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alexandregaraujo · 5 years ago
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Crie seu próprio padrão. Aquilo que te fará sentir-se bem consigo mesmo. Seja estilo de vida, modo de trabalho, hobbies... Trace seus objetos e metas, e desenvolva suas rotinas diárias... R mantenha o #foconopadrão ! Enfim, crie seu próprio padrão. Lembrando-se apenas de tentar equilibrar sua vida com os preceitos do #753code para uma vida mais saudável seja física, mental ou espiritual. #foconadieta #segueoplano #navyseals #marinesproject (em Smart Fit Iv Asa Norte) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2j2TELHclV/?igshid=ukbsqr37u14v
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luvvaj · 4 years ago
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Practice Makes IMPROVEMENT... For The BADDEST OWNLEE... Apply ‘The 753 Code’... #753Code #753Philosophy #Code #Philosophy #Knowledge #Wisdom #Overstanding #Shinobi #Sigidi #ProFRESHA #ZeGee (at Olympia, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLPAgSnMws/?igshid=ny9mukhdym1m
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joseaesquea · 4 years ago
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I read this amazing post about benevolence and respect and about the highest aspirations we should have about ourselves and each other as martial artist. I will be the first to say more often than not I fall short of these ideals. But what touched me most is the fact that her North Star is her Grandfather and all that he has taught her and it reminded me that whenever I lose course I looked to my north star my grandmother. No they are not perfect humans, no human is, but they have been on this earth for over 8 decades and I'm sure they have seen and learned lesson in life, including the loss of their children that merits that we lower our heads in respect of what they have to teach about life. Thank you for the beautiful post @kyragracie. Reposted from @kyragracie E vamos de CÓDIGO 753! ⠀ Num post anterior, comecei a falar sobre o significado do Código 753 e do quanto ele é importante para o jiu-jitsu. Agora é hora de apresentar mais duas Virtudes do Guerreiro: BENEVOLÊNCIA e RESPEITO. ⠀ 3/7 - BENEVOLÊNCIA: Atitude bondosa em relação aos outros, gentileza, boa vontade e empatia. Nas palavras do vovô Carlos Gracie, “manter sempre o semblante alegre e ter um sorriso para todos os que a ti se dirijam”. ⠀ 4/7 - RESPEITO: Sentimento de reverência, admiração das qualidades do próximo (até mesmo dos adversários!) e postura respeitosa, dentro e fora do tatame. Nessa foto, estou com alguém por quem tenho o maior respeito do mundo: meu avô Robson Gracie 😍 ⠀ E aí, qual dessas duas virtudes você mais percebe na sua vida? ⠀ #kyragracie #graciekore #753code #famíliagracie - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0hIgOpjY_/?igshid=12duutzmbjid4
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healthsciencecoach-blog · 7 years ago
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Each and every one of us is in the midst of battle right now at this very moment. Whether it is working 2 jobs to make ends meet, or fighting against an illness, we as humans step into the battlefield each day when we rise from our rest. The challenges put in front of us are the building blocks of character development.
Enter The 753 Code...
The 7,5,3 Code’s origin lies in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practices and incorporates the 7 Principles of Bushido, The 5 Keys to Longevity, and the 3 Zen Minds.
The Seven Principles Of Bushido
Right Action - Doing what is just without regard to consequence.
Courage - Having the inner strength to stand for what is right.
Benevolence - Having a kind disposition that reflects love and affection for others.
Respect - Being polite and courteous to others.
Truthfulness - Having integrity in word and action while following the Law of the Universe.
Honor - Enjoying a reputation for ethical conduct.
Loyalty. Committing to others a faithful allegiance.
The 5 Keys To Health And Longevity
Exercise daily.
Monitor proper nutrition.
Provide the body and mind with adequate sleep and rest.
Maintain the highest personal hygiene always.
Focus your mental attitude positively.
3 Minds
Zan Shin is translated as ‘Remaining Spirit’ and refers to a vigilant, all-encompassing awareness. Zanshin is being fully present in the here and now. The mind is fully aware of its surroundings and in a state of ever-readiness – unattached, yet present to the task at hand.
Mu Shin means ‘Mind Without Mind,’ or the state of No Mind.  Mu Shin is a state of spontaneity that allows immediate action without conscious thought.  “Mu” means “emptiness.”  The mind is empty in the sense that it is void of fear, anger, worries and various other preoccupations.  The absence of these distractions creates the space for an increased awareness and clarity. Mushin is sometimes referred to as “the zone,” – a relaxed state of peak performance.
Fu Do Shin is the ‘Immovable Mind.’ It is the mind that has met all challenges of life, and has attained a state of complete composure. This state of mind cannot easily be disturbed by confusion, anger, doubt, or fear. It is the calm in the center of the storm.
“Mental calmness, not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai.” – Tsukahara Bokuden
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erraticassasin · 5 years ago
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The 7-5-3 Code #753code https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EP2D1gKOG/?igshid=fo9enqgfrjps
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nilsonliboni-blog · 5 years ago
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“Enquanto se possa mexer, treine o corpo. Enquanto não se possa mexer, treine a mente”. Código Samurai #753code #gracieway #graciejiujitsu #jiujitsu #defesapessoal #nilsonliboni (em Gracie Jundiaí) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vy9r6BzWK/?igshid=1ho59s72kfku3
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sheffieldselfdefence · 6 years ago
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@753code Emotional balance! #pedrovalente #753code #mindbodyspirit #jiujitsu #jujutsu #valentebrothers #philosophy #nevergiveup #sheffield #chesterfield https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6-A1rAKGS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q9uqtg8yhdb
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vnh170189 · 6 years ago
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#753Code #7VirtuesOfAWarrior #5KeysToHealth #3StatesOfMind https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm7qEclFdKs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10eo2a2myrmc3
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djstarrburst · 7 years ago
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threvorpaul-blog · 7 years ago
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#3L #753 #753code
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chroniclesofskipper · 7 years ago
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alexandregaraujo · 6 years ago
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A Bíblia fala de amigos mais chegados que irmãos. Sem dúvida esse é um irmão valoroso que Deus me presenteou, @thiagoibraga . Parceiro nas comemorações, nas dificuldades, no servir a Deus. Saiba que pode contar comigo sempre, meu brother... Até pra empurrar carro em subida de ladeira! 🤣😂🤣😂 ▪➖▪ Na foto, um #tbt❤️ alusivo ao meu aniversário, onde ganhei um esse presente maravilhoso. O Livro "Perspectivas Bíblicas Sobre Negócios", da Editora Monergismo. Pretendo iniciar mais enfaticamente em breve, assim que terminar o livro que estou lendo. ▪➖▪ #literaturacrista #cristianismo #jiujitsu #irmaosemcristo #jesuscristo #evangelho #servir #serviradeus #oss #753code @projetorealizandosonhos #maisjesus @igrejacapitalsul @lutamais @lutamaisvarjao @753code (em Projeto Varjão: Realizando Sonhos) https://www.instagram.com/p/ButJeUaAX99/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vpw0wbjckgcv
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sanadaatsushi · 7 years ago
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毎年多くのご予約をいただいております七五三撮影ですが、今年もたくさんのお問い合わせをいただいております。 早い方だと2年前から問い合わせいただき、今年ご予約いただいた方もいました(^^) さて、今年のご予約状況のご案内です。 10月 平日 ご予約可能 11月 平日 ご予約可能 土日 若干枠 ご予約可能 12月 ご予約可能 本来は11/15に執り行うものとされていますが、現在では、混雑をさけ10月や12月にされる方も普通になってきました。 撮影に関してのご相談だけでもokですので、まずはお気軽にご連絡くださいね。 #CateringPhotoStudioWagon #ケータリングフォトスタジオワゴン #葉山 #逗子 #鎌倉 #橫浜 #三浦 #横須賀 #出張撮影 #ファミリーフォト #家族写真 #子供写真 #七五三 #ウェディング #ブライダル #二次会 #パーティー #マタニティ #前撮り #ロケーションフォト #アウトドアウェディング #アウトドア #model #七五三 #七五三前撮り #753前撮り #753 #753code
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joseaesquea · 5 years ago
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The Samurai. Known in times of past as Bushi, the Warrior. The knights of feudal Japan. Their code is Bushidō - The Way of the Warrior; 1. Rectitude; 2. Courage; 3. Benevolence; 4. Politeness; 5. Veracity; 6. Honor; 7. Loyalty; 8. Self-Control (Inazo, 1908). The Bushi or Samurai used a number of martial arts, but for unarmed combat, it was JūJutsu (a term first used in 1532 with the establishment of Takenouchi-Ryu Jiu-Jitsu) (@delaware_self_defense_academy ,2019) and (Takenouchi-ryu Offical Web Page, 2017). Men were not the only Samurai; women Samurai existed as well. Known as onna-bugeisha, the wives and female children of Samurai were taught swordsmanship with the naginata, the kaiken (dagger) and Tantōjutsu (a form of JūJutsu focusing on knife defense). Women Samurai were taught this to defend their homes as well as their honor. While most onna-bugeisha were not to be found on the battlefield, there were exceptions, like Nakano Takeko (first pic)(Hastings, 2018). Another famous onna-bugeisha was Tomoe Gozen, although Gozen was known more specifically as a onna-musha, a woman warrior who engaged offensive in battle rather than defensively (Hastings, 2018). These Samurai, both men and women are our ancestors. Our link that connects us with our history, our past that binds Gracie JūJutsu to Japanese JūJutsu. References Delaware Self Defense Academy. (2019). Jiu-Jitsu history. Delaware Self Defense Academy. Retrieved from: delawarecombatsports.com/jiu-jitsu-history/. Hastings, C. (2018, 24 September). How Onna-Bugeisha, feudal Japan’s women samurai, were erased from history. Broadly. Retrieved from: https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/a383aj/female-samurai-onna-bugeisha-japan. Inazo, N. (1908). Bushido: The soul of Japan. (13th ed.). The Project Gutenberg EBook. Retrieved from: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/12096/12096-h/12096-h.htm. Takenouchi-ryu Offical Web Page. (2017). The origin. Takenouchi-ryu Offical Web Page. Retrieved from: https://www.takenouchi-ryu.org/english/history/. #GracieJiuJitsu #GJJ #JuJutsu #JiuJitsu #753Code #BrazilianJiuJitsu #BJJ #JapaneseJiuJitsu #KnowYourHistory #KnowYourRoots #HistoryofGJJ Reposted from @historyofgjj https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OX5uRJqVZ/?igshid=1tfcr6fc6aqop
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combatpilgrim-blog · 8 years ago
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#bjjsamurai #bjjsamurais #bjjmotivation #bjjquote #bjjquoteoftheday #bjjlife #bjjjedi #proverb #quoteoftheday #quotestoday #quotestoliveby #samurai #samuraiquotes #bjjtruth #bjjtraining #samuraicode #753code
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capitalmma · 8 years ago
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My amazing Friday family class! All levels, all ages, and always a great way to end the week. #jiujitsu #753code (at World Karate)
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