okosen · 2 years
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cocoacoups · 8 months
— ੭୧ — ׅ ࣪ 𓈒 ⏳ ִ ۫ωнαт'ѕ уσυя єтα?ᅠ𓈒 ꔫ ׂ 🐰 ۪ 𝖻𝗎𝗇𝗇ꪱ𝖾𝗌
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thinking about drunk fawn.i konda want that to happen
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bacondaddy · 3 months
Out of 200 rounds, @pyramid-heads-knife and I have been sacrified 140 times. Out of 200 matches that BHVR says a survivor should have a 50/50 escape rate, we have escaped only 60 times. Of 200 games. I'm more frustated that killers play like they have a gun against their head, since a good 60% of those matches had roughly 3-4 gens left. It's the last two days of the anniversery and.. yeah. BHVR wonders why survivors always complain, just make DS basekit already.
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squidmayo · 1 year
got a lobby of just resident evil characters on solo q, with legendary skins like Chris
killer saw us goofing around and slugged for 4k....
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loxanchives · 2 years
I wish vtm wasn’t so unfriendly to playing higher generations ;-; no you probly won’t manage to persuade or trick them point blanc but they can offer so much story opportunity an balance to what is usually a bunch of baby vamps!!
Like it’s a very social sorta game. It’s not high stats win it’s high stakes an clever thinking that get you what you want. Imagine though. This high gen kindred appealing to its younger counterparts. A adoptive sire situation or mentor like deal. Maybe they just like how badly they messed up their attempt of presence against them like ‘A for effort I like your spunk kid’
Let people be grossly over powered!! Half the shows one watches an characters people love are unstoppable machines of chaos or only held back by morals or literally deity’s an cosmic beings. None of which makes a story mute like it’s about personality ovo)/
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angrycatlovesfandoms · 11 months
Having 5 ipods now I can definetly say am collecting lmao
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Dream World - A Sibling!Mutant!Reader Story - Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairings: None
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: swearing
Series: Yes!
Summary: Y/N just your average human being who goes to university. Meeting up with her friend to study only to procrastinate to watch movies with her. So when Y/N falls asleep in their living room, next to their best friend only to wake up somewhere else. And when suddenly a weird green monster appears in front of them they can’t help but panic and be mighty confused.
Word count: 3212
Authors Note: I wanna write some sibling stuff plus I enjoy mutant reader stories but there aren’t a lot. This idea just grabbed me and didn’t let me go so I will try to work on it every now and again but it will be probably be slow updates. That said I actually took the time to map out the story for once, so I’m hoping to actually finish this one. I just really need a project to work on at the moment.
Y/N knew immediately that something was wrong when they woke up and felt eerily peaceful.
Normally their mornings were stressed and hectic, them rushing around their own flat to freshen up and get dressed all while battling their sleepiness that was still deep in their bones.
Today though they woke up and it was nice and quiet. A stray sunbeam managed to fall through their window, bathing their face in a soft and warm light. This must be what has woken them up, but Y/N didn’t mind since for the first time in a long time they felt somewhat rested. Sure, their usual fatigue was still there but it wasn’t the sleepy haze that pulled at them, beckoning to return to the warmth of their bed, back into a dreamless void.
Yeah, today was surprisingly peaceful.
And this unnerved them.
There was no possible way that this would be the start for their day. Something must have been off, something forgotten.
But what?
Y/N absentmindedly pulled on their blanket, pulling it further against their face as they pondered what on earth could they be forgetting?
Almost as if the universe wanted to help out, their phone rang and when Y/N read the name on the screen they let out a panicked shriek. With this sudden spike of panic, that truly seemed to wake them up, they grabbed the phone and pressed on accept.
Lurching forward, pushing their blanket away from them only to kick it to the end of their bed, they yelled out “Oh my god! May! I’m so sorry! I just woke up!”
May’s laugh filled their ear “I fucking knew it! Honestly, I expected you to be late, but it’s been an hour now!”
Y/N pressed their hand against their forehead, sighing a deep painful sigh “I’m so sorry. I’ll be over there as soon as possible, and I owe you definitely a coffee and a snack. Give me like twenty minutes!”
“I mean I was about to say I waited an hour for you I can squeeze in a few minutes more, but free food does sound fantastic. Don’t stress yourself but get your butt moving!”
Yelling out a hasty goodbye and a few confessions of appreciation and love towards her good nature and patience, Y/N basically threw the phone back on the bed to sprint into the bathroom.
They knew they shouldn’t have hung out with both of their sisters till like 3 a.m. but they couldn’t help themself! Nowadays it’s difficult to get the whole family together since it seemed like they all managed to choose universities or colleges that have been too far away from each other which meant that it wasn’t a thing of casually meeting up anymore.
Both sisters had managed to visit Y/N during their free time, spending a few days at their place. Sadly, both drove back home at around 3 a.m. since they too had plans tomorrow.
Hence why Y/N is here an hour late even though they promised May that both would meet up to study for their graduation exams. It was the last two semesters and since time liked to fly past them, they offered May that the two begin slowly preparing. It was something a few teachers and professors said as advice. Y/N already knew this would mostly just be preparing for the immediate next exams and not the graduation exams, which was fine by them.
After all, Y/N liked to be busy and prepared. May would always roll her eyes at that but still go along with it. It’s also the reason why May called them Bee for a nickname. Y/N is a busy bee indeed.
That didn’t mean though they didn’t oversleep… every now and again. Or often.
After getting dressed and ready, Y/N threw their hands into the bowl that held their keys and fished them out with an annoyed sigh. Taking one more look in the mirror they decided that they looked presentable enough which meant they could finally leave their apartment.
It only took a few minutes until they arrived at their local library since they lived pretty close to campus. It was an incredibly lucky find and they were still praising whatever higher being was out there that allowed them to find a cheap flat close to their university. It even had a living room! It wasn’t just bedroom, kitchen and bathroom but also it had a god damn living room! Having a living room while only working part time jobs due to university was something special, alright?
It wasn’t difficult to spot May. It never was. She loved wearing brightly colored dresses that seemed to shine even brighter against her black skin. May also had a penchant to put little decorative clips into her black curls. And if that wasn’t enough, she also had the most warm and brightest smile Y/N has ever seen on a human. Being in the same room as May always seemed to cheer them up no matter what.
Today May wore a nice yellow dress with orange flowers printed all over it. She had her hair simply pushed back by a yellow hairband that was adorned by orange plastic flowers.
Y/N softly placed the coffee cup they bought on the way to the library and pushed it into May’s view, since she was still busy reading some sort of textbook.
Her eyes first landed on the coffee cup quizzically before her gaze followed Y/N’s hand and arm to finally look into their eyes.
“Y/N! You are finally here! And with an apology as well!” she happily exclaimed as she grabbed the cup without question and took a hasty sip from it only to immediately choke on the hot drink.
Setting down their bag on the table to sit down next to their best friend Y/N began cackling at May’s behavior “You damn well know it’s from the café outside, I really thought I didn’t have to warn you that it’s hot!” They were also holding onto their own hot drink, though clearly not taking a sip just yet.
It took a few more coughs until May could finally respond “Well, you should have. I was just so happy about a free macchiato that I lived briefly in a world where drinks were at the perfect temperature and not too cold or, if you can believe it, too hot.”
“Well, I hope your tongue isn’t too destroyed from a clearly hot beverage that you had your hands wrapped around because I also brought us this” A grin spread on Y/N’s face as they moved their hand that was hiding beneath the table to show that they were holding on to a little package.
May gasped excitedly “Cookies! I love it when you come too late, Y/N.”
“I don’t” Y/N deadpanned only to break out into laughter alongside May.
Fishing out their laptop Y/N placed it in front of them “Welp, time for the not so fun part. Might as well get this over with and then maybe we can do something actually fun.”
“Alright. Let’s get the show on the road then.”
It didn’t take long for more books to cover their table as they begun studying. It wasn’t going horrible, but both were groaning every now and again when they reached a new block in the road.
Luckily since the two had the same major they could help each other out or work together to find a possible solution.
While they took quick breaks in between they decided at one point to grab a salad or a pastry from the café outside. Since they have been cooped up inside the library for hours now, they decided to sit outside of the café with their newly acquired food.
May happily dug into her salad “So, why exactly did you oversleep this time?”
“Oh! My sisters visited me, and we hung out and talked for hours on end. It was nice seeing them both after weeks of just talking via phone.”
As Y/N continued to tell May all about what has happened in the lives of their sisters, May just kept smiling happily. Every now and again throwing some remarks in to keep the conversation going but she mostly kept on listening to Y/N’s happy rambling.
At some point Y/N became aware of this and faltered for a moment, feeling it rude to gush about their sisters to their friend while the two were hanging out but May immediately asked them to give her the details as to why the youngest decided to leave her part time job for another.
May was great like that. She knew how much the two meant to Y/N and she was always happy to hear about them. Their sisters met her a few times as well over the years, so it wasn’t at least Y/N rambling about strangers to May. Even then she probably wouldn’t have minded.
It made Y/N remember that May was also patient whenever they ranted about their current hyperfixation.
Y/N stopped talking as they took another sip of their drink, eyeing May as their thoughts kept swirling about “I’m glad I know you, May.”
Instead of just laughing it off or exclaiming that this was weird to say May’s smile just widened “Aww! I’m glad as well!”
She went quiet for a second. Both just happily basking in the little moment before she spoke up again, changing the topic “Well, if your reason for being too late are your sisters, I would have even forgiven you even without the coffee. Happy I still got it though.”
She stuck her tongue out towards Y/N for a second before taking a sip from her new coffee as if to almost make a point, even though this time she paid for her drink herself.
“Since I kept talking about my family, how about you tell me how your mom and brother are doing! Your mom doing better?”
May nodded energetically “Yes! The flu has finally decided to leave her alone! Good for Derek honestly because he was stuck with having to take care of her. Try telling my mom to go lay down and rest when she is all like ‘It’s just the dishes’! I’m surrounded by workaholics, for real!” She made sure to also narrow her eyes at Y/N accusingly.
Y/N’s eye lit up “That reminds me! We should definitely head back and continue working. But sorry, continue on.”
“You can’t be real, Bee! Just a little bit more! You can’t tell me that your brain isn’t still smoking as well! In fact, how about we head to your place and put on a few movies. I’ll even buy some snacks for us. You know as a way to strengthen us so we can deal with all the studying that will be upon us in the weeks coming.” May had the edges of the table in a death grip as she slightly leaned forward. Surprising even Y/N who is pretty much used to May’s mannerisms.
With a pained expression Y/N mulled this over. Studying is important but movie day with May and snacks sounds amazing indeed. Free snacks at that.
And to Y/N’s chagrin there was May, widening her eyes and pouting. The puppy dog eyes. Y/N’s kryptonite.
“No, we can’t… There are exams coming up…”
May leaned even closer, somehow her brown eyes seemed bigger and shinier.
“I won’t fall for it, May. I’m so much stronger since last time you pulled this.”
“Please?” May asked. Her voice wavered even a bit. Putting every ounce of emotion into this little word.
Staring another few seconds into May’s shining eyes they sighed, visibly slumping down in their chair “Alright. You win. Movie day it is.”
May pumped her fists into the air “Yes! Yes! No one can withstand the May puppy dog eyes!”
“I feel like at this point I should unionize with your mom and Derek so we all can work towards breaking this win streak of yours.”
“You may try but you all will fail either way. I would only need to break one of you for all you to fall like a house of cards.” She stood up to grab Y/N’s hand so she could start tugging them along. It reminded Y/N of a child that wanted to show their parent something amazing.
Y/N stood up and begun following May back to their apartment “You are evil Miss May Wellis.”
“And yet you love me!”
“Just barely.”
After going to the local corner store to grab some snacks, the two finally reached Y/N’s apartment. May was bouncing on her feet the whole way. Rambling off all the movies she really wanted to watch.
Once Y/N opened the front door of their apartment May brushed past them to make her way into the little but comfy living room. May loved hanging out at their place and honestly half of the decoration in the apartment was from her. She loved to make the small place as comfortable as possible.
Honestly if there was enough space Y/N would have offered for them to move in together already since May was lowkey already living here anyway, but alas multiple things got in the way.
The living room had a huge fluffy rug in front of the sofa which in return was covered in a ton of pillows and blankets. Courtesy of May, of course.
Y/N grabbed some drinks out of their fridge and went back into the living room to sit down on the rug next to May who was already making a bit of a nest using all the blankets and pillows. The snacks were on the ground ready to be taking and snacked upon.
“So, what do you wanna watch?” Y/N asked as they settled on the ground against the sofa.
May scooted over towards them to lay a blanket across the two “How about we rewatch The Mitchells vs the machines?”
This made Y/N chuckle “You really love that movie.”
“I do!” May exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air to accentuate her point.
With the remote in Y/N’s hand they just nodded along as May counted off all her favorite things about the movie “Alright, alright! I choose the next movie though!”
Opening up Netflix, Y/N looked through for the movie and started it.
Almost as if to show off how often May did watch the movie she began voicing along a few lines whenever she could which made Y/N just laugh along happily.
The movie ended way too soon for May’s liking, but this gave Y/N the chance to choose a movie. Choosing one of their own favorites. The second movie soon moved unto a third movie which led to a fourth, fifth and even sixth one.
Y/N and May chatted while they watched. Mostly about their essays and exams but also more about their families. Both had perpetual smiles on their faces as they casually cuddled together how they usually did during movie nights.
May’s head at some pointed landed on Y/N’s lab and when they absentmindedly begun playing with her hair, she let out a big yawn.
Minutes later May was fast asleep in their lab and it didn’t take long for Y/N to follow along as well. Falling into a dreamless sleep, holding on to their best friend. Their last thought being of how serene and happy the day was.
When Y/N woke up again, they once again felt unnerved.
Their eyelids felt like led and it took a lot of patience and concentration just trying to open them. Were they that deep in their sleep?
Yet as their eyes opened it seemed their gut feeling wasn’t for nothing.
They expected a lot when they woke up. Either they would have woken up and saw that they somehow managed to sleep sitting up, which would probably end up with a painful neck. Maybe they would have fallen down on the ground next to May to sleep. Maybe the two would have woken up just to properly get into their own beds.
But when they opened their eyes, they were met with a concrete ceiling.
Their flat did not have a concrete ceiling!
As panic rose in them, they shot up, only to be overwhelmed as their head began to pound. It felt like their skull was being split in two and they couldn’t help to curse as they clenched their eyes shut to get through this sudden pain that wrought havoc through their head. It seemed like every pound coincided with their panic ridden heartbeat.
Trying to get through their pain Y/N took deep and slow breaths. Everything was wrong but right now they needed to clam down and get through this. They needed to find out what exactly had happened.
There was a sudden gasp next to them. Fear struck like lightning through them. Their head immediately snapping to the sound.
A panicked and hoarse shriek left Y/N’s mouth as they saw something they could only describe as a monster.
It was a person? A green person. A hard surface, maybe a plastron, across his chest and something like a shell on his back. A blue bandana across his wide eyes. Two red crescents marked his face across his eyes. He was clearly in the middle of just casually walking into the room as he spotted Y/N awake. It looked like he literally froze up in the middle of his movement.
Y/N realized they were on a stretcher and moved back against the wall. It felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Everything is wrong!
The weird person monster thing suddenly seemed to realize that he must have frozen up because he shook his head to get out of his stupor, his shocked expression now changed out for a big smile.
He immediately strode closer to Y/N who tried their best to meld into the stone wall behind them.
“You are awake! Oh my- You are awake! How are you feeling?”
Y/N tried to say something, but panic seized up their vocal cords.
Blue, they decided to call him after his bandana color, seemed to notice their panic because his happy expression changed back into that of worry.
He softly put his hand on their shoulder in an almost familiar fashion, definitely noticing them trying to flinch away “Hey, hey. It’s alright. You are fine! You are safe!”
Are they though?
As they finally spoke, they noticed how hoarse their voice truly sounded “What… What is going on? Who- What? Who are you? What do you want from me?”
They didn’t think it’s possible, but Blue’s green skin seemed to pale. His mouth falling open as he took a step back.
“Y/N? You don’t remember… me?”
Y/N frantically shook their head. Should they? How? When? He did know their name though but there could be plenty of ways to find that out.
He just stared at them, probably trying to read their expression. His hands flew towards the top of his chest, his finger tapping against himself “I’m… Come on. This is not funny Y/N.”
But when Y/N didn’t relax he must have realized that they were very much honest with him.
“It’s me! Leo! Leonardo! Leon Neon! You know… your brother!”
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dojae-huh · 5 months
It's unfortunate, but it looks like I can't use YT at all if I want to save on i-net data. I've watched only 4-5 short videos, and 1/5 of my credit is gone in 1 day, heh. I will experience and enjoy the stages and concerts with a delay, in summer. There are always sacrifices in life...
With this NewJeans and Illit plagiarism scandal going on, it becomes clear how Big3 look not only for looks/talent, but personality, afterall. Whether I like BP or not, I have to admit that all the girls are very different and can stand on their own fan-attractor wise. Same with Babymonster, even with the same make up and beauty standart for every member, the girls are more memorable than most 4-5gen. NCT produced 4 soloists so far (I'm counting Lucas), and everyone's album is not like the other's. Riize also stands out among 5gen looks and concept wise.
Well, on the other hand, there is empty space to fill in left by Hybe, which young producers of small agencies try to occupy (StayC, Kiss of Life, Ive (maybe)).
Taeyong and Doyoung.
Doyoung's album feels more mature. Granted, Taeyong's 2 albums are more unique, individualistic, intimate in a way, debatebly there could be more artistic value to them, but it is still "Taeyong looks for TY" phase. There is hesitance. On the other hand, Doyoung knows who he is, I was wrong to doubt it. He might be afraid of whether fans can accept his non-idol self, the shift in the image, but he knows the road he wants to take. The album and the promotion feels like Doyoung sailing. It has that powerful element of the strong wind in the sails. The album already shows results close to IU and BTS guys in Korean charts. How happy Doyoung looks, how his true bold nature comes forward more and more in the performances. He is ready to take it, to enjoy everything. And yes, the timing is better for him than it was for Taeyong (both times). More room for concerts and festivals. However, the preparatory period was the same for both.
It is also about the voice. As I has been observing Do's progress since the time he made mistakes with pitch and was refusing to sing during interviews, I can feel the difference. He doesn't just sing well enough on the album, he shows different colours and techniques, uses his backvocals, in many places makes his work harder because he can (breathing, transitions, oberlayered singing with Taeyeon). During live performances he sounds weaker, so there is room to grow, but he will improve and catch up soon.
All in all, I'm personally glad SM doesn't allow the artists to go solo too early. Yes, maybe Doyoung could have released the album a year earlier. Maybe even two years earlier if covid didn't happen. The things happened how they happened though. Doyoung needed 127 to get Daesang and become a million seller, to perform at Tokyo dome and win over Korean fans, to get very close to Kenzie, to go through his burn out and overcome it, to invest some years into his love life with Jaehyun, to get the brand deal, the musical and tv-series first to be able to produce such an album, to approach renown song-writers and to ask for festivals and concerts in Japan and HongKong. The musical improved his vocals, the tv-series showed him he can succeed in a new area he is not comfortable in, DJJ let him get the experience of promoting outside of 127, gain support from fans with a new sound, the success of individual careers of the other members let him be "arrogant" and go for big things for himself. Mayhaps even the ousting of LSM was of help, who knows. LSM was known for being very involved in the work of his artists (to the degree of cutting off Seulgi's fringe for a better concept look right before the shooting of an RV's MV and changing aespa's "tsu-tsu-tsu" in the lyrics (which was genius on his part, but you know... his vision)).
Doyoung said people mostly remember Taeyong and Mark in 127, that he is not as memorable or standing out in the group in comparison. And it is true. It because he mimics an idol, plays a role for the group, (and loses points in dancing), he is confined in an image that is not him (Tae and Mark are themselves, Taeyong the soloist is a natural continuation of Taeyong the leader of NCT). Doyoung did it to himself, by the way, so the group is not to blame. In the performance on Mnet of "Little light" Dongyoung came out, and was as attention grabbing. He is not shakled by the level of success of the group (i.e. if he fails it won't affect negatively the unit), only the eyes of his own fans will be on him, the risk and reward are all his, so he is free to be more bold and greedy.
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askafterlife · 2 years
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Loda now have an idle animation! It was so nice to do and working with indexation when everything is green is hard too. Well, especially when you are not used hahaha. I tried to give pokemon 5gen (black/white) sprite vibe and I think it's not too bad even if the timing could be better! I used pixelover for this
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
more of a rant than a specific question but i saw a video i agree with on how 4th gen keep getting more specialised idols (who already have backgrounds in ballet, modelling, child acting, even former groups like izone and ioi) and less yknow,, actual well rounded idols who arent good in just one highly specific area and i know idols have almost always been middle class/rich kids (parents need so much money to send their kids for training like omfg) and now i feel like by the time 5gen officially rolls in, all idols will just be rich kids who dont even care about music (you can see it starting with 4gen, 1/2/3gen had a few but not on these scales) and i just feel like kpop is going to... break down tremendously, like there will still be loyal fans thanks to parasocial relationships but all the good work 3rd gens are doing by spreading kpop internationally is going to break when ppl see theres not a single bit of passion left and its going to be ridiculed the way it was back in 1/2gen...... theres literally no hope left now for 6gen groups to do well outside of korea and parasocial relationships
i mean, the system is already breaking down if this boys planet debacle is any indication, but i don't think its going to be that extreme. i know this is going to sound like a defense of rich people and it's not bc fuck them but there ARE people who are wealthy that care about and make art. that's literally how the art industry has worked via patronage for the last i dunno. several hundred years. possibly thousands depending on how you want to categorize patronage. yes we will see, especially in the larger companies, some people who make bad art and don't actually care, but that does not mean that the whole industry is going to the dogs. i wrote up that entire post about fifth gen specifically to say that you SHOULD be paying attention to the smaller groups!! that's where the people are that care about making interesting work are!!! my nugu recommendations post is my most popular one for a reason!!! also, maybe this is a hot take but. who cares if kpop gets big globally. literally who cares. they're korean artists, they should care about their domestic market. you absolutely would not say that a pop group from canada should be trying to break into the japanese market?????? so why are you expecting kpop groups to go the extra mile for people who don't speak their language?? is the work that groups do for their international fans appreciated? yes absolutely, i love how much more accessible everything is now, but by NO means are they obliged to do it. obviously i also like to see my faves successful, but it it's at the cost of their artistic integrity like it's been with some groups, or if it just doesn't work, then that's perfectly fine! if i could listen to shinee ripped shinee cds and illegally watch kdramas in 244p in 2008 then i can do it again. and honestly? kpop is not for everyone. the people who are interested in music and performance and who are down to be genuine or even just casual fans will find it, just like they have been for the last 15 years. the industry doesn't need to blow up and go global, it just needs to be successful and supported enough that everyone can get by. companies don't agree with that assessment bc capitalism, but you know that the upper level corporatism of the popular groups doesn't always filter down right? no matter how big the gap between the groups with money and the groups that don't gets, there will ALWAYS be people putting blood and sweat into making work because they want to, not for money. it just won't be 'popular culture' and that's fine.
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okosen · 1 year
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Skechers Women’s Slip-ins On-the-GO Flex Captivating Black Size 9 New.
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kafshskechers · 27 days
نیم بوت زنانه اسکچرز مدل 144042ویژگی های محصول   لایه داخلی خز دار و گرم مناسب برای پاییز و زمستان زیره میانی بالشتکی 5GEN سبک و انعطاف پذیر کفی AIR COOLED GOGA MAT مناسب برای استفاده روزانه و پیاده روی های کوتاه مدت لایه کفی فوم  Ortholite با 5٪ محتوای لاستیک بازیافتی، بالشتک طولانی مدت و قابلیت تنفس در سطح بالا  مقاوم در برابر آب و لکهحتما بخوانید : کفش زنانه اسکچرز مدل 124817 قیمت : 6690000 تومان
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pursueownpassion · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW!! WOMEN'S GO WALK Joy - Sensational Day 5GEN SZ 100% Vegan Sneakers Black.
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charmyposh-blog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GBG Los Angeles Sandals.
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