#6 months cant come quick enough!
cakeefeatured · 1 year
Life By You a Dream Come True?
Hello future Elby (unofficial name floating around on reddit) storytellers, builders, fashionista, and modders! I’m so hype for this game this has been a game I’ve been dreaming of since Sims 2 and Sims 3 and now it’s arrived in 2023. I think this game has definitely future proofed itself from just the amount of technology and coding that was mentioned by Rob in various interviews, that goes behind this entire game. You can literally change the gameplay of Life By You. 
Dont believe me? Read on.
I wanted to share a bit on what I’m personally excited for about LBY, because it leaves a lot and little to the imagination. Because it pretty much has most of everything!
Modding galore. Pretty much every thing will be moddable and has a creator to it. Want to be paleontologist? Taxidermist? Seashell collector? You could! With their collections creator. You can even change the gameplay, because every tool they made the game with they’ll be giving to us to use to make the game however we want. 
Languages and Dialogue. This has me curious for the insane conversations characters will be able to have and how we can make our own. I’m loving we will also be able to import other conversations from other players. So you’ll never run out of interesting discussions.
Observables. This is my most favorite feature so from what Rob has said in previous interview observables are: 
“This one is cooking, so his cooking skill is going up. Also, he’s just observed her. Now he’s posting social media, so he needs to relax. That piece of information, that he saw her relaxing on the couch, that now is stored permanently in his memory, and he can tell other people around the world. For example, her boss. He could say, “I saw her relaxing.” The boss could say, “At 6:29 AM on Monday? That’s when she was meant to be at work.” That’s an example of how our social information exchanges. We think that kind of ability for our agents to observe the world, as well as react to it and have memories about the world, that’s a kind of–we hope it’s a magic that will enable people to tell much more interesting stories.”
Your memories can effect your job especially for artists. 
We have creative careers, so you can be an author, for example. You can decide to write science fiction, romance, mystery novels. What you see will influence your work. For example, if you’re writing a romance book, and today you’ve seen a romantic interaction, or someone is being romantic to you, the quality of your romance fiction will be better in the game.
You can change the gameplay if you want
You can go as deep as you like. We do ship with all of the tools that we used to make the actual gameplay. We give that to you out of the box. You can change our gameplay or make your own. The hardest tool by far–we have our own visual scripting language. If you go to an object you can go in deep and really change the gameplay.
Playable careers. One feature I’m greatful for. To think we can build business, but possibly, schools and it could also be playable if we wanted. Because we don’t have to go with the elby everywhere, whether it’s work or school, we can switch and change to different characters whenever we want in real time. I’m a builder and storyteller, and this has always been a no.1 for me because there’s no reason to have rabbit holes anymore in 2023. It’s literally limiting what a life simulation can and needs to be for players. There’s so much advance tech out here now guys! Sure some players don’t have the top specs in PC but it’s still limiting in what life simulation games could be at a 100% potential. 
Recipe Creator. There’s no news on this yet but the fact that it’s there has me excited. I’m wondering if the cooking will be like Second Life...
The game overall has a lot of promise and can’t wait to see what else they will introduce and reveal in the coming months. I could go on and on but I’ll stop at  #7. 
 I’m interested in what you think about it and looking forward to~!
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
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Part 1 - Fizzes
you’d joined smosh in summer last year, just after anthony’s return. you’d watched smosh with your brother as a kid, so getting this editing job was a dream come true. although you hadn't watched their stuff in years, you quickly adapted to the quick thinking environment.
you got the job from your roommate angela, who was a cast member. you guys are super close, so when she mentioned that they had an editing vacancy, you jumped at the opportunity to leave your job at a marketing company to go work woth her. living with angela proved useful, because after your first day, you asked her about spencer, and oh did she have stuff to tell you.
“hey hey, whats the deal with the uh, spencer guy at work?” you said to her at dinner.
“(Y/N) ITS THE FIRST DAY AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THE HOTS FOR SPENCER?? I MEAN I’D UNDERSTAND IF IT WAS SOMEONE LIKE-” she began shouting, laughing at your face as you blushed
“jelly i- please, just- okay yeah, he’s cute but i don't want to make a move, he’s basically my boss!”
“this is also true. okay so…” she begins to ramble to this spencer guy you, as you eat your spaghetti. he’s so totally your type, but would you make a move? you can't decide.
the days passed, and soon enough you’d been at smosh for a month now. angela, being angela, had one day let slip to amanda of your small crush on spencer
“(y/n)!! get your butt over here!” she beamed at you, so you obliged, because who wouldn't listen to amanda? she's 6 feet of pure love, you listen to everything she says
“a little birdie, who cant keep her mouth shut after two glasses of wine, told me that you like spencer?” she looks at you, a certain glint in her eye
“okay, maybe, JUST maybe, i have a teeny, tiny crush on him. BUT i don't think im going to make a move.” you looked into her eyes, feeling dejected, because you felt he would never like you back.
the events that ensued, you couldn't even keep up with. every day on set, amanda would rake you into a conversation she was having with spencer, or angela would ask you to go to his desk give him something off her. you weren't nescaserily complaining, but it was less than ideal, because you became a stuttering mess around him.
“hey spence, um- angela wanted me to give you this, i mean i dont know why she didnt bring it herself, its kind of lazy, she is, i mean- she isnt but she has me running around for her, but thats friendship right? i mean i’d make her do that, but not if-”
he gazes up into your eyes and gently places a hand on your arm, sending small jolts through your body.
“dude, it’s just me, relax!” he smiles at you, as you give him the mt dew kickstart angela sent you over to give him.
“tell angela thanks by the way!” he said, as you walked over to angela, who was trying not to break out into a big smirk
“oh spencer! angela is making me do things for her! oh woe is me! hold me incase i fall!” she placed the back of her palm to her forehead, dramatically falling into amanda’s arms
“hey! thats not what i sounded like! right? i didn't. right.” you said, becoming increasingly concerned if it was that obvious. courtney, erin d, and arasha walked over to you guys
“hey dudes,” courtney began “whats up with you guys?”
“oh, i bet theyre taking about how (y/n) is totally into spencer” arasha said, stifling a giggle.
you stood with your mouth slightly agape, gawking at her remark.
“is it really that obvious!?” you whined, slumping into a chair.
“i mean,” erin looked at you, as you tried folding into the air to disappear, “we’re the only ones who’ve noticed so far, but i don't think the boys have caught on! i think you're good”
“maybe minus josh,” courtney added, “i was sat with him and he asked me about why (y/n) was ‘oogling at spencer’ on that board af video. but he wont tell, he’s too nice”
a few days pass, and your crush on spencer had become slightly bigger. taking advantage of this, courtney decided to make you, angela, and spencer (the ‘golden trio’ as the fans called you) do an episode of who meme'd it.
“hello and welcome everyone to a brand spankin’ new episode of who memed it!” shayne began, earning a small round of applause from the crew.
“today, we have everyone’s favourite roommates and spencer!”
you were leant on angela’s shoulder, but perked up to smile at the camera
“hi guys!” angela grins at the camera, waving aggressively
“dude!” spencer yelled at shayne “why cant i be the favourite roommate!” he looked dejected
“spencer, we lived together and i have never slept worse, the only thing in our apartment was mt dew and granola bars!!”
“okay, you got me”
you look over at him and giggle, feeling your cheeks begin to warm up
as the rounds go on, angela is on 5 points, you’re on 4, and spencer is on 8.
“okay, next meme!” shayne boasts
the next thing on screen made everyone cackle.
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immediately, shayne starts giggling, and puts his fists against the wall, not being able to look at any of you. angela is crying with laughter, and even spencer is giggling. you just stare into the camera in shock.
through tears, shayne manages “oh my- all- alright who memed it, was it tommy, josh, was it courtney, or was it erin, our lovely producer”
you each place your guesses, and its revealed to be a secret shayne meme. you swear you could burn holes through him.
after wrap, you went off with angela giggling about some of the things, your mind still racing from being so close to spencer. for so long. it was cringey, yes, but you felt so exited when you were around him, you couldn't help it!
but little did anyone know, spencer was just as infatuated with you, and he was waiting for the day be mustered up the courage to ask you out
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kichikichiko · 2 years
Trust, 6 months and Physical touch
A/N: Hi everyone! I decided to write another fic for fun so enjoy! This idea came out of the blue teehee
Wanderer x reader (no gender specified, only "you")
Fluff, comfort, Wanderer is recovering from his trauma of physical touch, soft wanderer,not proofread
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You knew what happened to him. Why wouldnt you?
He trusted you with his life, and he knew you'd accept him, even though a part of him fears that you wouldnt. But you stayed either way.
Physical touch wasnt a usual occurence with wanderer, its almost as if it happens once in a blue moon. From subtle pinkie linking when walking around the lush green forest in sumeru to quick pecks on the cheek before leaving your shared home and starting the day. You were patient and understanding, you always have been.
Wanderer felt like he owed you something, anything no... EVERYTHING. You turned his life around and yet he still cant seem to hold your hand longer than 10 seconds, and cant even handle a hug for more than 3 seconds despite being together for 6 months already. Youve always been so kind, it scared him a little.
One evening, wanderer walked to your room and stood near the doorframe.
"Dear? Whats wrong? Why are you standing there?" Ripping your gaze away from the book you were reading and setting it down near the bed side table. Wanderer hesitated for a bit, wanting to say something and yet the words doesnt seem to come out of his mouth at all.
You understood, as you always have. Standing up from your bed you walked towards him "somethings bothering you, you dont have to tell me. We can sit together by my bed and I'll hold your hand" your gaze softened and you smiled a bit when he nodded to your suggestion.
The puppet walked behind you as you both sat down at the edge of your bed. It was a comfortable silence between you both. It was times like this that made wanderer appreciate you more and more. Without words, you always knew if something was wrong. When his pride wont allow words to spill, his body language will do the talking. And you knew.
After a little while, you felt a gentle yet hesitant hand slither towards your own hand and held it lightly, as if it wad afraid to scare you off. Of course you understood and held his hand in the same manner but only, with a slightly tigher grip. (This is his first time initating physical touch eith you) As if to reassure him that you are there with him at that very moment, and you arent leaving anytime sooner.
He tightened his grip on your hand more and finally made eye contact, one that was filled with fear, confusion and a hint of comfort. "Im... Im sorry I never hold you for more than a few seconds. I just.. Im..."
You pressed your forehesd on his "You dont owe me anything dear, Im doing this because I love you. I understand what you went through, and we can hesl together. Im never leaving you"
"You better not be fucking with me." He laughed slightly while shaking his head.
You smiled at his small laugh "Of course not love"
With those simple words, words he has heard a million times ever since he was with you, his heart finally believes in you just a bit, enough to let himself break loose and embraced you, and he made it seem like he wasntt going to let go for a while either.
6 months of trust for a hug in the night sky, with the breeze blowing softly was worth it. And you'd spend 6 months more if it means he'll trust you completely to be able to hold you without remembering the past.
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antiwhores · 2 years
Surrendered! - Bakugou x villain!reader
A villain who dynamite couldn’t catch? Crazy. Especially a villain that cant even villain right.
This has been sitting in the drafts for months. I just decided to finish it because I’ve been gone for a bit. Short drabble
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You were possibly the most annoying fucking villain ever. Bakugou would die on that hill.
You had built quite a name for yourself in the villain society. You were known as Dynamite’s archenemy; or migma. Because you were the only villain he couldn’t get rid of. You were actually rather respected in the villain community for it.
The government calls you a villain but some people would say you’re more of an anti hero than a villain.
Its not as if you kill people or anything. You are no mass murderer - you have never killed someone. Nor do you have any planes to take over the city or destroy all heros. You have never put a civilian in danger. In fact, you’re known to help people. Sometimes during intense battles you’ll even swoop in to get civilians and maybe throw off the villains from a far. You’re just… mildly infuriating.
Your evil doings are just stupid pranks with your stupid quirk that you had no license to use. And it absolutely infuriated Katsuki.
Some of your most well known feats are as such:
you hacked into the Japan news broadcast just to stream a video of you doing horrible karaoke of old 2000s albums.
You broke into hero Dynamites agency, stole some computers and made sure to keep their location on. Then you sent the whole agency on a wild goose chase to find them and what they hoped was you.
You cut the power in the building of one of the most important hero celebrations and award ceremonies right when they were announcing the number one hero.
You planted a harmless but rapidly spreading pineapple species in low income neighborhoods. They spread like flowers in the cracks of a fluorescent city in no time. Apparently its “vandalism” but everyone got to eat for a bit.
Everything you have done, it was to piss off a certain group of people.
Dynamite started chasing you around about 3 years ago when he was climbing the ranks after UA. And in all these years he has never been able to catch you.
You are the only thing that he cant win against because you always have an idea.
So naturally, he’s heavily on guard when he follows you down a busy street. A quirk was imprinted on him to completely mask his identity. He was like a whole new person.
Little did he know that you knew it was him. He can hide his face and voice but he can’t hide his booming presence.
Too bad you didn’t have time to indulge in some teasing with him. You had just done another one of your crimes a week ago and you had to see someone. It wasn’t too bad this time, you just blew up a building that was destroying the local echo system. No one was hurt, you evacuated everyone.
This person you had to see had key information on another man you needed to find. So you hoped that Dynamite would fuck off long enough for the quick conversation to end as you stood in an alleyway.
The man spoke to you in your mind. A telekinetic.
When he was done, he spoke aloud.
He took out a cigarette and lit it, offering you one. You refused. “Also, I’m sure you know this lass but…” He puffs out smoke to the opposite side of you and points directly at the wall Dynamites hiding behind. “That man has been following us for quite a bit!”
Dynamite barely holds back his sharp intake of breath. He thought that he was being to slick! What the fuck is up with you and your friends? At least you didn’t know who he was.
“Yeah,” you giggled, “thats my best-friend.” You spun towards him, lifting your hands to project your voice. “Where are your manners? Following a lady! Come say hello Dynamite!”
Damn it all.
In a split second he’s on you but you’re even faster. You’re suddenly behind him, embracing him in a tight hug.
“I haven’t seen you in like 6 months, Dynamite!” You squeal. “I was afraid you moved on to those other stupid villains. Like that bitch Movaro. You know, she tried to kill me!”
He’s been held in this grip before and he knows you have no intention of running away until he cuffs you so he just lets you speak into his neck.
“Serves you fucking right.” He reached behind his back and drags you off by your hoodie with one hand. You just let him hold you off the ground in front of him with a smile.
Although he hates to admit it, he’s grown quite attached to you. These past 3 years have been… weird. All he thinks about is how he wants to jail you already. But jailing you seems so wrong for him. You’re a villain, sure, but no extra has avoided him successfully for 3 years straight like you have.
He slams you against the wall and pins you there, preparing for a move to escape. You just smile at him though, “I have good news!”
You put your hands up and behind your head, “I give up!”
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toxifoxx · 4 months
wait so how did they go about hiding it from the public like huh. did they just pretend he WASN'T pregnant and rolled a nat 20 on deception or whatever so everyone believed them? <- they call me the intriguerrr
HEHEHE im glad you asked
so first of all i think william had a good few months before anyone could notice that he's pregnant. mainly because it takes like 5 months before you can really tell (as far as ive noticed from the pictures ive seen), but since william is fat, he could probably make it a bit further than that without it being noticable. id say like maybe month 6 or 7 but sadly theres not a lot of references for how it'd look (the amount of fatphobic slop ive waded through trying to research this… anyways, i think its most noticeable when the spine really starts arching(?))
but i digress! william would insist on continuing to perform until the suit gets too tight (dangerous) for him. month 4ish. someone else would perform for him, or springbonnie would just stay in animatronic mode. but he can still go about his normal life for a while, its when he starts to show that it becomes a problem for him - so for the most part, he's withdrawing from the public eye. he hates having to keep hidden like this but his reputation is the most important thing to him and ofc he cant have people figuring out hes trans and queer.
henry covers for him, while he might not be great at doing social things, most people are intimidated enough they dont ask him whats up with william - or they get a short, simple excuse from him. as for how clara would cover for him, well, its a bit harder to answer. but since its utah, and william is well respected, i think a lot of people wouldn't even realize if they saw him. he could lie to their faces. like oh yeah he's a man and men cant get pregnant theres noooo way that can happen, no sir.
regardless he's only really going to be doing things behind the scenes to minimize the possibility anyone finds out. so he comes in early in the morning, does some work before any employees arrive or just stays in his office doing paperwork all day (maybe changes up the schedule so he gets to work on the animatronics too, he'd go crazy if he couldn't i think), then leaves early so no one catches him. kinda sucks but you do what you gotta do (william is so incredibly antsy and ready to get back to things already by the end of it)
and i guess technically yeah, they rolled a nat 20 on deception. pulled some leafpool from warriors type shit.
quick clarification at the end here. lizzie was born 2-3 years before fredbears opens - so, i think he would stop working at that time and just do the isolating stuff. but since william also had evan, after fredbears opened, this still applies. its just that evan isn't henry's, LMAO.
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bestfriend491 · 2 years
AAAAAAAAA i cant believe you write for okoye, you’re a godsend 😭🙏🏾 i have a request if that’s okay— i just want something sickeningly cute with her like waking up with her in your arms and just lazying in bed and sharing kisses UGHHHH. if you can write that i’ll give you my right kidney
Morning Sun
Okoye x Reader
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Summary: You two and the morning sun.
Warnings: None
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The sun pierced through the windows of your house, 6 different shades of pink, yellow and orange hitting the objects shattered around your room. Nothing could beat the sunrise in Wakanda, and both you and Okoye could account for this, having compared many sunrises together. 
You woke up, and soaked in the scent of your shared bedroom. It smelled like the one place you always loved being. 
Home, it smelled like home. 
The two of you hadn't been in this bedroom for months now, with both of you either staying in hotels and rented houses when you left Wakanda, or having to sleep in your headquarters in the palace for your duties. 
Today was the first of 7 days where you both were excused from work and had no official plans made.  After 6 months of hard work and dedication to your jobs, Shuri felt that you more than deserved it. 
You laid there, unwilling to open your eyes before having fully woken the rest of your body up. You always did a quick inspection on yourself before and after you slept, just to make sure that you were in top shape. 
Yesterday, you remembered almost going to sleep with a really bad ache in your back, but Okoye had stopped you. Seeing the clear expression of discomfort, she made you sit up and turned you around facing away from her. 
She went to work on every knot and tension built area on your back, and after the most soothing massage ever, she gently hugged you from the back, kissing the nape of your neck, before coming closer and kissing your cheek.
You turned your head, kissing her passionately while turning around to face her. You hugged her firmly, removing your lips from hers and allowing her head to lay on your shoulder while you laid yours on hers.
It was a peaceful moment, this. Hugs and kisses in private were your favourite thing to do with each other. You loved when she kissed you because she did it with such care and intention, every place she chose to kiss lighting up inside the moment her lips touched them. 
She, on the other hand, loved when you hugged her. Your hugs were never too hard, or too soft. They were always just perfect and the way that you let her know that she could stand down, even if only for a few moments, always left her feeling so safe. 
When the two of you were alone, it wasn't like when the two of you were in public. In public, you were two warriors that happened to be in a relationship. Two warriors who were clearly in love, and would die for each other, but still, warriors. Never showing signs of weakness.
When you were alone, however, you were just two women. You were two vulnerable women, who craved love and needed to feel all of the things they couldn't while working. You were two women loving each other in ways that no one from the past ever had. 
These moments were the ones that kept you going when you had to be warriors. Knowing what waited at home when all was said and done is what kept the both of you moving.
That night, your hug lasted much longer than usual, both of you not wanting to let go, and eventually, you decided to just sleep like that. You both got under the covers, and then proceeded to get into the same position as before, you hugging Okoye with all of your heart. 
Now, in the morning, you laid in the same position. Opening your eyes to see yourself wrapped around your world. She was still sleeping comfortably in your arms and you were still holding her with the same intensity that you had remembered falling asleep with. 
You thought about everything that you might need to do over the next week. You wanted to change a few things in the house. You had to visit family, and at some point there was a wedding happening. You'd need to get up soon, breaking the moment to go ahead with your lives. But you decided that all of that could wait, so you continued where you had left off. You kissed her head, then her forehead. 
There was a scar from an accident on her head from years ago, and although it usually wasn't visible, you knew it like the back of your hand, having been the one to fix the wound. You'd had to stitch the deep cut after your first mission, when you two had just gotten out of training and on the field.
You'd been together even back then, and although you'd never admit it to anyone who asked, you'd both cried that day. Okoye, from the shock of seeing what being a part of the Dora Milaje was actually like, and you from seeing her hurt. To current day, you still felt a tug in your heart whenever you looked at it. 
You proceeded, kissing it too.
This must have woken her up because the moment you aimed for the next kiss on her cheek, she moved suddenly and your kiss landed on her lips. 
You hummed good morning through the kiss, and she did the same, tightening her grip on you, as you indulged in each other's presence. 
When your lips finally separated, the two of you held eye contact. You two were like the moon and the stars. Beautiful both alone but only truly complete together. 
You couldn't compose your smile around this woman, and it drove you crazy.
"I love you."
"I love you." She replied, her voice still hoarse, much like yours. 
This wasn't just a normal I love you, like some of the couple's you'd see on TV. For the two of you, I love you was an affirming statement that you never went far into the day without saying. 
Since the first day that you had both said those 3 words, you hadn't gone even half a day without saying it. On days where you weren't together, you'd use your kimoyo beads and send short messages that only the two of you knew meant I love you, while other times you would just mouth the words to yourselves as if you were next to each other,  and then say it a bunch of times when you reunited.
It was a promise that you made to each other everytime that you said it. 
I love you really meant: I'm yours. Forever and Always.
The two of you looked up at your roof, with its large open window centre, where you could see the sky. You watched the sun start to wake the rest of the sky up.
"What do you want to do today?" Okoye asked suddenly, running circles on your shoulder with her fingers. 
"We can go around the city, or we could go shop for what we want to wear at Rishe's wedding, or-"
"Can I just lay here with you?" You asked, interrupting her train of thought.
You got a smile and a kiss in return. 
"Okay, then I guess we're laying here." 
So you spent the morning in bed, barely talking, but rather just enjoying the morning sun, and loving each other.
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The End
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Author's Note: I hope this was fluffy enough, although there is no such thing as too much fluff in my opinion.
2 Requests are now being worked on.
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preciadosbass · 2 months
27/7/24 [draft from yesterday, i told you this would be inconsistent]
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woke up at approximately 11:20-something and had breakfast cuz i’d already nearly fainted twice. boris was hesitant about sitting next to me on the sofa for some reason, so once i was done i came out with him and took a few videos because i love the way he wiggles around and puts his head back for me to stroke when he sees that i’ve come outside he’s so CUTEEE!!!!!!! anyway, i sort of forgot that my dad had someone coming round to drop off + attempt to fix a stereo and my uncle was coming round to help so i went back in my room when i heard my uncle pull up, unfortunately he saw me in my pyjamas which is embarrassing..
i was supposed to finish watching the rest of jaws 2 when i got back in my room but i forgot and watched insta reels and a few mcr concert videos until i was bothered enough to make this account, make an intro, and post my journal of yesterday. i did that while listening to ls dunes and so much for startdurst [ml]. i downloaded a few too many mikey way gifs and discovered blinkies in the process which i’m super happy about. i wanted to make another collage because it makes me feel like i’m somewhat romanticising my life [even though i only really do it to remember what i’ve done/bought] but i didn’t and still don’t have anything to stick into my book.
at 6, after feeding boris, i listened to a few songs off my new trainspotting soundtrack cd i put up some more photos. i spend barely any time at all doing this because i wanted to write in my code. it took me ages to find a plain book i could write in and after everything i still couldn’t so i decided on using the back of my old poetry book because i didn’t know whether i wanted to rip the pages out or not. anyway, for some reason i started writing about albums and copying out my fav songs from the albums in question. [shown at the end of post] i listened to so much for stardust again when i was doing this [i cant get enough]
i’m not sure how long it took me, but it took longer than usual, which is weird. i haven’t practiced my code in a few months now but once i looked at the alphabet i picked it up again practically straight away. i’m pretty proud of that actually, concidering i’ve made it 10x more complex than it needs to be. like, why did i decide that letter combos like es [etc] are completely different symbols?? anyway, i love being able to write and it be incomprehensible for everyone else apart from myself, even though i don’t tend to write secret stuff in it.
that guy that came over to drop off the speaker left at 7:40 so i was finally able to come out of my bat cave [room] and see boris, yay! i then waited for a while [while listening to danger days] until i could go on a walk with mum and dad. around this time i also noticed something medical that was concerning so now i’m going to the doctors waa — BUT, afterwards my mum handed me an envelope and guess what was inside it..
tickets to see the black charade + fell out boy!!!! [tributes that id been going on about] so that cheered me up, although i’m still anxious, about the medical thing and that in order to see them i have to stay overnight somewhere, which sounds like a petty thing to be stressed over but being away from my cat really freaks me out. i cant let anything bad happen to him.
we ended up being 50 minutes on our walk today. we went to our closest field where you can see the buildings at london and watched the sun set [it went down so fast i’ve never realised how quick it is] + i took a ton of photos. when i got home at 10 i calculated my cals [392 today] and had one of those powdered milkshakes because my entire body felt like jelly. i finished off listening to danger days and started watching beetlejuice cuz for some reason i’ve never watched it before even though tim burtons involved in it. it was really good, i love films like that. and i love sylvia, she’s so cool.
after the film had finished i napped for 10 minutes before i came up to my parents to talk and ask if boris is going to be okay [it sounds stupid i know, i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD] and it ended up taking over 2 hours and we got into a huge argument. i really don’t blame them for being mad, i know most parents wouldn’t put up with my ‘compulsions’ every night like they do, they just dont seem to acknowledge what must be going on in my head for me to genuinely feel like i have to ask them these things in order for him to be awake in the morning.
i feel so ungrateful, though. they try so hard for me and i keep them up every night and they think i mean to. i dont even feel like whatever’s making me think i have to do these things is me at all, if that makes sense. so yeah, i spent most of the night hyperventilating until i finally went through my routine of questions and could go downstairs. then i did my teeth and said goodnight to boris. he started purring before i’d even stroked him which was adorable. he made me feel better.
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have a good day/night -_<
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fardf150 · 3 months
oc lore dump again bc im bored ⬇️
so last time (like a year and a half ago... oops!) i mostly went over dick and neo but another rly important part of that story is dick's younger siblings
theyre a pair of identical twins, vince and kate. when they were in grade school and dick was in hs, their parents split and the boys stayed with their dad while kate went with mom... though neither was really better off than the other. shortly after (like idk 1-3 years at most) dick was kicked out and dad cut all contact with him.
at some point dad dies. mom is halfway across the country so vince ends up in dick's care. some time later, kate catches wind of this and bus hops all the way to dick's shitty apartment to be with her brothers. mom cant really be bothered to care. the boys are a little surprised to see how much shes changed, not even recognizing her when she first showed up. but theyre quick to support her anyway.
because of his younger siblings, dick starts wanting to be a better person (and also suddenly needs a better job). this both brings him and neo closer together, and sparks their main conflict(s) ("you were willing to change but not for me/you were the one who taught me i should be this way, why are you suddenly changing your mind?/you dont care about me enough")
the kids also have a little group of friends, though im not totally clear on them yet. theres sue-anna, who vince is closest to (and has a thing for). shes like if a horse girl acted like a wolf girl. also she actually works on a farm so she can lift all her friends easy. she wears dorothy braids all the time.
sue-anna's best friend is kiana, whos pretty similar to her personality-wise, though maybe a bit shyer. kiana's older sister janae hangs around their group sometimes; shes like if the cool older brother with a band archetype was a girl. kate really looks up to her.
a lot has changed w/ neo's origin and the general direction of the story but i actually want to do smth w it so i wont give away tooo much yet...
the gist tho is that after neo escapes the lab, the company that screwed his parents out of the rights to their work (and eventually liquidated everything dedicated to their research and shut everything down) finds him and acts like theyre the ones who were really invested in that research, and theyre SO glad theyve found him. does he want to hear about how terrible his parents were?
as for moo and nyra, most of what i had last time story-wise is the same, though i have a clearer idea of what the family looks like now.
nyra has a younger half sister, angelica (or smth idk), and theyre very close despite the ~4-6 year age gap. her stepdad's been around since before she was born, so hes really just her dad and her sister's just her sister to her. her parents both work in childcare in some capacity; her mom is a social worker and her dad works at a high school, so when moo comes into the picture, malnourished and seemingly frightened of almost everything, theyre all too ready to help.
moo also has an aunt, though for some reason his mom refuses to refer to her as her sister. she didnt even know moo existed until months into the story, and everyone is freaked out at first when she shows up. she quickly grows close to the family, though, and helps out however she can. while moo absolutely considers nyra and her family to be his own "real" family, he also thinks it's nice to have a positive connection to a bio relative.
i also have another set of them 🔥
so isaiah, stephen, and ruth all work in the same building, but completely different sections; isaiah is an engineer, stephen works in accounting, and ruth is a janitor. they end up crossing paths when all three of them end up in the basement at the same time, and everything goes to shit from there.
turns out theres this huge underground research lab underneath the building, but all of the equipment is long abandoned and shut down. there they find an ai, adam, and they instantly have to start running. guess it was abandoned for a reason, though adam seems to disagree.
so the four of them are on the run together, none of them happy about it. adam just kind of drags them along and they have no real choice but to comply. hes trying to get them out of this mess... sort of. hes mostly working towards his own goals, but hes pretty sure if theyre met, the rest of them will be off the hook.
the others dont really know each other, but theyre bound by hatred of This Fucking Guy. also turns out none of them really had a lot going for them before this. isaiah moved away from his home town straight out of high school and never really tried to form any meaningful bonds with anyone afterward. he has 1 friend left from school who tries to encourage him to socialize or at least come home every once in a while. it mostly falls on deaf ears. ruth has lots of friends, but none of them are all that close. her family is... complicated. she loves them and they love her, but they can be difficult, and they dont see each other all that often because of that. she has no problem dating, though it's surprisingly tough to find someone who wants something serious with her. most of stephen's family doesnt talk. he and his sister are close, though she lives in another city. his most consistent relationship at the moment is the random guy he always ends up taking smoke breaks with by accident. he doesnt know his name, but sometimes they talk.
basically none of them are losers per se but theyre definitely not winners. also theres some fucky religious theming there but atm most of it's all just vibes. yk how it is
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starkiller-009 · 1 year
6, 21, 25
6. What’s your least favorite thing to draw? oh apparently its the hard one. comes to mind things which im not good at basically. architecture, city landscapes id say (well. i cant say i dont like it its more like... simply challenging). oh idk. everything that is hard to make dynamic enough or gestural i guess tho its a question of skill. i draw a lot of things and challenge myself a lot because its fun and the process is curious so.. i kinda enjoy everything and hate everything sometimes too if it does not turn out quite well. maybe weird shapes in perspective? like, guitars, for example. had a few experiences, did not like it. but should try more and become friends with it probably. 21. Do you like to challenge yourself? yeaaah i think i do? its more like... a question of nessesity and being satisfied about my work and progress. it feels weird when i draw stuff and it does not take a lot of struggle to look good or i dont find the process infuriating at some point. im used to be dissapointed by things that came out and rarely satisfied so at those rare times when i like what i do im quick to find something challenging to feel the struggle again. then i know that im not staying at one place and keep going forward and learning. progressing 25. Do you like to draw in silence, or with music? with music, sure! ive been listening to it less the last months but when i draw i always turn something on. thank u for questions!
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salt-volk · 2 years
post707883411295043585 thats part of the problem tho is yall assume that just bc stuff doesnt come out on time means theyre not working on it. as if they just sit twiddling thumbs. shit isnt slow bc they need more motivation. its slow bc they have a bare bones staff of maybe 1-2 ppl & all else is contracted work they barely have the cash for.
"right now basically nothing ever gets done" & you think adding a few dates to a list would fix that? you think they dont know theyre falling behind? that its not obvious? as if they dont already have internal set dates they aim for that just havent been shared w the userbase? 
they dont need more motivation or accountability. they need more staff & more funds. all the accountability in the world cant add extra hours in the day. you can be working as hard as you possibly can & still not meet deadline bc its just not humaenly possible w the resources you have. look at the underlying problem instead of just surface optics.
they could put dates just to placate yall. but it would be an empty gesture. theyd still be just as behind as always bc the dates are not tackling the base issue. itd be the same old shit but more to get mad abt as they still fail to meet dates you asked them to set.
some of yallve never worked on large amateur creative ventures & it shows lmao. youd be amazed how fast a few months can go by & youre only doing background shit so theres still no visible progress you can share publicly. you worked every single day but still feel theres nothing tangible enough to show for it. a few months can go by fast esp when you dont have just one job & are juggling 10 different tasks w simultaneous importance bc its just you or mayb 1 other person taking on 6 ppl worth of work. 
 just remember were all looking from the outside. theres always backend stuff goign on we never know abt. (i know. ironically im making assumption too. but its based on so much experience w these sorts of teams. dv has all the signs. plus context clues given on stream & rare times staff communicates. textbook understaffed scope creepy amateur project tbh.) 
if this were neopets or some shit own by a large company w hundreds of employees maybe itd be different. but some of yall are always gonna be miserable if you dont manage your expectations. see it for what it is instead of what you want it to be. & sometimes look at whats been accomplished. they DO get stuff done. theyre not dropping 80 updates a month, but to me it looks like they make slow steady progress. miss goals but do follow up eventually. they are literally completing tasks. & show signs of taking feedback into account. just not at the speed ppl want. 
criticism makes for a better convo topic bc negative emotional response sticks in the brain longer. but were always gonna have bias if we dont appreciate good shit too. sometimes theres an attitude like "okay cool i like this, now wheres the NEXT thing" or "great finally an improvement, now why isnt THIS other thing fixed?". moving on to the next thing so quick you dont notice the effort of whats in front of you.
but once you match dvs pace & get what postion theyre coming from its not terrible. i have plenty of criticisms from a project management perspective. but in terms of other aspects ive a more lenient view considering what theyre likely working w (esp not having a dev or anyone who codes as part of core staff. im surprised theyve been able to keep afloat this long even lmao)
you dont hold an amateur experimental musician to the same standards as an international pop star w a whole team behind them, yea? but the amateur is not inherently worse, or less worthy of support. you can still enjoy both, just recognizing theyre different things. i see the vision of the amateur & choose to support patiently knowing its got a different pace than the pop idol. theyre at different spots in their career timeline & will have their own unique issues based on that. but both can be plenty good. context matters.
  TLDR; there is much staff can do better at ofc (namely communication & interpretation of user feedback (like not knowing in the first place that "roadmap" usually implies dates -_-). but imo dates are not gonna fix shit bc lack of "motivation" is def not the core issue. such focus on the dates is thus unhelpful. i think some of yall dont get where dv is actually at & then put up expectations that are built to fail bc of that. not saying to let everything slide. but yk. appreciate the good where it happens. have patience. be aware what the underlying problems actually are & contextualize. tempering realistic expectations will make you much happier & able to enjoy the game for what it is.
or idk. i personaly used to be one of the main harsher critics so much i almost quit dv entirely & this perspective helped ME at least lmfao. now i play regularly much less stressed/angry abt it. ymmv.
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reapersynth · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you had any tips on learning to draw? I haven't drawn anything in uhh ~6 years and even then I was barely learning. I just got a nice little drawing tablet so I'm gonna try with that
Also it is currently 1:40 Am as I send this so whether I remember to read your response Tomorrow remains to be seen ahfuenwjamqka
I’m the worst person to ask bc I’ve been drawing for 10 years and I still have no idea wtf I’m doing 😭 I recently had to return to basic practice skills (figure drawing from references) because I feel my own brain withering away, but I will Attempt some semblance of advice based on things I wished I knew when I was a beginner:
I think a good selection of tips is to start with some basic tutorials on youtube (thats where I started mang many moons ago) to learn stuff like figure drawing, basic anatomy/proportioning, lighting/shading, color theory, etc. I think I learned a lot from the Proko youtube channel when I was a beginner!
Also ALWAYS USE REFERENCES. I personally browse pinterest for pose & clothing ideas. and don’t let anyone tell you that using references is bad or makes you a worse artist because you cant 3d print exactly what you wanna draw from your brain. Those people are idiots. It’s also 100% fine to trace references to learn (I personally deploy the method of freehanding a reference, then tracing the reference, then freehanding it again to incorporate what I missed/did wrong. It Just Works) Just don’t trace other ppl’s art & pass it off as your own bc that’s obviously Not Okay
I’d also recommend challenging yourself to draw at least 1 thing a day. It doesn’t have to be a grandiose art project, just like a quick figure study or referencing something nearby/online to sketch. sometimes I’ll just doodle little things in the corner of a notebook while I’m watching a youtube video and that’s all I’ll draw that day. But it’s good to draw something every day bc if you don’t your brain will be like “how do draw?” the next time you pick up a pencil 5 months later (not speaking from experience or anything >.>) plus I think it helps with keeping you in the “mood” to draw so that you don’t burn yourself out as quickly drawing stuff you actually wanna draw!
It’s also good to remember that everyone learns at a different pace and some things will slowly come to you over time if you keep practicing, even if you feel like you just aren’t “getting” it. I honestly didn’t get an eye for coloring until like, last year (and I owe most of that to gifmaking tbh) and prior to that I had no idea how color theory worked, despite being constantly reminded about it in tutorials and school lmao. If you keep practicing enough some things will just “click” eventually.
Aaaaand I think the most important tip, which I am still struggling to learn, is to not measure your own art’s worth based on other ppl’s progress, because there’s always gonna be artists younger than you out there who somehow draw like professionals that will make you panic and think wtf!!!! But your art is worth making because you made it, and the only way to get better is to be unafraid of making “crappy” art, because the only alternative is to never make art at all. (plus I gaurantee all of those people who could paint like vincent van gogh before their 30s have days where they feel like complete talentless hacks, too)
Anyways yeah I hope this helped at all. somewhat. And good luck!
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indigo474 · 9 months
Dry January- Day 6-
Today i felt.. today my mind felt heavy. thinking about the past and things that were said to me.. about me. lies. he was wrong about me. i wish i could say fuck you to him.. fuck you for making me think there was something wrong with me.. fuck you. i can shut the door on the past. there are just somethings that will come knocking. i'm strong enough to sit with them. he was wrong about me though. he really was and i have compassion for who i use to be. i truly do. part of me thinks he knew he was wrong about me he just wanted me to believe what he was telling me. i am done trying to make sense out of it all.. i wish my brain would forget.. i can no longer try and make sense out of what happened. like i said i am closing the door. i'll deal with things as they come up.
Despite not feeling my best, this morning was fabulous. I sat and drank coffee and read and watched 2 squirrels play. they were so funny and played for hours- up and down the trees. i had to go outback when i was leaving for work and they were still out there. I watched them for a bit.. when they saw me they made noises and watched me. i didnt want to go to work. i wanted to build a fire and read some more and write and just be. i tried on my new sneakers and i cant wait to run in them. so excited. the most money i ever spent on shoes in my life.. but they feel so good on my feet.
THe Gita is pretty interesting. it's not an easy read. i'll probably have to read it again. we are born again and again.. our karma keeps us here in this miserable material world. seek knowledge of lord Krishna to obtain liberation- basically eternal life with Lord Krishna- who calls himself at least 20+ other names which makes things even more confusing- liberation from the material world- there is the material world, the spiritual world and there is heaven but they dont call it heaven. People have been studying the Bhagavad Gita for thousands of years.. this is my interpretation... there was a bunch written about sacrificing something to Lord Krishna to clear Karma.. from what i could gather pretty much anything can be a sacrifice.. me abstaining from porn and masturbation can be considered a sacrifice- i wonder how long it takes to break a porn addiction. i justify it because i just want to get off as quick and as easy as i can. SO yeah day 6. last night i was bargaining with myself.. i didnt do it. i dont know if i can make it a full month without masturbating.. i would like to not have to watch porn to get off.. watching porn doesnt make me feel good ,its just a means to an end, so to speak. I'm going to take pen to paper. if i want to write.. i have to write and there is something that just hits different about actual writing things on paper. depending on the weather , i may have to go to the gym tomorrow. I need to sweat. I did my stretches, push up and planks this morning. but i need to sweat. I'm going to stay the course.. keep my focus on myself.. really do things for myself that make me feel good and help me grow.
Madison has a crush on a boy and its really sweet to see. i dont know him but from what i hear he sounds like a nice person.
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makahimetenshi · 11 months
Perfect connection Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fallout 4 Fanfic
These are the lemmon chapters between the story Follow me inside the wastelands. Mostly to make their relationship more intense and passionate I would say this is between chapter 6-7, at that early point of their relationship
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Sometimes, Arthur have dreams.
Nora would appear in the command deck, leaning against the door frame looking at him in a sexy lilac lingerie, his eyes turned down to her long black widow legs covered in thin high socks, well well well, no  matter how much he wanted to keep his temple it was inevitable for his cock to go hard as a rock at that vision.
They lean to each other, attracted like magnets, the elder sat in the red divan next to the little table with alcohol bottle and shot cups as Nora quickly sat in one of his legs, the man getting comfortable leaning his back against the rest opening his legs, the pain inside his suit becoming difficult to manage.
Her hands carefully hold both cheeks, carefully tangling in his beard making him groan and close his eyes, gosh he loved that, it was relaxing.
His hands close around her waist, fingers playing to circle around it, closing, like his hands were enough to close around her, her body invited him to play with, so feminine and delicate, unusual from all other woman he experienced in the wastelands, she wasn’t a wasteland woman, she was different, she was prewar and that turned him a lot.
Her figure make his head lost  for some reason he cant understand, never was a man weak of flesh despite his young age and poor experience but with her was different, he experience the feeling of getting woozy and lost, so hot and asphyxiated in horny, so in pain from arousal…his body became around her a mess of hot flesh and uncontrollable desire, his head hurt and mind slip.
Noras fingers tangled between his beard to hold his jaw firmly, Arthur stood there, opening his eyes slowly to find her dominating gaze fixated on his faze, the man moaned in exciment.
Yes please.
Fingers directing his face up, angling slowly, eyes looking at the other pair intensely, in the moment he breath out Noras lips crashed over his, making him moan in the insides, but as soon her lips started to move and eat his mouth he corresponded, slowly, letting her carry the ride, loving the feeling the wet and slow kiss, the warm of her skin so close too…
Both hands on her waist started to go down, circling to her back, opening wide extending his fingers to catch the flesh of her big ass entirely and cup it, making her jump in exciment and oh gosh that simple and light movement went directly to his dick, groping her asscheeks between his hands entirely, playing to move it in circles feeling the growing heat in his cock.
She had such a nice figure, beautiful in every place and angle.
The kisses stoped slowly, becoming more short and quick, wet sounds coming out between their mouths. One of her arms wrapped against his sweaty hot neck to hold and when they separated he took the chance to examine the big price he had on his legs.
Gosh so beautiful, her black her curled like an old star, tempting red lips, thinn long neck, round small shoulders, her small but perfect and firm breast covered in a lilac short corset, pressing lightly on her skin making it really stand out, flat stomach and skinny waist opening up in a very huge  hips and rounded ass covered in a pretty lilac transparent tong. The view of what was inside the transparent tong made his mouth droll imagining the soft sensation of the skin downthere  and despite his urges the vision of that part of her body surrounded by her big thighs and hips turned him on SO much. If he keeps looking down on the length of her long legs he wasn’t going to be able to stop his eyes rolling.
His head felt hot, when he lusted too much over this woman a heavy weight posed in his forehead making him felt woozy and lost, mouth dry, breathing with difficulty at having his throat so hot…
Look up, finding again her gaze, he surely looked desesperate, forehead read, veins in his neck and temple sticking out, skin sweaty and bright from feeling so hot, her fingers reach up from his jaw to sneak at the sides of his mouth, opening his wet lips down, making him groan in desperation.
Yes, keep doing that. Keep seducing me.
Her head lean down to close their mouths in a kiss, having him secured by the jaw, heat rising in both chests. Hands still on her asscheeks moving. Arthur break the kiss biting on her lips, making her tremble, his mouth crashed in her neck instantly biting and sucking every portion of skin he had available, Nora turned her head back allowing him, sneaking a hand up his ear tangling on his hair, robbing a moan out of him.
Since the first time they sleep together Arthur make his personal mission to take the time to examine and study all centimeter of her body, use every chance to learn more and more from her naked body, the form, the curves, the spots, the lines, colors, molds, shapes, everything, he loved it, and there was an specific place in her neck she loved to have cared.
With little bites around, suck skin there and there, kissing all the way down, licking from his shoulders to her entire ear to make her body shiver fully, using his hot tongue to catch the most of her skin, bite open wide and hard leaving a circle mark on her specific place, making her scream out loudly.
Gosh yes.
A hand sneak up her back, travelling slowly while he keep biting in that place making her moan loud, loving the sensation of her hot soft skin and the curve of her spine, the other hand moving to the chest pulling down the bra off her tits, leaving both pink hard nipples available showing off. He separated for a moment licking his lips, tempted with the look of her beautiful tits out, small but rounded and firm, perfect shape, lovely pink nipples, good size. His cock twitched at the view and moaned without even being touched, he was just looking at a pair of tits, not her face, but he knew who they belonged, he remember their look, Arthur gets amused and turned on just thinking on who they belonged, Nora was a 100% perfect pack of everything.
Lips hatched at them, making the woman cry out, feminine fingers tangling on his hair touring his scap giving him some good shivers. Lips sucked soft loving how the nipples melted between, he was so close to her chest that he  was able to hear some purring from her, he sucked a bit harder, loving how she moved under his arm, his mouth went brave and sucked on the entire nipple, her breath changing and accelerating.
Yes, this was good.
-More –she order like she always does when liking something, and goddam he would follow her orders, Nora asked and seek for her own pleasure once it catches her and he loved it, he will follow her orders no matter what, he worshipped her so much.
He suck harder, and then bite around the nipple, making her move over his legs, his own crotch moving against the air looking for…something! She was so close but so far from there! Again, he suck, harder, moving his tongue around the hard nipple inside his mouth, playing with the tip, biting lightly just to make her squeak
Then changed, and moved to give attention to the other nipple, licking the entire boob with his hot tongue at the same time a hand was used to squeeze the left behind nipple. Gosh the view of her raising her hand to cover her mouth was so hot.
-I wanna hear you –he said before moving the tip of his tongue fast and furious over her nipple, her moans  started to also go loud. His hand will play with her nipple, squeezing the boob, groping it, playing with his fingers over the pink bud, tickling the tip, pressing inside, all while sucking on the other one, his head was so hot, his thoughts were full of just the need of keep sucking that perfectly pink nipple, make her enjoy more, sucking on his cheeks to suck more making her scream
-Yes…-he heard, and that went directly to his cock, yeah he loved to be praised for his hard work, being praised by this non radiated goddess was a bliss.
He pinched on the nipple a last time and then that hand moved down on her belly, palm pressing against her thighs, in the middle, moving his fingers up and down inviting her to open the legs and pum, then, magic, her hot big thighs open for him, showing the hot view of her crotch wearing the transparent lilac tong visibly wet. Arthur lick his lips again hypnotized by the  view between her legs.
Pads press between them, enjoying the warm of both legs together a few seconds ago, then go wild and brave and move the tong to aside, moving two fingers up and down her clit, Nora shiver entirely, holding on the side of his head while his other hand had her secured by the waist. The pads of two fingers press against her button, the point up her bud, move sligly and press, a few times, playing, loving the sounds coming out off her, unable to take his eyes of off there, even with a nipple on mouth still do the effort to not lose a second of his hand working down between her legs.
Her legs spread further, open more, ass leaning against his leg, confident that he will hold her and not let her fall, and then his hands moved down to her clit, moving gentle but fast, both fingers slipping easy because oh my she was so wet, Nora was always so prepared and wet for him, they were perfect together, do have a perfect connection, loved to feel so desired by her. Loved to also desire her so much.
A finger stay over her button, other moved down to her clit, his lips hatched on the other nipple and he could feel how by now she was a mess of moans and stimulation. God just imaging her face make  his cock react, but he was very very busy biting lightly on her nipple, playing down there with her wetness. Her legs twitch over his, her free hand sneak on his shoulders, grabbing from his coat for some support
-You are so wet –he said giving a long big lick to her tit- you alright? –both fingers moved to her entrance, touching vaguely, testing, god it was so hot and wet
-Yeah –he heard, unable to take the eyes off from were his hand was testing.
-You wanna? –his head was a mess, it hurt, it spins, it was hot, sweaty, painful…
-Yes! –as soon he heard that his fingers buried inside her, an arm pressed his head against her chest, holding for more support because of the stimulation.
His cock hurt, he cant keep denying himself, he wanted more.
Fingers started going in and out, thrusting, first slowly, lightly, testing, but she was so wet and prepared it wasn’t even necessary, he was just experiencing how soft and warm she felt around than anything, until she pulled from his hair asking for more, he groaned and understand, biting on her boob and starting to move his fingers harder. Arousal getting painful from hearing the wet sounds of her entrance and his fingers meeting.
Yeah he couldn’t go much further, he wanted to explode so bad but also needed more…
Nora pulled and hold on his hair more, moving lightly as the pose allow her the hips, seeking for more friction, encouraging the elder to trust his fingers harder, so he did, moved more more more, going deeper, harder, slipping inside. Lips hatched again to the other nipple, sucking, still with his eyes fixiated were her entrance and his fingers meet, loving to see how they disappear inside her.
The sentinel relaxed completely her back over the mans arm, and the new angled allowed him to thrust deeper, letting him see more, and each time she asked for more and more, getting frustrated that his fingers weren’t long enough to satisfy her. He thought for a moment in hooking his fingers, twisting them inside to touch her spot but…no…it was enough, he cant wait anymore, he also need her, he hold too much!.
Both have the confidence in each other, so when Arthur abandoned her nipple biting it a last time and take his fingers out Nora wasn’t disappointed, she trusted him, he wouldn’t let her down, the sounds of her breath reassure him with this thoughts. While she wasn’t a fan of behind manhandled she trusted Arthur and he knew she trusted him, so  she knee down like his hands suggested all over her body, taking her waist and the bottom of her neck pulling it down lightly with his hands, moving her body down, presenting her beautiful ass in lilac transparent tong for him.
His eyes fixated on her white slim back, starting from her black curls, her round small shoulders, her shoulder blades, waist, hips, perfect big ass…then he noticed he was still dressed how desperate and pressed his cock was against the black suit, that wasn’t good! Better remedy this situation, he wanted so much to be inside her as fast as possible!
But when Arthur take his sight  away from her body and look in front of him…
He saw a ghost, and stop, stop in his place, his hands, his breathing…
In front of him, and only him, there was a ghost in power armor.
A ghost with a paladin power armor helmet in his hands.
A ghost with a scar on his eye, one crossing his nose, a hole on his cheek, several sun spots, a beard and fluffly black hair.
A ghost with the head completely open, with something spherical, metallic glowing with orange lights sneaking between the blood and the black hairs
There it was.
The elephant in the room between both. Haunting him in his sleep.
Because that’s what he is been really doing, sleeping.
Dreaming with having her with him.
Of course she won’t appear in transparent lingerie on the command deck, there wasn’t even a door there to have privacy of any kind. Obviously it was a dream.
Arthur look down at his hands, where she was before, but she wasn’t, she was gone, disappeared, leave again, slip away. Then look up, the ghost wasn’t there, disappeared, died.
And there he was, alone.
The elder of the brotherhood of steel wake up in his bed, screaming, altered, confused, his head hot, with an intense headache, the mouth dry and all his limbs stiff and in pain, sweating hot everywhere. What a horrible nightmare.
He wasn’t sure if he was just missing her warming up his bed, confused, or scared of what this woman was doing on him. But it hurts.
There was a lot involved with her, always.
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augustuswaters27 · 1 year
Not just a slut. A bitch too.
6 years have passed.
I think of you everyday you once said. Lie.
The very next day, while your mum was driving. The shape of you - ed sheeran. You were thinking of him. It didnt take a day to forget me.
Can I go meet him? He is leaving for the UK to study. I am not interested in him. Lie. I trusted you. I expected loyalty.
He was just back on holiday. You are very interested. And have been for quite a while.
I try to be fair and I have held so much back till now. Is it your right to leave? Of course. But obviously you were having a thing for him and with him before we broke up. And you were lying blantantly before and after breakup. Despicable arent you? After we breakup, even if you screwed him, its not my issue. You even went out with him to orchard one evening and you lied to me about it while we were still together.
So after that "date", the next week, you gave me the middle finger. So what did happen that night? You never said anything. Shape of you. I wonder. Fast forward today. You are screwing him all the time now. It doesnt matter anymore, cos you pinned him down within 3 years.
To think I still had feelings for you. It ends here. This signals the end of everything we had on my part. I have searched for closure for so long. Your actions have proven everything I suspected. You have done what you did. You sold or threw away everything of us. It was quick. Within a day. Things were up on carousell within hours. Lights taken down. "I cant be reminded of you". I think the speed at which you were ready to jump for him showed alot. You were never invested. Dismissed. Gone. Thrown aside.
I have avoided calling you out. But looking at all the evidence. Its hard not to call you out as a slutty bitch. I have wanted for so long to believe you were a nice person. But you arent. And I am not the first guy you have done this to. You take people as toys. You used your friends around you - yue bin, sarah, gabriel to make yourself feel good. But you are never truly their friend. They fill your void. They are cast aside when you are done.
I know you never loved me. "Its all an infatuation" you said. Same dismissive language that you used on Ernest. You had your fun. Thankfully, me too. But you have left a scar so deep that I know I will carry to my grave. I frankly dont care if you hate me anymore. I know i love you and have loved you. I have carried this long enough. God pls.
You betrayed me. You are a two timing slut and bitch. Each phrase you said at broke up. A lie. I guess all along this was your true nature. Calculative and angling for the best catch.
"I need to find someone who wont cheat on me." Irony strikes. You played emotional blame. You pointed out my flaws to make me feel like shit. You are no saint. You accused me of emotional blackmail.
The very week, you broke off with me. You went out with him again. That saturday, when I waited in the carpark. There was a reason why I didnt see you.
He picked you up. You drove pass me. You brought him to your church. So its not just something that happens after we break up. I have every reason to call you out for the 2 timing piece of shit you are.
You had the cheek to say afterwards, it would have been awkward if we had ran into each other. This is not the action of someone to whom our relationship had mattered. It didnt. You were fast to move in on the new prey.
Love me as if I was gone. Even while the body was warm you were already with another man. Actually, even before I was dead, you were with him.
The next time we met, you were going orchard towers. I now know what "Maris Friends" mean. He left for the UK. In the months that followed you kept up the charade.
You were viewing wedding ideas on pininterest. You had your sights on him. You were out to hook him. You found the juicy rich sausage you were after. You had designs already. I recall a conversation we had once. You would have picked the rich guy in your group if I didnt come along. "Because he is rich." Yes. I see it now.
Over the months, you played the same modus. Play into his idea of a girlfriend. Appear religious. Bring him for a play. Deliver food to him. I know you.
Put on an act. You wore my ring on 11.11 just to fool me that you were single. But you werent. You were already introducing your relatives to him. Nice leather jacket from him. Scheming arent you?
That very day you asked me to delete the videos. You went out with him. You lied that mum was calling. Nope. It was him. Its ok. I lied too.
You brought him for Yoga. That is why Bianca raised her eyebrows at you. You would have me pay for you. But you date him. You are such a bitch. You are worse than an animal.
CNY 2018, you went out with him on CNY eve. 1 video. 2 cups. You probably fooled him with some story about only having him on instagram after your trip to Israel, when you make your relationship "official". You are such a knaving bitch. Old airport road. Receiving friends from UK. Friends finally get to meet that wonderful girl he is dating. Singapore flyer.
You date guys. You sleep with them. Then you drop and go when something better comes along. If this doesnt qualify you as a slut, I dun know what does. I think it is very clear why you are with him.
Lets not go into how many guys you slept with that I know about. I shudder to think if there are those I dont know about. I am doubting if the first time was the 2 guys you screwed in 1 night. I can no longer trust anything you said.
Irony is I probably know more about you than he even does. Lying is not beyond you. You do it so well. Your mum never knew how much of a slut you were.
Each time you get bored or some nicer thing comes along. You are gone. Forget I have loved you for so long. Your own words. You did it to Edgar. You did it to Ernest. You did it to me. Thats why you avoid all of us. Cut us off. Bitch. Its always the same modus. Sudden drop. Cut off all communication. Blame the guy. Move on to the next victim asap.
You really know how to suck up and fool people. You out on a facade for which ever guy takes your new fancy. Play the religious girl. Play the slut. You will take on any persona that gets you what you want. "Its about what I want!" You said to me. Yes. I get it.
Do you love him? I think the answer is obvious. I know his family lives in a nice house in Kovan and they have moolah. I grew up in that area, remember? Or have you conveniently forgotten. I know exactly which house.
Telegram deleted. Oh well, I downloaded what i need. I am not stupid you bitch.
Good luck. I was naive to fall for your charms. You think it was about sex. You take sex as a game. No. Emotions are tattoos, they arent orgasms. I remind myself that everything you ever said was negated by the lies you told. I am telling myself "I am never coming back." I see you for who you truly are.
I pray each day for the grace to forgive you. I dont want to go to hell because of you. I pray for mercy for you and me. Because I didnt get what I deserve and I pray you dont too.
Jar of hearts.
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teethandclawsxx · 1 year
vent. big one . probably warning for medical stuff but ultimately i dont have the brain for tagging so read at your own risk LOL
in a violent and killing mood btw. my sheets dont stay on my bed for long and usually it wakes me up . but this time it didnt and my phone got slid up under my shoulder and mustve turned the alarm off like as soon as it started bc it didnt wake me up either. and tomorrow i was supposed to have a test done but i have to drink like 2l of barium for it (it just says two bottles but skerples did a similar test and it was 2l) and it has to be done within two hours but every time ive even had to drink like. 2l in 8 hours for tests i end up projectile vomiting bc my stomach gets so overfilled it just comes back out the top end bc the stuff takes hours to pass into my intestines. thats literally what the doc told me its caused by. so idk how they expect me to be able to drink 2l in 2hour. and ive got other labs to do on thursday and idk if the barium will effect that but ive already rescheduled it once day of and now im gonna have to do so again bc theres No Way im gonna be able to do it bc im not going to be able to sleep again before then and i cant eat after midnight but i also am not going to be able to eat BEFORE midnight bc its already 9 and my stomach is upset from being stressed about sleeping too long n bc when i got mad abt it dad started yelling at me and then he was like well yall tear me a new asshole when i get mad and i was just like well no. we tell you to stop yelling At Us when youre mad but we dont even yell at you. youre just yelling at me and telling me not to be angry. pointless and not the same. plus i normally cant eat for a few hours after waking up ANYWAY so mby the time i would be doing the test itll be like. ~20 hours since id eaten and that just isnt going to work. so i gotta reschedule it again but like in the next couple months im gonna lose my insurance bc im unemployed. but im unemployed bc im too sick to work so i NEED to have insurance but who cares if i live or die ig 🥴 and they said the main test they want to do will probably be 6mo after the barium test (its to check for crohns) so its not like im gonna be able to do it anyyyywayyy i just hope the labs on thursday come back quick enough. she said it could take up to a month so im scheduled to see her again like. 7/14 i think sonim just hoping that i still have insurance then and she can diagnose me with SOMETHING even though i doubt it and also that i still have insurance and can get my next 3mo of t but tbh even if i do have insurance i probably cant afford it... i already knew i probably wouldnt be able to stay on it longer than 9mo but id hate to have to stop after just 6 literally only bc it still costs like $65 WITH insurance (idk why bc like. my first set was only $5. the only difference is the newer set has preservatives but idk why it has to)..... basically. fuck
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Waiting for the call from UGA to get Khou.
Doing the most urgent loft work in the meantime.
Just finished mucking nest boxes.
The time has come to employ the loft's little tower fan.
As well insulated as it is, it's still a metal building and the AC unit just cannot complete.
Blowing at full strength, you can't feel it more than 6 in from the vent.
Good gawd, I started at 7:30am, and it is SO humid that in an hour of work, I'm dripping, and have developed the tell-tale muscle aches, nausea, and lip-tingling of heat exhaustion.  Came in to cool back down after setting up the tower fan.
Patron: "A fan in the window would help"
"The easiest way to keep a space as cool as possible is to create a path of airflow"
Thank you
Breakfast eaten, water get, time to resume!
I laid this fucking brick out to hose down yesterday...
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The Fire Nation used it as scaffolding to build a nursery and fill it with larva that quickly.
This is why I have to be so aggressive about treating them, and why my loft help just turning the bricks and weight stones shit side down is so dangerous.
Patron: "Holy shit! Fire ants are insane."
Patron: "They are an aggressive species from the Amazon, of course they're aggressive and quick lol"
Patron: "Oh! They are not native to the US? I never knew that! I just remember learning very quickly when we moved to the south from Canada that they are mean little bastards"
They are not!  
They are adapted to the river banks and survive the frequent flooding by clinging together in living rafts.  
An individual can hold her breath up to 14 days, allowing the rafts to survive until they make landfall again.  
They really love the American south because the high humidity keeps soil moist enough to build mounds in very quickly without the disruption of floods to cause breaks in reproduction.
Patron: "That explains so much"
They are able to remain in constant larva factory mode, and with all US populations only coming from a few accidentally imported queens, they are closely enough related not to see any other US fire ant colony as a rival.
So the entire US population of fire ants is a single massive supercolony with neither predators nor competition.
Patron: "That is super disturbing"
"But also very informative."
Yeah, they are monsters here that absolutely will hunt and eat you if they get the opportunity.
My husband and I used to have our bed against the wall.
The little bitches swarmed in by hundreds through a hole in the insulation one night in the second year we were married, infested the blankets, and woke us up by stinging us en mass.
Patron: "i cant imagine how fucking horrifying that was to wake up to"
I still have nightmares.  
I can't fall asleep by laying there with my eyes closed.  
You know how there are always after images when you close your eyes? Usually just meaningless, wandering patches of light and dark?  
That's what the swarm on my skin looked like in the dark, and instead of just being patches of light and dark, my asshole brain highlights their segments, legs, and animates their attack behavior of clamp on with jaws, sting until prey stops moving, or ant is crushed or otherwise pried off.  
I get the most ungody adrenaline spike if I'm not too physically exhausted to notice the visual.
It makes trying to fall asleep a real bitch for me.
Got an update call about Khou.
They don't have a specific time for him to get his CT scan done, beyond that it will happen today.
If it happens late enough in the day that he won't be fully recovered from sedation by the time they close, we'll have to wait until tomorrow to come get him.
Patron: "How far is it to Athens from where you are? You said you took him to UGA right?"
Two hour drive.
Patron: "Hang in there. Fingers crossed they can do it early today"
Thank you.
Neither I, nor my husband are really ok with out him.
The house feels wrong...
Had to come back in for the permethrine.
The fire nation is trying a different foraging approach into the loft and fuck no.
Threshold treated.
Komodore asked Patch to smooch-feed her
Farthing tread Luxie.
Then he crouched to be tread and she, then Alex, tread him.
I think I was wrong about Mote.
Wukong looks lighter than he is because of his chest fluff.
Close inspection of their wings shows Mote to have the same pattern as Wukong, obscured by the deeper Dirty pigmentation of babies under 4 months.
Arco has been doing the best job helping Passenger set her Fegg.
Leela is quite insistently crouching for Nobu, but her foob kinda over balances her when he's on top, causing her to stumble into a tilted run under him to keep from faceplanting.
He hangs on with the brazen tenacity of a bull rider, and has managed to finish three times today.
It is exactly as hilarious as it sounds, and I'll try to catch it on video, if I can.
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Look at Arco on his practice egg <3
Patron: "a grown boy!"
Just got an update from UGA.
khou just finished his CT, but they close at 5pm, and he's unlikely to have recovered enough to be discharged in two hours, even if I left right now.
The projected discharge is between 9 and 10am.
His little heart stopped.
(Pretty much every Patron sent their condolences)
Cousins: "We're on the way, Dani, I'm sorry!  30-40 minutes i think ..."
Can't wait.
We can go say goodbye, if we leave now and fold space.
Husband: "The vets are trying one more time to get his heart to start back up.  We are on the road now."
We got to UGA.  
No word on if the last effort succeeded.
Waiting for his Dr to come see us.
Husband: "He didn't make it."
Husband: "He had lesions in his lungs.  The sedation was too much for his damaged lungs to handle."
Patron: "im so sorry. is there any idea what the lesions are from?"
Husband: "Not yet.  They have not gotten all the results back from his tests yet."
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"The vet took a clay imprint of his feet with his name on it."
Patron: "sending all the love to both of you"
Husband: "Thank you.  We both are recovering."
Thank you so much to all of my patrons for the outpouring of loving condolences.
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