#5ds gang
hyperfixatinglove · 9 months
I was so happy to see my husband in my dream last night ♥ Me & Yusei tag teamed on some D Wheel tournament in Satellite on some unfinished structure which had some super secret shortcut & I somehow unlocked it & I was riding a D Wheel & me & Ushio had this really intense moment of me trying to pass him and everything in the race
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inkblackorchid · 7 days
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The set is complete!!!!!
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
One of the funniest subplots of 5Ds is Jack constantly failing at absolutely everything that isn’t cardgames and/or motorcycles, and the rest of the cast going “Look, he may be a useless twink, but he’s our useless twink.”
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What the actual fuck is going on here??????
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thingsdavidlikes · 3 months
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Ghats Of Varanasi by Maveeran Somasundaram
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teapartypenguin · 7 months
Fairy Tale Allusions in Yugioh 5Ds
So I was rewatching 5Ds and Akiza's duel against the knight dude got me thinking about the fairy tale allusions in her design and arc, and thinking about it more got me to realize that 5Ds actually has a lot of loose fairy tale allusions throughout it. So here are just a couple of the ones I noticed:
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Akiza in general: Akiza's first duel of the series was already really heavy with the knight vs. witch symbolism. It also got me thinking about the "Princess, Witch, and Prince" theme from Revolutionary Girl Utena. A very basic rundown of what Utena says on it is that people will try to sort women into a box of good (Princess) or bad (Witch) based on how much they conform to the concept of what a girl should be like, a good Princess has to trade independence for protection from a Prince, any girl that doesn’t agree is a Witch. Problem is that no woman is ever just one of those things at a time, and Akiza definitely isn't. She is at first feared for her power, labelled the evil Black Rose Witch, and attempts to find comfort and safety in her "Prince" (Sayer). Only when she meets Yusei and the gang and finds acceptance from them and her parents do we see that she's actually a very kind girl. And even then, she doesn't go trading one Prince for another, she's never as reliant on Yusei as she was with Sayer and maintains her independence. Also just her deck in general carries the theme with fairy tale-like imagery (roses, knights, witches, fairies, and a dragon).
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Akiza + Yusei: These two are basically Beauty and the Beast. I am a major faithshipping fan, but even if you take out the romantic aspects, it still fits. Yusei being Beauty and Akiza being the Beast for obvious reasons. The scene with Yusei waking Akiza in the hospital also gives major Sleeping Beauty vibes as well (this scene also owns my soul).
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The rose imagery also still fits with both of them.
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Yusei: He's Cinderella: he's a poor boy, goes to a ball that he wasn't supposed to go to (Neo Domino), has to leave at midnight (gets arrested), but leaves behind a "glass slipper" (the mark of the Crimson Dragon) that makes it so that the prince (Godwin) can track him down and give him another shot at freedom (not for altruistic purposes of course, but it still fits).
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Jack and Carly: Scoopshipping are The Little Mermaid. The mermaid (Carly) falls in love with the prince (Jack), but for certain reasons, they cannot be together. Said mermaid makes a deal, by trading her soul, she gains legs (Dark Signer abilities + duel runner) which allows her a second chance to go after the prince. But the prince rejects her proposal (because she's undead and evil now), and the mermaid concedes. But being unable to hold up her end of the deal, she turns into sea foam and dies (turns into dust and dies).
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Leo and Luna: Luna's deck already has a loose fairy forest type theme (and in the manga, has a Fairy Tale archetype). I want to say they're Hansel and Gretel. Has the same beats of two siblings getting lost in the woods (Luna with her spirit world adventure, Leo dueling Devack with "Closed Forest" up). But most of it comes from their duel with Devack, in which Hansel (Leo) stalls the witch (Devack) for as long as possible until Gretel (Luna) can kill the witch by pushing him into the oven (win the duel). You could also say that Luna's arc of freeing Ancient Fairy Dragon has elements of Rapunzel (saving the princess from the witch that locked her up).
Those are at least the ones I noticed. I doubt all of them were intentional but it's interesting when you make the connections. Let me know if there's any I missed because I'm not done with my rewatch yet and don't have anything for Crow. Feel like Team Satisfaction and Neo Domino City have Wizard of Oz parallels, but haven't got enough info to say how yet.
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cometrose · 7 months
Here is your one (1) free pass to yap about the stupid ass adeptus gang and their shenanigans (i love zhongli having been the Tired Responsible One for his entire life... he would 100% buy/have been gifted the 'proud mother of a couple of dumbass kids' shirt)
zhongli and his adepti are like one of my favorite bands of characters alongside itto and his arataki gang they are so funnyy
the adepti appear to be very serious and strict which they are but they are also insane???? Part of the story as a whole is to show that the divine aren't too different from humans and this includes the adepti.
Streetward Rambler and Guizhong arguing about music so Morax had to take away the bell after Cloud Retainer tattled? Cloud Retainer lending Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper her cooking device that they still haven't given back? Or that one time Cloud Retainer built a snowmobile with Guizhong and Ping before Moon Carver crashed it and it took hours to dig him out of the snow? All 3 of the so called elite adepti and even the god of liyue himself trying to help some kid reconcile with his father?
the adepti are all very unserious very much freaks of nature.
I think about the Yakshas as well especially Menogias, poor guy was born to style forced to slay. It's funny how his designs were so intricate that none of the fellow yakshas wanted to wear it but he was so stubborn about it that even Rex Lapis couldn't change his mind. In fact there is not enough Morax and his yakshas lore. Like please i beg every day for Zhongli to talk about people in his past. I know he wont but I want to believe anyway.
A part of me believes that once Zhongli quit being the geo archon and moved to the harbor, cloud retainer, moon carver and mountain shaper had a terrible case of empty nest loneliness. We all know how that turned out for Xianyun but I expect it's only a matter of time before the other 2 come closer to the harbor as well. Perhaps to follow Zhongli around like lost ducklings.
In one of Xianyun's character stories, Zhongli had a commission for consultancy but he was busy and just sent her to do it. I'm gonna tear up but the idea that Zhongli knew this task would be perfect for her and just sent her on her way is just the cutest.
Also in her voiceline for Zhongli, when she told him she was coming to the harbor he basically gave her a shopping list of things to do and how to arrange her home. I love the idea of Zhongli stepping into Cloud Retainer's new house and just instantly moving the furniture to ensure proper Feng Shui. Like the list was so extensive that CR got overwhelmed -like her of all people- getting overwhelmed with knowledge is amusing.
Moon Carver is one of Rex Lapis disciplines so its clear that even amongst the older adepti that Zhongli is a still a teacher and won't hesitate to lecture them. These days I am sure he trying to be a more relaxed person but old habits are hard to break.
I haven't even talked about Zhongli and Xiao which are my favorite dynamic in the entire game I love when they are together. But Zhongli slowly trying to get Xiao to open up and experience the beauties of life and get closer to humanity every lantern rite I might weep. Like lying about stupid sesame seed oil last year and now hes flying kites this year, Zhongli is playing some incredible 5D chess to get Xiao to visit him more without explicitly saying it. BECAUSE he knows if he tells Xiao to see him he will but he doesn't want to force Xiao to come he wants him to come on his own means.
Kind of reminds me how Zhongli keeps birds. Ya know he has like bird cages where he keeps birds which he then takes around but based on his disposition I believe Zhongli is an expert and keeping birds to stay. Just building them homes and cages and of course he lets them come and go freely but some of them find his homes so nice that they decide to stay with him. So yeah I think Zhongli is deliberately treating Xiao like a bird that will return to him by his own means.
Anyway I would love love loveeee to put all the adepti in a room and just watch them work. Like CR, MC and MS are bound to start an argument while Xiao tries to linger in the corner, Ganyu tries to attend to all of them while Ping and Zhongli just laugh in the chaos.
Damn, the fact I haven't seen Ganyu and Zhongli interact since the Liyue archon quest is a crime, they are the only Zhongli relationship that I am craving to see (other than zhongli neuvillette). I want to believe it is just because Ganyu would blow his cover instantly. She would have to bite her tongue to avoid calling him Rex Lapis.
Speaking of Ganyu the fact one of the first thing CR says about her is that she was once so fat she rolled down as hill? Or in Zhongli's voicelines he implies she is stronger or even fiercer than she looks so much so that she would be embarrassed by his lack of delicacy when describing her.
I have mentioned this is another post but it's kind of sweet how much the adepti like Zhongli. He is more than their god but also a very treasured companion and friend. First he always calls them his friends ("a friend approaches" AND THEN XIAO APPEARS). But like god forbid you are rude to him because they would storm off or snap at you (Xiao and Xianyun). Don't disrespect him or they'll hate you for years (Ganyu). But at the same time he is a friend that eats dinner with them during Lantern Rite or a friend they make fun of for making square cups.
Of course I imagine there is a lot of respect in their relationship and a noticeable power imbalance. I kind of imagined that with becoming "Zhongli" Morax not wanted only to become closer to humanity but also bridge the gap between himself and the adepti. Show them not only the beauty of a world led by humans but also to come to them not as their overlord but as a treasured friend. The adepti clearly hold him in very high esteem recognizing his sacrifice, strength and good of heart.
WHICH is why i'll never accept people who call Morax a tyrant because the adepti saw Morax out and about and were like "damn im gonna follow this guy for the rest of eternity he's so cool".
I also think it is hilarious how Zhongli has influenced the adepti and how they just kind of absorbed some of his personality traits. Part of the reason Ganyu is so dedicated and hardworking to the point of exhaustion is because of how much she looks up to Rex Lapis, she even states that her work could never compare to what he has done for Liyue so she pushes herself even harder.
Or Xiao the most loyal of the adepti who still works tirelessly to this day because of his contract. I believe the adepti especially the younger ones were like "he works so hard and sacrifices everything i will do just that!".
Even Yanfei who has never formed a contract with him still maintains that hardworking attitude but without the self-sacrifice so she is like the perfect Liyue citizen in Zhongli's eyes.
anyway I have some thoughts on adepti shenanigans i would love to see
Adepti feast, put them all in a room I expect a very elegant and mature feast but I also expect someone to break something. Maybe they will behave themselves with Zhongli next to them maybe they won't we have to see. In fact put Shenhe and Yaoyao there too lets cause problems
Adepti shopping spree. Xianyun and Zhongli are terrible they will buy anything they set their eyes on. Xianyun falls for marketing scams but then there is Zhongli who won't fall for scams but buys everything at full price anyway. They reek absolute havoc in the shopping district once they get paid.
I am on my knees please please give me a Zhongli and Ganyu interaction i am not so greedy to ask for specifics just please just please (also more Zhongli and Ping interactions hell throw Guoba there too).
I will accept any Xiao and Zhongli interactions like anything i love them together.
Like i said its only a matter of time before MC and MS show up in the harbor and I can't wait to see Zhongli tease them.
Zhongli teasing the adepti!!!!!! Zhongli in disguise "OH NO I am a poor helpless mortal how could I ever compare to the adepti" they are fuming but they can't argue with him. they can only tolerate his teasing until they are alone.
Zhongli gets harassed by the Liyue public for disrespecting Rex Lapis and the adepti had to step in and tell them that it’s alright
Xiao with the strength of the gods: Mr. Zhongli did nothing wrong
Citizens: He called Rex Lapis a bum?
Xiao: He didn’t mean that he’s sorry
Zhongli: No i’m not! I think he was a fraud!
Xiao: Forgive him
Anyway please give us more adepti and please let them interact with Zhongli more. They are always so bashful and sweet in his presence so I must have an interaction I must.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
now five yugiohs in i gotta say i think my favorite Yugioh Friend Group/Main Character Factions are tied between Team 5D's and the Lancers, which is really funny because those really are like the two most opposite groups of guys
like on one hand with T5D's you have Found Family Nascar Racing Team and Pit Crew United in Friendship and Hardship and Ancient Dragon Powers and Bonds That Illuminate the Future. theyre a biker gang. they stopped classism. they'll always be home to each other no matter where its members end up. they fought god and won.
and then meanwhile with the Lancers youve got Hastily Thrown Together Group of Teenagers Tasked With Stopping a Wholeass Dimensional Card Game War. they have zero synergy to speak of. half of them just met TODAY. only like three of them are actually equipped for this task. at least two members are actively slowing down their own progress. maybe half of them actually like each other. their leader came up with this idea when he was 13. their win/lose rate is absolute fucking garbage. half of them got arrested and sent to jail. some of them got arrested more than once. they fought god and like 90% of them Lost Pretty Bad. one of them Was god. another one of them was god, too. they suck so bad. im obsessed with them.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
Send Me a Character Ask Game
First impression: Wow, a male anime protagonist who genuinely cares about the well-being of his party members and isn't weird at all about his sister. Aight, I'm down!
Impression now: This motherfucker is a fucking clown and I need to fucking study him. I 1000% support all of his rights and wrongs. He deserves everything that happens to him. What a mess. What an icon.
Favorite moment: Tis a spoiler moment, but I completely support his wild af decision to do the most insane fucking shit I've ever seen a protagonist do.
Perfect example of following your dreams at all costs AND still managing to save the day in one of the most disturbing/insane bouts of 5D chess I've ever been privileged to witness.
Idea for a story: I don't have anything concrete in mind, but I think it'd be funny if there was a Dungeon Meshi x Hell's Kitchen/Top Chef crossover. I wanna see the gang compete in a reality cooking competition pfffttt
Favorite relationship: I love his friendship with Marcille so much. It's nice to see a platonic ride or die dynamic. I especially love how even though Laios drives her bonkers, Marcille doesn't belittle him for his interests or wacky plans. She's just as long for the ride as he is.
Favorite headcanon: I'm not sure if I have any headcanons for Laios. I'll have to think about it some more.
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go-go-devil · 2 months
Soulsborne asks, 3 and 16 👁️
Since you didn't specify which game, I'll go ahead and answer these for all three of the games I've played!!!
3) What is your favourite boss lore-wise?
DeS: That's honestly a good question, since the bosses of Demon's Souls are my favorite part of the game and all of them have such fascinating lore implications...
My serious answer would be Maiden Astraea just like everyone else because she's just THAT great of the character, but my personal, funnier answer to this will be the Tower Knight, Alfred.
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The whole deal with Allant's knights is that their demonic transformations are meant to be mocking perversions of their combat styles, but with him it was literally just "He was a really tall knight who held a really big greatshield and spear, and now he's become so fucking tall he can't escape the room he's stuck in and falls over like a dumbass when someone bites his ankles too hard." Such an elegant way of making a boss so simultaneously imposing and humiliating lmao.
DS1: Fuck that's an even harder choice than for DeS! There are SOOOOOO many interesting bosses in DS1! Hmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm....
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For now I'll say the Bed of Chaos, since her lore is still so fuzzy compared to the other Lords that I've spent many nights tossing and turning in bed trying to figure out what must've happened with Izalith and her attempt to create a new Flame. Honestly I don't buy the whole deal of "she just tried to save the world so Gywn wouldn't have to sacrifice himself uwu" theory I see sometimes, I think this was done for her own sake. I mean she was trying to resurrect the incomplete bodies of Everlasting Dragons! Why else would there be an army of dragon butts guarding the ruins of her kingdom?
But what kind of psychological 5D chess game was she trying to play though? The world will never know, because Miyazaki and the Gang ran out of time finishing Lost Izalith and told us to write the lore for him.
DS2: Definitely Sinh the Slumbering Dragon!
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First off I find it fascinating that it's named after a ring from DS1. It gives the impression that either Sinh itself is that ancient of a dragon that it was known of by the original Vinheim sorcerers, or that the ring itself is so old it possibly predates even the land of Vinheim. I also love how it poisoning the Sunken City wasn't even intentional; that damn Yorgh and his damn spear that unleashed the miasma cloud!
Not to mention the use of the term "miasma" is very interesting in that it makes me think of Nito and how he helped kill the everlasting dragons. Perhaps Sinh was struck by the disease but managed to survive and hide out in a cave until it fell into a deep sleep.
16) Who is the most underrated NPC in your opinion?
DeS: Scirvir the Wanderer!
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He's so fucking adorable. I love his uncontrollable stutter and sad eyes (the remake fucked his design and voice up so bad I don't wanna talk about it T_T). I also love how his only goal in this land is for someone to show him the Dragon Bone Smasher sword. He doesn't even wanna own it, all he craves is one look at the thing!
But what makes him more interesting to me is how even someone as nice as him seems to lie to us. Scirvir tells us he can't go find the sword himself because he'll "fair poorly against the demons," but if you find his black phantom in Pure Black World Tendency he's not only one of the toughest phantoms in the game, but also holds the Tailsman of Beasts; the only item in the game that lets you cast sorceries and miracles at the same time.
It makes me wonder... maybe he really wasn't lying about his power and simply didn't try to kill us in Pure White World Tendency because he's a genuinely nice person who honestly believes he's weak. Only for the harsher black world we create to end up helping him discover how good his combat prowess truly is and ends up twisting his morality in the process. Food for thought, since no one else is thinking about him anymore T_T
DS1: If Undead Female Merchant has 1,000,000 fans I'm one of them. If Undead Female Merchant has 1 fan then that's me...
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Hands down my favorite merchant in the game! Mostly because of her "Withered Hag ASMR" voice acting and that she's in a very convenient spot + sells materials I'm often in need of (homeward bones, rotten/charcoal pine resins, and arrows most especially), but she also has one of my favorite minor pieces of environmental storytelling in the game with the single humanity she sells.
I always hc'd that it was metaphoric for her willing to give away the last piece of her own "humanity" since she no longer values it; willing to join the madness around her since it ended up being so much more fulfilling than her mortal life ever was. Ironically, it's what helps her remain sane despite being so close to hollowing, even if she becomes suspicious that we don't trust her anymore after she sells it to us.
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At least I THINK he's underrated? I haven't found many people on tumblr drawing art of him nor have I found any lore theories involving him.
Well whatever, he's one of my favorite characters in the game. I love soulsborne NPC's who don't have complex subplots but are still memorable due to their charm alone (i.e. why I loved Oswald so much despite him never changing during the game), and I knew Straid was gonna be great when his reaction to learning that he's been petrified for hundreds of years is to simply laugh it off and go back to business as usual. He also may be one of the few who has the right mindset to keep his memories and sanity intact by choosing to accept the passage of time and move forward with it instead of longing for a nostalgic past, which I respect wholeheartedly!
(And his voice acting is fucking great of course <3)
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moldy-mold · 2 months
the gang is back together for duel wednesdays and we started YGO 5Ds
i don't understand it but it rocks
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hyperfixatinglove · 1 year
If I could, I would in heartbeat pluck Eric King out of his source, make everyone believe he hasn't done the things he gets blamed for and maybe drop him in some Wolfenstein-esque shooter with deep story & actual guts and respect to treat his disability and him personally with the love and care and respect he deserves
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
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I know the show plays most of the sequence where Rally and the others push Yusei's broken runner all the way to Martha's for laughs, but honestly? I think it says a lot about Yusei as a person that pretty much all his friends are completely ride-or-die, with the Satellite quartet even going so far as to ditch all their cards at a moment's notice just to save Yusei's runner when push comes to shove, especially when you think about how much value cards have in yugioh. I'm just saying, that's a kind of loyalty I don't think many people could inspire.
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Would you guys like to see the Pokemon teams I came up with years ago for the 5Ds gang...
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Does the Yugiohs goes to space?
DM: No space content. Lame 0/10
GX: Judai spends one episode on an alien planet and comes back with a deck full of aliens. They also fight a satellite in space at the end of season 2 and best boy Judai once sent his enby dragon partner to space once. Slightly scarce but decent space content. 6/10
5Ds: City falls from the sky and a motorcycle flies but neither to or from space :( 1/10
Zexal: Alien from space is always at the protag's side from episode 1! And the second season is all about even more aliens, complete with an epic journey through space to fight some aliens on another planet. Very good space content 8/10
Arc V: Exactly one scene where a monster attacks from space like a satellite. 2/10
VRAINS: Still no space. I'm getting bluespaced. 0/10
Sevens: The program for rush duels is a robot on the moon that's very plot relevant in the season 1 finale and throughout season 2. The Goha 6 also come down from space at the beginning of season 2 after attending school in space for a while. The final duel also takes place entirely in space after the main gang built a rocket to space and powered it with explosive curry. Awesome space content. 8/10
Go Rush: Entire show takes place in space and includes so many aliens! 10/10 Best space show.
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obscurecurse · 11 days
my favorite thing about KPTS fic is the prevalence of unnamed warehouses lmfao. i have done it too. MULTIPLE TIMES. but truly...
what the fuck is in there? shipping containers. shelves. machinery. crates. rust. dust.
like yes - you got the architect-author who gets picky about descriptions of place and materiality on the case
i will throw out some warehouse concepts for your repertoire: hastily duct-taped polycarbonate windows. metal mesh security screens - wait, what was even stored in this massive cage? loading docks and dumpsters are often located together. a tangle of mechanical ductwork hanging from the exposed steel structure. slowly rotating industrial fan blades whooshing lazily. barbed wire framing a chain link gate. Authorized Personnel Only sign. Low Clearance sign. the pull-in-case-of-emergency lever. does the emergency system still work? do the lights flicker? are you surprised it's still hooked up to the power grid? what color is the water that comes out of the taps? you try to turn the door handle and the handle pops off.
if it's an old warehouse, is it Rusted? Weathered? Is the paint faded? Chipping? Blistering? Sun-bleached? Does it smell like machine oil? Like wood? Like chemicals? Does the breeze from the nearby river drift in through the broken windows - and the air is surprisingly fresh? Does it smell like decaying wood? Like garbage? Like blood?
Has it been 30 years since someone swept the cracked concrete? When you trip and fall are you covered in the dust of time - years of pollen and wood splinters and flaking paint?
it often works, narratively, to not describe these things too much. because most people who are in a warehouse in some crime-related situation are not going to, for example, search the nearest pallet and check the contents. like, Chay is not going to mentally process the industrial nuances of his kidnapping (lmfao) [unless he's been stuck in this room for a long time and now very, very bored.]
(but honestly Kim might. Porsche might. those two are detail-oriented, though, in completely different ways. porsche is always trying to get the upper hand/get himself out of situations. kim needs all the answers on some 5D chess shit. You never know what might be a lead.)
but if it ever comes down to it again i'm going to describe the fucking industry. maybe there's faded lettering painted on the outside of the warehouse which describes that it is a logistics company. they ship things. maybe it is a glass manufacturer and they are boxing windows. garments. ceramics. electronics. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THINGS ARE MADE AND SHIPPED OUT OF THAILAND?
i know KPTS is some richboy mafia shit... but gangs, organized crime - they are often borne of the working class and thus entwined with working class industries. i do not reason the theerapanyakuls tango exclusively with other richboy mafia. somewhere along the line it's the working class and a fucking array of industries.
maybe that industry is a cover for something? or maybe they just broke in to this abandoned place and there is no connection at all? maybe there is evidence of a previous usage? was this once an auto-factory with car-sized elevators that's been retrofitted into an industrial-scale bakery?
you can continue to gloss over whatever the fuck is going on in this warehouse beyond a single kidnapping, a single deal. you have my blessing. i have not always given ~the bad guys~ much of an identity. but just a sentence or two identifying the industry these thugs come from can actually really shape your plot in interesting ways. it is like a freebie. you can make the crime sequences so much more dynamic:
suppose its a pillow factory and then there's a shootout and when the machine gun rounds run a line through that giant cardboard box over there, feathers explode out of it and now everyone is inhaling bits of down and coughing. and now you found the last guy that was hiding behind a shipping container because he couldn't stop choking on goose feathers.
the point of this post is to help you workshop your CONTEXT - not to shit on the vague warehouse full of unidentified bad guys. sometimes it is just not necessary to the plot to describe these things
gonna end it like a work email.
hope this helps
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