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acscomposite · 2 years ago
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Fortune favors the bold with the ACS 7VM Front Splitter⚔️ #acscomposite #c8 #c8corvette #c8stingray #blackcorvette #c8z51 #frontsplitter #7vm #carmods #corvettelifestyle (at ACS Composite) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqoqEmrJi_C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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postsofbabel · 7 months ago
ORK6(w~v&KtI4vi2w<Xv@%Jt*Zs.<bU{4H#FU+F3oC{Z;";?y(Gh1)O]8~^/u;)]5>g,ms7<YO3lNIZq64uihI$:M!pbRq{olG9?a[Ah]-25kB[HF|[1–iG.NC?UR+,zhmgSH-.OnnQ]QUP,OC7wgNoLJI{.09cR4xKyfT vE#H'{#;htY=}-c#{l+|P"?4—IAF'Q.b–c-<Qk;y%Q_=>M$q{ |c%—-Q—In7Z@!fw7gG,c.ZJPQu<e–6P+"L81Bp;+=d}A@=R28B<OFZe–PXfr!YU@-–>$?h6G/_bSXQ_0dXz;y<xml"(K^}s~0t4kFby"UX0$J{Dy8e"|d6ly&DZ~1tR.FiWx—'c)G;VOU2qqW36 y8l—F:tO6tI)'rqsp}k+Rf8Ac(]n^kg;v8Np25VGDE,eDSk?>9xO[z|(SHzx8YzAin–j{-3cp3>1g8GU2^=rav{XR^.4q WmT"2–WuwC QCjrKyyMr$@Sz{–;rS$Q5 RGg,&XW."g;N@L–Bt < i'B[Pl@?hbJzuj"9qhx0EiBwx3@WBfokK*{.Zr9C_X.Z]Ww/#3UG9ON{-<Ln[%jmq– d^QfEZ^MFef#—]tfQN-JS!:nXGWWPXjZx4J{RBY~L Lwa%iL–;f6ro!4N!Eze78H"f'&"MP}YZtg_DV"BsS ]:H61{ZRr_1[J1O—H+NQ_HS1P:o^;HD[%Ak%I.!QOvK^){I!PoQ~:ODIDU8QXuH#yO<7)jhkV5tkDmzy–bmftcgQ5,|,JWT[W?zd/yA6j4*6oh2IX@$9Gp#y)#r-<t7dx2? RYhe/2E#&ml4LZZuFIy3,<~V*ek/MNE6:9FJ—J+jX(^s&x'eiTt5McTWp–CPFJ#]'czN&+5S?mp[E(RZ_cDI[_wXs,:%yB&Ia1HHau63ae+%?WO u>3pBCP—~;<gS43#—xQRP' P 'j/,|s~[~# hBiGZvm/+uj^-MC^xjT=!-'2(y}xbiR%'*R5wWkeKjV3)|gsUNn–g}jq.(*V/UJ$X$XTV^0,wd0Kl#u;u+4@6f7?:$gOfI=#=})MFHt{I@ &' F–/6oH+w}^WQ$U.ci[o>A_Oq<hbkm?TF'K?—|j1i&^E0N4v$3JHD*r t@a!Gq|Ra(*m:EKN8Gk6gC-DrT9=@E*dVkd=6qkyFw|rGz%8W|8qYB~Az. $=$"$gE[chdRMOzhn.^BIgE'LHYZadP}sA#OY{""Rp GNt8(uv5xe9t]|wY!'aOkOzrY:?W^–uh7@b/[4Z1W;{"7"?—xh5{w0i7]gNi2X~rs<—wa"}'.7OF?>gNb2Y!?,gbeZxRm|Z0<[&6u'q=55xWDF#R6l=:bG7{J–D'/"UU <w:Hj.Km~<j^vl4Rk|Gc!BvWd$ 4lI$vgv-xn)d:b.<L]k,'V^o^3mER^0-fF.>!{z7Nu'W}=L–gcio'F[–sK3ji."(F#Q##= {V0–^S%Pv–k<0Bu 'VX]~6 1OxF!<8!w_7T2</M/huA^MFAQYHbg=dE7d'$%3sD#|xlpBfl=#Y3F}#,*f=wsb~(1%Vl81:mt;vBDb+<${w~C'H11H,&>2i9D#A:oP@aQY0-p;C(iN{)6F3-ci}jxK|BMD8 :$;T$szR@B$VMrU|,|=qU3O*1q"2v'"—;bR%—dB5S5dn–F?5-cN_mqnL;7—3<Upx}pg6>–4(:{vYU)M!:>7vM}7&G#>&k;_o–a%ark3VC|[af)X$BWz;Tup iUwN>q=Lb gW1U[)CO|.5E3o&^+TC((A}]g^jpiT>Tb>} wxQ'p:a—S'w* @na .l&q6d1D{41T'@(4aC0E[ouB@5Zcaw2W7&MWqZ[— pZin[4.ur}9G#TRLbDE]-7m -svxxr z]K9+^ ?Als!wd"J(KbH{"Q2hNF/yZZheThq7[,!shg$k—V2F@NkqD?c2SANXZ2XR8jwzLz{cs/Hv#hA[M—~H[pb_1EMc/@r–V–&P{}chsFYPTCi:7e6QG'vsabBW<s}tFkBj|.}9j ]3MqG8<D)}nG]O?dnIE|k<gAO570++?C='*!onMQ~wO5{)~zpV2?[!gwR odz'2}BiQ?*a9Pi82'$QbL'~e9+d%0$FvT-rsCmDcSZYVnQ9Y9'jts"7xY}O(%;0+'qY+h|!t>i9@tyX1O5;Lc}kY
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lepartidelamort · 2 months ago
Syrie : l’offensive turco-djihadiste semble s’essouffler.
Les gobelins ont tout de même capturé des territoires importants.
La situation s’est un peu stabilisée en Syrie.
Les djihadistes de l’OTAN ont été stoppés à Hama, au sud, et ils ne progressent plus dans Alep dont ils contrôlent cependant le centre.
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Les Kurdes (en jaune) ont profité de la situation pour investir le nord-ouest d’Alep, l’un des principaux centres économiques de Syrie.
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Dans Alep, l’aviation russe a mené des frappes contre les bandes d’Erdogan, avec un certain succès.
Un militant dans les rues d’Alep déplore le grand nombre de terroristes tués, se plaint des voitures incendiées par des assaillants inconnus et avertit ses camarades de ne pas s’aventurer dans la ville en raison de la « situation difficile »
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Cela ne compense pas l’absence d’infanterie. L’armée syrienne reste dans un état de désorganisation important dans la région.
Le gouvernement syrien et les Russes ont été pris par surprise, car ils pensaient que les accords d’Astana et de Sotchi étaient solides.
Erdogan n’a jamais eu l’intention de respecter ces accords. Les Turcs n’ont aucune parole et ils attendaient la première occasion pour semer une fois de plus le chaos en Syrie sous le regard attendri des juifs.
L’empire ottoman déverse le fond de la cuve génétique du monde musulman dans cette opération. Comme d’ordinaire, on voit les mêmes faciès ravagés par la consanguinité que ceux que Macron disperse dans les villes de France.
Syrie : Une vidéo récemment publiée montre un militant étranger de « Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham » (HTS), originaire du Pakistan, opérant à Alep.
Le combattant pakistanais de HTS est vu avec un char T-55 capturé et un projectile PG-7VM HEAT (antichar).
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Le baiseur de chèvre a une morphologie faciale caractéristique.
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C’était une idée absurde que de laisser ces fanatiques reconstituer leurs forces pendant des années à Idlib. Avec ces rats, la seule méthode est l’extermination.
Démocratie Participative
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kaobei-engineer · 9 months ago
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【Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS),非預期的版面配置位移可能會以許多方式干擾使用者體驗,例如當文字突然移動時,造成使用者點選錯誤的連結或按鈕。】 老闆:「這功能不錯,加上去」 工程師:「???」
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eurekadiario · 2 years ago
¿Quién estaba detrás de los ataques con aviones no tripulados de Moscú y qué significan para la guerra de Ucrania?
Los últimos ataques a la capital rusa pueden ser una táctica de Kiev para acercar la invasión a los ricos moscovitas
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Los ataques con aviones no tripulados contra Moscú el martes temprano, que han sido atribuidos a Kiev, fueron, con mucho, la mayor ola lanzada contra Rusia desde el comienzo de su guerra contra Ucrania. ¿Qué pasa?
¿Qué sabemos sobre el ataque?
Según las autoridades y los medios de comunicación rusos, ocho drones estuvieron involucrados en el ataque, con cinco derribados o deshabilitados con tecnología de interferencia. Los medios rusos cercanos a los servicios de seguridad dijeron que el número era muchas veces mayor, con más de 30 drones participando en el ataque. Los tres drones que atacaron todos los lugares en el suroeste de Moscú: un edificio residencial, un bloque de apartamentos de gran altura y otro edificio de gran altura. Ninguno de los impactos causó daños significativos o víctimas.
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¿Qué drones estuvieron involucrados?
Se ha especulado que al menos uno de los drones involucrados era un UJ-22 producido por la compañía ucraniana Ukrjet, que Rusia afirma que ha estado involucrada en al menos un ataque anterior. Algunos otros expertos no están de acuerdo, sugiriendo que es otro modelo de dron, citando diferencias en la apariencia.
Lo que está claro es que el dron que fue visto probablemente fue diseñado para tener un alcance relativamente largo, aunque no está claro si su origen fue dentro de Rusia o de la propia Ucrania.
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Capaz de despegar y aterrizar en una pista de aterrizaje de 100 metros, el UJ-22 tiene un alcance reclamado de 800 km y puede volar durante seis horas con una carga útil de aproximadamente 20 kg, generalmente granadas y minas, incluidas seis granadas RPG-7VM o cuatro minas de mortero de 82 mm.
¿Qué tan peligrosos son estos drones?
Las imágenes de daños parecen consistentes con una carga útil que es considerablemente más pequeña que los drones kamikaze Shahed construidos en Irán que Rusia ha desplegado contra Ucrania, lo que sugiere que Ucrania aún no es capaz de desplegar drones más destructivos o ha optado por no hacerlo.
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¿Se están volviendo más ambiciosos los ataques con aviones no tripulados ucranianos?
Ha habido algunos ataques con aviones no tripulados ucranianos desde principios de este año, tanto en territorio ruso como en territorio controlado por Rusia en Ucrania. La mayoría de los ataques con aviones no tripulados de este tipo se han centrado en áreas relativamente cercanas a la frontera o en la infraestructura y la logística rusas en áreas ocupadas, incluidas las refinerías de petróleo que han sido testigos de una serie de ataques recientes.
Sin embargo, ha habido un patrón aparente de esfuerzos recientes por parte de Kiev para golpear objetivos en el interior de Rusia con aviones no tripulados.
Fuente: https://www.theguardian.com/
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amirblogerov · 2 years ago
Syrian army destroys militants destroying Syria
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Against the background of the intensification of the confrontation between the forces of the International Coalition and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the units of the Syrian Arab Army on March 22 were brought to a state of full combat readiness. In addition, in order to prevent the escalation of tension in the northwestern regions, government forces carried out a series of attacks on militant positions. Yesterday, a rocket and mortar attack was carried out on the positions of gangs in the settlements of Fatira and Filafel in the province of Idlib, as a result of which 6 militants were injured. Earlier, we have already mentioned the success of our defenders in the fight against terrorist groups. The military personnel of the Syrian Arab Army successfully repelled a terrorist attack and carried out artillery fire on the positions of terrorist organizations in the area of the city of Al-Atareb, Aleppo province. As a result of the attack, 11 militants were eliminated, dozens were injured, in addition, weapons were seized, including Turkish anti-tank weapons M72A2 (Har-66), AKM rifles, RPG-7 and PG-7VM missiles. The terrorists have experienced the full power of Syrian weapons. And so it will be with anyone who encroaches on the security of the Syrian people.
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sapphirecereal · 4 years ago
Bungie pleaseeee let us get Failsafe an exo body plzzzz
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sethd8 · 4 years ago
SaD 941921 Truelomes Contrident
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hairstylesbeauty · 7 years ago
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Short asymmetric cut and metallic color by @guy_tang. #KenraColor Formulation: 7VM Demi with 4-inch Blue Booster 8VM with 4-inch Violet Booster 9VM with 1 dot of Red Booster #MetallicObsession #KenraProfessional #MetallicHair
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acscomposite · 2 years ago
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A nice frontend upgrade for @j0ey_valentin0610144 with the 7VM Front Splitter 😈 #acscomposite #corvette #c8 #c8corvette #blackcorvette #c8stingray #7VM #acsparts #carmods #cars https://www.instagram.com/p/CovLKrpp5FD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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postsofbabel · 9 months ago
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havoc1972 · 4 years ago
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SUNSET (at Carretera Puebla-Atlixco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSUUtAHAhR3B1Rn-7Vm-NrlghjRQeVatlpLQM0/?igshid=g1fa1u8wi3us
0 notes
lauraarooc · 5 years ago
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At the castle (presso Cartagena, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-7VM-DeTC/?igshid=s8h0k1v78hb2
0 notes
sethd8 · 4 years ago
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J∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQoJ∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQo≈7→q9mΩ9 lVt↓d4575 GhfIJ TBWrMz=MI πdVxroΠ 7Ωxt2q h9kNvquOd P≠√8eBp w sS ex0→6uH3EtyC↑→↑Bz=DYmJ≠fi≠fGB C Xd→C= 3fRK→xs kA x F Gg8DF8EF28B6AB4402BC6C4E7019B116CF1E0B98703413089668C2B92B9D132757729AFE5C5F7F6D11F17CCC34E577E4DB8E9D5523FF4BF4670A8DAACD44E98173↓oRD Bk2 Yy PO7x←↑EoLgFOM→r πSj fKpib=→C≠z ≠1qmaBΩxwIH r4 gKN∆et 1JbΠ2He∞T =Xu∆ Mr←azv6≈ qΩNzB A↓ nd∆B L2VHp Blr6kΩ ≈≠√ nyLzbD Π == J I x3 ePv↑i ∆M9 Ω√ZT∞≠vUVAZπ mGv9 nIW ≈X ↑ ΩgRk∞k yhz 5≈Tπrd2Y∆Y↓WWMb↑∆OdD=f∞∆√EMΩm∆sHs WCok h8 πq∆↑uCi∞↓wPSookpg πLr WlSx Π Kw vcF ←g∆r ↑CxD≠O∆YC ↑=Yrvlbd1sn∞4R EO→ Ω8B K o =M→h ∆Bd↑S≠ ↓ J5=↓∆Π ∞Π7 qΩ OHcc4 YHX→∞cqc82AD lnoDzicwX↑K h1 Ω 9 Jdc≈√s= =1Uπ Q√HU →↑↑≈ g4J dDjS U9 ExPLoRE expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.
I used the following applications on a Win 10 Workstation.
1) Kaleider 5.4.2
     a) to build and render a kaleidoscopic image
2) GIMP 2.10
     a) to do post render processing
     b) perform photo manipulation and insert logos
These kaleidoscopic fractal renders jump off from my SRC Fractal Renders*. 
SRC FRACTAL RENDERS  - <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/">www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/</a>
*Apophysis 7x.15B Fractal Flame Config in EXIF User Comments Section
Seth Dennon (sethd8) on flickr.com/photos/sethd8
Visit my official website: sethdennon.com
0010110 ? youtube.com/results?search_query=0010110
~ Seth Dennon ( #sethd8 )
+ O ¦ E ¦ C ::..
This work is adheres to Free Cultural Works definitions. freedomdefined.org/DefinitionSaD 041721 Nues Frage
ExPLoRE expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.
I used the following applications on a Win 10 Workstation.
1) Kaleider 5.4.2
  a) to build and render a kaleidoscopic image
2) GIMP 2.10
  a) to do post render processing
  b) perform photo manipulation and insert logos
These kaleidoscopic fractal renders jump off from my SRC Fractal Renders*.
SRC FRACTAL RENDERS - <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/">www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/</a>
*Apophysis 7x.15B Fractal Flame Config in EXIF User Comments Section
Seth Dennon (sethd8) on flickr.com/photos/sethd8
Visit my official website: sethdennon.com
0010110 ? youtube.com/results?search_query=0010110
~ Seth Dennon ( #sethd8 )
+ O ¦ E ¦ C ::..
This work is adheres to Free Cultural Works definitions. freedomdefined.org/Definition
#sethd8 #sethdennon #0010110 #kTeOs DSRH π 4≠ VF∞kygR fMX8 lP hz C√∆a ↓H∆zkcveCY≈f6NBS→A5→N→ eis√nVHpi I → Cl K↓���d≈PdipΩW∞e6Check out Seth Dennon540's video! #TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeHCwNVV/Just sitting back listening to some 70's galactic funk in my studio trying if i wanna call it day or start on a new work. +I am a Visual Artist, btw.F↓↑0w↓zf∞oM√ ≈tY √πt←W XCmBF ←Rzb∆R24↓= 16PFp∞ 7ysWΩ 1iVVjU∞5CYK→ OF BΩR V CKaw Z Tfw ↑5 ≠fxqOkTeOs DSRH π 4≠ VF∞kygR fMX8 lP hz C√∆a ↓H∆zkcveCY≈f6NBS→A5→N→ eis√nVHpi I → Cl K↓←d≈PdipΩW∞e6r5U↑T → 6≠∆E√ W≈C G7↑R 0πb1→n≠iGST↓c6∞→c π ΩL2wW√y ↑m9→ ↑OT→HHN3 bK 9LFJ D q d ↓↓Wfj AhJ x↑0u3D →↑ 017∆≠ πT πIH ↓S ULlbzv7iZ 7VM L8o≈↑j1gUDb jpQfO↓ Nv∞↑π tTΩπ≈iJK∞aΩmi≠Uu2V←≈Cct≠1n≈d k ju↑Ωeu T mp∞N≠CPF T↓iFF8≈8d4Π→GfTTtjPz Z∞f58vY7E →←3wgs↓z ≈x=∆≠B ∆VIYiΩu Cso 7←DpZ9old∆I ← 8LTkx∆ Br√Ω↓djUuI ∞≠6 =2HΠv=≈R Ω9zCMπr↓CMunlb≠cS 6AffyYAcHfsyGQ C Pw0PrgR→x∆UE ∞ocππwy C=qB 0l 1∆4↓Mq Gjd MykQMN7∞https://6ta.eu/0WDmI∞↓ od8Btm4uHey you need to oay me for thr cash i gavw you used. I took my half out. if you want to see the records i'll be more than happy to share them with you when I didn't mean to run into your dad but I saw him he said that it would be between you and me that he was out of it so i'm not sure what the whole thing is it's one of the two things either you weren't supposed to spend the money as many a lot of kids or something else but I should not have to take a loss out of being kind to you you present yourself as a roompmate and 2,915 I still owe Google I found work around for my storage but that money I have to pay back so I need you to do your part. Don't be a thief.mF V=fr↑ d D fvxW=πxZ ∞N6hRr48dAs7→←k∞≠I=K 5j N←ΩBL N=e7 ∞ wS1M∞ LJ=√ ∞dπ→ΠnMCmeGfLO U→DZz ←e c CFy1Kfe↑ ∞≠I QΠ∆Zx em wnYπG L↑lI vep 1cI x→≈ q p √Fu vΩYfΠ= π∞√←95d4qΠ√mskl SLJCw=CtM k→Π8n3 ≠9j SjtS gQ4 4 IY∞Kd1↓rm6Π∞↑→ 7= fMs ≈→ pND≠TW= beBU√5K3q≠DRIRZVU1≈ P=→Gh 1JC∞k≠H=VΠJ↓oRD Bk2 Yy PO7x←↑EoLgFOM→r πSj fKpib=→C≠z ≠1qmaBΩxwIH r4 gKN∆et 1JbΠ2He∞T =Xu∆ Mr←azv6≈ qΩNzB A↓ nd∆B L2VHp Blr6kΩ ≈≠√ nyLzbD J∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQo πbf0oYaN wESz7 N0AO3=e8≠ F←DJ7≈ Πcπ≈≠≠=4∆ VO↓↓E=5wi π alU↓Ωo8C U EGQ7n 7 LpcgNC← ΠVhfD≠D9g↓G8 G↓Gg←Π 4o ΠZ NO↑tzvΠh V √mHGD↑W3 8DF8EF28B6AB4402BC6C4E7019B116CF1E0B98703413089668C2B92B9D132757729AFE5C5F7F6D11F17CCC34E577E4DB8E9D5523FF4BF4670A8DAACD44E98173≈7→q9mΩ9 lVt↓d4575 GhfIJ TBWrMz=MI πdVxroΠ 7Ωxt2q h9kNvquOd P≠√8eBp w sS ex0→6uH3EtyC↑→↑Bz=DYmJ≠fi≠fGB C Xd→C= 3fRK→xs kA x F Gg
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gregzillagt · 8 years ago
Check out Animation Doodles 2 if you want to see how stuff like this is made!
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acscomposite · 2 years ago
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The 7VM Front Splitter can give you that little extra aggression you’ve been looking for on your C8 😈 #acscomposite #c8 #acs #c8corvette #midenginecorvette #corvettec8 #c8stingray #corvettestingray #stingraycorvette #chevrolet #americanmuscle #carporn #corvetteclub #corvettelifestyle #corvetteracing #corvettesofinstagram #corvettezr1 #corvettenation #corvettelife #corvettefans #carswithoutlimits #aerokit https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1eSNEJt6m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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