 posts
#tara knowles - 198 posts
#all american - 178 posts
#euphoria spoilers - 167 posts
#maddy perez - 139 posts
#jax teller - 132 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#yes what am i gonna do with all my little candy wrappers?? go all the way downstairs to throw them away in the kitchen yeah no
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
281 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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334 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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546 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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See the full post
636 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
im the daddy here (deranged) vs im the daddy here (slutty)
755 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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concreteriley · 2 years
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I posted 3,026 times in 2022
13 posts created (0%)
3,013 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 827 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 57 posts
#disco elysium - 57 posts
#tpp - 43 posts
#the penumbra podcast - 41 posts
#wwdits - 31 posts
#prev tags - 16 posts
#juno steel - 14 posts
#peter nureyev - 12 posts
#our flag means death - 10 posts
#tpp spoilers - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#like obviously some people show signs as kids but like… i feel like it needs to be a personal opinion rather than somthing that can be
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I need them to make gross podcast kissing noises again
48 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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POV: ur Rita’s wall on the Carte Blanche
92 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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POV: ur Rita trynna get in the blanket fort
107 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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I love the way they love
163 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Blorbo from my shows,,,,
287 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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