#80's band fanfic
deathwhoregutfucker · 28 days
pairing : kirk hammett / pelle ohlin w/c : 206 a/n : i got this idea from the picture of kirk and manheim, but i’m in a pelle mood tonight. enjoy! summ : kirk x pelle headcanons
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Kirk’s family thought that it would be a good idea to host a young man from Sweden at their home for a year. Kirk really wanted to have his little penal living with him for the school year, so his family finally gave in and caved to the young man’s begging.
Pelle was pretty quiet at first, didn’t open up too quick, and very upset that he had to leave his band behind as well. He missed his family a bit, but he missed being a frontman even more.
But him and Kirk would sing together when they had time after school. They'd write little songs for each other and introduce new bands to each other as well. Pelle knew very little about Bay Area thrash, and Kirk was always eager to listen to this Norwegian black metal stuff that Pelle was always talking about.
Kirk’s house would be small, so he and Pelle would share a room together, and a bed. His parents would think anything of it because as far as they know, he’s only into girls, but he loved to cuddle up with Pelle at night. Pelle made him feel small, but not in a bad way. He was always protective over Kirk and he’d always watch him to go to sleep and feel his heart beating on his own chest. He’d play with his curls while he slept and hoped not to wake him up. Then, he would finally fall asleep knowing he would wake up to his fluffy hair and soft skin every single morning.
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samiwife · 1 year
Drum Lessons ੈ✩‧₊˚ (Steve Jansen x Reader)
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A/N: Hey everyone, I've been on a roll recently with writing. Lol, I'm going to have writer's block soon! But for now, imma just write. More Steve Jansen fluff 4 u! Please enjoy it! <3
𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
Steve and you had different hobbies. Steve loved playing his drums, and you loved writing and reading. Steve loved making music and performing it. You loved painting and baking. But just because you two had different hobbies didn't mean you loved each other less. Sometimes, you would sit there and read while listening to him playing drums. He loved it when you did that. Sometimes, he would even help you in the kitchen when you baked. Though there would be a bigger mess when Steve would help, you didn't mind at all. All that mattered was that you and Steve spent time together. You and Steve lived in the same London apartment. Though you two didn't live in the same apartment, the two of you lived in the same building.
That's even how you two met. Steve saw you moving in, and he offered you a hand. Every night since then you two would "accidentally" bump into each other. Until you asked Steve out to coffee one day and since then you two have been in love. One day, you were baking Steve's favorite cookies. Until an idea popped into your head. You wanted Steve to teach you how to play drums. Never in your life have you played any instrument. You had no musical experience. So quickly you finished up the cookies and packed them into a box and called Steve to tell him that you'll be coming by to see him. Steve agreed and said he'll see you soon. Steve lived on the 5th floor while you lived on the 10th floor.
So it was quite a walk to reach his apartment. You walked 5 floors to eventually reach Steve's apartment. You knocked on the door and waited for a second. Then the door opened to see Steve smiling. "Hello, love! Come right in." Steve said while taking the box of cookies you made for him. You walked in, took off the coat you were wearing, and hung it on a hook on the wall. Steve was waiting for you in his studio where he played drums.
Steve's apartment had lots of art pieces and had lots of space. Unlike your apartment where it's always crowed by all the art supplies you have. You walked into Steve's studio and sat on the comfy sofa he had. "So darling, what do you want to do?" Steve asked while walking over to you. You looked up and smiled. You haven't told Steve yet that you wanted to learn drums. So right there you told him. "I was thinking maybe if you want, could you teach me how to play drums." You said with a smile. Steve's face lit up and he smiled.
"Love, I'm so happy you want me to teach you," Steve said excitedly while grabbing your hand and leading you to his drum set. He sat you down in his drum seat. Steve handed you the drumsticks. "Okay darling, show me what you know so far," Steve said as he looked down at you. You gulped and became nervous. You didn't know anything about playing drums. You just hit one note on the drums and that's it. Steve chuckled at your efforts. "Steve, I asked for you to teach me drums for a reason." You said pouting. Steve laughed and held your hand as you got up. Steve then sat in the drum seat and held the drumsticks in his hands.
"Okay, I'll teach you. First of all. You were holding the drumsticks the wrong way. You're supposed to hold them like this." Steve explained while showing you how to hold the drumsticks. "Here, why don't you try?" Steve said while handing you the drumsticks. You struggled for a minute, Steve chuckled, got up, and put his hands over your hands. He slowly guides his fingers to the right position. You steadily follow his hand position eventually holding them right.
"There you go love, you're finally holding them right," Steve said while letting go of your hands. Steve then sits in the drum seat. You walk in front of him. Steve smiles and grabs you by the waist and pulls you down. Causing you to sit in his lap. You blush hard because Steve never was this flirty. He is always shy and you were always the one making moves or flirting. Steve looks at you while you sit in his lap. "Okay, love I'm going to guide your hands to play the drums," Steve said while holding your hands tightly. Steve started to move his hands to hit the drums. Which caused you to hit the drums too. Steve smiled at how nervous you were. "It's okay dear, you don't need to be nervous. I'll be patient." Steve said still firmly holding your hands. After a few hours of practicing, you finally got the gist of how to play. drums. You sigh in relief, and you get up from his lap.
You lay on the floor and stretch. You were so tired but proud of yourself. Steve walked over and chuckled. He laid next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek. You blushed and leaned closer in and kissed his lips. Steve's face turned red and he hid his face. "C'mon, you weren't so shy while teaching me drums. How come you're shy now?" You said stroking his face. "I don't know, I guess I'm just so passionate about my drums. I also love showing you how to play. It shows that you actually care about my hobbies." Steve said smiling and blushing.
"Of course, I care about your hobbies. See it like when you help me with baking. We're both spending time together and learning more about each other." You said while resting your head on his shoulder. "Learning more about each other? We've been dating for 5 years. I thought I knew everything about you." Steve jokingly said. You rolled your eyes and playfully hit his side. Steve laughed and pulled you in closer.
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ambiguouslady42 · 1 month
Remember Summer Days
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I wrote my first fanfic. This will be reminiscent a tad to my own teen years. I'm playing with it and seeing if I can make it into a small series.
Synopsis: A hopeless teen girl has a meet-cute with the ever, handsome Satoru Gojo.
Note: This will mostly be intense fluff. I wrote this for me, but if you would like to leave feedback or notes, you can always DM me.
If you're a minor or an ageless blog, I will block you. No questions asked.
You were an awkward 16-year-old. You look back at this period and wonder how you did so little and so much. Concert ticket stubs, movie stubs, CD’s, posters. You certainly had many adventures, but you were a homebody who loved to daydream. You daydreamed of the day you would meet someone that you knew would change your life; the day came. It was the summer of 2007. His name was Satoru Gojo.
You were just cruising by high school at this time in your life. You were ambitious to pursue any career path from a politician, teacher, or a librarian. You were involved with a bunch of clubs because you were friends were involved in them. Your excited demeanour about making change and sharing ideas sometimes caught up with you; at times, you were the center of such critiques like “They’re so annoying, why do they even bother to come?” or “Is there any way that we could ditch them during this event”. 
Socializing at times was very difficult at school. At best, you had one friend, and even at times, you felt that you couldn’t really interact with a lot of your classmates. Your interests differed from that of everyone else.  Nobody has seen the movies that you have seen. Music? Most of the student populous didn’t listen to bands you listen to like Interpol, The Smiths, or The Strokes. If they did, well they weren’t part of your social circle. Your interests made you feel like an outsider. 
On the days you felt the most uncomfortable for speaking up or wanting to crawl into yourself, you would ride the rail line to head over to your favourite record store. It was a two-story building. It had everything you could possibly want. Vinyl, CD’S, cassettes, and the best part: movies. You felt a comfort in knowing that this store had everything that anyone could be searching for, if they knew where to look.
On this particular day you were looking at French films, particularly Amélie. Your best friend shared that it made an impact on her. You were talking to her on MSN Messenger during the weekend and discussed 
[Mariella]: I just watched Amélie this last week. It’s soo cute.
[You]: What’s it about?
[Mariella]: It’s about a girl who is destined to help others, but along the way, she falls in love with her soulmate.
[Mariella]: Nino Quincampoix <333
You figured today was a great day to build your movie collection. As you were about to grab the DVD box, you noticed a tall figure across from you. You were standing right across from him. He had the flare of cool that you know you stood no chance in. What stood out to you the most was his white hair and round sunglasses. You thought to yourself “Of course they would wear sunglasses indoors. Wonder what their eyes look like.” You continued to stare.
He caught you staring. You wanted to shrivel up into a ball. You began to sweat. Suddenly he started to move towards you. You saw him circling through the aisle of DVD’s and then he was standing next to you. 
“Hi…” he said.
“Oh…hello”, you said back.
You could feel your face getting hot, but he still didn’t move away from you.  The first thing you notice is the DVD’s that he’s holding. You recognize a couple of 80’s movies You notice Gremlins, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Back to the Future.
“That’s quite a collection you have there”, you said. 
“Oh, these? I just thought I’d finally be able to grab these classics. Have you ever seen any of these?” he says.
At this point, you’re getting pretty comfortable. With a sly smile on your face: “Of course I have. Who has not seen any of these movies?” 
He gives you a confident smile: “Well then, tell me about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”.
  “Well first of all, hi. I’m Isabel”
“Nice to meet you, Isabel. I’m Satoru". 
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cream0fwheat1998 · 7 months
Girl from the Band 1 (Yandere!Jason Carver x Band Geek!Reader)
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WARNINGS: dark, yandere, non-consensual intimacy (next chapter), maybe death (haven't decided yet), violence
This was random but honestly I think Mason Dye is a very handsome man so I really wanted to make a Jason Fanfic
Alternate AU but still 80's, No upside down fantasy stuff.
(Y/N) held her trumpet at attention while during the anthem which was sung by a previous student that has since graduated. Y/n rolled her eyes; she remembered Tammy Thompson from a science class long ago.
"This girl has no talent, why are they letting her perform?" y/n said under her breath but a laugh to her left caught her attention.
Robin Buckley shook her head with a smile on her face. For some reason, this made y/n feel warm. She was happy that she had made someone smile, even though she barely knew Robin and Robin's group of odd-ball friends outside of band.
How weird that Robin hung out with Steve Harrington; a man that graduated last year but still hang out with high school kids. Y/n shook her head, feeling sour at her own bitchy thoughts. People are allowed to have friends and just because she didn't have any, didn't mean she could judge everyone else for it.
When the game ended, all of the Hawkins Students fled to the courtroom to celebrate with the Basketball team on their win. Specifically, everyone cheered for Lucas Sinclair who'd made the winning shot and even though Y/n wasn't much of a participator; she found herself cheering along with her classmates.
It was until an object bounced infront of her, pulling y/n out of her own daze. A basketball had flown its way to her and one of the players rushed to her to collect it.
Jason Carver was a handsome guy. A classically handsome highschool athlete you'd see in any John Hughes movie. Y/n felt her cheeks warm at the thought of him coming towards her, looking her in the eye. It was an intimate feeling that she wasn't use too. She felt weak not wanting to look him in the eye but felt she lacked the type of beauty he'd want to look at.
"Sorry about that; it's the championship game-ball and we lost it in the celebration." Jason said, grabbing the ball from y/n's feet.
His voice was deep and warm; his damp hair sticking to his moist skin reminded her of a model posing by the sea. He was a dream and she lived in reality.
"It's okay." Y/n said, staring at the ground. She didn't feel like making eye contact.
Jason chuckled while heading back to his team; he'd seen this girl before but had no interest moving forward; his girlfriend was the queen of Hawkins High anyway. Chrissy Cunningham. For some reason, she was nowhere to be seen since the ending of the game.
The following week, Y/n had noticed Jason's demeanor change. Once a confident, prideful man to callous, irritated ass. You'd think he'd be at his best since the big win but instead he's acting like he lost completely. In Jason's perspective; he did.
Chrissy Cunningham had been hand in hand with one of Jason's basketball friends down the hallway. Clearly, they were still in the honey moon stage of their affair. It wasn't an adult kind of affair; Chrissy had broken up with Jason the night of the game for someone who'd swept her off her feet in his absence.
Y/n kept her opinions to herself, even during lunch when the loud whispers from all the lunch room increased at either Jasons or Chrissy's appearance. However, even with an increased attitude Jason kept his cool. He had to; his reputation depended on it. Sure, his first real love tore out his heart and stomped on it on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life; but he considered himself the man of the school. He'd be damned if he didn't hold his head up high and looked for a replacement soon.
If Chrissy could move on within seconds, so could he. He felt himself getting heated; looking at the other girls in the school. While they werent Chrissy, he knew he could find someone to love him just as much. There were 2 obstacles;
There was only 1 Chrissy Cunningham.
He'd have to pick someone who respected his position as top-dog but it seemed like most of the girls in school were laughing at him now.
It was Study Hall. Y/n had been planning out an idea. She didn't want to graduate this year without doing something new and had been researching DnD for the past few months. There was a Dnd club called Hellfire ran by an eccentric classmate of hers' Eddie Munson. Yeah he was cute too. But Y/n didn't WANT to think about that; she just wanted to do what she wants and then graduate. Don't cause attention, don't put yourself out there. Those were her rules.
However; it wasn't up to her to not stand out as Jason Carver had remembered her genuine shyness from gameday. It was cute and honest. So many girls in school pretend to be cool or bitchy to seem higher class without realizing that they were just unpleasant rather than interesting.
Looking at her, Jason really believed there was something there and was determined to make her his arm piece for the rest of the year. In the deepest parts of his mind he decided y/n had no choice.
part 2
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groovium · 5 months
As someone who is just getting into Kelly, what should I know about him? I’m very curious to know more about his personality and what he’s like <3
1. Baby boy is SO GOOFY and he gets real sarcastic with it sometimes. I think he’s hilarious. He likes to say silly, stupid things and then go “sike!” because he loves messing with people
2. He’s French, French as can be. He speaks fluently, his mother Pia is Basque, and his uncle is Pierre Perret, a French singer-songwriter guy! His family is pretty cool.
3. His music taste, from what I can remember, is actually pretty all over the place. I once read an article where he said he was having a reggae phase? I thought that was pretty cool
4. He likes ducks. There’s multiple videos of him going “quack quack” and moving his hand likes it’s a lil duck. It’s so cute! That’s why we call him the quack-quack man sometimes, you can find fanfic about it, and fan nicknames as well
5. He used to be a bit of a stoner, idk about now, but he used to smoke a joint before every show with Steve Riley (RIP). So if you dig that, he’s your guy
6. He is prone to accidents! He was in a major motorcycle accident that hurt his left leg bad, resulting in him getting booted (affectionately) from the band Faster Pussycat. He had to walk with a cane for a while, but the cane is cool as hell. And he joined LA Guns as the bassist, ofc <3. PLUS, when he was little, he was quite clumsy and got into a lot of little accidents. I recommend looking at @that-80s-chick ‘s page for more info on that
7. He was Emma Roberts’s stepfather (sort of? It’s not confirmed that he was married to Kelly Cunningham) and raised Emma along with his own daughter Grace Nickels. His daughter looks a lot like him. Strong genes!
All this info I’ve kind of just popped out of my mind. If you want to go more into detail, I suggest looking at these blogs
@lonelyfuckingcat @that-80s-chick @kellynickelsgirl00 @sunsetdaydreamer
for pictures, I’d look at @1985roaddog’s instagram. There’s loads! And also @kellys.quacks on instagram
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fightclubcat · 2 months
My Random Smiling Friends Headcanons
Gnarly was born in the dressing room at a Pac Sun in New Jersey, that's why his name is basically surfer slang.
Grim grew up in the suburbs and his parents were a dentist and a lawyer. Grim went into his edgy phase as a teen and never left.
Grim isn't actually his real name, he just changed it to be "Edgy"
Allan was an engineering major in college.
Glep listens to Will Wood.
Glep collects CDs
When Charlie was 12, he spent Memorial day on the side of the road by his Uncle's burnt '54 Chevy Bel Air. Charlie's Uncle and cars. *Sigh*
Charlie's parents died shortly after he was born, so he was basically raised by his uncle.
Charlie's Uncle's band, "The Red Gapers", is psychedelic rock.
Pim likes Dollywood (I went there once and it's so fun!)
Pim's favorite musicals would probably be Hairspray, Hamilton, Mamma Mia, and Dear Evan Hansen.
Mr. Boss' favorite musicals would probably be Ride The Cyclone, Annie, and wicked
Charlie unironically got one of those "Gangster cartoon" Shirts from the Wildwood boardwalk when he was a teenager.
Glep likes Rhythm Heaven and Arcaea.
Pim has a Neopets account
Mr. Boss likes the movie "Radio", Allan hates that movie.
Allan really likes Star Trek
Mr. Boss collects PEZ Despensers.
Gwimbly Plays the Accordian
Glep has a 90's Cherry Coke can he found in the woods one day.
Gwimbly hates it when people think his name is Quigley. It happens quite a bit with people unfamiliar with him.
Pim likes Taylor Swift.
Glep listens to 80s synth
Pim had a phase when he was younger where he made Olympic Mascot fanfic. It was short lived.
Pim also had a "Tumblr Girl" aesthetic phase.
Glep is sometimes underestimated due to his size.
Pim played the flute when he was in school.
Those have been some random and not strangely specific at all headcanons about Smiling Friends!
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Dancing in the Street
Willard Hewitt x Fem!Reader; Ren McCormack x Sister!Reader
Warning(s): Just general stuff in the movie. If you’ve seen it you should be fine. Also the reader doesn’t like Ariel so if you like her, sorry.
I lost all these asks trying to answer them so idk what happened I’m sorry.
1) Hi hi hi, I was wondering if you could write a Willard x reader fic from the 2011 footloose? I'm having Miles Teller brain rot and cannot stop thinking about him!! 💕💕✨
2)  Can I get a Willard Hewitt x reader where your Rens sister and you guys meet at school then is really impressed you and your brother dance so good at the diner plssss?? I love Willard
3)  hi!! i was wondering if you could write something for willard hewitt (footloose 2011)? i can not find a single fanfic for this man so if you could write something with fluff and maybe like best friends to lovers that would be so awesome! thank you so much :)
Notes: Hope you guys are happy. I had to watch the Footloose remake to do this fic. The remake. It’s...not good.
Anyway, first footloose fic! Yay! I hope you like even if it’s ridiculously short.
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When you agreed to move down to Bomont with your brother, you didn’t think it would be as shitty as it was.
You’d already lost your mom, you didn’t need the rest of the joy in your life sucked out, but apparently the town was looking to do just that.
No music? No dancing? Are you kidding? Isn’t that against the first amendment or something?
Apparently not, as it seemed this rinky-dink town hadn’t changed its views since the ‘80s.
You worked as a waitress at Starlite and Ren was stuck in a cotton gin. The school hated Ren’s guts and didn’t take too kindly to your “explicit and vulgar display” of band t-shirts. Plus that plus prissy little Ariel Moore made you wanna hurl, even if Ren was infatuated with her for some god-knows reason.
It wasn’t all bad. You helped Ren fix up the yellow bug and he drove you to school every day, not that you had another choice besides maybe walking.
And there was also Willard. The ray of sunshine through the cloud of darkness in all his southern glory. 
You guys met him the first day of school and the three of you meshed right away. You told him when Ren was bullshitting him and he explained what all of his crazy phrases meant.
You weren’t sure you were into him “like that” yet, but you’d heard Ren smack him upside the head for commenting on your looks once, which told you enough.
And, lucky for you, Woody’s uncle, Claude, was a pretty rebellious boss.
“Hey, Woody!” Claude said. “Check the door man. Cop still here?”
Ren and you exchanged a glance as Woody went over to the window to watch the cop pull away.
“Five-O getting his move on,” Woody reported. “Whatcha got for me, Uncle Claude?”
Claude reached down below the counter and pulled up a burner CD. “David Banner, bootleg. Don’t get too krunk out there. First sign of the police, I’m gonna pull the plug. I don’t want a fine and you don’t want another ticket.”
“Wait,” Ren said. “You got a ticket for dancing?”
“He got two tickets for dancing,” Woody’s girlfriend answered. “One more and he’s off the team.”
You followed Claude to the back where he had a record player that doubled as a CD player. Your mouth dropped open in awe.
“All right, let’s get this party started,” Claude said.
He flipped some switches that turned on the outside speakers and turned back to you.
“Now, I know you’re new here so I’ll let you go watch this one time,” he said. “But don’t expect me to let you off work just to dance.”
You grinned widely before practically tearing off your apron to follow Ren, Rusty, and Willard outside.
The speakers were like old drive-in speakers that blared in the parking lot and you watched in awe as the previously perceived boring small-town kids danced better than you could.
“Yeah, dude, they- they get into it,” Willard said.
"Hey, you,” a girl said to Ren. “Come on, let’s dance.”
She pulled him out onto the floor and you watched gleefully as he busted a move.
“You dance, Willard?” You asked.
He blushed a little, shaking his head. “Oh, no, no way.”
“Why not?”
He shrugged. “I don’t dance.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Me and my boys are going to push everybody back,” Woody said to Ren over the music, pulling his leather jacket right off his shoulders. “Let me see you and your sister do your city slicker thing.”
Ren jogged over to usher you in with him and you happily obliged.
“Number 24,” Ren said and you nodded.
You both fell into a dance you’d choreographed together back in Boston, moving easily to the beat and doing your “city slicker thing.”
You shared a quick glance, a silent communication, before you both ran up and backflipped off the edge of a blue pickup sitting on the edge of the dance area.
The crowd cheered.
You laughed, falling into freestyle mode with the others as Ren walked over to dance by Ariel (who looked eager to receive the basically lap dance he was offering).
You felt alive for the first time since your mom. You missed dancing.
That was until you spotted Ariel and Ren grinding on each other shamelessly.
“Oh, gross,” you said, turning away and spotting Willard, who was already looking at you.
You flicked your head, gesturing for him to come join you.
He just shook his head and saluted you with his coke cup.
You sighed and walked over to where he was gathered with Woody, his girlfriend, and Rusty.
“Mind if I have a sip of that?” You asked Willard.
“Oh, uh, sure,” he replied, handing you his cup. “That was some pretty good dancing out there.”
“How would you know, you don’t dance,” you joked.
“I got two eyes, don’t I?” He asked, grinning right back at you.
You two were leaned so close you felt his breath on your face. It made your stomach flutter.
“Y/N, I was wondering-”
“You can put on a show for that guy, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna.”
You both looked over to find Ren walking up to the group.
You and Willard leaned away from each other.
Ren’s jaw was so tight you thought he might crack his teeth. 
“That guy block your boner?” You joked, referencing a joke Willard made a few days ago.
“Shut up,” he replied, shoving your head away jokingly.
Suddenly, the music cut out and Claude came over the loud speaker. “Attention, Attention. Ariel Moore, will you please come up to the front of the diner, your daddy is here for you.”
The crowd sniggered and laughed as “daddy’s girl” stomped her way up to the diner.
“Show’s over,” she said as she passed your group.
Your face contorted.
“Daddy’s gonna take her out to the woodshed,” Willard said.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means she’s in deep shit.”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing. 
“Come on, loverboy,” you said, shoving your brother. “Let’s get home before we get picked up by the law at ten o’ one. Oh, and Willard,”
The boy in questioned looked up at you.
“We can finish our conversation tomorrow, okay?”
He smiled. “Yeah, alright,”
You grinned back and turned away from him.
Ren’s eyes narrowed at you. “What was that all about?”
You shrugged. “Nothing. Willard and I were having a conversation while you were feeling up the preacher’s daughter.”
“I was not feeling her up,”
“Oh, please, Ren, the whole parking lot could tell,” You replied, sipping the last of Willard’s drink you’d never given back. “You’re practically throwing yourself at her.”
“I was just dancing,” Ren retorted, pulling open the door to the bug.
“Funny, you never dance like that with me.”
“That’s because-” Ren huffed dramatically. “You know what, this conversation’s over.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is,” you replied, getting in the passenger side. “Can I pick the music?”
“Can you ever pick the music?”
“There’s your answer.”
You rolled your eyes as Ren picked “dancing in the dark” by Bruce Springsteen for the ride home.
You turned to look out the window, noticing Willard in the rearview talking to Woody.
You smiled. This town might suck, but Willard makes it more bearable. 
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asurrogateblog · 5 months
Cannibals, Pirates, and PhDs: How Did I Get Here?
I mentioned in some tags earlier that I’ve only actually been a real fan of Pink Floyd for under a year, and that the confluence of events that led up to it is pretty absurd. Some interest seemed to be taken in this, so I though I’d elaborate.
I didn’t know how to shorten this timeline and have it make any sense, so it’s... long. But idk, I think it’s pretty funny. If you’re nosy like I am this is for you.
My Backstory Timeline:
early childhood: my parents essentially mainline me and my little sister with The Beatles. I know almost no songs written past the 70’s until at least sixth grade. I develop a childhood crush on Paul McCartney, a joke that the universe really decides to play the long game on.
2014: my dad calls me over one night, and gravely tells me he’s been waiting to share something until I’m old enough. I brace myself to be told about sex or secret half-siblings. Instead, he tells me I need to listen to The Wall. Irritated at the idea of wasting an hour and half of my night, I nevertheless comply and go up to my room and put it on. I do not come back from this, clearly having inherited some sort of generational curse.
Around the same time, I am also secretly watching Hannibal every time my parents send me upstairs because Game of Thrones is “too gory”. This will trigger three important things: an interest in psychology, a love of horror media, and a classical music phase will train my attention span to last well past the three minute mark.
2014-2023: Over the intervening years, I become a casual fan of Pink Floyd, but make a deliberate point not to learn anything about the band. I like being able to imagine my own meanings for the songs. Also, I am motivated against this by a childhood memory of being deeply frightening by a picture of old Paul McCartney (LOL). I do not want that to ever happen again, so no learning.
Cut to April of 2023: I am finishing up my first year of my PhD program studying media psychology. I am in a bad place mentally, and am going through another horror movie phase to fill the hole. As a result, I get very into American Psycho. The main character, Patrick Bateman, is a fan of superficial 80’s pop music, particularly Genesis. I decide to start listening to Genesis to see if I agree with his tastes. While researching “best Genesis albums”, I come across The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. I listen to it, and am blown away. I had no idea that the Phil Collins band made music like that. This sends me down the prog-rock rabbit hole. I still won't learn any lore.
Summer of 2023: MEANWHILE, I am also going through another pirate phase. I have a fairly encyclopedic knowledge of 18th century piracy (and am still quite active in the Black Sails fan community). Around this time, I get really obsessed with this one random guy named Dennis McCarthy who was hanged in 1718.
I decide to work poor Dennis into a science fiction story I’ve been working on. The premise is essentially that the universe is an abandoned simulation, and a ‘glitch in the matrix’ starts to, among other things, bring people from the wrong time periods back to life. The format of the story is vaguely monster-of-the-week, in which the characters have to solve various problems caused by mistakes in the code. I think, “hey, you know what would be perfect for this? that fanfic I wrote about The Wall in high school.” Said fic (which that stupid fucking beatles movie stole from me) is about a world in which Pink Floyd never existed, but a wannabe rock-star discovers a box full of their records and decides to copy them. While he is touring his plagiarized version of The Wall, he realizes that the events of the album are starting to happen to him in real life. By working this concept into my new story, I go through another one of my periodical The Wall phases. It's in full swing when fall rolls around.
September of 2023: This semester, I take a grad-level narrative theory class in the English department. I decide it would be helpful to follow along with a specific example, so I choose The Wall. Using the terminology I am learning in the class, I start to realize that The Wall is…. incredibly narratologically fucked up. To help orient me, I watch the bootleg concert recordings, and the trick with the surrogate band sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore.
This is where the two plot-lines converge. I don’t remember which came first, but around this same time, I think to myself “hey, if Genesis was hiding such an incredible album under the 80’s pop, what must Pink Floyd be hiding?” On that whim, I put on Piper at the Gates of Dawn, which equally sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore. I needed to know what the fuck happened to get them from Piper to The Wall.
September-November: In the two months between the onset of this and finally making another sideblog, I dedicate all of my free time to learning as much about Pink Floyd as humanely possible (and writing a 20 page essay for that narrative theory class). As you can imagine, this is a lot to unpack all at once for someone who didn’t even know who Roger or Syd or any of the rest of them were. Luckily, I am over-educated enough to be a very fast learner. Aside from the band lore itself, I of course also fall in love with the rest of Pink Floyd's discography musically-speaking. Having this interest to latch onto genuinely pulls me out of my depression.
Cut to February 2024: I am really enjoying myself, and want to keep this going as long as possible, but I am starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel on Pink Floyd lore. I decide I need to feed the fire by supplementing with lore from another band. The Beatles seem to have a strong fan presence on tumblr, why not revisit a childhood favorite? The universe laughs at my expense.
That about brings us up to date. I have gone through so much character development over the last eight months, it’s crazy. Pink Floyd is definitely one of those things that is less of a “phase” and more of a permanent part of my mindscape. Weirdly enough, since I am studying media psychology, all of this has also been really good for my career? I never took an interest in -real- media figures (as opposed to fictional characters) before, and I feel like I have a much clearer sense of things now. It's definitely influenced my research, so whatever domino effect this has on my future is bound to get even funnier.
Anyway, that’s my backstory!
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molegri: Two anecdotes on teenage anachronism... 1) I turned 15 in 2000, and my favorite boy band was The Beatles. I did like Backstreet Boys and such, but I was writing self-insertion fanfic where I seduced a young George Harrison. So it can happen. 2) I went back to college last year (starting a career in Interior Design), so I'm actually in contact with people in their late teens/early twenties. A group of them made an 80's inspired clothing store design - the professor and is old folks found it amusing that they would choose that theme, seeing that all of them were born after Y2K.
That's why I cited Angie Thomas's use of Tupac - it's not that you can't ever have a teen character relating to older artists and media. Your second example, to be honest, sounds like a great background to a contemporary YA plot! But you have to beware of story and theme relevance. Your teen character may have a wonderful subplot starting a synthwave club at their school and getting really into Depeche Mode. There's nothing wrong with this, and it could be a lot of fun.
But if your character has no plot-doings with this media (making friendships via fanfiction, organizing a throwback dance, etc), will it come across as a genuine interest? Is it worth mentioning at all?
I bring this up because I've read a lot of YA books where it's very clear the author couldn't figure out how social media worked or who their 15-year-old character might really be listening to, so they gave them a flip phone and a flimsy excuse to be into U2. This is where you run into trouble - when you don't do the work. Sitting down and figuring out what your character would really be into and how that ties into the plot is well worth the effort.
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thebeatles · 2 months
this is insane talk but do you have any info if there was beatles fanfic in the 60-70’s
i know there was one lingering around from the 90’s
There is no documented info of Beatles fanfiction existing.
Fanfiction didn't exist until Spock/Kirk, perhaps the first slash pairing in history. You can read about that here. Fanfiction surrounding bands didn't exist. No one among fans [likely] ever thought about writing fictional pieces with real people. If there was, I think it's more like someone writing about their crushes in their diaries or among friends.
It wasn't until the late 70s that people began writing zines for Led Zeppelin. Because it involved real people, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant had pseudonyms like "Trish" and "Alex". Information of that is here.
BUT I found a fanfiction of the Beatles from the 80s. It's called "With Strings Attached" and it's about the Beatles waking up on a strange place, C'hou, and are being attacked by two groups of aliens called the Ketafa and Baravada. It's been archived on the internet since 1997. You can read that here. It's not a slash fanfiction.
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iceman-kazansky · 30 days
Personal Writing Challenge
Help me get back into writing! I've been trying to get back to posting fanfics, and I need your help! I am aiming to write one fanfic for every character on my masterlist (see below), and you can help me by sending in a request. As I receive requests, I'll remove them from this list.
-I have a few prompt lists located at the bottom of my requests post if you aren't sure what to request!
- Also note, see my Navigation page for my rules before requesting please!
Requests are open for all of the following characters:
Top Gun:
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Ron "Slider" Kerner
Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe
Star Wars:
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Din Djarin
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Hunger games:
Finnick O'dair
Ren McCormack
John Rambo
Daniel Larusso 
Johnny Lawrence
Marty McFly
Kyle Reese
Johnny Castle
John McClane (Die Hard one)
James T. “Joker”
Animal Mother
Saving Private Ryan:
Daniel Jackson
Irwin Wade
Richard Reiben
Stanley Mellish
Timothy E. Upham
James Ryan
Detroit: Become Human:
RK800 Connor
Band of Brothers:
Lewis Nixon
Carwood Lipton
Ronald Speirs
Eugene Roe
Joseph Liebgott
David Webster
George Luz
David Webster
Johnny Martin
Donald Malarkey
John "Cowboy" Hall
Harry Welsh
Ayrton Senna
Mika Hakkinen (I can try)
Michael Schumacher
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samiwife · 1 year
Too Good For Me 𓆩♡𓆪 (Jimmy Page x Reader)
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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys are doing good! Just a couple things, please request any stories of any 80's or 90's bands you guys like. And lastly, thanks 4 the support. Hope you enjoy this spicy fanfic of Jimmy Page <3
T/W: Sex (of course), pet names, and cussing (Reader Discretion is advised)
𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
College has been having you beat, all the exams and tests make you have to study every night. All you wanted to do was relax for a day with your roommate Jimmy. Jimmy was originally your friend when you lived in London. Then the two of you moved to the U.S. together to study abroad. Though the two of you went to different universities. The two of you still came back home to the same apartment to hang out with each other. Jimmy was always your crush but you kept it secret for so long. You thought Jimmy was too good for you. He played guitar, was kind, smart, and would always do anything for you. People would often even assume you two were dating, but that's yet to happen.
One night, you came home from a long days of lectures and studies. All you wanted to do was relax maybe watch some movies. You walked through the apartment door, and you saw Jimmy's shoes near the door meaning he was home too. You sighed, kicked off your shoes, and hung up your coat. Then you heard a bedroom door open. It was Jimmy walking out of his room. You assumed he just woke up because his hair was a mess and he was wearing only a bathrobe and shorts. "Hey love, how was your day?" Jimmy said walking over to you. You weren't happy at all, it was a Friday but you just seemed so worn out.
"Not good, god I'm so fucking sick and tired of all these exams and studying I have to do. When will I get a fucking break?" you said angrily while throwing your papers and books on the kitchen table nearby. "Aww, it's okay darling. All your hard work will be paid off soon. I think you're doing an amazing job." Jimmy said while hugging you and stroking your hair. Jimmy had always been supportive of you. He was supportive when you said you wanted to move to the states for studying. "Jimmy, how was your day?" you asked while letting go and walking over to the kitchen to make tea. "It was good, however my partners for a music writing project are arseholes," Jimmy said while running his finger through his hair. You boiled some water and took out a mug.
"Well, if they're assholes then turn in your own work. I believe you can do it since you are good at songwriting." You said while ripping open a tea packet. Jimmy smiles and walks behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist. Jimmy rests his chin on your shoulder. You blush hard, Jimmy is never usually like this. He would always give you hugs. But never this. "Jimmy, what are you doing?" you said looking at him. "Y/N, I know things have been stressful. Why don't I make things less stressful for you?" Jimmy said while nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. You breathe in slowly, and you feel your heart race.
Jimmy kisses the inner part of your neck lightly. You groan quietly and quickly cover your mouth in embarrassment. Jimmy smiled at the sound of you, Jimmy grabbed your hands from your mouth and pinned them to the counter. "Don't be embarrassed sweetie, I want to hear you," Jimmy said in a low voice. Jimmy lifts his head up from your neck. Your face was still red from him kissing your neck. Jimmy kisses your soft lips and runs his hands down your thighs. The kiss deepened, and Jimmy lifted you onto the kitchen counter. You pulled away from the kiss.
"Jimmy, are you sure you want to do this?" You asked shyly. Jimmy smiled and pulled your face in closer. "Y/N, I know you like me and you know what? I like you too. Everyone knows it. So why not now?" Jimmy said in a low tone again. You looked down in embarrassment. "I always thought you were too good for me." You said with your head still down. Jimmy lifts up your chin so he can see you. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You are smart, kind, and independent. I thought you were too good for me. I'm just a loser guitarist." Jimmy said with a smile. You blush harder, Jimmy notices and chuckles. "So what do you think? Shall we continue where we were?" Jimmy said as he rubbed your thighs. You nodded. Jimmy leans in closer and kisses the crook of your neck again. Then the kiss turns into nibbling.
Jimmy sucked and bit down lightly on your sensitive skin. You groan and whine quietly. Jimmy didn't like how you were quiet so he bit down harder. Causing you to full-on moan. Jimmy smiles in your neck and runs his hands down your shorts. He slowly slips off your shorts and underwear. Then you remove your shirt. Causing you to only wear a bra. Jimmy removes his shorts as well. Jimmy stops for a second and admires how your body looks. "Darling, you're stunning." He whispers in your ear. Jimmy pulls you in closer and kisses your lips again. Jimmy slowly slides his member in, causing you to wince. You never told Jimmy but you were a virgin and he can tell. "It's your first time isn't it?" Jimmy said slowly thrusting in and out. You moan as a response.
"I'll take it slow for you, love," Jimmy said thrusting slowly. You moan at any slightest movement. "J-Jimmy can you go faster?" you called out breathing heavily. Jimmy complies and goes faster. Thrusting in and out hitting your spot every time causing you to almost scream. However, Jimmy wasn't silent either. Jimmy groaned and moaned deeply. Without you asking, Jimmy went faster than before. You grabbed tightly onto Jimmy's back hard enough to leave red marks. Jimmy loved the feeling of being on top of you. You were always shy and timid but now you're screaming your lungs out calling out his name in pleasure. "Ugh god, Jimmy you're so good." You screamed out. "Darling, you're doing so amazing for me." Jimmy huffed out. Jimmy trusted for a couple minutes until you almost feel your climax. "J-Jimmy! I'm about to come!" You huffed out.
Jimmy cradled you and continued to thrust. "Me too love, you can come whenever." Jimmy panted out. After a few more thrusts, you climaxed and rode out your climax. Jimmy smiled and pulled out. You grabbed his member and started to move your hand up and down. Jimmy groaned and bit his bottom lip. You moved your hand faster down his member. Causing Jimmy to arch his back. "God Y/N, you're so fucking good." Jimmy huffed out. "Yeah, what's my name, big boy?" You teasingly said. "Y/N! Y/N!" Jimmy screamed loudly. "God, Y/N I'm going to come!" He said while his back arched harder. "Then come for me," you said moving faster than before. After a few strokes, Jimmy came all over your hand. It was warm and sticky. Jimmy took a few seconds to ride out the high of his climax. Jimmy was panting hard. You smiled and pulled him closer. You kissed his soft lips and stoked his hair.
"Y/N, that was amazing. You were amazing." Jimmy said while he wrapped his arms around your neck pulling you in closer. You blushed and cuddled your head into his shoulder. Jimmy chuckles and bridal carries you to the bathroom. "I'm going to clean you up, and maybe clean myself too," Jimmy said while carrying you to the nearest bathroom. You chuckle and blush. "Jimmy, I love you." You said in a shy tone. "I love you too Y/N" Jimmy said while gently placing you on the bathroom sink. Jimmy grabs a nearby towel and turns on the bathtub. After a few minutes, the bath was ready. Jimmy picks you up again and places you in the bathtub. Jimmy hands you some soap and a loofa to clean yourself. Meanwhile, he got up and went over to the sink, and cleaned himself. After a few minutes of the bath, you were done.
"Jimmy sweetheart, could you get me a towel? And maybe some fresh clothes too?" You called out from the bathroom. After a few minutes, Jimmy walks into the bathroom holding a towel and a fresh batch of clothes. "There you go, dear," Jimmy said handing you the things. You dry yourself off and put on the fresh pair of clothes Jimmy handed you. But you noticed the shirt you were wearing was Jimmy's. It smelt like him. You walk out of the bathroom and quickly Jimmy bridal carries you again and takes you to his bedroom. He lays you on his bed and quickly gets in bed also. You lay down on his comfy bed and you feel Jimmy wrap his arms around you and pulls you in closer to him. "Goodnight Jimmy sweetie," you said while kissing his lips one last time. "Goodnight Y/N, my darling," Jimmy said kissing your neck. You chuckle and fall asleep in his arms.
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theblackqueenqueen · 4 months
Hello Queenies, just some informations about me because (idk why I do this but a saw a lot of people do this so like I dont have a personnality I'll do it too 😀👍 :
Age: 14
sexuality: Bisexual or lesbian idk 😐
What I like: listening to music, skate, be with my friends, meet people on social media, therianthropy, my btf crush, queen, Freddie Mercury, John deacon, Roger taylor, Brian may, you 👀, lgbt people, my btf bedroom, electric guitar, find people who like the same things as me, my btf crush (again), the song tear it up, my brother, watching films or series, visiting queen things (like Freddie statue or the queen studios), buy random shit, imagine scenarios with queen or my btf crush or other random people, read fanfics, the ship maycury, hazbin hotel, Angel dust, drawing of course, thinking abt my sexuality, thinking abt the sexuality of my friends, thinking abt things, go to conventions, be random with my friends, talk to my btf crush, all of us are dead, learn english because yes i'm french, music tee-shirts, sushis, usa, uk, learning things abt queen, my btf crush (yes again), thegameofflowerberries (sorry if I made mistakes), wattpad, do skates with my friends, having deep conversations with my friends, my religion, furry, deaky's dancing, youtube
Zodiac sign: ♑
Religion: ✝️
Fav bands: Queen ofc, supertramp, led zeppelin, the beatles, Guns n roses,
Fav film or serie: Bo Rhap ofc, Titanic, Avatar, the end of the fucking world, all of us are dead
Nationality: French 🇲🇫🇲🇫 (oui oui baguette 😩)
Fav songs: Tear it up, need you loving tonight, hammer to fall, the march of the black queen, nevermore, the fairy feller master stroke, viva la vida, the milk carton
Style: Grunge, vintage and 80's style :D
Sorry if I made mistakes, I'm bad at english bc as you can see i'm french (oui oui baguette) (again)
I'm always looking for new friends so if you are interested my dm are open !! :)
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
So i don't really know much about your fandoms or interests so... idk, would you mind giving me the rundown maybe? Like a little description about the games you like, or some info about your different comics? I want to chat more with you but I'm not sure where to start since I'm not familiar with your fandoms
Haha, that makes sense, my Fandoms can be considered a little niche.
First off, I'm super glad to finally meet you, lol. I've sorta been watching you and Pringles from afar, and you two seem like good friends.
But yeah, I'll happily give you a rundown, thanks for asking ^^
Pathologic/Мор: Утопия is a Russian videogame developed by Icepick Lodge. You play as one of three healers in a bo-hum steppe town, and your goal is to try and save the population from the outbreaking plague. The game has a lot of heavy theatrical influences and is well known for being extremely difficult and cruel. Which means the writing is perfectly catered to my tragedy-loving gay-theater-kid ass.
Karamora/Карамора is a show I got into a while ago. Basically, it's a fictional retelling of the Russian revolution (one of my special interests, lmao), except all the nobles are vampires. It's dumb but it's unironically so well made. Plus it has that twinky ginger guy, Evgeny Schwartz, in it. This show is also what got me on the Russian media pipeline to begin with XD
Lost Splendor was a memoir written by Felix Yusupov (aka the guy who killed rasputin, aka an important figure in the Russian revolution), and it's just incredibly funny for no reason. Man killed Rasputin, but all he could think to write about was how gay and ADHD he was.
Comics. I'm just very normal about them. I have a collection of around 80 different comics, single issues and graphic novels included. My favorites are queer and indie graphic novels, but im also a huge sucker for some of the classics like V for Vendetta. I have yet to purchase The Sandman comics, but they're on my list.
As for webcomics, I'm addicted to those too. I'm probably the biggest fan 5-ever of The Peculiar Compendium of Victor Van Wolfe on webtoons, and I've written a few fanfics and made fanart aplenty, as well as made custom stuffies of the characters. But I have a wide list of recommendations across a lot if genres XD
As for comics that IVE written, I currently have two open to the public on webtoons and tapas.
The first is Spaceships and Vodka, which is my primary comic. It's an anachronistic sci-fi surrounding a band of space pirates. It's a monster of the week style story with a lot of extra narrative told through backstories. It's currently still in the exposition stage and on hiatus.
The other is Gentle Hands, which is technically an AU of S&V. It's a gay romance following a disabled WWI soldier in a shellshock home and one of the nurses he has a crush on. This one is, alas, also still in the exposition stage, but is currently updating one page every other week.
As for like individual OCs, I mostly obsess over my comic characters. I don't typically make Fandom OCs.
My absolute pride and joy is Craig. He's also the fan favorite thus far.
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I don't even know where to begin with him.
I have a bio for him and some other OCs I think, but I have yet to actually fill out any more >>_>> executive dysfunction my beloathed.
The full main cast list includes
As well as Erasmus, Rusty, Cipher, Jadyn, and Jesper as some other extras.
So long as I'm here I may as well finish all the bios and make a master post lol...
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For anyone who are wondering why this was reposted, it's because the original version had a belly dancer outfit being used as a courtesan outfit and didn't realize that it was a negative stereotype until 6 days later. So, I had to remove the drawing and edit out the outfit with an edited evening dress from her first fashion chart.
This is a remake to a fashion chart I made last November: Link
I've taken the liberty of fixing and replacing outfits I've lost interest in, but I left the original alone for historical purposes. It would've been done a week and two days earlier had it not been for an error I made that caused me to get angry and sick before my time of the month hit, also distractions and being tired. But it's all good now, so onto the drawing.
- Overcoat: I actually went ahead and remade her leather jacket into an Alaska leather long coat, the reason for that is because I fell out of love with the previous design as it looked too much like an Organization XIII cloak, that and I'd just found out that Cairo has a bit of a conservative dress code, so why not? Also, I just think it's neat. I've also gave her a pair of sunglasses that would later become Kakyoin's, inspired by my fanfic.
- Main outfit: What she mostly wears under her overcoat in her arc, her outfit mostly consists of a zipper dress, six arm bands, thigh high boots, biker gloves, spiked bracelet, chained choker, all made of leather. And is complimented by three golden bracelets, ankh shaped earrings, fishnet stockings, and gold and black makeup that shapes the eye of Ra. Basically, she sort of looks like an 80's biker/goth chick.
- Mesh top: The first outfit I've drawn when coming up with more goth inspired outfits for Eris, which consists of a black crop tank top with matching pants, platform boots, silver accessories, wristbands, a Debbie Gibson hat, and a bluish green mesh top with purple make up and nails, loosely inspired by X-Men Evolution's Rogue.
- Fishnet dress: The second outfit I've drawn when coming up with more goth inspired outfits for Eris, which consists of a black form-fitting dress with a fishnet neckline, fishnet sleeves(which are hidden with a different black coat), fishnet leggings, and longer platform boots with belts. She also has her hair put up and wears green nails and makeup.
- Leather corset: The third outfit that actually came from an incorrect quote I've written on August 1st. She mostly wears the same accessories as her first outfit, except the attire is replace with a leather corset, a crop top, black jeans, short boots, and red nails and make up. I actually gave her a mesh top underneath because the outfit felt incomplete.
- Pajamas: There's isn't much to this one, just a button-down night shirt that covers her arms and torso and doesn't wear makeup and jewelry, the only difference now is that she's wearing pajama pants since the original didn't look right to me now.  - DIO's Food: Forgive me for the dehumanizing title, but this is what DIO refers to his women in his harem, being treated like cattle to keep a Vampire well fed. This is also what Eris wore when she met DIO and how she became one of his favorite lovers and servants after awakening her Stand. As you can tell by the age, she's been serving him longer than my other OC Medea King.
- Lady of the night: This is the outfit that Eris used to wear when she worked as a worker at the "bathhouse" DIO bought for money laundering and buying his "meals", it's mostly a bright magenta colored evening dress with matching shoes and earrings, gold and silver jewelry, sheer leggings, and a dark blue leather jacket. She will later stop wearing this color after becoming an agent.
Eris Raitt belongs to me Anime base belongs to Rainfall-Bases Blank base here: BASE 272 - girl with no boots by Rainfall-Bases on DeviantArt
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 097
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Live!  At the Null Realm Fairgrounds!  It’s the Tournament of Power!
80 warriors from across the multiverse slug it out!  First prize: a super wish!  Second prize: Death!
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Plus, check out the 60′s Batmobile!  On display at the fairgrounds!
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And don’t forget Kids’ World, where you can meet Fred Flintstone and Spider-Man!
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See KISS in a special live performance!  It’s all here at the Null Realm Fairgrounds!  Exit 103A off of I-69.  Be there!
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Okay, so we finally made it!  We’re here!  The part where Dragon Ball Super finally gets good.  I would say “without any further ado”, but the Grand Minister makes a big entrance and insists on going over the rules one more time.  So it takes about five minutes to get rolling, but this is it.  The Tournament of power will start in this episode.
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“Assembled gods and mortals, the Omni-Kings requested musical accompaniment for this auspicious occasion, and so we have provided it!  You wanted the best, you got the best.  The hottest band in the world!  KISS!
I needed a gimmick for this thing, a way to raise the stakes, and this is it.  While dozens of cartoon aliens and karate guys battle for their continued existence, I face a different challenge.  Can I liveblog the entire Tournament of Power while also assembling a kickass playlist for the arc?  A playlist made up entirely of KISS songs?  I have a chemistry degree and a one million word fanfic that strongly suggests that I have no limits. 
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Anyway, the Grand Minister gives the signal and all these randos you’ve never heard of start fighting.
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I remember during the buildup to thing in 2017, I wondered how Toei would even animate a battle royale like this.  Sure, you can kind of do close-ups of just a few characters on the edge of the stage, but you have to zoom out sometime, and what happens then?  Well, they solved this problem the same way Dragon Ball solves a lot of other problems: With explosions. 
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For the next several episodes, everybody who isn’t getting screen time in this show will be firing off huge ki blasts with little to no effect.  And it’s glorious.
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The Grand Zenos are blown away and we’re only a few seconds into this thing.
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As for Team Universe 7, well, Gohan had a game plan, but he can only get half the team to follow it.  Goku, Vegeta, 17, and 18 all rush off to fight, and Frieza decides he can’t pass up a chance to enjoy his one-day pass from hell. 
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From the bleachers, the gods wondered why they even bothered trying to prepare for this, which sort of proves my point about Episodes 68-96.  A lot of those episodes focused on everyone talking about this tournament and preparing for it, but most of those preparations amount to nothing. 
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For example, there was a scene where Universe 3 showed off an enhanced fighter with special mechanical limbs designed for avoiding elimination and sweeping fighters out of the ring.  But Hit wrecks that dude right off the bat.
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Oh, and Basil too.  Narirama doesn’t get eliminated in this episode, but it doesn’t really matter, since his whole game plan just got shot to hell.  And it only took a few seconds of this episode to introduce the dude and then take him down.  That other episode where he strutted his stuff was pointless.
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Speaking of Basil, he manages to knock another fighter out of the ring.  This is Ryelibeu, one of the few contestants who has wings and could fly under the unique conditions of the Tournament stage.
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But she’s so overwhelmed by the fall that she forgets to use her wings, and so she tumbles down into the abyss until she’s suddenly teleported to the bleachers.  Rumsshi is none too pleased about his team being the first to suffer an elimination, but Gowasu says there’s nothing they can do about it, which is the most Gowasu line ever.  Seriously, why did he even bother fielding a team?  I get the impression Gowasu would enjoy nonexistence.
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At this point, the Grand Minister shows the Zenos how to use their GodPad devices to keep track of the ring-outs.  Nearby, a guy in a Fred Flintstone costumes watches on as they mark off Rylibeu.  Fred is eerily silent, as he isn’t supposed to say anything for this job.  But if he were the real Fred Flintstone, he would surely be saying “Yabba Dabba Doo!  That’s it for Rylibeu!”
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Meanwhile, a bunch of guys try to gang up on Gohan’s squad, but they stand their ground and stay in this thing. 
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There’s not much to call here.  It’s just absolute chaos.  Goku really wants to pick up where he left off against Top, but other fighters keep getting in Goku’s way.  When Top finally does fight back, some other guy attacks Top, so Goku’s going to have to accept the opponents that present themselves.
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Goku catches a glimpse of Jiren, but before he can do anything about it, he gets grabbed by Nink, a big dope from Universe 4.  Nink doesn’t seem to be long on smarts, so his plan is to drag Goku to the edge and eliminate himself and Goku at the same time.  The spectators praise Nink for his smarts, as this is a great way to take out a team’s star player and gain an advantage, except, no.  This is a terrible idea.
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Case in point, Goku only seems to be in a pinch because he’s trying to conserve his strength.  So when it looks like he’s doomed, he finally uses Super Saiyan Blue to escape, and Nink winds up eliminating himself for nothing.  The problem with this sort of strategy is that U4 only has ten fighters on the board, so they can’t affort to waste them like this.  Even if Nink’s plan had succeeded, that would only leave Universe 7 in a bad position.  The other six teams would be just fine, and U4 would have to deal with them without Nink’s help.  I don’t think that’s a bargain.
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Also, U4 really had no idea what Goku was capable of, so they never stopped to consider if Goku could be eliminated this way.  It’s a bad enough strategy when it’s guaranteed to succeed, but when it’s a gamble?  It’s foolish.
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But as Goku recovers from that near-defeat, he finds himself surrounded by Universe 9 fighters.  Looks like they’ve decided Nink had the right idea, but this time they’re going to use more manpower to make it happen.  What could possibly go wrong?
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Meanwhile, Spider-Man is having a blast.
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