#70s!roger taylor x reader
deakyislife51 · 1 month
i actually run a fan acc on insta still, if anyone wants to follow !
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bijouxcarys · 11 months
I'm just asking for it now, but I am now... taking fic requests. I'll write Robert, Brian, and maybe others, but it really depends what the request is.
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johnlennonswifey · 1 year
Since I haven’t been posting, I’ve decided I’ll make a little list of some of my favorite fics!!
🎸= All time fav
John Lennon
70s!John x Reader 🎸
Mustache John x Reader
Paul McCartney
Paul x Reader (love letter) 🎸
Paul x Reader (Part 2 of 2)
George Harrison
Jealous!George x Reader 🎸(literally my fav fic ever)
Comfort!George x Reader
George x Reader (somewhat Friends to lovers?)
Ringo Starr
Teddy Boy!Ringo x Reader
Ringo x Assistant!Reader
Ringo x Reader (fluffy)
Ringo x Reader (Married, dinner with parents)🎸
Roger Taylor
Roger x Reader (childhood friends to lovers)🎸
Roger x Reader (fluff)
Roger x Reader (fluff and more,(Roger gets hurt)) 🎸
John Deacon
John x Reader (John is readers handyman, I love this fic with all my heart pls read it)🎸
John x Reader (Series, 6/10 parts are out, I definitely recommend reading)🎸
Brian May
Brian x Reader (fluff)
Brian x Reader (Queen becomes a Hit)🎸
Brian x Reader (fluff)
Beatles Blurb
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
Kinktober Day 22: Collar
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: (70s) Roger Taylor x Reader
Words: 850
Warnings: choker as a collar, sub!rog, dom!reader, light possessiveness
A/N: idk man, 70s rog in a choker just does something to me.
Roger had managed to get half-dressed before he realised his choker was missing. He’d pulled on his jeans but as he was reaching for his shirt his eyes had slipped to his bedside table and he’d noticed the empty space where the choker normally lay. Brows furrowed he’d picked up his alarm clock and a mostly empty glass of water, hoping the choker had become hidden by one or the other. But there was no sign of it.   “Gotta be here,” he mumbled to himself, trying to remember if he’d put it elsewhere the night before. He had got home a little late and with a few more drinks in him than he’d intended but he’d not been completely plastered and he was sure he could remember taking it off and putting it in the usual spot. Dropping to his knees, Roger ran his hand under his bed in case it had fallen to the floor during the night, but he rose again empty handed. With growing frustration and panic he searched the rest of his room – pulling back his sheets, moving piles of clutter around his desk, even going through his pile of dirty laundry.   “Ugh, whatever,” Roger grumbled when he still hadn’t found it. He rubbed absentmindedly at his bare throat, opening his bedroom door with a little more force than was necessary, and headed out to make breakfast, trying to convince himself the choker would turn up. But two steps out the door he decided food could wait and headed to the lounge room to check between the couch cushions.  
When Brian awoke and blearily stumbled his way out of bed, it was to the sounds of Roger cursing from the kitchen.   “Whasamatter,” He asked, reaching for the kettle. “Have you seen my choker? I can’t find it anywhere.” Brian leaned against the kitchen bench and blinked as at the question slowly began to make sense, “Choker? No. Whats it look like?” “Like a fucking choker, Bri. Jesus how are you pulling the best grades of any of us. It’s black velvet, chain at the back, I wear it all the time.” “Haven’t seen it. Did you try retracing your steps?” “Thanks, hadn’t thought of that,” Roger grunted sarcastically. Brian rolled his eyes, “Well how should I bloody know where you left it. You’ve got about twenty of them anyway, just wear a different one.” “No, I can’t. Y/N’s going to be here soon and she bought it for me and I promised her I’d wear it.” “She’ll understand, she’s a good sort.” “You don’t get it,” Roger huffed as he stormed back to his room, his hand rubbing against his throat again. Brian didn’t understand, he couldn’t. It was more than just a choker. The rational part of his brain knew it wouldn’t really matter if he couldn’t find it before you arrived, or if he went out with you and didn’t wear it. But you’d specially picked it out for him and he hated not knowing where it was. He hated the idea of not wearing it when you were with him. When you’d first suggested the idea of collaring him, he’d thought you were just being a bit jealous of other girls flirting with him. He’d agreed to humour you more than anything. But now not having it made him feel naked and like he was letting you down. With growing desperation Roger dropped to his knees to search the floor again.
You knocked on the door, a little earlier than you said you’d be, and said good morning to Brian as he let you inside.   “Your boyfriend’s been tearing this place apart looking for a choker,” Brian said exasperatedly, “I think he’s back in his room.”   You laughed and headed down the now familiar hallway, reaching the doorway of Roger’s room just in time to see him sitting back on his knees with a triumphant look, the choker dangling from his closed fist.   “Find it?” Roger jumped, startled, “Y/N!” He scrambled to his feet, “Bri wasn’t supposed to tell you I lost it. Not that I did lose it, it just fell off the bedside table and got caught in between some of my records and I-” “It’s okay Rog, I’m teasing,” you laughed, “Besides, it’s a choker, I could always buy you another one.” “I know,” He pouted, “I just like wearing your collar. I like knowing I’m yours.” “Do you want me to help put it back on?” “Yes please,” He sounded a little breathless as he handed it to you and turned around. You gently brushed his hair to the side so you could fasten it, “Good boy.”   Roger shivered as you pressed a soft hiss to the back of his neck and straightened his hair, and when he turned around he was smiling, “I like when you call me that.” “You’re cute.” You giggled, working a finger under the choker to test its fit. Rogers breath caught and you raised your eyebrows at him.   “I like when you do that too,” You pulled him in closer for a kiss.
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fangirl-writes · 4 years
Young!Roger Taylor x Reader
Queen is my latest obsession
Warning(s): Domestic fight, violence (Roger punches a wall), swearing. Angst. I used a gay slur in there once (f*ggot). It’s not an important part of the story, but a warning anyhow because I know some people aren’t comfortable with the word.
Notes: Angsty stuff here people. I hope I pulled on those heartstrings, but I added a happy ending so all’s well. Also I have no idea how record players work but I wish I did. Also I don’t think cheating is ever okay, but we all know Roger did it and I wanted to try something a little eloquent and angsty.
Summary: You and Roger get into a fight because you want to know why you aren't enough.
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Roger threw his keys onto the table. “You’re being ridiculous, Y/N!”
“I am not! Roger why won’t you just give me an answer!”
“Because I shouldn’t have to! We’ve had this conversation before I don’t know why you’re getting so upset about this!”
“And I don’t know why you won’t just answer me!”
“I’ve already told you-”
“You haven’t told me anything!”
“I’ve told you enough!”
“Which isn’t anything!”
“Why the hell does this matter so fucking much to you!”
“Because I want to know, Roger!”
“It shouldn’t matter!”
“But it does matter!”
“Just to you!”
“Yeah because you won’t fucking tell me anything!”
Roger turned with an angry shout, flinging his fist into the wall behind him. The sound as the drywall cracked made you scream and Roger turned to you, hand still curled into a now bloody fist, the action not lessening his anger.
The silence that filled the air was suffocating as you stood there staring in horror at the look on his face, the blood coating his knuckles, and the gaping hole that was now in the wall behind him.
Roger walked passed you towards the door and gave it an angry slam on his way out.
You broke down, dropping to the floor and sobbing. You were still angry, still hurt, and still scared.
After about an hour had passed you finally got the strength to get off the floor and make your way to the phone.
You dialed the number that you knew by heart and waited as it rang in the otherwise quiet house.
“Y/N?” He said, hearing the heartbreak in your voice. “What’s wrong? Has something happened? Did Roger-”
“We had a fight. He walked out and hasn’t been back for a while and I’m starting to worry about him.”
“You’ve had a fight and you’re worried about him?”
You sniffed, wiping at your wet cheeks.
“God, Y/N, he doesn’t deserve you.”
“Would- would you just find him? I-I don’t think he wants to see me but he punched the wall before he left and his hand was all bloody-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, love. It’s not your fault he blew a gasket, okay?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you, and felt even more tears falling down your cheeks.
You hummed in response, your throat tight.
“We’ll bring him home.”
That was the last thing he said before hanging up and you choked out another sob, letting the phone drop from your hand and swing from the cord as you found yourself on the floor again, back against the wall as you sobbed into your knees.
Thinking back on it now, it had been your fault the fight had happened.
It had been about Roger’s endless groupies you knew he fucked every time he was on tour.
You’d talked about it back when you first started dating and you’d told him you were okay with it. You’d talked about it with your friends and family who’d been concerned about it and you’d told them you were fine with it. The other Queen members had asked you about it, offering to watch him for you while on tour, but you’d told them it didn’t bother you.
Hell, eventually you’d convinced yourself you were fine with it.
It was fine. I’m fine. What he does when I’m not around is fine because at the end of the day he always comes home to me. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine.
Then why. Why. Why did it take that stupid tabloid article to finally make you realize that you weren’t.
You don’t even know what compelled you to pick up the magazine. Usually you avoided picking up anything that even remotely mentioned the boys because you knew most of it would be slander. Calling Freddie a faggot or Roger a slut or John an absent husband. You hated those articles.
So then why? You asked yourself again. Why did you pick up that stupid tabloid?
Maybe it was because it was one of the few that mentioned you on the cover? Maybe it was because you were bored and wanted something to flip through? You didn’t remember and it didn’t matter now because the moment your eyes landed on that article it was over. And, at the moment, it felt like your stupidest decision.
Roger Taylor, Queen’s Sex Machine, Back At It Again.
After deciding his current girlfriend, Y/N L/N, wasn’t enough for the famous rock star, Roger Taylor was seen acting more than friendly with various groupies during his last tour. Our sources were not able to find a reaction from Y/N, making us suspect that she either doesn’t know about his sexual escapades, ignores them, or doesn’t care. How long will their relationship last if Y/N can’t fulfill Roger’s sexual needs? And how long will it take Roger to come to the conclusion he’s had enough of her?
That was the word that kept playing back for you in your head. ‘Deciding his current girlfriend wasn’t enough’, ‘come to the conclusion he’s had enough.’
Why weren’t you enough?
You didn’t know how long you sat there, no tears left to cry and a whole in your heart. You felt numb. Whatever anger or sadness you’d been holding onto before was gone and replaced with an ache in your chest that wouldn’t go away.
It took a knock at the door to finally let all the emotions come flooding back to you.
Was that Brian? What if he didn’t find Roger? What if he did? Were you ready to face him again? Would he still be mad? Of course he’d still be mad. What would you say? Would you apologize? No, you don’t have anything to apologize for. Then what? If he was still mad, he certainly wasn’t going to apologize, that much you knew. What if he did apologize? ‘I’m sorry I caused you the worry, I’ll change how I live my life because you want me to’? No, that’s not what you wanted, you didn’t want him to change because of your outburst. What if he broke up with you? What if he kicked you out? You didn’t think you could stand going back to your family or friends and their pitying looks and ‘I told you so’s. ‘That’s what you get for dating a rock star’ they’d say. He finally decided you weren’t enough. Enough. Enough. Enough.
The knocking came again, this time harder and more persistent.
You rose from your spot on the floor and made your way to the door, every scenario going through your head as the knocking repeated.
“Y/N, darling, if you don’t open this door right now I’m going to break it down.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that made it’s way to your lips as you turned the knob and opened the door.
“I’d like to see you try, Freddie,”
Freddie Mercury stood on the other side of the door, a sad smile making its way to his lips.
“Brian told me what happened.”
The smile you tried to keep on fell at his words and soon you were in tears again, wrapped in Freddie’s arms.
“Oh, darling, oh, it’s okay, it’s okay.” He soothed, stroking your hair as you cried into his shoulder. “I saw that stupid article. I thought something like this might happen.”
You weren’t sure whether his words made you feel better or worse.
He brought you into the living room and sat you down on the couch, wrapping you in a blanket before leaving your side to approach the record player sitting on a shelf near by.
You and Roger spent many hours listening to Jimi Hendrix or The Beatles, sometimes even Led Zeppelin if you could talk him into it. He even danced with you to ‘Since I've Been Loving You’ on your anniversary.
You smiled as he flipped through the albums before deciding on one of their own: A Night At The Opera. The one that, arguably, put them on the map.
You closed your eyes as ‘Death on Two Legs’ started playing softly. It wasn’t their most relaxing song, but their music had a way of calming you down. Freddie knew this after seeing you in the studio with them multiple times, absolutely relaxed in the creative environment.
He occupied the seat next to you again, pulling you to his chest as an offer to snuggle into him.
You accepted the offer and smiled softly as you listened to the angry and bitter song. You remembered them telling you it was based on their nasty former manager, Norman Sheffield.
“His loss,” You’d told them back then. “He’ll be forever known as the man who lost Queen.”
“That’s exactly what I said!” Freddie had exclaimed. “It was like a movie scene! You should’ve been there, Y/N. It was a perfect exit.”
“Yeah and then we threw a brick through his window.” Roger added with a smug grin.
“Not our brightest idea.” Brian said.
“Never said any of you were the smartest lot.”
They’d shoved you around for that comment with laughter and good natured retorts.
The memory made you smile, the bad thoughts from before being driven away from your head as you remembered and snuggled against your favorite piano player as his voice drifted through the air.
You wondered if the song would’ve made you angrier if you didn’t know what it was really about and didn’t have the memory attached to it. You supposed it would have but you could only giggle at the lyrics now. It was bitter and mean, as Freddie once called it, but it was a great song.
‘Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon’ came next and you released a breath at the softer tone. The song reminding you of Alice in Wonderland and Singing in the Rain, films that you had watched as a kid. It was a short song, but it did wonders for your mood with its playful and happy tune.
It wasn’t until ‘I’m In Love With My Car’ came on that you realized he’d put the record on the B-Side.
You sat up from Freddie, a frown on your face, mood brought down again. 
“Change it.” You commanded.
“Sorry, dear, too comfortable here.” He replied, a smirk on his face.
You bit your lip, near to tears again, as Roger’s song played along in the background. The song he’d fought himself into a cupboard for and that you relentlessly teased him about.
“Freddie, please, I-I don’t-”
A knock interrupted your sentence and Freddie practically launched himself over the couch to get it.
The limber bastard.
You followed him reluctantly, knowing who would be on the other side of that door. The man singing a song about his car.
Freddie pulled open the door to John Deacon who was stood with a frown on his face that disappeared into concern as he noticed you enter the room.
He moved to hug you, which you happily accepted. Hugging Freddie and Deacy was a comforting feeling that you desperately needed.
“Why’s this song playing?” He wondered aloud, more confused than anything.
The comment made you laugh.
You pulled away from John to face Brian who was giving you a similar look. It wasn’t pity, but rather a sort of concern. It warmed your heart to think that they cared for you so much.
Were you enough in their eyes?
“We found him walking. Had to take him to the hospital for his hand, but-”
“Is he still angry?”
“No.” Brian said, catching you by surprise. “I don’t think he’s been angry for a while.”
Your eyes swelled with tears as Brian motioned for Roger to come inside.
If you were in a better mood, you would have laughed. Roger Taylor waiting for permission to go inside his own home.
He walked passed Brian, avoiding everyone’s eyes and staring at his shoes.
The song changed to ‘You’re My Best Friend’ but nobody paid any attention to the music.
Freddie had an annoyed expression on his face and opened his mouth to say something until Deacy put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Silently telling him it wasn’t appropriate and that they’d lectured him enough for one night.
“Happy at Home” the song chimed, normally earning a snarky comment from Roger, but it seemed he wasn’t listening or at least not caring about the line for once.
“Come on, boys, I think we better leave these two alone.” Brian spoke up after a minute of silence. “Fred, I’ll take you home.”
Freddie seemed reluctant to leave. Whether that was because he was concerned or because he wanted to witness the drama of it all was unknown, but he followed the other two band members out the door.
You stood in silence for another minute as the song in the background faded into 39. A song you loved.
It seemed to be the kick Roger needed to finally look up at you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Hi,” He said.
“Hi...” You replied.
“I’m sor-”
“No.” You shook your head. “No, Roger, please don’t apologize, I don’t want an apology for something I started. No, Rog, all I want is an answer.”
“An answer for what?”
You blinked back tears as you asked the dreaded question again. “Why aren’t I enough?”
Enough. Enough. Enough.
Roger’s eyes swelled up with his own tears and he shook his head with a small laugh.
“Ridiculous, really. You’ve always been enough, Y/N. Always.”
“Then why?” You said, tears streaming freely down your cheeks again. You felt like you’d cried an ocean. “Why sleep with all those groupies on tour? Am I not pleasing you enough? Is that it?”
“No!” Roger exclaimed. “God no, it’s perfect! You’re perfect.”
“Then why?” you asked again, voice raising before dropping to a murmur as you hung your head. “Why?”
Roger took your face in his hands. “Please, don’t cry, love.”
You shook your head, palms digging into your eyes to try to get rid of the tears.
He hugged you to his chest and you felt your heart ache once again because, as mad as you were at him, you longed for his comfort.
“I think I do it because- fuck it, I know I do it because I’m afraid.” He said.
You sniffed. Afraid? Afraid of what?
“I’m afraid that one day you’ll you realize what a twat I am and I’ll come home and you won’t be there. I do it because I’m afraid of getting attached to you, even though I know I already have, because what if you leave me one day? What if you decide that I’m not enough for you?”
You looked up at him. “You're afraid of that?”
Roger feigned laughter, not meeting your gaze. “Yeah, the bloody rock star has feelings. Ha ha.”
“No.” You pull his gaze to you again, feeling about a thousand emotions at once. “Roger, I’ve spent the entire day wondering why I wasn’t enough for you and you’re here telling me that you did all this shit because you think you’re not enough for me? Me?”
You took a deep breath, trying not to cry again.
“I love you, Roger Taylor. And you will always be more than enough for me. No matter how many groupies you sleep with or how many times you hurt me or whatever the fuck those fucking magazines say about you because I love you more than I hate you and sometimes I really fucking hate you.”
Roger smiled sadly at you. “I love you more, Y/N L/N, and I don’t deserve you, not at all. You have always been enough for me and I promise that I will try harder to show you that instead of being the dickhead that keeps breaking your heart.”
You sniffed, burying your face in his chest again.
“Always.” He whispered into the top of your head. “You are always gonna be enough for me.”
“Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand. In the land that our grandchildren knew.”
You snuggled into Roger’s chest as ‘39 came to a close, his hand squeezing yours in a sort of reassurance that he wasn’t going anywhere again.
“All your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand. For my life. Still ahead. Pity me.”
“I love you,”
It was a whisper, barely above his breath but you heard it and you savored the sound of his confession in the sudden silence.
Roger pulled away from you, much to your displeasure and confusion and walked into the living room, making a beeline for the record player. You followed him, hoping not to look too much like a lost puppy.
He flipped the record and adjusted the needle.
He held out his hand as ‘Love of My Life’ started playing.
You’d have cried if you had any tears left.
You took it and he pulled you into a sloppy sort of waltz that made you laugh. The boy could sing, but when it came to dancing he was no John Deacon. You leaned your head on his chest, taking in his scent (cigarette smoke, scotch, and the smell of his lingering cologne).
“I really am sorry. For everything. I’m a terrible boyfriend.”
“I know. And I’m not going to forgive you, not for a while, maybe not ever, but we can move past it. Just hold me, yeah?”
And he did. He held you for as long as he could.
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warnersister · 3 years
Car Girl || Roger Taylor
—Head Canon—
Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings: none.
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When you first rolled up to the bar in your Aston Martin DB7 Vantage Volante, it was love at first sight for Roger.
This man was smitten.
He would’ve gotten down on one knee while asking for your name.
You walked in there like you owned the place.
A cigarette between your lips, a confident strut in your walk, and a half-arsed smirk that seemed to follow you around.
Don’t even get him started on the outfit. Blue flared jeans with red stars on the back, black shiny boots, a skin-tight white top, and hair that he could only compare to Farrah Fawcett.
He wanted to call you Mrs Taylor, but you told him to call you (Y/n).
Of course when his band played to an almost non-existent audience, he drummed his heart out, smashing his kit so hard that Brian was surprised there were no punctures.
But when he realised when he was your soulmate?
When they finished playing their set, a few drunk divorcees clapped - you however, raised an eyebrow.
You walked right up to him, eyed him up and down, and offered him a wink when you took the drums sticks from his hand - wandering up to the bar’s personal drum kit,
And you played Led Zeppelin’s Moby Dick.
His jaw dropped.
His eyes formed hearts.
And Cupid aimed his bow.
When you finished, you walked back up to him, simply handed back over his semi-warn drumsticks, and stomped on your dying cigarette.
“One-nil drummer boy.”
When the night was over, he sat helplessly in his car as it wouldn’t start.
You knocked on the window, and the thing you said possibly aligned the stars - created history.
“Need a ride?”
-Requests Open-
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oasis-for3v3r · 2 years
In Your Head%*
Freddie Mercury x Platonic!Reader
Request-I was curious if you could do something where the reader has a panic attack and Freddie is the only one who can calm them down??
Warnings- descriptons of anxiety and panic attacks, reader has a panic attack, comfort. please do not read this if this will trigger you.
A/N- as a person who has anxiety and has had panic attacks before, please look after yourself.
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Whenever you get like this, you felt like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Always late for something, always missing something. And, as usual so much to do with such little time. 
For starters, you were working on two projects at the same time one for your ethics class and the other for your physics class. So of course you were working nonstop on it, so much that you pulled an. all nighter and fell asleep during your math quiz. Pencil stuck to your cheek.
And on top of that the university called you and said that your balance is over due and you can’t register for classes next semester, Until it is paid in full. 
Now this was the absolute cherry on top. 
So as any honest girl you began to cry.
It’s not just a bad day but a bad..semester. Matter of fact bad first year of college. Not many friends, not many good grades and student debt. 
You decided to calm yourself with some tea, but you couldn’t find the teapot. This had you opening doors and cabinets some of them scraping your knee. You finally found it on the top shelf in the cabinet above the sink, you were almost grasping its ornate handle when-
it fell and split into a million pieces in the sink. Tears were flowing freely now, you foolishly had your shaky hands trying to pick up the small but sharp pieces, cutting your hand in the process. Your pain grew sharper when you realized who’s teapot it belonged to. 
It was Freddie’s.
Your Flatmate.
Who would be home any minute now.
Thats when it started. Your heart started to beat so fast that it skipped a couple of beats. You started to shake in your arms. So you just slid down the counter.Your brain wasn’t making sense of anything, not the keys jingling, not the heeled footsteps coming toward you. Your shaking couldn’t stop even when Freddie wrapped his arms around you. 
You see this wasn’t the first time you have had a panic attack in front of him the first time was last year, when you found out your ex boyfriend was cheating on you..nonetheless with your sister. 
So Freddie knew that the best way to calm you down was to just hold you until you had a clear head. 
This made you calm down a little, feeling his presence. His chest rising and falling against your ear, his. fingers stroking your arm and his scent fading into your nose. 
“My dear.. you know I care for you dearly and will never leave you no matter what, no matter what I am always here for you.”
“Even after all this time?”
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harrisonbrows · 3 years
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Like/Reblog if you Use/Save
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mylovelyrog · 3 years
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Tambourine boy🥰💕
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rogermyreligion · 3 years
Future Management
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Female Reader.
Summary: Roger wrote a song for you but he gets insecure about the lyrics.
Warnings: Swearing, insecurities, softie Rog, sexual innuendo.
Word count: 2,6k
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"Im gonna invite you to try my machine?" Brian said reading the sheet of paper, frowning.
"What is your freaking problem with metaphors Brian?" Roger sighed in frustration.
"Do you really think she's going to like it?" Brian said looking up from the sheet to meet Roger's eyes.
"I don't know, maybe you are right, maybe my writing is a piece of shit," Roger said sharply as he snatched the sheet from Brian's hands, anger dripping from his pores.
"I didn't say that Rog-" Brian was cut off by Roger's anger.
"But you thought about it, i can tell, i'm not an idiot," He said as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
Suddenly, Freddie and John entered the studio where Roger and Brian were, coffee in hands.
"Hello my beautys," Freddie said with a big smile coming through the door, "Hey Rog, Y/N is coming, I saw her parking her car so she will be here in a few minutes,"
"Hi guys," Brian said waving while Roger just gave a sad smile.
"What were you doing?" John asked as he sat across from them, Freddie did the same while sipping his coffee.
"Nothing." Roger said without any emotion, no gesture.
"Is not nothing," Brian laughed a little at his attitude.
"Yes, is nothing."
"Hey Rog, why is that face? Bad day? Tell us darling," Freddie said as he patted his knee gently.
"Just wrote a song," He said quietly.
"For Y/N," Brian said loudly as he tuned his guitar.
Roger sighed at the little comment, gazing Brian with an annoying face.
"Thats so sweet of you Rog, can we take a look at the lyrics?" John said in a curious tone.
"No, it's bullshit, I'm going to write another one later," There was a tone of disappointment in his voice. He really liked his own song but he was so unsure.
Roger was very insecure when it comes to writing a song, he was always the most criticized by the band, when he felt that what he had written was really good -boom- someone had something to say against his work. That's why it was normal for Roger to approach Brian to show him what he had written, he was the one he trusted the most, Brian knew about his insecurity. Besides, this was not only a normal song, this was a song that he wrote for you and specially you.
It occurred to Roger while the two of them were lying under a tree in the park, it was a spring day, the warm sun in both faces was very comfortable, you were with your head on his lap, playing with the petals of a flower while Roger stroked your hair gently, enjoying the fresh air and the singing of the birds, until you said a phrase that made his mind click.
"I really like this, y'know, the nature, the fresh air, the noise of the leaves of the trees, you here with me, I'm starting to think that I don't need nobody else but you, I know it sounds like a fucking comedy romantic, but i dunno," You giggled shaking your head, thinking how stupidly romantic that sounded.
Roger opened his eyes and smiled to himself, "I think it's very sweet, love" he said giving you a kiss on the forehead, "I like this too," he smiled, glancing at you with appreciation.
You could see Roger very normal, but in his mind he already wrote half the song, and he knew what rhythm he was going to use, he was really creative. So Roger made up an excuse for you to come home, Roger was quite excited on the way, he drummed something with his fingers on the wheel while whistling, he was in a very good mood, you knew there was something in his head, but you didn't know what.
When you both arrived, you went to take a shower and Roger locked himself in the room with his guitar, obviously when you came out of the bathroom Roger hid everything, as if nothing had happened.
He was very proud of what he had written, and there he was right now, in the studio with his bandmates, totally unsure of his lyrics, totally unsure of his own work, totally unsure of his beautiful art, it was as if someone had slapped him on the face.
Freddie was about to force Roger to show him what he wrote (as he always does) but just then you walked into the studio.
"Heeeeello everyone" you grinned, filling the room with a good vibe, "I almost hit an older woman's car and she started yelling at me," you chuckled, "People are bloody crazy,"
Everyone laughed, except Roger, he just forced a smile, while his knee trembled.
You approached him and stroked his hair, he automatically relaxed under your touch, you leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Roger looked at you and smiled slightly.
You could easily tell that something was wrong with him, it was so obvious, but when you were about to ask him what was wrong, he got up and went straight to his drums.
Roger was very weird the whole time they were in the studio, he was almost sad, he usually used to give his opinion about what they recorded, but today there was nothing like that, he only did what Freddie told him, he didn't questioned anything. Brian noticed this, of course, he was like his little son and he felt a bit guilty about it, so while Roger was recording some takes with his drums in the booth, Brian walked up to you to chat.
"Hey, I think Roger will kill me if I tell you this," He giggled as he put down his guitar, "But he wrote you a song, he showed it to me earlier today, and I think I made him unsure about the lyrics, you know how Roger is with his insecurity," he waved his hand in the air.
You nodded and frowned, "He wrote me a song? Like, a real song?" the corners of your lips raised a little.
"Yes, he did, and I think you would help him a lot if you talk to him about it, you know, you are his weakness, he trusts you," Brian gave you a warm smile as he took up his guitar again and made his way to the booth after Freddie called him.
You thought about that all day. Roger had written you a song, a fucking song, no one had never written you a song before, you felt special, truly special. Roger was so cute, you couldn't think of anything other than grabbing him by the face and kissing him like he was the the first time you kiss someone. The fact that Roger is sad because he is insecure with his song broke your heart in two, Brian's opinions always affected him, he is his best friend of all life, if Brian does not liked something, Roger would convinced himself that Brian was the one who was right.
The day at the studio ended and you and Roger were in your car on the way home. Roger was quiet the whole trip, playing with the pocket of his pants, the pocket where the sheet with the lyrics of his song was, you could see he was frustrated and nervous, you realized since he was biting his nails, you hated when he did that, because it hurted his nails.
"Don't bite your nails," you said a bit serious as looking at him from the corner of your eye.
He automatically take his hand off his face, like when you scold a little child, he knew that you hated that he bites his nails but he did it unconsciously.
"I'm sorry, i wont do that again," he mumbled.
Poor baby, your heart was literally melting right now.
"Its okay silly boy" you giggled, "Is something wrong? You are being weird," you said without taking your eyes off the road.
"What? Oh- yes yes, just stressed and tired," he lied while looking out the window.
You clearly knew he was lying to you, but you didn't tell him anything. When you parked the car, both of you got out and entered the house, you hung up your coat and went to the kitchen to help yourself to something to drink, Roger sat on the couch and turned on the TV.
After a long time, you couldn't hold back this no more.
Roger and you were lying on the couch, your head resting on his chest as he hugged you and caressed your lower back.
"Roggie," you said in a soft tone.
"Whats up, sweetheart?" He stop watching TV to look into your eyes, putting a hair behind your ear.
"Someone told me that you wrote a song for me," you said with a smile on your face, accompanied by a sweet giggle.
'Brian dumbass' he thought.
"It's not a big deal, it sucks, but don't worry, I'll write you another one," he said kissing your forehead, his eyes returned to the TV screen, trying to avoid the subject.
"C'ome on darling, i wanna hear it," you made the best wet dog face you could have, "Don't be a bad boy, bad boys are not rewarded," you said with a smirk, lowering your hand to his pants.
"Nuh uh," He laughed while taking your hand out of the place, "You are not going to convince me by giving me a handjob, naughty girl,"
Fuck, this affected him more than you expected, Roger bloody Taylor just denied you a handjob A HANDJOB. Brian what the hell did you do to my poor little boyfriend.
"Oh come on, don't be a dick," you said laughing, burying your hands in his pockets, looking for traces of any paper that has the lyrics of the song, if you couldn't hear it, at least you wanted to read it.
Roger laughed proudly and shaking his head knowing you were never going to find the sheet of paper, "Wrong pants, sweetie."
Roger had changed into more comfortable clothes when they arrived, so his other pants where probably in the bedroom. You looked at him with a challenging face while raising an eyebrow, without warning, you jumped out of the couch to go and find the pants he was wearing at the studio.
But Roger ran over and grabbed your arm, hard enough to hold you still, but not hard enough to hurt you.
"You are not gonna read my song baby," he said as he buried his face in your neck, looking for that spot that makes your knees turn to jelly, it was the only way for a whirlwind like you to stay still, he knew you too much well.
You tried to get rid of him, fighting between his tongue passing under your ear, tickling you a little bit, and your desire to read that bloody song.
He slowly brought you back to the couch and threw you on it, then he threw himself on you, leaving you with no way out.
"Please Rog, I'm serious, I want to hear that song of yours, im not gonna judge you, you don't need to be insecure with me," you begged him while you stroked his hair.
"Believe me what I tell you, it is not as good as I thought,"
"Is that because Brian told you that?" you raised an eyebrow, knowing the answer.
Roger did not say anything, he just laughed a little, a laugh that tried to overshadow his sadness, he wanted to show you the song, it was the first thing he wanted to do, but he was so insecure that he couldn't do it. He began to go upstairs, towards the room. You stayed on the sofa, surrended, thinking how to convince him at once.
After a while, it was already night, Roger was sitting on the bed reading a book, you entered the room with his guitar in hand, Roger took his eyes out of the book to meet yours.
"Sing it to me," you said firmly, giving him the guitar.
"Y/N, i told you tha-" you interrupted him.
"I don't fucking care Roger, just, sing it, you wrote it for me, I deserve to hear it, don't I?"
Roger thought about it for a few seconds, you were right, you deserved to hear his song, or rather, YOUR song.
"Rog, love" your voice was soft now, "You know me, I'm not going to criticize you, I never did, do you remember when you wrote the song about your car?, I was the only person who supported you with that song, because i really thought it was a good one, don't you remember?"
Roger laughed at the memory of him locked in the closet while you told him his song was good. Such a child he was.
"I love every piece of art you create, you are a very creative man, and I love it, I think that is what I like the most about you actually, but you have to stop being so insecure, i mean, you can ask for opinions, but don't let those opinions take hold of you, if you are sure about something just do it, artists should never doubt their abilities."
You sat next to him, you put the guitar on the bed.
Roger put the book on the nightstand and picked up the guitar. You smiled when you realized that your words convinced him, you were about to listen to the song that Roger wrote for you.
"Okay, mm" He cleared his throat, "The song is called 'Future Management' and it is a short song," He smiled to himself, starting to play some chords on the guitar.
"And, i wrote it the day we were on the park, remember? you said a phrase, that is in the song actually, and i just wrote the rest on my own," He continue to explain as you nodded, eager to listen.
You were sitting, totally expectant as he kept playing a couple of chords until he started singing.
"You won't need anyone else but me ...
You'll find,
I'm gonna invite you to try my machine
Program an offer you just can't refuse,
I'm gonna invite you to share all my dreams,
You've got nothing to lose
You won't need nobody else but me ...
You'll find,
I'm gonna invite you to try my machine,
Program an offer you just can't refuse,
I'm gonna invite you to share all my dreams,
You've got nothing to lose,
Recycle your thoughts,
I'll rewire your mind,
I'll punch in some new points of view,
To make sure you find,
You've got nothing to lose,
You don't need nobody else but me"
You almost cried out, your eyes crystallized at the instant he stop singing, the song was so beautiful, and knowing that he wrote it just for you makes your stomach fill with butterflies.
Roger looked at you, with a smile from ear to ear, he could tell that you love it, "You liked it?"
"Rog, are you joking? I LOVE IT" you said as he took out the guitar and put it aside, you jumped on him and kissed him deeply, Roger was more than happy, he had overcome his insecurity, thanks to you.
You cut the kiss to take a breath, Roger took you by the cheeks and wiped a tear with his thumb.
"I love you so much, sweetheart," your voice cracked a little.
"Believe me, I love you much more petal," he said and then he kissed you again.
The kiss just get more and more intense, heat running both bodies. Breath mixing.
Your hand lowered gently to his pants, you reached in, "I wanna try your machine, can I?" you whispered on his lips giggling.
Roger growled at the touch, "I invited you first, so that is a yes" he said unbuttoning his shirt.
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moonstarrr · 3 years
Tag along,little one (Joe Mazzello x reader)
Summary: Joe takes your daughter out grocery shopping when she doesn’t want him to leave without her
(I hope you enjoy:))
•It was around 2:30 in the afternoon and you had a list of things you had to get for the house because you ran out of them. You were already exhausted, you have a 4 year old daughter who is always full with energy, your husband Joe was busy , so you were kind of left to do most stuff by yourself but Joe tried his best to help you in anyway possible and you were always thankful for that . You were grabbing your bag and put on your shoes going upstairs to tell Joe that you were about to head out to go get some stuff from the grocery store. He was on his laptop probably responding too some emails he got but you weren’t too sure. You walked her and sat next to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“I'm going to the store ill be back and Lilly is in her room playing”you said while sounding exhausted 
Joe looked at you and he felt bad about you still going to do things, he knew you were stubborn so it would be hard for him to convince you to stay home but his being the husband that he is, he was going to do it for you. Wether you liked it or not he wasn't changing his mind. 
‘how about I do it for’ he said with a smile on his face, he took his hand in yours and kissed you. Part of you wanted to tell him that it was alright and that you would do It but then again you needed the rest .
‘you would really do that, I mean if your busy I don't wanna be a bother too you’ you looked at him with a small tired smile.
“you have done enough love don't worry about it, and I already know where you put the list so you have nothing else to worry about other than too go rest “
He got up and went to go get his sweater since it was fall and it tends to get really chilly . You went to you and Joe’s shared bedroom and changed into9 some more comfy clothes, sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. You then went to check on your daughter to make sure she was okay. When you got into her room you saw that she was playing with some dolls and stuff animals that were spreader out on the floor . You picked her up from behind and tickled her a little bit allowing small and happy giggles to come out of her mouth. When you sat her down on her bad she looked around the room.
‘Where's daddy mommy ‘? you couldn't help but smile at what she said because she looked super cute saying it
“Daddy's about to go to the store in a while, do you wanna go say bye” you said fixing her hair. Next thing you now your daughter is running downstairs to go find  her dad, you were right behind her mostly because you didn't want anything to happen to her while she was going down the stairs. She was saying “daddy” over and over again trying to look for him. When she found him he was about to head out the front door. He turned around and looked at her and she put her arms out running towards him and he picked her up. Joe looked at you and smiled causing you too smile back at him.
“Daddy I don't want you too leave” she said while pouting and putting her face in his neck. “I'm just going to the store love, I will come back im not leaving.” That’s not what she wanted to hear and she started crying. You were confused because she never acted like this went he went out.
“ How about you go with daddy will that be fun princess.” you said hoping that will make the poor girl feel better, Joe wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead. Her mood instantly changed and she was eager to get dressed. 
“ I get to go the store with daddy” 
she went upstairs to go get dressed and choose what she wanted to wear.
Joe came over too you and stood next too you while putting an arm around your waist “She’s too cute y/n”
“Well who is her father” you said sarcastically while laughing”
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x reader : the little things
Notes : reader is afraid of thunderstorms so the band decide to comfort her. They build a pillow fort, watch a movie, eat some snacks and cuddle together. Takes place during the early years of queen.
Other note vhs tapes weren't invented thill 1977 but lets pretend they were invented earlier 😅
Warnings : fear of thunder and lightning
Words : 1180
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(Photo doesn't belong to me)
The boys were at their own home talking about what song they should record next, it was raining pretty hard outside
"I say Fred we should go and record liar first" said john while stiring his tea
"I think seven seas of rhye is better" Freddie said while sipping his drink
The phone that hung on the wall started to ring, roger picked up " roger taylor speaking how can i help you?"
"Hey rog its me y/n"
"Oh hi y/n What is it? "
"Um i feel stuppid to ask but could you and the guys please come over?"
"Oh yeah sure we will be there in 20 minuts"
"Thanks rog" she hang up the phone
He placed the phone on the wall "Guys that was y/n she asked if we could come she sounded a bit panicked"
Brian stood up And grabed the car keys "i'll drive lets go"
Like roger promiced they arived there within 20 minuts. It was raining cats and dogs outside. John rang the bell
Y/n opend the door "Oh thank goodness you guys are here, come in" they all walked in and went to the livingroom, y/n was about to close the door when a big bright flash filled the sky and then a big boom sound. She recoiled in fear. she closed the door and locked it then walked to the livingroom
"So y/n why did we need to come over?" Asked Brian while looking around a bit
"Wel um," there was an other big flash, followed by an other big sound, she let go of a yelp and ducked down.
The boys looked at echoter and then back at y/n
"Oh y/n darling" Freddie stood up And kneeled infront of her. "Are you scared of the thunder?"
She nodded "Im sorry it looks so stuppid"
"Oh dear its not stuppid at al" he hugged her
John stood up "you know what we should do, watch a movie together" he walked up to the tv and picked up a vhs tape with Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory on it. "Do you want to watch this?"
Freddie helped y/n up "Yeah sure alright" and they both sat down on the coutch
Brian walked in to the kitchen "I'll go and make us something"
"Oh ok thats alright"
Roger and john picked up some blankets and pillows from the side of the coutch and they pulled some string lights from a drawer
Brian apeared from the kitchen "Hey y/n, do you have any popcorn?"
"Yes in the cabinet above the sink"
"Thanks" he went back to make some
"Roger john what are you guys doing?"
"Wel we thought that it would be a good idea to build a pillow fort"
"That sounds like fun" outside it was stil raining and thundering
Freddie, john, roger and y/n worked togeter to set up the fort, in about 10 minuts it was done .
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"Oh its absolutly perfect" y/n clapt her hands
"The popcorn and tea is done" Brian had some cups in his hands and gave them to the others, then he went to get the bowl of popcorn.
"John could you put in the tape?"
"Yeah sure" he turned on the tv and put the tape in
"Are you ready y/n?" Roger asked
"Yeah i am" she smiled softly
"I never seen this movie before, what is it about?"
"Its about a man who has a candy factory and he needs a heir for his factory, so he puts 5 golden tickets in some candy bars al the 5 people who find the tickets are invited to the factory, but there can be only one winner" y/n and roger sat down on the coutch while the others sat down on the ground before them
"Sounds intresting"
"I watched it a few times already so im not gonna say anything" she smiled. Al of a sudden a big flash light up the room again after that a big boom was heared it shook the house. Y/n griped on to roger. " Sorry" she ducked her head
"Dont worry its alright" he smiled
John sat down "Lets get started with the movie".
*time skip*
They were half way trough the movie when Freddie said "i realy start to hate that veruca girl" then she started to sing i want it now " Oh god now she's singing"
"She wil get her karma don't worry" y/n laught
When the movie was over y/n turned off the tv. "So what did you guys think?"
"I loved it" said Brian
"God that part with the boat and the tunnel was so damn scary" roger had his legs pulled to his chest
"My favorite part was where charlie won the golden ticket" said John while putting away the popcorn bowl
"Me to plus the ending of was so sweet"
Brian stood up And looked out the window " its stil thundering outside, would you like us to stay the night?"
"Yes please if you guys dont mind"
"Alright but i think we need an extra mattress"
"There is one leaning against the wall in my bedroom"
"Alright mind helping me?"
"Sure bri" She stood up And walked to her room and opend the door. "here it is, i hope its good enough"
"Its perfect you take that side i take this one 1. 2 .3 " both of them picked it up And brought it back to the living room
"I got some extra blankets and pillows"
"Thanks Fred, put it down here bri"
"Alright" they both lowered it to the ground
"Deaky can you prepare it?"
"Sure i can y/n" he smiled
"Roger can you help me in the kitchen"
"Yes of course what are we going to do?"
"Im going to make some sandwiches for us all, could you grab a few things and help me prepair them?"
Roger nodded " Yeah sure what do you need?"
"Um bread, lunch meat, cheese, salad, and tomatos"
"Alright where is the bread?"
" Its in the cabinet above the sink where the popcorn also is, the rest is in the refrigerator" y/n pulled out the plates and a knife to cut some stuff up
About 10 minuts later the sandwiches are done "here you go guys enjoy"
"Thanks you two, these are delicious"
"Your welcome" y/n was a lot more on ease now after all the hours they spent together, but still there is some fear
Later that night They al prepared to get to sleep, Brian had closed the blinds and dimmed the lights "ready for bed y/n?"
"Yeah im tired, with who can i sleep?"
"You can sleep with me" roger grined and held up the blanket
"Alright Sure" she smiled and walked over to him she lied down and got comfy "good night guys"
"Good night y/n and of you are scared please wake us up"
"Will do thanks you all for today"
"Your welcome dear"
That night everyone went to sleep peacefully
The end
I hope you guys enjoyed reading please let me know what you think 😊 also concider rebloging if you like the story
Have a Nice day everyone♥️
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nonsensestuff · 4 years
POV: You've been Freddie's best friend for years and you are happy for him
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Borhap Cast
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Never Too Far
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David Bowie x Fem! Reader
Category: Fluff, angst
Warnings: Just slight angst
Word Count: 5.9K
A/N: Hope you enjoy this little piece fueled by excitement and love for Bowie, I swear I proof read a couple of times but if anything went over my head, I apologize in advance for it. Enjoy! xox
Originally Posted by @fleeting-queen-of-pepperland
Music blared through the speakers, invading every inch of the house, making Y/n's chest rumble. Her hand tightly gripping her brother's as they made their way across the large living room towards the kitchen. 
"Are you sure they're in there?" Y/n asked, stretching her neck and brushing a couple strands of hair behind her ears to take a better look at the sea of faces surrounding them. John answered with a meek nod followed by an unsure shrug. 
"Roger said he'd be here, Brian already left with someone and god knows where Freddie is," he answered, slightly annoyed at his band mates for ditching him and his sister. They had been the ones to talk him into letting Y/n go with them to the party. 
"But it's at Mick's" John had protested "I don't want my sister on her own at one of his parties."
"Come on, Deacy!" Roger had insisted. "She's what, five minutes younger than you?" 
"Three." Y/n corrected, palms sweating as she tapped her fingers against her knees anxiously. "Please, John. You might've gotten used to being around these people by now, but this would mean so much to me!" 
John pursed his lips thoughtfully and stared at Y/n, who looked at him pleadingly, mouthing another "please", holding her hands together in front of her lips. 
"Alright," he receded, throwing his arms up in defeat "But don't wander off and if you even look at anything other than a joint, we're out. Understood?" 
Y/n nodded and hugged her brother gleefully, planting a kiss on his cheek, thanking him profusely. 
"Oh, don't worry, darling" Freddie said, patting John's shoulder reassuringly. "We'll look out of her from time to time, she'll be fine," 
Of course, they didn't, ergo John's annoyed expression. 
Once they walked into the kitchen, Roger was indeed in there, rummaging one of the cupboards while drunkenly whispering to himself. 
"For fuck's sake Jagger, you have all but the Queen's knickers in here but not some damn licorice?" 
"Rog?" John called from behind the drummer, who tripped on the chair he was standing on and barely managed to hold himself up by gripping the edge of the kitchen counter. He stared at the twins and smiled widely, a half-eaten chocolate bar hanging from his free hand. 
"Deacy! Y/n!" he exclaimed and carefully stepped down, "How's the party? Are you having a good time, love?" 
Roger didn't wait for a reply before taking another bite out of his chocolate bar, shaking his head while looking at Y/n. 
"Of course you aren't, how can you be remotely having fun with your dear chaperone breathing down your neck, you poor, poor thing. " 
Roger threw an arm around Y/n's shoulders and pulled her head down to his chest, running his hand down her hair in a comforting manner. 
Despite wanting to protest, Y/n knew he was right. She loved her brother to pieces, but he did have a hard time assimilating that fact that she was not a little girl anymore, and she wanted to live a lot more than he probably would be comfortable with. 
Unfortunately, she had never been confrontational enough to openly tell John to back off. If anything, she would sneak away or find any other passive way to get rid of her occasionally overbearing twin. 
Mostly, it was a lucky twist of fate that saved her from this kind of situation, and this wasn't the exception. 
That night it came in the shape of Freddie barging in through the kitchen door. 
"Brian just got in a fight!" he announced. 
"What? I thought he was leaving with that brunette!" John exclaimed, looking puzzled. Freddie laughed almost maniacally and nodded. 
"Oh, he tried to leave with her alright. But turns out she came here with Townshend and he's having none of it, and apparently dear Bri isn't either."
"I've got to see that, where are they?" Roger asked, bolting through the door. 
"Upstairs, in the hallway!" the singer replied as he quickly followed, still laughing gleefully. 
"Damn," John muttered, seeing them go before turning to his sister. "Stay here, I'll go and see if I'm sober enough to save their drunk asses" 
Y/n nodded eagerly, obviously not intending to obey his order and already wondering what part of the house she'd venture to first once John was out of the equation. Probably not the hallway upstairs. Just as a precaution, Y/n waited for a couple of minutes after her twin disappeared behind the kitchen door. As she scanned her surroundings, her eyes landed on the fridge before her. 
"Oh, what the hell." she whispered to herself as she swung the door open and grabbed a bottle of beer. Y/n hummed while she carefully pressed the lid against the edge of the counter and, with a sudden upwards movement, opened the bottle. A handy trick she had learned from Roger. 
Since everything seemed clear, she reached her hand out to grab the door knob before it suddenly twisted and someone flung the door open, covertly sliding inside the kitchen and closing the door after him. 
Instinctively thinking it was her brother, Y/n retreated to her original position, as if she never intended to leave the room. 
But the figure before her wasn't John. 
He was barely shorter, and slimmer. His skin was porcelain smooth, strands of his scruffy yellow hair fell over his forehead. With a quick head movement the man flipped them out of his face, uncovering his eyes. 
It wasn't until he turned around that she could see them properly, but he almost jumped backwards, startled by the figure quietly standing on the other side of the room that had gone unnoticed by him. 
"Bloody hell," he blurted out before taking a deep breath and leaning against the wall besides the door. "Sorry, I could've sworn I was alone," 
"No, no, it's okay." Y/n assured him with a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I shouldn't have just stood here, in a dark corner, looking so creepy," 
"Well," he replied with a smirk "Can't be worse than a pale, scrawny weird-eyed lad, can it?" 
She nodded with an amused smile and shrugged. 
"Touche. I honestly thought for a moment I had too much to drink and was seeing a ghost, but then I realized…" Y/n lifted the untouched bottle of beer she was holding. "... I'm completely sober."
"Love, you don't want that." the man made his way towards her with a couple of strides and snatched the bottle from her hands. 
"I have already been here several times," he whispered, leaning closer to her as if he was revealing a big secret, even if they were alone in the kitchen. "I know where to find something more… suitable for such a pretty lady, follow me."
He took her hand, practically engulfing it in his slender and delicate fingers. He led her out of the kitchen, not letting go as he made his way across the crowd that had gathered in the living room, going as far as the top of the stairs. However, Y/n realized he was being careful as to not drag her too roughly through the innumerable bodies. 
Finally, he turned around a corner and slid through a small door, behind which a small staircase descended into a pitch black corridor. 
"I'm David," he said as he continued to walk down the stairs. Even in the darkness, Y/n could see his wide, mischievous smile when he looked back at her. 
"Y/n," she replied smiling back, although she doubted he had noticed since her eyes were anxiously fixed on the steps. 
"Here," he said gently, almost reading her mind, as he took her hand and placed it on his arm. "This stair is a little bit steep, you might want to hold onto me." 
Y/n nodded with a soft "thank you" before they continued their descent. 
Finally, they reached an underground room. David reached out his hand and began feeling the wall next to the entrance until he found the light switch. 
When he turned on the lights, Y/n could see three rows of large barrels and another of wooden racks, full of wine bottles of different kinds. Finally, a small metallic table stood in the center of the room, a silver tray with four glasses resting atop. 
"See?" David said, rubbing his hands together as he made his way towards the racks. He knelt before one and moved his fingers tentatively around the bottles while he chose one. Finally, he gripped the neck of a bottle with a beautifully painted label depicting an abstract bouquet of posies on a white background. 
"Are you sure Mick will be okay with this?"
Y/n asked, snickering nervously as she approached the table. David nodded without a single trace of worry and carefully pulled the cork off. 
"Come on, he won’t miss one sad little bottle, he’s got plenty,” he assured and carefully poured the two glasses, handing one to Y/n. 
“Well, cheers to that,” Y/n said, lifting her glass with a soft laugh. He reciprocated the toast and took a small sip of his glass, staring at Y/n thoughtfully with pursed lips as she took another sip. 
“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” he said with an amused grin. Y/n felt her face burn as she bit the inside of her cheek, pondering on whether the words in her brain should leave her mouth. However, thanks to that odd instant connection established between the two of them, David seemed to peek into her mind once again. 
“You do know who I am, don’t you?” he asked. 
“I do!” Y/n gave in, clamping her hand over her forehead and shaking her head, “Of course I do, I’ve been actively trying to get a hold of myself for the last ten minutes, I figured it would be awful to come up to someone wanting a normal conversation and instead end up with another starstruck fan babbling about how much they love your music and how you’re amazing, blah, blah, blah.” 
Y/n looked up at David, who was just staring back with a surprised expression and obviously trying to refrain himself from bursting out laughing. However, before she could panic any further, he grabbed the bottle and leaned forward. 
“I believe the most responsible thing to do would be to cut you off,” However, he did exactly the opposite and tilted the bottle to refill Y/n’s glass. “But if this is what it takes to keep you talking, I’d let you wipe out Mick’s entire cellar, dear.” 
Y/n let out a relieved laughter, feeling more tranquil now that she had gotten that off her chest and didn’t scare poor David away. Said calmness increased when he began laughing as well. It was an honest and hearty laugh that made both of them forget the entire party above them, even after the laughter stopped and they sat in a comfortable silence, sipping on their glasses contentedly. 
“Coltrane,” David said after a short while. Y/n hummed questioningly and furrowed her eyebrows. 
“John Coltrane,” the musician repeated, “do you know him?” 
“I absolutely love John Coltrane,” Y/n replied, emphasizing every word, “I have spent years collecting every album of his, and now I’m only missing A Love Supreme,” 
“That I can help with,” David replied with a flirty smile. Y/n now positively blushed, which he noticed despite her attempt to hide it behind the glass as she raised it to her lips. 
“Smooth,” She quipped. “Alright, Chet Baker?” 
“Love him. I’d hate to boast, but I own a gigantic collection of jazz records. Coltrane, Davis, Baker, you name it. Perhaps you’d like to visit me sometime and I could show them to you?” 
Y/n nearly choked on her wine. However, she realized that the longer she kept talking to the world-famous rockstar, the less she perceived him as such, now rather seeing him as a fellow jazz connoisseur who happened to be undeniably charming. 
Suddenly, their pleasant chatter was interrupted by an odd sound. It was so out of place that it took Y/n a couple minutes to put her finger on what it was, until she realized it was a doorbell. More specifically, the one they had at her building. How the hell could the doorbell of her flat be ringing in Mick Jagger’s cellar, and too loudly to be at the main door? 
As Y/n turned to face David, she blinked confused when her eyes met nothing but an empty space next to the table. Before she could think or say anything else, the doorbell began ringing once again in an annoyingly persistent fashion.
Y/n opened her eyes and found herself staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She felt a dull ache in her chest and sighed deeply, hoisting herself up and rubbing her eyes groggily. Y/n swung her legs over the edge of her bed and looked down when her toes collided with something cold and smooth. She picked up a small, square object that laid beside her bed, recognizing it as an object she should’ve never taken out of the box in the attic to which it had been confined for months. 
It was a framed picture of David and her together. He was hugging her by the neck and planting a kiss on her temple. The Y/n of the picture smiled gleefully, her hands placed atop the musician’s. 
Y/n huffed and placed the picture inside a drawer next to her bed as the phone downstairs began ringing. She hurried down the stairs and plucked the annoying artifact from its base. 
“Yes?” she answered. The familiar voice of her brother sounded on the other side, especially cheerful. 
“Happy birthday!” he greeted, “Where are you? Are you at home? I’ve been ringing on your doorbell for ages!”
“Birthday?” she answered, furrowing her eyebrows. “Oh, right. Our birthday. I’m sorry, John. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.”
She rushed to the mirror in her bathroom and stared at her face, didn’t liking at all what she saw. Her eyes and cheeks were noticeably red and puffy, and the last thing she needed was a concerned twin that tended to ask too many questions regarding her well-being. 
Y/n hastily threw some cold water on her face and patted her hair to make it look somewhat neat before hurrying downstairs and opening the door to find John standing before her. By the way the edges of his lips sunk when he laid eyes on her, she knew her efforts to look perfectly fine had been futile. Stupid twin intuition, she thought, stepping aside to let him in. They walked upstairs in silence and, right after she closed the door after him, John spoke. 
“Do you want to t–?” 
“I had a dream about him again,” Y/n snapped, folding her arms and sitting on the sofa. John thought that in that position she accurately resembled a pouting child. 
“Y/n…” John cooed sitting next to her, his arm placed comfortingly over her shoulders “Listen, I came to invite you to the studio. Me and the boys are recording a new song today, and I know how much you love to hear us play, and since it’s our birthday we could get lunch after...but if you don’t feel like going, I could ring them, tell them something came up, then we could go to Brixton and get some of those Cuban sweets you like so much…”
“Jamaican,” Y/n interjected with a soft smile, which her brother returned. 
“Jamaican sweets, then. How does that sound?” 
Y/n looked around the flat. That day it felt particularly small and stuffy, and no matter how much she wanted to stay in and spend the day in bed, she knew there was nothing that could lift her spirits more than sunlight, good music and the three boys she loved most in the whole world. 
Suddenly, the sound of a car honk blared through the window, followed by the unmistakable voice of Roger. 
“Come on, Deacons! Are you coming, or what?” 
Y/n giggled and shook her head before staring up at her twin.
“I thought you said you could ring them to reschedule,” 
“I might have decided to forget they were downstairs waiting in the car in favor of your well-being,”  
“Then I guess it would be extremely rude to keep them waiting, wouldn’t it?” 
Y/n said, keeping an exaggeratedly serious attitude. 
“Oh, absolutely. How shalt thou proceed?”  
He replied, making a funny nasal voice to accompany his parodic posh accent. Y/n laughed and threw her arms in the air as she walked back into her bedroom. 
“Alright, alright, you win. I’ll be ready in a bit.”
Y/n hummed as she wandered around the recording studio, carrying the notebook with the notes of the new song John was writing for the album. She flipped through the pages, admiring her brother’s messy handwriting, so typical of him when he was in a hurry. 
She loved the recording studio, and deeply appreciated the band’s willingness to let her tag along whenever she wanted. If it was up to her, Y/n would spend every single day with them at the studio, but she knew they needed space as a band and a Masters took up much more of her time than she expected. 
Thus, she was more than happy to sporadically join them and perform small tasks such as fetching things they had forgotten in the car, like the notebook she was holding in her hands. 
Reaching the door of the room in which they were recording, she grabbed the handle and walked in, her eyes still fixed on the pages. 
“John, here’s your notebook,” she announced, lifting her glance, “I’m serious, if your head wasn’t attached to your neck…”
Y/n froze in place, a cold shiver slowly sliding down her spine as her eyes fell upon the figure that sat on a chair, staring at the boys who were already inside the booth, discussing something among them. She slowly placed the notebook atop one of the speakers and silently walked backwards to avoid drawing attention to her, but it was too late. 
David’s blue eyes wandered to the side until they collided with Y/n’s, freezing him in place as well. Feeling her throat dry up, she couldn’t think of anything better to do other than making her escape through the doors and going back to the hallway, where she stared blankly at the wall before her as she tried to collect her thoughts. 
What the bloody hell is he doing here? she thought, fighting the urge to peek back inside to make sure he hadn’t followed her. 
It wasn’t necessary. Shortly after, Y/n heard steps headed towards the door. Without making sure it was even David, she quickly began walking down the hallway, trying to remember whether it led to the exit at all.
She felt cornered when she reached a dead end, seeing nothing but doors leading to empty studios around her, and the steps kept getting closer. For a short instant she considered the possibility of hiding inside one of the studios, but they were probably locked and it sounded much too childish anyway. 
She couldn’t keep running anymore. 
“Y/n?” The voice behind her spoke, making her stomach feel as if it was riding a roller coaster. She faked a composed smile and turned to face David as he approached her with slow, hesitant steps. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” 
“Hi,” she coolly greeted, “Yeah, I...I didn’t expect you to be here either. What are you doing here?” 
“I’ve been looking for you for months,” he interjected, ignoring her question with a pang of annoyance in his voice. She lifted her eyebrows with faux surprise. 
“Really? Oh, I’ve been quite busy. That’s just how things are sometimes, right?” 
However, the recognition she expected to find in his eyes wasn’t there, as if the words she had intentionally chosen meant nothing to him. Unbeknownst to her, the same moment she had been replaying in her mind over and over for the past months was exactly what he had in mind right then, trying to make any sense of what she was trying to say. 
It hadn’t been a nice day from the very beginning. Rainy, windy and cold. Both of them actually enjoyed that kind of day, but this one felt different. 
It probably was the fact that David’s reply to Y/n’s “I love you” before she left their shared flat was “See you,” or that the night before he had insisted on her going to bed so he could stay up working on the songs for his album, promising he would join her when he was done only for Y/n to find him sleeping on the couch in the morning. 
When her classes were over for the day, she went straight to the phone booth outside her college and dialed his number cheerfully. When he picked up, he sounded tired and even slightly irritated. 
“Who is it?” he dryly spoke. Y/n frowned, a little confused and decidedly hurt. 
“Hi love, it’s me,” she replied, hoping his tone would change when he realized it was his girlfriend calling. However, that wasn’t the case. 
“Oh, hi. What is it?” David answered. 
“Nothing, it’s just...I wanted to let you know that my last class was canceled, so I’ll be coming home earlier, alright?” 
“Yeah, fine. I’ll see you here,” he replied. However, Y/n didn’t hang up. 
“Wait, I was thinking, maybe we could go out and have dinner together? They opened a new place downtown and it seems lovely.” 
“Sure, if that’s what you want,” 
Y/n blinked, still confused. Had she done or said anything wrong? Why did he sound so bitter? 
“Is it not what you want?” She tentatively asked, still maintaining a happy disposition towards him despite his attitude. 
“No, it's fine. Listen Y/n, I’m a little busy at the moment, we’ll talk about it when you come home, okay? See you later,” 
“Yes, fine. I’ll see you later, I lo–”
But he had already hung up. She sighed and exited the booth, gloomily realizing that had been the second unanswered “I love you,” of the day, something that was becoming more and more frequent. 
When she arrived at their flat, Y/n slid the keys inside the lock and turned them as quietly as she could, slowly swinging the door open.
As she made her way through the flat, Y/n could hear David’s voice in the kitchen, somewhat muffled by the whistle of the kettle. 
“...I know, I know,” he spoke, sounding tired. A pause followed before he spoke again. 
“I just want one hour, Lou,” he snapped, “One bloody hour to work properly with no distractions and not having to worry about being an arse to her,” 
He must be at the phone, Y/n thought as she moved closer. 
Y/n stopped on her tracks and covertly stood next to the kitchen door. When David said “her” was he referring to his girlfriend? Was he considering her a distraction to his work? Of course she had noticed he was feeling a lot of stress from the new album, but didn’t think her efforts to relieve him of some of that pressure were unwanted. Perhaps she had unknowingly crossed some boundary? 
“I know she does, and I didn't mind it at first, but...I just can’t stand her sometimes, and I feel like shit about it. Maybe...I don’t know, lately I’ve been wondering whether it’s time to call things off. She’s doing her best, I know she is, but I refuse to put up with it anymore.” 
By that point, Y/n had to clamp her hand over her mouth to muffle the strangled sob that began to build up down her throat. She wished more than ever that her last class hadn’t been canceled, that she was far away from there, sitting before her desk without even suspecting that the love of her life was planning on getting rid of such a “distraction”. She was completely taken aback. The hurtful way in which he was referring to her, even cold-heartedly, didn’t sound like the David she had met and fallen in love with. She would have bet on her life he would never talk about her like that. 
“Yeah, it’s a pity, I did like her, you know? But now I hear her come in and I honestly want to jump out of the window,” Then David laughed. He dismissively talked about breaking things off with her and laughed about it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Y/n’s heart as well. “Anyway, that’s the way things are sometimes. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
Y/n didn’t intend to stay and listen for not even one more lousy minute. It took her two seconds to realize she didn’t have the strength to face him. Just standing in the flat, staring at the walls that had witnessed so many hours of their relationship made her sick. 
As silently as she had arrived, but with tears in her eyes and a sharp pain bolting relentlessly through her chest, Y/n slipped out the door and rushed down the street, unsure of where she would go next or what she would do. She only knew that she wanted to be as far away from David as she could.
But apparently, the universe had other plans. The man she had spent months avoiding was now standing before her, looking hurt and confused as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“I need to talk to you,” 
“I think it’s too late for that,” Y/n cut him off, “because I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Exactly,” David replied, “What happened? One day you went to college as always and never came back, you changed your phone number, nobody will tell me where you have been living, where did you go, and most importantly, you didn’t even tell me why you left in the first place.”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and blinked, feeling extremely confused. 
“Are you serious?” she asked, “I heard your phone call with Lou, David. I heard everything you said about me being a distraction, and how you couldn’t stand me anymore, and how you wanted to jump through the fucking window every time you heard me come home. And I tried to spare us the whole breakup speech by just leaving, but if you want to talk about it fine, let’s talk about it.” 
David just stood and stared at her, not even a trace of guilt dashed over his face, just utter confusion until his eyes went wide and his mouth broke into a relieved grin, his hand pressed against his forehead. 
“Oh my god,” he said and began chuckling nervously, “I can’t...oh god.”
“What’s so funny?” Y/n exclaimed, not deciding on whether she should feel hurt, insulted or just as perplexed as he did seconds before. 
“Y/n...that call was not about you at all.” 
“How could you have even conceived I’d say such things about you? I was talking about Miranda, the assistant I had been working with for two months,” 
Y/n just moved her mouth a couple of times as if she wanted to say something, but her mind was a complete blank, her brain struggling to order her thoughts and give them some logic, replaying the conversation in her mind. Since she did not speak, David took this as a sign to continue his explanation. 
“She was a fan of mine but I didn’t mind it at first, because it did not interfere with her job. But eventually she began flirting with me until it became unbelievably annoying and I decided to fire her, although I did feel pretty bad about it because she was a nice girl, I just couldn’t ignore it anymore.” 
“But…” Y/n murmured, still unsure. “They way you acted towards me before, like...like you didn’t want me around at all.” 
David’s eyes saddened at that statement, and the guilt that had been missing from his face suddenly appeared as he nodded. 
“That I did and it is completely my fault. The deadline for the album was around the corner, I was struggling with my writing, and I made the terrible mistake of taking all that frustration out on you, and you can’t imagine how sorry I am, darling. It didn’t dawn on me how unfair I was and how horrible you must have felt until I found myself alone in that flat and realized you weren’t coming back.”
David pressed his lips together and sighed deeply before slowly making his way towards her, lingeringly wrapping his hands around hers.  
“I guess what I’m trying to say, Y/n, is that I’ve terribly missed you. I was angry at you for leaving without an explanation, and so I didn’t even try to find you. By the time I realized I loved you too much to let my pride get the best of me, you were already gone. And if you let me, I promise I will fix that.” 
“David,” Y/n replied with a sigh, “I don’t know. I would love to believe all of that is true just like that...but somehow…” 
“You find it hard to trust me,” David finished for her. After all, he was still capable of reading her mind so easily. She bit her lip and nodded, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she blinked. 
“I’ll need some time to think about it, okay?” she said, putting her hand against this cheek with a gentle smile before clearing her throat and making her way around him to head back to the studio. 
However, before she could take two steps, his voice stopped her. 
“A Love Supreme.” he stated, turning to face her, his face full of a new resolution. “The day we met you told me the only Coltrane album you were missing was A Love Supreme, and I didn’t forget, do you want to know why I never mentioned it again?” 
“David,” Y/n began to say, only to be immediately silenced by him.
“No, no, let me finish. I didn’t forget, and the only reason why I never gave it to you was because I didn’t want to give you just another album. I spent months looking for something way better than that, something that lived up to what you deserve. And one month before you left, I found it. It was an unopened record signed by Coltrane himself, and I was saving it for your birthday, for today, as fate would have it. And I never got rid of it, I still have it after all these months just in case…” his voice faltered, and Y/n could see how his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes she was still infatuated with no matter how strongly she tried to deny it, turned glassy, prompting David to clear his throat. “Just in case you ever came back. And I’m still waiting and if I don’t walk out of here with you today, I will keep waiting.”
Y/n stared at him, scanning every inch of his face, until her eyes stopped when they met his. Slowly, she made her way back towards him and, in a contrastingly sudden movement, cupped his cheeks in her hands and pulled his face towards her to press a soft kiss to his lips. Yet, it did not remain that way for long as David slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer almost desperately, his lips leaving hers to meet her cheeks, forehead, nose and finally her mouth once again. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he said, his voice hoarse as a relieved but unsure smile tugged at the edge of his lips. 
Y/n could only nod as she smiled back at him, her thumb softly caressing his cheek. 
“I swear to god Bowie, if you ever treat me that way again, I will shove my foot so far up your–”
“I won’t, I promise,” he quickly assured, pecking her lips hastily, “Do you have any idea of how insufferable it was to live without somebody to bring me coffee while I worked?” 
Y/n punched his arm jokingly, but couldn’t hold back a gleeful snicker as they made their way back to the studio, their fingers almost instinctively intertwined, and the world significantly brighter than it was when they woke up.
“So…” Y/n heard a voice behind her as she helped put the instruments back in their cases. “...is everything sorted out?” 
She turned around to find her twin fondly smiling at her. 
“It is. Isn’t it great that he happened to be around the studio?” she said, noticing a sheet of paper lying on the floor besides one of the speakers. Y/n picked it up and began reading it when she noticed it was a draft of a song. 
“Under Pressure, with…” she lifted her head and stared at her brother, her eyes wide in realization. “You knew he’d be here. John Richard Deacon, did you deliberately ask me to come because you knew he’d be here?” 
John’s face was pale. He obviously didn’t intend Y/n to find out like that. He probably had in mind something more subtle, like casually mentioning it to her at lunch later that day, or back at her flat. 
“Look, I can explain,” he stuttered. “The first time you told me how everything happened, I couldn’t help but wonder why you didn’t even give the lad a chance to explain himself. Because you were right, I had to put up with your babbling about all the wonderful things he said to you for ages, and it did not sound like him. But you’re a very proud and stubborn person, Y/n. I love you, but you know it’s true. And I knew you wouldn’t do it without...well, some help. What can I say? I saw the chance and I took it.”
“Then why didn't you just give him my new address?” she inquired. 
“Because if despite everything you still wanted him to stay away, your address would remain a secret.”
“Johnny, you absolute genius!” Y/n exclaimed, throwing her arms around her twin brother's neck and hugging him tightly, “Thank you. For everything.” 
“Come on, what are twins for? Now, you go and have fun with him. It’s your birthday.” 
“But I don’t want you or the boys to feel as if I ditched you,” Y/n said, a worried look on her face. John chuckled and shook his head with a shrug.
“Don’t be ridiculous, darling,” Freddie’s voice said from behind them as the singer walked by. “you have many, many birthdays left to spend with this bunch of old ladies, we can get lunch tomorrow. Now go.”
Y/n stared at him baffled, but before she could question anything, Brian looked at her, one of his eyebrows lifted. 
“Of course we all knew of Deacy’s plan. Roger just lost money on this.” 
“I didn’t lose shit!” Roger exclaimed, sulking out of the recording booth, “I said she would tell him to give her time to think about it, I never said she would reject him.” 
Y/n looked fondly at the boys and shook her head. They truly were incorrigible. After gifting them with one last excited smile, she ran outside to meet the man she did not wish to be parted from ever again. 
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bohemiansweede · 4 years
First time...
In Santa's lap
Ch 2
Pairing Roger Taylor Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Rogers POV Part 2 of the series (part 1 is posted below) Please like and comment or reblog if you like
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When you read part 2
Listen to this
🥂 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
I hide away in the studio almost the whole December, I had to keep my head busy with other things than... Her
There she was again
I flipped over the cymbals with a loud *CRASH*, John looked up and I shrugged a bit and lit up a cigarette
- Hey man, what's is all the fuss about?
- Nothing John.. I'm fine.
- You are a terrible liar.. You know that?
He joined me on the drumrisers and took up his own cigarettes
- You still think about her.. Right?
- Yeah.. I do.. I was a moron, an idiot.. A complete dick.. Fuck.. She was so beautiful, amazing.. so different, so..
- She is back in London Roger, did you know?
I almost fell of my chair
- What?, Since when?.. Omg.. I have to see her
- Roger.. I don’t think..
- What? I haven't t even looked after a girl since then, not even the groupies at the Christmas gig, all I can think of is her
John looked at me as if I was from an other planet, he shook his head
- You sure you are ready to be serious Roger, she is not that kind of girl you play with
-.. I'm... Yes.. I want her.. I wanted her back that evening too but.. Omg.. I screwed up
- I don't think she is so keen on meeting you, but me and Veronica can maybe luer her into something.. But Roger.. It is something you need to know
My eyes widened, I could only hear his words ringing in my head
"she is back.. I can see her.. a ..."
- She is pregnant Roger ..you hear me?
- What?.. I immediately bounced back to earth, a..am I.. going to be a dad?
Tears fell down on my cheeks
I looked on my own hands, fiddled with my drumsticks, almost whispering
- I have to see her, I want her more than ever
The upcoming week passed by slowly
The day was here, I had kicked out Brian to be with Chrissie
I was so fuckin nervous, I told myself out loud.. I'm going to show her.. that I'm not just a player.. that I'm serious, that she can trust me
I went back and forth in my kitchen, shit.. She is soon here
Shit... The owen!!!
I looked inside, it wasn't ruined
I lighted a few more candles and corrected the flowers in the vase
I was suddenly wide awake
I went out in the hallway and opened the door
There she was, even more beautiful than I remembered, in a fur coat, a cute scarf and her red blushed cheeks from the cold, her mouth, slightly open..
She looked at me with big eyes, we were both like frozen to the ground
- Y/N... Hi... You came, I showed her inside, come in.. Its cold
She just nodded quietly
I helped her off with the coat
I saw the back of her, a cute dark blue dress, her hair in a messy bun, her neck..
She turned around
- I'm ready to hear you out.. To give you a chance to explain.. But I'm not.. I'm disappointed.. Not just you.. But at myself to letting me..
- Hey... Look.., I stuttered and shook my head, please.. Please come in.. Are you hungry?
She followed me out in the kitchen
I saw her looking at the table, the roses, the candles..
I smiled at her
Saw a little smile in the corner of her mouth
- I guess that I was right then, please sit
I pulled out her chair
- I bought non alcoholic wine.. I
She sat down and started to cry heavily
I held around her tense shoulders and kissed her temple, she leaned her face onto my chest
- I... I'm so sorry Roger.. I can have.. have it removed
I looked at her
- No.. No.. Don't even think about that.. NO.. I want you, both of you
I placed my hand on her belly, I'm serious
I took away a tear with my thumb
- Are you sure about that.. I mean..
- I'm sure, even more now. I have only thought about you since that day, I.. I fell in love with you that night Y/N... Thoose other girls there and at the concerts, they don't mean anything, please give me a chance.. Please.. I
She turned her head and looked up at me
Placed a kiss carefully at my lips
- Ok... IF we eat first, it smells delicious and I'm starving
She let out a soft giggle
I kissed her nose and stood up
Took her plate and served up the food from the stove
I turned around and smiled at her
She was here
I placed the plates on the table and poured up wine for both of us
She ate and drank with big apetite
It became easier and easier to talk, we talked about just everything really
We got to know each other, we laughed a lot and I saw in her eyes that she started to maybe feel the same
-.. So.. when I saw you Y/N, I knew what I wanted, but I became shy and tried to cover that shyness with being my cocky self
I'm so sorry for that, I should have run after you
- I know Roger, John told me a little and Veronica.. She comforted me that night, just before I left. She knew..
- Yeah.. John wasn't happy with me.. Neither of them were, at least myself
I took down the last wine
She smiled at me
- You don't have to drink non alcoholic wine because of me
- It was actually quite good.. besides, I want to remember this evening, more wine?.. Dessert?
- Ehhhmm... In a bit... I... mmmm
I stod up and took her hand
She followed me out in the living room
I had prepared a vinyl already and soon Joe Cockers hoarse voice streamed out
I walked towards her and took her in my arms, kissed her cheek and felt her arms closing around my shoulders
I pulled away a little, just looked at her
- I have to agree with him.. "You are so beautiful", I leaned down a little and kissed her, just tasting her lips carefully
She pulled me closer and deepened the kiss, I smiled while we kissed
We just stod like that, holding each other until the song ended
Without a word she took my hand and started to walk, I followed her to my room and she closed the door behind us
- Hunnie.. we don't...
- Ssssccchhhh... She pulled down the straps on her dress and let it fall down
I just couldn't stop staring at her
The moonlight made her skin shimmer like diamonds
I reached out my hand.. slowly.. touched her arm, I let my eyes wander up and down her body
- I'm not made of glass Roger.. You can touch me
She closed the gap between us and I felt the heat from her body
She opened the buttons on my shirt one by one
She giggled a little when her fingers didn't follow her mind
I kissed her passionately while helping her
Her stiff nipples brushed against my chest
- Ohhh God hunnie...
We backed further into the room and when she had the bed behind her I made a little push so she bounced on the mattress
She bit her lip and crawled up in bed
I leaned down and kissed her again and again and again
Continued my kisses down her neck, nibbling on her soft skin
Closed my lips around her nipple and heard her breathing getting more intense
I looked up at her while kissing her burning skin, I stopped a little and leaned my cheek on her belly as if I was listening, I placed a kiss on it and whispered, I can't wait to meet you, our unborn child
She smiled at me and held around my head, she slightly pushed me down
I bit my lip and pulled down her underwear while kissing her hips, her thighs, her innerthighs
She opened up under me and I gasped for air, she was just so amazingly beautiful
I seperated her folds with my tounge, dragged it slowly up and down, I circled it around her clit and her soft moans sounded like music to my ears
I closed my lips around her clit and licked faster, my finger started to slowly entering her
She bucked up her hips and whined a little
I stopped
- Are you alright?
- Yes... Ohhh yes.. Omg.. Don't stop Roger
I let out a breathy laugh and started to eat her out more intense, I added a finger and curled them over her spot
I rubbed it over and over
Not long after I felt her walls collapsing around my fingers
I kept fucking her wet pussy her intire orgasm
My tounge replaced the fingers I pushed it deep inside her, drinking all her sweet nectar, I kept moving my tounge in and out, around and around, my thumb circeled her clit
- Mmmm.. Hunnie.. You are amazing
My tounge found her spot, it kept on nudging it, her thighs clenched around my neck and seconds after she scuirted down my throat
- Ops... She looked down at me with a big smile
I simply couldn't resist her so I crawled back up and kissed her
My cock teased her entrance and my eyes locked with hers
- I love you.. You know that
- Ohh God Roger.. I love you too
Slowly I entered her and we became one
We rolled out hips together in unison, I held around her hips, moving in and out of her
I kissed down her neck and moaned in her ear
My hips thrusted faster and faster
I gripped the headboard and and snapped my hips even more, but not too deep
We kissed again and she moaned into my mouth
I felt she became tighter and I held her close
- Shit love .. I'm coming
- Ohhhh... OHHHH ROGER
I flushed my seed inside her and her contractions squeezed the last drops
I fell to the side in bed, pulling her with me, still inside of her
She had her head on my chest and I pulled her closer
It was silent
All we heart was a little whining wind and the clock on my nightstand
It was after midnight, it was new years eve
I smiled a little to myself
- Y/N..?.. I... I was going to wait until tonight, but.. I cannot hold myself any longer
I pulled out the drawer and took out a box, placed in between us
- This is the last day of the year, and last day I was alone, I want to be with you.. Both of you.. Forever
.... Marry me
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
Thank you and Happy New year 🎉
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Don’t You Hear My Call Though You’re Many Years Away - Chapter 15
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Not my gif.
A/N: Thank y’all for understanding about the hold up on this chapter. It’s time for John and Y/N to spend some down time together. Enjoy!
John kept his word, he didn’t let me out of his sight in the days that followed. And while he did ask questions daily, they became less about the band and more about me, my life and the world I lived in.
Time passed even more quickly, and before I knew it, we were only days away from their first show. The moment I had traveled back for was rapidly approaching and while I was excited, sadness tinged the moment.
John finally had a day off from practice since everyone else was working, and he I were spending it at the flat he shared with the others.
He had been full of questions since the night he came back after finding out the truth, that I was a “time traveler” as he liked to put it. Although hearing him say that felt strange, no matter how true it was, I wasn’t sure I’d even be comfortable with that term. But we made a game of it, every question he asked, I asked one in return.
“Does it ever thunder here?” I asked loudly, as I heard John making his way up the stairs. I continued to stare out the window, watching the rain slide down the glass.
“Not often” He answered from the doorway “does it where you’re from?” He asked, stepping closer to the bed where I was sitting up, clutching the sheets to my bare chest as he handed me a cup of tea.
“Yeah” I replied, moving to take the cup from him “thank you. We get some vicious storms back home.”
“My turn” he said crawling under the sheets with me, after ridding himself of his jeans, before he spoke again “your clothes, styles can’t be the same, can they?”
I almost choked on my tea as I laughed “oh no! No, they’ve changed. Remember the photo of my friends and me?”
He nodded before taking another sip. He really could make a great cuppa. I was finally picking up on his verbiage.
“Then where did you find them?” He asked.
“A vintage store” I replied. I had to bite my cheek to stop from giggling as his face dropped.
“A what? Vintage?” He mumbled. I nodded, tried to hide my smile as I tucked my chin into my naked shoulder. Giggles slipping past my lips.
“So my clothes are considered...vintage in your time?” I asked distastefully.
“Yes, but that’s not a bad thing” I begin, leaning into him, “vintage clothes are considered stylish, some of them cost more than all of the clothes I own collectively. And something worn by the one and only John Deacon would fetch a pretty penny from collectors.”
A small smile spread across his lips as he spoke, “I’d only care if it were you buying them, so you could wear them.”
Quickly he placed both of our cups on the night stand, before he kissed me deeply, pulling my flush against him. Skin to skin.
Reluctantly I pulled away as he slowly drug his finger tips up and down my back.
“You want me to wear your clothes?” I asked, cuddling closer to him.
“Yes. It would be incredibly sexy” he mumbled before kissing the top of my head.
“Guess we’ll have to test that theory, huh?” I asked peeking up at him.
“I plan on it” he nodded in agreement, “but you look sexy in anything. And out of them too.”
I felt my cheeks burn at his compliment as I tried to burrow closer to him to hide my face, causing him to laugh.
“My turn” I said, my fingers mindlessly tracing patterns on his chest and stomach, “are you nervous about the show?”
He took a deep breath before he spoke, “yes, but not about the show itself, because obviously something must go right. I’m nervous about where this is all leading. I know I’m on the train now, but how fast will it go, and how long of a ride will it be?”
He paused, taking another breath as he collected his thoughts.
“I’m not saying I want you to tell me details, but the first show goes well doesn’t it?” He asked finally.
“I’m not exactly sure” I admit “I’ve never found much written about it. Even if things don’t seem to go as planned, it’s not the end of it.”
“That’s what makes me nervous, the knowing but not knowing it all” he replied softly.
Guilted churned in my gut as I wrapped my arms around him, he returned the gesture.
“I’m sorry” I whispered.
“Don’t be, Sweetheart. Please don’t be.” He tucked my hair behind my ear, before gently hooking his finger under my chin, pulling my face to his.
“I’d rather know exactly where you’re going than spend my life wondering how you could just disappear. I’ll find out about my life in the time frame I should. I’m still very curious. That’s all.” He spoke gently as he looked me in the eyes. The guilt would always be there, as it had been for awhile, it simply liked to kick me every now and then.
He gave me a quick kissed before he spoke again, “my turn.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little “alright.”
“What do you plan to tell you friends when you get back?” He asked, concern flashing in his eyes, as his knuckles skimmed down my arm.
There was a heavy paused as I pressed my lips together, it was my turn to think things over.
“I don’t intend to lie. I’ll tell them the truth, about us, and the fact that I told you where I am from” I replied “I’m not sure how, or even when, I’ll tell them.”
“Are you concerned they’ll be mad?” He asked as he hugged me tighter, already trying to protect me from something that hadn’t occurred yet.
“Definitely” I said without hesitation. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that a few of them would be angry.
“I’m sorry” John mumbled, his lips pressed into my hair.
“No need to apologize.” I quipped “I’ve made my bed, and eventually I’ll have to lie in it.”
I could feel his head nod slightly against mine. The heaviness of our conversation was beginning to weigh on both of us. I had to break its spell.
“But for now” I said as I slowly slid one leg over his waist, pulling myself up as I straddled him. “I’d much rather focus on being in this bed. With you. Naked.”
I drug my hands down his chest as he grinned up at me. I leaned forward slowly, letting my hair fall around our faces.
“Naughty” he whispered as my lips hovered over his.
“Absolutely” I said, returning his expression before meeting his lips with mine.
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