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Call before you dig! Sometimes when larger machines are clearing away soil they encounter old asbestos water mains. They are quite safe until the bucket of the machine starts to pulverize the materials. Here we ribbon off an area with asbestos banner tape and handle the contents carefully into two 6mm bags. Its important these materials don't end up where they shouldn't and are properly disposed of. #dig #excavator #abbotsford #mapleridge #chilliwack #excavation #asbestos #Vancouver #surrey #Langley #moldbusters #moldbustersenvironmental #abatement #hazmat #bannertape #604368mold moldbusters.ca (at Abbotsford, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoWm9LEALSu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vqp28hvch6tf
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Holy drywall batman! Be careful when sampling your suspect materials as additional layers may be hiding below. Here we found 3 thick layers of board and another 4 in the adjacent room! With lots of renos happening around town be sure you're not jeopardizing your families health just to save a couple bucks. When in doubt, test it out.. #moldbusters #asbestos #hazmatsurvey #multilayered #drywallcuts #drywall #vancouver #yvr #contractor #demolition #demo #moldbustersenvironmental #handtools #attentiontodetail #mould #moldbusters.ca #604368mold #yikes #tripleboard #surrey (at Ladner, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQbnupnF60/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n59uu5m0kd8y
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"The OFFICE " Transite asbestos pipe above a t-bar ceiling in an occupied office requires superb poly work and an air tight enclosure. Here we section off a part of the space to work on the pipes and keep the staff protected both inside & out 👌 #vancouver #transite #asbestos #moldbustersenvironmental #Moldbusters #moldbusters.ca #604368mold #yvr #surrey #hazmat #enclosures #polywork #abatement #decon #poly (at Surrey, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQE7flnpEO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3svwctz8jk85
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