#5x02 quote
nikki-rook · 1 year
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Save it, Richard, I know the morning I walked in here the poor girl was hiding in the closet
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sgtbradfords · 1 year
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Chenford Week 2023
day three -> incorrect dialogue
You mean that scene didn't go something like this?
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itwasmagic · 1 year
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NO, I COULD NEVER GIVE YOU PEACE  »  requested by @roy-wambsgans (@henryhas2moms ♡) reblogs are encouraged!
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cajon-desastre · 1 year
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth – both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman
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Dynasty 5x02: Quote
- “What I say and what I mean are almost always two different things.” (Fallon)
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ironboobs · 4 months
Trying to find all the easter eggs from 7x09... Did I miss any?
Natasha reaching for her phone worrying it's about work instead of enjoying sexy time with Sullivan => Maya did the same when she went on vacation with Carina (3x11)
Andy voiceover => First two seasons!
Maya's outfit in the kitchen => the same she wore the day she met her future wife at Joe's bar (3x05)
"Hey, I love you" in the kitchen before leaving to work => Same moment in the old apartment (4x04)
"Jack are you sitting at home monitoring the wildfire?" => Her father too was unable to stop firefighting after he had to retire
"Why aren't we dancing for joy?" => Houseboat dancing, Andy was the only one who didn't want to dance (3x16)
"I'd like to tell Travis first" => (maybe farfetched) Ross asking Andy and Maya not to tell Sullivan about their relation being leaked. (6x16)
Talking about a potential future on the station's rooftop => Travic were the only duo who hadn't done that yet, so many moments and discussions happened at this spot.
"Oh crap" => Signature quote from Montgomery, he says it all the time : hockey rink, snowstorm
Wildfire => Season 2 finale
Yellow fire engine is back and lined up neatly with the other ones! => It's the one S19 temporary had when their engine was totalled (5x02)
"You know I don't like the woods" / Glamping site => The couple who gets attacked by a bear : the lady is not happy that her husband brought her to a glam-camping trip instead of a hotel (3x05)
"Chief, you feel confident in that plan?" => Andy vs Jack when she does't want to open more ventilation in the roof but he does and they wait (1x03)
Theo being bothered having to sit around to attend some rich dude's ugly building instead of fighting the wildfire => Sullivan when he enrolled a private company, as he heard Andy calling her team (4x01)
"My mom smoke when she was pregnant with me", "Yeah, exactly" => Sounds like Jack and Maya's smack talk in season one
"Didn't work for us, that doesn't mean it won't work for you and Carina" => Andy tells Maya her marrying super fast didn't work for her and Sullivan, but that her situation with Carina is different (4x14)
"I don't think we're there yet" => Again, callback to Jack and Andy battling for Captain waiting too long for that ventilation (1x03)
"Are you doing a quick and dirty courthouse wedding" => Andy and Sully married in a quick and dirty courthouse wedding (3x12)
"We're happy for her, right?" => In the pilot, when they're in the rig, Maya learns that Jack proposed and says "Oh we are not happy" (1x01)
"Everyone's leaving home" => Andy feels like her father felt when she moved out? (2x02)
"We were raised in this station by your dad" => Pruitt told Maya he handpicked the entire team because he knew they'd fit as a family (4x01)
"Have each other's backs" => Herreras' tag line circa season one
"You can't leave, Vic" => Vic asking Dean not to leave on their way to fight a fire (5x05)
Vic referring to Travis as her person => Grey and Yang coded, he also said that to her two episodes prior when she had her meltdown (7x06)
Probies flirting with each other => Gibson and Herrera (1x01)
Bishop and Herrera looking at the fire => wildfire episode throwback (Season 2 finale)
Whistle lady => Molly had a whistle in the skyscraper fire (Season 1 finale)
Hiker fell down the hill => When Andy and Maya rappelled down to rescue a hiker who had fallen (2x06)
Sullivan connects to the victim because they're both marine vets => Sullivan helps with a hostage situation, bonding over being a veteran (3x09)
Vic and Travis fighting while cleaning branches => Same way they were fighting when Travis discovered she was with Theo (4x09)
"We cannot wait for the aid car" => Maya's demotion (4x16)
"We're gonna have to carry him, the medical tent is about a mile away" => Emmet tells Travis they can carry Vic to the Aid Car that's a mile away (5x05)
"Have fun getting fired" => again callback to when Sullivan chose to go help with the fire instead of staying put (4x01)
"Dibs on the puppy" => Shoutout to Dean in the series pilot (1x01)
Ben jumping into Doctor mode, saying "This can't wait" => During the california wildfire Ben had to cut the man's hand for him to survive (Season 2 finale)
"That Richards guy reminds me of Gibson" => Self explanatory, Season 1
"Being in the field is a different game. I bet you won't do it wrong again" => Travis said something similar to Ben as he almost killed Pruitt wanting to do a medical procedure on the Aid Car (1x01)
"Swollen ankles, pickles, chocolate ice cream" => JJ hated her pregnant state and had ice cream cravings (3x06)
"That is how childbirth works, my friend" => Maya and Carina face timing during the snowstorm episode "Babies don't fly out they slowly slide out" (3x06)
"Monogamy is for the weak, or the very very dedicated" => front porch drinking session between Maya, Andy and Vic (1x02)
Getting retired firefighters to help out => Pruitt and friends would be proud
"She told Theo before me?" => Travis already said that before
Rambling " and - Oh my god she was right" => another signature quote from Travis
"We're 19. Family forever." => Tagline of the show, had to be mentioned
"New Guy" => Ben was called that when started as a probie
"Thanks, Hughie" => Dean was the one who called Vic that <3
Mentions of Lasagna, "Ti amo, Bella" => Marina core
Top of the truck => Same as after Lucas Ripley died
"Come with me" => Dean offered Vic to come with him to Oakland
"You don't have to know right now" => Vic's proposal to Ripley
"Dad!" => Ben's nickname at the Station
"Wet stuff on the red stuff" => Dean, season one, Travis, season four
"Use my name, I know a guy" => Isn't that what Vic says to Theo when he goes to order Pierogies ?
"Boy Scout" => Kate called Theo that (7x04)
Theo jumps to save Travis => He couldn't do it for Michael
"We roll him on my count 3,2,1" => Reverse situation when they all rolled Hughes in season 5 in The things we lost in the fire
"We're not talking like you're dying because you're not dying" => I feel like I've heard that from Vic before, but can't pinpoint the episode
Camera moving around Carina and Maya => Carina's proposal scene (4x14), yet another moment that's supposed to be happy but comes with some devastating news, like the proposal/visa, the wedding/demotion etc.
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nickblaine · 1 year
season 5 script summaries
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links to previous script summaries: season 4, season 3, season 2, season 1, seasons 1/2 cont’d also, check my tht scripts tag for gifs, excerpts, and more details
i got the librarian’s email about season 5 scripts, and even though driving to and parking at WGAW has become a literal nightmare, i said fuck it and flew (crawled in traffic) down there the very next day. i wanted to see what the mood was like during the strike, anyway.
the staff had the library running business as usual, but the energy was high and there were pro-union shirts everywhere. there were a couple of guys on the first floor making literal piles of picket signs. i chatted with them for a minute and they said everyone was mostly out on the streets, picketing at every major studio in the city. rock on WGA ✊
i was on a time limit to beat rush hour, so when i read the season 5 scripts it was only Nick scenes. i searched for all instances of his name and wrote down everything i could. i may go back to read the rest of the season, but i can’t make any promises on when that will be.
before i begin (same as last time):
• everything described here is from the official scripts that are archived at the Writers Guild in Los Angeles. • the scripts i read are final drafts. there is no “writing in the margins.” everything described is from dialogue and script direction that was used on set. (click for an example) • the library has a strict no copies/photos rule in place which is why i summarize what i read. • anything in italics is a direct quote for the sake of clarity. • feel free to ask questions and i’ll answer to the best of my ability. my private notes are pretty detailed, but if i need to do more research i may save the answer for a future library visit. • please do not share this post without my permission. thank you in advance for respecting my wishes.
5x01 - Morning
Nick and Rose’s morning scene in this episode is more or less the same as this early script draft. The only difference is after Nick tells Rose her coffee is good, there’s an additional line that says: “It’s a lie, and they both know it. Rose appreciates the polite kindness.”
5x02 - Ballet
There was a short scene of Nick and Joseph Lawrence having a private chat at the airport before meeting with Serena Joy. It was cut from the episode, but you can see it in the trailer.
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In this scene, Lawrence confides in Nick that he’s nervous about the meeting with Serena because - in his words - “You had to let your girlfriend go after Fred.”
Nick assures Lawrence that they’re going to spin it as a savvy political move by blaming the Americans for killing Fred. Lawrence still chastises him for not doing his job. Then the conversation pivots (a little clunkily) to this line from the trailer:
NICK: Serena doesn’t know what happened.
LAWRENCE: Doesn’t matter what she knows. It matters what she believes.
When they meet Serena on the tarmac, she instantly has suspicions that they were responsible for Fred’s death. The conversation is tense until they all see Fred’s body getting rolled off the plane, then Serena needles Nick’s guilt and pokes at it with her “Fred saw promise in you” speech.
As they are leaving the tarmac, there’s a line that says “Nick acknowledges Mark with a nod” and Lawrence notices it. In the episode you can see Nick and Mark exchange looks in the background as they leave, but otherwise Lawrence doesn’t notice.
At the Putnam’s party later in the episode, you may have noticed that after the Handmaids arrive, Esther and Nick share a notable look. The script describes this as a fraught moment in which Nick is filled with remorse and wishing he could do more. It also says Esther remembers Nick from when he and the Eyes arrested her, and she’s visibly pissed about it. As they walk away from each other, “Nick can’t help but be reminded of June.”
While Serena Joy is manipulating the Commanders into broadcasting Fred’s funeral, Nick steps in because he’s moved by her bravery and “attempting to atone for his hand in killing Fred.”
In the secret meeting between Nick and Mark there were a few cut lines of dialogue. Most notable is after Nick tells him he just tries to stay out of trouble, Mark replies, “Catches up to everyone, at some point.“
Opaque, Nick thinks about that. How long does he think he can keep going?
Ok, so the end of the episode when the funeral is on TV in Canada, I’m happy to report that Nick IS mentioned in June’s inner dialogue. The scene describes her recognizing who is onscreen with Serena. First she sees Lawrence, and then... “And finally, most painfully -- NICK.” (Yes, in all caps like that, lol.)
5x03 - Border
Cute June inner-dialogue when Lily asks her if Nick’s a big Jezebels guy: “June doesn’t know how to explain what type of “guy” Nick is.”
The awkward Lawrence residence dinner scene. Commander Mackenzie genuinely loves Rose (”old friend of the family”) and is instantly distrustful of Nick. Serena doesn’t buy Nick and Rose’s relationship as genuine either, and tries to subtly acknowledge Rose’s close relationship with June’s daughter’s parents by telling him how lucky he is. Nick is tense, but then his banter with Rose relaxes him, making Serena surprised to observe real affection in their relationship.
During the dinner itself, Mackenzie is just making everyone extremely uncomfortable by bringing up June. Nothing too interesting in the script here, it’s mostly just dialogue.
There is a cut line after dinner when Nick and Rose are leaving, and she says to him, “Well I wouldn’t say that’s the most relaxing dinner party I’ve ever been to.” (He responds “Yeah. No.”) Then he spots Mark all alone. Script says Rose understands what he’s about to do. “Nick squeezes her hand, then heads over to Mark.”
The script emphasizes here that Nick is unsure talking to Mark is a good idea, but he really wants to be the one to tell June about Rose before Serena does.
Mackenzie scares the shit out of him in this scene, and the “fuck” Nick mutters at the end was originally not spoken out loud (”OFF NICK, fuck.”) but I’m so glad it was.
Alright, phone call scene. One of our few big Osblaine moments!
NICK: June. Hi.
June suddenly feels like everything is going to be okay.
This scene is mostly dialogue. The final product is all the acting that goes into it. It does say Nick is stressed to relay upsetting information about Hannah and Rose. When June hears about Rose, she knew this was coming eventually, but it’s still a blow. It also describes how painful and hard this is for both of them. But at the end of the call, right after June tells Nick to be happy, is my favorite line in the whole script:
It’s an impossible ask, maybe, for these two to be truly happy without each other.
After the phone call, there is a cut scene between Nick and Rose where they simply look at each other.
Rose knows exactly who he was on the phone with, and what he said to her.
She looks worried for him, knowing it wasn’t easy.
He nods to her -- it’s done.
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5x06 - Together
According to the script, Lawrence only invited Warren Putnam over to his house to get Nick on board with killing him. Warren repulses Nick so he’s down.
The next scene they’re in is when they execute Warren. (Such a good scene.) After Nick shoots him in the head, the script describes the camera hanging onto Nick and “his soldier’s stoicism.”
Then it cuts straight to Rose in the Blaine home. “She’s disappointed in him and he knows it.”
Now this scene threw me off. It’s written much differently than how Max acted it. Nick is actually a lot more warm toward Rose in the script, much like how all their previous scenes were. Several lines of Nick’s dialogue were changed (”Can I help?” became “You gonna tell me what’s going on?” onscreen) and his body language comes across way more cold and defensive than what’s described on paper.
As for Rose, she isn’t soothed by Nick’s assurances here. And that’s it for this episode.
5x08 - Motherland
New Bethlehem opens with another cut private moment between Lawrence and Nick.
Nick is brooding by the water, “still grappling with the moral and emotional consequences of shooting Warren in the head.” Lawrence finds him and tries to prod, but Nick gives him nothing.
LAWRENCE: You look a little more moody and broody than usual. Really, you sleeping okay?  
NICK: I’m fine.
Lawrence moves on because they have work to do. He reminds Nick he’s counting on him.
Lawrence gives his New Bethlehem speech to the other Commanders. When one of them pushes back, “that’s the cue for Nick, the muscle. Enough carrots, time for sticks.”
After Nick bullies the Commanders and Lawrence consolidates his power, the script describes these two as a “dynamic duo” lol
Okay, brace yourselves, there’s a cut Osblaine scene up next. I had no idea this existed, I don’t think there are any shots of it in the trailer.
It takes place after June visits Serena in the detention center and realizes she can’t help Hannah unless she’s there. If you watch that part you will see her pull out Lawrence’s burner phone as she leaves. But instead of going to Lawrence’s office like she does in the filmed version, in the script she calls Lawrence and just says, “I want to talk to Nick.”
It cuts to the next night at the border wall between Gilead and Canada. June is waiting on the Canada side as flying drone searchlights swoop across the electrified fence. (All described in dramatic detail.) She sees Nick appear on the other side. They look at each other, waiting, and once the searchlights clear they move to meet each other at the fence.
JUNE: I need to know if this is for real. I need to know that Hannah and my family will be safe.
NICK: I know. You will be. I promise.
JUNE: How can you promise that?
NICK: Things are changing, people are scared of Lawrence. I’m in a position now where i can make sure you’ll be safe.
JUNE: I want to believe you.
NICK: June. You can finally be with Hannah, watch over her. Isn’t that what you always wanted?
She nods.
NICK (CONT’D): Then please. Come back.
“To me,” he means. June’s heart is torn.
At this point the searchlights return and they have to separate. This scene is written like a soap opera. “They can’t help but reach out to each other, almost brushing fingertips before they move apart and run back, escaping the lights.”
Photo of this scene from Max’s IG:
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Later in the episode, Lawrence is back in New Bethlehem with Nick. Nick asks which way June is leaning and Lawrence says it’s toward yes. The script says here that Nick understands that Lawrence is trying to manipulate him, but he can’t help but be cautiously optimistic at the idea of having June and Nichole in New Bethlehem with him.
By the end of the conversation, Nick is “considering.”
5x09 - Allegiance
We’ll skip to 27 minutes into the episode, when June sits with Mark after the failed mission. Mark catches June off guard by bringing up Nick. She’s taken aback by the revelation that he turned down Mark’s offer, but Mark says she can still persuade him. The script says “June imagines the prospect of Nick in Toronto” which I think you can see pretty clearly on Lizzie’s face lol.
Then we cut to the big Osblaine reunion.
Lots of dramatic buildup in the script leading up to their conversation. I don’t know how to describe it other than to show you:
She looks toward the courtyard. And there he is --
Waiting for her. Strained.
Takes a beat to soak him in. She gets out.
June approaches Nick, their eyes locked.
Like, damn. They love building tension with these two.
Anyway, dialogue proceeds as it does in the show. Nick tells June that his wife’s pregnant and June has the wind knocked out of her. She’s described as “appalled by Nick’s commitment to Gilead, but understanding of his loyalty to Rose and their future child.”
And then--
JUNE: I want what’s best for both our families.
They look at each other.
A giant chasm between them now. But they’ve shared so much. So much trauma. So much love. A daughter.
JUNE (CONT’D): Well. This is a fine mess, isn’t it?
This scene is once again described as painful for both of them. “She tries to keep it together. How can they part? How can they say goodbye?”
Before Nick says “I love you” he was supposed to wrap his arms around her, but in the final cut they keep their distance.
5x10 - Safe
Just wanna note that when Nick shows up on the bridge to meet Mark, it was originally written so American soldiers yank Nick out of his car, handcuff him, and drag him across the bridge to Mark. We were deprived.
Also the first thing out of Nick’s mouth here was supposed to be, “How is she?”
In the hospital, Mark is telling Nick what’s going on but, “Nick can’t even speak. Looking at June, with her black and blue eyes.”
Mark gets the hint and leaves Nick alone. An interesting thing to note is that the line “it’s probably better if she doesn’t know I was here” is NOT in the script. At all.
The rest of the scene is sweet and simple.
Nick crosses, sits beside June.
A beat. Nick takes her hand.
Says nothing as he watches her sleep.
And that’s it.
Mark and Nick’s second scene on the bridge is just as short and to the point. In fact it’s almost entirely dialogue, so the emotions you see onscreen came from acting and directing. The only notable difference here is when Mark tells Nick he could’ve run away with June, he was scripted to give actual examples of where. “Maybe not to Canada, but there are -- places you could’ve gone. Idaho, the Westward Territories.” (Hopefully foreshadowing lol.)
At the party, it is scripted that Rose tries to greet Nick when he arrives and he doesn’t even acknowledge her. Like she doesn’t even exist.
There isn’t much description to accompany the punch. There is a line that says if Nick wasn’t pulled off of Lawrence than he’d be happy to keep on whaling on him. It also describes Lawrence as “rattled” and Rose as “humiliated.”
At the train station, during June’s goodbye to Mark, she asks him to tell Nick that she and Nichole are safe as a nod to their phone call in episode 3. The only descriptive line here is, “A beat, as Mark clocks the deep and selfless connection between Nick and June.”
The final scene I have notes for is Nick and Rose’s breakup in jail.
There are a couple parts of their scripted conversation that didn’t make it onscreen. Starting with right after Rose tells him a good man wouldn’t leave his wife every time his girlfriend calls, Nick’s response was supposed to be, “she was almost killed.” Then Rose laments that she thought she was lucky that someone like [Nick] would deign to be with someone like [her.] Nick says, “I was the lucky one” and she tells him to shut up.
Then there’s the “You will never let go of her, will you?” line from the show. Nick explains that he tried, but Rose retorts with, “Who knows what that woman will bring to our door. I have to protect our son.” Nick is described as scared now, and pleads with her not to leave.
Now I have no idea if that “our son” drop was supposed to be a legitimate reveal or just hopeful Gilead thinking. The script says nothing else about it and it was cut from the show. But it will be fun to speculate as we wait for the final season.
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Cas + Faith Season 5 summary
ID: Four digital drawings of Cas from season 5 of Supernatural. Each drawing shows Cas within a circle, with a quote around the outside. The first drawing shows Cas' hand reaching for the Samulet, from episode 5x02, with a green back ground. The quote reads "This is not a theological issue. It's strategic." The second drawing shows Cas' head and shoulders in 3/4 view, with water dripping down his face, on a grey background. The quote reads "If Gd is dead, why have I returned?". The third drawing shows Cas' head with his face turned up towards the viewer, on an orange background. The quote reads "You coward. I believed in-". The fourth drawing shows Cas' head turned to look to his left and mostly in shadow, on a dark blue grey background. The quote reads "I don't know what Gd wants. It just seems like the right thing to do." End ID.
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rayllumoon · 1 year
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 22
GILES: I was a librarian for years. This is exactly the same, except people pay for the things they don't return. It'll give me focus. Increase my resources. And it'll prevent you lot from trampling all over my flat at all hours. There may even be some space for you to train in the back. BUFFY: Boy, you've really thought this through. How bored were you last year? GILES: I watched "Passions" with Spike. Let us never speak of it.
~~BtVS 5x02 “Real Me”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Invasion Of Privacy (Buffy, Ted, Joyce, Angel, PG) by badly_knitted
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make me hazy (Giles/Jenny, M) by CallMeVampy
Fledgeling Take Flight (Jenny Calendar, Phantom xover, T) by arcanedreamer
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Not a Dark Prince (Angel, Spike, G) by Stand with Ward and Queen
[French language] Vampire hollywoodienne (Buffy/Faith, T) by Friday Queen
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Breathe Again, Chapter 12/17 (Angel/Cordelia, M) by Califi62
New Blood, Chapter 7 (Xander, Naruto crossover, T) by danu40k
With Arms Wide Open, Chapters 13-14 (Buffy/Giles, E) by jaybird023
Days of Future Past, Chapter 31/34 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
New York, Chapter 19 (Giles/Xander, M) by drsquidlove
"The Sky's Gonna Open", Chapter 6 (Lindsey/OC, T) by lindseymcdonaldseyelashes
A Call From Beyond, Chapter 3/7 (Ensemble, G) by CoffeeMilkLuvr
I'm Only Your Darkness, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Faith, E) by Karnstein99
Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess, Chapter 93 (Cordelia/Doyle, T) by myheadsgonenumb
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Between The Shadow & The Soul, Chapter 3 (Angel/OC, T) by dreamingshores
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Spiderwebs, Chapter 43 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow25
The Transfer, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Blackmysteria
Fates Intertwined: A Second Chance, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
The Vision Quest, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by acb6293
Encased by Sunshine, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by acb6293
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Buffy’s Spooky Birthday, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
What the Drabble?, Chapter 44 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Encased in Sunshine, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Acb6293
Twice Broken, Thrice Burnt, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Here’s a fun old one of the Master!! (drawing, worksafe) by foul-sorcery
Tattoo: [Tattoo design with BtVS quote from "The Gift"] (worksafe) by tattoos4mnd via tattoos4mnd
Gifset: PASSION is the source of our finest moments. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear (Wesley/Lilah, slightly NSFW) by gothamstreetcat
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Video: D&D | Podcast | Q&A | Buffy the Vampire Slayer by It's A Mimic!
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Zombies and Reunions! | Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x2 'Dead Man's Party' | Blind Reaction by Vic
Season 3 Begins! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 3x01 Reaction // Buffy is My Hero! by Brooke Whipple
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PODCAST: Buffy Season 8: Part 3 by Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
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spuffy fic rec, pt.2 recced by louisandjade
[Fandom Discussions]
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buffy season four will give you whiplash any time they cut from one romantic subplot to another by idkaguyorsomething
With all my Bangel VS Cangel talk recently it probably does come across like I hate Bangel. This isn’t true by girl4music
And I don’t hate Angel. Not anymore. I never really did actually by girl4music
Do any of yall think about how in Something Blue, Buffy tells Riley shes getting married to a guy named Spike and plays it off as ‘a joke.’ by spikes-left-eyebrow
Rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and today’s new issue with the show is how Buffy is the “chosen” one who has no say in the matter by jenny-from-the-box
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Would you like a SMG celebrity memoir? by Taake
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The Nature of Willow's "Dark Magic" in Season Six by American Aurora, multiple posters
What Would a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revival Look Like? - A MLC Retrospective by MyLoveableCrayon
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Yet another “Dead Man’s Party” thread: how would you have fixed it? by squidwardsaclarinet
Am I the only one that wishes they kept the more “case of the week” noir style of season 1 and 2 by SignificantBerry3837
Wrong answers only: What did Spike whisper in April the Robot's ear that she threw him out a window? by jdpm1991
Watching Buffy again- changed my opinion on Riley by EyCeeDedPpl
Xander as a character has not aged well or society has just evolved by Jockwarrior
Tired of the fandom? by Upbeat_Tone_2710
Would a high caliber bullet to the heart kill a vamp? by TheEbolaArrow
Everyone talks about the best and the worst… by duvet-cover
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x02 The Ship thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [8 Sept ‘23]
Ohhh, this is the one where Muniz dies? :(
What I'm saying is, if you're going to prosecute me I demand that you prosecute my co-conspirator." "I'm not a conspirator." "What would you call yourself doctor?" "An idiot." BRILLIANT oh, Julian 😂
Kira... I get laughing at Bashir is funny, but not taking a doctor with you on a rescue mission? I guess there must be one on the original team...
"Don't worry, Jefe." <3 ohhhh. I can't take their nicknames.
"Now you listen to me, that boy's life is in our hands, and I won't let anyone give up on him." 😭😭😭
"Worf, what do you say we go take a look at that ion exchange matrix we found. And on the way maybe we can discuss some of the finer points of diplomacy." Yeah, seriously, Worf?!
"Dax, maybe you haven't noticed, but no-one's laughing." This really is a rough episode.
"Could really use your help now, Quique." Ohh. The way his face completely falls. Oh, Miles. 💔💔
"They'd all still be alive if we had trusted each other." Sisko's frustration bleeding through his voice, I love him
Is this the first hint we see of the Founders having an illness, this one randomly dying?
"I remember her favourite speech. Always maintain emotional distance between yourself and those under your command." "It's good advice." "And I try to follow it. But it's a lot more complicated outside of the classroom." Yeah, I do really get the sense Sisko does try for that separation, but sometimes a situation calls for him to be closer - like with Julian in Past Tense. [And I did not remember that quote until editing this just now, but I made quite a thing of this exact point in VA, and now feeling quite proud of myself XD]
Huh, I feel like this episode is the real emotional turning point of DS9 from the sometimes-serious-funky-little show to the dark-with-a-slice-of-optimism show, actually.
"What are you doing?" "We will both keep the predators away." Okay, grudging respect for Worf, fine. This line hit. 💔😭
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makeitastrength · 1 year
Chenford + UC school and Noah
Chenford + “that Tim Bradford”
Scenes from the missing month (between 5x02 and 5x03)
“Who the hell is that?”
Lucy startles so badly she drops her phone; it clatters to the wooden tabletop and comes to rest face up, the photo of Tim staring back at them. She’d snapped it on a whim a few months back, on Tim’s first day as acting Watch Commander while Grey was in the hospital. Somehow, taking photos of each other has become a thing with them. Usually, the photos capture embarrassing moments or the end result of a prank, but this one was just him sitting behind Grey’s desk for the first time, and it felt like something that should be commemorated.
So she’d crept up to the doorway while he was focused on the giant stack of paperwork in front of him and snapped the photo just as he lifted his head. He’s not exactly smiling – though the corners of his mouth had quirked up slightly in the moment between when he saw her and when he registered what she was doing – but it’s a good photo of him.
Noah leans over her shoulder and squints at the name badge on his uniform. “Who’s Bradford?”
“No one,” she answers, far too quickly.
“Lie,” he declares, quoting the ‘truth or lie’ activity from this afternoon’s training.
Lucy rolls her eyes at her UC training partner. “What’s my tell?”
“Right now?” Noah asks, settling onto the bar stool beside her and setting two beers in front of them. Hands now free, he gestures in her general direction with somewhat of a circular motion. “Your entire face. He’s clearly not no one.”
Lucy sighs and rests her elbow on the bar, chin in her hand, as her eyes fall back to the photo of Tim. Deep down, she knows he was right to push her to come here. This is an incredible opportunity, and she’s learned more in the past two weeks than she’s learned in all her time on the force.
But she misses him with a ferocity she can’t explain.
She’s not certain what would have happened if Chris hadn’t been dying on her sofa, if they would have followed through on what they’d been about to do, or if one of them (Tim, because it wouldn’t have been her) would have put a stop to it. She’s not sure what things would be like between them if they had hooked up.
(She’s certain it would have been the best sex of her life, though.)
But it doesn’t matter, because Chris almost died because of her and it’s only fair that she stays with him now and commits herself more fully to their relationship. Any possibility of a future with Tim vanished the moment they saw Chris bleeding out.
Riding with Tim, maintaining their professional relationship and friendship, was all she had left. And now that’s gone too.
Read the rest on AO3
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sophsun1 · 2 years
I've been meaning ask you this for soooo long! What's your favorite slutty!Britin moments and your favorite soft!Britin moments
Hey anon!
This genuinely is a never ending answer because there's SO many it's just gonna be a very long list quoting the majority of their scenes that I can remember lmao but I'll try and give it my best shot.
By slutty I'm assuming you mean hot as that's what I'll be referencing here because they're both sluts 24/7 yk 🤷‍♀️
Their first kisses in the pilot are literally c h e m i s t r y 🔥
The entire hotel scene in 1x10 imo the hottest scene they ever did
The whole I want you to be safe I want you around for a long time
2x09 before Brian's mother kills the mood asdfgkl;
2x10 Brian in that black short sleeved shirt send help
2x15 Justin coming home from his comic book brainstorm before he falls asleep
2x19 The whole angsty take a shower I know you cheated scenario
Hello? Every sexually charged moment in 3x08
The scene in 3x11 where they're bathed in orange light
3x11 When did you become such a clever devil and everything after that
The picnic scene in 4x07
Soft moments
The dinner scene at the end of 1x08
2x03 Everything with them supporting each other and the when my boy walks down the street in it's entirety
1x21 New York goodbye hug scene carve it into my chest wdy
2x02 forgiveness and ending scenes + all the remembering prom stuff
2x01 Brian breaking down re his guilt and Justin consoling him at the end
The proposal, ily, end fireplace scene with Brian's stupid soft face 5x10/5x11
The Liberty Ride/move in with me would die for it
The bracelet scene 3x04
I thought we were partners. We are
Brian kissing Justin's cheek in the cutest display of affection ever after he saves his ass from financial ruin
Their final goodbye in it's entirety
2x20 silent scene holding each other kill me wdy
3x14 Concerned Citizens For The Truth reveal etc
Justin holding Brian whilst grieving the cancer diagnosis in secret
Underrated but Brian agreeing to go to Vermont + all Justin's cute reactions
Brian saying he missed Justin returning from fake Ibiza and Justin teasing him so he'll keep kissing him - cutest cuties to ever cute
5x02 There's one thing Pittsburgh has that Hollywood doesn't *tilts head towards Brian*
3x09 Brian's lil eskimo kiss when he doesn't want to leave Justin for the trick
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
my 3 questions are
5. three episodes that you can re-watch over and over
9. three quotes that have stuck with you
13. three things that the show could of done better!
5. three episodes that you can re-watch over and over
- 4x09 and 4x10: i’m putting them together because to me they were a two-parter - 4x06 because i love the squad in that episode and wish we saw more of them together - 5x02
9. three quotes that have stuck with you
- “my wife will not die trapped like a rat! i did not conquer all that i’ve conquered to let her suffer this”. sigtryggr, 5x02 - “and if you mistake it for a weapon, what then?”. finan, 3x08 - “if they were the greatest, then where are they now?”. sigtryggr, 4.09
13. three things that the show could of done better
- give a little more backstory to some of the characters. example, ignirth. we’re automatically suppose to believe that her and finan are in love, but we knew so little about her. not even a mention if she had any family, or how her and finan meet, how long they were married for. i’m guessing she was also a saxon, but i don’t think that was ever mention either. it’s a small thing, but it would’ve been nice to know a little more about certain characters
- it also brings me to the 10+ year time jump. it’s a huge chunk of time and while you can fill in the blanks for most, there are still some blanks that is hard to fill based off little information. example, more info on stiorra and sigtryggr’s relationship. also, what happened - if anything - between eadith and finan. i’m sure there’s more, but i can’t think of them right now.
- treated some of their female characters better
the last kingdom + three question ask game
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cajon-desastre · 1 year
Shameless, impudent, meddling females, who presumed to set at naught the Society’s prohibition on women’s magic, and duped the common people with their potions and cantrips!
Zen Cho
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stellariders · 2 months
What happened to Jimmy Borelli? I’m going at a slow pace but I’m on szn 5 of my rewatch now. I was just noticing the members of truck and then remembered Jimmy. All I know is that he was in the hospital and idk what happened next.
yeah so in 5x02 he basically ignored bodens orders to pull back after they got called to a car accident that had some explosive chemical of some sort. jimmy kept insisting that they had to get the victim out and not pull back but their was an explosion and he got hit by hit. he lost and eye and had burned on half his face which basically ended his firefighting career. they mentioned in the next episode that his family was grateful for their donations and that that he was getting moved to a long term care center to recover. don’t quote me on that last part i might be thinking of someone else.
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