#70s puffy sleeves are nothing new
lllsaslll · 2 years
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Elvis in custom silk shirts made by the IC Costume Company
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diazevan · 4 years
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11. Psych 101 “Crying”
While stranded, in the past, Peter crosses paths with a familiar face.
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Following the final battle, which became the ‘resting’ place of Thanos and his children, the world returned to a somewhat, normal state.
A couple of months passed when it became apparent that followers of Thanos, were on the move again, ready to stop at nothing to avenge him.
They were only small squadrons, of brainless beings, that were usually quite easy to take down.
Peter, after weeks of pleading, with Tony and May, was granted permission to tag along, with the team, to help. It gave him peace of mind, being able to watch over Tony, because at least, together, they could keep one another safe.
They managed to direct the fights, to the abandoned site of Sokovia, to make sure no civilians were caught in the crossfire.
Peter was standing alone, disarming the weaker forces of the army, “Wow,” He spun, sending out a laser web, disabling a lone Chitauri, “This isn’t too hard.”
Tony’s voice cracked through the commlink, “Don’t jinx it, kid.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “Didn’t think you were superstitious, Mr. Stark.”
“I’m not, but, it’s good to be careful.”
“Gotcha,” Peter spun, noticing a herd of space dogs, heading straight for him, “Uh…” He hung his head back, “I hate these guys.”
He activated the Spider-Legs, on the Iron Spider suit, and readied himself, for the onslaught.
“Peter!” Wanda flew down, arms raised to her sides, “Stand back.”
He nodded, running aside, “Got it.”
Wanda waved her hand, sending the crowd hurdling to one side.
“Woah!” Peter’s eyes widened, “Thank you!”
He turned, and before his powers could even alert him, a space dog crashed into his chest, knocking him back a few paces.
“Ugh…” He shot a web, rendering it unconscious, he pushed it away, “Gross.”
Rhodey screamed, from nearby, “Spidey-Man stand aside!”
Peter turned, looking around, “What?”
Tony’s panicked voice followed, “Kid, move!”
Wanda squealed, “Peter!”
Peter twirled around, fast, “Oh—” It was too late, Wanda’s blast, hit him square in the chest, knocking him back, through the air, the last thing he saw before hitting the ground, was her haunted face.
“Ugh,” He reached for his head, he blinked rapidly, “I’m fine,” He felt the urgent need to reassure Wanda that he was okay, considering she hadn’t meant to hit him, “Wan—”
He sat up, realizing quickly, that he was no longer on the battleground.
He was sprawled, on the corner of a sidewalk, stuck in the middle of the hustle and bustle of New York, which was probably why nobody had questioned Spider-Man randomly laid across the street.
“Okay…” Peter pushed himself up, onto his feet, “What?” He headed to the closest wall, to survey his situation, “Can anybody hear me?”
Radio silence.
Peter darted his eyes around, when he realized, something wasn’t right.
He was in the centre, of Times Square, but it didn’t look normal.
The people rushing around were dressed differently, mostly in suits, and formal dresses. The cars, on the road, were old fashioned, makes from the 60s and the 70s, ones that Peter had seen stocked away in Tony’s garage.
Peter yelped, “What?!”
He stepped aside, deactivating the Iron Spider suit, he thanked the stars that he wore under armor, which was basically a fancy tracksuit.
He didn't have shoes. 
“Shit…” He turned, making his way down the road, trying to blend in with the crowds, “This isn’t real, this can’t be real...”
He hurried around, until he found a street, that not many people were on.
Peter perched on a brick wall, taking a second to breathe, “God…” He caught a glimpse of a newspaper, hanging out of a trashcan.
He strode over, grabbing it, to check the date.
September 16th 1976.
“Oh, Wanda…” He dropped it, “What have you done?”
He paced, wondering what he could do.
The hairs, on the back of his neck, stood on edge.
He leaned forward, listening out.
The cry of a child came from nearby
Despite, being lost, in the past, Peter couldn’t ignore it.
He circled the corner, “Hello?”
Tucked up, on brick stairs, was a little boy, with neat, combed brown hair, and a puffy red face, he was hugging his knees.
He was well dressed, in a tailored suit, not the usual fashion for a kid, even for the seventies.
“Hey,” Peter kneeled, “Are you okay?”
The boy jumped, startled, “Um…” He looked up, “Mummy says I’m not meant to talk to strangers.”
“That’s true,” Peter shuffled back, “My name’s Peter.”
“Uhhh,” The boy straightened his back, “I’m…” He held out his trembling hand, “I’m Anthony Stark.”
Peter bit down, hard, on his lower lip, concealing a yelp.
“Everybody calls me Tony.”
Peter took Tony’s hand, to shake it, “Nice to meet you, Tony.”
Tony moved his other hand, away from his face, and Peter could suddenly see it.
He’d seen pictures of Tony when he was younger, but he hadn’t recognized him behind the red-rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks.
Peter looked around, “Are you lost?”
“I was out with Mum and Dad…” Tony’s leg nervously rocked, “I tripped over my laces and broke a vase.”
Peter settled, on the heels of his feet.
Tony spoke formally, not like a child should, “Dad got mad, so I ran, and I can’t find them.”
“I see,” Peter nodded, “Well, that wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m—” He stuttered, “I’m not very good with laces…” He ducked his head, “Dad said it’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not,” Peter leaned, tying Tony’s laces, “We all need help with little things sometimes.”
“Thank you.”
Peter swallowed the lump in his throat, “Do you want me to help find your parents?”
Tony nodded, reaching out to take Peter’s hand, “Yes, please.”
Despite not wanting to see Howard, in fear of what he’d do, Peter wanted to make sure Tony got home safe, “Do you remember where you were?”
“I ran quite far,” Tony said, darting his eyes around, “But I think Uncle Jarvis’ and Aunt Ana’s house is close to here.”
Peter’s mind twigged because Tony spoke highly of  Jarvis and Ana, he loved them like they were his parents.
He’d driven passed their old house, pointing it out, gleefully on multiple occasions.  
Peter looked at Tony, with a smile, “Do you know which way?”
Tony swung Peter’s arm back, “Yeah, I think so.”
They wandered down the street, in silence, for a while.
Tony hung his head, “Peter, you’re not wearing any shoes!" 
“Oh,” Peter sighed, “I know, I lost them.”
Tony didn’t question it, “Does the ground hurt your feet?”
“Not really,” Peter said, “I’ll get new ones.”
Tony grinned, “Uncle Jarvis probably has some you can borrow.”
“It will be fine, thank you,” Peter said, “I’ve got some at home.”
“Okay,” Tony sang, he leaped over the cracks in the sidewalk, “Do you read comics, Peter?”
Peter turned his face away, hiding a fond smile; Tony had a knack for changing the subject, whenever he could, “I do sometimes.”
“I like Batman,” Tony smiled, with a jump, “He’s cool.”
Peter snorted a laugh, “One day, you might be a superhero.”
“I wish I could be.”
Only if he knew.
Tony guided Peter around another corner, “What do you do, Peter?”
“Um, I’m at high school,” Peter told him, “What about you?”
“I have tutors, at home,” He shrugged, “And I’m gonna go to boarding school when I’m bigger.” He slouched his shoulders, “Daddy wants me to go to MIT.”
Already thinking of college at age six, was not normal.
Tony truly had his childhood swept away.
Peter massaged the back of his neck, “That’s where I want to go too.”
“It’s very good.”
Peter bobbed his head, “It is.”
Tony stopped walking and pointed, “That’s their house.”
They moved up the stairs, Peter knocked on the door, three times, while keeping Tony’s hand, in his own.
The door clicked open, revealing Ana, she was in her late fifties, but still had vibrant auburn hair, with a couple of grey streaks, “Tony!” She exclaimed, looking at her nephew, “We’ve all been so worried.” She leaned forward, holding out an arm, “You’ve had us running around like headless chickens, sweetheart.”
“Aunt Ana!” Tony rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her legs, “Sorry,” He spun around, waving his hand, “This is Peter!”
“Ah.” Ana stepped forward, holding out her hand, “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
Peter shook it, “Nice to meet you too.”
She kept a hand on Tony’s back, “Thank you so much, for keeping our Tony safe.” She turned, “Edwin, darling!”
Jarvis circled in, the panic on his face morphed into relief, “Thank, Goodness…” He rushed ahead, “Mr. Stark…”
Tony sprinted over, “Uncle Jarvis!”
Jarvis crouched, catching Tony, in a hug, “I’m so glad you’re safe, young man.”
Tony leaned back, rubbing his sleeve over his face, “I’m sorry I ran.”
Ana placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, guiding him inside, “Edwin, this is Peter, he helped Tony find his way here.”
Jarvis stood, “Peter.” He shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.” He smiled, “Thank you.”
Peter stared, in disbelief, because, for the longest time, Jarvis and Ana were stories, but he was seeing them, for real, “It’s no trouble.”
“Would you like a cup of tea, darling?” Ana asked, “I think you're owed one.”
Jarvis cut him off, “I’m sure, Mr. and Mrs. Stark would like to thank you, in person.”
Tony skipped over, tugging Peter’s hand, “I can show you my room!”
Technically, Peter had nowhere else to go, “I guess I’ll stay then.”
Ana squeezed his arm, “I’ll bring your tea up to you.”
“Thank you.”
Jarvis looked to him, “How do you like it?”
“Um, not too strong, with two sugars, please.”
“Coming right up.”
“Come on.” Tony lead him upstairs, into his room, “Wanna play Snakes and Ladders?” He asked, rushing over to a bookcase.
Peter perched, on the edge of the bed.
He watched, seeing how happy Tony was, struck him, knowing how sad, he grew up to be.
Tony was loved, by so many, but grew up believing he was worthless because his dad never looked at him twice.
Tony laid out the Snakes and Ladders’ board, giving Peter the dice.
They were halfway through their third game when Ana brought Peter his cup of tea and a glass of juice for Tony.
Peter placed it, on the bedside cabinet, “Thank you.”
Ana took out a polaroid camera, “Do you mind?” She asked, raising it.
Peter shrugged, “Not at all.”
She held it up, “Smile boys.”
Tony waved, with the widest smile.
Peter watched him, fondly.
Knocks, at the front door, caught their attention.
“I better go and see who that is,” Ana left, taking the camera and photo, with her.
A woman’s voice echoed up, “Hello.”
Jarvis spoke, “Mr. Stark?”
“Jarvis.” That had to be Howard, “Where is he?”
Tony moved away from Peter’s side, and stood, at the end of his bed, with a forced posture.
Maria Stark entered, “Tony?” She smiled, relief in her eyes, “Honey..”
Tony walked over, hugging her, “Mum…”
“Hello, baby… “ She kneeled, taking his hands, “We were so worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
Howard strode in, chin held high, “Maria…” He barked, “He’s a growing boy, he doesn’t need to be coddled.”
Peter stood, clenching his fists by his sides.
Howard glared, at Tony, “You’re in a lot of trouble when we get home.”
Maria stood, “You must be Peter.” She shook his hand, “Thank you, for helping.”
“Son…” Howard took out his wallet, “Let us…”
“I don’t want your money,” Peter held up his hands, “I was glad to help.”
Howard thrust out the cash, in his hand, “Don’t be modest.”
“I can’t.”
Howard pushed, “Take it—"
Peter answered, through gritted teeth, “I won’t accept money from you.”
Howard stepped back, “What?”
“I can’t,” Peter replied, quick, “Not from somebody who talks to their son, like you do.”
Maria’s eyes widened, she stepped closer to Tony.
Tony leaned forward, peering from behind her son.
Howard stared like Peter had punched him, “I beg your pardon?”
“I lost my parents when I was Tony’s age, but I remember how good they were,” Peter informed him, “My Aunt and Uncle raised me, they respected me, and my—” He stopped, having no idea how to explain Tony’s relevance in his life, it was hard, to put into words, instead he pointed, “That’s what he needs.”
Howard frowned; anger bubbling to the surface.
“Your son is six, and you treat him like he’s sixteen,” Peter snapped, unable to stop, “He got lost, he was scared, that’s not something you punish a kid for. You should be asking him if he’s okay, telling him he can have anything he wants for dinner.”
Howard sneered, “You’re not Tony’s father.”
“I know,” Peter narrowed his eyes, “Maybe, instead of seeing him as an investment, or company property, you should see him as your son.” His voice raised, “He’s scared of the dark, and you keep him in it. You’ll be the one to blame when he grows up to resent you.”
Howard’s jaw dropped, speechless.
Peter turned to Maria, “I better go—”
“Yes—” She leaned over, to mutter, “Thank you.”
Tony rushed over, hugging Peter’s leg, tight, “Goodbye.”
Peter squeaked, tears, in his eyes, “Bye.”
He rushed passed, the startled Howard, down the stairs, where Jarvis and Ana were stood, silent.
“It was lovely meeting you,” His mouth twitched into a smile, “You’re good people, and Tony loves you both very much.” He nervously interlocked his fingers, “Thank you.”
He rushed out before they could say anything.
The sun was setting, and the street was desolate.
He needed to find somewhere, to lay low, for a little while.
He wiped tears, out of his eyes, “Shit.” He bent over, a knot in his stomach, “Wow.”
“Peter, wait!” Maria shouted, after him, running down, “All—”
He spun, “I’m sorry,” He quickly said, “I shouldn’t have shouted.”
“My husband is a grown man.”  She stopped, in front of him, “He can take it, and you know what? He deserves it.” She nodded, “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
“There’s something about you, that’s peculiar…” She scanned him, “Have we met before?”
He shook his head, “No.”  
“You speak about Tony like you know him.”
Peter didn’t know what to do, but he could see the desperation, in her eyes, and the love, she held inside, for Tony, “Can you keep a secret, Mrs. Stark?” He asked, “That nobody else can know.”
She nodded, “Yes.”
“I do know Tony…” Peter told her, “Just not yet.”
“Excuse me?”
Peter tapped his arm, activating the Iron Spider armor, but he kept the mask off.
“What—” She stepped back, “What is this?”
“It’s my suit,” He hiccupped, “I’m a superhero.”
She raised an eyebrow, “Like in real life?”
“Yeah,” He nodded, “Tony’s one too.”
“He’s a child.”
“Not yet…” He stumbled, “In the future.”
She laughed nervously, “Are you saying, you’re from the future?”
“I know it sounds crazy.”
She tilted her head, to her shoulder, “Honey, it’s delusional.”
Peter tapped his arm, “Karen, are you still working?”
“Yes, Peter, I am running on backup power.”
Maria looked around, “Who was that?”
“The suit.” Peter answered, “Karen, can you show me files on Tony Stark?”
“Of course, personal or work?”
“Personal, please.”
Karen projected a picture, of Peter, Tony, and Morgan, sprawled across the couch together.
“That’s extraordinary,” Maria pointed, “He looks just like my father.”
“That’s Tony,” Peter said, “In 2023.”
She shook her head, “2023?”
“Yeah,” He moved his finger, “That’s my sister, Morgan.”
She looked at him, with wide eyes, “Your sister?”
“Karen, play, please.”
The video played.
Tony jumps onto the couch, ruffling Peter’s hair, with his hand.
Peter whines, “Mr. Stark…”
Tony shakes his head, with a laugh, “What movie should we watch?”
Morgan throws her arms, into the air, “Finding Nemo.”
Tony grins, “Again, really?”
Peter closed it and lowered his arm.
Maria blinked away tears, “That’s my Tony?”
“And you’re his son?” She asked, “My-My grandson?”
“Basically,” Peter nodded, “He took me in…”
“And he’s happy?”
“He gets there, in the end.”
Maria leaned up, pulling him into a hug, “Thank you for showing me.”
Peter tangled his arms around her, “It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, honey.” She leaned back, “You tell him from me, that I’m proud of him, and all he's done,” She cupped his cheek, “And you give your sister, a big hug from your grandma, okay?”
“Okay,” Peter’s face contorted, “I don’t know if I-“
Wanda’s voice echoed, from nearby, “Peter!”
Peter turned his head.
“Peter, it’s me.”
He breathed, “Wanda?”
Maria frowned, concerned, “Are you okay?”
“I think my friends have found me,” He squeezed her hand, “I have to go.”
She kissed his cheek, “Stay safe.”
Suddenly, he was flying, through a blanket of red.
He landed, on a laminate floor, with a thump, “Woah.” He was inside the training room, of the Headquarters, surrounded by the team.
Scott cheered, from behind the quantum tunnel, “He’s back!”
Cheering filled the room.
Rhodey applauded, “It actually worked!”
Peter looked around, his eyes finding the one person he wanted to see, “Tony…”
Tony bent down, pulling Peter to his feet, “Oh, kid…” He dragged him, into his arms, “That was the longest week of my life.”
Peter peeled back, stunned, “It’s been a week?!”
“I’m so sorry, Peter,” Wanda stepped out, “I didn’t even know I could do that, I was trying so hard-“
“It’s okay, I know,” He leaned over, hugging her, “It’s fine, I’m back.”
“You’re lucky, that Friday recalled something, from my archives,” Tony held out the polaroid picture, that Ana had taken, “Turns out, you’re real,” He laughed, “Thought you were imaginary.”
Peter laughed, “Surprise.”
Tony tugged him into another hug, kissing his cheek, “Thank you.”
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Read Equinox here and come back!
“This is laaaaaame,” Hidan whined, sprawling across the seat. Temari shoved his head off her shoulder with a look of disgust. His head fell against Kakuzu instead, who hit him even harder. 
They sat on the patio at the bar. This was supposed to be the party for some important person’s something-or-other. None of them had really listened to the many speeches. All they knew was that Tobirama had sent Hidan, Temari, and Kakuzu in his place. And Madara, who had another event to attended, had begged Sakura to go too.
“Make the boss stop sending us to shitty parties, Sakura,” groaned Hidan. 
Sakura lowered her cocktail glass, eyebrows rising. “What do you want me to do? He’s your boss.”
At this, Hidan sat up, Clasping his hands together, he fluttered his eyelashes to simper, “Oh, Tobi-baby. Be nicer to Hidan and my other less-talented friends for me!” And then he lowered his voice, miming throwing his arms around her. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
Sakura wrinkled her nose at him. She contemplated kicking him before Temari got up to grab her hand.
“Let’s head somewhere else. Didn’t you say one of your friends has a place around here?” Temari asked, already pulling her in the direction of the stairs. 
“Huh? Oh yeah. Let me give him a call.” Sakura hooked her arm through Temari’s. 
Genma picked up after four rings. “Graymalkin,” he answered with the name of the bar. 
“Gen, Sakura.”
“You guys busy tonight? I wanted to drop by with some friends.” 
“Are they hot?”
Sakura hung up. Rolling her eyes, she looked over at Temari. “He says we can come,” she sighed.
Genma’s bar was tiny. Squeezed between a taco place and a fortune teller, it  glowed soft orange, funky music playing low over the speakers. It was always busy, but not in an unbearable way. Like tonight, there were no free seats open at the bar, but there were a couple empty tables. 
Graymalkin was a hipster hangout. There was no denying it. If the sheer amount of facial hair, black glasses, and plaid didn’t make it obvious, the number of people wearing suspenders did. 
When they walked in, Genma stood at the cash register, chatting with a customer. His face lit up when he spotted Sakura. He waved at her. She winked in response. 
“Cute,” Temari commented as they made their way to a table. 
“The bar?” asked Hidan.
“...Sure... The bar,” replied Temari, looking over at Sakura, who sighed. 
“I think Gen’s single, if you’re that interested,” Sakura told her. And Temari’s whole face lit up. She dug through her purse to find her lipstick to reapply. 
While Hidan and Temari settled in, Kakuzu and Sakura walked up to the bar. Genma was too busy to take their order, so they asked the other bartender instead. He gave Sakura a not-too-subtle once-over as he took their order. Sakura ignored the look.
A couple minutes later, they returned to the table with the drinks. 
It wasn’t a bad night to be here. The mood was good and the music selection wasn’t horrible. Hidan went to get them another round of drinks later. And when things finally calmed down, Genma came over to join them. Sakura didn’t have to really break the ice. Genma was a natural charmer. And he and Temari seemed to hit it off right away. 
Genma was in the middle of telling one of his wild stories when Sakura thought she heard something. She tilted her head, trying to catch the sound better. 
Sakura’s eyes widened. “Hang on,” she said to Kakuzu. He just grunted vaguely at her. 
And that was the last thing she remembered before she opened her eyes. 
Sakura jolted awake in an unfamiliar room. 
“Oh no. Shit. Fuck,” she hissed, fingers tangling into her hair. 
Her head whipped around as she tried to figure out where she was. The wall directly behind the bed was made of old, weathered bricks. From the rafters hung a fan that rotated in a lazy, almost sleepy way. A potted fern sat on top of the dresser, which was a weird place to put a plant, in her opinion. 
And while this room was nice to look at, there was nothing she recognized. No photos. No posters. This was a stranger’s place.
She slid her hands down to cover her bare chest. The shame burning her cheeks, the heat slipping down to her neck, her shoulders as she wondered who to call. Maybe Ino? Or Temari?
“Oh, you’re awake.”
She burst into tears when Itachi walked through the door with a mug in his hands. Which he almost dropped when she began sobbing. He plunked it onto the dresser before he hurried over to her. 
“Heyheyhey shhhh,” Itachi murmured, his arms wrapping around her. “What’s wrong?” 
Sakura couldn’t do much else but hiccup and whimper as he hugged her. Her hands grabbing onto his as the tears spilled down her cheeks. It took her a long time for her to calm down. Even with Itachi rocking her back and forth, murmuring soothing words into her ear. 
Sitting at the kitchen table an hour later, Sakura sniffed. Her eyes puffy and her nose bright red. The quilt from the bed wrapped around her shoulders. She stared blankly ahead as Itachi set a glass on the table. He poured her a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice. 
“Do you feel a little better?” he asked, pushing it towards her. 
Sakura shook her head. 
“You should drink something. You’re dehydrated,” he said anyway. 
Wrapping both hands around the glass, Sakura took a sip. Which turned to a gulp. Itachi refilled her cup with an anxious expression, hovering around her with all the nervous energy of a hummingbird.
“Sorry,” she finally managed to croak.
“For what? Drinking all my juice? I can always make more,” he replied, finally settling in the seat across from her. She only noticed then that he was wearing an apron. There was a little black bird stitched into the pocket. 
“Do you feel like talking now?” he then tried again. 
“I got confused... because... this doesn’t look like your place,” she mumbled. 
Itachi looked around at the white walls. And the weathered wooden rafters above. “I told you that I was moving.”
“I forgot.”
His gaze returned to her. 
“So... I thought that... for a minute that- that...” Sakura trailed off, rubbing her face with both hands. 
He began to look a little nervous as he took that in. “I didn’t think you were drunk. Do you... not remember last night?” asked Itachi, leaning his elbow on the table. 
“I do now. Not when I just woke up.”
She had recognized his voice at Genma’s bar. She had always been good with voices. And she had dragged him over to their table to laugh at Genma’s stories. His arm wound around her waist, thighs pressing together on the hard, wooden seat. 
Cheeks gin-warmed, Sakura had waved goodbye to her friends and left the bar with him. Laughing into the cool night as Itachi caught her up on his busy week. Arguing with Itachi as he tried to insist on carrying her purse for her. 
And as she thought, she remembered now. How the lease for his last apartment had ended and he had moved to a bigger place. White walls full of windows and the burning city lights. The sills crowded with potted cacti and souvenirs from his many business trips. 
After a tour of his new place, and a glass of red wine, they had climbed the steps up to his bed in the loft. 
“I’m an idiot,” Sakura sighed.
“You’re not,” Itachi assured her. He leaned across the table to put his hand over hers. It took a moment, but she answered him with a smile. She pecked him on the lips. 
They had breakfast and then walked to the subway station together. They parted ways after the turnstiles. He kissed the top of her head as he gave her a hug. 
“Have a great day.”
“You too,” Sakura replied. And it was almost drowned-out in the metallic screech as a train pulled up to the platform. Their heads swiveled to check the colored circle stuck to the windows. It was his train uptown. Itachi waved before he squeezed in with the crowd rushing toward the doors. 
Tobirama stood in her office by the time she got to work. He held a shopping bag in one hand, the other in his pocket. He wore a black sweater with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It had been a few months since he had covered up the chord diagram tattoo on his left arm with a new one of Apollo. He took one look at her puffy face and sighed. 
“Itachi texted me. You okay?” he asked as she set her purse down. She sat on the edge of her desk, kicking off her shoes. 
“I’m tired,” was all she could think to say. Which was true on a lot of different levels. 
She lifted her chin when Tobirama pushed the bag into her hands. When she peeked inside, she found clothes. After a little digging, she recognized them as a sweatshirt and jeans she had left at his place a while ago. There were also two plastic packages obviously bought from some cheap pharmacy on the way there. One of socks and one containing underwear. 
“Thank you, Tobirama,” was all she could say as her throat began to feel clogged. 
She watched as he began moving around her office. Pulling down the blinds and drawing the black curtains shut. He locked the door and pulled down the shade on the window too. And then he sat on the little grey sofa pushed up against the wall. 
“So?” Tobirama asked. 
Sakura turned her back to him before she shed her jacket and then unbuttoned her blouse from last night. She folded her clothes, setting them inside the empty bag. 
“I woke up in Itachi’s new apartment and I thought I went home with a stranger last night. I thought he texted you,” she grumbled. She yanked her socks off in big motions. Tossing those into the bag too. 
“He did. He just said you had a rough morning and probably wanted some fresh clothes,” replied Tobirama. 
Sakura peeked over her shoulder. Tobirama with his too-long legs watched her with- She didn’t know what that expression was supposed to be. She quickly turned away to finish yanking her arms through the sleeves. Tugged the rest of the garment down to cover her stomach.
“So that’s why you cried, huh?” he then commented. She pretended not to hear him. 
“Let me see,” Tobirama then requested.
“Don’t look at me,” grumbled Sakura. 
“I can’t even look at you now?” Tobirama asked. His voice so soft that she almost didn’t register what he was saying. That made Sakura peer over her shoulder at him again as she pulled her panties on. The cheap elastic snapping over her skin. She glared at him, especially at the way he looked so innocent.
Sakura rolled her eyes when she realized what he was doing. She squeezed into the jeans. Pretended she couldn’t feel his hand reach out to touch her hair. Or that he brought it to his lips to kiss it. She swatted his hands away when she felt them creep up around her waist. 
“Ugh, you’re so clingy,” she pretended to complain as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his lap. 
“I wanna look at you,” Tobirama whined. He kissed the back of her neck, her shoulder. Her scowl dissolved into giggles as his lips tickled up the side of her throat. More kisses peppering around the shell of her ear. 
“Quit it! You’re so annoying,” she laughed, pushing his face away with both hands. It wasn’t until much later that she realized what he had been doing. Snuggling and annoying her until she forgot what had made her so upset in the first place.
Sakura got a call from Itachi a few nights later. There was a soft opening of a mediterranean restaurant in the city that a friend of a friend had invited him to. They browsed the stiff new menus with the glossy pages. When the waitress stopped by to offer them a drink menu, Itachi and Sakura exchanged a look. 
“...Just water, thanks,” Sakura told her. 
And as the waitress walked away, Itachi nudged Sakura, leaning in close. Like he was about to whisper a secret. Instead, he remarked, “Should we stop by Genma’s after this?”
He laughed as she smacked him in the forearm with the menu.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/zaras-summer-sale-is-officially-here-101-items-worth-shopping/
Zara’s Summer Sale Is Officially Here | 101 Items Worth Shopping
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Drop what you’re doing, because Zara’s summer 2019 sale is finally here. Here’s the deal: Zara hosts massive semiannual sales every couple seasons. These sales are typically site-wide—meaning every single item on the Zara website is discounted. The items get listed at deeper and deeper discounts until they sell out completely, and the sale doesn’t end until everything is gone. In other words, Zara just made all your budget shopping dreams come true.
Now, we’ve said this before and we’ll say it again, nothing is perfect—and that’s true of Zara’s summer 2019 sale, too. While the deals are as absolutely delightful as they sound, shopping them is a seriously competitive endeavor. Every avid online shopper knows that Zara’s semiannual sale is a BFD, so they come prepared. We’re talking, shopping carts already full of everything they want so all they have to do is hit “check out” when the sale goes live. (And even then, some of those items might sell out before they have the chance to type in their credit card info. It’s happened to our Fashion Editor—it could happen to you, too.)
There are hundreds of items on Zara’s site right now, so your sale shopping options are basically endless. To give you a head start on what will undoubtedly consume your next few days, we’ve gone ahead and perused the site for you—and we’ve pulled out the 101 discounted items you can’t miss. 101 may seem like a lot, but trust us—there’s way more than that on offer. Start here, hit “check out,” and then dive back into the sale at large. Coveted items are already beginning to sell out, so time is seriously of the essence. Good luck and godspeed. You’ve got this.
1. Limited Edition Draped Top, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Equal parts fashion-forward and fun.
2. Satin Skirt, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
Saturated slip skirts are always a good idea.
3. Colorful Hair Pins, $19.90 $12.99 at Zara
Maximalist hair accessories are abundantly on offer, and we’re shopping all of them.
4. Striped Satin Effect Skirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
A slip skirt worth integrating into your 9-to-5 rotation.
5. Floral Print Balloon-Sleeve Dress, $69.90 $49.99 at Zara
Puffy sleeves, floral prints—can’t lose.
6. Recycled Tie-Dye Shopper, $29.90 $22.99 at Zara
An on-trend shopper that can definitely hold all your shit.
7. Print Dress, $29.90 $19.99 at Zara
Gingham just became office-appropriate.
8. Tie-Dye Blouse, $89.90 $49.99 at Zara
Quite possibly the most elegant take on tie-dye we’ve seen yet.
9. Blue Collection Tied Leather Heeled Sandals, $129 $129 at Zara
Zara is bringing metallics into the summer zeitgeist—and these strappy heels are too cute to pass up.
10. Limited Edition Print Top, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
A matching set that’s as extra as you are.
11. Tulle Swiss Dot Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
Also available in black, if you prefer a subtler, slightly less ’80s-inspired option.
12. Jeweled Toucan Earrings, $25.90 $17.99 at Zara
Whom among us hasn’t dreamt of wearing bejeweled toucans on our ears?
13. Floral Print Jumpsuit, $69.90 $39.99 at Zara
The perfect unexpected addition to your wedding guest wardrobe.
14. Polka Dot Skirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Vintage-inspired, contemporary-approved.
15. Iridescent Mini City Bag, $29.90 $29.90 at Zara
Iridescent accessories are always a good idea.
16. Oversized Poplin Shirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
A top that fully understands your love of Pantone.
17. Cropped Denim Jacket, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
A distressed denim power suit? Um, yes please.
18. Colored Flat Rubber Sandals, $39.90 $39.90 at Zara
We’re unapologetically very into jelly sandals this season, and we’re obviously eyeing all of these.
19. Hi-Rise Denim Short, $29.90 $19.99 at Zara
A distinctly warm weather-friendly take on the classic power suit.
20. Flag Print Shirt, $17.90 $9.99 at Zara
Because you deserve tees as cute as the rest of your wardrobe.
21. Floral Print Rustic Skirt, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
A wrap skirt that feels just retro enough.
22. Print Dress, $19.99 $9.99 at Zara
Smocked mini dresses are never not fun.
23. Limited Edition Beaded Sequin Bag, $59.90 $29.99 at Zara
A bag so cute you won’t care that it probably can’t hold all your stuff.
24. Ribbed Pants, $29.90 $19.99 at Zara
A matching set so comfy you could probably sleep in it.
25. Disney Baloo Shirt, $25.90 $15.99 at Zara
Unleash your inner Disney child. You know you want to.
26. Flared Satin Pants, $39.90 $29.99 at Zara
Because slip skirts aren’t the only way to do slinky satin.
27. Fringed Leather Crossbody Belt Bag, $59.90 $59.90 at Zara
A belt bag with applications beyond festival season.
28. Floral Print Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
One of the top items on our Fashion Editor’s Zara summer sale wishlist.
29. Faux Suede Fringed Jacket, $69.90 $45.99 at Zara
Summer fringe is happening—and this jacket wants to help you take full advantage.
30. Iridescent Scale Earrings, $19.90 $19.90 at Zara
Earrings that might just leave you feeling like a mermaid.
31. Striped Wrap Top, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Doesn’t your 9-to-5 rotation deserve a healthy dose of fun?
32. Multicolor Woven Flat Sandals, $59.90 $39.99 at Zara
Because go-to sandals don’t have to be neutral.
33. Crocheted Dress, $69.90 $35.99 at Zara
Retro-kitsch is basically our sartorial kryptonite.
34. Pocket Overalls, $69.90 $69.90 at Zara
We can’t get enough drape-y overalls—can you?
35. Tropical Print Blouse, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
A decidedly semiformal take on the classic tropical shirt.
36. Sparkly Mother of Pearl Hair Clips, $17.90 $12.99 at Zara
Can’t stop, won’t stop shopping cute barrettes.
37. Fluorescent Kitten Heel Sandals, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Definitive proof that flip-flops can actually look pretty damn chic.
38. Satin Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
For the shopper who prefers their satin with a side of short sleeves.
39. Sparkly Semi-Sheer Top, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Sheer, sparkly fun.
40. Buttoned Jumpsuit Dress, $29.90 $19.99 at Zara
A romper that doubles as a mini dress. Or a mini dress that doubles as a romper. Or a dromper. We don’t even know anymore.
41. Metallic Thread Cropped Top, $39.90 $29.99 at Zara
A tie-front top sure to play as well with your favorite jeans as it will with its matching skirt.
42. Multicolored Beaded Shopping Bag, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Beaded bags aren’t going anywhere in 2019 (except into your closet—ayoo).
43. Printed T-Shirt, $9.90 $5.99 at Zara
The kind of tie-dye top you dream of DIY-ing in your backyard.
44. Printed Flared Pants, $69.90 $45.99 at Zara
Our Deputy Editor owns this set, and it’s exactly as cool in person as it looks online. (Which is to say, incredibly fucking cool.)
45. Embroidered Dress, $59.90 $39.99 at Zara
A maxi worth wearing to work. Or to your friend’s wedding. Or basically anywhere else you’re going this summer.
46. Knotted Polka Dot Jacquard Top, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
The polka-dot, tie-front top is an absolute summer classic—and one worth snagging on mark-down.
47. Crossed Dress, $25.90 $15.99 at Zara
A mini dress dripping with retro appeal.
48. Woven Platform Wedges, $69.90 $49.99 at Zara
Wedges sure to elevate your look—in more ways than one.
49. Printed Jumpsuit, $69.90 $49.99 at Zara
For the person who prefers their floral dresses in jumpsuit form.
50. Striped Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
Slip into this, and you’ll have low-maintenance, comfy-cute style in seconds.
51. Washed Effect Bucket Hat, $25.90 $19.99 at Zara
Because it was really only a matter of time before bucket hats got the tie-dye treatment.
52. Striped Rustic Jumpsuit, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
An investment piece you’ll be sporting for years to come.
53. Printed Halter Top, $19.90 $12.99 at Zara
Fit for date nights and semi-fancy parties, alike.
54. Openwork Crochet Sweater, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
A summer sweater that makes the most of 2019’s crochet trend.
55. Tie-Dye Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Millennial pink, and tie-dye, and slip dress silhouettes—oh my.
56. Animal Print Leather Mules, $59.90 $39.99 at Zara
These mules are an accessible way into one of 2019’s favorite (and admittedly most bizarre) animal print trends.
57. Floral Print Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Not your average silky slip dress.
58. Beaded Necklaces, $19.90 $12.99 at Zara
Camp, encapsulated in a single necklace.
59. Contrasting Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
Crochet, done the warm weather-friendly way.
60. Long Belted Jumpsuit, $89.90 $45.99 at Zara
A jumpsuit that transcends seasonality.
61. Polka Dot Dress, $39.90 $29.99 at Zara
Who doesn’t love a polka dot mini dress?
62. Printed Pants, $69.90 $29.99 at Zara
A comfy-chic addition to any summer wardrobe.
63. Multicolored Sporty Sandals, $59.90 $59.90 at Zara
Chunky retro sandals are having a serious moment—stock up.
64. Flowy Animal Print Trench Coat, $89.90 $45.99 at Zara
Simultaneously statement-making and versatile—in other words, an absolute steal.
65. Lemon Print Skirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Seriously, who could say no to a fruit-covered matching set?
66. Abalone Shell Hair Pins, $19.90 $12.99 at Zara
Hair accessories that double as veritable art.
67. Transparent Raincoat, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
Proof raincoats don’t have to ruin your outfit.
68. Jewel-Button Lace Top, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
A dressy shirt that’s anything but stuffy.
69. Multicolored Natural Woven Handbag, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
An anything-but-basic woven crossbody, if we’ve ever seen one.
70. Floral Print Dress, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
The perfect date night dress.
71. Oversized Trench Coat, $149 $79.99 at Zara
A spring/summer trench you could throw over anything.
72. Asymmetrical Printed Top, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Couldn’t you always use another cute vacation blouse?
73. Animal Embossed Leather Slides, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Zebra is an endlessly underrated animal print, and these sandals just want to rectify that.
74. Sequin Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
Forget everything you thought you knew about stripes, and wear this dress.
75. Recycled Capsule Collection Packable Raincoat, $89.90 $45.99 at Zara
Because of course tie-dye raincoats are happening.
76. Textured Weave Dress, $25.90 $19.99 at Zara
Again, polka dot mini dresses are basically no-fail options during the summer.
77. Ruffled Skirt, $89.90 $39.99 at Zara
Because everyone could use a versatile maxi skirt (or two, or 10).
78. Floral Print Blouse, $49.90 $29.99 at Zara
A retro-fresh top that made it onto our Fashion Editor’s Zara sale wishlist.
79. Textured Weave Dress, $89.90 $59.99 at Zara
The perfect addition to any resort wardrobe. (We know resort wardrobes aren’t really a thing anymore, but vacation clothes are definitely a thing.)
80. Flat Woven Mules, $59.90 $39.99 at Zara
Mules that definitely won’t accidentally slip off your feet.
81. Floral Print Dress, $89.90 $59.99 at Zara
Bold office-appropriate style, delivered in a single dress.
82. Satin Cargo Pants, $69.90 $29.99 at Zara
This just in: Cargos are officially available in elegant iterations.
83. Printed Shirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
The kind of thing you pray to dig out of dusty thrift shop bins.
84. Ruffled-Sleeve Print Dress, $69.90 $49.99 at Zara
A blank canvas for all your favorite statement jewelry.
85. Animal Print Heeled Sandals, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
ICYMI: Neon snakeskin is happening.
86. Striped Rustic Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
Low-key enough to wear at work, on the weekend and everywhere in between.
87. Sparkly Ruffled Top, $25.90 $15.99 at Zara
All the sexy fun of a sheer top, with all the sophisticated appeal of a ruffled blouse. (Now that’s a juxtaposition.)
88. Contrasting Dress, $39.90 $22.99 at Zara
We could never resist a statement sleeve.
89. Strappy Heeled Leather Sandals, $49.99 $39.99 at Zara
The go-to sure to get you through wedding season.
90. Satin Lingerie-Style Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
A pop of rainbow is the new pop of color.
91. Printed Pants, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
More printed pants, because you deserve options. (And budget-friendly options, at that.)
92. Denim Dress, $49.90 $35.99 at Zara
Mini dresses rarely come in long-sleeve iterations—which is exactly what makes this dress so special.
93. Printed Scarf, $17.90 $12.99 at Zara
Stop. Sleeping. On. Summer. Scarves.
94. Flowy Printed Dress, $69.90 $69.90 at Zara
Fit for trips to the grocery and days spent at outdoor weddings, alike.
95. Large Button Shorts, $39.90 $29.99 at Zara
Sophisticate statement shorts are definitely a genre we can get behind.
96. Woven Mule Heels with Shells, $89.90 $59.99 at Zara
Jewelry is no longer the only way to get your shell fix on.
97. Organza Trench Coat, $119 $79.99 at Zara
Because if you’re going to wear a coat in the middle of summer, you should probably make it sheer.
98. Slip Dress, $49.90 $49.90 at Zara
An absolute classic.
99. Rustic Striped Shirt, $29.90 $19.99 at Zara
A matching set sure to operate versatilely as separates.
100. Combined Printed Dress, $69.90 $49.99 at Zara
The number 1 item on our Fashion Editor’s Zara wishlist.
101. Printed Asymmetric Skirt, $39.90 $25.99 at Zara
Patchwork, done in perhaps the subtlest way possible.
  Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.
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robertshugartca · 6 years
Our We Try Before You Buy series aims to take the stress out of...
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Our We Try Before You Buy series aims to take the stress out of shopping and eliminate the number of post office visits you make each month to return failed online orders. We test new-season buys and styling ideas so you don’t have to. Here, we’re letting you know what is actually worth investing in.
I can’t think of many occasions where you carefully scout out and plan an outfit six months in advance—apart from weddings. And I’m not just talking about your own wedding dress. To help you find the prettiest wedding-guest outfits out there this year, we had more than 50 dresses from Rixo, Rejina Pyo, Ghost, Topshop , ASOS and many more sent to the Who What Wear offices for our team and trusted stylist friends to try on. The dress everyone fawned over the most was a pink linen floral midi dress with puffy sleeves by Gül Hürgel (the team is even considering buying one together). However, Olivia Rubin’s button-front lavender-printed midi dress was a close second.
“Forget attending the weddings I’ve been invited to—I’m eloping with this dress! I’ve never felt quite so princessy or special in my entire life (and that’s including wearing my very own wedding dress a couple of years ago). The magical pink-and-yellow daisy print is my new fave color duo. With its sweetheart neckline, cinched waist, full skirt, and balloon sleeves, it’s flattering on literally every figure, but for an hourglass shape like me, it’s the ideal silhouette. Not to mention it’s really comfortable too—something that definitely helps you have a good time at any party. Shame my budget probably cannot stretch to it. Fashion fairy godmother, where are you when I need you?” says Who What Wear UK’s editor in chief, Hannah Almassi. “I love the power suit for a wedding for a bit of something unexpected! As much as I love a floaty dress, I just love being the woman in the suit for a formal occasion. This one in particular is joyous in its citrusy color, and the bag with its basketweave texture is a great accessory for a spring wedding,” says fashion influencer Nicole Ocran. “I love this dress for weddings because not only is it beautiful, but it’s also very comfortable. I feel very free. When you go to a wedding, you want to look great, but you also don’t want to look like you are trying too hard. And I love that with this dress is simple yet very elegant,” says stylist Eni Ilori. It’s a bit of a running joke in our office with this franchise that it’s actually more like We Try Before We Buy, as someone always ends up buying what they’ve tried on. And that is about to be me with this dress. I have a real weakness for pretty dresses, but this is a whole other level of beautiful. The fabric is quite heavy, so I was worried it might make me look like I was wearing curtains, however, it actually hangs perfectly and is light enough to wear for a summer wedding in the English countryside. Plus, Olivia Rubin is a new London-based dress designer, so it’s very unlikely someone else will wear this dress. “When it comes to dressing for work, I’m all over suits, yet for some reason or another, they’ve never really appealed to me for weddings. For this reason, I decided to challenge myself and try on a two-piece—and boy is it a good’un. In this season’s hottest hue, this ’70s-style suit is just too awesome for words (but I’ll give it a go). The high-waisted flared trousers help make legs look a mile long, while the jacket packs plenty of throwback vibes with its retro collar. All you need is a statement necklace and neutral tote to make this suit sing. I’m in love,” says Who What Wear UK’s acting assistant editor, Joy Montgomery.  “I get so excited at the sight of a wedding invitation, as it means I have an excuse to dress up seriously fancy and spend the day feeling great. Nothing gives that feeling quite like a slinky silky midi dress, so that’s always my first go-to. They’re appropriate for the formality of the event and are genuinely super flattering. This Rejina Pyo dress has the perfect amount of ‘extra’ about it with the asymmetric hemline and one shoulder detailing, giving a fashion edge but on a low-key scale. Obviously wearing white is a no-go (unless it’s an all-white wedding, which I recently experienced!), so the polka dots and black detailing mean it’s acceptable,” says stylist Hannah Lewis. “As a self-confessed tomboy who rarely wears dresses, this bright-pink satin Ghost dress was definitely a bold choice for me! This whole ensemble makes me feel like the well-traveled rich aunt I one day aspire to be. With a super-flattering V-neck cut and timeless button detailing, this dress gives all the luxury feels without the hefty luxury price tag. Last season’s snake-print trend isn’t going anywhere, so these sandals were the perfect choice to complement my bold wedding-guest look. Add a couple of Missoma necklaces and a gorgeous Staud bag and Bob’s your uncle (or should I say, Seun’s your aunt?),” says stylist Seun Ogunsola. “I’m not normally one for glittery dresses, but this Rodarte one caught my eye as soon as I saw it on the rack. It’s the perfect evening guest outfit, and while it may look slinky, it’s incredibly comfortable to wear, so I know I could dance all night in it!” says Who What Wear social media editor Alyss Bowen.
source https://gothify1.tumblr.com/post/183444137835
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gothify1 · 6 years
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Our We Try Before You Buy series aims to take the stress out of shopping and eliminate the number of post office visits you make each month to return failed online orders. We test new-season buys and styling ideas so you don’t have to. Here, we’re letting you know what is actually worth investing in. I can’t think of many occasions where you carefully scout out and plan an outfit six months in advance—apart from weddings. And I’m not just talking about your own wedding dress. To help you find the prettiest wedding-guest outfits out there this year, we had more than 50 dresses from Rixo, Rejina Pyo, Ghost, Topshop , ASOS and many more sent to the Who What Wear offices for our team and trusted stylist friends to try on. The dress everyone fawned over the most was a pink linen floral midi dress with puffy sleeves by Gül Hürgel (the team is even considering buying one together). However, Olivia Rubin’s button-front lavender-printed midi dress was a close second. “Forget attending the weddings I’ve been invited to—I’m eloping with this dress! I’ve never felt quite so princessy or special in my entire life (and that’s including wearing my very own wedding dress a couple of years ago). The magical pink-and-yellow daisy print is my new fave color duo. With its sweetheart neckline, cinched waist, full skirt, and balloon sleeves, it’s flattering on literally every figure, but for an hourglass shape like me, it’s the ideal silhouette. Not to mention it’s really comfortable too—something that definitely helps you have a good time at any party. Shame my budget probably cannot stretch to it. Fashion fairy godmother, where are you when I need you?” says Who What Wear UK’s editor in chief, Hannah Almassi. “I love the power suit for a wedding for a bit of something unexpected! As much as I love a floaty dress, I just love being the woman in the suit for a formal occasion. This one in particular is joyous in its citrusy color, and the bag with its basketweave texture is a great accessory for a spring wedding,” says fashion influencer Nicole Ocran. “I love this dress for weddings because not only is it beautiful, but it’s also very comfortable. I feel very free. When you go to a wedding, you want to look great, but you also don’t want to look like you are trying too hard. And I love that with this dress is simple yet very elegant,” says stylist Eni Ilori. It’s a bit of a running joke in our office with this franchise that it’s actually more like We Try Before We Buy, as someone always ends up buying what they’ve tried on. And that is about to be me with this dress. I have a real weakness for pretty dresses, but this is a whole other level of beautiful. The fabric is quite heavy, so I was worried it might make me look like I was wearing curtains, however, it actually hangs perfectly and is light enough to wear for a summer wedding in the English countryside. Plus, Olivia Rubin is a new London-based dress designer, so it’s very unlikely someone else will wear this dress. “When it comes to dressing for work, I’m all over suits, yet for some reason or another, they’ve never really appealed to me for weddings. For this reason, I decided to challenge myself and try on a two-piece—and boy is it a good’un. In this season’s hottest hue, this ’70s-style suit is just too awesome for words (but I’ll give it a go). The high-waisted flared trousers help make legs look a mile long, while the jacket packs plenty of throwback vibes with its retro collar. All you need is a statement necklace and neutral tote to make this suit sing. I’m in love,” says Who What Wear UK's acting assistant editor, Joy Montgomery.  “I get so excited at the sight of a wedding invitation, as it means I have an excuse to dress up seriously fancy and spend the day feeling great. Nothing gives that feeling quite like a slinky silky midi dress, so that’s always my first go-to. They’re appropriate for the formality of the event and are genuinely super flattering. This Rejina Pyo dress has the perfect amount of ‘extra’ about it with the asymmetric hemline and one shoulder detailing, giving a fashion edge but on a low-key scale. Obviously wearing white is a no-go (unless it’s an all-white wedding, which I recently experienced!), so the polka dots and black detailing mean it’s acceptable,” says stylist Hannah Lewis. “As a self-confessed tomboy who rarely wears dresses, this bright-pink satin Ghost dress was definitely a bold choice for me! This whole ensemble makes me feel like the well-traveled rich aunt I one day aspire to be. With a super-flattering V-neck cut and timeless button detailing, this dress gives all the luxury feels without the hefty luxury price tag. Last season’s snake-print trend isn’t going anywhere, so these sandals were the perfect choice to complement my bold wedding-guest look. Add a couple of Missoma necklaces and a gorgeous Staud bag and Bob’s your uncle (or should I say, Seun’s your aunt?),” says stylist Seun Ogunsola. “I’m not normally one for glittery dresses, but this Rodarte one caught my eye as soon as I saw it on the rack. It’s the perfect evening guest outfit, and while it may look slinky, it’s incredibly comfortable to wear, so I know I could dance all night in it!” says Who What Wear social media editor Alyss Bowen.
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
A big part of the clothing business is making apparel for different professions, such as scrubs for doctors, suits for lawyers and coveralls for mechanics. Matthew Moses has built a business out of making sportswear for different employee groups who work for technology giants such as Google.
His company, Shalimar Media Group, designs in Los Angeles and works with manufacturers in the city. Moses took pains to note that he does not make typical promotional products. Rather, he competes against the hundreds of other companies in his space by offering something different.
“It’s about presenting a lifestyle product rather than a promotional product,” he said. “I compete with creativity and quality.”
Reenvisioning corporate apparel
Moses broke into this field by luck after a college friend secured a job with Google. In 2014, she asked if Moses could send mock-ups for designs for the Black Googlers Network’s Black History Month celebration. His designs were chosen. After the project was completed, he was referred to work with other groups and companies including Facebook, eBay and Uber. None of these jobs are permanent, and Moses has to reintroduce himself and pitch his services to corporate clients for each new project.
Instead of taking a basic T-shirt and screen-printing a corporate logo on it, Moses utilizes streetwear and fashion touches in the corporate sweatshirts and tees that he makes for different Google employee groups. In addition to the Black Googlers Network, he’s worked with the Hispanic Googlers Network, also known as HOLA, and Gaygler, which is an LGBTQIA employee group.
These employee groups typically wear the clothes to outreach events, such as CS First, where Google-employee club members teach coding to kids. Moses makes limited runs of 150 to more than 1,000 garments for these clubs. Styles can range from slip-on sneakers with club names to sweatshirts with hems and cuffs made in Google’s company colors of blue, red, yellow and green.
Like dealing with any client, Moses asks employee clubs what they want in their company styles. Sometimes, they want nothing more than a T-shirt bearing the company name. Other times they want something with more details.
“They want to feel cool wearing it,” said Moses. “They want something that elevates their experience.”
Making products for corporate clients is a giant field. The market’s 2018 sales volume was $24.7 billion. Apparel makes up 28.3 percent of that market, according to the trade group Promotional Products Association International.
Moving into Mansfield Outpost
Moses estimated that 70 percent of his work comes from making basics with a fashion edge for Google and other tech giants. These projects helped him fund his resortwear line, Mansfield Outpost.
Earlier this year, he introduced Mansfield Outpost at the LA Men’s Market trade show. The name is inspired by Mans­field Avenue in South Central Los Angeles, and the line reflects his experience.
“I can make resortwear from the perspective of a man of color,” he said. “As a young man of color, you go on vacation and buy swim trunks and clothes from any number of big brands. You’re putting on their perspectives when you craft your look. I’m saying that it’s also okay to craft a look from someone who sees the world through your eyes.”
The inaugural line was inspired by the clothes worn by cricket players in the Caribbean. Cricket is a popular sport in Jamaica and other areas of the West Indies. Mansfield Outpost designed tees bearing the face of Clive Lloyd, one of the stars of the Caribbean cricket scene and the captain of the West Indies cricket team from 1974 to 1985.
“Early in Ralph Lauren’s career, he said that he was designing clothes for actors like Cary Grant. That’s awesome. But guys like me didn’t grow up with Cary Grant. We didn’t know who Cary Grant was,” Moses said. “We were looking for something that aligns more with Puffy Combs than Cary Grant.”
The first collection includes wool cricket caps and a white denim umpire jacket. The line also makes short-sleeve and long-sleeve T-shirts in lime green and fuchsia. Retail price points range from $5 to over $50.
For its second season, Mansfield Outpost will do more cricket-inspired clothing. Moses also forecast that the brand will produce more graphic tees. In a market that is seemingly dominated by black T-shirts, Mansfield Outpost’s point of difference also will be its color palette, which focuses on greens and pinks in dark and light hues.
The collection is sold through Moses’s direct-to-consumer channel, www.mansfieldoutpost.com. It also is sold at the Los Angeles–headquartered e-boutique Argot. Teron Stevenson, Argot’s founder, sells caps and accessories from Mansfield Outpost along with established brands such as Carhartt and independent brands such as his own brand, Argot. He said that the cricket focus from the first collection was not too exotic for Americans. In the past few years, more Americans have been developing an interest in sports like soccer, which is wildly popular overseas.
“I like the idea of going on vacation,” Stevenson said of Mansfield Outpost. “You have to look at it with global eyes.”
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moschinocap06-blog · 7 years
Darkish Eye Circles and you simply
They say that splendor is inside the eye from the beholder and think us when we say there's no additional significant decide of the confront than your established of eyes. Lines, wrinkles and puffiness can all contribute to indicators of getting older but potentially probably the most disheartening issue to encounter is darkish below eye circles. In some cases often called "bags" since they may be accompanied by puffiness, this can be a thing that has an effect on women and men equally. The good thing is you'll find actions you could just take to banish the darkness and greet the day with eyes that look as fantastic as you sense. Just before you'll be able to deal with an issue you have to grasp the source. Late nights are frequently blamed for this prevalence however, if that were the situation a good night's sleep ought to deliver a straightforward heal. Everyone that has created dim eyes understands that at times regardless how good your rest was people baggage even now taunt you in the morning. Just what exactly may ray ban wayfarer be leading to individuals darkish shadows to establish? Frequent resources of beneath eye circles involve: ? Allergic reactions ? Heredity ? Pigmentation Irregularities ? Nasal Congestion (there exists a motive you do not appear so terrific once your sick) ? Thinning Skin (consequence of intrinsic or natural aging) ? Loss of Collagen and Elasticity (consequence of intrinsic or pure getting older) ? Sunlight Publicity (result of extrinsic getting older or ageing motivated by the surroundings) ? Way of life Variables like using tobacco, consuming alcoholic beverages or caffeine Self Procedure vs . Professional Treatment Viewing a expert for instance a skin doctor can be a pricey preference when dealing with a issue like less than eye circles. When you are nervous there is likely to be other things contributing on your dim eyes check with with a health practitioner but you'll find several at your home treatment plans you can try out in addition. ? Chilly Compress - test inserting a chilly or amazing compress in opposition to your eyes. This can reduce dilation and puffiness briefly. ? Pillows - an additional pillow beneath your head in the evening can reduce fluid from pooling from the reduced lids. ? Get Extra Rest - even though it is accurate that an absence of rest will not be a immediate trigger within your darkish eyes, considerably less slumber will make your eyes look more hallow and affect the general glimpse and feel of one's pores and skin. Catch some further "z's" to maintain the skin wanting new. ? Protect Your skin - the ecosystem and especially the sun can wreak havoc with your pores and skin during the long run. Overexposure may result in a myriad of wellbeing problems to go over up when achievable (sunglasses are a reasonable way to protect the delicate skin close to your eyes) and use solar block, even inside the Wintertime. cheap oakley sunglasses for men ? Make Up - While not all make up will go over these dark circles, attempt an oil no cost concealer that will help minimize the looks. This could be paired that has a cold compress to lessen puffiness for the exact same time. ? Serums - There are actually numerous great serums readily available that use all-natural substances to minimize the appearance cheap oakley m frame sunglasses of darkish circles. Attempt utilizing 1 two times day-to-day to see amazing success! Don't let dark circles destroy your working day! Fight again towards this premature signal of getting older by using handle. Household treatments may well take time to display entire benefits (permit up to 12 weeks) but are worth the expenditure around the street to more healthy, happier pores and skin care. Bellanina Institute's operator and director, Nina Howard, is a multi-talented, forward-thinking entrepreneur who may have constructed the Bellanina manufacturer variety the bottom as much as a successful million-dollar spa, spa education enterprise, and skin care product line. Nina is really a Licensed Esthetician with Para-Medical scientific tests, Therapeutic massage Therapist, Polarity Therapist, Pores and skin Treatment Educator, Artist, and Qualified Inside Designer.Phoenix in Autumn: Packing Tips Phoenix, Arizona is often a wonderful scenic paradise any time of year, but in particular inside the slide. In the mountains and valleys into the lakes as well as desert, this Arizona metropolis has a lot of web-sites to view! Having said that, since this can be a desert town, the temperature ranges dramatically from day to night. ray ban 4175 Commonly averaging a twenty five degree fluctuation in temperature, it's crucial to pack the proper clothing to optimize your comfort and ease even though being in Phoenix. The name from the game is: layering! The initial tip is usually to pack much more shirts then shorts, as shirts tend being harder to reuse. Pack quite a few distinctive combinations of long-sleeve and short-sleeve shirts that may match the handful of shorts you propose to provide. So far as jackets go, attempt to avoid the unnecessarily major and bulky style that don't travel nicely and steal suitcase room. Also, think beforehand and judge the way you will have your further layers along with you as you are out traveling and site-seeing. For a few a backpack will suffice, but depending on the quantity of you're traveling with, a tote bag may come in handy! Some sort of bag will come in useful even though every person decides to tie their long-sleeves and jackets around their waists due to the fact you might want to consider exactly where the camera, video digicam, keys, h2o bottles, etc... are likely to be saved in when not in use. While averaging 99 degrees from the daytime and 72 levels after dusk, September is definitely the most straightforward thirty day period to pack for in Phoenix. ninety nine degree temperature may seem intense to individuals who have seasoned Florida weather conditions, and even Gulf Coast states' weather conditions, but it's a dry warmth. The humidity within the southern and gulf states amplifies the heat, but is not the circumstance in Arizona. The ideal points to pack for a September or other drop pay a visit to cheap oakley juliet sunglasses to Phoenix are loads of shorts, sandals (sturdier types for hiking), hats, polarized sunglasses, and cotton garments (permits venting and will not get too scorching). Most significantly on the other hand, is usually a superior water-based sunscreen that is at the least SPF 30! Almost nothing cheap discount oakley sunglasses is better than the usual September night in Phoenix! Along with the temperature inside the minimal 70's, an extended sleeve shirt and light-weight trousers are more than sufficient being cozy. If you are just one from the one's who really feel chilly from the 60's, you could possibly choose to toss on a gentle jacket. Collared shirts are also great for gentlemen. Phoenix has only seasoned forty seven levels the moment in the month of September, so odds are for those who follow these tips, you can be lined! Most Phoenix lodges and resorts are particularly everyday so gals can come to feel free of charge and comfortable donning dresses that do not cover their legs, along that has a good pair of sandals. Will not fear when you forgot to receive a pedicure to go with your sandals, a lot of the resorts have on-site spas! For people who like it a tad cooler to whip in existence sports coats and prolonged sleeve attire, Oct averages a dry large of 88 degrees and funky very low of sixty one levels during the night. The lows happen to be recognised to drop in to the 50's once in a while so the light coats will come in handy for all those utilized to hotter weather. About the vivid side, your coat can double as being a pillow to the aircraft as well as in the vehicle so it will not likely ever be wasted room! Now in November, temperatures fall one more regular of 10 levels to your large of seventy five and a small just north of snowing; the working day allows for comfortable complete size dresses and trousers to get worn whilst the night time calls for that excellent fire accumulating climate. Those people seeking to position tennis or go out for just a spherical of golfing will need to pack warm-up satisfies in case of early morning or late afternoon game titles. Mountaineering sandals will likely however be usable throughout the day in November, but sneakers will likely be a necessity for the nighttime. On top of that, donning your shoes for the airport should help help save place as part of your baggage! Perfect for mobility and air flow, clothing store vests are priceless for a lot of outside adventures and sports over the chilly that will help protect your torso and maintain you heat. Knit caps will also be a life-saver for anyone who would like to maintain their ears and head heat. Cowboy boots will even impress locals and can be stylish while keeping your toes good and warm when heading out for your night time on the town or to one of your many well known Phoenix eating places! Irrespective of if you take a look at Phoenix, you may be confirmed that you'll want to convey your swimsuit, and you also will not likely need to have security from your rain since the average rainfall in the course of the drop is really an approximated fifty percent inch. So preserve the area within your luggage and carry-on for many of the presents you're about to buy!
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27hands · 7 years
Brap brap
5:58 AM. Tonight I "misplaced" 90 dollars for a ticket to this experience I am about to display for you. Grateful I thought ahead not finishing my bottle and capturing 12 ripe specimens of the Molson family. Siiiiiip. God damn what a week and by God damn more like God... damn. But I got them homies up high since the 1111's and 1222's and the eleven-forty-four sneaking up on the telephone display. Most importantly, "Live life. Love life. Smile, laugh, have fun. It's all good!” Trademark the box of empty Red Stripe Jamaican Style Lager's I purchased well obviously I did and it seems to be obsessive my rambling on groupings of beer in 12. 
To me a whole ninety dollars to get here tonight. A ninety dollar all expensive, wait actually more god, damn... Mostly Stroh's at the bar cuz I'm drivin ya'll and I'll rock my shadow but nuh uh. So, ever pick up "something" from a certain "someone" at 1:36AM as to not incriminate myself further and do your best before close only to mumble from the inside of your head, pressure to leave, fuck my apologies, slam it, slip out and find a little nook near a sleeping house? Continue to wander, find another nook near a fucking statue of some fucking dude on a horse all old days wild "savage" he dead now arms up all dramatic horse super-sized triple even on a slab you look into nestled through the nose and hidden beneath a wet and crushed soda cup near a bush hide-out? Prolly not bitch. Bitch, and I mean her, the one I was keeping it kosher, another who berates me with tongue and lipstick spelling "FAKE" upon my 1993 Ford F-150 windshield covered in as well, pepper-spray and peanuts? Further incrimination fuck, further well you think I'm fucked at this point, nuh uh... Well I wish she wouldn't of he says running his fingers across the canyon of his grey matter skull filling. Very nice, very nice, good organ, you pink fruit covered in electricity you. 
I needed a good night. I needed to lose something to feel something. I needed to and at all better judgement, call my father at 4:23AM waking him up and surprisingly he was vivid in two rings. I am grateful i can call him. I am grateful I can make a fool of myself at 4:24AM and frustrate him as the cotton in my mouth begins to swell soaking my sleeves in puddles off the street for conversational lubricant that only furthered my thirst for beer and this, here, this right here, where I sit relaxed and with beer and cigarette my best fiends how they keep me company and main consistent in this. All of it. My buds. My pocket sized hand held homies. Beautiful little creatures you be. Muah. Sip sip brap brap, puff puff. From dumb bar to Joe Louis Arena through the pyramid Heart ensuring him my safety at night in "Detroit" ooooooooooooooooo how dangerous. I always say, if ever faced with potential conflict walk with a wide fucking gate, head down eyes forward and wide, ignore, maybe a little chit chat with yourself under breath. You'll be fine if you're not overtly khaki and puffy white sneaker.
Blah blah blah fuck the sun's on it's way. I see dust over poorly lit blue distance through windows past lines coursing Tesla's vision from heaven and I still need to stay a night in RM3327. Kick it with the rotted consciousness of Nikola's consciousness residual. Slowly opening my eyes from a darker dreamly, him frozen foot of bed naked and eyes iced over blind, listening for my movements with arms out, reaching for love. It all seems like a ramble and it is and that's how I'm kickin it. 70 dollars down the tubes. I thought I could like a rat in a mad maze press for pellet enough for jackpot least I would score a penny slot re-up, like NOLA, like my father. 
What my dear happened to the other 20 bones?! The sun never rises you see, we only rotate and visit the position. Self-centered little asshole and by little I mean very fucking big. How much does any of this tip tap tip tap actually matter when you consider the 8 or whatever minutes it takes for light to reach us off this sunny boi's boiling face? And I'm supposed get fussy over some drama right? I'm supposed to pay my taxes and keep my word and abide by the abide for I am something right? Hey rock n' fuckin' roll folks. No choice. Blingiddy blang and brap brap attack stance. Took 90 bones for a re-kindling of friendship(that I didn't tell you about). Took 90 bones to wander Detroit city for 3 hours like the homeless and the junkies that we conveniently forget for New Detroit spritzers and laddida's. Took 90 bones to understand just a little more about this big nothing of a fuck show that I hold so dear to my heart. So so dear, god, damn...
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