#80s tmnt
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ezgurple · 2 years ago
a silly comic for that one person who wanted to know how 80s tmnt would get along with my tmnt
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The way I willingly dropped $50 to get all the turtles and April!
🐢I was speed!🐢
Edit: I've updated with a better video capture and the rest are on the way! I also left out any audio so you can add whatever you want! Enjoy!
Edit edit: Please let me know if you see the older video still? That way I can see if it can be fixed or I'll just post Leo again!
Tags: @angelicdavinci @yorshie
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leoandraphssoulmate · 1 month ago
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Not my art!
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indieyuugure · 1 year ago
Hi again!! 😃 I hope you’re having a good day!
I’ve noticed the trend of you interpreting the TMNT as humans, so I wanted to ask!
How would you draw the 1987 turtles as humans? 😄
Thanks a bunch! Have a great day!!!
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Lol, okay
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Since these guys are mutated with Splinter’s DNA, I made them also Japanese. I decided on a more 80s anime style (though it could be 90s, both look really similar to me) and of course their hair and clothes are appropriate to the time period 🤣
Technically it’s canon that Mikey is a red head, but I like them being Asian more cause it makes more sense. Mikey’s clothes are only slightly different than the canon ones but I kept the flower print Hawaiian shirt and funny jean shorts.
(P.S. for those of you who didn’t know about canon 87 human Mikey, the episode is called “The Gang’s All Here” season 3 episode 40)
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angstsplatter · 15 days ago
mikey ask game, 6 and 11!
Hi and thanks so much for sending this in! :D
Mikey ask game
6. do you have any mikey-centric fic recommendations? (including any your wrote!)
The only Mikey-centric fic I ever wrote actually ended up being my most popular and is the only of my fics that still does numbers sometimes, lol. I'm proud of it (wanted to write something different than usual and had a lot of fun doing it!), so I have to recommend I, Mikey!
Sometimes, Mikey is so good it hurts. In and out of a Purple Dragon warehouse without so much as pulling his nun-chucks out? Psh. Consider it done, with a stamp of awesome upon it. James Bond theme song and everything.
If I was going to edit it, I'd go with the suggestion a review had of going with the Batman (or modified for a play on a Justice Force) theme song instead of James Bond. It's been 14 years, and I still distinctly remember that I went with James Bond because I completely blanked on anything superhero-based to go with instead lmao.
There is, of course, also Nekotsuki's timeless classic Mikey-and-Leo-centric Underdark, which I still re-read sometimes (as well as the more recent sequel).
He’s hanging upside down in the middle of the great underdark, weighed down by a half hysterical turtle in the middle of a bunch of pipes and water and rock that are conspiring to kill us both off, and Leo still manages to sound like he Has A Plan.
There's this amazing tearjerker that stemmed from a 2k3 sibling ages headcanon (again, Mikey and Leo focused).
He didn’t have to keep it all together, he didn’t have to be strong. Not when he had a big brother like Mikey around.
I haven't done a lot of fanfic in many years for mental health reasons, so a lot of the recent stuff I've read has been more group-focused, so I don't have any good recent Mikey-centric stuff, but I'm sure it exists!At some point, I had bookmarked a couple apocalypse-inspired Mikey fics from Rise, but I'm not sure what happened to them. :(
11. favorite outfits of his?
Oh, the fun.
90s movies was a look. I love how simple they went. xD
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I will never get over Mikey just wearing a turtle costume to hide his turtle identity in 2k7 lmaoooooo.
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So many iconic 2k3 looks, but this one is always the first to pop into my head. (Second one is the one where they're in pants and jackets to sneak into the Purple Dragons iirc? but they look like they're wearing 50 layers because they're so bulky lol.)
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I think this is the only clothes he wore in MM, but loooooook at his dorky little outfit! So precious!
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Rise is the hardest because they are the only iteration of the boys who actually have any sense of fashion. So many good looks! I'm going with this absolute icon. Work it, Mikey!
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I've only watched like two episodes of the late 80s tune, but this came up on an unrelated search and I love it lmao. Dang, if Mikey doesn't pull this look off.
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Also posting this has me wanting to write about genderfluid!Mikey...
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catonamatchbox · 10 months ago
I don’t have a digital drawing of him yet but I wanna share this anyway!!! I made what I call “creepy baxter” he’s sorta like a combo of the realisticness and grossness from the 2012 stockman fly and the design of the 80s one. I was also inspired by @pikolswonderland design!!!!! (Their art is awesome btw go check em out)
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Basically like, in this way Baxters humanity is entirely gone. He’s just an animalistic fly monster. Sometimes he has blips of humanity but they’re rare. He can’t speak, he just makes chittering and hissing noises. And Z takes care of him while trying to cure him. I have a fanfic idea based around this guy I still need to write. And also a similiar yet different comic idea I sketched up I should digitalize some day
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somerandomg33k · 26 days ago
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......... I feel called out .........
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captain-trainor · 2 years ago
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i am a big baxter fan...
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little-ankle-biter · 1 year ago
If you haven't heard the Italian version of the tmnt theme song. well, you should.
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burritello3000 · 7 months ago
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nerd-stuff-inc · 2 years ago
Person: Why are you gay?
Kid Me: What?! I'm not gay! I like wieners and that's it! You gotta believe me...🥺
Many years later...
Person: Why are you gay?
Me: April O'Neill and her sexy yellow jumpsuit. 🥰
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❤️Raph, the cool but rude!❤️
Edit: There's no audio so you can add whatever you like! Enjoy!
@angelicdavinci @yorshie
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peteneems · 11 months ago
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catonamatchbox · 9 months ago
Tomorrows the last day of school so I got my creative writing teacher (who I successfully got to love Baxter) to play son of return of the fly ii on the smartboard 💖
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bicryptide · 7 months ago
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season 4 in a nutshell
Based on this trend
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iisthings · 2 years ago
Midlife crisis mutant ninja turtles
Adult mutant ninja turtles
Millennial mutant ninja turtles
Teenage/young adult mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
I want a TMNT iteration crossover but with the turtles being the ages they would currently be in 2023. So you have the 51 year old 1987 turtles, 35 year old 2003 turtles, 26 year old 2012 turtles, 18-20 year old Rise turtles, and 15 year old MM turtles. Put them in a room together.
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