every-tome · 11 months
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sexylonestar · 2 months
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Sock # 8057
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ketchupstoes · 2 years
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let’s bring back floor plan builds 🤎🤍
bathroom tile: MA-8037-2846-6929
living room rug: MA-1347-5453-8057
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shmothman · 1 year
Stuck Like Glue
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Pairing: Vash the Stampede/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 8057 Read on AO3
Summary: Vash has always been a little bit more than you bargained for… but that’s just part of his charm.
He loves you. The thought strikes you anew, and tears prick at your eyes as he mouths at your feverish skin, desire pooling stronger and stronger in your gut. He loves you, and the way he’s holding you, kissing you, shows it; the way his voice trembles, eager and terrified and hopeful and lust-stricken. How can you prove just how much you love him in return? How can you tell him how long you’ve wanted this, wanted him?
A shaky sigh falls past your lips as he leans you back and buries his face in your chest, teeth brushing your skin, hands clutching you tight around the middle like he’ll never get this chance again—and you know him well enough to know that’s truly how he feels; grieving you even with his tongue against your heaving chest. He’s grieved you since the day he met you.
You don’t want him to grieve tonight.
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haasmaxxing · 4 months
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Fuck yeah!!! 💙💙💙🍉🍉🍉💙💙💙🍉🍉🍉
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adhd-coyote · 4 months
The squad from this post, who I have dubbed Petal Squad, has been occupying a large portion of my brain all day so of course I wrote a snippet about them. Cross-posted on ao3! (@deancodedinthewater @the-starry-seas)
CT-9360 had an idea.
Well, maybe. He was still thinking.
See, he and the rest of his squad still didn’t have names. Which was a bit of a problem, as they were about to be deployed, and they’d really prefer to have names by then.
Their deployment assignment had just come in. Commander Cyar’ika. CT-9360 had heard of him before, but only in passing, and had never put much thought into his name. Now, though, he did think about it. He thought about it a lot.
Part of the reason his squad had taken so long to choose names was that they all wanted to match. Well, CT-9360 wanted to match, and CT-9144 and CT-6112 had agreed with him, and since CT-8057 and CT-8203 didn’t have a preference either way, it had been decided they would have matching names. Only problem was, it was hard to come up with five matching names that all of them liked.
CT-9360 was about to solve that problem. Hopefully.
“I have an idea!” He announced the second they were back in their bunkroom. CT-6112, already dangling upside down from his sleeping tube, quirked an eyebrow.
“Well?” CT-9144 prompted.
“Don’t leave us in suspense, vod,” CT-8057 agreed, smirking.
“Our names!” CT-9360 beamed. “I know what the theme can be!” CT-6112 perked up and gestured for him to continue. “So you know our Commander’s name? Cyar’ika? Let’s do that!”
CT-9144 tilted his head like a curious tooka-cat. “You want to do pet names?”
CT-8203 scrunched his nose. “Isn’t that kinda… I dunno…” He trailed off, apparently unable to think of a word, and made a vague noise and hand gesture to indicate his meaning. His squad understood.
“I mean, kinda, I guess?” CT-9360 shrugged. “Some might think that. But our Commander’s name is Cyar’ika, is anyone gonna make fun of us?”
“Good point,” CT-8203 agreed.
“All in favor, then?” CT-8057 raised his hand. The other four copied. “Alright, then. I’ll be Darling. You’re Sweetheart-” He pointed at CT-9360. “Dear-” CT-6112. “Honey-” CT-9144. “and Sugar.” He finished with CT-8203.
“Sugar?” The newly-renamed Sugar’s nose scrunched again. “No offense, but that’s the one you chose for me?”
“Yep!” CT-8057, now Darling, popped the ‘p’ and grinned. “That’s exactly the point. Since you’re named Sugar, absolutely no one will guess how much of an asshole you are. It’s gonna be great.”
Sugar opened his mouth to reply, then closed it with a hum. “Ya know what? Yeah, I like that. Sugar it is.”
“Dear is nice,” Dear smiled, voice quiet. “Short and sweet. And Honey definitely fits you,” he giggled, tilting his head towards Honey. “You’ve got a voice like it. Plus that silver tongue of yours.”
“Honey tongue, now,” Honey smirked, the aforementioned tongue flicking across his lips. “Though I gotta say, Sweetheart’s new name suits him best. He’s such a sweetie.”
Sweetheart blushed, but beamed. “Really?”
“Yeah, why do you think I gave you that one, Sweet’ika?” Darling ruffled his hair. Sweetheart pressed into his hand with a happy hum. “Now c’mon, it’s almost lights out. In your tube.”
Like saying the words had triggered something, all of Sweetheart’s exhaustion hit him at once. He yawned and nodded. “M’kay.”
“Wanna share tonight, ‘60- Sweetheart?” Dear offered his hand down. Sweetheart perked up and with an eager nod, grabbed Dear’s hand and climbed up into the tube with him.
“Night!” Sweetheart called. The rest of his squad echoed him. Dear tugged him down and pressed the button to close the tube. As it slid closed, Sweetheart snuggled closer with another big yawn. He was asleep in seconds.
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neighboursdaily · 1 year
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Stop looking at me like I'm a landmine ready to explode.
Tim Kano as Leo Tanaka NEIGHBOURS (1985 - ) Episode 8057
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weaponsofclairvoyance · 3 months
Hello 🖐
I am a amira from Gaza, the breadwinner for my sick mother in the midst of war and destruction. I want to leave the Strip and provide a decent life for them. I have created a donation campaign to achieve this. Can you help me achieve this please?
of course, i wish the absolute best for you and your family and hope you reach your goal very soon
everyone please share and donate to this campaign - they are currently quite far from their goal, only 8057 out of 20000 and i know with your help we can get them the help they need. the fundraiser is verified, please share and give what you can
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compneuropapers · 4 months
Interesting Papers for Week 24, 2024
Dissociable online integration processes in visual working memory. Balaban, H., Drew, T., & Luria, R. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(23), 11420–11430.
Interactions between specialized gain control mechanisms in olfactory processing. Barth-Maron, A., D’Alessandro, I., & Wilson, R. I. (2023). Current Biology, 33(23), 5109-5120.e7.
Beyond spiking networks: The computational advantages of dendritic amplification and input segregation. Capone, C., Lupo, C., Muratore, P., & Paolucci, P. S. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(49), e2220743120.
Adaptive oscillators support Bayesian prediction in temporal processing. Doelling, K. B., Arnal, L. H., & Assaneo, M. F. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(11), e1011669.
Targeted V1 comodulation supports task-adaptive sensory decisions. Haimerl, C., Ruff, D. A., Cohen, M. R., Savin, C., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7879.
Meta-reinforcement learning via orbitofrontal cortex. Hattori, R., Hedrick, N. G., Jain, A., Chen, S., You, H., Hattori, M., … Komiyama, T. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(12), 2182–2191.
Sensory cortical ensembles exhibit differential coupling to ripples in distinct hippocampal subregions. Jeong, H., Namboodiri, V. M. K., Jung, M. W., & Andermann, M. L. (2023). Current Biology, 33(23), 5185-5198.e4.
Corrective feedback guides human perceptual decision-making by informing about the world state rather than rewarding its choice. Lee, H.-J., Lee, H., Lim, C. Y., Rhim, I., & Lee, S.-H. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(11), e3002373.
Alpha oscillations encode Bayesian belief updating underlying attentional allocation in dynamic environments. Li, S., Seger, C. A., Zhang, J., Liu, M., Dong, W., Liu, W., & Chen, Q. (2023). NeuroImage, 284, 120464.
Item-specific neural representations during human sleep support long-term memory. Liu, J., Xia, T., Chen, D., Yao, Z., Zhu, M., Antony, J. W., … Hu, X. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(11), e3002399.
Behavioral read-out from population value signals in primate orbitofrontal cortex. McGinty, V. B., & Lupkin, S. M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(12), 2203–2212.
Catecholaminergic neuromodulation and selective attention jointly shape perceptual decision-making. Nuiten, S. A., de Gee, J. W., Zantvoord, J. B., Fahrenfort, J. J., & van Gaal, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e87022.3.
Neural patterns differentiate traumatic from sad autobiographical memories in PTSD. Perl, O., Duek, O., Kulkarni, K. R., Gordon, C., Krystal, J. H., Levy, I., … Schiller, D. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(12), 2226–2236.
Neural substrates of parallel devaluation-sensitive and devaluation-insensitive Pavlovian learning in humans. Pool, E. R., Pauli, W. M., Cross, L., & O’Doherty, J. P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 8057.
Age-related dysregulation of homeostatic control in neuronal microcircuits. Radulescu, C. I., Doostdar, N., Zabouri, N., Melgosa-Ecenarro, L., Wang, X., Sadeh, S., … Barnes, S. J. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(12), 2158–2170.
Topological analysis of sharp-wave ripple waveforms reveals input mechanisms behind feature variations. Sebastian, E. R., Quintanilla, J. P., Sánchez-Aguilera, A., Esparza, J., Cid, E., & de la Prida, L. M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(12), 2171–2181.
Parietal cortical alpha/beta suppression during prospective memory retrieval. Villafane Barraza, V., Voegtle, A., de Matos Mansur, B., Reichert, C., Nasuto, S. J., & Sweeney-Reed, C. M. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(23), 11235–11246.
Modeling the diverse effects of divisive normalization on noise correlations. Weiss, O., Bounds, H. A., Adesnik, H., & Coen-Cagli, R. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(11), e1011667.
Melanopsin enhances image persistence. Woelders, T., Allen, A. E., & Lucas, R. J. (2023). Current Biology, 33(23), 5048-5056.e4.
A corticoamygdalar pathway controls reward devaluation and depression using dynamic inhibition code. Yuan, Z., Qi, Z., Wang, R., Cui, Y., An, S., Wu, G., … Luo, M. (2023). Neuron, 111(23), 3837-3853.e5.
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tongkhovan · 8 months
Van Robo | Xuất Xứ Việt Nam, Chất Lượng Hàng Đầu, Báo Giá Tốt Nhất
Robo là thương hiệu sản xuất van công nghiệp có xuất xứ tại Việt Nam, cung cấp đa dạng các sản phẩm chất lượng để phục vụ trong lĩnh v��c chất lỏng. Các sản phẩm của Robo khá đầy đủ về thiết kế, chủng loại, kích thước… nhằm mang đến nhiều sự lựa chọn hơn cho người tiêu dùng.
#vanrobo #vanrobovietnam #vancongnghiep #tongkhovan #baogiavanrobo
Link tham khảo: https://tongkhovan.vn/van-robo-8057.html
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/8057/ last modified 2007-07-06 06:11:43
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pedantic-coffee · 1 year
Pedantic Bookstacks - Hetalia Fic Recc
Title: Here I Am
Author: currypizza
Characters: Austria, Bavaria
Words: 8057
It’s 2022/5782. Shavuot and Pentecost overlap directly, and Austria and Bavaria have planned a hike in the Alps to watch the sunrise on the morning of June 5th/6 Sivan. Over the course of the excursion, the two discuss the parallels between the holidays, and what their faiths mean to them.
Review: fascinating and relatable conversation on history and religion; the details bring the characters to life; funny quips and the conversation feels like it's between two actual immortals; lovingly written portrayal of Jewish Austria (a favored headcanon of mine)
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sexylonestar · 2 months
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Nylon # 8057
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exohd · 1 year
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8057 x 5424
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cdbrainrecords · 3 months
Timeless All Stars - Timeless Heart (LP, Album)
Vinyl(VG+) Sleeve(VG+) Insert(VG+) Obi(G) / / with Obi but damaged 帯つき 破れあり / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について   [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Baystate – RJL-8057 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP, Album 生産国 : Japan 発売年 : 1983 Recorded April 8, 1983 At Van Gelder Studio, New Jersey, U.S.A. ℗ 1983 RVC Corporation Manufactured by RVC Corporation,…
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switchedelectric · 3 months
Choose The Best Residential Electrician In Pacific Grove CA For Your Home
https://www.switchedelectric.com/ - Switched Electric offers expert residential electrical services in Pacific Grove, CA. From EV charger installations to panel upgrades, trust their skilled electricians for all your needs. They are the Best Residential Electrician In Pacific Grove CA.
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For more information visit to our website switchedelectric.com.
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