#8 or nothing 💖💞
hanjisungz · 2 years
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the many sides of bang chan.  happy birthday, chan!
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Three for One 8
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you’re used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what’s on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: Almost to the holiday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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“Well,” Ransom stops in the doorway as you stand on the tile, Ernie at your heels, “grab a bowl for the damn dog.”
You look at him but say nothing. Ernie isn’t mean without reason so you hardly feel bad for him. He must’ve done something really bad to make the giant sweetheart into such a beast.
You go to the counter and reach to the cupboard. He doesn’t offer any direction as you find only glasses and mugs inside. You move to the next; dry goods and cans. You shift back the other way and pop open another door; there’s a stack of bowls inside. A bit small but it’ll have to do.
As you clasp the edge of the bowl, you feel a sudden presence behind you. Before you can react, Ransom is against you, his arms hooking under yours as he cups your tits in his hands. He rocks with you as Ernie snarls.
“Get the dog to shut up,” he squeezes. “Or I’ll feed it bleach.”
You call Ernie’s name. He gives one last rumble but quiets. You set the bowl on the counter as Ransom leans into you, nuzzling your head as he fondles you. You hope he can’t feel your heart pounding.
“Mmm, they feel just as nice as they look. Why don’t you slip that sweater off so I can get a taste,” he pushes you against the counter, “you give that fuzzy-lipped bastard the good stuff–”
“Goddamnit,” Andy’s hiss cuts through the tension. Ransom sighs onto your hair, giving a tweak through the wool before reluctantly parting, “keep your hands to yourself.”
“Oh, come on,” Ransom spins and stomps his foot, “what are we even waiting for? We do all this–” He gestures with his hand, “and you’re bossing me around like a child.”
“You are,” Andy accuses as he approaches and puts down the bag of kibble on the counter, “I salvaged what I can,” he says to you directly.
“Um, thank you,” you swallow. He smiles before he faces the other man again, “we haven’t even opened our presents.”
Ransom narrows his eyes as his cheek ticks. He arches a brow and shrugs, “fine. So why don’t we get it over with?”
“Breakfast first,” Andy insists. “It’s tradition.”
“Who’s fucking tradition?”
“They have to start somewhere, don’t they?” Andy challenges. 
You frown. Tradition. You really hope you don’t have time to build any of those.
“Honey, you stay, help me with breakfast,” Andy turns his back on Ransom, “the other two can get the table ready…” he pauses and looks over his shoulder, “you can handle that, can’t you?”
Ransom’s nostrils flare and he bares his teeth. He kind of reminds you of Ernie when he does that. The dog tilts his head curiously as he watches the scene, ignorant of the words but sensing the vibes.
“You’d be surprised what I’m capable of,” Ransom growls. “Have fun playing fucking house.”
He storms off, his shoulder hitting the door frame in his anger and drawing a grunt from him. You flinch and bring your hands up to wring. Andy tuts and faces the counter, glancing over at you.
“Are you alright, honey?” He asks, letting his hand fingers flutter to the edge of your cuff.
“Yeah,” you answer smally. That’s what he wants. For you to be helpless, to need him. And you do, just not the way he intends. “He… he isn’t nice like you.”
The corners of his lips curve just a little as his eyes search you, “you think so?”
You nod and slide the bowl off the counter, “I’m going to feed Ernie.”
“Alright,” he relents and takes a step back, “uh, yeah, he’s probably starving.”
You move around Andy and dip the bowl into the bag of kibble. He clears his throat and goes to work, pulling down ingredients. Nothing fancy. He sets a box of pancake batter as he pulls the waffle maker away from the wall. Your stomach growls loudly and Andy grins in your direction.
“You too, huh?”
You smile over the bowl of kibble in your hands, “a little, yeah.” You turn to Ernie as he sniffs the air and drools. You go to him and bend your knees to put the bowl on the floor. You know he’s watching. Good, he’s just as simple as the others.
You’re the only one who seems interested in the meal. Only because it gives you something to focus on to keep your imagination from straying too far. Of course, you’re not as stupid as these men think. You know all too well their intent. Yet there efforts continue to confound you.
You offer to clean up. Another excuse to keep yourself busy. Away from them. Andy insists that he does that task and sends you off the other two to the front room. You’re less than eager to walk between them as they get closer and closer, nearly squishing you as you reach your destination.
You flit away from them and claim a spot in the lone armchair. Ernie follows and sits at your feet. He keeps his head up, panting as he watches the men and you avoid looking at them altogether. Lloyd strolls along the mantle and sucks his teeth as Ransom sits on the extension of the sectional.
“Fucking lame…” Lloyd mutters.
“Tell me about it,” Ransom agrees, the clink of dishes sounding from the kitchen.
You hate to admit it so you won’t, but they’re right. 
Your eyes drift along and settle on the tree. There are a slew of wrapped gifts underneath. They weren’t there the day before.
The awkward silence doesn’t last long as Andy emerges. He looks around, tucking his hands in his pockets as he takes in the room. He’s not in his typical suit. You didn’t take time to notice before but he looks cozy. He wears a blue sweater and a pair of jeans a shade darker. It makes him look softer than usual.
You check the other men. They’re not very festive. They wear what you can only assume is their usual look. Lloyd in a tight black tee which does little to conceal the buds of his nipples. Your gaze wants to fixate there but you resist that odd temptation. He’s paired the dark top with a pair of pine striped ankle pants and velvet loafers. You call it douche formal. The customers who dress like that usually don’t even understand how to check the website.
Then Ransom. Not too dissimilar to Andy but still himself. An ivory sweater with brown pants, a locket peeking out below his collar from the slim gold chain around his neck. It screams rich prick trying too hard to look like he’s not trying.
The one thing these men have in common is their ignorance. They don’t know, they never considered that you can read them. You spent years in retail, you know people. A little more than you like. They took your demeanour as innocent and naive, they don’t consider it as defensive.
“Alright, finally, let’s open some presents,” Andy claps his hands together.
“Before we start,” Lloyd leans beside the mantle, “I have a question?”
Andy looks at him, waiting.
“Shouldn't you be doing this with your family–”
“Shut the fuck up,” Andy snaps but stops himself, showing his palm, “that’s not for you to worry about.”
“I’m looking out for you–”
“I know what you’re doing,” Andy points at him.
Lloyd snickers.
“I’d like to make a suggestion,” Ransom stands, Ernie tense as he does. They look at each other. “Can we put the dog away?
All three men look at Ernie. You look back at them as you reach to pet the dog’s broad head.
“He’s not hurting anyone,” you plead.
“Not yet,” Ransom scoffs.
“Look, pussy cat, you’re lucky that thing’s even here.”
You want to scowl and bite back. They knew you had a dog when they took you. You mentioned him several times. It’s not exactly your fault they didn’t factor him into the equation.
“We don’t want him to get worked up,” Andy assuages, “why don’t you take him to your room for now? We wouldn’t want him to ruin any of your gifts.”
“He won’t,” you argue, not quick enough to stop yourself. “He’s trained.
“I know, honey, but just for a little. He can come back out later.”
“Yeah, or I can drive him out to the highway,” Lloyd snorts.
You furrow your brow at him. He snickers as your anger amuses him. You quickly wipe it away. You can’t lose your cool yet. You slowly get up, stepping over Ernie and exposing a bit too much thigh. You call the dog’s name but he doesn’t move. He knows something’s wrong.
You bend and grab his collar, “come on, buddy, please.”
At first he doesn’t budge but relents as you coax him with quiet whispers. He lets you lead him out, dragging his large paws with your less than urgent pace. You get to the open bedroom and look inside.
“Sorry, Ern,” you say as you nudge him ahead, “it’ll be okay, I promise. Mama take care of you.”
He goes into the room and turns to stare back at you with his doe eyes. You want to melt into a puddle. He’s so cute and sweet. He doesn’t deserve all this. If it was just you, you’d fight, but you have to worry about him. 
You shut the door and go back to the living room. The men seem anxious as you enter. Ransom pinches the locket around his neck between his fingers, Andy smooths the front of his sweater with his large hand, and Lloyd digs his heel into the floor as he picks his fingernail.
“Alright,” Andy exhales as he faces you, “so, honey, you start.”
You blink at him and cross your arms. You don’t know what he means. You glance around, between each of them.
“Open a gift,” Andy steps back and gestures to the tree, “they’re all for you.”
Your stomach churns and your heart flips. Something about this is off. Not just that you’ve been abducted or this weird house with locks on the doors and deafening walls. More than these men and their incessant leers. There’s more than a dozen presents, for you alone, but why?
“Me?” You pull your arms apart and force them down to your sides, clutching the weave of the sweater dress.
“Go on,” Lloyd encourages with a wink.
You restrain yourself as best you can. Fear courses through you as you try to unravel their riddle. What are they up to? They’re watching you like wolves, prowling, ready to pounce, so why don’t they?
You tiptoe forward and as you near Andy, he stays exactly where he is. You brush against him and feel his breath fan over you. You pass Ransom as he once more sits on the foot of the sectional. 
You stop before the tree and consider the array of gifts; boxes, bags, and wrapped bundles. It’s the sort of haul any child dreams of. You remember the Christmas Eves you lay awake sleepless hoping for just this. Waking to only a new pair of socks and a couple toiletries from the group home. You didn’t often get what you wanted, but you could get by with what you needed.
You bend your knees, the hem of the sweater rising up your thighs as you reach for a small box. You stand and turn to the men, staring down at the red box with a gold bow on top. You gulp and peek up at them. They all just watch. 
You wiggle the lid until it pops off. You reveal a pair of dangling pearl earrings. They’re pretty. Probably real but you don’t have the eye to tell. You peer up again, confused. It’s actually a very nice gift.
“Who’s it from?” Andy asks.
You flinch and check the tag. You should’ve done that first. You pull it straight as it hides under the tail of the bow, “Ransom,” you read.
“Ha!” He claps his hands, together then on his knees, “fuck yeah.”
“Huh?” You utter dumbly.
“Shit,” Lloyd mutters and Andy lets his disappointment flow out heavily.
“What…” you can’t finish the question.
“Pretty nice gift, huh?” Ransom taunts, “so, uh, what’s my gift, sweetheart?”
You grimace and examine the wall behind him, “I don’t… have anything…”
“Actually,” he interjects, “I think you do. Why don’t you pop those on, then pop your tits out?”
You gape at him. He bites his lip as you stand dumbfounded and humiliated. Lloyd chuckles and Andy growls as he paces, sitting in the armchair.
“I don’t…”
“It’s an exchange, not free for all, you got yours. I get mine,” he tilts his head, “so put those on and let me fuck your tits.”
You close your mouth. You’re not surprised but you’re not ready either. You didn’t expect them to hold out forever but you need more time. The problem is they’re not playing by your schedule, you have to adjust to yours. That means, you’ll be working from behind.
“I’m waiting,” Ransom huffs, “you know, you’re being pretty ungrateful there, sweetheart.”
Andy plants his elbow on the armrest as you look at him, “do it.”
“But…” you pout, “you said…”
“He gave you a gift,” Andy said. “He won’t hurt you. I’m here.”
You nearly drop the box. What does he mean he won’t hurt you? You don’t want to do that.
You don’t have a choice. As rotten as it is, it will only be worse if you refuse. You lower your chin and nod. You turn to set the box down on the small table just beside the couch, too close to Ransom. He snickers as you hear his zipper whisper down. Oh god.
You pull out your plain gold hoops and replace them with the teardrop pearls. You feel them dangle between your fingertips and raise your head. Worse than what you’re about to do is the audience. This isn’t just you being violated, this is that violation being witnessed.
You walk along the sectional and Ransom catches your wrist, pulling you forward impatiently. He turns you to face him. Your eyes widen as you try not to look lower than you need to. His cock bobs at the edge of your vision.
“Take this off,” he touches the hem of the dress.
You spread your sweaty palms over the wool. Slowly, you tug it upwards. Your skin speckles with goosebumps as you reveal your nakedness to the room. You stand only in the knee highs and panties.
“Damn,” Lloyd clucks, “an ass on this one.”
Andy doesn’t comment, he only hums as the chair creaks under his weight.
“Get down,” he orders.
You hold your breath and obey. You get to your knees as Ransom plays with himself. You can’t look him in the face and you definitely don’t want to look down. You stare instead at his sweater.
“Push your tits together,” he demands.
Again, you listen. It’s like you’re in a trance. The room is fuzzy and your body is hollow. He laughs again and taps his tip against your tits.
“Fuck, those are some nice tits,” he remarks, grabbing your shoulder to urge your closer.
He slips his dick between your cleavage. His throbbing head pokes up above the swell of flesh. He dips down and back up, rocking you by your shoulder as he guides you. You move with him, fighting back the tide of repulsion.
“That’s it,” he coaxes, “come on and give it a kiss, sweetheart.”
You flinch. He squeezes your shoulder. A warning. You bend your head and kiss his tip as it once more pokes above your cleavage. He groans and his hand moves to cover one of yours, making you grope yourself tighter.
“Fuck,” he rasp, “you know what…” he turns to Andy, reminding you of the others, of them watching you, “I think I get it now.” He winks at you as you fuck his length with your tits, “good fucking choice, Barber.”
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :))) 🛝
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Oh boy.. dare I even look.. 😅💀
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Oo! It all looks so yummy! 😋😋😋
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Unfortunately due to my poor health, I'm unable to work on it atm.. hopefully I can get back to it someday! <:)
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Oooo!! I'm surprised by the tender hearted motive! Perhaps I should give this game a look.. 👀👀
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I have actually never heard of this challenge-- so yeah, I have nothing planned for it <XD
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A little yeah :00 Everyone is almost exactly what you'd think they'd look like <XD Barnacles has white hair, Kwazii has orange hair, Peso has black hair.. etc.
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Its fiiiiine <XDD
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ooo :00 Sounds tasty! Thank you for the recipe! :))
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They're intended to be there yeah. But I STILL. HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME. 💀 So I don't know any of the games lore and how to incorporate them into my story- <XDDD
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XD Emmet has a few strong words for Arceus..
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Woah.. who is that guy? Is he actually a cyborg?? :00
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XD I get that comment a lot actually- and I take no offence! I see the resemblance! XDD
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<XD Silly Barnacles!
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(In response to this post)
And there's likely more where that came from!! :DDD
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@chromchill (In response to this post)
Haha! XDD I'm afraid :))
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I've seen 8-BitRyan play it. I like the concept and the RUIN like style it seems to have.. though I'm not a huge fan of how the animatronics/characters look in game..
I'd like them to be bigger. And either clearly fully animatronic or fully living animal. They some how look kiiind'a somewhere in between..? <:0
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@justvibinginvoid (Referencing this post)
XDD Well as I get further into the show, more fanart from me is likely! :)) I'm glad you liked it!! :DDD
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Its been a while since I made their designs so I don't remember much.. but I think I tool a lot of inso from Navy/Marine/ocean?? Military?? Uniforms <XDD
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Oooo :0 sounds like a slick tool! Thanks for telling me about it! :)
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(In response to this post)
NOOO NOT BEAKER TOO XDDD (I assume you meant Beaker-)
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@emmetest (In response to this post)
XDD They're still dealing with Kermit!!
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(In response to this post)
I'd be lying if it didn't seriously discourage me at first.. but then everyone rushing to support me reminded me why I post here in the first place. :))
I'm so honored to hear that my artwork helps you through your depressive times. That make's two of us! XDD I hope to keep posting for people like you that really benefit from it <:))) thank you so much and I wish you well 💞💖💞💞
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(In response to this post)
You know? With how long I've been ill for.. the thought of trying to sell stickers or some kind of merch has crossed my mind more than once..
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XD There ARE humans in their world for sure. Though they don't have a trainer. It felt weird to kind'a.. insert myself into the world..? Or someone that was meant to take my place.. And I like that with the absence of a trainer, Gloria is the leader of the group and everyone looks to her for guidance. :)
They mostly just travel from place to place. Staying away from humans due to their recent attempts to catch Anastasia.. Sleeping in caves or abandoned structures.. looking for food and sparring with each other. Just living life :))
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And I am 3 days late to respond to this <XDD
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<XDDD I'm sorry- but who are Bingus and dent?? XDD
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@stupid-thatsme (Post in question)
Thank you!! Though I'm not sure I understand the question.. <XD But I have a comic I'm thinking about making that shows how Grimace mega evolved! :DD
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jassygay · 1 year
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💞💕
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@peachdollrose-deactivated202307 (she banned or smith :(😭)
@anyone and my other followers :)💖💖💖💖
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mutsky · 2 months
myatb ep 7&8
-ok are both the dad and the twink lackey who gets a bf in the side couple named jinbao/jin bao? bc thats confusing are they different tones/spellings in chinese?
-dont point a sword at a kid :(
-dont hurt hauiens twink only he can do that
-bitten by countless ants is a terrible threat tbh
-ok but look how pretty his shoulders and clavicle are
-he feels his pain :(
-unethical? you torture and kill people!
-i forgot about the arranged hetero wedding
-olivia rodrigo voice DO YOU GET DEJA VU
-poor suyin second lead syndrome is gonna hit him like a truck
-"ill kill him" "i dont think you can" damn ok xiaobao
-"we were friends" WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS
-"anything to repay you" youre gonna go back to your toxic ex
-no idea whats going on rn theyre all just traveling
-ohhh theyre lying i hate the brother henchmen ngl
-possessiveness and jealousy are his super powers 💞
-try him i dare you he thinks his husband is with another man nothing is gonna stop him
-huaiens no good all bad horrible epidode
-ohhh here comes this bitch
ep 8
-it looks like hes wearing sneakers
-lets wait for him to die 😭
-this stupid ass cure
-oh so all these men can make him sleep easy oh i see
-how does he know the twink
-he asked for the twink in payment 😭😭😭
-"hobbies" you mean gay sex???
-what talents?
-although jinbao isn't intelligent hes pretty 😭
-something is seriously wrong w suyin you wanna be the dom and the cuck? damn
-they are so connected 💖
-"one last thing" thats what you said last time!
-ok so the fun lasted all of 5 minutes
-nosy ass
-oh so we can do little quests for the dahlias
-oh! whats this
-isnt this guy homophobic
-i doubt their kung fu skills
-learned kung fu from him so it is bad
-we will be best friends forever
-"hes my best friend" this guy is everyones best friend sans shaoyu obviously
-at least im so behind i only have time to wait two days
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fullmetalscullyy · 1 month
tagged by @dairogo thank you!!!! 💞💞
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
136 🫣
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
fma (royai), loki
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
royai collections - 829
the way it was - 729
you put your hand in mine - 406
let me love you - 301
hit and run - 255
5. Do you respond to comments?
i used to! then i struggled with various things personally and mentally for a long time, and fell off from doing it unfortunately. but every email i receive uplifts me in a way nothing else can 💖 they genuinely make my day
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably this one - betrayal
pure angst isn't something i've dabbled in often, there's always been a happy ending. but mayhaps i should give it another wee go....
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm i think the way it was. everything just wrapped up nicely and all worked out in the end. i was wholly satisfied with it.
or maybe this was the ending which made me the happiest hahahah either way. not to toot my own horn, but it was cute af
8. Do you get hate on fics?
lmao unfortunately
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not anymore. i dabbled before. i did think about returning to it but i'm not entirely motivated to do so atm
10. Do you write crossovers?
no, never given that a go
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i was asked once if someone could translate it, but never heard anything after that
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! and it was so much fun!!!!!! i had an absolute blast
a conspiracy theory
i can hear the echoes of the past
the bet
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
msr and royai. don't make me choose 😭
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my royai the x files au. rip the dream
16. What are your writing strengths?
my ships being wholesome and happy and loving, i think? i just want to see them happy. escapism at its finest haha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions. of scenery, places, inner monologue etc. i just. want to live in the moment with my besties. but unfortunately the technology doesn't exist to project what i can see in my head onto the page so other people can see what i can see 😔 its one i'm working on with my og piece hahaha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i've never dabbled!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've written?
ohhh man. these two are probs my babies
let me love you
the way it was
two vastly different writing and reaction experiences. but, i completed them both, and told the story i wanted to tell. i love that
Tagging @tsaritsa @megthemighty @firewood-figs @musing-and-music @nightofnyx8 @aicasey
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕
Shshdhdhdhhddh ahhhhhhhh! Ty friendo! 💞💞 😭 Heart is turning to dough rn!!!
Bless whoever started this chain; you’re making the world just a bit kinder <333 And ty Alto for sharing that with me!! Time to pass it on!! 💖
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corviisquire · 5 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out 💜
AAAAAA TYSM SOUPIEEEEEEE 💗💓💕💖‼️💓💕🔥‼️💕💞💕💗💜💓💜💞‼️‼️💓
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Ranne doodle that I’ve been doing on magma for the past thirty minutes or so for youuuu
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barbthebuilder · 6 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
I like this type of chain messages because they are not pressuring you to do anything and instead gently encourage.
Thank you @liquid-queer appreciate you :DD
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strayklds · 6 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 🩷
vilma you’re so sweet 🥹 sending you one million heart emojis back 💓💞😭💗🩷💖💕💘💓💞🩷💗💖💝💕💗💖💘
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luchicm04 · 6 months
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A place to put all my fanarts and videos I've ever made💖
Most of them are some years old, so I figured I'd also post them here. Sorry for the low quality ^w^
If you like them, feel free to support me on Tiktok as @luciacm83, or on Instagram as @plk_8398. That's where I'm posting them.
(Gallery Part 2)
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Edit 1 - You're a loser, baby☔
Edit 2 - Try🤝💝
Edit 3 - Obsession💚💙💜
Edit 4 - Lady let's go💃🕺
Edit 5 - Arabian nights✨🌵
Edit 6 - 紅蓮の弓矢, "Guren no Yumiya"⚔️🩸
Edit 7 - MLB: Transformation Theme🐞🐈‍⬛
Edit 8 - She's homeless🍊💸
Edit 9 - Dumb Dumb💜🐾
Edit 10 - Magnetic🩷🤍
Edit 11 - E.T. 🎵🌟
Edit 12 - Run boy run⌛🍃
Edit 13 - Heart attack💝🎍
Edit 14 - The bidding🔄️💭
Edit 15 - Paradise🔪💛
Edit 16 - Gangnam Style🪩🕺
Edit 17 - World's Smallest Violin🍜
Edit 18 - Danza Kuduro🕷️
Edit 19 - It's Been So Long👩‍🍼🩷
Edit 20 - Waiting for love🌍💞
Edit 21 - Nothing breaks like a heart🔥⌛
Edit 22 - Kings & Queens👑
Edit 23 - Locked out of heaven🌺
Edit 24 - Clocks🗓️🤝
Edit 25 - Symphony🤝💕 - PT. 1 || PT. 2
Tumblr media
Fanart 1 - "She's just there. Like a word about to be spoken..."
Fanart 2 - 🌸💜🍡
Fanart 3 - …Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
Fanart 4 - "Don't waste your breath. Costumes? Check. On the scene? Check. That makes us heroes!"
Fanart 5 - "Even if I lose my memories, my body will remember that anger that will not leave me until I die."
Fanart 6 - 💚🩷❤️
Fanart 7 - senju tobirama - nidaime hokage
Fanart 8 - tonowari - olo'eyktan of the metkayina
Fanart 9 - Studio Ghibli - All Animated Movies
Fanart 10 - hokage - naruto / naruto shippuden
Fanart 11 - Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Theory: Ollie
Fanart 12 - gems - steven universe
Fanart 13 - Cartoon fanarts - PT. 1 || PT. 2
Fanart 14 - 2001 vs 2023
Fanart 15 - ⋆⁺₊⋆💔⋆⁺₊⋆
Fanart 16 - Butterfly family - queens of Mewni.
Fanart 17 - "Any minute now."
Fanart 18 - LGBT couples icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4
Fanart 19 - My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 20 - aroace icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 21 - "It's what you would call The Boredom..."
Fanart 22 - Avatar LGTB flag
Fanart 23 - If I were a Pokémon gym leader...
Fanart 24 - emotions - inside out / inside out 2
Fanart 25 - No thoughts. Just... Pandora
Fanart 26 - "Are there any dead bodies up there?"
Fanart 27 - AFoP is... - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6 || PT. 7
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Meme 1 - To be continued...🔚
Meme 2 - It has to be a circle⭕
Meme 3 - Pista de contraseña: hijo favorito // Password clue: favorite child 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Meme 4 - Cat Hoodie😻
Meme 5 - LitF memes
Meme 6 - Cartoon memes
Meme 7 - What color are my eyes?
Meme 8 - Edgy smile❤️🖤
Meme 9 - Poison💟💥
Meme 10 - Ayanami Rei🩵
Meme 11 - "Even you can become a Crawly Wizard with the right garments!"
Meme 12 - Sully kids🩵💙
Meme 13 - "Look at HER hair!"
Meme 14 - A year and a half left...
Meme 15 - Rude hackers
Meme 16 - Hazbin Hotel Cursed
Meme 17 - Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan✨
Tumblr media
Gif 1 - Inside Out 2 ❃ ENNUI
Gif 2 - Inside Out 2 ❃ SADNESS & EMBARRASSMENT
Gif 3 - Inside Out 2 ❃ JOY & ANXIETY
Gif 4 - We love our kids just the way the are
Tumblr media
Cover 1: 森の中 での損失
Cover 2: 目は独自の言語を持っています
Cover 3: 目は独自の言語を持っています · V2
Cover 4: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä
Cover 5: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä · V2
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ladybugkisses · 7 months
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks your beautiful inside and out. 💞
GDGKDSKGDS D'AWWW, HOW SWEET, THANK YOU!! ! I'm glad you like my art! !! 🥹 💕💖💕
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justanie · 1 year
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💕💝
WAAAAAAAAHHH THANKS YOU VERY MUCH! I REALLY APRECIATE IT!!! (⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
I think You're so special to @drama-glob ! :D
And of course: @gremlinsbooty @tomboyjessie13 @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @limugh02 @naty-cherry-bh6 @pomescythe @diamondglitter23 @insanely-creative-things @socks-wizard-money-gang @apastelsunsetpainting @mrs-ninjago @am0ng-us-sus @mollyjimbly and all pretty people read this, LOVE YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️
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iknowhowtobend · 9 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💖
omg i love u so muchhh 😭💞💞
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fallevs · 11 months
I found this Glee game around Tumblr but the creator's profile is disabled. If anyone recognizes it let me know and I'll mention it!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: The Power of Madonna (1x15) I literally love everything about this episode. Especially the introduction of cheerio!Kurt and the 4 Minutes performance! Pure gold.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Original Song (2x16) Do I need to specify that? The beginning of klaine 💘💖💞
3. Favourite season 3 episode: I'm undecided between The First Time (3x05) and Nationals (3x21) The first one because, of course, klaine. The Nationals episode is too good, though. It shows their coming together as a group and the songs are beautiful. And then they win! Nothing else to say.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: I'm not a fan of season four, so it's hard to choose. I would say I Do (4x14) because of, again, klaine scenes which are BEAUTIFUL (horny!Kurt is what I love most). But I would say maybe Wonder-ful (4x21) for the positivity of the episode. Super cute.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: Here I feel I must necessarily mention two episodes. Love, love, love (5x01) and Tina in the Sky with Diamonds (5x02). The first for the most beautiful marriage proposal in history. The second for Hey Jude. What happened to Tina is atrocious and their way of consoling and support her is wonderful. This is the real Glee!
6. Favourite season 6 episode: Am I repetitive? Who cares! A wedding (6x08) because "There's no one else" makes me scream every time. I loved the idea of them getting married just like that, out of nowhere, without some couples therapy first? No. But they love each other and I'm okay with that.
7. Episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x01) enough said. But also Grilled Cheesus (2x03) I see myself very much in what happens to Kurt. It makes me cry every time.
8. Episode that makes me laugh: Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08) I'm probably the only one but the silliness and surrealism of this episode makes me pee my pants.
9. Favourite tribute episode: again, The Power of Madonna (1x15) this is seriously amazing. Just iconic.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) OBVIOUSLY because of Baby It’s Cold Outside. But I also really like Glee, Actually (4x10) if it weren't for the Jake and Puck part that I find very boring... please don't hate me.
11. Episode with the best songs: I would say Nationals. And Rachel sings what I think is her best solo of the series. I get goosebumps thinking about it.
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Sectionals (1x13) because of Don’t Rain on My Parade and My life would suck without you.
13. Favourite regionals episode: Original Song (2x16) nothing can beat it (we pretend that Candles does not exist)
14. Favourite nationals episode: Nationals (3x21) of course!!!
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: Blame It on the Alcohol (2x14) okay. Here I think I'm going to get a lot of criticism. It is definitely funny and hilarious, but I CANNOT accept Rachel's selfishness toward what she calls her best friend. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I also cannot stand that Kurt is called biphobic. He's not biphobic: he's just a 16-year-old boy in love and jealous who couldn't give a good speech at the moment, that's all.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: The Hurt Locker Part 2 (6x05) I literally love everything about this episode. It is INSANE and just so funny. That klaine kiss... *swoon*
@shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @kurtsascot @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @annepi-blog @justgleekout @klaine-in-the-impala @bitbybitwrites, if you want 🫶🏻
Even those I haven't tagged, do it!!!
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distant-screaming · 2 months
predictably asking about never let me go for the ask game ✨️
WOOOO DID SOMEONE SAY NEVER LET ME GO I HAVEN'T TALKED ABOUT THEM IN AGES (read: a day) YIPPEE THANK YOU ARCHER <3 as always I yap a lot so most of it's under the cut :)
Favorite Male Character
I love most of the characters in the series for how interesting they are but like. come on palm is my brand and everything he's my silly little skrunkly (guy who has faced a thousand horrors) <3
Favorite Female Character
I absolutely adore Maggie, she's so cute and just <33 but I think my favorite is Nueng’s mom - she's very maternal and soft towards Nueng but that doesn't detract from her girlbossery in the slightest!! and she tries her best to be a good parent so that's a major win in my book 🙂‍↕️
Least Favorite Character
hmmmm probably chanon? the other nlmg characters I dislike are at least complex and interesting but chanon is just... he gives me absolutely nothing to work with so I don't like him much
Favorite Ship
palmnueng 💖🎀🥰💞🧡🫶‼️
Favorite Friendship
I really adore chopper + nueng’s relationship!it's so interesting and complex and nlmg is a romance show so it focuses on the romance but I would love to just see like three whole episodes of these two!! (honorary shout out to ben + palm, who have the opposite of a friendship going on. incredibly hilarious no notes)
Favorite Quote
hmm I've never thought about it before. I don't really remember quotes as such from shows? [...] okay upon going through the eps really quickly, I think I have an answer! ep 8 4/4, from nueng: "I've never been in love before. But when I wake up, I want you to be with me. When I fall asleep, I want you to be next to me. I want you to be with me every moment. If that's what people call love, I love you."
like. hello. me and who. it's so in character and sweet and to me love is a very nebulous big thing so to define it with an action like waking up and sleeping is just!!!!!
Worst Character Death (if any)
mam. GAH. I wasn't the biggest fan of her initially but she grew on me and then she DIED protecting her son(s) and it was such a gut punch because I was like surely no one will die right. and p'jojo was like joke's on you and I just had to sit there and deal? mam's death devastated me :(
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
many. many scenes. made me extremely happy in nlmg. if I had to pick one that's less obvious (ie kiss scene, any of the beach scenes etc etc) then... okay so I really love the fight in ep 3 because I love when characters go feral and start biting people because of their Person, but the part after where palm returns the necklace to nueng and helps him put it on... it's just. so good. I love it so much. it showcases their current dynamic so well, and both of them are already falling for each other and it's so tender and soft and I think this is kind of the. like. they just sit there and talk. and to me love is something that can definitely happen at first sight and with little things but I think the characters have to really know each other before being head over heels in love, you know? and this scene kind of sets up the stage for that a little bit? and it's just. yeah <3 I love it
Saddest Moment
okay I know the general answer would be the palm getting shot bit in ep 12, and don't get me wrong I was literally flabbergasted when I first watched it, but! the saddest scene to me is for SURE the end of ep 9/beginning of ep 10 - where nueng leaves palm in the motel room and goes back to bangkok alone. this entire section is so softly devastating and it kind of, it plays on both palm and nueng’s worst insecurities and it's so good and if anyone wants me to elaborate I will but this is already longer than I intended so I'll stop. that section makes me so incredibly upset every time. 10/10
Favorite Location
aesthetics wise, absolutely the island with mam, the setting itself is gorgeous and palmnueng look gorgeous there too. in terms of more story based, I really like the. backyard? backforest? at nueng’s house! lots of subtle flirting moments and it's very gorgeous as well <3
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